ISRO HighPrep InterIIT Tech
ISRO HighPrep InterIIT Tech
ISRO HighPrep InterIIT Tech
Problem Statement
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) lines are detected in CLASS during solar
flares. The XRF line energy identifies the element while intensity
depends on solar flare strength, solar zenith angle and composition.
By taking line ratios, the angular dependence and incident solar flux
dependence can be eliminated to some extent.
Mg/Si and Al/Si ratios for example can reflect the compositional
heterogeneity fairly well (Figure 1).
The objective here is to utilise the entire set of XRF spectra measured
by CLASS to derive XRF line intensities and create a high-resolution
elemental ratio map that would identify compositional differences at km
Figure 2: Lunar X-ray spectrum measured by CLASS (Narendranath et al, 2024)
Identify spectra with XRF lines, estimate number of lines detected
and the corresponding element and its significance (detection)
Model the spectra to determine XRF line flux from each of the
detected element
Calculate ratios such as Mg/Si, Al, SI, Ca/Si and map it onto a lunar
albedo base map (eg: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle
Camera global map)
Derive uncertainties
Arrive at ratios that best represent the compositional heterogeneity
in the terrain
Explore the use of overlapping tracks to achieve sub pixel
Solution Deliverables
XRF line intensity maps projected onto a lunar albedo base map in
a readable format
Source codes written in open source (preferably python) software
Report outlining the steps
Bonus points for draft of a Journal Paper
Evaluation Parameters
Mid Term Report
1. A catalogue of XRF line detections and the elements along with
source codes – 10%
2. Map the coverage of the XRF lines onto a lunar base map – 10 %
3. Compositional groups based on ratios – 10%
CLASS instrument: