Unit 12
Unit 12
Unit 12
12.1 Introduction
12.9 Answers
explain the mechanism of these reactions using the frontier orbital method.
Pericyclic reactions are concerted reactions. They are characterised by the making or
breaking of bonds in a single concerted step through a cyclic transition state involving x or
a electrons. Energy of activation for pericyclic reactions is supplied by heat in a
Reaclbn Interaedhtes and reactions are highly stereospecific, often the thermal and photochemical processes yield
Molecuhr Rearrangemcnb products with different but specific stereochemistry. Since pericyclic peactions d o not
involve ionic o r free radical intermediates, solvents. and nucleophilic o r electrophilic
reagents have no effect on the course of these reactions.
bonding orbital of Hz
m e bonding molecular orbital is supposed to arise from reinforcement of in-phase
s-atomic orbitals, whereas the antibonding molecular orbital arises from interference
P ~ c U C --
RB. woodward of I-iarvani
Univenity got Nobet prize in 1965
for his work on the synthesis of
between the out-of-phases-atomic orbitals. This% shown diagramatically in Fig. 12.1. complex organic compounds
including chlorophyll.
out of phase
energy, E
h~ghe dens~ty
As you know, in saturated hydrocarbons like methane or ethane carbon atoms are sp3
hybridised and there are sigma bonds between carbon atoms as well as between carbon and
hydrogen atoms formed by the overlap of s]~'-sp' or s$-s atomic orbitals. Each of these
sigma bonds will have a bonding orbital and the corresponding antibonding orbital.
However, hybridisation of carbon atoms becomes different in an alkene like ethene. Here
the carbon atoms are supposed to be sp2hybridised. The double bond between the two
I carbon atoms is supposed -9 comprise of a a and a n bond. The carbon-carbon a bond is
formed by the overlap of twos# orbitals, resulting in a bonding orbital and an antibonding
orbital. The n bond is formed by the sideways overlap ofp-orbitals resulting in two n -
HI bonding orbital
Fig. 12.2 :%,,andr.,*o r b l b b otetNnc
Rtaclbn InttnntdLkr and Fig. 12.2 shows the representalion of n,and n,* orbitals of ethene. Note that n, * ,which is
MokcuLr ReamngcmtnU formed by interference between the out-of-phasep-orbitals has a node o r a region of
minimum electron density between the nuclei. x,* Orbital is of higher energy than x,.The
following diagram compares the energies of a,a*,x, and x,* orbitals. As expected the
bonding electrons are in the two orbitals with lowest energies, a and x, in the ground state
of ethene.
In 1,3 -butadiene, fourp-orbitals are used in the formation of the x molecular orbitals, Ihus
four n molecular orbitals result. Of these x, and x, are bonding orbitals and x,* and x,*
are antibonding orbitals. Fig. 12.3 depicts these orbitals in terms of increasing energy. As
you can see higher energy orbitals are associated with greater number of nodes.
-- --
2 (1 nodal plane)
(no nodal planes between
C nuclei; all four p orbitals
in phase)
In the ground state of butadiene, the four x electrons are in the two orbitals of lowest
energy n, and x, In this case
Pcrkpclle ~ c a c W m We can now discuss the mechanism of pericyclic reactions, but before that try the
Draw the orbital diagram for the lowest energy excited state of 1,3,5-hexatriene.
The cycloaddition of ethene or any two simple alkenes is called a [2+2] cycloaddition as
two pi electrons t two pi electrons are involved. The Diels-Alder reaction shown below is
an example of a [4+2] cycloaddition. The diene here contains four x electrons and the
dienophile two. The carbonyl pi electrons which are not used in bond formation in the
reaction are not included in the number classification of this cycloaddition.
diene dienophile
4 n electrons 2 n electrons
Cycloaddition reaction are concerted, stereospecific reactions. Any particular reaction is
either thermal or photo-induced but not both. Let us try to analyse these reactions in terms
of frontier orbital theory.
I 12.4.1 r2+21Cvcloadditions
explained by assuming that' the electrons "flow" from the HOMO of one molecule to
LUMO of the other. For this the HOMO of one molecule must overlap with the LUMO of
the second molecule. It cannot overlap with HOMO of the second molecule because this
orbital is already occupied. Simultaneouslywith the merging of the x orbitals, these
orbitals undergo rehybridisation to yield new sp' sigma bonds.
Let us consider [2+2] cycloaddition of ethene to give cyclobutane. As discussed above
ethene has two n molecular orbitals n, and n2*.In the ground state n, is the bonding
orbital and the HOMO while n2* is the antibonding orbital and LUMO.
A n2 1- -
5-1 T
When ethene h heated, n electrons are not promoted but remain in the ground state. If you
examine the phases of the ground state HOMO of ethene molecule and the LUMO of
another ethene molecule, you can see why cyclisation does not occur by thermal induction.
- no r e a c t i o n
For bonding to occur, the phases of the overlapping orbitah HOMO of one molecule and
LUMO of the other molecule must be the same. This is not the case in the g r o u ~ dstate
HOMO and L U M of ~ two ethene or any [2+2] system. Because tne phases of the orbitals
are incorrect for bonding, a thermally induced [2+2] cycloaddition is said to be a
iymmetry-forbidden reaction.
When ethene is irradiated with ultraviolet light, a x electron is promoted from n, to x,*
orbital in some, but not al! molecules. This results in a inixturl o l the gror~ndstate and
excited state ethenc molecules. Now, if you examine [lie HOMO of an excited molecule
and the LUMO of a ground state molecule you can see that tile phases are correct for
bonding. Such a reaction has a relatively low energy of activation and is said to be
In general, thermally induced [2+2] cycloadditions are symmetry forbidden and photo-
induced [2+2] cycloadditions are symmetry allowed. A symmetry forbidden reaction may
take place under differenr cpnditions, but then the energy of activation is very high. This
will not be a cen,*r:ted reaction and may proceed stepwise through radical intermediate.
The thermal [4+2] cycloaddition has been known for almost half a century as the Diels-
Alder reaction. It has proved synthetically useful since it unites two carbon skeletons
smoothly and stereospecifically. In Diels-Alder reaction, a six membered ring is formed by
1,4-addition of an olefinic unit to a conjugated diene. Diels Alder is a cis or syn addition,
the diene must have S-cis conformation.
S-oia diene crb dienophile
-1~rmrdo0r d 13- (irmdbOr
tetramethylbutadiencs, atedc hindrance dcctcascs activity. The dienophile is adivated by
electron-withdrawing substituents like- COOH, COOR, CHO, COR, CN, -
--NO, etc. %me reactive dienes do not need adivation as is illustrated by the
dimerisation of cvclo~cntadiene.
latter is induced the&ally. To see why this is so, we w&ld have to examine the HOMO-
LUMO interactions of thcp-orbitals that will form new sigma bonds in [4+2]
cycloaddition. Let us first compare the HOMO-LUMO interactions for the ground state for
a thermally induced reaiiion. We will use the simplest [4+2] system, the cycloaddition of
1,3-butadiene and ethene. In the thermally induced cycloaddition between these two
mctants, we can visualise the pi electrons flowing from HOMO, n, of the diene (Fig.
123) to the LUMO $, of the dienophile. You can see that orbitals that lead to
cvcloaddition are in phtse. The mction therefore is symmetry allowed.
cannot &erGp with the LUMO of the dierkphile be&& thetwo are not in-phase. 'Ihe
photo induced [4+2] cylisation, therefore, is symmetry-forbidden.
1 eymmetry forbidden
(a) Explain why in [4+2] cycloaddition, diene is activated by electron donor substituents
and dienophile by electron-withdrawing substituents.
@) Predict whether a photo induced [4+2] cycloaddition would be possible if the
dienophile instead of the diene were the excited reactant.
Rc.e(bn Intcnnedhk . a ways in which the existing C--C sigma bonds can rotate in order to bring thep-orbitals in
~ o k u h Rearnngemenls
r phase for overlap.
The two C- C sigma bonds can rotate in the same direction, either both clockwise or
both counter-clockwise. This type of rotation is called conrotatory.
The two C- C sigma bonds can rotate in the oppasite directions, one clockwise and
the other anticlockwise. fiis type of rotation is called disrogtory.
fi both 010CKWlSe
opposite direction
In the first of above examples, you can see that the phases ofp-orbitals in the starting
dienes arc different. You may also note that when thep-orbitals are out of phase before
rotation, conrotatory motion can bring them into phase for symmetry allowed overlap; and
when the y-orbitals are in phase before rotation (second example) disrotatory motion is
required. In other words, direction of rotation for symmetry allowed overlap depends on
the phases ofp-orbitals just prior to cyclisation. The phases ofp-orbitals of the diene just
prior Lo the reaction, in turn, depend on whether the molecule is in the ground state or in
the excited state. Let us consider both these cases.
When 1,9butadiene is heated, reaction takes place from the ground state. The electrons
that are used for sigma bond formation are in the HOMO, sc,. If you refer to Fig. 12.3, you
can see that the pertinentp-orbitals in this HOMO are out of phase with each other. So for
the sigma bond to form, rotation must be conrotatory. Disrotatory motion would not bring
lobes ofp-orbitals in phase for overlap.
Photo induced cyclisation takes place in the excited state. Here HOMO is n,*, in which
phases ofp-orbitals arc in phase. Therefore, the rotation of C--C sigma bonds has to be
disrotatory for a symmetry allowed reaction to take place.
photo eymmetry-allowed
(in phase),
Stemhemistry of a 4n cyclisatlon
We have said above that the stereochemistq of the product in electrocyclisation dtpcnds
whether the reaction is thermally or photo induced.
As you can deduce from the discussion above, in thermal cyclisation conrotatory motion is
required for bond formation. So both methyl groups rotate in the same direction. As a
result they are on the same side of the ring or cis in the product.
In photochemical cyclisation, on the other hand, disrotatory motion would be required for
bond formation. The two methyl groups rotate in opposite directions, one rotates up, the
other down; with the result that they are trans in the product.
[1 2 31
numbering of the
alkenyl chain
As you can see both the akenyl chain and the migrating group are numbered starting at the
position of their original attachment. This may not be a carbon atom. Also these numbers
are not related to nombnclature numbers. In the above example atom 1of the migrating
group ends u p on atom 3 of the alkenyl chain, so this rearrangement is classified as [1,3]
sigmatropic rearrangement. Examples of [1,5] and [1,7] sigmatropic rearrangements are
given below. In both cases the migrating group is H.
atom 3 of the
alkenyl chain 2 alkenyl chain
Let us first take the case of a [1,3] sigmatropic rearrangement. The products of the
hypothetical cleavage are a hydrogen atom and an allyl radical which contains three pi
elmrons and so three a molecular orbitals.
H hypothetical *
CH2-CH=CH2 A dH2 - C H = C H ~
homolytic cleavage
allyl radical
nz 8-1 - HOMO
There are twomodes in which H can shift. In onecase the migrating grbup remains on the same
side of the alkenyl chain, such a migrating is called suprabcial. In the other the migrating
group migrates t o the opposite face of the orbital system, this is known a s
If you examine the HOMO of the allyl radical in a [1,3] sigmatropic shift, you can see that
suprafacial migration is symmetry forbidden though it may be geometrically feasible.
suprafacial shift
Let us see what happens in the case of antarafacial shift. You can see that this is symmetry
allowed but geometrically unfavourable. This leads to the conclusion that [1,3]
sigmatropic rearrangements should not occur readily. As mentioned above, it has been
found in practice that they are rare.
0 rsymrnetry
but geometrically
transition state I
a ntarafacial shift
By contrast [1,5] sigmatropic shifts are quite common. If we assume a homolytic bond
cleavage for the purpose of analysis, we have to consider r molecular orbitals of
pentadienyl radical which has five x electrons and hence five molecular orbitals shown in
Fig 12.5.
6~ 2-CH=CH---CH=CH2
Which of the following sigmatropic rearmgements would proceed readily and which .
slowly? Explain.
In this unit we have discussed pericyclic reactions. These reactions are thermal or photo
induced concetted reactions with cyclic transition sates. Pericyclic reactions have been
classified into.
Cycloaddition reactions
Electrocyclic reactions
Sigmatropic rearrangements
In this unit we have used the frontier orbital method for analysing the mechanism of these
reactions, according to which the electrons are assumed to flow from the HOMO of one
molecule to LUMO of the other. If these orbitals are in phase, the reaction is symmetry
allowed. If the orbitals are not in phase the reaction is symmetry forbidden.
Cycloaddition reactions of 4n and (4nt2) systems have been discussed. It has been shown
by analysis of the frontier orbitals in the ground state and the excited state that
cycloadditions of 4n systems would be photo induced while those of ( 4 n i 2 ) thermally
Elwrocylic reactions of 4n and (4n+2) systems have been discussed next. Here.p-orbita1
stereochemistry of the product. Rationale for the stereochemistry of the products obtained
in thermal and photochemical reactions has been established on this basis.
I .
rdL(rrd 5) Predict the products in the following:
2) a) 'Ihe reaction visualises n electrons flowing fmm HOMO, x, of the diem to the
LUMO %* of the dienophilc. T k e f o n , a high electron M t y in the f o m u and
a low electrdn density in the latter would favour the reaction.
rymrnetry forbidden -
Further Readings
1) Orgrinic Ctterrtistry, 6th edition; by R .T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd; Prent icc-I Iall of
India Pvt. Ltd.
2) A Text Book of Organic Cherriistry; by B.S. Bahal and Arun Bahal; S. Chand &
Company Ltd.
3) Organic Cherrtistry, Vo1.I a!id 11; by S.M. Mukherji. S.P. Singh and R.P. Kapoor;
Wiley Eastern Ltd.
4) Tar Book of Organic Cherr~istrv,24th edition; by P.L. Soni and H.M. Chawla.
Sultan Chand & Sons.