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This is to recommend that the report entitled “FAUNAL SURVEY OF

INVERTEBRATES” has been carried out by Sudiksha Giri, .........................
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for practical examination of Zoology (Zoo
102) in B.Sc. 1 year. This is her original work and has been carried out under my
supervision. To the best of my knowledge, this report work has not submitted for
any others degree in any institutions.

Date: ………………….

Mr. Sanjay Shrestha
( Supervisor )
Department of Zoology
Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus
Tribhuvan University
Kathmandu, Nepal



This is certified that Sneha Kafle of B.Sc. 1st year student of this campus with TU
Registration No (……………………..)
has prepared the report on “Faunal Diversity of invertebrates in Shivapuri
National Park, Budhanilkantha Kathmandu” as a part of the completion of
Yearly Examination as per syllabus of B.Sc. 1-year Tribhuvan University. She is
offering Chemistry, Botany, Zoology ( CBZ ) combination and also completed the
laboratory work satisfactorily. This is her work and has not previously submitted to
any other colleges and institutions for awards of any degree, diploma or any other
similar title.

Date: ……………………….

… ……………………
Department of Zoology
Tri-chandra Multiple Campus
Tribhuvan university
Kathmandu, Nepal


I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude towards
respected teachers, course instructors, non-teaching staff and seniors of Tri- Chandra
Multiple Campus, Ghantaghar, Kathmandu.

Especially, I would like to acknowledge a Prof. Dr.Bimlendu Kumar Mishra for this
delightful research-based report to be well completed with their great supportive and
innovation and teachings. Furthermore, I would like to thank my teacher Mr. Sanjay
Shrestha for assisting and supervising the report. Sincerely, I wish to thank all of my
seniors who kept me motivating and provided guidance in need. A deep sense of
gratitude to my classmate and my friends who have been constant source of
inspiration during preparation of this report work.

Eventually, I would like to express my thankfulness to the administration, local

people on the field and all others who helped me directly and indirectly during the
field trip.


RECOMMENDATION …………………………………………………. 1
CERTIFICATE ......................................................................................... 2
ACKNOWLEDGENTS ............................................................................ 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................... 4
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 5
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS ...................................................... 6-7
3. RESULTS ......................................................................................... 8-13
4. CONCLUSION .................................................................................... 15
5. REFERENCES .................................................................................... 16
6. PHOTO PLATE …………………………………….………....... 17-18


1.1 Background
Fauna is all of the animal living in particular area, period or environment. Faunal
diversity is animal diversity including vertebrates and invertebrate’s animal. Nepal
is rich in biogeological diversity due to its unique physical features.

To understood and re-search faunal diversity me and my friends made a field visit
to Shivapuri National Park. The main purpose of our field visit was to survey faunal
diversity along with their habit, habitat, identification and their economic value.

Shivapuri National Park is the 9th national park in Nepal established in 2002. It is
located in the country’s mid-hills on the northern fringe of the Kathmandu Valley
and named after Shivapuri Peak of 2732 m altitude.

We have chosen this place for survey because this park has high amount of diversity
according to google.

1.2 Objectives

The main of objectives of writing this report is highlighted below:

• To study the faunal diversity of invertebrates in Shivapuri National Park.
• To understood the habit, habitat and importance of invertebrates.


2.1 Study Area

The area I had taken to study is Shivapuri National Park. This national park is located
in the mid-hills of the northern part of the Kathmandu Valley at 2732 m altitude. The
area of this national park is 159 sq km. lies about 12 km far away from capital. It is
lies in a transition zone between subtropical and temperate climates. The vegetation
consists of variety of natural forest types including pine, oak, Rhodendron, etc.
depending on altitude aspect.

2.2 Materials
During study and observation of faunal species we use various materials like camera,
mobile phone for photograph, gloves, different equipment of dissection box like
forceps, note copy, pen pencil and zoology practical book to study and note data of
observed specimens.

2.3 Methods
We already make list of probable specimens which may found in this area with their
photo from google. It made us easier to identified some of the specimens. Some
which are not in our list, we use google lens to identified them.

During survey and study times we recorded many specimens. Among them some
specimens which we are able to identified were listed below:
S. N Scientific name Common name Phylum

1 Pheretima Earthworm Annelida

2 Melanopus Grasshopper Arthropoda

3 Papilio Butterfly Arthropoda

4 Reticulitermis Termites Arthropoda

5 Periplaneta Cockroach Arthropoda

6 Anisoptera Dragon fly Arthropoda

7 Musca Housefly Arthropoda

8 Culex Mosquito Arthropoda

9 Apis Honey bee Arthropoda

10 Araneae Spider Arthropoda

11 Gryllus Field cricket Arthropoda

12 Cancer Crab Arthropoda

13 Iridomyrmex Ant Arthropoda

14 Anax Dragon fly Arthropoda

15 Melontha Beetle Arthropoda

16 Plecia Lovebug Arthropoda

Systematic position/Classification

Melolontha Anax
Phylum : Arthropoda Phylum : Arthropoda
Class : Insecta Class : Insecta
Sub class : Pterygota Sub class : Pterygota
Division : Endopterygota Division : Exopterygota
Order : Coleoptera Order : Orthoptera
Genus : Melolontha Genus : Anax

Papilio (Butterfly) Aranea
Phylum : Arthropoda Phylum : Arthropoda
Subphylum : Mandibulata Sub Phylum : Chelicerate
Class : Insecta Class : Arachnida
Subclass : Pterygota Order : Araneae
Division : Endopterygota Genus : Aranea
Order : Lepidoptera
Genus : Papilio

10 | P a g e
Reticulitermes (Termites) Periplaneta (Cockroach)
Phylum : Arthropoda Phylum : Arthropoda
Sub phylum : Mandibulata Sub phylum : Mandibulata
Class : Insecta Class : Insecta
Subclass : Pterygota Subclass : Pterygota
Division : Exopterygota Division : Exopterygota
Order : Isoptera Order : Orthoptera
Genus : Reticulitermes Genus : Periplaneta
Species : americana

11 | P a g e
Cancer Gryllus
Phylum : Arthropoda Phylum : Arthropoda
Class : Crustacea Class : Insecta
Sub class : Malacostraca Sub class : Pterygota
Order : Decapoda Division : Exopterygota
Sub-order : Brachyura Order : Orthoptera
Genus : Cancer Genus : Gryllus

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Melolontha Anax
Phylum : Arthropoda Phylum : Arthropoda
Sub phylum : Mandibulata Class : Insecta
Class : Insecta Sub class : Pterygota
Sub class : Pterygota Division : Exopterygota
Division : Endopterygota Order : Orthoptera
Order : Coleoptera Genus : Anax
Genus : Melolontha

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Finally, we have completed a field visit day to Shivapuri National Park,

Budanilkantha, Kathmandu as per completion of B.Sc. First year zoology practical.
Though it was very difficult to study habit and habitat of many specimens, but with
the help of team work and co-operation of friends made it easier. It was very difficult
to collect all information of some specimen so we collected some of them as the
collection specimen for submission. During survey we found varieties of Arthropods
specially insect (termites by number) as the dominant class of invertebrates followed
by Annelida and molluscs by number.
We found many species of invertebrates in Shivapuri national park, some of them
are economically, biologically very much important.

15 | P a g e
• Bista Mahadev, Jha Praveen, Shrestha Sanjay, Shah Rup Bahadur, Singh Ankit, “A
textbook of practical Zoology Invertebrates”, Advance Ayam Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Kathmandu, Nepal
• Jordan, E.L. and Verma, P.S. “Invertebrates Zoology”, S Chand and Company Limited,
New Delhi, India

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*** THANK YOU ***

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