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Stadium Road, P.O.

Box 3500, Karachi - 74800,

Hyderi Life Line Collection Unit Tel:(021)
Medical Record # : L17925296 (HY108271)
Patient Name : TEHSEEN,FATIME Age / Gender : 73Y / Female
Specimen ID : 16102024:MU0559R Location : HYDERI
Clinical Information / Comments: Requesting Physician : DR NOUREEN
SAMPLE BROUGHT FROM HOME. Account # : C44026219 - OSR
TEST ACCEPTED AS PER PATIENT REQUEST Requested on : 16/10/2024 - 19:17
Collected on : 16/10/2024 - 19:17
Reported on : 17/10/2024 - 12:57

Test Result
COLOR .............. Pale yellow
Normal Range: Pale Yellow - Yellow
APPEARANCE .............. Clear
Normal Range: Clear

SP GRAVITY .............. 1.009
Normal Range: 1.005 - 1.025
This is an electronic report & not
Normal Range: 5 - 8



to be used for any legal purposes

Normal Range: Negative
GLUCOSE .............. Negative
Normal Range: Negative
KETONE .............. Negative
Normal Range: Negative
UROBILINOGEN .............. Normal (<17 umol/L)
Normal Range: <17umol/L
BILIRUBIN .............. Negative
Normal Range: Negative
BLOOD .............. Negative
Normal Range: Negative
NITRITE .............. Negative
Normal Range: Negative

LEUCOCYTE ESTERASE .............. Negative

Normal Range: Negative
RED BLOOD CELLS .............. Occasional /HPF
Normal Range: 0-2 /HPF
LEUCOCYTES .............. Occasional /HPF
Normal Range: 0-4 /HPF
SQUAMOUS EPITH CELL .............. 3 /HPF
NON SQUAMOUS EPI CELL .............. Nil /HPF

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Dr. Afia Zafar Dr. Erum Khan Dr. Rumina Hasan Dr. Seema Irfan Dr. M. Asim Beg
MBBS, FRC (Pathology) MBBS, FCPS (Microbiology) MBBS, FRC(Path) PhD (University of MBBS, FCPS (Microbiology) MBBS, PhD, FRCP (Edin)
Professor Professor London) Professor Professor & Consultant parasitologist
Dr. Kausar Jabeen Dr. Joveria Farooqi Dr. Imran Ahmed Dr. Mohammad Zeeshan
MBBS, FCPS(Microbiology) MSc, MBBS, FCPS (Microbiology) MSc, MBBS, FCPS (Microbiology) MBBS, FCPS (Microbiology)
Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Stadium Road, P.O. Box 3500, Karachi - 74800,
Hyderi Life Line Collection Unit Tel:(021)
Medical Record # : L17925296 (HY108271)
Patient Name : TEHSEEN,FATIME Age / Gender : 73Y / Female
Specimen ID : 16102024:MU0559R Location : HYDERI
Clinical Information / Comments: Requesting Physician : DR NOUREEN
SAMPLE BROUGHT FROM HOME. Account # : C44026219 - OSR
TEST ACCEPTED AS PER PATIENT REQUEST Requested on : 16/10/2024 - 19:17
Collected on : 16/10/2024 - 19:17
Reported on : 17/10/2024 - 12:57

Test Result
Normal Range: 0-4 /HPF
BACTERIA .............. Nil /HPF
Normal Range: NIL /HPF
YEAST .............. Nil /HPF
Normal Range: NIL /HPF
CAST .............. Nil /LPF
Normal Range: Nil /LPF
CRYSTALS .............. Nil /HPF
Normal Range: NIL /HPF

This is an electronic report & not

to be used for any legal purposes

Page 2
This is a computer generated report therefore does not require any signature.
Dr. Afia Zafar Dr. Erum Khan Dr. Rumina Hasan Dr. Seema Irfan Dr. M. Asim Beg
MBBS, FRC (Pathology) MBBS, FCPS (Microbiology) MBBS, FRC(Path) PhD (University of MBBS, FCPS (Microbiology) MBBS, PhD, FRCP (Edin)
Professor Professor London) Professor Professor & Consultant parasitologist
Dr. Kausar Jabeen Dr. Joveria Farooqi Dr. Imran Ahmed Dr. Mohammad Zeeshan
MBBS, FCPS(Microbiology) MSc, MBBS, FCPS (Microbiology) MSc, MBBS, FCPS (Microbiology) MBBS, FCPS (Microbiology)
Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

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