Modified Maths
Modified Maths
Modified Maths
Composition of Subject Expert Committee in Mathematics
(Govt. Order No: ED 260 UNE 2019 (Part-1), Bengaluru, Dt.13.08.2021)
Name of the Degree Program : B.A./B.Sc.
Discipline Course : Mathematics
Starting Year of Implementation : 2021-22 (I & II Semesters)
2022-23 (III & IV Semesters)
2023-24 (V & VI Semesters)
Programme Outcomes (PO): By the end of the program the students will be able to :
PO 1 Disciplinary Knowledge : Bachelor degree in Mathematics is the culmination
of in-depth knowledge of Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, differential equations
and several other branches of pure and applied mathematics. This also leads to
study the related areas such as computer science and other allied subjects
PO 2 Communication Skills: Ability to communicate various mathematical
concepts effectively using examples and their geometrical visualization. The
skills and knowledge gained in this program will lead to the proficiency in
analytical reasoning which can be used for modeling and solving of real life
PO 3 Critical thinking and analytical reasoning: The students undergoing this
programme acquire ability of critical thinking and logical reasoning and
capability of recognizing and distinguishing the various aspects of real life
PO 4 Problem Solving : The Mathematical knowledge gained by the students
through this programme develop an ability to analyze the problems, identify
and define appropriate computing requirements for its solutions. This
programme enhances students overall development and also equip them with
mathematical modelling ability, problem solving skills.
PO 5 Research related skills: The completing this programme develop the
capability of inquiring about appropriate questions relating to the
Mathematical concepts in different areas of Mathematics.
PO 6 Information/digital Literacy: The completion of this programme will enable
the learner to use appropriate software’s to solve system of algebraic equation
and differential equations.
PO 7 Self – directed learning: The student completing this program will develop
an ability of working independently and to make an in-depth study of various
notions of Mathematics.
PO 8 Moral and ethical awareness/reasoning: : The student completing this
program will develop an ability to identify unethical behavior such as
fabrication, falsification or misinterpretation of data and adopting objectives,
unbiased and truthful actions in all aspects of life in general and Mathematical
studies in particular.
PO 9 Lifelong learning: This programme provides self directed learning and
lifelong learning skills. This programme helps the learner to think
independently and develop algorithms and computational skills for solving real
word problems.
PO 10 Ability to peruse advanced studies and research in pure and applied
Mathematical sciences.
Weightage for the Assessments (in percentage)
Type of Course Formative Assessment/ Summative Assessment
I.A. (S.A.)
Theory 40% 60 %
Practical 50% 50 %
Projects 40 % 60 %
Experiential Learning -- --
(Internship etc.)
Courses for B.A./B.Sc. with Mathematics as Major Subject &
B.A./B.Sc. Mathematics
(V and VI Semester)
Semester Marks in
Course No. Paper percentage
S. I.A.
MATDSCT5.1 Theory 4 Real Analysis-II and Complex 60 40
MATDSCP5.1 Practical 2 Theory based Practical’s on Real 25 25
Analysis-II and Complex Analysis
MATDSCT5.2 Theory 4 Vector calculus and Analytical 60 40
V MATDSCP5.2 Practical 2 Theory based Practical’s on Vector 25 25
calculus and Analytical geometry
MATDSCT5.3 Theory 4 Advanced algebra and Discrete 60 40
MATDSET5.1 Theory 3 (A) Mathematical Statistics 60 40
(B) Mechanics
(C) Mathematical logic
Vocational -1* Theory 3 (A) Programming with Python 60 40
(B) Design and Analysis of
MATDSCT6.1 Theory 4 Linear Algebra 60 40
MATDSCP6.1 Practical 2 Theory based Practical’s on Linear 25 25
MATDSCT6.2 Theory 4 Numerical Analysis 60 40
MATDSCP6.2 Practical 2 Theory based Practical’s on 25 25
Numerical Analysis
MATDSCT6.3 Theory 4 Special Functions and Calculus of 60 40
MATDSET6.1 Theory 3 (A) Number Theory 60 40
(B) Continuum Mechanics
(C) Local Differential Geometry
Vocational – 2* Theory 3
(A) Machine Learning 60 40
(B) Linear Programming
*The Board of Studies of the respective universities can introduce different courses for
the Vocational -1 and Vocational-2 depending on the demand and expertise and also
looking into the job opportunities after Graduation with Mathematics subject as Major.
Syllabus for B.A./B.Sc. with Mathematics as Major Subject &
B.A./B.Sc. Mathematics
Complex Analysis
Unit – III: Complex numbers and functions of complex variables:
Complex numbers-Cartesian and polar form-geometrical representation-complex-Plane-
Euler’s formula- e i = cos + i sin . Functions of a complex variable-limit, continuity
and differentiability of a complex function. Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations
in Cartesian and Polar forms-Sufficiency conditions for analyticity(Cartesian form only)-
Harmonic function-standard properties of analytic functions-construction of analytic function
when real or imaginary part is given-Milne Thomson method. 15 Hours
Unit –IV: Transformations and Complex integration:
Transformations: Definition- Jacobian of a transformation- Identity transformation-
Reflection- Translation- Rotation- Stretching- Inversion- Linear transformation- Definitions-
Bilinear transformations- Cross-ratio of four points- Cross-ratio preserving property-
Preservation of the family of straight lines and circles-
1 Conformal
1 mappings- Discussion of
the transformations w = z 2 , w = sin z, w = ez , w = z+ .
2 z
Complex integration– definition, Line integral, properties and problems. Cauchy’s
Integral theorem-proof using Green’s theorem-direct consequences. Cauchy’s Integral
formula with proof-Cauchy’s generalized formula for the derivatives with proof and
applications for evaluation of simple line integrals. 15 Hours
Reference Books:
1. S.C Malik, Real Analysis, New Age International (India) Pvt. Ltd.
2. S.C.Malik and Savita Arora, Mathematical Analysis, 2nd ed. New Delhi, India: New Age
international (P) Ltd.
3. Richard R Goldberg, Methods of Real Analysis, Oxford and IBH Publishing
4. Ajit Kumr and S. Kumaresan - A Basic Course in Real Analysis, Taylor and Francis
5. L. V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill Education
6. Bruce P. Palka , Introduction to the Theory of Function of a Complex Variable, Springer
7. Serge Lang, Complex Analysis, Springer
8. Shanthinarayan, Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, S. Chand Publishers.
9. S. Ponnuswamy, Foundations of Complex Analysis, 2nd Edition, Alpha Science
International Limited.
10. R.V. Churchil & J.W. Brown, Complex Variables and Applications, 5th ed, McGraw Hill
MATDSCP 5.1: Practical’s on Real Analysis-II and Complex Analysis
Practical Hours : 4 Hours/Week Credits: 2
Total Practical Hours: 60 Hours Max. Marks: 50
(S.A.-25 + I.A. – 25)
Course Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to
1. Learn Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools for computer programming
2. Solve problem on Real Analysis and Complex Analysis studied in MATDSCT 5.1
by using FOSS software’s.
3. Acquire knowledge of applications of Real Analysis and Complex Analysis
through FOSS.
Practical/Lab Work to be performed in Computer Lab (FOSS) Suggested
Software’s: Maxima/Scilab /Python/R.
Suggested Programs:
Vector Calculus
Discrete Mathematics
Unit III: Counting Techniques and Recurrence Relations
Counting Techniques – The product rule, The sum rule, The inclusion–exclusion
principle, The Pigeonhole principle and examples. Simple arrangements and selections.
Arrangements and selections with repetitions, distributions, binomial Coefficients.
Recurrence relations - examples of Fibonacci numbers and the tower of Hanoi problem,
Solving recurrence relations. Divide-and-Conquer relations with examples (no
theorems). generating functions, definition with examples, solving recurrence relations
using generating functions, exponential generating functions. 15 Hours
Unit IV: Graph theory
Introduction to graph theory - Types of graphs, basic terminology, Subgraphs,
representing graphs as incidence matrix and adjacency matrix. Graph isomorphism.
Connectedness in simple graphs. Paths and cycles in graphs. Distance in graphs -
Eccentricity, Radius, Diameter, Centre, Periphery. Weighted graphs. Euler and
Hamiltonian graphs. Paths - Necessary and sufficient conditions for Euler circuits and
paths in simple, undirected graphs. Hamiltonicity - noting the complexity of
hamiltonicity, Travelling Salesman’s problem, Nearest neighbor method.
15 hours
Reference Books
1. I N Herstein(1990), Topics in Algebra, 2nd Edition, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Vijay K Khanna and S K Bhambri (1998), A Course in Abstract Algebra, Vikas
3. Michael Artin (2015), Algebra, 2nd ed., Pearson.
4. Joseph A, Gallian (2021), Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 10th ed., Taylor and
Francis Group.
5. C. L. Liu (200), Elements of Discrete Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill.
6. Hari Kishan and Shiv Raj Pundir (2015), Discrete Mathematics, Pragathi Prakashan,
10th ed.
7. W D Wallis (2017), A Beginner’s Guide to Discrete Mathematics for Computer
Science, Wiley Publishers.
8. Kenneth H. Rossen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Mc-Graw Hill, 8th
ed., 2021.
9. Frank Harary (1969), Graph Theory, Addison-Wesley Pub. Company.
10. N. Deo(1990), Graph Theory: Prentice, Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
MATDSET 5.1(A) : Mathematical Statistics
Teaching Hours : 3 Hours/Week Credits: 3
Total Teaching Hours: 45 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: On the completion of this course the students will be able to:
1. Understand distributions in the study of the joint behaviour of two random variables.
2. Establish a formulation helping to predict one variable in terms of the other that is,
correlation and linear regression.
Unit-I: Probability Functions and Moment Generating Function
Basic notions of probability, Conditional probability and independence, Baye’s theorem;
Random variables - Discrete and continuous, Cumulative distribution function, Probability
mass/density functions; Transformations, Mathematical expectation, Moments, Moment
generating function, Characteristic function. 15 Hours
Unit-II: Univariate Discrete and Continuous Distributions
Discrete distributions: Uniform, Bernoulli, Binomial, Negative binomial, Geometric and
Poisson; Continuous distributions: Uniform, Gamma, Exponential, Chi-square, Beta and
normal; Normal approximation to the binomial distribution. 15 Hours
Unit-III: Bivariate Distribution, Correlation and Regression
Bivariate Distribution – Joint cumulative distribution function and its properties, Joint
probability density function, Marginal distributions, Expectation of function of two random
variables, Joint moment generating function, Conditional distributions and expectations.
Correlation- The Correlation coefficient, Covariance, Calculation of covariance from joint
moment generating function, Independent random variables,
Regression – Linear regression for two variables, The method of least squares, Bivariate
normal distribution, 15 Hours
1. Robert V. Hogg, Joseph W. McKean & Allen T. Craig (2013). Introduction to
Mathematical Statistics (7th edition), Pearson Education.
2. Irwin Miller & Marylees Miller (2015). John E. Freund’s Mathematical Statistics with
Applications (8thedition). Pearson. Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India.
3. Jim Pitman (1993). Probability, Springer-Verlag.
4. Sheldon M. Ross (2015). Introduction to Probability Models (11th edition). Elsevier.
5. A. M. Yaglom and I. M. Yaglom (1983). Probability and Information. D. Reidel
Publishing Company. Distributed by Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India) Delhi.
MATDSET 5.1( B): Mechanics
Teaching Hours : 3 Hours/Week Credits: 3
Total Teaching Hours: 45 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: On the completion of this course the students will be able
1. Understand the subject matter which has been the single center, to which were
drawn mathematician physicists, astronomers and engineers together.
2. Understand the necessary condition for the equilibrium of particles acted upon by
various forces and learn the principle of virtual work for a system of coplanar forces
acting on a body.
3. Determine the Centre of Gravity of some materialistic systems and discuss the
equilibrium of a uniform cable hanging freely under its own weight.
Unit – I: Statics
Equilibrium of a particle, Equilibrium of a system of particles, Necessary conditions of
equilibrium, Moment of a force about a point, Moment of a force about a line, Couples,
Moment of a couple, Equipollent system of forces, Work and potential energy, Principle of
virtual work for a system of coplanar forces acting on a particle or at different points of a
rigid body, Forces which can be omitted in forming the equations of virtual work. 15 Hours
Unit-II: Centres of Gravity and Common Catenary
Centres of gravity of plane area including a uniform thin straight rod, triangle, circular arc,
semicircular area and quadrant of a circle, Centre of gravity of a plane area bounded by a
curve, Centre of gravity of a volume of revolution; Flexible strings, Common catenary,
Intrinsic and Cartesian equations of the common catenary, Approximations of the catenary.
15 Hours
Unit-III: Rectilinear Motion
Simple harmonic motion (SHM) and its geometrical representation, SHM under elastic
forces, Motion under inverse square law, Motion in resisting media, Concept of terminal
velocity, Motion of varying mass. Kinematics and kinetics of the motion, Expressions for
velocity and acceleration in Cartesian, polar and intrinsic coordinates. 15 Hours
1. S. L. Loney (2006). An Elementary Treatise on the Dynamics of a Particle and of Rigid
Bodies. Read Books.
2. P. L. Srivatsava (1964). Elementary Dynamics. Ram Narin Lal, Beni Prasad Publishers
3. J. L. Synge & B. A. Griffith (1949). Principles of Mechanics. McGraw-Hill.
4. A. S. Ramsey (2009). Statics. Cambridge University Press.
5. A. S. Ramsey (2009). Dynamics. Cambridge University Press.
6. R. S. Varma (1962). A Text Book of Statics. Pothishala Pvt. Ltd.
MATDSET 5.1(C) : Mathematical Logic
Teaching Hours : 3 Hours/Week Credits: 3
Total Teaching Hours: 45 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to :
1. Define various mathematical structures like logical statements, tautologies,
contradictions, graphs (varieties of graphs and), Boolean algebra
2. Able to describe and deduce various properties of mathematical structures like that of
Boolean algebra and graphs (like distance, radius, and diameter).
3. Able to apply the rules of logic in arriving at inferences (like that of Modus ponens,
Modus Tollens and so on).
4. Able to apply the rules, principles and algorithms in solving problems like that of
solving recurrence relations, minimizing the Boolean expression through Karnaugh
Map method, solving problems based on counting principles.
5. Will be able prove the mathematical statements related to Boolean algebra,
mathematical logic.
Vocational – 1
MATDSVOC 5.1( A ): Programming with Python
1. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python -, Al Sweigart, Willam Pollock, 2015
2. Python Cook Book-, David Beazely and Brain K. Jones 2022.
3. Basic Python Programming for Beginners- Varada Rajkumar, Marapalli Krishna, Jaya
Prakash, Blue Rose Publishers, 2022.
4. Python- John Shovic and Alan Simpson, Paperback, 2020.
5. Learning Python- Mark Lutz, O’Reilly Media, Paperback, 2nd edition, 2020.
6. Programming and Problem Solving Through Python- Satish Jain and Shashi Singh,
BPB Publications, 2020
Unit – II
Decrease and Conquer Approach: Topological Sort. Greedy Method: General method,
Coin Change Problem, Knapsack Problem, Job sequencing with deadlines. Minimum cost
spanning trees: Prim's Algorithm, Kruskal's Algorithm. Single source shortest paths:
Dijkstra's Algorithm. Optimal Tree problem: Huffman Trees and Codes. Transform and
Conquer Approach: Heaps and Heap Sort. Dynamic Programming: General method with
Examples, Multistage Graphs. Transitive Closure: Warshall's Algorithm. (15 Hours)
Unit – III
All Pairs Shortest Paths: Floyd's Algorithm, Optimal Binary Search Trees, Knapsack
problem, BellmanFord Algorithm, Travelling Sales Person problem, Reliability design.
Backtracking: General method, N-Queens problem, Sum of subsets problem, Graph
coloring , Hamiltonian cycles. Branch and Bound: Assignment Problem, Travelling Sales
Person problem. NP-Complete and NP-Hard problems: Basic concepts, non- deterministic
algorithms, P, NP, NP-Complete, and NP-Hard classes (15 Hours)
1. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Anany Levitin:, 2rd Edition,
2009. Pearson.
2. Computer Algorithms/C++, Ellis Horowitz, Satraj Sahni and Rajasekaran, 2nd Edition,
2014, Universities Press.
1. Will learn the fundamental notions and properties of curves and surface, as well as
surface in three dimensions and
2. Learn some important basic structure of curvature and its properties towards the
preparation for the further study of global properties of Differential Geometry.
3. Be able to recognize a wide range of advanced and application of
Differential Geometry in Physics, Chemistry, Computer Sciences, InformationSciences,
Architectural designs and in Engineering.
What is curve? Arc-length, Reparameterization, Level curves, Level curves v/s parametric
curves, curvature, Plane curves, Space curves and problems, Curves in space- Curves in
space, Tangent line, order of contact of curves and surface, osculating plane, Principal and
normal curvature, Fundamental theorem for space curves, osculating circle, Osculating sphere
and Involutes and Evolutes and problems. 15 Hours
Introduction, Curvilinear equations of the curve on surfaces, 1st Fundamental forms, 2nd
Fundamental forms.
Reference Books
[1] K. K. Dube, Differential Geometry and Tensors, I. K. International Publishing House.
Unit – I :
Introduction to Machine Learning : Introduction to Machine Learning, Applications of
Machine Learning, Types of Machine Learning: Supervised, Unsupervised and
Reinforcement learning, Dataset formats, Features and observations. 6 Hours
Supervised Learning: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression- Linear Regression,
Logistic Regression: Single and Multiple variables, Sum of squares error function, The
Gradient descent algorithm: Application, The cost function, Classification using logistic
regression, one-vs-all classification using logistic regression, Regularization. 9 Hours
Unit – II
Supervised Learning: Neural Network- Introduction to Neural Network, Model
representation, Gradient checking, Back propagation algorithm, Multi-class classification,
Support vector machines, Applications & Use-cases. 7 Hours
Unsupervised Learning: Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction- Introduction to
Clustering, K means Clustering Algorithm, Cost function, Application, Dimensionality
reduction, PCA- Principal Component Analysis Applications, Clustering data and PCA.
8 Hours
Unit – III
Introduction to Deep Learning & CNN : What is deep learning? Difference between
Machine Learning and Deep Learning, When to use Deep Learning? Deep Feed forward
Networks, Example: Learning XOR, Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) –
Convolutional Layer: Filters, Stacking Multiple Feature Maps, Tensor Flow
Implementation, Pooling Layer, CNN Architectures. 15 Hours
1. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and Tensor Flow: Concepts,
Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems 2nd Edition by Aurélien Géron,
October 15, 2019, O'REILLY
2. Python Machine Learning Third Edition, 2019 Packt Publishing, Sebastian Raschka
Vahid Mirjalili, December 2019.
3. The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book, Andriy Burkov, January 13, 2019.
4. Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists 1st
Edition by Andreas Müller, Sarah Guido, O'Reilly Media, November 15, 2016
List of Activities: