BSC Math
BSC Math
BSC Math
Undergraduate Programme Outcomes (Pos)
PSO1 : Understand the basic concepts and tools of mathematical logic, Set theory, Theory of
Equations and Number Theory.
PSO2 : Understand the concepts of Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus and Analysis, Abstract
structures, Algebra, Methods of proofs and Differential Equations.
PSO3 : Translate real world problems into mathematical problems and find solutions for them.
PSO4 : Understand the applications of mathematics in other sciences, engineering and discuss
Human Rights and Mathematics for Environmental Studies
Sacred Heart College, Thevara became an autonomous college under Mahatma University
Kottayam in 2014. The college revised the choice based credit and semester system (CBCSS) for
under graduate programmes from 2015-16 academic year and credit and semester system (CSS)
for postgraduate programmes from 2016-17 academic year onwards. Since the world is
undergoing technological revolutions that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work and
relate to one another, it becomes necessary to update the curriculum and syllabi of various
programmes. Keeping this in mind, the Academic Council which met on 21-07-2018, revised the
CBCSS regulations for under graduate programmes which shall be effective from 2019
admission onwards.
2.1 Scope
Mathematics is as old as civilisation itself and is one of the most useful and fascinating branches
of human knowledge . It encompasses many topics of study and as such it is difficult to define
the term ‘mathematics’ which comes from the Greek word with meaning ‘inclined to learn’ .It
may, however, be broadly defined as the scientific study of quantities, including their
relationships, operations and measurements expressed by numbers and symbols. In simple
words, mathematics deals with the study of numbers and their different calculations . The most
important skills in mathematics are careful analysis and reasoning, and thus logic is the floor on
which the structure of mathematics is built .The B.Sc.Mathematics programme provides in depth
knowledge in geometry, trigonometry, calculus, algebra, number theory, analysis, matrix theory,
metric spaces, graph theory etc. In this programme we shall also study the application oriented
topics like operations research, game theory, Fourier series , Laplace transforms, differential
equations, numerical methods etc. These topics are applied commonly in the disciplines
economics , physics etc.
2.2 Programme Objectives:
v. ‘Common Course I’ means a course that comes under the category of courses for
English and ‘Common Course II’ means additional language, a selection of both is
compulsory for all students undergoing undergraduate programmes.
ii. ‘Complementary Course’ means a course which would enrich the study of core courses.
iii. ‘Open course’ means a course outside the field of his/her specialization, which can be
opted by a student.
iv. ‘Additional core course’ means a compulsory course for all under graduate students (as
per the UGC directive) to enrich their general awareness.
v. The U.G. programmes shall include (a) Common courses I & II, (b) Core courses, (c)
Complementary Courses, (d) Open Course (e) Additional core course. (f) Study tour (g)
Internship for selected programmes.
vi. ‘Additional Course’ is a course registered by a student over and above the minimum
required courses.
vii. ‘Credit’ (Cr) of a course is the numerical value assigned to a course according to the
relative importance of the content of the syllabus of the programme.
viii. ‘Extra credits’ are additional credits awarded to a student over and above the minimum
credits required for a programme for achievements in co-curricular activities carried out
outside the regular class hours OR curricular activities/courses completed for value
addition, as directed by the College/ department. It is the numerical value assigned to
Club activities, Social service, Internship etc. which is not added with the total academic
credits of the students. Additional credit components
x. ‘Programme Elective course’ Programme Elective course means a course, which can be
chosen from a list of electives and a minimum number of courses is required to complete
the programme.
xi. ‘Programme Project’ Programme Project means a regular project work with stated
credits on which the student undergoes a project under the supervision of a teacher in the
parent department / any appropriate Institute in order to submit a dissertation on the
project work as specified.
xii. ‘Internship’ is on-the-job training for professional careers.
xiii. ‘Plagiarism’ Plagiarism is the unreferenced use of other authors’ material in dissertations
and is a serious academic offence.
xiv. ‘Tutorial’ Tutorial means a class to provide an opportunity to interact with students at
their individual level to identify the strength and weakness of individual students.
xv. ‘Seminar’ seminar means a lecture by a student expected to train the student in self-
study, collection of relevant matter from the books and Internet resources, editing,
document writing, typing and presentation.
xvi. ‘Evaluation’ means every course shall be evaluated by 25% internal assessment and 75%
external assessment.
xvii. ‘Repeat course’ is a course that is repeated by a student for having failed in that course
in an earlier registration.
xviii. ‘Audit Course’ is a course for which no credits are awarded.
xix. ‘Department’ means any teaching Department offering a course of study approved by
the college / Institute as per the Act or Statute of the University.
xx. ‘Parent Department’ means the Department which offers a particular Under Graduate
xxi. ‘Department Council’ means the body of all teachers of a Department in a College.
xxii. ‘Faculty Advisor’ is a teacher nominated by a Department Council to coordinate the
continuous evaluation and other academic activities undertaken in the Department.
xxiii. ‘College Coordinator means a teacher from the college nominated by the College
Council to look into the matters relating to CBCSS-UG System
xxiv. ‘Letter Grade’ or simply ‘Grade’ in a course is a letter symbol (O, A, B, C, D, etc.)
which indicates the broad level of performance of a student in a course.
xxv. Each letter grade is assigned a ‘Grade point’ (GP) which is an integer indicating the
numerical equivalent of the broad level of performance of a student in a course.
xxvi. ‘Credit point’ (CP) of a course is the value obtained by multiplying the grade point (GP)
by the Credit (Cr) of the course CP=GP x Cr.
xxvii. ‘Semester Grade point average’ (SGPA) is the value obtained by dividing the sum of
credit points (CP) obtained by a student in the various courses taken in a semester by the
total number of credits taken by him/her in that semester . The grade points shall be
rounded off to two decimal places. SGPA determines the overall performance of a
student at the end of a semester.
xxviii. Cumulative Grade point average’ (CGPA) is the value obtained by dividing the sum of
credit points in all the courses taken by the student for the entire programme by the total
number of credits and shall be rounded off to two decimal places.
xxix. ‘Grace Marks’ means marks awarded to course/s, as per the orders issued by the college
from time to time, in recognition of meritorious achievements in NCC/NSS/Sports/Arts
and cultural activities.
Being a regular college, physical presence in the regular activities, especially, classes and
exams, is mandatory for the students. However, if a student secures 75% of attendance he/she
is eligible to appear for the exams, provided there are no other impediments like disciplinary
proceedings, malpractice record etc.
ii. Absence: A student found absent for one hour in the forenoon or afternoon session is
deprived of the attendance for the entire session as far as eligibility for final exam is
iii. The hour related calculation in a course is meant for awarding marks for the course
iv. Late entry: A student is supposed to be in time in the class. Late arrival related
treatment is left to the discretion of the individual teacher. However, as a norm, a late
arriving student may be permitted to the class, if it is not inconvenient or a distraction to
the class as such; though attendance may not be given. Late arrival beyond 5 minutes is
treated as abscence; though the teacher may consider permitting the student to sit in the
v. Leave : A student has to formally report his/her absence with reasons either in advance,
or immediately after the absence for obtaining an approved leave. This applies to all
sorts of leave – medical, on duty or other. The student is supposed to report in prescribed
format on the very next day of the absence; however, up to a week’s time is permitted.
Afterwards, the leave applications will not be considered. The student has to retain a
copy/section of the approved leave form and produce the same as proof, in case there is
any confusion regarding the leave sanctioning. In the absence of such proof, the claims
will not be entertained.
vi. Duty Leave: A student representing the college in sports, arts, social service or academic
matters, has to get sanction from the class teacher concerned and submit the leave
application form duly endorsed by teacher concerned & the class teacher, and submit it to
the faculty Dean (or Vice Principal). The same will be forwarded by the Dean/Vice
Principal for attendance entry.
vii. SPORTS: The approval of the Department of Physical Education and the class
teacher is required. The time limit for submission mentioned above is applicable in the
case of duty leave as well.
i. A student shall be permitted to register for the programme at the time of admission.
ii. A UG student who registered for the programme shall complete the same within a period
of 12 continuous semesters from the date of commencement of the programme.
6. PROMOTION: A student who registers for the end semester examination shall be
promoted to the next semester.
MODEL - 1.
All the End Semester Examinations of the college will be conducted by the Controller of
Examination. The Principal will be the Chief Controller of Examinations. An Examination
committee consisting of the Chief Controller of Examinations, Controller of Examinations,
Additional Chief Superintendent, Deans, IQAC Coordinator and other faculty members
nominated by the Principal will act as an advisory body of the matters relating to the conduct
of examinations.
i. Assignments: Every student shall submit one assignment as an internal component for
every course.
Components Marks
Punctuality 1
Content 2
Conclusion 1
Reference/Review 1
Total 5
ii. Seminar: The seminar lecture is expected to train the student in self-study, collection of
relevant matter from the books and Internet resources, editing, document writing, typing
and presentation.
Components Marks
Content 2
Presentation 2
Reference/Review 1
Total 5
iii. Evaluation of Attendance
% of attendance Marks
90 and above 5
85 - 89 4
80 - 84 3
76 - 79 2
75 1
Total 25
*For the common course English in the first semester , internal oral examination shall be
conducted instead of test paper .
Attendance 5
Total 20
Components Marks
Record 2
Total 5
For all courses (theory & practical), Letter grades and grade point are given on a 10-point
scale based on the total percentage of marks, (CIA+ESE) as given below:-
85 to below 95 A+ Excellent 9
65 to below 75 B+ Good 7
45 to below 55 C Average 5
35 to below 45 D Pass 4
Below 35 F Fail 0
Ab Absent 0
Grades for the different semesters and overall programme are given based on the
corresponding SGPA/CGPA as shown below:
A separate minimum of 30% marks each for internal and external (for both theory and
practical) and aggregate minimum of 35% are required for a pass for a UG programme. A
candidate who has not secured minimum marks/credits in internal examinations can re-do
the same registering along with the end semester examination for the same semester,
A student who fails to secure a minimum marks/grade for a pass in a course will be
permitted to write the examination along with the next batch.
After the successful completion of a semester, Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) of
a student in that semester is calculated using the formula given below. For the successful
completion of semester, a student should pass all courses and score at least the minimum
CGPA grade ‘D’. However, a student is permitted to move to the next semester
irrespective of her/his SGPA.
Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) of a Semester is calculated using the formula
For the i thsemester SGPA , denoted by S i ,is calculated using thefollowing formula .
SGPA ( Si ) = ∑ [ Cj × Gj ] / ∑ Cj
where Cj is
the credit of the jth course in the ith semester and Gj is the grade point of the jth course in the
CGPA = ∑ [ Ci × Si ] / ∑ Ci ,
where Si is the SGPA of the ithsemester and Ci is the total of the credits of all the courses
in the ith semester .
English - 1 4 B 6 24
English common
3 B 6 18
Second language
4 C 5 20
Core course -1 3 A 8 24
physics -1
2 A+ 9 18
statistics -1
3 O 10 30
Total 19 134
(b) Computation of CGPA for Bsc. MATHEMATICS programme
A candidate can improve his/her marks once by appearing again for the examination with
the subsequent batch with the remittance of prescribed fee. In such cases the better of the
two marks shall be taken as the marks awarded to him.
Internal assessment marks shall be carried over to the subsequent semester examination.
There shall not be any provision for improving internal assessment marks.
A candidate shall be eligible for promotion from one semester to the next higher semester
a. He / she secures a minimum 75 % attendance and registered for the End Semester
Examination of the programme for which he/she is studying.
b. His / her progress of study and conduct are satisfactory during the semester completed,
as per the assessments recorded by the course teachers and the Head of the Department
14. Certificates
1. Diploma and Degree certificates are issued by the Mahatma Gandhi University,
Kottayam as per the act and statues of the University on the submission of the
consolidated mark / score cards of the students by the College.
2. A consolidated mark / scored card shall be issued to the candidates after the publication
of the results of the final semester examination taken by the candidate.
3. A Course Completion Certificate with classification shall be issued to students till the
provisional certificate is issued by the university.
The successful completion of all the courses with ‘D’ grade (40%) shall be the minimum
requirement for the award of the degree.
16. Monitoring
Every Programme conducted under Choice Based Credit System shall be monitored by the
College Council under the guidance of IQAC Coordinator, Controller of Exams, Academic
Deans and HoDs.
17. Grievance Redressal Mechanism
In order to address the grievance of students regarding Continuous internal assessment
(CIA) a three-level Grievance Redressal mechanism is envisaged. A student can approach
the upper level only if grievance is not addressed at the lower level.
Level 2: At the level of a department committee consisting of the Head of the Department,
a coordinator of internal assessment for each programme nominated by the HoD and the
course teacher concerned.
Level 3: A committee with the Principal as Chairman, Dean of the Faculty concerned,
HOD of the department concerned and one member of the Academic council nominated by
the principal every year as members.
Maximum Maximum
1 English Common 1 5 4 25 75
1 English Common 2 4 3 25 75
1 Additional language- 1 4 4 25 75
1 Core course -1 4 3 25 75
1 Physics(Complementary 4 2 20 60
course) -1
Statistics(Complementary 4 3 25 75
course) -1
English Common 3 5 4 25 75
2 English Common 4 4 3 25 75
2 Additional Language -2 4 4 25 75
2 Core course- 2 4 3 25 75
2 Physics(Complementary 4 (Theory-2 20 60
course) -2
2 Statistics( 4 3 25 75
Complementary course) -
3 English - 5 5 4 25 75
3 Additional language -3 5 4 25 75
3 Core course- 3 5 4 25 75
3 Physics(Complementary 5 3 20 60
course) -3
3 Statistics(Complementary 5 4 25 75
course) -3
4 English - 6 5 4 25 75
Additional language - 4
4 5 4 25 75
4 Core course - 4 5 4 25 75
Physics(Complementary 5
4 (Theory-3
5 Practical-2) 20 60
course) -4
4 5 4 25 75
5 Core course -5 6 4 25 75
5 Core course - 6 6 5 25 75
5 Core course - 7 5 4 25 75
5 Core course -8 4 4 25 75
5 Open course 4 3 25 75
25 75
6 Core course - 9 5 4
25 75
25 75
6 Core course - 11 5 4
6 Core course - 13 4 3 25 75
6 Project 1 1 25 75
150 120
Total marks ( internal + external ) for each course (without practical) is 100
Questions shall be set to assess knowledge acquired , standard application of the knowledge ,
application of knowledge in new situation , critical evaluation of knowledge and the ability to
synthesize knowledge . The question paper setter shall ensure that the questions are set in such a
manner that it will test the mathematical skills of the students . The question paper shall contain
short , medium and long essay type questions . More thrust shall be given to problems
Mathematics Core Courses
4 19U4CRMAT04 Methods and 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75
Number Theory
5 19U5CRMAT06 6 108 5 3 Hrs 25 75
Human Rights
Mathematics for
5 19U5CRMAT08 Environmental 4 72 4 3 Hrs 25 75
Real Analysis -
6 19U6CRMAT09 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75
6 19U6CRMAT10 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75
Linear Algebra
and Graph
6 19U6CRMAT11 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75
Fourier Series ,
Transforms and
6 19U6CRMAT12 Metric Spaces 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75
6 19U6CRMAT13 4 72 3 3 Hrs 25 75
Basic Python
6 19UCRMAT14
and Typesetting
in LaTeX 4 72 3 3 Hrs 25 75
6 19UCRMAT15 4 72 3 3 Hrs 25 75
6 19U6PJMAT1 Project 1 18 1 NIL 25 75
Applicable 4 72 3 3 Hrs 25 75
5 19U5OCMAT1
Calculus – 2
Fourier Series ,
Transforms ,
4 19U4CPMAT04 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75
and Groups
Total 120
Core Course-1
Semester 1
Credits 3
Text Book: CALCULUS, by Howard Anton, Irl Bivens, Stephen Davis. (10 th Edition),
Wiley Student Edition.
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to familiarise the students with the various applications of
derivatives and definite integrals. The course introduces Rolle’s Theorem, Lagranges Mean
Value Theorem and their applications. L’Hopital’s rule for computing limits of indeterminate
forms and hyperbolic functions and their derivatives are also introduced. Functions of more than
one variable and consequently partial derivatives are also discussed.
CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Lab Hrs
Compute the Limits using PO1/
CO3 AP P 10 0
L’Hopitals rule. PSO2
Functions, Limits (an intuitive approach), computing limits, tangent lines and rates of change,
the derivative function, Techniques of differentiation, indefinite integral, definite integral,
Fundamental theorem of Calculus, techniques of integration.
Module I
Module II
Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorem, L’Hopital’s Rule; Indeterminate Forms , Hyperbolic
Module III
Applications of the definite integral in geometry, science and engineering. Area between two
curves, Volumes by slicing; Disks and washers, Volumes by cylindrical shells, Length of a plane
curve, area of a surface of revolution.
Module IV
Functions of two or more variables, Partial derivatives, The chain rule, Maxima and minima of
functions of two variables, Lagrange multipliers.
1) Thomas Calculus by Maurice Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R Giordano.(11 th edition), 2008, Pearson
2) Calculus: (Vol 1) One Variable Calculus with an introduction to Linear Algebra by Tom M
Apostol (2nd Edition), 2016, Wiley Student Edition.
3) Advanced Calculus, Schaum’s outlines, by Robert C Wrede and Murray Spiegel. (2 nd Edition),
2005, Tata McGraw-Hill.
4) Calculus and Its Applications by Larry J Goldstein, David C Lay, David I Schneider and
Nakhle H Asmar (12th Edition), 2010, Pearson Education.
5) Calculus Early Transcendentals, by James Stewart (5th Edition), 2007, Thomson Learning.
Question Paper Pattern
I 3 2 1 6
II 3 2 1 6
III 3 2 1 6
IV 3 2 1 6
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No of Questions to 10 5 3 18
be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course 2
Semester 2
Credits 3
Text Books:
1) Calculus by Howard Anton, Irl Bivens, Stephens Davis. (10 th Edition), 2010, Wiley India Pvt
Course Objectives:
The objectives of the course are to familiarise the students with the concept of higher order
derivatives and their applications. Parametric Equations of curves and their applications are
introduced to the student. The course also introduces multiple integrals and their application to area
and volume problems.The final module deals with trigonometry.
Bridge Course
Successive differentiation, Leibniz Theorem, nth derivative of Functions, Taylor’s and Maclaurins
series ( Proofs Excluded), Expansions of standard functions ( e x ,sin x, cos x, ( 1+ x )n
log (1+x), Sin hx, Cos hx, tan−1(x), sin− 1(x), curvature, evolute, involute, asymptotes and
Double integrals, double integrals over nonrectangular regions, double integrals in polar
coordinates, surface area; Parametric surfaces, Triple integrals, Triple integrals in cylindrical and
Spherical Coordinates.
n n
x 2 n-2 x a cos ( nθ ) +a 2n .and summation of infinite series by C+iS method.
1) Thomas Calculus by Maurice Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R Giordano.(11 th edition), 2008, Pearson
2) Calculus: (Vol 1) One Variable Calculus with an introduction to Linear Algebra by Tom M
Apostol (2nd Edition), 2016, Wiley Student Edition.
3) Advanced Calculus, Schaum’s outlines, by Robert C Wrede and Murray Spiegel. (2 nd Edition),
2005, Tata McGraw-Hill.
4) Calculus and Its Applications by Larry J Goldstein, David C Lay, David I Schneider and Nakhle
H Asmar (12th Edition), 2010, Pearson Education.
5) Calculus Early Transcendentals, by James Stewart (5th Edition), 2007, Thomson Learning.
I 2 2 1 5
II 4 2 0 6
III 4 2 2 8
IV 2 2 1 5
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No of Questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course -3
Semester 3
Credits 4
Course Objectives:
2) To enable the student to find the number, location and roots of real polynomial equations upto
fourth order
3) To study matrix theory and its application to solution of systems of linear equations.
Scalar and Vector Fields, Gradient of a Scalar Field, Geometrical Interpretation of Gradient,
Directional Derivative, Properties of Gradient, Divergence of a Vector Point Function, Curl of a
Vector Point Function, Physical Interpretation of Divergence, Physical Interpretation of Curl,
Properties of Divergence and Curl, Repeated Operations by ∇ .
Module 2 ( 25 hrs)
Integration of Vector Functions, Line Integrals, Circulation, Work Done by a Force, Surface
Integrals, Volume Integrals, Divergence Theorem of Gauss (Relation between Surface and Volume
Integrals), Green’s Theorem in the Plane, Stoke’s Theorem (Relation between Line and Surface
Integrals).( All theorems without proof).
2) Thomas Calculus by Maurice Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R Giordano.(11 th edition), 2008, Pearson
4) Higher Algebra by H.S. Hall and S.R. Knight, Surjit Publications, Delhi.
5) Higher Algebra by S. Bernard and J.M. Child, AITBS Publishers, India, 2009
6) Basic Linear Algebra, S.Blyth and E.F. Robertson, Springer, Second Edition, 2002
I 3 2 1 6
II 3 2 1 6
III 3 2 1 6
IV 3 2 1 6
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No of Questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course 4
Semester 4
Credits 4
Course Objectives:
The objectives of the course include teaching the students about conic sections, numerical methods
of solving polynomial equations and basic number theory.
Text Book:
1) Analytic Geometry of Two And Three Dimensions And Vector Analysis. R.M.Khan, New
Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd., London.
Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola, Second degree homogeneous equation, General equation of second
degree, Canonical Form, Reduction to Canonical Form, Rank and classification of second order
Equation of tangents, to find equation of the normal, pair of tangents; director circle, chord of
contact, pole and polar.Asymptotes, Equation of a hyperbola, Polar coordinates, polar equation of a
straight line, polar equation of a circles, polar equation of conic with focus as the pole,
Module 3
Numerical methods (25 hours)
Introduction, Bisection Method, Method of False position, Iteration Method, Newton - Raphson
Basic properties of congruence, Fermat’s theorem, Wilson’s theorem, Euler’s phi function.
(Text 2 : Chapter 4: section 4.2, Chapter 5: sections 5.2, 5.3 and Chapter 7: section 7.2.)
I 3 2 1 6
II 4 2 1 7
III 2 2 1 5
IV 3 2 1 6
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No of Questions to 10 5 3 18
be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course -5
Course Title Real Analysis - I
Semester 5
Credits 4
Text Book :
Mathematical Analysis, 4thedition, S.C.Malik Savita Arora, New Age International Publishers,
Course Objectives
Real Numbers
Intervals, bounded and unbounded sets, supremum and infimum of sets, completeness in the set of
real numbers, Archimedean property, Dedekind, s form of completeness, absolute value of real
numbers, neighbourhood of a point, interior point of a set, limit point of a set, Bolzano –
Weierstrass theorem, closed set, closure of a set, dense set, countable and uncountable sets.
Chapter 1:Sections, 2.6, 3,4 ,4.1, 4.2, 4.3 ,5 Chapter 2 .Sections 1.1 ,1.2 ,2 , 2.1,3 3.1 3.2 ,3.3 ,3.4,
3.5 , 4
Module - 2 ( 30 Hrs )
Real Sequences
Chapter3 :Sections 1 ,1.1 ,1.2 ,1.3 ,1.4 ,2 ,2.1 ,2.2 ,2.3 ,3 ,4 ,4.1 ,4.2 ,5, 6,6.1,7 ,8 ,9 ,9.1.
Limits: Limits, Left hand limit and right hand limit, theorems on limits, limit of a function, limit of
a function (sequential approach ), Cauchy,s criterion for finite limits .
1 Robert .G. Bartle and Donald R Sherbert, Introduction to Real analysis, 3rd edn.
2 Richard.R. Goldberg, Methods of Real Analysis, 3rd Edition , Oxford and IBM publishing co.
4 Elias Zako, Mathematical analysis Vol. 1 , Overseas press , New Delhi ,2006.
I 4 2 1 7
II 4 2 1 7
III 3 3 2 8
IV 1 1 0 2
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No of Questions to 10 5 3 18
be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course - 6
Semester 5
Credits 4
Text Books:
The objective of the course is to equip the student with the methods of solution of differential
equations, both ordinary and partial.
Course Outcomes
Exact differential equations and integrating factors ( proof of theorem 2.1 excluded ) , separable
equations and equations reducible to this form,, linear equations and Bernoulli equations, special
integrating factors and transformations. Orthogonal and oblique trajectories.
Module II ( 30 hrs.)
Basic theory of linear differential equations. The homogeneous linear equation with constant
coefficients. The method of undetermined coefficients, Variation of parameters, The Cauchy –
Euler equation.
Power series solution about an ordinary point, solutions about singular points, the method of
Frobenius , Bessel’s equation and Bessel Functions, Differential operators and an operator method.
dx dy dz
= = . Origin of first order and second order partial differential equations, Linear
equations of the first order, Lagrange’s method
2) George. F. Simmons – Differential equation with applications and historical notes ( Tata
McGraw Hill )
3) W.E. Boyce & R.C. Diprima - Elementary Differential Equations and boundary value Problems,
( Wiley India )
4) S. Balachandra Rao & H. Ranuradha – Differential Equation with Applications and Programs
( Universities Press )
I 3 2 1 6
II 3 2 1 6
III 3 2 1 6
IV 3 2 1 6
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No of Questions to 10 5 3 18
be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course - 7
Semester 5
Credits 4
Text Book:
Course Objectives:
The course aims at introducing to the student the concept of groups and related concepts including
subgroups, cyclic groups, abelian and non abelian groups, permutation groups, Lagrange’s
Theorem, Normal subgroups and Factor groups and homomorphisms and simple groups. The
concepts of ring, ring with unity, commutative ring, integral domain, division ring and field are also
introduced.Ideals, Factor rings and prime and maximal ideals are also discussed.
Course Outcomes:
Understand Lagrange’s
CO3 U F,C 10 0
theorem and its applications
Bridge Course
Basic Logic ( Negation, Converse, Counterpositive of Statements, Methods of Proof) , Sets and
relations, Functions, Types of Functions.
Module 1 ( 25 hrs)
Binary Operations, Isomorphic Binary Structures, Groups, Subgroups and Cyclic Groups.
Groups of Permutations, Orbits, Cycles, and the Alternating Groups,Cosets and the Theorem of
Lagrange, Direct Products
Rings and Fields, Integral Domains, Fermat's and Euler's Theorems, Homomorphisms and Factor
Rings, Prime and Maximal Ideals (Proofs of Theorems 26.3,26.7,26.9 and 26.17 are to be excluded)
1 3 2 1 6
2 3 2 1 6
3 3 2 1 6
4 3 2 1 6
Total No of Questions 12 8 4 24
No.of questions to be 10 5 3 18
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course - 8
Semester 5
Credits 4
Course outcomes
1. Fibonacci and Lucas numbers with applications, by Thomas Koshy, John Wiley
2., Text Book of Environmental Studies for undergraduate Courses. By Bharucha Erach
Module I
Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forest and tribal people.
e) Energy resources : Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy sources,
and desertification
• Concept of an ecosystem
• Ecological succesion
• Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the given ecosystem:-
Forest ecosystem
Module II
Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option
Hot-sports of biodiversity
a.Air pollution
b.Water pollution
c.Soil pollution
d.Marine pollution
e.Noise pollution
f.Thermal pollution
g.Nuclear hazards
Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and
industrial wastes.
( 8hrs )
Resettlement and rehabilitation of people: its problems and concerns, Case studies
Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion , nuclear accidents and
Public awareness
The rabbit problem, Fibonacci numbers, recursive definition, Lucas numbers, Different types
ofFibonacci and Lucas numbers. Fibonacci numbers in nature : Fibonacci and the earth,
Fibonacci and flowers, Fibonacci and sunflower, Fibonacci, pinecones, artichokes and
pineapples,Fibonacci and bees, Fibonacci and subsets, Fibonacci and sewage treatment,
Fibonacci and atoms, Fibonacci and reflections, Fibonacci, paraffins and cycloparaffins,
Fibonacci and music,Fibonacci and compositions with 1’s and 2’s.
Text 1 : Chapters 2 & 3 (excluding Fibonacci and poetry, Fibonacci and electrical networks)
The golden ratio, mean proportional, a geometric interpretation, ruler and compass
construction,Euler construction, generation by Newton’s method. The golden ratio revisited,
the golden ratio and human body, golden ratio by origami, Differential equations, Gattei’s
discovery of golden ratio, centroids of circles
Unit-2 Human Rights and United Nations – contributions, main human rights related
Human Rights in India – Fundamental rights and Indian Constitution, Rights for
children and women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes
and Minorities
Unit-3 Environment and Human Rights - Right to Clean Environment and Public
Disposal, Protection of Environment, Conservation of natural resources and human rights: Reports,
Case studies and policy formulation. Conservation issues of Western ghats- mention Gadgil
committee report, Kasthurirangan report. Over exploitation of ground water resources,
marine fisheries, sand mining etc.
7. Jadhav.H & Bhosale.V.M. 1995. Environmental Protection and Laws. Himalaya Pub.
8. Mekinney, M.L & Schock.R.M. 1996 Environmental Science Systems & Solutions.
10. Odum.E.P 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Co. USA 574p (Ref)
11. Rao.M.N & Datta.A.K. 1987 Waste Water treatment Oxford & IBII Publication
Co.Pvt.Ltd.345p (Ref)
12. Rajagopalan. R, Environmental Studies from crisis and cure, Oxford University Press,
13. Sharma B.K., 2001. Environmental Chemistry. Geol Publ. House, Meerut (Ref)
14. Townsend C., Harper J, and Michael Begon, Essentials of Ecology, Blackwell
Science (Ref)
15. Trivedi R.K., Handbook of Environmental Laws, Rules Guidelines, Compliances and
16. Trivedi R. K. and P.K. Goel, Introduction to air pollution, Techno-Science Publication
17. Wanger K.D., 1998 Environmental Management. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia,
Human Rights
1. Amartya Sen, The Idea Justice, New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2009.
2. Chatrath, K. J.S., (ed.), Education for Human Rights and Democracy (Shimla:
Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, 1998)
1 2 1 1 4
2 2 1 1 4
3 3 3 1 7
4 3 2 1 6
5 2 1 0 3
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course-9
Semester 6
Credits 4
Text Books
Course Objectives
3) To introduce Riemann integration for evaluating the integrals of certain bounded functions
on finite closed intervals.
Module - II ( 25 Hrs )
Riemann Integration :
Integral of unbounded functions with finite limits of integration and their convergence, improper
integrals with infinite range of integration, Beta and Gamma functions, properties of Gamma
functions, extension of definition of Gamma functions, value of Г(1/2) , transformation of Gamma
function, symmetrical property of Beta function, transformation of Beta function, relation between
Beta and Gamma functions.
Text:2.Chapter 20 , Sections ,
20.1 ,20.2 ,20.3 ,20.4 ,20.5 ,20.6 ,20.7 ,20.8 ,20.9 ,20.10 ,20.11 ,20.12 .
1 Introduction to Real analysis, by Robert G Bartle and Donald R Sherbert, 3rd Edition, Wiley
Student Edition
2 Methods of Real Analysis, by Richard R Goldberg, 3rd Edition ,Oxford and IBM publishing co.
6. Mathematical Analysis Vol. 1, by Elias Zako ,Overseas press , New Delhi ,2006.
2 3 2 1 6
3 4 1 1 6
4 2 2 1 5
Total No. of 12 8 4 24
No. of Questions to 10 5 3 18
be answered
Total marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course -10
Semester 6
Credits 4
Text book:
Complex variables and applications by James Ward Brown & Ruel V. Churchill
(8 th edition)
Course Objectives:
The objectives of the course include familiarising the student with the theory of functions of one
complex variable, differentiability and analyticity of such functions, complex integration and
related topics
Course Outcomes:
A quick review on Complex numbers and its properties, vectors and moduli, complex
conjugates, exponential forms, arguments and its properties, roots of complex numbers, and
Chapter 2 (Sections 12, 15, 16, 18 to 22, 24 to 26); Chapter 3 (Sections 29, 30, 33 to 36)
Derivatives of functions, definite integrals of functions, contours, contour integrals, some examples,
upper bounds for moduli of contour integrals, antiderivates , Cauchy-Goursat theorem (without
proof ), simply and multiply connected domains, Cauchy’s integral formula, an extension of
Cauchy’s integral formula, Liouville’s theorem and fundamental theorem of algebra, maximum
modulus principle.
Isolated singular points, residues, Cauchy’s residue theorem, three types of isolated singular points,
residues at poles, examples. Applications of residues, evaluation of improper integrals,examples.
1) Complex Analysis- An introduction to the theory of Analytic of one Complex Variable by Lars V
Ahlfors (4th Edition), Mc Graw Hill
8) Complex Variables – A physical approach with applications and MATLAB by Steven G Krantz,
Chapman and Hall/CRC(2007)
Question Paper Pattern
I 3 2 1 6
II 3 2 1 6
III 3 2 1 6
IV 3 2 1 6
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course -11
Semester 6
Credits 4
Text Books :
2. A first look at graph theory, by John Clark Derek, Allen Holton Allied Publishers
Course Objectives:
The objectives of the course are to introduce the topics of linear algebra and graph theory to the
Vector spaces: Vectors, Subspace, Linear Independence, Basis and Dimension, Row Space of a
Module II
(25 hrs)
Text 1: Chapter 1 (Sections 1.1 to 1.7) Text 1: Chapter 2 (Sections 2.1, 2.2 2.3, & 2.6)
Euler’s Tours, the Chinese postman problem. Hamiltonian graphs & the travelling salesman
problem, Matching and augmenting paths, Hall’s Marriage theorem (Statement only), Personnel
assignment problem, the optimal assignment problem.
Chapter 3 Sections 3.1 (algorithm deleted), 3.2 (algorithm deleted), 3.3, and 3.4 (algorithm
deleted).Chapter 4.1, 4.2, 4.3(Algorithm deleted) 4.4(Algorithm deleted).
I 3 2 1 6
II 3 2 1 6
III 3 2 1 6
IV 3 2 1 6
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course -12
Semester 6
Credits 4
Text books:
1), A text book of Engineering Mathematics, by N.P Bali, Manish Goyal Lakshmi publications,
Eighth edition
2) An introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis by G.F. Simmons, Tata McGraw Hill
Course Objectives:
The objectives of the course include teaching the students the concepts of Fourier Series, Fourier
and Laplace Transforms and their applications in the physical world.The course also introduces the
concept of metric spaces
Periodic functions, Fourier series, Euler’s formulae, Dirichlet’s conditions, Change of interval, Half
range series
Metric Spaces – Definition and Examples, Open sets, Closed Sets. , Cantor set
1) Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Michael D Greenberg, Pearson
Education, 2002
3) Topology of Metric Spaces, S Kumaresan, Narosa Publishing House, Second Edition, 2011
I 3 2 1 6
II 3 2 1 6
III 3 2 1 6
IV 3 2 1 6
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Semester 5
Credits 3
Course Objectives
The objectives of this course include preparing students of all streams, particularly those
with arts and commerce back ground with the basics of mathematics required for their higher
studies and preparing students of all streams, particularly those with arts and commerce back
ground to approach competitive examinations. Detailed explanation and short cut method for
solving problems are to be introduced to students, so that they can acquire better understanding of
concepts and problem solving skill.
Types of numbers, Quadratic equations (Solution of quadratic equations with real roots
only), Logarithms – All rules without proof, Multiplication and division of numbers, Evaluating
expressions of the form x p/q , x any real number, p & q are integers, Permutations and
combinations – simple applications, Trigonometry introduction, Values of trigonometric ratios of
00, 300, 450, 600& 900, Heights and distances – Simple cases - (application of sin x, cos x, tan x,
and their reciprocals only). Two dimensional geometry- Introduction, plotting points and drawing
graph of the lines of the form ax + by + c = 0.
Probability – Introduction – Sample spaces and events, Simple examples like tossing coin ,
tossing die etc.., Differential Calculus - Differentiation – Standard results (derivatives) without
proof, Product rule, Quotient rule and function of function rule), Integral calculus (Integration
simple cases, with and without limits)
HCF and LCM of numbers, Fractions, Squares and square roots, cube and cube roots,
simplifications, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Profit and loss, Simple average (No Weighed
Simple interest, Compound interest, Time and work, Work and wages, (Exclude Pipes and Systems
from the core reference), Time and distance, Elementary mensuration – Area and perimeter of
polygons, Elementary Algebra, (Simplifications of algebraic expressions)
I 3 2 1 6
II 3 2 1 6
III 3 2 1 6
IV 3 2 1 6
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Semester 6
Credits 3
Text Book
Course Outcomes:
Linear Programming:- Model formulation and solution by the Graphical Method and the Simplex
General Mathematical Model of LPP, Guidelines on linear Programming model formulation and
examples of LP Model formulation.Introduction to graphical method, definitions, Graphical
solution methods of LP Problems, Special cases in linear Programming, Introduction to simplex
method, Standard form of an LPP, Simplex algorithm (Maximization case), Simplex algorithm
(Minimization case), The Big M Method, Some complications and their resolution, Types of linear
Programming solutions.
Chapter 2: Sections 2.6 to 2.8, Chapter 3: Sections 3.1 to 3.4, Chapter 4: Sections 4.1 to 4.6
Introduction, Two-person zero sum games, pure strategic (Minimax and Maximin principles),
Games with saddle point, mixed strategies, Games without saddle point, The rules of dominance,
solution methods: Games without saddle point (Arithmetic method, Matrix method, Graphical
method and Linear programming method)
I 5 3 1 9
II 1 2 - 3
III 4 2 2 8
IV 2 1 1 4
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Semester 6
Credits 3
Course structure
This course covers computer programming language using Python and document preparation
using the LaTeX typesetting program. Since the operating system to be used is Ubuntu/Linux,
fundamentals of this OS are also to be discussed. Python 3.x version with IDLE support should be
used for introducing the concepts in Python programming. Being a computer programming course,
there will be a Theory Part and a Practical Part. The total hours for the course are 72 hrs out of
which 54 hrs for theory and 18 hrs for practical session.Sample programs and exercise questions
given in the prescribed text should be practiced in the computer lab. The student has to maintain an
observation note book and a practical record. The University will conduct only theory examination,
but Practical examination should be conducted internally and this should be considered for internal
Construct a document
CO4 U F,C 20 0
including figures and tables PO1/PSO4
using LaTex
Text Books
1 . The online Wiki book “Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3” (A free PDF
Introduction of Python, its installation, IDLE and file name. Output function, Arithmetic
Operators, Input and variables, assignment statement, simple string operations, while loops, if
statement, relational operators, For loops.
Text 2 : Tutorial I (Sections I.1 to I.4), Tutorial II (Sections II.1 to II.7),Tutorial III (Section III.1)
and Tutorial V (Sections V.1 to V.3),Tutorial VI (Sections VI.1 to VI.3) , Tutorial VII
(Section VII. 2 [deleting VII.2.1 to VII.2.6])
Text 2 :- Tutorial VIII (Sections VIII.1 to VIII.7 [deleting VIII.5 and VIII.6])
Tutorial IX ([deleting IX.2.3]), Tutorial XI (Section XI.1.1 only), and Tutorial XII (Section XII.1
and XII.2)
2. The free to download book “Formatting inform action: A beginner’s introduction to typesetting
with LaTeX” by Peter Flynn. This can be downloaded free from the URL
4. LATEX , a Document Preparation System by Leslie Lamport (second edition, Addison Wesley,
5. The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e by Tobias Oetiker Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna and
Elisabeth Schlegl. Free to download from
Question Paper Pattern
I 2 2 1 5
II 3 2 1 6
III 3 2 1 6
IV 4 2 1 7
Total No. of 12 8 4 24
No. of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Choice Based Course - 3
Semester 6
Credits 3
Text Books :
Solution of Equations
Text 1: Chapter 2 (Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6)
Fourier Approximations
Fourier series, Fourier transform, Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and inverse Discrete Fourier
transform (IDFT).
Integration, Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s 1/3 Rule, Simpson’s 3/8 Rule, Boole’s and Weddle’s
Text 1 : Chapter 6 ( Sections 6.1, 6.2 : 6.2.1. Sections 6.4 : 6.4.1, 6.4.2, 6.4.3 and 6.4.4 )
I 4 2 1 7
II 3 2 1 6
III 2 2 1 5
IV 3 2 1 6
Total No. of 12 8 4 24
No. of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Complementary Course 1
Course Objectives :
2) To get an idea about partial differentiation, chain rule and optimization in multivariable
3) To find the area and volume of regions in 2 and 3 dimensional space.
Course Outcomes:
Text Books: - 1. George B. Thomas, Jr: Thomas’ Calculus Eleventh Edition, Pearson, 2008.
Module I
Extreme values of functions, The Mean Value Theorem, Monotonic functions and the first
derivative test. (Sections 4.1 - 4.3 of Text 1)
Module II
Functions of several variables (Definition only), Partial derivatives, The Chain Rule, Extreme
values and Saddle points, Lagrange multiplier Method
Module III
Substitution and area between curves, Volumes by slicing and rotation about an axis (disc method
only), Lengths of plane curves, Areas of surfaces of revolution and the theorem of Pappus
(excluding theorem of Pappus)
Module IV
1 3 2 1 6
2 3 2 1 6
3 3 2 1 6
4 3 2 1 6
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Complementary Course – 2
Semester 2
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
Module 1: ( 20 hrs)
Velocity and Acceleration, Scalar and vector fields, Gradient of a scalar field,Geometrical
Interpretation of Gradient, Directional Derivtive, Divergence and curl of a vector function and its
physical interpretations. Properties of Divergence and curl Repeated operations by ∇
Line integrals,Circulation, Work done, Surface integrals, Colume integrals, Divergence theorem,
Stoke’s and Green’s theorem
Forward and backward operators, Shift operator, its properties, Newton Gregory Formula,
Lagrange’s formula, Gauss formula,Stirling formula, Laplace Formula, Newton’s divided
difference formula, Numerical integration and differentiation. Newton Cotes Method, Trapezoidal
and Simpson’s formula
Graphical Method, Bisection method, Iteration method, Newton’s method, Regula Falsi method,
Horner’s method, Graeffe root squaring method
1 3 2 1 6
2 3 2 1 6
3 4 2 1 6
4 2 2 1 6
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Complementary Course - 3
Semester 3
Credits 4
Text Books
1) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations with Laplace transforms, Fourier series and
applications, by V Sundarapandian., McGraw Hill Publications
2) A text book of Engineering Mathematics,by N.P Bali, Manish Goyal , Lakshmi publications,
Eight edition
Course Objectives :
The objectives of the course include familiarizing the student with the techniques of solving first
order ordinary differential equations, the origin of first order p.d.e.’s and their solution. The course
also introduces matrix theory and its application in solving systems of linear equations and
applications of the Cayley Hamilton theorem. Basic trigonometry including summation of infinite
series by the C+iS method is also introduced.
Course Outcomes:
CO CO Statement PO/ CL KC Class Lab
PSO Hrs Hrs
Module II ( 22 hrs)
Transpose of Matrices, Symmetric and skew symmetric matrices, Singular and non singular
matrices. Elementary transformations, Inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, solution of system of
linear equations, characteristic equation, Eigen values, Cayley Hamilton theorem
Expansions of sin nx , cos nx , tannx , sin n θ , cos n θ , sin n θcos n θ Circular and hyperbolic
functions, inverse circular and hyperbolic function. Separation into real and imaginary parts.
Summation of infinite series based on C + iS method. (Geometric, Binomial, Exponential,
Logarithmic and Trigonometric series)
3) Differential Equations, with applications and Historical notes, by G.F. Simmons and S.G.Krantz,
Tata McGraw Hill Publications
4) Elements of Partial Differential Equations, by Ian Sneddon, Tata McGraw Hill Publications
Question Paper Pattern
1 3 2 1 6
2 3 2 1 6
3 3 2 1 6
4 3 2 1 6
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Complementary Course - 4
Semester 4
Credits 4
Text Books:
Course Objectives:
The objectives of the course include teaching the students the concepts of Fourier Series, Fourier
and Laplace Transforms and their applications in the physical world.The course also introduces the
concept of groups which is very useful in studying symmetry of molecular structures.
Course Outcomes:
CO CO Statement PO/ CL KC Class Lab
PSO Hrs Hrs
Fourier Series
Periodic functions, Fourier series, Euler’s formulae, Dirichlet’s conditions, Change of interval, Half
range series
Laplace Transforms
Fourier transforms
Fourier Integral theorem, Fourier Sine and cosine Integrals, Complex form of Fourier Transforms.
Inversion formula
Binary systems, Groups, Elementary properties of groups, finite groups, sub groups, cyclic groups,
Lagrange’s theorem, Permutation groups. (proofs are excluded)
Education, 2002
Question Paper Pattern
1 3 2 1 6
2 3 2 1 6
3 3 2 1 6
4 3 2 1 6
Total No of 12 8 4 24
No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered
Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Text Books:
1. K.H. Rosen: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (Sixth edition), Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company, New Delhi.
(Text - 1 Chapter – 2)
Module 2 (20hrs)
Relations: Relations and their properties, n-ary relations and their applications, representing
relations, equivalence relations, partial orderings.
Basic Logic
Theory of Numbers
Syllabus: Divisibility theory in the integers, the greatest common divisor, the Euclidean algorithm
(division algorithm), Primes. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic. The theory of congruence.
Basic properties of congruence. Fermat's little theorem Wilson's theorem. Euler's phi-function.
Euler's generalization of Fermat's theorem.
1, Lipschutz: Set Theory and related topics (Second Edition), Schaum Outline Series, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. (Reprint 2009).
4. Ian Chiswell & Wifrid Hodges: Mathematical Logic, Oxford university press
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
find the polar equation of a line, circle , tangent and normal to conics
Text Books:
MODULE I (25hrs)
Tangents and Normals (parametric form only) of a conic, Orthoptic locus. Pole and Polar. Chord in
terms of given points. Conjugate diameters of ellipse and hyperbola. Asymptotes of a hyperbola,
conjugate hyperbola and rectangular hyperbola. (Relevant sections of Text 1)
MODULE II (10hrs)
Polar co-ordinates, polar equation of a line, polar equation of a circle and polar equation of a conic.
Polar equations of tangent and normal to these curves. (Relevant sections of Text 1)
Forward and backward operators, Shift operator, its properties, Newton Gregory Formula,
Lagrange’s formula, Gauss formula,Stirling formula, Laplace Formula, Newton divided difference
formula, Numerical integration and differentiation. Newton cotes, Trapezoidal and Simpson’s
2.A. N. Das – Analytic Geometry of two and three dimension (New Central Books)
3.Thomas and Finney - Calculus and analytical geometry (Addison-Wesley)
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Find the area under a given curve, length of an arc of a curve when the equations are given in
parametric and polar form and find the area and volume by applying the techniques of double and
triple integrals.
Text Books :
Module II
Module III
Text Book:
2.S.L. Loney – Plane Trigonometry Part – II, S. Chand and Company Ltd.
Scalar and Vector Fields, Gradient of a Scalar Field, Geometrical Interpretation of Gradient,
Directional Derivative, Properties of Gradient, Divergence of a Vector Point Function, Curl of a
Vector Point Function, Physical Interpretation of Divergence, Physical Interpretation of Curl,
Properties of Divergence and Curl, Repeated Operations by ∇ .
Integration of Vector Functions, Line Integrals, Circulation, Work Done by a Force, Surface
Integrals, Volume Integrals, Divergence Theorem of Gauss (Relation between Surface and Volume
Integrals), Green’s Theorem in the Plane, Stoke’s Theorem (Relation between Line and Surface
Integrals).( All theorems without proof).
Circular and Hyperbolic functions of complex variables, Separation of functions of complex
variables into real and imaginary parts, Factorization of x n+1, x n-1,
n n
x 2 n-2 x a cos ( nθ ) +a 2n and summation of infinite series by C+iS method.
2. H.F. Davis and A.D. Snider: Introduction to Vector Analysis, 6th ed., Universal Book Stall, New
Course Outcomes
1) Obtain an integrating factor which may reduce a given differential equation into an exact one
and eventually provide its solution.
3) Find the complementary function and particular integrals of linear differential equation.
dx dy dz
5) Method of solution of the differential equation = =
6) Describe the origin of partial differential equation and distinguish the integrals of first order
linear partial differential equation into complete, general and singular integrals.
7) Use Lagrange’s method for solving the first order linear partial differential equation
Text Books:
Module II ( 30 hrs)
Basic theory of linear differential equations.
The homogeneous linear equation with constant coefficients. The method of undetermined
coefficients, Variation of parameters, The Cauchy – Euler equation. ( Section 4.1 , 4.2 , 4.3, 4.4,
4.5 of Text 1 )
Power series solution about an ordinary point, solutions about singular points, the method of
Frobenius , Bessel’s equation and Bessel Functions, Differential operators and an operator method.
dx dy dz
Surfaces and Curves in three dimensions, solution of equation of the form = = Origin of
first order and second order partial differential equations, Linear equations of the first order,
Lagrange’s method (Chapter 1 , section 1 and 3 & Chapter 2 Section 1, 2 and 4 of text 2 )
2) George. F. Simmons – Differential equation with applications and historical notes ( Tata Mc
Graw Hill )
3) W.E. Boyce & R.C. Diprima - Elementary Differential Equations and boundary value Problems,
( Wiley India )
4) S. Balachandra Rao & H. Ranuradha – Differential Equation with Applications and Programs
( Universities Press )
5) R. K. Ghosh & K. C. Maity - An Introduction to Differential Equations ( New Central Books
Agency )
Semester 5
Course objectives
Course outcomes
1) find the limit points of a set , the interior points of a set , closure of a set etc .
Text Books :
2. J.W. Brown and Ruel.V.Churchill _ Complex variables and applications, 8th edition. Mc.Graw
Module I 15 hours
Intervals. Bounded and unbounded sets, supremum, infimum. Order completeness in R.
Archimedian property of real numbers. Dedekinds form of completeness property. (Sections 2.6, 3,
4.1 ,4.2, 4.3, 4.4 of text 1)
Complex numbers
Sums and products. Basic algebraic properties. Further properties. Vectors and moduli. Different
representations. Exponential forms. Arguments of products and quotients. Product and powers in
exponential form. Roots of complex numbers. Regions in the complex plane.
1 . Robert G Bartle and Donald R Sherbert, Introduction to Real analysis, 3rd edn.
2 . Richard R Goldberg , methods of analysis , 3rd edn , oxfoyd and ibm publishing co. 1964.
4 . Elias Zako , Mathematical analysis vol. 1 , overseas press , New delhi ,2006.
2 4 2 1
3 3 3 1
4 1 1 1
Total 12 8 4
Semester 6
Course Objectives
1.John Clark Derek Allen Holton - A first look at graph theory, Allied Publishers
2.N.P Bali, Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Lakshmi
publications, Eighth edition
Trees and connectivity. Definitions and Simple properties, Bridges, Spanning trees, Cut vertices and
connectivity. (Section 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 & 2.6 of text 1)
Euler Tours and Hamiltonian Cycles .Euler’s Tours, The Chinese postman problem .Hamiltonian
graphs, The travelling salesman problem, Matching and Augmenting paths, Hall`s Marriage
Theorem (statement only), The personnel Assignment problem, The optimal Assignment problem
(Section 3.1(algorithm deleted) 3.2(algorithm deleted), 3.3, 3.4 (algorithm deleted)) Matching
(Section 4.1,4.2 4.3(algorithm deleted),4.4 (algorithm deleted) of text 1)
Graphical Method, Bisection method, Iteration method, Newtons iteration method, Regula falsi
method, Horner’s method, Graeffe’s root squaring method
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Text Books:
1. K.H. Rosen: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (Sixth edition), Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company, New Delhi.
(Text - 1 Chapter – 2)
Module 2 (20hrs)
Relations: Relations and their properties, n-ary relations and their applications, representing
relations, equivalence relations, partial orderings.
Basic Logic
Propositional logic, Propositional equivalences, Predicates and quantifiers nested quantifiers, Rules
of inference, Introduction to proofs, Proof methods and strategy.
Theory of Numbers
Syllabus: Divisibility theory in the integers, the greatest common divisor, the Euclidean algorithm
(division algorithm), Primes. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic. The theory of congruence.
Basic properties of congruence. Fermat's little theorem Wilson's theorem. Euler's phi-function.
Euler's generalization of Fermat's theorem.
1, Lipschutz: Set Theory and related topics (Second Edition), Schaum Outline Series, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. (Reprint 2009).
4. Ian Chiswell & Wifrid Hodges: Mathematical Logic, Oxford university press
5. Graham Everest, Thomas Ward: An Introduction to Number Theory, , Springer
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
analyze propositions;
Text Books
2. Petergray – Logic, Algebra and databases (chapter 3), Affiliated East West press pvt Ltd.
3.Robert J mcEliece, Robert B Ash and Carol Ash – Introduction to discrete mathematics (chapter
1,2 and 4) , Mc.Graw Hill.
The theory counting. The multiplication rule, ordered sample and permutations, unordered samples
without repetition, permutations involving indistinguishable objects, multinomial co-efficient,
unordered samples with repetition, permutation involving indistinguishable objects.
Proposition, compound proposition, truth table for basic operators, connectives, theorems from
Boolean algebra, De-Morgan’s law, normal forms, rules of inference, chain rule and modusponens,
chains of inference, tautology, proof by adopting a premise. Reductio- ad-absurdum, proof by
Leonhard Euler and the seven bridges of Konigsberg, trees and spanning trees, minimal spanning
trees, binary trees and tree searching. Planar graphs and Euler’s theorem, the shortest path problem,
Dijkstras Algorithm, two “all-pairs” Algorithm, Floyd’s Algorithm and Marshal’s Algorithm.
References :
1.James Ward Brown, Ruel V. Churchill : Complex Variables and Applications(8 th edition),
McGraw Hill International Edition.
2.S. Lipschutz : Set Theory and related topics (Second Edition), Schaum Outline Series, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi.
3. R.G..Stoll - Set Theory and Logic
5. John Clark & Derek Allen Holton - A first book at graph theory (Allied Publishers)