Cross-Domain Face Recognition For Criminal Identification
Cross-Domain Face Recognition For Criminal Identification
Cross-Domain Face Recognition For Criminal Identification
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Princy T D
Asst. Professor, Computer science and Engineering Department
Sahrdaya College of Engineering Technology
Thrissur, India
Abstract:- The problem of cross-domain face recognition spectra images (VIS) with near-infrared images (NIR),
seeks to identify facial images obtained from different because near-infrared images are resistant to changing
domains, and it is gaining popularity due to its numerous lighting conditions. Given that the VIS-NIR faces are
applications in law enforcement identification and captured by different sensors, there is also a significant
camera surveillance Existing algorithms typically fail to domain difference between them. Cross-domain face
fully exploit semantic information for identifying cross- recognition, also referred to as heterogeneous face
domain faces, which could be a strong clue for recognition [4] seeks to match face images across domains.
recognition. In this paper, we present an efficient The training subset usually consists of a variety of face
algorithm for cross-domain face recognition that makes image pairs from two different domains, while the
use of semantic information in conjunction with deep remaining face image pairs are used for testing. Due to the
convolutional neural networks (CNN). We start with a various domain discrepancies, cross domain face recognition
soft face parsing algorithm that measures the boundaries may be a difficult task. In recent years, a number of cross-
of facial components as probabilistic values. For cross domain face recognition algorithms have been developed.
domain face recognition, we propose a hierarchical soft Early cross-domain face recognition methods typically used
semantic representation framework. CNN-derived deep hand-crafted architectures to either transform face images
features are computed and combined. Which could fully into the same domain using face synthesis techniques [5] or
exploit the same semantic clue across cross-domain directly match cross-domain faces using a standard subspace
faces. We present extensive experiments to show that the [6] or hand-crafted feature descriptors. Hand-crafted
proposed soft semantic representation algorithm approaches, on the other hand, are frequently
outperforms state-of-the-art methods. computationally expensive, hence their performance is
usually limited. With the rapid advancement of deep
I. INTRODUCTION convolutional neural networks (CNN) in classification tasks,
a growing number of deep learning-based cross-domain face
FACE images are frequently captured from various recognition approaches have recently been developed. To
domains in various tasks. In an enforcement application, one eliminate the domain discrepancy, an end-to-end deep
common scenario is to match face photos with sketches network was used for cross-domain face synthesis [8].
generated from supported eyewitness descriptions of the Cross-domain face recognition is also influenced by
suspect. Forensic artists are frequently invited to create a restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) [9], CNN [10], and
hand-drawn sketch based on the description, or software is generative adversarial networks (GAN) [11].We offer an
frequently used to generate a composite sketch for the efficient soft semantic representation based framework
purpose of identifying the suspect. Face photos and sketches (SoftSR) in this research to utilise semantic information for
have a large domain difference because photos are captured crossdomain face recognition. We offer a soft face parsing
in a real-life environment, whereas both hand-drawn and technique that performs a soft classification on the pixels
software-generated sketches are created manually with around the facial component borders, taking into account the
artefact [1].Another cross-domain face recognition scenario disadvantages of existing approaches that use hard pixel
within the camera surveillance application is to match visual classification based semantic maps. We use the first face
A. Implementation Specifications
On the e-PRIP database, we explain the
implementation details and parameter settings of our
proposed algorithm. All of the face photos used in this text
are first aligned and cropped to 200 by 250 pixels. The
parameters r and s are set to 0.4 and 40, respectively, during
the soft semantic face parsing phase. In the following
section, we'll look at the impact of those two variables. The
dimensions of picture patches utilised for extracting CNN
features in soft semantic representation extraction are
around 32 x 32. The important spots are sampled with a
density of 10 10 grid during the soft content feature
extraction step. The impact of those two parameters during Fig.3
the soft semantic feature extraction step will also be
examined further down. To examine facial character around
the keypoint, we merely require four image patches
surrounding each keypoint. The Brown dataset is used to
train the image patch level CNN. After that, we fine-tune the
cross-domain databases separately. The hard samples
approach is used, as well as data augmentation with random
rotation. We choose to utilise a conventional CNN rather
than a well-designed complicated module to showcase the
contribution of this text because the key contribution is to
employ the proposed soft semantic representation technique
for cross-domain face recognition. Fig.4
Our results show that the features extracted from the 2) The Soft Semantic Representation Extraction Parameters'
picture patch level CNN can perform well on cross-domain Influence:
face recognition tasks. In reality, within the task of image We need to extract CNN features of image patches
matching, the image patch level CNN must be present to sampled from cross-domain face images while using the
indicate significant potentiality and effectiveness. The suggested soft semantic face parsing algorithm for cross-
domain gap in our challenge can also be closed using picture domain face recognition. Because we use image patch level
patch level CNN as part of our network training technique, CNN for feature extraction, it's plausible to attribute the
which includes fine-tuning on cross-domain databases using performance to the image patch size choice. We test our
hard samples and data augmentation with random rotation. proposed method for feature extraction using different
picture patch sizes. It is difficult for CNN to extract
1) Soft Semantic Parsing Parameters: discriminative information from small picture patches when
There are two parameters r and s that need to be the image patch size is tiny. As a result, if we choose an
determined in our proposed soft semantic face parsing image patch size of 8/8 or 16/16, the performance will be
algorithm. In the graphic, we show a visual comparison of bad. With the increase in image patch size, more relevant
the impact of those two characteristics. If the borders inside and discriminative information, as well as semantic clues,
the input face image are obvious, our suggested soft are taken into account, which improves cross-domain face
semantic parsing algorithm can successfully smooth the recognition.
unclear facial component borders while keeping the strong
edge structure, as shown in the figure. Furthermore, we The computation cost for image patch level CNN, on
begin by setting s to 40. When r is small, no smoothing the other hand, increases as the image patch size grows. The
around the facial component boundaries is done. The soft picture patch size is set to 32 32 as the default setting in this
semantic parsing map gets highly smooth when r is large. article. The keypoint sampling density, which regulates the
Then, as seen in the second row of the picture, we set r to density of sampling key points within face components to
0.4. When s is small, there is no smoothing process. The extract picture patches for recognition,. We densely sample
findings are not over smoothed even when s is very large. key spots inside the region of face components in the soft
As a result, during this article, we set r and s to 0.4 and 40, content feature extraction phase and generate picture patches
respectively, to provide the simplest performance. around these key locations for deep feature extraction. The
keypoint sampling approach at various densities. When the
density is low, the image patches will be sampled using a
dense grid, which will increase the calculation cost. The
results are adequate. The effects of such factors are similar
for various cross-domain face recognition tasks. We
discovered that using the default parameters on different
datasets yields promising results, demonstrating the
method's generalisation capabilities.