2022 CAT Prelim P1 (FINAL)

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MARKS: 150

TIME: 3 hours

This question paper consists of 21 pages, an HTML tag sheet, an input

character mask sheet and a separate information sheet.
Computer Applications Technology/P1 5 Trial/Prelim 2022


1. Owing to the nature of this practical examination, it is important to note that, even
if you complete the examination early, you will NOT be permitted to leave the
examination room until all the administrative tasks associated with the
examination have been finalised. During the examination, the standard
examination rules regarding leaving the examination room apply.

2. If you are working on the network, or the data files have been preloaded on your
system, you must follow the instructions provided by the invigilator/educator.

3. At the end of the examination, you must make sure that ALL your answer files are
saved on the network/computer as explained to you by the invigilator/educator.

4. Make absolutely sure that all files can be read. Do NOT save unnecessary
files/folders and do NOT hand in duplicate answer files/folders. Do NOT delete
any original files that you did not work on.

5. The information sheet that has been provided with the question paper MUST BE
the invigilator at the end of the examination.

6. A copy of the master files will be available from the invigilator. Should there be
any problems with a file, you may request another copy from the invigilator.

7. This question paper consists of SEVEN questions. Answer ALL the questions.

8. Read through each question before answering or solving the problem. Do NOT do
more than is required by the question.

9. Ensure that you save each document using the file name given in the question
paper. Save your work regularly as a precaution against possible power failures.

10. You may NOT use any resource material.

11. Accuracy will be taken into account.

12. Ensure that the regional settings are set to South Africa and date and time

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settings, number settings and currency settings are correctly set.

13. In all questions involving word processing, you should set the language to English
(South Africa). The paper size is assumed to be A4 Portrait, unless instructed
otherwise. Use centimetres as the unit of measurement.

14. Ensure that the Developer tab and Ruler are activated.

15. Ensure that the decimal symbol is set as a full stop ('.') and the list separator is
set as a comma (,).

16. Formulae and/or functions must be used for ALL calculations in questions
involving spreadsheets. Use absolute cell references only where necessary to
ensure that formulae are correct when you copy them to other cells in a

NOTE: All formulae and/or functions should be inserted in such a manner that the
correct results will still be obtained even if changes are made to the existing data.

17. You may NOT use a word processing program such as Word to answer the
HTML question.

18. The examination data folder that you receive with this question paper contains the
files listed below. Ensure that you have all the files before you begin with this

 1Bullet Image

 1New Approach to Film Making Word-processing file

 1Popcorn Image

 2Camera Image

 2Movies Make Money Word-processing file

 3MovieRatings Spreadsheet

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 4BoxOffice Summary Spreadsheet

 5MovieEarnings Database

 6TopGun Image

 6TopGun_Cast Image

 6TP_Cast HTML file

 6TP_Index HTML file

 7Letter Word-processing file

 7Movies Spreadsheet

 7Questionnaire Word-processing file

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SCENARIO: Gone to the movies

“Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.”
The Curious case of Benjamin Button.


Open the 1New Approach to Film Making word-processing document.

1.1 Edit the cover page as follow:

1.1.1 Insert the text “A new trend is already generating huge profits” as
the Document subtitle.
Hint: The text can be found in the 1st paragraph of the document. (2)

1.1.2 Insert the date in the appropriate content control box and display it
in the format: 19 August 2022. (2)

1.1.3 Insert your name and surname in the Author control box. (2)

1.1.4 Delete the Company control box. (1)

1.2 Locate the paragraphs starting with “To highlight…” and ending with “…
Prime services subscribers” and apply multilevel bullets and numbering to
display as follow:

Use the image 1Bullet.jpg (found in your exam data folder) as 1st level
bullet. (6)

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1. 3 Create a link from the text “incredible gap” on page 3, to Bookmark1. (2)

1.4 Double strikethrough the exact word “actors” so that each occurrence of
the word appears as actors in the document. (2)

1.5 Insert a citation after the word “Wikipedia” to reference the source from the
Source Manager. (2)

1.6 Locate the spelling mistake “favorites” (American spelling) in the document
and replace it with the South African spelling of the word. (1)

1.7 Format the paragraphs under the heading “Conclusion” to resemble the
screen shot below:

Please note:
 Set the size of left column at 5 cm.
 Ensure that the text starting with “As this analysis has shown…”
will always appear at the beginning of a column.
 The dropped cap must span across 3 rows. (5)

1.8 Insert an automatic bibliography at the end of the document to resemble (2)
the screenshot below:

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1.9 Insert the picture 1Popcorn.png as a watermark to display on all the

pages except the cover page. (3)

Save and close 1New Approach to Film Making.docx.

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Open the 2Movies Make Money word-processing document and type your name and
surname in the header of the document.

2.1 Change the page layout of the document as follow:

2.1.1 Set the document margins to type Moderate. (1)

2.1.2 Set both the Header and Footer sections 1 cm from the edge of
the page. (2)

2.2 Apply the Title style to the text “How Exactly Do Movies Make Money?”. (1)

2.3 Convert the following four (4) lines of text to a table and edit the text to
resemble the screenshot below:


2.4 Find the paragraph that starts with “It is not nearly…” and do the following:

2.4.1 Centre align the text. (1)

2.4.2 Set the line spacing at exactly 10 pts. (1)

2.4.3 Set the paragraph spacing at 12 pts after the paragraph. (2)

2.5 Insert a field next to your name and surname in the Header section that
will display the date when the file was created in brackets. (2)

2.6 Modify the page numbers in the Footer to:

2.6.1 Start on page 2. (2)

2.6.2 Display in the Stacked page effect.


2.7 Find the shapes above the heading Table of Contents:

2.7.1 Use the shapes to construct the following logo:


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Make sure the shapes move as a unit.

2.7.2 Add a column to the existing table and insert the logo in the newly
created column to display as:


2.8 Insert the picture, 2Camera.png, below the first paragraph under the
heading Movie Budgets and Costs. Use the text “Once you factor in
marketing and advertising costs, the budget spikes.” as a caption centred
above the picture. (4)

2.9 Insert, below the appropriate heading, an automatic table of contents

(TOC) of the Formal type to display two levels without tab leaders.


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● Use formulae and/or functions for ALL calculations in the spreadsheet.

● Use absolute cell references ONLY where it is required by the question to ensure
that formulae are correct when you copy it to other cells in the spreadsheet.
● Insert formulae and/or functions in such a manner that the correct results will still be
obtained even if the existing data changes.
● Should you need to use building blocks, use the allocated space in the

Open the 3MovieRatings spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contains information about

movie ratings given by theatre audiences and movie critics.

Work in the Sheet 1 worksheet.

3.1 Rename the worksheet Sheet 1 to “Movie Ratings” and assign the colour
green to the sheet tab. (2)

3.2 Insert the text “Movie ratings by theatre audiences and movie critics” in
row 1 so that it displays in the middle of cell range A1:I1. (2)

3.3 Set the row height of row 1 at 35 pts and the font type of the text to Times
New Roman, size 24 and bold. (4)

3.4 Fix rows 1 and 2 so that they are always visible when scrolling up or
down the spreadsheet. (2)

3.5 Use a spreadsheet feature to shade all the comedies in the Genre column
as green. (3)

3.6 Insert a formula in cell L4 to calculate how much (in $m) the movies “The
Proposal”, “Tangled” and “The Ugly Truth” earned worldwide. (2)

3.7 Insert a function in cell L5 to display the highest rating the critics gave to
any film. (2)

3.8 Calculate the average audiences’ score given to all the movies. Display
your answer with 2 decimals in cell L6. (3)

3. 9 Use the COUNTIFS function in cell L7 to display the number of movies

produced by Warner Bros. after 2008. (4)

3.10 Movies with a profitability score of higher than 6 are classified as a (4)

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“Money-spinner”. All other movies are seen as a “Money-flop”.

Insert a function in cell L8 to display the classification of the movie “What

Happens in Vegas”.

Work in the Graph worksheet.

3.11 Edit the graph in the worksheet to resemble the screenshot below:

Please note the:

 Chart type change.
 Chart elements added or removed.

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● Use formulae and/or functions for ALL calculations in the spreadsheet.

● Use absolute cell references ONLY where it is required by the question to ensure
that formulae are correct when you copy it to other cells in the spreadsheet.
● Insert formulae and/or functions in such a manner that the correct results will still be
obtained even if the existing data changes.
● Should you need to use building blocks, use the allocated space in the

Open the 4BoxOffice Summary spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contains information

about the top grossing movies for the years 2021 and 2020.

Work in the Box Office worksheet.

4.1 Format the heading in cell A1 so that it appears the same as the heading
for the top grossing movies of 2020 (cell range I1:O1). (3)

4.2 Set the data in cell range K3:K22 to display the same as the data in
column C. Apply formatting so that all data is visible. (2)

4.3 Insert a formula in cell C24 to determine how many more tickets were sold
for the top-ranked 2021 movie than for the top-ranked 2020 movie. (3)

4.4 Insert a function in cell C25 to convert the movie name “Ghostbusters:
Afterlife” to display in capital letters. (2)

4.5 Insert a SUMIF function in cell C26 to calculate how much action movies
earned (grossed) in 2021. Make sure to display your answer in currency. (3)

4.6 Insert a function in cell C27 to calculate how many years passed since the
release of the movie “Sonic The Hedgehog” (cell J5). (4)

4.7 Each film is assigned a code based on a combination of the following:

 Ranking.
 Separated by a dash (-).
 First 3 letters of the genre.
 Length of the movie name.
EXAMPLE: The code for the movie “Black Widow” will be: 4-Act11
Display the code for the movie “Jungle Cruise” in cell C28. (7)

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4.8 Use a VLOOKUP function in cell C29 to display the Genre (column E) of
the movie “Candyman”. (4)

Work in worksheet Sheet 2

4. 9 Apply conditional formatting to the Year (column A) with the text

appearing in bold red for every instance where the average ticket price
(column D) is more than $7.00. (5)

4.10 Sort the data in the worksheet to display the total box office earnings in
descending order. (2)

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Open the 5MovieEarnings database which contains information of the annual top-selling
movie for the years 1995 to 2022.

5.1 Open the tblEarnings table in Design View and edit the table as follow:

5.1.1 Change the field size of the Year field to Double. (1)

5.1.2 Convert the Genre field to a combo box with the values Action,
Adventure and Drama. (2)

5.1.3 Insert a validation rule to the field Year to only allow values from
1995 to, and including, 2022. Add an appropriate validation text. (3)

5.1.4 Edit the field Tickets Sold to ensure that users do not leave it empty. (1)

5.1.5 Create an input mask for the field MPAA Rating in the following
 TWO compulsory capital letters, followed by
 A dash (-)
 With TWO optional digits (4)

5.1.6 Insert a new field Image with an appropriate data type to add
thumbnail images of each movie to the table. (2)

5.1.7 Insert a calculated field called Monthly Revenue, at the end of the
table to calculate the average amount per month received for each
year. Display the amount in South African Rand. (6)

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5.2 Create a form, frm5_2 with a Justified layout, to resemble the screenshot

 Fields inserted.
 Heading of the form and the formatting of the fonts.
 Picture 2Camera.png inserted below the heading.
 Shading of the textboxes.
Save and close frm5_2. (8)

5.3 Open the query qry5_3 and modify it to:

 Include movies before 2005.
 Display movie names starting with and “S”.
Save and close qry5_3. (4)

5.4 Modify query qry5_4 to display:

 Movies with some kind of animation in the production method.
 Movies that sold more than 5 million tickets.
Save and close qry5_4. (4)

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5.5 Qry5_5 is based on the tblEarnings and is meant to display as the

screenshot below. Open the query in Design view and change it to display
as below:

Save and close qry5_5. (3)

5.6 Create a query qry5_6 as follow:

 Based on table tblEarnings table.
 Display only the fields Year, Movie, Distributor.
 insert a calculated field called Ticket Cost to calculate the average
cost per ticket for the year.
Hint: The cost of a ticket is determined by dividing the total earnings for the
year by the tickets sold.
Save and close qry5_6. (6)

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5.7 Open the rpt5_7 report, based on the table tblEarnings, in Design View
and change it as follows:

 Grouping and sorting in the report.
 Total and summaries in the report.

Save and close the rpt5_7 report.

Save and close the 5MovieEarnings database. (6)

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 You may NOT use a word-processing program such as Word to answer the
HTML questions.
 An HTML tag sheet has been attached for reference.
 All files needed to complete this question are found in the examination folder.

A web page was created to share information about the top selling movie for 2022.
Open the 6TP_Index.html file in a web browser and also in a text/HTML editor.

6.1 Edit the code so that the text “Top Gun Maverick” appears in the browser
tab. (1)

6.2 The links at the top of the document serve as a navigation menu. Edit the
menu as follow:

6.2.1 Change the bullets so that they display as below:


6.2.2 Complete the bottom link so that, when the user clicks on the link, it
will navigate to the 6TP_Cast.html page in the exam data folder. (3)

6.3 Edit the image so that:

6.3.1 The size is set at 300 pixels wide and 400 pixels high. (4)

6.3.2 Blind users are accommodated when a screen reader reads the text
“Poster of the movie Top Gun Maverick” aloud should the picture no
show. (2)

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6.4 Locate the paragraph starting with “Facing an uncertain future…” and edit it
to display as the screenshot below:

 The font is Verdana in the colour blue. (5)

6.5 Modify the code so that the table appears as illustrated below:

 Set the table border at 2.

 The text must appear 5 pixels away from the border.
 The table header row is shaded in light gray. (7)

6.6 Apply numbering to the items below the heading “Screenplay by:” so that
they appear as:


Save and close 6TP_Index.html web page.

ONE mark will be allocated for the correct use of tags and triangular brackets. (1)

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You have been given the task to investigate which genre of movies are most liked
by your community.
The following documents are available for you to complete your investigation:
 7Questionnaire.docx – a questionnaire designed for respondents to
 7Movies.xlxs – a summary of the responses.
 7Letter.docx – a letter to communicate your findings to the top movie

7.1 Open the 7Questionnaire word-processing document and edit it as follow:

7.1.1 Set the length of the text form field next to Gender at 6 characters.
Add help text to guide the user to only enter text of maximum 6
characters. (2)

7.1.2 Set the text form field next to Age to display as a number and set it
as a bookmark named Age. (2)

7.1.3 Insert a check box form field aside “No” for Question 2 and set the
default value as checked. (2)

7.1.4 Add the value “Romance” to the dropdown form field for Question 3
and move the option “Choose genre” to the top of the list. (2)

Save and close 7Questionnaire.docx.

7.2 Open the 7Movies spreadsheet. Work in the Summary worksheet and do
the following:

7.2.1 Complete the summary for the genres Fantasy (cell G7) and
Romance (cell G8). (2)

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7.2.2 Create a pie graph to resemble the screenshot below:


Save and close 7Movies.xlxs.

Open the 7Letter word-processing document.

7.3 Use the Contacts worksheet in the 7Movies spreadsheet as your source to
complete a mail merge as follow:

7.3.1 Send letters to only the producers with email addresses. (2)

7.3.2 Insert the appropriate fields’ data into the spaces identified in the
document. (1)

7.3.3 Insert the pie chart, created in the Summary worksheet of the
7Movies spreadsheet, as a picture in the appropriate place in the
document. (3)

7.3.4 Complete the mail merge and save the document as

7LetterMerged.docx. (1)

Save and close 7LetterMerged.docx.

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