PHY4 Specimen
PHY4 Specimen
PHY4 Specimen
1. A body performs simple harmonic oscillations. The graph shows how the acceleration a of the body varies with time t. State the frequency of the oscillations. (1 mark) Add to the graph above a curve showing how the velocity of the same body varies with time over the same period. (2 marks) On the grid below the first, sketch a graph to show how the force F acting on the same body varies with time over the same period. (2 marks) A mass m attached to a spring of force constant k oscillates with a period of 1.2 s. Calculate the period of oscillation for a mass 2m attached to a spring of force constant 4k. (2 marks) (Total 7 marks) 2. The diagram opposite and below shows one piston of an internal combustion engine. As the crankshaft rotates through 360o, the top of the piston moves from L to T and back to L. The distance LT is 8.6 cm and the crankshaft rotates at 6000 revolutions per minute. Calculate the frequency of oscillation f of the piston. (1 mark) State the amplitude of this oscillation. (1 mark) The oscillations of the piston are approximately simple harmonic. Calculate the maximum acceleration of the piston. (2 marks) At which position(s) in the movement of the piston will this acceleration be zero? (1 mark) (Total 5 marks) 3. Sound travels by means of longitudinal waves in air and solids. A progressive sound wave of wavelength and frequency f passes through a solid from left to right. In the diagram below line X represents the equilibrium positions of a line of atoms in the solid. Line Y represents the positions of the same atoms at a time t = t0.
t = to + T 4
Explain why the wave is longitudinal. (1 mark) On diagram Y label: (i) two compressions (C); (ii) two rarefactions (R); (iii) the wavelength of the wave. (3 marks) The period of the wave is T. Along the line Z mark in the positions of the two compressions and the two rarefactions at a time t given by t = t0 + T/4. (2 marks) (Total 6 marks) 4. Complete the diagram below to show the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. (1 mark) State four differences between radio waves and sound waves. (4 marks) Two radio stations broadcast at frequencies of 198 kHz and 95.8 MHz. Which station broadcasts at the longer wavelength? Why do obstacles such as buildings and hills present less of a problem for the reception of the signal from the station transmitting at the longer wavelength? (3 marks)
6. Experiments on the photoelectric effect show that the kinetic energy of photoelectrons released depends upon: the frequency of the incident light and not on its intensity. light below a certain threshold frequency cannot release photoelectrons. How do these conclusions support a particle theory but not a wave theory of light? You may be awarded a mark for the clarity of your answer. (6 marks) The graph shows how the kinetic energy K of emitted photoelectrons from one metal varies with the frequency f of the incident light. Add a second line to the graph showing how K will vary with f for a second metal which has a smaller work function. (2 marks) (Total 8 marks) 7. The diagram below and opposite shows some of the energy levels for atomic hydrogen. Calculate the ionisation energy in joules for an electron in the - 13.6 eV energy level. (1 mark) Which change in energy levels will give rise to a blue line ( = 490 nm) in the hydrogen spectrum? (4 marks) Show this change in energy levels on the diagram. (1 mark) The spectrum of white light that has been passed through hot hydrogen gas is observed in the laboratory. The continuous spectrum is seen to have a few dark lines across it. One of these dark lines occurs in the blue region of the spectrum at a wavelength of 490 nm. Explain the origin of this dark line. (3 marks) The spectrum of a distant star is observed. It too shows the same pattern of dark lines, but all at longer wavelengths. The line measured at 490 nm in the laboratory occurs at 550 nm in the stars spectrum. What can be deduced about the star? (3 marks) (Total 12 marks) 8. A deflated balloon has three points, A, B and C, drawn on its surface. Draw the appearance of the balloon when it is (i) partially inflated, (ii) fully inflated. (2 marks)
The expanding balloon can be used to illustrate Hubbles law. Explain how the expanding balloon can be used to illustrate Hubbles law. You may be awarded a mark for the clarity of your answer. (5 marks) (Total 7 marks)