The document discusses the use of drained and undrained shear strength analyses for retaining structures supporting fine-grained soils. It states that a total stress analysis using undrained shear strength should only be used for temporary works, as undrained shear strength depends on factors like initial void ratio and confining pressure. For retaining structures, the analysis should use both total and effective stress analyses to account for pore water pressures in fine-grained soils.
The document discusses the use of drained and undrained shear strength analyses for retaining structures supporting fine-grained soils. It states that a total stress analysis using undrained shear strength should only be used for temporary works, as undrained shear strength depends on factors like initial void ratio and confining pressure. For retaining structures, the analysis should use both total and effective stress analyses to account for pore water pressures in fine-grained soils.
The document discusses the use of drained and undrained shear strength analyses for retaining structures supporting fine-grained soils. It states that a total stress analysis using undrained shear strength should only be used for temporary works, as undrained shear strength depends on factors like initial void ratio and confining pressure. For retaining structures, the analysis should use both total and effective stress analyses to account for pore water pressures in fine-grained soils.
The document discusses the use of drained and undrained shear strength analyses for retaining structures supporting fine-grained soils. It states that a total stress analysis using undrained shear strength should only be used for temporary works, as undrained shear strength depends on factors like initial void ratio and confining pressure. For retaining structures, the analysis should use both total and effective stress analyses to account for pore water pressures in fine-grained soils.
BSC. IN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING The Question: “The total stress analysis should only be used in temporary works. But even for these works, you should be cautious in relying on the undrained shear strength. Recall that the undrained shear strength is not a fundamental soil parameter. It depends on the initial void ratio or confining pressure. A total stress analysis should be used in conjunction with an effective stress analysis for retaining structures supporting fine- grained soils”. My Answer: Retaining structure is critical and should be design with proper detailing accuracy in soil and material structure. According to father of soil Terzaghi, ‘Soil mechanics is the application of the laws of mechanics and hydraulics to engineering problems dealing with sediments and other unconsolidated accumulations of solid particles produced by the mechanical and chemical disintegration of rock, regardless of whether or not they contain an admixture of organic constituents’. Material like soil have two main condition of design, drained and undrained shear strength. For case of drained water can easily drained from soil and escaped, while for undrained condition water inside soil Skelton cannot easily escape, this phenomenon is due to rate of loading which is much rapid than drained and other factor can influence that rate such as type of soil (i.e. gravel, sand, clay…), geological formation, and rate of loading. In other word we could say that in shear strength of soil we have two type of conditions: a) short term condition- b) long term condition. A very basic soil engineering is effective stress which was proposed by Terzaghi (1936) as 𝜎 ′ = 𝜎 − 𝑢 where 𝜎 is total stress and 𝑢 is pore water pressure. When we design on short term condition we cannot estimate amount of pore water pressure that generated by existing soil because of its sudden load, and by not escaping water pressure in short time it become undrained condition, this type of condition in soil had more factor of safety in designing structure because of unknown of 𝑢 and assuming as zero. It is also needed less time to predict effective stress and cost-less. That is why in undrained condition we can rely on total stress as mentioned before the basic Terzaghi equation become 𝜎 ′ = 𝜎 because pore water pressure is no longer available, this case is also available for coarse grain soil such as sand and gravel. For long term condition we rely on effective stress 𝜎 ′ because water pressure is known and can predict accurately, but its costly effect and needed time to drain all that water pressure under load and this condition is occur mainly in fine grained soil like clay and silt. As undrained shear strength is not a fundamental soil parameter it depends on voids that water can easily drain or not, varying over depth as a function of in-situ confining stress at a given depth so larger confining stress reduces void ratio over the historical time, this is why there are several correlations available for determination of undrained shear strength from initial void ratio, water content/plasticity index, and historical effective confining pressure. As a result, it is unwise-able to design geotechnical structures and analysis under short-term undrained condition in tern of total stress rather than effective-stress, one reason is initial pore water pressure generated by loading of construction and unloading process in fine grained soil i.e. clay is difficult to predict.