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June, 2023

Composition of Subject Expert Committee in Mathematics
(Govt. Order No: ED 260 UNE 2019 (Part-1), Bengaluru, Dt.13.08.2021)

1. Dr. N. B. Naduvinamani Chairperson

Professor, Department of Mathematics
Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi
2. Dr. Soner Nandappa D. Member
Professor, Department of Mathematics
University of Mysore, Mysore.
3. Dr. P. M. Patil Member
Professor, Department of Mathematics
Karnatak University, Dharwad.
4. Dr. H. G. Nagaraja Member
Professor, Department of Mathematics
Bangalore University, Bangalore.
5. Dr. Narasinhamurthy S. K. Member
Professor, Department of Mathematics
Kuvempu University, Shimoga
6. Dr. Patil Mallikarjun B. Member
Professor, Department of Mathematics
Tumkur University, Tumakuru.
7. Dr. U. S. Mahabaleshwara Member
Professor, Department of Mathematics
Davnagere University, Davangere.
8. Dr. K.V. Prasad Member
Professor, Department of Mathematics
VSK University, Bellary.
9. Dr. (Smt.) V. S. Shigehalli Member
Professor, Department of Mathematics
Rani Chennamma University, Belagavi.
10. Sri. Sanjay Kumar Pattankar Member
Associate Professor, Nrupatunga University,
11. Dr. Christopher R. Bhaskar Member
Associate Professor, Kittle College, Dharwad.
12. Dr. Rajesh Kanna M. R. Member
Associate Professor, Sri D. Devaraj Urs GFGC, Hunasur.
13. Smt. Geeta S. Walikar Member
Associate Professor, GFGC, Kumta.
14. Dr.Venkatesh S. Kulkarni Member
Associate Professor, NV Degree College,
15. Dr. Gana Shruthy M.K. Member Convener
Special Officer, KSHEC, Bangalore

Name of the Degree Program : B.A./B.Sc.
Discipline Course : Mathematics
Starting Year of Implementation : 2021-22 (I & II Semesters)
2022-23 (III & IV Semesters)
2023-24 (V & VI Semesters)
Programme Outcomes (PO): By the end of the program the students will be able to :
PO 1 Disciplinary Knowledge : Bachelor degree in Mathematics is the culmination
of in-depth knowledge of Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, differential equations
and several other branches of pure and applied mathematics. This also leads to
study the related areas such as computer science and other allied subjects
PO 2 Communication Skills: Ability to communicate various mathematical
concepts effectively using examples and their geometrical visualization. The
skills and knowledge gained in this program will lead to the proficiency in
analytical reasoning which can be used for modeling and solving of real life
PO 3 Critical thinking and analytical reasoning: The students undergoing this
programme acquire ability of critical thinking and logical reasoning and
capability of recognizing and distinguishing the various aspects of real life
PO 4 Problem Solving : The Mathematical knowledge gained by the students
through this programme develop an ability to analyze the problems, identify
and define appropriate computing requirements for its solutions. This
programme enhances students overall development and also equip them with
mathematical modelling ability, problem solving skills.
PO 5 Research related skills: The completing this programme develop the
capability of inquiring about appropriate questions relating to the
Mathematical concepts in different areas of Mathematics.
PO 6 Information/digital Literacy: The completion of this programme will enable
the learner to use appropriate software’s to solve system of algebraic equation
and differential equations.
PO 7 Self – directed learning: The student completing this program will develop
an ability of working independently and to make an in-depth study of various
notions of Mathematics.
PO 8 Moral and ethical awareness/reasoning: : The student completing this
program will develop an ability to identify unethical behavior such as
fabrication, falsification or misinterpretation of data and adopting objectives,
unbiased and truthful actions in all aspects of life in general and Mathematical
studies in particular.
PO 9 Lifelong learning: This programme provides self directed learning and
lifelong learning skills. This programme helps the learner to think
independently and develop algorithms and computational skills for solving real
word problems.
PO 10 Ability to peruse advanced studies and research in pure and applied
Mathematical sciences.

Weightage for the Assessments (in percentage)
Type of Course Formative Assessment/ Summative Assessment
I.A. (S.A.)
Theory 40% 60 %
Practical 50% 50 %
Projects 40 % 60 %
Experiential Learning -- --
(Internship etc.)

Courses for B.A./B.Sc. with Mathematics as Major Subject &
B.A./B.Sc. Mathematics
(V and VI Semester)
Semester Marks in
Course No. Paper percentage


S. I.A.
MATDSCT5.1 Theory 4 Real Analysis-II and Complex 60 40
MATDSCP5.1 Practical 2 Theory based Practical’s on Real 25 25
Analysis-II and Complex Analysis
MATDSCT5.2 Theory 4 Vector calculus and Analytical 60 40
V MATDSCP5.2 Practical 2 Theory based Practical’s on Vector 25 25
calculus and Analytical geometry
MATDSCT5.3 Theory 4 Advanced algebra and Discrete 60 40
MATDSET5.1 Theory 3 (A) Mathematical Statistics 60 40
(B) Mechanics
(C) Mathematical logic
Vocational -1* Theory 3 (A) Programming with Python 60 40
(B) Design and Analysis of
MATDSCT6.1 Theory 4 Linear Algebra 60 40
MATDSCP6.1 Practical 2 Theory based Practical’s on Linear 25 25
MATDSCT6.2 Theory 4 Numerical Analysis 60 40
MATDSCP6.2 Practical 2 Theory based Practical’s on 25 25
Numerical Analysis
MATDSCT6.3 Theory 4 Special Functions and Calculus of 60 40
MATDSET6.1 Theory 3 (A) Number Theory 60 40
(B) Continuum Mechanics
(C) Local Differential Geometry
Vocational – 2* Theory 3
(A) Machine Learning 60 40
(B) Linear Programming
*The Board of Studies of the respective universities can introduce different courses for
the Vocational -1 and Vocational-2 depending on the demand and expertise and also
looking into the job opportunities after Graduation with Mathematics subject as Major.

Syllabus for B.A./B.Sc. with Mathematics as Major Subject &
B.A./B.Sc. Mathematics


MATDSCT 5.1: Real Analysis-II and Complex Analysis

Teaching Hours : 4 Hours/Week Credits: 4
Total Teaching Hours: 60 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes:
The overall expectation from this course is that the student builds a basic understanding
on Riemann integration and elementary complex analysis. The broader course outcomes
are listed as follow. At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Carry out certain computations such as computing upper and lower Riemann sums as
well integrals
2. Describe various criteria for Integrability of functions.
3. Exhibit certain properties of mathematical objects such as integrable functions, analytic
functions, harmonic functions and so on.
4. Prove some statements related to Riemann integration as well as in complex analysis
5. Carry out the existing algorithms to construct mathematical structures such as analytic
6. Applies the gained knowledge to solve various other problems.
Real Analysis-II
Unit – I: Riemann Integration-I
Definition & examples for partition of an interval, refinement of a partition and common
refinement. Riemann Darboux Sums - Upper and lower (Darboux) sums –definition,
properties & problems.
Riemann Integral – Upper and Lower integrals (definition & problems), Darboux’s theorem
and Criterion for Integrability, Integrability of sum, difference, product, quotient and modulus
of integrable functions. Integral as a limit of sum (Riemann sum) – Problems. Some
integrable functions – Integrability of
continuous functions, monotonic functions, bounded function with finite number of
discontinuity. 15 Hour
Unit –II: Riemann-Stieltjes Integral and Improper Integral
Fundamental theorem of Calculus–related problems, change of variables, integration by parts,
first and second mean value theorems of integral calculus. Riemann-Stieltjes Integral–
Definition & examples. Riemann Integral as a special case. Improper Integral-Improper
integrals of the first, second and third kind with examples. Improper integral has the limit of
the proper integral. Comparison test, Abel’s test and Dirichlet’s test for the convergence of the
integral of a product of two functions. 15 Hours

Complex Analysis
Unit – III: Complex numbers and functions of complex variables:
Complex numbers-Cartesian and polar form-geometrical representation-complex-Plane-
Euler’s formula- e i = cos + i sin  . Functions of a complex variable-limit, continuity
and differentiability of a complex function. Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations
in Cartesian and Polar forms-Sufficiency conditions for analyticity(Cartesian form only)-
Harmonic function-standard properties of analytic functions-construction of analytic function
when real or imaginary part is given-Milne Thomson method. 15 Hours
Unit –IV: Transformations and Complex integration:
Transformations: Definition- Jacobian of a transformation- Identity transformation-
Reflection- Translation- Rotation- Stretching- Inversion- Linear transformation- Definitions-
Bilinear transformations- Cross-ratio of four points- Cross-ratio preserving property-
Preservation of the family of straight lines and circles-
1 Conformal
1 mappings- Discussion of
the transformations w = z 2 , w = sin z, w = ez , w = z+ .
2 z
Complex integration– definition, Line integral, properties and problems. Cauchy’s
Integral theorem-proof using Green’s theorem-direct consequences. Cauchy’s Integral
formula with proof-Cauchy’s generalized formula for the derivatives with proof and
applications for evaluation of simple line integrals. 15 Hours
Reference Books:
1. S.C Malik, Real Analysis, New Age International (India) Pvt. Ltd.
2. S.C.Malik and Savita Arora, Mathematical Analysis, 2nd ed. New Delhi, India: New Age
international (P) Ltd.
3. Richard R Goldberg, Methods of Real Analysis, Oxford and IBH Publishing
4. Ajit Kumr and S. Kumaresan - A Basic Course in Real Analysis, Taylor and Francis
5. L. V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill Education
6. Bruce P. Palka , Introduction to the Theory of Function of a Complex Variable, Springer
7. Serge Lang, Complex Analysis, Springer
8. Shanthinarayan, Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, S. Chand Publishers.
9. S. Ponnuswamy, Foundations of Complex Analysis, 2nd Edition, Alpha Science
International Limited.
10. R.V. Churchil & J.W. Brown, Complex Variables and Applications, 5th ed, McGraw Hill

MATDSCP 5.1: Practical’s on Real Analysis-II and Complex Analysis
Practical Hours : 4 Hours/Week Credits: 2
Total Practical Hours: 60 Hours Max. Marks: 50
(S.A.-25 + I.A. – 25)
Course Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to
1. Learn Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools for computer programming
2. Solve problem on Real Analysis and Complex Analysis studied in MATDSCT 5.1
by using FOSS software’s.
3. Acquire knowledge of applications of Real Analysis and Complex Analysis
through FOSS.
Practical/Lab Work to be performed in Computer Lab (FOSS) Suggested
Software’s: Maxima/Scilab /Python/R.
Suggested Programs:

1. Program to check whether a given set of real numbers attains supremum

or infimum.
2. Program to find upper and lower Riemann sums with respect to given
3. Program to test Riemann Integrability.
4. Program to evaluate Riemann integral as a limit of sum.
5. Program on verification of Cauchy – Riemann equations (Cartesian form)
or test for analyticity.
6. Program on verification of Cauchy – Riemann equations (Polar form) or
test for analyticity.
7. Program to check whether a function is harmonic or not.
8. Program to construct analytic functions (through Milne–Thompson method)
9. Program to find Cross ratio of points and related aspects.
10. Program to find fixed points of bilinear transformations.
11. Program to verify De Moivre’s theorem.
MATDSCT5.2: Vector Calculus and Analytical Geometry
Teaching Hours : 4 Hours/Week Credits: 4
Total Teaching Hours: 60 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to
1. Get introduced to the fundamentals of vector differential and integral calculus.
2. Get familiar with the various differential operators and their properties.
3. Get acquainted with the various techniques of vector integration.
4. Learn the applications of vector calculus.
5. Recollect the fundamentals of Analytical Geometry in 3D.
6. Interpret the geometrical aspects of planes and lines in 3D.

Vector Calculus

Unit – I: Vector Algebra

Vector Algebra –Multiple product – scalar triple product, vector triple product,
geometrical interpretation, related problems; vector function of a scalar variable –
interpretation as a space curve, derivative, tangent, normal and binormal vectors to a space
curve; Curvature and Torsion of a space curve- definitions, derivation and problems, Serret-
Frenet formulae.
Scalar field - Gradient of a scalar field, geometrical meaning, directional derivative, unit
normal using surfaces - tangent plane and normal to the surface; Vector field - divergence
and curl of a vector field, geometrical meaning, solenoidal and irrotational fields;
Laplacian of a scalar field; Vector identities. 15 Hours
Unit – II: Vector Integration
Vector Integration – Definition and basic properties, vector line integral, surface integral
and volume integral; Green’s theorem in the plane – Proof and related problems, Direct
consequences of the theorem; Gauss’ Divergence theorem – Proof and related problems,
Direct consequences of the theorem; Stokes’ theorem – Proof and related problems,
Direct consequences of the theorem. . 15 Hours
Analytical Geometry
Unit-III: Planes, Straight Lines and Spheres Planes: Distance of a point from a plane,
Angle between two planes, pair of planes, Bisectors of angles between two planes;
Straight lines: Equations of straight lines, Distance of a point from a straight line, Distance
between two straight lines, Distance between a straight line and a plane; Spheres: Different
forms, Intersection of two spheres, Orthogonal intersection, Tangents and normal, Radical
plane, Radical line, Coaxial system of spheres, Pole, Polar and Conjugacy. 15
Unit-IV: Locus, Surfaces, Curves and Conicoids Space curves, Algebraic curves, Ruled
surfaces, Some standard surfaces, Classification of quadric surfaces, Cone, Cylinder,
Central conicoids, Tangent plane, Normal, Polar planes, and Polar lines. 15 Hours
1. Robert J. T. Bell (1994). An Elementary Treatise on Coordinate Geometry of Three
Dimensions. Macmillan India Ltd.
2. D. Chatterjee (2009). Analytical Geometry: Two and Three Dimensions. Narosa
Publishing House.
3. Shanthi Narayan and P. K. Mittal, Analytical Solid Geometry, S. Chand Publications.
4. A. N. Das, Analytical Geometry of Two and Three Dimensions, New Central Book
Agency Pvt. Ltd.
5. M. D. Raisinghania, Vector Calculus, S Chand Co. Pvt. Ltd., 2013.
6. M. Spiegel, Vector Analysis, 2nd Edition, Schaum’s Outline Series, Mc-Graw Hill,
Education, 2017.
7. C. E. Weatherburn, Elementary Vector Analysis, Alpha edition, 2019.
8. P. N. Wartikar and J. N. Wartikar, A Textbook of Applied Mathematics, Vol. II, Pune
Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune, 2009.
9. C. E. Weatherburn, Differential Geometry of Three Dimension, Khosla Publishing
House, 2020.
10. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers.
11. G. B. Thomas and R. L. Finney, Introduction to Calculus and Analytical Geometry,
Narosa Publishing House, 2010.

MATDSCP5.2: Practical’s on Analytical Geometry and Vector Calculus

Teaching Hours : 4 Hours/Week Credits: 2
Total Teaching Hours: 60 Hours Max. Marks: 50
(S.A.-25 + I.A. – 25)
Course Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to
1. Learn Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools for computer programming
2. Solve problems related to Analytical Geometry and Vector Calculus using
FOSS software.

Practical/Lab Work to be performed in Computer Lab (FOSS) Suggested Software:

Maxima/Scilab /Python/R.
Suggested Programs:
1. Program on multiple product of vectors – Scalar and Cross product.
2. Program on vector differentiation and finding unit tangent.
3. Program to find curvature and torsion of a space curve.
4. Program to find the gradient and Laplacian of a scalar function, divergence and curl
of a vector function.
5. Program to demonstrate the physical interpretation of gradient, divergence and curl.
6. Program to evaluate a vector line integral.
7. Program to evaluate a surface integral.
8. Program to evaluate a volume integral.
9. Program to verify Green’s theorem.
10. Program to find equation and plot sphere, cone and cylinder
11. Program to find distance between a straight line and a plane.
12. Program to construct and plot some standard surfaces.
MATDSCT 5.3: Advanced Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Teaching Hours : 4 Hours/Week Credits: 4
Total Teaching Hours: 60 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to:
1. Know the significance of normal subgroups and quotient groups.
2. Understand structure preserving mapping between two algebraic structures of the
same type.
3. Know the algebraic structures having the same structure with different elements.
4. Identify and analyze the algebraic structures such as ring, field and integral domain
5. Learn the properties of the above-mentioned algebraic structures.
6. Handle various mathematical operations like rules for counting, arrangements and
selections with repetitions.
7. Understand recurrence relation and solving them.
8. Study the graphs which are used to model pair wise relations between the objects
which helps in understanding the networking, optimization, matching and operation.
Advanced Algebra
Unit I: Groups-II
Normal Subgroups – properties, examples and problems, Quotient group,
Homomorphism and Isomorphism of groups – properties examples and problems,
Kernel and image of a homomorphism, Normality of the kernel, Fundamental theorem of
homomorphism, Properties related to isomorphism, Permutation group – Cayley’s
Theorem. 15 hours

Unit II: Rings, Integral Domains, Fields

Rings – definition and properties of rings, Rings of integers modulo n, Subrings, Ideals -
Principal, Prime and Maximal ideals in a commutative ring - examples and standard
properties following the definition, Homomorphism, Isomorphism – properties,
Quotient rings, Integral Domain, Fields – properties following the definition,
Fundamental Theorem of Homomorphism of Rings, Every field is an integral domain,
Every finite integral domain is a field with examples. 15 hours

Discrete Mathematics
Unit III: Counting Techniques and Recurrence Relations
Counting Techniques – The product rule, The sum rule, The inclusion–exclusion
principle, The Pigeonhole principle and examples. Simple arrangements and selections.
Arrangements and selections with repetitions, distributions, binomial Coefficients.
Recurrence relations - examples of Fibonacci numbers and the tower of Hanoi problem,
Solving recurrence relations. Divide-and-Conquer relations with examples (no
theorems). generating functions, definition with examples, solving recurrence relations
using generating functions, exponential generating functions. 15 Hours
Unit IV: Graph theory
Introduction to graph theory - Types of graphs, basic terminology, Subgraphs,
representing graphs as incidence matrix and adjacency matrix. Graph isomorphism.
Connectedness in simple graphs. Paths and cycles in graphs. Distance in graphs -
Eccentricity, Radius, Diameter, Centre, Periphery. Weighted graphs. Euler and
Hamiltonian graphs. Paths - Necessary and sufficient conditions for Euler circuits and
paths in simple, undirected graphs. Hamiltonicity - noting the complexity of
hamiltonicity, Travelling Salesman’s problem, Nearest neighbor method.
15 hours
Reference Books
1. I N Herstein(1990), Topics in Algebra, 2nd Edition, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Vijay K Khanna and S K Bhambri (1998), A Course in Abstract Algebra, Vikas
3. Michael Artin (2015), Algebra, 2nd ed., Pearson.
4. Joseph A, Gallian (2021), Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 10th ed., Taylor and
Francis Group.
5. C. L. Liu (200), Elements of Discrete Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill.
6. Hari Kishan and Shiv Raj Pundir (2015), Discrete Mathematics, Pragathi Prakashan,
10th ed.
7. W D Wallis (2017), A Beginner’s Guide to Discrete Mathematics for Computer
Science, Wiley Publishers.
8. Kenneth H. Rossen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Mc-Graw Hill, 8th
ed., 2021.
9. Frank Harary (1969), Graph Theory, Addison-Wesley Pub. Company.
10. N. Deo(1990), Graph Theory: Prentice, Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
MATDSET 5.1(A) : Mathematical Statistics
Teaching Hours : 3 Hours/Week Credits: 3
Total Teaching Hours: 45 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: On the completion of this course the students will be able to:
1. Understand distributions in the study of the joint behaviour of two random variables.
2. Establish a formulation helping to predict one variable in terms of the other that is,
correlation and linear regression.
Unit-I: Probability Functions and Moment Generating Function
Basic notions of probability, Conditional probability and independence, Baye’s theorem;
Random variables - Discrete and continuous, Cumulative distribution function, Probability
mass/density functions; Transformations, Mathematical expectation, Moments, Moment
generating function, Characteristic function. 15 Hours
Unit-II: Univariate Discrete and Continuous Distributions
Discrete distributions: Uniform, Bernoulli, Binomial, Negative binomial, Geometric and
Poisson; Continuous distributions: Uniform, Gamma, Exponential, Chi-square, Beta and
normal; Normal approximation to the binomial distribution. 15 Hours
Unit-III: Bivariate Distribution, Correlation and Regression
Bivariate Distribution – Joint cumulative distribution function and its properties, Joint
probability density function, Marginal distributions, Expectation of function of two random
variables, Joint moment generating function, Conditional distributions and expectations.
Correlation- The Correlation coefficient, Covariance, Calculation of covariance from joint
moment generating function, Independent random variables,
Regression – Linear regression for two variables, The method of least squares, Bivariate
normal distribution, 15 Hours
1. Robert V. Hogg, Joseph W. McKean & Allen T. Craig (2013). Introduction to
Mathematical Statistics (7th edition), Pearson Education.
2. Irwin Miller & Marylees Miller (2015). John E. Freund’s Mathematical Statistics with
Applications (8thedition). Pearson. Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India.
3. Jim Pitman (1993). Probability, Springer-Verlag.
4. Sheldon M. Ross (2015). Introduction to Probability Models (11th edition). Elsevier.
5. A. M. Yaglom and I. M. Yaglom (1983). Probability and Information. D. Reidel
Publishing Company. Distributed by Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India) Delhi.
MATDSET 5.1( B): Mechanics
Teaching Hours : 3 Hours/Week Credits: 3
Total Teaching Hours: 45 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: On the completion of this course the students will be able
1. Understand the subject matter which has been the single center, to which were
drawn mathematician physicists, astronomers and engineers together.
2. Understand the necessary condition for the equilibrium of particles acted upon by
various forces and learn the principle of virtual work for a system of coplanar forces
acting on a body.
3. Determine the Centre of Gravity of some materialistic systems and discuss the
equilibrium of a uniform cable hanging freely under its own weight.
Unit – I: Statics
Equilibrium of a particle, Equilibrium of a system of particles, Necessary conditions of
equilibrium, Moment of a force about a point, Moment of a force about a line, Couples,
Moment of a couple, Equipollent system of forces, Work and potential energy, Principle of
virtual work for a system of coplanar forces acting on a particle or at different points of a
rigid body, Forces which can be omitted in forming the equations of virtual work. 15 Hours
Unit-II: Centres of Gravity and Common Catenary
Centres of gravity of plane area including a uniform thin straight rod, triangle, circular arc,
semicircular area and quadrant of a circle, Centre of gravity of a plane area bounded by a
curve, Centre of gravity of a volume of revolution; Flexible strings, Common catenary,
Intrinsic and Cartesian equations of the common catenary, Approximations of the catenary.
15 Hours
Unit-III: Rectilinear Motion
Simple harmonic motion (SHM) and its geometrical representation, SHM under elastic
forces, Motion under inverse square law, Motion in resisting media, Concept of terminal
velocity, Motion of varying mass. Kinematics and kinetics of the motion, Expressions for
velocity and acceleration in Cartesian, polar and intrinsic coordinates. 15 Hours
1. S. L. Loney (2006). An Elementary Treatise on the Dynamics of a Particle and of Rigid
Bodies. Read Books.
2. P. L. Srivatsava (1964). Elementary Dynamics. Ram Narin Lal, Beni Prasad Publishers
3. J. L. Synge & B. A. Griffith (1949). Principles of Mechanics. McGraw-Hill.
4. A. S. Ramsey (2009). Statics. Cambridge University Press.
5. A. S. Ramsey (2009). Dynamics. Cambridge University Press.
6. R. S. Varma (1962). A Text Book of Statics. Pothishala Pvt. Ltd.
MATDSET 5.1(C) : Mathematical Logic
Teaching Hours : 3 Hours/Week Credits: 3
Total Teaching Hours: 45 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to :
1. Define various mathematical structures like logical statements, tautologies,
contradictions, graphs (varieties of graphs and), Boolean algebra
2. Able to describe and deduce various properties of mathematical structures like that of
Boolean algebra and graphs (like distance, radius, and diameter).
3. Able to apply the rules of logic in arriving at inferences (like that of Modus ponens,
Modus Tollens and so on).
4. Able to apply the rules, principles and algorithms in solving problems like that of
solving recurrence relations, minimizing the Boolean expression through Karnaugh
Map method, solving problems based on counting principles.
5. Will be able prove the mathematical statements related to Boolean algebra,
mathematical logic.

Unit – I: Mathematical Logic

Introduction to propositional logic - Definition of statements (propositions), Logical
operators - ⋀, ∨, ∼, ⇒, ⇔ (definitions, truth tables, logical equivalence, properties and
problems); Some terminologies – converse, inverse and contrapositive (definitions and
problems); Tautology and Contra-diction (Definition and related problems); Theory of
inferences – Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, Hypothetical syllogism and Disjunctive
syllogism (Meanings, examples and underlying tautologies); Predicate Calculus:
Definitions of predicates and quantifiers; Methods of mathematical proofs: Introduction
to proof philosophy (Axiom, postulates and propositions – just discussion); Methods of
proofs: Direct proof, contra-positive proof, proof through contradiction) and counter
examples (Explanation with suitable examples). 15 Hours
Unit - II: Syntax and Semantics of Logic and Propositional Logic
First-order languages, Terms of language, Formulas of language, First order theory. Unit-
II: Semantics of First-order Languages Structures of first order languages, Truth in a
structure, Model of a theory, Embeddings and isomorphism. Propositional Logics Syntax
of propositional logic, Semantics of propositional logic, Compactness theorem for
propositional logic, Proof in propositional logic, Meta theorem in propositional logic, Post
tautology theorem. 15 Hours
Unit – III: Boolean Algebra
Boolean Algebra - Definition and examples, some properties related to Boolean algebra
and Miscellaneous problems; Some terminologies - Definition of atoms, literals,
minterms, maxterms and examples to each and simple problems; Boolean forms -
Definition and problems on Disjunctive Boolean forms, Minimal forms, Normal
Disjunctive Boolean forms, The Karnaugh Map method and applications to circuits.
15 Hours
Reference Books:
1. Richard E. Hodel (2013). An Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Dover
Publications. 2. Yu I. Manin (2010). A Course in Mathematical Logic for
Mathematicians (2nd edition). Springer. 3. Elliott Mendelson (2015). Introduction
to Mathematical Logic (6th edition). Chapman & Hall/CRC. 4. Shashi Mohan
Srivastava (2013). A Course on Mathematical Logic (2nd edition). Springer.
2. Kenneth H. Rosen (2021), Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Mc-Graw
Hill (8th Edition).
3. W. D. Wallis (2002), A beginner’s guide to Discrete Mathematics, Springer
4. David Liben- Nowell (2017), Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science, Wiley
5. Howard Pospesel (2003), Introduction to Logic: Predicate Logic, Person..
6. Kolman B., Busby R.C., Ross S.C.(2002), Discrete Mathematical Structures, PHI

Vocational – 1
MATDSVOC 5.1( A ): Programming with Python

Teaching Hours : 3 Hours/Week Credits: Theory : 2

Practical: 1
Total Teaching Hours: Theory : 30 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Practical : 30 Hours (S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: On the completion of this course the students will be able to
1. Learn the syntax and semantics of Python programming language.
2. Write Python functions to facilitate code reuse and manipulate strings.
3. Understand the use of built-in functions to navigate the file system
4. Apply the concepts of file handling.

Unit-1: Introduction, Basics and Program flow (15 Hours)

Python character set, Tokens, Variables and assignments, print statement, comments, Python
data structure and data types, string operation in Python, Simple input and output (including
simple output-formatting, operators in Python, expressions, standard library modules,
Debugging, indentation, Flow of control (if, if-else, if-elif, nested if), range function,
iteration/looping statements, String and list manipulation, Tuples, dictionaries, sorting

Unit-2: Functions, libraries and File handling (15 Hours)

Understanding and creating your own functions, Function parameters, Flow of execution in a
function call, passing parameters, Returning values from functions, Scope of a function,
Importing modules in a Python, Using standard library functions and Modules, Creating a
Python library, Data files, Operating and closing files, working with text files, Standard,
input, output and error streams, Working with binary and CSV files.
UNIT-3: Practical Implementation of Python (30 Hours)
3. Write python programs using the concepts of control structures.

4. Implement Python programs using functions and strings.

5. Implement methods to create and manipulate lists, tuples and dictionaries.

6. Apply the concepts of file handing and regExusing packages.

7. Illustrate the working of scraping websites with CSV.

1. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python -, Al Sweigart, Willam Pollock, 2015
2. Python Cook Book-, David Beazely and Brain K. Jones 2022.
3. Basic Python Programming for Beginners- Varada Rajkumar, Marapalli Krishna, Jaya
Prakash, Blue Rose Publishers, 2022.
4. Python- John Shovic and Alan Simpson, Paperback, 2020.
5. Learning Python- Mark Lutz, O’Reilly Media, Paperback, 2nd edition, 2020.
6. Programming and Problem Solving Through Python- Satish Jain and Shashi Singh,
BPB Publications, 2020

MATDSVOC 5.1( B ): Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Teaching Hours : 3 Hours/Week Credits: Theory : 3

Total Teaching Hours: Theory : 45 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: On the completion of this course the students
1. Will become familiar with various computational problem solving techniques.
2. Are able to apply appropriate method to solve a given problem.
3. Will be able to describe various methods of algorithm analysis.
4. Will be able estimate the computational complexity of different algorithms.
Unit – I
Introduction: Definition of Algorithm, Algorithm Specification, Analysis Framework.
Performance Analysis: Space complexity, Time complexity. ), and Little-oh Asymptotic
Notations: Big-Oh notation (0), Omega notation (Ω), Theta notation ( notation (o),
Mathematical analysis of Non-Recursive and recursive Algorithms with Examples.
Important Problem Types: Sorting, Searching, String processing, Graph Problems,
Combinatorial Problems. Fundamental Data Structures: Stacks, Queues, Graphs, Trees,
Sets and Dictionaries. Divide and Conquer: General method, Binary search, Recurrence
equation for divide and conquer, Finding the maximum and minimum, Merge sort, Quick
sort, Strassen's matrix multiplication, Advantages and Disadvantages of divide and
conquer. (15 Hours)

Unit – II
Decrease and Conquer Approach: Topological Sort. Greedy Method: General method,
Coin Change Problem, Knapsack Problem, Job sequencing with deadlines. Minimum cost
spanning trees: Prim's Algorithm, Kruskal's Algorithm. Single source shortest paths:
Dijkstra's Algorithm. Optimal Tree problem: Huffman Trees and Codes. Transform and
Conquer Approach: Heaps and Heap Sort. Dynamic Programming: General method with
Examples, Multistage Graphs. Transitive Closure: Warshall's Algorithm. (15 Hours)
Unit – III
All Pairs Shortest Paths: Floyd's Algorithm, Optimal Binary Search Trees, Knapsack
problem, BellmanFord Algorithm, Travelling Sales Person problem, Reliability design.
Backtracking: General method, N-Queens problem, Sum of subsets problem, Graph
coloring , Hamiltonian cycles. Branch and Bound: Assignment Problem, Travelling Sales
Person problem. NP-Complete and NP-Hard problems: Basic concepts, non- deterministic
algorithms, P, NP, NP-Complete, and NP-Hard classes (15 Hours)

1. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Anany Levitin:, 2rd Edition,
2009. Pearson.

2. Computer Algorithms/C++, Ellis Horowitz, Satraj Sahni and Rajasekaran, 2nd Edition,
2014, Universities Press.

3. Introduction to Algorithms, Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronal L. Rivest,

Clifford Stein, 3rd Edition, PHI.

4. Design and Analysis of Algorithms , S. Sridhar, Oxford (Higher Education)


MATDSCT 6.1: Linear Algebra

Teaching Hours : 4 Hours/Week Credits: 4
Total Teaching Hours: 60 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes:
The overall expectation from this course is that the student will build a basic
understanding in few areas of linear algebra such as vector spaces, linear
transformations and inner product spaces. Some broader course outcomes are listed as
follows. At the end of this course, the student will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of Vector spaces, subspaces, bases dimension and their
2. Become familiar with the concepts Eigen values and eigen vectors, minimal
polynomials, linear transformations etc.
3. Learn properties of inner product spaces and determine orthogonality in inner
product spaces.
4. Prove various statements in the context of vectors spaces.
5. Realise importance of adjoint of a linear transformation and its canonical form.

Unit – I: Vector spaces

Vector spaces - Definition, examples and properties; Subspaces - Examples, criterion
for a sub- set to be a subspace and some properties; Linear Combination - Linear span,
Linear dependence and Linear independence, basic properties of linear dependence and
independence, techniques of determining linear dependence and independence in various
vector spaces and related problems; Basis and dimension - Co-ordinates, ordered basis,
some basic properties of basis and dimension and subspace spanned by given set of
vectors; Quotient space. Dimension of quotient space (derivation in finite case); Sum and
Direct sum of subspaces - Dimensions of sum and direct sum spaces (Derivation in finite
15 Hours
Unit – II: Linear Transformations
Linear transformation - Definition, examples, equivalent criteria, some basic properties
and matrix representation and change of basis and effect on associated matrix, similar
matrices; Rank - Nullity theorem - Null space, Range space, proof of rank nullity
theorem and related problems. 15 Hours
Unit – III: Isomorphism, Eigenvalues and Diagonalization
Homomorphism, Isomorphism and automorphism - Examples, order of
automorphism and Fundamental theorem of homomorphism; Eigenvalues and
Eigenvectors - Computation of Eigenvalues, algebraic multiplicity, some basic
properties of eigenvalues, determination of eigenvectors and eigenspace and geometric
multiplicity. Diagonalizability of linear transformation - Meaning, condition based on
algebraic and geometric multiplicity (mentioning) and related problems (Only
verification of diagonalizability). 15 Hours
Unit – IV: Invertible Transformation and Inner product spaces

Invertible transformation - some basic properties of Invertible, singular and non-singular

trans- formations and conditions for existence of inverses; Minimal polynomial of a
transformation. Relation between characteristic and minimal polynomials and related
Inner product and normed linear spaces - Definitions, examples, Cauchy-Schwartz
inequality (with proof) and related problems; Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization -
Orthogonal vectors, orthonormal basis, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process: both
proof and problems; Orthogonal projection - Orthogonal projection of a vector and a
subspace on another subspace, problems related to the same. 15 Hours
Reference Books:
1. I. N. Herstein, Topics in Algebra, 2nd Edition, Wiley.
2. Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel & Lawrence E. Spence (2003), Linear Algebra
(4th Edition), Printice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
3. F. M. Stewart, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Dover Publications.
4. S. Kumaresan, Linear Algebra, Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited.
5. Kenneth Hoffman & Ray Kunze (2015), Linear Algebra, (2nd Edition), Prentice
Hall India Leaning Private Limited.
6. Gilbert. Strang (2015), Linear Algebra and its applications, (2nd Edition), Elsevier.
7. Vivek Sahai & Vikas Bist (2013), Linear Algebra (2nd Edition) Narosa Publishing.
8. Serge Lang (2005), Introduction to Linear Algebra (2nd Edition), Springer India.
9. T. K. Manicavasagam Pillai and K S Narayanan, Modern Algebra Volume 2.

MATDSCP 6.1: Practical’s on Linear Algebra

Practical Hours : 4 Hours/Week Credits: 2
Total Practical Hours: 60 Hours Max. Marks: 50
(S.A.-25 + I.A. – 25)
Course Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to
4. Learn Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools for computer programming
5. Solve problem on Linear Algebra studied in MATDSCT 6.1 by using FOSS
6. Acquire knowledge of applications of Linear Algebra through FOSS.
Practical/Lab Work to be performed in Computer Lab (FOSS)
Suggested Software’s: Maxima/Scilab /Python/R.
Suggested Programs:
1. Program on linear combination of vectors.
2. Program to verify linear dependence and independence.
3. Program to find basis and dimension of the subspaces.
4. Program to verify if a function is linear transformation or not.
5. Program to find the matrix of linear transformation.
6. Program to find the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a given linear transformation.
7. Program on Rank – nullity theorem.
8. Program to verify if the given linear transformation is singular/non-singular.
9. Program to find the minimal polynomial of given transformation.
10. Program to find the algebraic multiplicity of the Eigenvalues of the given linear
11. Program on diagonalization
12. Program on diagonalization.

MATDSCT 6.2: Numerical Analysis

Teaching Hours : 4 Hours/Week Credits: 4
Total Teaching Hours: 60 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes:
The overall expectation from this course is that the student will get equipped with
certain numerical techniques for various computations such as finding roots, finding
the integrals and derivatives, and finding solutions to differential equations. Some
broader course outcomes are listed as follows. At the end of this course, the student
will be able to
1. Describe various operators arising in numerical analysis such as difference
operators, shift operators and so on.
2. Articulate the rationale behind various techniques of numerical analysis such as in
finding roots, integrals and derivatives.
3. Reproduce the existing algorithms for various tasks as mentioned previously in
numerical analysis.
4. Apply the rules of calculus and other areas of mathematics in justifying the
techniques of numerical analysis.
5. Solve problems using suitable numerical technique
6. Appreciate the profound applicability of techniques of numerical analysis in
solving real life problems and also appreciate the way the techniques are modified
to improve the accuracy.
Unit – I: Algebraic and Transcendental Equations
Errors - Significant digits, absolute, relative, percentage errors, rounding off and
truncation errors (meanings and related problems), general error formula (derivation of
formula and problems based on it), error in series approximation: Taylor series
approximations (problems only), Solutions to algebraic and transcendental equations -
Bisection method, Regula-Falsi method, iterative method Newton-Raphson method and
secant method (Plain discussion of the rationale behind techniques and problems on their
applications). 15 Hours

Unit – II: System of Linear Algebraic Equations

Direct Methods – Gauss elimination method, Gauss-Jordan elimination method and
Tringularization method; Iterative methods – Jacobi method, Gauss-Jacobi method, Gauss-
Seidal method, Successive-Over Relaxation method (SOR) method. 15 Hours
Unit – III: Polynomial Interpolations
Finite differences. Forward, backward and central differences and shift operators:
definitions, properties and problems; Polynomial interpolation - Newton-Gregory
forward and backward interpolation formulas, Gauss’s Forward and backward
interpolation formulas, Lagrange interpolation polynomial, Newton’s divided differences
and Newton’s general interpolation formula (Discussion on setting up the polynomials,
differences between them and problems on their applications). 15 Hours

Unit-IV: Numerical Differentiation an Integration

Formula for derivatives (till second order) based on Newton-Gregory forward and
backward interpolations (Derivations and problems based on them). Numerical
Integration - General quadrature formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rule,
Simpson’s 3/8 rule and Weddell’s rule (derivations for only general quadrature formula,
trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s 1/3rd rule and problems on the applications of all
formulas). 15 Hours
Reference Books :
1. E. Isaacson and H. B. Keller, Analysis of Numerical methods, Dover Publications.
2. S. S. Sastry, Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis, 5th Edition, PHI
Learning Private Limited.
3. E Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley India Pvt. Limited
4. B. S. Grewal, Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, Khanna Publishers.
5. M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar and R. K. Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientific and
Engineering computation, 4th Edition, New Age International
6. H. C. Saxena, Finite Difference and Numerical Analysis, S. Chand Publishers
7. B. D. Gupta, Numerical Analysis, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

MATDSCP 6.2: Practical’s on Numerical Analysis

Practical Hours : 4 Hours/Week Credits: 2
Total Practical Hours: 60 Hours Max. Marks: 50
(S.A.-25 + I.A. – 25)
Course Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to
1. Learn Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools for computer programming
2. Solve problem on numerical Analysis studied in MATDSCT 6.2 by using FOSS
3. Acquire knowledge of applications of Numerical Analysis through FOSS.
Practical/Lab Work to be performed in Computer Lab (FOSS)
Suggested Software’s: Maxima/Scilab /Python/R.
Suggested Programs:
1. Program to find root of an equation using bisection and Regula-Falsi methods.
2. Program to find root of an equation using Newton-Raphson and Secant methods.
3. Program to solve system of algebraic equations using Gauss-elimination method.
4. Program to solve system of algebraic equations using Gauss-Jordan method.
5. Program to solve system of algebraic equation using Gauss-Jacobi
6. Program to solve system of algebraic equation using Gauss-Seidel
7. Program to solve the system of algebraic equations using SOR method
8. Program to evaluate integral using Simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 rules.
9. Program to evaluate integral using Trapezoidal and Weddle rules
10.Program to find the sums of powers of successive natural numbers using
Newton – Gregory technique.
11.Program to find differentiation at specified point using Newton-Gregory
interpolation method.
12. Program to find the missing value of table using Lagrange method.

MATDSCT 6.3: Special Functions and Calculus of Variations

Teaching Hours : 4 Hours/Week Credits: 4
Total Teaching Hours: 60 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes:
The overall expectation from this course is that the student develops basic
understanding about some special functions such as beta, gamma, Bessel, Legendre,
Laguerre, Hermite and Chebyshev polynomials. The broader course outcomes are
listed as follow. At the end of this course, the student will be able to
1. Recall the definitions of various special functions such as beta, gamma, Bessel,
Legendre, Laguerre, Hermite and Chebyshev.
2. Reproduce certain mathematical techniques to solve problems such as finding the
convergence, divergence of improper integrals and finding series solution for second
order linear differential equations
3. Set up recurrence relations and generating functions for various special functions
4. Apply the knowledge gained to various situations inside and outside mathematics.

Unit – I: Beta-Gamma Functions

Definitions, Properties and examples, relations between beta and gamma functions,
standard theorems, applications of evaluations of definite integrals, duplication formula
and applications. 15 Hours
Unit – II: Bessel’s and Legendre’s Functions
Solution to differential equation - Ordinary, singular and regular points of second
order linear differential equation, series solution when x = 0 is an ordinary point,
Frobenious method.
Bessel’s differential equation- Definition and discussion of its solutions; Bessel’s
function Jn(x) - Definition, various recurrence relations for Bessel function (derivation),
Generating function for Jn(x) (derivation), value of J1/2 and expansions for J0 and J1
and related problems.
Legendre function - Discussion of solutions to Legendre’s differential equation and
Legendre polynomials Pn(x) - Various recurrence relations (derivations), Generating
function for Pn(x) (derivation) –Orthogonality of Legendre Polynomials. 15 Hours
Unit-III: Calculus of Variations
Introduction, Problem of Brachistochrone problem, problem of geodesics, isoperimetric
problem, variation and its properties, functions and functionals, Variational Problems
with Fixed Boundaries Euler’s equation for functional containing first order and higher
order total derivatives, Functionals containing first order partial derivatives, Variational
problems in parametric form, Invariance of Euler’s equation under coordinates
transformation. 15 Hours
Unit-IV: Variational Problems with Moving Boundaries
Variational problems with moving boundaries, Functionals dependent on one and two
variables, One sided variations. Sufficient conditions for an extremum-Jacobi and
Legendre conditions, Second variation. 15 Hours
Reference books:
1. G. E. Andrews, R. Askey and R. Roy, Special Functions, Cambridge University
2. S. Kanemitsu and H. Tsukada, Vistas of special functions, World Scientific.
3. G. B. Thomas, Thomas Calculus, 13th Edition, Pearson publication.
4. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering mathematics, Khanna Publications
5. K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson and S. J. Bence, Mathematical Methods for Physics
and Engineering, Third Edition, Cambridge University Press.
6. H. K. Das, Higher Engineering Mathematics, S. Chand publishers.
7. A. S. Gupta (2004). Calculus of Variations with Applications. PHI Learning.
8. H. T. H. Piaggio (2004). An Elementary Treatise on Differential Equations and Their
Applications. CBS Publishers.
9. S. B. Rao & H. R. Anuradha (1996). Differential Equations with Applications. University
10. L. E. Elsgolc Calculus of Variations, Pergamon Press Ltd 1962.
11.R. Weinstock (1974), Calculus of Variations with applications to Physics and
Engineering, Dover.

MATDSET 6.1(A): Number Theory

Teaching Hours : 3 Hours/Week Credits: 3
Total Teaching Hours: 45 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes:
The overall expectation from this course is that the student builds a basic understanding on
Theory of Numbers. The broader course outcomes are listed as follow. At the end of this
course, the student will be able to:
1. Achieve command of the definitions and concepts of Number Theory.
2. Exhibit certain properties of Divisibility, Congruence, GCD, LCM and so on.
3. Applies the gained knowledge to solve various other problems.

Unit – I: Basics of Number Theory

Mathematical Induction – Problems. Binomial Theorem (With Proof). Divisibility –
Division Algorithm, Greatest Common Divisor, Least Common Multiple, Euclidean
Algorithm & Euclid’s Lemma, the Diophantine equation �� + �� = �. Primes and their
Distribution – The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, The Sieve of Eratosthenes,
Goldbach Conjecture & other famous conjectures in Number Theory. Congruence’s – Basic
Properties, Linear Congruence, Chinese Remainder Theorem (with proof), Fermat’s Little
Theorem (with proof), Wilson’s Theorem (with proof). 15 Hours
Unit –II: Arithmetical Functions
Arithmetical Functions - Multiplicative Functions - The Sum and Number of Divisors
Function, Mobius Function; Properties and Mobius Inversion Formula, Euler’s phi function –
Properties, Euler’s theorem, Relation between Euler’s phi function and Mobius function.
15 Hours
Unit – III: Primitive Roots and Quadratic Reciprocity Law
The order of an integer modulo n – properties. Primitive roots of primes. Qudratic
Congruence – Quadratic residues and non-residues, Euler’s criteria(with proof), Legendre
Symbol – Properties & Problems, Gauss Lemma(with proof), Quadratic Reciprocity Law
(with proof). 15 Hours
Reference Books:
1. David M. Burton, Elementary Number Theory, Mc Graw Hill Publication.
2. Ivan Niven, Herbert S. Zuckerman and Hugh L. Montgomery, An Introduction to the
theory of numbers, 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Tom M.Apostol, Indroduction to Analytic Number Theory, Springer International
Student edition.
4. Heng Huat Chan, Analytic Number Theory for Undergraduates, Singapore, World
Scientific,Vol.3, 2009.
5. Dickson, Leonard Eugene, History of the Theory of Numbers, Washington, D. C.
New York, 1966.
MATDSET 6.1(B): Continuum Mechanics
Teaching Hours : 3 Hours/Week Credits: 3
Total Teaching Hours: 45 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: On completion of this course the students will be able to
1. Will develop basic understanding about continuum Mechanics in a sufficiently
2. Will be able to appreciate a wide variety of advanced course in solid and fluid
3. Derive conservation laws for mass, momentum and energy on local and global
UNIT-1.- Algebra of Tensors
Range and summation conventions, free and dummy suffixes, the symbol
ij ij.
Co-ordinate transformations, Cartesian tensors, Basic properties, Transpose of a tensor,
Symmetric and Skew tensors, Dual vector of a skew tensor, scalar, vector and tensor
functions, Comma notations, Gradient, Divergence and curl in tensor calculus, integral
theorems for tensors . 15 hours

UNIT-2- Continuum Hypothesis

Continuum Hypothesis, Deformation gradient, Stretch and rotation, Strain tensors,
Strain- displacement relations, Infinitesimal strain tensor, compatibility conditions,
Principalstrains. Material and local time derivatives, path lines, stream lines and vortex
lines, Transport formulas. Vorticity and Circulation. 15 hours

UNIT-3–Stress and Fundamental Laws of Continuum Mechanics

Body forces and surface forces, Stress components and stress tensor, Normal and shear
stresses, Principal stresses. Stress deviator, Boundary condition for the stress tensor.
Lawsof conservation of mass, Principles of Linear and angular momentum, Balance of
energy. 15 hours
Reference Books:
1. D. S. Chandrasekharaiah and L. Debanath: Continuum Mechanics,
Academic Press,USA, 1994.
2. P. Chadwick : Continuum Mechanics, Allen and Unwin, 1976.
3. L. E. Malvern : Introduction to the Mechanics of a Continuous Media,
Prentice Hall,1969.
4. T. J. Chung: Applied Continuum Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
5. J N Reddy: An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics.
6. Rabindranath Chatterjee:Mathematical Theory of Continuum Mechanics .
7. John W. Rudnicki: Fundamentals of Continuum Mechanics ,Wiley.
MATDSET 6.1(C): Local Differential Geometry
Teaching Hours : 3 Hours/Week Credits: 3
Total Teaching Hours: 45 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: On completion of this course the students will

1. Will learn the fundamental notions and properties of curves and surface, as well as
surface in three dimensions and
2. Learn some important basic structure of curvature and its properties towards the
preparation for the further study of global properties of Differential Geometry.
3. Be able to recognize a wide range of advanced and application of
Differential Geometry in Physics, Chemistry, Computer Sciences, InformationSciences,
Architectural designs and in Engineering.

UNIT- I: Curves in the plane and in space:

What is curve? Arc-length, Reparameterization, Level curves, Level curves v/s parametric
curves, curvature, Plane curves, Space curves and problems, Curves in space- Curves in
space, Tangent line, order of contact of curves and surface, osculating plane, Principal and
normal curvature, Fundamental theorem for space curves, osculating circle, Osculating sphere
and Involutes and Evolutes and problems. 15 Hours

UNIT- II: Surface in three dimensions:

What is a surface? Smooth surface, Tangents, Normals, Orientability of surfaces, Examples

of surface and quadric surface and problems. 15 Hours

UNIT- III: Curves on surface

Introduction, Curvilinear equations of the curve on surfaces, 1st Fundamental forms, 2nd
Fundamental forms.

Curvature of surfaces: - Definition of curvature, Curvature of curves on a surface, Normal

and principal curvature and problems 15 Hours

Reference Books
[1] K. K. Dube, Differential Geometry and Tensors, I. K. International Publishing House.

[2] Andrew Pressley, Elementary Differential geometry, Springer Undergraduate

Mathematics series.

[3] Christian Bar, Elementary Differential geometry, Cambridge University Press.

[4] G. P. Sharma, SolidGeometry, Arise Publishers and Distributers, New Delhi.

Vocational - 2
MATDSVOC 6.1( A ): Machine Learning
Teaching Hours : 3 Hours/Week Credits: 3
Total Teaching Hours: 45 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: On the completion of this course the students will
1. Understand the theory of machine learning and its types.
2. Learn the methods of supervised learning using regression.
3. Learn the concept of Neural network and unsupervised learning.
4. Become familiar with methods of deep learning and Convolution Neural Networks

Unit – I :
Introduction to Machine Learning : Introduction to Machine Learning, Applications of
Machine Learning, Types of Machine Learning: Supervised, Unsupervised and
Reinforcement learning, Dataset formats, Features and observations. 6 Hours
Supervised Learning: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression- Linear Regression,
Logistic Regression: Single and Multiple variables, Sum of squares error function, The
Gradient descent algorithm: Application, The cost function, Classification using logistic
regression, one-vs-all classification using logistic regression, Regularization. 9 Hours
Unit – II
Supervised Learning: Neural Network- Introduction to Neural Network, Model
representation, Gradient checking, Back propagation algorithm, Multi-class classification,
Support vector machines, Applications & Use-cases. 7 Hours
Unsupervised Learning: Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction- Introduction to
Clustering, K means Clustering Algorithm, Cost function, Application, Dimensionality
reduction, PCA- Principal Component Analysis Applications, Clustering data and PCA.
8 Hours
Unit – III
Introduction to Deep Learning & CNN : What is deep learning? Difference between
Machine Learning and Deep Learning, When to use Deep Learning? Deep Feed forward
Networks, Example: Learning XOR, Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) –
Convolutional Layer: Filters, Stacking Multiple Feature Maps, Tensor Flow
Implementation, Pooling Layer, CNN Architectures. 15 Hours
1. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and Tensor Flow: Concepts,
Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems 2nd Edition by Aurélien Géron,
October 15, 2019, O'REILLY
2. Python Machine Learning Third Edition, 2019 Packt Publishing, Sebastian Raschka
Vahid Mirjalili, December 2019.
3. The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book, Andriy Burkov, January 13, 2019.
4. Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists 1st
Edition by Andreas Müller, Sarah Guido, O'Reilly Media, November 15, 2016
List of Activities:

1. Introduction to Scikit, Numpy, Scipy and Tensor Flow

2. Linear Regression – Single Variable Linear Regression
3. Linear Regression – Multi Variable Linear Regression
4. Classification – Logistic Regression
5. Classification – Support Vector Machines (SVM)
6. Classification using Neural Networks
7. Unsupervised Learning – Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
8. Unsupervised Learning – K-Means Clustering

MATDSVOC 6.1( B ): Linear Programming

Teaching Hours : 3 Hours/Week Credits: 3
Total Teaching Hours: 45 Hours Max. Marks: 100
(S.A.-60 + I.A. – 40)
Course Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to :
1. Analyze solve the linear programming models of real life problems.
2. Able solve the Linear Programming Problems(LPP) involving two decision variable
by graphical method by illustrating the concept of convex set and extreme points.
3. Understand the theory of simplex method solve LPP.
4. Understand the concepts of Primal and Dual LPP and sensitivity analysis
5. Learn the application of LPP to solve Transportation problems..
Unit – I: Linear Programming Problem (LPP)
Formulation, canonical and standard forms of LPP, Graphical method; Convex and
Polyhedral sets, Hyperplanes, Extreme points; Basic solutions, Basic feasible solutions,
Reduction of feasible solution to basic feasible solution, correspondence between basic
feasible solution and extreme points. Related problems. 13 Hours
Unit – II: Simplex and dual simplex method
Optimality criterion, improving a basic feasible solution, unboundedness, unique and
alternate optimal solutions; simplex algorithm and its tableau format; Artificialvariables,
Two-Phase method and Big-M method. Examples on each method. Duality - Formulation
of the dual LPP, Duality theorems, Complementary slackness theorem, Economic
interpretation of the dual, Dual simplex method 15 Hours

Unit – III: Sensitivity Analysis and Transformation Problems

Sensitivity Analysis – Change in the cost vector, right-hand side vector and the
constraint matrix of LPP. Transportation Problem – Definition and formulation,
methods of finding initial basic feasible solution: North-West Corner rule, Least cost
method, Vogel’s Approximation method; Transportation algorithm for obtaining
optimal solution. 17 Hours
1. Hamdy A. Taha (2017), Operations Research: An Introduction (10th Edition),
2. G. Hadley (2002), Linear Programming, Narosa Publishing
3. S.D. Sharma (2017), Operations Research: Theory, Methods & Applications,(8th
Revised Edition), Kedarnath Ram Nth, Delhi
4. Kanti Swarup; P.K. Gupta and Manmohan, Operations Research, S Cand &

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