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Government of Haryana


SARAL ID : SCC/2024/383540 Receipt Date :07/10/2024

Revenue and Disaster Management

Department Name / विभाग का नाम
Service Name / सेवा का नाम Scheduled Caste Certificate/ अनुसूचित जाति प्रमाण पत्र
Name of Applicant / आवेदक का नाम PAWAN KUMAR
Parivar Pehchan Number / परिवार पहचान क्रमांक 7CJL0469
H.No.-920,Landmark -EMPLOYE COLONY
Permanent Address / स्थायी पता KHURANA ROAD, Vill/Town -Ward 3, District -
KAITHAL, Pin-136027
Caste Category / जाति वर्ग Scheduled caste
Caste Name / जाति का नाम Chamar
Mobile No / मोबाइल नंबर 9996999635
Email ID / ईमेल आईडी
Service Due Date 16/10/2024

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Please Note:
Go to Saral Portal and login with registered username and
password. On the left side you have to click "Track Application
How can I track status?
Status" under "View Status of Application". Please check after 30
How will I know that my application has been
You will receive a notification from the department through SMS.
Visit [email protected]/ and download the certificate using
From where can I download the output certificate?
Email ID: [email protected] or HelpLine Number: 0172-
In case of any query please contact us :
3968400 Monday to Saturday (8:00 A.M to 8:00 P.M)

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