DLP Day 6 Week 6 - English 4 Quarter 1
DLP Day 6 Week 6 - English 4 Quarter 1
DLP Day 6 Week 6 - English 4 Quarter 1
com/watch?v=bkHqul ZMgJ4&t=292s
Before/Pre-Lesson Proper
Learners will listen/watch the story. The Ant and the Dove.
Activating Prior (https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=KVullcC TvEM)
Ask: How does the storyteller read?
Is he/she narrating or enumerating?
Reading the Key Enumeration – the act or process of making or stating a list of
Idea/Stem things one after another.
Last night, I was on my way home when it suddenly rained. I forgot to bring
my umbrella so, I ran to avoid getting completely soaked in the rain. Not
seeing where I was going, I fell into the paddle of water. Then a guy helped
me to stand.
When I looked up, I recognized him. I forgot I was soaking wet and that I felt very
cold. He offered to walk me home, and I just nodded. The next day, I saw him in
school. At last, we talked like old friends.
Developing The teacher will give more examples of enumeration and narration.
of the Key 1. Covid-19 is a respiratory illness that is caused by different viruses. Most
Idea/Stem people infected by Covid-19 will experience mild and moderate respiratory
illnesses and recover without any special treatment.
Lesson Proper
2. She unpacked her suitcase, her toothbrush, her slippers, her shirt, her
pants and her laptop.
I was seven years old when I started singing. My mother taught me to sing.
My favorite song is Dream. As I got older, I became a choir member. Singing
is a God-given talent that I will treasure.
Activities for
Application or
Remediation (if