EM1 - Chapter 1 - Matrices&Determinants1
EM1 - Chapter 1 - Matrices&Determinants1
EM1 - Chapter 1 - Matrices&Determinants1
Chapter 1 – Matrices
Chapter 1 – Matrices and Determinants
and Determinants
1. Define a matrix, its order and elements.
2. Define some special types of matrices.
3. Explain transpose of a matrix.
4. Define and explain the equality rule of matrices.
5. Perform matrix operations such as addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication and matrix
6. Define and evaluate 2nd order determinants.
7. Define and evaluate higher order determinants.
8. Use Cramer’s rule to solve simultaneous linear equations with two or three unknowns.
9. Define the inverse of a square matrix.
10. Use the inverse matrix method to solve system of linear equations with two unknowns.
1.1 Introduction
In our daily life, information can often be conveniently presented as an array of rows and columns.
Bus timetable and football league results often use this form of presentation. Such an arrangement
of information is called a matrix. Below are some examples of matrices.
Eg1 The weekly expenditures in dollars of a department for January and February are given
January Week Payroll Marketing Miscellaneous
1 10000 5000 500
2 10000 3000 400
3 10000 4000 300
4 10000 6000 600
Eg2 A building contractor accepts summer orders for 135 houses, 3 condominiums and 1 high
rise building. The construction materials (in appropriate units) that go into each of these
buildings are listed in the table below. Using matrices, we can find how much of each
raw material will be needed for all the summer contracts.
Eg3 Matrices can be used in digital image processing. A digital image is an image by an array
of numbers. Consider a very simple example, the mathematical representation of the
symbol π . We can picture the symbol in the figure below:
Note that the image is divided into a number of areas, or fields, in the above 15 of them.
A number 0 is assigned as the field to be unshaded and the number 1, shaded.
Eg4 A scientist, trying to grow lobsters in a controlled environment, mixes two grains A and B
in varying amounts to make the ideal lobster food. The scientist makes three mixes I, II
and III according to the following mixtures:
45 30 15 Grain A
M =
15 30 45 Grain B
The nutritional value of each of the two grains is given by the values in the 3 × 2 matrix.
5 10 protein
N = 50 30 carbohydrates
10 5 fat
Using matrices, we can find the amount of carbohydrates, protein or fat in the above
20 7 Row 1
31 9 an element
13 10
Column 1
(i) Matrices are denoted by capital letters.
(ii) The elements are enclosed in large square brackets or large round brackets.
(iii) a ij represents an element in the ith row and jth column of a matrix.
(iv) The order of a matrix is also called the size or dimension of the matrix.
1 2 3
Example 1 : The matrix A is given as A = .
4 5 6
(a) State the order of A.
(b) Find the elements a12 and a 21 .
For example, the matrix is a 4× 1 column matrix.
A square matrix is a matrix where the number of rows is equal to the number of columns.
1 2 3
For example, the matrix 4 5 6 is a 3× 3 square matrix.
7 8 9
A square matrix, such that a ij = a ji for all values of i and j , is called a symmetric
For example, the following matrix is a symmetric matrix:
1 2 3
2 5 6 the principal diagonal acts as
a ji a “mirror”
3 6 9
e.g. a=
12 a=
21 2
1 0 1
Example 2 :
Find the values of a, b and c such that the matrix c b 2b is a
a a + c 2
symmetric matrix.
1 0 0
For example, the matrix 0 1 0 is a 3 × 3 identity matrix.
0 0 1
Note: An n × n identity matrix is denoted by In or simply by I if the order is obvious
from the context.
0 0 0
For example, the matrix is a 2 × 3 zero matrix.
0 0 0
Note: An m × n zero matrix is denoted by 0mn or simply by 0 if the order is obvious from
the context. The zero matrix is also called the null matrix.
Theorem 1.1
1. (AT )T = A
2. If A is a symmetric matrix, then AT = A.
4 6 1 2
Example 5 : Given A = , and B = 3 4 , find
8 10
(a) A + B
(b) A – B
Example 6 : The weekly expenditures in dollars of a department for January and February
are given below.
Use matrix addition to find the total expenditures for the three categories
Payroll, Marketing and Miscellaneous during the corresponding weeks of
January and February.
When a matrix A = ( aij ) is multiplied by a scalar or a number k, each element aij in the
x 0 3 −1 3 2
Example 8 : Find the values of x and y such that 3 −4 2
= .
2 2 y 1 y 1 4
Not any two matrices can be used for matrix multiplication. Two matrices can be
multiplied only when they are conformable for matrix multiplication.
Two matrices A and B are said to be conformable for multiplication, if the number of
columns in A is equal to the number of rows in B, i.e.
A m×n × Bn ×p =
C m ×p
Example 9 : Are the two matrices A 3× 5 and B 5 × 4 conformable for matrix multiplication
AB ? If yes, what is the order of AB ?
Example 10 : Are the two matrices A 3× 5 and B 3× 2 conformable for matrix multiplication
AB ? If yes, what is the order of AB ?
jth column in B
where c=
ij ai1b1 j + ai 2b2 j + ... + ainbnj .
Theorem 1.3
Let A, B, C, O (zero matrix) and I (identity matrix) be
conformable matrices and k be any scalar.
1. (AB)C = A(BC)
2. A(B + C) = AB + AC
3. k(AB) = (kA)B = A(kB)
4. AO = O
5. AI = A
6. (AB)T = BTAT
(ii) In general, the cancellation law is not valid: AB = AC does not imply B = C.
Example 11 : Evaluate
3 3
(a) [2 4 6] 6 (b) 6[2 4 6]
9 9
0 4
1 3 4 1 1 2
(c) 2 0 1 3 1 (d) 2 3 4
5 0
Example 12 : A fast food chain has three outlets A, B and C. The average daily sales and
profits of hamburgers, potato chips and drinks in each outlet are given in the
following tables.
Units sold
Outlet A Outlet B Outlet C
Hamburgers 800 500 600
Potato chips 900 700 800
Drinks 600 800 900
(a) Write the above information on units sold and unit profit of each
product into 2 separate 3 × 3 matrices.
(b) Use your matrices in part (a) to find the total profit of
(i) each product
(ii) each outlet
You may need to transpose the matrices.
1.5.1 Introduction
The symbol Δ (read as ‘delta’), which is the Greek capital “D”, is usually used to denote
a determinant.
a b
A 2nd order determinant is written as , where a, b, c and d are numbers or variables.
c d
Column 1
a b
= ad − bc
c d
Example 13 : Evaluate
6 −4 7 10
(a) (b)
5 1 −2 3
Minor of an Element
The minor of an element aij is a smaller determinant formed by deleting the row i and
column j from the original determinant.
To find the minor of element a12 , first remove row 1 and column 2 as follows:
a11 a12 a13
∆ = a21 a22 a23
a31 a32 a33
Then form a determinant with the remaining elements, i.e.
a21 a23
Minor of=
a12 = a21a33 − a23a31
a31 a33
Cofactor of an Element
The cofactor of an element aij , denoted as Aij , is defined as follows:
a21 a23
Cofactor of a12 = (−1)1+ 2
a31 a33
Example 14 : Find the minors and cofactors of the circled elements in the following
1 −7 4
1 −2
(a) (b) 2 −3 5
3 4
−1 6 8
1. In the formula above, the elements in row 1 were chosen for expansion.
In fact, any one row or column can be used to do the expansion.
2. Regardless of whichever row or column is chosen, the result should be the same.
3. As a rule of thumb, choose the row or column with the most 0’s or 1’s.
Note : You may use Sarrus’ Rule to evaluate a third order determinant.
a b c
d e f = aei + bfg + cdh − gec − hfa − idb
g h i
4 6 −8
Example 15 : Evaluate 2 5 −1
1 −3 2
2 x 3
Example 16 : Find x if 1 3 −1 =9.
2 −2 5
Theorem 1.4
(A ) =(A )
−1 T
T −1
(A ) =(A )
m −1
−1 m
a b
Let A = be a 2 × 2 invertible matrix.
c d
The inverse of matrix A, A−1 can be found using the formula below:
A−1 = adj ( A )
Cofactor of a Cofactor of b
adj ( A ) =
Cofactor of c Cofactor of d
d −c
−b a
d −b
−c a
If the determinant of a square matrix is zero, then the inverse of the matrix does not exist
and is called a non-invertible or singular matrix.
a b
Hence, for a 2 × 2 invertible matrix A = ,
c d
1 d −b
A−1 =
ad − bc −c a
5 1
Example 17 : Find the inverse matrix of A = .
−3 2
2 1 1 0
Example 18 : Given that A = and B = 0 3 , find matrix C such that
1 1
ACA−1 = B.
0 2 0
Example 19 : Determine whether the matrix 1 0 0 is singular.
0 0 1
k 1 0
Example 20 : Find the value of k such that the matrix 4k 3 2 is singular.
8 5 0
( A A) X = A
−1 −1
B ⇒ X = A−1B
If A−1 does not exist, then the above method cannot be applied and the system either has
no solution or the solution is not unique.
In a similar manner, the above method can be extended to solve linear system of equations
with three unknowns.
Example 21 : Solve the following system of linear equations using the inverse matrix
2x + y = 9
x − 3y =
Consider the following 3×3 system of equations i.e. a system of three linear equations with
three unknowns x, y and z:
a1 x + b1 y + c1 z =
a2 x + b2 y + c2 z =
a3 x + b3 y + c3 z =
Finally find the unknowns x, y and z using these four determinants as follows,
∆x ∆y ∆z
x= , y= , z=
∆ ∆ ∆
provided ∆ ≠ 0.
The above method for solving simultaneous linear equations is called Cramer’s Rule, after
the Swiss mathematician Gabriel Cramer, who gave the general rule for solving an n×n
system in his paper Introduction to the Analysis of Algebraic Curves (1750).
Do note that Cramer’s Rule can be used to solve system of n equations involving n
unknowns. That means it can also be used to solve 2 equations involving 2 unknowns.
Example 22 : Use Cramer’s Rule to solve the following system of three linear equations
with three unknowns
x + 2y − z = 4
2 x − 4 y − 3z =
3x − 6 y − z =2
Example 23 : The curve of the equation y = ax3 + bx 2 + cx + d passes throught the point
( 1, − 8 ) , intercepts the y-axis at y= − 6 and has roots at x = − 1 and 2.
(i) Form a system of equations.
(ii) Use Cramer’s Rule to solve for the constants a, b , c and d .
2. When you multiply matrix A by the identity matrix I , you will obtain A−1 .
4. The product of the two matrices AB is always equal to the product of the two matrices BA.
5. The matrix product 5 [3 1 6] will yield a square matrix.
6. The matrix product [ 0 3 1] 7 is undefined.
7. Matrix multiplication is only possible if the number of columns in the first matrix equals the
number of rows in the second matrix.
8. The inverse of a matrix is a unique matrix of the same dimensions which, when multiplied
by the original matrix produces the transpose of that matrix.
3. When you multiply a matrix by the identity matrix, you will get
(a) an inverse matrix (b) a transpose matrix
(c) an adjoint matrix (d) an original matrix
7. Which of the following conditions are necessary for a matrix to have an inverse?
(i) Square matrix
(ii) Non singular matrix
(iii) Singular matrix
(iv) Conformable matrix
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iv)
9. In order for a square matrix to have an inverse, it must have a/an _______
(a) cofactor (b) adjoint
(c) transpose matrix (d) non zero determinant
10. For a non-square matrix, which one of the following can be found?
(a) adjoint (b) cofactor
(c) dimension (d) inverse
14. If A is a matrix of order m × n and k is a real number, then the order of kA is of which of
the following?
(a) km × n (b) m × kn
(c) km × kn (d) m × n
1 0 − 1
2. Find the elements a23 , a22 and a32 of the matrix 3 5 − 2 .
4 7 − 3
1 0 k + 1
2. Find the value of k such that the matrix 2 is a symmetric matrix.
0 k
2k − 1 2 3
1 a b
3. Find the values of a and b such that b 2 a + b is a symmetric matrix.
a 4 3
1 4
1 2 3 −1 1 2
4. Given A = , B= and C = −2 0 .
2 1 3 1 2 −1 5 −1
Evaluate : (a) A + B (b) BT + C (c) 2A + 3B
2 1 −3 −1 4 3
5. Find matrix A such that A+ = 2 −2 0 4 .
1 5 0
a 2 a + b 2 7 10
6. Find the values of a and b such that 3 + 2 = .
−1 2b 3 a − b 3 6
1 0 5 4 1 0 5 4 8
(a) 3 2 6 7 (b) 3 2 6 7 9
T 3
5 6 5
(c) 4 7 1 0 (d) [2 6 4 8]
3 2 1
8 9
5 5 8 −4 3 2 5
(e) [2 6 4 8] (f) 6 9 −5 4 −1 3
4 7 −3 9 6 5
1 −2 1 −2
0 −3 6
5 2 0 −3 0 −3
(g) [ −3 4 0 1] 6 0 8 (h) 4 −2 7 0 6 0 [ 6 8]
8 9 8 9
3 −1 0 −2
9. Given A = and B = 1 4 , show that AB ≠ BA.
2 1
Hence explain why A2 – B2 ≠ (A + B)(A – B).
0 1 q − 7 0 − 2 1 2
10. Find the values of p, q and r such that = + .
− 2 0 p 0 6 − 3r 0 − 1
k k
11. Given A = −2 k , find the value(s) of k such that ATA is a diagonal matrix.
1 1
*12. A chemical company manufactures three types of chemicals C1, C2 and C3 in three
factories F1, F2 and F3. The factory outputs in tons per hour are shown in the table below.
C1 C2 C3
F1 1 2 3
F2 2 3 2
F3 3 1 2
Use matrix multiplication to find the total quantities of C1, C2 and C3 that will be
manufactured if F1 operates for 30 hours, F2 for 40 hours and F3 for 50 hours.
*13. A computer company sells two models A and B of a certain type of personal
microcomputer. On average, the company sells 1000 units of model A microcomputers and
900 units of model B microcomputers per month. A model A microcomputer uses 8 Type I
chips, 4 Type II chips and 3 Type III chips. A model B microcomputer uses 12 Type I chips,
4 Type II chips and 5 Type III chips. A Type I chip costs $40, a Type II chip costs $50 and a
Type III chip costs $60 respectively.
Use matrix multiplication to find
(a) the total number of each type of chip used in the microcomputers sold per month, and
(b) the total cost of the chips used in the microcomputers sold per month.
Tutorial 1c (Determinants)
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
(a) 3 4 (b) (c) (d)
3 4 3 4 3 4
4 x +1 2 x −1 0 0
4 2
(c) x 5 3 =6 (d) 4 x+2 0 =
2 1
−1 0 1 4 4 x−3
2x 2 0 2 x 1 1 2 1 3 3 −2
(e) + = (f) =
− x −1 −1 1 0 −2 2x 1 1 2 1 2
2 −1
4. Let A = .
3 0
Evaluate : (i) A2 (ii) | A | (iii) | A2 | (iv) | A|2 (v) | A4 |
4 3 1 0
−1 2 −3 5
*5. Evaluate .
0 1 −1 2
0 2 −3 5
1 2 3 1 0 0
1 −1 1 2
(a) (b) (c) 4 5 6 (d) 0 0 1
−1 1 3 4 7 8 9 0 1 0
1 0 0
2. Find the value(s) of k such that the matrix 1 k 0 is a non-singular.
1 2 3
2 1 1 0
4. Given A = and B = , find matrix C such that AC = BA.
3 2 0 2
1 0 1 − 1 1 − 1
*5. Let A = 0 1 1 and B = 1 − 1 − 1 . Find the matrix product AB. Hence find the
1 1 0 − 1 − 1 1
1 2 − 1 11 − 5 − 3
Given that A = 3
5 − 1 and B = − 8 4
2 , find the matrix product AB.
− 2 − 1 − 2 − 7 3 1
Hence determine the matrix inverse of A.
*7. If A and B are invertible square matrices such that AB = 2I where I is the identity
matrix, find the matrix inverse of A in terms of the matrix B.
*8. If A, B and C are invertible square matrices such that A = BCB−1, show that C = B−1AB.
1. Solve the following systems for their unknowns using inverse matrix method:
(a) 2y = 5x – 4 (b) 3a + 2b = –2
y = 2x – 1 5a – 3b = 3
p q 2x2 − 3 y 2 =
(c) + −3=0 (d)
2 3 4x2 + y 2 =
p q 23
+ − = 0
5 2 10
2. Solve the following systems for their unknowns using Cramer’s Rule:
1 1 2
(c) − + = 6
x y z
(a) 6u + 4v + 2 w = 5 (b) x – 3 y – 3 z =19
1 2 1
4u + 6v – –2
w= 3 x – 5 y – 2 z =14 + − =−3
x y z
3u – 5v + 4 w 8
= 5 x – 8 y – z = 7.5
3 1 1
+ + =4
x y z
3. (Electrical) A two-mesh electrical circuit is analysed, producing the following equations:
11I1 – 10I2 = 30
–20I1 + 21I2 = – 40
Use inverse matrix method to find the values of I1 and I2.
4. (Mechanical) A 20-m crane arm with a supporting cable and a 9000-N box suspended
from its end has forces acting on it as shown in the figure below. Find the forces (in N) for
the following equations: F1
F1 + 2.0F2 = 26 000
0.87F1 – F3 = 0 F3
3.0F1 – 4.0F2 = 54 000 8m 12m
F2 4000N 9000N
*5. (Business) The demand and supply functions for two related products (P1:pens, P2:paper)
are given by the equations:
Qd1 = 30 – P1 + 4P2 , Qs1 = 3P1 – 6
Qd2 = 36 + 3P1 – 2P2 , Qs2 = 12P2 – 3
Find the equilibrium quantities P1 and P2 (demand, Qd =supply , Qs).
6. (Business) The equilibrium condition for each product is that Qd = Qs. If the equilibrium
condition in : (i) the goods market is given by the equation Y = C + I,
where C = 237.8 + 0.2Y and I = 10 – 0.4r.
(ii) the money market is given by the equation Md = Ms,
where Md = 100 + 0.1Y – 0.3r and Ms = 129.225.
(a) Write the equilibrium equations for each market in the form aY + br = c,
where a, b and c are constants.
(b) Solve for the equilibrium levels of income (Y) and interest rate (r), for which the
product and money markets are simultaneously in equilibrium.
7. (Chemical) To get 1 litre of a 20% saline solution, x ml of an 18% saline solution and y
ml of a 25% saline solution are mixed together. This gives rise to the following system of
x + y = 1000
0.18x + 0.25y = 0.2(1000)
Solve for the volumes, x and y.
8. (Civil) To test the elastic deformation of a beam, weights w1 , w2 and w3 are applied to it
and the total deflection is measured. The following equations are obtained. Solve for w1,
w2 and w3.
0.01w1 + 0.02w2 + 0.04w3 = 2.0
0.02w1 + 0.01w2 + 0.02w3 = 2.5
0.04w1 + 0.02w2 + 0.01w3 = 3.0
9. (Life Sciences) Equations connecting the lens system in a position transducer are:
4 6 9
+ + = 6
u1 v1 v2
15 11 2 1
+ + = 8
u1 v1 v2 12
If v1 = v2, find the values of u1, v1 and v2.
5 −14 2
*11. Given that A = −10 −5 −10 , find the matrix product AAT.
10 2 −11
Hence deduce the matrix inverse of A and use the result to solve the system of linear
equations. (Hint : re-arrange equation first)
5 x − 14 y + 2 z =
10 x + 5 y + 10 z =
10 x + 2 y − 11z =0
Problem-solving Assignment
The goal of this series of problem-solving assignments is to develop problem-solving skills, not
just to test your ability to get the answer. It’s ok to try hard and not succeed at first (only your
effort is evaluated), but you must try.
At the beginning of 2017, a customer invested a total of $100,000 in four investment plans : A, B,
C and D. At the end of 2017, the amount of profit he made from plans A, B and C are 2%, 3% and
6% respectively, giving a total profit of $4000. He made a loss of 6% in plan D , which is $900.
The amount of money invested in plan B is twice the amount of money invested in plan A.
Find the amount invested in each plan at the beginning of the year.
2. Devise a plan
• Break down the problem into smaller
• The following are some strategies that
may be useful:
o Write an equation that describes
the relationship between the
unknown and given quantities
for each given piece of
• Formulate a system of equations with
three unknowns.
• Identify which are the relevant
techniques (Cramer’s Rule, substitution
or elimination) that can be applied.
4. Look back
Substitute your answer back into the
problem and check if it satisfies the
given conditions.
Eg 13 : (a) 26 (b) 41
Eg 14 : (a) Minor = 4 (b) Minor of − 1 = − 23 (c) Minor of 5 = − 1
Cofactor = 4 Cofactor − 1 = − 23 Cofactor of 5= 1
Eg 15 : 86
Eg 16 : x = −1
1 2 −1 − 1 − 2
Eg 17 : A−1 = Eg 18 : C = Eg 19 : Non-singular
13 3 5 4 5
Eg 23 : a=1, b=2, c= −5 , d = − 6
True/False Questions
Tutorial 1a
Tutorial 1b
2 1 4 1 4 7
1(a) 1(b) 2 5 1(c) 2 5 8 2. k = 2 3. a = 2, b = 2
3 6 3 6 9
0 5
0 3 5 −1 7 12 −4 7 9
4(a) 4(b) −1 2 4(c) 5. A = −5 −5 8
3 3 2 7 −2 7 8 3
6. a = 1, b = 1 7. 3× 4 order
5 4 5 4 8
8(a) 8(b) 8(c) Not conformable
27 26 27 26 42
6 18 12 24
10 30 20 40 11 −22 29
8(d) [96] 8(e) 8(f) 9 −27 32
2 6 4 8
13 −17 26
14 42 28 56
8(g) [54] 8(h) Not conformable
−1 −10 −4 −2
= AB = , BA 10. p = 1, q = −3, r = −5
1 0 11 3
11. k = 1 12. C1=260, C2=230, C3=270 tonnes
13(a) 18800 Type I chips, 7600 Type II chips, 7500 Type III chips, 13(b) $1582000
Tutorial 1c
Tutorial 1d
1. (a), (c) 2. k ≠ 0
1 8 3 1 0 1 1 −2
3(a) 3(b) no inverse 3(c) 3(d) −
23 −5 1 4 −1
3 1 −5
−2 0 0 −1 1 −1
−2 −2 1
4. 5. AB = 0 −2 0 , 1
A =−
1 −1 −1
6 5 2
0 0 −2 −1 −1 1
2 0 0 11 −5 −3
1 1
6. AB = 0 2 0 , A = −8 4 2
− 1
7. A−1 = B
2 2
0 0 2 −7 3 1
Tutorial 1e