Catn p1 QP Eng Nov 2011

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Province of the






MARKS: 200

TIME: 3 hours

This question paper consists of 16 pages including an annexure.



1. Due to the nature of this three hour examination, it is important to note that
you will NOT be permitted to leave the examination room before the end of
the examination period.
2. Enter your name and surname in the header of every document that you
create or save.
3. The invigilator will give you a disk containing ALL the files needed for the
examination or you will be told where the files can be found on the network.
If a disk has been issued to you, you must write your name and surname on
the label. If you work on the network, you must follow the instructions
provided by the invigilator.
4. A copy of the master files will be available from the invigilator. Should you
accidentally corrupt the files given to you, you may request further copies
from the invigilator.
5. Make sure that you save each document using the file names given. Save
your work at regular intervals as a precaution against possible power
6. Read through EACH question before answering or solving the problem. Do
NOT do more than what is required by the question.
7. At the end of the examination you must hand in the disk given to you by the
invigilator with all the answers saved on the disk or make sure that all the
files have been saved on the network as explained to you by the
invigilator/educator. Ensure that ALL files can be read.
8. Note that NO printing is required.
9. During the examination you may use the help functions of the programs
which you are using. You may NOT use any other resource material.
10. Note that if data is derived from a previous question that you cannot answer,
you should still proceed with the questions that follow.
11. Formulas and/or functions must be used for ALL calculations in questions
involving spreadsheets, unless otherwise specified. Absolute cell references
must only be used where necessary to ensure that formulas are correct
when they are copied to other cells in the spreadsheet.
12. In ALL questions involving word processing, the language should be set to
English (South Africa) and the paper size is assumed to be A4 Portrait,
unless otherwise instructed.
13. All measuring units should be set to centimetres.
14. This question paper consists of seven questions. Answer ALL the questions.


The Data disk that you will receive with this question paper contains the folders
and the files listed below. Ensure that you have ALL these files before you begin
this examination:

A folder called EXAM DATA

with files and a sub-folder called:

 q1Data Folder
 q1AnswerSheet Word processing file
 q2Promotion Word processing file
 q2Table Word processing file
 q3Advert Word processing file
 q4Scores Spreadsheet file
 q5Price Spreadsheet file
 q6Where2stay Database file
 q7Attend Spreadsheet file
 q7Entry Word processing file
 Idol Image file
 Logo Image file

Mrs Lindy Smith is the secretary and bursar of Sports Academy.
Sports Academy decided to have their administrative work done electronically in
the future. The use of a computer in administration is new to Mrs Smith. She has
therefore asked you to assist her in doing the work electronically in preparation of
a big sports tournament that will take place in your town this year.


The following folder structure has been created:


Accomodation Teams Photos Towns

Answer the following questions related to the sub-folder called q1Data in your
EXAM DATA folder.

1.1 Rename the folder called Towns to Places. (1)

1.2 Create a sub-folder called Tshabalala within the folder Places. (1)

1.3 Save the file called Reef.txt in the q1Data folder as a Rich Text Format file
called ReefA. (2)

1.4 Delete all text files in q1Data folder. (1)

1.5 Protect the file Stadium.doc in q1Data folder with the Password Z11 so that
it cannot be opened without the password. (2)

1.6 Change the properties of the Teams.xls file so that your name appears as
the Author. (1)

1.7 Move all the image files in q1Data folder to the Photos sub-folder. (2)

1.8 The presentation Sport in the q1Data folder has been zipped and saved as in the q1Data folder. Unzip the contents of the document and
save it in the q1Data folder as Sport2. (2)

1.9 Answer the following questions in the q1AnswerSheet file in your EXAM
DATA folder.

1.9.1 Which file in the Photos folder is the biggest? Type the name and
size of the file in the space provided in the q1AnswerSheet for
QUESTION 1.9.1. (2)

1.9.2 Sort the files in the q1Data folder by name in descending order, with
only the Date modified field and Name field appearing. The Date
modified field must appear before the Name field.

Change the view settings so that all the extensions of the files are
visible. Paste a screen shot/screen dump showing the contents of
the folder in the space provided in the q1AnswerSheet for
QUESTION 1.9.2. (5)

Remember to save and close the q1AnswerSheet.doc file. [19]


A draft document has been saved as q2Promotion. Mrs Smith would like to use
this article in a Brochure promoting sport in local schools. She requested you to
make the following changes:

Open the file q2Promotion.

2.1 Set the left and right margin to 3 cm and the top and bottom margin to 2 cm.
Make sure that the paper size is A4 and change the Page Orientation to
Portrait. (3)

2.2 Modify the style of the whole document so that the font is Arial 12 pt and
Justify the whole document. (2)

2.3 Replace all occurrences of the word “Football” in the document with the word
“Soccer”. The replacements must appear in a blue font colour. (2)

2.4 Change the main heading “IDOLS” to WordArt style 1 and centre it
horizontally on the page. (2)

2.5 Fill the WordArt with the logo Logo.gif that is saved in your EXAM DATA
folder. Give the WordArt a red 3 pt thick border and a Shadow Style 1
effect, so that it looks similar to the following example.


2.6 Format the fourth paragraph that starts with the words “McCathy will then be
expected to lead...” and ends with “…in his court.” to two columns with a
line in-between. (2)

2.7 Insert the image Idol.jpg saved in your EXAM DATA folder in the centre of
the second paragraph. Set the Text Wrapping to Tight and resize the image
to 2 cm by 2 cm. (3)

2.8 Insert a page break before the heading “1. The Field of Play” so that it
appears at the top of a new page. (1)
2.9 Insert an automatic page number in the format “Page X of Y” in the centre of
the footer. The page number must not appear on the first page. (3)

2.10 Create the following logo at the top of page 2. It must look exactly like the
example below.
 Select Bevel under the Basic Shapes for the background.
 Select the Horizontal Scroll under the Stars and Banners group and
place it on the background.
 Add the words “Tournament Rules” and change the font colour to
 Fill the Horizontal scroll in a light blue colour.
 Group the various components of the logo.
 Centre the new logo at the top of the page.


2.11 Use the Word Count feature of the word processor to automatically count
the total number of words in the document. Add the total at the end of the
document under the heading: Total number of words. (1)

Remember to enter your name in the header of the document. Save the changes
you have made.

Open the file q2Table.

2.12 The file q2Table contains data regarding seat prices in different places in
the country.
Make suitable changes to the table so that it appears as follows:

 Add the column on the left and merge the cells as indicated.
 Add the text “Details” and change the text direction as indicated.
 Centre the content of the table Horizontally and Vertically.
 Add 6 pt paragraph spacing before and after all the text in the table.
 Add the double line border as indicated.
 Remove all Underlining, Shading and use of Bold.
 The shaded cells as indicated should be shaded in 5% grey.
 Change all the text in the table to Black.
 Make all the headings Bold.
 Make the row height exactly 1 cm for all the rows.
 Auto fit the table to the contents.
 Copy the table and past it at the end of the document q2Promotion.


2.13 Insert a Section Break (Next Page) before the table you have inserted at the
end of the document q2Promotion. Change the page orientation of the last
page to landscape and place any page border around this section only. (3)

Remember to enter your name in the header of the document. Save and close the
document. [41]


The Sport Academy would like to send out an advertisement and price list to inform
spactators and players about the sport clothing shop in town. They have sent you
an example of the advertisement and asked you to edit and refine it to look like
Annexure A.

Open the file q3Advert and format it as instructed:

Enter your name and surname in the header of the document.

3.1 Move the picture to the top right-hand side of the first page and format it as

 The picture must be grayscale.

 It must have Square Text Wrapping assigned to it.
 The size of the picture must be approximately 2 cm x 3.08 cm.
 There should be a dotted blue 3 pt line around the picture.
 Add the WordArt “SHOP TILL U DROP” above the picture.
 Group the WordArt and the picture and make a copy of it.
 Paste the copy on the top left hand side of the page as indicated in
Annexure A. (10)

3.2 Left align the lines beginning with ‘Address’ and ‘Opening Time’. (1)

3.3 Add the symbol (Wingdings 40), as indicated in Annexure A, on the left
hand side of the telephone number. (1)

3.4 Insert any green line text border around the Heading as indicated.

 Change the Heading to Small caps and

 give the text an outline effect. (4)

3.5 Centre the page vertically. (1)

3.6 Type the words, ‘See our price list’ in the footer of the document in
superscript and centre these words. (3)

3.7 Change the font size of all the text below the telephone number to 8 pt. (1)

3.8 Split the table above the row with the word ‘EVERYBODY’. (1)

3.9 Convert the text from ‘FEMALE SPORT WEAR’ up to the end of the
document to a table using the tab as a seperator. (2)

3.10 Insert a right tab with leader dots on 16 cm next to ‘Address’ and ‘Opening
Time’, as indicated in Annexure A. (2)

3.11 Set the line spacing for the entire document to single line spacing. (1)

Remember to save and close the q3Advert.doc file. [27]



The Sports Academy will use a spreadsheet to keep record of the best scores
during the Tournament. Mrs Smith who worked on the spreadsheet used a
calculator to work out the totals. Help her by answering the following questions
relating to the spreadsheet.

Open the spreadsheet q4Scores in the EXAM DATA folder.

Enter your name and surname in the header of the document.

4.1 Rename Sheet1 to Goals. (1)

4.2 Change the Page Orientation of the Goals worksheet to Portrait. (1)

4.3 Make sure that all the data is clearly visible. (1)

4.4 Insert a row at the top of the worksheet and make the following changes to
 Merge cells A-J in row 1
 Add the heading “Best Scores” to the top row and centre it
 Increase the height of row 1 to 60 pt (80 pixels or 1.44 cm)
 Change the Font Type of the heading to Arial 14 pt and bold
 Shade the merged cell with any blue colour (5)

4.5 Change the text alignment of row 2 to 90º vertically, as well as centred
horizontally and vertically. Make sure that all the Headings fit in correctly. (2)

4.6 Delete the column “Match Goals”. (1)

4.7 Type the heading “Income” in Cell F2. (1)

4.8 Add a thick blue border at the top and the bottom of the cells in row 2 (that
contains all the column headings). (2)

4.9 Calculate the Income for each player in Column F. They receive $120
Dollar for every International goal scored in Column D. Format the cells to
show the solution in English (United States) currency. (3)

4.10 Sports Academy wants to give an Additional Bonus to the players depending
on the Income they have received in Column F. Players who have earned
more than $5 000, will receive an Additional Bonus.

 Use the If function in Column H to determine whether the player

must receive an Additional Bonus or not. The words “Bonus” or
“No Bonus” should appear in Column H. (3)

4.11 Add Conditional Formatting to Column F so that cells with a value of more
than $5 000 will have a Red Fill colour. (3)

4.12 Use a formula in Cell G3 that will convert the Income of each player to SA
 Make use of the Exchange Rate worksheet to do this calculation.
 Use the exchange rate in Cell B2 (in the Exchange Rate worksheet)
as an absolute cell reference and multiply it with the Income (in the
Goals worksheet) to do the conversion. (3)

4.13 Change the formatting of the SA RAND column (Column G) so that the
amounts are displayed in South African currency. (1)

4.14 Use a formula in Cell I3 to calculate the TAX for each player. The TAX
must be 14% of the Income in Cell G3. (2)

4.15 Fill all the formulas/functions down in the columns down where needed. (1)

4.16 Use functions for the following calculations:

(Make use of the International goal scores in Column D)

 Calculate the total of the International goals scored in Cell D84

 Work out the average number of goals scored in Cell D85
 Determine the most goals scored in Cell D86
 Determine the least goals scored in Cell D87
 Determine the 2nd highest number of goals scored in Cell D88
 Determine how many players got more than 60 International goals
in Cell D89 (14)

Remember to save and close the q4Scores file. [44]



The Sports Academy uses a spreadsheet to keep record of the players

accomodation. Mrs Smith needs your help with a few calculations and a graph.
Help her by answering the following questions relating to the spreadsheet q5Price.

Open the Spreadsheet file called q5Price.

Enter your name and surname in the header of the document.

Work in the Types worksheet.

5.1 Insert the File Name as a field in the right section of the header. (1)

5.2 Add formulae in Column F to display the discount given. Multiply the Price
with the percentage given in Cell J1 to calculate the discount. Absolute cell
refencing must be used. Fill the formula down to Cell F11. (4)

5.3 Calculate the total amount that must be paid in Column G, after the
Discount has been deducted form the Price. Fill the formula down to Cell
G11. (2)

5.4 Sort the worksheet in decending order according to the Price column. (1)

5.5 Insert a function in Cell B16 to calculate how many accommodation venues
as indicated in the ‘Name’ column are listed by the Sports Academy. (2)

5.6 Use a function in Cell B17 to count the number of empty cells in the Range
B4 to B11. (2)

5.7 Use a function in Cell B18 to determine the sum total for the Ratings
received for the B&B type of accommodation. (4)

Work in the Chart 1 worksheet.

5.8 Format the chart as follows:

 Change the font of the Chart Title to Comic Sans 20 pt.

 Change the Chart Type to a Column Chart.

 The Legend must be placed below the chart.

 Insert suitable Axis Titles for the X-axis and the Y-axis.

 Use the image Logo.gif (which can be found in the EXAM DATA
folder) to fill the columns of the chart in stack format.

Save and close the spreadsheet. [22]



Mrs Smith received many inquiries in connection with accommodation in the area.
You suggested that she creates a database with information of all the possible
types of accommodation available in the area. Help her to edit the q6Where2stay

Open the database called q6Where2stay in your EXAM DATA folder.

Work in the q6tbl table.

6.1 Change the Data Type of the Rooms available field to a Yes/No field. (1)

6.2 Change the Field Properties of the field Customer Rating so that the Field
Size is Double with 1 decimal place. (2)

6.3 Add the field Code to the table and make it the Primary Key. The Data Type
of this field must be set as AutoNumber and the field must be moved to the
top of the list of field names. (4)

6.4 Change the Field Size of all the Text Data Types to 25. (1)

6.5 Sort the Table in descending order according to the Name field. (2)

6.6 Change the background colour of the table to red and the alternative rows to
any green colour. Show only the vertical gridlines of the table. (3)

6.7 Enter the following record to the table:


Save and close the table.

6.8 Create a Form based on the q6tbl table using the following criteria:

 Use the COLUMNAR layout.

 Use all the fields.
 Save the form as q6frm. (2)

6.8.1 Make the following changes to the form:

 Add your Name and Surname to the header of the form and
today’s date (using a formula) to the footer of the form.

 Change the background colour of the Detail section to any light

yellow colour. (3)

Save and close the form.

Mrs Smith needs certain information about the different types of accommodation.
Help her to extract the data by creating a query based on the q6tbl table.

6.9 Create a Query to display the following:

 Show the records of accommodation types where the Maximum

Price/person is more than R650.
 Sort the query in Ascending order according to the Name field.
 Show only the Name and Code field.
 Save the query as q6qry. (3)

Save and close the query.

Mrs Smith needs to print a Report in order to give feedback at an upcoming meeting.
Help her to select the required criteria for her report. The report is based on the q6tbl

6.10 Create the Report based on the following criteria:

 Display only the Name, Type and Maximum Price/person fields.
 Group the records according to the Type field.
 Sort the records in Ascending order according to the Name field.
 Save the report as q6rpt. (4)

6.10.1 Make the following changes to the report:

 Insert the image Logo.gif (that can be found in EXAM DATA

folder) in the Report Header.
 Add the suitable formula with a suitable label in the Report
Footer to indicate how many Names are listed. (3)

Save and close the report.

Remember to save and close your database. [29]



The Sports Academy is designing an Information Document that includes an entry

form that will be used by the sports teams who will take part in the tournament.

Open the word processing document called q7Entry and answer the following
questions relating to this document:

7.1 Flip the image of the Vuvuzela at the top of the page vertical. (1)

7.2 Move the image from the top of the page and place it behind the words:

7.3 Use 1.5 Line spacing for the items listed in the Table of contents. (1)

7.4 Add the following numbering levels to the

Table of contents:


Open the file q7Attend.

7.5 The Sports Academy would like to indicate how many players have attended
the Academy Training weeks in the past four years. Open the spreadsheet
called q7Attend and format it as follows:

7.5.1 Copy and paste the table in the spreadsheet q7Attend into the word
processing document, just below the heading ATTENDANCE on
page 2. AutoFit the table to the window. (2)

7.5.2 Remove all the borders and shading from the table. (2)

7.6 Add any Scissors symbol and any leader dot tab above the entry form on
page 3 so that it appears similar to the following example:

7.7 Insert the date at the end of the document on page 3 where indicated. The
format of the date must be as follow: YYYY-MM-DD. The date must also
update automatically. (3)
7.8 Insert the words “DO NOT COPY” as a watermark in the background of the
document. The font type used for the watermark must be Arial 40 pt. (3)
Save and close all your documents. [18]

TOTAL: 200

ANNEXURE-A (Use the following example as guideline)

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