Turkestan Struggle Abroad

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From Jadidism to Independence

To all those who have served the cause of freedom of Turkestan,
With respect

To the memory of my father, Haci Yoldafl, and my mother, Bibi Hacire,

With love
From Jadidism to Independence

A. Ahat Andican

SOTA Publications
Copyright © 2007 by A. Ahat Andican

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmit-

ted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the author.

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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:

Andican, A. Ahat, 1950
Turkestan Struggle Abroad
(From Jadidism to Independence)
A. Ahat Andican
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index
ISBN 90-807403-6-5 (Hardcover)
1- Asia, Central– politics and Jadidism – Soviet revolutions and Basmachis
2- Basmachi Movement and Afghanistan, Turkestani Diaspora and Afghanistan- 1920-
3- Turkestan National Movement and Europe -Promethe Front-1926-
4- Turkey and Outside Turks – Turkestani Diaspora and Middle East -1930-
5- Turkestan Legion and Second World War – Germany- 6- Turkestani Diaspora and
Cold War - United States-1950- 7- Turkestani Diaspora and Afghan War- 1980 I.
Andican, A. Ahat

Printed by Acar Printing, www.acarbasim.com

Typeset in 9/10.2/10.7 NewBaskerville[T] in QuarkXPress

Originally published in Turkish (2003) under the title of

“Cedidizmden Ba¤›ms›zl›¤a Hariçte Türkistan Mücadelesi”

Maps ...............................................................................................................11
Figures ............................................................................................................12
Abbreviations .................................................................................................15
Preface ...........................................................................................................17

Part One
The Sources of the Turkestan National Movement / 21
1. The Sources of the Movement .................................................................23
Jadidism .........................................................................................................24
Politics in Tsarist Russia and its ramifications in Turkestan ......................29
Bolshevik policy on the issue of nationalities .............................................32
Turkestan during interregna of revolutions ...............................................36
National autonomous governments: The Kokand Autonomy...................41
The struggle for autonomy in Turkestan SSR .............................................45
The Autonomy of Alash Orda......................................................................50
The Autonomy of Bashkiria .........................................................................53
The Tatar (Idel-Ural) Autonomy.................................................................59
The end of Khanates of Turkestan
and declarations of People’s Republics.......................................................64
The Khanate of Khiva ...................................................................................65
The Khanate of Bukhara ..............................................................................66
The People’s Republic of Khorezm.............................................................74
The People’s Republic of Bukhara ..............................................................76
Bukharan Turks’ aid to Turkey....................................................................78
Policy of the Turkish government in Anatolia towards Turkestan............82
Fate of the People’s Republic of Bukhara...................................................85
Impact of the Ottoman Empire on developments in Turkestan...............90
The Prisoners of War and volunteers ..........................................................91
Relations with the Union and Progress Organization................................99
6 Contents

Activities of Cemal Pasha in Afghanistan ..................................................109

Enver Pasha’s activities................................................................................118
Enver Pasha in Turkestan...........................................................................123
The fate of Haji Sami and other members
of the Union and Progress clique ..............................................................126
Alliance of National Peoples Revolutionary Societies of Central Asia ....127
The Basmachi movement ...........................................................................132
Migrations from Turkestan ........................................................................140
The first wave of migrations: Aftermath of the uprisings of 1916...........144
The second wave of migrations: During the Basmachi Movement .........145
The third wave of migrations: Period of collectivization .........................146

Part Two
From Bolshevik Revolution to the Second World War: Years in Exile / 151
2. Amu Darya and Beyond .........................................................................153
Amir Amanullah’s dreams ..........................................................................159
The exile years of Amir of Bukhara...........................................................164
The earliest activities of the Alliance of
National Peoples Revolutionary Societies of Central Asia abroad ..........170
Activities of the Basmachi leaders in Afghanistan ....................................174
The Bachai Saqqao rebellion and the Turkestanis ..................................177
Basmachi operations across the Afghan Border .......................................180
Fate of the Basmachi leaders......................................................................184

3. Turkestani Émigrés in Europe ...............................................................191

Leadership of political organization..........................................................194
The Berlin Congress of 1924 and evolution from the “Alliance
of National Peoples Revolutionary Societies of Muslims
of Central Asia” to “Turkestan Independence Society” ...........................202

4. The Captive Nations Front: Promethe ..................................................209

Background of the Promethe movement..................................................209
The émigré groups in Europe....................................................................212
Inception of the organization of Promethe ..............................................214
Structure of Promethe organization..........................................................217
The Promethe Journal ................................................................................220
Poland and Promethe: political and scientific support............................225

5. The Turkestan – Berlin line and Beyond ..............................................227

Turkestani students in Germany................................................................231
The end of the student project ..................................................................238
The fate of students who returned to Turkestan......................................244
The students who did not return to Turkestan ........................................253
Contents 7

6. The Political Center: Turkey ..................................................................257

The leaders of Émigré Turks in Turkey ....................................................258
Voice of the Émigré Turks: Yeni Kafkasya ................................................260
Toward the Turkestan National Union .....................................................262
The Istanbul Congress of 1927
of the Turkestan Independence Society ...................................................265
The emergence of the Yeni Türkistan Journal
and TMB’s joining to the Promethe League.............................................268
The inception of Turkestan Turk Youth Union .......................................273
Alliance of TTGB and Azerbaijan Youth Union .......................................276
Friction among Chokayoglu, Velidi, Khojaoglu
trio and re-election of Zeki Velidi to the TMB chairmanship .................277
Zeki Velidi eliminates Chokayoglu from TMB ..........................................280
Zeki Velidi Togan in Europe......................................................................283
Zeki Velidi Togan departs Turkestan National Union.............................286
Turkestan National Union Congress of 1929 ............................................290
The Yafl Türkistan Journal ..........................................................................292
Developments in Azerbaijan and Idel-Ural
national movements and the repercussions in TMB................................296
Reshuffling of the management of Yeni Türkistan
Journal and departure of Osman Khojaoglu ............................................299
Activities based in Warsaw-Istanbul-Tehran axis.......................................304
Crisis caused by the “eastern representative”............................................306
The Agabekov episode................................................................................310
Soviet spies in Istanbul................................................................................314
Repercussions of the activities of Turkestan National Union in USSR ...316
Alterations in Turkish domestic policies, and
proscription of the Yeni Türkistan Journal ...............................................318
Polemics between Yafl Türkistan and Ats›z Mecmua ................................324
The first Turkish Historical Congress
and departure of Zeki Velidi from Turkey................................................330
Turkestan National Union’s policy relevant to
Eastern Turkestan and its relations with Japan ........................................334
Efforts to contact the British government.................................................337
Mecdeddin Delil in Eastern Turkestan .....................................................339
Proscription of the Émigré periodicals entry to Turkey ..........................341
From Turkestan Turk Youth Union
to Turkish Cultural Union .........................................................................346

7. TMB activities in the eastern countries .................................................353

Iran after the Bolshevik Revolution...........................................................353
Turkestan National Union’s activities in Iran...........................................356
Afghanistan in the 1930s.............................................................................364
Elimination of Mufti Sadriddin Khan........................................................370
Venture of “Hukumat-i ‹lahiya” .................................................................375
8 Contents

Turkestan National Union’s efforts to contact Japan ..............................376

Osman Khojaoglu in Afghanistan..............................................................378
The Turkestani Émigré in India and their activities ................................381

8. at the threshold of the Second World War ...........................................387

The Armenian question and its
impact on the Promethe organization ......................................................387
Friendship Society of Ukraine, Caucasus and Turkestan.........................390
Accession of the Soviet Union to the League of Nations ........................392
Demise of Marshal Pilsudski.......................................................................394
The Comintern resolutions and changes in European Socialism...........395
The United Front of Turkic Countries under Russian domination .......397
Revisions in the management of Promethe Journal ................................399
Developments in the Turkestan National Union .....................................402
Deportation of Émigré leaders from Turkey ............................................403
TMB Congress in Berlin and chairmanship of Chokayoglu ....................406
The refugees from the Soviet Union
and Promethe League in German-Japanese axis......................................408
Occupation of Poland and the end of the Promethe movement ...........414
Turkestan National Union after occupation of Poland ...........................417

Part Three
The years of Second World War / 423
9. Pawns in the War of the Giants ..............................................................425
The beginning of the Operation Barbarossa ............................................425
German perception of ethnicity
and the formation of Ostministerium .......................................................426
From the Russian fronts to German POW camps ....................................430
The Prisoners of War Commission ............................................................435
Death of Mustafa Chokayoglu....................................................................436
Formation of national legions....................................................................446
Contact with the Turkic Émigré leaders ...................................................452
The Adlon conference................................................................................454
Arrival of Veli Kajum Khan on the scene..................................................460
Formation of the Turkestan National Commission..................................466
The Turkestan Legion ................................................................................468
Formation of Turkestan National Unity Committee
and consolidation of the Turkestan Legion..............................................471
The Turkestani soldiers at the frontlines ..................................................474
The events of 1943 ......................................................................................483
Incidence of dissension in the
National Turkistan Unity Committee ........................................................486
The SS version of pan-Turanism,
and the “Eastern Turkic Force” .................................................................490
Contents 9

General Vlasov and the project

of the Russian Liberation Army .................................................................494
Formation of Turkestan national government in exile............................496
Towards the inevitable conclusion ............................................................497
End of the war and the Nuremberg Trials................................................500

10. Turkey during the Second World War ................................................505

Turkish nationalism in wartime and Turkish-German relations .............507
Saraço¤lu and the official version of Turkish nationalism ......................512
Veli Kajum Khan’s visit to Turkey..............................................................520
Transition from Turkish Cultural Union to Eminönü Halkevi ...............524
Shift in the domestic policy of the Government
of Turkey and proscription of Turkist periodicals ...................................527
The Third May incidents and arrest of Zeki Velidi Togan ......................530
The trials of Turkism and Turanism .........................................................535
Political asylum seekers handed over to the Soviet Union ......................538

11. Afghanistan revisited .............................................................................543

Anti-Soviet activities in Afghanistan...........................................................543
Soviet spy Aykarli returns to the stage .......................................................545
The operation code named “Hansa” .........................................................547

Part Four
The Cold War Years / 551
12. The Cold War years ..............................................................................553
United States of America enters the stage ................................................555
Inception of the Committee
for Liberation of the Peoples of Russia .....................................................558
Inception of the “Türkeli Committee” ......................................................561
The National Turkestan Unity Committee
and Türkeli Committee break-up ..............................................................564
The Coordination Center of Anti-Bolshevik Struggle ..............................566
The Coordination Center of Anti-Bolshevik Struggle dissolved..............568
The National Turkestan Unity Committee opens up to the East............570
Soviet propaganda directed to the
Turkestani emigrants during the Cold War ..............................................575
Dr. Baymirza Hayit: Custodian of the concept of Turkestan today.........579
Turkey during the Cold War years ............................................................581
Efforts to reorganize Turkestan associations in Turkey ...........................585
Activities of Turkestani expatriates outside Istanbul ................................591
The end of the Turkestan National Union...............................................593
Activities of Turkestani Emigrants in the East ..........................................598
End of the Soviet mole ...............................................................................601
Activities in the Middle East .......................................................................605
10 Contents

Part Five
Towards Independence / 609
13. Towards Independence ........................................................................611
Coups d'état and revolutions in Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan ..............611
Turkestanis return to the stage ..................................................................614
The Türkistan Journal and the Turkestan Research Foundation ...........618
Activities related with the war in Afghanistan...........................................619
International Turkestan Congress .............................................................622
Upgrading of TKSYD to a non-profit public association
and formation of the “Federation of Eurasia” ..........................................625
Developments in the United States ...........................................................626
Activities in Germany ..................................................................................629

14. Warfare in Afghan Turkestan ..............................................................631

Islamic Union of Northern Provinces of Afghanistan and Azad Bek .....634
Downfall of Najibullah’s government
and appearance of General Dostum..........................................................642
Government of coalition of Mujahaddin
and struggle for power in Kabul ................................................................643
The National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan
(Jombesh-e Melli Islami Afghanistan) .......................................................644
Inception of the Taliban movement..........................................................650
Death of Azad Bek ......................................................................................653
Collapse of the Northern Alliance
and the ascendancy of the Taliban ............................................................655
The September 11 terrorist attacks
and U.S. intervention in Afghanistan ........................................................659

Conclusion ...................................................................................................661
Documents ...................................................................................................669
Bibliography ................................................................................................723
Index ............................................................................................................737

1. Turkestan at the beginning of the 20th century / 22

2. The political map of Turkestan (1922) / 89
3. Federation of Autonomous Muslim Countries conceived
by the Jadids / 133
4. Turkestan after political fragmentation and the directions
of the migrations / 143
5. The cities preferred by Turkestani immigrants in Northern
Afghanistan / 148

1. Munawwar Qari, his wife and son / 26

2. Newspaper Turan, 12 December, 1912, Bukhara / 28
3. Title page of the daily Sada-yi Turkistan / 31
4. Ubaydulla Khoja / 39
5. Public meeting in support for Turkestan Autonomy / 44
6. The parade for support Turkestan National Government / 44
7. Turar Ryskulov / 47
8. Ahmed Baitursunov / 52
9. Mir Said Sultan Galiev / 63
10. Members of the Khanate of Khiva, Merv, 1897 / 67
11. Amir of Bukhara, Sa’id Alim Han / 73
12. Faizulla Khojaev / 87
13. Ottoman military officers and Turkestani Jadids / 96
14. Ottoman Turkish military officers teaching at the Jadid schools / 98
15. Abidjan Mahmud and his friends / 101
16. Enver Pasha and his friends in Moscow / 120
17. Basmachis and Soviet authorities at the peace talks, Ferghana, ca.
1921 / 135
18. Legendary Basmachi commander Sher Muhammad Bek and his
colleagues / 137
19. (19 a) A Soviet court at Tilla Qari Madrasah, Samarkand, 1923
(19.b) Basmachi defendants on trial, Samarkand, 1923 / 139
Figures 13

20. President Osman Khoja and his colleagues at Babur Shah’s grave / 171
21. Ibrahim Laqay Bek / 179
22. Ghazi Habibullah Khan (Bachai Saqqao) / 179
23. Ibrahim Laqay Bek at the moment of his capture by Soviet troops / 188
24. Leaders of the Muslims of Russia / 193
25. Three leaders of the Turkestan National Movement. Mustafa
Chokayoglu, Zeki Velidi Togan and Osman Khojaoglu / 195
26. Members of the Berlin Bureau of Turkistan Azadl›k Jamiyati / 206
27. Postcard of “Nations under Domination of Moscow.” / 218
28. Cover page of the periodical Promethe Journal / 222
29. A group of Turkestani female students in Germany / 232
30. Turkestani students from the People’s Republic of Bukhara / 233
31. A group of Turkestani students admitted to German universities / 235
32. Cover page of Kömak / 237
33. Turar Ryskulov in Berlin / 239
34. Abdulwahhab Muradi with his family / 248
35. A group of students with Mustafa Chokayoglu / 254
36. Office bearers of the Turkestan National Union / 267
37. First issue of Yeni Türkistan / 271
38. A group of students from Turkestan studying in Turkey / 275
39. Members of the Hizip faction / 287
40. First issue of Yafl Türkistan Journal / 294
41 . Yash Turkistanchilar / 297
42. Osman Khojaoglu with younger members of TMB / 303
43. Dr. Salih Erkinkol and Mecdeddin Delil / 303
44. Mecdeddin Delil in Eastern Turkestan / 340
45. Inauguration of the Monument of Turkestani Martyrs / 349
46. Mufti Sadriddin Khan / 358
47. Founding Members of TMB Mashhad Chapter / 360
48. A group of Turkmen emigrants from the Soviet Union in Iran / 363
49. A group of Turkestani emigrants in Afghanistan / 369
50. Soviet spy Mahmud Aykarli / 374
51. A group of Emigrants from Turkestan in Peshawar / 382
52. Members of Anjuman-i ‹ttihad-i Muhajirin-i Bukhara va Turkistan / 385
53. Some members of Turkistan Jamiyati in Cairo / 385
14 Figures

54. The Members of United Front of the Turkic Countries under

Russian Domination / 398
55. TMB members in Germany / 418
56. The Documents of Mustafa Chokayoglu / 420
57. Obituary notice of Mustafa Chokayoglu / 440
58. The death report of Mustafa Chokayoglu / 443
59. Veli Kajum Khan / 464
60. The standard and emblems of Turkestan Legion / 475
61. A Unit of Turkestan Legion receives Turkestan banner / 478
62. Turkestani soldiers at a military parade / 478
63. Veli Kajum Khan and a group of Turkestani officer / 481
64. Veli Kajum Khan and General V. Heigendorff / 484
65. Veli Kajum Khan and Major Hauptmann Ernecke / 484
66 . Jani Türkistan / 487
67. Turkish Cultural Union Congress / 525
68. The announcement about the arrests on the charge of “Racist
and Turanist” activities in 1944 / 532
69. Baymirza Hayit in Saudi Arabia / 571
70. Veli Kajum Khan and King Saud bin-Abdulaziz / 574
71. Dr. Baymirza Hayit in the 1990’s / 580
72. A group of Turkestani emigrants in Adana, Turkey / 592
73. The Last Representatives of the TMB / 597
74. The cover page of “Tarjuman-i Afkar / 600
75. A group of Turkestani emigrants in Karachi / 602
76. The front cover of the Sawt-et Turkestan / 606
77. The front cover-page of the Azad Türkistan / 607
78. A group of members of the Turkestani Culture and Social Aid
Association / 615
79. Ahat Andican / 617
80. Dr. Baymirza Hayit and Dr. Ahat Andican / 624
81. Members of the Turkestan-American Association at The Turkish
Day Parade in New York / 628
82. Azad Bek and Dr. A. Ahat Andican in Miranshah / 639
83. General Rashid Dostum and State Minister A. Ahat Andican in
Ankara / 657

ABN Anti-Bolshevik Nations

CFO Comité France Orient
CHEKA Chesvychaika (Communist Secret Police)
CIC Counter Intelligence Corps
COMINTERN Communist International
GPU Gosudarstvennoe Politicheskoe
Upravlenie (Civil political Service)
IIWSA Ittehadiya Islami-ye Wilayat-e Shamal-e
Afghanestan (Islamic Union of Northern
Provinces of Afghanistan)
ISI Inter-Service Intelligence (of Pakistan)
JMIA Jombesh-e Melli-i Islami-i Afghanistan
(The National Islamic Movement of
KGB Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti
(Comm›ttee for State Security)
KONR Komitet Osbovoj Deniya Narodov Rossii
(Committee for Liberation of the Peoples
of Russia)
KUTV Kommunistiçeskiy Universitet
Trudyatsiksiya Wostoka (The Communist
University of the Toilers of the East)
MIT Milli ‹stihbarat Teflkilat› (National
Security Organization of Turkey)
MTBK Milli Türkistan Birlik Komitesi (National
Turkestan Unity Committee)
MUSKOM Central Muslim Commissariat
16 Abbreviations

NARKOMNATS Narodny Komissariat po delam

Notsiona’Notsei. Komissariat (People’s
Commissariat of Nationalities)
NKVD Norodnyï Kommisariat Vnuetrennikh Del
(Peoples Commissariat for Internal
OAMA‹J‹ Orta Asya Milliy Avami ‹htilâl Jamiyatlari
(Alliance of National Peoples
Revolutionary Societies of Central Asia)
OGPU Ob’edinennoe Gosudarstvennoe
Politicheskoe Upravlenie (United Civil
political Service)
ROA Russkaya Osvoboditel neya Armiya
(Russian Liberation Army)
SA SturmAbteilung
SS SchutzStaffel
TAV Türkistan Araflt›rmalar› Vakf› (Turkestan
Research Foundation)
TBMM Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (Grand
National Assembly of Turkey)
TKB Türk Kültür Birli¤i (Turkish Cultural
TKSYD Türkistanl›lar Kültür ve Sosyal Yard›m
Derne¤i (Turkestani Culture and Social
Aid Association)
TMB Türkistan Milli Birli¤i (Turkestan
National Union)
TTGB Türkistan Türk Gençler Birli¤i
(Turkestani Turk Youth Union)
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
VOA Voice of America

Wars and revolutions have characterized the 20th century. In the

course of the past two world wars, and the ideological Cold War that
followed the Second World War, millions perished and millions were
displaced. The Soviet Union, in particular, was the vista of the gravest
tragedy in history. The communist regime wanted to make “the pres-
ent” a slave for a “utopian future.” In the process, those who submis-
sively obeyed the communist regime survived while those who opposed
it perished.
Many among the displaced persons who had escaped to foreign
lands, hoping to avail themselves of any opportunity in the “free
world,” strived for liberation of their homeland from the grip of the
inhumane regime. They were frustrated, eventually haunted by the
tragedy of being reduced to mere “pawns” at the various frontlines of
confrontation among the superpowers.
The émigré communities, notwithstanding the cruel tragic situa-
tions that overwhelmed them, pursued the ideal of liberating their
own homelands with due devotion and self-sacrifice. Indeed, they
struggled to the end, consuming the meager resources at their dispos-
al against the unlimited resources at the disposal of the enemy;
notwithstanding the frustrating situations.
The present book is a narration of the story of the émigré groups
from West Turkestan who were dispersed in foreign lands and put up
uncompromising struggle against the Soviet Union in pursuit of their
ideal of an independent Turkestan for over 70 years. More precisely, it
is a narration of the struggle abroad for the liberation of Turkestan.
A participant of the movement as a political worker at a certain phase,
and having played a significant role in orienting the movement in its
18 Preface

later stage; I believe that the legacy of such a wide-ranging struggle put
up for national liberation of Turkestan should not be lost in the
gloomy alleys of history. I contend that an account of the struggle
abroad for the liberation of Turkestan, including its positive and neg-
ative aspects, should be written down objectively, letting history make
the judgment. With this proposition in mind, I had been collecting rel-
evant data since the early 1990s when I was the proprietor-editor of
Türkistan, a Turkish-language quarterly journal published in Istanbul.
Access to original documents proved virtually an impassable barri-
er because in most cases the Turkestan national movement existed in
the form of secret organizations, for the circumstances so demanded.
Another major handicap in the documentation process was the fact
that the movement, which sustained for almost a century, was concur-
rently conducted in numerous countries, geographically far apart and
with different political environments. Therefore, it required source
study in multiple countries, both in the East and in the West. Access to
original documents and scanning through sources relevant to the his-
tory of development of the movement, and interviews with eyewitness-
es and informed persons believed to possess firsthand information,
took almost a decade. The outcome was worth the painstaking work.
I would like to offer my compliments and gratitude to everyone
who has contributed, in one way or another, in the writing of the pres-
ent work and apologize for not including a full list of names, which
would be rather long. I especially offer posthumous gratitude to Mrs.
Saide Oktay for her invaluable assistance in providing access to certain
unpublished archives relevant to the Turkestan National Union.
I also offer my special gratitude to Dr. Baymirza Hayit and the late
Veli Kajum Khan for letting me avail their personal memories and
information, both written and verbal; to Anke Bentzin of Humboldt
University for providing German source material; to Sabir Seyhan and
Ömer Hakan Özalp for reading of texts in Arabic script; and to Yunus
Bu¤ra for his invaluable help in translations into English.
For processing old photographs and documents and producing
presentable reproductions, highly important as they are, I acknowledge
my appreciation for the fine job done by my worthy friend Ömer
Dülger and other members of the RAM establishment.
Publication of the Turkish edition of the book having been widely
welcomed, completing its English version was deemed a necessity. I am
grateful indeed to my esteemed friend Ahmet Çal›k, chairman of Çal›k
Group, for his generous support in realizing this. The English version
could not have been published without his support.
Preface 19

Last but not least, I would like to thank my wife Dr. Gülnur Andican
for the support she provided by maintaining a lovely and tolerant
working environment at home, both during the preparatory stage of
the book and writing of the manuscript. I also thank my sons Aybek
and ‹lbek, who encouraged me by manifesting enthusiastic interest in
the work throughout.

A. Ahat Andican
February 2007
Ataköy, Istanbul

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—Central Asian Emigres in Afghanistan: First Wawe 1920-1931.
Part 2, Central Asia Monitor (1994), No:5, pp:16-27.
Abdurrashidhanov, Munawwar Kari, Hat›ralar›mdan. fiark Naflriyat›,
Tashkent, 2001.
Afganistan Milli ‹slami Hareketi Tüzü¤ü, Türkistan Dergisi, No.17/18
(1993), pp: 47-50.
Ahmetbeyo¤lu, Ali. Afganistan Üzerine Araflt›rmalar, Tatav Yay›nlar›,
Istanbul, 2002.
Ahmetcan, O. Milli masalamizga dair. Türkeli Dergisi (1953), no. 4/5, pp:
Ak›ner, fiirin. Sovyet Müslümanlar›. ‹nsan Yay›nlar›, Istanbul,1995.
Ak›fl, Ali. Akl›mda Kalanlar (Hat›ralar-Konuflmalar). Neyir Matbaac›l›k,
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Alexiev, Alex. Soviet Nationalities in German Wartime Strategy 1941-1945.
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Alim Khan, Mir Said. Buhara Halk›n›n Hasret-i Tarihi. Türkhaber Y›l 1,
No: 4-6, 2002.
Allworth, Edward. A Conversation with Ahmad Naim Nasratullah Bek;
Bukharan Jadid (Reform Movements and Revolutions in
Turkistan, Ed. Timur Kocao¤lu), SOTA, Haarlem, 2001.
Almqvist, Borje. 1983’de Afgan Savafl›: Sovyetlerin Kulland›¤› Nazi
Taktiklerine Karfl› Güçlenen Mücahit Direnifli. ODTÜ Yay›nlar›,
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724 Bibliography

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Büyük Türkeli (Hasan Oraltay)
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La Revue de Prométhée (Aleksandr Shulgin)
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Prométhée (Georges Gwazava)
Tarjuman (Azam Hashimi)
Tarjuman-i Afkar (Azam Hashimi)
Türk Amac› ( Ahmet Cafero¤lu)
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Veli Kajum Khan Düsseldorf (Germany); 17-22 January 1991.
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Inde x

A Admiral Trötte, 461

162 nd infantry division, 469, 477, 502 Afdal Abdussaid, see Efdal Vensürel
Abani Mukerjee, 156 Afdaliddin Khan, 162
Abbaso¤lu, Sefer, 404 Afghan army, 111, 113, 117, 186
Abdul Ahad Khan (Khan of Bukhara), 68 Afghan government, 109, 110, 111, 114,
Abdul Mannan, 634 158, 163, 167, 173, 175, 177, 184-188;
Abdulaziz Kari, 375 202, 312, 546, 549, 642
Abdulkadir Beg, 573 Afghan jihad, 621, 631, 636, 639
Abdulkarim Mingbashi, 307, 360 Afghan-Indian Frontiers, 109
Abdullah Mencek Zaviyesi, 348 Afghanistan, 49, 72, 74, 95, 99, 109, 112,
Abdullah Tevekkül, see Tevekkül Babur 113, 114, 115,116, 117, 119, 140, 142,
Abdullah Tolagan, 558 Turkestani migration to, 144-146, 149;
Abdulmalik (general), 622, 654, 655, 656, history of, 153-155; British diplomacy
657, 658 in, 158; 160, 161, 162, 163, Ex-Amir of
Abdulmumin (general), 642 Bukhara in, 164-170, OAMA‹J‹ mem-
Abdulqadir (general), 612 bers in, 170, 173, 174, Basmachis and,
Abdulsukhur Khan (Afgan Ambassador in 175, 177; rebeillon in, 178; 194, 202,
Bukhara), 71 203, 259, 290, 304, 305, 306, Soviet
Abduniyaz, 341 espionage activities in, 310; 337, 346,
Abdurrab (Indian revolutionary), 114 353, 362, policy on Turkestanis in
Abdurrahman Bek, 77 northern part of, 365-370; Soviet spy’s
Abdurrashid ‹brahim, 105, 192, 356, 447, activities in, 371-375; attempt of
Abidjan Mahmud (Jadid), 27, 38, 42, 100, Hukumat-i ‹lahiya, 375-376; 378, 379,
101, 102, 103, 105, 325, 380, 381, 383, 418, 445, 513, Anti-
ABN, see Anti Bolshevik Nations Soviet activities in, 543; 544, 545, 579,
Abulkhayr Khan, 192 591, 595, 599, 601, 603, 605, commu-
Açil Bek (kurbashi), 189 nist coup, 611-613; 618, 619, 623, 629,
Adana Turkestanis Aid Association, 592, 631, ethnic structure of, 633; 634, 637,
596 639, 640, 641, civil war in, 642-650;
Adana, 589, 592, 627 Taliban Movement, 650-653; 658, US
Adil Hikmet, 99 intervention to, 659, Karzai’s govern-
Adlon Meeting, 454, 455, 456, 458, 459, ment, 660, 661, 662, 664, 666, 688,
466, 473, 512, 515 697, 711, 717
738 Index

Agabekov, George (Soviet spy), 168, 310- Ali Jan, 574

314, 315, 316, 359, 375 Ali R›za Bey, 77, 95, 106, 170, 172, 173,
A¤ao¤lu, Ahmet, 284, 320, 324, 531 175, 183, 357
Agaoglu, Alikhan, 480 Ali Riza Effendi, 162, 358
A¤ao¤lu, Samet, 531 Alibeyli, Abbas, 391
Agoronyan, A., 215 Alijan Arifkhan, 626
Ahiska, Halide, 591 Alio¤lu, Celalettin, 619
Ahmad Ali Tolkun Turkestani, 573 Alisher Navai Association, 593
Ahmad Khan (Amanullah’s Envoy), 162 Alizade, 308
Ahmad Shah (of Bukhara), 141 Alkin, ‹lyas, 55, 60
Ahmad Shah (of Iran), 355 Allashukurova, Zaynab, 252
Ahmad Shah Durrani, 141 Alliance against Russia, 210
Ahmad Shakuri, see Ahmet fiekuri Alliance of Eastern Russia, 55
Ahmad Tsalikov, 197 Alliance of National Peoples Revoluti-
Ahmadjan ‹brahim, see Ahmetcan Okay onary Societies of Central Asia (also
Ahmadjan, Omarjan, 500, 502 Orta Asya Milliy Avami ‹htilâl Jamiyat-
Ahmed Zeki Velidi, see Zeki Velidi Togan lari ‹ttifak› and OAMA‹J‹), 24, memo-
Ahmet Mithat Effendi, 259 randum of, 114; 127, program of, 128;
Ahmet Nesimi, 106 charter of, 129, 130; membership oath
Ahmetcan O., 564 of, 131; activities in Afghanistan, 170,
Ahmeteli, Lado, 410, 411 173, 174; 189, 200, Berlin Congress of,
Ahmeteli, Mihail, 410 202- 206; renaming of, 204,
Ahmetoglu, Safa, 191, 192 Samarkand Congress of, 203; 242,
Ahmetov, Mustafa, 211 356, 678, 687, 693, 697
Akarcal›, Bülent, 623 Alliance of Revolutionary Muslim Societi-
Akbergenov, Cuma, 446 es (also ‹slam ‹htilâl Cemiyetleri ‹tti-
Akchura, Yusuf, 92 had›), 119, 121
Akhcuraoglu, Yusuf, 92, 191, 330 Allied powers, 56, 505, 539, 541, 546, 553,
Ak›n, Turan, 626 555, 665
Ak›fl, Ali, 219, 416, 459, 525, 526, 527, 585 All-Russian Muslim Congress, 30, 59, 60,
Akmolinsk, 37 332
Akram Azam, 558 Alma Ata, 480
Akram Kari, 547 Alma-Ata Declaration, 613
Aksakallar Majlisi, 181, 182 Almas, Abdurrahman Shafi, 436, 438, 442,
Akflam (newspaper), 340 452
Akflehir, 589, 590 Alöç, Kaz›m, 535
Al Jihad (periodical), 447 Alpamiti, Talat, 438
Alash Orda, 36, relation with Kokand Alptekin, Isa Yusuf, 341, 588, 591
autonomy, 42; as a movement in Al-Qaeda, 659
Kazakhstan, 43, 45, 50; formation of Amanullah Khan, 110, asks help from
government of, 50; negotiations with Mustafa Kemal Pasha, 112, 158; meets
Admiral Kolchak and Ataman Dutov, Cemal Pasha, 113; 125, relations with
50, 51; cooperates with Soviet power, Enver Pasha, 138; 154, 155, 159, 160,
51; end of autonomy of, 51; replaced Enver Pasha and, 161-163; Amir of
by Kirrevkom, 52; Soviet assessment Bukhara and, 164-168; relations with
on, 53; 54, 56, 128, 129, 496, 662, 678 OAMA‹J‹, 170; on Basmachis in
Aldiyef, Sultan, 193 Afghanistan, 175, 176; and reforms,
Algu, ‹lhan, 524 177; goes exile, 178, 180; 184, 365,
Ali Fuad Pasha (Cebesoy) 116 366
Ali Haydar Bey, 92 American Army (also troops), 501, 502
Index 739

American Committee (for Liberation of 547

the Peoples of Russia Inc), 410, 558, Anti-Soviet emigrants, 212, 410, 452, 453
561, 566, 572 Anti-Soviet groups in Northern Afghanis-
American military aid, 619 tan, 543
Aminjan Makhdum, 249 Anti-Soviet nationalities, 466
Aminjan, Bahauddin (Turkestani stu- Antonov, Georgy Il›ch, 567
dent), 244, 248, 249 Anzali, 354
Amir Abdurrahman, 141, 142, 153, 366 APA (Aussen PolitischesAmt), 409, 410,
Amir Said Muzaffar, 68 421
Amirchilar, 381 Appeal to Muslims of all Russia, 170
Amir-i Lashkar-i Islam, 136 Aq Çöl (periodical), 248
Amirjan, Abdul Ali, 214, 260 Aral Sea, 331
Amman, 605 Aral, Mehmet ‹sa, 630
Amu Darya, 74, 141, 142, 145, 149, 153, Aras, Tevfik Rüfltü, 82, 121, 322
157, 160, 164, 166, 178, 185, 187, 188, Ardahan, 91, 92, 555
356, 544, 549, 662, 664, 712 Argun, Almurad, 653
Ana Muhammad (Basmachi), 307, 360 Ar›k, Remzi O¤uz, 530
Anakuli Kurbashi, 190, 315, 364 Ar›kan, Saffet, 520, 523
Anatolia, 28, 97, 112, 115, 116, 119,120, Aripov, Abdulhamid (also Abdulhamid
121, 122, 330, 331, 347 Arif), 54, 76, 88, 123, 128, 172, 173,
Andican, A. Ahat (author, politician), 19, 174, 194, 205, 356, 357, 359, 697
609, reactivates association in Armenia, 258, 389, 559
Istanbul, 614-616; activities in Turkey, Armenian emigrants (refugee), 118, 216,
617; publishes Türkistan journal, 618; 217, 387, 389, 409
establishes Turkestan Research Armenian Issue, 387, 390, 391,
Foundation, 619; activities for Afghan Armenian militia, against Kokand
Turks, 619-622; holds international Autonomy, 43
Turkestan congress, 622-625; estab- Armenian National Committee, 474, 498
lishes Eurasia Federation, 625; given Armenian POWs, 450
Cholpan Award, 626; elected Turkish Armenian terrorists, 118, 159
parliament, 626; 628, 639, 656, 657, as Army of Islam, 106, 125, 136
president of World Turkestanis Arsal, Sadri Maksudi, 37, 59, 64, 198, 201,
Congress, 718 207, 259, 319, 332, 333
Andkhoy, 149, 368, 371, 548 Arslan Subutay, see Sattar Cabbar
Andropov, Yuri, 612 Asadulla Khoja, 38, 42
Anglo-French Alliance, 411 Asan Abdullayev, 493
Anjuman-i Ittihad-i Muhajireen (periodi- Ashgabat, 104, 307, 362
cal), 601 Ashur Bek, (Basmachi), 77, 173
Anjuman-i ‹ttihad-i Muhajirin-i Bukhara Ashur Pahlavan, 637
va Turkistan, 384 Ashuroglu, Sad›k, 27
Anjuman-i Saadet-i Bukhara va Turkistan, Asian regiment (in First World War), 447
381, 383 Asian regiments (in Second World War),
Ankara government, 116, 118, 123, 126, 450
174 Asian socialism, 124
Ankara University, 581 Asiya (periodical), 27
Ankara, 79, 116, 118, 119, 176, 201, 262, Aslanov, Ahmet Saip, 192
322, 332, 373, 502, 506, 509, 511, 521, Assatiyani, A., (Georgian) 214, 260
587, 589, 620, 656 Association for Prosperity of Bukhara and
Anti Bolshevik Nations (ABN), 560, 574 Turkestan, see Anjuman-i Saadet-i
Anti-Soviet activities in Afghanistan, 545, Bukhara va Turkistan
740 Index

Ata Khoja (Jadid) 76, 77, 90 536, 559, 715

Ata Makhdum, (Jadid), 75 Azerbaycan Yurt Bilgisi (periodical), 324,
Atal›k Yakup Bek (Amir of Kashgar), 337, 327
338, 339 Azeri emigrants (refugees), 212, 260, 285,
Ataullah Bahauddin, 192 296, 318, 320, 323, 408, 457, 583
Atay, Falih R›fk›, 342, 530 Azeri-Türk (periodical), 297, 321
Ats›z Mecmua (periodical), 324-328 Azertekin, Ali, 395, 414
Attila, 428 Aziz Meker, 192
Ausland- Hochschule, 409 Azizhanof, Mahmud, 315, 316, 362
Austrian POWs, 93 Azmi Bey, 119
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 209 B
Autonomous Republic of Kazakhstan, 53 Baba Akhun Selimbay, (Khivan Jadid), 65,
Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of 74
Turkestan, see Turkestan ASSR Babakurban, Ziyaeddin, 591, 595, 598
Autonomy of Bashkiria, 36, 50, 51, 53, 54, Babur Shah, 141,
56, 57 Babur Shah’s grave, 171
Awlani, Abdullah (jadid), 27, 247 Babur, Abdullah Tevekkül, 46, 98, 245,
Axis powers, 505, 529, 544, 546 265, 286, 287, 291, 295, 300, 303, 304-
Ayatollah Khomeni, 612 307, 309, 310, 359, 360
Aydin (periodical), 578, 579 Bachai Saqqao (also Ghazi Habibullah
Ayit Bay, 497 Khan), 115, 177-185, 313, 364, 365,
Ayit Murad, 637 366
Ayit, Mehmet, 284 Badakhshan, 141, 142, 149, 162, 176, 187,
Aykarli, Mahmud (also Yoksul, Mahmud 648, 658
Sadikov and Bahram ‹brahimof), 316, Bageri, Habiburrahman, 383, 384,
318, 361, 362, 364, 370-380, 444, 445, Baghdad, 157, 417
545, 547, 548, 570,575, 576, 588, 595, Baghdis, 656, 658
601, 602, 603, 604 Baghlan, 149, 367, 548, 637, 658
Aynural, fievket, 619 Bahram ‹brahimof, see Mahmud Aykarli
Azad Bek, 619, 620, 621, 635, 636, 639, Baidalakov group, 559
640, 641, 653, 654, 655, Bailey, Frederick, 71, 72, 80, 166, 168
Azad Shark (periodical), 234 Baitursunov, Ahmed (jadid), 27, as dele-
Azad Turkistan, 607, 608 gate of Alash Orda, 51; as member of
Azam Dadfer, 635 Kirrevkom, 52; 55, negotiates with
Azam Hashimi, 386, 588, 600, 601, 602 Soviets, 56
Azerbaijan (Journal), 565 Bajanov, Boris, 311
Azerbaijan government in exile, 260 Bakhtiyar, Sultanbek, 378, 379, 402, 405,
Azerbaijan legion (Aserbeidshanissche 413
Legion), 451 Bakhtiyari Tribes, 311
Azerbaijan National Center (also Azerbay- Baku, 91, 94, 95, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105,
can Milli Merkezi), 213, 260, 277, 289, 106, 111, 118, 259, 319, 323, 356, 518
414 Bala, Mirza (Azeri politician), 259, 278,
Azerbaijan National Committee, 498 290, 403, 405, 414, 415, 508
Azerbaijan National Movement, 214, 218, Balkan Pact, 342
223, 277, 285, 289, 296, 318, 345, 392, Balkan Wars, 257
403, 525, 568, 583 Balkh, 141, 149, 633, 637, 644, 658
Azerbaijan Youth Union, 276, 277 Baltal›, Zeki, 347
Azerbaijan, 30, 36, 93, 95, 106, 107, 122, Baltic States, 92, 522, 567
218, 219, 229, 241, 257, 258, 259, 260, Bammat Group, 213, 408
264, 277, 401, 402, 409, 459, 517, 520, Bammat, Haydar, (North Caucasian politi-
Index 741

cian), 213, 224, 408, 411, 455, 459 Begifl, Nimetullah, 627
Bamyan, 654, 658, 659 Behbudi, Mahmud Khoja (jadid), 27, 38
Banarl›, Nihad Sami, 531 Bekcan, Mukimiddin (jadid), 27, 191,
Bandera, Stepan (Ukranian nationalist), 192, 249
521 Bekov, Yunus, 53
Bandung Conference, 572 Belcivan, 126
Barba (periodical), 197, 221 Belveder Palace, 394
Bar›man, Nurullah, 530, 535, 536 Bend-i Turkistan, see Northern
Barkan, Hüseyin Emrullah, 99 Afghanistan
Barlas, Kiyameddin, 618 Bentinck, Cavendish, 168
Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Benzing, Johannes, 467
Republic, 61 Berdimurat, Aman, 558, 561, 573
Bashkir National Center, 288, 304, 678 Bergen-Belsen, 435
Bashkir Revolutionary Committee, 57 Berger (SS general), 490, 492, 499
Bashkiria (also Bashkortostan), 30, 43, 55, Bergmann Battalion, 451
57, 61, 94, 122, 129, 199, 229, 283, Berimjan, Azim Bek (jadid), 203, 205,
316, 586, 695 206, 235, 241, 248, 252, 693, 697
Basmachi groups, (fighters, forces, circles, Berke, Inge, 545
volunteers), 52, 71, 88, 109, 113, 114, Berke, Zühtü, 545
124, 132, 136, 137, 138, 140, 144, 145, Berlin Agreement, 544
155, 160, 169, 172, 173, 175, 183, 185, Berlin congress of TMB, 202, 205, 408,
189, 290, 356, 357, 364, 548, 666 417, 669, 689, 693
Basmachi leaders, 74, 163, 164, 172, 174, Berlin crisis, 556
177, 180, 181, 184, 290, 311, 361, 368, Berlin, 172, 174, 202, 207, 226, 227, 231,
371, 543, 599, 662, 663 242, 283, 285, 306, 314, 380, 405, 406,
Basmachi movement (resistance, revolt), 410, 435, 439, 441, 449, 463, 493, 500,
43, 45, 74, 85, 86, 88, 90, 95, 109, 110, 508, 510, 511, 512, 518, 522, 523, 544,
111,116, 117, 123, 124, 132-140, 145, 548, 662, 663, 696, 698
146, 147, 155, 157, 161, 163, 172, 174, Berzeg Zeki Pasha, 259
177, 189, 194, 200, 201, 227, 238, 266, Bey, Alim, 286
290, 316, 357, 358, 544, 601, 603, 661, Beyce Shaykh Vakfiyesi, 348
662 Bezanis, Lowell, 625
Batallion 450 (Turkistanisches Infantrie- Big game, 153
Batallion), 450, 451, 479, 491 Bigi, Musa Carullah, 419
Bat›rbek Gazi, 438 Bik, 75
Battle of Inönü, 121 Bilati, Balo (Promethean), 218
Battle of Sakarya, 122 Bildirifl (Periodical), 224, 299, 318, 322,
Battle of Stalingrad, 479, 520, 527, 549 323
Batum, 91, 92, 123, 316, 518 Bilgiç, Sait, 530
Bayar, Celal, 404 Binbin Khan, 164
Baykara, Tuncer, 334 B›r›nchi Numuna Maktabi, 97
Baysun, 166 Birlik Halk Hareketi (Birlik popular
Baysun, Abdullah Recep (author), 166, movement), 618
182, 189, 346, 588 Biytilev, 252
Baytugan, Barasbi (Promethean) 217, 395 Black Fascists, 483
Baziak (promethean), 217 Black Sea, 91
BBC, 421, 618 Bock, Fedor von (marshal), 425
Beck, Jozef (Colonel), 395 Boghtarma, 678
Bedri Bey, (Unionist) 113, 114, 120, 202, Bolshevik Revolution (also October
687, 688 Revolution, Russian Revolution), 23,
742 Index

28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 50, 59, Bryansk, 471
62, 65, 66, 69, 88, 91, 93, 94, 100, Bucharest, 415, 416, 459
108, 125, 146, 151, 157, 168, 193, 198, Bu¤ra, Mehmet Emin, 18, 254, 341,403,
211, 247, 257, 261, 283, 319, 332, 335, 584, 587, 588, 589
353, 354, 412, 559, 579, 661, 664, 672 Bugünkü Türkili: Türkistan (book), 324,
Bolsheviks, 23, 29, 30, 32, 36, 40, 43, 45, 630
52, 53, 59, 60, 61, 66, 70, 73, 101, 106, Bugünkü Türkistan Bülteni (bulletin),
107, 480, 494, 495, 515, 560, 562, 661, 630
693 Buhara Ta’mim-i Maarif Cemiyet-i Hayri-
Bolshevism, 23, 32, 427, 429, 432, 476, ye, 27, 201
490, 515, 554, 559, 562, 567 Bukeikhanov, Alikhan (Kazakh jadid), 37,
Bombay, 381,384 50, 52, 55
Bonczkowski, Wlodmierz (Polish Bukey Horde, 678
Scholar), 225, 415 Bukhara Akhbar› (newspaper), 234
Bozkurt (periodical), 513, 528 Bukhara Tekkesi (in Sultanahmet), 275,
Bozkurt, Mahmut Esat (author and politi- 525, 526, 596
cian), 330, 513 Bukhara, sectarian riot in, 68; as birth-
Brautigam, Otto, 426, 430, 454, 494, 569 place of Nakshibendi creed, 68;
Brest-Litovsk Peace Conference, 91, 92, attacked by Soviets, 69; 70, 71, 74, 87,
93, 94 88, 97, 99, 104, 123, 124, 141, 163,
Brest-Litovsk, 414, 415 174, 461, 687, 694, 696
Brezhnev, Leonid, 612, 631 Bukhara-i Sharif (periodical), 27
Britain, 55, 109, 113, 114, 115, 124, 154, Bukharan aid to Turkey, 80
157, 266, 337, 357, 370, 404, 414, 415, Bukharan delegation to Ankara, 83-84
505, 507, 528, 546, 555, 557, 571, 598, Bukharan embassy in Kabul, 688
661 Bukharan emigrants, 368
British Communist Party, 312 Bukharan jadids, 127
British consulate in Kasghar, 71, 72 Bukharayi, 369
British consulate in Mashhad, 169 Bulak (periodical), 592
British embassy in Kabul, 167, 168, 180, Bulgaria, 210, 555, 556
184, 372, 373 Burhaneddin Kasim, 502
British empire, 153, 338, 354 Burhanof (Soviet spy), 493
British forces, 112 Burhanof, Abdul Wahid, 229
British government, 72, 176, 338, 339, 372 Burma, 515
British hegemony, 110 Burundukov, 61
British imperialism, 118, 124, 156, 159, Butenko, Vasiliy Feodorovich, 567
161 Bütün Türk ‹llerinden Bülteni, 630
British India, 114, 117, 154, 155, 157, 167, Büyük Türkeli Derne¤i, 629
177, 304, 312, 337, 338, 383, 544 Büyük Türkeli Yay›nlar› (Greater Türkeli
British intelligence, 175 Publications), 587, 593, 629
British policy, on Emirate of Bukhara, 71, Büyük Türkistan, see Greater Turkistan
72; on Afghanistan, 158; on ex-Amir Byelorussia, 426
of Bukhara, 168; on Bachai Saqqao, C
180; on Iran, 353-356 Caba¤i, V, 260
British pressure on Anatolia, 112 Cafero¤lu, Ahmet (scholar), 284, 324,
British rule in India, 113, 117, 381, 383 526, 528, 530, 531
British troops, 113 Ça¤atay (Ishaki), Saadet 254, 329, 597
British-Afghan negotiations, 158 Ça¤atay, Tahir, 203, 206, 209, 235, 241,
British-Afghan Relations, 109 253, 254, 255, 293, 295-297, 327-329,
British-Soviet Rivalry, 375 372, 402, 405, 407, 417, 418, 419, 444,
Index 743

445, 462, 463, 521, 522, 523, 524, 565, helps Kurbashi school 113; sends mes-
568, 570, 571, 581, 582, 583, 584, 587, sage to Basmachis, 114; turns face to
588, 589, 594, 595, 604, 630, 693, 697 Germany, 114; letter to Enver Pasha,
Cairo, 605 114; argues with Mahmudkhan Tarzi,
Çak›röz, Raci, 78, 80, 97, 111, 233 115; goes Moscow via Tashkent, 115;
Caliphate Committee of India, 157 looses Ankara’s support, 116; goes
Caliphate movement, 110 back to Moscow, 117, thoughts about
Campiegne, 436 Enver Pasha, 118; death of 118; 119,
Cansever, Hasan Ferit, 509, 527, 530, 531 123, 125, activities against British
Captive Nations Committee, 627 imperialism, 156-160; 176, 178, 202,
Captive Nations Week, 574, 620, 627 245, 247, 357
Captive Nations, 209, 392, 416, 516, Central Asia, 45, 49, 107, 141, 159, 167,
556,557, 574, 620, 627, 663 204, 330, 331, 348, 633
Car›m, Fuat, 82 Central Asian Bureau, 156
Caroe, Sir Olaf, 423, 503, 557, 661 Central Council of Muslims of Turkestan,
Caspian Sea, 103, 331, 354, 425, 469, 507, 38
536, 608, 711 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 652
Castagne, Joseph (author) 168, 221, 272, Central Muslim Military Board, 61, 62
273, 391 Çerkez ‹ttihat ve Teavün Cemiyeti
Caucasian Confederation, 387, 393, 397, (Circassian Union and Aid Association),
716 259
Caucasian emigrants,(refugees) 212, 216, Çerkez Kad›nlar› Teavün Cemiyeti
260, 261, 345, 394, 395, 408, 458, 565 (Circassian Women’s Aid Association),
Caucasian Independence Committee, see 259
Kafkasya ‹stiklâl Komitesi Çermoy, A.M., 215
Caucasian republics, 216 Ceylanp›nar, 589, 590
Caucasian Standing Council, see Kafkasya Chaghatay dialect, 266, 285, 292, 325,
Daimi Konseyi 367, 467
Caucasian Waffen Verband der SS, 491, Chaghatay Nation, 192
492 Chakhansur, 367
Caucasus chapter of ‹ttihat ve Terakki, Charikar, 189, 648
100, 102 Charity Society of Bukhara for the Disse-
Caucasus Committee, see Kafkasya Komi- mination of Education, see Buhara
tesi Ta’mim-i Maarif Cemiyeti-i Hayriye
Caucasus Federation Council, 393, 395 Charjuy, 70
Caucasus front, 91 Cheka, 107, 189, 213, 245, 246, 250, 311,
Caucasus Muslim legion, 450 313, 357
Caucasus, 45, 90, 92, 93, 94, 106, 157, 219, Chernenko, Konstantin, 612
388, 400, 426, 427, 459, 466, 479, 480, Chernov, Victor, 32, 206
505, 507, 508, 510, 516, 518, 520, 536, Chiang Kai-shek, 598
545 Chicherin, Georgi Vasilyevich, 113, 117,
Cebesoy, Ali Fuad, 82, 116 118, 122, 157, 176, 227, 319, 355
Çelebizade, Mehmed Esad, 191 Chin Shu-jen, 334
Cemal Pasha (Unionist leader), 84, 85, China, 91, 160, 330, 334, 335, 336, 337,
90, 91, on Turkish POW in Russia, 95; 339, 355, 412, 517, 544, 555, 591, 598,
107; in Moscow 109; organizes 599, 608, 651, 711
Turkish officers in Turkestan,110, Chinese civil war, 555
111; relations with Mustafa Kemal Chinese imperialism, 337,536
Pasha, 112, meets Amanullah Khan, Chinese Wall, 536
113, organizes Afghan army, 113; Chinghiz Khan, 162, 163, 428, 438
744 Index

Chkhenkeli, Akaki, 196, 215, 219, 393, 584, 594, 595, 596, 608, 685, 687, 693,
394, 448 697, 698, 716
Chokaychilar (Chokayists), 317, 318 Cholpan Award, 609, 625
Chokayoglu, Maria, 421, 442, 444, 445, Cholpan, Abdulhamid Sulayman (poet),
464, 522, 54, 55, 230, 474
Chokayoglu, Mustafa (also Chokay and Çiçek, Cemil, 620
Chokayev), as chairman of National Ç›naralt› (periodical), 513
Center, 38; negotiates with Kerensky, Circassian Union and Aid Association, see
40; as foreign minister and later chair- Çerkez ‹ttihat ve Teavün Cemiyeti
man of Kokand autonomy, 42; escapes Cleinow, Georg, 490
from Turkestan, 43, 174; 55, sends Çoban, Sattar, 588
telegram to Versailles Peace Çokay, Kamil, 577, 590
Conference, 193; background of, 195- Cold war, 556, 573, 575, 576, 577, 581,
199; articles in European periodicals, 605
198; 199; at Berlin congress of Collectivization, 140, 146, 168
OAMA‹J‹, 202-205; First conflict with Colonial International, 62, 124
Zeki Velidi, 206, 207; 214, on Cominform, 556
Armenians, 217; 219, 220, in Tbilisi, Comintern resolutions, 395, 396
221; 249, 254, 257, 262, 263, at Comintern, 57, 156, 312, 343, 395, 396,
Heidelberg Meeting, 264; at Istanbul 556
congress of TMB, 265, 267; as TMB Committee (council) for liberation of
representative in Europe, 268, 269, Russian people, 559, 560, 563
273, 277, supports Zeki Velidi, 278, Committee for Liberation of the Peoples
279; resignes from TMB, 280-283; of Russia (KONR), 497, 498, 499, 500
returns TMB, 286-289; at 1929 TMB Committee of Peoples of Russia, 567
congress, 290-292; publishes Yafl Communism of the East, 62, 124
Türkistan, 292-296; 298, 299, 300, 305, Communist Party of Azerbaijan, 323
306, report on Iran operation of Communist Party of Bukhara, 70, 76
TMB, 309; activities in Europe, 314, Communist Party of Iran (Adalat), 45
315; Soviet’s efforts against, 317-318; Communist Party of Khorezm, 75
friction between Nihal Ats›z and, 324- Communist Party of Turkestan, 45, 46, 48,
329; 335, 337, 339, 342, on ban for Yafl 49, 50
Türkistan, 343-345; 351, 363, commu- Communist University of the Toilers of
nication with Aykarli, 370-374; rela- the East (KUTV), 62
tions with Japanese, 376, 377; 378, Congress of Muslim people (Baku), 156
379, against Armenian allegations, Congress of the Muslims of Inner Russia
389, 390; against Promethe journal and Siberia, 59
management, 391; on Pilsudski’s Congress of the Muslims of Russia (1917),
death, 394, 395; as member of United 201
Turkic Front, 397; problems with Coordination Center of Anti-Bolshevik
Promethe journal, 399-401; conflicts Struggle, 566, 567, 568, 571
with Khojaoglu, 402-405; as president Council of Ministers (of Turkey), 262,
of TMB, 406-408; 413, attempts to 341, 404, 589
move another country, 417, 418; first Council of Peoples Commissariats of
contacts with Germans, 420; on Soviet Russia, 124
Turkestani POWs in Germany, 431- Council of the Caucasus Federation, 393
433, as member of prisoners comis- Crimea, 24, 36, 93, 219, 229, 258, 391,
sion, 435; death of, 436-445; 448, 452, 459, 465, 497, 507, 511, 512, 522,
meets Kajum Khan, 463-465; 467, 468, 545, 715
473, 474, 523, 562, 564, 565, 571, 582, Crimean emigrants (refugees), 212, 583
Index 745

Crimean National Committee, 498, Demazang Dungeon, 549

Crimean National Movement, 218, 219, Demir, Hakan, 626
224, 226, 289, 392, 415, 525, 568, 583 Democrat Party (of Turkey), 585, 589,
Crimean POWs, 469 596, 599
Crimean Turks (Tatars), 224, 457, 511 Democratic Russia, 197, 198
Crimean War, 257 Denikin, Anton Ivanovich, 45, 49, 57, 58,
Çukurova, 347 93
Çulik, ‹brahim (North Caucasian nation- Der nahe ousten, 461
alist), 226, 393, 394 Der Untermensch, 428
Cultural Autonomy, 332 De-Stalinization, 252
Cuma Niyaz Sultan Murat (Khivan jadid), Deutche Allemagne Zeitung, 250, 251
74 Deutsche Rundschau, 250
Cumhuriyet (newspaper), 261, 316, 320, Devletmand Bek (Basmachi leader), 73,
341, 343, 449, 513, 532, 589 74, 77, 136, 138
Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (also CHP and Dilavar Shah, (Basmachi Leader) 175
Republician People Party), 276, 513, Dinshe (Kazakh nationalist), 246
528, 531 D›fl Türkler (also Outside Turks), 215,
Czech legionnaries (also troops), 54, 55 285, 292, 299, 318, 319, 321, 403, 508,
Czech partisans, 501 528, 529, 530, 533, 536, 584, 585, 589,
Czech POWs, 93 596
Czechoslovakia, 406, 499, 556 Dittmann, 456
Czech-Pole Clubs, 220 Divan-› Lügat-üt-Türk, 589
Czestochowa POW camp, 434, 438, 441, Dmowski, Roman, 210
442 Dni (journal), 198, 388, 389
D Dobbs, Sir Henry, 158
Dachau, 502 Do¤u Türkistan Göçmenleri Derne¤i, 591
Da¤c›, Cengiz, 431, 469 Dolgun, Ekber, 619
Dagestan, 106, 107, 122, 261, 517 Dombrowski (major), 414
Dahana-i-Ghori, 367 Don Levin, 563
Dahdadi Fortress, 181 Donuk, Abdulkadir, 618, 619
Damascus, 605 Dorga, Salih, 334
Damla, Kasim, 558 Dosmuhammadov, Cihanshah, 50
Dar-ul Muallimin-i ‹ttihad, 99 Dosmuhammadov, Halil, 50
Darvaz, 182, 187 Dost Muhammad Khan, (Afghanistan),
Das 12 Uhrblat (newspaper), 250 141
Das Stat (newspaper), 250 Dostum, Rashid, 621, captures Kabul air-
Dashnaks, 217 port, 642, relations with interim gov-
Davlatshin (general), 37 ernment, 643; forms JMIA 644-649;
Davlatshin, Temurbek, 569 relations with Azad Bek, 653-655; col-
Davud Khan, 611, 634 lapse of Northern Alliance, 655-657;
Delhi, 72, 311, 381, 384, 386 658, regains control in northern
Delil Al Muhajirin, 386 Afghanistan, 659
Delil, Mecdeddin Ahmet, 254, as chair- Doumier, Paul (French politician), 220
man of TTGB, 274; as secretary of Dresden, 490, 493, 494
TMB, 280; 286, 287, 291, 299, 301, Dulat, Mir Yakup ( Kazakh poet), 55
302, 303, in Poland, 306; 323, 325, Duma, 29, 196
336, 337, in Eastern Turkestan, 339- Dungan forces, 340, 341
341; 344, 346, 349, 391, 402, 405, 406, Dungans, 313, 337
407, 417, 418, 419, death of, 523; 524, Dubic, 305
525, 584, Durrani tribe, 178, 180
746 Index

Dushanbe, 182, 480 Endijani, Mavlana Seyyid Kasim, 588, 599

Dutov, (Ataman of Cossacks), 42, 43, 45, Engels, Friedrich, 251
50, 52, 57 Enver Bek, 183
Düzgünefl, Orhan, 620 Enver Pasha, on Turkish delegation to
E Bukhara, 85; in Bukhara, 87, 95; joints
East European Countries, 555 Basmachi Movement, 88; 90, 95, sends
East Turkic Waffen Verband der SS, a group to Turkestan, 99; ‹ttihad va
491,499 Tarakki delegation from Turkestan
Eastern Bloc, 717, 718 and, 105; 106, 107, 108, 109, 114, 115,
Eastern Bukhara, 71, 73, 74, 76, 77, 124, 116, 117; in Moscow, 118; attends
125, 136-140; 145, 163, 172, 175, 182, Congress of People’s of the East in
201 Baku, 118, 119; as chairman of
Eastern front, 62, 122, 124, 430, 449, 454, Alliance of Revolutionary Muslim
482, 483, 503, 509, 510, 520, 527 Societies, 119; letter to Mustafa Kemal
Eastern Question, 426 Pasha, 119; 120, activities for going
Eastern regiments, 450 back to Anatolia, 121-123; activities in
Eastern representative of TMB, 306 Bukhara, 123,124, joins Basmachis,
Eastern section of Polish ministry of for- 125-127; in Basmachi Movement, 136-
eign affairs, 225 138, 159, relations with Amanullah
Eastern Turk Council, 498 Khan, 161-163; relations with ‹brahim
Eastern Turkestan, 52, 99, 107, 119, 136, Laqay and Amir of Bukhara, 166; 170,
140-144, 146, 149; 175, 176, 177, 189, martyrdom of, 163; 172, 182, 183, 189,
291, 293, 313, 334, 335-341, 345, 349, 201, 202, 276, 312, 356, 357, 508, 511,
353, 357, 362, 364, 371-379, 381, 400, 517, 526, 687
402, 403, 406, 407, 408, 413, 517, 544, Er, Celal, 586, 620
546, 547, 584, 586, 587, 588, 589, 591, Ercilasun, Ahmet Bican, 618
593, 599, 603, 608, 616, 625, 662 Erden, Ali Fuat, 449, 454, 509, 510, 511,
Eastern Turkestani émigrés, 591 537
Eastern Turkic Force, 490, 491, 492 Ergenekon (periodical), 513
Eastern Turks, 55, 284, 562, 586, 587 Erifl, Muzaffer, 530
Efdal Vensürel, 235, 241, 250, 254, 286, Erk Socialist Party, 57, 199, 205, 246, 265,
329, 588 266, 267, 268
Effendizade, Mehmet Emin, 100, 101, 102 Erkilet, Hüsnü, 449, 454, 509, 510, 511,
Egypt, 419, 570, 578, 587, 599, 605, 608 514, 528, 530
Eisenhower, Dwight, 501, 502, 551, 556, Erkin, M., 564
574, 627 Erkinkol, Salih, 286, 287, 291, 295, 303,
El Hajj Amin Husain, 494 327, 346, 347, 570, 588, 590, 591, 596,
Elam civilisitaion, 330, 331 597
Elbek, Yakup, 274, 348, 351, 378, 524, 588 Erkmen, Faris, 528, 529
Eliava, Shalva, 45 Ernecke, Hauptmann, 473, 474, 484, 489
El-Kefah, 605 Erzurum, 91, 122, 307, 310
Emel Mecmuas› (periodical), 224, 319, Esen Kaygin, 500, 522
415 Esendal, Memduh fievket (diplomat,
Emigrant Turks, (also émigré Turks) 258, author), 109, 126, 308,361, 370,371,
259, 262 374, 508, 531
Émigré periodicals, 341-345 Esenov, Rahim; 446
Eminönü Halkevi, 524, 527, 590 Esimbat Gayrati, 500
Emirate of Bukhara, 27, 47 142, 145, 165, Europe, 319
168 European communist parties, 396
Emircan, Fuat, 455 European powers, 156
Index 747

European socialism, 395 501, 505, 540, 555, 556

Evren, Kenan, 612, 614, 636 Fraser, Glenda, 183
F Free Azerbaijan Army, 354
Fahrettin Pasha (Altay), 342 French army, 421
Fahrettin Pasha, (Türkkan) 84, 116, 176, French Communist Party, 396
380 French forces in Çukurova, 347
Faryab, 633, 637 French government, 421
Fascism, 395 French Oriental Committee, 220
Fayzabad, 149, 314 Friendship societies (of Soviets), 577, 578
February Revolution (of Russia), 37, 59, Friendship Society of Ukraine, Caucasus
65, 69, 165, 560 and Turkestan, 220, 390, 391, 392,
Federalists, 32 394
Federation of Eurasia, 625 Frunze, Mikhail, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 70, 71,
Federation of Muslim Countries in the 80, 110, 116, 134, 155
South-East, 54 Fryser-Tytler, 353
Federation of Turkish Immigrants and Fuzail Maqsum (Basmachi Leader), 77,
Refugee Association, see Türk Göç- 136, 138, 174, 175, 182, 189, 311-313,
men ve Mülteci Dernekleri Federasyo- 377, 378
nu G
Ferghana Valley, 37, 45, 111, 113, 132, Gaida (Czech General), 55
134, 136, 145, 160, 227 Gailani, Sayyid Ahmad, 632, 636, 638
Ferghanachi, 369 Galay, Nikolay, 569
Fethali Bey, 452, 499, 500 Galievism, 62, 64
Fethulkadir Sulayman, see Abdulkadir Galip Kemali Bey, (Turkish Ambassador
‹nan in Moscow) 93, 105, 106
Fevzi Pasha (Çakmak) 112, 122, 419, 455, Galip Pasha, 84, 85
507, 511, 512 Ganja, 106
Fifth congress of the Communist Party of Garm, 182
Turkestan, 48 Gasp›ral›, Ismail, 24, 25, 526
F›nd›ko¤lu, Ziyaeddin Fahri, 531 Gauletier Meyer, 457
Finiks (book), 578 Gazi Muhammad Shamil Pasha, 259
Finland, 58, 259, 376 Gaziantep, 614
First International Turkestan Congress Geibel Commission, 435
(in Turkey), 622, 623, 717 Geneva Convention, 430
First Turkestan Muslim Congress, 38 George V, (King), 71, 164
First World War, 27, 28, 40, 55, 68, 90, 91, Georgia, 197, 218, 219, 258, 259, 260, 264,
97, 99, 107, 109, 201, 211, 225, 257, 400, 416, 426, 520, 559
231, 347, 408, 446, 447, 454, 469, 521, Georgian emigrants, (refugees) 212, 387,
710 390, 391, 400, 409, 410, 411, 583
Fitrat, Abdurrauf ( Bukharan jadid), Georgian government in exile, 212, 416
fights against Amir, 27; as ideological Georgian National Committee, 474, 498
leader of Young Bukharans, 68; writes Georgian National Movement, 214, 218,
Munazara, 69; as minister of educa- 223, 272, 285, 392, 568, 583
tion in Bukhara, 77; elimination of, Georgian POWs, 450
90; 460, 462 Georgian territorial claims, 401
Fourth Congress of Central Asian Mus- Gerede, Hüsrev, 361, 363, 447, 448, 507,
lims, 41, 672 519, 520
Fourth National Congress (of Turkestan), German army (forces, troops), 414, 421,
496 425, 426, 429, 437, 451, 455, 459, 460,
France, 32, 43, 55, 194, 390, 415, 482, 466, 470, 489, 491, 499, 505, 507, 516,
748 Index

547, 579 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 612, 613, 666

German Communist Party, 396 Governorate General of the Steppe, 37,
German embassy in Kabul, 545, 546, 547, 129, 144, 678
548 Governorate General of Turkestan, 37,
German Foreign Ministry, 451, 452, 453, 129, 142, 144, 196, 678
454, 455, 458, 459, 460, 464, 510, 512, GPU, 187, 188, 315, 316, 318, 355, 362,
517, 521, 522 578
German policy, on Poland, 211; on Grand National Assembly of Turkey
national legions, 446-450; on occu- (TBMM), 82, 83, 84, 85, 116, 121,
pied territories, 507; on Outside 322, 513, 514, 528, 529, 534, 538, 540,
Turks and Turkic POWs, 507-512; on 626
Turkey’s approach to occupied terri- Greate Game, 661
tories, 514-520 Greater Armenia, 388, 389
German POWs, 93 Greater Turkestan, 48, 99, 291, 413, 562,
German rule in Poland, 211 606, 608, 695
German war plans, 425, 490 Greece, 555
Germans, 459, 466, 470, 473, 476, 479, Greek Army, 122
480, 482, 492, 494, 498, 503, 506, 513, Greek Civil War, 555
514, 520, 527, 544, 546, 547, 548, 556, Grosskopf, George, 454
579 Guderian, Heinz, 425
German-Soviet Pact, 412, 556 Gulam Muhammad Pahlavan, 658
German-Soviet War; 468, 503, 509 Gulcal› Abdulaziz, 27
Germany, 91, 106, 113, 114, 118, 161, 192, Gülsün Han›m, 241
194, 210, 211, 224, 227-244, 245, 264, Günaltay, fiemseddin (Turkish politician),
329, 370 ,406, 409, 413, 414, 415, 416, 332, 333
417, 427, 428, 429, 457, 459, 460, 463, Güngören, Halil, 404
467, 482, 485, 490, 500, 503, 506, 510, Gurka, Olgierd, 225
512, 516, 518, 520, 521, 522, 528, 529, Gürün, Halil, 602, 603
530, 535, 536, 539, 543, 558, 569, 570, Güzel, Hasan Celal, 474, 620
571, 578, 581, 582, 585, 603, 604, 613, Gvazawa, Georges (Promethean), 220,
623, 629, 658, 662, 664, 717 221, 272, 273, 390, 391, 394, 401
Gestapo, 498 H
Ghazni, 114 Habibullah Khan, (Afghanistan) 115,
Ghilzai tribe, 184 153,154, 178, 181, 182, 184
Ghulam Abbas, 575 Hacettepe University, 581
Ghulam Alim, 492, 498, 499 Hafez Kari, 108
Ghulam Ayyubi, 460 Haji Abdulkarim, see Fuzail Maqsum
Ghulam Hasan, 187 Haji Esham, 688
Ghulam Haydar, 379, 380 Haji Mardan Kul, 105
Ghulam Muhammad (Governor), 367 Haji Parfi, 189
Ghulam Nabi (Afghan Ambassador), 178, Haji Parsi, 605
180, 181, 184, 365 Haji Sabir Endijani, 573
Giray, Said, 60 Haji Yoldafl (Turkestani volunteer in
Glasnost, 585, 613, 666 Turkish army), 347
Glutton, G. L., 519 Hajibeyli Ceyhun (Azeri Politician), 213,
Goebbels, Joseph, 476 567
Gökalp, Ziya (author), 242, 302 Hajizade, Mirza, 284
Gökbörü (periodical), 513, 527, 528 Hakim, Alibeg, 593
Gökyay, Orhan fiaik, 530 Hakl›er, ‹brahim, 99, 100
Gölen, Mehmet, 626 Haksever, Inayeti, 558
Index 749

Halder (General), 506 Heidelberg meeting, 264, 286

Halil Has Mehmet, 455 Heigendorff, Von, 484, 569
Halil Pasha (Kut), 95, 106, 107, 108, 117- Hekmetyar, Gulbuddin, 619, 632, 637,
123, 127 641, 642, 643, 645, 648, 649, 650, 652
Halilo¤lu, Murat, 587 Hempel, Stanislaw (Polish Ambassador in
Halim Sabit, 192 Iran), 308
Halk fiuralar› F›rkas›, 121, 123 Hentig, Werner Otto von, 454, 511, 523
Halka Do¤ru (periodical), 302 Herat, 141, 142, 149, 159, 173, 373, 641,
Hamdam Haji, 107 648
Hamid Khoja (jadid), 69 Herzfeld, Salomon, 42
Hamrahkul Bek (kurbashi), 189, 245, 265, Hetman Skoropatski, 494
290, 374 Hezb-e Islami (of Hekmetyar), 632, 634,
Hamza Abdullin, 444 637, 648, 652
Harakat-e Inqilab-e Islami, 632 Hezb-e Islami (of Khales), 632
Harbin, 226 Hezb-e Wahdat, 632, 644, 648, 649, 656
Harbiy Shura (Military Council), 60 Hilal Münfli, 456
Harutinyan, 435, 438 Hilal-i Ahmer, 92
Harvard University, 581 Hilfswillige, 451
Hasan Effendi (Turkish officer), 312 Himmler, Heinrich, 426, 456, 472, 488,
Hasan Qari, 247 490, 494, 495, 497, 498
Hasan Rufleni Bey, 100, 101, 102, 103, Hindukush Mountains, 160, 186, 366
104, Hiro, Dilip, 647
Hashim Saik (Bukharan Jadid), 78, 172, Hirohito (emperor), 412
174, 194, 368, 687, 688 Hisar, 71, 72, 73
Hashim Zari, 622 Hitler, Adolf (also Fuhrer), 410, 425-429,
Hatay, 614 446, 447, 449, 450, 457, 458, 460, 463,
Hatibo¤lu, fievket Reflit, 513 479, 497, 506, 510, 514, 515, 516, 544,
Hatisof, 389 565
Hauptmann (major), 474, 484, 489 Hittite civilization, 330, 331
Haydar fievki (Ottoman officer), 97, 100, Hizip group (of TMB), 286, 291, 304, 306
104, 105, 107, 521 Hocent, Bedri, 592
Hayit, Baymirza (author), 18, on POW Hochschle für politik, 463
camps in Germany, 433, 434; 445, on Hodarov, Elbert ‹smailovich, 567
Turkestani soldiers in German Army, Hojent, 144
477-479; 483, 486, 490, 497, on Holowko, Tadeusz (Polish diplomat) 214,
Ghulam Alim ›ssue, 499; at the end of 215, 226, 263
the war, 500-503; 558, visits Middle Holy Caliph, 102, 103
East countries, 570; 573, Soviet propa- Homeland Party of Afghanistan, 642
ganda against, 577; academic works Hostler, Charles Warren, 451
on Turkestan, 579-581; meets Aykarl›, Hotel Savantes, 392
604; activities in Arab countries, 605; Hukumat-i ‹lahiya, 375
609, 616, 618, 623,624, given Cholpan Hungary, 210, 555
Award 625, 626; as honorary president Hür Türkistan ‹çin (periodical), 598
of World Turkestanis Congress, 718 Huseyin Qari, 635
Hazara Forces, 181 Hüseyinzade, Ali, 191, 192
Hazara Parties, 640 Husni, Giyas Makhdum, 27
Hazarajat, 648, 658 Husseinoghlu, Najib, 70, 78
Hazaras, 632, 640, 641, 643, 649, 650, 652, I
654, 657, 659 ‹bragimov, Galimjan, (Tatar Communist),
Hazrat Sahib, 178 35, 59
750 Index

‹brahim Bek Laqay (Basmachi Leader), as India, 47, 49, 69, 71, 99, 109, 111, 113,
commander of Amir, 71, 73, 74; rela- 119, 157, 167, 168, 172, 176, 189, 194,
tions with Enver Pasha, 125, 161; in 200, 201, 290, 304, 330, 341, 368, 375,
Basmachi movement, 136-138; departs 377, 384, 546, 565, 579, 581, 587, 591,
from Turkestan, 140; 145, 166, 170, 598, 651, 697
175, 179, activities during Bachai Indian borders, 113
Saqqao’s rebellion, 181, 182; relations Indian Liberation Army, 157
with Sher Muhammad Bek, 183; war Indian Muslims, 110, 177
against Afghan government, 184-186; Indian Revolutionaries, 45, 109, 113, 158
leaves Afghanistan, 187, death of, 188; Indian Revolutionary Movement, 155, 157
365, 368, 548, 637 Indonesia, 572
‹brahim Bey (member of Teflkilat-› ‹nönü, ‹smet (Pasha), 84, 121, 210, 274,
Mahsusa), 100 348, 404, 419, 510, 511, 526, 533, 534,
‹çmekli, Ahmet, 524 538
Idel-Ural (also Volga-Ural), 30, 36, 59, 61, Inorodets, 712
219, 257, 258, 391, 459, 488, 518, 715 Institute for Study of the USSR, 569
Idel-Ural autonomy, 45, 59, 60 Institute of Turkology, 327, 328
Idel-Ural emigrants, 296, 408, 583 International Committee for Georgia, 212
Idel-Ural legion, 459 International Turkestan Committee, 623
Idel-Ural Liberation Committee, 459 International working group (for
Idel-Ural National Center, 60, 288, 319, Afghanistan), 659
527 Iran, 47, 117, 140, 145, 146, 149, 153, 157,
Idel-Ural National Committee, 498 173, 176, 190, 194, 200, 203, 304-306,
Idel-Ural National Movement, 64, 218, Soviet espionage activities in, 310;
219, 223, 254, 259, 263, 284, 289, 296, Bolshevik activities in, 353-356; policy
298, 318, 329, 392, 412, 417, 455, 459, on Turkestani refugees, 361-364; 380,
525, 568, 583 418, 445, 469, Iran-Soviet Border, 307,
Ideological cleansing, 244, 249 invasion by Britain and USSR, 505,
‹drisi, Alimjan, 27, 229, 231, 232, 255, 513, 517, 519, 546, 595, 604, Islamic
410, 454, 456, 511 rule in, 611, 612; 632, 642, 648, 649,
‹hsan Pasha, 91 650, 655, 658, 697, 711
IIWSA, see Ittehadiya Islami-ye Wilayat-e Iraq, 513, 517, 570
Shamal-e Afghanestan ‹rfan Maktabi, 97
‹kram, Hüseyin, 442, 486, 500, 558, 574, Irgash Kurbashi, 43, 132, 134, 136
626, 627 ‹sa Ruhi Pasha, 261
Ikramov, Akmal, 317 Isfandiyar Khan (Khan of Khiva), 65, 66
‹lkul, Ahmet Kemal (Habibzade), 99 Ishaki, Ayaz (Tatar politician), 64, 201,
Ilminsky, Nikolay, 230 207, 214, 218, 224, 226, 254, 259, 263,
Imam Khoja Halil, 247 283, 284, 298, 329, 387, 390, 392, 397,
‹mam Sahib, 367 412, 414, 415, 416, 419, 455, 459, 526,
Imam Shamil, 213, 259 528, 716
Imnadze, Konrad (Promethean), 217, 395 Ishan Bek, 253
Imnayidszi (georgian), 415 Ishan Khalifa, 370
Inamoghli, Rahim, 317 Ishan Sultan (Basmachi leader), 77, 138,
‹nan, Abdulkadir, (also Fethulkadir Sulay- 173, 182, 183
man) 173, 194, 203, 205, 207, 262, Ishan, Haybatullah, 601
265, 268, 278, 280, 283-285, 287, 288, Ishmurzin, Evhadi, 317
324, 326, 327, 530, 531, 693, 697, 698 Ishym Khan, 66,
‹nayetullah Khan, 178 Iskra (periodical), 29
‹nceday›, Cevat Kerim, 528 ‹slam ‹htilâl Cemiyetleri ‹ttihad›, 119,
Index 751

121, 687, 688 24, 25, in Turkic communities of

Islam Kurbashi, (Basmachi leader), 175 Russia, 25; in Khivan Khanate, 65, 66;
Islamabad, 635, 649 196, 201, 229, 356,
Islami, Muhammad Emin, 588, 608 Jadids, (also jadidists), against Qadimists
Islamic Council (of Turkestan), see Shu- 25; against Amir, 27; organizations of,
râ-y› ‹slâmiya 27; publications of, 27; 38, relations
Islamic Republic of Eastern Turkestan, with Union and Progress Party of
see fiarki Turkistan Íslam Cumhuriyeti Turkey, 39; 42, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 99;
Islamic State of Afghanistan, 643, 648, 649 relations with Enver Pasha, 123; purge
Islamic Union of Northern Provinces of of, 147; 227, send students abroad,
Afghanistan, see Ittehadiya Islami-ye 228; 247
Wilayat-e Shamal-e Afghanestan, Jalalabad, 640, 641, 642
Ismail Khan, 648 Jami’at-e Islami, 632, 633, 648
Ismailis, 648 Jamiyati Ulama-i Hind, 384
Istanbul University, 253, 262, 285, 328, Jampol, 479
332, 406, 419, 528, 581 Jangildin, Alibai, 51
Istanbul, 28, 68, 69, 92, 93, 99, 102, 105, Jani Türkistan, 485-487
106, occupation of, 110, 127, 174, 192, Janibek Kazi, 189
200, 201, 207, 218, 219, 226, 259, Januzakoghli, 203
Musavat meeting in, 260; 263, 265, Japan, 55, 224, 225, 334, 335, 336, 337,
274, 282, 288, TMB congress in, 290; 339, 357, 370, 412, 413, 539, 544, 549,
304, 306, 310, Soviet spies in, 314-316; 598, 655
319, 337, 339, 356, 380, 403, 406, 447, Japanese embassy in Kabul, 371, 376, 379,
449, 459, 520, 521, 523, 576, 588, 589, 544
590, 596, 598, 614, 617, 620, 622, 623, Japanese embassy in Paris, 224, 376, 378
627, Afghan conference in, 659; 662, Japanese government, 210, 335, 336, 376,
663, 717 377, 379, 402, 412
‹stiklal (periodical), 341, 345 Japan-Soviet non-agression pact, 544
‹stiklâl Mahkemeleri, 261 Japon Muhbiri (periodical), 412
‹fltirakiyun, 70 Je suis Partout (journal), 396
Italian Embassy in Kabul, 546 Jebhe-ye Nejat Milli Afghanistan, 632
Italy, 482, 501, 544, 556, 570 Jerusalem, 315
Ittehadiya Islami-ye Wilayat-e Shamal-e Jews, 427, 431, 432, 433, 470, 485, 503,
Afghanestan (IIWSA), 619, 621, 634, 553, 679
635, 637, 638, 639, 640, 653, 654 JMIA, see National Islamic Movement of
‹ttihad va Tarakkiparvar Jamiyati (of Afghanistan,
Turkestan), establishment of, 100; Jombesh-e Melli Islami-i Afghanistan, see
relation with Union and Progress National Islamic Movement of Afgha-
Party, 100; 101, 104, 105, 108 nistan
Ittihad-e Islam-i (of Afghanistan), 632 Jorabay, Mukim, 243
‹ttihad-› Islam (of Union and Progress), Jorabayev, 493
109, 632 Jordan, 570, 578, 581, 587
‹ttihat ve Terakki Partisi (Turkey), see Jordania, Noé, (Georgian politician), 212,
Union and Progress Party 213, 219, 224, 393, 411, 416
‹zmir, 338 Juma Khan (general), 658
Izvetsia, 170 Junaid Khan (also Muhammad Kurban
J Sardar), comes to power, 65; flees to
Jadid movement, 27, 38, 90, 99 Iran, 65; returns back Khiva, 66;
Jadid schools, 78, 98, 201, 233 retreats to desert, 66; attacks Khiva,
Jadidism, emerging of, 23; definition of, 75; in Basmachi movement, 136, 138;
752 Index

moves to Iran, 140; activities in behind the front, 480; activities at

Afghanistan, 182, 183; 189, 190 Western Front, 482; MTBK publica-
Juzjan, 633, 637 tions, 485, 486; allegations about, 488;
K fights opposition, 489; struggle against
Kabul University, 545 SS, 491-494; on Vlasov project, 494-
Kabul, 74, 113, 117, 158, 160, 162, 163, 496; at Vienna Congress, 496; as
164, ‹brahim Laqay delegation in, leader of Provisional National
166; Members of OAMA‹J‹ in, 172, Government of Turkestan, 497;
176, Bachai Saqqao rebellion in, 178, against Vlasov committee, 498; goes
180; 314, 366, 368, 370, 372, 373, 376, Marianbad, 499; captured by
379, 380, 402, 544, 548, 603, 612, 638, Americans, 501; visits Turkey, 520-524;
640, 641, 642, 643, 647, 648, 650, 652, at Nuremberg trials, 553, 554; rela-
687, 688 tions with Americans, 557, 558; 562,
Kadets (also Constitutional Democrats), against Kerensky Center, 563; against
29; 30, 33, 37, 197, 245 Türkeli Committee, 564, 565; sends
Kadir Bek, 502 memorandum to Bandung
Kadir Osman, 574 Conference, 572; visits Turkey and S.
Kadiri, Polat, 588 Arabia, 573; relations with Americans,
Kafirnihan River, 188 574; end of activities, 575; Soviet prop-
Kafkas Teali Cemiyeti (Society for Deve- aganda against, 576, 577; 581, TMB’s
lopment of Caucasus), 259, 260 allegations on, 582; 587, Tahir
Kafkasya (Journal), 565 Ça¤atay’s claims about, 594-596; 608,
Kafkasya Da¤l›lar› Halk Partisi, 213, 219 Kalmyks, 679
Kafkasya Daimi Konseyi (also Caucasian Kamal, Jamal, 623
Standing Council) 215, 216, 260 Kamchi Bek, 548
Kafkasya Hür Da¤l›lar› Halk Partisi, 213 Kamenev (Bolshevik Leader), 428
Kafkasya ‹stiklâl Komitesi (also Kafkas Kamenev (Russian General), 138, 163,
Komitesi, Caucasian Independence 428
Committee) 214-216, 218, 219, 260, Kanatbay, Kares, 488, 499, 500, 522, 554,
261, 273, 280, 288, 289, 292, 296, 305, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 567, 629
309, 319, 391 Kandahar, 114, 378, 380, 641
Kafkasya Komitesi (in Promethe), Kandilli Observatory, 304, 349
(Caucasus Committee), 273, 280, 288, Kanl› Sarob (play), 578
289, 292, 296, 309, 319, 387, 391, 393 Kantemir, Alihan, (North Caucasian
Kafl›, Kadircan, 526, 530 Politician) 214, 224, 260, 404, 435,
Kagan, 69 438, 439, 442, 444, 452, 455, 500, 565
Kaganovich, 49 Kara Kyrgyz Autonomous Oblast, 146
Kahhar, Tahir, 623 Kara, Abdulvahap, 51, 442, 469, 586, 712
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, 461 Karabay, Batu, 419
Kaiser Wilhelm, 469 Karachi, 381,599, 603
Kajum Khan,Veli (politician), 18, 255, Karada¤l›, Ahmet, 509, 535
329, 410, on Turkestani POWs, 434; as Karada¤l›, Nuriiman, 535, 536
member of prisoner commission, 435, Karakalpak Oblast, 146
437; on Chokayoglu’s death, 439-441; Karakhan, Lev, 113, 117, 122, 162, 321,
445, 449, 452, Adlon meeting, 455; 342
background of, 460-463; forms Karakul, 74, 311, 368
Turkestan National Comission, 466; Karakum Desert, 149
publishes Milli Türkistan Journal, 466- Kardeflbey, Adem, 539
468; 470, forms MTBK and runs Kari Kamil, 113
Turkestan Legion, 471-473; activities Karibekoghli, Temirbek (Temirbek Kan-
Index 753

beroghli), 235, 241, 252 Kerensky, Aleksandr, 32, 37, 40, 59,
Karim Zari, 636 198,388,389, 559, 561, 563, 566, 611
Karimov, Said, 575 Kerimi M. Said, 570
Karmal, Babrak, 634 Kerimi, Arif, 107, 335, 357
Kars, 91, 92, 555 Kerimi, Seyyid, 500
Karzai, Hamid, 660 Kerimov, Said; 446
Kasanl›, Abdurrahman, 469 Keskin, A., 564
Kashgar, 99, 149, 164, 176, 189, 338, 340, Kesserling, Albert, 425
341, 370, 383 KGB, 246, 247, 378, 445, 601, 604, 623
Kasimjan Tura, 375, 377 Khal Khoja (basmachi), 136
Kasimov, Sadullah, 253, 317, 318 Khal Muhammad, 160
Kasimovchilar (Kasimovists), 388 Khalili, Karim (general) 656, 659
Kataghan, 142, 149, 160, 162, 164, 182, Khaluddin (mujahaddin), 637
186, 187, 365, 366, 367 Khanabad, 113, 149, 160, 173, 176, 314,
Kaufman, Konstantin Petrovich, 68 367, 371, 548
Kaukasisch Mohammedanische Legion, Khanate of Bukhara (also Emirate of
450, 451 Bukhara), 28, 48, 49, 64, 65, becomes
Kavakl›han front, 347 Russian vassal, 66; as a cultural center
Kavkaz (periodical), 224, 408, 411, 414, of Islamic World, 68; Jadids activities
455, 565 in, 69; captured by Soviets, 70; 72, 75,
Kavkaz group, 411 99, 129, 136, 141, 160, 192, 678
Kavuncu, Orhan, 618, 620, 621 Khanate of Khiva, 28, 48, 49, 64, 65, 66,
Kaya, fiükrü, 404 67, 70, 99, 129, 136, 192, 678
Kaymak, Erol, 619 Khanate of Kokand, 64, 132, 136
Kaynar, Hekimcan, 597 Kharkov, 479
Kazakh (periodical), 27 Khayrullah Khan, 176
Kazakh Autonomy, 50 Khilafet-I Kübra, 102
Kazakh-Idel Ural committee, 489 Khiva Revolutionary Committee, 66, 74
Kazakh-Kyrgyz People, 192 Khiva, 65, 66, 74, 75, 111, 163, 687, 694
Kazakhs, 562 Khiyabani, Shaykh Muhammad, 354
Kazakhstan, 43, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57, 61, 122, Khoja Niyaz Haji, 334, 340, 341, 370
146, 192, 204, 229, 242, 480, 488, 694, Khojaev, Faizulla, as chairman of Young
695, 711 Bukharan Central Committee, 70; as
Kazan Soviet, 60 chairman of council of minister of
Kazan Turks, 91, 562 Bukhara, 76; against Osman
Kazan, 45, 60, 61, 62, 64, 91, 92, 229 Khojaoglu, 85; on Russian pressure
Kâz›m Karabekir Pasha, 122, 159 on Bukharan Republic, 87, 88; warns
Kaz›mo¤lu, Abbas, 404 Osman Khojaoglu not to come back,
Kaziyef, Enver, 539 88; in Germany, 234; 251, TMB on,
Kedia, Spiridion (Georgian politician), 265, 460
213, 411, 452, 455, 459, 498, 500 Khojaev, Sattar (Bukharan Jadid), 90
Keitel (general), 446 Khojaoglu, Osman (also Osman Khoja),
Kemalism, 342, 343, 344 call against Russia, 21; as founder of
Kentli, Hakk› (Turkish consul in Iran), Tarbiya-yi Etfal 27; relations with
359, 362, 363 Young Turks, 69; 70, as president of
Kerensky Coordination Center, 563, 565 People’s Republic of Bukhara, 76;
Kerensky government, establishment of, meets Lenin on aid to Turkey, 79, 80;
37; end of, 38; effects on Turkestan, sends delegation to Turkey, 83; starts
40; 69, 325 resistance to Russia, 86; condemned
Kerensky group, 559, 563 with treason, 86; leaves for
754 Index

Afghanistan, 86; Bukharan aid to Koçar, Abdulhamit, 549

Turkey, 78-81, relations with Enver Koçar, Ça¤atay, 630
Pasha, 123; in Afghanistan, 162; meets Koch, Hans, 430
Amanullah Khan, 170; 171, activities Kokand Autonomy (also Turkestan
in Afghanistan, 172, 174; goes Turkey, Autonomy) 36, declaration of, 41;
194; 195, 196, background of, 201; seeks support, 42; members of, 42;
259, 260, 262, at Istanbul Congress, end of, 43; 44, relation with Basmachi
265; becomes Chairman of TMB, 267, movement, 45, 132; 49, 50, 54, 70,
268; 269, 277, forced to leave chair- 103, 105, 140, 196, 197, 221, 281, 317,
manship, 278-280; becomes caretaker in Zeki Velidi’s book, 324; 325, 356,
chairman, 289; at 1929 TMB 496, 662, declaration of, 671, 672;
Congress, 290-292; forced to leave Kokand Constituent Assembly, 672
Yeni Türkistan, 299-302; meeting with Kokand Fort, 324
Polish authorities in Istanbul, 305; Kokand,, 132, 324
efforts on Eastern Turkestan issue, Köker, Mustafa, 621
335-337; 346, 350, in Afghanistan, Kokkiyas, Mehmet, 243
378, 379; on Promethe Journal, 399; Kolchak, Alexander, 45, 49, 50, 51, 54, 56,
conflicts in TMB, 402, 403; forced to 60, 64
leave Turkey, 404-406; elimination Kolesov, Fyodor, 41, 70
from TMB, 406-408; 413, in Baghdad, Kolkhoz, 147, 149, 182
417, 418; in Pakistan, 603; 688 Kömak (Journal), 234, 236, 237
Khojayev, Nizam, 49, 55 Kömak association (in Germany), 230,
Khojent, 315 234
Khrushchev, Nikita, 252 Kömak association (of Turkestan) 78
Khudayar Khan (Khan of Kokand), 635 Komuch, (Constituent Assembly
Khurasan, 315, 353, 355 Government), 55, 56
Khurshid (Newspaper), 27 Komünizmle Savafl (periodical), 593
Khwaja, Abdullah, 620, 627 Kondkaryan, 389
Khyber Pass, 180 Konoye, Fumimaro, 544
Kiev, 425, 470 KONR, see Committee for Liberation of
King Karl (of Sweden), 540 the Peoples of Russia
King Saud, 540, Konukman, Ercüment, 623
Kinklin, Wilhelm; 426 Köprülü, Fuad, 105, 192, 324, 334, 357,
K›rdar, Lütfi, 508, 509, 537 526
K›r›mal, Edige Mustafa, 226, 415, 455, Köprülü, Kemal (Ambassador), 549
459, 511, 512, 569 Kopuz (periodical), 513
K›r›mer, Cafer Seydahmet (Crimean Koshay, Zahra, 241, 255
nationalist), 214, 219, 225, 259, 260, Kofloy, K., 564
278, 350, 392, 397, 398, 405, 417, 455, Kosygin, Alexei, 596
508, 511, 530, 531, 716 Kovylniye Volni, 224
Kirkuk, 517 Kowalcyzk, Adam, 305
Kirrevkom, (also Kyrgyz Revolutionary Krakow, 394, 395
Committee), 51, 52, 53 Krasnov (general), 494
Kitada (Japan Diplomat), 377 Kress, von Kressenstein (General), 114
K›z›l Bayrak (journal), 228 Kreuz Zeitung, 250
Kizilayaq Khalifa, 548, 614 Krsanoyarsk, 94, 253
Knoll, Artur (ambassador), 214 Kuchuk Khan, 354
Koca, Zahir, 619 Kudeybergen, 568
Kocao¤lu, Timur (scholar), 404, 618, 619, Kugan Bek, 187
630 Kuibyshev, Valerian Vladimirovich, 46, 47,
Index 755

77, 155 464, 465, 473, 489, 490, 492

Kul Arifl (Basmachi) 307, 360 Lenin Medal, 604
Kulob, 72, 73, 74 Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, leader of Bolshevik
Kunduz, 141, 149, 366, 367, 548, 633, 637, Party, 29; on national self determina-
658 tion, 33, 34; manifesto of, 34; 36, on
Kupa, Osman, 404 Kazakhstan, 51; 57, tactics against
Kurat, Nimet Akdes, 531 national autonomies, 58; relations
Kurban, ‹klil, 618 with Zeki Velidi, 58; on Tatar-Bashkir
Kurbanali, Abdulhay, 412 Republic project, 61; on People’s
Kurbashi School in Khanabad, (also Republic of Khorezm, 75; on Turkish
Maktab-i Korbashiyan), 113, 160 POW in Russia, 94; on Enver Pasha,
Kurbashis Movement, 132 124; letter to Afghan Amir, 154, 155;
Kurdish Tribes in Iran, 311 199, 227, on German and European
Kuropatkin, Aleksei (Governor of socialist revolution, 228; 236, 355,
Turkestan), 37, 144 Leningrad, 425, 426
Kurshirmat, see Sher Muhammad Bek Liaison departmens for POWs, 452, 453
Kurtulufl (Journal), 79, 224, 261, 345, 408, Lias, Godfrey, 593
593 Liberal Republician Party of Turkey, 320,
Kuflçubafl›, Eflref Bey, 99 322
Kuflçubafl›, Haji Selim Sami, 85, 90, 91, Lithuania, 214
activities in Turkestan, 99; goes to Litvinov, Maxim, 322
Russia, 100; 107, 119, 123-126, 138, London, 49, 312, 337, 415, 506, 698
162, in Afghanistan, 170; 171, as Lord Curzon, 167, 661
leader of Basmachi Movement, 172, Loya Jirga, 180, 660
173; leaves for Syria 174; 175, 182, Lukasiewitz (Polish diplomat), 212, 226
183, 189, 356, 357 Lütfi, Ömer, (Turkish Communist), 94
Kustanay, 50 Lykoshin, Nil S, 39
Kyrgyz (Kazakh) Revolutionary Commit- M
tee, see Kirrevkom Madamin Bek (Basmachi leader), 134,
Kyrgyz immigrants, 145, 614 136
Kyrgyzstan, 146, 695, 711 Madumar Bek, (kurbashi), 175
L Maglakelidze, Shalva, 455
La Markaziya-yi Hukumat-i Turkistan, 547, Mahaz-e Islami, 632, 638
548, 549, 599 Mahkam Omari, 558
La revue de Promethe, 401, 402, 415 Mahmud Muhiti (general), 340, 402, 403,
La Tribune de Geneva, 315 406
Labor Party (of England), 312 Mahmud Sadikov, see Mahmud Aykarli
Laqay tribe, 74, 185 Mahmud Yusuf (Kurbashi), 370
Latin script, 147 Mahmudov, Mamadali, 625
Lausanne Peace Conference, 210 Mahmut Maksut Bek, 558
Le Journal de Genève, 168 Mahsus Tapfl›r›k (book), 378, 380, 604
Le Matin (newspaper), 250 Mahsut Tar›m, 588
League for defense of the rights of Mus- Maimana, 142, 149, 367, 368
lim Turks and Tatar of Russia, 192 Majidkhankizi (Musabay), Hayrunisa, 244,
League of Nations, 166, 168, 212, 266, 251
272, 315, 341, 342, 381, 392, 393, 395, Majnun Fakir, 375, 383
396, 397, 411, 412, 413, 663, 664 Makhdum, Abdulkadir, 27
Lebensraum, 426, 427, 506 Makhdum, Abdulkarim, 614, 634, 635,
Leeb, Ritter von (marshal), 425 636, 637
Leibbrandt, Georg, 409, 410, 426, 463, Makhdum, Ahmadjan, 27
756 Index

Makhdum, Mukhiddin, 85, 87 Melgunov, Sergei Petroviç, 566, 567

Makowski, Julian, 393 Mende, Gerhardt von, 409, 410, 421, 426,
Malaka, Tan, 62 430, 436, 438, 447, 450, 452, 453, 454,
Malik Ömeri, 558 461, 463, 464, 465, 483, 486, 488, 489,
Mamur Niyazi, 189, 265, 267, 357, 697 492, 495, 515, 581
Manatov, Sharif, (Baskhir Communist), Mendeshev (Kazakh Communist), 51
35, 60, 193 Menemencioglu, Numan, 455, 514, 515,
Manchuku, 336, 412, 544 519, 528
Manchuria, 100, 334, 335, 337, 376, 412, Mensheviks, 29, 30, 40, 41
544 Merted Abdullah Pasha, 259
Mannstein, Erich von, 477, 495 Merv, 141
Mao Tse-tung, 62, 555, 598 Meyrzon, 243
Marienbad, 500, 501 Middle East, 418, 505, 506, 555
Marmara University, 581 Migration, from Turkestan, 140
Marshal Plan, 556 Mikhail Halil (General), 261
Martin, Jean, 212 Millet (newspaper), 341
Martov, Julius, 29 Milli Adabiyat (periodical), 485
Marxism, 62 Milli Bayrak (periodical), 412
Mashhad, 149, 174, 189, 307, 315, 358, Milli F›rka (of Crimea), 214
363, 370, 697 Milli Türkistan (Journal), 466, 467, 472,
Masoud (vizier), 186 473, 482, 485,488,491, 493, 494, 521,
Massoud, Ahmad Shah, 641, 643, 648, 558, 562, 565, 572, 575, 581, 582,587,
649, 650, 656, 657, 659 596, 604, 605
Massoud, Khalili, 633 Milli Türkistan Birlik Komitasi (MTBK,
Mat Murat (Khivan Jadid), 65 National Turkestan Unity
Matbuat kanunu, 322 Committee), 445, 460, 463, 466, for-
Maulawi Mohammad Nabi Muhammadi, mation of, 471-473; 474, 476, 477,
632 479, activities on legion and publica-
Mavlana Ahmad Ali, 375 tions, 483-486; problems in, 488-490;
Mavlana Mansur, 375, 376 against SS, 491-494; on Vlasov project,
Mavlana Mufti Mahmud Ghayratullah, 495; congress in Vienna, 496, 497;
384 498, opposite group departs from;
Mavlana Omar Khan, 381 499; at the end of the war, 500-502;
Mavlavi Abdulhay, 162, 164 520, 521, 522, 553, 554, cooperation
Mavlavi Abdulkadir, 381 with British, 557, 558; against Russian
Mavlavi Abdulkuddus, 637 Committee, 560; relations with
Mavlavi Barakatullah, 111, 156 Türkeli Committee, 561-566; opens
Mavlavi Muhammad Ali, 110 up to eastern countries, 570-573; activ-
Mavlavi Seyid Kasim Damla, 573 ities in Germany, 573, 574; end of,
Mayer-Mader, Andreas, 451, 491, 492, 493 575, Soviet propaganda against, 576;
Mayor Heipel, 500 579, 581, conflicts with TMB, 582-585,
Mazar-e Sharif, 142, 149, 172, 173, 178, 593-596; 603, 604, 605, 629, 664, flag
314, 367, 368, 371, 548, 622, 641, 642, of, 721
643, 647, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 659 Milli Türkistan Maktabi, 605
Mecid Kadir, 247 Milliy ‹ttihad, (Of Turkestan) 107, 108
Mehdiyev, Mir Yakup (Promethean), 55, Milyukov, Pavel, 32, 198, 280, 282,389
221, 283, 390, 394, 397, 398, 416, 455 Mindan, Emin, 618, 619
Mehmed Nail Bey (Turkish Consul), 359 Minden, 558, 572
Mein Kampf, 410, 427 Ming (of Uzbek), 64
Melgunov group, 559, 563 Mir Adil, 38, 42, 105, 325
Index 757

Mir Ahmad, 105 Muhittin Bey, 85, 123, 127

Mir Beydi, 247 Mühlen, Patrick von zur, 665
Mir Haidar Badaliev, 168 Mujaddidi, Sebghatullah, 632, 640, 643
Mir Mukhsin, 54 Mujahaddin government, 642, 643
Mir Qas›m (general), 480 Mujahaddin groups, 621, 639, 641, 642,
Miranshah, 637 646
Mirjalalov, Nasir (Turkestani intellectual), Mukden, 412
230 Mukhiddin, Mirza Abdulqadir (Young
Mirza Muhammad Taki Bek, 169 Bukharan), 70, 76
Mirzatafl,Vasi, 286, 287 Mukhtariyat Maktabi, 97
Mocan, fievket, 538, 540 Mukim Jorabay, 243
Model batallions (also Numune K›talar›), Mulla Khatam Kurbashi, 137, 176
113, 178 Mullah Jora, 187
Moeller, Oberst, 474 Mullah Khaldar, 187
Molla Rahmatullah, 688 Mumcu, U¤ur, 529
Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, 506, Munawwar Qari (jadid leader), on usul-i
538 jadid 25; 26, as proprietor of
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 417 Khurshid, 27; as leader of Shurâ-y›
Mondros armistice, 107 ‹slâmiya, 38; works in Bukhara, 77; 96,
Mongolia, 388, 413 98, as founder of ‹ttihad va
Mongols, 337, 427, 428, 503 Tarakkiparvar Jamiyati, 100; memoirs
Monteath, David, (British diplomat), 72 on ‹ttihad va Tarakki of Turkestan,
Moscow, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 56, 57, 59, 105, 108, 109; joins Bolshevik Party,
62, 66, 70, 72, 73, 75, 88, 98, 100, 104, 108; 128, 129, 203, 230, arrest of, 246,
105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 115, 118, 121, 247; 253, 348, 356, 479
125, 158, 257, 259, 269, 293, 377, 425, Munazara (book), 69
426, 460, 555, 578, 638, 710 Munich, 568, 572, 581,595, 630
Mostsitski, Ignati, 216, 395 Murad Beki Fort, 164
Mosul, 517, 518 Murad Khoja Damolla, 247
Motherland Party (of Turkey), 626 Muradi, Abdulwahhab (Turkestani natio-
Motta, Giuseppe (foreign Minister of nalist), 203, 205, 206, 229, 235, 241,
Switzerland), 212 245-248, 252, 253, 263, 693, 697
Movement for Liberation of Turkestan, Muradkhan, Mehmed, 570
572 Mürsel Baku Pasha, 512
MTBK, see Milli Türkistan Birlik Komitasi Musabay, ‹lhan, 235, 588
Mubarak Khoja Kasani, 573 Musahiban family, 180
Muhajirlar Madrasasi, 384 Musavat Party (of Azerbaijan), 223, 259,
Muhammad Akbar Khan, 164 260, 277, 296, 390, 411, 455, 508
Muhammad Ali, 570 Musavatists (Musavatchilar), 213, 277,
Muhammad Aslam Khan (Afghan envoy 319, 323, 345
to Bukhara), 71 Musburo (Turkestan), 46, 48, 49,
Muhammad ‹brahim Davanbeki, 73 Muskom (Muslim Commissariat), 35, 59,
Muhammad Kas›m Haji, 341 60, 62
Muhammad Kurban Sardar, see Junaid Muslim POWs, 231
Khan Muslim solidarity, 109
Muhammad Saidbek Parvanatchi, 71, 73, Muslim troops under the Polish army, 211
166 Muslim World, 110, 115
Muhammad Zahir Shah, 365, 641 Muslims of Russia, 29, 30, 35, 59
Muhammadzai tribe, 180 Muslim-Turkic communities in Russia, 35
Muhibbayoghli, Abdurrahman, 235, 252 Mustafa Ali (representative of East
758 Index

Turkestan), 383 National Anthem of Turkestan Legion,

Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Atatürk), on 474, 476
Turco-Afghan Treaty, 82; sends envoys National Assembly (Idel-Ural), formation
to Turkestan, 82; receives Bukharan of, 59; dismissal of, 60; escapes to
delegation, 83; on relations with Omsk, 60;
People’s Republic of Bukhara, 83, 84; National Center (of Turkestan), see Milliy
on helping Afghanistan, 111, 112; Markaz
organizes military group for National Center of Azerbaijan, see Azer-
Afghanistan, 112; letter to Amanullah baycan Milli Merkezi
Khan, 112; 115, relation with Cemal National Democratic Party (of Poland),
Pasha, 116; 117, 118, relations with 210
Enver Pasha, 119-123; relations with National flag of Turkestan, 129, 205, 269,
Amanullah Khan, 158, 177; 274-276, 290, 407, 408, 474, 535, 697
285, 299, 300, 301, policy on Outside National Government of Azerbaijan, 106
Turks, 320, 321; on Turkish history, National Governments in Soviet
330-334; on international relations, Territories, 23
342; criticism in Soviet press, 343; 404, National Islamic Movement of Afghanis-
419, 517, 597, tan (Jombesh-e Melli Islami Afghanis-
Mustafa Suphi (Turkish communist), 45, tan, JMIA) 622, 644, 645, 646, 647,
93, 94, 114 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659
Mutahhar, Tahir, 634, 635, 636 National Turkistan Unity Committee, see
Mutlu, ‹brahim, 587, 588 Milli Türkistan Birlik Komitasi
N Nationalities ›ssue, 33
Na Rubezhe (journal), 197, 221 Nations under Russian Captivity (domina-
Nabi Jan, 636 tion), 211, 220, 221, 260, 262, 276,
Naciye Sultan, 123, 125 397, 562, 568, 569, 715, 716
Nadi, Nadir, 513 Natsir, Muhammad, 572
Nadir Khan (of Afghanistan), (also Nadir Nawaz Sharif, 649
Shah) 160, 162, 163, 170, 180, 184, Nazar, Ruzi, 500, 572
185, 186, 188, 365-368 Nazi Government (German
Nail Bey, 119 Government), 408, 467, 472, 473, 489,
Naim Makhdum Turkestani, 573 496, 500, 543, 545, 664, 665
Najibullah, Mohammad, 638, 640, 641, Nazi Party (NSDAP), 408, 409, 410, 416,
642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 652, 653 429, 453, 463, 490, 553
Najibullah’s Government, 640 Nazilli, 469, 589
Nakashidze, Georgiu (Promethean), 217 Nazir Safar, 575, 578
Nakshibendi, 68 Naz›ri Bey (Bukharan Delegate to
Nalivkin, 37 Ankara), 83, 84
Namitok, A., (Caucasian) 260 Nazirkul, ‹shakjan, 626, 627
Naqileen, 366 Nazis, 395, 396, 425, 426, 427, 523
Narbetjan Tura, 384 Nazism, 411, 426, 427
Nargin Island, 91, 103, 469 Nazi-Soviet Pact, 414
Narimanov, Nariman, 163 Necati, A., 176
Narkomnats (Comissariat of NEP, 138
Nationalities), 35, 60, 63 Nesim Bey, 105, 356
Nasir Makhdum (Hekimzade), 86, 87, Neflri Maarif Cemiyeti (Printing and
278, 279, 280, 286, 287, 291, 301, 302 Education Society), 259
Nasirkhan Tura, 42 New Jersey, 627
Nasrullahoghli, Amanullah, 244, 249 New York, 627, 659
Nasuhio¤lu, Rükneddin, 539 Nicholas II (tsar), 29
Index 759

Nidas, Necmettin, 176 Nusret Bey, 118

Niedermayer, Oscar von, 430, 469 O
Nihal Ats›z, 324, 327, 328, 329, 527, 528, OAMA‹J‹, see Alliance of National Peop-
530, 531, 536 les Revolutionary Societies of Central
Nikuradze, Aleksandr, 410 Asia
Niflan-› Osmani, 338 Oberländer, Theodor, 451
NKVD, 178 Odessa, 91, 105
Nogent, 293, 465 Odlu Yurt (periodical), 224, 290, 297,
Nomadic Uzbek groups, 145 298, 299, 318, 320-323
Non-Russian émigré groups, 563, 566 OGPU, 311
Non-Russian nationalities, 32, 34, 35, 36, Okay, Ahmetcan, 205, 206, 234, 235, 236,
38, 427, 429, 430, 453, 459, 494, 498, 241, 249, 253, 286, 346, 350, 402, 419,
499, 560, 561, 566 461, 521, 524, 525, 588, 589, 697
Non-Russian POWs, 430 Okay, Majitcan 253
North Caucasian émigrés, 224, 390, 411 Oktay (‹shako¤lu), Abdulvahap, 206, 235,
North Caucasian National Committee, 241, 253, 254, 255, 292, 293, 296, 327-
498 329, 370, 372, 377, 379, 407, 417, 418,
North Caucasian National Movement, 419, 444, 462, 463, 503, 521, 522, 585,
214, 218, 223, 392, 403, 568, 583 587, 588, 602, 603, 604
North Caucasus Federation, 224 Oktay (Sherahmadkizi), Saida; 18, 231,
North Caucasus Legion 232, 239, 243, 253, 254, 329, 419, 597
(Nortdkaukasische Legion), 451 Öktem, Ahmet Naim, 69, on Bukharan
Northern Afghanistan (also Afghan aid to Turkey, 78, 79; memoirs on
Turkestan and Bend-i Turkistan)), Turkish delegation to Bukhara, 85;
141, 142, 148, administrative division 227, 233, 235, 241, 242, 243, 245, 253,
of, 149; 159, state of emergency in, 254, 262, 265, 268, 270, 273, 281, 282,
163; 172, Basmachi hubs in, 175; 178, 286, 295, 587, 588, 596
181, 183, Turks of, 184; Basmachi Okuyan, Numan, 629
uprising in, 185, 186; 353, Afghan OKW, 448, 449, 477, 485, 489, 493
policies towards, 364-367; 543, 545, Okyar, Fethi, 302, 320
546, 548, 549, 588, 619, 631, 632, 633, Olzscha, Reiner, 490, 491, 492, 493
634, 638, 644, 646, 647, 648, 652, 655, Omarkhanof, Velijan, 246
Taliban captures, 657-659, 662 Operation Barbarossa, 425, 426, 434, 436,
Northern Alliance (of Afghanistan), 647, 453, 463, 479, 494, 506, 510, 543, 544,
648, 653, 655, 658, 659 547
Northern Caucasus, 218, 224, 229, 257, Operation Hansa, 547, 548
258, 259, 260, 520, 559, 715 Oraltay, Hasan, 593
Nouriddin Talkani, 634 Oraz Sardar, 38
Novoye Ruskoye Slovo, 566 Orazbayo¤lu, Mustafa, 27
NTS (Natsionalny Trudovoy) group, 563 Ordzhonikidze, Grigory, 88
Nur Muhammad Bek, 136, 172, 176, 183, Orenburg, 50, 53, 54, 57, 61, 92, 104, 693
188, 369, 375 Orgakov Nikolai (marshal), 612
Nuremberg Trials, 500, 553, 557, 576 Orhon, Orhan Seyfi, 527, 528
Nuremberg, 501, 502 Orhun (periodical), 513, 530
Nuri Pasha (Killigil), 106, 107, 109, 122, Orient et Occident (Newspaper), 197
127, 172, 202, 260, 276, 448, 449, 454, Oriental Institute (in Warsaw), 215, 225,
455, 456, 508, 511, 517, 521, 522, 526, 226, 284, 314, 394, 415, 463
688 Orkun, Hüseyin Nam›k, 530
Nuristanis, 648 Orta Asya Milliy Avami ‹htilâl Jamiyatlari
Nurullah Khan, 161 ‹ttifak›, see Alliance of National Peop-
760 Index

les Revolutionary Societies of Central Pakistan Intelligence Service (ISI), 636,

Asia 652, 656
Ortaç, Yusuf Ziya, 528 Pakistan, 565, 570, 578, 581, 587, 591,
Ortay, Selim Veli, 226 595, 598, 599, 601, 604, 605, 614, 619,
Osama bin Laden, 659 623, 632, 633, 634, 636, 637, 638, 640,
Osman Akhund (also Salar-i Jang), 355 641, 642, 649, 650, 651, 652, 654, 658
Osman Bek (Kurbashi), 183 Pamir Mountains, 72, 99, 113, 142, 159,
Osman Bey (Ottoman Officer), 100, 105, 548
305 Pan-i Daryayi, 369
Osman Tokumbet, 192 Pan-Islamism, 53, 204, 269, 695
Osmanov, Shamil, (Tatar nationalist), 62 Panjshir walley, 659
Ostarbeiter, 503, 520 Pan-Turanian movements, 448, 449
Ostministerium, 426, 429, 434, 435, 436, Pan-Turanism, 388, 389, 448, 490, 494,
438, 441, 446, 450, 452, 453, 458, 460, 509, 519
465, 471, 483, 485, 488, 489, 490, 492, Pan-Turanist activities, 449, 526, 527
497 Pan-Turanists, 527
Otar, ‹brahim (Crimaen nationalist), 226 Pan-Turkism, 53, 204, 266, 269, 300, 342,
Ottoman army, 97, 106, 107, 108, 447 388, 389, 397, 474, 521, 528, 529, 530,
Ottoman Caliphate, 102, 103, 338, 638, 695
Ottoman dynasty (monarch), 110, 338 Pan-Türkist activities, 529
Ottoman empire (also Ottoman state), Papen, Franz von, 417, 449, 455, 456, 473,
24, 25, 28, 78, 90, 92, 99, 102, 103, 506, 508, 510, 511, 512, 514, 515, 516,
104, 106, 107, 108, 115, 118, 210, 257, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522
274, 321, 330, 337 Paris Bloc, 568, 581, 585
Ottoman officers, in Russia, 91; in Paris Peace Conference, 64
Turkestan, 95, 96; work in Turkestan’s Paris, 49, 64, 174, 216, 219, 226, 283, 310,
schools 97-99; forced to leave 314, 329, 337, 380, 388, 391, 415, 416,
Turkestan, 97, 98; sent by Union and 421, 431, 435, 436, 459, 463, 464, 466,
Progress to Turkestan, 102-104; 106, 468, 662, 663, 688, 698
107, 108, 109, organized by Cemal Parvanatchi, Abdul Hafez, 71, 73
Pasha, 110, 111; 113, 125, in Pashtun forces, 643
Afghanistan, 158-160; 201 Pashtun groups, 650
Ottoman POWs, 45, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, Pashtun nationalism, 650
97 Pashtun parties, 636, 638, 648, 649, 652
Otu, Bahad›r, 591 Pashtun solidarity, 184
Outside Turks, see D›fl Türkler Pashtun tribes, 109, 141, 154, 157, 158,
Özal, Turgut, 620, 622, 623 168, 178, 180, 185, 186, 366
Özbek, Timur, 588 Pashtunization, 141, 142, 366, 367
Özbekler Tekkesi, at Üsküdar, 274, at Pashtuns, 619, 643, 649
Eyüp, 275 at Sultanahmet, 275 Pazarc›, Emin, 621
Özbilen, Eflref Bengi, 618 Pelczyski (Polish Colonel), 308
Özbulak, Zahit, 286, 287, 291, 303 Pele, Stanislav, 413
Özgen, Haji Parpi, 599 People’s Commissariat of Nationalities,
Özgen, Harun, 630 see Narkomnats
Özsoy, Halil, 623 People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan,
Özulu, fievket, 619 641
P People’s Republic of Bukhara, 21, 23, first
Pahlavan Niyaz Haji Yusuf, 65, 74, 75 peoples congress in, 76; declaration
Pahta, Ahmet, 251, 524 of, 71, 76; treaty with Soviet
Pakhta, ‹brahim, 635 Government, 76; struggles against
Preface 761

Sovietization in, 77, 78; Ottoman Polish Ministerial Council, 211

Military Officers in, 77; sends students Polish National Committee, 210, 211
to Germany and Turkey, 77; foreign Polish POWs, 93
relations of, 78; supports Turkey, 78- Polish State Council, 211
82; sends delegation to Turkey, 83-84; Polish territories, 209, 210
relations with Basmachis and Enver Political Department of Istanbul Police,
Pasha 85, 86; Dushanbe events in, 86; 289, 292
disputes on Osman Khojaoglu in; 86, Popular Movement of Azerbaijan, 619
87; Zeki Velidi in, 87, 88; Sovietization Popular Party of the Free Highlanders of
in, 88, renamed as Socialist Republic, Caucasus, see Kafkasya Hür Da¤l›lar›
90; abolition of 90, 146; 95, and Enver Halk Partisi
Pasha, 123; 170, 172, 194, 201, 202, Popular Party of the Highlanders of Ca-
227, relations with Germany, 228; 229, ucasus, see Kafkasya Da¤l›lar› Halk
231, 232, 233, 238, 242, 244, 249, 259, Partisi
279, 356, 357, 368, 410, 462, 463, 511, Poslednie Novosti, (Journal) 198, 280, 389
662, flags of, 720 POW camps in German occupied territo-
People’s Republic of Khorezm, 23, decla- ries, 430, 432, 435, 436, 448, 465, 469
ration of, 66, 74; 71, Cooperation POW camps in Russia, 91, 92
Treaty with Soviets, 75; second POW Joint Commission, 436, 437, 438,
Peoples Congress in, 75; revolt against 448, 452, 466
Soviets in, 75; Fifth Peoples Congress POWs from Idel-Ural, 469
in, 75; abolition of, 75, 95, 146; 110, Prague, 226, 501, 579, 630
111, 229, 242, 356, 662 Pravda Vostoka, 269, 576
Perestroika, 585, 613, 666 Pravda, 528, 529
Peshawar, 169, 176, 340, 381, 384, 386, Prince Bagration, 455
603, 619, 621, 632, 634, 635, 640, 643 Prince Chicibu, 412
Peters, Yakob, 49, 107 Prince Omar (Said Alim’son), 369
Petersburg Treaty, 354 Progressive Jadidist Party, see Tarakkipar-
Petliura, Simon (Ukranian Leader), 213 var Jadidchilar F›rkas›
Peyami Safa, 528, 530, 531 Progressive Jadids, 127, 129
Pilger, Hans, 543, 544, 545, 546, 548, 549 Proletarian Nations, 124, 125
Pilsudski Fund, 226, 269, 270, 271 Promethe Central Committee, 218
Pilsudski, Joseph, 210-213, 216, 219, 221, Promethe clubs, 219, 220
225, 226, 392, 394, 395, 401, 414, 556 Promethe journal, 168, 215, publication
P›nar, ‹smail, 629 of, 220; board of, 221; 222, TMB joins
Pishpek, 144 to, 223; 224, 268, 270, problems with
Plekhanov, 29 TMB, 272, 273; 281, 283, 300, 329,
Poland, 30, 92, 163, 209, 211, 212, 214, pan-Turanism debates in, 388-390;
216, 219, 336, 339, 376, 387, 395, 401, problems in the management of, 391-
404, 414, 415, 416, 417, 471, 555, 664 393; on Pilsudski’s death, 394; revi-
Polatjan, 40 sion in, 399-402, 455
Polish army, 211, 468 Promethe movement, (front, organiza-
Polish embassy in Istanbul, 305 tion, league), 209, 210, inception of,
Polish embassy in Tehran, 307 214-217; structure of, 217-220; publi-
Polish Foreign Ministry, 212, 307, 309, cation of, 221, 223, 224; relations with
339, 413 Poland, 225, 226; 263, TMB accession
Polish government in exile, 415, 416 to, 270, 272; 280, 281, resists Zeki
Polish government, 219, 226, 283, 306, Velidi, 283, 284; 289, 293, 298, 300,
309, 319, 414, 415, 417 304, 305, 308, 309, 336, 339, 378,
Polish independence, 211 Armenian issue in, 387, 390; 391,
762 Turkestan Struggle Abroad

against Soviet accession to league of Republic of Northern Caucasia, 106

nations, 392, 393; 394, 395, 396, Republic of Transbulak, 60
Turkic Front in, 397-399; on Georgian Republician People Party (of Turkey), see
claims, 401, 402, 410, relations with Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi
Germany and Japan, 411-414; end of, Republics of Caucasus, 258, 260
414-417; 418, 452, 455, 456, 466, 556, Reflit Galip (Turkish politician), 328, 331,
557, 568, 581, 663, 664, 332
Promethe project, 212, 216 Resulzade, Mehmet Emin (Azeri
Promethe representative in Istanbul, 270 Politician) 213, 214, 217, 220, 224,
Prometheus, (mythology) 209, 223 225, 226, 259, 260, 261, 263, 273, 278,
Provisional coalition government of 282, 283, 285, 289, 290, 296, 297, 298,
Afghanistan, 640 300, 319, 320, 389, 390, 393, 397, 398,
Provisional government in Ferghana, 172 403, 405, 414, 415, 416, 442, 455, 457,
Provisional government of Turkestan, 136 458, 459, 508, 528, 563, 716
Provisional State Council (of Poland), 211 Revolutionary Committee (of Turkestan),
Prussia, 209 40, 134
Q Revolutionary Committee of Bashkiria, 57
Qadimists, 25, 38 Revolutionary Party of Afghanistan, 155
Qajar Dynasty, 355 Ribbentrop, Joachim Von, 447, 448, 488,
Qal’ai Khumb, 182 505, 507, 508, 510, 517, 518, 519
Qala-i Fatu, 165 Riga Agreement, 213
Qarategin, 72 R›za Nur, 82, 85, 207, 259, 262, 419, 527
Queen Victoria, 339 Riza Shah (also Riza Khan), 177, 355, 612
Qumul Rebellion, 334 Riza Shah Pahlawi, 612
R ROA, see Russian Liberation Army
Rabatl›, Alim, 470 Roman civilization, 330
Rabbani, Burhanuddin, 619, 632, 633, Romania, 214, 224, 415, 416, 555, 556
634, 635, 640, 643, 644, 648, 649, 654, Rosenberg, Alfred, 409, 410, 426, 428,
655, 657, 658 429, 434, 448, 450, 452, 453, 454, 456,
Radek, Karl, 118, 156 457, 458, 460, 483, 488, 490, 497
Radio Liberty, 569, 572, 618, 629, 630 Rosenberg’s race classification, 428
Radio Moscow, 575, 576 Roskalnikov (Soviet Ambassador), 168,
Radio Tashkent, 575, 576 310
Rafi, Abdulvahid, 27 Rothstein (Russian ambassador), 355
Rahim Burhanzade, 500 Roy, Manabendra Nath (Indian
Rahimbayev, 49 Communist), 62, 156
Rahmankul Khan, 614 Roy, Olivier, 182, 638
Rahmankul Kurbashi, 107 Rudenko, Roman Andreevich, 553
Rajab Kuli (Basmachi), 183 Rudzutak, Yan, 46
Rajap Bey (Bukharan Delegate to Rundstedt, Gerd von (marshal), 425
Turkey), 83 Russia Committee, 454, 456, 460, 512
Rashid Ali, 505 Russia, 33, 34, 35, 37, 40, 55, 58, 68, 70,
Rauf Beg (general), 655 72, 91, 92, 93, 109, 110, 114, 129, 187,
Ravflan Bek, 497 209, 210, 211, 212, 257, 266, 334, 337,
Rawalpindi, 637, 640 390, 404, 427, 428, 429, 501, 503, 535,
Razzak Baki, 502 539, 672, 678, 694, 711
Reich commissariats, 429, 457 Russian chauvinism, 36, 38, 197, 199, 240
Reichstag, 427 Russian Civil War, 61, 74
Remzi Pasha, 92 Russian Communist Party, 45, 46, 49, 50,
Republic of Gilan, 354, 355 53, 57, 61, 62, 64
Preface 763

Russian consulate in Kashgar, 378 Sada-y› Muhajirin (periodical), 386

Russian Cossacks, 42, 45, 50, 55, 498 Sada-yi Turkistan (periodical), 27, 31
Russian culture, 461 Sadikoglu,Alijan, 315, 316, 362
Russian diaspora, in Europe 32 Sadriddin Ayni, 27, 129, 130
Russian emigrants (refugees), 216, 238, Sadriddin el-Vekili, 608
240, 266, 409, 411, 560, 562 Sadriddin Khan (Mufti), as member of
Russian empire, 29, 30, 32, 37, 56, 59, 66, National Center, 38, memoirs on ‹tti-
72, 91, 92, 99, 108, 153, 199, 560, 566 had va Tarakki Party of Turkestan,
Russian Federation, 651 105; 107, 108, leaves for Afghanistan,
Russian imperialism (also Soviet 173; 174, 189; in Europe, 194; as
Imperialism), 217, 395, 495, 496, 536, member of Central Committee
560, 563, 566, 583, 595 abroad, 205; 306, 307, 308, 316, activi-
Russian Liberation Army, 494, 495, 496, ties in Iran, 356-364; activities in
497 Afghanistan, 370-374; exile in
Russian monarchists, 240 Kandahar, 378, 380; 604, 697
Russian political parties, 29, 30 Sadullah Khoja,(Jadid), 77
Russian POW’s, 449, 494 Safarov, Georgi, 49, 156
Russian secret service, 118 Safavids, 64, 141
Russian settlers in Turkestan, 38, 144 Saharov (White Russian), 169
Russian social democrats, 37, 197 fiahingöz, Mehmet, 620
Russian socialist parties, 206 Sahruni, Grigori, 567
Russian Turkestan, 192 fiahzamanl›, Naki, 297
Russland Institute, 409 Said Ali Khoja (later, Ankara), 230, 234,
Russo-Japanese war, 29, 334, 335,412 235, 236, 241, 253, 254, 329, 460, 588
Russo-Polish Agreement, 211 Said Alim Khan (also Amir of Bukhara,
Russo-Polish Hostility, 211 ex-Amir of Bukhara), relations with
Rustem Kari, 479 Kokand Autonomy, 42; relations with
Rüstembeyli, fiefi, 297 Alash Orda and Bashkiria, 54; back-
Rusya Esiri Türk ‹lleri Cephe Birli¤i ground of, 68; against Bukharan
(United Front of Turkic Countries Jadids, 69; 70, defeated by Soviets, 71;
under Russian Domination), 397-400, asks support from King George V, 71;
715, 716 leaves for Afghanistan, 72, 158; 73, 74,
Rusya Mahkûmu ‹stiklâlci Türk Cephesi, 125, 136, 159, asylum request of, 161;
583, 584 activities in Afghanistan, 164-170;
Ruz Muhammad Bek, 136, 176 gives Memorandum to League of
Ryskulov, Turar, as member of Nations, 167, 168; Statement of, 169;
Turkkomissia, 46; 47, proposes cre- 172, on Bachai Saqqao’s rebellion,
ation of Turkic Republic, 48; removed 180, 182; relations with Laqay ‹brahim
from Turkestan Communist Party, 49; Bek, 185; 201, TMB resolutions on,
on Alash Orda Movement, 53; 58, 266; 269, memorandum to League of
124, 125, on student project, 231; in Nation, 272, 273; accused as Russian
Germany, 239, 240; 251 monarchist by TMB, 290; Agabekov’s
S memoirs on, 311-313; 368, 380, 381,
Sabahattin Ali, 530 547, 603, 662, 663
Sabir ‹brahim, see Sabir Türkistanl› Said Muzaffar Khan (Khan of Bukhara),
Sabis, Ali ‹hsan, 509, 510, 514, 528, 531, 68
536 Sait Ahrari, 97
Sabit Damolla, 341 Sait Karimi, 497
Sabri, Hüsamettin, 619 Sakartvelo (periodical), 224
Sada-yi Ferghana (periodical), 27 Sakhalin Island, 412
764 Turkestan Struggle Abroad

fiakibayev, Cerik, 446 Schaetzel, Tadeusz (military attaché of

fiakman, Tausultan (North Caucasian Poland), 210, 212, 214, 226
nationalist), 219, 226 Schulenburg, Graf Von, 454, 455, 457,
Salakaja, Mdivani (Promethean), 214, 217 458, 466, 473, 489, 512
Salih Hamit, (Turkestani student), 243 SD (Sicherheitsdients), 426, 434, 446,
Salih ‹smail, see Salih Erkinkol 450, 489
Salih Muhammad, 235, 241, 244, 249, 251 Second Bureau (of Polish Foreign
Salihabad, 354 Ministry), 212, 308, 309
Salihli Turkestanis Culture and Aid Asso- Second Congress of Comintern, 156
ciation, 593 Second Congress of Communist
Salihli, 593 Organizations of the East, 61
Salihof, Ahmet, 193 Second Congress of Communist Party of
Salihovich, Muhammad, 247 Turkestan, 46
Salikhov, Miyan Buzurg, 96, 98, 172, 205, Second Congress of Muslims of Turkes-
262, 688, 697 tan, 39, 40
Samangan, 141, 633, 637, 640, 653, 658 Second World War, 189, 226, 255, 351,
Samara, 54, 55, 57, 91, 95 387,414, 419, 423, 428, 447, 463, 505,
Samarkand, 37, 68, 70, 104 539, 555, 557, 558, 579, 582, 584, 594,
fianl›urfa, 614 598, 611, 626, 629, 664, 666
Saraço¤lu, fiükrü, 506, 511, 512, 513, 514, Sedletski, Stanislav (Polish politician), 225
515, 519, 529, 530 Seeckt, Hans von, 114
Sardar Hashim Khan, 184, 365 fiefibeycilik, 298
Sardar Shah Mahmud Khan, 184, 186, fiekuri, Ahmet, 234, 236, 241, 243, 253,
365 460, 588
Sar›kam›fl, 91 Selamzade, S., 282
fiark Y›ld›z›, 307, 359 Self-determination, 29, 33, 34, 35, 71, 199
fiarki Turkistan Íslam Cumhuriyeti Selimi, Ahat, 500
(IslamicRepublic of Eastern Semipalatinsk, 37, 94
Turkestan), 341, 378, 383 Semirechie insurrection (1916), 99, 144
Sarper, Selim, 538 Semirechie, 37, 52, 91
Sart, Muhiddin, 524 Serbest Cumhuriyet F›rkas›, 302
Sarts, 240, 326 fieref Bey, 84
Sarvar Azimov, 578 Sertel, Sabiha, 529
Sato (japan diplomat), 376 Sertel, Zekeriya, 529
Sattar Alman Bet (Almanbetov), 497, 575, Sevan, Benson, 642
Sattar Jabbar (Turkestani intellectual), Severniy Kavkaz, 224, 345
234, 235, 240, 241, 249, 250, 251, 252, Seychell Islands, 167
460, 462 Seyid Mansur (general), 642
Saud bin-Abdulaziz, 574 Seyid Muzaffer Khan Marg›lani, 573
Saudi Arabia, 189, 290, 565, 570, 573, 578, Seyid Nasir Mir Jalil, 105, 324
581, 587, 599, 605, 608, 623, 639, 649, Seyyid Hamza, 82
651, 717 Seyyid Tahir El Hüseyni, 260
Savaflfer, Cihat, 535 Seyyidbek ‹nak Kalan, 368
Sawt et-Turkestan, 608 Shah Ahmad Shah Islam, 38, 40, 42, 324
Saydam, Refik, 512, 517 Shah ‹brahim Tashkendi, 573
Sayyaf, Abdul Rasul, 632, 640 Shah Muhammad Khan, 172
Sayyid Abdullah Khan (of Khiva), 66 Shah Murad, 170
Sayyid Abdullah Tashkendi, 383 Shah Wali Khan, 162, 163
Sayyid Hussein, 181 Shahid Ishan, 247
Sayyid Tahir Efendi, 192, 260 Shahkuli, Mustafa, 265, 267, 278
Preface 765

Shahrasul Zunnun, 247 Shura-i Jihad-i Islami, 641

Shahsultan Han›m, 241 Shura-i Nazar, 644
Shahzad Kamal, 635 Shurâ-y› ‹slâmiya (of Turkestan), 38, 39,
Shakirjan Hamidi, 231 127
Shamil, Said, (North Caucasian Leader), Siberia, 49, 55, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 129,
213, 214, 220, 224, 226, 259, 260, 273, 225, 334, 413, 678
289, 297, 319, 403, 405, 411, 414, 455, Siegel, Heinrich, 324
457, 458, 459 Sikorski, Wladyslaw, 415, 417, 455
Shamsuddin Vekil, 548 fiimali Kafkasya Cemiyeti (Society of
Shanghai, 100 Northern Caucasus), 259
Sharaf, Rashidov, 577 Sino-Japanese war, 334, 335, 336
Shari’at courts, 138, 147 Slavonic Nationalities, 427
Sharif Khoja, 306 Smigly, Rydz, 413
Sharif, Alimjan, 59 Smolensk, 425
Shavartsbard, Shalom, 213 Social Democratic Party (of Poland), 210
Shaybani Uzbek Khan, 64, 141 Socialist Jadids, 127, 128
Shaybanid Dynasty, 64 Socialist Revolutionaries (S-R) Party
Shaykh Esseyid Abdulgafur, 348 (Russia), 29, 30, 37, 40, 54, 55, 56, 100
Shaykh of Özbekler Tekkesi, 274 Socialist Turkic Federation in the South,
Shaykh Sait uprising, 261 124
Shaykhulislamzada, A., 214, 260 Society for Development of Caucasus, see
Shchepkin, 37 Kafkas Teali Cemiyeti
Sheikman, 60 Society for Study of Turkestan and Azer-
Shenck (major), 543 baijan, see Türkistan ve Azerbaycan’›
Sher Ali Lapin, as chairman of Ulama Ö¤renme Derne¤i
Jamiyati, 39, organizes Muslim con- Society of atheists, 147
gress, 41, in Europe, 192, 193 Society of Learned, see Ulama Jamiyati
Sher Arab (general), 658 Society of Northern Caucasus, see fiimali
Sher Muhammad Bek, (Basmachi Kafkasya Cemiyeti
Leader), requests for Kurbashi Sokolnicki, Michel, 156, 210
School, 113; in Basmachi movement, Solovki concentration camp, 247
134, 136; leaves for Afghanistan, 137; Southern Afghanistan, 544
160, relations with Haji Selim Sami, Southern Turkestan, 142
172, 173; 175, activities in Afghanistan Soviet ambassador in Afghanistan, 164
and India, 176, 177; 181, relations Soviet army, (also Red Army, Russian
with Laqay ‹brahim Bek, 183, last Army, Soviet forces, Soviet troops) 43,
attempt against Soviet Union,188, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 56, 60, 61, 62, 66,
189; 290, 306, 311-313, 368, 370, 375, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 94, 97, 124, 134;
379, activities during Second World 138, 175, 178, 180, 185, 221, 341, 425,
War, 543, 547, 549, 599, in Peshawar, 426, 432, 458, 479, 480, 492, 494, 507,
603 539, 594, 631, 640, 641
Sherahmadoghli, Fuzail, 232, 244, 249, Soviet economy, 157
251, 252 Soviet embassy in Ankara, 526, 539
Sherahmadoghli, Nasriddin, 232, 244, 249 Soviet embassy in Kabul, 547
Shermat, Irgash, 497, 503, 558, 570 Soviet espionage activities, 310
Shibergan, 142, 149, 367, 368, 634, 658 Soviet Foreign Ministry, 178
Shohret (periodical), 27 Soviet government (also Bolshevik
Shuja’ud-Dawla, 115 Government), 24, 35, 37, 42, on Alash
Shulgin, Alexander, (Ukranian Politician) Orda, 51; 55, 56, 58, 61, 74, 75, 92, 93,
213, 220, 221, 391, 394, 401, 416, 464 95, against Basmachis, 138; delin-
766 Turkestan Struggle Abroad

eation of Turkestan, 146; reforms in 464, 476, 490, 493, 499, 502, 505, 506,
Turkestan, 147; Collectivization policy 513, 514, 517, 518, 519, 526, 527, 529,
of, 147; measures against migration, 533, 538, 540, 543, 544, 546, 547, 553,
149; on Cemal Pasha’s activities, 156; 554, 556, 557,559, 561, 566, 568, 575,
trade agreement with Britain, 157; 576, 577, 604, 612, 613, 616, 618, 623,
against Enver Pasha, 162, 163; and 627, 630, 638, 641, disintegration of,
Said Alim Khan, 165, 170; 190, on 642; 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 717, 718
Republic of Bukhara, 227, 679 Soviet threat, 555
Soviet Influence, 157 Soviet-Afghan Frontier, 543, 545
Soviet istatistics on migration, 145 Soviet-Afghan Treaty of Friendship, 114
Soviet nationalities, 409, 490, 501, 502, Soviet-German war, 428, 507
559 Sovietization, 76, 78, 88, 90, 97
Soviet policy, on nationalities issue, 35, Soviet-Polish non-aggression treaty, 394
36; on Turkestan Autonomous Soviet-Polish relations, 309
Socialist Republic, 46-49; on Kokand Sovkhoz, 147, 149, 182
Autonomy, 42, 43; on Alash Orda Soysal, Abdullah Zihni, 226, 350, 525
Autonomy, 51, 52, 53; on Bashkir Soysall›o¤lu, ‹smail Suphi, as member of
Autonomy, 56, 58, 59; on Idel-Ural Turkish Delegation, 82; in Turkestan,
Autonomy, 60; on People’s Republic 83; relations with Turkistan Milli
of Khorezm, 75; on People’s Republic Birligi 85; relations with Turkestani
of Bukhara, 76; on relation between Jadids 128, 129; 585
Turkey and Bukhara, 85; for Soyuz group, 563
Sovietization of Bukhara, 88; on Spain, 356
Basmachi Movement, 175; on Spinzar Company, 367
Bukharan Republic, 227; on Sri Lanka, 167
Turkestani students project, 238-244; SS. (SchutzStaffe), 426, 434, 454, 482,
towards Turkey, 342-344; on Iran, 354- 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 498, 499,
356; 395, 396 553
Soviet POWs, 431, 450 St Petersburg treaty, 153
Soviet press (in general), 343, 409 St. Petersburg, 68
Soviet press in Turkestan, 295 Stalin, Joseph, on nationalities issue, 34;
Soviet propaganda, in India, 381, 383; on as Comissar of Nationalities, 35, 36;
death of Chokayoglu, 441-446; against on Turkic independence movements,
Turkestani émigrés, 575-579; against 36; on Kokand Autonomy, 42; 57,
Turkestani Diaspora, 575-579; on invites Zeki Velidi, 58; 59, on Sultan
Aykarl›, 588; on Kajum Khan, 594-596; Galiev’s activities, 61, 62; attacks
Soviet Russia (also Soviet Union, Soviets, Galiev and Galievism, 63, 64; on delin-
USSR) 37; 46, 64, makes treaty with eation of Turkestan, 90; 113, 182, 251,
People’s Republic of Khorezm, 74; 264, 311, 316, 317, 355, on socialism,
makes treaty with People’s Republic 396
of Bukhara, 76; 88, 109, 110, 113, 114, Stalingrad, 426
115, 118, 122, 154, 155, 157, 158, 160, Stalinist terror (Purge), 147, 263, 388,
and Afghanistan, 163; 168, 173, 177; Stark, Leonid (Soviet Ambassador), 168,
and Bachai Saqqao, on Tajik card, 310, 313
180; 196, 216, 217, 219, 220, 228, 238, Steinhart, Laurence, 529
257, 258, 262, 264, 295, 311, 318, 321, Stempowski, 215, 216
322, 339, 341; 342, 370, 372, 373, 378, Stetzko, Jaros›av, 521
accession to League of Nations, 392, Stichkom, 243
393, 395, 408, 411, 413, 414, invasion Stottski, Roman Smal (Ukranian scholar)
by German Army, 425, 426, 446, 452, 217, 414, 415
Preface 767

Studkom, 243 Tahiro¤lu, Neflet, 591

Stuttgart Project, 559 Tahirshah Giri, 252
Suchenek, 212 Taif, 605
fiükrullah ‹brahim, 623 Taimana, 190
Sulejowék, 211 Taj Muhammad (general), 653
Süleyman Sami (Ottoman Officer), 96, Tajibay, Ismail, 558
104 Tajiddin Bek, 108
Süllü, Hüsnü, 347 Tajik Emigrants, 149
Sultan Abdulaziz, 338 Tajikistan Oblast, 146
Sultan Bek, 189 Tajikistan, 146, 180, 642, 649, 650, 695,
Sultan Galiev, 58, as a member of 711
Revolutionary Supreme Military Tajiks, 160, 178, 187, 367, 632, 643
Command, 60; as chairman of Central Takhar, 648
Muslim Military Board, 61; on Tatar- Taklamakan Desert, 99
Bashkir Republic project, 61; on Takrir-i Sükun legislations, 261
Communism of the East strategy, 61; Talat Bey (junior), 98, 119, 122, 123
as editor of Zhizn Natsional Notsei, Talat Pasha, 99, 105, 106, 192, 193, 356
61; on concept of Third World Taliban, 650, 652, 653, 656, 657, 658, 659
Socialism and Colonial International, Tan (newspaper), 529
61; attacked by Stalin, 63; expelled Tando¤an, Nevzat, 530
from communist party, 64; 124, 125, Tanin (newspaper), 117
199, 316, 388 Tanr›da¤› (periodical), 527
Sultan K›l›ç Gerey, 259 Tanr›över, Hamdullah Suphi, 84, 85, 207,
Sultan Madkul, 235, 241, 243, 252 259, 416
Sultan Murat, 502 Taraki, Nur Muhammad, 631
Sultan Qari (Soviet spy), 445, 446, 575, Tarakki (periodical), 27
595 Tarakki Jamiyati Tudasi, 97
Sultanov, (GPU Officer), 188 Tarakkiparvar Jadidchilar F›rkas›, 205,
Sultanov, Aga (Azeri politician), 214, 323 265, 266, 267, 268, 678
Sultanova, Maryam, 235, 252 Taranchi, 129
Sultanzadeh (Persian communist), 62 Taraqi, Nur Muhammad, 612
Sultanzadeh Hüsrev, 214, 260 Tarazi, Mahmudkhan, 588
Sumer civilistaion, 330, 331 Tarazi, Mubassirkhan, 368, 369, 375, 376,
Sunç, Mehmet Girey, 219, 226, 397, 398, 380, 547, 548, 549, 588, 599, 605, 608
716 Tarazi, Nasrullah, 368, 547
Süreyya Bey, 118 Tarbiya-yi Etfal, 27
Surkhan Darya, 145 Tarih Tilga Kirdi, 578
Svobodniy Kavkaz (Journal), 565 Tarjuman (published by Azam Hashimi),
Switzerland, 192, 390 386, 601
Syr Darya, 37, 711 Tarjuman-i Afkar, 600, 601
Syria, 570, 578, 581 Tarsus, 347
Szklarsa Poreba, 556 Tarzi, Mahmud Khan, 115, 176, 202, 688
T Tash Muhammad Bek, 136, 160, 176
Tabriz, 316, 354 Tashabay Mumin, 558
Tabutluk, 534 Tashkent Soviet, 41, 42, 43, 50, 70, 168
Tachmurat, 561, 573 Tashkent University, 579
Taga Khan, 548 Tashkent, 37, 39, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46,
Tagan, Alimjan, 203 66, 70, 87, 94, 95, 97, 103, 105, 107,
Tagiberli, Devlet, 563, 567 108, 110, 111, 113, 125, 189, 263, 313,
Tahir Shakir, see Tahir Ça¤atay 316, 362, 460, 480, 656, 688
768 Turkestan Struggle Abroad

Tashkurgan, 141 TMB Central Committee, 267, 268, 269,

Tasvir-i Efkâr (newspaper), 510, 514 279, 280, 281, 283, 286, 287, 288, 290,
Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist 291, 292, 293, 299, 300, 301, 304, 305,
Republic, 61 308-310, 328, 329, 339, 344, 345, 346,
Tatar community in Tokyo, 412 349, 351, 376, 378, 379, 399, 402, 403,
Tatar emigrants,(refugees), 212, 214 406, 407, 679, 681, 684
Tatar Hüseyin, 99 TMB chapter in Iran (also Mashhad
Tatar Mavlavi Islam, 637 Chapter), 174, 307, 308, 314, 359, 360
Tatar National Assembly, 60, 64 TMB Eastern representative, 304, 306,
Tatar-Bashkir Soviet Republic, 60 309, 310
Tatar-Bashkir Units, 62 TMB representative in Warsaw, 306
Tatarstan, 61, 62, 93, 229, 283, 409, 517, TMB: see Türkistan Milli Birli¤i
586, 678 Tobolin, 40
Tatoghli, Bedri, 307, 360 Togan, Ahmet Zeki Velidi, (also Validov),
Tavil Dara, 182 as secretary of National Center, 38; as
Taymas, Abdullah Battal, 207, 259 minister of defence of Bashkiria, 53;
Tbilisi, 117, 118, 159, 196, 220 as founder of Turk Socialist Party, 55;
TBMM, see Grand National Assembly of negotiates with Soviets, 56; proposes
Turkey Kazak-Bashkir unification and sepa-
Tehran, 226, 306, 307, 311 rate socialist party, 57; joins Russian
Temir Tuda, 97 Communist Party, 57; opinions on
Temir, Ahmet (Tatar scholar), 97, 243, Soviet Tactics, 58; invited by Stalin,
350, 409, 410, 435, 436, 456, 488 58; disappears from Moscow, 58;
Tengirflenk, Yusuf Kemal, 81 appears in Bukhara, 87; meets Faizulla
Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet F›rkas› Hojaev, 88; helps Turkish POW in
(Progressive Republician Party), 261 Russia, 94; as leader of Alliance of
Territorial Autonomy, 42, 332, 672 National Peoples Revolutionary
Teflkilat-› Mahsusa, 99, 176, Societies of Central Asia, 128, 130; in
Tetri Georgi Movement, 455 Afghanistan, 173, 174; goes Europe,
Teveto¤lu, Fethi, 530 194; 195, 196, 198, background of,
The Greater Türkeli Association, see 199-201; activities in Europe, 202;
Büyük Türkeli Derne¤i Berlin congress of OAMA‹J‹, 202, 203;
The London Times, 166 as president of Türkistan Azadl›k
Theses on nationalities and colonies, 156 Jamiyati, 205; attends Russian Socialist
Third Convention of Nations, 192 Parties congress, 206; goes to Turkey,
Third international, 118, 121 207; memoirs on Promethe move-
Third May Incidents, 530 ment, 215; letter to Muradi, 245, 246;
Third World Socialism, 62 247, 249, 259, 260, 262, meets
Timur the Great, 64, 162 Holowko, 263; at Istanbul meeting of
Timurid Empire, 64, 141 TMB, 265, 267, 268; 269, 277, frictions
Tinishbayev, Muhammad, 37, 38, 42, 43, with Osman Khojaoglu, 278; becomes
50, 55 TMB chairman, 279; eliminates
Tirik Söz (periodical), 27 Mustafa Chokayoglu, 280-283; in
TKB, see Türk Kültür Birli¤i Europe, 284; forms Türkistan ve
TKSYD, see Türkistanl›lar Kültür ve Sosyal Azerbaycan’› Ö¤renme Derne¤i, 284,
Yard›m Derne¤i 285; departs TMB, 286-288; forms
TMB Berlin chapter (also TMB chapter in Bashkir National center, 288; 290,
Germany), 286, 289, 293, 296, 314, 292, 300, 304, Stalin’s accusations on,
328, 329, 462 316, 317; publishes Azerbaijan Yurt
TMB budget, 290, 291 Bilgisi, 324; friction between Mustafa
Preface 769

Chokayoglu and, 324-328; polemics at Tulagan Mumin, 241, 243, 252

first Turkish Historical Congress, 330- Tuna (Journal), 319
332; departure from Turkey, 333, 334; Tungachin, Muhammad, (Kazak
405, 406, 416, back in Turkey, 420; Communist), 51
attempt to attend Adlon Meeting, Tura, Habibullah Khan, 548
455, 505, 508, on Turkic POWs, 508, Tura, Kudratullah Khan, 375, 548, 549
509; meets Kajum Khan, 521; in Turab Bek,(Basmachi leader) 173, 174,
Germany, 522, 523; 524, 527, 528, 189, 194, 205, 290, 356, 357, 359, 697
arrest of, 530-532; at Turanism trials, Turakul Bay, 383
535-537; on Türkeli Committee and Turakul Kurbashi, 183
MTBK, 561-562; struggle with Türkeli Turan (periodical), 27, 28
Committee, 563, 564; 571, establishes Turan Kuchi Tudasi, 97
Türkistan Kültür Derne¤i, 585-587; Turan Maktabi, 97
589, 665, a letter of, 685- 688; 693, Turan Neflr-i Maarif Cemiyeti, 27
697, 698 Turan Society (of Hungary), 277
Togay, Mehmet, 350, 404, 435, 438 Turan, Osman, 531
Togay, Muharrem Feyzi, 350, 526, 528, Turanism, 388, 507, 509, 519, 533, 535,
531 537, 665
Togonidze, 435, 438 Turanists, 534
Tokat, 614, 634 Turco Russian Joint Commission, 93
Tokay Sari (Basmachi leader), 77 Turco-Afghan Treaty, 82
Toktasim Kurbashi, 176 Turco-Polish Cooperation, 210
Tokumbetov, Osman, 60, 193 Turco-Polish Friendship Association, 210
Tokyo, 412, 419 Turco-Russian War, 257
Topçubafl›, Ali Merdan (Azeri Politician), Turco-Soviet relations, 320, 321, 322
198, 213, 215, 219, 393, 401 Turco-Soviet Treaty of friendship, 81, 257,
Toprakchilar (territorialists), 59 321
Töre, Fethullah, 619 Türegolof, Ömer, 193
Trabzon, 91 Turgai, 37, 50, 52
Transcaspia, 37, 388, 516, 661 Türk Amac› (periodical), 513, 526, 527
Transcaucusus, 518 Türk Dünyas› (periodical), 596
Transoxiana, 145 Türk Dünyas› Araflt›rmalar› Vakf›, 622
Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation Türk Dünyas›, see Turkic World
between Turkey and the Soviet Uni- Türk Göçmen ve Mülteci Dernekleri Fe-
on, 258 derasyonu, 253, 596
Treaty of Kars, 400 Türk Kültür Birli¤i (also TKB, Turkish
Trisub (periodical), 213, 224 Cultural Union), 346, 350, 351, 521,
Trotskists, 317 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 590
Trotsky, Leon, 49, 94, 264, 428 Türk Ocaklar› (Turkish Hearth Society),
Truman Doctrine, 555 85, 276, 299, 319, 320, 321, 597, 620,
Tsalikatti, Ahmet, 219 621
Tsarist Regime, 29, 35, 40, 55, 354 Türk Saz› (periodical), 513, 527
Tsarist Russia, 23, 25, 29, 36, 59, 140, 142, Turk Socialist Party, 55
144, 153, 219, 257, 661 Türk Yurdu (periodical), 92, 299, 513,
Tsereteli, Mihail, 214, 260, 455 527
Tsintsadze, Noy Konstantinovich, 567 Türkchülar, 59
TTGB, see Türkistan Türk Gençler Birli¤i Türkeli (by Hasan Oraltay), 593
Tuda, 57 Türkeli (journal), 444, 562, 564, 569
Tudeh Party, 612 Türkeli Committee, see Türkeli Komitesi
Tuktarov, Fuad, 30, 64, 207, 259, 319 Türkeli Komitesi (Türkeli Committee),
770 Turkestan Struggle Abroad

444, 500, 522, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, Turkestan Research Foundation, see Tür-
567, 569, 571,581, 582, 583, 585, 586, kistan Araflt›rmalar› Vakf›
603, 629 Turkestan socialist-federalist group, 129
Türkeli, Ahmet, 592 Turkestan Student Union, see Türkistan
Türkefl, Alparslan, 530 Talebe Birli¤i
Turkestan ASSR, 40, 48, 78, 147, 228, 229, Turkestan Turk Youth Union, see Türkis-
231, 232, 233, 238, 239, 244, 275 tan Türk Gençler Birli¤i
Turkestan civilization, 712 Turkestan working group, 491
Turkestan Constituent Assembly, 42 Turkestan, 23, 28, 30, 32, invasion by
Turkestan Cultural Association, see Tür- Russian, 36; Administrative division
kistan Kültür Derne¤i of, 37; Kerensky’s regime in, 37;
Turkestan front, 48, 49, 56, 66, 77, 86, Political activations of Turkestani
134 intellectuals during revolutions in, 38;
Turkestan Independence Committee, see First Congress of Muslims of, 38;
Türkistan Milli Azadlik Komitesi Second Congress of Muslims of, 39;
Turkestan Independence Society, see Tur- establishment of Bolshevik Regime in,
kistan Azadl›k Jamiyati 40, 41; Fourth Congress of Central
Turkestan issue, 465 Asian Muslims in, 41; Communist con-
Turkestan legion (also Turkestan army), ference in, 45; 46, 47, 48, 49, 57, 58,
434, 450, 460, 466, 468-471; 473, 474, 62, 70, 72, 74, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95,
475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480-485, 488, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
489, 491, 492, 493, 496, 497, 500, 502, 111, 114, 122, 124, National Flag of,
520, 548, 553, 572, 579,595, 626, 664, 129; Politic groups in, 129; people of,
665, 721 131; Bolshevik Government in, 138;
Turkestan liaison department, 452 uprising (1916) in, 144; 155, 158, 159,
Turkestan national army, 497 163, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, collec-
Turkestan national assembly in exile, 497 tivization in, 182; 187, 194, 197 term
Turkestan national commission, 466, 467, of, 204; 221, 227, 229, 236, 249, 257,
474 258, 262, 266, 269, 277, 281, 290, 308,
Turkestan national government (in 317, 335, migrations from, 353; 356,
Germany), 472, 493, 496, 497 377, 381, 388, 391, 401, 409, 410, 418,
Turkestan national government, 44, 54 441, 452, 461, 465, 466, 468, 473, 476,
Turkestan national movement, 207, 218, 477, 482, 485, 486, 488, 491, 493, 494,
219, 259, 262, 272, 293, 302, 316, 318, 496, 503, 509, 517, 518, 521, 522, 543,
357, 392, 468, 525, 568, 570, 575, 576, 546, 549, 554, 557, 560, 564, 571, 572,
578, 581, 583, 608, 613 579, 586, 594, 598, 604, 614, 626, 661,
Turkestan national struggle, 58, 97, 174, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 672, 678,
176, 196, 228, 255, 265, 268, 273, 437, 679, 680, 683, 684, 687, 693, 694, 695,
578, 582, 663 696, 697, 710, 711, 712, 713, 717,
Turkestan National Union, see Türkistan Turkestan-American Association, 620,
Milli Birli¤i 626, 627,628
Turkestan National Unity Movement, see Turkestan-Caucasus Muslim Legion, 450
Türkistan Milli Birli¤i Hareketi Turkestani conscripts, 144
Turkestan nationalism, 710, 713 Turkestani culture, 461
Turkestan publication center, 618 Turkestani dialects, 575
Turkestan regiment, 498 Turkestani diaspora, 565, 573, 575, 576,
Turkestan republics (also Republics of 578, 585, 588, 596, 604, 623, 717, 718
Central Asia), 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, Turkestani emigrants (also émigrés,
613, 614, 626, 629, 630, 642, 648, 650, refugees and expatriates), 140, 142,
651, 666, 717, 718 169, 175, in Afghanistan, 184, 185,
Preface 771

187 in Europe,191; in Germany, 202, (Türkistanl›lar yard›m derne¤i), 346,

203; 194, 197, 198, 212, 214, 250, 258, 577, 590, 591, 596, 598
262, 264, 269, 273, 285, in Turkestanis Culture and Aid Association,
Afghanistan, 290; 295, 305, in 593
Northern Afghanistan, 311, 313, 314; Turkestanis Culture and Social Aid Associ-
Soviet espionage activities against, ation, see Türkistanl›lar Kültür ve Sos-
315, 316, 318; 323, 344, 346, 347, 348, yal Yard›m Derne¤i
in Iran, 360-364; political groups in, Turkestan-Siberia Railway, 518
368-370; 374, 375, 380, in India, 381- Turkey, first organisation established by
386; problems with Promethe Journal, Turkestani Jadids in, 27; Turkestani
399-402; 406, 419, 446, 468, 523, activ- students sent by Jadids in, 28; 43, 45,
ities in Afghanistan during Second 87, 90, 92, 93, 95, 99, 100, 102, 119,
World War; 543, 544, 547, 548, 554, 121, 126, 157, treaty with Soviet
555, in Middle East, 558; 562, activi- Russia, 158; 159, 173, 174, 177, 189,
ties in Germany, 564, 565; 570, 573, 194, 200, 201, 207, 214, 216, 224, 228,
577, 578, 581, 582, associations in Bukharan students in, 233; 240, 241,
Turkey, 585-598; activities in the 255, Outside Turk leaders in, 257-260;
Eastern countries, 598-608; invited by Yeni Kafkasya published in, 260; rela-
Turkish Government, 614; 615, 616, tions with Caucasian Leaders, 261;
622, 623, in USA, 626-629; at Radio 265, 266, 277, 285, put pressure on
Liberty, 629, 630; in Pakistan, 634; leaders of Outside Turks, 289; 300,
662, 664, 665, 717, 718 304, 315, 316, 318, 319, 320, on
Turkestani intellectuals, 32, 37, 40, 45, 46, Outside Turks publications, 322, 323;
127, 130, 196, 198, 205, 245, 588, 614 326, 329, avoids entering Turkic emi-
Turkestani martyrs in Çukurova, 347 grant publication 341-346; Turkestani
Turkestani mujahaddins, 635, 638 students activities in, 350, 351; 356,
Turkestani nationalists, 264 relations with Iran, 358-359; 361, 362,
Turkestani officers, 480 370, 380, Armenians against, 387-389;
Turkestani pilgrims, 347 397,400, 401, 403, deports Turkic émi-
Turkestani POWs, 432, 434, 435, 437,438, gré leaders, 403-406; 406, 407, 408,
439, 441, 450, 465, 467, 468, 470, 503, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 436, 441, 445,
535, 536, 601, 664 447, 454, 457, 462, 469, 473, 486, 490,
Turkestani soldiers, 421, in Red Army, 491, 502, 503, at the beginning of
432; in German Fronts, 474-483, 495, Second World War, 505-507; relations
509, 594, 664, 665 with Germany on Outside Turks and
Turkestani students, sent by jadid soci- Turkic POWs, 507-512; on Turkish
eties abroad, 28; go Turkey, 78; in nationalism, 512-514; on German
Germany, 231-238, in southern Ger- occupied areas, 514-520; Veli Kajum’s
many, 242, 244; forced to go back visit, 520-524; 525, on Turkist periodi-
Soviet Union, 243, 244, liquidation of, cals, 527-530; Turanists case in, 533-
244-253, forms TTGB, 274; 284, forms 535; trials of Turkists and Turanists,
Yafl Türkistan group, 286; 292, 306, in 535-538; Asylum seekers in, 538- 541;
Turkey, 350; 461, 483, 485 547, 554, 555, 565, 570, 573, 578, 581,
Turkestani veterans, 555 584, 585, 588, on immigration, 589;
Turkestani volunteers in German Army, 591, 596, 599, 602, 604, Coup d’état
352, 471, 474, 477 in, 611, 612; 613, 615, 616, 617, 619,
Turkestani volunteers, in Çukurova, 347 623, 627, 636, 648, 651, 654, 655,
Turkestanis Aid Association (in Ankara), General Dostum in, 656; 662, 664,
587,589, 665, 688, 697, 698
Turkestanis Aid Association of Istanbul Turkey’s foreign policy, 519, 520, 538
772 Turkestan Struggle Abroad

Turkey’s territorial demands, 519 Turkish nationalism, 242, 321-323, 389,

Turkic Communist Party, 48 507, 512, 513, 527, 528, 538
Turkic emigrant groups, 32, 217, 288, Turkish nationalists, 259, 533
299, 300, 318, 319, 322, 341, 342, 389, Turkish POW’s, 90, in Russia, 91; number
426, 447, 452, 459, 488, 508, 520, 526, of, 92; Union and Progress plans on,
449, 583 93; after Brest-Litowsk, 93; Zeki
Turkic émigré leaders, 454, 456, 466, 512, Validov’s letter on, 94
Turkic groups (nationalities) in Russia, Turkish red guards, 93, 110, 158
23, relations with Russian parties, 29, Turkish straits, 502, 506, 538, 540, 555
30; on debate of cultural vs territorial Turkish volunteers in Red Army, 93
autonomy, 30, 31; on Marxism- Turkish-American Association, 627
Leninism, 32; seek independence, 36; Turkish-German friendship, 506
59, Nazis approach to, 427; Turkish Turkish-German non-agression pact, 506
approach to, 514-520 Turkism (Turkchuluk), 59, 322, 332, 343,
Turkic nationalism, 240, 638 389, 509, 513, 527, 528, 535, 537, 538,
Turkic POWs, 428, 448, 449, 503, 508, 665
510, 517 Turkist periodicals (Publications), 513,
Turkic refugee camps in Pakistan, 621 526, 527, 528
Turkic republic, proposal by Turkestan Türkistan Araflt›rmalar› Vakf›, 618, 619,
Communist Party, 48; rejection by 623, 625, 717
Moscow, 49 Türkistan Atefli (book), 442, 444
Turkic states, 517, 518 Turkistan Azadl›k Jamiyati (also Turkes-
Turkicworld, 24, 25, 80, 92, 322, 451, 490, tan Independence Society), establish-
525, 526, 596, 616, 618, 622, 666 ment of, 202-205; problems among
Türkische Post (newspaper), 510, 514 the members of, 206; 214, 242, 245,
Turkish army, 91, 105, 106, 112, 356, 510, 252, 259, 262-264, Istanbul Congress
512 of, 265; becomes TMB, 265; 277, 695,
Turkish communist party, 45, 93, 114, 696
121, 321 Türkistan Birlik Avaz›, 627
Turkish consulates in Iran, 359 Türkistan Dergisi (by Ahat Andican), 618
Turkish Cultural Union, see Türk Kültür Türkistan Dergisi (by M.E. Bu¤ra), 254,
Birli¤i 584, 588, 589
Turkish delegation to Bukhara, 84, 85 Türkistan ‹çtimai Milli Oca¤›, 346
Turkish embassy in Berlin, 242 Turkistan ‹ttihad va Tarakki Jamiyati, cre-
Turkish embassy in Kabul, 372, 544, 549, ation of, 100; sends a delegation to
599, 602, 603 ‹stanbul, 105; disintegration of, 107,
Turkish embassy in Moscow, 103, 245 108; 110, 356
Turkish embassy in Tehran, 308 Turkistan Jamiyati (in Cairo), 385
Turkish embassy in Warsaw, 243 Turkistan Jamiyat-i Khayriya, 605
Turkish government, 308, 318, 320, 323, Türkistan Kültür Derne¤i, 585, 586, 587,
449, 507, 508, 509, 511, 512, 513, 519, 589
520, 526, 527, 530, 539, 589, 620 Türkistan Kurtulufl Hareketi ile ‹lgili Olay-
Turkish Hearth Society, see Türk Ocakla- lardan Sahneler, 445
r› Turkistan Kuyafl› (periodical), 386
Turkish historical congress (first), 327, Türkistan Milli Azadl›k Komitesi, see
330, 332, 333, 406 Türkeli Komitesi
Turkish Historical Society, 330, 332, 333 Türkistan Milli Birli¤i, (also TMB,
Turkish Language Society, 330 Turkestan National Union, Türkistan
Turkish National Security Organization Milli Birli¤i Hareketi), 87, 130, and
(also MIT), 520 Amir of Bukhara, 167; 189; members
Preface 773

in different countries, 194; 203, 219, 244, 245, 264

223, 245, 247, 249, 262, formation of, Türkistan Türk Gençler Birli¤i (TTGB,
265; Istanbul Congress of, 266, 267; Turkestan Turk Youth Union), 127,
on socialism 268; joining to Promethe 273, formation of, 273, 274; first con-
Journal, 270, 272; 276, Frictions gress of, 274; 275, alliance with
among leaders, 278-283; cooperates Azerbaijan Youth Union, 276, 277;
with Idel-Ural and Crimean move- 280, 304, 315, 323, 327, 337, activities
ments, 289; 1929 congress of, 290-292; of, 345-350; 351, 402, 407, replaced by
effects of Azerbaijan and Crimean TKB, 524-526; 590, 597, 615
national movements, 296-299; relation Turkistan Türk Muhajirlar Birligi (in
with Yeni Türkistan, 300-304; activities Karachi), 599, 602
in Iran, 304-310; on Agabekov’s Turkistan Türk Muhajirlar ‹lim Ota¤›, 599
claims, 313; 1930 meeting of, 314; Türkistan ve Azerbaycan’› Ö¤renme Der-
Soviet efforts against 315-318; 320, on ne¤i (The Society for Study of Turkes-
publishing a new journal, 323, efforts tan and Azerbaijan), 284, 285, 286,
on Eastern Turkestan issue, 325-341, 323, 324
reaction on proscription about Yafl Türkistan Zaviyesi, 348
Türkistan, 344; relations with TTGB, Turkistanchilar, 297, 381
346; 353, activities in Iran, 356-364; Türkistanl›, Sabir, 206, 235, 241, 254, 296,
activities in Afghanistan, 370-375; on 329, 407, 588
pro-Amirs, 381; 394, problems with Türkistanl›lar Kültür ve Sosyal Yard›m
Promethe Journal, 400-402; conflicts Derne¤i (TKSYD, Turkestanis Culture
among members, 402, 403; Berlin and Social Aid Association), 614, 615,
Congress of, 406-408, 413, moves to 616, 617, 618, 620, 621, 622, 623, 625,
Berlin, 417; departs from Germany, 626, 717
419, 420; 432, relations with Kajum Türkistanl›lar Yard›m Derne¤i, see Tur-
Khan, 462, 463; 468, 473, 474, 485, kestanis Aid Association)
Kajum Khan’s visit to Turkey, 520-523; Turkists, 529, 530, 533, 538
relations with TKB, 524; 548, on Türkkan, Reha O¤uz, 530, 531, 535, 536,
MTKB and Türkeli, 565; 568, 570, 537
575, 581, conflicts with MTBK, 582- Turkkomissia, 46, 47, 49, 70, 138, 155
585; 588, end of, 593-596; 603, 604, Turkmen Association of Charjuy, 129,
615, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, charter 136, 678
of, 673-684; minutes of Berlin con- Turkmen emigrants, 145, 149, 614
gress of, 689-699; program of, 699- Turkmen Sahara, 138, 140, 142, 145, 358
713; flag of, 720 Turkmen tribes, 145, 307, 354, 355
Türkistan Milli Mücadele Birli¤i, 472 Turkmenistan Deserts, 134
Türkistan Milli Yard›m Sand›¤›, 472, 473, Turkmenistan, 75, 122, 146, 242, 307,
486 315, 354, 642, 650, 658, 695
Turkistan Muhajirlar Birligi, 383, 384 Turkmens, 160, 187, 619
Turkistan Musulmanlari Markazi fiuras›, Turko-Russian war in Eastern Turkey, 91
38 Turks of Afghanistan, 620, 631, 634, 635,
Turkistan newspaper, 230, 234, 240 640, 641, 650
Türkistan Sesi (voice of Turkestan), 584, Turks of Anatolia, 322, 331
618 Turks of Bashkiria, 32
Türkistan Sesi Bülteni, 630 Turks of Central Asia, 695
Turkistan Sosyalistlar Tudas›, 199, 200 Turks of Idel-Ural, 32, 64
Türkistan fiuras›, 500, 554 Turks of Russia, 29, 30, 91, 101, 451
Turkistan Talebe Birligi (Turkestan Turks of Siberia, 64, 679
Student Union) (in Germany), 241, Turks of Turkestan, 102
774 Turkestan Struggle Abroad

Turks under Russian domination, 334, 357

454, 522, 536, 586, 716 Union and Progress Party (of Turkestan),
Turksovnarkom, 41 192
Tursun, see Tevekkül Babur Unionists, 32, 202
Tutsiia I Panturanism (book), 388 United Front of the Turkic Countries un-
U der Russian Domination, see Rusya
Ubaydulla Khoja (Turkestani Jadid), 27, Esiri Türk ‹lleri Cephe Birli¤i
national center proposal of, 38; as United Nations, 583, 642
member of National Center, 38; 39, United States of America (USA), 55, 335,
supports Autonomy of Bashkiria, 42, 501, presents Truman Doctrine 555;
54; 55, works for People’s Republic of guarantiees Iran’s territorial integrity,
Bukhara, 77; as member of ‹ttihad va 556; 557; starts anti-Bolshevik struggle,
Tarakki Delegation to Istanbul, 105; 558-561; creates Coordination Center,
231 566-569; changes Anti-Bolshevik poli-
Uçar, Hamza, 593 cy, 569; declares Captive Nations
Uch-Jüz, 57 Week, 574; 578, 592, policy of con-
Ufa, 57, 92 tainment of communism, 611; 613,
Uighur Autonomous Region, 652 620, Turkestanis activities in, 626-628;
Uighur Baki, 243 629, 630, 631, 639, 640, 641, on
Ukraine Embassy in Tbilisi, 220 Afghan Civil War, 642; 652, 666, 712,
Ukraine government in exile, 224, 521 717
Ukraine, 45, 49, 57, 219, 262, 264, 282, United States of Muslim Countries, 161
391, 401, 413, 426, 471, 479, 508, 516, Unity of Turks, 505, 536
521, 522 Unocal Oil Company, 651
Ukranian emigrants, 212, 215, 390, 409 Uprising (1916) in Turkestan, 144
Ukranian National Movement, 213, 223, Uralsk, 37
272, 392, 568, 575 Ürgüplü, Suat Hayri, 528
Ulama Jamiyati, formation of, 39, cooper- Uspenski, 40
ation with Russian, 39; joints with Ustad Ata (general), 650, 659
Milliy Markaz, 38, 39, 41, 192, 193 Ustad Muhaqqiq (general), 657, 659
Ülküsal, Müstecip, 455, 456, 459, 465, Usul-i Jadid, 24, 25, 69, 254
479, 511, 512 Usul-i Qadim, definition of, 25;
Ultra-nationalism, 529 Curriculum of, 25
Ulu¤ Türkistan, 587 Uzakbaylar (japans), 372, 376, 377, 379,
Ulup›nar, 614 402
Uman POW camp, 431 Uzbek Education Commissariat in Berlin,
Umid (Hope) (periodical), 629 243
Ünayd›n, Ruflen Eflref, 84 Uzbek emigrants, 543, 614
Ünesan, ‹hsan, 502 Uzbek khanates, 64, 141
Union and Progress Party (‹ttihat ve Uzbek tribes, 145
Terakki) (of Turkey), relations with Uzbekistan, 75, 146, 180, 242, 317, 480,
Turkestani Jadids, 28; 69, Jadid move- 642, 648, 650, 695, 711
ment and, 90; 91, 93, 95, sends a Uzbeks, 160, 186, 187, 326, 562, 619, 643,
group to Turkestan, 99; establishes 659
Caucasus chapter in Azerbaijan, 100; V
sends a member to Turkestan, 100; Vachnadze, (Georgian), 214, 260, 455
policy on Turkestan, 102, 103, 106, Vade, Sir Thomas, 338
107, 108, 109, 116, 117; and Alliance Vakhitov, Mullanur, 35, 59, 60, 61
of Revolutionary Muslim Societies, Vakhsh valley, 145
119; 120; 123, 126, 130, 159, 245, 258, Validov, Zeki, see Zeki Velidi Togan
Preface 775

Validovchilar (Validovists), 317, 318 White Russian, 136, 199, 543

Van, 614 Wiesbaden meeting, 563
Varis Karimi, 635 Wiesbadenist committees, 567, 568
Vasili, ‹brahim, 588, 608 Wilson’s Doctrine, 71
Vatan Jamiyati, 579 Woerman, Ernst, 448, 517
Vatandafl Radyosu, 577 World Turkestanis Congress, 718
Vekili, Mustafa (Promethean) 221, 397, Wrangel, 45
398 Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan, 625
Veli Zunnun, 561, 570, 573 Wunstorf POW camp, 231, 410, 447, 448
Versailles peace conference, 193, 197, Wyasma-Bryansk battle, 430
213, 215, 260 Wychod (periodical), 225, 314
Versailles peace treaty, 114, 211, 228, 394 Y
Victoria hospital, 442 Yakovlev group, 559
Vienna University, 333 Yakubov, Adil, 623
Vlasov committee, 496, 498, 554 Yakubzada, Naimjan (Bukharan Jadid), 90
Vlasov project, 494, 495, 498, 499 Yakup Feyzi, see Yakup Elbek
Vlasov, Andrey Andreyevich, 494, 495, Yakup Khan Tura, (also Seyyid Khan
496, 497, 499, 500, 554, 559 Ture) 337, 338, 339
Vlasovist group, 559 Yakupkhanzade, Nizameddin, 338, 339
Voice of America (VOA), 557, 569, 618, Yakupzada, Naimjan, 90
627, 629 Yakutstan, 413
Volga Tatar legion, 451 Yalç›n, Hüseyin Cahit, 117, 514
Volniy Gorets (Journal) 197, 221 Yalta conference, 501, 555
Volnoye Kazachestvo, 224 Yana Milli Yol (periodical), 223, 298, 392,
Von Grotte, 509 318, 329, 392, 408
Von Humboldt trust, 244 Yark›n (Arifkhan), ‹brahim, (Turkestani
W intellectual) 130, 231, 241, 243, 253,
Waffen SS, 492 254, 292, 293, 350, 461, 463, 522, 571,
Wali Khan, 82, 154, 162, 163 585, 587, 588, 589
Walli I, 479 Yafl Türkistan group, 253, 286, 292, 296,
Waqfs, 147 298, 306, 329, 584, 585, 602
Warsaw pact, 613 Yafl Türkistan journal, 198, 223, 224, 253,
Warsaw, 219, 224, 226, 249, 263, 283, 289, 254, 290, publication of, 292-296; 299,
305, 306, 314, 319, 337, 339, 378, 394, 306, 312, 315, 317, 318, 322, polemics
400, 401, 403, 406, 412, 413, 414, 663 between Ats›z Mecmua and, 324-329;
Washington DC, 569, 620 337, proscription of entry to Turkey,
Wasilewski, Leon, 210 341-345; 346, 348, 360, 363, 372, 375,
Wassmuss, 546 381, 383, 390, 392, on death of
Wehrmacht, 448, 451, 458 Pilsudski, 395; on Promethe Journal,
Weizsäker, Baron von Ernst, 447, 449, 400-402; 408, end of, 414; 462, 463,
507, 510, 517 466, 588, 663
Western front, 482, 483, 503, 594 Yafl Türkistan publications, 254, 582, 585,
Western imperialism, 321 588
Western Powers, 502, 503 Yassa, Ekber, 619
Western Turkestan, 36, 37, 291, 337, 408, Yayan, O¤uz, 621
547, 589, 608, 617 Yeni Dünya (periodical), 45
Wheeler, Geoffrey, 359 Yeni Kafkasya (Periodical), 245, 260, 261,
White Russian forces, 45, 55, 61, 92 262, 265, 278, 297, 319
White Russian generals, 36, 55, 56, 334, Yeni Türkistan (Journal), 203, 223, pub-
412 lishing of 268, 269; joining Promethe
776 Turkestan Struggle Abroad

Journal of, 270-273; 274, 278, 281-285, Yozgat immigration camp, 539
290, reshuffling of the management Yücel, Hasan Ali, 419, 530, 531
of, 299-304, 306, proscription of, 318- Yugoslavia, 556
323, 344, 346, 618, 663 Yülek, Ertan, 623
Yenibahçe, fiükrü, 508 Yumagulov, Haris, 57
Yerliglaflt›r›fl (nationalisation policy), 264 Yunus Effendi, 608
Y›ld›z, Muhammed, 619 Yurda Do¤ru, 302
Y›lmaz, Mesut, 620 Yurgülaga, Hidayat, 42
Yinanç, Mukrimin Halil, 531 Yurinef, 125
Yoksul, see Mahmud Aykarli Yusuf Bey (member of Milliy ‹ttihad),
Yomud Turkmens, 65, 354 107, 335
Young Bukharans Revolutionary Yusuf Kurbashi, 189
Committee, 70, 71 Yusuf Ziya Bey, (Ottoman Officer), 96,
Young Bukharans,(also Yash 102, 103, 104, 356
Bukharaliklar), designation of, 28; 45, Yusufbay Mukimbay, 168, 169, 272, 381,
activities against Amir, 69; arrested by 384
Amir, 69; collaborate with Bolsheviks, Yusufjan Kurbashi, 181
70; ideological breakup in, 70, 71; Z
capture Bukhara with Soviet troops, Zahitjan (member of ‹tthad va
71; come to power in Bukhara, 76; Tarakkiparvar Jamiyat›), 101, 102
efforts against Sovietization 76-78; Zahuriddin Kari Endijani, 573
Young Turks and, 99; 111; 124, 128, Zahuriddin Turkestani, 570, 571, 573
129, 201, 678 Zarafshan Basin, 136
Young Khivans,(also Yash Khivaliklar), Zarevand, 388, 389
designation of, 28; 45, activities in Zati Bey (Turkish ambassador), 246
Khivan Khanate, 65; collaboration Zavki, A., 497
with Bolsheviks, 66; come power in Zelinsky, 269
People’s Republic of Khorezm, 66; 71, Zhizn Natsional Notsei (periodical), 62
arrested by Bik, 75; join Junaid Khan, Zinoviev, Gregory, 118, 264, 312, 428
75; Young Turks and, 99; 129, 672 Zinovyev’s letter, 312
Young Turks, 28, 68, 69, 99 Ziya Said, 446, 578
Younus Khales, Muhammad, 632, 640 Zurab Avalashvili, 455

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