Ma1c02247 Si 001
Ma1c02247 Si 001
Ma1c02247 Si 001
Liuyue Zhonga, Yanxin Haoa, Junheng Zhanga*, Fang Weia, Tingcheng Lia, Menghe Miaob,
Daohong Zhanga*
Key Laboratory of Catalysis and Energy Materials Chemistry of Ministry of Education & Hubei
Key Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials Science, Hubei R&D Center of Hyperbranched
Polymers Synthesis and Applications, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430074,
CSIRO Manufacturing, 75 Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds, Victoria 3216, Australia
Number of Figure: 7
Figure S5. Tensile stress-strain curves (a), Plots of storage modulus (b) and tanδ curves (c) of
original and reprocessed CA/DGEBA. Stress-strain curves (d), Plots of storage modulus (e) and
Figure S6. Photographs of CA/FEP/FEHBP in solvents before (a) and after (b) 72h at room
Figure S7. Tensile stress-strain curves (a, c) and DMA (b, d) curves of original and chemically
Number of Tables: 13
Table S6. Thermal stability and degradation data of epoxy vitrimers under nitrogen atmosphere
Table S7. PALS data and free volume fractions of epoxy vitrimers
Table S8. Values of shape memory properties of the original and reprocessed of CA/FEP/FEHBP
Table S9. The tensile strength of original and reprocessed epoxy vitrimers
Table S13. Mechanical properties and relevant DMA data of original and chemically recycled
epoxy vitrimers
HNMR and 13
CNMR measurements were conducted on a Bruker Avance Ⅲ-400 NMR
spectrometer with d-DMSO as the solvent. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were
collected on a Bruker Vertex 70 FTIR spectrometer with the range of 4000-500 cm-1. Gel
permeation chromatography (GPC) was measured on a Waters 1525 with Waters 2414 using
DMF as the fluent at 40oC, after calibration with standard polystyrenes. GC-MS (Thermo, Trace
0.25μm,). The temperature gradient used was as following: from 60 to 290oC at a heating rate of
8oC/min, and from 290 to 300oC at 30oC /min, finally holding for 15min. A 1μL aliquot of the
samples was introduced in splitless injection. S/SL temperature: 300 oC. The transfer line
between the GC and the TSQ 9000 was kept at 280oC. The mass spectrometer operated in the
electron impact (EI) ionization mode (+70eV) with a source temperature of 280oC in full scan
mode with a scan range of 50-650m/z. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight
(MALDI-TOF) mass spectra were performed on a Bruker MALDI-TOF system using trans-2-[3-
matrix and N,N-Dimethylformamide as solvent. The epoxy values of epoxy resins were
determined by hydrochloric acid-acetone method (ASTM D1652), and the Hydroxyl values were
determined by titration using acetic anhydride acetylation (ASTM E222). Differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) was performed on a NETZSCH DSC 214 using N2 as a purge gas at a heating
rate of 10oC/min. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed on a TA Instruments TGA
Q500 under a nitrogen atmosphere over a temperature range of 30-700oC at a heating rate of
10oC/min. Tensile properties were evaluated using a universal tester (INSTRON 5966, Instron,
Norwood, USA) according to ASTM D638 at a crosshead speed of 2mm/min-1. Each reported
value was the average of at least five specimens. AFM imaging was carried out using a Bruker
Dimension Fast Scan instrument operating in tapping mode. Fast Scan A cantilevers from Bruker
were used for the experiments and the images were investigated in Nanoscope 1.5 software.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed on a Hitachi scanning electron microscope.
1/APBS-2 (First Point Inc.) trap-based slow positron beam system. The free volume fraction (Fv)
can be expressed as
FV = cVI 3 (S1)
where I3 is the lifetime of the intensity, V is the total volume of a single site of free volume
A Q800 DMA machine (TA, America) was used for tensile creep TTS, Tv and stress
relaxation tests. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was carried out at a frequency of 1Hz and
a heating rate of 10oC/min using tensile mode. The specimens were stretched by 1.0%, and the
strain was retained during the test. Stress relaxation tests were carried out using the tensile mode.
Rectangular specimens (12.0 × 6.0 × 1.0mm3) were initially aligned by preloading a 0.001N
force, followed by thermal equilibrium at each test temperature for 1min. The variation of the
relaxation modulus versus time was recorded. The tensile creep TTS test was conducted at
temperatures between 20 and 120℃ in intervals of 10℃ with dimensions of 20mm × 0.5mm ×
300μm. During the measurement of each isotherm, a constant force of 5.0MPa was applied for
ρ= (S2)
where Ed is the storage modulus at rubbery states (Tg + 50℃), R is the gas constant (8.314
Shape memory cycles were performed using DMA Q800 under a control force mode. A
certain stress (σ) was applied to the sample (dumbbell shape as mentioned above) at 120oC. Then,
the sample was cooled to 60oC under the stress. The temporary shape was kept after removal of
the stress when maintaining the temperature at 60oC. The temporarily fixed sample was heated to
120oC again to recover its permanent shape under a stress-free condition, from where a next
shape memory cycle began. The shape memory behavior was evaluated by shape fixity (Rf) and
where εdload, εrec, and εd were the maximum strain under load, the recovered strain, and the
Swelling ratio (SR, %) was performed by immersing the sample (around 200.00mg) in THF
and DMSO (200ml) at room temperature, 50°C or 140°C for 72h. The swelling ratio was
where ma is the initial mass of the samples, and mb is the mass after swelling.
Gel content (GC, %) was determined by the solvent extraction method. The samples
(around 200.00mg, m1) were placed in a Soxhlet extractor with THF at 80oC for 72h. When the
extraction was completed, the samples were dried in a vacuum oven at 80oC for 72 h and
weighted (m2). The gel content was calculated according to the following equation,
GC ( %) = m2 / m1 100% (S6)
Figure S3. MALDI-TOF mass spectrum of FEHBP.
Table S1. Compositions of epoxy vitrimers
Table S3. Swelling ratios and gel contents of epoxy vitrimers
swelling ratios
(RT) (40℃) (RT) (140℃)
Figure S4. TGA curve of epoxy vitrimers.
Table S6. Thermal stability and degradation data of epoxy vitrimers under nitrogen atmosphere
Table S7. PALS data and free volume fractions of epoxy vitrimers
Lifetime of Free
ortho- Intensity I3 volume
Samples R (Å)
positroniumτ3 (%) fraction,Fv
(ns) (%)
CA/FEP 1.567 13.55 2.419 1.45
Table S8. Values of shape memory properties of the original and reprocessed of
Rf(%) Rr(%)
C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3
Figure S5. Tensile stress-strain curves (a), Plots of storage modulus (b) and tanδ(c) of original
and reprocessed CA/DGEBA. Stress-strain curves (d), Plots of storage modulus (e) and tanδ
Table S9. The tensile strength of original and reprocessed epoxy vitrimers
Table S10. Summary of DMA results of original and reprocessed CA/DGEBA
Figure S6. Photographs of CA/FEP/FEHBP in solvents before (a) and after (b) 72h at room
Figure S7. Tensile stress-strain curves (a, c) and DMA (b, d) curves of original and chemically
Table S13. Mechanical properties and relevant DMA data of original and chemically recycled
epoxy vitrimers