Img 20240807 Wa0007
Img 20240807 Wa0007
Img 20240807 Wa0007
REF: 26062024/LTF/ONG-96/150791
No Objection Certificate Date: 26-Jun-2024 05.49 PM
Agr No : T03839230522112209
Appl ID : 14592844
Deal No :
Dear Sir/Madam,
We bring to your notice that our Loan Cum Hypothecation/Lease Agreement with MADDU CHITTI BABU for the below mentioned vehicle has
been closed.
We certify that we have no objection in cancellation of the endorsement made in favour of M/s L&T Finance Limited / L&T Finance
Holdings Limited from the Registration book for the above vehicle.
Thanking you,
L&T Finance Limited
(Formerly known as LAT Finance Holdings Limited)
Authorized Signatories
Eff ec tive Dec e mbe r 4, 2023 , L&T F inan ce L i mi ted has merged wi th i ts h oldi ng co mpa ny i .e ., L&T Fin ance Holdi ngs Li mi ted an d a ll asse ts an d l iab ili ties of L &T Fin ance Li mi te d
h ave been trans fe rred to L&T Fina nce Ho ldin gs L i mi ted pu rsuan t to th e sch e me of a ma l ga ma tio n ap proved in ter al ia by the Na ti onal Co mpa ny L a w T rib una l.