Mil HDBK 17 5

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Volume 5 of 5
17 JUNE 2002




This handbook is for guidance only. Do not cite this document as a requirement.


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

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Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents


1. This Composite Materials Handbook Series, MIL-HDBK-17, are approved for use by all Departments
and Agencies of the Department of Defense.

2. This handbook is for guidance only. This handbook cannot be cited as a requirement. If it is, the con-
tractor does not have to comply. This mandate is a DoD requirement only; it is not applicable to the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or other government agencies.

3. Every effort has been made to reflect the latest information on polymer (organic), metal, and ceramic
composites. The handbook is continually reviewed and revised to ensure its completeness and cur-
rentness. Documentation for the secretariat should be directed to: Materials Sciences Corporation,
MIL-HDBK-17 Secretariat, 500 Office Center Drive, Suite 250, Fort Washington, PA 19034..

4. MIL-HDBK-17 provides guidelines and material properties for polymer (organic), metal, and ceramic
matrix composite materials. The first three volumes of this handbook currently focus on, but are not
limited to, polymeric composites intended for aircraft and aerospace vehicles. Metal matrix compos-
ites (MMC) and ceramic matrix composites (CMC), including carbon-carbon composites (C-C) are
covered in Volume 4 and Volume 5 , respectively.

5. This standardization handbook has been developed and is being maintained as a joint effort of the
Department of Defense and the Federal Aviation Administration.

6. The information contained in this handbook was obtained from materials producers, industry, reports
on Government sponsored research, the open literature, and by contact with research laboratories
and those who participate in the MIL-HDBK-17 coordination activity.

7. All information and data contained in this handbook have been coordinated with industry and the U.S.
Army, Navy, Air Force, NASA, and Federal Aviation Administration prior to publication.

8. Copies of this document and revisions thereto may be obtained from the Document Automation and
Production Service (DAPS), Bldg. 4D, (DODSSP/ASSIST), 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA

9. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of
use in improving this document should be addressed to: U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Weapons
and Materials Research Directorate, Attn: AMSRL-WM-MA, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-
5069, by using the Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at
the end of this document or by letter.

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Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents



Forward.......................................................................................................................................................... ii

PART A. INTRODUCTION AND GUIDELINES ........................................................................................... 2

1 MIL-17 GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES......................................................................................... 2
1.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.1 Objectives of Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) Working Groups ............................. 2 Objectives and tasks for Data Review Working Group ............................. 3 Vision, goals and objectives for Materials and Processes
Working Group........................................................................................... 3 Vision, goals and objectives for Structural Analysis & Design
Codes Working Group ............................................................................... 4 Vision, goals and objectives for Testing Working Group ........................... 4
1.2 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Part A: Introduction and Guidelines............................................................................ 6
1.3.2 Part B: Design Supportability ..................................................................................... 6
1.3.3 Part C: Testing............................................................................................................ 6
1.3.4 Part D: Data Requirements and Data Sets ................................................................ 6
1.4 USE OF THE DOCUMENT AND LIMITATIONS........................................................................ 7
1.4.1 Source of information .................................................................................................. 7
1.4.2 Use of data and guidelines in applications.................................................................. 7
1.4.3 Strength properties and allowables terminology ......................................................... 7
1.4.4 Use of References....................................................................................................... 8
1.4.5 Use of tradenames and product names ...................................................................... 8
1.4.6 Toxicity, health hazards, and safety ............................................................................ 8
1.4.7 Ozone depleting chemicals ......................................................................................... 8
1.5 APPROVAL PROCEDURES...................................................................................................... 8
1.6 SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND SYSTEMS OF UNITS ..................................................... 9
1.6.1 Symbols and abbreviations ....................................................................................... 10 Constituent properties ............................................................................. 14 Laminae and laminates ........................................................................... 15 Subscripts ................................................................................................ 16 Superscripts............................................................................................. 17 Acronyms ................................................................................................. 17
1.6.2 System of units.......................................................................................................... 20
1.7 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................... 20
2 INTRODUCTION, HISTORY AND OVERVIEW ................................................................................. 43
2.1 HISTORY AND OVERVIEW .................................................................................................... 43
2.2 APPLICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 44
3 PROCESSING, CHARACTERIZATION AND MANUFACTURING .................................................... 47
3.1 CMC SYSTEMS, PROCESSING, PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS ................................ 47
3.1.1 CMC processing methods ......................................................................................... 47

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Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents Chemical vapor infiltration CMCs ............................................................ 47 CVI fabrication technique ........................................................... 47 Typical properties for CVI CFCCs .............................................. 48 Typical applications for CVI CFCCs ........................................... 50 Directed metal oxidation (DIMOX™) ....................................................... 50 Basic processing procedures for DIMOX™ ............................... 50 Typical properties of DIMOX™................................................... 51 Typical applications for DIMOX™ .............................................. 51 Polymer derived ceramics ....................................................................... 51 Introduction................................................................................. 51 Fabrication.................................................................................. 52 Carbon-carbon composites ..................................................................... 55 Oxide systems –sinter/hot press ............................................................. 56 Sol-gel processing ................................................................................... 56 Introduction................................................................................. 56 Single oxide compositions.......................................................... 57 Advantages and disadvantages of sol-gel processing ............... 57 Drying control agents and fillers................................................. 59 Sol-gel processing of 2-D structures .......................................... 60 Sol-gel processing of 3-D structures .......................................... 60 Summary .................................................................................... 61 Melt infiltration.......................................................................................... 61 Resin infiltration, pyrolysis, and reaction.................................... 61 Slurry casting.............................................................................. 62 Reaction processing ................................................................................ 62 Fibrous monoliths (FMs).......................................................................... 63 Introduction................................................................................. 63 Macrostructure of fibrous monoliths ........................................... 64 Mechanical properties of fibrous monoliths................................ 65 Thermal properties of fibrous monoliths..................................... 66 Applications for fibrous monoliths .............................................. 67 Hybrid systems ...................................................................................... 67
3.2 FIBER/REINFORCEMENT SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY................................................. 67
3.2.1 Introduction – the role and function of reinforcements in CMCs ............................... 67
3.2.2 Continuous fibers ...................................................................................................... 67 Oxide fibers.............................................................................................. 67 SiC monofilaments................................................................................... 70 Small diameter SiC-based fibers ............................................................. 72 Carbon fibers ........................................................................................... 73 Introduction and applications ..................................................... 73 Structure and general properties of carbon fibers...................... 75 Fabrication of carbon fibers........................................................ 76 Availability and sources of carbon fibers .................................... 79 Specific properties of carbon fibers ............................................ 79
3.2.3 High temperature properties of continuous ceramic fibers ....................................... 82 Carbon fibers ........................................................................................... 84
3.2.4 Discontinuous reinforcements – whiskers, particulates, and in-situ.......................... 84
3.3 INTERPHASE/INTERFACE TECHNOLOGY AND APPROACHES ........................................ 84
3.3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 84 The roles and requirements for fiber interfaces and coatings ................. 86 Fabrication of fiber interface coatings ..................................................... 87
3.3.2 Interphase composition ............................................................................................. 88 Carbon ..................................................................................................... 88 Boron nitride ............................................................................................ 89 Oxide ....................................................................................................... 89 Non-layered oxide interfaces ..................................................... 89

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Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents Layered oxide interfaces ............................................................ 90 Porous matrices and porous/fugitive coatings ........................... 90 Porous matrices .............................................................. 90 Porous Coatings.............................................................. 91 Fugitive Interfaces ........................................................... 91
3.3.3 Other ......................................................................................................................... 92
3.4 FABRICATION AND FORMING OF FIBER ARCHITECTURES ............................................. 92
3.4.1 General...................................................................................................................... 92
3.4.2 Fiber architectures..................................................................................................... 92 Uniweaves ............................................................................................... 92 2-D woven architectures .......................................................................... 93 3-D architectures ..................................................................................... 94 3-D polar architectures............................................................... 94 3-D orthogonal architectures...................................................... 94 3-D angle interlock architectures ............................................... 94 2-D braided architectures ........................................................................ 95 3-D braided architectures ........................................................................ 95
3.4.3 Fabric weave and braid manufacturers..................................................................... 95
3.5 EXTERNAL PROTECTIVE COATINGS .................................................................................. 96
3.5.1 External coating functions ......................................................................................... 96 Environmental protection ......................................................................... 96 Thermal management.............................................................................. 96 Wear and abrasion .................................................................................. 96 Signature control...................................................................................... 96 Aerodynamic surface control ................................................................... 96
3.5.2 Compositions and method of fabrication................................................................... 96 Compositions and structure..................................................................... 96 Oxide compositions.................................................................... 96 Non-oxide compositions............................................................. 96 Multilayer coatings ..................................................................... 96 Particulate composite coatings .................................................. 96 Methods of fabrication ............................................................................. 96 Chemical vapor deposition......................................................... 97 Thermal spray ............................................................................ 97 Physical vapor deposition .......................................................... 97 Sinter/glaze coatings.................................................................. 97 Diffusion and reaction sintering.................................................. 97
3.5.3 Engineering considerations ....................................................................................... 97 Thermodynamic compatibility .................................................................. 97 Coating process compatibility.................................................................. 97 Mechanical compatibility.......................................................................... 97 Thermal expansion match.......................................................... 97 Coating strength ......................................................................... 97 Coating adhesion ....................................................................... 97 Strain accommodation................................................................ 97 Residual stresses ....................................................................... 97 Component geometry coatability ............................................................. 98 Environmental stability of coating ............................................................ 98
3.5.4 Examples of external coatings for CMCs .................................................................. 98
3.6.1 Bulk composite .......................................................................................................... 98 Composition............................................................................................. 98 Density..................................................................................................... 98 Porosity.................................................................................................... 98 Microstructure .......................................................................................... 98 Defects..................................................................................................... 98

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Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents Other physical.......................................................................................... 98

3.6.2 Fibers/reinforcement ................................................................................................. 98 Composition............................................................................................. 98 Density..................................................................................................... 98 Porosity.................................................................................................... 99 Microstructure .......................................................................................... 99 Defects..................................................................................................... 99 Sizing ....................................................................................................... 99 Slipping .................................................................................................... 99 Other physical.......................................................................................... 99
3.6.3 Matrices ..................................................................................................................... 99 Composition............................................................................................. 99 Density..................................................................................................... 99 Porosity.................................................................................................... 99 Microstructure .......................................................................................... 99 Defects..................................................................................................... 99 Other physical.......................................................................................... 99
3.6.4 Interfaces................................................................................................................. 100 Composition/chemical phase................................................................. 100
CHARACTERIZATION) .................................................................................................. 100
3.7.1 Needs and requirements ......................................................................................... 100
3.7.2 Cost ......................................................................................................................... 101
3.7.3 Standards ................................................................................................................ 101
3.7.4 Current methods and status .................................................................................... 102 Porosity.................................................................................................. 102 High sensitivity thermal imaging............................................... 102 Status............................................................................. 102 Ultrasonics with image processing........................................... 103 Status............................................................................. 103 Impact acoustic resonance (“The Ping Test”) .......................... 104 Status............................................................................. 104 Density................................................................................................... 104 X-ray imaging ........................................................................... 104 X-ray radiography.......................................................... 104 X-ray computed tomography ......................................... 105 Ultrasonics with image processing........................................... 106 Required thermal properties .................................................................. 106 Defect detection..................................................................................... 106 Delaminations .......................................................................... 106 Degree and extent of voids ...................................................... 107 Missing plys.............................................................................. 107 Ply drop-offs ............................................................................. 107 Machining induced damage ..................................................... 107 In-service inspection (ISI) by NDE/NDC................................................ 107 Fiber-matrix interface degradation ........................................... 107 Foreign object damage (FOD) and delaminations ................... 108
3.7.5 Developing methods................................................................................................ 108
3.8 QUALITY CONTROL OF STARTING MATERIALS............................................................... 108
3.9 MACHINING .......................................................................................................................... 108
4 QUALITY CONTROL OF FINAL PRODUCTS ................................................................................. 108
4.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 108
4.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE ........................................................................................................ 108
4.3 MATERIAL PROPERTY VERIFICATION .............................................................................. 108
4.4 STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL ................................................................................... 108

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Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents

5 APPLICATIONS, CASE HISTORIES AND LESSONS LEARNS...................................................... 108

PART B. DESIGN AND SUPPORTABILITY .............................................................................................114

6 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................114
6.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................114
6.2 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS.................................................................................................114
6.2.1 CMC design guidelines ............................................................................................114
6.2.2 Status of CMC design systems ................................................................................114
6.2.3 CMC component design and development..............................................................114
6.2.4 Design allowables ....................................................................................................114
6.3 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................114
6.3.1 Static or creep loads - mechanical, thermal, stress/creep rupture, hot
streaks ...................................................................................................................114
6.3.2 Low cycle fatigue......................................................................................................114
6.3.3 High cycle fatigue .....................................................................................................114
6.3.4 Thermal cycling ........................................................................................................114
6.3.5 Thermo-mechanical fatigue......................................................................................114
6.4 DESIGN CRITERIA ................................................................................................................115
6.4.1 Durability requirements ............................................................................................115
6.4.2 Damage tolerance ....................................................................................................115
6.5 DATA REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................................115
6.5.1 Killer tests .................................................................................................................115 Environmental conditioning and pre-cracking ........................................115 Loads ......................................................................................................115 Step temperature creep at constant stress.............................................115 Step stress creep test at constant temperature......................................115 Low cycle fatigue test .............................................................................115 High cycle fatigue test ............................................................................115
6.5.2 Configuration shaped coupons ................................................................................115
6.5.3 Composite “T” subelements with interlaminar cracks ..............................................115
6.6 ATTACHMENTS......................................................................................................................116
6.6.1 Thermally free attachment designs ..........................................................................116
6.6.2 Thermally free curled liner........................................................................................116
6.6.3 Thermally free flat liner.............................................................................................116
6.6.4 Rib-stiffened liners....................................................................................................116
6.6.5 Composite fastener design ......................................................................................116
7 SUPPORTABILITY ............................................................................................................................116
7.1 INTRODUCTION AND TERMINOLOGY ................................................................................116
7.2 SUPPORTABILITY ELEMENTS .............................................................................................116
7.2.1 System engineering and integration.........................................................................116
7.2.2 Joining ......................................................................................................................116
7.2.3 Inspectability.............................................................................................................116
7.2.4 Repairability..............................................................................................................116
7.2.5 Maintainability...........................................................................................................116
7.2.6 Environmental compliance .......................................................................................117
7.2.7 Support implementation ...........................................................................................117
7.2.8 Logistics requirements .............................................................................................117

PART C. TESTING....................................................................................................................................119
8 THERMO-MECHANICAL-PHYSICAL TEST METHODS - OVERVIEW ...........................................119
8.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................119
8.1.1 Building block approach ...........................................................................................119
8.1.2 Test level and data uses...........................................................................................119

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Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents Structural complexity levels ................................................................... 120 Data application categories ................................................................... 121 Screening tests......................................................................... 121 Material qualification tests........................................................ 121 Acceptance tests ...................................................................... 122 Equivalence tests ..................................................................... 122
8.2 TEST PROGRAM PLANNING............................................................................................... 122
8.2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 122
8.2.2 Baseline and alternate approaches for statistically-based properties..................... 123
8.2.3 Issues of data equivalence...................................................................................... 123
8.2.4 Test method selection.............................................................................................. 123
8.2.5 Population sampling and sizing............................................................................... 123
8.2.6 Material and processing variation ........................................................................... 123
8.2.7 Material operating limit ............................................................................................ 123
8.2.8 Non ambient testing ................................................................................................ 123
8.2.9 Data normalization .................................................................................................. 123
8.2.10 Data documentation .............................................................................................. 123
8.2.11 Application specific testing needs.......................................................................... 123
8.3 RECOMMENDED TEST MATRICES .................................................................................... 123
8.3.1 Material screening ................................................................................................... 123
8.3.2 Material qualification................................................................................................ 124
8.3.3 Material acceptance test matrices........................................................................... 124
8.3.4 Alternate material equivalence test matrices .......................................................... 124
8.3.5 Generic material/structural element test matrices................................................... 125
8.3.6 Alternate approaches to basis values ..................................................................... 125
8.3.7 Data substantiation for use of MIL-HDBK-17 basis values ..................................... 125
8.4 DATA REDUCTION AND DOCUMENTATION....................................................................... 126
8.4.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 126
8.4.2 Layer properties from composites........................................................................... 126
8.4.3 Data normalization .................................................................................................. 126 Normalization theory.............................................................................. 126 Normalization methodology ................................................................... 126 Practical application of normalization theory ......................................... 128
8.4.4 Data documentation requirements .......................................................................... 128
9.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 129
9.2 MATERIAL AND PROCESS SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ....................................... 129
9.3 DATA SAMPLING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 129
9.4 TEST METHOD REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 129
9.4.1 Thermal ................................................................................................................... 129 Conductivity ........................................................................................... 129 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 129 Matrix........................................................................................ 129 Fiber ......................................................................................... 129 Interphase ................................................................................ 129 Overcoat................................................................................... 130 Diffusivity ............................................................................................... 130 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 130 Matrix........................................................................................ 132 Fiber ......................................................................................... 132 Interphase ................................................................................ 132 Overcoat................................................................................... 132 Expansion .............................................................................................. 132 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 132 Matrix........................................................................................ 134

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Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents Fiber ......................................................................................... 134 Interphase ................................................................................ 134 Overcoat................................................................................... 134 Specific heat .......................................................................................... 134 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 134 Matrix........................................................................................ 137 Fiber ......................................................................................... 137 Interphase ................................................................................ 137 Overcoat................................................................................... 137 Thermal shock ....................................................................................... 137 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 137 Matrix........................................................................................ 137 Fiber ......................................................................................... 137 Interphase ................................................................................ 137 Overcoat................................................................................... 137 Thermal fatigue...................................................................................... 137 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 137 Matrix........................................................................................ 137 Fiber ......................................................................................... 137 Interphase ................................................................................ 138 Overcoat................................................................................... 138
9.4.2 Mechanical .............................................................................................................. 138 Tension .................................................................................................. 138 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 138 In-plane monotonic tensile strength (ambient
temperature)........................................................................ 138 In-plane monotonic tensile strength (elevated
temperature)........................................................................ 140 Trans-thickness monotonic tensile strength
(ambient temperature)......................................................... 142 Trans-thickness monotonic tensile strength
(elevated temperature) ........................................................ 142 Cyclic fatigue (ambient temperature) ............................ 142 Cyclic fatigue (elevated temperature) ........................... 144 Creep............................................................................. 144 Matrix........................................................................................ 146 Fiber ......................................................................................... 146 Monotonic tensile strength (ambient temperature) ....... 146 Monotonic tensile strength (elevated temperature)....... 148 Interphase ................................................................................ 148 Overcoat................................................................................... 148 Compression.......................................................................................... 148 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 148 In-plane monotonic compressive strength (ambient
temperature)......................................................................... 148 Matrix........................................................................................ 150 Fiber ......................................................................................... 150 Interphase ................................................................................ 150 Overcoat................................................................................... 150 Shear ..................................................................................................... 150 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 150 In-plane monotonic shear strength (ambient
temperature)........................................................................ 150 In-plane monotonic shear strength (elevated
temperature)........................................................................ 152

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Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents Interlaminar monotonic shear strength (ambient

temperature)........................................................................ 152 Interlaminar monotonic shear strength (elevated
temperature)........................................................................ 154 Matrix........................................................................................ 154 Fiber ......................................................................................... 154 Interphase ................................................................................ 154 Overcoat................................................................................... 154 Flexure................................................................................................... 154 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 154 Monotonic flexural strength (ambient temperature) ...... 154 Monotonic flexural strength (elevated
temperature)........................................................................ 157 Monotonic shear strength (ambient temperature) ......... 160 Matrix........................................................................................ 162 Fiber ......................................................................................... 162 Interphase ................................................................................ 162 Overcoat................................................................................... 162 Fracture ................................................................................................. 162 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 162 Matrix........................................................................................ 162 CMC fiber ................................................................................. 162 CMC interphase ....................................................................... 162 CMC overcoats......................................................................... 162
9.4.3 Physical ................................................................................................................... 162 Density................................................................................................... 162 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 163 Matrix........................................................................................ 165 Fiber ......................................................................................... 165 Interphase ................................................................................ 167 Overcoat................................................................................... 167 Electrical ................................................................................................ 167 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 167 Matrix........................................................................................ 167 Fiber ......................................................................................... 167 Interphase ................................................................................ 167 Overcoat................................................................................... 167 Elastic constants .................................................................................... 167 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 167 Matrix........................................................................................ 167 Fiber ......................................................................................... 167 Interphase ................................................................................ 167 Overcoat................................................................................... 168 Volume fraction ...................................................................................... 168 Bulk CMC ................................................................................. 168 Dimensions ............................................................................................ 170 Matrix (grain size)..................................................................... 170 Fiber (diameter)........................................................................ 170
9.4.4 Chemical Properties ................................................................................................ 172
9.4.5 Electrical Properties ................................................................................................ 172
9.4.6 Environmental Testing ............................................................................................. 172
10 EVALUATION OF REINFORCEMENTS ........................................................................................ 173
10.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 173
10.2 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ............................................................................................. 173
10.2.1 Elastic (Poisson’s Ratio, modulus)........................................................................ 173

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Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents

10.2.2 Strength (FT, RT)................................................................................................... 173

10.2.3 Creep/creep rupture .............................................................................................. 173
10.2.4 Fatigue .................................................................................................................. 173
10.3 THERMAL PROPERTIES.................................................................................................... 173
10.3.1 Expansion.............................................................................................................. 173
10.3.2 Conductivity........................................................................................................... 173
10.3.3 Environmental (corrosion, erosion, wear, etc.)...................................................... 173
10.3.4 Oxidation ............................................................................................................... 173
11 EVALUATION OF MATRIX MATERIALS ........................................................................................ 173
11.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 174
11.2 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ............................................................................................. 174
11.2.1 Elastic (Poisson’s Ratio, modulus) ........................................................................ 174
11.2.2 Strength (HT, RT)................................................................................................... 174
11.2.3 Creep/creep rupture .............................................................................................. 174
11.2.4 Fatigue................................................................................................................... 174
11.3 THERMAL PROPERTIES .................................................................................................... 174
11.3.1 Expansion .............................................................................................................. 174
11.3.2 Conductivity ........................................................................................................... 174
11.3.3 Environmental (corrosion, erosion, wear, etc.) ...................................................... 174
11.3.4 Oxidation ............................................................................................................... 174
11.3.5 Other physical (powder or preform char.).............................................................. 174
12 EVALUATION OF INTERFACE MATERIAL ................................................................................... 174
13 EVALUATION OF COMPOSITES .................................................................................................. 175
13.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 175
13.2 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ............................................................................................. 175
13.2.1 Elastic (Poisson’s Ratio, modulus)........................................................................ 175
13.2.2 Strength (HT, RT) ILT/ILS ...................................................................................... 175
13.2.3 Creep/creep rupture .............................................................................................. 175
13.2.4 Fatigue .................................................................................................................. 175
13.2.5 Open-hole tension/compression strength (notch sensitivity) ................................ 175
13.2.6 Interfacial shear properties.................................................................................... 175
13.3 ENVIRONMENTAL PROPERTIES ...................................................................................... 175
13.3.1 Thermal expansion................................................................................................ 175
13.3.2 Conductivity........................................................................................................... 175
13.3.3 Environmental (corrosion, erosion, wear, salt fog, etc. ......................................... 175
13.3.4 Environmental effects (oxidation, corrosion, etc. ) ................................................ 176
13.3.5 Oxidation ............................................................................................................... 176
13.4 REACTIONS AT THE INTERFACE (DEBONDING, DIFFUSION, ETC.) (7.9) .................... 176
13.5 THERMAL SHOCK RESISTANCE ...................................................................................... 176
13.6 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES............................................................................................... 176
13.7 DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES ............................................................................................... 176
13.8 IMPACT RESISTANCE........................................................................................................ 176
13.9 STATIC AND DYNAMIC FATIGUE ...................................................................................... 176
13.10 PROPORTIONAL LIMIT .................................................................................................... 176
13.11 INTERLAMINAR SHEAR PROPERTIES........................................................................... 176
13.12 STRAIN AT FRACTURE .................................................................................................... 176
13.13 STRESS-STRAIN CURVES .............................................................................................. 177
14 SUBCOMPONENT TESTING – OVERVIEW OF PROBLEM ........................................................ 177
14.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 177
14.2 JOINT TESTING .................................................................................................................. 177
14.2.1 Definitions.............................................................................................................. 177
14.2.2 Failure modes........................................................................................................ 177
14.2.3 Thermal effects...................................................................................................... 177
14.2.4 Joint configurations ............................................................................................... 177

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Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents

14.2.5 Design requirements ............................................................................................. 177

14.2.6 Material bearing strength ...................................................................................... 177
14.2.7 Open-hole tension/compression strength ............................................................. 177
14.2.8 Thermal-mechanical fatigue strength.................................................................... 177
14.2.9 Creep and stress rupture ...................................................................................... 177
14.2.10 Fastener qualification tests ................................................................................. 178
14.3 TUBES ................................................................................................................................. 178
15 MACHINING & GRINDING............................................................................................................. 178
15.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 178
15.2 MACHINING CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................................... 178
15.3 TOOLING REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................... 178
15.4 SPECIMEN PREPARATION................................................................................................ 178

PART D. DATA REQUIREMENTS AND DATA SETS .............................................................................. 180

16 DATA SUBMISSION, FORMAT AND REQUIREMENTS................................................................ 180
16.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 180
16.2 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................... 180
16.3 FORMAT AND UNITS.......................................................................................................... 180
16.4 DESIGN PROPERTIES....................................................................................................... 205
17 STATISTICAL METHODS .............................................................................................................. 205
17.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 205
17.1.1 An overview of methods for calculating statistically based
properties ............................................................................................................. 205
17.1.2 Computer software ................................................................................................ 205
17.1.3 Symbols................................................................................................................. 205
17.1.4 Statistical terms ..................................................................................................... 205
17.2 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................... 205
17.2.1 Statistically-based design allowables .................................................................... 205
17.2.2 Basis values for unstructured data........................................................................ 205
17.2.3 Basis values in the presence of batch-to-batch variability .................................... 205
17.2.4 Batches, panels, and confounding ........................................................................ 205
17.2.5 Sample size guidelines for determining basis values ........................................... 206
17.3.1 Guide to computational procedures ...................................................................... 206
17.3.2 Subpopulation compatibility – structured or unstructured ..................................... 206
17.3.3 Detecting outliers................................................................................................... 206
17.3.4 Basis values for unstructured data........................................................................ 206
17.3.5 Basis values for structured data............................................................................ 206
17.3.6 Exploratory data analysis ...................................................................................... 206
17.3.7 Examples of computational procedures ................................................................ 206
17.4 MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL METHODS.................................................................... 206
17.4.1 Confidence intervals for the coefficient of variation .............................................. 206
17.4.2 Statistical procedures for process control ............................................................. 206
17.4.3 Alternate material statistical procedures ............................................................... 206
17.4.4 Typical stress-strain curves ................................................................................... 207
17.5 STATISTICAL TABLES AND APPROXIMATIONS............................................................... 207
18 CMC PROPERTY DATA................................................................................................................. 207
18.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 207
18.1.1 Organization of data in handbook ......................................................................... 207
18.1.2 Presentation of data .............................................................................................. 207
18.1.3 Material coding and documentation ...................................................................... 207
18.1.4 Materials systems codes ....................................................................................... 207
18.1.5 Material orientation codes ..................................................................................... 207

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Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents

18.1.6 Symbols, Abbreviations, and systems of units ...................................................... 207

18.1.7 Definitions.............................................................................................................. 207
18.2 CMC SYSTEMS - PROPERTY DATA ................................................................................. 207
18.2.1 CMC system #1..................................................................................................... 208
18.2.2 CMC system #2..................................................................................................... 212
18.2.3 CMC system #3..................................................................................................... 218
18.2.4 CMC system #4..................................................................................................... 224
18.2.5 CMC system #5..................................................................................................... 227
18.2.6 CMC system #6..................................................................................................... 233


LCF AND RUPTURE LOADINGS............................................................................................................. 239
INDEX .................................................................................................................................................. 243
CONCLUDING MATERIAL.................................................................................................................. 245

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Volume 5, Foreword / Table of Contents

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines



This handbook documents engineering methodologies for the development of standardized,
statistically-based material property data for ceramic matrix composite materials. Also provided
are data summaries for a number of relevant composite material systems for which available data
meet specific MIL-HDBK-17 requirements for publication. Additionally, supporting engineering
and manufacturing technologies and common practices related to composite materials are sum-

It is generally understood that standardized, statistically-based, material property data are essential to
an efficient engineering development process; such data are needed by material suppliers, engineering
users, and system end-users alike. Since the inherent properties of materials are independent of specific
applications, data development methodologies and material property data are applicable to a wide variety
of industries. They also form much of the technical basis for establishment of statistically-based design
values acceptable to procuring or certifying agencies. (An example of procuring agency is a branch of the
U.S. Department of Defense, and an example of certifying agency is an office of the U.S. Federal Aviation
Administration.) This evaluation of the inherent properties of ceramic matrix composite materials is the
focus of MIL-HDBK-17 Volume 5. Material properties are continuously improving and those reported in
this handbook are typical properties at the time of press.

1.1.1 Objectives of Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) Working Groups

Overall Vision for CMC:

MIL-HDBK-17 is the primary and authoritative source for characterization and statistically-based
property and performance data of current and emerging advanced ceramic matrix composites. It re-
flects the best available data and methodologies for characterization, testing, analysis and design,
and includes data development and usage guidelines in support of design methodologies for compo-


• A framework for the successful use of CMCs.

• Guidance to industry for the collection of statistically meaningful critical data that designers need to
utilize CMCs.
• Appropriate prioritization of property requirements and broadly accepted testing procedures - includ-
ing a consideration of the designation of the precision level, based on the requirements from the de-
sign community.
• Guidelines and recommendations for the characterization, processing, testing, design, and utilization
of ceramic matrix composite materials and structures.
• The primary and authoritative source for characterization, property, and performance data of current
and emerging ceramic matrix composite systems.
• Recommendations for the statistical analysis of materials data and structures reliability.


• Development of a framework for the future, successful use of CMCs.

• Provide guidance to industry for the collection of statistically meaningful critical data that designers
need to utilize CMCs.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

• Based on the requirements from the design community, identify appropriate properties and broadly
accepted testing procedures - including a consideration of the designation of the precision level and
prioritization of properties required.
• Provide guidelines and recommendations for the characterization, testing, design and utilization of
ceramic matrix composite materials and structures.
• Provide the primary and authoritative source for characterization, property, and performance data of
current and emerging ceramic matrix composite systems.
• Provide recommendations for the statistical analysis of materials data and structures reliability. Objectives and tasks for Data Review Working Group

• Develop a framework for the future successful use of CMCs

• Guide the industrial base to collect statistically meaningful critical data that designers need to utilize
• Identify and prioritize appropriate properties and testing procedures
• Establish levels of precision required based on requirements for the design community
• Provide a methodology for the determination of key material characteristics (composition, microstruc-
ture and defects) critical for the performance of the material, perhaps including processing information
• Collect representative sets of data using the aforesaid methodologies on selected families of CMCs,
proceed from materials with significant availability of data to those with minimal data but high poten-
tial. Vision, goals and objectives for Materials and Processes Working Group


• To be the primary and authoritative source for information on the composition, fabrication, and char-
acterization of CMC engineering materials and structures.


• To define the essential elements of information on composition, structure, and processing of CMCs
necessary to design, select, fabricate, and utilize CMC structures.
• To specify the methods and procedures to be used in the characterization of ceramic matrix compos-
ites and their constituents.
• To provide a comprehensive overview of ceramic matrix composite technology, outlining the history,
applications, benefits, ceramic composite systems, methods of fabrication, quality control, and sup-


• Define the materials and processing data elements and formats for the CMC data sheets.
• Define materials and processing data package requirements, in terms of nomenclatures, methods,
formats and priorities.
• Provide detailed guidance on methods and procedures for characterizing CMC composites and their
• Prepare the Introduction section (history, applications, benefits, CMC systems, etc.) of the CMC
• Prepare the Materials, Processing, & Fabrication section of the CMC handbook. Prepare the Sup-
portability section of the CMC handbook.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines Vision, goals and objectives for Structural Analysis & Design Codes Working Group


• To be the primary and authoritative source for information and methodologies needed for the design
and analysis of CMC engineering materials and structures.


• To define the information and methodologies needed for the design and analysis of engineering struc-
tures with CMCs
• To specify material property and performance input and validation data needed for design analysis
• To identify test parameters to produce those data, and specify analysis methodologies necessary to
interpret such data, to ensure compatibility with design needs


• Define inputs needed for the design analysis of CMCs

• Identify approaches and methodologies for the design and analysis of CMC materials and structures
• Identify approaches and methodologies for the design and analysis of CMC structural joints Vision, goals and objectives for Testing Working Group


• To be the primary and authoritative source for recommended/required methods for testing and char-
acterization of CMCs and their constituent materials.


• To identify appropriate existing consensus standard test methods for CMCs and their constituent ma-
• To assist in the development of appropriate standard test methods for CMCs and their constituent
materials, where no such standards exist.


• Incorporate appropriate existing standards for CMCs and their constituents in the Handbook. Incor-
porate appropriate new standards/draft standards for CMCs and their constituents in the Handbook.

The primary purpose of MIL-HDBK-17 is the standardization of engineering data development meth-
odologies related to characterization testing, data reduction, and data reporting of properties for ceramic
matrix composite materials. In support of this objective MIL-HDBK-17 publishes properties on composite
material systems for which data meeting specific requirements are available. In addition, MIL-HDBK-17
provides selected guidance on other technical topics related to composites, including material selection,
material specification, material processing, design, analysis, quality control, and repair of typical ceramic
matrix composite materials. Thus, MIL-HDBK-17, Volume 5, is one volume with four parts, and serves as
a source for the following:

• Part A: Documents material characterization data development methodology guidelines adapt-

able to a wide variety of needs, as well as specific requirements to be met by data published in
the handbook. Most procuring and certifying agencies prefer, and some may require, that com-

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

posite material systems used in critical applications either be characterized in accordance with
Part A guidelines or selected from material systems published in Part D.
• Part B: Serves as a source for additional technical guidance and lessons learned on a wide vari-
ety of disciplines related to ceramic matrix composites.
• Part C: Provides technical guidance on the test methodologies and statistical assessment of ma-
terial characterization.
• Part D: Provides a repository of potential design data. The documented property summaries for
material systems provide data meeting the criteria for any of the three MIL-HDBK-17 data docu-
mentation classes, (screening, interim, and fully approved).









FIGURE 1.1 Focus of MIL-HDBK-17 indicated by shaded block.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

For Department of Defense purposes, this handbook is for guidance only. This handbook cannot be
cited as a requirement. If it is, the contractor does not have to comply. This mandate is a DoD require-
ment only; it is not applicable to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or other government agencies.

The four parts of MIL-HDBK-17, Volume 5, serve as a general Reference source for technical infor-
mation on ceramic matrix composites, including:

1.3.1 Part A: Introduction and Guidelines

This part contains guidelines for determining the properties of composite material systems, their con-
stituents, and generic structural elements, including test planning, test matrices, sampling, conditioning,
test procedure selection, data reporting, data reduction, statistical analysis, and other related topics. Part
A contains guidelines for general development of material characterization data as well as specific re-
quirements for publication of material data in MIL-HDBK-17.

It must be emphasized that this handbook differentiates between material basis values (material al-
lowables) and design allowable values. Material basis values, being an intrinsic property of a composite
material system, are the focus of this handbook. Design allowable values, while often rooted in material
basis values, are application dependent, and include specific additional considerations that may further
affect the strength or stiffness of the structure. Also, when establishing application design values there
may be additional certification or procurement agency requirements that go beyond MIL-HDBK-17.

1.3.2 Part B: Design Supportability

Part B provides methodologies and lessons learned for the design, manufacture, analysis, and sup-
portability of composite structures, and for utilization of the material data provided in Part D consistent
with the guidance provided in Part A. Topics discussed in Part B include materials and processing, quality
control, design and analysis, joints, reliability, thick composites, and supportability.

1.3.3 Part C: Testing

Part C addresses issues related to test methods and requirements for submission of data to MIL-17.

1.3.4 Part D: Data Requirements and Data Sets

Part D contains statistically-based data meeting specific MIL-HDBK-17 population sampling and data
documentation requirements, covering constituents and material systems of general interest. Data pub-
lished in Part D are under the jurisdiction of the Data Review Working Group and are approved by the
overall Coordination Group (The MIL-HDBK-17 Coordination Group and Working Groups are discussed in
Section 1.1). New material systems will be included and additional material data for existing systems will
be added as approved data becomes available.

The material properties in Part D are defined over a range of potential use conditions, focusing, when
possible, on the upper and lower material environmental limits so that application-specific environments
do not limit use of the data. Special attention is given to the statistical treatment and analysis of data.
Data at intermediate environmental conditions, when available, provide additional definition of the relation
between material response and environment.

While the process of establishing structural design values for specific applications can begin with the
data contained in Part D, most applications require collection of additional data, especially if there are re-
quirements for data from the laminate or higher structural complexity levels. Also, the ability to manufac-
ture material equivalent to that from which the data in Part D were obtained typically must be proven to
the procuring or certifying agency, which usually involves limited testing and data comparison. General

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

guidelines for such material/process equivalence evaluation are presented in Part A; however, many of
the details of such an evaluation remain at the discretion of the procuring or certifying agency.


1.4.1 Source of information

The information contained in MIL-HDBK-17 is obtained from materials producers and fabricators, the
aerospace industry, reports on government-sponsored research, open literature, direct contacts with re-
searchers, and from participants in MIL-HDBK-17 coordination activities. All information published in this
document has been coordinated and reviewed by representatives from industry, the US Army, the US Air
Force, US Navy, the US Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Energy, and NASA. Every
effort has been made to reflect the most up-to-date information on the use of composite materials, with
particular emphasis on use of composites in structures. The handbook is continually reviewed and re-
vised to keep current with the state-of-the-art in order to ensure completeness and accuracy.

1.4.2 Use of data and guidelines in applications

All data contained herein are based on small-scale test specimens, predominantly loaded quasi-
statically and uniaxially, for specific environmental conditions. It is the user's responsibility to determine if
handbook data are appropriate for a given application and to translate or scale the data as necessary for

• in a multi-directional laminate,
• on a structure of different characteristic size and geometry,
• under a multi-directional stress state,
• when exposed to a different environment, and/or
• when subjected to non-static loading.

Further discussions of these and other issues are provided in Part D. Specific uses of handbook data are
beyond the scope and responsibility of MIL-HDBK-17, and applicability and interpretation of specific pro-
visions of this handbook may require approval by an appropriate procurement or certification agency.

1.4.3 Strength properties and allowables terminology

The handbook intent is to provide guidelines for generating material property data, including statisti-
cally-based strength data at environmental extremes that bracket most intermediate application-specific
environments. The philosophy is to avoid having application-specific issues govern generic material
property characterization programs. If data are also available at intermediate environmental conditions,
they can be used to more completely define the relationship between the property and the effect of the
environment on that property. However, in some cases an environmental limit for a composite material
system may be application dependent, and in others, data at environmental limits may not be available.

Available statistically-based strength data are tabulated in Part D. These data are useful as a starting
point for establishing structural design allowable values when stress and strength analysis capabilities
permit lamina-level margin-of-safety calculations. For such cases the MIL-HDBK-17 strength basis value
may also be termed a material design allowable. Depending on the application, some structural design
allowables may have to be empirically determined from additional laminate, element, or higher-level test
data not provided by MIL-HDBK-17.

Unless otherwise noted, tests were conducted in conformance with the particular test method noted. The emphasis is on data ob-
tained from ASTM standard test methods for advanced composites, but where an ASTM test method has been deemed inappropri-
ate or is not yet available, or when data from a nonstandard but commonly practiced test procedure are available, then data from a
non-standard test method may have been accepted for publication. The specific test method used is noted in the data documenta-
tion. See also the statement on test method acceptance criteria in Volume 1, Section 2.5.5.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

1.4.4 Use of References

While many References are provided at the end of each chapter, note that the information in these
citations may not necessarily comply in every respect either with the general guidelines for data develop-
ment or with the specific requirements for publication of data in the handbook. The References are sim-
ply intended to be helpful, but not necessarily complete or authoritative sources of additional related
information on specific subject areas.

1.4.5 Use of tradenames and product names

Use of tradenames or proprietary product names does not constitute an endorsement of those prod-
ucts by the US Government or by the MIL-HDBK-17 Coordination Group.

1.4.6 Toxicity, health hazards, and safety

Certain processing and test methods discussed in MIL-HDBK-17 may involve hazardous materials,
operations, or equipment. These methods may not address safety problems, if any, associated with their
use. It is the responsibility of the user of these methods to establish appropriate safety and health prac-
tices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. The user is referred to the
Advanced Composite Materials US Army Interim Health and Safety Guidance for a discussion of the
health and safety issues involved in the processing and use of composite materials. This document is
generated by the US Army Environmental Hygiene Agency, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Material
manufacturers, as well as various composites user groups, may also provide guidance on health and
safety issues pertinent to composite materials.

1.4.7 Ozone depleting chemicals

Restrictions on the use of ozone depleting chemicals are detailed in the US Clean Air Act of 1991.


The content of the handbook is developed and approved by the MIL-HDBK-17 Coordination Group as
shown in Figure 1.5, which meets every eight months to consider changes and additions to the handbook.
This Group consists of the handbook Co-Chairs, Coordinator, Secretariat, Working Group Chairs, and the
active Working Group participants, which include representatives from various US and international pro-
curing and certifying agencies, in addition to the producing industries and academic and research institu-
tions. MIL-HDBK-17 Coordination Group meetings are announced to participants by mail about eight
weeks prior to the scheduled meeting date, and minutes of the meetings are mailed eight weeks following
the close of the meeting.

While each of the Working Groups functions similarly, they are of two types: Executive, a single Work-
ing Group with oversight responsibility composed of the Working Group Chairs, the handbook Co-Chairs,
Coordinator, and Secretariat; and Standing, including Data Review, Materials and Processing, Structural
Analysis and Design, and Testing Working Groups. The makeup and organization of the Coordination
Group and Working Groups, as well as the procedures followed for document change approval, are
summarized in the MIL-HDBK-17 Coordination Group Member's Guide, separately published and avail-
able from either the Coordinator or Secretariat.

Proposals for addition to, deletion from, or modification to the handbook should be submitted to both
the appropriate Working Group and the Secretariat well in advance of the announcement mailing date,
and should include specific notation of the proposed changes and adequate documentation of supporting
data or analytical procedures. Reproducible copies of figures, drawings, or photographs proposed for
publication in the document should be furnished to the Secretariat. Following approval by the appropriate
Working Group, the proposed changes are published in the next minutes of the Coordination Group, in a

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

special section of the minutes called the "yellow pages", and all participants are allowed comment on the
proposed changes. If no substantive comments are received on any individual item by the posted re-
sponse date, then that item is considered approved by the Coordination Group and is considered effective
as of that date. (Prior to publication in the next revision of the handbook the collected changes are re-
viewed by various branches of the US DoD. Additional proposals for revision may result from this US
DoD review.)

Requests for inclusion of material property data into MIL-HDBK-17 should be submitted to either the
Coordinator or the Secretariat, accompanied by the documentation specified in Part D, Chapter 17. A
Data Source Information Package has been created to aid those considering submitting data for inclusion
in MIL-HDBK-17, and is available from either the Coordinator or the Secretariat. The Secretariat reviews
and analyzes each data submission and, at the next available meeting of the Coordination Group, pre-
sents a summary for evaluation by the Data Review Working Group. The choice of new materials to be
included herein is governed by the MIL-HDBK-17 Coordination Group. Practical considerations preclude
inclusion of all advanced composite materials, but reasonable attempts will be made to add new material
systems of interest in a timely manner.

1 or more cycles

"Yellow pages"

separated by Secretariat
with Chair concurrence

Minor editorial Major editorial/minor technical Major technical

Secretariat WG chair, HDBK chair, author, Returned to WG
commenter agreement

Incorporated into Handbook


comment cycle

Official Release

FIGURE 1.5 Approval Procedures


This section defines the symbols and abbreviations which are used within MIL-HDBK-17 and de-
scribes the system of units which is maintained. Common usage is maintained where possible. Refer-
ences 1.6(a), 1.6(b), and 1.6(c) served as primary sources for this information.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

1.6.1 Symbols and abbreviations

The symbols and abbreviations used in this document are defined in this section with the exception of
statistical symbols. These latter symbols are defined in Part C, Section 16.1.3. The lamina/laminate co-
ordinate axes used for all properties and a summary of the mechanical property notation are shown in
Figure 1.6.1.

• The symbols f and m, when used as either subscripts or superscripts, always denote fiber and
matrix, respectively.

• The type of stress (for example, cy - compressive yield) is always used in the superscript position.

• Direction indicators (for example, x, y, z, 1, 2, 3, etc.) are always used in the subscript position.

• Ordinal indicators of laminae sequence (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.) are used in the superscript position and
must be parenthesized to distinguish them from mathematical exponents.

• Other indicators may be used in either subscript or superscript position, as appropriate for clarity.

• Compound symbols (such as, basic symbols plus indicators) which deviate from these rules are
shown in their specific form in the following list.

The following general symbols and abbreviations are considered standard for use in MIL-HDBK-17.
Where exceptions are made, they are noted in the text and tables.
2 2
A - (1) area (m ,in )
- (2) ratio of alternating stress to mean stress
- (3) A-basis for mechanical property values
a - (1) length dimension (mm,in)
2 2
- (2) acceleration (m/sec ,ft/sec )
- (3) amplitude
- (4) crack or flaw dimension (mm,in)
B - (1) B-basis for mechanical property values
- (2) biaxial ratio
Btu - British thermal unit(s)
b - width dimension (mm,in), e.g., the width of a bearing or compression panel normal to
load, or breadth of beam cross-section
C - (1) specific heat (kJ/kg °C,Btu/lb °F)
- (2) Celsius
CF - centrifugal force (N,lbf)
CPF - crossply factor
CPT - cured ply thickness (mm, in.)
CG - (1) center of mass, "center of gravity"
- (2) area or volume centroid
CL - centerline
c - column buckling end-fixity coefficient
c - honeycomb sandwich core depth (mm,in)
cpm - cycles per minute
D - (1) diameter (mm,in)
- (2) hole or fastener diameter (mm,in)
- (3) plate stiffness (N-m,lbf-in)
d - mathematical operator denoting differential

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

FIGURE 1.6.1 Mechanical property notation.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

E - modulus of elasticity in tension, average ratio of stress to strain for stress below propor-
tional limit (GPa,Msi)
E' - storage modulus (GPa,Msi)
E" - loss modulus (GPa,Msi)
Ec - modulus of elasticity in compression, average ratio of stress to strain for stress below
proportional limit (GPa,Msi)
E’c - modulus of elasticity of honeycomb core normal to sandwich plane (GPa,Msi)
Esec - secant modulus (GPa,Msi)
Etan - tangent modulus (GPa,Msi)
e - minimum distance from a hole center to the edge of the sheet (mm,in)
e/D - ratio of edge distance to hole diameter (bearing strength)
F - (1) stress (MPa,ksi)
- (2) Fahrenheit
Fb - bending stress (MPa,ksi)
Fccr - crushing or crippling stress (upper limit of column stress for failure) (MPa,ksi)
Fsu - ultimate stress in pure shear (this value represents the average shear stress over the
cross-section) (MPa,ksi)
2 2
FAW - fiber areal weight (g/m , lb/in )
FV - fiber volume (%)
f - (1) internal (or calculated) stress (MPa,ksi)
- (2) stress applied to the gross flawed section (MPa,ksi)
- (3) creep stress (MPa,ksi)
fc - internal (or calculated) compressive stress (MPa,ksi)
fc - (1) maximum stress at fracture (MPa,ksi)
- (2) gross stress limit (for screening elastic fracture data (MPa,ksi)
ft - foot, feet
G - modulus of rigidity (shear modulus) (GPa,Msi)
GPa - gigapascal(s)
g - (1) gram(s)
2 2
- (2) acceleration due to gravity (m/s ,ft/s )
H/C - honeycomb (sandwich)
h - height dimension (mm,in) e.g., the height of a beam cross-section
hr - hour(s)
4 4
I - area moment of inertia (mm ,in )
i - slope (due to bending) of neutral plane in a beam, in radians
in. - inch(es)
4 4
J - (1) torsion constant (= Ip for round tubes) (m ,in )
- (2) Joule
K - (1) Kelvin
- (2) stress intensity factor (MPa/m,ksi/in)
- (3) coefficient of thermal conductivity (W/m °C, Btu/ft /hr/in/°F)
- (4) correction factor
- (5) dielectric constant
Kapp - apparent plane strain fracture toughness or residual strength (MPa/m,ksi/in)
Kc - critical plane strain fracture toughness, a measure of fracture toughness at point of
crack growth instability (MPa/m,ksi/in)
KIc - plane strain fracture toughness (MPa/m,ksi/in)
KN - empirically calculated fatigue notch factor
Ks - plate or cylinder shear buckling coefficient
Kt - (1) theoretical elastic stress concentration factor
- (2) tw/c ratio in H/C sandwich
Kv - dielectric strength (KV/mm, V/mil)
Kx,Ky - plate or cylinder compressive buckling coefficient
k - strain at unit stress (m/m,in/in)

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

L - cylinder, beam, or column length (mm,in)

L' - effective column length (mm,in)
lb - pound
M - applied moment or couple (N-m,in-lbf)
Mg - megagram(s)
MPa - megapascal(s)
m - (1) mass (kg,lb)
- (2) number of half wave lengths
- (3) metre
- (4) slope
N - (1) number of fatigue cycles to failure
- (2) number of laminae in a laminate
- (3) distributed in-plane forces on a panel (lbf/in)
- (4) Newton
- (5) normalized
NA - neutral axis
n - (1) number of times in a set
- (2) number of half or total wavelengths
- (3) number of fatigue cycles endured
P - (1) applied load (N,lbf)
- (2) exposure parameter
- (3) probability
- (4) specific resistance (Ω)
Pf - failure load
Pu - test ultimate load, (N,lb per fastener)
Py - test yield load, (N,lb per fastener)
p - normal pressure (Pa,psi)
psi - pounds per square inch
3 3
Q - area static moment of a cross-section (mm ,in )
q - shear flow (N/m,lbf/in)
R - (1) algebraic ratio of minimum load to maximum load in cyclic loading
- (2) reduced ratio
r - (1) radius (mm,in)
- (2) root radius (mm,in)
- (3) reduced ratio (regression analysis)
S - (1) shear force (N,lbf)
- (2) nominal stress in fatigue (MPa,ksi)
- (3) S-basis for mechanical property values
Sa - stress amplitude in fatigue (MPa,ksi)
Se - fatigue limit (MPa,ksi)
Sm - mean stress in fatigue (MPa,ksi)
Smax - highest algebraic value of stress in the stress cycle (MPa,ksi)
Smin - lowest algebraic value of stress in the stress cycle (MPa,ksi)
SR - algebraic difference between the minimum and maximum stresses in one cycle
S.F. - safety factor
s - (1) arc length (mm,in)
- (2) H/C sandwich cell size (mm,in)
T - (1) temperature (°C,°F)
- (2) applied torsional moment (N-m,in-lbf)
Td - thermal decomposition temperature (°C,°F)
TF - exposure temperature (°C,°F)
Tg - glass transition temperature (°C,°F)
Tm - melting temperature (°C,°F)

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

t - (1) thickness (mm,in)

- (2) exposure time (s)
- (3) elapsed time (s)
3 3
V - (1) volume (mm ,in )
- (2) shear force (N,lbf)
W - (1) weight (N,lbf)
- (2) width (mm,in)
- (3) Watt
x - distance along a coordinate axis
Y - nondimensional factor relating component geometry and flaw size
y - (1) deflection (due to bending) of elastic curve of a beam (mm,in)
- (2) distance from neutral axis to given point
- (3) distance along a coordinate axis
3 3
Z - section modulus, I/y (mm ,in )
α - coefficient of thermal expansion (m/m/°C,in/in/°F)
γ - shear strain (m/m,in/in)
∆ - difference (used as prefix to quantitative symbols)
δ - elongation or deflection (mm,in)
ε - strain (m/m,in/in)
εe - elastic strain (m/m,in/in)
εp - plastic strain (m/m,in/in)
µ - permeability
η - plasticity reduction factor
[η] - intrinsic viscosity
η* - dynamic complex viscosity
ν - Poisson's ratio
3 3
ρ - (1) density (kg/m ,lb/in )
- (2) radius of gyration (mm,in)
ρ’c -
H/C sandwich core density (kg/m ,lb/in )

Σ - total, summation
σ - standard deviation
σij, τ ij - stress in j direction on surface whose outer normal is in i direction (i, j = 1, 2, 3 or x, y, z)
Τ - applied shear stress (MPa,ksi)
ω - angular velocity (radians/s)
∞ - infinity Constituent properties

The following symbols apply specifically to the constituent properties of a typical composite material.

Ef - Young's modulus of filament material (MPa,ksi)

Em - Young's modulus of matrix material (MPa,ksi)
Egx - Young's modulus of impregnated glass scrim cloth in the filament direction or in the
warp direction of a fabric (MPa,ksi)
Egy - Young's modulus of impregnated glass scrim cloth transverse to the filament direction
or to the warp direction in a fabric (MPa,ksi)
Gf - shear modulus of filament material (MPa,ksi)
Gm - shear modulus of matrix (MPa,ksi)
G gxy - shear modulus of impregnated glass scrim cloth (MPa,ksi)
G’cx - shear modulus of sandwich core along X-axis (MPa,ksi)

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

G’cy - shear modulus of sandwich core along Y-axis (MPa,ksi)

- filament length (mm,in)
α f
- coefficient of thermal expansion for filament material (m/m/°C,in/in/°F)
α m
- coefficient of thermal expansion for matrix material (m/m/°C,in/in/°F)
α gx - coefficient of thermal expansion of impregnated glass scrim cloth in the filament direc-
tion or in the warp direction of a fabric (m/m/°C,in/in/°F)
α gy - coefficient of thermal expansion of impregnated glass scrim cloth transverse to the
filament direction or to the warp direction in a fabric (m/m/°C,in/in/°F)
νf - Poisson's ratio of filament material
νm - Poisson's ratio of matrix material
ν gxy - glass scrim cloth Poisson's ratio relating to contraction in the transverse (or fill) direc-
tion as a result of extension in the longitudinal (or warp) direction
ν gyx - glass scrim cloth Poisson's ratio relating to contraction in the longitudinal (or warp) di-
rection as a result of extension in the transverse (or fill) direction
σ - applied axial stress at a point, as used in micromechanics analysis (MPa,ksi)
τ - applied shear stress at a point, as used in micromechanics analysis (MPa,ksi) Laminae and laminates

The following symbols, abbreviations, and notations apply to composite laminae and laminates. At
the present time the focus in MIL-HDBK-17 is on laminae properties. However, commonly used nomen-
clature for both laminae and laminates are included here to avoid potential confusion.

Aij (i,j = 1,2,6) - extensional rigidities (N/m,lbf/in)

Bij (i,j = 1,2,6) - coupling matrix (N,lbf)
Cij (i,j = 1,2,6) - elements of stiffness matrix (Pa,psi)
Dx, Dy - flexural rigidities (N-m,lbf-in)
Dxy - twisting rigidity (N-m,lbf-in)
Dij (i,j = 1,2,6) - flexural rigidities (N-m,lbf-in)
E1 - Young's modulus of lamina parallel to filament or warp direction (GPa,Msi)
E2 - Young's modulus of lamina transverse to filament or warp direction (GPa,Msi)
Ex - Young's modulus of laminate along x Reference axis (GPa,Msi)
Ey - Young's modulus of laminate along y Reference axis (GPa,Msi)
G12 - shear modulus of lamina in 12 plane (GPa,Msi)
Gxy - shear modulus of laminate in xy Reference plane (GPa,Msi)
hi - thickness of ith ply or lamina (mm,in)
Mx, My, Mxy - bending and twisting moment components (N-m/m, in-lbf/in in plate and shell
nf - number of filaments per unit length per lamina
Qx, Qy - shear force parallel to z axis of sections of a plate perpendicular to x and y
axes, respectively (N/m,lbf/in)
Qij (i,j = 1,2,6) - reduced stiffness matrix (Pa,psi)
ux, uy, uz - components of the displacement vector (mm,in)
uox , uoy , uoz - components of the displacement vector at the laminate's midsurface (mm,in)
Vv - void content (% by volume)
Vf - filament content or fiber volume (% by volume)
Vg - glass scrim cloth content (% by volume)
Vm - matrix content (% by volume)
Vx, Vy - edge or support shear force (N/m,lbf/in)
Wf - filament content (% by weight)
Wg - glass scrim cloth content (% by weight)
Wm - matrix content (% by weight)

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2 2
Ws - weight of laminate per unit surface area (N/m ,lbf/in )
α 1 - lamina coefficient of thermal expansion along 1 axis (m/m/°C,in/in/°F)
α 2 - lamina coefficient of thermal expansion along 2 axis (m/m/°C,in/in/°F)
α x - laminate coefficient of thermal expansion along general Reference x axis
(m/m/°C, in/in/°F)
α y - laminate coefficient of thermal expansion along general Reference y axis
(m/m/°C, in/in/°F)
α xy - laminate shear distortion coefficient of thermal expansion (m/m/°C,in/in/°F)
θ - angular orientation of a lamina in a laminate, i.e., angle between 1 and x axes
λ xy - product of ν xy and ν yx
ν 12 - Poisson's ratio relating contraction in the 2 direction as a result of extension in
the 1 direction
ν 21 - Poisson's ratio relating contraction in the 1 direction as a result of extension in
the 2 direction
ν xy - Poisson's ratio relating contraction in the y direction as a result of extension in
the x direction
ν yx - Poisson's ratio relating contraction in the x direction as a result of extension in
the y direction
ρc -
3 3
density of a single lamina (kg/m ,lb/in )
3 3
ρc - density of a laminate (kg/m ,lb/in )
φ - (1) general angular coordinate, (°)
- (2) angle between x and load axes in off-axis loading (°) Subscripts

The following subscript notations are considered standard in MIL-HDBK-17.

1, 2, 3 - laminae natural orthogonal coordinates (1 is filament or warp direction)

A - axial
a - (1) adhesive
- (2) alternating
app - apparent
byp - bypass
c - composite system, specific filament/matrix composition. Composite as a whole, con-
trasted to individual constituents. Also, sandwich core when used in conjunction with
prime (')
- (4) critical
cf - centrifugal force
e - fatigue or endurance
eff - effective
eq - equivalent
f - filament
g - glass scrim cloth
H - hoop
i - ith position in a sequence
L - lateral
m - (1) matrix
- (2) mean
max - maximum
min - minimum
n - (1) nth (last) position in a sequence

The convention for Poisson’s ratio should be checked before comparing different sources as different conventions are used.

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- (2) normal
p - polar
s - symmetric
st - stiffener
T - transverse
t - value of parameter at time t
x, y, z - general coordinate system
∑ - total, or summation
o - initial or Reference datum
() - format for indicating specific, temperature associated with term in parentheses. RT -
room temperature (21°C,70°F); all other temperatures in °F unless specified. Superscripts

The following superscript notations are considered standard in MIL-HDBK-17.

b - bending
br - bearing
c - (1) compression
- (2) creep
cc - compressive crippling
cr - compressive buckling
e - elastic
f - filament
g - glass scrim cloth
is - interlaminar shear
(i) - i ply or lamina
lim - limit, used to indicate limit loading
m - matrix
ohc - open hole compression
oht - open hole tension
p - plastic
pl - proportional limit
rup - rupture
s - shear
scr - shear buckling
sec - secant (modulus)
so - offset shear
T - temperature or thermal
t - tension
tan - tangent (modulus)
u - ultimate
y - yield
' - secondary (modulus), or denotes properties of H/C core when used with subscript c
CAI - compression after impact Acronyms

The following acronyms are used in MIL-HDBK-17.

AA - atomic absorption
ACUT - air coupled ultrasonic testing system
AES - Auger electron spectroscopy
AIA - Aerospace Industries Association
ANL - Argonne National Laboratory
ANOVA - analysis of variance

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ARL - US Army Research Laboratory

ASNT - American Society of Nondestructive Testing
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
BMI - bismaleimide
BVID - barely visible impact damage
CA - commercially available
CAI - compression after impact
CAT - computer aided tomography
CCA - composite cylinder assemblage
CFCC - continuous fiber ceramic composite
CLS - crack lap shear
CPT - cured ply thickness
CTA - cold temperature ambient
CTD - cold temperature dry
CTE - coefficient of thermal expansion
CV - coefficient of variation
CVD - chemical vapor deposition
CVI - chemical vapor infiltration
DCB - double cantilever beam
DDA - dynamic dielectric analysis
DLL - design limit load
DMA - dynamic mechanical analysis
DoD - Department of Defense
DoE - Department of Energy
DSC - differential scanning calorimetry
DT - dye penetrant testing
DTA - differential thermal analysis
ECT - eddy current testing
ENF - end notched flexure
EOL - end-of-life
ESCA - electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
ESR - electron spin resonance
ETW - elevated temperature wet
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
FAW - fiber aerial weight
FFF - field flow fractionation
FM - fibrous monolith
FMECA - Failure Modes Effects Criticality Analysis
FOD - foreign object damage
FTIR - Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
FWC - finite width correction factor
GC - gas chromatography
GSCS - Generalized Self Consistent Scheme
HAW - hypersonic aerodynamic weapons
HDT - heat distortion temperature
HPLC - high performance liquid chromatography
ICP - inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy
ID - identification
IR - infrared
ISI - in-service inspection
ISS - ion scattering spectroscopy
JANNAF - Joint Army, Navy, NASA, and Air Force
LA - limited availability
LC - liquid chromatography
LCF - low cycle fatigue
LC - liquid chromatography

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LPT - laminate plate theory

LSS - laminate stacking sequence
MI - melt infiltration
MMB - mixed mode bending
MOL - material operational limit
MPIT - magnetic particle testing
MS - (1) mass spectroscopy
- (2) military standard
M.S. - margin of safety
MSDS - material safety data sheet
MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure
MW - molecular weight
MWD - molecular weight distribution
NAS - National Aerospace Standard
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NDC - nondestructive characterization
NDE - nondestructive evaluation
NDI - nondestructive inspection
NDT - nondestructive testing
NMR - nuclear magnetic resonance
OSL - observed significance level
P - prototype
PC - pyrolytic carbon
PP - polymer pyrolysis
PEEK - polyether ether ketone
PT - dye penetrate testing
RA - reduction of area
RBSN - reaction bonded silicon nitride
RDS - rheological dynamic spectroscopy
RGT - radiographic testing
RH - relative humidity
RMS - root-mean-square
RT - room temperature
RTA - room temperature ambient
RTD - room temperature dry
RTM - resin transfer molding
RV - reentry vehicle
SACMA - Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials Association
SBS - short beam shear strength
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
SANS - small-angle neutron scattering spectroscopy
SEC - size-exclusion chromatography
SEM - scanning electron microscopy
SFC - supercritical fluid chromatography
SI - International System of Units (Le Système International d'Unités)
SIMS - secondary ion mass spectroscopy
TBA - torsional braid analysis
TEM - transmission electron microscopy
TGA - thermogravimetric analysis
TLC - thin-layer chromatography
TMA - thermal mechanical analysis
TOS - thermal oxidative stability
TVM - transverse microcrack
UDC - unidirectional fiber composite
UT - ultrasonic testing
VNB - V-notched beam

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WoF - work of fracture

XCT - X-ray computed tomography
XD - experimental development
XPS - X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

1.6.2 System of units

To comply with Department of Defense Instructive 5000.2, Part 6, Section M, "Use of the Metric Sys-
tem," dated February 23, 1991, the data in MIL-HDBK-17 are generally presented in both the International
System of Units (SI units) and the U. S. Customary (English) system of units. ASTM E-380, Standard for
Metric Practice, provides guidance for the application for SI units which are intended as a basis for world-
wide standardization of measurement units (Reference 1.6.2(a)). Further guidelines on the use of the SI
system of units and conversion factors are contained in the following publications (References 1.6.2(b) -

(1) DARCOM P 706-470, Engineering Design Handbook: Metric Conversion Guide, July 1976.
(2) NBS Special Publication 330, "The International System of Units (SI)," National Bureau of Stan-
dards, 1986 edition.
(3) NBS Letter Circular LC 1035, "Units and Systems of Weights and Measures, Their Origin, Devel-
opment, and Present Status," National Bureau of Standards, November 1985.
(4) NASA Special Publication 7012, "The International System of Units Physical Constants and Con-
version Factors", 1964.

English to SI conversion factors pertinent to MIL-HDBK-17 data are contained in Table 1.6.2.

The following definitions are used within MIL-HDBK-17. This glossary of terms is not totally compre-
hensive but it does represent nearly all commonly used terms. Where exceptions are made, they are
noted in the text and Tables. For ease of identification the definitions have been organized alphabetically.

A-Basis (or A-Value) -- A statistically-based material property; a 95% lower confidence bound on the
first percentile of a specified population of measurements. Also a 95% lower tolerance bound for the up-
per 99% of a specified population.

A-Stage -- An early stage in the reaction of thermosetting resins in which the material is still soluble in
certain liquids and may be liquid or capable of becoming liquid upon heating. (Sometimes referred to as

Absorption -- A process in which one material (the absorbent) takes in or absorbs another (the absor-

Accuracy -- The degree of conformity of a measured or calculated value to some recognized stan-
dard or specified value. Accuracy involves the systematic error of an operation.

Adhesion -- The state in which two surfaces are held together at an interface by forces or interlocking
action or both.

Adhesive -- A substance capable of holding two materials together by surface attachment. In the
handbook, the term is used specifically to designate structural adhesives, those which produce attach-
ments capable of transmitting significant structural loads.

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TABLE 1.6.2 English to SI conversion factors.


To convert from to Multiplied by

2 2 2
Btu (thermochemical)/in -s watt/meter (W/m ) 1.634 246 E+06
Btu-in/(s-ft -°F) W/(m K) 5.192 204 E+02
degree Fahrenheit degree Celsius (°C) T = (T - 32)/1.8
degree Fahrenheit kelvin (K) T = (T + 459.67)/1.8
foot meter (m) 3.048 000 E-01
2 2
ft m 9.290 304 E-02
foot/second meter/second (m/s) 3.048 000 E-01
2 2
ft/s m/s 3.048 000 E-01
inch meter (m) 2.540 000 E-02
2 2 2
in. meter (m ) 6.451 600 E-04
3 3
in. m 1.638 706 E-05
kilogram-force (kgf) newton (N) 9.806 650 E+00
kgf/m pascal (Pa) 9.806 650 E+00
kip (1000 lbf) newton (N) 4.448 222 E+03
ksi (kip/in ) MPa 6.894 757 E+00
lbf-in N-m 1.129 848 E-01
lbf-ft N-m 1.355 818 E+00
lbf/in (psi) pascal (Pa) 6.894 757 E+03
2 2
lb/in gm/m 7.030 696 E+05
3 3
lb/in kg/m 2.767 990 E+04
Msi (10 psi) GPa 6.894 757 E+00
pound-force (lbf) newton (N) 4.488 222 E+00
pound-mass (lb avoirdupois) kilogram (kg) 4.535 924 E-01
torr pascal (Pa) 1.333 22 E+02

∗ The letter "E" following the conversion factor stands for exponent and the two
digits after the letter "E" indicate the power of 10 by which the number is to be

ADK -- Notation used for the k-sample Anderson-Darling statistic, which is used to test the hypothesis
that k batches have the same distribution.

Aliquot -- A small, representative portion of a larger sample.

Aging -- The effect, on materials, of exposure to an environment for a period of time; the process of
exposing materials to an environment for an interval of time.

Ambient -- The surrounding environmental conditions such as pressure or temperature.

Anelasticity -- A characteristic exhibited by certain materials in which strain is a function of both

stress and time, such that, while no permanent deformations are involved, a finite time is required to es-
tablish equilibrium between stress and strain in both the loading and unloading directions.

Angleply -- Same as Crossply.

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Anisotropic -- Not isotropic; having mechanical and/or physical properties which vary with direction
relative to natural Reference axes inherent in the material.

Areal Weight of Fiber -- The weight of fiber per unit area of prepreg. This is often expressed as
grams per square meter. See Table 1.6.2 for conversion factors.

Artificial Weathering -- Exposure to laboratory conditions which may be cyclic, involving changes in
temperature, relative humidity, radiant energy and any other elements found in the atmosphere in various
geographical areas.

Aspect Ratio -- In an essentially two-dimensional rectangular structure (e.g., a panel), the ratio of the
long dimension to the short dimension. However, in compression loading, it is sometimes considered to
be the ratio of the load direction dimension to the transverse dimension. Also, in fiber micro-mechanics, it
is referred to as the ratio of length to diameter.

Autoclave -- A closed vessel for producing an environment of fluid pressure, with or without heat, to
an enclosed object which is undergoing a chemical reaction or other operation.

Autoclave Molding -- A process similar to the pressure bag technique. The lay-up is covered by a
pressure bag, and the entire assembly is placed in an autoclave capable of providing heat and pressure
for curing the part. The pressure bag is normally vented to the outside.

Axis of Braiding -- The direction in which the braided form progresses.

B-Basis (or B-Value) -- A statistically-based material property; a 95% lower confidence bound on the
tenth percentile of a specified population of measurements. Also a 95% lower tolerance bound for the
upper 90% of a specified population. (See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4)

B-Stage -- An intermediate stage in the reaction of a thermosetting resin in which the material softens
when heated and swells when in contact with certain liquids but does not entirely fuse or dissolve. Mate-
rials are usually precured to this stage to facilitate handling and processing prior to final cure. (Some-
times referred to as resitol.)

Balanced Laminate -- A composite laminate in which all laminae at angles other than 0 degrees and
90 degrees occur only in ± pairs (not necessarily adjacent).

Batch (or Lot) -- For fibers and resins, a quantity of material formed during the same process and
having identical characteristics throughout. For prepregs, laminae, and laminates, material made from
one batch of fiber and one batch of resin.

Bearing Area -- The product of the pin diameter and the specimen thickness.

Bearing Load -- A compressive load on an interface.

Bearing Yield Strength -- The bearing stress at which a material exhibits a specified limiting deviation
from the proportionality of bearing stress to bearing strain.

Bend Test -- A test of ductility by bending or folding, usually with steadily applied forces. In some in-
stances the test may involve blows to a specimen having a cross section that is essentially uniform over a
length several times as great as the largest dimension of the cross section.

Bias -The orientation that is oblique to the warp direction.

Binder -- A bonding resin used to hold strands together in a mat or preform during manufacture of a
molded object.

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Binomial Random Variable -- The number of successes in independent trials where the probability of
success is the same for each trial.

Birefringence -- The difference between the two principal refractive indices (of a fiber) or the ratio be-
tween the retardation and thickness of a material at a given point.

Bleeder Cloth -- A nonstructural layer of material used in the manufacture of composite parts to allow
the escape of excess gas and resin during cure. The bleeder cloth is removed after the curing process
and is not part of the final composite.

Bobbin -- A cylinder or slightly tapered barrel, with or without flanges, for holding tows, rovings, or

Bond -- The adhesion of one surface to another, with or without the use of an adhesive as a bonding

Braid -- A system of three or more yarns which are interwoven in such a way that no two yarns are
twisted around each other.

Braid Angle -- The acute angle measured from the axis of braiding.

Braid, Biaxial -- Braided fabric with two-yarn systems, one running in the +θ direction, the other in the
-θ direction as measured from the axis of braiding.

Braid Count -- The number of braiding yarn crossings per inch measured along the axis of a braided

Braid, Diamond -- Braided fabric with an over one, under one weave pattern, (1 x 1).

Braid, Flat -- A narrow bias woven tape wherein each yarn is continuous and is intertwined with every
other yarn in the system without being intertwined with itself.

Braid, Hercules -- A braided fabric with an over three, under three weave pattern, (3 x 3).

Braid, Jacquard -- A braided design made with the aid of a jacquard machine, which is a shedding
mechanism by means of which a large number of ends may be controlled independently and complicated
patterns produced.

Braid, Regular -- A braided fabric with an over two, under two weave pattern (2 x 2).

Braid, Square -- A braided pattern in which the yarns are formed into a square pattern.

Braid, Two-Dimensional -- Braided fabric with no braiding yarns in the through thickness direction.

Braid, Three-Dimensional -- Braided fabric with one or more braiding yarns in the through thickness

Braid, Triaxial -- A biaxial braided fabric with laid in yarns running in the axis of braiding.

Braiding -- A textile process where two or more strands, yarns or tapes are intertwined in the bias di-
rection to form an integrated structure.

Braze – To join using a filler material which melts at a lower temperature than either of the materials
being joined.

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Broadgoods -- A term loosely applied to prepreg material greater than about 12 inches in width, usu-
ally furnished by suppliers in continuous rolls. The term is currently used to designate both collimated
uniaxial tape and woven fabric prepregs.

Buckling (Composite) -- A mode of structural response characterized by an out-of-plane material de-

flection due to compressive action on the structural element involved. In advanced composites, buckling
may take the form not only of conventional general instability and local instability but also a micro-
instability of individual fibers.

Bundle -- A general term for a collection of essentially parallel filaments or fibers.

C-Stage -- The final stage of the curing reaction of a thermosetting resin in which the material has be-
come practically infusable and insoluble. (Normally considered fully cured and sometimes referred to as

Capstan -- A friction type take-up device which moves braided fabric away from the fell. The speed of
which determines the braid angle.

Carbon Fibers -- Fibers produced by the pyrolysis of organic precursor fibers such as rayon, poly-
acrylonitrile (PAN), and pitch in an inert atmosphere. The term is often used interchangeably with "graph-
ite"; however, carbon fibers and graphite fibers differ in the temperature at which the fibers are made and
heat-treated, and the amount of carbon produced. Carbon fibers typically are carbonized at about 2400°F
(1300°C) and assay at 93 to 95% carbon, while graphite fibers are graphitized at 3450 to 5450°F (1900 to
3000°C) and assay at more than 99% elemental carbon.

Carrier -- A mechanism for carrying a package of yarn through the braid weaving motion. A typical car-
rier consists of a bobbin spindle, a track follower, and a tensioning device.

Caul Plates -- Smooth metal plates, free of surface defects, the same size and shape as a composite
lay-up, used immediately in contact with the lay-up during the curing process to transmit normal pressure
and to provide a smooth surface on the finished laminate.

Censoring -- Data is right (left) censored at M, if, whenever an observation is less than or equal to M
(greater than or equal to M), the actual value of the observation is recorded. If the observation exceeds
(is less than) M, the observation is recorded as M.

Ceramic Matrix Composite -- A material consisting of two or more constituents where a ceramic ma-
trix is normally the principal component and the additional constituents are incorporated to strengthen,
toughen, and/or enhance the thermo-physical properties.

Chain-Growth Polymerization -- One of the two principal polymerization mechanisms. In chain-

growth polymerization, the reactive groups are continuously regenerated during the growth process.
Once started, the polymer molecule grows rapidly by a chain of reactions emanating from a particular re-
active initiator which may be a free radical, cation or anion.

Characterization -- Describes those features of composition and structure (including defects) of a ma-
terial that are significant for a particular preparation, study of properties, or use, and for reproduction of
the material.

Chemical Vapor Infiltration (CVI) – A fabrication process for CMCs based upon the infiltration of
gaseous reactants into a fiber/whisker preform leading to chemical reactions and the formation/deposition
of a solid matrix.

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) – A process for depositing a solid material on a surface as a re-
sult of chemical reactions at the surface from gaseous reactants.

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Chromatogram -- A plot of detector response against peak volume of solution (eluate) emerging from
the system for each of the constituents which have been separated.

Circuit -- One complete traverse of the fiber feed mechanism of a winding machine; one complete tra-
verse of a winding band from one arbitrary point along the winding path to another point on a plane
through the starting point and perpendicular to the axis.

Cocuring -- The act of curing a composite laminate and simultaneously bonding it to some other pre-
pared surface during the same cure cycle (see Secondary Bonding).

Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion -- The change in length per unit length resulting from a
one-degree rise in temperature.

Coefficient of Variation -- The ratio of the population (or sample) standard deviation to the population
(or sample) mean.

Collimated -- Rendered parallel.

Colloidal particle -- a dispersed particle with a linear dimension of 5 to 100 nm

Compatible -- The ability of different resin systems to be processed in contact with each other without
degradation of end product properties. (See Compatible, Volume 1, Section 8.1.4)

Components --
Critical Component - A component whose failure may result in a catastrophic failure or major fi-
nancial impact of the entire system.

Primary Component: - A component whose failure may significantly degrade system performance,
may significantly damage other components in the system or whose failure has a large cost im-

Secondary Component - A component whose failure slightly degrades system performance, will
not cause significant damage to other components in the system or has minimal cost impact.

Other Components - A component whose failure does not impact the near-term system perform-
ance but may reduce the long-term durability of other components in the system

Composite Class -- As used in the handbook, a major subdivision of composite construction in which
the class is defined by the fiber system and the matrix class, e.g., organic-matrix filamentary laminate.

Composite Material -- Composites are considered to be combinations of materials differing in com-

position or form on a macroscale. The constituents retain their identities in the composite; that is, they do
not dissolve or otherwise merge completely into each other although they act in concert. Normally, the
components can be physically identified and exhibit an interface between one another.

Compound -- An intimate mixture of polymer or polymers with all the materials necessary for the fin-
ished product.

Condensation Polymerization -- This is a special type of step-growth polymerization characterized

by the formation of water or other simple molecules during the stepwise addition of reactive groups.

Confidence Coefficient -- See Confidence Interval.

Confidence Interval -- A confidence interval is defined by a statement of one of the following forms:

(1) P{a<θ} ≤ 1- α

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(2) P{θ<b} ≤ 1- α
(3) P{a<θ<b} ≤ 1- α

where 1- α is called the confidence coefficient. A statement of type (1) or (2) is called a one-sided confi-
dence interval and a statement of type (3) is called a two-sided confidence interval. In (1) a is a lower
confidence limit and in (2) b is an upper confidence limit. With probability at least 1- α , the confidence
interval will contain the parameter θ.

Constituent -- The basic building block of a composite material. Constituents include, but are not lim-
ited to, the fiber, matrix, interphase, particulates and any other additives which retain an identity within the
composite material. Constituents are typically characterized by their chemical content, volume or weight
fraction within the composite, shape and orientation within the composite.

Continuous Filament -- A yarn or strand in which the individual filaments are substantially the same
length as the strand.

Continuous Fiber Ceramic Composites (CFCC) -- a ceramic matrix composite in which the rein-
forcing phase(s) consist of continuous filaments, fibers, yarn, or knitted or woven fabric.

Coupling Agent -- In fabricating composites, any chemical designed to react with both the reinforce-
ment and matrix phases of a composite material to form or promote a stronger bond at the interface.

Coverage -- The measure of the fraction of surface area covered by the braid.

Crazing -- Apparent fine cracks at or under the surface of an organic matrix.

Creel -- A framework arranged to hold tows, rovings, or yarns so that many ends can be withdrawn
smoothly and evenly without tangling.

Creep -- The time dependent part of strain resulting from an applied stress.

Creep, Rate Of -- The slope of the creep-time curve at a given time.

Crimp -- The undulations induced into a braided fabric via the braiding process.

Crimp Angle -- The maximum acute angle of a single braided yarn's direction measured from the av-
erage axis of tow.

Crimp Exchange -- The process by which a system of braided yarns reaches equilibrium when put
under tension or compression.

Critical Value(s) -- When testing a one-sided statistical hypothesis, a critical value is the value such
that, if the test statistic is greater than (less than) the critical value, the hypothesis is rejected. When test-
ing a two-sided statistical hypothesis, two critical values are determined. If the test statistic is either less
than the smaller critical value or greater than the larger critical value, then the hypothesis is rejected. In
both cases, the critical value chosen depends on the desired risk (often 0.05) of rejecting the hypothesis
when it is true.

Crossply -- Any filamentary laminate which is not uniaxial. Same as Angleply. In some References,
the term crossply is used to designate only those laminates in which the laminae are at right angles to
one another, while the term angleply is used for all others. In the handbook, the two terms are used syn-
onymously. The reservation of a separate terminology for only one of several basic orientations is unwar-
ranted because a laminate orientation code is used.

Cumulative Distribution Function -- See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.

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Cure, (1) -- To change the physical properties of a material (usually from liquid to solid) by chemical
reaction or by the action of heat or catalysts, alone or in combination, with or without pressure.

Cure, (2) -- To irreversibly change, usually at elevated temperatures, the properties of a thermosetting
resin by chemical reaction, that is, by condensation, ring closure, or addition. Cure may be accomplished
by the addition of curing (cross linking) agents, with or without heat or pressure.
Cure Cycle, The time/temperature/pressure cycle used to cure a thermosetting resin system or

Cure Cycle - The time/temperature/pressure cycle used to cure a thermosetting resin system or pre-

Cure Stress -- A residual internal stress produced during the curing cycle of composite structures.
Normally, these stresses originate when different components of a lay-up have different thermal coeffi-
cients of expansion.

Debond -- An unbonded or nonadhered region or interface between plies. A separation at the fiber-
matrix interface.

Deformation -- The change in shape of a specimen caused by the application of a load or force.

Degradation -- Changes in the properties and performance, generally brought about by service or ag-
ing, that usually reduces the level of performance, utility, safety, reliability, durability, or damage tolerance
of the material or component

Delamination -- The separation of the layers of material in a laminate. This may be local or may
cover a large area of the laminate. It may occur at any time in the cure or subsequent life of the laminate
and may arise from a wide variety of causes.

Denier -- A direct numbering system for expressing linear density, equal to the mass in grams per
9000 meters of yarn, filament, fiber, or other textile strand.

Density -- The mass per unit volume.

Desorption -- A process in which an absorbed or adsorbed material is released from another mate-
rial. Desorption is the reverse of absorption, adsorption, or both.

Deviation -- Variation from a specified dimension or requirement, usually defining the upper and
lower limits.

Dielectric Constant -- The ratio of the capacity of a condenser having a dielectric constant between
the plates to that of the same condenser when the dielectric is replaced by a vacuum; a measure of the
electrical charge stored per unit volume at unit potential.

Dielectric Strength -- The average potential per unit thickness at which failure of the dielectric mate-
rial occurs.

Directed Metal Oxidation -- A method for the formation of ceramic composite matrices by the di-
rected reaction of a molten metal with an oxidant.

Disbond -- An area within a bonded interface between two adherends in which an adhesion failure or
separation has occurred. It may occur at any time during the life of the structure and may arise from a
wide variety of causes. Also, colloquially, an area of separation between two laminae in the finished lami-
nate (in this case the term "delamination" is normally preferred.) (See Debond, Unbond, Delamination.)

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

Discontinuous Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composite -- a ceramic matrix composite material rein-

forced by chopped fibers.

Distribution -- A formula which gives the probability that a value will fall within prescribed limits. (See
Normal, Weibull, and Lognormal Distributions, also Volume 1, Section 8.1.4).

Dry -- a material condition of moisture equilibrium with a surrounding environment at 5% or lower rela-
tive humidity.

Dry Fiber Area -- Area of fiber not totally encapsulated by matrix durability.

Ductility -- The ability of a material to deform plastically before fracturing.

Durability -- A structure's ability to maintain strength and stiffness throughout the service life of the

Elasticity -- The property of a material which allows it to recover its original size and shape immedi-
ately after removal of the force causing deformation.

Elongation -- The increase in gage length or extension of a specimen during a tension test, usually
expressed as a percentage of the original gage length.

Eluate -- The liquid emerging from a column (in liquid chromatography).

Eluent -- The mobile phase used to sweep or elute the sample (solute) components into, through,
and out of the column.

End -- A single fiber, strand, roving or yarn being or already incorporated into a product. An end may
be an individual warp yarn or cord in a woven fabric. In referring to aramid and glass fibers, an end is
usually an untwisted bundle of continuous filaments.

Extensometer -- A device for measuring linear strain.

F-Distribution -- See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.

Fabric, Nonwoven -- A textile structure produced by bonding or interlocking of fibers, or both, accom-
plished by mechanical, chemical, thermal, or solvent means, and combinations thereof.

Fabric, Woven -- A generic material construction consisting of interlaced yarns or fibers, usually a
planar structure. Specifically, as used in this handbook, a cloth woven in an established weave pattern
from advanced fiber yarns and used as the fibrous constituent in an advanced composite lamina. In a
fabric lamina, the warp direction is considered the longitudinal direction, analogous to the filament direc-
tion in a filamentary lamina.

Fell -- The point of braid formation, which is defined as the point at which the yarns in a braid system
cease movement relative to each other.

Fiber -- A general term used to refer to filamentary materials. Often, fiber is used synonymously with
filament. It is a general term for a filament of finite length. A unit of matter, either natural or manmade,
which forms the basic element of fabrics and other textile structures.

Fiber Content -- The amount of fiber present in a composite. This is usually expressed as a percent-
age volume fraction or weight fraction of the composite.

Fiber Count -- The number of fibers per unit width of ply present in a specified section of a composite.

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Fiber Direction -- The orientation or alignment of the longitudinal axis of the fiber with respect to a
stated Reference axis.

Fiber System -- The type and arrangement of fibrous material which comprises the fiber constituent of
an advanced composite. Examples of fiber systems are collimated filaments or filament yarns, woven
fabric, randomly oriented short-fiber ribbons, random fiber mats, whiskers, etc.

Filament -- a long flexible thread of small cross section, usually extruded or drawn.

Filamentary Composites -- A major form of advanced composites in which the fiber constituent con-
sists of continuous filaments. Specifically, a filamentary composite is a laminate comprised of a number
of laminae, each of which consists of a nonwoven, parallel, uniaxial, planar array of filaments (or filament
yarns) embedded in the selected matrix material. Individual laminae are directionally oriented and com-
bined into specific multiaxial laminates for application to specific envelopes of strength and stiffness re-

Filament Winding -- A reinforced-plastics process that employs a series of continuous, resin-

impregnated fibers applied to a mandrel in a predetermined geometrical relationship under controlled ten-

Filament Wound -- Pertaining to an object created by the filament winding method of fabrication.

Fill (Filling) -- In a woven fabric, the yarn running from selvage to selvage at right angles to the warp.

Filler -- A relatively inert substance added to a material to alter its physical, mechanical, thermal, elec-
trical, and other properties or to lower cost. Sometimes the term is used specifically to mean particulate

Finish (or Size System) -- A material, with which filaments are treated, which contains a coupling
agent to improve the bond between the filament surface and the resin matrix in a composite material. In
addition, finishes often contain ingredients which provide lubricity to the filament surface, preventing abra-
sive damage during handling, and a binder which promotes strand integrity and facilitates packing of the

First Matrix Cracking: -- The first measurable indication of microcracking of the matrix.

Fixed Effect -- A systematic shift in a measured quantity due to a particular level change of a treat-
ment or condition. (See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.)

Flash -- Excess material which forms at the parting line of a mold or die, or which is extruded from a
closed mold.

Former Plate -- A die attached to a braiding machine which helps to locate the fell.

Fracture Ductility -- The true plastic strain at fracture.

Gage Length -- the original length of that portion of the specimen over which strain or change of
length is determined.

Gel -- The initial jelly-like solid phase that develops during formation of a resin from a liquid. Also, a
semi-solid system consisting of a network of solid aggregates in which liquid is held.

Gel Coat -- A quick-setting resin used in molding processes to provide an improved surface for the
composite; it is the first resin applied to the mold after the mold-release agent.

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Gel Point -- The stage at which a liquid begins to exhibit pseudo-elastic properties. (This can be seen
from the inflection point on a viscosity-time plot.)

Gel Time -- The period of time from a pre-determined starting point to the onset of gelation (gel point)
as defined by a specific test method.

Glass -- An inorganic product of fusion which has cooled to a rigid condition without crystallizing. In
the handbook, all Reference to glass will be to the fibrous form as used in filaments, woven fabric, yarns,
mats, chopped fibers, etc.

Glass Cloth -- Conventionally-woven glass fiber material (see Scrim).

Glass Fibers -- A fiber spun from an inorganic product of fusion which has cooled to a rigid condition
without crystallizing.

Glass Transition -- The reversible change in an amorphous polymer or in amorphous regions of a

partially crystalline polymer from (or to) a viscous or rubbery condition to (or from) a hard and relatively
brittle one.

Glass Transition Temperature -- The approximate midpoint of the temperature range over which the
glass transition takes place.

Graphite Fibers -- See Carbon Fibers.

Greige -- Fabric that has received no finish.

Hand Lay-up -- A process in which components are applied either to a mold or a working surface, and
the successive plies are built up and worked by hand.

Hardness -- Resistance to deformation; usually measured by indention. Types of standard tests in-
clude Brinell, Rockwell, Knoop, and Vickers.

Heat Cleaned -- Fibers which have been exposed to elevated temperatures to remove preliminary siz-
ings or binders which are not compatible to processing.

Heterogeneous -- Descriptive term for a material consisting of dissimilar constituents separately iden-
tifiable; a medium consisting of regions of unlike properties separated by internal boundaries. (Note that
all nonhomogeneous materials are not necessarily heterogeneous).

Homogeneous -- Descriptive term for a material of uniform composition throughout; a medium which
has no internal physical boundaries; a material whose properties are constant at every point, in other
words, constant with respect to spatial coordinates (but not necessarily with respect to directional coordi-

Horizontal Shear -- Sometimes used to indicate interlaminar shear. This is not an approved term for
use in this handbook.

Hot pressing - a fabrication of a ceramic component utilizing temperature and uniaxial pressure to
achieve the desired density and shape formation. Densification is achieved by particle rearrangement,
viscous/plastic flow, or diffusional transport.

Humidity, Relative -- The ratio of the pressure of water vapor present to the pressure of saturated wa-
ter vapor at the same temperature.

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Hybrid -- A composite laminate comprised of laminae of two or more composite material systems. Or,
a combination of two or more different fibers such as carbon and glass or carbon and aramid into a struc-
ture (tapes, fabrics and other forms may be combined).

Hygroscopic -- Capable of absorbing and retaining atmospheric moisture.

Hysteresis -- The energy absorbed in a complete cycle of loading and unloading.

Inclusion -- A physical and mechanical discontinuity occurring within a material or part, usually con-
sisting of solid, encapsulated foreign material. Inclusions are often capable of transmitting some struc-
tural stresses and energy fields, but in a noticeably different manner from the parent material.

Integral Composite Structure -- Composite structure in which several structural elements, which
would conventionally be assembled by bonding or with mechanical fasteners after separate fabrication,
are instead laid up and cured as a single, complex, continuous structure; e.g., spars, ribs, and one stiff-
ened cover of a wing box fabricated as a single integral part. The term is sometimes applied more loosely
to any composite structure not assembled by mechanical fasteners.

Interface -- The boundary between the individual, physically distinguishable constituents of a com-

Interlaminar -- Descriptive term pertaining to some object (e.g., voids), event (e.g., fracture), or po-
tential field (e.g., shear stress) Referenced as existing or occurring between two or more adjacent lami-

Interlaminar Shear -- Shearing force tending to produce a relative displacement between two laminae
in a laminate along the plane of their interface.

Intermediate Bearing Stress -- The bearing stress at the point on the bearing load-deformation curve
where the tangent is equal to the bearing stress divided by a designated percentage (usually 4%) of the
original hole diameter.

Interphase -- The interface region for a continuous fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composite is the
volume between the fiber and the matrix whose degree of bonding is controlled to yield composite-like
graceful fiber. Fiber coatings in the interface region are required for most, but not all, ceramic composite
systems. For particulate, whisker, and platelet reinforced composites, interface coatings may be neces-
sary to strengthen, toughen, or enhance the thermophysical properties.

Intralaminar -- Descriptive term pertaining to some object (e.g., voids), event (e.g., fracture), or po-
tential field (e.g., temperature gradient) existing entirely within a single lamina without Reference to any
adjacent laminae.

Isotropic -- Having uniform properties in all directions. The measured properties of an isotropic ma-
terial are independent of the axis of testing.

Jammed State -- The state of a braided fabric under tension or compression where the deformation of
the fabric is dominated by the deformation properties of the yarn.

Knitting -- A method of constructing fabric by interlocking series of loops of one or more yarns.

Knuckle Area -- The area of transition between sections of different geometry in a filament wound

k-Sample Data -- A collection of data consisting of values observed when sampling from k batches.

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Laid-In Yarns -- A system of longitudinal yarns in a triaxial braid which are inserted between the bias

Lamina -- A single ply or layer in a laminate made up of a series of layers.

Laminae -- Plural of lamina.

Laminate -- A product made by bonding together two or more layers or laminae of material or materi-

Laminate Orientation -- The configuration of a crossplied composite laminate with regard to the an-
gles of crossplying, the number of laminae at each angle, and the exact sequence of the lamina lay-up.

Lattice Pattern -- A pattern of filament winding with a fixed arrangement of open voids.

Lay-up -- A process of fabrication involving the assembly of successive layers of resin-impregnated


Liquid Infiltration -- Densification of a composite by infiltration with a liquid and the conversion of the
liquid to a solid through controlled processing to develop the desired matrix composition, density, and

Lognormal Distribution -- A probability distribution for which the probability that an observation se-
lected at random from this population falls between a and b (0 < a < b < B) is given by the area under the
normal distribution between log a and log b. The common (base 10) or the natural (base e) logarithm may
be used. (See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.)

Lower Confidence Bound -- See Confidence Interval.

Macro -- In relation to composites, denotes the gross properties of a composite as a structural ele-
ment but does not consider the individual properties or identity of the constituents.

Macrostrain -- The mean strain over any finite gage length of measurement which is large in com-
parison to the material's characteristic distance.

Mandrel -- A form fixture or male mold used for the base in the production of a part by lay-up, filament
winding or braiding.

Mat -- A fibrous material consisting of randomly oriented chopped or swirled filaments loosely held to-
gether with a binder.

Material Acceptance -- The testing of incoming material to ensure that it meets requirements.

Material Qualification -- The procedures used to accept a material by a company or organization for
production use.

Material System -- A specific composite material made from specifically identified constituents in spe-
cific geometric proportions and arrangements and possessing of numerically defined properties.

Material System Class -- As used in this handbook, a group consisting of material systems catego-
rized by the same generic constituent materials, but without defining the constituents uniquely.

Material Variability -- A source of variability due to the spatial and consistency variations of the mate-
rial itself and due to variation in its processing. (See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.)

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Matrix -- The essentially homogeneous material in which the fiber system of a composite is embed-

Matrix Cracking - Cracking that is completely contained within the matrix material, and do not pass
through the reinforcement.

Matrix Starved Area -- Area of composite part where the matrix has a non-continuous smooth cover-
age of the fiber.

Mean -- See Sample Mean and Population Mean.

Mechanical Properties -- The properties of a material that are associated with elastic and inelastic
reaction when force is applied, or the properties involving the relationship between stress and strain.

Median -- See Sample Median and Population Median.

Melt Infiltration – Densification of a preheated preform/composite by infiltration with a hot liquid

which solidifies upon cooling or by in-situ chemical reaction.

Micro -- In relation to composites, denotes the properties of the constituents, i.e., matrix and rein-
forcement and interface only, as well as their effects on the composite properties.

Microcracks -- Cracks of limited dimensions, usually of micro-extent.

Note - in heterogeneous systems, microcracks are typically caused by thermal residual stress or by lo-
cal differences in response to global mechanical, chemical, or thermal applied conditions. Typical micro-
cracks are found as matrix cracks in composites that extend through a ply thickness, parallel to the fiber
orientation in that ply, but in ceramic composites, these cracks may also travel perpendicular to the rein-
forcing fibers and extend through as fiber bundle (or tow), or even through the total thickness of a speci-
men or component sheet.

Microstrain -- The strain over a gage length comparable to the material's characteristic distance.

Modulus, Chord -- The slope of the chord drawn between any two specified points on the stress-
strain curve.

Modulus, initial -- The slope of the initial straight portion of a stress-strain curve.

Modulus, Secant -- The slope of the secant drawn from the origin to any specified point on the stress-
strain curve.

Modulus, Tangent -- The ratio of change in stress to change in strain derived from the tangent to any
point on a stress-strain curve.

Modulus, Young's -- The ratio of change in stress to change in strain below the proportional limit of a
material. (Applicable to tension and compression).

Modulus of Rigidity (also Shear Modulus or Torsional Modulus) -- The ratio of stress to strain below
the proportional limit for shear or torsional stress.

Modulus of Rupture, in Bending -- The maximum tensile or compressive stress (whichever causes
failure) value in the extreme fiber of a beam loaded to failure in bending. The value is computed from the
flexure equation:

Fb = 1.7(a)

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where M = maximum bending moment computed from the maximum load and the
original moment arm,
c = initial distance from the neutral axis to the extreme fiber
where failure occurs,
I = the initial moment of inertia of the cross section about its
neutral axis.

Modulus of Rupture, in Torsion -- The maximum shear stress in the extreme fiber of a member of
circular cross section loaded to failure in torsion calculated from the equation:

Fs = 1.7(b)
where T = maximum twisting moment,
r = original outer radius,
J = polar moment of inertia of the original cross section.

Moisture Content -- The amount of moisture in a material determined under prescribed condition and
expressed as a percentage of the mass of the moist specimen, i.e., the mass of the dry substance plus
the moisture present.

Moisture Equilibrium -- The condition reached by a sample when it no longer takes up moisture from,
or gives up moisture to, the surrounding environment.

Mold Release Agent -- A lubricant applied to mold surfaces to facilitate release of the molded article.

Molded Edge -- An edge which is not physically altered after molding for use in final form and particu-
larly one which does not have fiber ends along its length.

Molding -- The forming of a polymer or composite into a solid mass of prescribed shape and size by
the application of pressure and heat.

Monolayer -- The basic laminate unit from which crossplied or other laminates are constructed.

Monomer -- A compound consisting of molecules each of which can provide one or more constitu-
tional units.

NDE -- Nondestructive evaluation. Broadly considered synonymous with NDI.

NDI -- Nondestructive inspection. A process or procedure for determining the quality or characteris-
tics of a material, part, or assembly without permanently altering the subject or its properties.

NDT -- Nondestructive testing. Broadly considered synonymous with NDI.

Necking -- A localized reduction in cross-sectional area which may occur in a material under tensile

Negatively Skewed -- A distribution is said to be negatively skewed if the distribution is not symmetric
and the longest tail is on the left.

Nominal Specimen Thickness -- The nominal ply thickness multiplied by the number of plies.

Nominal Value -- A value assigned for the purpose of a convenient designation. A nominal value ex-
ists in name only.

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Normal Distribution -- A two parameter (µ,σ) family of probability distributions for which the probabil-
ity that an observation will fall between a and b is given by the area under the curve

1 LM
(x- µ )2 OP (1.7c)
f(x) =
σ 2π
exp -
2σ 2 PQ
between a and b. (See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.)

Normalization -- A mathematical procedure for adjusting raw test values for fiber-dominated proper-
ties to a single (specified) fiber volume content.

Normalized Stress -- Stress value adjusted to a specified fiber volume content by multiplying the
measured stress value by the ratio of specimen fiber volume to the specified fiber volume. This ratio may
be obtained directly by experimentally measuring fiber volume, or indirectly by calculation using specimen
thickness and fiber areal weight.

Observed Significance Level (OSL) -- The probability of observing a more extreme value of the test
statistic when the null hypotheses is true.

Offset Shear Strength --- (from valid execution of a material property shear response test) the value
of shear stress at the intersection between a line parallel to the shear chord modulus of elasticity and the
shear stress/strain curve, where the line has been offset along the shear strain axis from the origin by a
specified strain offset value.

Oligomer -- A polymer consisting of only a few monomer units such as a dimer, trimer, etc., or their

One-Sided Tolerance Limit Factor -- See Tolerance Limit Factor.

Orthotropic -- Having three mutually perpendicular planes of elastic symmetry.

Oven Dry -- The condition of a material that has been heated under prescribed conditions of tempera-
ture and humidity until there is no further significant change in its mass.

PAN Fibers -- Reinforcement fiber derived from the controlled pyrolysis of poly(acrylonitrile) fiber.

Parallel Laminate -- A laminate of woven fabric in which the plies are aligned in the same position as
originally aligned in the fabric roll.

Parallel Wound -- A term used to describe yarn or other material wound into a flanged spool.

Particulate Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites -- a ceramic matrix composite in which the
reinforcing components are particles of equiaxed or platelet geometry (in contrast to whiskers or short

Peel Ply -- A layer of matrix free material used to protect a laminate for later secondary bonding.

pH -- A measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution, with neutrality represented by a value of 7, with

increasing acidity corresponding to progressively smaller values, and increasing alkalinity corresponding
to progressively higher values.

Pick Count -- The number of filling yarns per inch or per centimeter of woven fabric.

Plied Yarn -- A yarn formed by twisting together two or more single yarns in one operation.

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Poisson's Ratio -- The absolute value of the ratio of transverse strain to the corresponding axial strain
resulting from uniformly distributed axial stress below the proportional limit of the material.

Polymer -- An organic material composed of molecules characterized by the repetition of one or more
types of monomeric units.

Polymer Infiltration/Pyrolysis – Densification of a composite by the infiltration of a thermoset poly-

mer, the curing of the polymer, and the subsequent thermal treatment to convert the cured polymer to a
ceramic matrix.

Polymerization -- A chemical reaction in which the molecules of monomers are linked together to
form polymers via two principal reaction mechanisms. Addition polymerizations proceed by chain growth
and most condensation polymerizations through step growth.

Population -- The set of measurements about which inferences are to be made or the totality of pos-
sible measurements which might be obtained in a given testing situation. For example, "all possible ulti-
mate tensile strength measurements for carbon/epoxy system A, conditioned at 95% relative humidity and
room temperature". In order to make inferences about a population, it is often necessary to make as-
sumptions about its distributional form. The assumed distributional form may also be referred to as the
population. (See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.)

Population Mean -- The average of all potential measurements in a given population weighted by
their relative frequencies in the population. (See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.)

Population Median -- That value in the population such that the probability of exceeding it is 0.5 and
the probability of being less than it is 0.5. (See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.)

Population Variance -- A measure of dispersion in the population.

Porosity -- A condition of trapped pockets of air, gas, or vacuum within a solid material, usually ex-
pressed as a percentage of the total nonsolid volume to the total volume (solid plus nonsolid) of a unit
quantity of material.

Positively Skewed -- A distribution is said to be positively skewed if the distribution is not symmetric
and the longest tail is on the right.

Postcure -- Additional elevated temperature cure, usually without pressure, to improve final proper-

Precision -- The degree of agreement within a set of observations or test results obtained. Precision
involves repeatability and reproducibility.

Preceramic Polymer -- inorganic or organometallic polymers that con be converted (after polymer
curing) to a ceramic by a thermal treatment.

Precursor (for Carbon or Graphite Fiber) -- Either the PAN or pitch fibers from which carbon and
graphite fibers are derived.

Precursor (to Ceramic Matrix) -- A polymeric material which, upon exposure to appropriate process-
ing conditions, is transformed into a ceramic.

Preform – A preshaped mat or woven structure formed from fibers, whiskers or particulate to the de-
sired configuration and reinforcement architecture that is used for subsequent processing.

Preply -- Layers of prepreg material, which have been assembled according to a user specified stack-
ing sequence.

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Prepreg -- Ready to mold or cure material in sheet form which may be tow, tape, cloth, or mat impreg-
nated with resin. It may be stored before use.

Pressure -- The force or load per unit area.

Probability Density Function -- See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.

Proportional Limit -- The maximum stress that a material is capable of sustaining without any devia-
tion from the proportionality of stress to strain (also known as Hooke's law).

Quasi-Isotropic Laminate -- A laminate approximating isotropy by orientation of plies in several or

more directions.

Random Effect -- A shift in a measured quantity due to a particular level change of an external, usu-
ally uncontrollable, factor. (See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.)

Random Error -- That part of the data variation that is due to unknown or uncontrolled factors and that
affects each observation independently and unpredictably. (See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.)

Reduction of Area -- The difference between the original cross sectional area of a tension test speci-
men and the area of its smallest cross section, usually expressed as a percentage of the original area.

Refractive Index - The ratio of the velocity of light (of specified wavelength) in air to its velocity in the
substance under examination. Also defined as the sine of the angle of incidence divided by the sine of
the angle of refraction as light passes from air into the substance.

Reliability - Measure of consistency of properties.

Release Agent -- See Mold Release Agent.

Resilience -- A property of a material which is able to do work against restraining forces during return
from a deformed condition.

Resin -- An organic polymer or prepolymer used as a matrix to contain the fibrous reinforcement in a
composite material or as an adhesive. This organic matrix may be a thermoset or a thermoplastic, and
may contain a wide variety of components or additives to influence; handleability, processing behavior
and ultimate properties.

Resin Content -- The amount of matrix present in a composite either by percent weight or percent

Resin System -- A mixture of resin, with ingredients such as catalyst, initiator, diluents, etc. required
for the intended processing and final product.

Room Temperature Ambient (RTA) -- 1) an environmental condition of 73±5°F (23±3°C) at ambient

laboratory relative humidity; 2) a material condition where, immediately following consolidation/cure, the
material is stored at 73±5°F (23±3°C) and at a maximum relative humidity of 60%.

Roving -- A number of strands, tows, or ends collected into a parallel bundle with little or no twist. In
spun yarn production, an intermediate state between sliver and yarn. (Same as tow.)

S-Basis (or S-Value) -- The mechanical property value which is usually the specified minimum value
of the appropriate government specification or SAE Aerospace Material Specification for this material.

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Sample -- A small portion of a material or product intended to be representative of the whole. Statisti-
cally, a sample is the collection of measurements taken from a specified population. (See Volume 1, Sec-
tion 8.1.4.)

Sample Mean -- The arithmetic average of the measurements in a sample. The sample mean is an
estimator of the population mean. (See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.)

Sample Median -- Order the observation from smallest to largest. Then the sample median is the
value of the middle observation if the sample size is odd; the average of the two central observations if n
is even. If the population is symmetric about its mean, the sample median is also an estimator of the
population mean. (See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.)

Sample Standard Deviation -- The square root of the sample variance. (See Volume 1, Section

Sample Variance -- The sum of the squared deviations from the sample mean, divided by n-1. (See
Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.)

Sandwich Construction -- A structural panel concept consisting in its simplest form of two relatively
thin, parallel sheets of structural material bonded to, and separated by, a relatively thick, light-weight core.

Saturation -- An equilibrium condition in which the net rate of absorption under prescribed conditions
falls essentially to zero.

Scrim (also called Glass Cloth, Carrier) -- A low cost fabric woven into an open mesh construction,
used in the processing of tape or other B-stage material to facilitate handling.

Secondary Bonding -- The joining together, by the process of adhesive bonding, of two or more al-
ready-cured composite parts, during which the only chemical or thermal reaction occurring is the curing of
the adhesive itself.

Selvage or Selvedge -- The woven edge portion of a fabric parallel to the warp.

Set -- The strain remaining after complete release of the force producing the deformation.

Shear Fracture (for crystalline type materials) -- A mode of fracture resulting from translation along
slip planes which are preferentially oriented in the direction of the shearing stress.

Shelf Life -- The length of time a material, substance, product, or reagent can be stored under speci-
fied environmental conditions and continue to meet all applicable specification requirements and/or re-
main suitable for its intended function.

Short Beam Shear Strength (SBS) -- a test result from valid execution of ASTM test method D 2344.

Significant -- Statistically, the value of a test statistic is significant if the probability of a value at least
as extreme is less than or equal to a predetermined number called the significance level of the test.

Significant Digit -- Any digit that is necessary to define a value or quantity.

Size System -- See Finish.

Sizing -- A generic term for compounds which are applied to yarns to bind the fiber together and
stiffen the yarn to provide abrasion-resistance during weaving. Starch, gelatin, oil, wax, and man-made
polymers such as polyvinyl alcohol, polystyrene, polyacrylic acid, and polyacetatates are employed.

Skewness -- See Positively Skewed, Negatively Skewed.

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Sleeving -- A common name for tubular braided fabric.

Slenderness Ratio -- The unsupported effective length of a uniform column divided by the least ra-
dius of gyration of the cross-sectional area.

Slurry Infiltration -- Densification of a composite/preform by infiltration with a particulate-liquid sus-

pension, followed by drying. Additional heat treatments may also be done to modify the microstructure,
density, phase composition, and/or crystal structure.

Sol -- a liquid dispersion of colloidal solid particles, commonly between 5 and 100 nm in size.

Sol-gel -- processing, the chemical synthesis of oxide ceramics based on the hydrolysis of metal alk-
oxides to form sols and gels; as liquids, the sols are suitable for casting and infiltration.

Solute -- The dissolved material.

Specific Gravity -- The ratio of the weight of any volume of a substance to the weight of an equal vol-
ume of another substance taken as standard at a constant or stated temperature. Solids and liquids are
usually compared with water at 39°F (4°C).

Specific Heat -- The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance
one degree under specified conditions.

Spindle -- A slender upright rotation rod on a spinning frame, roving frame, twister or similar machine.

Standard Deviation -- See Sample Standard Deviation.

Staple -- Either naturally occurring fibers or lengths cut from filaments.

Strain -- the per unit change, due to force, in the size or shape of a body referred to its original size or
shape. Strain is a nondimensional quantity, but it is frequently expressed in inches per inch, meters per
meter, or percent.

Strand -- Normally an untwisted bundle or assembly of continuous filaments used as a unit, including
slivers, tow, ends, yarn, etc. Sometimes a single fiber or filament is called a strand.

Strength -- the maximum stress which a material is capable of sustaining.

Stress -- The intensity at a point in a body of the forces or components of forces that act on a given
plane through the point. Stress is expressed in force per unit area (pounds-force per square inch, mega-
pascals, etc.).

Stress Relaxation -- The time dependent decrease in stress in a solid under given constraint condi-

Stress-Strain Curve (Diagram) -- A graphical representation showing the relationship between the
change in dimension of the specimen in the direction of the externally applied stress and the magnitude of
the applied stress. Values of stress usually are plotted as ordinates (vertically) and strain values as ab-
scissa (horizontally).

Structural Element -- a generic element of a more complex structural member (for example, skin,
stringer, shear panels, sandwich panels, joints, or splices).

Structured Data -- See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

Surfacing Mat -- A thin mat of fine fibers used primarily to produce a smooth surface on an organic
matrix composite.

Symmetrical Laminate -- A composite laminate in which the sequence of plies below the laminate
midplane is a mirror image of the stacking sequence above the midplane.

Tack -- Stickiness of the prepreg.

Tape -- Prepreg fabricated in widths up to 12 inches wide for carbon and 3 inches for boron. Cross
stitched carbon tapes up to 60 inches wide are available commercially in some cases.

Tenacity -- The tensile stress expressed as force per unit linear density of the unstrained specimen
i.e., grams-force per denier or grams-force per tex.

Tex -- A unit for expressing linear density equal to the mass or weight in grams of 1000 meters of fila-
ment, fiber, yarn or other textile strand.

Thermal Conductivity -- Ability of a material to conduct heat. The physical constant for quantity of
heat that passes through unit cube of a substance in unit time when the difference in temperature of two
faces is one degree.

Thermoplastic -- A plastic that repeatedly can be softened by heating and hardened by cooling
through a temperature range characteristic of the plastic, and when in the softened stage, can be shaped
by flow into articles by molding or extrusion.

Thermoset -- A plastic that is substantially infusible and insoluble after having been cured by heat or
other means.

Tolerance -- The total amount by which a quantity is allowed to vary.

Tolerance Limit -- A lower (upper) confidence limit on a specified percentile of a distribution. For ex-
ample, the B-basis value is a 95% lower confidence limit on the tenth percentile of a distribution.

Tolerance Limit Factor -- The factor which is multiplied by the estimate of variability in computing the
tolerance limit.

Toughness -- A measure of a material's ability to absorb work, or the actual work per unit volume or
unit mass of material that is required to rupture it. Toughness is proportional to the area under the load-
elongation curve from the origin to the breaking point.

Tow -- A bundle of continuous filaments. Commonly used in referring to man-made fibers, particularly
carbon and graphite fibers, in the composites industry.

Transversely Isotropic -- Descriptive term for a material exhibiting a special case of orthotropy in
which there exists a plane on which the properties are independent of direction.

Traveller -- A small piece of the same product (panel, tube, etc.) as the test specimen, used for ex-
ample to measure moisture content as a result of conditioning.

Twist -- The number of turns about its axis per unit of length in a yarn or other textile strand. It may be
expressed as turns per inch (tpi) or turns per centimeter (tpcm).

Twist, Direction of -- The direction of twist in yarns and other textile strands is indicated by the capital
letters S and Z. Yarn has S twist if, when held in a vertical position, the visible spirals or helices around
its central axis are in the direction of slope of the central portion of the letter S, and Z twist is in the other

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

Typical Basis -- A typical property value is a sample mean. Note that the typical value is defined as
the simple arithmetic mean which has a statistical connotation of 50% reliability with a 50% confidence.

Ultimate Strength -- The maximum stress (tensile, compressive or shear) a material can sustain with-
out fracture; determined by dividing the maximum load in such a test by the original cross sectional area
of the specimen. The maximum stress (tensile, compressive or shear) a material can sustain without
fracture; determined by dividing the maximum load in such a test by the original cross sectional area of
the specimen.

Unbond -- An area within a bonded interface between two adherends in which the intended bonding
action failed to take place. Also used to denote specific areas deliberately prevented from bonding in or-
der to simulate a defective bond, such as in the generation of quality standards specimens. (See Dis-
bond, Debond).

Unidirectional Laminate -- A laminate with nonwoven reinforcements and all layers laid up in the
same direction.

Unit Cell -- A representative volume of material that defines all of the characteristics of the material
which, when repeated in three dimensions, can be used to construct the global material or element

Unstructured Data -- See Volume 1, Section 8.1.4.

Upper Confidence Limit -- See Confidence Interval.

Vacuum Bag Molding -- A process in which the lay-up is cured under pressure generated by drawing
a vacuum in the space between the lay-up and a flexible sheet placed over it and sealed at the edges.

Variance -- See Sample Variance.

Viscosity -- The property of resistance to flow exhibited within the body of a material.

Void -- A physical and mechanical discontinuity occurring within a material or part which may be two-
dimensional (e.g., disbonds, delaminations) or three-dimensional (e.g., vacuum-, air-, or gas-filled pock-
ets). Porosity is an aggregation of micro-voids. Voids are essentially incapable of transmitting structural
stresses or nonradiative energy fields. (See Inclusion.)

Warp -- The longitudinally oriented yarn in a woven fabric (see Fill); a group of yarns in long lengths
and approximately parallel.

Weibull Distribution (Two - Parameter) -- A probability distribution for which the probability that a
randomly selected observation from this population lies between a and b (0 < a < b < ∞) is given by Equa-
tion 1.7(d) where α is called the scale parameter and β is called the shape parameter. (See Volume 1,
Section 8.1.4.)

LM F a I β OP - expLM- F b I β OP
exp - 1.7(d)

Wet Lay-up -- A method of making a reinforced product by applying a liquid resin system while the
reinforcement is put in place.

Wet Strength -- The strength of an organic matrix composite when the matrix resin is saturated with
absorbed moisture. (See Saturation).

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

Wet Winding -- A method of filament winding in which the fiber reinforcement is coated with the resin
system as a liquid just prior to wrapping on a mandrel.

Whisker -- A short single crystal fiber or filament. Whisker diameters range from 1 to 25 microns, with
aspect ratios between 100 and 15,000.

Work Life -- The period during which a compound, after mixing with a catalyst, solvent, or other com-
pounding ingredient, remains suitable for its intended use.

Woven Fabric Composite -- A major form of advanced composites in which the fiber constituent con-
sists of woven fabric. A woven fabric composite normally is a laminate comprised of a number of laminae,
each of which consists of one layer of fabric embedded in the selected matrix material. Individual fabric
laminae are directionally oriented and combined into specific multiaxial laminates for application to spe-
cific envelopes of strength and stiffness requirements.

Yarn -- A generic term for strands or bundles of continuous filaments or fibers, usually twisted and
suitable for making textile fabric.

Yarn, Plied -- Yarns made by collecting two or more single yarns together. Normally, the yarns are
twisted together though sometimes they are collected without twist.

X-Axis -- In composite laminates, an axis in the plane of the laminate which is used as the 0 degree
Reference for designating the angle of a lamina.

X-Y Plane -- In composite laminates, the Reference plane parallel to the plane of the laminate.

Y-Axis -- In composite laminates, the axis in the plane of the laminate which is perpendicular to the

Z-Axis -- In composite laminates, the Reference axis normal to the plane of the laminate.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines



Composites have been used throughout history, i.e., straw in bricks, metal rod-reinforced concrete,
and lightweight aerospace structures. Fiber reinforced polymer matrix composite materials are being in-
troduced in ever-increasing quantities in military systems and have become a key element in the Depart-
ment of Defense's effort to lighten the force. However, polymer matrix composites have an inherent tem-
perature limitation based on their hydrocarbon structure. The high temperature alternative to high density
metals is ceramics, offering weight savings as well high temperature capability and oxidation resistance.

The sensitivity of monolithic ceramics to small flaws and the resulting brittle fracture has severely lim-
ited the use of their unique properties (high temperature strength, low density, chemical stability, and
wear resistance) in military and aerospace applications. The development of ceramic composites and
associated flaw-tolerant microstructures has been a major goal of structural ceramics over the past two

A composite is defined as a material containing two or more distinct phases combined in such a way
so that each remains distinct (Section 1.7). Based on this broad definition of a composite, ceramic matrix
composites (CMCs) are conveniently separated into two categories: discontinuous reinforced and con-
tinuous fiber reinforced CMCs. Discontinuous reinforced CMCs include particulate, platelet, whisker, fiber
and in situ reinforced composites (including nanocomposites). CMCs containing discontinuous second
phases are, in general, processed by shaping techniques commonly used for monolithic ceramics; i.e.,
injection molding, slip casting, and tape casting, followed by sintering to densify the composite. By con-
trast continuous fiber ceramic composites (CFCCs) have required the development of infiltration (vapor,
sol, melt, liquid preceramic polymers) methods that enable the densification of various ceramic matrices
in continuous fiber lay-ups and/or net shape woven fiber preforms. Continuous fiber reinforced CMCs are
further subdivided into carbon fiber reinforced carbon composites, a.k.a. carbon-carbon composites and
other composites.

Both discontinuous reinforced and continuous fiber reinforced composites decrease the susceptibility
of ceramic components to catastrophic thermal-structural "brittle failure". The mechanisms by which dis-
continuous reinforced and continuous reinforced CMCs retard crack initiation and/or propagation are de-
pendent on the nature of material reinforcements (geometry, quantity, and distribution). Understandably,
the reinforcements in discontinuous and continuous CMCs give rise to inherently different mechanical
properties, different advantages, and different end uses. A list of the general advantages of carbon-
carbon, continuous reinforced CMCs, and discontinuous reinforced CMCs are presented in Table 2.1.

A ceramic's resistance to small flaws, crack propagation, and failure can be quantified by measuring a
property termed fracture toughness. The fracture toughness coupled with sufficient statistical mechanical
property data provide designers the information needed for structural analysis and design safety margins
of ceramics.

In general, the fracture toughness values of monolithic ceramics excluding transformation toughened
1/2 1/2
materials do not exceed values of 4.5 ksi in (5 MPa•m ). Discontinuous reinforced CMCs have typical
1/2 1/2
values in the range of 6 to 10.92 ksi in (7 to 12 MPa•m ). Continuous fiber CMCs reach values around
1/2 1/2
18 ksi in (20 MPa•m ) and depending on the fiber architecture can approach values similar to good
1/2 1/2
metallic systems, 27 ksi in (30 MPa•m ). Continuous fiber reinforced CMCs and discontinuous CMCs
also exhibit significant differences in yield strengths, linear stress-strain proportional limits, and ultimate
strengths. Discontinuous whisker, in situ toughened, and particulate nanocomposites ceramics can reach
yield strengths and ultimate strengths approaching 1000 MPa.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

TABLE 2.1 Characteristics of different classes of CMCs.

Carbon-Carbon Continuous CMCs Discontinuous CMCs

Exceptional High Temp Mech Excellent High Temp Mech. Excellent High Temp Mech
Properties Properties Properties
High Specific Strength and High Specific Strength and High Specific Strength and
Stiffness Stiffness Stiffness
High Fracture Toughness High Fracture Toughness Higher Useful Strengths.
Dimensional Stability Dimensional Stability Fracture Toughness Good but
Low Thermal Expansion Low Thermal Expansion Inferior to Continuous CMCs
High Thermal Shock Resistance Good Thermal Shock Resistance Thermal Shock Resistance
Graceful Failure Modes Graceful Failure Mode Inferior to Continuous CMCs
Tailorable Properties Oxidation Resistance Amenable to Cheaper
Machinability Machining More Difficult Conventional Processes
Poor Oxidation Resistance Processing More Complicated Machining Expensive
and Expensive

By contrast, yield strengths and ultimate strengths of continuous fiber reinforced CMCs are around
75 MPa and 350 MPa, respectively. The fibers, which are responsible for the high strain-to-failure and
hence, the high fracture toughness of continuous fiber reinforced CMCs, also determine the load carrying
(yield strength and ultimate strength) capabilities of the composite. The presence and non-uniform distri-
bution of porosity in the matrices in continuous fiber CMCs is virtually impossible to eliminate. These de-
fects, coupled with property differences between the fibers and ceramic matrices, are responsible for what
is known as the "matrix cracking strength". In general, the matrix cracking strength and the yield strength
of continuous fiber reinforced CMCs are the same. Once loads that cause matrix cracking are exceeded,
the load sharing between fibers and matrix changes and the stress-strain relationship becomes nonlinear.

Another liability for non-oxide based matrices and fibers such as C and SiC is the life-limiting nature
of oxidative and corrosive environments. For design safety reasons, most non-oxide CMC components
are designed to be used below their yield strength, typically around 50 MPa. For short duration applica-
tions, the high strain to failure characteristic of continuous fibers permits continuous fiber reinforced
CMCs to be used above their proportional limit. It is this damage tolerance property that provides excep-
tional resistance to thermal shock environments and graceful failure. Most applications of continuous fi-
ber reinforced CMCs to date have involved structural or heat shield components that encounter light me-
chanical loads in severe thermal shock environments, typical of turbine and rocket engines.

Carbon-carbon composites are a mature technology. The graphite-like matrix maintains its strength
to exceptionally high temperatures of 4000°F (2204°C) in non-oxidizing environments. The historical use
of carbon-carbon composites can be traced to ICBM rocket nozzles over three decades ago. Over the
past decade and a half, carbon-carbon brakes for military and commercial aircraft have developed into
the largest single market for CMCs.

The lightweight and high-temperature stiffness-to-weight properties of carbon-carbon have continued

to spur funding of military demonstration projects such as solar array, radar antenna and mirror support
structures, heat shields, and radiators for spacecraft. Turbine engine components, reentry vehicle nose
tips, and hypersonic leading edge articles have also received demonstration funding.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

The next large dual-use market on the horizon for carbon-carbon composites is electronic packaging.
The development of very high conductivity carbon fibers coupled with lower cost matrix densification
techniques offer promise as printed wiring board or multichip module substrates, thermal planes and other
heat dissipation components. Many of these applications are summarized in Table 2.2(a).

TABLE 2.2(a) Applications of carbon-carbon composites.

Carbon-Carbon Composites
• Thermally Conductive Space Structures • Space Radiators
• Heat Sinks for Electronic Packaging • Heat Shields
• Solar Array Structures • Turbine Engine Exhaust

MILITARY • Graphite Replacement • Hypersonic Aerodynamic

Weapons (HAW)
• Leading Edge Material
• RV Nose Tips
• Antenna Window Materials
• High Frequency Radar/Mirror Structures
• Off Road Vehicle Brakes • High Temp Furnace
• Replacement For Graphite Structures
Commercial/Dual • Nuclear Reactor
• Diesel Pistons and Exhaust Components
Use Components
• Commercial Aircraft Brakes
• Electronic Packaging

Discontinuous CMCs are experiencing the largest market growth in the commercial sector. Sales of
whisker and second phase particulate reinforced ceramic cutting tools are expanding at 45% per year. A
wide range of abrasive and corrosive wear applications are emerging for these type of composites. Pro-
tective sleeves for molten Al mixer shafts, hot gas filters, fire proof floor tiles and a host of other applica-
tions are emerging.

Applications for which non carbon-carbon continuous fiber reinforced CMCs are being considered are
listed in Table 2.2(b). Most of these applications are thermal-structural environments in turbine and rocket
engines where metallic alloys can not meet the performance and/or durability requirements and where
carbon-carbon composites would ablate due to oxidation. The afterburner divergent flaps and seals for
fighter aircraft turbine engines and divert propulsion and attitude control nozzles for exo-atmospheric in-
terceptor missile rocket engines are prime examples.

The next generation reusable launch vehicle will likely use CMCs for the thrust cells and the ramp of
the Aerospike engine. CMCs are presently being evaluated for leading edges, nose section, inlet cowl-
ings, and the nozzle of future hypersonic vehicles. Future turbine engine applications may include com-
bustors, shrouds, stators, vanes, and other augmentor components for turbine engines. Heat shields to
protect metallic structures are also being considered in many aircraft applications. Industrial applications

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

include porous radiant burner tubes, immersion heater tubes, heat exchangers, tube hangers for oil refin-
ing, brakes for racing motorcycles, diesel engine valve guides, and/or corrosion resistant containment
shells for chemical pumps.

TABLE 2.2(b) Application of continuous fiber CMCs.

Continuous Fiber CMCs
• F414 and F110 • Orbital Transfer • Turboramjet
Nozzle Flaps and Engine Thrusters Variable Area
Seals • Low Cost Large Nozzles
• F117 Aft Deck Heat Rocket Thruster • Surveillance OTV
Shields (Million Pound) Thrusters
MILITARY Heavy Lift Launch
• Engine Vanes • Hypersonic Leading
• Flame Holders • Tactical Missile Edges, Inlet
Combustors, Rotors Cowlings and
• Divert and Attitude Nozzles
Control Thrusters • Linear Aerospike
Engine, Thrust
Cells and Ramp
• Heat Exchangers • MDH Air Preheater • Diesel Components
Commercial/Dual • Radiant Burner Tubes • Valve Guides
Use Tubes • Immersion Heaters • Pistons
• Land-Based Gas • Seal-less Magnetic • Turbocharger
Turbines Pumps Rotors
• Candle Filters • Motorcycle Brakes

The rate at which CMCs will be designed into military systems will be driven to a large extent by the
degree to which they are enabling technologies; i.e., absolutely needed to meet the performance re-
quirements of future military systems. Even then, performance requirements will be downgraded and de-
sign compromises will be imposed if CMC materials are perceived to be too risky.

MIL-HDBK-17 is intended to educate potential end users on the benefits, applications, design princi-
ples, fabrication options, characterization and testing protocols, and standards of CMCs. As the definitive
guide for testing and property characterization standards, the Handbook is expected to facilitate ad-
vancements by the CMC suppliers. This volume of MIL-HDBK-17 provides an initial set of tools to en-
courage both end users and suppliers to capitalize on future military windows of opportunity.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines



3.1.1 CMC processing methods

A number of ceramic composites systems have reached the commercial stage of development in
which process and properties are defined and available in commercial quantities and geometries. The
different systems are described in terms of their fabrication technology – chemical vapor infiltration,
directed metal oxidation, polymer-derived ceramics, oxide systems by sintering and hot-pressing, and
carbon-carbon composites by pyrolysis or CVD. Current sources of CMCs are listed in Table 3.1.1.

TABLE 3.1.1 CMC Manufacturers

Albany International Techniweave

Ceramic Composites Inc.
Composite Factory, Inc.
Composite Optics Inc. Ceramics (formerly a Dow Corning business unit)
General Electric
Goodrich - Aircraft wheels and brakes division
Honeywell Advanced Composites (formerly DuPont Lanxide Composites)
Refractory Composites, Inc.
Textron, Inc.

For ceramic composites, a number of historical and developmental fabrication technologies have not
yet advanced to commercial availability. These methods are important to the market in terms of back-
ground and historical information and also for the potential of future commercialization, depending on
technical and economic success. The specific fabrication systems are: sol-gel processing, reaction proc-
essing, and fibrous monoliths. Chemical vapor infiltration CMCs CVI fabrication technique

CFCCs (continuous fiber-run ceramic composites) fabricated by chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) typi-
cally consist of fibers fashioned into a preform, coated with an interface, and infiltrated with a ceramic ma-
trix via CVI (Reference . The CVI process consists of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of a
ceramic matrix within a porous, fiber-reinforced preform. During this process the CVI reagents are
pumped into a furnace containing a heated preform. These gaseous reagents infiltrate the preform and
react at the surface of the fibers building up solid matrix material on them and thereby densifying the pre-

In the interest of optimal densification, CVI can be achieved through five different process types de-
fined below (Reference

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

Isothermal: Reagents surround a preform held at a constant temperature

and enter via diffusion.
Thermal Gradient: Reagents contact the cooler portion of the preform and
enter via diffusion to the hot portion of the preform where they react.
Isothermal-Forced Flow: Reagents are forced to flow through preform
which is held at a constant temperature.
Thermal Gradient-Forced Flow: Reagents are forced to flow through pre-
form from the cold to hot portion.
Pulsed Flow: Reagents flow into and out of the preform by way of a cycli-
cal evacuation and back filling system.

The Isothermal type is the most widely used and only commercially available process (References through (i). While the other four types promise benefits over isothermal processing, they are
less mature, are part and shape restrictive, and require specialized equipment and controls (Reference

In the isothermal process, reagents enter and gaseous reaction products leave the preform via
chemical diffusion (Reference In order to get economical densification rates, deposition is
often conducted at rapid rates which close off the diffusion paths before infiltration is complete (Reference Interruption of the CVI process for periodic surface machining is often necessary to re-open
diffusion paths (Reference

Since CVI is a form of the well-established CVD technique, almost any ceramic compound can be
deposited as a CFCC matrix. The most common commercially available CVI matrices are SiC and car-
bon. Table describes these and other possible matrices, the typical fibrous reinforcement used,
and their basic chemical reactions.

Some machining may take place between CVI densifications for dimensional control and re-opening
of diffusion paths to the interior of the part. The final CVI densification seals all machined edges and
completes the part. In some cases, an external environmental coating is applied at this point (Reference

The key process steps for a CVI processed CFCC are shown in Figure The order and na-
ture of these steps will vary with manufacturer. Preforming techniques are described in Section 3.4. Con-
solidated preforms are placed inside graphite tooling to retain part shape during processing. Interface
coatings are applied to the tooled preform usually through CVI techniques (see Section 3.3). The coated
preform with tooling is loaded into a CVI furnace for matrix infiltration. The initial cycle is designed to de-
posit sufficient matrix to harden the preform and allow removal of the tooling for further CVI densification. Typical properties for CVI CFCCs

During loading, continuous fiber ceramic composites exhibit linear elastic behavior followed by nonlin-
ear stress-strain response beyond matrix cracking (Reference Current CMCs fabricated by
CVI exhibit tensile strength and elongation values of at least 36.3 ksi (250 MPa) and 0.5%, respectively,
and can operate up to 2012°F (1100°C). CVI SiC matrix composite turbine blades demonstrated
excellent resistance to thermal shock and thermal gradients, and to thermomechanical fatigue (Reference and

CVI processed matrices are superior to other fabrication methods in their purity and microstructure
(Reference As a result, CVI CFCCs offer enhanced chemical compatibility and corrosion
resistance (References and

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines


Matrix Reinforcement Typical Used Reactions
C carbon CH4Æ C + 2H2
Nicalon™, Nextel™, carbon,
SiC Al2O3, SiC CH3SiCl + H2Æ SiC + 3HCl
TiC carbon TiCl4 + CH4 + H2Æ TiC + 4HCl
B4C carbon 4BCl3 + CH4 + H2Æ B4C + 12HCl
ZrC (HfC) carbon ZrCl4 + CH4 + H2Æ ZrC + 4HCl
Cr3C2 Al2O3 CrClx + CH4 + H2Æ Cr3C2 + HCl
TaC carbon TaCl5 + CH4 + H2Æ TaC + HCl
Si3N4 Nicalon™, Nextel™, carbon 3SiCl4 + 4NH3 + H2Æ Si3N4 + 12HCl
BN BN, SiO2, Nextel™, carbon BX3 + NH3 + H2Æ BN + 3HX
(X=Cl, F)
TiB2 carbon, Nicalon™, Al2O3 TiCl4 + 2BCl3 + H2Æ TiB2 + 10HCl
ZrO2 Al2O3, mullite, carbon ZrCl4 + 2CO2 + 2H2Æ ZrCl4 + 2H2O +
2COÆ ZrO2 + 2CO + 4HCl
Al2O3 Nextel™, Al2O3, carbon 2AlCl4 + 3CO2 + 3H2Æ 2AlCl4 + 3H2O +
3COÆ Al2O3 + 3CO + 6HCl

C hem ical V apor Infiltration P rocess

Ap p ly B N o r
D en sify w ith
F ab ricate p yro carb o n M ach in e
S iC m atrix v ia
P refo rm in terface b y

A p p ly su rfa ce
Ap p ly fin al F in al P ack ag e a nd
o xid . p ro tec tio n
S iC sealco at d im en sio n al s h ip to
c o atin g
by CVI co n tro l c u sto m er
(o p tio n al)

FIGURE Process flowchart for isothermal CVI of SiC.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines Typical applications for CVI CFCCs

CVI CFCCs are currently being evaluated for many industrial and aerospace applications. Such as:

Product Areas Examples

Turbine engines (aerospace and stationary) Combustors, liners, turbine rotors
Heat recovery equipment Preheaters, recuperators, heat exchangers
Burners Radiant tube and screen burners
Process equipment Reformers, reactors, heat exchangers
Waste incineration Furnace internals, particle separators
Separation/Filtration Filters, substrates, centrifuges
Structural components Beams, panels, headers
Aerospace Thermal protection, thruster nozzles, turbo
pump components, leading edges Directed metal oxidation (DIMOX™) Basic processing procedures for DIMOX™

Dimox™ is a method for the formation of ceramic composite matrices by the directed reaction of a
molten metal with an oxidant. The most common Dimox™ system is aluminum oxide, however, there are
development efforts with the aluminum nitride and silicon nitride systems. The Dimox™ process is pro-
prietary to Honeywell Advanced Composites, Inc., of Newark, Delaware. The basic technique is to di-
rectly react a molten metal (aluminum) with an oxidant (air) to form the matrix of a composite. During
processing the reaction is sustained by the wicking of liquid metal along interconnected microscopic
channels in the aluminum oxide to the free surface promoting outward growth from the original metal sur-
face. The resulting matrix material is typically a three dimensionally interconnected ceramic reaction
product with some interconnected metal. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies on aluminum
oxide matrices have shown clean grain boundaries, free from low melting point phases that can lead to
inferior properties, particularly creep, at elevated temperatures.

Ceramic composites can be formed by placing filler or reinforcement materials (e.g., SiC or Al2O3 fi-
bers, particles, or platelets) in the path of the outward growing reaction product. This forming process is
achieved by first shaping the desired reinforcement materials into a preform of the required dimensions.
Preforming techniques may involve conventional ceramic processes such as pressing, slip casting, injec-
tion molding, etc., in the case of particulates or platelets. Alternatively, fabric lay-up, weaving, braiding, or
filament winding might be used for a fiber reinforcement. A growth barrier material is applied to one or
more surfaces of the preform to locally stop the matrix growth process and enable fabrication to net or
near net shape. The preform and the parent metal alloy are heated to the growth temperature where
rapid oxidation of the parent metal alloy occurs outward and into the adjacent preform. For aluminum ox-
ide matrix composites, the preform and aluminum alloy are typically heated to 1652 - 2192°F (900 -
1200°C) in air. Under these conditions, the aluminum oxidizes and a three dimensionally interconnected
matrix of alpha aluminum oxide grows into the adjacently placed preform. An interconnected network of
microscopic metal channels, which are at most a few microns in diameter, is present in the matrix phase.
Driven by surface energy forces, the molten alloy wicks from the aluminum alloy reservoir through the
micro-channels to the growth front, where it reacts to continue the matrix growth process. The reaction is
terminated when it comes in contact with the gas permeable barrier layer applied to the preform surface,
thus enabling fabrication of the composite to the desired shape. Typical growth times for these compos-
ites may involve from one to three days of furnace time. A schematic of the directed metal oxidation proc-
ess is shown in Figure

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines







Fiber Volume Fraction: 0.30 - 0.35

FIGURE Schematic of directed metal oxidation process Typical properties of DIMOX™

Mechanical Properties Units Temp 73°F/ 23°C Temp 2012°F/1100°C

Tensile Strength ksi / MPa 35.6 / 246 27.5 / 190
Elongation % 0.62 0.53
Modulus Msi / GPa 21.0 / 144 18.7 / 129
Proportional Limit ksi / MPa 9.4 / 65 9.6 / 66 Typical applications for DIMOX™

Dimox™ CFCCs are currently being evaluated for many industrial and aerospace applications, such

Product Areas Examples

Turbine engines (aerospace and stationary) Combustors, liners, turbine rotors
Heat recovery equipment Preheaters, recuperators
Burners Radiant tube and screen burners
Process equipment Reformers, reactors, heat exchangers
Separation/Filtration Filters, substrates, centrifuges
Structural components Beams, panels, headers Polymer derived ceramics Introduction

Polymer derived ceramics offer a unique solution to fabricating ceramic matrix composites. By tailor-
ing polymer molecular structure and molecular weight, materials can be produced that allow fabrication

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

using polymer composite processes such as lay-up-autoclave consolidation, resin transfer molding, fila-
ment winding and fiber placement. Using polymers with high char yields, the resulting parts can be heat
treated (pyrolyzed) in inert or reactive atmospheres to yield fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites.
This approach has been used to fabricate a variety of ceramic matrix composite compositions, including
the commonly available matrices of Si-C, Si-C-O, Si-N, and Si-N-C.

As is the case with other ceramic matrix composites being discussed, coated continuous fibers are
introduced into the polymer derived ceramic matrix to provide the desired strength, toughness, and
“graceful failure”. The coating is designed to properly tailor the fiber-matrix interface to achieve the de-
sired material properties and is similar, both in composition and method of application, to those used with
other ceramic matrix composites. Similar fibers are also used with the added ability to incorporate lower
temperature capable fibers (Astroquartz, Nextel 312) into a polymer derived ceramic matrix when fabri-
cated at low processing temperatures (<1832°F (<1000°C)).

Particulate ceramics and ceramic whiskers and platelets can be used to supplement the matrix pro-
vided by the pyrolyzed polymer. Fillers can improve matrix properties by reducing and disrupting the regu-
larity of matrix cracks that form during the shrinkage of the polymer precursor. In addition, the fillers can
enhance the ceramic yield during initial pyrolysis by their mass or by reacting with pyrolysis by-products
or the pyrolysis atmosphere and can be used to strengthen and toughen the matrix. Well-chosen fillers
can slightly raise composite modulus and improve interlamina properties. Fabrication

The general process for producing ceramic matrix composites using polymer pyrolysis is illustrated in
Figure The process consists of: (a) low temperature shape making, (b) high temperature py-
rolysis, and (c) repeated impregnation-pyrolysis to achieve suitable density. The preceramic polymer pro-
cess to ceramic matrix composite thus is very similar to the process utilized for polymer composites. In
principle any process that has been used for polymer composite shape making can be utilized. The den-
sification cycles are nominally similar to those used for carbon-carbon although they are operationally
much simpler because of less toxic, easier to use polymers, and shorter pyrolysis cycles. Pyrolysis condi-
tions vary somewhat but all systems require inert atmosphere pyrolysis to at least 1292°F (700°C) (typi-
cally 1652-2192°F (900-1200°C)). The number of reimpregnations can vary depending on polymer sys-
tem and end-use goals, but at least two are needed to get decent mechanical properties. Typically 4 - 10
reimpregnations are required.

FIGURE Processing of polymer derived ceramics.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

A widely used approach to fabricating ceramic matrix composites by polymer pyrolysis uses flat lay-
ups of cloth or tape prepreg material, followed by consolidation in an autoclave or a low temperature
press. Complex parts are fabricated by wrapping cut pieces of prepreg around appropriate tooling, fol-
lowed by autoclave consolidation. Typically, a cloth "prepreg" is fabricated by applying preceramic poly-
mer to a woven ceramic cloth. For flat laminate material studies, a harness satin weave is often used with
a warp aligned or 0/90 lay-up, obtained by alternate flipping of cloth to get good “nesting" of the weave.
The resin used is typically a low molecular weight, solvent soluble, waxy polymer. Polymer is usually ap-
plied to the cloth from a concentrated solvent solution. Fine, particulate fillers can be dispersed in this
prepreg solution. To achieve good tack, typical number average molecular weights are in the range of

Often a prepreg of unidirectional fibers is preferred. Such a prepreg consisting of unidirectional tow
sheet can be made by running tow through a polymer solution or a polymer-filler slurry. Proper spreading
of tow facilitates filler incorporation. The wet tow is then dried and carefully wound on a drum to keep the
tows parallel. Prepreg sheets are then cut off the drum. Consolidation of prepreg is best done by auto-
clave, which can apply uniform pressure to the whole part (a distinct asset for complex shaped parts).
Similar time-temperature-pressure conditions can be used to consolidate flat laminates in a simple, elec-
trically heated polymer press (e.g., a Carver press). Prepreg patterns for the lay-up are cut from pre-
pregged cloth by covering both sides with Teflon coated release paper, cooling the cloth prepreg over-
night in a freezer, and cutting patterns in the cold prepreg with templates and a razor blade knife or a
roller cutter. The release paper can be peeled off the cold prepreg prior to lay-up. Good prepreg tack is
essential when wrapping cloth around complex tooling. If repositioning of cloth or tape is necessary,
debonding can be facilitated by cooling the area with a cooling aerosol spray.

A typical autoclave lay-up setup is shown in Figure For complex shapes, tooling appro-
priate for fiber-epoxy composites is sufficient. Typically, machined aluminum tools are used. A non-
silicone mold release is coated over the tool prior to use. Autoclave cycles vary, based on the type of pre-
ceramic polymer being used but basic principles are similar: the polymer must be consolidated above its
Tg, ideally at low melt viscosity (<10 poise), but before the polymer begins to thermoset.

FIGURE Vacuum bag construction for autoclave consolidation.

Pyrolysis of the initial shape converts polymer to ceramic while generating volatile by-products. Since
a large fraction of these gases are low in molecular weight (e.g., H2, CO), even a high ceramic yield pre-
polymer evolves considerable gas volumes during pyrolysis. Pyrolysis cycles need to be slow, especially

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

for thicker parts, to allow volatiles to slowly diffuse out of the matrix without causing delamination. Ramp
rates need to be tailored so they are slowed in regions where greatest quantities of volatiles are released.
This is typically done by consideration of thermal gravimetric data. However, it could best be done by use
of mass spectrometric analysis, to better take into account the molecular weights of evolved species.
Typical pyrolysis cycles ramp up to temperatures of 1472-2552°F (800-1400°C) over periods of 1-2 days
to avoid delamination concerns. As we have discussed previously, one would want to pyrolyze below
temperatures where the reinforcing fiber of choice loses strength. Pyrolysis atmosphere is most com-
monly argon or nitrogen. However, it is known that ammonia atmospheres can result in a pure amorphous
silicon nitride with low free carbon content. Such a reactive atmosphere could also result in increased
ceramic yields through forming nitrides with reactive fillers. While many parts are pyrolyzed free standing,
graphite tooling can be used for parts where concerns with thermal induced distortions exist.

Successful polymer fabrication yields a 100% dense fiber reinforced polymer composite. However,
weight loss during pyrolysis, coupled with shrinkage in converting the preceramic polymer with a density
3 3
of approximately 1.0g/cm : to an amorphous ceramic with a density of approximately 2.0g/cm , results in
a void content, after initial pyrolysis, of 20-30%. To reduce porosity, reimpregnation of the initial ceramic
matrix composite shape is necessary. Reimpregnation is best conducted with a very low viscosity pre-
polymer. Less successful alternatives use heated polymers to reduce viscosity or reimpregnation with
solvent dissolved polymer. Higher viscosity polymers may require pressure impregnation. The reimpreg-
nated low viscosity polymer should thermoset, without volatile generation, prior to pyrolysis and should
have a high ceramic yield. Figure shows typical density versus impregnation number data, as
well as illustrating the effect of additional process variables. For example, an early experiment utilizing a
poor thermosetting polysilazane is shown. Note the low initial density due to interlaminar expansion dur-
ing pyrolysis. Two additional experiments are shown with 15% by volume filler in the prepreg. Using this
approach, more rapid densification is possible. The unfilled laminate shows typical density versus im-
pregnation number data. In this ceramic matrix composite, approximately 40% by volume in fiber, the
initial ceramic density can be calculated as roughly 1.4 g/cm assuming fiber and matrix densities of 2.3
and 2.0 g/cm . Likewise, densities after further densification - pyrolysis cycles can be calculated by as-
suming complete volume filling of porosity with polymer, a 20% loss of polymer during pyrolysis, and a
50% shrinkage of the remaining matrix during conversion to ceramic.

FIGURE Typical changes in density versus reimpregnation-pyrolysis cycle.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

To achieve acceptable tensile properties, at least three impregnations appear to be needed. To im-
prove interlaminar properties, to reduce porosity, and to improve the oxidative stability of an unstable fiber
matrix interface, additional reimpregnations are often used. Reimpregnation is best done by immersing
the evacuated part in the liquid polymer in a vacuum bag. Alternatively, the part can be immersed in liquid
polymer and then put in a bell jar or vacuum furnace until air bubbling stops. If complete immersion is
impossible, the polymer can be repeatedly brushed onto the surface of the part. Higher viscosity poly-
mers may require pressure impregnation. Following reimpregnation, the part is warmed in a low tempera-
ture oven to cure the reimpregnated polymer, with care taken to reduce evaporation, e.g., cover or wrap
the part during cure. The part can then be pyrolyzed as per previous discussions.

Machining of polymer derived ceramic matrix composites can be performed when partially dense or
after densification is complete. Typically, a part is machined after 2-3 reimpregnation cycles to ensure
adequate strength for handling. At this stage of fabrication, conventional machine tools are frequently
used. Due to the low distortion typically present when processing polymer derived ceramic matrix com-
posites, machining is frequently limited to holes, mating surfaces, and trimming. Throughout the manu-
facturing process, a number of conventional NDE methods, e.g., thermal imaging, X-ray, and ultrasonic,
can be used to ensure quality. Carbon-carbon composites

Carbon is an exceptionally stable material in the absence of oxygen, surviving temperatures greater
than 3992°F (2200°C) in vacuum and inert conditions. In addition, carbon is a light-weight material with a
density of approximately 2.0 g/cm . However monolithic graphite is a brittle, low-strength material that
cannot be easily formed into large complex shapes.

To overcome the strength and fabrication limitations, defense and aerospace-funded researchers de-
veloped carbon-carbon composites in which high-strength carbon fibers are incorporated into a carbon
matrix. The history, development, and general properties of carbon-carbon composites are well-
described by Buckley (Reference For high temperature applications carbon-carbon compos-
ites offer exceptional thermal stability (>3992°F (>2200°C)) in non-oxidizing atmospheres along with low
densities (1.5 - 2.0 g/cm ).

From a structural and thermal perspective, the use of high-strength and high-modulus carbon fibers is
the key factor in developing mechanical strength and durability while retaining the high temperature capa-
bility. Through the use of such fibers, carbon-carbon composites are now used in rocket nozzles, nose-
cones for reentry vehicles, leading edges, cowlings, heat shields, aircraft brakes, brakes for racing vehi-
cles, and high temperature furnace setters and insulation. These applications utilize the following nominal
properties of carbon-carbon composites (which depend on fiber type, fiber architecture, and matrix den-

• Ultimate Tensile Strength > 40,000 psi (266 MPa)

• Modulus of Elasticity > 10 Msi (69 GPa)
2 .
• Thermal Conductivity .9-19 Btu-in/(s-ft -°F (6 - >100 W/m K)
• Thermal Expansion 1.1 ppm/K
• Density < 2 g/cm

These properties are key performance factors in using carbon-carbon composites in structural, low
thermal expansion, and thermal management applications. In particular, the low thermal expansion and
range of thermal conductivities give carbon-carbon composites high thermal shock resistance.

The one major shortcoming of carbon-carbon composites is their oxidation susceptibility. At tempera-
tures above 932°F (500°C), both the matrix and the fiber are vulnerable to oxidation, if they are not pro-
tected from oxygen exposure. The two primary oxidation protection methods are external coatings and
internal oxidation inhibitors. Surface coatings provide an external barrier to oxygen penetration. Silicon
carbide is a common component of the external coating system. The addition of internal oxidation inhibi-
tors act either as internal barriers to oxygen ingress or as oxygen sinks (forming a protective barrier). The

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

time-temperature-cycle capabilities of these oxidation barriers are the primary limit to the temperature
capabilities of current carbon-carbon composites in oxidation environments. Current temperature limits
are on the order of 2912°F (1600°C) for short term exposures.

Carbon-carbon composites are fabricated by infiltrating a carbon fiber preform (braid, weave, fabric,
mat) with the carbon matrix. The matrix is developed by liquid-infiltration, chemical vapor infiltration, or a
combination of the two methods. Liquid infiltration is done with either a carbon thermosetting precursor
resin (such as phenolic or furan resins). The resin is cured and pyrolyzed in an inert atmosphere to con-
vert the resin to a carbon. This infiltration/cure/pyrolysis cycle is repeated to incrementally build up the
density, because porosity and cracks form in the matrix component during the pyrolysis cycle. Reinfiltra-
tion is also done with thermoplastic carbon sources, such as coal-tar and petroleum pitches. Repeated
densification cycles reduce the porosity until the desired open porosity is achieved.

The alternate densification method for carbon-carbon composites is the use of chemical vapor infiltra-
tion (Reference, in which a hydrocarbon gas (e.g., methane, ethane, propane) is used as the
carbon source. The carbon fiber preform is heated to temperatures of approximately 1832-2192°F (1000-
1200°C) and the reactant gas is flowed through the preform. The gas pyrolyzes to form carbon in the
body of the preform.

The two different methods of densification produce different carbon microstructures. The use of one
method or a combination of methods will produce differences in matrix properties, which have an effect on
the composite performance. As formed, the carbon (by either resin or CVI) tends to be amorphous or
microcrystalline in structure. It is common practice in producing high performance carbon-carbon com-
posites to convert the matrix to highly crystalline graphite by heat treatment in the 3632-5432°F (2000-
3000°C) range. This graphitic conversion of the matrix carbon increases the modulus, load-carrying ca-
pability, and the thermal conductivity of the composite.

The properties, microstructure, and fabrication of carbon fibers are described in the carbon fiber
chapter of this Volume. The mechanical properties of different carbon fibers vary across a broad range,
depending on the carbon content, the microstructure and the degree of graphitization. Ultimate tensile
strengths range from 200-820 ksi (1.38 - 8.5 GPa) with tensile moduli ranging from 23-120 Msi (150-830
GPa). In a similar manner, the thermal conductivity along the length of the fiber can range from 4-212
Btu-in/(s-ft-°F) (22-1100 W/m K). The mechanical and thermal properties of a given carbon-carbon com-
posite will depend strongly on the strength and architecture of the reinforcing carbon fibers as well as the
composition, density, and crystal structure of the carbon matrix. Oxide systems –sinter/hot press

Reserved for future use. Sol-gel processing Introduction

The term sol-gel, a contraction of “solution-gelation,” encompasses a wide variety of chemically syn-
thesized precursors and an array of liquid processing techniques to form ceramics and glasses. Typically
a chemical precursor is hydrolyzed, polymerized into a gel, then dried and fired to produce a particular
glass or ceramic composition. The precursors range from mixtures of water, alcohols and metal alkoxides
to commercially available, stabilized colloids containing discrete ceramic particles as well as solutions
containing inorganic polymers derived from metal salts. Johnson in 1985 (Reference pro-
posed categorizing the traditional sol-gel processing into (A) polymerized alkoxides and (B) colloidal sols,
each of which was then subcategorized. A third category would likely now include inorganic polymeric
solutions. Polymerized alkoxides were divided by constituents into (1) all-alkoxide components and (2)
alkoxide precursors with some metal salt components added. Colloidal sols were divided into (1) those
involving precipitation and peptization and (2) those consisting of a dispersion of colloidal particles. John-
son acknowledged that certain organometallics such as aluminum isopropoxide can be included under

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

both the “polymerized alkoxide” category and the “colloidal sol” category since the hydrolyzed aluminum
isopropoxide can form colloidal particles under certain processing conditions. The broad categories are
useful, however, and hold for most examples.

Alkoxide-based processing involves the use of organometallics, such as aluminum sec-butoxide or

tetraethyl orthosilicate, which are hydrolyzed and then polymerized into a gel through the action of an acid
or base catalyst. Mixtures of alkoxide precursors such as these often require special steps to maintain
chemical homogeneity because of differing hydrolysis rates. Techniques for alkoxide-based processing
often include laboratory scale preparation utilizing specialty glassware and reflux condensers to produce
the sols. There is a variety of literature (Reference through (e)) relating to formulating alkox-
ide-based sols, particularly silica and silicate-based glasses. (Often metal salts, typically nitrates, are
added to introduce minor constituents. An example of alkoxide-based processing involving the use of
nitrates is as follows. Aluminum sec-butoxide and tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), Si(C2H5O)4, can be
hydrolyzed and combined with magnesium nitrate to form a magnesium aluminosilicate sol.)

Colloidal solutions for certain oxide systems, such as silica and alumina, are commercially available.
Ludox , manufactured by E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. (DuPont), is perhaps the most widely used and
consists of spheres of amorphous silica dispersed in an aqueous medium. It is commonly used for fiber
reinforced radome manufacture and has gained popularity as an easy to use, high yield silica source
when manufacturing sol-gel mullite. Nalco Chemical Company also produces a range of colloidal prod-
ucts including colloidal silica, alumina and alumina-coated silica. Nyacol Products produces alumina, yt-
tria, ceria and zirconia sols.

Inorganic polymeric solutions are currently being utilized by many groups for matrix formation in
CFCC’s as well as for coating fibers. McDermott Technology, Inc. (MTI) makes an inorganic alumina
polymeric from aluminum nitrate. MTI also uses the polymer along with other salt or alkoxide additions to
form matrix precursors for mullite, spinel and aluminum phosphate. Rockwell Science Center and
ACT/Northwestern University have developed inorganic polymers for lanthanum phosphate (LaPO4),
monazite, for use in fiber coatings and matrix processing. Single oxide compositions

A large body of literature, often containing step by step processing methods, is available for the for-
mulation of single oxide sols such as silica (SiO2) (References and (d)) or alumina (Al2O3)

Silica-based ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) have been extensively studied for radome applica-
tions in conjunction with silica-based continuous reinforcement fibers. The temperature capability of
these composites is limited to a maximum of 1799°F (982°C) to avoid excessive amorphous to crystalline
phase transformation phenomena with associated microcracking of the matrix, and to avoid the annealing
point of silica.

Alumina manufactured by the sol-gel process can be used to illustrate a classic example of single
oxide alkoxide-based processing (Reference In this process an organometallic precursor is
hydrolyzed, peptized with hydrochloric acid, and then fired at increasing temperatures to produce first
gamma alumina, then alpha alumina. Alumina sol is currently being used to produce an interface coating
on fibers for metal matrix composites and is a potential matrix precursor sol for ceramic composites re-
quiring very high temperature matrix capability. Alumina sols derived from the Yoldas method have been
investigated for use as matrices for silicon carbide whisker reinforced ceramic composites and silicon car-
bide fiber reinforced ceramic composites (References and (b)). Advantages and disadvantages of sol-gel processing

Advantages -- One of the inherent advantages of sol-gel processing is very low temperature process-
ing. Many of the currently available ceramic reinforcing fibers are life limited at temperatures greater than
1832°F (1000°C). A matrix processing method such as sol-gel that requires minimal exposure to tem-

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

peratures greater than 1832°F (1000°C) limits thermal damage to the fibers and can reduce fiber/matrix
interactions during processing. The sol-gel process can, therefore, extend the high temperature life of the
final product by minimizing exposure to high temperatures during processing. Sol-gel matrix infiltration
can be performed at very low temperatures (less than 572°F (300°C)) using either vacuum infiltration or
autoclave molding techniques similar to those established for polymer matrix composites. The sol-gel
technique allows processing of complex shapes, eliminates the need for high temperature tooling and,
because the system does not have to be hot pressed, eliminates potential mechanical damage to the fi-
bers in 3-D composites.

The tendency of the sol to wick along the individual filaments of the fiber tow bundles due to capillary
action allows inexpensive, net-shape tooling to be used for complex 3-D shapes. Once the initial matrix
infiltrations and low temperature firings of the woven structure have been accomplished, the CMC can be
removed from the mold as it will no longer change shape. Subsequent infiltrations and firings including
the final high temperature firing to sinter the ceramic material can, therefore, be performed without tool-
ing. Further densification can be achieved with subsequent infiltrations using vacuum infiltration only, al-
though the amount of porosity in the final product may be greater than desired. Higher densities can be
achieved through the use of autoclave molding particularly during the initial cycles.

High-purity sol precursors are available, and purity can be easily maintained during processing.
Standard ceramic matrix processing steps to reduce the precursor powder size such as ball milling or
grinding are not required and, therefore, impurities are not introduced. Sintering aids to reduce the proc-
essing temperature are also not required as the processing temperatures are inherently low. Eliminating
the need for a sintering aid such as boria (B2O3) is advantageous because sintering aids usually reduce
the overall temperature capability of the ceramic composite.

Complex, high purity oxide compositions not easily produced by other methods, including ternaries
such as cordierite (2MgO-2Al2O3-5SiO2) and quaternary compositions such as Nasicon (Na3Zr2Si2PO12),
can be formulated with varying stoichiometries. Sol-gel processing is most often used for simpler matrix
compositions such as alumina (Al2O3), mullite (3Al2O32SiO2), spinel (MgAl2O4) or aluminum phosphate

Disadvantages -- Some of the disadvantages associated with sol-gel processing of ceramic compos-
ites are based upon the developmental stage of this technology. Others are inherent to the technology.
Although some form of alkoxide precursor chemical is typically available for most of the materials of inter-
est, many are only available in small quantities and are often expensive. If the matrix sol formulation is
performed on a laboratory scale using ultra-pure and expensive precursor chemicals, the product com-
posite may be very expensive. Fortunately, sol-gel has now been extended to include inorganic polymeric
solutions which generally use lower cost salt precursors rather than alkoxides. There are also now com-
mercially available colloidal sols for alumina, silica, mullite, yttria and others.

Inherent shrinkage of the gelled sols due to the large volume of water and alcohols that must be re-
moved can be severe and often results in a microcracked matrix. For alkoxide-based sols, typically ex-
cess water for hydrolysis is used to ensure complete hydrolysis reactions. Attempts to reduce the amount
of water can result in poor mixing of the precursors, affecting the homogeneity of the sol and ultimately
raising the processing temperature. The large amounts of solvent used also limit the yield of dried matrix
obtained per infiltration; therefore, multiple infiltrations are often required in order to achieve the desired

The advantages and disadvantages of sol-gel processing of CMCs are summarized in Table

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

TABLE Advantages and disadvantages of sol-gel processing.

Advantages Results
Low Temperature Processing Limits Fiber Damage
Limits Fiber/Matrix Interaction
Allows Inexpensive Tooling
Net-Shape Fabrication 2-D & 3-D Structures Possible
Lowers Cost
Minimizes Machining
High Purity Lessens Reactivity
Increases Temp. Capability
Controllable Compositions Multicomponent Compositions Possible

Disadvantages Results
High Shrinkage Matrix Cracking
Low Yield Multiple Infiltrations Required
High Precursor Costs Current High Cost Limits Broader Interest
Acidic Gases Evolved During Pyrolysis Can Cause Fiber Damage
Limited Shelf Life of Sols Increases Matrix Costs Drying control agents and fillers

One of the most significant problems in sol-gel processing of continuous fiber reinforced ceramics is
shrinkage during drying and sintering with subsequent cracking of the matrix. The addition of glycerol
(C3H8O3) to an alumina sol enhanced the handleability of the dried product and resulted in less shrinkage
cracking during the manufacture of silicon carbide whisker reinforced alumina composites (Reference In addition to glycerol, other drying control chemical agents (DCCAs) such as formamide
(NH2CHO) have been used by Hench (References and (b)) to produce large, transparent sil-
ica monoliths and may produce more manageable 2-D sol-gel prepregs by controlling drying shrinkage.

Ceramic powders can also be added to reduce the inherent shrinkage and cracking of the matrix as it
loses solvent, to seed the sols for crystallization, and to maximize the extent of matrix densification per
infiltration step. The addition of solid powder particles to the sol will often reduce the number and severity
of drying cracks in the matrix and will increase the overall composite density. These fillers can substan-
tially improve the yield per infiltration if care is taken to avoid prematurely closing off the surface-
connected porosity.

Seeding sol-gel precursors can also result in significant changes to the final fired microstructure and
may have implications regarding improving the strength and/or toughness of the final composite product.
Additions of 4 wt% crystalline mullite powder to a colloidal mullite precursor gel resulted in a microstruc-
ture composed of equiaxed grains rather than the acicular (aspect ratio 3:1) grains typical in the un-
seeded sol microstructure (Reference

One approach being used by industry and academia to significantly reduce the number of processing
steps, i.e., infiltrations, associated with sol-gel matrix processing is to pressure slip cast a matrix powder

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

into the fiber preform prior to sol-gel infiltrations. Fine diameter slurries are required to ensure that the
particles fill the void space within the fiber tows. By careful control of the particle size distribution of the
slurry, the packing density of the matrix particles within the preform void space can be optimized to limit
the number of subsequent sol-gel infiltrations required to meet the targeted composite density. Sol-gel processing of 2-D structures

Sol-gel processing of 2-D structures can be performed in a manner directly analogous to processing
polymer matrix composites. Fabrics are either prepregged or a resin-transfer molding operation is em-
ployed. Once the sols are obtained either through laboratory scale processing or from a commercial
source, polymeric binders may be added to enhance the ability of the sols to coat the fabrics, and fillers
may be added to increase the final ceramic yield. The fabric may be dipped into the sol or a filled sol to
form the prepreg. Once a prepreg is available, it may be cut, stacked, and autoclave cured similarly to
the way that polymer composites are fabricated. The difference from polymer composites, which gener-
ally have a 100% yield, is that the ceramic composite preform has a low yield for the matrix phase, and
hence additional infiltrations are often required to achieve high densities. However, some component sys-
tems such as General Electric’s GEN IV use the formed CMC without additional infiltrations. Porosity
levels of 20 to 25% are present in these materials. Sol-gel processing of 3-D structures

One method of sol-gel processing of CMCs is to infiltrate a woven (or braided) 3-D preform manufac-
tured from ceramic fibers. The advantage to utilizing 3-D weaves versus 2-D lay-ups for ceramic compos-
ites is the structural reinforcement provided by the fiber in the through-thickness direction of the 3-D

In order to enhance densification of the 3-D composites, traditional polymer matrix composite fabrica-
tion techniques, such as vacuum bagging followed by autoclave molding can be used. Currently fiber
preforms are infiltrated by either using vacuum infiltration techniques or by autoclave molding. The sol is
prepared or obtained commercially and poured into a container in a vacuum chamber. The 3-D preform is
completely immersed in the sol while a low pressure vacuum is applied to remove air bubbles and assist
movement of the sol into the interior of the weave. The sol is then gelled using either heat (302°F
(150°C)) or catalyst (if appropriate) and the infiltration step is repeated until the desired density is
achieved. Low temperature heat treatments (212-392°F (100 - 200°C)) of the gelled product after each
infiltration will remove the physically adsorbed water and alcohols and slightly higher temperatures (572-
752°F (300 - 400°C)) will drive off any residual organics. Further densification is often desired for en-
hanced mechanical properties and can be achieved with low pressure (50 to 100 psi) autoclave molding.
Autoclave molding has the added advantage of allowing close tolerances to be achieved, which in turn
reduces any subsequent machining.

Once the composite preform is rigidized, typically after two or three infiltration cycles, the remainder
of the infiltration cycles can be performed without tooling. A freestanding firing cycle is employed after the
desired density is achieved to produce a crystalline ceramic matrix composite. The low viscosity sol eas-
ily wicks along the filaments into the interior of the 3-D preforms with or without vacuum pressure being
applied. Each infiltration produces a thin film coating on the filaments with subsequent infiltrations pro-
ducing thicker filament coatings until the tow bundles are completely infiltrated. Eventually the surface
porosity does begin to close but typically not before the desired final density is achieved.

Techniques have been demonstrated to use slurry coating of 3-D preforms as a means for achieving
substantial matrix densification in a single processing step. McDermott Technology, Inc. utilizes 3-D cy-
lindrical preforms woven by Techniweave Inc. Special tooling compresses the wall of the cylinder to
achieve a higher fiber loading. A slurry is pressure cast into the preform to build up a sediment of the ma-
trix powder through the thickness of the preform. Prior to drying the part, a sol-gel matrix precursor is
added which provides strength to the infiltrated preform prior to an initial firing step. Subsequent sol-gel
infiltrations are then performed if additional matrix densification is desired. This processing approach
works well for flat or cylindrical preforms, but is difficult with stiffened structures.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines Summary

Sol-gel processing of ceramic matrix composites is a low temperature alternative to conventional high
temperature ceramic processing techniques. It offers several significant processing advantages including
net-shape fabrication, adaptability to fully woven structures, easy scalability and simple, inexpensive tool-
ing. Sol-gel processing is a very attractive means of producing large, complex shapes but widespread
use of this technology is currently hindered by low mechanical properties. Improvement of the mechani-
cal properties requires research in the following areas: control of matrix cracking during drying, higher
temperature matrices, matrix densification, fiber/matrix interface control, and ceramic fibers that maintain
high strength at temperature. Melt infiltration

Melt infiltration is a matrix fabrication process which uses a molten metal to infiltrate the residual po-
rosity in fiber preforms. For this process the fiber reinforcement is typically coated with an interface and
protective layer prior to infiltration. The matrix material resulting from this process is typically a combina-
tion of the infiltrated metal in solid form and some secondary components. The key process steps neces-
sary for fabrication of a Melt Infiltrated CFCC are shown in Figure

Matrix Processing

Resin infiltration
and pyrolysis

Fiber Interface Barrier Metal Final

preform coating coating infiltration Machining


FIGURE Processing steps for melt inflitration based CFCCs.

Preparation of the fiber reinforcement consists of forming it into the desired shape and applying an
interface coating (BN, carbon, etc.) and barrier coating (SiC, Si3N4, etc.). Typically these coatings are
applied using CVD techniques. The interface coating provides for load transition between the matrix and
fiber. The barrier coating is applied to protect the interface and fibers from the high temperature molten
metal during the infiltration.

The initial matrix processing step involves one of two methods for adding components to the pores of
the coated preform. These two methods are:

1. Resin infiltration, pyrolysis, and reaction

2. Slurry casting Resin infiltration, pyrolysis, and reaction

In this method the coated preform is infiltrated with a liquid acrylic resin which is pyrolized leaving a
supply of reactant components (most typically carbon) within the porosity of the preform. During the
metal infiltration process, these components react with the molten metal and form the secondary compo-
nents of the matrix.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines Slurry casting

In this method the preform is subjected to a slurry casting procedure to place the secondary matrix
components directly into the pores of the preform. These components survive the metal infiltration proc-
ess and form an integral part of the final matrix.

The final matrix processing step is metal infiltration. In this step the prepared preform is heated under
vacuum to a temperature above the melting point of the chosen metal. A supply of this metal is placed in
contact with the preform such that it wicks into its pores. After a short duration at temperature the preform
is cooled and the metal solidifies leaving a rigid composite structure. Table shows typical sys-
tems and representative properties.

In comparison to other forms of matrix densification the melt infiltration technique has many benefits.
They include:

Less open porosity Dense matrix provides:

Greater thermal conductivity Superior fiber/interface protection
Less oxidation/environmental degradation Higher proportional limit
Potentially shorter processing times

TABLE Typical systems and representative properties.

Matrix Fiber/ Reinforcement Manufacturers

Si - SiC Hi-Nicalon™, Sylramic™, Honeywell Advanced Composites Inc., B.F.
Carbon Goodrich, General Electric....
Ambient 2192°F (1200°C)
Fiber: Hi Nicalon™ Ultimate Tensile Stress 52.7 ksi (363 MPa) 38.1 ksi (263 MPa)
Interface: Boron Nitride Ultimate Tensile Strain 0.75 % 0.55 %
Matrix: Melt Infiltrated Proportional Limit 17.6 ksi (121 MPa) 207 ksi (143 MPa)
Si-SiC via slurry casting
Tensile Modulus 29.2 Msi (201 GPa) 35.1 Msi (242 GPa) Reaction processing

Reaction processing or reactive forming refers to techniques where the matrix of the composite is
formed from several phases that react during processing to form a new phase. Generally, the preforms
consist of reinforcements surrounded by a dense compact which is one (or more) of the matrix precur-
sors. The compact is then reacted with a gas, a molten material, or itself. These techniques utilize reac-
tants which can be manipulated as slurries or powders, and have low to moderate melting temperatures.
These features are advantageous over the traditional ceramic processing methods which involve very
high sintering temperatures and shrinkage, or are hampered by the fact that many ceramics sublime or
decompose instead of melting. Other advantages of reaction processing methods include the ability to
form complex and near-net shapes, to densify in a single step, and, in some cases, to achieve zero or low

Important factors to consider in the reaction processing of CMCs include the final density and whether
or not the reinforcements are damaged. A dense matrix results from a volume increase upon reaction, so
candidate reactions usually result in a product with a density lower than that of the starting materials. Re-
inforcing fibers can be damaged by exposure to elevated temperatures or by the forming reaction. To

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

avoid damaging the fibers, consider systems with sufficiently low reaction temperatures and low chemical
affinity for the fiber. In cases where the reactants might chemically attack the fibers, protective interface
coatings may be applied.

Two reaction processes, the DIMOX process and melt infiltration, were discussed earlier in this
chapter. Other examples of reaction processes follow:

Reaction Bonded Silicon Nitride. Reaction bonded silicon nitride (RBSN) is fabricated by forming a
compact of silicon particles in the desired shape and exposing this porous compact to a nitrogen atmos-
phere at temperatures starting at about 2192°F (1200°C) and ending at about 2552°F (1400°C). The sili-
con reacts with the nitrogen to form silicon nitride. The reaction involves about 60% weight gain, which is
accommodated by growth of the silicon nitride into the pores. This results in an increase in density to
about 80-85% of theoretical with less than 1% change in external dimensions. The silicon-nitrogen reac-
tion is exothermic, so the reaction is carefully controlled to avoid having the temperature exceed the melt-
ing temperature of silicon. Depending on the size of the part being nitrided, the reaction process can take
from a few days to over a week (Reference Due to potentially long exposures at elevated
temperatures, reinforcing fibers can be damaged when using this process for CMC fabrication. Mono-
filament fibers such as SCS-6 CVD SiC have shown stability during nitridation, but polymer derived multi-
filament fibers can degrade. Nitride bonded silicon carbide (discussed next) offers a solution to the fiber

Nitride Bonded SiC. Nitride bonding uses the reaction of nitrogen with silicon to form a bond phase
between SiC particles rather than the composite matrix. The reduced concentration of silicon allows nitri-
dation in a much shorter time than for RBSN, which allows for a wider selection of fiber materials. Textron
Specialty Materials has successfully fabricated nitride bonded SiC (NB-SiC) composites with SCS-6 CVD
monofilaments, Tyranno SiC-based multifilament fiber, and carbon fibers (Reference

Reactive Sintering and Combustion Synthesis. The term reactive sintering implies that two or more
constituents in a compact react during sintering to form a new phase or phases. The reaction is normally
exothermic and can contribute to an enhancement of sintering. In some cases the reaction is so exo-
thermic that it can generate sufficient heat to cause self-sintering without external heating except that re-
quired for initiating the reaction. This is the basis of combustion synthesis, which if properly controlled,
can produce a relatively dense compact of the synthesized reaction product. Alternatively, pressure can
be applied immediately after the reaction thus utilizing the heat of reaction in further consolidation. Two
examples of composites produced are:

• Reaction sintering:
3TiO2 + 4AlN → 2Al2O3 + 2TiN + N2

• Combustion synthesis:
3TiO2 + 4Al + 3C → 3TiC + 2Al2O3 (Reference

Cement Matrix Composites. A variety of ceramic compositions can be achieved through cementitious
bonding. These bonds can form at low temperature and typically involve hydration reactions (as Portland
cement or plaster) or other chemical reactions such as an oxide with phosphoric acid. One of the earliest
successful ceramic matrix composites consisted of glass fiber reinforced cement (GFRC). Another ex-
ample is cement reinforced with 1-3% discontinuous carbon fibers. The fibers alter the fracture behavior
and instill high toughness and improved reliability (Reference Fibrous monoliths (FMs) Introduction

In general, fibrous monoliths (FM's) are a new class of structural ceramics. They have mechanical
properties similar to CFCCs, including very high fracture energies, damage tolerance, and graceful fail-

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

ure. But since they are monolithic ceramics, fibrous monoliths can be manufactured by conventional
powder processing techniques using inexpensive raw materials. This combination of high performance
and low cost is a breakthrough which could enable wider application of ceramics in energy and defense
related applications. FMs are sintered (or hot pressed) monolithic ceramics having a distinct fibrous tex-
ture. The two phases that make up the macroarchitecture of an FM are a primary phase in the form of
elongated polycrystalline cells, or fibers, separated by a thin secondary phase in the form of cell bounda-
ries. Typical volume fractions of the two phases are 80 to 95% for the primary (cell) phase, and 5 to 20%
for the interpenetrating (cell boundary) phase. The primary (cell) phase is typically a structural ceramic,
such as Si3N4, SiC, ZrB2, HfB2, HfC, ZrO2, or Al2O3, while the interpenetrating (cell boundary) phase is
typically either a ductile metal, such as Ni, Ni-Cr, Nb, or a weakly bonded low shear strength material,
such as graphite or hexagonal BN. Table lists many of the FM material systems that have been
developed for various applications.

TABLE List of FM material systems that have been fabricated for a host of applications.

• Nitrides • Diborides • Cermet-based FMs:


• Carbides • Oxides • Trilayer FMs:

SiC/BN Al2O3/graphite Si3N4/BN/ Si3N4
SiC/graphite Al2O3/Ni ZrO2(PSZ)/ Al2O3/Ni
SiC-AlN/BN Al2O3/Ni-20CR
HfC/W-3.6w%Re ZrO2(PSZ)/Ni

The basic FM architecture is fabricated using a simple process for converting ordinary raw powder
into a “green” filament consisting of the powder and a thermoplastic polymer binder. These filaments can
be compacted in the “green” state to create a fabric of polycrystalline cells after sintering. The secondary
phase for the cell boundary is introduced during the fabrication process, providing a bi-component or
even multi-component filament during melt spinning. The process is widely applicable, allowing cell/cell
boundary filaments to be made from any thermodynamically compatible set of materials available as sin-
terable powders. The scale of the microstructure is determined by the green fiber diameter (for cell size)
and coating thickness (for cell boundaries). Once the green composite filament is fabricated, it can be
wound or braided into the shape of the desired component using any conventional composite architecture
(e.g., uniaxial lay-up, biaxial lay-up, woven fabric, etc.). After forming the desired component, the binder
is removed via heating, and final consolidation of the body typically occurs through hot-pressing. Macrostructure of fibrous monoliths

Figure shows a typical polished cross-section and side surface of a uniaxially aligned
Si3N4/BN FM architecture. The polycrystalline Si3N4 cells appear in dark contrast, and the continuous BN
cell boundaries appear in bright contrast. Figure shows the cross-section of a 45° angle-
interlock, 3D woven Si3N4/BN FM architecture.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

(a) (b)

200 µm 1 mm

FIGURE of the cross-section (a) and the plane of hot pressing
(b) for a unidirectional Si3N4/BN FM architecture.

500 µm

FIGURE of the cross-section of a 45° angle-interlock, 3D woven

Si3N4/BN FM architecture. Mechanical properties of fibrous monoliths

FM systems have been fabricated achieving flexural strengths as high as 102 ksi (700 MPa), fracture
-3 2 2
energies approaching 6.1 x 10 Btu/in s (10,000 J/m s), and materials with measured use temperatures
of 4040°F (2500 K). Figure is a typical load-deflection curve for a unidirectional Si3N4/BN weak
interface FM tested in four-point flexure at room temperature, showing a peak apparent flexural strength
of 73 ksi (500 MPa) with significant load-bearing capacity after the first fracture event occurs. It is the
area under the curve that is used to calculate the work of fracture (WoF) for this material, ~5.3 x 10
2 2
Btu/in s (~8,600 J/m s).

Fibrous monolithic ceramics trade a portion of the inherent flexural strength of the base material
(Si3N4 in this case) for a one to two orders of magnitude increase in fracture toughness. The result is a
material which fails gracefully as the crack energy is consumed by delamination and sliding at the cell-
boundaries. Table shows the typical room temperature flexural properties of Si3N4/BN and
Diboride/BN FMs in several architectures.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

σ (max) = 500 MPa

500 WOF = 8631 J/m 2

Apparent Stress, MPa





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Crosshead Displacement, mm

FIGURE Load-deflection curve for a Si3N4/BN fibrous monolith tested in

four-point flexure at room temperature. Thermal properties of fibrous monoliths

The variation in thermal conductivity with temperature, as well as the degree of thermal anisotropy in
these FM systems is shown in Figure Thermal conductivity values were obtained through
thermal diffusivity measurements on multifilament coextruded Si3N4/BN and diboride/BN FMs using a la-
ser flash technique. The thermal diffusivity was measured both parallel and perpendicular to the fibrous
architecture on uniaxial coupons containing nominally 85 vol.% cell material and 15 vol.% cell boundary

TABLE Typical room temperature mechanical properties for Si3N4/BN and
Diboride/BN FMs tested in four-point bending.

FM – Architecture E, Msi σ, ksi WoF, Btu/in2 s i

-3 -4
Si3N4/BN – uniaxial 39.7±0.7 66.1±19.9 4.96x10 ±5.6x10
-3 -4
Si3N4/BN - 0°/90° 28.7±0.6 48.4±5.1 3.91x10 ±5.6x10
-3 -4
Si3N4/BN - 0°/±45°/90° 30.3±0.6 38.0±2.5 1.99x10 ±2.14x10
-4 -5
ZrB2/BN – uniaxial 53.5±1 46.4±5.9 7.18x10 ±9.73x10
-4 -5
ZrB2/BN - 0°/90° 48.9±1.5 19.6±2.8 1.98x10 ±2.69x10
-4 -5
HfB2/BN – uniaxial 55.0±3.5 42.4±5.5 6.56x10 ±7.89x10
-4 -5
HfB2/BN - 0°/90° 46.9±1 24.2±2.8 2.16x10 ±3.37x10

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

60 120
Si3N4 (x)-Conductivity ZrB2(x)-Conductivity
50 Si3N4 (y)-Conductivity 100 ZrB2(y)-Conductivity
40 80

30 60

20 40

10 20

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000

FIGURE Plots of thermal conductivity (W/mk) vs. temperature for Si3N4/BN and
ZrB2/BN FMs both parallel (x) and perpendicular to the axis of
the cells, in-plane (y) and in the hot pressing direction (z). Applications for fibrous monoliths

Applications for FMs are widespread and have recently included structures such as flat plates, solid
hot gas containment tubes, radiant burner panels, rocket nozzles and rocket propulsion components, bal-
listic armor panels for aircraft and ground vehicles, and drilling/cutting tool components, which can all be
readily formed from the green material.

Applied development work on FMs, being performed at Advanced Ceramics Research, Inc. in Tuc-
son, Arizona, has mainly focused on the development of Si3N4/BN FMs for intermediate temperature tur-
bine engine applications as well as ZrB2-based/BN, HfB2-based/BN, and HfC/W-Re FMs for both rocket
and solar thermal propulsion applications. Recent development efforts have also led to the development
of Diamond/WC FMs for use as tool bit inserts for the petroleum drilling industry. Improvements in the
mechanical behavior of these materials has led to significant product improvements. Hybrid systems

Reserved for future use.


3.2.1 Introduction – the role and function of reinforcements in CMCs

The ceramic fibers in ceramic matrix composites are the direct load-bearing components in the com-
posite. They act as the key structural factors in providing the high strength, the modulus, and the damage
tolerance within the system.

Many different types of ceramic fibers have been produced with a wide range of compositions, ge-
ometries, and properties. The following sections describe the currently available ceramic fiber types.

3.2.2 Continuous fibers Oxide fibers

Commercial polycrystalline oxide fibers used for the reinforcement of ceramic composites are pro-
duced by spinning and pyrolyzing chemically-derived precursors. This approach is also commonly called

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

sol/gel processing. The use of chemical processing allows the preparation of fibers with high alumina
contents and, therefore, superior high temperature properties compared with fibers produced by spinning
of molten glasses from silica-based melts, which have a maximum of 55% Al2O3. A wide variety of pre-
cursors and processing techniques exist for both oxide and non-oxide fibers; these have been used to
control fiber microstructural development and a variety of fiber properties, such as modulus, density, di-
electric constant and tensile strength.

Oxide fibers are typically available as continuous, multifilament tows or rovings. Fiber tows, which
typically consist of 500 - 1000 filaments each having a diameter of 10 - 15 µm, are flexible and easily
handled, which allows them to be woven into fabrics and used for the fabrication of composites with com-
plex shapes. One key characteristic of oxide and other reinforcement fibers is their ultra-fine or even na-
noscale microstructure; a grain size below 0.5 µm is optimal for high strength. The small grain size has
the disadvantage of increasing the rate of high temperature creep. However, progress in fiber processing
over the last decade has enabled the preparation of both oxide and non-oxide fibers with significantly im-
proved high temperature creep properties.

All commercial polycrystalline oxide fibers used in CFCCs are based on alumina. High alumina con-
tent provides a number of advantages for a reinforcing fiber, including increased chemical stability, high
melting point, high modulus, and good strength up to 2192°F (1200°C). A number of alumina precursors
suitable for forming fibers are available. The aqueous chemistry of aluminum allows for the formation of
viscous basic aluminum salt solutions which can be made into fibers by dry-spinning. More recently,
polymeric aluminoxane precursors have also been used as a route to commercial alumina-based fibers.
Silica is used as an additive for several reasons. Most also contain SiO2, in amounts from 0% - 24%. Sil-
ica stabilizes alumina-based fibers with respect to detrimental crystallization to α-Al2O3 and mullite, which
can lead to the formation of coarse-grained, porous microstructure and, therefore, low fiber strength.

Figure shows a flowchart for sol/gel fiber synthesis. The fiber precursor is synthesized
from a mixture of an alumina precursor, precursors of other inorganic additives, such as a silica, and or-
ganic additives. The synthesis method provides a chemistry which allows the preparation of a high
viscosity liquid suitable for fiber spinning. The spinning solution or spin dope must be stable with respect
to both crystallization/precipitation of insoluble complexes and to rapid increases in viscosity or gelation
resulting from progressive cross-linking of precursor species. Common alumina precursors of commercial
fibers include aluminum chlorohydrate (Almax™ Alumina Fibers), aluminum acetate (Nextel™ series of
fibers), and aluminoxane polymers (Sumitomo™ Altex). SiO2 precursors used as a method of introducing
SiO2 into fiber compositions include colloidal silica sols and partially hydrolyzed silicon alkoxides and
polysiloxanes. Other inorganic modifiers to oxide fiber compositions can be added using soluble salts
(e.g., nitrates).

Figure shows a schematic of a typical commercial fiber-making process. The spin dope,
which typically has a viscosity of 100-1000 Pa-s is pumped through a multiple orifice spinneret to form
400-1000 filaments or more simultaneously. Spinning is performed in a spinning tower using carefully
controlled humidity, temperature, and air flow conditions. The fiber becomes rigid as solvent is evapo-
rated. Fiber diameter can be controlled by varying the volumetric pumping rate relative to the speed of
the draw wheels.

After spinning, the green fibers are conveyed into a furnace for heat treatment. Pyrolysis, or the con-
version of the chemical precursor into ceramic, involves the loss of 50-80% of the initial weight of the
green fiber. Volatile components must diffuse out of the fiber during this stage. Thus, pyrolysis must be
performed with extreme care to gently decompose the green fiber to the oxide form without forming de-
fects or flaws which reduce fiber strength. Pyrolysis is complete by 1472°F (800°C); above 1472°F
(800°C), heat treatment causes the fiber to crystallize to alumina or other compounds, depending on the
composition and precursors chosen. Sintering can occur before or after crystallization.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines


Organic Precursor Inorganic

Additives Synthesis Additive



Fiber Spinning



FIGURE Flowchart of sol/gel fiber synthesis.

The goal of heat treatment is to develop a ceramic microstructure with both good strength and good
high temperature properties (i.e., creep, creep rupture, and resistance to thermal degradation via grain
growth). To achieve high fiber strength at room temperature, a small grain size (0.5 µm) is required. The
Griffith equation, σ = Kic/√πc, indicates that for Al2O3, (KIc = 4), a strength of 3 GPa can only be achieved if
the flaw size c is 0.6 µm. Thus, not only should process-related flaws be kept small, but grain size should
also not exceed this limit.

Many commercial oxide fibers have a major phase of transition alumina stabilized by amorphous sil-
ica (e.g., Nextel™ 550, Sumitomo Altex). Transition aluminas, such as η-Al2O3 (cubic) or γ-Al2O3
(tetragonal), are a series of alumina spinels (differentiated by varying degrees of ordering on the cation
lattice) which form during heat treatment of alumina precursors at 1472 - 1652°F (800 – 900°C). Transi-
tion aluminas have small grain size, typically 100 nm or less. Fibers of this type are stable up to about
1200°C. Above that temperature, the transition alumina transforms to α-Al2O3, or, in the presence of sil-
ica, to mullite. Typically, fiber strength is reduced during this crystallization due to the growth of large
crystals, which act as flaws.

A variant of this type of fiber is Nextel 312, which contains 14% B2O3 in addition to alumina and silica
in the 3:2 atomic ratio of mullite. Instead of γ-Al2O3, Nextel 312 crystallizes to 9Al2O32B2O3, which gradu-
ally transforms to mullite via exchange of Si and B ions in the crystal lattice during further heat treatment
above 1000°C. The high B2O3 content provides several advantages, including low density, low thermal

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

expansion and low elastic modulus (and, therefore, higher flexibility and strain to failure) than the other
fibers. However, the B2O3 degrades the high temperature performance of the fiber (e.g., creep), and also
makes the fiber more reactive with potential oxide matrices.

Filter Sol Reservoir



Draw Wheels


FIGURE Schematic of dry spinning process.

Several oxide fibers contain α-Al2O3 as a major phase. Two commercial fibers, Nextel 610 and Mitsui
Almax, are >99% Al2O3 in the alpha phase. Thus, these fibers have superior chemical and thermal stabil-
ity than the silica-containing fibers and are, therefore, less reactive with potential oxide matrices during
fabrication and are more stable in corrosive service environments. Disadvantages of the high alumina
content are higher density, and higher elastic modulus, which lowers strain-to-failure and flexibility during
handling. α-Al2O3 also has intrinsically high fracture resistance, allowing higher strength fibers to be pro-
duced. For instance, Nextel™ 610 fibers have a tensile strength of 440 ksi (3.0 GPa), which is 50%
higher than other commercially available fibers. Fiber FP, another polycrystalline α-Al2O3 fiber, which has
been characterized extensively in the literature, is no longer commercially produced.

Another fully crystalline fiber is Nextel™ 720, which consists of a two-phase mixture of α-Al2O3 and
mullite. This fiber has superior creep performance compared with other oxide fibers due to its high con-
tent of mullite, a highly creep-resistant compound, and to its unique crystalline structure or interpenetrat-
ing phases which reduces deformation by grain boundary sliding. Sumitomo Altex, which has almost
identical chemical composition, has inferior creep resistance because its microstructure consists of nano-
scale γ-Al2O3 and amorphous silica. Deformation rate under stress is higher due to the presence of the
amorphous phase. SiC monofilaments

Continuous silicon carbide monofilaments are fabricated by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of beta
silicon carbide on a continuous carbon monofilament substrate. This process, shown schematically in
Figure, has been used to make filaments with both graded and layered structures.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines


Gas In


Gas to Recycle Plant

β Silicon Carbide

FIGURE Production of SiC monofilaments on a carbon core substrate

using chemical vapor deposition (CVD).

These types of fiber, fabricated by Textron and designated as “SCS”, consist of stoichiometric SiC
with a columnar grain structure which radiates outward from the carbon core (Figure Carbon-
rich surface coatings provide a toughness-enhancing parting layer in composites having a brittle matrix,
such as silicon nitride or silicon carbide.

33 µm Carbon
Mid-Radius Substrate


FIGURE Micrograph of cross section of SCS fiber.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

In contrast to other processes for producing SiC fibers, chemical vapor deposition has the advantage
of rapid high temperature layer-by-layer formation of the SiC microstructure without the introduction of
deleterious oxide phases. However, the mechanisms for SiC formation from silicon and carbon-
containing chemical precursors are very complicated and quite sensitive to a number of parameters in-
cluding reactant gas species, carrier and/or reducing gas, deposition pressure, temperature, gas phase
concentrations, flow rate, etc.

A cross section of this type of CVD SiC fiber is shown in Figure SCS fiber diameters that
are commercially available as reinforcements for ceramics are 142 and 79 microns and are designated as
SCS-6 and SCS-9A, respectively.

A third fiber, SCS-ULTRA™, was recently developed to achieve higher strength and is available in a
142 micron diameter. The strength of the SCS-ULTRA fiber is substantially higher than any other com-
mercial reinforcement fiber, 957 ksi (6.6 GPa) (Table

TABLE CVD SiC filament properties.

This is information obtained from the Textron WEB site (26 February 2001)
( Textron Fiber Properties

CVD Silicon Carbide Fibers SCS-Ultra SCS-6 SCS-9A

Property at Room Temperature
Nominal Composition
Fiber Diameter (microns) 140 140 79
Density (g/cm ) NA 3.0 2.8
Tensile Strength ksi (MPa) 400+ (6210+) 500 (3450) 500 (3450)
Young’s Modulus Msi (GPa) 60 (414) 60 (400) 44 (307)
Coef. of Linear Thermal NA 2.3 at 73°F (23°C) 4.3 at 73°F (23°C)
Expansion (ppm/K) Small diameter SiC-based fibers

Today silicon-compound fibers that are commercially available in small diameters (less than 20 mi-
crons) and in multifilament form are generally synthesized by pyrolysis of organosilicon polymers. The
manufacture of SiC-based fibers using the polymer pyrolysis (PP) process was first developed by Yajima,
et al., by converting dimethyldichlorosilane (CH3)2SiCl2, to dodecamethylcylcohexasilane, [(CH3)2Si]6,
which in turn is converted to an organosilicon polymer, (-Si-C-)n (References (a) through (e)). The
general process is shown in the flow diagram of Figure

The viscous organosilicon liquid can be easily melt-spun into multifilament fibers of small diameter
which are then subjected to a cure or cross-linking treatment in air or in ionizing radiation in order to pro-
duce a handleable “green” fiber. The green fibers are then converted to ceramic fibers by slowly heating
them in inert or nitrogen containing atmosphere up to ~2192°F (~1200°C).

The final ceramic fibers obtained by the original polymer pyrolysis process had diameters in the range
of 10-20 microns and were amorphous or microcrystalline with nanometer-sized grains of beta-SiC or
Si3N4 (Reference Their microstructures also contained varying amounts of free carbon, oxy-
gen (probably combined as Si-O-C or Si-O-N), and microporosity. This resulted in fibers with densities
and moduli significantly lower than those of the silicon compounds in pure, dense form. But more impor-
tantly, the fiber microstructures were thermally unstable above ~2192°F (~1200°C) due to decomposition

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of the Si-C-O phase into SiO and CO gases (Reference As this decomposition occurs, large
pores form within the fibers, resulting in a significant time/temperature-dependent loss in fiber strength. It
has been demonstrated that this degradation can be delayed to higher temperatures by using approaches
which do not allow the decomposition gases to escape or by significantly reducing the oxygen content
within the as-processed fibers (References and h)).

Titanium tetraisopropoxide,

Polycarbosilane Polytitanocarbosilane

-Curing (Thermal Oxidation or
(NH3) -Heat Treatment (Ar,N2, vacuo)

Si-N-O, Si-N SiC Si-Ti-C-O

FIGURE General polymer pyrolysis fiber process diagram.

Several producers have modified the composition of their PP fibers for improved properties. Ube In-
dustries provides “Tyranno” fibers in which approximately 2 wt% titanium is added to inhibit grain growth
at elevated temperatures (Reference Tonen has developed fibers based on silicon nitride
(Reference, using silane, pyridine, and ammonia to produce a spinnable polymer. Dow
Corning developed the HPZ fiber with an Si-N-O-C composition based on the pyrolysis of a
hydridopolydisilazne polymer (Reference

Based on these developments in the late 80’s and early 90’s, producers of these silicon compound
fibers have refined their chemistry and processing methods to produce silicon-compound fibers with lower
oxygen content, improved Si-C stoichimetry and better control of grain size. These improvements in com-
position and microstructure have resulted in a new generation of silicon-compound fibers (Sylramic™,
Hi-Nicalon, and Nicalon-S) with higher modulus and improved thermal stability.

Table gives general information and representative properties for polymer pyrolysis fibers from
different manufacturers. Carbon fibers Introduction and applications

Carbon fibers are not new technology. They were produced by Thomas Edison as filaments for his
electric light bulb. But in the 1960s carbon fibers were the first "high-strength, high modulus" fibers, de-
veloped for structural composites for the space and defense applications. Since the initial introduction of
those fibers, the quality and performance have increased significantly and the price has gone down dra-
matically. As a result, carbon fibers are now used in a wide variety of commercial/industrial/consumer
applications, such as sporting goods (golf clubs, tennis rackets, bicycle frames, arrows) composite hulls

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for boats, aircraft brakes, automobile components, industrial rollers and storage tanks, furnace insulation,
electronic component shielding, and windmill blades for wind energy systems.

TABLE Properties for polymer pyrolysis fibers.

Property/Fiber Name Nicalon CG Hi-Nicalon Nicalon S Sylramic* Tyr- HPZ Tonen

Manufacturer Nippon Nippon Nippon Dow Ube Dow Tonen
Carbon Carbon Carbon Corning Corn-
Fiber diameter 14 12 11 10 10 10 10
Density (g/cm ) 2.55 2.74 3.10 3.0 2.50
Tensile strength 3.0 3.4 2.6 3.1 2.76
Tensile modulus 190 270 420 400 193
Tensile elongation 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.8 -
Composition Si wt.% 56.6 62.4 68.9 69 SiTiCO S-C-N
C 31.7 37.1 30.9 29 -
O 11.7 0.5 0.2 - -
C/Si (atomic) 1.31 1.39 1.05 1.0 -
Crystallite size (nm) <2 5 - 10 11 500 -
Thermal stability ( C) 1110 1230 1450 1420 1300

* Additional experimental Sylramic fibers are available based on higher purity, well crystallized β-SiC for
higher temperature, lower creep applications.

In all of these applications, carbon fibers offer high strength, high stiffness, low density, and low ther-
mal expansion not achievable with any other structural fibers. In addition, carbon fibers have high thermal
and electrical conductivity which make them suitable for specialized applications where thermal energy
and electrical current need to be specifically controlled.

Carbon fibers have the unique characteristic of maintaining their mechanical properties up to tem-
peratures (3992°F (2200°C)) where other materials (polymers, metals, and ceramics) have lost their me-
chanical integrity or have significantly softened. The one caveat on this high temperature stability is that it
has to be under non-oxidizing conditions. Carbon fibers are subject to increasingly rapid oxidation at
temperatures above 932°F (500°C). This oxidation susceptibility requires an oxygen-free environment,
oxygen barrier protection, or a short duration performance requirements.

Carbon fibers are used in a variety of different composite matrix systems -- polymer, metals, carbon,
and ceramic matrices. In each of these systems, the carbon fibers are the primary structural element,
producing a composite with excellent strength and stiffness and reduced weight.

Carbon-carbon composites are a well-established technology used for high performance aircraft
brakes, rocket exhaust nozzles, missile nose cones, and seals. The carbon-carbon composites have low
densities and maintain their mechanical properties to significantly higher temperatures, as compared to
other structural materials and illustrated in Figure

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Specific Modulus (x10-12 cm)

Specific Strength (x10-9 cm)

FIGURE Specific strength and modulus vs. temperature for different materials. Structure and general properties of carbon fibers

Carbon fibers are commonly produced by the pyrolysis of hydrocarbon precursors in a non-reactive
atmosphere. The initial conversion of the organic precursor to carbon in the pyrolysis process produces
an amorphous crystal structure in the carbon fiber. High temperature heat treatment of the carbon fibers
converts the amorphous structure to crystalline graphite. The purity, crystalline structure, grain size, and
defect structure are key factors in determining the properties of carbon fibers. The extent and orientation
of the carbon crystal structure are tailored to provide the desired mechanical, thermal and electronic
properties. Highly crystalline atomic structures provide the highest modulus, highest thermal conductivity,
and lowest electrical resistivity.

Carbon fiber tensile strength is primarily controlled by the defect level, and modulus is controlled by crys-
talline orientation and degree of crystallinity. Thus, by varying those process parameters that can influ-
ence orientation and crystallinity (e.g.,
precursor purity, stretch ratios, overall
process tension levels, heat treatment
furnace temperature,) in the manufacture
of both the precursor and the carbon fi-
ber, the resulting carbon fibers can have
a broad a broad range of properties (Ta-
ble Generally, carbon fibers
are classified into three major grades --
standard or aerospace grade, intermedi-
ate modulus, and high modulus.

To date, most sales and qualification of carbon fibers for aerospace applications have been with the
standard-grade carbon fiber, and use of this type of fiber is likely to continue as long as the present appli-
cations continue in production. The newer aerospace (and some recreation) applications, however, are
primarily involved with the intermediate modulus. and high modulus fibers.

Carbon fibers possess the highest specific modulus (modulus/density) of all commercially available
reinforcing fibers (several times that of conventional metals). However, since commercial PAN-based car-
bon fibers were first introduced 20 years ago, their physical properties have improved dramatically. In
fact, over the past decade improvements in precursor as well as carbon fiber technology have increased
the tensile strength of this class of fibers from approximately 500 ksi (3.45 GPa) to 1000 ksi (6.9 GPa).
Today, specific strengths (tensile strength/density) achievable with PAN-based carbon fibers are among

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

the highest of all commercially available reinforcing fibers. They also have a very good balance of proper-

TABLE Major grades of carbon fibers.

Grade Modulus % Strain Thermal Electrical Resistivity

(Msi / GPa) to Failure Conductivity (micro-ohm-m)
Standard / ~33 / 230 ~2.0 ~8 18
Aerospace ~37 / 255 ~2.0 ~14 11
Intermediate ~60 / 414 ~1.5 ~120 8.5
High Modulus >100 / 758 <1.0 ~520 2.5

A wide variety of fibers are now commercially available that range in tensile modulus from 30 Msi
(207 GPa) to 120 Msi (800 GPa) with elongation from less than 1 percent to over 2 percent. Finally, a
substantial amount of progress has been made in the ability to convert carbon fibers into intermediate
product forms. The fibers can be braided, woven, knitted, and converted into unidirectional tapes that
ultimately can be processed into composites. These materials, however, are inherently more difficult to
handle than conventional textile fibers and conventional processing speeds are not practical with them.
Very specialized techniques are therefore continually being developed to improve processing efficiencies.

Pitch fibers are used for applications requiring high modulus and high thermal conductivity and, per-
haps, increased resistance to oxidation. On the other hand, the small crystallite size typical of PAN-based
carbon fibers provides higher strength for intermediate-modulus, high-strength applications.

One of the unique features of carbon fibers is that the coefficient of thermal expansion along the axis
is effectively zero or slightly negative. This is an effect of the graphite crystal structure which is oriented
along the axis. The degree of crystallization and orientation directly determines the axial thermal expan-
sion. Carbon fibers with a high degree of crystallinity and alignment have negative axial thermal expan-
sions with values as great as -1.5 ppm/°C. The negative axial thermal expansion of the carbon fibers is
used in composites to produce low expansion components for use in mirrors and precision alignment de-
vices. Refer to Reference for additional information on the structural and general properties of
carbon fibers. Fabrication of carbon fibers

Commercial carbon fibers are produced by a two step process -- the spinning of an organic precursor
and a thermal conversion to carbon. There are three types of precursors used on a commercial basis to
manufacture carbon fibers: rayon, polyacrylonitrile (PAN), and pitch. Rayon, the raw material used for
the first high-performance carbon fibers, was the dominant precursor material in the 1960s and early
1970s. However, because of its low carbon yield (2~30 percent), high processing cost, and limited physi-
cal properties, today rayon precursor is used for less than 1 percent of commercial carbon fibers (Refer-

PAN-based Carbon Fibers

PAN-based carbon fibers are derived from polyacrylonitrile or acrylic copolymers. Normally, a solu-
tion of the polymer is either wet or dry spun into PAN precursor fibers that are ultimately converted into
carbon fibers; Figure gives a flow diagram for the process. The precursor fibers used by the
major PAN-based carbon fiber suppliers differ significantly from the acrylic fibers used for textile acrylic

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

apparel and industrial applications. PAN precursor fibers have fewer filaments per tow stage, a higher
level of purity, smaller filament diameter, and higher acrylonitrile (AN) content (i.e., normally greater than
90 percent AN) than fibers used in textile applications. Also, the polymer composition and molecular
weight must be modified to produce the desired carbon fiber properties. Because of these differences,
the cost of acrylic precursor fibers is three to five times greater than that of acrylic fibers used in textile

Commercial production of PAN-based precursor fibers is based on solution spinning of PAN polymer.
Typically, a dilute solution of acrylic polymer is extruded into a coagulation bath (wet spinning) or a hot-
gas environment (dry spinning). The use of large amounts of solvents is a fundamental factor in the pro-
duction process, which results in environmental as well as product design limitations.

Stabilization of PAN involves heating the fiber in air to temperatures ranging from 392 to 572°F (200
to 300°C) for approximately 1 hour. The stabilization treatment is followed by carbonization in an inert
atmosphere at temperatures greater than 2192°F (1200°C). Orientation of the graphite-like crystal struc-
ture, and thus the fiber modulus, can be further increased by heat treatment (termed graphitization) at
temperatures up to 5450°F (3000°C). The continuous carbon or graphite fiber is then surface treated and
coated with a sizing agent prior to winding the continuous filaments on bobbins. The surface treatment is
an oxidation of the fiber surface to promote adhesion to the matrix resin in the composite, and the size
promotes handleability and wettability of the fiber with the matrix resin.

Pitch-based carbon fibers


The production of high-modulus, pitch-based carbon fibers begins by heat treating a petroleum or
coal tar pitch feedstock to produce a liquid crystal precursor, termed "mesophase." The liquid crystal ma-
terial is melt spun into a precursor fiber that is converted into a carbon fiber in a process similar to that
used for PAN-based carbon fiber. The high degree of molecular orientation of the as-spun fiber allows it,
unlike PAN, to develop a truly graphitic crystalline structure during the carbonization/ graphitization step.
The fundamentals of the process are shown in Figure



PAN Precursor Fiber


Carbonization Graphitization
1000- °C


Carbon Fiber

FIGURE PAN-based fiber processing

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

Potential advantages for pitch-based carbon fibers include economics and unique properties that re-
sult from their high degree of molecular orientation. Since the starting carbon content for pitch precursor is
significantly higher than PAN precursor (approximately 93 percent versus 68 percent), the theoretical yield
for pitch fibers is substantially higher than that of PAN fibers. Also, acrylonitrile, the raw material for PAN-
based carbon fibers, costs almost twice as much as the raw pitch used to produce pitch-based carbon
fibers. These differences should make pitch-based fibers much less expensive than PAN-based carbon
fibers. However, today's selling prices for these two varieties of carbon fibers are equivalent for compa-
rable performance fibers. However, in the future it is probable that at least some portion of this potential
cost advantage will be realized.

Pitch-based carbon fibers exhibit the highest specific modulus (tensile modulus/density) among the
commercially available reinforcing fibers. Presently, pitch-based carbon fibers are available with moduli as
high as 140 Msi (965 GPa). Their graphite structure also allows pitch-based fibers to possess excellent
axial conductivities (both electrical and thermal) and very low axial coefficient of thermal expansion.
Commercial pitch-based fibers are available with thermal conductivities that are three to four times that of
copper. Because of this, pitch-based carbon fibers are preferred for space applications where stiffness,
thermal expansion, or conductivity are critical performance requirements. However, the extended graphite
structure of present commercial pitch-based fibers also makes them more sensitive to fiber surface de-
fects and structural flaws. This increased sensitivity causes the tensile strength of these fibers to be 40 to
50 percent lower than that of PAN-based carbon fibers. Also, it results in a compressive strength for
pitch-based carbon fibers that is only one-third that of PAN-based fibers.

Pitch Purification

Mesophase Formation


Pitch Precursor Fiber


Carbonization Graphitization



Carbon Fiber

FIGURE Pitch-based fiber processing.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

In the area of pitch-based carbon fibers, the technical focus is directed toward higher tensile strength
products, improved compressive properties, improved routes to mesophase production, higher conductiv-
ity, and improved processability. It should be noted that only pitch-based carbon fibers (and vapor-grown
carbon fibers) have the graphite crystal structure needed to develop high thermal conductivity; this prop-
erty creates a unique market for this fiber. Improved mesophase production techniques are a key to both
improved process economics as well as improved products. The other key is reducing the flaw sensitivity
of the fiber. Recent research shows that by modifying the microstructure of the pitch-based fiber during
the spinning process, without significantly altering the crystalline orientation, it is possible to improve both
the fiber tensile strength (reduced flaw sensitivity) and the compressive strength. Even though commer-
cial pitch-based fibers have reached 93 percent of the modulus of perfect graphite, their tensile strength is
less than 4 percent of that predicted by theory. Obviously, considerable
improvement in the tensile strength of pitch-based carbon fibers is pos-
sible. Additional information on pitch-based carbon fibers is available
from Reference Availability and sources of carbon fibers

Carbon fibers are produced across a range of diameters from 5-15

microns. Multifilament tows/rovings have filament counts ranging from
1,000 to 48,000 with linear densities ranging from 0.066 to 3.20 grams/
meter. Standard spools contain from 1000 to 5000 meters of tow. Tows
are commonly provided with sizing at the 1-1.5 wt% level to provide for
handling and weavability. Woven fabrics are commercially available from
weaving companies and composite supply companies in a range of dif-
ferent weaves (plain, satin, twill, basket, etc.). The major producers of carbon fiber are shown in Table

TABLE Major producers of carbon fiber.

Producer U.S. Location WEB Address Phone

BP Amoco Alpharetta, GA 800-222-2448
Conoco Houston, TX 877-319-8853
Grafil Irvine, CA 800-365-5533
Hexcel Salt Lake City, UT 800-987-0658
Nippon Cypress, CA (T. Wong) 714-826-3235
Toho Carbon Menlo Park, CA 650-614-0765
Toray Carbon Santa Ana, California 714-431-2320
Zoltek St. Louis, MO 314- 291-5110 Specific properties of carbon fibers

The following tables lists property data for different carbon/graphite fibers. Data are taken from prod-
uct brochures and producer literature (September 2000)

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

TABLE Properties of carbon specific fibers, continued on next page (References through

Source / Type Strength Modulus Tensile Thermal Cond.

ksi GPa Msi GPa Strain % (W/m•K)
T-300 545 3.75 33 231 1.4 % 8
T-650 620 4.28 37 255 1.7 % 14
P-25 200 1.38 23 159 0.9% 22
P-30X 300 2.07 30 207 0.7% 50
P-55S 275 1.90 55 379 0.5% 120
P-75S 300 2.10 75 517 0.4% 185
P-100S 350 2.41 110 758 0.3% 520
P-120S 350 2.41 120 827 0.3% 640


34-700 650 4.50 34 234 1.9%
34-600 600 4.15 34 234 1.8%
TR-30 640 4.41 34 235 1.9%
TR-40 680 4.70 34 235 2.0%
TR-50 710 4.90 35 240 2.0%
TR-H50 710 4.90 37 255 1.9%
MR35E 640 4.41 43 295 1.5%
MR40 640 4.41 43 295 1.5%
MR50 790 5.40 42 290 1.8%
MS40 670 4.61 50 345 1.3%
HR40 640 4.41 57 390 1.1%
HS40 640 4.41 66 450 1.0%

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

TABLE Properties of carbon specific fibers, continued on next page (References through

Source / Type Strength Modulus Tensile Thermal Cond.

ksi GPa Msi GPa Strain % (W/m•K)
AS4C 610 4.20 33.5 231 1.8%
AS4D 660 4.55 35 241 1.9%
IM4 650 4.48 40 276 1.6%
IM4A 650 4.48 42 290 1.5%
AS4 602 4.15 33 228 1.8%
IM6 799 5.51 40.5 279 2.0%
IM7 737 5.08 40 276 1.4%
IM7 (5000 802 5.53 40 276 2.0%
IM7 (6000 835 5.76 42 292 2.0%
IM8 809 5.58 44 304 1.8%
IM9 887 6.12 44 304 4.8%
UHM 518 3.57 64 440 0.8%

XN-05 156 1.13 8 55 4.7
XN-10 230 1.66 17 115 -
XN-15 303 2.19 23 160 6.3
XN-20 378 2.73 29 200 13
XN-35 502 3.63 50 350 -
XN-50 484 3.50 72 500 -
XN-50A 560 3.83 75 520 0.7 -
XN-60 484 3.50 87 600 -
XN-70 484 3.50 101 700 -
XN-70A 530 3.63 105 720 0.5 -
XN-80 484 3.50 115 800 320
XN-80A 530 3.63 114 785 0.5 -
XN-85A 530 3.63 120 830 0.4 -
XN-90 470 3.40 128 890 500
YS-50A 560 3.83 75 520 0.7 -
YSH-50A 530 3.83 75 520 120
YSH-60A 530 3.83 91 630 180
YSH-70A 502 3.63 104 720 250
YS-80A 502 3.63 113 785 320
YS-90A 488 3.53 127 880 500
YS-95A 488 3.53 133 920 600
HT grade 664 4.80 33 230 9.4
HM grade 609 4.40 54 377 69

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

TABLE Properties of carbon specific fibers, concluded (References


Source / Type Strength Modulus Tensile Thermal Cond.

ksi GPa Msi GPa Strain % (W/m•K)
HTA 515 3.72 34 235 1.7 %
UT500 666 4.81 35 240 2.0 %
IM400 624 4.51 43 295 1.5 %
IM600 801 5.79 41 285 2.0 %
LM16 435 3.14 22 155 2.0 %
HM35 407 2.94 50 345 0.9 %
UM40 678 4.90 55 380 1.2 %
UM46 650 4.70 63 435 1.1 %
UM55 529 3.82 78 540 0.7 %
UM63 488 3.53 88 610 0.6 %
UM68 461 3.33 94 650 0.5 %

T300 512 3.53 33.4 230 1.5 %
T300J 611 4.21 33.4 230 1.8 %
T400H 640 4.41 36.3 250 1.8 %
T800S 600 4.14 33.4 230 1.8 %
T700S 711 4.90 33.4 230 2.1 %
T700G 711 4.9 34.8 240 2.0 %
T800H 798 5.49 42.7 294 1.9 %
T1000G 924 6.37 42.7 294 2.2 %
M35J 683 4.70 49.8 343 1.4 %
M40J 640 4.41 54.7 377 1.2 %
M46J 611 4.21 63.3 436 1.0 %
M50J 697 4.12 69.0 475 0.8 %
M55J 583 4.02 78.2 540 0.8 %
M60J 569 3.92 85.3 588 0.7 %
M30S 796 5.49 42.7 294 1.9 %
M30G 739 5.10 42.7 294 1.7 %
M40 398 2.74 56.9 392 0.7 %

Panex 30 500 3.60 30 207 1.5%
Panex 33 550 3.80 33 228 1.6%

3.2.3 High temperature properties of continuous ceramic fibers

The properties of ceramic fibers at high temperature determine their suitability for their use as rein-
forcements in CFCCs. Even under zero stress conditions, most commercial fibers, oxide and non-oxide,

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experience strength loss for short time exposures of ~2192°F (~1200°C), whether during composite fabri-
cation or use. Strength degradation is related to a number of factors, including grain growth, either of ex-
isting phases or during the crystallization of new phases, thermally-activated growth of flaws, or decom-
position of non-equilibrium phases in the fiber. For polycrystalline Al2O3-based fibers, strength degrada-
tion appears to be primarily related to grain growth and defects associated with this grain growth. For the
small diameter Si-based fibers produced by polymer pyrolysis, Si-C-O phases within the fiber begin to
decompose, creating flaws and eventually porosity.

The resistance to deformation and time-dependent rupture are critical in the selection of continuous
ceramic fibers for use in CMCs. Many CFCC use conditions involve structural loading of the fibers over
long time periods which can range from 100 hours to more than 10,000 hours. Even in “non-structural”
applications, fibers can be subjected to high thermal stresses caused by thermal gradients within the
composite. It is generally accepted that only small stress-induced dimensional changes can be tolerated,
typically less than 1% over its service life. A second criterion is stress rupture life, which in many cases
can be substantially less than time to a 1% strain limit. Rupture life can be dominated by a number of
factors relating to fiber composition and microstructure, including slow crack growth from existing flaws or
creep cavitation.

Figure 3.2.3 gives estimates for the maximum load-bearing temperature of commercial fibers in
CFCCs. These estimates were determined by DiCarlo using measurements of creep rate and creep rup-
ture life on single filaments using the assumption that maximum fiber use temperature is limited either by
fiber rupture or by excessive creep strain (assumed to be 1%). To illustrate the effect of service stress,
maximum temperatures are shown both for a fiber stress of 100 MPa (14 ksi), which is assumed to be the
minimum experienced in a CFCC and for 500 MPa (72 ksi), which is representative of structurally loaded
components. Of course, the maximum use temperatures for fibers are dependent on a variety of assump-
tions. Adverse environmental effects (e.g., the presence of alkali) may reduce temperature capacity sub-
stantially; in contrast, in composites where the matrix contributes to load-bearing capacity (e.g. CVD SiC),
temperature capacity may increase. The maximum load-bearing temperature is dependent on stress;
temperature capability is reduced by ~212°F (~100°C) for both SiC and Al2O3-based fibers as stress is
increased from 100 MPa to 500 MPa.

100 MPa
Maximum Load-Bearing Capacity, °C

1400 500 MPa







Nextel 312

Nextel 610

Nextel 720

FIGURE 3.2.3 Estimated maximum load-bearing capacity of commercial fibers.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

It is clear that, as a group, polycrystalline Al2O3-based fibers have much lower maximum load-bearing
temperature than the SiC-based fibers. None of these fibers can withstand 500 MPa above 1000°C for
times greater than 100 hours. Among the Al2O3-based fibers, temperature capability is improved by elimi-
nating B2O3 additions (e.g., from Nextel 312 to Altex), and improved further by additions of creep-resistant
phases such as mullite (e.g., from Nextel 610 to Nextel 720). The highest performance oxide fiber is the
Saphikon single crystal fiber, which has no measurable creep below 2912°F (1600°C), allowing it to out-
perform even the SiC-based fibers.

The maximum load-bearing temperature of SiC-based fibers is 2192-2372°F (1200-1300°C). Hi-

Nicalon, Sylramic, and SCS-6 are all in this range, which is surprising given their very different microstruc-
ture, chemical compositions and complicated mechanism controlling deformation. Load bearing capacity
is limited by the 1% creep limit in each case. The Nicalon fiber has lesser load bearing capacity due to
the low viscosity of its oxygen-containing amorphous second phase.

Fiber manufacturers are examining new and improved processing approaches which attempt to
eliminate or minimize microstructural sources for strength degradation and high temperature creep. For
example, SiC fibers are being produced which demonstrate improved strength retention and creep per-
formance relative to commercially-available fibers. This has been accomplished through achieving
stoichiometric or nearly stoichiometric SiC microstructures, the elimination of second phases such as Si-
C-O that enhance creep and creep-related flaw growth, and increasing grain size. For oxide fibers, im-
provements in creep have been demonstrated by oxide compositions more creep-resistant than alumina,
such as mullite and YAG. Grain growth inhibitors will probably also be required for oxide fibers to keep
grain sizes small and to pin grain boundary motion for additional improvement in fiber creep resistance. Carbon fibers

Reserved for future use.

3.2.4 Discontinuous reinforcements – whiskers, particulates, and in-situ

Reserved for future use.


3.3.1 Introduction

The fiber/matrix interface plays a significant role in determining the fracture behavior and mechanical
properties of ceramic matrix composites. The critical driving force in the development of fiber reinforced
ceramic composites has been the benefit of graceful failure and damage tolerance. In contrast to brittle
ceramics, ceramic composites can survive local damage and inelastic deformation without catastrophic
failure. In simpler terms, they have greater strain capability than monolithic ceramics, as shown in Figure
3.3.1(a), where the stress-strain curve has a nonlinear response at higher strain levels.

By combining the two materials in the fiber reinforced composite, the strength of the composite is
stronger than the strength of the matrix by itself. And the composite has higher strain capability than ei-
ther of its constituents by themselves.

By introducing a high strength, high modulus fiber into a low strength, low modulus matrix, the mate-
rial designer increases the strength of the composite, because load is transferred to the high strength fi-
bers. The effectiveness of the load transfer depends on the difference in moduli between the fiber and
the matrix, the volume fraction and architecture/distribution of the fibers, the length of the fibers, and the
interfacial bond between the fibers and the matrix (Reference 3.3.1(a)).

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines




Stress [MPa]

Stress [MPa]



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Strain [%]

FIGURE 3.3.1(a) Illustrates the individual mechanical response of a monolithic ceramic compared
with a high strength fiber reinforced composite with a lower strength matrix.

But the fiber reinforced ceramic composites also have a higher strain capability than either of the
constituents. From a practical perspective, the composites have “pseudo-ductility” similar to the ductile
response of common metals. Nonlinear stress-strain in metals is a function of plastic deformation, com-
monly produced by dislocation mechanisms. In contrast, fiber reinforced ceramic composites develop
nonlinear mechanical response based on three underlying mechanisms, as described by Zok, et al., (Ref-
erence 3.3.1(b)). The three mechanisms are frictional dissipation at the fiber-matrix interface, matrix
cracking to increase the elastic compliance, and stress redistribution produced by matrix cracking. Im-
plicit in these mechanisms is the assumption that the cracks in the matrix are bridged to some degree by
the fibers.

From a material design perspective (as described by Faber (Reference 3.3.1(c)) and by Kerans, et
al., (Reference 3.3.1(d)), there are two key issues in fiber reinforced ceramic composites -- how to deflect
matrix cracks around the fiber and how to control the sliding resistance of the fiber in the matrix. Histori-
cally, the direct introduction of a ceramic fiber into a ceramic matrix has commonly produced a brittle
composite, because there is a strong chemical bond between the fiber and the matrix. With a strong
chemical bond, matrix cracks penetrate directly into the fiber with no crack deflection.

The predominant approach in developing the desired weak bond at the fiber-matrix interface has
been to use a thin (0.1-5 micron) coating around the ceramic fibers to develop the desired crack deflec-
tion and the required sliding friction. The coating acts as a debond layer and as a “low-friction” sliding

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

interface. This sounds simple, but the functionality of interface coatings actually depends on many com-
plex factors.

• Chemical bonding at the interfaces with the matrix and with the fiber.
• Inherent toughness of the interface relative to the fiber toughness.
• Surface roughness of the substrate fibers.
• Residual stresses produced during fabrication based on differential thermal expansion coeffi-
• Shear planes and shear strength of the interface. The roles and requirements for fiber interfaces and coatings

The primary role of the fiber interface coating in CMCs is to provide a mechanism for crack deflection
through debonding and frictional sliding. A successful fiber coating will stop or deflect microcracks at the
fiber matrix interface. Without debonding, the matrix cracks will cut through the ceramic fibers, rather than
deflecting around the high-strength reinforcements. As further stress is applied and microcracks begin
combining and opening, the weakly bound fibers bridge the cracks and slide in the matrix, dissipating
strain energy. Without controlled sliding of the fiber in the matrix, strain energy will not be dissipated and
high stresses will form as the crack advances, leading to fiber fracture. For more detailed information,
please refer to References - (c).

The interface coatings should be chemically and microstructurally stable at the desired operational
conditions. Ideally, the coating will have no significant changes in chemical composition, phase content or
grain size at high temperatures or with repeated temperature cycling. (The exception are coatings in
which microcracking or phase change is desired to control the mechanical response to stress).

The coating should be thermodynamically stable with the fiber substrate and the surrounding matrix,
resisting solid-state reactions. Lastly, the coating should have resistance to oxidation, corrosion, steam
and reduction attack. Given the critical role that the interface plays in strength and fracture toughness,
any significant susceptibility of the coating to environmental attack across the range of performance con-
ditions is a critical application barrier.

Interface coatings also serve secondary functions in CMCs. Composite fabrication conditions and
matrix precursors may be chemically aggressive with high temperatures and reactive chemical species,
such as halides and free radicals. Interface coatings can act as reaction and diffusion barriers for the un-
derlying ceramic fibers, preventing chemical attack and fiber degradation. In a similar manner, multilayer
coating systems may require top level barrier layers to prevent attack on susceptible coating layers. To
that end, barrier coatings should be thermodynamically stable, crack and pore free, and be deposited in a
uniform and controllable manner.

Ceramic fibers in CMCs may also be susceptible to environmental attack and solid-state matrix inter-
actions in high temperature performance conditions. Fiber interface coatings can serve as reaction and
diffusion barriers in aggressive operations, again protecting the underlying fibers and/or intermediate
coatings from chemical attack.

Coating deposition and heat-treatment conditions may, in their own right, be chemically and/or ther-
modynamically aggressive. Any interface coating developed or deposited on a ceramic fiber should be
compatible with the fiber microstructure, composition, and physical properties.

Residual and/or thermal stresses in ceramic interface coatings can have negative effects on crack
deflection. Under the ideal conditions, the thermal expansion of interface coatings will be equivalent or
close to the fiber thermal expansion. That match will minimize stresses developed during fabrication or in

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines Fabrication of fiber interface coatings

The fabrication of thin (0.5 micron) coatings on ceramic fibers is a significant fabrication challenge.
Coatings deposition techniques must be controllable and tailorable, producing fiber coatings that are uni-
form in composition, thickness and morphology. This is particularly challenging for multifilament tows and
2-D and 3-D weaves, where the fine diameter (<20 microns) fibers are tightly bundled and in direct con-
tact. It is critically important that all the ceramic fibers are uniformly coated, because uncoated fibers can
fracture at low stresses and are susceptible to oxidation.

Coating deposition processes should be highly reproducible between and within lots, providing uni-
form coatings across and with multifilament tow, 2-D fabric, and 3-D weave and braid geometries. Ide-
ally, the coating process should be continuous in nature, able to deposit coatings on long lengths of tows
and woven fabrics.

Interface fiber coatings for ceramic composites have been produced through two approaches -- in-
situ chemistry and direct application coatings. For in-situ fabrication, chemical species react at the fiber
surface to form the desired composition or morphology. (An example of in-situ chemistry is the formation
of carbon rich layers on silicon oxycarbide fibers in glass-ceramic composites). The chemical species
which form can be present in the composite by its inherent composition or by deliberate additives to the
fiber or the matrix. In all cases, the formation of the desired interface requires very precise heat-
treatment, depends on diffusion mechanisms and uniform distribution of the reactants, and is not easily
controlled for reproducibility.

Direct application of the desired coating to the fiber before composite fabrication is the preferred coat-
ing method. The composition, morphology, and thickness of the coating can be easily controlled and tai-
lored, independent of later composite fabrication conditions and heat treatments. The primary direct coat-
ing methods for ceramic fibers are chemical vapor deposition and liquid precursors (sol-gel and polymer
precursors) coatings. Both of these methods are advantageous for coating multifilament geometries, with
good penetration into the interior of filament bundles. Additional techniques have been investigated --
line-of-sight techniques, electrochemistry, and electroless plating.

Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) uses vapor transport of gaseous species which react locally and
deposit the reaction product on the fiber substrate. The deposition reaction is driven by thermal, radio-
frequency (RF), plasma, or photon energy sources. Control of the reaction chemistry and the resulting
coating composition and uniformity depends on careful management of the reactant chemistry, partial
pressures of reactants, gas flow rates, temperature uniformity, and local diffusion conditions within the
fiber architecture,.

As described in the section of CVD composite processing, a wide range of ceramic compositions can
be deposited by CVD -- carbides, nitrides, and oxides. Coating thicknesses can range from nanometers
to several micrometers, depending on deposition rates and times.

Liquid precursor coating techniques depend on immersion and coating of the fine fibers with an
aqueous or organic based liquid which contains the chemical species of interest. Evaporation of a solvent
or chemical reaction of the liquid species leaves behind a thin coating on the fibers which is subsequently
reacted or heat-treated to produce the desired ceramic coating.

Sol-gel coatings use metal alkoxides in alcohol-water solvent mixtures. Hydrolysis of the alkoxides
produces a metal-oxide-metal gel which is dried to remove the solvent and the reaction products. The
dried gel is thermally converted to a dense oxide. Silicon, aluminum, zirconium , and titanium alkoxides
are commonly available, and are suitable for producing single and mixed oxide ceramic compositions.
The major benefit of sol-gel coating is that the coating and conversion process is relatively low tempera-
ture and benign. The primary limitation of sol-gel coatings is the high shrinkage volume which occurs dur-
ing drying and conversion, limiting the coating thickness that can be produced without shrinkage cracks.
Thicker coatings can be developed by multiple coating steps.

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Preceramic polymers commonly consist of carbon and silicon based oligomers with reactive groups
which can be cross linked by thermal, catalytic, or energetic means. The preceramic polymer is coated on
the fiber in either neat or dilute solutions, followed by polymer curing. The cured polymer coating is then
heat-treated in a controlled atmosphere to produce the desired ceramic composition.. Carbon, silicon car-
bide, silicon nitride, and oxycarbides have been produced by this method. Nitride compositions are
formed by the incorporation of imides and amide groups in the polymer or by pyrolysis of the cured poly-
mer in ammonia atmospheres. Additional metallic elements can be incorporated, based on the availability
of precursor polymers with the desired elements, such as aluminum, zirconium, titanium, etc. Polymer
precursor coating is particularly suitable for carbide and nitride coatings, compared to sol-gel which is
more suitable for oxide coatings. Polymer coatings are also limited in coating thickness, because of the
shrinkage that occurs during the pyrolysis step. As with sol-gel coatings, thickness can be built up with
multiple coatings.

Line-of-sight techniques refer to methods based on sputtering, physical vapor deposition, ion implan-
tation, and electron-beam evaporation. All these techniques are dependent on a straight direct path from
the material source to the target substrate. With that limitation, they can be used for large diameter (>40
micrometers) ceramic fibers, but have very limited use for multifilament tows and weaves, where line-of-
sight into the tows or weaves is intermittently blocked.

Deposition of metallic coatings on ceramic fibers can be done by electrolytic and electroless deposi-
tion techniques. In both methods, metals are deposited from solutions. In electrolysis, metal ions are
reduced and deposited on a cathode substrate by the application of a voltage across an anode and a
cathode. The ceramic fibers can be electrically conductive by their composition (silicon carbide or car-
bon) or by a flash metal deposition technique. Electrolytic metal coatings can be deposited across a full
range of metals -- copper, nickel, chromium, zinc, tin, lead, silver, gold, platinum etc. However, most of
these metals do not have high temperature oxidation stability, are very dense, or are very high cost.

In electroless coating, metal ions are deposited from solution through the action of a chemical agent
in a redox reaction without passage of an electrical current. They involve reduction of a complexed metal
using a mild reducing agent. Electroless coatings can be deposited in nickel, copper, silver, gold, and

3.3.2 Interphase composition Carbon

The initial success with ceramic matrix composites in the 1970’s and 80’s was based on the use of
carbon and boron nitride as interface coatings. Graphitic carbon interface coatings are deposited on fiber
tows, cloth, or preforms using chemical vapor deposition/infiltration at relatively low temperatures of ap-
proximately 1832°F (1000°C). Different precursor gases have been used to produce the graphitic carbon
layers; propylene-, ethylene-, and methane-derived graphitic carbon coatings have been produced at
similar temperatures. Differences in deposition rate and coating texture are achieved for the same proc-
essing temperatures. Propylene-derived graphitic coatings will typically have a highly aligned graphitic
structure (with the (002) axis preferentially aligned perpendicular to the fiber surface), whereas ethylene-
and methane-derived coatings tend to be polycrystalline with randomly oriented, small grains. Amor-
phous and/or graphitic carbon interlayers can also be applied to fibers using different resin-based tech-

Ceramic composites with carbon interfaces have excellent room temperature mechanical properties.
It has been hypothesized that since graphite possesses an extremely low modulus along the c-axis, the
interface is compliant and lessens the interfacial stresses that occur due to thermal expansion differences
between the fiber and the matrix. The interfacial shear strength is dependent on the thickness of the car-
bon layer; thicker coatings produce lower interfacial shear strengths. The optimum thickness for the car-
bon interfaces in most composites is 0.25-0.30 microns. Carbon works well for most low temperature,
non-corrosive CFCC applications. However, carbon begins to oxidize at temperatures as low as 797°F
(425°C), and oxidation is rapid at temperatures greater than 1562°F (850°C). When a carbon-containing

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ceramic matrix composite is exposed to an oxidizing environment, oxidation begins with the attack/loss of
carbon interfaces at exposed fiber ends. Carbon is removed along the entire fiber length (the rate of car-
bon loss will depend on the temperature) resulting in an open channel at the fiber-matrix interface. The
surfaces within the channel (fiber and matrix) will subsequently oxidize to form silica (at least in the
SiC/SiC system) which eventually bonds the components together. Now, the interfaces are "filled" with a
brittle, fully bonded material which does not permit debonding and fiber sliding, resulting in brittle fracture.
Oxidation of the fiber surfaces will also degrade the fiber properties leading to significant losses in com-
posite strength. Boron nitride

The poor oxidation resistance of carbon has led to the examination of alternative fiber coatings for
use in CFCCs. Hexagonal boron nitride possesses a crystallographic structure and mechanical proper-
ties similar to those of graphitic carbon. Most important is the significant improvement in oxidation resis-
tance attained by using BN coatings instead of carbon. Pyrolytic BN coatings exhibit good oxidation re-
sistance up to temperatures as high as 2192°F (1200°C). However, the presence of water vapor signifi-
cantly accelerates the decomposition of BN over a wide temperature range. BN can be deposited on fi-
ber tows, cloth, or preforms via chemical vapor deposition and infiltration techniques, usually from either
BCl3 or BF3, NH3, and hydrogen. Different BN processing temperatures can yield different crystallo-
graphic structures in the coating; deposition temperatures less than 1652°F (900°C) result in amorphous
BN, intermediate temperatures produce fine-grained, polycrystalline, hexagonal BN, and high deposition
temperatures, greater than 2372°F (1300°C), result in highly aligned, large-grain sized BN. The
deposition temperature used will also depend on the fiber reinforcement selected. The BN crystalline
structure has a profound affect on the stability of the BN coating in corrosive environments; amorphous
coatings are inherently unstable and will decompose even at relatively low temperatures, whereas the
highly crystalline BN deposited at high temperatures is much more stable in environments containing
oxygen and water vapor at elevated temperatures. The purity of the BN is also an important factor;
oxygen incorporated in the BN lattice during processing can be detrimental to the long term stability since
it can cause reactions with non-oxide fibers and matrices. High purity BN has greater stability at higher
temperatures. BN can be intentionally doped with various elements to increase the stability. Recent
experiments with Si-doped BN have shown improvements in the oxidation resistance of these
composites. High-temperature, high purity BN shows the most promise for use in CFCCs in corrosive
environments. Oxide

Oxide fiber coatings offer an advantage of thermodynamic stability in the most frequent use environ-
ments anticipated for CFCCs - high temperature and oxidizing. It should be noted from the start that ox-
ide fiber coatings are generally applied to oxide fibers and nonoxide coatings to nonoxide fibers. The de-
velopment of oxide fiber coatings has lagged that of nonoxide coatings such as boron nitride for a number
of reasons: (1) nonoxide fibers have been superior to oxide fibers and coating development has gener-
ally advanced with improvements in fibers, (2) promising layered oxide compositions are not chemically
compatible with available oxide fibers, (3) there has been difficulty identifying nonlayered oxide fiber
compositions which are stable with and weakly bonded to the available oxide fibers, and (4) the greater
chemical complexity of the oxide compositions, compared to nonoxide coatings such as carbon and boron
nitride, has made coating deposition more difficult. Non-layered oxide interfaces

There has been recent progress in identifying nonlayered oxides which appear chemically stable with
available oxide fiber compositions, such as alumina and mullite, and which exhibit weak bonding to the
fibers. These oxide fiber coatings would generally be easier to incorporate into a composite than the lay-
ered oxides because no preferential alignment of the grains within the coating would be necessary to
achieve weak interfaces. The initial compounds which were identified as exhibiting weak bonding to alu-
mina include the rare-earth phosphates of the general formula Me3+PO4. This includes the monazite fam-
ily of minerals comprised of the larger rare-earth elements of the lanthanide series (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm,

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

Sm, Eu, Gd, and Tb). It also includes the xenotime family of minerals comprised of scandium, yttrium and
the smaller rare-earth elements of the lanthanide series (Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu). Additional com-
pounds of the general formula ABO4 formula are being investigated as well. These include the broad
family of tungstate (Me2+WO4) and tantalates (Re3+TaO4). Composites fabricated with monazite (LaPO4)
and scheelite (CaWO4) fiber coatings have shown good debonding from Nextel 610 and Nextel 720 fi-

These ABO4 compounds are the newest interface concepts for oxide-oxide CFCCs, and as a result,
are just beginning to receive detailed study and to be incorporated into real world composites. It appears
at this time that careful control of the sol-gel precursor chemistry used for depositing these coatings is
required to prevent fiber strength degradation. Substantial research efforts to verify the effectiveness of
this interface concept at elevated temperature for extended periods of time are still required. Layered oxide interfaces

Layered oxide fiber coatings have received a high level of interest because it is hoped that they could
mimic the easy debonding observed with the layered nonoxides carbon and boron nitride which have
work well in non-oxide CFCCs (although only under nonoxidizing use environments for long times). Early
work focused on sheet silicates known as fluormicas such as KMg2.5(Si4O10)F2 and KMg3(AlSi3O10)F2.
These compounds created easy delamination along interfaces, however, their complex chemistry did not
allow for a chemically stable interface and work on these compounds was discontinued. Simpler
chemistry layered oxides such as beta-aluminas (Me1+Al11O17) and magnetoplumbites (Me2+Al12O19) are
now being investigated. Hibonite, CaAl12O19, has been shown to promote interfacial debonding in model
composite systems with sapphire monofilaments. Use of this interfacial approach in real composites has
been limited for a couple of reasons: (1) temperatures greater than the capability of commercially avail-
able fibers have been required to form and texture the layered structures (although there has been recent
progress at lowering the temperatures) and (2) the layered compounds are not chemically stable with the
highest temperature capability fiber, Nextel 720. Higher temperature capability, nonsilicate fibers, will
likely be required in order to utilize layered oxides as fiber coatings in real world composites. Porous matrices and porous/fugitive coatings

Because of the difficulty in identifying promising oxide fiber compositions, there has also been a sig-
nificant effort at developing CFCCs which do not rely on fiber coatings, but instead rely on significant ma-
trix porosity to create a weakly bonded fiber-matrix interface or rely on a gap at the fiber-matrix interface
created by a fugitive interface coating. This section summarizes the various interphase approaches being
pursued for oxide-oxide CFCCs. Porous matrices

Many organizations have developed a damage tolerant oxide-oxide CFCC by avoiding fiber coatings
altogether. These composite systems have matrices with a large amount of residual porosity, often times
exceeding 40 percent. These matrices are generally very weak and as a result, the composites usually
exhibit damage tolerance through progressive and distributed damage under off-axis loading. Axial load-
ing of these composites generally produce fairly linear stress-strain curves since their properties are fiber
dominated. The ultimate strains-to-failure are representative of that expected from unreinforced fiber
tows. These porous matrix CFCCs are generally the furthest developed and characterized oxide-oxide
systems because of their relative ease of fabrication as a result of not requiring a separate fiber coating
step. Composites of this type are being fabricated by General Electric, Composite Optics Inc., Boeing-
McDonnell Douglas and 3M. Table summarizes the properties of these systems.

These composite systems offer low costs and attractive axial properties and damage tolerance. Be-
cause of the low matrix strength, the composite systems all exhibit low interlaminar strengths. Because
there is no fiber-matrix interphase, a potential deficiency in this type of composite systems is the possibil-
ity of reaction or sintering between matrix particles and the fibers at points where contact is made be-
tween the two leading to fiber strength degradation. These composite systems may be limited in the time

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

and/or temperature of their exposure in use in order to prevent a reduction in the composite properties.
Lack of a fiber coating with a porous matrix may also subject the fibers to corrosive species within the use
environment causing fiber strength degradation.

TABLE Properties of 0°/90° Nextel fibers.

Oxide Based Fibers Nextel 312 Nextel 610 Nextel 650 Nextel 720
Property at room temperature
Nominal Composition Alumino- Alumina Alumina w/ Alumina-
borosilicate Zirconia Mullite
Density (g/cm ) 2.70 3.88 4.10 3.40
Tensile Strength (ksi) 24.6 42.5 36.9 30.4
Young’s Modulus (Msi) 21.7 54.1 51.9 37.7
Maximum Use Temperature (°F) = -- 1472 2012 2282
80% strength retention
-3 -2 -2
Thermal Conductivity ≈ 5.0x10 ≈ 5.7x10 NA ≈ 1.9x10
[Btu in/s-ft °F] (est) (est) (est)
Coef. of Linear Thermal Expansion 3.0 7.9 8.0 6.0
(ppm/K) 212-1832°F 212-1832°F 212-1832°F 212-1832°F
Specific Heat [J/(g-k)] ≈ 0.7 ≈0.9 NA ≈ 0.85

Information supplied by 3M September 2000 Porous Coatings

A logical extension of the porous matrix concept is to localize the porosity in a thin layer close to the
fiber. Researchers have evaluated porous oxides (ZrO2, Y2O3, and Al2O3) as coatings on sapphire fibers
in an alumina matrix. The porosity (at the 30 vol.% level) in the coatings produced the desired debonding,
but there was high sliding stress and limited fiber pull-out. It is suspected that the crack path in the porous
interface was too rough and convoluted, producing the high sliding stresses. It was proposed that tailor-
ing of the grain size and porosity in the interface could reduce the sliding stress to acceptable levels. Fugitive Interfaces

The fugitive interface coating concept relies on the processing of the composite with a carbon coating
in place, which after composite densification can be oxidized away to create a void along the fiber-matrix
interface. In essence, the interface is debonded from the start rather than relying on the stress intensity
at the front of a propagating crack to initiate the interfacial debonding. This interface approach has re-
ceived substantial investigation because of the ease and low cost of depositing carbon coatings by both
sol-gel and CVD processes. Substantial development work has been performed at the Air Force Wright
Laboratory which showed that some load transfer still occurs between the matrix and the fibers even
though the interface is debonded. The amount of load transfer will depend on the thickness of the carbon
coating relative to the roughness of the fiber and the variation in the diameter along the fiber length. The
coating concept also yields composite systems which will likely be limited in their time and temperature of
use since fiber strength degradation may occur over time at points where fibers and matrices are in con-
tact (they must be at places where load transfer occurs). Sintering of the matrix over time will also result
in additional points of contact between fibers and matrix. These possible fiber degradation mechanisms
could be minimized through careful selection of fiber-matrix combinations. This interface concept also

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leaves the fibers exposed to the use atmosphere which could result in fiber degradation under harsh use

These different approaches to interfaces offer a wide range of options in developing an effective coat-
ing approach. Although the basic concepts for an effective interface are obvious, there remain significant
challenges in both the fundamental and practical levels. From a functional perspective, a compliant,
debonding interface coating/layer with moderate sliding stress and high temperature oxidation resistance
is the performance goal. However, the coating will have little practical application unless it can be fabri-
cated on tows and weaves (2-D and 3-D) in a controllable, repeatable, low cost method. The goal of the
interface community is to develop a coating system that has the following properties:

• Controllable bonding to the desired fiber and the designated matrix.

• Tailored mechanical and thermal expansion properties to produce crack deflection and controlled
sliding stress.
• Chemical and mechanical stability in the composite under high temperature (1200°C) oxidiz-
ing/corrosive operational conditions.
• Low compliance to compensate for residual and misfit stresses in the composite.
• Controlled, repeatable, low cost deposition on tow and weave with no fiber bridging with minimal
environmental impact.

3.3.3 Other

Reserved for future use.


3.4.1 General

The aerospace and related industries have a critical need for composite materials that are stronger,
lighter, more durable, corrosion resistant, and perform at elevated temperatures (Reference 3.4.1). Ce-
ramic matrix composites (CMCs) are meeting these requirements through selective design of the fiber,
matrix, and interface control mechanism. The design problem being addressed will define the process,
material system(s), and application specific requirements for the end product. This section addresses a
generalized overview of the fiber forms, how they are used, and where they are commercially available.

3.4.2 Fiber architectures

Fiber material forms include low crimp uniweave, 2-D and 3-D integrally woven shapes, and 2-D/3-D
braided preforms (References 3.4.2(a) and (b)). Each of the general classes above have their own dis-
tinct advantages and disadvantages and are briefly described in Table 3.4.2 (Reference 3.4.2(a). An illus-
tration showing various weave architectures is shown in Figure 3.4.2. The proper use and selection of
fibrous preforms should effect the end application in one or more of the following areas: lower cost, re-
duce joints, reduce fasteners, simplify part design, increase design flexibility, improve impact, and
damage tolerance.

The design flexibility and number of available fiber systems have led to an increased application of
preforms in CMCs. In general, a fiber with a reasonable degree of flexibility and surface lubricity can be
processed. However, as the modulus and fiber diameters increase, some limitations on weaving speeds
and/or fiber radii of a z-directional reinforcement will exist narrowing the fabrication window. Uniweaves

The low crimp uniweaves are a highly unbalanced (~98% warp, ~2% fill) preform used to approximate
the properties of a uni-tape with some of the handling advantages of the fabric. Low crimp uniweaves are

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

used where high in-plane properties are required. The uniweave will also allow significant usage of high
modulus fibers in the warp direction.

TABLE 3.4.2 Preform advantages and disadvantages.

Preform Type Advantages Disadvantages

Uniweave • High In-Plane Properties • Low Transverse and Out-of-
• Good Design Flexibility Plane Properties
• Automated Process • Poor Fabric Stability
2-D Woven Fabric • High In-Plane Properties • Low Transverse and Out-of-
• Excellent Batch-to-Batch Plane Properties
• Often Most Economical Choice
in Balance of Properties
• Good Drapability
• Highly Automated Process
• High Design Flexibility for
Complex Shapes
3-D Woven Fabric • Moderate In-Plane and Out-of- • Limited Off-Axis Properties
Plane Properties
• Good Drapability
• Automated Process
2-D Braided Fabric • Good Balance in Off Axis • Low Out-of-Plane Properties
Properties • Size Limitations
• Good Drapability • Tend to be Limited to
• Complex Parts Axisymmetric Shapes
• Automated Preform Process • High set-up costs
3-D Braided Fabric • Good In-Plane and Out-of- • Slow Preform Process
Plane Properties • Size Limitations
• Good Drapability • Tend to be Limited to
• Highly Automated Process Axisymmetric Shapes
• High Set-Up Costs
• Difficult Reproducibility, i.e.,
Fiber Content 2-D woven architectures

The 2-D woven fabrics are more commonly used where good in-plane properties, drapability, large
area coverage are required. 2-D fabrics are commonly used in fabrication of engine nozzle structure,
thermal protection systems, and other relatively non-complex hardware with relatively low out-of-plane
loading requirements.

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FIGURE 3.4.2 Illustration showing various fiber weave architectures. 3-D architectures

There are basically three types of 3-D preforms currently used and they are polar, orthogonal, and
angle interlock. The three basic fiber directions can be customized forming a continuous structure tai-
lored to specific design requirements. The 3-D structure has excellent damage tolerance, improved shear
property performance, and designed specific strength and stiffness. 3-D polar architectures

Polar preforms include axial, radial, and circumferential fiber orientations. These weaves are used for
applications having a body of revolution (cylinders, throat components, nose tip, exit cones, convergent
and divergent shapes). Non axisymmetric shapes (leading edges, conic/rectangular transitions) can be
made by forming and then slitting the preform to the desired dimensions. 3-D orthogonal architectures

3-D orthogonal preforms are defined by the 90 degrees intersection of all the fibers to one another.
Parts made from this process are typically formed in a billet and then subsequently machined to final di-
mension. These preforms are typically used in relative flat applications (brakes, rotors, and heat sinks). 3-D angle interlock architectures

The 3-D angle interlock preforms are used where part complexity can be reduced by integrally woven
parts such as seals, heat exchangers, stiffeners, truss structures, and related composite inserts (such as
tee clip and pi clip). An application typically allows for some reduction in in-plane properties while improv-
ing the out-of-plane properties. These fiber preforms are commonly used in conjunction with the 2-D

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weaves. The near-net shapes commonly reduce fabrication costs normally associated with laying up mul-
tiple plies of a 2-D fabric. 2-D braided architectures

The 2-D braided preforms are highly automated and a good balance of off-axis properties can be
achieved with the 2-D triaxial configuration (θ + f ). 2-D braided preforms are well suited for complex ap-
plications (aircraft ducting and tubing, aircraft engine containment, propeller blades, missile nose cones,
and satellite components.) 3-D braided architectures

The unique feature of the 3-D braided preform is the ability to provide through the thickness rein-
forcements. The process lends itself to solid and/or hollow inserts and attachment cross sections of vary-
ing geometries (Reference 3.4.2(b)).

3.4.3 Fabric weave and braid manufacturers

A list of ceramic fiber preform manufacturers (2D and 3D weavers and braiders), including locations
and telephone numbers, is given in Table 3.4.3.

TABLE 3.4.3 Weave and braid manufacturers (March 2000).

Preform Manufacturer Location Telephone Number

Albany International Research Co. Mansfield, MA (508) 339-7300
Albany International Techniweave Co Rochester, NH (603) 335-2115
Atlantic Research Corp. Gainesville, VA (703) 754-5000
Bally Ribbon Mills Bally, PA (610) 845-2211
Fabric Development, Inc. Quakertown, PA (215) 536-1420
Fiber Concepts, Inc. Conshohocken, PA (610) 834-3234
Fiber Innovations, Inc. Walpole, MA (508) 660-2622
Fiber Materials, Inc. Biddeford, ME (207) 282-5911
Hexcel Corporation Austin, TX (512) 326-2995
Intec Products, Inc. Anaheim, CA (714) 630-9192
Lydall Manning Ft. Washington, PA (215) 542-2433
3M Ceramic Fiber Products St. Paul, MN (612) 736-3627
Pull-Rope Company, Inc. Colorado Springs, CO (719) 391-1892
Textile Products, Inc. Anaheim, CA (714) 761-0401
Textron Systems Wilmington, MA (978) 657-2961

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Reserved for future use.

3.5.1 External coating functions

Reserved for future use. Environmental protection

Reserved for future use. Thermal management

Reserved for future use. Wear and abrasion

Reserved for future use. Signature control

Reserved for future use. Aerodynamic surface control

Reserved for future use.

3.5.2 Compositions and method of fabrication

Reserved for future use. Compositions and structure

Reserved for future use. Oxide compositions

Reserved for future use. Non-oxide compositions

Reserved for future use. Multilayer coatings

Reserved for future use. Particulate composite coatings

Reserved for future use. Methods of fabrication

Reserved for future use.

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines Chemical vapor deposition

Reserved for future use. Thermal spray

Reserved for future use. Physical vapor deposition

Reserved for future use. Sinter/glaze coatings

Reserved for future use. Diffusion and reaction sintering

Reserved for future use.

3.5.3 Engineering considerations

Reserved for future use. Thermodynamic compatibility

Reserved for future use. Coating process compatibility

Reserved for future use. Mechanical compatibility

Reserved for future use. Thermal expansion match

Reserved for future use. Coating strength

Reserved for future use. Coating adhesion

Reserved for future use. Strain accommodation

Reserved for future use. Residual stresses

Reserved for future use.

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines Component geometry coatability

Reserved for future use. Environmental stability of coating

Reserved for future use.

3.5.4 Examples of external coatings for CMCs

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

3.6.1 Bulk composite

Reserved for future use. Composition

Reserved for future use. Density

Reserved for future use. Porosity

Reserved for future use. Microstructure

Reserved for future use. Defects

Reserved for future use. Other physical

Reserved for future use.

3.6.2 Fibers/reinforcement

Reserved for future use. Composition

Reserved for future use. Density

Reserved for future use.

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines Porosity

Reserved for future use. Microstructure

Reserved for future use. Defects

Reserved for future use. Sizing

Reserved for future use. Slipping

Reserved for future use. Other physical

Reserved for future use.

3.6.3 Matrices

Reserved for future use. Composition

Reserved for future use. Density

Reserved for future use. Porosity

Reserved for future use. Microstructure

Reserved for future use. Defects

Reserved for future use. Other physical

Reserved for future use.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

3.6.4 Interfaces

Reserved for future use. Composition/chemical phase

Reserved for future use.


A variety of non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques are available for detecting both surface and in-
terior flaws in composites. Visual inspection and liquid penetrant methods can be used for identifying sur-
face defects, while more sophisticated techniques are required for detecting internal flaws (i.e. voids, de-
lamination, foreign inclusions, disbonds). These techniques include ultrasonics, radiography, thermogra-
phy, acoustic emission, X-ray and eddy-current testing. The basic principles and procedures for these
methods are covered in the MIL-HDBK-728 series, while more specific information on the theory and in-
terpretation of data can be found in the following:

MIL-HDBK-731 Thermography
MIL-HDBK-732 Acoustic Emission
MIL-HDBK-733 Radiography
MIL-HDBK-787 Ultrasonic

These documents do not discuss the recent advances in NDT techniques, which is currently an active
field of research and development.

Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE), Nondestructive Testing (NDT) and Nondestructive Characterization

(NDC), while having similar meanings, have subtle but different applied results. NDT is a long-standing
subset of NDE and has usually been considered to be the application of one of several well defined NDT
methods: X-ray radiography (usually referred to as Radiographic Testing, RGT), Ultrasonics (often re-
ferred to as ultrasonic testing, UT), eddy current testing (ECT), magnetic particle testing (MPIT), and dye
penetrant testing (PT). (The American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) sponsors and has pro-
fessional level courses in each of these NDT methods for individuals who wish to become "inspectors"
with different levels of expertise)

Historically, the primary application of NDE has been to metals. There are few NDE databases for
ceramic materials - either monolithics or composites. The metals applications have largely been driven
by the inspection requirements for nuclear power plants (mainly stainless steel weldments), coal-fired en-
ergy systems (mainly carbon steel pressure vessels), and petroleum refinery pressure vessels and stor-
age tanks as well as other pressure vessel applications. Standard inspection methods for the various
components and different applications usually specify the level of a certified inspector required to fulfill
that inspection. Insurance companies or warranties by the producer of the component often drives the
inspection requirement level. For ceramic materials, at the present time, there are no generally recog-
nized codes or standards. Thus inspection requirements for advanced ceramics are not well defined.

3.7.1 Needs and requirements

There are four basic NDE/NDC needs/requirements areas:

• No-Go/Go for accept/reject of as-produced components.

• In-service inspection for replace/continue operations decisions.
• Assessment of degree/extent of in-service damage.
• Determination of quality of damaged component repair.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

These four areas apply to stand-alone components and to joints between components.

In the case of CMC materials, for accept/reject for a specific application, the buyer must have estab-
lished appropriate microstructure requirements. Examples of composite microstructure requirements are:

• The acceptable level and variability of porosity.

• acceptable level and variability of density.
• Required thermal properties.
• Size and extent of acceptable composites "defects", such as delaminations, degree and extent of
voids, missing plies, ply drop-offs, and the extent of machining damage.

In-service NDC must be able to detect degree and extent of degradation such as:

• Oxidation of fiber-matrix interface to the extent that such damage would degrade performance.
• On-set and extent of delaminations.
• General degradation such as overall reduced load carrying capacity (for components under load).

It is to be noted in the above comments, that little notice has been given to whether the component
has been fabricated using 2D weave lay-ups or 3D braided structures. There is no database currently,
with the exception of delamination detection, to allow differentiation between 2D lay-ups and 3D braided
structures from an NDE point of view. While the fiber architecture impacts the protocols used and the sig-
nal/noise ratios in the final data, fundamentally, there is no significant difference at this time in the applica-
tion of the NDE/NDC methods.

For the case of joined components, at the current time there is little information at all. What is known
is that for brazed ceramic-ceramic joints, the joint needs to be inspected for:

• Completeness of penetration of the braze,

• Uniformity of the braze penetration, and
• Quality of the interface joint strength.

For NDE/NDC needs/requirements for damage standards, little is currently known about how different
levels of damage affect the mechanical performance in specific CMC systems. Once this is at least ini-
tially assessed, then the requirements for NDC/NDE can be better determined. Using what is now known
for 2D lay-up fiber architectures CMCs at the present time, NDE/NDC methods now under development
(see subsequent sections) have been shown to detect impact damage such as one might expect from
foreign object damage (FOD).

3.7.2 Cost

At the present time, since the NDE/NDC methods have not been totally developed for CMCs, there
has not been any major attempts to transfer NDE CMC technology to the private industry segment that
sells, maintains, and trains for NDE/NDC equipment. Thus, currently, costs of implementing NDE/NDC
methods are not generally established. It is clear is that any NDE/NDC method used must have less than
a 5-10% value added cost per component for accept/reject situations.

3.7.3 Standards

For NDE/NDC data to be quantifiable, standards must be developed. Because of differences in den-
sity, thermal properties, and modulus in different CFCC systems, standards are necessary for each mate-
rial system. Therefore, a significant effort should begin to develop these standards and a part of any con-
tractual work should include the development of NDE/NDC test standards. Standards for thickness, den-
sity, porosity, void size, and extent for size and location of delaminations are needed for single compo-
nents. In joints standards are needed for each joint type whether that is a buttjoint, lap joint, or beveled
joint. Further, standards are needed for each set of materials joined.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

3.7.4 Current methods and status

This section is organized, not by the NDE/NDC method, but by the ceramic characteristics/defects.
The NDE/NDC method which can detect/measure that parameter is then discussed and the status is
given. Currently, there are three (3) basic NDE/NDC methods which have been recently shown to provide
significant information in evaluating CMC materials systems. These methods are:

A. High sensitivity thermal imaging (with 10-12 bit focal plane array CCD detectors) and special
computer software.
B. X-ray imaging (mainly computed Tomographic imaging).
C. Air-coupled ultrasonic methods (especially with 8-bit dynamic range).

It is to be noted that each of these three methods has been applied to:

• SiC/SiC materials systems with both 2D and 3D fiber architectures (using both CG-Nicalon and
Hi-Nicalon) as well as with CVI, PIP, and melt Infiltration processes.
• Al203/Al203 with sol-gel processing and with filament winding/cloth lay-up fiber architectures.
• SiC/Al203 systems with sol-gel processing.
• Joined SiC/SiC materials.

Each of these methods will now be discussed relative to the parameter/characteristic to be de-
tected/measured. Porosity

There are two types of porosity to be detected/measured by NDE/NDC methods: a) distributed open
connected to the surface porosity and b) distributed interior porosity not connected to the surface. In
NDE/NDC evaluations, porosity in a distributed sense must be somehow separated from single large
voids. We define single large voids as defects--not a distributed material characteristic. The amount of
distributed porosity is usually determined by CMC fabricators by weigh and measure methods. This yields
average bulk porosity; sometimes by determining amount of alcohol infusion (assumes that the porosity is
always connected and connected to the surface). This also provides bulk average porosity. Neither of
these methods provide an indication of the spatial distribution of porosity.

There are three NDE/NDC methods which can be used to provide a measure of porosity and two of
these also provide that information with spatial distribution.

• Thermal imaging with image processing

• Ultrasonic with image processing
• Impact acoustic resonance (no spatial distribution) High sensitivity thermal imaging

In high sensitivity thermal imaging, a thermal excitation pulse (using a flash lamp) is provided to the
specimen under study and the resulting thermal response from the specimen is time-sequentially re-
corded by a high sensitivity infrared camera coupled to a computer for data acquisition and data analysis.
The result is a measure of thermal diffusivity which can be related to extent of porosity providing that
there has been some level of calibration. ASTM has standardized a version of this method and commer-
cially available devices using a laser flash for thermal pulse and limited view detectors are being built and
sold. The problem with the commercially available devices is that they are restricted to use of small 1-1
1/2 cm diameter button sized specimens and thus are not useful for full-sized commercial components. Status

There are two protocols to be used with these systems: a) through transmission where the thermal
excitation pulse is on one side of the object and the detector is on the opposite side of the object and b)

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single sided where the thermal excitation pulse and the detector are both placed on the same side of the
object. The classic case and the one approved by ASTM is the through transmission method. However,
because of complex shapes and other limitations, there is a need for one-sided data acquisition. Argonne
National Laboratory and others have developed a complete through transmission system which has been
applied to full scale components ranging in size up to 30 inches. The limit has been on wall thickness. All
components have had wall thicknesses of less that 7 mm with the single exception of a carbon-carbon
brake system which had a wall thickness of 25 mm. Another limitation is material system dependence--
that is oxide-based materials are optically translucent and thus one needs to use some acceptable
method to obtain an optically opaque surface on the thermal impulse side. On turbine engine combus-
tors, where burn-off runs can be used, thin graphite "paints' have been successfully used. Another option
is to "tune" the optical spectrum of the thermal excitation pulse so that there is no in-body absorption of
the light. This requires knowing the optical transmission properties of the CMC materials.

What is not totally developed at this time is the one-sided capability. Problems with proper algorithms
to analyze the data and proper understanding of the thermal pulse details have yet to be fully developed. Ultrasonics with image processing

For ultrasonics with image processing, two ultrasonic transducers are used. One provides an acous-
tic pulse which "inserts" an elastic wave into the materials, and the second transducer with special low-
noise pre-amplifier "receives" the acoustic response from the material under study. As in classic ultra-
sonic inspections, by scanning the two transducers in a raster pattern over a specimen, an "image" of the
acoustic signal is recorded and the strength of that acoustic signal is proportional to the properties of the
materials--one of those properties is porosity as porosity attenuates the elastic pulse propagation.

For many CMC systems that have some moisture sensitivity, there is a desire to not insert these ma-
terials into water baths which is the most common method of ultrasonic testing. Over the past five years,
new technology has allowed the development of air-coupled ultrasonics which does not need any cou-
pling liquid. If the materials of interest were prepared with a range of known porosities, then the ultrasonic
attenuation as a function of porosity for that specific material could be established and a calibration would
have been developed. In the case of PIP materials this has been done. Status

There are two protocols to be used with this method: a) through transmission where the two trans-
ducers are placed on opposite sides of the component under study and b) single-sided (so-called Pitch-
catch) where the two transducers are placed on the same side of the component under study. The more
classic case of ultrasound, where only one transducer is used in a so-called pulse-echo mode, is not valid
for CVI, PIP, and Sol-Gel processed CMC materials because these materials have high attenuations as
far as sound is concerned. Because of the high attenuation in most CMCs, the center frequency of the
transducers used is relatively low, 400khz. In addition, the transducers used are "focused". That means
that the energy of the "sending" transducer is “focused" on the specimen in a fairly small region, about 1
mm square, and the "receiving" transducer is focused to "receive" energy from a fairly small region, also
about 1 mm.
For Melt Infiltrated (MI) SiC CMC materials, immersion in water baths present little if any problem and
it may well be that the classic pulse-echo method for ultrasound may work. In such a case, the center
frequency may also be increased.

In any of these UTS protocols, at this time there is no capability to do contour following and this is
badly needed. This is especially true for the one-sided applications where complex shaped objects do not
allow through transmission type applications. There also are unresolved issues about the attenuation of
CVI, PIP, and Sol-Gel processed materials relative to attenuation as a function of extent of porosity.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines Impact acoustic resonance (“The Ping Test”)

For impact acoustic resonance, a transient impulse is imparted to the specimen under study and the
resulting vibrations in the component are detected by a non-contact high sensitivity capacitive microphone
There is an ASTM standard method for this test (C 1259- Dynamic Young’s Modulus, Shear Modulus, and
Poisson’s Ratio for Advanced Ceramics by Impulse Excitation of Vibration). The J.W. Lemmens Com-
pany manufactures an instrument (GrindO-Sonic) which uses the impulse method for determining the
elastic modulus of standard flex bars. Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and others have developed a
similar system but for use on larger full scale components. The impact is applied by a controlled electro-
dynamic shaker with an instrumented “impact" hammer. The sound/vibration is detected by a high sensi-
tivity capacitance microphone. Both of the analog signals are digitized in a high frequency digitizer and
the resulting digitized signals are analyzed by frequency analysis software packages. By study of the
main acoustic resonance peaks, the specific damping capacity of the specimen can be established, as
well as determination of the amplitude of the main resonant peak. Using these two pieces of information,
correlations between damping capacity and peak amplitude have been related to porosity. The porosity
measurement in this case is an average porosity over the entire component. Status

ASTM has developed a standard test method for use of impact acoustic resonance for determination
of elastic modulus of standard flex bar configurations, assuming isotropic properties. Argonne National
Laboratory (ANL) and others have been trying to develop such systems for larger more complex shapes.
At issue is the need to verify the vibratory mode shapes developing under the impact load such that the
vibratory analytical models are verified and thus the appropriate detected frequency is used in the analy-
sis. For complex shaped structures with complex vibratory patterns this analysis is extremely intricate.
One possible solution, currently being approached, is to use new scanning laser vibrometers with a very
high frequency response, coupled to new analytical software packages that allow detailed vibratory
modes to be established. If this would work, then indeed an indication of the spatial distributions of poros-
ity could be established by this method as well as establishing the reliability of this method for global de-
termination of porosity. Density

There are two density measurements of interest: a) bulk density and b) density distribution (perhaps
even in 3-D). Density is usually measured by CMC fabricators using the Archimedes methods with some
kind of sealant to seal off water (or other fluid) impregnation. However, this calculated porosity value is a
bulk value. There is a need to know the spatial distribution of porosity, since the analysis of CMC compo-
nent performance by finite element analysis requires knowledge of the density and porosity distribution
through the component.

There are two primary NDE/NDC methods to measure density. Each of these methods has the capa-
bility to provide the information in 3-D mapping: a) X-ray imaging (primarily Tomographic) b) Ultrasonic
Methods. X-ray imaging X-ray radiography

Shown in Figure are two conventional radiography images taken from two fully processed
Sylramic /SiC/MI panels. Both panels have an overall dimension of six inches by nine inches and a
nominal thickness of 0.090 inches. The grayscale levels shown in these two images can be correlated
1 1
directly with through-thickness density. For this purpose, a /2-inch by 2 /2-inch radiographic calibration
standard is positioned in the upper left-hand corner of each panel image. The presence of the witness
sample provides a consistent calibration standard that is used to quantitatively assess the relative density
differences between separate panel radiographs. The witness sample is the same Sylramic /SiC/MI
material in a fully dense state. The lightest square in the witness sample radiograph has the same nomi-

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

nal thickness as the panel. The remaining length of the witness sample has sequential 0.005-inch steps
machined into the thickness. These steps provide a quantitative method for converting the grayscale
level in a panel image to a density equivalent. Since both panels have an equivalent and constant thick-
ness, any variation in the grayscale levels are the result of variations in the through-thickness density.
The radiographic image from panel 1 has the uniform appearance associated with what is considered a
good quality panel based on the NDE technique employed. The artifacts in the radiographic image of
panel 2 are typically associated with a lower quality panel. The large dark regions visible in the image for
panel 2 are the result of reductions in the through-thickness density induced by areas of entrained poros-

FIGURE X-ray radiograph taken through a “good” and “bad” composite sample on the
left and right, respectively. X-ray computed tomography

In x-ray computed tomography, an X-ray source and an X-ray detector are coupled (shown is a so-
called 2-Dimensional or area detector). The output of the detector is coupled directly to a very powerful
PC or workstation loaded with sophisticated image processing software. The object under study is placed
on a ratable table, controlled by the computer, between the X-ray source and the detector.

For simple projection X-ray imaging, the strength of the X-rays from the X-ray source is such that the
X-rays penetrate the object and a shadowgraph type image appears on the computer screen. In cases
where the component is a flat or nearly flat plate, then indeed by projecting the image of the component
onto the X-ray detector, a relative correlation can be obtained between density and the gray tones in the
presented image. There would be, however, no distribution of density through the thickness of the plate.

For density mappings of objects of more complexity than simple flat plates, it is necessary to use
computed tomographic imaging. In this case, it is necessary to obtain a sequence of projection images
using the computer controlled table. The set of images (really X-ray attenuation data) are then used to
"reconstruct" cross sections of the object. Because the reconstructed image is obtained from measure-
ments of the relative X-ray attenuation, if properly obtained, the image gray tones can be correlated to
density; and since a 3-D image can be obtained, the density can be determined in 3-D (the use of X-ray
imaging to map density variations is known as X-ray densitometry).

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines

ASTM has also developed guides for X-ray computed tomography (XCT) and now is developing
guides for densitometry applications. Spatial resolution achievable in either method depends upon many
variables. These include the size of the object under study, the specifics of the detector used, the ele-
gance of the software and how careful the calibration of the device was done. Status

There are two protocols to be used for X-ray imaging: a) through transmission projection imaging and
b) computed tomographic imaging (often called CAT scanning). As noted earlier, ASTM has developed
guides for X-ray imaging and recently has developed guides for assessing image quality of X-ray imaging
devices as well as guides for using CAT scanner for densitometry studies. For CMC materials, there is a
need for standards for the densitometry studies and also for very high speed computer codes, as cur-
rently the data acquisition times and image processing times are still too high. Ultrasonics with image processing

The value of ultrasonic imaging can be vastly extended through the use of data processing to analyze
the image information. What is important to state here is that elastic modulus is directly related to density.
If a set of specimens with variations in density alone were developed for all CMC materials, then indeed
ultrasonic attenuation as a function of density could be realized. Through-thickness density analysis is
much more complex and there would need to be a very sophisticated software program developed to
through-the-depth profiling as a function of frequency and then extract the attenuation to get 3-D density. Required thermal properties

CMC materials are usually applied in high temperature environments. Because of this, the distribu-
tion of thermal properties on a single component is very much of interest. Most CMC fabricators today use
the ASTM standard test for measuring thermal properties (thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity) on
specimens to develop the process. As noted earlier, ANL has now developed NDC/NDE systems that
allow full field mapping of thermal properties (diffusivity) on full scale components. Care must be exer-
cised between oxides and non-oxides as noted earlier. Oxides are partially translucent in the infrared and
optical spectrum and care needs to be exercised when data are obtained using infrared methods.

There is only one NDE/NDC method to measure thermal properties -- infrared imaging. This method
and the current status was described earlier. Defect detection

Defects in ceramic matrix composites can be categorized as a) delaminations, b) degree and extent
of voids, c) missing plies and ply drop-offs, and d) extent of machining induced damage. Delaminations

Delaminations occur mainly in 2D cloth lay-up fiber architecture and to lesser extents in filament
wound fiber architectures. Because delaminations occur parallel to the surface, through transmission
X-ray imaging does not detect these defects. However, since delaminations effect heat transfer, as well
as act as significant attenuators to elastic wave propagation, both infrared imaging and ultrasonic meth-
ods can detect delaminations. For complex shaped structures, X-ray CAT scanning is useful and has
been shown to be able to detect delaminations. There is no part size limitations to any of these methods.

Quantification of delaminations is interpreted to mean size and depth-location. By using one-sided

thermal imaging, again if a calibration standard is available, the depth of the delamination can be deter-
mined. The same approach is applicable to air-coupled or water-coupled ultrasonic systems. X-ray CAT
scans provide depth-of-delamination almost by definition.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines Degree and extent of voids

Large voids (usually considered to be greater than 1-2 mm in maximum dimension) can usually be
detected in flat plate shaped specimens by through transmission X-ray imaging (provided the specimen
thickness is not too great (i.e., less than 6 mm thick)). For complex shaped specimens, such large voids
have been demonstrated to be detected by X-ray CAT scanning techniques. While infrared and ultra-
sound would seem to be alternative methods, heat diffusion and scattering of ultrasound, while allowing
detection, do not lend themselves to the direct measurement of voids in the way that the X-ray imaging
systems do. Missing plys

In complex shaped structures where ply lay-ups are necessary for added strength through the addi-
tion of ply layers, the ability to determine whether or not a ply layer is missing is important. Depending
upon the local geometry (i.e., whether there is significant curvature), experience has shown that thermal
imaging using the new 12-bit dynamic range cameras with the proper band pass lens is so sensitive that
the existence of the necessary ply layers can be detected. If the geometry is very complex, then X-ray
CAT scanning may be employed but this has so far not been necessary. Ply drop-offs

When fabricating a complex shaped CMC structure using 2D fiber architectures, there are certain
situations in the lay up of the fabric, where there can be a tendency for ply layers to shift in one direction
or another during fabrication. What this results in is the situation where ply layers do not go all the way to
some desired boundary and you get so-called ply drop-off. From an NDE/NDC point of view this is analo-
gous to missing plies and the same logic applies. Machining induced damage

Depending on the damage tolerance of the CMC, machining damage/defects may or may not be criti-
cal flaws with a direct impact on performance. However, in the majority of cases, machining induced
damage is a surface flaw which can be evaluated by optical or dye penetrant methods, rather than with
the more complex ultrasonic, X-ray, and thermal imaging methods. In-service inspection (ISI) by NDE/NDC

In-service inspection (ISI) will be defined as that inspection procedure (NDC/NDE) such that compo-
nents can be assessed for their status in use. With ISI information, critical decisions can be made
whether or not to continue to operate with that component or to remove and replace the component. For
man-rated applications or for systems which cost down-time, the “replace” decision can be costly/risky,
and the wrong answer can result in severe consequences.

For CMC materials, environmental and cumulative effects of concern are:

• Oxidation of the fiber-matrix interface with known oxidation susceptibility such as pyrolytic carbon
(PC) or Boron Nitride (BN)
• Foreign object damage
• Formation of delaminations
• For CMC joined materials there will be additional concerns as yet unspecified Fiber-matrix interface degradation

While far from being proven at the moment, there are two main candidate NDE/NDC methods with
the potential to detect this type of material degradation: a) impact acoustic resonance, because the
change in local clamping stresses caused by the degradation results in changes in damping capacity as
well as changes in the overall structural stiffness, producing a drop in natural frequency; and b) thermal

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imaging, because the change in fiber-matrix coating changes the thermal conductivity of the material.
Both of these methods require further development and verification. Foreign object damage (FOD) and delaminations

This is a new area under study from a CMC point of view and little NDE/NDC data are available.
However, FOD tends to resemble delaminations with extended damage regions. To date, thermal imag-
ing, air-coupled Ultrasonic and X-ray imaging have shown promise for detecting and quantifying the dam-
age region.

3.7.5 Developing methods

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines


1.6(a) Military Standardization Handbook, Metallic Materials and Elements for Aerospace Vehicle
Structures, MIL-HDBK-5F, 1 November 1990.

1.6(b) DoD/NASA Advanced Composites Design Guide, Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laborato-
ries, Dayton, OH, prepared by Rockwell International Corporation, 1983 (distribution lim-

1.6(c) ASTM E 206, "Definitions of Terms Relating to Fatigue Testing and the Statistical Analysis
of Fatigue Data," 1984 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 3.01, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA,

1.6.2(a) ASTM E 380, "Standard for Metric Practice," 1984 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol
14.01, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1984.

1.6.2(b) Engineering Design Handbook: Metric Conversion Guide, DARCOM P 706-470, July 1976.

1.6.2(c) The International System of Units (SI), NBS Special Publication 330, National Bureau of
Standards, 1986 edition.

1.6.2(d) Units and Systems of Weights and Measures, Their Origin, Development, and Present
Status, NBS Letter Circular LC 1035, National Bureau of Standards, November 1985.

1.6.2(e) The International System of Units Physical Constants and Conversion Factors, NASA Spe-
cial Publication 7012, 1964.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines Brinker, C.J., Clark, D.E., Ulrich, D.R., eds. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. (a) Better Ceram-
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Through Chemistry III, Vol. 121, North-Holland, New York, 1988. Hench, L.L. and Ulrich, D.R., eds. (a) Ultrastructure Processing of Ceramics, Glasses and
Composites, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1984; and (b) Science of Ceramic Chemical
Processing, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986. Mroz, T.J., Jr., and Laughner, J.W., “Microstructures of Mullite Sintered from Seeded Sol-
Gels,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 72 [3], 508-509 (1989). “Toughened Silcomp Composites-Process and Preliminary Properties.”, Krishan L. Luthra,

Raj N. Singh, and Milivoj K. Brun, American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol 72, No. 7, July
1993. P. 79-85. Honeywell Advanced Composites Inc. proposals and reports.] “Composites Engineering Handbook”, Edited by PK Mallick, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1997,
ISBN 0-8247-9304-8. “Ceramic-Matrix Composites”, edited by R Warren, Blackie and Son Ltd, 1992, ISBN 0-
412-02021-1. Yajima, S., Okamur, K., Hayashi, J., and Omori, M., “Synthesis of Continuous SiC Fibers
with High Tensile Strength, “ J. Am. Cer. Soc. 59(7-8): 324-27 (1976). Yajima, S., K., Hayashi, J., and Omori, M., “Continuous Silicon Carbide Fiber of High Ten-
sile Strength,” Chem Lett. 4:931-34 (1975). Yajima, S., Hasegawa, Y., Hhayashi, J., and Iimure, M., “Synthesis of Continuous Silicon
Carbide Fiber. Part 1,” J. Mater. Sci. 13, (12):2569-76 (1978). Hasegawa, Y., Iimure, M., and Yajima, S., “Synthesis of Continuous Silicon Carbide Fiber.
Part 2,” J. Mater. Sci. 15, (3):720-8 (1980). Hasegawa, Y. and Okamura, K., “Synthesis of Continuous Silicon Carbide Fiber. Part 3,”
J. Mater. Sci. 18, (12):3633-48 (1983). Mah, T., Hecht, N., McCullum, D., Hoenigman, J., Kin, H., Lipsit, H., and Katz, A., “Thermal
Stability of SiC Fibers,” J. Mater. Sic., 19 (4):11910201 (1984). Jaskowiak, M. H. and DiCarlo, J. A., “Pressure Effects on the Thermal Stability of Silicon
Carbide Fibers,” J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 72(2):192-7 (1989). Takeda, M., Imai, Y., Ichikawa, H., Ishikawa, T., Kasai, H., Seguchi, T., and Okamura, K.,
“Thermal Stability of the Low Oxygen Silicon Carbide Fibers Derived from Polycarbosi-
lane,” Ceram. Eng. Sic. Proc. 13(7-78):192-7 (1989). Yamamura, T., Ishikawa, T., Shibuya, M., Tamura, M., Nsgawawa, T., and Okamure, K., “A
New Type of Ceramic Matrix Composite Using Si-Ti_C-O Fiber,” Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc.
10(7-8):736-47 (1989). “SiN Ceramics Fiber by Precursor Process”, JPRS-JST-90-017-L, Vol 13, March 1990.

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Volume 5, Part A Introduction and Guidelines Legrow, G.E., Lin, T.F., Lipowitz, J., and Reaoch, R.S., “Ceramics from Hydridopolysi-
lazane,” Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 66(2):363-7 (1987). High Performance Synthetic Fibers for Composites, National Materials Advisory Board,
Report # NMAB-458, National Academy Press, 1992. Carbon Fibers: Formation, Structure, and Properties, L.H. Peebles, Jr. CRC Press, 1998. Advanced Structural Fibers from Precursors: Carbon, Silicon Carbide, Business Communi-
cations Company Incorporated, 1997. Carbon Fibers, Jean-Baptiste Donnet (Editor) Marcel Dekker, 1998.

3.3.1(a) Richerson, D. W., “Ceramic Matrix Composites” Composites Engineering Handbook Ed.
P.K. Mallic, Marcel-Dekker Inc: 983-138. (1997)

3.3.1(b) Zok, F. W., Evans, A. G., Mackin, T. J., “Theory of Fiber Reinforcement,” Handbook on Con-
tinuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites, Ed. R. L. Lehman, S.K. El-Rahaiby,
J. B. Wachtman, Jr., (Purdue Research Foundation, 1995), p. 35-110.

3.3.1(c) Faber, K.T., “Ceramic Composite Interfaces: Properties and Design,” Annual Rev. Materials
Science, 1997 (27):499-524.

3.3.1(d) Kerans, R.J., Hay, R.S., Pagano, N.J., “The Role of the Fiber-Matrix Interface in Ceramic
Composites”, Ceramic Bulletin 68(2): 429-441 (1989) Ceramic Fibers and Coatings, Advanced Materials for the Twenty-First Century, National
Materials Advisory Board, Publication NMAB-494, National Academy Press, 1998. D. Cranmer, "Fiber Coating and Characterization" Ceramic Bulletin, Vol #68, #2, (1989) p.
415-419. J. B. Davis, J. P. A. Lofvander, A. G. Evans, E. Bischoff, M. L. Emiliani, "Fiber Coating Con-

cepts for Brittle-Matrix Composites," J. Amer. Ceramic Soc. Vol 76, #5, (1993), p. 1249-

3.4.1 Karnitz, M.A., et. al., “Continuous Fiber Ceramic Composite Program”, Ceramic Bulletin,
Vol. 70, No. 3, 1991.

3.4.2(a) Bexter, H. B., “Innovative Textile Reinforcement Composite Materials for Aircraft Struc-
tures”, SAMPE Technical Conference, November 4-7, 1996.

3.4.2(b) “Advanced Composites Manufacturing” Edited by Gutowski. 1997, Massachusetts Insti-

tute of Technology, 581 pages. 50 Pages on Processing of Textile Preforms, 57 pages on
Cost, Automation, and Design.

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Volume 5, Part B Design and Supportability



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Reserved for future use.

6.2.1 CMC design guidelines

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6.2.2 Status of CMC design systems

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6.2.3 CMC component design and development

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6.2.4 Design allowables

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Reserved for future use.

6.3.1 Static or creep loads - mechanical, thermal, stress/creep rupture, hot streaks

Reserved for future use.

6.3.2 Low cycle fatigue

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6.3.3 High cycle fatigue

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6.3.4 Thermal cycling

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6.3.5 Thermo-mechanical fatigue

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Volume 5, Part B Design and Supportability


Reserved for future use.

6.4.1 Durability requirements

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6.4.2 Damage tolerance

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Reserved for future use.

6.5.1 Killer tests Environmental conditioning and pre-cracking

Reserved for future use. Loads

Reserved for future use. Step temperature creep at constant stress

Reserved for future use. Step stress creep test at constant temperature

Reserved for future use. Low cycle fatigue test

Reserved for future use. High cycle fatigue test

Reserved for future use.

6.5.2 Configuration shaped coupons

Reserved for future use.

6.5.3 Composite “T” subelements with interlaminar cracks

Reserved for future use.

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Volume 5, Part B Design and Supportability

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6.6.1 Thermally free attachment designs

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6.6.2 Thermally free curled liner

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6.6.3 Thermally free flat liner

Reserved for future use.

6.6.4 Rib-stiffened liners

Reserved for future use.

6.6.5 Composite fastener design

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Reserved for future use.

7.2.1 System engineering and integration

Reserved for future use.

7.2.2 Joining

Reserved for future use.

7.2.3 Inspectability

Reserved for future use.

7.2.4 Repairability

Reserved for future use.

7.2.5 Maintainability

Reserved for future use.

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Volume 5, Part B Design and Supportability

7.2.6 Environmental compliance

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7.2.7 Support implementation

Reserved for future use.

7.2.8 Logistics requirements

Reserved for future use.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing



This chapter provides guidelines for the experimental thermo-mechanical-physical characterization
and its subsequent documentation for ceramic matrix composites and their constituents within MIL-HDBK-
17. Recommended standardized test methods, test parameters, and test matrices for a number of uses
are presented and discussed.

8.1.1 Building block approach

Analysis alone is generally not considered adequate for substantiation of composite structural de-
signs. Instead, the “building-block” approach to design development testing is used in concert with analy-
sis. This approach is often considered essential to the qualification/certification of composite structures
because of the sensitivity of composites to out-of-plane loads, multiplicity of failure modes, environmental
influences, and the lack of widely accepted/applicable analytical models/methodologies.

The building-block approach may be used to establish time-dependent environmental compensation

values applied to full-scale tests under ambient conditions, as it is often impractical to conduct these tests
under the actual environment, moisture, and temperature of the intended use. Lower-level tests may jus-
tify these environmental compensation factors. Similarly other building block tests may determine trunca-
tion approaches for cyclic mechanical fatigue, and cyclic thermal fatigue as well as compensation for fa-
tigue scatter at the full scale level.

The building block approach is shown schematically in Figure 8.1.1 and may be summarized in the
following steps:

1. Generate material basis values and preliminary design allowables.

2. Based on the design/analysis of the structure, select critical areas for subsequent test verification.
3. Determine the most strength-critical failure mode for each design feature.
4. Select the test environment that will produce the strength-critical failure mode. Special attention
should be given to constituent-sensitive failure modes (such as oxidation of interphase, recession
of matrix, or degradation of fiber) and potential “hot-spots” caused by out-of-plane forces or stiff-
ness tailored designs.
5. Design and test a series of test specimens, each one of which simulates a single selected failure
mode and loading condition, compare to analytical predictions and adjust analysis models or de-
sign allowable as necessary.
6. Design and conduct increasingly more complicated tests that evaluate more complicated loading
scenarios with the possibility of failure from several potential failure modes. Compare to analyti-
cal predictions and adjust analysis models as necessary.
7. Design (including compensation factors, if necessary) and conduct, as required, full-scale com-
ponent static and fatigue testing for final validation of internal forces and structural integrity. Com-
pare to analysis.

8.1.2 Test level and data uses

Testing activities can be defined in two basic ways: Structural Complexity Level and Data Application
Category. The classes within each are discussed in more detail in the following sections and can be used
to map large-scale testing programs to aid in test planning.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

FIGURE 8.1.1 The “pyramid” of tests in the “building-block” approach. Structural complexity levels

The five structural complexity levels are each geometry or form based: constituent, mini-composite,
bulk-composite, structural element and structural subcomponent. The material form(s) to be tested and
the relative emphasis place on each level, should be determined early in the material data development
planning process and will likely depend on many factors, including: manufacturing process, structural ap-
plication, corporate/organizational practices, and/or the procurement or certification agency. While a sin-
gle level may suffice in rare instances, most applications require at least two levels and it is common to
use all five in a complete implementation of the building-block approach. Regardless of the structural
complexity level selected, physical, chemical, and processing aspects of the fiber, interphase, matrix are
necessary to support thermo-mechanical-physical property test results. Each procurement or certification
agency has specific minimum requirements and guidelines for use of data. Users of MIL-HDBK-17 are
advised to coordinate with the procuring or certifying agency before planning and conducting any testing
that supports structural qualification or certification.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

The five structural complexity levels cover the following areas:

Constituent Testing – This evaluates the individual properties of fibers, fiber forms, interphases, ma-
trices, and overcoats. Key properties may include density, strength, or stiffness.

Mini-Composite Testing - This evaluates the properties of the fiber, interphase, and matrix in the com-
posite material form, but often limited to single yarn rather than lamina of fabric. Key properties may
include matrix cracking, fiber debonding, environmental effects.

Bulk-Composite Testing - This evaluates the response of the composite material in a given lay-up
(stacked textile plies, or stacking unidirectional laminas, etc.) Key properties include proportional limit
behavior, ultimate strength, elastic constants.

Structural Element Testing - This evaluates the ability of the material to tolerate common bulk com-
posite discontinuities. Key properties include open hole tension/compression, notched ten-
sion/compression, joint shear/bearing and interlaminar response.

Structural Subcomponent (or higher) Testing - This testing evaluates the behavior and failure mode of
increasingly more complex structural elements. These are application specific and are not specifically
covered in MIL-HDBK-17. Data application categories

Material property testing can also be grouped by data application into one or more of the following
four categories: screening, qualification, acceptance and equivalence. The starting point for testing most
material systems is usually material screening. Material systems intended for used in engineering hard-
ware are subjected to further screening to obtain additional data. The four data application categories are
described as follows. Screening tests

This is the assessment of candidate materials for a given application, often with particular applica-
tion/environment/component in mind. The purpose of screening is initial evaluation of new material sys-
tems under worst case environmental and loading test conditions. Guidelines for these so-called “killer
tests” are provided in MIL-HDBK-17. The MIL-HDBK-17 screening test matrix provides values for various
strength, moduli and physical properties and is designed to eliminate deficient material systems from the
material selection process and to reveal promising new material systems before planning subsequent,
more in-depth, evaluations. Material qualification tests

This step proves the ability of a given material/process to meet the requirements of a material specifi-
cation. It is also the process of establishing the original specification requirement values. Rigorous mate-
rial qualification testing considers the statistics of the data and is ideally a subset of, or directly related to,
the design allowable testing performed to satisfy structural substantiation requirements. (However, while
a material may be qualified to a given specification, it still must be approved for use in each specific appli-
cation.) The objective is quantitative assessment of the variability of key material properties leading to
various statistics that are used to establish material acceptance, equivalence, quality control, and design
basis values. Since there are various sampling and statistical approaches used within the industry, the
approach used must be explicitly defined. While a generic B-basis value can be obtained many ways, a
fully-approved MIL-HDBK-17 B-basis value carries with it a specific sampling and statistical determination
process and emphasizes additional considerations like test methodology, failure mode and data docu-

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Acceptance tests

This is the task of verifying material consistency through periodic sampling of material product and
evaluation of key material properties. Test results from small sample sizes are statistically compared with
control values established from prior testing to determine whether or not the material production process
has changed significantly. Equivalence tests

This task assesses the equivalence of an alternate material to a previously characterized material,
often for the purposes of utilizing an existing material property data base. The objective is evaluation of
key properties for test populations large enough to provide a definitive conclusion, but small enough to
provide significant cost savings as compared to generating an entirely new data base. A significant use
includes evaluation of possible second source of supply for a previously qualified material. However the
most common uses of this process are: 1) evaluation of minor constituent, constituent processing or fab-
rication processing changes for a qualified material system; and 2) substantiation of previously estab-
lished MIL-HDBK-17 basis values.


8.2.1 Overview

A matrix is shown in Table 8.2.1 that can be used in test planning for large-scale testing programs.
The material property tests from structural complexity levels and data application categories are listed on
the axes of the array with each intersecting cell describing a distinct testing activity (though certain com-
binations will rarely be used). Groups of cells can be used to summarize the scope of entire building
block testing programs. The array shown in Table 8.2.1 illustrates a common (but by no means universal)
testing sequence in the substantiation of a composite-based aerospace structural application. The se-
quence begins with the cells at the upper left of the array and proceeds with time, toward the cell at the
lower right with the numbered notes indicating the approximate order of the sequence.

TABLE 8.2.1 Test program definition.

Structural Data Application Categories

Complexity Material Material Quali- Material Material
Level Screening fication Acceptance Equivalence
Constituent 1 - -
Mini Composite 2 4
Bulk Composite - 5 7
Structural Element 3 6 8
Structural Subcomponent - 9

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

8.2.2 Baseline and alternate approaches for statistically-based properties

Reserved for future use.

8.2.3 Issues of data equivalence

Reserved for future use.

8.2.4 Test method selection

Reserved for future use.

8.2.5 Population sampling and sizing

Reserved for future use.

8.2.6 Material and processing variation

Reserved for future use.

8.2.7 Material operating limit

Reserved for future use.

8.2.8 Non ambient testing

Reserved for future use.

8.2.9 Data normalization

Reserved for future use.

8.2.10 Data documentation

Reserved for future use.

8.2.11 Application specific testing needs

Reserved for future use.


8.3.1 Material screening

The objective of the screening process is to reveal attributes and/or inadequacies of key properties
and performance of new candidate material systems, while keeping testing to a minimum. The screening
process identifies, for a particular composite material system, the critical test and environmental condi-
tions as well as any other special considerations. Proper test matrix design enables comparison with cur-
rent production material systems.

The general approach to design of a screening test matrix is selection of key static tests that provide
sufficient data to assess mean values of stiffness and strength at both mini and bulk composite levels.
The mini composite level tests provide intrinsic material stiffness and strength properties commonly used
in ceramic composite micro mechanical models including tension, compression and shear loading. The
bulk composite level tests provide screening strength data on application issues relating to stress discon-

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

tinuities, such as transition radii and notches. Baseline tests are performed under ambient conditions.
However, “killer tests” are performed under critical controlled environment conditions in order to quickly
reveal inadequacies of the material system.

An example of a mechanical property screening test matrix is shown in Table 8.3.1. Under extreme
environments, additional factors may have to be considered as discussed in subsequent sections. Sensi-
tivity to exposure of operational conditions and other special issues may justify additional special tests in
the screening evaluation.

TABLE 8.3.1 Example of a material screening matrix for static strength.

Test Number of Test Specimens Evaluation

Room Temp. High Temp
Ambient Environment
Mini Composite:
Tension 3 3 fiber
Compression 3 3 fiber/matrix
Shear 3 3 interphase

Bulk Composite:
Open Hole Compression 3 3 stress raiser
Compression after Impact 3 3 damage
Notched Tension 3 3 stress riser

8.3.2 Material qualification

Recommended thermal, mechanical, and physical property test matrices are based on replicate tests
conducted across batches of materials (see Tables 8.3.2(a) and (b)). For thermal and physical properties,
at least three replicate tests are to be conducted across at least five batches to provide for the paramet-
ric/nonparametric analysis when determining B-basis properties. For mechanical properties, at least six
replicate tests are to be conducted across at least five batches to provide for the paramet-
ric/nonparametric analysis when determining B-basis properties. Fewer replicates or batches may be
acceptable if agreed to between contractor and the procuring agency.

8.3.3 Material acceptance test matrices

Reserved for future use.

8.3.4 Alternate material equivalence test matrices

Reserved for future use.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE 8.3.2(a) Example of a material qualification matrix for thermal/physical properties.

Thermal/Physical Test Number of Tests Number of Tests Number of

Property Methods per Batch for each per Batch for each Tests
Test Condition Test Condition
See Handbook Room Temp. High Temp
Section Ambient Environment
Fiber Volume 3 N/A 15
Matrix Volume 3 N/A 15
Density 3 N/A 15
Diffusivity 3 N/A 15
Expansion 3 N/A 15
Specific Heat 3 N/A 15

TABLE 8.3.2(b) Example of a material qualification matrix for mechanical properties.

Mechanical Test Number of Tests Number of Tests Number of

Property Methods per Batch for each per Batch for each Tests
Test Condition Test Condition
See Handbook Room Temp. High Temp
Section Ambient Environment
In-plane Tension 9.4.2 6 6 60
Trans-thickness 9.4.2 6 6 60
Compression 9.4.2 6 6 60
In-plane Shear 9.4.2 6 6 60
Interlaminar Shear 9.4.2 6 6 60

8.3.5 Generic material/structural element test matrices

Reserved for future use.

8.3.6 Alternate approaches to basis values

Reserved for future use.

8.3.7 Data substantiation for use of MIL-HDBK-17 basis values

Reserved for future use.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing


8.4.1 Introduction

Reserved for future use.

8.4.2 Layer properties from composites

Reserved for future use.

8.4.3 Data normalization

Data analysis is performed on thermal, physical and mechanical test data for a variety of reasons that
include determination of multi-batch statistics and statistically-based property values (allowables), com-
parison of materials from different sources, material selection, evaluation of processing parameters and
quality assurance evaluation. Such calculations or direct comparisons may not be valid if test specimens
with different fiber volume contents are tested. Normalization is a procedure for adjusting raw test values
to a single (specified) fiber volume content. The following subsections discuss the theory, methodology
and practical application of normalization. Normalization theory

Properties that are dominated by the properties of the reinforcing fibers are dependent on the volume
fraction of the fiber in the composite. For example, in the commonly used “rule of mixture” model, zero
degree in-plane tensile strength of a unidirectionally reinforced composite is assumed equal to the matrix
tensile strength at 0% fiber volume and equal to the fiber strand tensile strength at 100% fiber volume.
Neglecting the effects of porosity, the relationship between fiber volume fraction and ultimate tensile
strength is, therefore, linear over the entire range of fiber/matrix ratios. This follows for the fact that vol-
ume percent fiber is the same as the area percent fiber in the test specimen cross section. Tensile
modulus is expected to follow the same behavior. Thus, test specimens having different volume contents
have fiber dominated properties that vary linearly with fiber volume fraction.

Two factors can cause composite fiber volume fraction to vary: 1) the amount of matrix present rela-
tive to the amount of fiber (matrix fraction) and 2) the amount of porosity (void volume). These factors
give rise to changes in fiber volume fraction from material-to-material, batch-to-batch, panel-to-panel and
even test specimen to test specimen within a panel. In order to perform data analysis that compares ma-
terials, batches, panels or test specimens, the data for fiber-dominated properties must be adjusted to a
common fiber volume fraction. If this is not done, an additional source of variability will be included in the
data that might lead to erroneous conclusions. The process of data normalization attempts to remove or
reduce this source of variability. Normalization methodology

Since, in theory, fiber-dominated strength and stiffness properties vary linearly with fiber volume frac-
tion, an obvious first approach would be to determine the actual fiber volume fractions of the test speci-
mens by an appropriate method and to adjust raw data values by the ratio of a common fiber volume frac-
tion (chosen or specified) to the actuals as shown in Equation

Normalized value = Test value ×

where FVnormalizing is the chosen fiber content (volume fraction or %) and FVspecimen is the actual fiber
content (volume fraction or %).

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

Although this would appear to be the most direct approach, it has limitations. The most serious defi-
ciency is that fiber volume is not commonly measured for each individual test specimen. At best, repre-
sentative pieces from each test panel are used to estimate the average panel fiber volume fraction.

A preferred method of data normalization employs an approach that accounts for the fiber volume
variation between individual test specimens. The basis of this method is the relationship between fiber
volume fraction and final ply thickness. As stated earlier, fiber volume fraction is a function of matrix con-
tent and void content. At a given void content, fiber volume fraction is entirely dependent upon matrix con-
tent. Furthermore, for a given void content and fiber areal weight, panel thickness (and hence ply thick-
ness) is also dependent only upon matrix content. Thus, it follows that final ply thickness is solely de-
pendent upon fiber volume fraction for constant fiber areal weight and void content. This dependency
permits normalization of each individual test specimen by its ply thickness (total thickness divided by
number of plies). An example of this relationship between final ply thickness and fiber volume fraction
(which is virtually linear within the 0.45 to 0.65 fiber volume fraction range of usual interest for structural
composites) is shown in Figure

FIGURE Example of correlation of final ply thickness with fiber volume fraction.

A somewhat involved derivation gives a relation for normalizing individual test specimens such that:

FAWno min al CPTspecimen

Normalized value = Test value × ×
FAWspecimen CPTnormalizing

where FAWno min al is the nominal fiber areal weight from a material specification or other source,
FAWspecimen is the test specimen actual fiber areal weight, CPTnormalizing is the cured ply thickness corre-
sponding to normalizing fiber volume fraction, and CPTspecimen is the cured ply thickness of the test speci-
men (i.e., test specimen thickness divided by the number of plies).

Equation can be transformed to a simpler form if CPTnormalizing is not calculated and the
assumption is made that the fiber areal weight does not vary greatly within a batch of material. Thus, it
can be assumed that FAWspecimen can be approximated as the batch fiber areal weight, FAWbatch :

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

Normalized value = Test value × × ρ f × CPTspecimen

where ρ f is the fiber density (mass/volume). Practical application of normalization theory

Common practice is to normalize fiber-dominated properties (both unnotched and notched for me-
chanical properties) for composites fabricated from unidirectional laminates, multi-directional fabrics, and
rovings (i.e., windings). Although fiber volume effects on various matrix-dominated properties (in-plane
and interlaminar shear or trans-thickness tensile, for example) have been observed, there is no clear
model for these effects, and such properties are not normalized. Generally in MIL-HDBK-17, normalized
values are presented for all mechanical strength and stiffness properties except: 90° (transverse) tension
and compression of unidirectional laminates, interlaminar (3- or z-direction) tension, interlaminar shear, in-
plane shear, short beam strength, bearing, bearing/bypass, strain energy release rate, and Poisson's ra-

Laminates fabricated from rovings and similar forms using a winding process present a unique situa-
tion relative to normalization. Such constructions do not have plies in the usual sense: the wound "ply"
thickness depends upon tow band width, wind spacing, and tow spread during winding. Since nominal ply
thickness and fiber areal weight are not directly applicable, normalization by ply thickness and fiber areal
weight is not possible. Test data for these materials must be normalized using the ratio of normalizing fi-
ber volume fraction to the average measured panel fiber volume fraction.

When fiber-dominated properties are normalized, data scatter should decrease compared to the un-
normalized values since variability due to fiber volume fraction differences is being reduced. Thus, coeffi-
cients of variation should be lower after normalization. However, this is not always observed, and there
are a number of reasons why the reduction in scatter expected from normalization is not invariably real-

1. If measured ply thicknesses are close to the normalizing thickness and the fiber areal weight is
close to nominal, correction factors will be small, and may be nearly the same magnitude as er-
rors in measuring these quantities.

2. The mode of failure initiation may change as a function of fiber volume. As an example, meas-
ured (unnormalized) compression strength may increase as fiber volume fraction increases over
a given range. However, at some point additional fiber may not increase strength because the
ability of the matrix to support the fibers has been exceeded, and a stability failure occurs on a
macro scale. In this case, the relationship between strength and fiber volume breaks down, and
data scatter is not necessarily reduced by normalization.

3. Flaws in test specimens might cause premature failures. If some specimens fail because of flaws
and others at the true material limit, results of normalization will not be predictable.

4. If the coefficient of variation is already small (less than 3%, for example), further reduction as a
result of normalization should not be expected, since this level of variability is about the minimum
usually observed for most composite properties.

No change in data scatter after normalization is usually not a cause for concern. However, if data
scatter increases significantly after normalization, the reason should be investigated.

8.4.4 Data documentation requirements

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This section is divided into three major subsections: Thermal, Mechanical, and Physical. Each sub-
section is further sub-divided into sub subsections for each type of test method. Finally, contained in each
sub subsection are references to and summaries of test methods for both bulk CMCs and each of the
major constituents: fiber, matrix, interphase, and overcoat. The specific national and international full-
consensus test method for each type of test is listed and the test parameters for each test method are
prescribed for qualifying materials for inclusion in MIL-HDBK-17.

9.4.1 Thermal

Thermal test methods include those which relate directly to thermal properties which directly influence
a material's design use. In particular, conductivity, diffusivity, expansion, specific heat, thermal shock, and
thermal fatigue are highlighted. Conductivity

There are no national or international standards for thermal conductivity of bulk CMCs or their con-
stituents. Bulk CMC

There are no national or international standards for thermal conductivity of bulk CMCs. Matrix

There are no national or international standards for thermal conductivity of CMC matrices. Fiber

There are no national or international standards for thermal conductivity of CMC fibers. Interphase

There are no national or international standards for thermal conductivity of CMC interphases.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Overcoat

There are no national or international standards for thermal conductivity of CMC overcoats. Diffusivity

The only national or international standard for thermal diffusivity of CMCs has been developed for
bulk CMCs only. Bulk CMC

The only national or international standard for thermal diffusivity of CMCs has been developed by
CEN for bulk CMCs only. An overview of CEN ENV 1159-2 "Thermal Diffusivity of Continuous Fiber Rein-
forced Ceramic Composites” (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE CEN ENV 1159-2 “Thermal Diffusivity of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Matrix

There are no national or international standards for thermal diffusivity of CMC matrices. Fiber

There are no national or international standards for thermal diffusivity of CMC fibers. Interphase

There are no national or international standards for thermal diffusivity of CMC interphases. Overcoat

There are no national or international standards for thermal diffusivity of CMC overcoats. Expansion

The only national or international standard for thermal expansion of CMCs has been developed for
bulk CMCs only. Bulk CMC

The only national or international standard for thermal expansion of CMCs has been developed by
CEN for bulk CMCs only. An overview of CEN ENV 1159-1 "Thermal Expansion of Continuous Fiber Re-
inforced Ceramic Composites" (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE CEN ENV 1159-1 “Thermal Expansion of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Matrix

There are no national or international standards for thermal expansion of CMC matrices. Fiber

There are no national or international standards for thermal expansion of CMC fibers. Interphase

There are no national or international standards for thermal expansion of CMC interphases. Overcoat

There are no national or international standards for thermal expansion of CMC overcoats. Specific heat

The only national or international standard for specific heat of CMCs has been developed for bulk
CMCs only. Bulk CMC

The only national or international standard for specific heat of CMCs has been developed by CEN for
bulk CMCs only. An overview of CEN ENV 1159-3 "Specific Heat of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ce-
ramic Composites” (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE CEN ENV 1159-3 “Specific Heat of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE CEN ENV 1159-3 “Specific Heat of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites” (cont’d).

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Matrix

There are no national or international standards for specific heat of CMC matrices. Fiber

There are no national or international standards for specific heat of CMC fibers. Interphase

There are no national or international standards for specific heat of CMC interphases. Overcoat

There are no national or international standards for specific heat of CMC overcoats. Thermal shock

There are no national or international standards for thermal shock of bulk CMCs or their constituents. Bulk CMC

There are no national or international standards for thermal shock of bulk CMCs. Matrix

There are no national or international standards for thermal shock of CMC matrices. Fiber

There are no national or international standards for thermal shock of CMC fibers. Interphase

There are no national or international standards for thermal shock of CMC interphases. Overcoat

There are no national or international standards for thermal shock of CMC overcoats. Thermal fatigue

There are no national or international standards for thermal fatigue of bulk CMCs or their constituents. Bulk CMC

There are no national or international standards for thermal fatigue of bulk CMCs. Matrix

There are no national or international standards for thermal fatigue of CMC matrices. Fiber

There are no national or international standards for thermal fatigue of CMC fibers.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Interphase

There are no national or international standards for thermal fatigue of CMC interphases. Overcoat

There are no national or international standards for thermal fatigue of CMC overcoats.

9.4.2 Mechanical

Mechanical test methods include those which relate to mechanical properties which directly influence
a material's design use. In particular, tension, compressive, shear, flexure, and fracture of flat plates are
highlighted. Tension

Numerous tensile test methods exist for CMCs and their constituents. These include those for in-
plane and trans-thickness, monotonic strength (ambient and elevated temperatures), cyclic fatigue (ambi-
ent and elevated temperatures), and creep. The following sections contain specifics about test methods
required to qualify CMC materials for inclusion in MIL-HDBK-17. Bulk CMC

The following list of test methods and corresponding tables contain specific test parameters to be
used for tensile testing bulk CMCs. In-plane monotonic tensile strength (ambient temperature)

In-plane monotonic tensile strength (ambient temperature): ASTM C 1275-95 "Standard Test Method
for Monotonic Tensile Strength Testing of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics with Solid
Rectangular Cross Sections at Ambient Temperatures" (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE ASTM C1275-95 “Standard Test Method for Monotonic Tensile Strength Testing of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced
Advanced Ceramics with Solid Rectangular Cross Sections at Ambient Temperatures”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing In-plane monotonic tensile strength (elevated temperature)

In-plane monotonic tensile strength (elevated temperature): ASTM C 1359-97 "Standard Test Method
for Monotonic Tensile Strength Testing of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics with Solid
Rectangular Cross Sections at Elevated Temperatures" (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE ASTM C1359-97 “Standard Test Method for Monotonic Tensile Strength Testing of Continuous Fiber Reinforced
Advanced Ceramics with Solid Rectangular Cross Sections at Elevated Temperatures”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Trans-thickness monotonic tensile strength (ambient temperature)

Trans-thickness monotonic tensile strength (ambient temperature): no standard currently exists. Trans-thickness monotonic tensile strength (elevated temperature)

Trans-thickness monotonic tensile strength (elevated temperature): no standard currently exists. Cyclic fatigue (ambient temperature)

Cyclic fatigue (ambient temperature): ASTM C 1360-97 "Standard Practice for Constant-Amplitude,
Axial, Tension-Tension Cyclic Fatigue of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics at Ambient
Temperatures" (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE ASTM C1360-97 “Standard Practice for Constant-Amplitude, Axial, Tension-Tension Cyclic Fatigue of Continuous
Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperature”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Cyclic fatigue (elevated temperature)

Cyclic fatigue (elevated temperature): no standard currently exists. Creep

Creep: ASTM C 1337-96 "Standard Test Method for Creep and Creep Rupture of Continuous Fiber-
Reinforced Advanced Ceramics under Tensile Loading" (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE ASTM C1337-96 “Standard Test Method for Creep and Creep Rupture of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Advanced
Ceramics under Tensile Loading”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Matrix

There are no national or international standards for tensile testing of CMC matrices. Fiber

The following list of test methods and corresponding tables contain specific test parameters to be
used for tensile testing CMC fibers. Monotonic tensile strength (ambient temperature)

Monotonic tensile strength (ambient temperature): ASTM D 3379-75 "Standard Test Method For Ten-
sile Strength and Young's Modulus for High-Modulus Single-Filament Materials" (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE ASTM D 3379-75 “Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength and Young’s Modulus for High-Modulus Single-
Filament Materials.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Monotonic tensile strength (elevated temperature)

Monotonic tensile strength (elevated temperature): no standard currently exists. Interphase

There are no national or international standards for tensile testing of CMC interphases. Overcoat

There are no national or international standards for tensile testing of CMC overcoats. Compression

Few compressive test methods exist for CMCs and their constituents. These include in-plane mono-
tonic strength (ambient and elevated temperatures). Eventually they will include in-plane and trans-
thickness, monotonic strength (ambient and elevated temperatures), cyclic fatigue (ambient and elevated
temperatures), and creep. The following sections contain specifics about test methods required to qualify
materials for inclusion in MIL-HDBK-17. Bulk CMC

The following list of test methods and corresponding tables contain specific test parameters to be
used for compression testing bulk CMCs. In-plane monotonic compressive strength (ambient temperature)

In-plane monotonic compressive strength (ambient temperature): ASTM C 1258-97 "Standard Test
Method for Monotonic Compressive Strength Testing of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics
with Solid Rectangular Cross Sections at Ambient Temperatures" (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE ASTM C1258-97 “Standard Test Method for Monotonic Compressive Strength Testing of Continuous Fiber
Reinforced Advanced Ceramics with Solid Rectangular Cross Sections at Ambient Temperatures”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Matrix

There are no national or international standards for compressive testing of CMC matrices. Fiber

There are no national or international standards for compressive testing of CMC fibers. Interphase

There are no national or international standards for compressive testing of CMC interphases. Overcoat

There are no national or international standards for compressive testing of CMC overcoats. Shear

Several shear test methods exist for CMCs and their constituents. These include in-plane and inter-
laminar shear strength (ambient temperatures). Eventually they will include in-plane and interlaminar
shear strength at elevated temperatures as well as interfacial shear strength at both ambient and ele-
vated temperatures. The following sections contain specifics about test methods required to qualify mate-
rials for inclusion in MIL-HDBK-17. Bulk CMC

The following list of test methods and corresponding tables contain specific test parameters to be
used for shear testing bulk CMCs. In-plane monotonic shear strength (ambient temperature)

In-plane monotonic shear strength (ambient temperature): ASTM C 1292-95 "Standard Test Method
for Shear Strength of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperatures" (see

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE ASTM C1292-95 “Standard Test Method for In-Plane (Iosipescu) Shear Strength of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced
Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperatures”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing In-plane monotonic shear strength (elevated temperature)

In-plane monotonic shear strength (elevated temperature): no standard exists. Interlaminar monotonic shear strength (ambient temperature)

Interlaminar monotonic shear strength (ambient temperature): ASTM C 1292-95 "Standard Test
Method for Shear Strength of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Tempera-
tures" (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE ASTM C1292-95 “Standard Test Method for Interlaminar (Double-Notch Compression) Shear Strength of
Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperatures”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Interlaminar monotonic shear strength (elevated temperature)

Interlaminar monotonic shear strength (elevated temperature): no standard exists. Matrix

There are no national or international standards for shear testing of CMC matrices. Fiber

There are no national or international standards for shear testing of CMC fibers. Interphase

There are no national or international standards for shear testing of CMC interphases. Overcoat

There are no national or international standards for shear testing of CMC overcoats. Flexure

Several flexural test methods exist for CMCs and their constituents. These include monotonic flexural
and shear strength (ambient and elevated temperatures). Eventually they will include cyclic fatigue both
at ambient and elevated temperatures as well as creep. The following sections contain specifics about
the test methods required to qualify materials for inclusion in MIL-HDBK-17. Bulk CMC

The following list of test methods and corresponding tables contain specific test parameters to be
used for flexural testing bulk CMCs. Monotonic flexural strength (ambient temperature)

Monotonic flexural strength (ambient temperature): ASTM C 1341-95 "Standard Test Method for
Flexural Properties of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics" (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE ASTM C1341-95 “Standard Test Method for Flexural Properties of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced
Ceramics” (Ambient Temperatures).

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE ASTM C1341-95 “Standard Test Method for Flexural Properties of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced
Ceramics” (Ambient Temperatures) (contd.).

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Monotonic flexural strength (elevated temperature)

Monotonic flexural strength (elevated temperature): ASTM C 1341-95 "Standard Test Method for
Flexural Properties of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics" (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE ASTM C1341-95 “Standard Test Method for Flexural Properties of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced
Ceramics” (Elevated Temperature).

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE ASTM C1341-95 “Standard Test Method for Flexural Properties of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced
Ceramics” (Elevated Temperature (contd.)).

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Monotonic shear strength (ambient temperature)

Monotonic shear strength (ambient temperature): CEN ENV 658-5 "Shear Strength (3-point) of Con-
tinuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites" (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE CEN ENV 658-5 “Shear Strength (3-point) of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Matrix

There are no national or international standards for flexural testing of CMC matrices. Fiber

There are no national or international standards for flexural testing of CMC fibers. Interphase

There are no national or international standards for flexural testing of CMC interphases. Overcoat

There are no national or international standards for flexural testing of CMC overcoats. Fracture

There are no national or international standards for fracture of bulk CMCs or their constituents. Even-
tually test methods will include those for in-plane, interlaminar, time-dependent and crack growth fracture
at both ambient and elevated temperatures. Bulk CMC

There are no national or international standards for fracture testing of bulk CMCs. Matrix

There are no national or international standards for fracture testing of CMC matrices. CMC fiber

There are no national or international standards for fracture testing of CMC fibers. CMC interphase

There are no national or international standards for fracture testing of CMC interphases. CMC overcoats

There are no national or international standards for fracture testing of CMC overcoats.

9.4.3 Physical

Physical test methods include those which relate directly to those attributes which directly influence
the non-thermal or mechanical aspects of a material and are inherent to the material. In particular, den-
sity, electrical, elastic constants, volume fraction, and dimensional aspects are highlighted. Density

The only national or international standards for density of CMCs has been developed for bulk CMCs
and fibers.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Bulk CMC

The only national or international standard for density of bulk CMCs is CEN ENV 1389 "Density of
Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites” (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE CEN ENV 1389 “Density of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Matrix

There are no national or international standards for density of CMC matrices. Fiber

The only national or international standard for density of CMC fibers has been developed by CEN.
An overview of ENV 1007-2 "Linear Mass of Fibers for Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Compos-
ites" along with specific test parameters for qualifying materials is contained in Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE CEN ENV 1007-2 “Linear Mass of Fibers for Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Interphase

There are no national or international standards for density of CMC interphases. Overcoat

There are no national or international standards for density of CMC overcoats. Electrical

There are no national or international standards for electrical properties of bulk CMCs or their con-
stituents. Bulk CMC

There are no national or international standards for electrical properties of bulk CMCs. Matrix

There are no national or international standards for electrical properties of CMC matrices. Fiber

There are no national or international standards for electrical properties of CMC fibers. Interphase

There are no national or international standards for electrical properties of CMC interphases. Overcoat

There are no national or international standards for electrical properties of CMC overcoats. Elastic constants

There are no national or international standards for elastic constants of bulk CMCs or their constitu-
ents. Bulk CMC

There are no national or international standards for elastic constants of bulk CMCs. Matrix

There are no national or international standards for elastic constants of CMC matrices. Fiber

There are no national or international standards for elastic constants of CMC fibers. Interphase

There are no national or international standards for elastic constants of CMC interphases.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Overcoat

There are no national or international standards for elastic constants of CMC overcoats. Volume fraction

The only national or international standard for volume fraction of fibers in CMCs has been developed
for bulk CMCs. Bulk CMC

The only national or international standard for volume fraction of fibers is CMCs CEN ENV 1007-1
"Size Level of Fibers for Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites” (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE CEN ENV 1007-1 “Size Level of Fibers for Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing Dimensions

The only national or international standards for dimensions of CMCs has been developed for fibers. Matrix (grain size)

There are no national or international standards for grain size of CMC matrices. Fiber (diameter)

The only national or international standard for diameter of CMC fibers is CEN ENV 1007-3 "Filament
Diameter of Fibers for Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites” (see Table

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

TABLE CEN ENV 1007-3 “Filament Diameter of Fibers for Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites”.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

9.4.4 Chemical Properties

Reserved for future use

9.4.5 Electrical Properties

Reserved for future use

9.4.6 Environmental Testing

Reserved for future use

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

Reserved for future use.

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

10.2.1 Elastic (Poisson’s Ratio, modulus)

Reserved for future use.

10.2.2 Strength (FT, RT)

Reserved for future use.

10.2.3 Creep/creep rupture

Reserved for future use.

10.2.4 Fatigue

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

10.3.1 Expansion

Reserved for future use.

10.3.2 Conductivity

Reserved for future use.

10.3.3 Environmental (corrosion, erosion, wear, etc.)

Reserved for future use.

10.3.4 Oxidation

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

11.2.1 Elastic (Poisson’s Ratio, modulus)

Reserved for future use.

11.2.2 Strength (HT, RT)

Reserved for future use.

11.2.3 Creep/creep rupture

Reserved for future use.

11.2.4 Fatigue

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

11.3.1 Expansion

Reserved for future use.

11.3.2 Conductivity

Reserved for future use.

11.3.3 Environmental (corrosion, erosion, wear, etc.)

Reserved for future use.

11.3.4 Oxidation

Reserved for future use.

11.3.5 Other physical (powder or preform char.)

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

Reserved for future use.

Reserved for future use.


13.2.1 Elastic (Poisson’s Ratio, modulus)

Reserved for future use.

13.2.2 Strength (HT, RT) ILT/ILS

Reserved for future use.

13.2.3 Creep/creep rupture

Reserved for future use.

13.2.4 Fatigue

Reserved for future use.

13.2.5 Open-hole tension/compression strength (notch sensitivity)

Reserved for future use.

13.2.6 Interfacial shear properties

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

13.3.1 Thermal expansion

Reserved for future use.

13.3.2 Conductivity

Reserved for future use.

13.3.3 Environmental (corrosion, erosion, wear, salt fog, etc.

Reserved for future use.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

13.3.4 Environmental effects (oxidation, corrosion, etc. )

Reserved for future use.

13.3.5 Oxidation

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

14.2.1 Definitions

Reserved for future use.

14.2.2 Failure modes

Reserved for future use.

14.2.3 Thermal effects

Reserved for future use.

14.2.4 Joint configurations

Reserved for future use.

14.2.5 Design requirements

Reserved for future use.

14.2.6 Material bearing strength

Reserved for future use.

14.2.7 Open-hole tension/compression strength

Reserved for future use.

14.2.8 Thermal-mechanical fatigue strength

Reserved for future use.

14.2.9 Creep and stress rupture

Reserved for future use.

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Volume 5, Part C Testing

14.2.10 Fastener qualification tests

Reserved for future use.

14.3 TUBES
Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets



Reserved for future use.

The purpose of this section is to call for the minimum essential elements of information on the pedi-
gree, composition, structure, and processing of a ceramic matrix composite to support the initial develop-
ment of a CMC data base. It is meant to support the performance property data base elements.


This form is developmental and is not meant to be a fully comprehensive description of the ceramic
composite. Rather, it is meant as a working tool for the first development efforts in building a CMC data
base schema. The specific items in this list were developed by screening, prioritizing, and reducing the
500 data elements in the original descriptor list.

The data base elements are organized into six sets:

A. Composite Descriptors
B. Matrix Descriptors
C. Reinforcement Descriptors
D. Interphase Descriptor
E. Architecture Descriptor
F. Processing Descriptor
G. External Coating Descriptor

The information items needed for each set fall into 3 groups – specimen identification (name, source,
data, etc.), key technical data (compositions, structure, density, architecture, etc.), and classification data.
The classification data are key elements in building a format descriptor.

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets


In Support of Mil Handbook- 17 Ceramic Matrix Composite Data submission
March 01 Version (STG-Gateway)

This EXCEL spread sheet is a form for submitting mechanical property data for continuous fiber ceramic composites for
the Mil Handbook 17 data collection
Individuals and organizations submitting CMC mechanical property data to Mil Handbook 17 should complete the
forms to the greatest degree possible. However, proprietary data is not necessary. And in some cases, data
requests are not applicable, because of material or test limitations.

For data submission, refer to the handbook data submission webpage,

The spread sheet is divided into eight pages Hot Links Provided
Introduction Page
Submission Information Page -- Mandatory Data
Composite Material Description Page -- Mandatory If you have technical questions, points of contacts may be found
Data at
Tensile Data Page
Flexure Data Page
Compression Data Page
Inter-Laminar Shear Data Page
In-Plane Shear Data Page

The composite material description page is divided into The test data pages are divided into six data sections
seven description sections
A. Composite Descriptors A. Source Description
B. Matrix Descriptors B. Test Equipment and Procedures
C. Reinforcement Descriptors C. Specimen Description
D. Interphase Descriptor D. Summary Test Results
E. Architecture Descriptor E. Individual Test Results
F. Processing Descriptor F. Stress Strain Data Curves
G. External Coating Descriptor


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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets


Submission Data Go To Intro Page

This section provides for submission data in three groups --source information, material data, and test data type/quality.
A. Source Information Hot Links Provided
B. Material Data
C. Test Data Type and Quality

Complete the data fields in the three groups, using all available, non-proprietary data.

Group A -- Source Information

ID #1- ID Name Format Data Fields
A-1 Submission Date/s Date
A-2 Source Organization Alphanumeric
A-3 Source Location (City/State) Alphanumeric
A-4 Contact Name Alphanumeric
A-5 Contact Phone Number Alphanumeric
A-6 Contact E-Mail Alphanumeric

Key Question --
Is the test/material data in this submission export control restricted ?
Yes, No, Don't Know--->
GO TO TOP of form
Group B -- Material Data
ID #1- ID Name Format Data Fields
B-1 Material Class Alphanumeric Ceramic Matrix Composite
B-2 Commercial Name/ Alphanumeric
B- 3 Composite Description by Alphanumeric
B-4 Manufacturer & Location Alphanumeric
B-5 Manufacturer Lot/ID Number Alphanumeric
B-6 Year/Date of Manufacture Alphanumeric
B-7 Reinforcement Composition Alumina, Boron, Carbon/Graphite, Metal Carbides, Metal Silicides,
Class (Choose One) -- Mullite, Oxide Ceramics, Quartz, S-Glass, Silicon Carbide, Silicon
Nitride, Silicon-Oxy-Carbonitride, Other-Specify

B-8 Reinforcement Structure Continuous Fiber; Discontinuous, song Fiber; Discontinuous, short
Class -- (Choose One) fiber; Milled Fiber; Particulate, Platelet, Pulp Fiber, Sphere, Staple
Fiber, Whisker, Other-Specify

B-9 Matrix Composition Class -- Alumina, Alumino-silicate, Carbon/Graphite, Mullite, Silicon Carbide
(Choose One) , Silicon Nitride, Silicon Carbonitride, Silicon Carboxide, Zirconia,
Silica, Other-Specify

B - 10 Fiber Interphase/Coating None, Boron Nitride, Carbon-Graphite, Silicon Carbide, Metal

Composition Class (Choose Carbides, Metal Nitride, Metal Silicides, Oxide Ceramics, Multilayer,
Refractory Metals, Other-Specify
One) --
B - 11 Architecture Class -- Particulate, Whisker, Fiber 1-D, Fiber 2-D, Fiber 3-D, Other-Specify
(Choose One)
B - 12 Symmetry Description -- Quasi-Isotropic In-Plane, Isotropic, Transversely Isotropic,
(Choose One) Orthotropic, Triaxial-Biaxial, Not Applicable, Other-Specify

B - 13 Composite/Matrix Fabrication Chemical Vapor Infiltration, Directed Metal Oxidation, Hot-Press,

Class-- (Choose One) Preceramic Polymer, Sinter, Sol-Gel, Melt-Infiltration, Other-Specify

B - 14 External Coating Composition None, Silicon Carbide, Glass, Oxide, Carbide, Nitride, Silicide,
Class -- (Choose One) Layered Compositions, Porcelain/ Enamel, Refractory Metals, Other-

B - 15 Developmental/Production Commercially Available(CA), Limited Availability(LA), Prototype(P),

Status-- (Choose One) Experimental development.(XD)

B - 16 Density (g/cc) Floating Point ( 3 Sig. Fig)

B -17 Porosity/Void Fraction (%) Floating Point (3 Sig. Fig)
B - 18 Reinf. Volume Fraction (%) Floating Point (3 Sig. Fig.)
B -19 Other Comments Alphanumeric

GO TO TOP of form
continued on next page

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Group C -- Test Data Type and Quality

ID #1- Submitted Data Format Data Fields
Tensile Test
C- 1 Data Submitted Yes - No
C- 2 Test Temperature Numeric - degrees C

C- 3 Data Quality Class A (>20 data points), Class B (6-20 data points), Class C(<6
data points) per sample group.
Flexure Test
C- 4 Data Submitted Yes - No
C- 5 Test Temperature Numeric - degrees C
C- 6 Data Quality Class A (>20 data points), Class B (6-20 data points), Class C(<6
data points) per sample group.
Compression Test
C- 7 Data Submitted Yes - No
C- 8 Test Temperature Numeric - degrees C
C- 9 Data Quality Class A (>20 data points), Class B (6-20 data points), Class C(<6
data points) per sample group.
Interlaminar Shear Test
C- 10 Data Submitted Yes - No
C- 11 Test Temperature Numeric - degrees C
C- 12 Data Quality Class A (>20 data points), Class B (6-20 data points), Class C(<6
data points) per sample group.
In-Plane Shear Test
C- 13 Data Submitted Yes - No
C- 14 Test Temperature Numeric - degrees C
C- 15 Data Quality Class A (>20 data points), Class B (6-20 data points), Class C(<6
data points) per sample group.

GO TO TOP of form

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets


Composite Material Description Go To Intro Page

This section provides for basic descriptions of the composite material divided into seven data groups.
A. Composite Descriptors E. Architecture Descriptor Hot Links Provided
B. Matrix Descriptors F. Processing Descriptor
C. Reinforcement Descriptors G. External Coating Descriptor
D. Interphase Descriptor

Complete the data fields in the seven groups, using all available,non-proprietary data.


ID#2- ID Name Format Data Fields
A-1 Material Class Alphanumeric Ceramic Matrix Composite
A-2 Commercial Name/ Designation Alphanumeric
A- 3 Composite Description by Alphanumeric

A-4 Manufacturer & Location Alphanumeric
A-5 Manufacturer Lot/ID Number Alphanumeric
A-6 Year/Date of Manufacture Alphanumeric
A-7 Reinforcement Composition Class Alumina, Boron, Carbon/Graphite, Metal Carbides, Metal Silicides,
Mullite, Oxide Ceramics, Quartz, S-Glass, Silicon Carbide, Silicon
(Choose One) --
Nitride, Silicon-Oxy-Carbonitride, Other-Specify
A-8 Reinforcement Structure Class -- Continuous Fiber; Discontinuous, long Fiber; Discontinuous, short
fiber; Milled Fiber; Particulate, Platelet, Pulp Fiber, Sphere, Staple
(Choose One)
Fiber, Whisker, Other-Specify

A-9 Matrix Composition Class (Choose Alumina, Alumino-silicate, Carbon/Graphite, Mullite, Silicon Carbide
, Silicon Nitride, Silicon Carbonitride, Silicon Carboxide, Zirconia,
One) --
Silica, Other-Specify
A - 10 Fiber Interphase/Coating None, Boron Nitride, Carbon-Graphite, Silicon Carbide, Metal
Carbides, Metal Nitride, Metal Silicides, Oxide Ceramics, Multilayer,
Composition Class -- (Choose
Refractory Metals, Other-Specify
A - 11 Architecture Class -- (Choose One) Particulate, Whisker, Fiber 1-D, Fiber 2-D, Fiber 3-D, Other-Specify

A - 12 Symmetry Description -- (Choose Quasi-Isotropic In-Plane, Isotropic, Transversely Isotropic,

Orthotropic, Triaxial-Biaxial, Not Applicable, Other-Specify
A - 13 Composite/Matrix Fabrication Chemical Vapor Infiltration, Directed Metal Oxidation, Hot-Press,
Preceramic Polymer, Sinter, Sol-Gel, Melt-Infiltration, Other-Specify
Class-- (Choose One)

A - 14 External Coating Composition None, Silicon Carbide, Glass, Oxide, Carbide, Nitride, Silicide,
Layered Compositions, Porcelain/ Enamel, Refractory Metals, Other-
Class -- (Choose One)
A - 15 Developmental/Production Status-- Commercially Available(CA), Limited Availability(LA), Prototype(P),
Experimental development.(XD)
(Choose One)
A - 16 Density (g/cc) Floating Point ( 3 Sig. Fig) g/cc
A -17 Porosity/Void Fraction (%) Floating Point ( 3 Sig. Fig) %
A - 18 Reinf. Volume Fraction (%) Floating Point ( 3 Sig. Fig) %
A - 19 Service/Exposure History Alphanumeric
A - 20 Report/Publication Source Alphanumeric
A - 21 Report/Publication Reference Alphanumeric

A - 22 Report/Publication Date Alphanumeric

GO TO TOP of Form
ID#2- ID Name Format Data Fields
B- 1 Common/Commercial Name Alphanumeric
B- 2 Additional Name Information Alphanumeric
B- 3 Manufacturer & Location Alphanumeric
B- 4 Manufacturer Lot/ID Number Alphanumeric
B- 5 Year/Date of Manufacture Alphanumeric
B- 6 Major Constituents & Fractions Alphanumeric
B- 7 Major Phases & Fractions Alphanumeric
B- 8 Developmental/Production Status -- Commercially Available(CA), Limited Availability(LA), Prototype(P),
Experimental Development.(XD)
(Choose One)
B- 9 Other Comments Alphanumeric

continued on next page

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets


ID#2- ID Name ID# & Format Data Fields
C- 1 Common/Commercial Name Alphanumeric

C- 2 Additional Name Information Alphanumeric

C- 3 Manufacturer & Location Alphanumeric
C- 4 Manufacturer Lot/ID Number Alphanumeric
C- 5 Year/Date of Manufacture Alphanumeric
C- 6 Fiber Diameter / Particulate Floating Point (2 Sig. Fig)
Size (micron)
C- 7 Major Chemical Constituents Alphanumeric
& Fractions
C- 8 Major Phases & Fractions Alphanumeric
C- 9 Filler/Particulate - Method Of Filler/Particulate -- Mine, Mill, & Size; Solid-State
Manufacture -- (Choose One) Reaction; Liquid Phase Reaction; Gas-Phase Reaction;
C-10 Fiber - Method Of Manufacture - Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD); Melt Spin; Sol-Gel
- (Choose One) Spin & Heat Treat; Inorganic Polymer Spin & Heat Treat;
Particulate Consolidation & Sinter; Other-Specify)

C-11 Nominal Fiber Tensile

C-12 Developmental/Production Commercially Available(CA), Limited Availability(LA),
Status (Choose One) Prototype(P), Experimental Development.(XD)

GO TO TOP of Form
ID#2- ID Name ID# & Format Data Fields
D-1 Common/Commercial Name Alphanumeric

D-2 Additional Name Information Alphanumeric

D-3 Manufacturer & Location Alphanumeric
D-4 Manufacturer Lot/ID Number Alphanumeric
D-5 Year/Date of Manufacture Alphanumeric
D-6 Total Coating Thickness Floating Point (3 Sig. Fig)
D-7 Major Constituents & Alphanumeric

D-8 Major Phases & Fractions Alphanumeric
D-9 Interphase/Coating Structure - Single Layer, Multilayer, Porous, Microcracked,
- (Choose One) Multiphase, Fugitive, Other-Specify

D-10 Interphase/Coating Method Chemical Vapor Deposition, In-Situ Reaction, Gas Phase
Of Manufacture -- (Choose Reaction, Liquid Coating, Particulate Coating, Other-
D-11 One)
Developmental/Production Commercially Available(CA), Limited Availability(LA),
Status(Choose One) Prototype(P), Experimental Development.(XD)


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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets


ID#2- ID Name Format Data Fields
E-1 Common/Commercial Name Alphanumeric

E-2 Additional Name Information Alphanumeric

E-3 Manufacturer & Location Alphanumeric
E-4 Manufacturer Lot/ID Number Alphanumeric
E-5 Year/Date of Manufacture Alphanumeric
E-6 Architecture Class -- (Choose Particulate, Whisker, 1-D Tape, 1-D Winding, 2-D
One) Weaving, 3-D Weaving, 2-D Braiding, 3-D Braiding, Other-
E-7 Symmetry Description Quasi-Isotropic In-Plane, Isotropic, Transversely Isotropic,
(Choose One) Orthotropic, Triaxial-Biaxial, Not Applicable, Other-Specify

E-8 Ply Count (if appl) Integer

E-9 Per-Ply Thickness (mm) Floating Point (3 Sig. Fig) mm
E-10 Lay-Up Sequence/Code (if Alphanumeric

E-11 End/Tow/Roving/Yarn Alphanumeric

E-12 Thread Count in the Major Integer
Directions (1, 2, 3) (x/inch)
E-13 Weave Description (Choose Plain,Crowsfoot,5-harness satin, 8-harness atin, 12-
One) harness satin, Other-Specify
E-14 Working Form For Composite Dry Tow, Impregnated Tow, Non-Woven Mat, Dry Fabric,
Fabrication -- (Choose One) Prepreg - Tape Or Fabric, Dry Preform, Other-Specify

E-15 Other Comments Alphanumeric

E-16 Developmental/Production Commercially Available(CA), Limited Availability(LA),

Status(Choose One) Prototype(P), Experimental Development.(XD)

GO TO TOP of Form
ID#2- ID Name Format Data Fields
F-1 Common/Commercial Name Alphanumeric
F-2 Additional Name Information Alphanumeric
F-3 Manufacturer & Location Alphanumeric
F-4 Manufacturer Lot/ID Number Alphanumeric
F-5 Composite/Matrix Fabrication Class-- Chemical Vapor Infiltration, Directed Metal Oxidation, Hot-Press,
(Choose One) Preceramic Polymer, Sinter, Sol-Gel, Melt-Infiltration, Other-Specify

F-6 Forming/Shaping Method (Choose Preform Shaping, Cold/Warm Die Pressing, Lamination, Resin
One) – Transfer Molding, Injection Molding, Vacuum Bagging, Slip Casting,
F-7 Developmental/Production Commercially Available(CA), Limited Availability(LA), Prototype(P),
Status(Choose One) Experimental Development.(XD)
F-8 Prepreg Name (if appl.) Alphanumeric
F-9 Prepreg Source & Location (if appl.) Alphanumeric
F-10 Prepreg. Lot/ID Number (if appl.) Alphanumeric
F-11 Prepreg. Dev./Product. Status (Choose Commercially Available(CA), Limited Availability(LA), Prototype(P),
One) – Experimental Development.(XD)
F-12 Final Machining Condition Alphanumeric
F-13 Maximum Fabrication Temperature Integer C
F-14 Other Comments Alphanumeric

GO TO TOP of Form
ID#2- ID Name Format Data Fields
G-1 Common/Commercial Name Alphanumeric

G-2 Additional Name Information Alphanumeric

G-3 Manufacturer Name & Location Alphanumeric
G-4 Manufacturer Lot/ID Number Alphanumeric
G-5 External Coating Composition None, Silicon Carbide, Glass, Oxide, Carbide, Nitride, Silicide,
Layered Compositions, Porcelain/ Enamel, Refractory Metals, Other-
Class -- (Choose One)
G-6 Year/Date of Manufacture Alphanumeric
G-7 Total Coating Thickness (mm) Floating Point (3 Sig. Fig) mm
G-8 Major Constituents & Fractions Alphanumeric
G-9 Major Phases & Fractions Alphanumeric
G-10 # of Layers Integer
G-11 External Coating Method Of Chemical Vapor Deposition, In-Situ Reaction, Liquid Coating,
Particulate Coating, Pack Cementation, Other-Specify
Manufacture -- (Choose One)
G-12 External Coating Structure Single Layer, Multilayer, Porous, Multiphase, Other-Specify,
(Choose One) --
G-13 Other Comments Alphanumeric

G-14 Developmental/Production Commercially Available(CA), Limited Availability(LA), Prototype(P),

Experimental Development.(XD)
Status(Choose One)
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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets


Tensile Data Go To Intro Page

This section provides the format for submission of tensile data on test source,
test method, test specimen, and test results. This data format follows ASTM C1278.
The test data is divided into six groups --
A. Source Description Hot Links Provided
B. Test Equipment and Procedures
C. Specimen Description
D. Summary Test Results
E. Individual Test Results
F. Stress Strain Data Curves

Complete the data fields in the six groups using all available, non-proprietary data


ID# 3- ID Name Format Data Fields
A-1 Test Date/s Date
A-2 Test Organization Alphanumeric
A-3 Test Location (City/State) Alphanumeric
A-4 Contact Name Alphanumeric
A-5 Contact Phone Number Alphanumeric
A-6 Contact E-Mail Alphanumeric
A-7 Report/Publication Reference Alphanumeric
A-8 Report/Publication Date Alphanumeric
A-9 Organization Run ID Alphanumeric

GO TO TOP of Form
ID# 3- ID Name Format Data Fields
B- 1 Tensile Test Standard Alphanumeric
B- 2 Test machine description/ Alphanumeric
B- 3 Test Control Method— (Choose Load, displacement, strain
B- 4 Testing Rate [mm/min., N/min., or Alphanumeric
B- 5 Grip method— (Choose one) face loaded, edge loaded,
pin loaded
B- 6 Grip Manufacturer/Model Number Alphanumeric

B- 7 Grip Pressure [ Pa, psi] Flt.Pt.(3 sig. Fig) Pa

B- 8 Load Train Coupler Alphanumeric
B- 9 Coupler Type - (Choose One) Rigid, self aligning
B- 10 Strain Measurement System- Alphanumeric
Manufacturer/Model Number
B- 11 Strain measurement Clip-on, strain gage,
method—(Choose one) capacitive, laser flags,
laser interferometry
B- 12 Extensometer gage length [mm] Flt.Pt.(3 sig. Fig)
(if applicable)
B- 13 Atmosphere – (Choose one) Air, inert, combustion,
B- 14 Test Temperature [°C] Flt.Pt.(3 sig. Fig) C
B- 15 Humidity (RH%) Flt.Pt.(2 sig. Fig) RH%
B- 16 Time to temperature [Minutes] Flt.Pt.(2 sig. Fig) Minutes
B- 17 Soak time at temperature Flt.Pt.(2 sig. Fig)
B- 18 Alignment- % Bending before test Flt.Pt.(2 sig. Fig)

B- 19 Alignment- % Bending after test Flt.Pt.(2 sig. Fig)

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Group C -- TENSILE SPECIMEN DESCRIPTORS (See Material Page for Baseline Data)
ID# 3- ID Name Format Data Fields
C- 1 Manufacturer Serial Number Alphanumeric
C- 2 Sample geometry—(Choose one) Dogbone, Straight sided

C- 3 Gage Width [mm] Flt.Pt.(4 sig. Fig) mm

C- 4 Thickness [mm] Flt.Pt.(4 sig. Fig) mm
C- 5 Specimen Gage length [mm] Flt.Pt.(2 sig. Fig) mm
C- 6 Stress Orientation (Choose one) Alphanumeric (11, 22, 33)
or Angle from Major Fiber
C- 7 Specimen Preparation & Alphanumeric
C- 8 Preconditioning/Exposure Alphanumeric
C- 9 Other Comments Alphanumeric

GO TO TOP of Form
Group D -- Summary Tensile Test Data
ID# 3- ID Name Format Mean Std. .Dev Count Max Min
D- 1 Test Temperature [°C] Flt. Pt. (3 Sig. Fig)
D- 2 Tensile Strength [MPa] Flt. Pt. (4 Sig. Fig)
D- 3 Strain at Tensile Strength [%] Flt. Pt. (3 Sig. Fig)
D- 4 Fracture Strength [MPa] Flt. Pt. (4 Sig. Fig)
D- 5 Strain at Fracture [%] Flt. Pt. (3 Sig. Fig)
D- 6 Modulus of Elasticity [GPa] Flt.Pt. (4 sig. Fig)
D- 7 Poisson’s Ratio ν12 (Ratio between Flt. Pt. (3 Sig. Fig)
in-plane transverse and longitudinal strain)

D- 8 Poisson’s Ratio ν13 (Ratio between Flt. Pt. (3 Sig. Fig)

thru-thickness transverse and longitudinal
D- 9 Proportional Limit Stress σo [MPa] Flt. Pt. (4 Sig. Fig)

D- 10 Proportional Limit Method offset yield [OY] or

—(Choose one) extension under load
[EL], Other-Specify
D- 11 Proportional Limit variable (offset Flt. Pt. (4 Sig. Fig)
strain or strain extension value) [%]

D- 12 Modulus of Toughness [Msi] Flt. Pt. (4 Sig. Fig)

D- 13 Modulus of Resilience [Msi] Flt. Pt. (4 Sig. Fig)

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Group E -- Individual Specimen Tensile Test Data

Sample #
Test Temperature [°C]
Tensile Strength [MPa]
Strain at Tensile Strength [%]
Fracture Strength [MPa]
Strain at Fracture [%]
Modulus of Elasticity [GPa]
Poisson’s Ratio ν12 (Ratio
between in-plane transverse and
longitudinal strain)
Poisson’s Ratio ν13 (Ratio
between thru-thickness transverse and
longitudinal strain)
Proportional Limit Stress σo

Proportional Limit variable (offset

strain or strain extension value)
Modulus of Toughness [Msi]
Modulus of Resilience [Msi]
Fracture Type—(Choose one)
gage, radius, grip, thermal
gradient ,
Fracture location [mm]
measured from bottom of
specimen gage length.
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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Group F -- Stress-Strain Data Curves

Stress-strain data ascii, tab delimited
Sample #
Strain(%) Stress (Mpa) Strain(%) Stress (MpaStrain(%) Stress (MpaStrain(%) Stress (MpaStrain(%) Stress (MpaStrain(%) Stress (MpaStrain(%) Stress (MpaStrain(%) Stress (Mpa)
Data point 1
Data point 2
Data point 3
Data point 4
Data point 5
Data point 6
Data point 7
Data point 8
Data point 9
Data point 10
Data point 11
Data point 12
Data point 13
Data point 14
Data point 15
Data point 16
Data point 17
Data point 18
Data point 19
Data point 20
Data point 21
Data point 22
Data point 23
Data point 24
Data point 25
Data point 26
Data point 27
Data point 28
Data point 29
Data point 30
Data point 31
Data point 32
Data point 33
Data point 34
Data point 35
Data point 36
Data point 37
Data point 38
Data point 39
Data point 40
Data point 41
Data point 42
Data point 43
Data point 44
Data point 45
Data point 46
Data point 47
Data point 48
Data point 49
Data point 50
Data point 51
Data point 52
Data point 53
Data point 54
Data point 55
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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets


Flexure Data Go To Intro Page

This section provides the format for submission of flexure data on test source,
test method, test specimen, and test results.This data format follows ASTM C1341
The test data is divided into six groups --
A. Source Description Hot Links Provided
B. Test Equipment and Procedures
C. Specimen Description
D. Summary Test Results
E. Individual Test Results
F. Stress Strain Data Curves
Complete the data fields in thesix groups, using all available, non-proprietary data


ID# 4- ID Name Format Data Fields
A-1 Test Date/s Date
A-2 Test Organization Alphanumeric
A-3 Test Location (City/State) Alphanumeric
A-4 Contact Name Alphanumeric
A-5 Contact Phone Number Alphanumeric
A-6 Contact E-Mail Alphanumeric
A-7 Report/Publication Reference Alphanumeric
A-8 Report/Publication Date Alphanumeric
A-9 Organization Run ID Alphanumeric

GO TO TOP of Form
ID# 4- ID Name Format Data Fields
B- 1 FlexureTest Standard Alphanumeric
B- 2 Test machine description/ Alphanumeric
B- 3 Test Control Method— Load, displacement, strain
(Choose one)
B- 4 Testing Rate [mm/min., N/min., Flt.Pt.(3 sig. Fig)
or %/min.] mm/min
B- 5 Load Configuration (Choose 3 Pt, 4 Pt-1/4 Pt, 4-Pt-1/3
One) Pt
B- 6 Fixture Manufacturer/ Alphanumeric
B- 7 Fixture Type (Choose One) Fixed, Semi-Artikculated,
Fully Articulated

B- 8 Roller Bearings (Choose One) Fixed, Rolling

B- 9 Outer Span Length (mm) Flt.Pt.(3 sig. Fig) mm

B- 10 Load Span Length (mm- 4 pt Flt.Pt.(3 sig. Fig)
only) mm
B- 11 Strain measurement Deflectometer, strain gage
method—(Choose one)
B- 12 Strain Measurement System- Alphanumeric
Manufacturer/Model Number
B- 13 Atmosphere – Choose one Air, inert, combustion,
B- 14 Test Temperature [°C] Flt.Pt.(3 sig. Fig) C
B- 15 Humidity (RH%) Flt. Point (2 Sig. Fig) RH%
B- 16 Time to temperature [Minutes] Flt. Point (2 sig. Fig) minutes
B- 17 Soak time at temperature Flt. Point (2 sig. Fig)
[Minutes] minutes
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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

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Group C -- FLEXURE SPECIMEN DESCRIPTORS (See Page 1 for Baseline Data)
ID# 4- ID Name Format Data Fields
C- 1 Manufacturer Serial Number Alphanumeric
C- 2 Specimen Thickness [mm] Flt. Point (4 sig. Fig)
C- 3 Specimen Width [mm] Flt. Point (4 sig. Fig) mm
C- 4 Specimen Length [mm] Flt. Point (2 sig. Fig) mm
C- 5 Stress Orientation Plane Alphanumeric (11, 22, 33)
(Choose one) or Angle from Major Fiber
C- 6 Specimen Preparation & Alphanumeric
C- 7 Preconditioning/Oxidation Alphanumeric

GO TO TOP of Form
Group D -- Summary Flexure Test Data
ID# 4- ID Name Format Mean Std. Dev Count Max Min
D-1 Test Temperature [°C] Flt. Pt. (3 Sig. Fig)
D-2 Flexure Strength [MPa] Flt.Pt. (4 sig. Fig)
D-3 Strain at Flexure Strength [%] Flt. Pt. (3 Sig. Fig)
D-4 Fracture Strength [MPa] Flt.Pt. (4 sig. Fig)
D-5 Strain at Fracture [%] Flt. Pt. (3 Sig. Fig)
D-6 Modulus of Elasticity [GPa] Flt.Pt. (4 sig. Fig)
D-7 Proportional Limit Stress σo Flt. Pt. (3 Sig. Fig)
D-8 Proportional Limit Method offset yield [OY] or
—(Choose one) extension under load
D-9 Proportional Limit variable Flt. Point (3 Sig. Fig)
(offset strain or strain
extension value) [%]
D-10 Modulus of Toughness [Msi] Flt. Point (3 Sig. Fig)

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

SET E -- Individual Specimen Flexure Test Data

Sample #
Test Temperature [°C]
Flexure Strength [MPa]
Strain at Flexure Strength [%]
Fracture Strength [MPa]
Strain at Fracture [%]
Modulus of Elasticity [GPa]
Proportional Limit Stress σo

Proportional Limit variable

(offset strain or strain extension
value) [%]
Modulus of Toughness [Msi]
Fracture Type—(Choose one)
gage, radius, grip, thermal
gradient ,
Fracture location [mm]
measured from bottom of
specimen gage length.
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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

SET F -- Stress-Strain Data Curves

Stress-strain data ascii, tab delimited ascii, tab delimited
Sample #
Strain(%) Stress (Mpa) Strain(%) Stress (Mpa) Strain(%) Strain(%) Stress (Mpa) Strain(%) Stress (Mpa) Strain(%) Stress (Mpa) Strain(%)
Data point 1
Data point 2
Data point 3
Data point 4
Data point 5
Data point 6
Data point 7
Data point 8
Data point 9
Data point 10
Data point 11
Data point 12
Data point 13
Data point 14
Data point 15
Data point 16
Data point 17
Data point 18
Data point 19
Data point 20
Data point 21
Data point 22
Data point 23
Data point 24
Data point 25
Data point 26
Data point 27
Data point 28
Data point 29
Data point 30
Data point 31
Data point 32
Data point 33
Data point 34
Data point 35
Data point 36
Data point 37
Data point 38
Data point 39
Data point 40
Data point 41
Data point 42
Data point 43
Data point 44
Data point 45
Data point 46
Data point 47
Data point 48
Data point 49
Data point 50
Data point 51
Data point 52
Data point 53
Data point 54
Data point 55
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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets


Compression Data Go To Intro Page

This section provides the format for submission of compression data on test source,
test method, test specimen, and test results.This data format follows ASTM C1358

The test data is divided into six groups --

A. Source Description Hot Links Provided
B. Test Equip. and Procedures
C. Specimen Description
D. Summary Test Results
E. Individual Test Results
F. Stress Strain Data Curves
Complete the data fields in thesix groups, using all available, non-proprietary data


ID# 5- ID Name ID# & Format Data Fields
A-1 Test Date/s Date
A-2 Test Organization Alphanumeric
A-3 Test Location (City/State) Alphanumeric
A-4 Contact Name Alphanumeric
A-5 Contact Phone Number Alphanumeric
A-6 Contact E-Mail Alphanumeric
A-7 Report/Publication Reference Alphanumeric
A-8 Report/Publication Date Alphanumeric
A-9 Organization Run ID Alphanumeric

GO TO TOP of Form
ID# 5- ID Name Format Data Fields
B- 1 Compression Test Standard Alphanumeric
B- 2 Test machine description/ Alphanumeric
B- 3 Test Control Method— Load, displacement, strain
(Choose one)
B- 4 Testing Rate [mm/min., N/min., Alphanumeric
or %/min.]
B- 5 Compression Fixture Alphanumeric
B- 6 Fixture Manufacturer/Model Alphanumeric
B- 7 Strain Measurement System- Alphanumeric
Manufacturer/Model Number
B- 8 Strain measurement Clip-on, strain gage, capacitive,
laser flags, laser interferometry
method—(Choose one)
B- 9 Extensometer gage length Flt. Point (3 sig. Fig)
[mm] (if applicable) mm
B- 10 Atmosphere – Choose one air, inert, combustion,Other-
B- 11 Test Temperature [°C] Flt. Point (3 sig. Fig) C
B- 12 Humidity (RH%) Flt. Point (2 Sig. Fig) RH%
B- 13 Time to temperature [Minutes] Flt. Point (2 Sig. Fig)
B- 14 Soak time at temperature Flt. Point (2 Sig. Fig)
[Minutes] minutes
B- 15 Alignment- % Bending before Flt. Point (2 Sig. Fig)
test %
B- 16 Alignment- % Bending after Flt. Point (2 Sig. Fig)
test %
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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Group C --COMPRESSION SPECIMEN DESCRIPTORS (See Material Page for Baseline Data)
ID# 5- ID Name Format Data Fields
C- 1 Manufacturer Serial Number Alphanumeric
C- 2 Gage Width [mm] Flt. Point (4 sig. Fig) mm
C- 3 Gage Thickness [mm] Flt. Point (4 sig. Fig) mm
C- 4 Specimen Gage length [mm] Flt. Point (4 sig. Fig) mm
C- 5 Specimen Preparation & Alphanumeric
C- 6 Stress Orientation (Choose Alphanumeric (11, 22, 33) or
one) Angle from Major Fiber Axis
C- 6 Preconditioning/Exposure Alphanumeric
C- 7 Calculated Euler Buckling Flt. Point (4 sig. Fig)
Stress (MPa) MPa
GO TO TOP of Form
Group D -- Summary Compression Test Data
ID# 5- ID Name Format Mean Std.Dev Count Max Min
D-1 Test Temperature [°C] Flt. Point (3 Sig. Fig)
D-1 Tensile Strength [MPa] Flt. Point (4 Sig. Fig)
D-2 Strain at Tensile Strength [%] Flt. Point (3 Sig. Fig)
D-3 Fracture Strength [MPa] Flt. Point (4 Sig. Fig)
D-4 Strain at Fracture [%] Flt. Point (3 Sig. Fig)
D-5 Modulus of Elasticity [GPa] Flt. Point (4 Sig. Fig)
D-6 Poisson’s Ratio ν12 (Ratio Flt. Point (3 Sig. Fig)
between in-plane transverse and
longitudinal strain)
D-7 Poisson’s Ratio ν13 (Ratio Flt. Point (3 Sig. Fig)
between thru-thickness transverse and
longitudinal strain)
D-8 Proportional Limit Stress σo Flt. Point (4 Sig. Fig)
D-9 Proportional Limit Method offset yield [OY] or
—(Choose one) extension under load [EL].
D-10 Proportional Limit variable Flt. Point (4 Sig. Fig)
(offset strain or strain
extension value) [%]
D-11 Modulus of Toughness [Msi] Flt. Point (3 Sig. Fig)
D-12 Modulus of Resilience [Msi] Flt. Point (3 Sig. Fig)

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

SET E -- Individual Specimen Compression Test Data

Sample #
Test Temperature [°C]
Tensile Strength [MPa]
Strain at Tensile Strength [%]
Fracture Strength [MPa]
Strain at Fracture [%]
Modulus of Elasticity [GPa]
Poisson’s Ratio ν12 (Ratio
between in-plane transverse and
longitudinal strain)
Poisson’s Ratio ν13 (Ratio
between thru-thickness transverse and
longitudinal strain)
Proportional Limit Stress σo

Proportional Limit variable

(offset strain or strain extension
value) [%]
Modulus of Toughness [Msi]
Modulus of Resilience [Msi]
Fracture Type—(Choose one)
gage, radius, grip, thermal
gradient ,
Fracture location [mm]
measured from bottom of
specimen gage length.
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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

SET F -- Stress-Strain Data Curves

Stress-strain data ascii, tab delimited
Sample #
Strain(%) Stress (Mpa) Strain(%) Stress (MpaStrain(%) Stress (Mpa) Strain(%) Stress (MpaStrain(%) Stress (MpaStrain(%) Stress (Mpa
Data point 1
Data point 2
Data point 3
Data point 4
Data point 5
Data point 6
Data point 7
Data point 8
Data point 9
Data point 10
Data point 11
Data point 12
Data point 13
Data point 14
Data point 15
Data point 16
Data point 17
Data point 18
Data point 19
Data point 20
Data point 21
Data point 22
Data point 23
Data point 24
Data point 25
Data point 26
Data point 27
Data point 28
Data point 29
Data point 30
Data point 31
Data point 32
Data point 33
Data point 34
Data point 35
Data point 36
Data point 37
Data point 38
Data point 39
Data point 40
Data point 41
Data point 42
Data point 43
Data point 44
Data point 45
Data point 46
Data point 47
Data point 48
Data point 49
Data point 50
Data point 51
Data point 52
Data point 53
Data point 54
Data point 55
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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets


Interlaminar(I-L) Shear Data Go To Intro Page

This data format follows ASTM C1292
This section provides the format for submission of I-L shear data on test source,
test method, test specimen, and test results.

The test data is divided into six groups --

A. Source Description Hot Links Provided
B. Test Equip. and Procedures
C. Specimen Description
D. Summary Test Results
E. Individual Test Results
F. Force-Displacement Data Curves

Complete the data fields in thesix groups, using all available, non-proprietary data


ID #6- ID Name ID# & Format Data Fields
A-1 Test Date/s Date
A-2 Test Organization Alphanumeric
A-3 Test Location (City/State) Alphanumeric
A-4 Contact Name Alphanumeric
A-5 Contact Phone Number Alphanumeric
A-6 Contact E-Mail Alphanumeric
A-7 Report/Publication Reference Alphanumeric
A-8 Report/Publication Date Alphanumeric
A-9 Organization Run ID Alphanumeric

GO TO TOP of Form


ID #6- ID Name Format Data Fields
B- 1 I-L Shear Test Standard Alphanumeric
B- 2 Test machine description/ Alphanumeric
B- 3 Test Control Method— (Choose Load, displacement, strain
B- 4 Testing Rate [mm/min., N/min., Alphanumeric
or %/min.]
B- 5 I-L Fixture Description Alphanumeric
B- 6 I-L Fixture Manufacturer/ Model Alphanumeric
B- 7 Atmosphere – Choose one air, inert, combustion,
B- 8 Test Temperature [°C] Flt. Point (3 sig. Fig) C
B- 9 Humidity (RH%) Flt. Point (2 Sig. Fig) RH%
B- 10 Time to temperature [Minutes] Flt. Point (2 Sig. Fig) min
B- 11 Soak time at temperature Flt. Point (2 Sig. Fig)
[Minutes] min
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continued on next page

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Group C -- IL SHEAR SPECIMEN DESCRIPTORS (See Material Page for Baseline Data)
ID #6- ID Name Format Data Fields
C- 1 Manufacturer Serial Number Alphanumeric
C- 2 Specimen Length (mm) Flt. Point (4 sig. Fig) mm
C- 3 Specimen Width (mm) Flt. Point (4 sig. Fig) mm
C- 4 Specimen Thickness (mm) Flt. Point (4 sig. Fig) mm
C- 5 Notch Depth (mm) Flt. Point (2 sig. Fig) mm
C- 6 Notch Separation (mm) Flt. Point (2 sig. Fig) mm
C- 7 Shear Load Orientation (Choose 12/21, 13/23, 13/32
C- 8 Specimen Preparation & Alphanumeric
C- 9 Preconditioning Alphanumeric

GO TO TOP of Form
Group D -- Summary IL Shear Test Data
ID #6- ID Name Format Mean Std. Dev Count Max Min
D-1 Test Temperature [°C] Flt. Point (3 Sig. Fig)
D-2 I-L Shear Strength [MPa] Flt. Point (4 Sig. Fig)

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continued on next page

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

SET E -- Individual Specimen IL ShearTest Data

Sample #
Test Temperature [°C]
I-L Shear Strength [MPa]

Fracture Type Description

GO TO TOP of Form

SET F --Force- Displacement Data Curves

Stress-strain data ascii, tab delimited
Sample #
Displac.(mm)Force (N) Displac.(mm
Force (N) Displac.(mm
Force (N) Displac.(mm
Force (N) Displac.(mm
Force (N) Displac.(mm
Force (N)
Data point 1
Data point 2
Data point 3
Data point 4
Data point 5
Data point 6
Data point 7
Data point 8
Data point 9
Data point 10
Data point 11
Data point 12
Data point 13
Data point 14
Data point 15
Data point 16
Data point 17
Data point 18
Data point 19
Data point 20
Data point 21
Data point 22
Data point 23
Data point 24
Data point 25
Data point 26
Data point 27
Data point 28
Data point 29
Data point 30
Data point 31
Data point 32
Data point 33
Data point 34
Data point 35
Data point 36
Data point 37
Data point 38
Data point 39
Data point 40
Data point 41
Data point 42
Data point 43
Data point 44
Data point 45
Data point 46
Data point 47
Data point 48
Data point 49
Data point 50
Data point 51
Data point 52
Data point 53
Data point 54
Data point 55
GO TO TOP of Form

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets


In-Plane (I-P) Shear Data Go To Intro Page

This section provides the format for submission of I-L shear data on test source,
test method, test specimen, and test results. This data format follows ASTM C1292

The test data is divided into six groups --

A. Source Description Hot Links Provided
B. Test Equip. and Procedures
C. Specimen Description
D. Summary Test Results
E. Individual Test Results
F. Force-Displacement Data Curves

Complete the data fields in thesix groups, using all available, non-proprietary data


ID #7- ID Name Format Data Fields
A-1 Test Date/s Date
A-2 Test Organization Alphanumeric
A-3 Test Location (City/State) Alphanumeric
A-4 Contact Name Alphanumeric
A-5 Contact Phone Number Alphanumeric
A-6 Contact E-Mail Alphanumeric
A-7 Report/Publication Reference Alphanumeric
A-8 Report/Publication Date Alphanumeric
A-9 Organization Run ID Alphanumeric

GO TO TOP of Form


ID #7- ID Name Format Data Fields
B- 1 I-P Shear Test Standard Alphanumeric
B- 2 Test machine description/ Alphanumeric
B- 3 Test Control Method— (Choose Load, displacement, strain
B- 4 Testing Rate [mm/min., N/min] Alphanumeric
B- 5 I-P Fixture Description Alphanumeric
B- 6 I-P Fixture Manufacturer/ Model Alphanumeric
B- 7 Atmosphere – Choose one air, inert, combustion,
B- 8 Test Temperature [°C] Flt. Point (3 sig. Fig) C
B- 9 Humidity (RH%) Flt. Point (2 Sig. Fig) RH%
B- 10 Time to temperature [Minutes] Flt. Point (2 sig. Fig) min
B- 11 Soak time at temperature Flt. Point (2 sig. Fig)
[Minutes] min

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continued on next page

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Group C -- IP SHEAR SPECIMEN DESCRIPTORS (See Material Page for Baseline Data)
ID #7- ID Name Format Data Fields
C- 1 Manufacturer Serial Number Alphanumeric
C- 2 Specimen Length (mm) Flt. Point (4 sig. Fig) mm
C- 3 Specimen Width (mm) Flt. Point (4 sig. Fig) mm
C- 4 Specimen Thickness (mm) Flt. Point (4 sig. Fig) mm
C- 5 Notch Separation (mm) Flt. Point (2 sig. Fig) mm
C- 6 Notch Depth (mm) Flt. Point (2 sig. Fig) mm
C- 7 Specimen Preparation & Alphanumeric
C- 8 Preconditioning Alphanumeric
C- 9 Shear Load Orientation (Choose 12/21, 13/23, 13/32
GO TO TOP of Form
Group D -- Summary IP Shear Test Data
ID #7- ID Name Format Mean Std. Dev Count Max Min
D-1 Test Temperature [°C] Flt. Point (3 Sig. Fig)
D-2 I-P Shear Strength [MPa] Flt. Point (4 Sig. Fig)

GO TO TOP of Form
continued on next page

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

SET E -- Individual Specimen IP Shear Test Data

Sample #
Test Temperature [°C]
I-L Shear Strength [MPa]
Fracture Type Description
GO TO TOP of Form

SET F --Force- Displacement Data Curves

Stress-strain data ascii, tab delimited
Sample #
Displac.(mm)Force (N) Displac.(mm
Force (N) Displac.(mmForce (N) Displac.(mm
Force (N) Displac.(mm
Force (N) Displac.(mmForce (N) Displac.(mm
Force (N) Displac.(mm
Data point 1
Data point 2
Data point 3
Data point 4
Data point 5
Data point 6
Data point 7
Data point 8
Data point 9
Data point 10
Data point 11
Data point 12
Data point 13
Data point 14
Data point 15
Data point 16
Data point 17
Data point 18
Data point 19
Data point 20
Data point 21
Data point 22
Data point 23
Data point 24
Data point 25
Data point 26
Data point 27
Data point 28
Data point 29
Data point 30
Data point 31
Data point 32
Data point 33
Data point 34
Data point 35
Data point 36
Data point 37
Data point 38
Data point 39
Data point 40
Data point 41
Data point 42
Data point 43
Data point 44
Data point 45
Data point 46
Data point 47
Data point 48
Data point 49
Data point 50
Data point 51
Data point 52
Data point 53
Data point 54
Data point 55
GO TO TOP of Form

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets


Reserved for future use.

Reserved for future use.

Reserved for future use.

17.1.1 An overview of methods for calculating statistically based properties

Reserved for future use.

17.1.2 Computer software

Reserved for future use.

17.1.3 Symbols

Reserved for future use.

17.1.4 Statistical terms

Reserved for future use.

Reserved for future use.

17.2.1 Statistically-based design allowables

Reserved for future use.

17.2.2 Basis values for unstructured data

Reserved for future use.

17.2.3 Basis values in the presence of batch-to-batch variability

Reserved for future use.

17.2.4 Batches, panels, and confounding

Reserved for future use.

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

17.2.5 Sample size guidelines for determining basis values

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

17.3.1 Guide to computational procedures

Reserved for future use.

17.3.2 Subpopulation compatibility – structured or unstructured

Reserved for future use.

17.3.3 Detecting outliers

Reserved for future use.

17.3.4 Basis values for unstructured data

Reserved for future use.

17.3.5 Basis values for structured data

Reserved for future use.

17.3.6 Exploratory data analysis

Reserved for future use.

17.3.7 Examples of computational procedures

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

17.4.1 Confidence intervals for the coefficient of variation

Reserved for future use.

17.4.2 Statistical procedures for process control

Reserved for future use.

17.4.3 Alternate material statistical procedures

Reserved for future use.

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

17.4.4 Typical stress-strain curves

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

18.1.1 Organization of data in handbook

Reserved for future use.

18.1.2 Presentation of data

Reserved for future use.

18.1.3 Material coding and documentation

Reserved for future use.

18.1.4 Materials systems codes

Reserved for future use.

18.1.5 Material orientation codes

Reserved for future use.

18.1.6 Symbols, Abbreviations, and systems of units

Reserved for future use.

18.1.7 Definitions

Reserved for future use.


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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

18.2.1 CMC system #1

Composite Name 9/99 EPM SiC/SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description SiC fiber / BN-SiC / MI SiC Manuf. Lot # 0981-01 and 0604-01
Reinforc. Vol % 36% Date of Manufacture Sep-99
Density 2.86 Fabrication Class Silicon Melt Infiltration
% Porosity 10%-20% Dev/Prod. Status Limited availability
Reinforcement Name Sylramic Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 5-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 8 Ply Thickness 0.25 mm
Fabric Areal Weight 281.58 g/ m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]4s
Matrix Composition SiC + Siliconized SiC Source Melt infiltration
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Silicon doped boron nitride
Thickness 0.5µm Source CVI
External Coating Composition na Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Date of Testing 11/99 to 02/00 Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
Temperature 816°C 1038°C 1204°C 1315°C
Summary Test
Atmosphere Air Air Air Air
Precondition none none none none
Normalized or Measured Measured Measured Measured Measured
t Mean 208 209 182 158
Elastic Modulus E x
Approval Class S S S S
t Mean 208 209 182 158
Elastic Modulus E y
Approval Class S S S S
t Mean
Elastic Modulus E z
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν xy
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν yz
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν zx
Approval Class
s Mean
Shear Modulus G xy
Approval Class
s Mean
Shear Modulus G yz
Approval Class
s Mean
Shear Modulus G zx
Approval Class
pl Mean
Prop. Limit Stress F
MPa Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity Mean
αx Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity Mean
αy Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity Mean
αz Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Mean
Kx Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Mean
Ky Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Mean
Kz Approval Class
Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name 9/99 EPM SiC/SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description SiC fiber / BN-SiC / MI SiC Manuf. Lot # 0981-01 and 0604-01
Reinforc. Vol % 36% Date of Manufacture Sep-99
Density 2.86 Fabrication Class Silicon Melt Infiltration
% Porosity 10%-20% Dev/Prod. Status Limited availability
Reinforcement Name Sylramic Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 5-harnes satin weave fabric
Ply Count 8 Ply Thickness 0.25 mm
Fabric Areal Weight 281.58 g/ m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]4s
Matrix Composition SiC + Siliconized SiC Source Melt infiltration
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Silicon doped boron nitride
Thickness 0.5µm Source CVI
External Coating Composition na Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Date of Testing 11/99 to 02/00 Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
816°C 1038°C 1204°C 1315°C
Summary Test Temperature
Data Atmosphere Air Air Air Air
Precondition none none none none
Normalized or Measured Measured Measured Measured Measured
Tensile Strength F tu
Mean 362 325 307 295
(MPa) Approval Class S S S S
Tensile Strength F tu
Mean 362 325 307 295

(MPa) Approval Class S S S S

Tensile Strength F ztu Mean
(MPa) Approval Class

x (µε)
Strain ε tu Mean 4810 4350 4590 4300
Approval Class S S S S
Strain ε y (µε)
tu Mean 4810 4350 4590 4300
Approval Class S S S S
Strain ε z (µε)
tu Mean
Approval Class
pl Mean 177 168 166 163
Prop. Limit Stress F x
(MPa) Approval Class S S S S
pl Mean 177 168 166 163
Prop. Limit Stress F y
(MPa) Approval Class S S S S
pl Mean
Prop. Limit Stress F z
(MPa) Approval Class
Compressive Strength Mean

F cu
x (MPa) Approval Class
Compressive Strength Mean

F cu
y (MPa) Approval Class
Compressive Strength Mean

F cu
z (MPa) Approval Class
In-Plane Shear Strength Mean 47.2
Fxy (MPa)
Approval Class
Interlaminar Shear Mean
Strength Fsuxy (MPa) Approval Class
Interlaminar Shear Mean
Strength Fsuyz (MPa)
Approval Class
b Mean
Flexure Strength F
(MPa) Approval Class
Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name 9/99 EPM SiC/SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description SiC fiber / BN-SiC / MI SiC Manuf. Lot # 0981-01 and 0604-01
Reinforc. Vol % 36% Date of Manufacture Sep-99
Density 2.86 Fabrication Class Silicon Melt Infiltration
% Porosity 10%-20% Dev/Prod. Status Limited availability
Reinforcement Name Sylramic Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 5-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 8 Ply Thickness 0.25 mm
Fabric Areal Weight 281.58 g/ m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]4s
Matrix Composition SiC + Siliconized SiC Source Melt infiltration
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Silicon doped boron nitride
Thickness 0.5µm Source CVI
External Coating Composition na Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Tensile Test Method Test File ID#
Test Method Spec. ASTM C 1275-95 Date of Testing 11/99 to 02/00
Normalized by: Load/Ext. Strain Rate 0.5% / min.
Modulus Calc Method LS fit between 30 & 100 MPa P.L. Calculation Method Offset yield w/ 50µ offset
Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
Temperature 816°C 1038°C 1204°C 1315°C
Tension Test Atmosphere Air Air Air Air
Precondition none none none none
Gage Length 27.94 mm 27.94 mm 27.94 mm 27.94 mm
Stress Orientation 0° 0° 0° 0°
Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured
Mean 362 325
Ultimate Tensile S.Dev. 32.2 29.2
# of Specimens 24 6
Fxtu (MPa) # of Batches 6 6
Approval Class S S
Mean 208 209
Elastic Modulus S.Dev. 14.0 14.5
# of Specimens 24 6
E tx (GPa)
# of Batches 6 6
Approval Class S S
Mean 177 168
Prop. Limit Stress S.Dev. 19.4 19.9
# of Specimens 24 6
Fxpl (MPa)
# of Batches 6 6
Approval Class S S
Mean 4810 4350
Strain at Fut S.Dev. 626 621
# of Specimens 24 6
ε xtu (µε) # of Batches 6 6
Approval Class S S

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name 9/99 EPM SiC/SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description SiC fiber / BN-SiC / MI SiC Manuf. Lot # 0981-01 and 0604-01
Reinforc. Vol % 36% Date of Manufacture Sep-99
Density 2.86 Fabrication Class Silicon Melt Infiltration
% Porosity 10%-20% Dev/Prod. Status Limited availability
Reinforcement Name Sylramic Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 5-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 8 Ply Thickness 0.25 mm
Fabric Areal Weight 281.58 g/ m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]4s
Matrix Composition SiC + Siliconized SiC Source Melt infiltration
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Silicon doped boron nitride
Thickness 0.5µm Source CVI
External Coating Composition na Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Interlaminar Shear Test Method Test File ID#
Test Method Spec. ASTM C 1292 - 95 Notch Distance 6.37 mm
Normalized by: Date of Testing Feb-01

Temperature 816°C
Shear Test Data Atmosphere Air
Precondition none
Normalized Measured
Mean 47.2
Interlaminar S.Dev. 7.24
Strength # of Specimens 24
su # of Batches 6
Fzx (MPa)
Approval Class S
Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

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Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

18.2.2 CMC system #2

Composite Name Enhanced SiC/SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description SiC/ Carbon / SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 40% Date of Manufacture 11/94 … 12/97
Density 2.3 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity 12% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name CG Nicalon™ Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 5-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 11 Ply Thickness ~0.3 mm
Fabric Areal Weight ~287 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]ns
Matrix Composition SiC Source CVI
External Coating Thickness 0.1 to 0.2 mm
Composition SiC Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Fabrication Method Chemical Vapor Infiltration Date of Manufacture 11/94 to 12/97

Date of Testing 11/94 to 12/97 Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Summary Test Temperature 23°C 850°C 1100°C 1200°C

Atmosphere Air Air Air Air
Precondition none none none none
Normalized or Measured Measured Measured Measured Measured
t Mean 129 113 122 119
Elastic Modulus E x
(GPa) Approval Class S S S S
t Mean 129 113 122 119
Elastic Modulus E y
(GPa) Approval Class S S S S
t Mean
Elastic Modulus E z (GPa) Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν xy
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν yz
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν zx
Approval Class
s Mean
Shear Modulus G xy
(GPa) Approval Class
s Mean
Shear Modulus G yz
(MPa) Approval Class
s Mean
Shear Modulus G zx
(MPa) Approval Class
pl Mean
Prop. Limit Stress Fx
MPa Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity αx
Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity αy
Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity αz
Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Kx
Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Ky
Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Kz
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Enhanced SiC/SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description SiC/ Carbon / SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 40% Date of Manufacture 11/94 … 12/97
Density 2.3 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity 12% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name CG Nicalon™ Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 5-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 11 Ply Thickness ~0.3 mm
Fabric Areal Weight ~287 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]ns
Matrix Composition SiC Source CVI
External Coating Thickness 0.1 to 0.2 mm
Composition SiC Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Fabrication Method Chemical Vapor Infiltration Date of Manufacture 11/94 to 12/97

Date of Testing 11/94 to 12/97 Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Temperature 23°C 850°C 1100°C 1200°C
Summary Test Data Atmosphere Air Air Air Air
Precondition none none none none
Normalized or Measured Measured Measured Measured Measured
tu Mean 230 265 275 250
Tensile Strength F x (MPa)
Approval Class S S S S
Mean 230 265 275 250
Tensile Strength F tu
y (MPa)
Approval Class S S S S
tu Mean
Tensile Strength F z (MPa)
Approval Class
tu Mean 4680 5860 6090 7250
Strain ε x (µε)
Approval Class S S S S
Mean 4680 5860 6090 7250
Strain ε tu
y (µε )
Approval Class S S S S
Strain ε ztu (µε)
Approval Class
pl Mean 72.2 79.1 89.3 76.9
Prop. Limit Stress F x
(MPa) Approval Class S S S S
pl Mean 72.2 79.1 89.3 76.9
Prop. Limit Stress F y
(MPa) Approval Class S S S S
pl Mean
Prop. Limit Stress F z
(MPa) Approval Class
Mean 577
Compressive Strength F cu x
(MPa) Approval Class S
cu Mean 577
Compressive Strength F y
(MPa) Approval Class S
cu Mean
Compressive Strength F z
(MPa) Approval Class
In-Plane Shear Strength Mean 38.0
Fxy (MPa)
Approval Class
Interlaminar Shear Strength Mean

yz (MPa) Approval Class
Interlaminar Shear Strength Mean

zx (MPa) Approval Class
b Mean 420 447
Flexural Strength Fx (MPa)
Approval Class S S

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Enhanced SiC/SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description SiC/ Carbon / SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 40% Date of Manufacture 11/94 … 12/97
Density 2.3 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity 12% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name CG Nicalon™ Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 5-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 11 Ply Thickness ~0.3 mm
Fabric Areal Weight ~287 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]ns
Matrix Composition SiC Source CVI
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Carbon
Thickness 0.5µm Source CVI
External Coating Composition SiC Thickness 0.1 to 0.2 mm
Fabrication Method Chemical Vapor Infiltration Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Tensile Test Method = Test File ID# multiple
Test Method Spec. C1275-95 & C1359-96 Date of Testing 11/94 to 12/97
Normalized by: Load/Ext. Strain Rate 0.5 mm / min
Modulus Calc Method 3.5 to 35.5 MPa LS fit P.L. Calculation Method Offset yield (0.005%)

Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Temperature 23°C 850°C 1100°C 1200°C
Tension Test Atmosphere Air Air Air Air
Precondition None None None None
Data 25.4 mm 25.4 mm 25.4 mm 25.4 mm
Gage Length
Stress Orientation 0° 0° 0° 0°
Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured
Mean 230 265 275 250
Ultimate Tensile 20.1 10.9 10.8 9.5
# of Specimens 90 8 9 5
Fxtu (MPa) # of Batches 21 5 9 1
Approval Class
Mean 129 114 122 119
Elastic Modulus S.Dev. 13.1 3.94 12.4 4.22
# of Specimens 90 8 9 5
E tx (GPa) # of Batches 21 5 9 1
Approval Class
Mean 72.2 79.1 89.3 76.9
Prop. Limit Stress S.Dev. 11.0 7.35 14.4 4.06
# of Specimens 90 7 9 5
Fxpl (MPa) # of Batches 21 4 9 1
Approval Class
Mean 4680 5860 6090 7250
Strain at Fut S.Dev. 531 318 325 634
# of Specimens 90 7 9 5
ε x ( µε)
# of Batches 21 4 9 1
Approval Class
Poisson’s Ratio S.Dev.
# of Specimens
ν xy
# of Batches
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Enhanced SiC/SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description SiC/ Carbon / SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 40% Date of Manufacture 11/94 … 12/97
Density 2.3 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity 12% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name CG Nicalon™ Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 5-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 11 Ply Thickness ~0.3 mm
Fabric Areal Weight ~287 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]ns
Matrix Composition SiC Source CVI
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Carbon
Thickness 0.5µm Source CVI
External Coating Composition SiC Thickness 0.1 to 0.2 mm
Fabrication Method Chemical Vapor Infiltration Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Compression Test Method
Test Method Spec. ASTM C 1358-96 Test File ID# multiple
Modulus Calc Method P.L. Calculation Method
Normalized by Date of Testing 11/94 to 12/97

Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Temperature 23
Compression Atmosphere Air
Test Data Precondition None
Stress Orientation 0°
Normalized Measured
Mean 577
Ultimate Compression 13.8
# of Specimens 5
Fx (MPa) # of Batches 5
Approval Class
Mean 141
Elastic Modulus S.Dev. 11.7
c # of Specimens 5
E x (MPa) # of Batches 5
Approval Class
Prop. Limit Stress S.Dev.
# of Specimens
Fxpl (MPa) # of Batches
Approval Class
Mean 0.433
Strain at F S.Dev. 0.055
# of Specimens 5
ε x (µε)
# of Batches 5
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio S.Dev.
# of Specimens
ν xy
# of Batches
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Enhanced SiC/SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description SiC/ Carbon / SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 40% Date of Manufacture 11/94 … 12/97
Density 2.3 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity 12% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name CG Nicalon™ Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 5-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 11 Ply Thickness ~0.3 mm
Fabric Areal Weight ~287 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]ns
Matrix Composition SiC Source CVI
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Carbon
Thickness 0.5µm Source CVI
External Coating Composition SiC Thickness 0.1 to 0.2 mm
Fabrication Method Chemical Vapor Infiltration Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Interlaminar Shear Test Method Test File ID# multiple
Test Method Spec. ASTM C 1292-95a Notch Distance 10 mm
Normalized by: Date of Testing 11/94 to 12/97

Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Temperature 23
Shear Test Data Atmosphere Air
Precondition None
Normalized Measured
Mean 38.0
Ultimate In-Plane
S.Dev. 2.73
Shear Strength
# of Specimens 2
Fxy (MPa) # of Batches 1
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Enhanced SiC/SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description SiC/ Carbon / SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 40% Date of Manufacture 11/94 … 12/97
Density 2.3 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity 12% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name CG Nicalon™ Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 5-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 11 Ply Thickness ~0.3 mm
Fabric Areal Weight ~287 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]ns
Matrix Composition SiC Source CVI
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Carbon
Thickness 0.5µm Source CVI
External Coating Composition SiC Thickness 0.1 to 0.2 mm
Fabrication Method Chemical Vapor Infiltration Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Flexure Test Method Test File ID# multiple
Test Method Spec. C1161-94 & C1211-98a Geometry (3 Pt/4 Pt) 4 Point
Outer Span Length( mm) 40 mm Span/Depth Ratio 10 to 14
Modulus Calc Method na P.L. Calculation Method na
Normalized by Date of Testing 2/95 to 4/97

Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Temperature 23 1200
Flexure Test Atmosphere Air Air
Data Precondition None None
Stress Orientation 0° 0°
Normalized Measured Normalized Measured
Mean 420 447
Ultimate Flexural
Strength S.Dev. 36.6 30.9
# of Specimens 27 20
Fxbu (MPa)
# of Batches 9 7
Approval Class
Elastic Modulus S.Dev.
E b (GPa) # of Specimens
# of Batches
Approval Class
Prop. Limit Stress S.Dev.
Fpl (MPa) # of Specimens
# of Batches
Approval Class
Strain at F S.Dev.
ε xbu (µε) # of Specimens
# of Batches
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio S.Dev.
ν xy
b # of Specimens
# of Batches
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

18.2.3 CMC system #3

Composite Name Carbon / SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description Carbon / Carbon / CVI SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 45% Date of Manufacture 3/91 to 2/99
Density 2.1 ±0.1 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity ~10% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Carbon T300 Manufacturer BP Amoco
Composition Carbon Structure/Architecture Plain weave fabric
Ply Count 27 Ply Thickness ~0.1 mm
Fabric Areal Weight ~100 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]
Matrix Composition SiC Source Chemical Vapor
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Carbon
Thickness 0.5µm Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
External Coating Composition SiC Thickness 0.1 to 0.2 mm
Fabrication Method Chemical Vapor Infiltration Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Date of Testing 3/91 TO 2/99 Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Summary Test Temperature -157 23 600°C 1200°C 1400°C

Atmosphere air air Inert Inert Inert
Precondition none none none none none
Normalized or Measured Measured Measured Measured Measured Measured
Elastic Modulus Mean 57.9 70.2 102 114 95.7
E tx (GPa) Approval Class
Elastic Modulus Mean 57.9 70.2 102 114 95.7
E ty (GPa) Approval Class
Elastic Modulus Mean
E zt (GPa) Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν xy
Approval Class
t Mean
Poisson's Ratio ν yz
Approval Class
t Mean
Poisson's Ratio ν zx
Approval Class
Shear Modulus Mean
G xy (GPa) Approval Class
Shear Modulus Mean
G syz (MPa) Approval Class
Shear Modulus Mean
G zx (MPa) Approval Class
Prop. Limit Stress Mean
Fpl MPa Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity Mean
αx Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity Mean
αy Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity Mean
αz Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Mean
Kx Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Mean
Ky Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Mean
Kz Approval Class
Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Carbon / SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description Carbon / Carbon / CVI SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 45% Date of Manufacture 3/91 to 2/99
Density 2.1 ±0.1 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity ~10% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Carbon T300 Manufacturer BP Amoco
Composition Carbon Structure/Architecture Plain weave fabric
Ply Count 27 Ply Thickness ~0.1 mm
Fabric Areal Weight ~100 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]
Matrix Composition SiC Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Carbon
Thickness 0.5µm Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
External Coating Composition SiC Thickness 0.1 to 0.2 mm
Fabrication Method Chemical Vapor Infiltration Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Date of Testing 3/91 TO 2/99 Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Summary Test Temperature -157°C 23°C 600°C 1200°C 1400°C

Atmosphere air air Inert Inert Inert
Data Precondition none none none none none
Normalized or Measured Measured Measured Measured Measured Measured
tu Mean 485 504 579 546 523
Tensile Strength F x
Approval Class S S S S S
Mean 485 504 579 546 523
Tensile Strength F tu
y Approval Class S S S S S
Tensile Strength F ztu
Approval Class
Mean 12300 10700 10500 11100 13800
Strain ε tu
x (µε) Approval Class S S S S S
Mean 12300 10700 10500 11100 13800
Strain ε tu
y (µε) Approval Class S S S S S
Strain ε ztu (µε)
Approval Class
Prop. Limit Stress Mean
pl Approval Class
F x (MPa)
Prop. Limit Stress Mean
pl Approval Class
F y (MPa)
Prop. Limit Stress Mean
pl Approval Class
F z (MPa)
Compressive Strength Mean 545
Approval Class S
F cu
x (MPa)
Compressive Strength Mean 545
Approval Class S
F cu
y (MPa)
Compressive Strength Mean
Approval Class
F cu
z (MPa)
In-Plane Shear Mean 34.8
su Approval Class S
Strength Fxy (MPa)
Interlaminar Shear Mean 133
Strength Approval Class S
Fsuyz (MPa)
Interlaminar Shear Mean 133
Strength Approval Class S
zx (MPa)
Flexure Strength Fb
Approval Class
Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Carbon / SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description Carbon / Carbon / CVI SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 45% Date of Manufacture 3/91 to 2/99
Density 2.1 ±0.1 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity ~10% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Carbon T300 Manufacturer BP Amoco
Composition Carbon Structure/Architecture Plain weave fabric
Ply Count 27 Ply Thickness ~0.1 mm
Fiber Areal Weight 100 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]s
Matrix Composition SiC Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Carbon
Thickness 0.5µm Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
External Coating
Composition SiC Thickness 0.1 to 0.2 mm
Fabrication Method Chemical Vapor Infiltration Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Tensile Test Method Test File ID# multiple
Test Method Spec. C1275-95 & C1359-96 Date of Testing 3/91 to 2/99
Normalized by Load/Ext. Strain Rate 0.5 mm/min.
Modulus Calc Method Instron Series IX FN. 19.3 P.L. Calculation Method none
Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
Tension Test Temperature -157° C 23°C 600°C 1200°C
Data Atmosphere Air Air Inert Inert
Precondition none none none none
Gage Length 25.4 mm 25.4 mm 25.4 mm 25.4 mm
Stress 0° 0° 0° 0°
Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured
Ultimate Tensile Mean 485 504
Strength S.Dev. 49.3
Fxtu (MPa) # of Specimens 1 188
# of Batches 1 31
Approval Class
Elastic Modulus Mean 57.9 70.2
Fytu (GPa) S.Dev.
# of Specimens 1 185
# of Batches 1 30
Approval Class
Prop. Limit Stress Mean
Fxpl (MPa) S.Dev.
# of Specimens
# of Batches
Approval Class
ut Mean 12300 10700
Strain at F
S.Dev. 1790
ε xtu ( µε) # of Specimens 1 188
# of Batches 1 31
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio Mean
ν xy
t S.Dev.
# of Specimens
# of Batches
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Carbon / SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description Carbon / Carbon / CVI SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 45% Date of Manufacture 3/91 to 2/99
Density 2.1 ±0.1 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity ~10% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Carbon T300 Manufacturer BP Amoco
Composition Carbon Structure/Architecture Plain weave fabric
Ply Count 27 Ply Thickness ~0.1 mm
Fiber Areal Weight ~100 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]
Matrix Composition SiC Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Carbon
Thickness 0.5µm Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
External Coating
Composition SiC Thickness 0.1 to 0.2 mm
Fabrication Method Chemical Vapor Infiltration Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Tensile Test Method Test File ID# multiple
Test Method Spec. C1275-95 & C1359-96 Date of Testing 3/91 to 2/99
Normalized by Load/Ext. Strain Rate 0.5 mm/min.
Modulus Calc Method Instron Series IX FN. 19.3 P.L. Calculation Method none
Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
Temperature 1400°C
Atmosphere Inert
Tension Test
Precondition none
Gage Length 25.4 mm
Stress Orientation 0°
Normalized Measured
Mean 523
Ultimate Tensile 70.0
# of Specimens 12
Fxtu (MPa) # of Batches 11
Approval Class
Mean 95.7
Elastic Modulus S.Dev. 24.4
# of Specimens 12
E tx (GPa) # of Batches 11
Approval Class
Prop. Limit Stress S.Dev.
# of Specimens
Fxpl (MPa) # of Batches
Approval Class
Mean 13800
ut S.Dev. 2800
Strain at F
# of Specimens 10
ε x ( µε)
# of Batches 9
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio S.Dev.
# of Specimens
ν xy
# of Batches
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Carbon / SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description Carbon / Carbon / CVI SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 45% Date of Manufacture 3/91 to 2/99
Density 2.1 ±0.1 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity ~10% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Carbon T300 Manufacturer BP Amoco
Composition Carbon Structure/Architecture Plain weave fabric
Ply Count 27 Ply Thickness ~0.1 mm
Fiber Areal Weight ~100 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]s
Matrix Composition SiC Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Carbon
Thickness 0.5µm Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
External Coating
Composition SiC Thickness 0.1 to 0.2 mm
Fabrication Method Chemical Vapor Infiltration Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Tensile Test Method Test File ID# multiple
Test Method Spec. C1275-95 & C1359-96 Date of Testing 3/91 to 2/99
Normalized by Load/Ext. Strain Rate 0.5 mm/min.
Modulus Calc Method Instron Series IX FN. 19.3 P.L. Calculation Method none

Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Temperature 23°C
Compression Atmosphere Air
Precondition none
Test Data
Gage Length 0°
Stress Orientation 23°C
Normalized Measured
Mean 545
Ultimate Compres- 43
sion Strength
# of Specimens 59
Fxcu (MPa) # of Batches 21
Approval Class
Mean 101
Elastic Modulus S.Dev. 7.14
# of Specimens 56
E cx (MPa) # of Batches 21
Approval Class
Prop. Limit Stress S.Dev.
# of Specimens
Fxpl (MPa) # of Batches
Approval Class
Mean 3807
cu S.Dev. 717
Strain at F
# of Specimens 55
ε xcu (µε) # of Batches 21
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio S.Dev.
# of Specimens
ν xy
# of Batches
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Carbon / SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description Carbon / Carbon / CVI SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 45% Date of Manufacture 3/91 to 2/99
Density 2.1 ±0.1 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity ~10% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Carbon T300 Manufacturer BP Amoco
Composition Carbon Structure/Architecture Plain weave fabric
Ply Count 27 Ply Thickness ~0.1 mm
Fabric Areal Weight ~100 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]
Matrix Composition SiC Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Carbon
Thickness 0.5µm Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
External Coating
Composition SiC Thickness 0.1 to 0.2 mm
Fabrication Method Chemical Vapor Infiltration Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Tensile Test Method Test File ID# multiple
Test Method Spec. ASTM C 1292-95a Notch Distance 10 mm
Normalized by Date of Testing 3/91 to 2/99
Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Shear Test Temperature -157°C 23°C

Atmosphere Air Air
Precondition None None
Normalized Measured Normalized Measured
Mean 22.8 34.8
Ultimate In-Plane
S.Dev. na 6.47
# of Specimens 1 267
Fxy (MPa) # of Batches 1 24
Approval Class S F

Interlaminar Temperature 23
Shear Test Atmosphere Air
Data Precondition none

Normalized Measured
Mean 133
Ultimate Inter-
S.Dev. na
laminar Strength
# of Specimens 1
Fyz (MPa) # of Batches 1
Approval Class S

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

18.2.4 CMC system #4

Composite Name Hi-Nicalon/ Mi SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description SiC / BN / Mi SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 34-40% Date of Manufacture 2/98 … 6/99
Density 2.6-2.75 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity <5% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Hi-Nicalon Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 5-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 8-12 Ply Thickness ~0.3 mm
Fiber Areal Weight ~285 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]s
Matrix Composition SiC + Siliconized SiC Source Slurry Cast Melt Infiltration
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Boron Nitride
Thickness ~0.5µm Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
External Coating Composition None Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Date of Testing 2/98 to 6/99 Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
Summary Test Temperature 23°C 1204°C
Atmosphere Air Air
Data Precondition none none
Normalized or Measured Measured Measured
t Mean 196 144
Elastic Modulus E x
Approval Class S S
t Mean 196 144
Elastic Modulus E y
Approval Class S S
t Mean
Elastic Modulus E z
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν xy
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν yz
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν zx
Approval Class
Shear Modulus Gxy Mean
(GPa) Approval Class
Shear Modulus Gyz Mean
(MPa) Approval Class
Shear Modulus Gzx Mean
(MPa) Approval Class
pl Mean
Prop. Limit Stress F
MPa Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity Mean
αx Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity Mean
αy Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity Mean
αz Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Mean
Kx Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Mean
Ky Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Mean
Kz Approval Class
Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Hi-Nicalon/ Mi SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description SiC / BN / Mi SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 34-40% Date of Manufacture 2/98 … 6/99
Density 2.6-2.75 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity <5% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Hi-Nicalon Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 5-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 8-12 Ply Thickness ~0.3 mm
Fiber Areal Weight ~285 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]s
Matrix Composition SiC + Siliconized SiC Source Slurry Cast Melt Infiltration
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Boron Nitride
Thickness ~0.5µm Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
External Coating Composition None Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Date of Testing 2/98 to 6/99 Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
Summary Temperature 23°C 1204°C
Atmosphere Air Air
Precondition none none
Normalized or Measured Measured Measured
Mean 358 271
Tensile Strength F tu
x (MPa) Approval Class S S
Tensile Strength F tu
y (MPa) Approval Class
Tensile Strength F ztu (MPa)
Approval Class
tu Mean 7430 5190
Strain ε x (µε)
Approval Class S S
Mean 7430 5190
Strain ε tu
y (µε) Approval Class S S
Strain ε ztu (µε)
Approval Class
pl Mean 120 130
Prop. Limit Stress F x
Approval Class S S
pl Mean 120 130
Prop. Limit Stress F y S S
Approval Class
pl Mean
Prop. Limit Stress F z
Approval Class
Compressive Strength F cu x Approval Class
Compressive Strength F cu y Approval Class
Compressive Strength F cu z Approval Class
In-Plane Shear Strength Mean
su Approval Class
Fxy (MPa)
Interlaminar Shear Strength Mean
Approval Class
yz (MPa)
Interlaminar Shear Strength Mean
Approval Class
zx (MPa)
Flexure Strength F bu
Approval Class
Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Hi-Nicalon/ Mi SiC Manufacturer Honeywell ACI
Composite Description SiC / BN / Mi SiC Manuf. Lot # multiple
Reinforc. Vol % 34-40% Date of Manufacture 2/98 … 6/99
Density 2.6-2.75 g/cc Fabrication Class Chemical Vapor Infiltration
% Porosity <5% Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Hi-Nicalon Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 5-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 8-12 Ply Thickness ~0.3 mm
Fiber Areal Weight ~285 g/m2 Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]n
Matrix Composition SiC + Siliconized SiC Source Slurry Melt Cast Infiltration
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Boron Nitride
Thickness na Source Chemical Vapor Infiltration
External Coating ~0.5µm na
Composition None Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Tensile Test Method Test File ID# multiple
Test Method Spec. C1275-95 & C1359-96 Date of Testing 2/98 to 6/99
Normalized by: Load/Ext. Strain Rate 0.5 mm / min.
Modulus Calc Method from 3.5 to 69 MPa LS fit P.L. Calculation Method Offset Yield (0.005%)

Date of Data Submittals Mar-01

Temperature 23 23
Tension Test Atmosphere Air Air
Precondition none none
Gage Length na na
Stress Orientation 0° 0°
Normalized Measured Normalized Measured
Mean 358 271
Ultimate Tensile S.Dev. 34.6 19.6
# of Specimens 19 3
Fxtu (MPa) # of Batches 10 2
Approval Class S S
Mean 196 145
Elastic Modulus S.Dev. 15.2 5.79
# of Specimens 19 3
E tx (GPa) # of Batches 10 2
Approval Class S S
Mean 120 130
Prop. Limit Stress S.Dev. 10.8 22.3
# of Specimens 19 3
Fxpl (MPa) # of Batches 10 2
Approval Class S S
Mean 7430 5190
Strain at F S.Dev. 1050 480
# of Specimens 19 3
ε x (µε)
# of Batches 10 2
Approval Class S S
Poisson's Ratio S.Dev.
# of Specimens
ν xy
# of Batches
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

18.2.5 CMC system #5

Composite Name AS-N720-1 Manufacturer COI Ceramics
Composite Description Oxide / Oxide Various
Reinforc. Vol % 45 Date of Manufacture 1997 to 1999
Density 2.54 g/cc Fabrication Class Sol-Gel
% Porosity 25.5 Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Nextel 720 Manufacturer 3M
Composition Alumina and Mullite Structure/Architecture 8-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 12 Ply Thickness 0.229 mm
Fiber Areal Weight Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]3s
Matrix Composition Alumino-silicate Source Sol-gel
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition none
Thickness na Source na
External Coating Composition none Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Date of Testing na Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
Summary Test Temperature 23
Atmosphere Air
Data None
Normalized or Measured Measured
Mean 75.8
Elastic Modulus E tx
Approval Class
t Mean
Elastic Modulus E y
Approval Class
t Mean
Elastic Modulus E z
(GPa) Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν xy
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν yz
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν zx Approval Class

Shear Modulus Mean

G sxy (GPa) Approval Class
Shear Modulus Mean
G syz (MPa) Approval Class
Shear Modulus Mean
G szx (MPa) Approval Class
Prop. Limit Stress Mean
Fpl MPa Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity Mean
αx Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity Mean
αy Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity Mean
αz Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Mean
Kx Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Mean
Ky Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Mean
Kz Approval Class
Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name AS-N720-1 Manufacturer COI Ceramics
Composite Description Oxide / Oxide Manuf. Lot # Various
Reinforc. Vol % 45 Date of Manufacture 1997 to 1999
Density 2.54 g/cc Fabrication Class Sol-Gel
% Porosity 25.5 Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Nextel 720 Manufacturer 3M
Composition Alumina and Mullite Structure/Architecture 8-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 12 Ply Thickness 0.229 mm
Fiber Areal Weight Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]3s
Matrix Composition Alumino-silicate Source Sol-gel
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition none
Thickness na Source na
External Coating Composition none Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Date of Testing na Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
Temperature 23
Summary Test Data Atmosphere Air
Precondition None
Normalized or Measured Measured
Mean 222
Tensile Strength F tu
x (MPa)
Approval Class
Tensile Strength F tu
y (MPa)
Approval Class
Tensile Strength F ztu (MPa)
Approval Class
tu Mean 3670
Strain ε x (µε)
Approval Class
tu Mean
Strain ε y (µε)
Approval Class
tu Mean
Strain ε z (µε)
Approval Class
pl Mean
Prop. Limit Stress F x
Approval Class
pl Mean
Prop. Limit Stress F y Approval Class
pl Mean
Prop. Limit Stress F z
Approval Class
Mean 239
Compression Strength F cu x Approval Class
Compression Strength F cu y Approval Class
Compression Strength F cu z Approval Class
In-Plane Shear Strength Mean 14.4
su Approval Class
Fxy (MPa)
Interlaminar Shear Strength Mean 43.4
Approval Class
yz (MPa)
Interlaminar Shear Strength Mean
Approval Class
zx (MPa)
Flexure Strength Fb (MPa)
Approval Class
Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name AS-N720-1 Manufacturer COI Ceramics
Composite Description Oxide / Oxide Manuf. Lot # Various
Reinforc. Vol % 45 Date of Manufacture 1997 to 1999
Density 2.54 g/cc Fabrication Class Sol-Gel
% Porosity 25.5 Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Nextel 720 Manufacturer 3M
Composition Alumina and Mullite Structure/Architecture 8-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 12 Ply Thickness 0.229 mm
Fiber Areal Weight Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]3s
Matrix Composition Alumino-silicate Source Sol-gel
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition none
Thickness na Source na
External Coating
Composition none Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Tensile Test Method Test File ID# na
Test Method Spec. ASTM D 3039 Date of Testing na
Normalized by: Not normalized Load/Ext. Strain Rate 0.05 in/min
Modulus Calc Method Secant method from 0.01% to P.L. Calculation Method none
0.05% strain

Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Temperature 23
Tension Test Atmosphere Air
Precondition none
Gage Length na
Stress Orientation 0°
Normalized Measured
Mean 222
Ultimate Tensile 12.1
# of Specimens 11
Fxtu (MPa) # of Batches na
Approval Class
Mean 75.8
Elastic Modulus S.Dev. 1.1
# of Specimens 8
E tx (GPa) # of Batches na
Approval Class
Prop. Limit Stress S.Dev.
# of Specimens
Fxpl (MPa) # of Batches
Approval Class
Mean 3670
Strain at F S.Dev. 180
# of Specimens 8
ε x (µε)
# of Batches na
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio S.Dev.
# of Specimens
ν xy
# of Batches
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name AS-N720-1 Manufacturer COI Ceramics
Composite Description Oxide / Oxide Manuf. Lot # Various
Reinforc. Vol % 45 Date of Manufacture 1997 to 1999
Density 2.54 g/cc Fabrication Class Sol-Gel
% Porosity 25.5 Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Nextel 720 Manufacturer 3M
Composition Alumina and Mullite Structure/Architecture 8-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 12 Ply Thickness 0.229 mm
Fiber Areal Weight Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]3s
Matrix Composition Alumino-silicate Source Sol-gel
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition none
Thickness na Source na
External Coating
Composition none Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Tensile Test Method Test File ID# na
Test Method Spec. ASTM D 3410 Date of Testing na
Normalized by na Load/Ext. Strain Rate 0.02 in/min
Modulus Calc Method Secant method from 0.01% to P.L. Calculation Method none
0.05% strain
Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
Temperature 23
Compression Atmosphere Air
Precondition none
Test Data
Gage Length na
Stress Orientation 0°
Normalized Measured
Ultimate Mean 239
Compression S.Dev. 14.1
Strength # of Specimens 6
# of Batches 1
Fxcu (MPa) Approval Class
Mean 80.6
Elastic Modulus S.Dev. 1.65
# of Specimens 6
E cx (MPa) # of Batches 1
Approval Class
Prop. Limit Stress S.Dev.
# of Specimens
Fxpl (MPa) # of Batches
Approval Class
Mean 2990
Strain at F S.Dev. 250
# of Specimens 5
ε xcu (µε) # of Batches na
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio S.Dev.
# of Specimens
ν xy
# of Batches
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name AS-N720-1 Manufacturer COI Ceramics
Composite Description Oxide / Oxide Manuf. Lot # Various
Reinforc. Vol % 45 Date of Manufacture 1997 to 1999
Density 2.54 g/cc Fabrication Class Sol-Gel
% Porosity 25.5 Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Nextel 720 Manufacturer 3M
Composition Alumina and Mullite Structure/Architecture 8 harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 12 Ply Thickness 0.229 mm
Fiber Areal Weight Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]3s
Matrix Composition Alumino-silicate Source Sol-gel
Interphase /Fiber Coating
Composition none
Thickness n/a Source n/a
External Coating
Composition n/a Thickness n/a
Fabrication Method n/a Source n/a
Interlaminar Shear Test Method Test File ID# na
Test Method Spec. na Notch Distance na
Normalized by: na Date of Testing na
Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Shear Test Temperature 23

Atmosphere Air
Precondition none
Normalized Measured
Mean 14.4
Ultimate In-Plane
S.Dev. 2.28
# of Specimens 27
Fxy (MPa) # of Batches na
Approval Class

Temperature 23
Atmosphere Air
Shear Test Data
Precondition none
Normalized Measured
Mean 43.4
Ultimate Inter- S.Dev. 0.83
laminar Strength
# of Specimens 6
Fyz (MPa) # of Batches 1
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name AS-N720-1 Manufacturer COI Ceramics
Composite Description Oxide / Oxide Manuf. Lot # Various
Reinforc. Vol % 45 Date of Manufacture 1997 to 1999
Density 2.54 g/cc Fabrication Class Sol-Gel
% Porosity 25.5 Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name Nextel 720 Manufacturer 3M
Composition Alumina and Mullite Structure/Architecture 8-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 12 Ply Thickness 0.229 mm
Fiber Areal Weight Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f]3s
Matrix Composition Alumino-silicate Source Sol-gel
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition none
Thickness na Source na
External Coating
Composition none Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Flexure Test Method Test File ID# na
Test Method Spec. ASTM D 790 Geometry (3 Pt/4 Pt) 4 pt - 1/4 pt
Outer Span Length(mm) 122 Span/Depth Ratio 20
Modulus Calc Method Secant method @ P.L. Calculation Method none
0.07% and 0.05% strain
Normalized by Date of Testing na

Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Temperature 23
Flexure Test Atmosphere Air
Data Precondition none
Stress Orientation 0°
Normalized Measured
Ultimate Flexural Mean 259
Strength S.Dev. 40.4
bu # of Specimens 27
Fx (MPa) # of Batches na
Approval Class
Mean 93.7
Elastic Modulus 10.0
E bx (GPa) # of Specimens 27
# of Batches na
Approval Class
Prop. Limit Stress
Fxpl (MPa) # of Specimens
# of Batches
Approval Class
bu Mean 2770
Strain at F S.Dev. 370
ε xbu (µε) # of Specimens 27
# of Batches na
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio S.Dev.
# of Specimens
ν xy
# of Batches
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

18.2.6 CMC system #6

Composite Name Sylramic S-200 Manufacturer COI
Composite Description SiC / BN / Si3N4 Manuf. Lot # #14416
Reinforc. Vol % 45% Date of Manufacture Summer 1997
Density 2.2 g/cc Fabrication Class Preceramic polymer
% Porosity 2.7% Open Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name CG Nicalon™ Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 8-harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 8 Ply Thickness .346 mm
Fabric Areal Weight Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f/0f/90f/90f/0f/90f/0f]s
Matrix Composition Si-C-N w/Si3N4 Particle Source COI
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Boron Nitride
Thickness 0.5µm Source CVD
External Coating Composition None Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Date of Testing Dec 97 to Oct 98 Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
Temperature 23
Summary Test Data Atmosphere Air
Precondition none
Normalized or Measured Measured
Mean 93.0
Elastic Modulus E tx (GPa) Approval Class
Mean 93.0
Elastic Modulus E ty (GPa)
Approval Class
Elastic Modulus E zt (GPa) Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν xy
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν yz
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio ν zx
Approval Class
Shear Modulus G sxy (GPa)
Approval Class
Shear Modulus G syz (MPa)
Approval Class
Shear Modulus G szx (MPa) Approval Class
pl Mean
Prop. Limit Stress F MPa
Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity αx Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity αy Approval Class
Thermal Conductivity αz Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Kx Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Ky Approval Class
Thermal Expansion Kz Approval Class
Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Sylramic S-200 Manufacturer COI
Composite Description SiC / BN / Si3N4 Manuf. Lot # #14416
Reinforc. Vol % 45% Date of Manufacture Summer 1997
Density 2.2 g/cc Fabrication Class Preceramic polymer
% Porosity 2.7% Open Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name CG Nicalon™ Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 8 harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 8 Ply Thickness .346 mm
Fabric Areal Weight Laminate Lay-up Sequence 0f/90f/0f/90f/90f/0f/90f/0f
Matrix Composition Si-C-N w/Si3N4 Particle Filler Source COI
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Boron Nitride
Thickness 0.5µm Source CVD
External Coating Composition None Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Date of Testing Dec 97 to Oct 98 Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
Temperature 23
Summary Test Data Atmosphere Air
Precondition none
Normalized or Measured Measured
Mean 251
Tensile Strength F tu
x (MPa) Approval Class
Mean 251
Tensile Strength F tu
y (MPa) Approval Class
Tensile Strength F ztu (MPa)
Approval Class
Mean 4310
Strain x (µε)
ε tu Approval Class
Mean 4310
Strain y (µε)
ε tu Approval Class
Strain ε ztu (µε) Approval Class
pl Mean 85.0
Prop. Limit Stress Fx (MPa)
Approval Class
pl Mean 85.0
Prop. Limit Stress F y (MPa) Approval Class
pl Mean
Prop. Limit Stress F z (MPa) Approval Class
Compressive Strength F cu
x (MPa) Approval Class
Compressive Strength F cu
y (MPa) Approval Class
Compressive Strength F cu
z (MPa) Approval Class

su Mean 33.0
In-Plane Shear Strength Fxy (MPa)
Approval Class
Interlaminar Shear Strength Mean 111
yz (MPa) Approval Class

Interlaminar Shear Strength Mean 111

zx (MPa) Approval Class
Mean 339
Flexure Strength Fb (MPa) Approval Class
Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Sylramic S-200 Manufacturer COI
Composite Description SiC / BN / Si3N4 Manuf. Lot # #14416
Reinforc. Vol % 45% Date of Manufacture Summer 1997
Density 2.2 g/cc Fabrication Class Preceramic polymer
% Porosity 2.7% Open Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement CG Nicalon™ Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 8 harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 8 Ply Thickness .346 mm
Fiber Areal Weight Laminate Lay-up Sequence 0f/90f/0f/90f/90f/0f/90f/0f
Matrix Si-C-N w/Si3N4 Particle Filler Source COI
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Boron Nitride
Thickness 0.5µm Source CVD
External Coating
Composition None Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Tensile Test Method Test File ID# na
Test Method Spec. ASTM C 1275 Date of Testing May-Sept 1998
Normalized by: Load/Ext. Strain Rate .02 mm/s
Modulus Calc Method na P.L. Calculation Method Extension under load
Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
Temperature 23
Tension Test Atmosphere
Precondition none
Gage Length 25 mm
Stress Orientation 0°
Normalized Measured
Mean 251
Ultimate Tensile 18.0
# of Specimens 90
Fxtu (MPa) # of Batches 6
Approval Class
Mean 93.0
Elastic Modulus S.Dev. 4.65
# of Specimens 90
E tx (GPa) # of Batches 6
Approval Class
Mean 85.0
Prop. Limit Stress S.Dev. 3
# of Specimens 90
Fxpl (MPa) # of Batches 6
Approval Class
Mean 4310
Strain at F S.Dev. 390
# of Specimens 89
ε x ( µε)
# of Batches 6
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio S.Dev.
# of Specimens
ν xy
# of Batches
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Sylramic S-200 Manufacturer COI
Composite Description SiC / BN / Si3N4 Manuf. Lot # #14416
Reinforc. Vol % 45% Date of Manufacture Summer 1997
Density 2.2 g/cc Fabrication Class Preceramic polymer
% Porosity 2.7% Open Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement CG Nicalon™ Manufacturer COI
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 8 harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 8 Ply Thickness .346 mm
Fiber Areal Weight Laminate Lay-up Sequence 0f/90f/0f/90f/90f/0f/90f/0f
Matrix Composition Si-C-N w/Si3N4 Particle Source COI
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Boron Nitride
Thickness 0.5µm Source CVD
External Coating
Composition None Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Interlaminar Shear Test Method Test File ID# na
Test Method Spec. ASTM C 1292 Notch Distance 6 mm
Normalized by: Date of Testing Jul-Oct 98
Date of Data Submittal Mar-01
Shear Test Temperature 23°C
Atmosphere Air
Precondition none
Normalized Measured
Mean 33.0
Ultimate In-Plane
Strength S.Dev. 5.00
# of Specimens 70
Fxy (MPa) # of Batches 6
Approval Class

Interlaminar Temperature 23°C

Shear Test Atmosphere Air
Data Precondition none
Normal- Measured
Mean 111
S.Dev. 5.00
In-Plane Strength
# of Specimens 80
Fyz (MPa) # of Batches 6
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Part D Data Requirements and Data Sets

Composite Name Sylramic S-200 Manufacturer COI
Composite Description SiC / BN / Si3N4 Manuf. Lot # #14416
Reinforc. Vol % 45% Date of Manufacture Summer 1997
Density 2.2 g/cc Fabrication Class Preceramic polymer
% Porosity 2.7% Open Dev/Prod. Status Commercially Available
Reinforcement Name CG Nicalon™ Manufacturer 3M
Composition SiC Structure/Architecture 8 harness satin weave fabric
Ply Count 8 Ply Thickness 0.346 mm
Fiber Areal Weight Laminate Lay-up Sequence [0f/90f/0f/90f/90f/0f/90f/0f]
Matrix Composition Si-C-N w/Si3N4 Particle Filler Source COI
Interphase /Fiber Coating Composition Boron Nitride
Thickness 0.5µm CVD
External Coating
Composition none Thickness na
Fabrication Method na Source na
Flexure Test Method Test File ID#
Test Method Spec. ASTM C 1341 Geometry (3 Pt/4 Pt) 4 pt
Outer Span Length( mm) 80 mm Span/Depth Ratio 29.2
Modulus Calc Method na P.L. Calculation Method na
Normalized by Date of Testing Dec 97 - Apr 1998

Date of Data Submittal Mar-01

Flexure Test Temperature 23
Data Atmosphere Air
Precondition none
Stress Orientation 0°
Normalized Measured
Ultimate Flexural Mean 339
Strength S.Dev. 37.0
bu # of Specimens 100
F (MPa)
# of Batches 6
Approval Class
Elastic Modulus Mean 93.0
S.Dev. 6.00
E b (GPa) # of Specimens 100
# of Batches 6
Approval Class
Prop. Limit Stress Mean
Fpl (MPa) # of Specimens
# of Batches
Approval Class
bu Mean 4640
Strain at F
S.Dev. 630
ε (µε)
# of Specimens 100
# of Batches 6
Approval Class
Poisson's Ratio Mean
ν xy
b S.Dev.
# of Specimens
# of Batches
Approval Class

Approval Class = F - Fully Approved, I - Interim, S - Screening

Downloaded from






Downloaded from

Volume 5, Appendix A Derivation of the Residual Strength Reduction
Expressions for LCF and Rupture Loadings


(Equations: 6 through 11)

The major premise of the approach is that the residual strength, X, of a material degrades as a func-
tion of stress and cycles for fatigue and a function of stress and time for rupture. Damage initiation is
predicted when the residual strength or remaining strength equals the applied stress. For this write-up,
residual strength and remaining strength are used interchangeably. Figure A.1 contains a residual
strength curve as a function normalized cycles for a theoretical CMC under constant fatigue loading.
Based on experience, the residual strength reduction in Figure A.1 is typically nonlinear and can be rea-
sonably modeled by an expression of the form

X = Xo − Xo − σ r *
FG n IJ p
H NK (A.1)

where, X is the residual strength of the material, X o is the initial strength, σr is the stress range, n is the
number of cycles at σr, N is the number of cycles to failure at σr from an S-N curve, and p is the residual
strength shape parameter for fatigue. For p>1, the shape of the residual strength curve is concave down

as shown. We can normalize (A.1) with respect to the initial strength of the material, X o , to get

LM σ OP * FG n IJ p
Xo Q H N K
R = 1− 1−
N (A.2)

where R is the normalized residual strength. Differentiating (A.2) with respect to n, we get

LM σ OP * pFG n IJ p 1dFG n IJ

dR = 1 − 1 −
N (A.3)

If we assume σ is not constant over the life of a part, we need to sum up all of the differential dR’s for
different σr in order to get R. In mathematical terms, we have

z LMN1 − Xσo OPQ * pFGH Nn IJK dFGH Nn IJK

−p 1
R = 1− (A.4)

For complex loadings, we can replaced σ with σ r which has been corrected for mean stress and TMF

effects. At this point, let us return to equation (A.2) and substitute σ r for σ τo get

LM σr OP * FG n IJ p
Xo Q H N K
R = 1− 1−
N (A.5)

Now consider a load history which consists of ∆n1 cycles at σ1 and ∆n2 cycles at σ2. Assume σ1>σ2 We
would like to determine the residual strength, R2, after ∆n1+∆n2 cycles. The residual strength calculations
are show graphically in Figure A.2. For the initial ∆n1 cycles, the strength degrades along line A-B. Using
equation (A.5), the residual strength after ∆n1 cycles is give as

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Appendix A Derivation of the Residual Strength Reduction
Expressions for LCF and Rupture Loadings

Residual Strength

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Normalized Time to Failure (n/N)

FIGURE A.1. Residual strength curve as a function of normalized cycles for P=2.0.

∆n1 ∆n 2

Residual Strength



N1 n o2 N2


FIGURE A.2. Residual strength reductions for a two step load history.

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Appendix A Derivation of the Residual Strength Reduction
Expressions for LCF and Rupture Loadings

R1 = 1 − 1 −
σ1 OP * FG ∆n IJ1

N Xo Q HN K 1

X1 = R 1 * X o (A.7)
In order to shift from the σ1 stress to the σ2 stress, we need to move along the dotted line B-C, and we

must calculate the equivalent cycles n o2 at Point C for the current residual strength. Based on a concept
of equivalent residual strength and equation (A.5), we can also write

L σ 2 O F n o2 I
R 1 = 1 − M1 − o P * G
N X Q H N 2 JK (A.8)

Rearranging this equation, we have


1 − R1 P
n2 = N2 M
MM1 − σ 2o PPP

where R1 is determined from equation (A.6). Next, we need to continue the strength degradations along
the line C-D for ∆n 2 cycles, and the residual strength at point D, R2, is given by

L σ 2 O F n 2o + ∆n 2 I
R 2 = 1 − M1 − o P * G
N X Q H N 2 JK (A.10)

subtracting equation (A.8) from (A.10), we get

∆R 2 = − 1 −
σ2 OPR|SFG n o2 + ∆n 2 IJ p − FG n2o IJ p U|V
N X o Q |H N 2 K
T H N 2 K |W (A.11)

R 2 = R1 − ∆R 2 (A.12)

X2 = R 2 * Xo (A.13)
In generalized form, we can write equations (A.9), (A.11), and (A.12) for the i’th cycle as


1 − R i −1 P
ni = Ni M
MM 1 − σ oi PPP

L σ OR|F no + ∆ni IJ p − FG n oi IJ p U|V
∆R i = − M1 − oi P SG i
N X Q|TH N i K H N i K |W (A.15)

R i = R i −1 − ∆R i (A.16)

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Appendix A Derivation of the Residual Strength Reduction
Expressions for LCF and Rupture Loadings

Xi = R i * Xo (A.17)
We can perform the same development for rupture loadings which will yield essentially the same equa-
tions shown above except n, N, p, k get replaced by t, Trup , q, and j, respectively, where t is time, Trup is

the rupture life, q is the rupture shape parameter, and j is load step number. These rupture equations are
as follows


t oj = Trup , j M
MM 1 − σ j PPP
1 − R j−1

N Xo Q
σ j O |F t oj + ∆t j I
F t oj I q U|
∆R j = − M1 − o P SG
N X Q|TGH Trup, j JJK GGH Trup, j JJK V|W
− (A.19)

R j = R j−1 − ∆R j (A.20)

and the degraded strength, Xj, can be calculated as

X j = R j * Xo (A.21)

Damage initiation is predicted when the applied stress exceeds the residual strength or
σ≥X (A.22)
Equations (A.14) through (A.22) represent the heart of the residual strength approach. These equations
are relatively straightforward and can be implemented into computer programs to address complex load-
ing histories.

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Volume 5, Index


Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................. 9, 10, 15

Acceptance ............................................................................................................................................ 124
Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Alumina .................................................................................................................................................... 69
Application ............................................................................................................................................... 74
Applications........................................................................................................................................ 45, 68
Argonne National Laboratory................................................................................................................. 105

B-basis value ......................................................................................................................................... 124

Boron nitride............................................................................................................................................. 90
Building-block......................................................................................................................................... 122

Carbon fibers ................................................................................................................... 56, 74, 75, 76, 80

PAN-based .......................................................................................................................................... 77
Pitch-based.................................................................................................................................... 78, 79
Carbon-carbon composites................................................................................................................ 55, 56
CFCC ....................................................................................................................................................... 47
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) ..................................................................................................... 71, 88
Compression.......................................................................................................................................... 141
Coordination Group............................................................................................................................ 6, 8, 9
Creep ..................................................................................................................................................... 147
Cured ply thickness................................................................................................................................ 130
CVI ..................................................................................................................................................... 47, 48

Data ................................................................................................................. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 19, 20

Data submission ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Delaminations ........................................................................................................................................ 107
Density ........................................................................................................................................... 105, 166
DIMOX ..................................................................................................................................................... 50

Equivalence ........................................................................................................................................... 124

Fatigue ................................................................................................................................................... 145

Fiber ................................................................................................................... 85, 93, 129, 149, 171, 173
Density............................................................................................................................................... 168
Diameter ............................................................................................................................................ 173
Volume .............................................................................................................................................. 131
Volume fraction.................................................................................................................................. 171
Fibrous monoliths............................................................................................................................... 64, 65
Mechanical properties ......................................................................................................................... 66
Flexural .................................................................................................................................................. 157
Flexure ................................................................................................................................................... 141
Fracture.................................................................................................................................................. 165
Fracture toughness .................................................................................................................................. 43

Health hazards........................................................................................................................................... 8

Interface coating ................................................................................................................................ 87, 88

Melt infiltration.......................................................................................................................................... 61

Non-destructive evaluation (NDE) ......................................................................................................... 101

Downloaded from

Volume 5, Index

Non-destructive testing (NDT) ............................................................................................................... 101

Normalization ................................................................................................................................. 129, 130
Notched compression ............................................................................................................................ 124
Notched tension ..................................................................................................................................... 124

Open hole compression......................................................................................................................... 124

Open hole tension.................................................................................................................................. 124
Oxide fiber.................................................................................................................................... 69, 70, 90
Ozone depleting chemicals........................................................................................................................ 8

Porosity .......................................................................................................................................... 103, 129

Porous coatings ....................................................................................................................................... 92
Porous matrix........................................................................................................................................... 91
Prepreg .................................................................................................................................................... 53
Pyrolysis................................................................................................................................. 52, 53, 54, 69

Qualification ................................................................................................................................... 124, 127

Safety......................................................................................................................................... 7, 8, 13, 19
Screening....................................................................................................................................... 124, 126
Secretariat.............................................................................................................................................. 8, 9
Shear ............................................................................................................................................. 141, 153
Silicon carbide monofilaments ................................................................................................................. 71
Slurry casting ........................................................................................................................................... 62
Sol-gel .................................................................................................................................... 57, 60, 61, 70
Specific heat .......................................................................................................................................... 137
Symbols ................................................................................................................................... 9, 10, 14, 15

Tension .................................................................................................................................................. 141

Testing ................................................................................................................................................... 122
Thermal diffusivity .................................................................................................................................. 133
Thermal expansion ................................................................................................................................ 135
Toxicity....................................................................................................................................................... 8

Ultrasonics ............................................................................................................................................. 104

Unit ....................................................................................................................................................... 9, 20
Conversion .................................................................................................................................... 20, 21

Voids ...................................................................................................................................................... 108

X-ray computed tomography ......................................................................................................... 106, 107

X-ray radiography .................................................................................................................................. 105

Yield strength ........................................................................................................................................... 44

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Volume 5, Concluding Material


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