The Chemical Bond
The Chemical Bond
The Chemical Bond
The Chemical Bond
When the two atoms are close to each other, it is not possible to
know whether it is electron 1 that is on A or electron 2.
An equally valid description is therefore
(𝑟1, 𝑟2) = 1s(𝑟1B)1s(𝑟2A)
When the two are equally probable, quantum mechanics
describes the true state of the system as a superposition of the
wavefunctions for each possibility
A better description of the molecule than either wavefunction
alone is the linear combination:
(𝑟1, 𝑟2) = 1s(𝑟1𝐴)1s(𝑟2𝐵) ± 1s(𝑟1B)1s(𝑟2A)
The combination with lower energy is the one with a + sign, so
Heitler and London suggested that the valence-bond
wavefunction of the H2 molecule is
𝑟1, 𝑟2 = 1s 𝑟1𝐴 1s 𝑟2𝐵 + 1s(𝑟1B)1s(𝑟2A)
The Chemical Bond
The Chemical Bond
The Chemical Bond
In the expression for V, the first two terms in parentheses are the
attractive contribution from the interaction between the electron
and the nuclei; the remaining term is the repulsive interaction
between the nuclei.
The one-electron wavefunctions obtained by solving the Schrödinger
equation H = E are called molecular orbitals (MO). A molecular
orbital , through the value of 2, gives the distribution of the
electron in the molecule.
The Chemical Bond
The Chemical Bond
= 𝑁 𝐴 + 𝐵
where for H2+, 𝐴 = 𝐻1sA 𝑑𝜏 and B = 𝐻1sB 𝑑𝜏
And N is a normalization constant.
Example: Normalize + = N(A+B)
The Chemical Bond
a) Bonding orbitals
The Chemical Bond
The energy E1 of the 1-orbital is
The Chemical Bond
b) Antibonding orbitals
The linear combination - corresponds to a higher energy than that
of +.
The probability density is
The Chemical Bond
The Chemical Bond
The two 2px orbitals overlap to give a bonding and antibonding x
orbital, and the two 2py orbitals overlap to give two y orbitals.
The x and y bonding orbitals are degenerate; so too are their
antibonding partners.
A bonding orbital has odd parity and is denoted u
An antibonding orbital has even parity, denoted g
To construct the molecular orbital energy level diagram for Period
2 homonuclear diatomic molecules, we form eight molecular
orbitals from the eight valence shell orbitals (four from each
The relative order is controlled by the separation of the 2s and 2p
orbitals in the atoms, which increases across the group.
The consequent switch in order occurs at about N2.
The Chemical Bond
The Chemical Bond
Consider O2 or F2lectrons.
Fig. The molecular orbital energy level diagram for homonuclear diatomic
molecules (For O2. F2) 27
The Chemical Bond
n = the number of electrons in bonding orbitals and
n* = the number of electrons in antibonding orbitals.
Each electron pair in a bonding orbital increases the bond order by
1 and each pair in an antibonding orbital decreases b by 1.
E.g. For H2 , b = 1, corresponding to a single bond, H-H.
For He2 , b = 0, and there is no bond.
For N2 , b = ½(8 - 2) = 3.
The greater the bond order,
1. the shorter the bond.
2. the greater the bond strength. 28
The Chemical Bond
Valence bond theory Molecular orbital theory
Explains hybrid orbitals Explains bonding molecular orbital
and antibonding molecular orbitals
Resonance plays a role No place for resonance
No explanation of paramagnetic Explains paramagnetic character of
character of O2 O2