Kiifb NL July2020 V3 7.1
Kiifb NL July2020 V3 7.1
Kiifb NL July2020 V3 7.1
Total Outlay
Type of Project Nos.
(Rs. in Cr.)
Infrastructure 729 37,031.21
Traditionally, the material used for construction One of the promising options is to use steel as an
of Bridges in Kerala is predominantly Concrete. alternative construction material. Steel has always
As a construction material, Concrete scores on been used in bridge constructions in Kerala from the
several counts, especially when it comes to ease of British times. Post-independence the usage of steel in
construction, use of local materials and economy bridges has been reduced due to short supply. Hence
when compared to several other materials. However, there was a migration to concrete more of convenience.
concrete construction requires significant amount of Here we look at the possibility of using steel and
natural materials like cement, sand and aggregates. steel – concrete composite construction as a major
Within a short span of time, both Coarse and Fine technology for construction of bridges and elevated
aggregates have become very scarce, putting severe Structures in Kerala.
strain on the construction industry resulting in keeping
several developmental activities on hold. Thus, there is Advantages of steel over concrete:
an urgent requirement of intervention to remedy this The following table gives a comparison between the
situation. While there are several methods in reducing two materials, Steel and Concrete:
the use of aggregates by increasing the strength,
The biggest advantage of steel or steel concrete
using manufactured aggregates and recycling the
composite construction is the short construction
Construction and Demolition wastes, a time has
time and recyclable nature of the materials. This
come to restrict use of concrete to the bare essential
technology has been proved to be sustainable as it
works only and bring in alternative technologies and
has been considered as a grave-cradle material. Steel
materials for use in construction.
Steel Concrete
Steel construction is invariably prefabricated. The Manufacturing concrete involves collection and
structure will be fabricated in a factory / Workshop, stacking of the constituent materials like cement
transported and erected at construction site. aggregates, etc. mixing, transportation, laying,
finishing, vibration, curing, de shuttering. Requires
large areas and more time for various operations
discussed above.
The dead load of the superstructure will considerably The Dead Load is relatively very high, requiring
be reduced leading to savings in foundations. heavier foundations.
With reduced dead loads active mass of the The Structures made of concrete will have enhanced
superstructure is also reduced resulting in substantial mass resulting in higher lateral loads due to
reduction in earthquake response. Thus, saving cost earthquake. This will require heavier substructure
of substructure and foundations. and foundations
Steel is hundred percent recyclable which practically Technologies for recycling of concrete are yet to be
makes it virtually an indestructible material. So, the developed resulting in disposal of the material after
major advantage of steel is in terms of Sustainability. service life is over.
It is easier to maintain the quality of construction as Practically the entire process of making concrete and
the entire structural elements are factory made and laying are done at site, hence the quality assurance is
only very little site work is involved. quite difficult.
There is considerable savings in time of construction The construction of a Bridge using concrete is a time-
and the structure be can put to use by the public at consuming process.
the earliest. The monetisation of the time saved and
early starting of usage of a facility will easily offset the
higher initial capital cost of steel.
Way Forward:
Steel is the most recycled construction material and choosing it for bridge represents
a sustainable management of natural resources. With all these innovations, it will be
possible to reduce the time substantially for construction, while saving considerable
amount of scarce materials.
KIIFB Deposit bond subscribed INR 136.9 Cr
[email protected]
KIIFB Security bond subscribed INR 25.636 Cr
KERALA and Published on 01/07/2020,
the Chief Executive
BOARD Officer for
FUTUREFelicity Square, 2nd Floor, Opp. AG’s Office,
M G Road, Thiruvananthapuram 695 001 Tel: +91 471 278 0900 [email protected],