BSC Math

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KOCHI, KERALA – 682013

Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.






(Effective from 2019 admission onwards)


Sacred Heart College ( Autonomous), Thevara, Kochi – 13

1. Dr. M . N . NAMPOOTHIRI ( Chairman ),U G C . Emeritus Professor,

Department of Mathematics, CUSAT.
2. Dr. A. VIJAYAKUMAR, U G C . Emeritus Professor, Department of
Mathematics, CUSAT.
3. Mr. M . P . SEBASTIAN , Associate Professor , HOD , Department of
Mathematics, S. H. College (Autonomous ) , Thevara.
4. Mr. SAJI MATHEW , FCA, CISA (USA),DISA, S .S Mathew & Co. ,
Vyttilla , Ernakulam.

5. Dr. JEENU KURIAN , Assistant Professor , Department of Mathematics ,

S .H .College(Autonomous) , Thevara.
6. Mr. JEET KURIAN MATTAM , Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics, S. H. College( Autonomous ) , Thevara.
7. Dr. DIDIMOS K. V ., Assistant Professor , Department of Mathematics ,
S .H. College (Autonomous ) ,Thevara.
8. Mr. SANIL JOSE , Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics , S H
College (Autonomous ),Thevara.
9. Mr. JINESH P JOSEPH, Assistant Professor ,Department of Mathematics, S
H College (Autonomous ) , Thevara.

1) POs and PSOs









Undergraduate Programme Outcomes (Pos)

PO1 : Critical Thinking & Deep Domain Knowledge

PO2 : Effective Communication

PO3 : Contribute to Nation Building

PO4 : Care for the Environment

PO5 : Ethical Values

PO6 : Global Perspective

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

At the end of the programme a student should be able to:

PSO1 : Understand the basic concepts and tools of mathematical logic, Set theory, Theory of
Equations and Number Theory.

PSO2 : Understand the concepts of Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus and Analysis, Abstract
structures, Algebra, Methods of proofs and Differential Equations.

PSO3 : Translate real world problems into mathematical problems and find solutions for them.

PSO4 : Understand the applications of mathematics in other sciences, engineering and discuss
Human Rights and Mathematics for Environmental Studies




Sacred Heart College, Thevara became an autonomous college under Mahatma University
Kottayam in 2014. The college revised the choice based credit and semester system (CBCSS) for
under graduate programmes from 2015-16 academic year and credit and semester system (CSS)
for postgraduate programmes from 2016-17 academic year onwards. Since the world is
undergoing technological revolutions that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work and
relate to one another, it becomes necessary to update the curriculum and syllabi of various
programmes. Keeping this in mind, the Academic Council which met on 21-07-2018, revised the
CBCSS regulations for under graduate programmes which shall be effective from 2019
admission onwards.


These regulations shall be called “SACRED HEART COLLEGE THEVARA


2.1 Scope

Mathematics is as old as civilisation itself and is one of the most useful and fascinating branches
of human knowledge . It encompasses many topics of study and as such it is difficult to define
the term ‘mathematics’ which comes from the Greek word with meaning ‘inclined to learn’ .It
may, however, be broadly defined as the scientific study of quantities, including their
relationships, operations and measurements expressed by numbers and symbols. In simple
words, mathematics deals with the study of numbers and their different calculations . The most
important skills in mathematics are careful analysis and reasoning, and thus logic is the floor on
which the structure of mathematics is built .The B.Sc.Mathematics programme provides in depth
knowledge in geometry, trigonometry, calculus, algebra, number theory, analysis, matrix theory,
metric spaces, graph theory etc. In this programme we shall also study the application oriented
topics like operations research, game theory, Fourier series , Laplace transforms, differential
equations, numerical methods etc. These topics are applied commonly in the disciplines
economics , physics etc.

2.2 Programme Objectives:

 Giving the students a sufficient knowledge of fundamental principles methods and a

clear perception of innumerous power of mathematical ideas and tools and know how to
use them by modelling, solving and interpreting .
 Reflecting the broad nature of the subject and developing mathematical tools for
continuing further study in various fields of science .
 Enhancing the students overall development and equipping them with mathematical
modeling abilities, problem solving skills, creative talent and power of communication
necessary for various kinds of employment .
 A student should get adequate exposure to global and local concerns that explore the
many aspects of mathematical sciences .
2.3 Student Attributes

 Critical thinking, problem solving and research aptitude.

 Deep domain knowledge.
 Leadership qualities.
 Teamwork and communication skills.
 Self awareness and emotional intelligence.
 Awareness of mathematical concepts for further study in various fields of science.
 Awareness of the applications of mathematics in day to day life.
 Mathematical modelling expertise.
 Knowledge of fundamental principles of mathematics and their applications in modelling,
problem solving and interpretation.
3. Definitions

i. ‘Programme’ means the entire course of study and examinations.

ii. ‘Duration of Programme’ means the period of time required for the conduct of the
programme. The duration of under graduate programmes shall be 6 semesters.
iii. ‘Semester’ means a term consisting of a minimum of 90 working days, inclusive of
examination, distributed over a minimum of 18 weeks of 5 working days, each with 5
contact hours of one hour duration
iv. ‘Course’ means a segment of subject matter to be covered in a semester. Each Course is
to be designed variously under lectures / tutorials / laboratory or fieldwork/ study tour/
seminar/ project/ practical training/ assignments/evaluation etc., to meet effective
teaching and learning needs.

v. ‘Common Course I’ means a course that comes under the category of courses for
English and ‘Common Course II’ means additional language, a selection of both is
compulsory for all students undergoing undergraduate programmes.

i. ‘Core course’ means a course in the subject of specialization within a degree


ii. ‘Complementary Course’ means a course which would enrich the study of core courses.

iii. ‘Open course’ means a course outside the field of his/her specialization, which can be
opted by a student.

iv. ‘Additional core course’ means a compulsory course for all under graduate students (as
per the UGC directive) to enrich their general awareness.

v. The U.G. programmes shall include (a) Common courses I & II, (b) Core courses, (c)
Complementary Courses, (d) Open Course (e) Additional core course. (f) Study tour (g)
Internship for selected programmes.

vi. ‘Additional Course’ is a course registered by a student over and above the minimum
required courses.

vii. ‘Credit’ (Cr) of a course is the numerical value assigned to a course according to the
relative importance of the content of the syllabus of the programme.
viii. ‘Extra credits’ are additional credits awarded to a student over and above the minimum
credits required for a programme for achievements in co-curricular activities carried out
outside the regular class hours OR curricular activities/courses completed for value
addition, as directed by the College/ department. It is the numerical value assigned to
Club activities, Social service, Internship etc. which is not added with the total academic
credits of the students. Additional credit components

(a) Talent & career club activity (optional)

(b) Social service (mandatory)

(c) Internship for Commerce, Communication and Computer applications (mandatory).

(d) Internship (desirable for other programmes).

(e) Add on courses (optional)

ix. ‘Programme Credit’ means the total credits of the UG Programmes.

x. ‘Programme Elective course’ Programme Elective course means a course, which can be
chosen from a list of electives and a minimum number of courses is required to complete
the programme.
xi. ‘Programme Project’ Programme Project means a regular project work with stated
credits on which the student undergoes a project under the supervision of a teacher in the
parent department / any appropriate Institute in order to submit a dissertation on the
project work as specified.
xii. ‘Internship’ is on-the-job training for professional careers.
xiii. ‘Plagiarism’ Plagiarism is the unreferenced use of other authors’ material in dissertations
and is a serious academic offence.
xiv. ‘Tutorial’ Tutorial means a class to provide an opportunity to interact with students at
their individual level to identify the strength and weakness of individual students.
xv. ‘Seminar’ seminar means a lecture by a student expected to train the student in self-
study, collection of relevant matter from the books and Internet resources, editing,
document writing, typing and presentation.
xvi. ‘Evaluation’ means every course shall be evaluated by 25% internal assessment and 75%
external assessment.
xvii. ‘Repeat course’ is a course that is repeated by a student for having failed in that course
in an earlier registration.
xviii. ‘Audit Course’ is a course for which no credits are awarded.
xix. ‘Department’ means any teaching Department offering a course of study approved by
the college / Institute as per the Act or Statute of the University.
xx. ‘Parent Department’ means the Department which offers a particular Under Graduate
xxi. ‘Department Council’ means the body of all teachers of a Department in a College.
xxii. ‘Faculty Advisor’ is a teacher nominated by a Department Council to coordinate the
continuous evaluation and other academic activities undertaken in the Department.
xxiii. ‘College Coordinator means a teacher from the college nominated by the College
Council to look into the matters relating to CBCSS-UG System
xxiv. ‘Letter Grade’ or simply ‘Grade’ in a course is a letter symbol (O, A, B, C, D, etc.)
which indicates the broad level of performance of a student in a course.
xxv. Each letter grade is assigned a ‘Grade point’ (GP) which is an integer indicating the
numerical equivalent of the broad level of performance of a student in a course.

xxvi. ‘Credit point’ (CP) of a course is the value obtained by multiplying the grade point (GP)
by the Credit (Cr) of the course CP=GP x Cr.
xxvii. ‘Semester Grade point average’ (SGPA) is the value obtained by dividing the sum of
credit points (CP) obtained by a student in the various courses taken in a semester by the
total number of credits taken by him/her in that semester . The grade points shall be
rounded off to two decimal places. SGPA determines the overall performance of a
student at the end of a semester.
xxviii. Cumulative Grade point average’ (CGPA) is the value obtained by dividing the sum of
credit points in all the courses taken by the student for the entire programme by the total
number of credits and shall be rounded off to two decimal places.
xxix. ‘Grace Marks’ means marks awarded to course/s, as per the orders issued by the college
from time to time, in recognition of meritorious achievements in NCC/NSS/Sports/Arts
and cultural activities.

Being a regular college, physical presence in the regular activities, especially, classes and
exams, is mandatory for the students. However, if a student secures 75% of attendance he/she
is eligible to appear for the exams, provided there are no other impediments like disciplinary
proceedings, malpractice record etc.

i. A maximum of 5 marks (5%) for a course is given for attendance

ii. Absence: A student found absent for one hour in the forenoon or afternoon session is
deprived of the attendance for the entire session as far as eligibility for final exam is

iii. The hour related calculation in a course is meant for awarding marks for the course

iv. Late entry: A student is supposed to be in time in the class. Late arrival related
treatment is left to the discretion of the individual teacher. However, as a norm, a late
arriving student may be permitted to the class, if it is not inconvenient or a distraction to
the class as such; though attendance may not be given. Late arrival beyond 5 minutes is
treated as abscence; though the teacher may consider permitting the student to sit in the

v. Leave : A student has to formally report his/her absence with reasons either in advance,
or immediately after the absence for obtaining an approved leave. This applies to all
sorts of leave – medical, on duty or other. The student is supposed to report in prescribed
format on the very next day of the absence; however, up to a week’s time is permitted.
Afterwards, the leave applications will not be considered. The student has to retain a
copy/section of the approved leave form and produce the same as proof, in case there is
any confusion regarding the leave sanctioning. In the absence of such proof, the claims
will not be entertained.

vi. Duty Leave: A student representing the college in sports, arts, social service or academic
matters, has to get sanction from the class teacher concerned and submit the leave
application form duly endorsed by teacher concerned & the class teacher, and submit it to
the faculty Dean (or Vice Principal). The same will be forwarded by the Dean/Vice
Principal for attendance entry.

vii. SPORTS: The approval of the Department of Physical Education and the class
teacher is required. The time limit for submission mentioned above is applicable in the
case of duty leave as well.

viii. CONDONATION: a student may have the privilege of condonation of attendance

shortage (upto a maximum of 10 days) on the basis of genuineness of the grounds of
absence (medical reasons or college duty), duly recommended by the department. This is
not a matter of right. It is a matter of privilege based on Principal’s discretion and the
good conduct of the student on the campus. A student of UG programme may have a
maximum of two such opportunities and that of PG programmes only one opportunity.

ix. RE-ADMISSION – a student whose attendance is inadequate will have to discontinue

the studies. Such students, whose conduct is good, may be re-admitted with the approval
of governing council, on the basis of recommendation from the department, and
assurance from the student and the guardian regarding good conduct and compliance in
academic and discipline matters. For this the prescribed re-admission fee has to be paid.


from the classes continuously for 10 consequent days without intimation or permission,
shall be removed from the rolls, and the matter intimated to the student concerned. On the
basis of recommendation of the department concerned, re-admission process may be
permitted by the Principal.

i. A student shall be permitted to register for the programme at the time of admission.

ii. A UG student who registered for the programme shall complete the same within a period
of 12 continuous semesters from the date of commencement of the programme.
6. PROMOTION: A student who registers for the end semester examination shall be
promoted to the next semester.


MODEL - 1.

a Programme Duration 6 Semesters

b Total Credits required for successful completion of the Programme 120
c Credits required from Common Course I 22
d Credits required from Common Course II 16
Credits required from Core course and Complementary courses including
e 79
f Open Course 3
g Minimum attendance required 75%

All the End Semester Examinations of the college will be conducted by the Controller of
Examination. The Principal will be the Chief Controller of Examinations. An Examination
committee consisting of the Chief Controller of Examinations, Controller of Examinations,
Additional Chief Superintendent, Deans, IQAC Coordinator and other faculty members
nominated by the Principal will act as an advisory body of the matters relating to the conduct
of examinations.


The evaluation scheme for each course shall contain two parts;

a. Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) and

b. End Semester Examination (ESE).
The internal to external assessment ratio shall be 1:3, for both courses with or without
practical. For courses without practical, there shall be a maximum of 75 marks for external
evaluation and maximum of 25 marks for internal evaluation. For courses with practical,
generally external evaluation for theory courses shall be for a maximum of 60 marks and
internal evaluation for 20 marks. The practicals are conducted on an annual basis with an
internal component of 10 marks and 30 marks for the external practical examination.Both
internal and external evaluation shall be carried out in the mark system and the marks are to
be rounded to the nearest integer.
a. Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)/ Continuous Assessment: The internal evaluation
shall be based on predetermined transparent system involving periodic written tests,
assignments, seminars/viva/field survey and attendance in respect of theory courses and
based on written tests, lab skill/records/viva and attendance in respect of practical courses.
The marks assigned to various components for internal evaluation as follows.

i. Assignments: Every student shall submit one assignment as an internal component for
every course.
Components Marks
Punctuality 1
Content 2
Conclusion 1
Reference/Review 1
Total 5

ii. Seminar: The seminar lecture is expected to train the student in self-study, collection of
relevant matter from the books and Internet resources, editing, document writing, typing
and presentation.

Components Marks
Content 2
Presentation 2
Reference/Review 1
Total 5

iii. Evaluation of Attendance

Attendance Evaluation for the course without practical

% of attendance Marks

90 and above 5

85 - 89 4
80 - 84 3
76 - 79 2
75 1

iv. Class Tests

Every student shall undergo two class tests as an internal component for every
b. End Semester Examination (ESE): The End Semester Examination in theory courses shall
be conducted by the college with question papers set by external experts/ question bank. The
evaluation of the answer scripts shall be done by the examiners based on a well-defined
scheme of evaluation given by the question paper setters/Prepared as per the direction of the
Chairman, Board of Examiners. The evaluation of the End Semester Examinations shall be
done immediately after the examination preferably through the centralized valuation.
For all courses without practical, the following are the distribution of marks for internal and

(a) Maximum marks for internal evaluation 25

(b) Maximum marks for external evaluation 75
The following components of the internal assessment are mandatory

Components of internal assessment Marks

Attendance 5
Assignment 5
Seminar / Viva 5
Two test papers 10

Total 25

*For the common course English in the first semester , internal oral examination shall be
conducted instead of test paper .

Project Evaluation ( Maximum marks 100 ) :

Components of Project evaluation Marks

Dissertation 50
Internal 25
Presentation 25
Total 100


Components of the theory - internal assessment for complementary Physics courses

Components of Theory – Internal Valuation Marks

Attendance 5

Seminar/ Assignment (Written assignments, preparation of models,charts, posters 5

etc., field survey, field work )

Test Paper (s) 10

Total 20

Components of the Practical- internal assessment for complementary Physics courses

Components Marks

Attendance and Lab involvement 2

Record 2

Viva/ Model Exam 1

Total 5

For all courses (theory & practical), Letter grades and grade point are given on a 10-point
scale based on the total percentage of marks, (CIA+ESE) as given below:-

Percentage of Marks Grade Grade Point

95 and above O Outstanding 10

85 to below 95 A+ Excellent 9

75 to below 85 A Very Good 8

65 to below 75 B+ Good 7

55 to below 65 B Above Average 6

45 to below 55 C Average 5

35 to below 45 D Pass 4

Below 35 F Fail 0

Ab Absent 0

Grades for the different semesters and overall programme are given based on the
corresponding SGPA/CGPA as shown below:


Equal to 9.5 and above O Outstanding

Equal to 8.5 and below 9.5 A+ Excellent

Equal to 7.5 and below 8.5 A Very Good

Equal to 6.5 and below 7.5 B+ Good

Equal to 5.5 and below 6.5 B Above Average

Equal to 4.5 and below 5.5 C Average

Equal to 3.5 and below 4.5 D Pass

Below 3.5 F Failure

A separate minimum of 30% marks each for internal and external (for both theory and
practical) and aggregate minimum of 35% are required for a pass for a UG programme. A
candidate who has not secured minimum marks/credits in internal examinations can re-do
the same registering along with the end semester examination for the same semester,

A student who fails to secure a minimum marks/grade for a pass in a course will be
permitted to write the examination along with the next batch.

After the successful completion of a semester, Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) of
a student in that semester is calculated using the formula given below. For the successful
completion of semester, a student should pass all courses and score at least the minimum
CGPA grade ‘D’. However, a student is permitted to move to the next semester
irrespective of her/his SGPA.

Credit Point (CP) of a course is calculated using the formula

CP = C x G, where C = Credit of the course; G = Grade point of the course


Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) of a Semester is calculated using the formula

For the i thsemester SGPA , denoted by S i ,is calculated using thefollowing formula .

SGPA ( Si ) = ∑ [ Cj × Gj ] / ∑ Cj

where Cj is
the credit of the jth course in the ith semester and Gj is the grade point of the jth course in the


CGPA is calculated using the following formula.

CGPA = ∑ [ Ci × Si ] / ∑ Ci ,

where Si is the SGPA of the ithsemester and Ci is the total of the credits of all the courses
in the ith semester .

(a) Computation of SGPA for semester - 1

Name of the Credit Grade point

CJ Grade Gj Cj × G j

English - 1 4 B 6 24
English common
3 B 6 18
Second language
4 C 5 20

Core course -1 3 A 8 24

physics -1
2 A+ 9 18
statistics -1
3 O 10 30

Total 19 134

Therefore , S1 = 134/19 = 7.05

(b) Computation of CGPA for Bsc. MATHEMATICS programme

Total credit SGPA

Semester Ci Si Ci × Si
Semester -1 19 7.05 133.95

Semester -2 21 7.24 152.04

Semester -3 19 7.84 148.96

Semester - 4 21 7.95 166.95

Semester - 5 20 8.75 175

Semester -6 20 9.20 184

Total 120 960.90

Hence , CGPA for the programme = 960.90 /120 = 8.0

To ensure transparency of the evaluation process, the internal assessment marks awarded to
the students in each course in a semester shall be published on the notice board at least one
week before the commencement of external examination. There shall not be any chance for
improvement for internal mark.
The course teacher and the faculty advisor shall maintain the academic record of each student
registered for the course which shall be forwarded to the controller of examinations through the
Head of the Department and a copy should be kept in the department for at least two years
for verification.
11. Registration for the examination
a. All students admitted in a programme with remittance of prescribed fee are eligible for
the forthcoming semester examinations.
b. Online application for registration to the various End Semester Examinations shall be
forwarded to the CE along with prescribed fee for each course in prescribed format.
c. The eligible candidates who secure the prescribed minimum attendance of the total
duration of the course and possess other minimum qualification prescribed in the
regulations for each course shall be issued the hall tickets. The hall ticket shall be
downloaded by the students from the college website.
d. The mode of fee remittance shall be through the prescribed bank.
12. Supplementary Examinations

Candidates who failed in an examination can write the supplementary examination

conducted by the College along with regular examinations.

13. Improvement of Examination

A candidate can improve his/her marks once by appearing again for the examination with
the subsequent batch with the remittance of prescribed fee. In such cases the better of the
two marks shall be taken as the marks awarded to him.

Internal assessment marks shall be carried over to the subsequent semester examination.

There shall not be any provision for improving internal assessment marks.

14. Promotion to the Next Higher Semester

A candidate shall be eligible for promotion from one semester to the next higher semester

a. He / she secures a minimum 75 % attendance and registered for the End Semester
Examination of the programme for which he/she is studying.

b. His / her progress of study and conduct are satisfactory during the semester completed,
as per the assessments recorded by the course teachers and the Head of the Department

14. Certificates

1. Diploma and Degree certificates are issued by the Mahatma Gandhi University,
Kottayam as per the act and statues of the University on the submission of the
consolidated mark / score cards of the students by the College.

2. A consolidated mark / scored card shall be issued to the candidates after the publication
of the results of the final semester examination taken by the candidate.

3. A Course Completion Certificate with classification shall be issued to students till the
provisional certificate is issued by the university.

15. Award of Degree

The successful completion of all the courses with ‘D’ grade (40%) shall be the minimum
requirement for the award of the degree.

16. Monitoring

There shall be a Monitoring Committee constituted by the principal consisting of faculty

advisors, HoD, a member from teaching learning evaluation committee (TLE) and the
Deans to monitor the internal evaluations conducted by college. The Course teacher, Class
teacher and the Deans should keep all the records of the internal evaluation, for at least a
period of two years, for verification.

Every Programme conducted under Choice Based Credit System shall be monitored by the
College Council under the guidance of IQAC Coordinator, Controller of Exams, Academic
Deans and HoDs.
17. Grievance Redressal Mechanism
In order to address the grievance of students regarding Continuous internal assessment
(CIA) a three-level Grievance Redressal mechanism is envisaged. A student can approach
the upper level only if grievance is not addressed at the lower level.

Level 1: At the level of the concerned course teacher

Level 2: At the level of a department committee consisting of the Head of the Department,
a coordinator of internal assessment for each programme nominated by the HoD and the
course teacher concerned.

Level 3: A committee with the Principal as Chairman, Dean of the Faculty concerned,
HOD of the department concerned and one member of the Academic council nominated by
the principal every year as members.



Maximum Maximum

Contact marks for marks for

Number of
Semester Name of the course hours per internal external
week evaluation evaluation

1 English Common 1 5 4 25 75

1 English Common 2 4 3 25 75

1 Additional language- 1 4 4 25 75

1 Core course -1 4 3 25 75

1 Physics(Complementary 4 2 20 60
course) -1

Statistics(Complementary 4 3 25 75
course) -1

English Common 3 5 4 25 75

2 English Common 4 4 3 25 75

2 Additional Language -2 4 4 25 75

2 Core course- 2 4 3 25 75

2 Physics(Complementary 4 (Theory-2 20 60
course) -2

2 Statistics( 4 3 25 75

Complementary course) -

3 English - 5 5 4 25 75

3 Additional language -3 5 4 25 75

3 Core course- 3 5 4 25 75

3 Physics(Complementary 5 3 20 60
course) -3

3 Statistics(Complementary 5 4 25 75
course) -3

4 English - 6 5 4 25 75

Additional language - 4

4 5 4 25 75

4 Core course - 4 5 4 25 75

Physics(Complementary 5
4 (Theory-3

5 Practical-2) 20 60

course) -4
4 5 4 25 75

5 Core course -5 6 4 25 75

5 Core course - 6 6 5 25 75

5 Core course - 7 5 4 25 75

5 Core course -8 4 4 25 75

5 Open course 4 3 25 75

25 75

6 Core course - 9 5 4

25 75

6 Core course -10 5 4

25 75

6 Core course - 11 5 4

6 Core course -12 5 4 25 75

6 Core course - 13 4 3 25 75

6 Project 1 1 25 75


150 120

Total marks ( internal + external ) for each course (without practical) is 100


Questions shall be set to assess knowledge acquired , standard application of the knowledge ,
application of knowledge in new situation , critical evaluation of knowledge and the ability to
synthesize knowledge . The question paper setter shall ensure that the questions are set in such a
manner that it will test the mathematical skills of the students . The question paper shall contain
short , medium and long essay type questions . More thrust shall be given to problems



Number of questions to be answered 10 5 3

Total number of questions 12 8 4

Marks per question 2 5 10



Mathematics Core Courses

Number Total End Max. Max.marks

of number semester marks for for
contact of hours external internal external
Semester Course code Name of the hours in the Total exam evaluatio evaluation
course per semester credits duration n

1 19U1CRMAT01 Calculus 4 72 3 3 Hrs 25 75

Calculus and
2 19U2CRMAT02 4 72 3 3 Hrs 25 75
Vector Calculus,
Theory of
Equations and
3 Matrices 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75

4 19U4CRMAT04 Methods and 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75

Number Theory

5 19U5CRMAT05 Real Analysis - 6 108 4 3 Hrs 25 75


5 19U5CRMAT06 6 108 5 3 Hrs 25 75

5 19U5CRMAT07 Algebra 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75

Human Rights
Mathematics for
5 19U5CRMAT08 Environmental 4 72 4 3 Hrs 25 75


Real Analysis -
6 19U6CRMAT09 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75

6 19U6CRMAT10 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75
Linear Algebra
and Graph
6 19U6CRMAT11 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75
Fourier Series ,
Transforms and
6 19U6CRMAT12 Metric Spaces 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75

6 19U6CRMAT13 4 72 3 3 Hrs 25 75
Basic Python
6 19UCRMAT14
and Typesetting
in LaTeX 4 72 3 3 Hrs 25 75

6 19UCRMAT15 4 72 3 3 Hrs 25 75

6 19U6PJMAT1 Project 1 18 1 NIL 25 75

Mathematics Open Course (Offered for students of other departments)

Applicable 4 72 3 3 Hrs 25 75
5 19U5OCMAT1

Mathematics Complementary Courses

Number Total End Maximum Maximu

of number of semester marks for m marks
Name of the
contact contact examination internal for
Semester hours hours in Total duration evaluation external
per the credits evaluatio
Course code
week semester n

1 19U1CPMAT01 Calculus- 1 4 72 3 3 Hrs 25 75

Calculus – 2

2 19U2CPMAT02 and Numerical 4 72 3 3 Hrs 25 75

Equations ,
Matrices and
3 19U3CPMAT03 Trigonometry 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75

Fourier Series ,

Transforms ,
4 19U4CPMAT04 5 90 4 3 Hrs 25 75
and Groups

Total Credits for Core Courses 51

Total Credits for Open Courses 03

Total credits for Complementary Courses 28

Total Credits for English and Second Language 38

Total 120



Core Course-1

Course Title Calculus

Course Code 19U1CRMAT01

Semester 1

Credits 3

Contact Hours per week 4

Contact hours per semester. 72

Text Book: CALCULUS, by Howard Anton, Irl Bivens, Stephen Davis. (10 th Edition),
Wiley Student Edition.

Course Objectives:

The objective of the course is to familiarise the students with the various applications of
derivatives and definite integrals. The course introduces Rolle’s Theorem, Lagranges Mean
Value Theorem and their applications. L’Hopital’s rule for computing limits of indeterminate
forms and hyperbolic functions and their derivatives are also introduced. Functions of more than
one variable and consequently partial derivatives are also discussed.

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Lab Hrs

Determine whether a given

CO1 function is increasing or A PK 6 0

Apply the concepts of maxima and

CO2 minima of a function to real world A P 6 0

Compute the Limits using PO1/
CO3 AP P 10 0
L’Hopitals rule. PSO2

Apply Rolle’s Theorem and Mean

CO4 Value theorem to solve real world A P 14 0

Compute the area and volume of PO1/

CO5 A P 18 0
solids using definite integrals PSO2

Calculate the partial derivatives,

maxima and minima of functions
of more than one independent PO1/
CO6 U C 18 0
variable and use the Lagrange PSO2
Multiplier method for extremum

Total Number of Hours 72 0

Bridge Course ( No questions are to be asked from this section)

Functions, Limits (an intuitive approach), computing limits, tangent lines and rates of change,
the derivative function, Techniques of differentiation, indefinite integral, definite integral,
Fundamental theorem of Calculus, techniques of integration.

( Sections 0.1,1.1- 1.2, 2.1-2.7, 4.1-4.6 of the text)

Module I

Analysis of Functions; Increase, Decrease and Concavity, Relative Extrema, Graphing

Polynomials,Absolute Maxima and Minima, Applied Maximum and Minimum Problems

( Sections 3.1-3.5 of the text) (18 Hrs)

Module II

Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorem, L’Hopital’s Rule; Indeterminate Forms , Hyperbolic

(Sections 3.8 and 6.5 and 6.8 of the text)


Module III

Applications of the definite integral in geometry, science and engineering. Area between two
curves, Volumes by slicing; Disks and washers, Volumes by cylindrical shells, Length of a plane
curve, area of a surface of revolution.

(Sections 5.1-5.5 of the text)


Module IV

Functions of two or more variables, Partial derivatives, The chain rule, Maxima and minima of
functions of two variables, Lagrange multipliers.

(Sections 13.1-13.3, 13.5, 13.8-13.9 of the text)



1) Thomas Calculus by Maurice Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R Giordano.(11 th edition), 2008, Pearson

2) Calculus: (Vol 1) One Variable Calculus with an introduction to Linear Algebra by Tom M
Apostol (2nd Edition), 2016, Wiley Student Edition.

3) Advanced Calculus, Schaum’s outlines, by Robert C Wrede and Murray Spiegel. (2 nd Edition),
2005, Tata McGraw-Hill.

4) Calculus and Its Applications by Larry J Goldstein, David C Lay, David I Schneider and
Nakhle H Asmar (12th Edition), 2010, Pearson Education.

5) Calculus Early Transcendentals, by James Stewart (5th Edition), 2007, Thomson Learning.

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

I 3 2 1 6

II 3 2 1 6

III 3 2 1 6

IV 3 2 1 6

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No of Questions to 10 5 3 18
be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75

Core Course 2

Course Title Advanced Calculus and Trigonometry

Course Code 19U2CRMAT02

Semester 2

Credits 3

Contact Hours per week 4

Contact hours per semester. 72

Text Books:

1) Calculus by Howard Anton, Irl Bivens, Stephens Davis. (10 th Edition), 2010, Wiley India Pvt

2) Differential Calculus by Shanti Narayanan and P.K.Mittal.

3) Plane Trigonometry- Vol II , S. L Loney.

Course Objectives:

The objectives of the course are to familiarise the students with the concept of higher order
derivatives and their applications. Parametric Equations of curves and their applications are
introduced to the student. The course also introduces multiple integrals and their application to area
and volume problems.The final module deals with trigonometry.

CO CO Statement PO/ CL KC Class Lab

PSO Hrs Hrs

Compute higher order

CO1 A PK 8 0
derivative by applying Leibnitz

Determine the Taylor and

CO2 AP P 6 0
Maclaurin series expansions of
given functions
Find curvature and related
CO3 U P 6 0
parameters of a given curve or

Calculate the arc length of a

CO4 AP P 16 0
given curve and area enclosed
by curves

Find area and volume

CO5 U P 18 0
problems using multiple

CO6 Understand the concepts of U C 18 0

Trigonometric functions, their PO1/PS
properties and summation of O2
trigonometric series

Total Number of Hours 72 0

Bridge Course

The derivative function,Techniques of differentiation, Derivatives of standard fuctions, indefinite

integral, definite integral, Fundamental theorem of Calculus, techniques of integration.

( Sections, 2.1-2.7, 4.1-4.6 of the text 1)

Module I (20 hrs)

Successive differentiation, Leibniz Theorem, nth derivative of Functions, Taylor’s and Maclaurins
series ( Proofs Excluded), Expansions of standard functions ( e x ,sin x, cos x, ( 1+ x )n

log (1+x), Sin hx, Cos hx, tan−1(x), sin− 1(x), curvature, evolute, involute, asymptotes and

Module II (16 hrs)

Parametric Equations; Tangent Lines and Arc Length for parametric curves, Polar Coordinates,
Tangent Lines, Arc Length and area for polar curves.

( Sections 10.1-10.3 of text 1)

Module III (18 hrs)

Double integrals, double integrals over nonrectangular regions, double integrals in polar
coordinates, surface area; Parametric surfaces, Triple integrals, Triple integrals in cylindrical and
Spherical Coordinates.

(Sections 14.1-14.6 of Text 1)

Module IV (18 hrs)

Circular and Hyperbolic functions of complex variables, Separation of functions of complex

variables into real and imaginaryparts, Factorization of x n+1, x n-1,

n n
x 2 n-2 x a cos ( nθ ) +a 2n .and summation of infinite series by C+iS method.

( Relevant sections of Text 3- Chapter V,VI,VIII,IX)


1) Thomas Calculus by Maurice Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R Giordano.(11 th edition), 2008, Pearson

2) Calculus: (Vol 1) One Variable Calculus with an introduction to Linear Algebra by Tom M
Apostol (2nd Edition), 2016, Wiley Student Edition.

3) Advanced Calculus, Schaum’s outlines, by Robert C Wrede and Murray Spiegel. (2 nd Edition),
2005, Tata McGraw-Hill.

4) Calculus and Its Applications by Larry J Goldstein, David C Lay, David I Schneider and Nakhle
H Asmar (12th Edition), 2010, Pearson Education.

5) Calculus Early Transcendentals, by James Stewart (5th Edition), 2007, Thomson Learning.

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

I 2 2 1 5

II 4 2 0 6

III 4 2 2 8

IV 2 2 1 5

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No of Questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course -3

Course Title Vector Calculus, Theory of Equations and Matrices

Course Code 19U3CRMAT03

Semester 3

Credits 4

Contact Hours per week 5

Contact hours per 90


Course Objectives:

1) To introduce the applications of vector calculus to real world problems.

2) To enable the student to find the number, location and roots of real polynomial equations upto
fourth order

3) To study matrix theory and its application to solution of systems of linear equations.

4) To study the applications of Cayley Hamilton theorem.

CO CO Statement PO/ CL KC Class Lab

PSO Hrs Hrs

Find the gradient of a Scalar

CO1 A PK 20 0
Field, the Divergence and Curl
of a Vector Point Function,
and O2
the directional derivative

Understand the applications of

CO2 PO1/ AP P 25 0
vector integration

Determine the number of roots

CO3 U P 23 0
of polynomial equation of
order at most four

Compute inverses and powers

CO4 AP P 22 0
of matrices using Cayley PO1/PS
Hamilton theorem

Total Number of Hours 90 0

Text Book: Engineering Mathematics, N.P. Bali, Manish Goyal

Module 1 (20 hrs)

Scalar and Vector Fields, Gradient of a Scalar Field, Geometrical Interpretation of Gradient,
Directional Derivative, Properties of Gradient, Divergence of a Vector Point Function, Curl of a
Vector Point Function, Physical Interpretation of Divergence, Physical Interpretation of Curl,
Properties of Divergence and Curl, Repeated Operations by ∇ .

(Sections 8.10-8.20 of Text 1)

Module 2 ( 25 hrs)

Integration of Vector Functions, Line Integrals, Circulation, Work Done by a Force, Surface
Integrals, Volume Integrals, Divergence Theorem of Gauss (Relation between Surface and Volume
Integrals), Green’s Theorem in the Plane, Stoke’s Theorem (Relation between Line and Surface
Integrals).( All theorems without proof).

(Sections 8.21-8.29 of Text 1)

Module 3 (23 hrs)

Zero of a Polynomial, Division Algorithm, Polynomial Equation, Root of an Equation, Synthetic

Division, Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Multiplication of Roots, Diminishing and increasing
the roots, Removal of Terms, Reciprocal Equations, Sum of the Integral Powers of the Roots and
Symmetric Functions, Symmetric Functions of the Roots, Descarte’s Rule of Signs, Cardan’s
Method, Descarte’s Method, Ferrari’s Solution of the Biquadratic.

(Sections 2.5-2.18 and 2.20-2.21 of Text 1)

Module 4 (22 hrs)

Elementary Transformations, Elementary Matrices, Inverse of Matrix by E-operations (Gauss-

Jordan method), Rank of a Matrix, Solution of a System of Linear Equations, If A is a Non-
Singular Matrix, then the Matrix Equation AX = B has a Unique Solution, Vectors, Linear
dependence and Linear Independence of Vectors, Linear Transformations, Orthogonal
Transformation, Complex Matrices, Characteristic Equation, Eigen Vectors, Cayley Hamilton

(Sections 3.34-3.35 and 3.37-3.48 of Text 1)


1) Calculus, by Howard Anton, Irl Bivens, Stephen Davis. (10th Edition),

Wiley Student Edition.

2) Thomas Calculus by Maurice Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R Giordano.(11 th edition), 2008, Pearson

3) Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyzsig, Ninth Edition, Wiley, India

4) Higher Algebra by H.S. Hall and S.R. Knight, Surjit Publications, Delhi.

5) Higher Algebra by S. Bernard and J.M. Child, AITBS Publishers, India, 2009

6) Basic Linear Algebra, S.Blyth and E.F. Robertson, Springer, Second Edition, 2002

7) Matrices, Schaum’s Outline Series, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

I 3 2 1 6

II 3 2 1 6

III 3 2 1 6

IV 3 2 1 6

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No of Questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course 4

Course Title Analytic Geometry, Numerical Methods and Number Theory

Course Code 19U4CRMAT04

Semester 4

Credits 4

Contact Hours per week 5

Contact hours per semester. 90

Course Objectives:

The objectives of the course include teaching the students about conic sections, numerical methods
of solving polynomial equations and basic number theory.

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Class Lab

Hrs Hrs

Remember the standard

CO1 R F 5 0
equations of parabola,
hyperbola, and ellipse

Understand the parametric

CO2 U F,C 8 0
forms of parabola, hyperbola,
and ellipse

Classify the second order

CO3 U F,C 7 0
curves based on their equations

Find the equations of line

CO4 U P 25 0
segments and loci related to
conic sections

Solve polynomial equations

CO5 AP P,C 25 0
using numerical methods
CO6 Understand Congruences, U C 20 0
Fermat’s Theorem, Eulers PO1/PSO2
theorem and Wilson’s

Total Number of Hours 90 0

Text Book:

1) Analytic Geometry of Two And Three Dimensions And Vector Analysis. R.M.Khan, New
Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd., London.

2). David M Burton - Elementary Number Theory, 7 th Edition,McGraw Hill

Education(India) Private Ltd.

3) Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, by S.S.Sastry,Fourth Edition, PHI

Module 1 (20 hrs)

Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola, Second degree homogeneous equation, General equation of second
degree, Canonical Form, Reduction to Canonical Form, Rank and classification of second order

(Chapter 1 (Sections 1.50-1.70), Chapter 3 (Section 3.10), Chapter 4 (Section 4.10-4.20),

Module 2 (25 hrs)

Equation of tangents, to find equation of the normal, pair of tangents; director circle, chord of
contact, pole and polar.Asymptotes, Equation of a hyperbola, Polar coordinates, polar equation of a
straight line, polar equation of a circles, polar equation of conic with focus as the pole,

(Chapter 5 (Section 5.10-5.50), Chapter 7 (Section 7.10), Chapter 9 (Sections 9.10-9.40).

Module 3
Numerical methods (25 hours)

Introduction, Bisection Method, Method of False position, Iteration Method, Newton - Raphson


Text 3, Chapter 2 (Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 )

Module 4 (20 hrs)

Basic properties of congruence, Fermat’s theorem, Wilson’s theorem, Euler’s phi function.

(Text 2 : Chapter 4: section 4.2, Chapter 5: sections 5.2, 5.3 and Chapter 7: section 7.2.)


1) Manicavachagom Pillay, Natarajan : Analytic Geometry ( Part 1 Two dimensions)

2) A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory by David Silverman, Pearson Education.

3) Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers by K. Sankara Rao

Question Paper Pattern

Module 1 Part A Part B Part C Total

( 2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

I 3 2 1 6

II 4 2 1 7

III 2 2 1 5

IV 3 2 1 6

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No of Questions to 10 5 3 18
be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75

Core Course -5
Course Title Real Analysis - I

Course Code 19U5CRMAT05

Semester 5

Credits 4

Contact Hours per week 6

Contact hours per semester. 108

Text Book :

Mathematical Analysis, 4thedition, S.C.Malik Savita Arora, New Age International Publishers,

Course Objectives

The objectives of the course include the following:

1) To study elementary properties of real numbers.

2) To introduce sequences and series and their properties .

3) To introduce the limit of a function.

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Class Lab

Hrs Hrs

Find the limit points, interior

CO1 U F 28 0
points and closure of a set

Verify the convergence of

CO2 A F,C 70 0
sequences and series

Determine the limits of

CO3 AP F,C 5 0

Understand theorems on limits

CO4 U F,P 5 0

Total Number of Hours 108 0

Module -1 (28 Hrs )

Real Numbers

Intervals, bounded and unbounded sets, supremum and infimum of sets, completeness in the set of
real numbers, Archimedean property, Dedekind, s form of completeness, absolute value of real
numbers, neighbourhood of a point, interior point of a set, limit point of a set, Bolzano –
Weierstrass theorem, closed set, closure of a set, dense set, countable and uncountable sets.

Chapter 1:Sections, 2.6, 3,4 ,4.1, 4.2, 4.3 ,5 Chapter 2 .Sections 1.1 ,1.2 ,2 , 2.1,3 3.1 3.2 ,3.3 ,3.4,
3.5 , 4

Module - 2 ( 30 Hrs )

Real Sequences

Sequences, Bounded sequences, convergent sequences, limit point of a sequence, Bolzano -

Weierstrass theorem, upper and lower limits of a sequence, limit superior and limit inferior of a
sequence, properties ( no proof ), more properties of convergent sequences, non-convergent
sequences, Cauchy’s general principle of convergence, Cauchy sequence, Algebra of sequences,
some important theorems, Sandwich theorem, Cauchy ,s first theorem on limits, Cesaro ,s theorem,
Cauchy’s second theorem on limits, monotonic sequences, subsequences, nested intervals, Cantor,s
intersection theorem.

Chapter3 :Sections 1 ,1.1 ,1.2 ,1.3 ,1.4 ,2 ,2.1 ,2.2 ,2.3 ,3 ,4 ,4.1 ,4.2 ,5, 6,6.1,7 ,8 ,9 ,9.1.

Module -3 (40 Hrs )

Infinite Series

Introduction of an Infinite series, A necessary condition for convergence of an infinite series,

Cauchy’s general principle of convergence for an infinite series, series of positive terms, Geometric
series, comparison series, comparison tests for series of positive terms, Cauchys root test, D
Alemberts ratio test, Raabes test, Logarithmic test, Integral test, Cauchys integral test, Gauss ’s test,
Series of positive and negative terms, Alternating series, Leibnitz test, Absolute convergence and
related results .
Chapter 4 :Sections , 1 ,1.2 ,1.3 ,1.4 ,2 ,2.1 ,2.2 ,2.3 ,3,3.1,3.2,3.3,4,5,6,7,8,8.1,9,10 ,10.1 ,10.2 .

Module -4 (10 Hrs. )

Limits: Limits, Left hand limit and right hand limit, theorems on limits, limit of a function, limit of
a function (sequential approach ), Cauchy,s criterion for finite limits .

Chapter 5: Sections 1 ,1.1 ,1.2 ,1.3 .


1 Robert .G. Bartle and Donald R Sherbert, Introduction to Real analysis, 3rd edn.

2 Richard.R. Goldberg, Methods of Real Analysis, 3rd Edition , Oxford and IBM publishing co.

3 Shanti Narayan, A course of Mathematical Analysis S chand and Co ltd,2004.

4 Elias Zako, Mathematical analysis Vol. 1 , Overseas press , New Delhi ,2006.

5 J. M. Howie, Real Analysis , Springer , 2007

6 K.A. Ross, Elementary Real analysis, Springer, Indian reprint

Question Paper Pattern

Module 1 Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

I 4 2 1 7

II 4 2 1 7

III 3 3 2 8

IV 1 1 0 2

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No of Questions to 10 5 3 18
be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course - 6

Course Title Differential Equations

Course Code 19U5CRMAT06

Semester 5

Credits 4

Contact Hours per week 6

Contact hours per semester. 108

Text Books:

1) Differential Equations, by Shepley L. Ross 3rd Edition, Wiley India .

2) Elements of Partial Differential Equation, by Ian Sneddon ( Tata McGraw Hill)
Course Objectives

The objective of the course is to equip the student with the methods of solution of differential
equations, both ordinary and partial.

Course Outcomes

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Class Lab

Hrs Hrs

Understand the method for

CO1 U F 25 0
solving ordinary differential

Understand linear differential

CO2 U F,C 30 0
equations and its solutions

Compute the solutions of

CO3 AP F,C 35 0
second order linear differential
equations using power series

Understand partial differential

CO4 U F,P 18 0
equations and method of
solving the same PO1/PSO2

Total Number of Hours 108 0

Module I (25 hrs. )

Ordinary differential equations

Exact differential equations and integrating factors ( proof of theorem 2.1 excluded ) , separable
equations and equations reducible to this form,, linear equations and Bernoulli equations, special
integrating factors and transformations. Orthogonal and oblique trajectories.

( Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1 of Text 1 )

Module II ( 30 hrs.)

Basic theory of linear differential equations. The homogeneous linear equation with constant
coefficients. The method of undetermined coefficients, Variation of parameters, The Cauchy –
Euler equation.

( Section 4.1 , 4.2 , 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 of Text 1 )

Module III ( 35hrs. )

Power series solution about an ordinary point, solutions about singular points, the method of
Frobenius , Bessel’s equation and Bessel Functions, Differential operators and an operator method.

( Section 6.1 , 6.2 , 6.3, 7.1 of Text 1)

Module IV (18 hrs.)

Partial Differential equations

Surfaces and Curves in three dimensions, solution of equation of the form

dx dy dz
= = . Origin of first order and second order partial differential equations, Linear
equations of the first order, Lagrange’s method

(Chapter 1 , section 1 and 3 & Chapter 2 Section 1, 2 and 4 of text 2 )


1) A.H.Siddiqi & P. Manchanda – A First Course in Differential Equation with

Applications ( Macmillian )

2) George. F. Simmons – Differential equation with applications and historical notes ( Tata
McGraw Hill )
3) W.E. Boyce & R.C. Diprima - Elementary Differential Equations and boundary value Problems,
( Wiley India )

4) S. Balachandra Rao & H. Ranuradha – Differential Equation with Applications and Programs
( Universities Press )

5) R. K. Ghosh & K. C. Maity - An Introduction to Differential Equations ( New Central Books

Agency )

6) B. K. Dutta – Introduction to Partial Differential Equations ( New Central Books ) .

7) Murray –Differential Equations. Macmillian
8) E.A. Coddington - An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equation, PHI.
9) Sankara Rao - Introduction to Partial Differential Equation, 2nd edition, PHI.
10) Zafar Ahsan - Differential Equations and their Applications , 2nd edition, PHI

Question Paper Pattern

Module 1 Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

I 3 2 1 6

II 3 2 1 6

III 3 2 1 6

IV 3 2 1 6

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No of Questions to 10 5 3 18
be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course - 7

Course Title Algebra

Course Code 19U5CRMAT07

Semester 5

Credits 4

Contact Hours per week 5

Contact hours per semester. 90

Text Book:

A First Course in Abstract Algebra ( 7th Edition), John B Fraleigh .

Course Objectives:

The course aims at introducing to the student the concept of groups and related concepts including
subgroups, cyclic groups, abelian and non abelian groups, permutation groups, Lagrange’s
Theorem, Normal subgroups and Factor groups and homomorphisms and simple groups. The
concepts of ring, ring with unity, commutative ring, integral domain, division ring and field are also
introduced.Ideals, Factor rings and prime and maximal ideals are also discussed.

Course Outcomes:

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Class Lab

Hrs Hrs

Understand concepts of binary

CO1 U F 25 0
operations and groups

Understand the concepts of

CO2 U F,C 15 0
subgroups, cyclic group

Understand Lagrange’s
CO3 U F,C 10 0
theorem and its applications

Understand the concepts of

CO4 U F,P 10 0
homomorphism and factor
groups PO1/PSO2

CO5 Compute factor groups PO1/PSO2 AP P,C 10 0

Understand the concepts of

CO6 PO1/PSO2 U C 10 0
Rings, Fields, Integral

Understand the concepts of

CO7 PO1/PSO2 U C 10 0
prime and maximal Ideals

Total Number of Hours 90 0

Bridge Course

Basic Logic ( Negation, Converse, Counterpositive of Statements, Methods of Proof) , Sets and
relations, Functions, Types of Functions.

Module 1 ( 25 hrs)

Binary Operations, Isomorphic Binary Structures, Groups, Subgroups and Cyclic Groups.

(Sections 2-6 of the text)

Module 2 (25 hrs)

Groups of Permutations, Orbits, Cycles, and the Alternating Groups,Cosets and the Theorem of
Lagrange, Direct Products

(Sections 8-10 and Section 11.1-11.11 of the Text)

Module 3 (20 hrs)

Homomorphisms, Factor Groups, Factor Group Computations and Simple Groups.

(Sections 13-15 of the Text)

Module 4 (20 hrs)

Rings and Fields, Integral Domains, Fermat's and Euler's Theorems, Homomorphisms and Factor
Rings, Prime and Maximal Ideals (Proofs of Theorems 26.3,26.7,26.9 and 26.17 are to be excluded)

(Sections 18-20, 26 and 27.1-27.20).


1) Topics in Algebra by I.N. Herstein, Wiley Student Edition.

2) Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Joseph A Gallian, Narosa Publishing House.

3) Algebra by Michael Artin , PHI

4) Abstract Algebra by David S Dummit and Richard M Foote

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

1 3 2 1 6

2 3 2 1 6

3 3 2 1 6

4 3 2 1 6

Total No of Questions 12 8 4 24

No.of questions to be 10 5 3 18

Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course - 8

Course Title Human Rights and Mathematics for

Environmental Studies

Course Code 19U5CRMAT08

Semester 5

Credits 4

Contact Hours per week 4

Contact hours per semester. 72

Course outcomes

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Class Lab

Hrs Hrs

Understand the nature of

CO1 U F 2 0
environmental issues

Understand the different types

CO2 U F,C 16 0
of natural resources and

Understand the various

CO3 U F,C 26 0
environmental pollutions and
social issues.

Understand the patterns in the

CO4 U F,P 20 0
nature through mathematics

Understand the concepts of

CO5 PO4/PSO4 U P,C 8 0
Human Rights

Total Number of Hours 72 0

Text Book :

1. Fibonacci and Lucas numbers with applications, by Thomas Koshy, John Wiley

& Sons, Inc (2001).

2., Text Book of Environmental Studies for undergraduate Courses. By Bharucha Erach

University Press, IInd Edition 2013 (TB)

Module I

Unit 1 :Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies (2 hrs)

Definition, scope and importance

Need for public awareness.

Unit 2 : Natural Resources : (10 hrs)

Renewable and non-renewable resources : Natural resources and associated problems.

a) Forest resources : Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies.

Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forest and tribal people.

b) Water resources : Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water,

floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.

c) Mineral resources : Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting

and using mineral resources, case studies.

d) Food resources : World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and

overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water

logging, salinity, case studies.

e) Energy resources : Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy sources,

use of alternate energy sources, Case studies.

f) Land resources : Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion

and desertification

 Role of individual in conservation of natural resources.

 Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.

Unit 3: Ecosystems (6 hrs)

• Concept of an ecosystem

• Structure and function of an ecosystem

• Producers, consumers and decomposers

• Energy flow in the ecosystem

• Ecological succesion

• Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids

• Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the given ecosystem:-

Forest ecosystem

Module II

Unit1:Biodiversity and its conservation (8 hrs)

 Introduction

 Biogeographical classification of India

 Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option


 India as a mega-diversity nation

 Hot-sports of biodiversity

 Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts

 Endangered and endemic species of India

Unit 2 Environmental Pollution (8hrs)


Causes, effects and control measures of: -

a.Air pollution

b.Water pollution

c.Soil pollution

d.Marine pollution

e.Noise pollution

f.Thermal pollution

g.Nuclear hazards

 Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and

industrial wastes.

 Role of an individual in prevention of pollution

 Pollution case studies

 Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.

( 8hrs )

Unit 3: Social Issues and the environment (10 hrs)

 Urban problems related to energy

 Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management

 Resettlement and rehabilitation of people: its problems and concerns, Case studies

 Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions

 Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion , nuclear accidents and

holocaust, Case studies

 Consumerism and waste products

 Environment Protection Act

 Air ( Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act

 Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act

 Wildlife Protection Act

 Forest Conservation Act

 Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation

 Public awareness

Module III :Fibonacci Numbers in nature ( 10 hrs)

The rabbit problem, Fibonacci numbers, recursive definition, Lucas numbers, Different types
ofFibonacci and Lucas numbers. Fibonacci numbers in nature : Fibonacci and the earth,
Fibonacci and flowers, Fibonacci and sunflower, Fibonacci, pinecones, artichokes and
pineapples,Fibonacci and bees, Fibonacci and subsets, Fibonacci and sewage treatment,
Fibonacci and atoms, Fibonacci and reflections, Fibonacci, paraffins and cycloparaffins,
Fibonacci and music,Fibonacci and compositions with 1’s and 2’s.

Text 1 : Chapters 2 & 3 (excluding Fibonacci and poetry, Fibonacci and electrical networks)

Module IV : Golden Ratio (10 Hrs)

The golden ratio, mean proportional, a geometric interpretation, ruler and compass
construction,Euler construction, generation by Newton’s method. The golden ratio revisited,
the golden ratio and human body, golden ratio by origami, Differential equations, Gattei’s
discovery of golden ratio, centroids of circles

Text 1 : Chapters 20, 21

Module V : Human rights (8 hrs)

Unit1-Human Rights– An Introduction to Human Rights, Meaning, concept and

development, Three Generations of Human Rights (Civil and Political Rights;

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights).

Unit-2 Human Rights and United Nations – contributions, main human rights related

organs - UNESCO,UNICEF, WHO, ILO, Declarations for women and children,

Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Human Rights in India – Fundamental rights and Indian Constitution, Rights for

children and women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes

and Minorities

Unit-3 Environment and Human Rights - Right to Clean Environment and Public

Safety: Issues of Industrial Pollution, Prevention, Rehabilitation and Safety Aspect

of New Technologies such as Chemical and Nuclear Technologies, Issues of Waste

Disposal, Protection of Environment, Conservation of natural resources and human rights: Reports,
Case studies and policy formulation. Conservation issues of Western ghats- mention Gadgil
committee report, Kasthurirangan report. Over exploitation of ground water resources,
marine fisheries, sand mining etc.

Internal: Field study

 Visit to a local area to document environmental grassland/ hill /mountain

 Visit a local polluted site – Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural Study of common

plants, insects, birds etc

 Study of simple ecosystem-pond, river, hill slopes, etc

(Field work Equal to 5 lecture hours)


1 Bharucha Erach, Text Book of Environmental Studies for undergraduate

Courses, University Press, IInd Edition 2013 (TB)

2. Clark.R.S., Marine Pollution, Clanderson Press Oxford (Ref)

3. Cunningham, W.P.Cooper, T.H.Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T.2001Environmental

Encyclopedia, Jaico Publ. House. Mumbai. 1196p .(Ref)

4. Dc A.K.Enviornmental Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Ltd.(Ref)

5. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment (Ref)

6. Heywood, V.H & Watson, R.T. 1995. Global Biodiversity Assessment, Cambridge

University Press 1140pb (Ref)

7. Jadhav.H & Bhosale.V.M. 1995. Environmental Protection and Laws. Himalaya Pub.

House, Delhi 284p (Ref)

8. Mekinney, M.L & Schock.R.M. 1996 Environmental Science Systems & Solutions.

Web enhanced edition 639p (Ref)

9. Miller T.G. Jr., Environmental Science, Wadsworth Publishing Co. (TB)

10. Odum.E.P 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Co. USA 574p (Ref)

11. Rao.M.N & Datta.A.K. 1987 Waste Water treatment Oxford & IBII Publication

Co.Pvt.Ltd.345p (Ref)

12. Rajagopalan. R, Environmental Studies from crisis and cure, Oxford University Press,

Published: 2016 (TB)

13. Sharma B.K., 2001. Environmental Chemistry. Geol Publ. House, Meerut (Ref)

14. Townsend C., Harper J, and Michael Begon, Essentials of Ecology, Blackwell

Science (Ref)

15. Trivedi R.K., Handbook of Environmental Laws, Rules Guidelines, Compliances and

Stadards, Vol I and II, Enviro Media (Ref)

16. Trivedi R. K. and P.K. Goel, Introduction to air pollution, Techno-Science Publication


17. Wanger K.D., 1998 Environmental Management. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia,

USA 499p (Ref)

18. (M) Magazine (R) Reference (TB) Textbook

Human Rights

1. Amartya Sen, The Idea Justice, New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2009.

2. Chatrath, K. J.S., (ed.), Education for Human Rights and Democracy (Shimla:
Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, 1998)

3. Law Relating to Human Rights, Asia Law House,2001.

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

1 2 1 1 4

2 2 1 1 4

3 3 3 1 7

4 3 2 1 6

5 2 1 0 3

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course-9

Course Title Real Analysis - 2

Course Code 19U6CRMAT09

Semester 6

Credits 4

Contact Hours per week 5

Contact hours per semester. 90

Text Books

1. Mathematical Analysis , 4thedition , S.C.Malik Savita arora

2. Elements of Real Analysis, S Chand, Shanti Narayan, Dr. M. D. Raisinghania.

Course Objectives

The objectives of the course include the following:

1) To introduce continuous functions and to study their properties.

2) To introduce derivable functions.

3) To introduce Riemann integration for evaluating the integrals of certain bounded functions
on finite closed intervals.

4) To study improper integrals, Beta and Gamma functions.

5) To study uniform convergence of a sequence and a series of functions.

Course Outcomes

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Class Lab

Hrs Hrs

Understand the basic theorems

CO1 U F 20 0
relating continuity, derivability
and integrability of functions.

Understand the concept of

CO2 U F,C 25 0
Riemann integration

Understand improper integrals,

CO3 U F,C 25 0
beta and gamma functions

Understand the concepts of

CO4 U F,P 20 0
convergence of sequence and
series of functions

Total Number of Hours 90 0

Module 1 (20 Hrs )

Continuity and Differentiability:

Continuous functions, theorems on continuity, continuous functions on a finite closed interval,

uniform continuity, derivability at a point, increasing and decreasing functions, Darboux ,s theorem,
Intermediate value theorem for derivatives.

Text 1 :Chapter 5.Sections , 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,2.4, 3, 4, 4.1.

Chapter 6. Sections , 1, 2, 3, 3.1, 4 .

Module - II ( 25 Hrs )

Riemann Integration :

Definition of Riemann integral , refinement of a partition , Darboux ,s theorem , conditions of

integrability , integrability of sum , difference,product , quotient and modulus of integrable
functions , integral as the limit of a sum ,some standard types of integrable functions , integration
and differentiation , Fundamental theorem of integral calculus , first mean value theorem , the
generalised first mean value theorem, introduction of Riemann- Stieltjes integral

Text 1 :Chapter 9 , Sections , 1 ,1.1 ,1.2 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,5.1 ,6 ,7 , 8 ,9 ,10.1.,10.2 .

Chapter 10, Sections, 1 ,1.1 .

Module - III (25 Hrs )

Improper Integrals , Beta and Gamma Functions:

Integral of unbounded functions with finite limits of integration and their convergence, improper
integrals with infinite range of integration, Beta and Gamma functions, properties of Gamma
functions, extension of definition of Gamma functions, value of Г(1/2) , transformation of Gamma
function, symmetrical property of Beta function, transformation of Beta function, relation between
Beta and Gamma functions.

Text 1 :Chapter 11 , Sections , 1 ,2 ,4

Text:2.Chapter 20 , Sections ,
20.1 ,20.2 ,20.3 ,20.4 ,20.5 ,20.6 ,20.7 ,20.8 ,20.9 ,20.10 ,20.11 ,20.12 .

Module IV (20 Hrs )

Sequences and Series of Functions :

Point wise convergence of a sequence of functions,uniform convergence of a sequence of functions

on an interval, Cauchy,s criterion for uniform convergence, tests for uniform convergence of a
sequence of functions, Weierstrass,s M- test for uniform convergence of a series of functions,Abel ,s
test and Dirichlet,s test for the uniform convergence of a series of functions.

Text 1 : Chapter 12 , Sections , 1 ,2 ,2.1 ,2.2 ,2.3 ,3 ,3.1 .3.2 .


1 Introduction to Real analysis, by Robert G Bartle and Donald R Sherbert, 3rd Edition, Wiley
Student Edition
2 Methods of Real Analysis, by Richard R Goldberg, 3rd Edition ,Oxford and IBM publishing co.

3. Real analysis,by H.L.Royden, 3rd Edition., PHI .

4 A course of Mathematical analysis by Shanti Narayan S Chand and Co Ltd,2004.

5. Mathematical Analysis and its applications by J V Deshpande.

6. Mathematical Analysis Vol. 1, by Elias Zako ,Overseas press , New Delhi ,2006.

7 .Real analysis , by Chatterjee, PHI .

8 . Real Analysis ,by R A Gordon 2nd Edition. Pearson .

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part-A Part – B Part – C Total

(2 marks) (5 marks ) (10 marks )

1 3 3 1 7

2 3 2 1 6
3 4 1 1 6
4 2 2 1 5
Total No. of 12 8 4 24
No. of Questions to 10 5 3 18
be answered
Total marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course -10

Course Title Complex Analysis

Course Code 19U6CRMAT10

Semester 6

Credits 4

Contact Hours per week 5

Contact hours per semester. 90

Text book:

Complex variables and applications by James Ward Brown & Ruel V. Churchill

(8 th edition)

Course Objectives:

The objectives of the course include familiarising the student with the theory of functions of one
complex variable, differentiability and analyticity of such functions, complex integration and
related topics

Course Outcomes:

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Class Lab

Hrs Hrs

Understand theorems on limit

CO1 U F 32 0
and continuity of functions of
one complex variable

Understand the significance of

CO2 U F,C 15 0
the Cauchy Riemann

Understand the sufficient

CO3 U F,C 5 0
conditions for differentiability PO1/PSO2

Understand the relationship

CO4 U F,P 5 0
between analytic and harmonic

Understand the concepts of

CO5 PO1/PSO2 U F,P 15 0
convergence of complex
sequences and series

Understand residue calculus

CO6 PO1/PSO2 U F,P 18 0
and its applications

Total Number of Hours 90 0

Bridge Course (4 hours.)

A quick review on Complex numbers and its properties, vectors and moduli, complex

conjugates, exponential forms, arguments and its properties, roots of complex numbers, and

regions in complex plane.

(No questions shall be asked from this section.)

Module I: Analytic functions (28 hours)

Functions of a complex variable, limits, theorems on limits, continuity, derivatives,

differentiation formulas, Cauchy-Riemann equation, sufficient condition for differentiability,

Analytic functions, examples, harmonic functions. Elementary functions, the Exponential function,
Logarithmic function, Complex exponents, Trigonometric functions, Hyperbolic functions, Inverse
trigonometric and Hyperbolic functions.

Chapter 2 (Sections 12, 15, 16, 18 to 22, 24 to 26); Chapter 3 (Sections 29, 30, 33 to 36)

Module II: Integrals (25 hours)

Derivatives of functions, definite integrals of functions, contours, contour integrals, some examples,
upper bounds for moduli of contour integrals, antiderivates , Cauchy-Goursat theorem (without
proof ), simply and multiply connected domains, Cauchy’s integral formula, an extension of
Cauchy’s integral formula, Liouville’s theorem and fundamental theorem of algebra, maximum
modulus principle.

Chapter 4 (Sections 37 to 41, 43, 44, 46, 48 to 54);

Chapter 5 (Sections 55 to 60 and 62).

Module III: Series (15 hours)

Convergence of sequences and series, Taylor’s series, proof of Taylor’s theorem,

examples,Laurent’s series (without proof), examples.

Chapter 5 (Sections 55 to 60 and 62)

Module IV: Residues and poles (18 hours)

Isolated singular points, residues, Cauchy’s residue theorem, three types of isolated singular points,
residues at poles, examples. Applications of residues, evaluation of improper integrals,examples.

Chapter 6 (Sections 68 to 70 and 72 to 74); Chapter 7 (Section 78)


1) Complex Analysis- An introduction to the theory of Analytic of one Complex Variable by Lars V
Ahlfors (4th Edition), Mc Graw Hill

2) Complex Analysis by J.M.Howie, Springer

3) Complex Analysis with Applications by A David Wunsch, Pearson

4) Complex Variables, Theory and Applications, by Kasana, 2nd Edition

5) Foundations of Complex Analysis by S Ponnusamy

6) Complex Analysis by V Karunakaran

7) The Elements of Complex Analysis by B Chaudhary

8) Complex Variables – A physical approach with applications and MATLAB by Steven G Krantz,
Chapman and Hall/CRC(2007)
Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

I 3 2 1 6

II 3 2 1 6

III 3 2 1 6

IV 3 2 1 6

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course -11

Course Title Linear Algebra and Graph Theory

Course Code 19U6CRMAT11

Semester 6

Credits 4

Contact Hours per week 5

Contact hours per semester. 90

Text Books :

1 Linear Algebra An Introduction ( Second Edition ), by Richard Bronson, Gabriel B. Costa -

Academic Press 2009, an imprint of Elsevier.

2. A first look at graph theory, by John Clark Derek, Allen Holton Allied Publishers

Course Objectives:

The objectives of the course are to introduce the topics of linear algebra and graph theory to the

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Class Lab

Hrs Hrs

Understand the concepts of

CO1 U F 25 0
vector space, subspace, linear
independence, dimension and
row space.

Understand the concepts of

CO2 U F,C 25 0
linear transformation and
matrix representation

Understand the concepts of

CO3 U F,C 20 0
different types of graphs.
Understand the concept of
CO4 U F,P 20 0
matching in a graph, the
Marriage problem and various
assignment problems

Total Number of Hours 90 0

Module I (25 hrs)

Vector spaces: Vectors, Subspace, Linear Independence, Basis and Dimension, Row Space of a

(Chapter – 2 Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 of text 1 )

Module II

(25 hrs)

Linear Transformations: Functions, Linear Transformations, Matrix Representations, Change of

Basis, Properties of Linear Transformations.

(Chapter –3 Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 of text 1 )

Module III (20 hrs )

An introduction to graph. Definition of a Graph, More definitions, Vertex Degrees, Sub

graphs,Paths and cycles, the matrix representation of graphs,Trees. Definitions and Simple
properties, Bridges, Spanning trees. Cut vertices and Connectivity.

Text 1: Chapter 1 (Sections 1.1 to 1.7) Text 1: Chapter 2 (Sections 2.1, 2.2 2.3, & 2.6)

Module IV Graph Theory (20 hrs)

Euler’s Tours, the Chinese postman problem. Hamiltonian graphs & the travelling salesman
problem, Matching and augmenting paths, Hall’s Marriage theorem (Statement only), Personnel
assignment problem, the optimal assignment problem.
Chapter 3 Sections 3.1 (algorithm deleted), 3.2 (algorithm deleted), 3.3, and 3.4 (algorithm
deleted).Chapter 4.1, 4.2, 4.3(Algorithm deleted) 4.4(Algorithm deleted).


1)Linear Algebra Done Right, Sheldon Axler, Springer, 2015.

2) Linear Algebra, A Geometric Approach by S Kumaresan, PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd,

3) Linear Algebra, David C Lay, Pearson Education.

4) Introduction to Graph Theory by Douglas B West, Pearson Education.

5) A Text Book of Graph Theory by R. Balakrishnan and K. Ranganathan, Springer,2013.

6) Graph Theory by Frank Harary

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

I 3 2 1 6

II 3 2 1 6

III 3 2 1 6

IV 3 2 1 6

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Core Course -12

Course Title Fourier Series, Laplace Transforms and Metric


Course Code 19U6CRMAT12

Semester 6

Credits 4

Contact Hours per week 5

Contact hours per 90


Text books:

1), A text book of Engineering Mathematics, by N.P Bali, Manish Goyal Lakshmi publications,
Eighth edition

2) An introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis by G.F. Simmons, Tata McGraw Hill

Course Objectives:

The objectives of the course include teaching the students the concepts of Fourier Series, Fourier
and Laplace Transforms and their applications in the physical world.The course also introduces the
concept of metric spaces

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Class Lab

Hrs Hrs

Find the Fourier transform of a

CO1 AP F,P 25 0
given function.

Find the Laplace transform of

CO2 AP F,P 25 0
a given function.
Understand the concepts of
CO3 U F,C 15 0
metric spaces, subspaces, open
and closed sets

Understand the concept of

CO4 U F,C 20 0
convergence, completeness
and continuity in a metric

Total Number of Hours 90 0

Module I -Fourier Series (25 hrs)

Periodic functions, Fourier series, Euler’s formulae, Dirichlet’s conditions, Change of interval, Half
range series

Sections 10.1 to 10.7 of text 1)

Module II Laplace Transforms (25 hrs)

Defintions, Properties, Inverse Laplace transforms, Convolution theorem, Application to differential


(Sections 18.1 to 18.12 of text 1)

Module III ( 15 hours)

Metric Spaces – Definition and Examples, Open sets, Closed Sets. , Cantor set

(Chapters: - 2,Sections 9, 10,11 of text 2 )

Module IV (20 hours)

Convergence, Completeness, Continuous Mapping ( Baire’s Theorem included)

(Chapter: -2 ,Sections 12, 13 )

1) Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Michael D Greenberg, Pearson

Education, 2002

2) Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, Eighth edition, Wiley, India.

3) Topology of Metric Spaces, S Kumaresan, Narosa Publishing House, Second Edition, 2011

4) Topology, by James R Munkres, Second Edition, 2017, Pearson Education.

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

I 3 2 1 6

II 3 2 1 6

III 3 2 1 6

IV 3 2 1 6

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75


Course Title Applicable Mathematics

Course Code 19U5OCMAT

Semester 5

Credits 3

Contact Hours per week 4

Contact hours per semester. 72

Reference –- Concepts of Arithmetic, by M. Tyra, & K. Kundan

BSC Publishing Company Pvt.Ltd, Delhi

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course include preparing students of all streams, particularly those
with arts and commerce back ground with the basics of mathematics required for their higher
studies and preparing students of all streams, particularly those with arts and commerce back
ground to approach competitive examinations. Detailed explanation and short cut method for
solving problems are to be introduced to students, so that they can acquire better understanding of
concepts and problem solving skill.

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Class Lab

Hrs Hrs

Understand the concepts of

CO1 U F,P 18 0
quadratic equations,
Logarithm, combinatorics

Understand the concepts of

CO2 U F,P 18 0
probability and differential

Understand the concepts of

CO3 U F,P 18 0
LCM, HCF, Fractions, Ratio
and Proportion and Percentage PO1/PSO2

Understand the concept of

CO4 U F,C 18 0
simple interest, compound
interest, and time and work
and elementary algebra

Total Number of Hours 72 0

Module – 1 (18 hrs)

Types of numbers, Quadratic equations (Solution of quadratic equations with real roots
only), Logarithms – All rules without proof, Multiplication and division of numbers, Evaluating
expressions of the form x p/q , x any real number, p & q are integers, Permutations and
combinations – simple applications, Trigonometry introduction, Values of trigonometric ratios of
00, 300, 450, 600& 900, Heights and distances – Simple cases - (application of sin x, cos x, tan x,
and their reciprocals only). Two dimensional geometry- Introduction, plotting points and drawing
graph of the lines of the form ax + by + c = 0.

Module – 2 (18 hrs)

Probability – Introduction – Sample spaces and events, Simple examples like tossing coin ,
tossing die etc.., Differential Calculus - Differentiation – Standard results (derivatives) without
proof, Product rule, Quotient rule and function of function rule), Integral calculus (Integration
simple cases, with and without limits)

Module – 3 (18 hrs)

HCF and LCM of numbers, Fractions, Squares and square roots, cube and cube roots,
simplifications, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Profit and loss, Simple average (No Weighed

(Sections – 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13)

Module – 4 (18 hrs)

Simple interest, Compound interest, Time and work, Work and wages, (Exclude Pipes and Systems
from the core reference), Time and distance, Elementary mensuration – Area and perimeter of
polygons, Elementary Algebra, (Simplifications of algebraic expressions)

(Sections - 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23)

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

I 3 2 1 6

II 3 2 1 6

III 3 2 1 6

IV 3 2 1 6

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75


Choice Based Course - 1

Course Title Operations Research

Course Code 19U6CRMAT13

Semester 6

Credits 3

Contact Hours per week 4

Contact hours per semester. 72

Text Book

Operations Research-Theory and Applications , by J.K Sharma Macmillan Publishers, India


Course Outcomes:

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Class Lab

Hrs Hrs

Translate the real world

CO1 PO1/PSO4 U F,P 20 0
problems in to corresponding

Understand the concepts of

CO2 PO1/PSO4 U F,P 12 0
duality in LPP

Understand the concepts of

CO3 PO1/PSO4 U F,P 22 0
transportation and assignment

Understand the concept of

CO4 PO1/PSO4 U F,C 18 0
game theory

Total Number of Hours 72 0

Module I: (20hrs.)

Linear Programming:- Model formulation and solution by the Graphical Method and the Simplex

General Mathematical Model of LPP, Guidelines on linear Programming model formulation and
examples of LP Model formulation.Introduction to graphical method, definitions, Graphical
solution methods of LP Problems, Special cases in linear Programming, Introduction to simplex
method, Standard form of an LPP, Simplex algorithm (Maximization case), Simplex algorithm
(Minimization case), The Big M Method, Some complications and their resolution, Types of linear
Programming solutions.

Chapter 2: Sections 2.6 to 2.8, Chapter 3: Sections 3.1 to 3.4, Chapter 4: Sections 4.1 to 4.6

Module II: (12 hrs.)

Duality in Linear Programming

Introduction, Formulation of Dual LPP, standard results on duality, Advantages of

Duality,Theorems of duality with proof.

Chapter 5: Sections: 5.1 to 5.3, 5.5 with appendix.

Module III: (22 hrs.)

Transportation and Assignment Problems

Introduction, Mathematical model of Transportation Problem, The Transportation

Algorithm,Methods for finding Initial solution, Test for optimality, Variations in Transportation
Problem, Maximization Transportation problem,Introduction and mathematical models of
Assignment problem, Solution methods of Assignment problem, variations of the assignment

Chapter 9: Sections 9.1 to 9.7, Chapter 10 : sections 10.1 to 10.4

Module IV: (18 Hrs.)

Theory of Games

Introduction, Two-person zero sum games, pure strategic (Minimax and Maximin principles),
Games with saddle point, mixed strategies, Games without saddle point, The rules of dominance,
solution methods: Games without saddle point (Arithmetic method, Matrix method, Graphical
method and Linear programming method)

Chapter 12: Section 12.1 to 12.6


1) Operations Research by Ravindran, Philips and Solberg, Wiley India

2) Optimization methods, by K.V.Mital,C.Mohan,New Age International Publishers.

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

I 5 3 1 9

II 1 2 - 3

III 4 2 2 8

IV 2 1 1 4

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75

Choice Based Course - 2

Course Title Basic Python Programming and Typesetting in

Course Code 19U6CRMAT14

Semester 6

Credits 3

Contact Hours per week 4

Contact hours per semester. 72

Course structure

This course covers computer programming language using Python and document preparation
using the LaTeX typesetting program. Since the operating system to be used is Ubuntu/Linux,
fundamentals of this OS are also to be discussed. Python 3.x version with IDLE support should be
used for introducing the concepts in Python programming. Being a computer programming course,
there will be a Theory Part and a Practical Part. The total hours for the course are 72 hrs out of
which 54 hrs for theory and 18 hrs for practical session.Sample programs and exercise questions
given in the prescribed text should be practiced in the computer lab. The student has to maintain an
observation note book and a practical record. The University will conduct only theory examination,
but Practical examination should be conducted internally and this should be considered for internal

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Class Lab

Hrs Hrs

Understand the concepts of

CO1 U F,P 16 0
python programming

Solve mathematical problems

CO2 AP F,P 20 0
using python programming

Construct a basic document

CO3 U F,P 16 0
using LaTex

Construct a document
CO4 U F,C 20 0
including figures and tables PO1/PSO4
using LaTex

Total Number of Hours 72 0

Text Books

1 . The online Wiki book “Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3” (A free PDF

book from the URL


2. LATEX Tutorials : A PREMIER by Indian TEX Users Group, Edited by

E. Krishnan, 2003. A free PDF document from the URL

Module I : Beginning Python Programming (16 hours)

Introduction of Python, its installation, IDLE and file name. Output function, Arithmetic
Operators, Input and variables, assignment statement, simple string operations, while loops, if
statement, relational operators, For loops.

Text 1: Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 11

Module II: Advanced features (20 hours)

Defining functions, Variables in functions, Advanced functions, Recursion, Lists, More

featuresof lists, More on lists, Revenge of the strings, Slicing of strings, File input or output.

Text 1: Chapters 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 and 17.

Module III: Beginning typesetting with using LaTeX (16 hours)

The Basics: What is LATEX, Simple typesetting, Fonts, Type size. The Document:
Document class, page style, page numbering, formatting lengths, parts of a document, dividing the
document. Bibliography: Introduction. Table of Contents: Table of Contents, Index, Glossary.
Displayed Text: Borrowed words, poetry in typesetting, making lists. Rows and Columns: Tables.

Text 2 : Tutorial I (Sections I.1 to I.4), Tutorial II (Sections II.1 to II.7),Tutorial III (Section III.1)
and Tutorial V (Sections V.1 to V.3),Tutorial VI (Sections VI.1 to VI.3) , Tutorial VII
(Section VII. 2 [deleting VII.2.1 to VII.2.6])

Module IV: Typesetting Mathematics (20 hours)

Typesetting Mathematics: The basics, custom commands, more on mathematics, mathematics

miscellany, And that is not all, symbols. Typesetting Theorems: Theorems in LaTeX , designer
theorems - the amsthm package, Housekeeping. Floats : creating floating figures,

Cross References in LaTeX: Why cross references? Let LaTeX do it.

Text 2 :- Tutorial VIII (Sections VIII.1 to VIII.7 [deleting VIII.5 and VIII.6])

Tutorial IX ([deleting IX.2.3]), Tutorial XI (Section XI.1.1 only), and Tutorial XII (Section XII.1
and XII.2)


1. Dive Into Python by Mark Pilgrim, Free to download from the


2. The free to download book “Formatting inform action: A beginner’s introduction to typesetting
with LaTeX” by Peter Flynn. This can be downloaded free from the URL

3. Dive Into Python by Mark Pilgrim, Free to download from URL

4. LATEX , a Document Preparation System by Leslie Lamport (second edition, Addison Wesley,

5. The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e by Tobias Oetiker Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna and
Elisabeth Schlegl. Free to download from
Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 marks) (5 marks) (10 marks)

I 2 2 1 5

II 3 2 1 6

III 3 2 1 6

IV 4 2 1 7

Total No. of 12 8 4 24


No. of questions 10 5 3 18

to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Choice Based Course - 3

Course Title Numerical Analysis

Course Code 19U6CRMAT15

Semester 6

Credits 3

Contact Hours per week 4

Contact hours per semester. 72

CO CO Statement PO/ PSO CL KC Class Lab

Hrs Hrs

Solve algebraic and

CO1 PO1/PSO4 AP F,P 20 0
transcendental equations using
numerical methods

Understand the concepts of

CO2 PO1/PSO4 U F,P 18 0

Understand the concepts of

CO3 PO1/PSO4 U F,P 14 0

Compute derivatives and

CO4 PO1/PSO4 U F,C 20 0
antiderivatives using numerical

Total Number of Hours 72 0

Use of Non Programmable Scientific Calculator is Permitted

Text Books :

1. S. S. Sastry - Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis , PHI Learning

Private Limited Fifth Edition

2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Tenth Edition Wiley

New Delhi, 2015.

Module I: (20 hrs)

Solution of Equations

( A quick review mathematical preliminaries, errors, algebraic and transcendental equations)

Bisection Method, Method of False Position, Iteration Method, Aitken’s ∆ process, Newton–
Raphson Method, Generalised Newton’s Method and Ramanujan’s Method

Text 1: Chapter 2 (Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6)

Module II: (18 hrs)


Errors in Polynomial Interpolation , Forward Differences, Backward Differences, Central

Differences Symbolic Relations, Difference of a Polynomial and Newton’s Formulae for
Interpolation .

Text 1: Chapter 3 (Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5 and 3.6)

Module III: (14 hrs)

Fourier Approximations

Fourier series, Fourier transform, Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and inverse Discrete Fourier
transform (IDFT).

Text 1: Chapter 4 ( Section 4.6 : 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 ).

Module IV : (20 Hrs)

Numerical Differentiation and Integration

Introduction, numerical differentiation and errors in numerical differentiation. Numerical

Integration, Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s 1/3 Rule, Simpson’s 3/8 Rule, Boole’s and Weddle’s

Text 1 : Chapter 6 ( Sections 6.1, 6.2 : 6.2.1. Sections 6.4 : 6.4.1, 6.4.2, 6.4.3 and 6.4.4 )


1. Scarborough : Numerical Mathematical Analysis

2. Francis Shield ( Schaum’s Series ) : Numerical Analysis

3. Hilderbrand : Introduction to Numerical Analysis

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 marks) (5 marks) (10 marks)

I 4 2 1 7

II 3 2 1 6

III 2 2 1 5

IV 3 2 1 6

Total No. of 12 8 4 24


No. of questions 10 5 3 18

to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75



Complementary Course 1

CO CO Statement PO/ CL KC Class Lab

PSO Hrs Hrs

CO1 Find the extrema of functions AP P 8 0

of a single variable

CO2 Determine whether a given AP P 7 0

function is increasing or

CO3 Understand functions of U P 5 0

more than one variable

CO4 Find partial derivatives of AP P 5 0

functions of more than
one variable.

CO5 Find the extrema of AP P 5 0

functions of more than
one variable.

CO6 Compute the area using AP C 42 0

integrals PO1/PS

Total Number of Hours 72 0

Course Objectives :

1) To give a brief idea about the applications of Differentiation and integration.

2) To get an idea about partial differentiation, chain rule and optimization in multivariable
3) To find the area and volume of regions in 2 and 3 dimensional space.

4) To get a brief idea of polar coordinates and their outcomes.

Course Outcomes:

Text Books: - 1. George B. Thomas, Jr: Thomas’ Calculus Eleventh Edition, Pearson, 2008.

Module I

Applications of Derivatives: (15 hrs)

Extreme values of functions, The Mean Value Theorem, Monotonic functions and the first
derivative test. (Sections 4.1 - 4.3 of Text 1)

Module II

Partial Derivatives: (15 hrs)

Functions of several variables (Definition only), Partial derivatives, The Chain Rule, Extreme
values and Saddle points, Lagrange multiplier Method

(Sections 14.3 - 14.4,14.7,14.8 of Text 1)

Module III

Application of Integrals (20 hrs)

Substitution and area between curves, Volumes by slicing and rotation about an axis (disc method
only), Lengths of plane curves, Areas of surfaces of revolution and the theorem of Pappus
(excluding theorem of Pappus)

(Section 5.6, 6.1, 6.3, 6.5 of Text - 1),

Module IV

Multiple Integrals (22 hrs)

Double Integrals, area of bounded region in plane only, Double Integrals in Polar form, Triple
integrals in rectangular co-ordinates, Volume of a region in space

( Sections 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4 of Text – 1)

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

1 3 2 1 6

2 3 2 1 6

3 3 2 1 6

4 3 2 1 6

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75

Complementary Course – 2

Course Title Calculus II and Numerical Analysis

Course Code 19U2CPMAT02

Semester 2

Credits 3

Contact Hours per week 4

Contact hours per semester. 72

Text Book: N.P Bali, Manish Goyal, A text book of Enginnering Mathematics, Lakshmi
publications, Eight edition

Course Objectives:

1) To introduce the applications of vector calculus to real world problems.

2) To introduce the method of finite differences and interpolation

3) To introduce numerical methods of solving polynomial equations.

Course Outcomes:

Module 1: ( 20 hrs)

Vector Differential Calculus

CO CO Statement PO/ CL KC Class Lab

PSO Hrs Hrs

CO1 Find the gradient of a AP P 10 0

Scalar Field, The
Divergence of a Vector
Point Function, and the
directional derivative

CO2 Understand the various U P 10 0

properties of the gradient, the
curl and divergence.

CO3 Understand the U P 18 0

applications of vector
integration, in particular
those of the Green’s
theorem, Stoke’s theorem
and divergence theorem..

CO4 Understand finite U P 16 0

differences and
interpolation techniques.

CO5 Use numerical methods AP P 18 0

to solve polynomial

Total Number of Hours 72 0

Velocity and Acceleration, Scalar and vector fields, Gradient of a scalar field,Geometrical
Interpretation of Gradient, Directional Derivtive, Divergence and curl of a vector function and its
physical interpretations. Properties of Divergence and curl Repeated operations by ∇

(Section 8.9 to 8.20 of text)

Module II (18 hrs)

Integration on Vector fields

Line integrals,Circulation, Work done, Surface integrals, Colume integrals, Divergence theorem,
Stoke’s and Green’s theorem

(Section 8.21 to 8.29 of text)

Module III (16 hrs)

Finite Difference and Interpolation

Forward and backward operators, Shift operator, its properties, Newton Gregory Formula,
Lagrange’s formula, Gauss formula,Stirling formula, Laplace Formula, Newton’s divided
difference formula, Numerical integration and differentiation. Newton Cotes Method, Trapezoidal
and Simpson’s formula

(sections 22.1 to 22.11(d))

Module IV (18 hrs)

Numerical Solution of Algebraic Equations

Graphical Method, Bisection method, Iteration method, Newton’s method, Regula Falsi method,
Horner’s method, Graeffe root squaring method

Sections 22.16 to 22.16(g)


1) Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley, India.

2) Numerical Analysis by S.S.Sastry, PHI

3) Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers by K. Sankara Rao

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

1 3 2 1 6

2 3 2 1 6

3 4 2 1 6

4 2 2 1 6

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Complementary Course - 3

Course Title Differential Equations, Matrices and Trigonometry

Course Code 19U3CPMAT03

Semester 3

Credits 4

Contact Hours per week 5

Contact hours per 90


Text Books

1) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations with Laplace transforms, Fourier series and
applications, by V Sundarapandian., McGraw Hill Publications

2) A text book of Engineering Mathematics,by N.P Bali, Manish Goyal , Lakshmi publications,
Eight edition

3) Plane Trigonometry by S. L Loney

Course Objectives :

The objectives of the course include familiarizing the student with the techniques of solving first
order ordinary differential equations, the origin of first order p.d.e.’s and their solution. The course
also introduces matrix theory and its application in solving systems of linear equations and
applications of the Cayley Hamilton theorem. Basic trigonometry including summation of infinite
series by the C+iS method is also introduced.

Course Outcomes:
CO CO Statement PO/ CL KC Class Lab
PSO Hrs Hrs

CO1 Understand the methods U P 22 0

of solving important
types of first order
ordinary differential

CO2 Understand the origin of U P 22 0

first order p.d.e’s and
their solution.

CO3 Understand different U P 6 0

types of matrices and
rank of a matrix

CO4 Apply the concept of AP P 6 0

matrices in solving
system of linear

CO5 Find the eigen values and AP P 5 0

eigen vectors of a given

CO6 Understand the PO1/ U P 6 0

applications of Cayley
Hamilton theorem

CO7 Understand trigonometric PO1/ U P 23 0

functions, their
expansions and
summation of infinite
series using the C+iS

Total Number of Hours 90 0

Module I

Ordinary Differential Equations (22 hrs)

Separable Equations and reducible to separable equations, Homogeneous Equations, Linear

Differential equations, Bernoulli’s equation, Exact Differential equations and integrating factors

(Sections 2.1 to 2.7, 2.10, 2.11 of text 1)

Module II ( 22 hrs)

Partial Differential equations

Formation of partial differential equations, Solution by Direct integration, Lagrange’s method,

(Sections 14.1 to 14.5 of text 1)

Module III (23 hrs)


Transpose of Matrices, Symmetric and skew symmetric matrices, Singular and non singular
matrices. Elementary transformations, Inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, solution of system of
linear equations, characteristic equation, Eigen values, Cayley Hamilton theorem

(Sections 3.19,3.20,3.26,3.34,3,35,3.37 to 3.39, 3.46 to 3.48 of text 2

Module 1V (23 hrs)


Expansions of sin nx , cos nx , tannx , sin n θ , cos n θ , sin n θcos n θ Circular and hyperbolic
functions, inverse circular and hyperbolic function. Separation into real and imaginary parts.
Summation of infinite series based on C + iS method. (Geometric, Binomial, Exponential,
Logarithmic and Trigonometric series)

(Relevant Sections in Chapter 3 – 5 and Chapter 8 of Text 3)


1) Matrices, Schaum’s Outline Series, Tata McGraw Hill Publications

2) Differential Equations, by Shepley L Ross, Wiley.

3) Differential Equations, with applications and Historical notes, by G.F. Simmons and S.G.Krantz,
Tata McGraw Hill Publications

4) Elements of Partial Differential Equations, by Ian Sneddon, Tata McGraw Hill Publications
Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

1 3 2 1 6

2 3 2 1 6

3 3 2 1 6

4 3 2 1 6

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75
Complementary Course - 4

Course Title Fourier Series, Laplace Transforms, Fourier

Transforms, and Groups.

Course Code 19U4CPMAT04

Semester 4

Credits 4

Contact Hours per week 5

Contact hours per 90


Text Books:

1. A text book of Engineering Mathematics, by N.P Bali, Manish Goyal,Lakshmi publications,

Eighth edition

2. Algebra, Abstract and Modern, by Swamy U.M , Murthy, Pearson publications

Course Objectives:

The objectives of the course include teaching the students the concepts of Fourier Series, Fourier
and Laplace Transforms and their applications in the physical world.The course also introduces the
concept of groups which is very useful in studying symmetry of molecular structures.

Course Outcomes:
CO CO Statement PO/ CL KC Class Lab
PSO Hrs Hrs

CO1 Find the Fourier series AP P 23 0

expansion of a given
periodic function in a
specified interval.

CO2 Find the Fourier AP P 22 0

transform of a given

CO3 Find the Laplace AP P 23 0

transform of a given

CO4 Understand the concepts AP P 22 0

of groups, cyclic groups,
permutation groups

Total Number of Hours 90 0

Module 1 (23 hrs)

Fourier Series

Periodic functions, Fourier series, Euler’s formulae, Dirichlet’s conditions, Change of interval, Half
range series

Sections 10.1 to 10.7 of text 1)

Module II (23 hrs)

Laplace Transforms

Definitions, Properties, Inverse Laplace transforms, Convolution theorem, Application to

differential equations.

(Sections 18.1 to 18.12 of text 1)

Module III (22 hrs)

Fourier transforms

Fourier Integral theorem, Fourier Sine and cosine Integrals, Complex form of Fourier Transforms.
Inversion formula

(sections 20.5 of text 1)

Module IV (22 hrs)


Binary systems, Groups, Elementary properties of groups, finite groups, sub groups, cyclic groups,
Lagrange’s theorem, Permutation groups. (proofs are excluded)

(Sections 3.1 to 4.4, 6.1to 6.4 of text 2)


1) Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Michael D Greenberg, Pearson

Education, 2002

2) Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, Eighth edition, Wiley, India.

3) Higher Engineering Mathematics, by B.S. Grewal, Khanna Publishers.

4) A First Course in Abstract Algebra, by John B Fraleigh, Seventh edition, Pearson

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A Part B Part C Total

(2 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)

1 3 2 1 6

2 3 2 1 6

3 3 2 1 6

4 3 2 1 6

Total No of 12 8 4 24

No.of questions 10 5 3 18
to be answered

Total Marks 20 25 30 75






Course Code 19U1CRCMT1

Title of the course Foundation of Mathematics
Semester in which the course is to be taught 1
No. of credits 3
No. of contact hours per week 4
Total Hours 72

Course Objectives

 to explain the fundamental ideas of sets and functions;

 to introduce basic logic;

 to introduce basic Number Theory

Course Outcomes

On completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

 prove statements about sets and functions;

 analyze statements using truth tables;

 Construct simple proofs

 Familiarize mathematical Symbols and standard methods of proofs.

Text Books:

1. K.H. Rosen: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (Sixth edition), Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company, New Delhi.

2. S. Bernard and J.M Child: Higher Algebra, AITBS Publishers, India,2009

Module 1 (15 hrs)

Set theory: Sets, set operations, functions, sequences and summations

(Text - 1 Chapter – 2)

Module 2 (20hrs)

Relations: Relations and their properties, n-ary relations and their applications, representing
relations, equivalence relations, partial orderings.

(Text – 1 Chapter 7 excluding Section 7.4 )

Module 3 (20 hrs)

Basic Logic

Propositional logic, Propositional equivalences, Predicates and quantifiers nested quantifiers,

Rules of inference, Introduction to proofs, Proof methods and strategy.

(Text book 1, Chapter - 1).

Module 4 (17 hrs)

Theory of Numbers

Syllabus: Divisibility theory in the integers, the greatest common divisor, the Euclidean algorithm
(division algorithm), Primes. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic. The theory of congruence.
Basic properties of congruence. Fermat's little theorem Wilson's theorem. Euler's phi-function.
Euler's generalization of Fermat's theorem.

(Text – 2, Chapter – 1 and 26)


1, Lipschutz: Set Theory and related topics (Second Edition), Schaum Outline Series, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. (Reprint 2009).

2. P.R. Halmos : Naive Set Theory, Springer. .

3. George E. Andrews : Number Theory, HPC.

4. Ian Chiswell & Wifrid Hodges: Mathematical Logic, Oxford university press

5. Graham Everest, Thomas Ward: An Introduction to Number Theory, , Springer

6. Fernando Rodriguez Villegas: Experimental Number Theory, Oxford University Press

7. Richard Johnsonbaugh – Discrete Mathematics (Pearsons )

8. C.Y Hsiung Elementary Theory of Numbers, Allied Publishers

9. Thomas Koshy - Elementary Number Theory with Applications, Academic Press


MODULE Part A (2 Marks) Part B (5 Marks) Part C (10 Marks)

Answer any 10 Answer any 5 Answer any 3

1 3 2 1
2 3 2 1
3 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
TOTAL 12 8 4
Semester 2

Course Code 19U2CRCMT2

Title of the course Analytic Geometry, Theory of Equations and
Numerical methods
Semester in which the course is to be taught 2
No. of credits 3
No. of contact hours per week 4
Total Hours 72

Course Objectives

 to explain more ideas of conics;

 Introduce theory of equations

 Introduce numerical methods

Course Outcomes

On completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

 find the equation to tangent, normal at a point on a conic ;

 find the polar equation of a line, circle , tangent and normal to conics

 Find the relation between roots and coefficient of polynomials

Text Books:

1. Manicavachagom Pillay , Natarajan – Analytic Geometry (Part I, Two Dimensions)

2. Engineering Mathematics, N.P. Bali, Manish Goyal, Lakshmi publications

MODULE I (25hrs)
Tangents and Normals (parametric form only) of a conic, Orthoptic locus. Pole and Polar. Chord in
terms of given points. Conjugate diameters of ellipse and hyperbola. Asymptotes of a hyperbola,
conjugate hyperbola and rectangular hyperbola. (Relevant sections of Text 1)

MODULE II (10hrs)

Polar co-ordinates, polar equation of a line, polar equation of a circle and polar equation of a conic.
Polar equations of tangent and normal to these curves. (Relevant sections of Text 1)

MODULE III (18 hrs)

Zero of a Polynomial, Division Algorithm, Polynomial Equation, Root of an Equation, Synthetic

Division, Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Multiplication of Roots, Diminishing and increasing
the roots, Removal of Terms, Reciprocal Equations, Sum of the Integral Powers of the Roots and
Symmetric Functions, Symmetric Functions of the Roots, Descarte’s Rule of Signs, Cardan’s
Method, Descarte’s Method, Ferrari’s Solution of the Biquadratic.

(Sections 2.5-2.18 and 2.20-2.21 of Text 2)

Module IV (19 hrs)

Finite Difference and Interpolation

Forward and backward operators, Shift operator, its properties, Newton Gregory Formula,
Lagrange’s formula, Gauss formula,Stirling formula, Laplace Formula, Newton divided difference
formula, Numerical integration and differentiation. Newton cotes, Trapezoidal and Simpson’s

(sections 22.1 to 22.11(d))


1.S.K . Stein – Calculus and analytic Geometry , (McGraw Hill )

2.A. N. Das – Analytic Geometry of two and three dimension (New Central Books)
3.Thomas and Finney - Calculus and analytical geometry (Addison-Wesley)

4. Quazi Shoeb Ahamad - Numerical and Statistical Techniques ( Ane Books )

Question Paper Pattern

MODULE Part A (2 Marks) Part B (5 Marks) Part C (10 Marks)

Answer any 10 Answer any 5 Answer any 3

1 4 2 1
2 3 2 1
3 3 2 1
4 2 2 1
TOTAL 12 8 4
Semester – 3

Course Code 19U3CRCMT3

Title of the course Calculus
Semester in which the course is to be taught 3
No. of credits 4
No. of contact hours per week 5
Total Hours 90

Course Objectives

 To explain reduction formulae in calculus

 To know more about applications of integrals

 To introduce double integral, triple integrals and its applications

 To introduce partial differential equations

Course Outcomes

After completing this course the learner should be able to

 Find the higher order derivative of the product of two functions.

 Expand a function using Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series.

 Conceive the concept of asymptotes and obtain their equations.

 Learn about partial derivatives and its applications.

 Find the area under a given curve, length of an arc of a curve when the equations are given in
parametric and polar form and find the area and volume by applying the techniques of double and
triple integrals.

Text Books :

1. George B. Thomas Jr. ( Eleventh Edition ) – Thomas’ Calculus, Pearson, 2008.

2. Shanti Narayan and P. K. Mittal– Differential Calculus ( S. Chand & Co.) 2008.

Module I Differential Calculus (30hrs.) Successive

Differentiation . Expansion of functions using Maclaurin’s theorem and Taylor’s theorem.
Concavity and points of inflexion. Curvature and Evolutes. Length of arc as a function derivatives
of arc, radius of curvature – Cartesian equations. Centre of curvature, Evolutes and Involutes,
properties of evolutes. Asymptotes and Envelopes. ( Pedal equation and Newtonian Method
excluded) (Text 2 Chapter - 5, Chapter – 6, Chapter 13, Chapter – 14, Chapter - 15 section 15.1 to
15.4, Chapter – 18 section 18.1 to 18.8)

Module II

Partial Differentiation ( 20 hrs.) Partial

derivatives, the chain rule. Extreme values and saddle points, Lagrange multipliers, Partial
derivatives with constrained variables. (Text 1 Section 14.3, 14.4, 14.7, 14.8, 14.9)

Module III

Integral Calculus (20hrs.) Substitution and area

between curves, volumes by Slicing and rotation about an axis. Volumes by cylindrical shells,
Lengths of Plane Curves, Areas of surfaces of Revolution and the theorems of Pappus. (Text 1
Section 5.6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5)


Multiple Integrals. (20 hrs.) Double

integrals, Areas, Double integrals in polar form, Triple integrals in rectangular coordinates, Triple
integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, substitutions in multiple integrals. (Text 1 Section
15.1, 15.2 (area only) 15.3, 15.4, 15.6, 15.7)

1. T. M. Apostol – Calculus Volume I & II ( Wiley India )

2. Widder – Advanced Calculus ,2nd edition

3. K. C. Maity & R. K. Ghosh – Differential Calculus ( New Central Books Agency )

4. K. C. Maity & R. K. Ghosh – Integral Calculus ( New Central Books Agency )

5. Shanti Narayan, P.K. Mittal - Integral Calculus – ( S. Chand & Co.)

6. Anton: Calculus, Wiley.

Question Paper Pattern

MODULE Part A (2 Marks) Part B (5 Marks) Part C (10 Marks)

Answer any 10 Answer any 5 Answer any 3

1 3 2 1
2 3 2 1
3 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
TOTAL 12 8 4
Semester 3

Course Code 19U3CRCMT4

Title of the course Vector Calculus, Trigonometry and Matrices
Semester in which the course is to be taught 3
No. of credits 4
No. of contact hours per week 5
Total Hours 90

Text Book:

1. Engineering Mathematics, N.P. Bali, Manish Goyal

2.S.L. Loney – Plane Trigonometry Part – II, S. Chand and Company Ltd.

Module 1 (20 hrs)

Scalar and Vector Fields, Gradient of a Scalar Field, Geometrical Interpretation of Gradient,
Directional Derivative, Properties of Gradient, Divergence of a Vector Point Function, Curl of a
Vector Point Function, Physical Interpretation of Divergence, Physical Interpretation of Curl,
Properties of Divergence and Curl, Repeated Operations by ∇ .

(Sections 8.10-8.20 of Text 1)

Module 2 (25 hrs)

Integration of Vector Functions, Line Integrals, Circulation, Work Done by a Force, Surface
Integrals, Volume Integrals, Divergence Theorem of Gauss (Relation between Surface and Volume
Integrals), Green’s Theorem in the Plane, Stoke’s Theorem (Relation between Line and Surface
Integrals).( All theorems without proof).

(Sections 8.21-8.29 of Text 1)

Module 3 (20 hrs)

Circular and Hyperbolic functions of complex variables, Separation of functions of complex
variables into real and imaginary parts, Factorization of x n+1, x n-1,

n n
x 2 n-2 x a cos ( nθ ) +a 2n and summation of infinite series by C+iS method.

( Relevant sections of Text 2- Chapter V,VI,VIII,IX)

Module IV (25 hrs)


Elementary Transformations, Elementary Matrices, Inverse of Matrix by E-operations (Gauss-

Jordan method), Rank of a Matrix, Solution of a System of Linear Equations, If A is a Non-
Singular Matrix, then the Matrix Equation AX = B has a Unique Solution, Vectors, Linear
dependence and Linear Independence of Vectors, Linear Transformations, Orthogonal
Transformation, Complex Matrices, Characteristic Equation, Eigen Vectors, Cayley Hamilton

(Sections 3.34-3.35 and 3.37-3.48 of Text 1)


1.Erwin Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th ed., Wiley.

2. H.F. Davis and A.D. Snider: Introduction to Vector Analysis, 6th ed., Universal Book Stall, New

3.Shanti Narayan, P.K Mittal – Vector Calculus ( S. Chand )

4.Merle C. Potter, J. L. Goldberg, E. F. Aboufadel – Advanced Engineering Mathematics ( Oxford)

5.Ghosh, Maity – Vector Analysis ( New Central books )

6.Shanti Narayan - Matrices (S. Chand & Company)

Question Paper Pattern

MODULE Part A (2 Marks) Part B (5 Marks) Part C (10 Marks)

Answer any 10 Answer any 5 Answer any 3

1 4 2 1
2 3 2 1
3 2 2 1
4 3 2 1
TOTAL 12 8 4
Semester 4

Course Code 19U4CRCMT5

Title of the course Differential Equations
Semester in which the course is to be taught 4
No. of credits 5
No. of contact hours per week 6
Total Hours 108

Course Outcomes

As outcomes of this course, the student must master the following

 1) Obtain an integrating factor which may reduce a given differential equation into an exact one
and eventually provide its solution.

 2) Identify and obtain the solution of Clairaut’s equation.

3) Find the complementary function and particular integrals of linear differential equation.

 4) Familiarize the orthogonal trajectory of the system of curves on a given surface.

dx dy dz
 5) Method of solution of the differential equation = =

 6) Describe the origin of partial differential equation and distinguish the integrals of first order
linear partial differential equation into complete, general and singular integrals.

7) Use Lagrange’s method for solving the first order linear partial differential equation

Text Books:

1. Shepley L. Ross - Differential Equations, 3rd ed., (Wiley India).

2. Ian Sneddon – Elements of Partial Differential Equation ( Tata Mc Graw Hill)

Module I (25 hrs)

Ordinary differential equations :Exact differential equations and integrating factors (proof of
theorem 2.1 excluded) separable equations and equations reducible to this form, linear equations
and Bernoulli equations, special integrating factors and transformations. Orthogonal and oblique
trajectories. (Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1 of Text 1)

Module II ( 30 hrs)
Basic theory of linear differential equations.

The homogeneous linear equation with constant coefficients. The method of undetermined
coefficients, Variation of parameters, The Cauchy – Euler equation. ( Section 4.1 , 4.2 , 4.3, 4.4,
4.5 of Text 1 )

Module III (33 hrs)

Power series solution about an ordinary point, solutions about singular points, the method of
Frobenius , Bessel’s equation and Bessel Functions, Differential operators and an operator method.

( Section 6.1 , 6.2 , 6.3, 7.1 of Text 1)

Module IV :Partial Differential equations ( 20 hrs.)

dx dy dz
Surfaces and Curves in three dimensions, solution of equation of the form = = Origin of
first order and second order partial differential equations, Linear equations of the first order,
Lagrange’s method (Chapter 1 , section 1 and 3 & Chapter 2 Section 1, 2 and 4 of text 2 )


1) A.H.Siddiqi & P. Manchanda – A First Course in Differential Equation with Applications

(Macmillian )

2) George. F. Simmons – Differential equation with applications and historical notes ( Tata Mc
Graw Hill )
3) W.E. Boyce & R.C. Diprima - Elementary Differential Equations and boundary value Problems,
( Wiley India )

4) S. Balachandra Rao & H. Ranuradha – Differential Equation with Applications and Programs
( Universities Press )
5) R. K. Ghosh & K. C. Maity - An Introduction to Differential Equations ( New Central Books
Agency )

6) B. K. Dutta – Introduction to Partial Differential Equations ( New Central Books ) .

7) Murrary –.Differential Equations. Macmillian
8) E.A. Coddington - An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equation, PHI.
9)Sankara Rao - Introduction to Partial Differential Equation,2nd edition, PHI.
10)Zafar Ahsan - Differential Equations and their Applications , 2nd edition, PHI

Question Paper Pattern

MODULE Part A (2 Marks) Part B (5 Marks) Part C (10 Marks)

Answer any 10 Answer any 5 Answer any 3

1 3 2 1
2 3 2 1
3 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
TOTAL 12 8 4

Semester 5

Course Code 19U5CRCMT6

Title of the course Mathematical Analysis
Semester in which the course is to be taught 5
No. of credits 4
No. of contact hours per week 5
Total Hours 90

Course objectives

1)To study elementary properties of real numbers.

2)To introduce sequences and series and their properties .

3)To introduce the limit of a function.

Course outcomes

On the completion of the course, students should be able to

1) find the limit points of a set , the interior points of a set , closure of a set etc .

2) to test the convergence of a sequence and a series.

3) evaluate limits of functions .

4) study important theorems based on sequences and series

Text Books :

1. S.C.Malik, Savitha Arora _ Mathematical analysis. RevisedSecond edition.

2. J.W. Brown and Ruel.V.Churchill _ Complex variables and applications, 8th edition. Mc.Graw

Module I 15 hours
Intervals. Bounded and unbounded sets, supremum, infimum. Order completeness in R.
Archimedian property of real numbers. Dedekinds form of completeness property. (Sections 2.6, 3,
4.1 ,4.2, 4.3, 4.4 of text 1)

Module II (25 hours)

Neighbourhood of a point. Interior point of a set. Open set. Limit point of a set. Bolzano
Weierstrass theorem for sets. Closed sets, closure of a set. Dense sets. Countable and uncountable
sets. (Sections : 1.1,1.2,1.3,2,2.1,2.2,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5,4 of chapter 2 of text 1)

Module III (30 hours)

Real sequences. The range, bounds of a sequence. Convergence of sequences. Some theorems, limit
points of a sequence. Bolzano Weierstrass theorem for sequences. Limit interior and superior.
Convergent sequences. Cauchy’s general principle of convergence. Cauchy’s sequences. Statements
of theorem without proof in algebra of sequences. Some important theorems and examples related
to them. Monotonic sequences, subsequences. (Sections : 1.1,to 1.5, 2.to2,3. 4 to5 ,6 ,6.1 ,7,8 9, 9.1
of chapter 3 of text 1)

Module IV (20 hours )

Complex numbers

Sums and products. Basic algebraic properties. Further properties. Vectors and moduli. Different
representations. Exponential forms. Arguments of products and quotients. Product and powers in
exponential form. Roots of complex numbers. Regions in the complex plane.

(Section 1 to 11 of chapter 1 of text 2.)


1 . Robert G Bartle and Donald R Sherbert, Introduction to Real analysis, 3rd edn.

2 . Richard R Goldberg , methods of analysis , 3rd edn , oxfoyd and ibm publishing co. 1964.

3 .Shanti Narayan, A course of Mathematical analysis S chand and co ltd,2004.

4 . Elias Zako , Mathematical analysis vol. 1 , overseas press , New delhi ,2006.

5 . J M Howie , Real analysis , Springer , 2007

6 . K A Ross , Elementary Real analysis , Springer , Indian reprint

Question Paper Pattern

Module Part A (2 marks) Part B (5marks ) Part C (10 marks)

Answer any 10 Answer any 5 Answer any 3

1 4 2 1

2 4 2 1
3 3 3 1
4 1 1 1
Total 12 8 4
Semester 6

Course Code 19U6CRCMT7

Title of the course Graph Theory and Numerical Analysis
Semester in which the course is to be taught 6
No. of credits 4
No. of contact hours per week 5
Total Hours 90

Course Objectives

1. To understand and apply the fundamental concepts in graph theory

2. To apply graph theory based tools in solving practical problems

3. To be efficient in using numerical methods


1.John Clark Derek Allen Holton - A first look at graph theory, Allied Publishers
2.N.P Bali, Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Lakshmi
publications, Eighth edition

Module I : Graph Theory (20 Hrs )

An introduction to graph. Definition of a Graph, Graphs as models, More definitions, Vertex

Degrees, Sub graphs, Paths and cycles The matrix representation of graphs (definition & example

(Section 1.1 to 1.7 of text 1)

Trees and connectivity. Definitions and Simple properties, Bridges, Spanning trees, Cut vertices and
connectivity. (Section 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 & 2.6 of text 1)

Module 2 (25 hrs)

Euler Tours and Hamiltonian Cycles .Euler’s Tours, The Chinese postman problem .Hamiltonian
graphs, The travelling salesman problem, Matching and Augmenting paths, Hall`s Marriage
Theorem (statement only), The personnel Assignment problem, The optimal Assignment problem
(Section 3.1(algorithm deleted) 3.2(algorithm deleted), 3.3, 3.4 (algorithm deleted)) Matching
(Section 4.1,4.2 4.3(algorithm deleted),4.4 (algorithm deleted) of text 1)

Module 3 (20 hrs)

Numerical Solution of Algebraic Equations

Graphical Method, Bisection method, Iteration method, Newtons iteration method, Regula falsi
method, Horner’s method, Graeffe’s root squaring method

Text 2 : Sections 22.16 to 22.16(g)

Module 4 (25 hrs)

Solution of Simultaneous Algebraic Equations

Gauss Elimination Method, Gauss-Jordan Method, Method of Factorisation or Triangularisation,

Crout’s Method, Iterative Methods, Jacobi Method of Iteration or Gauss-Jacobi Method, Gauss-
Seidel Iterative Method

Text 2 : Sections 22.17 to 22.18(b)


1. Douglas B West Peter Grossman - Introduction to Graph Theory

2. W.D.Wallis - A Beginner’s Guide to Discrete Mathematics, Springer

3. R. Balakrishnan, K. Ranganathan - A textbook of Graph Theory, Springer International Edition

4. S.Arumugham, S. Ramachandran - Invitation to Graph Theory, Scitech. Peter Grossman

Question Paper Pattern

MODULE Part A (2 Marks) Part B (5 Marks) Part C (10 Marks)

Answer any 10 Answer any 5 Answer any 3

1 4 2 1
2 4 2 1
3 2 2 1
4 2 2 1
TOTAL 12 8 4


Course Code 19U1CRCMT1

Title of the course Foundation of Mathematics
Semester in which the course is to be taught 1
No. of credits 3
No. of contact hours per week 4
Total Hours 72

Course Objectives

 to explain the fundamental ideas of sets and functions;

 to introduce basic logic;

 to introduce basic Number Theory

Course Outcomes

On completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

 prove statements about sets and functions;

 analyze statements using truth tables;

 Construct simple proofs

 Familiarize mathematical Symbols and standard methods of proofs.

Text Books:

1. K.H. Rosen: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (Sixth edition), Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company, New Delhi.

2. S. Bernard and J.M Child: Higher Algebra, AITBS Publishers, India,2009

Module 1 (15 hrs)

Set theory: Sets, set operations, functions, sequences and summations

(Text - 1 Chapter – 2)

Module 2 (20hrs)

Relations: Relations and their properties, n-ary relations and their applications, representing
relations, equivalence relations, partial orderings.

(Text – 1 Chapter 7 excluding Section 7.4 )

Module 3 (20 hrs)

Basic Logic

Propositional logic, Propositional equivalences, Predicates and quantifiers nested quantifiers, Rules
of inference, Introduction to proofs, Proof methods and strategy.

(Text book 1, Chapter – 1).

Module 4 (17 hrs)

Theory of Numbers

Syllabus: Divisibility theory in the integers, the greatest common divisor, the Euclidean algorithm
(division algorithm), Primes. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic. The theory of congruence.
Basic properties of congruence. Fermat's little theorem Wilson's theorem. Euler's phi-function.
Euler's generalization of Fermat's theorem.

(Text – 2, Chapter – 1 and 26)


1, Lipschutz: Set Theory and related topics (Second Edition), Schaum Outline Series, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. (Reprint 2009).

2. P.R. Halmos : Naive Set Theory, Springer. .

3. George E. Andrews : Number Theory, HPC.

4. Ian Chiswell & Wifrid Hodges: Mathematical Logic, Oxford university press
5. Graham Everest, Thomas Ward: An Introduction to Number Theory, , Springer

6. Fernando Rodriguez Villegas: Experimental Number Theory, Oxford University Press

7. Richard Johnsonbaugh – Discrete Mathematics (Pearsons )

8. C.Y Hsiung Elementary Theory of Numbers, Allied Publishers

9. Thomas Koshy - Elementary Number Theory with Applications, Academic Press

Question Paper Pattern

MODULE Part A (2 Marks) Part B (5 Marks) Part C (10 Marks)

Answer any 10 Answer any 5 Answer any 3

1 3 2 1
2 3 2 1
3 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
TOTAL 12 8 4

Course Code 19U1CRCMT2

Title of the course Discrete Mathematics
Semester in which the course is to be taught 2
No. of credits 3
No. of contact hours per week 4
Total Hours 72

Course Objectives

to explain the fundamental ideas of complex numbers;

to introduce basic Number Theory;

to introduce basic logic

to introduce graph theory concepts

Course Outcomes

On completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

 do algebraic operations using complex numbers

 solve number theory problems

 analyze propositions;

 use algorithms to solve problems in daily life .

Text Books

1.Engineering Mathematics, N.P. Bali, Manish Goyal

2. Petergray – Logic, Algebra and databases (chapter 3), Affiliated East West press pvt Ltd.
3.Robert J mcEliece, Robert B Ash and Carol Ash – Introduction to discrete mathematics (chapter
1,2 and 4) , Mc.Graw Hill.

MODULE I: Complex Numbers (17 hrs)

Complex Numbers, Conjugate complex numbers, Geometrical representation of complex numbers,

Properties of complex numbers, Standard form of a complex number, DeMorgan’s theorem, Roots
of a complex number (Sections 1.3-1.7, 1.9,1.10)

MODULE II: Combinatorics (15 hrs)

The theory counting. The multiplication rule, ordered sample and permutations, unordered samples
without repetition, permutations involving indistinguishable objects, multinomial co-efficient,
unordered samples with repetition, permutation involving indistinguishable objects.

MODULE III: Propositional Calculus (15 hrs)

Proposition, compound proposition, truth table for basic operators, connectives, theorems from
Boolean algebra, De-Morgan’s law, normal forms, rules of inference, chain rule and modusponens,
chains of inference, tautology, proof by adopting a premise. Reductio- ad-absurdum, proof by

MODULE IV: Graphs and Algorithms (25 hrs)

Leonhard Euler and the seven bridges of Konigsberg, trees and spanning trees, minimal spanning
trees, binary trees and tree searching. Planar graphs and Euler’s theorem, the shortest path problem,
Dijkstras Algorithm, two “all-pairs” Algorithm, Floyd’s Algorithm and Marshal’s Algorithm.

References :

1.James Ward Brown, Ruel V. Churchill : Complex Variables and Applications(8 th edition),
McGraw Hill International Edition.

2.S. Lipschutz : Set Theory and related topics (Second Edition), Schaum Outline Series, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi.
3. R.G..Stoll - Set Theory and Logic

4. P.R. Halmos - Naive Set Theory, Springer

5. John Clark & Derek Allen Holton - A first book at graph theory (Allied Publishers)

5. Douglas B west – Introduction to Graph Theory , Pearson Education

Question Paper Pattern

MODULE Part A (2 Marks) Part B (5 Marks) Part C (10 Marks)

Answer any 10 Answer any 5 Answer any 3

1 3 2 1
2 3 2 1
3 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
TOTAL 12 8 4

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