Preventing Falls From Height

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Preventing Falls from Height

Preventing Falls
from Height
Falling from an aircraft can cause serious injuries to people.
Specific safety equipment is installed on Airbus aircraft, and
when used correctly, can prevent falls from height. This article
describes the available safety equipment for Airbus aircraft
and recalls the basic safety precautions that will help to avoid
falling from height injuries to everyone on the aircraft.
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The Falls From Height (FFH) hazard at aircraft level can be
categorized into two main categories: (i) falling from the aircraft
doors and (ii) falling from the aircraft’s structure. This article provides
an overview of the various servicing equipment that are available
for Airbus aircraft and the associated recommendations.


Any person entering the aircraft is exposed to the hazard of falling from the doors.
This includes Airlines’ personnel (flight crew, cabin crew, maintenance personnel)
as well as passengers, and external ground staff such as servicing, cleaning
and catering personnel. Aircraft doors refer to passenger doors, cargo doors
and ground service access doors to various areas of the fuselage.

During transit or during maintenance visits, the aircraft doors may need to remain
open for a number of reasons. In such cases, safety equipment must be used
and certain precautions followed.

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Preventing Falls from Height

The safety Cabin Door Safety Strap

strap is a device All passenger doors of Airbus aircraft are equipped with a safety strap (fig.1).
used for indication The safety strap, rolled and stowed in each cabin door frame, is a device used for
indication purposes only. It should only be used for a limited time pending the closure
purposes. of the door. A safety strap does not prevent from a fall. The Cabin Crew Operating
Manual (CCOM), states that whenever a cabin door is open with no stairs or no
gateway in position, the safety strap should be installed and the door should not
be left unattended.

Safety Strap Operation. Extract of the A330
Cabin Crew Operating Manual (CCOM)

Whenever a
cabin door is open
with no stairs or no
gateway in position,
the safety strap
should be installed
and the door
should not be left

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Door Safety Barrier (Door Net) When a door is
When a door remains open and unattended for a long period of time, Airbus remains open and
recommends the installation of a safety barrier (fig.2) in absence of stairs or unattended for a long
gateway. This same recommendation is made in IATA’s Airport Handling Manual
(AHM). The safety barrier is designed to prevent people from falling through the
period of time Airbus
open doorway. It is the most efficient protection against falls from an open door. All recommends the
Airbus aircraft have a safety barrier available for each door type including passenger
doors, emergency doors and cargo doors. The Safety barrier is not stored on board
installation of a safety
the aircraft. It is installed by maintenance personnel and its reference can be found barrier in absence of
in the Tool and Equipment Manual (TEM) for each aircraft type. stairs or gateway.

Example of an A380 Door Safety Barrier.
B Extract from the A380 AMM.


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Preventing Falls from Height

Airbus Recommendations to Avoid Falls from the

Passenger Doors
 pening a passenger door

To open a passenger door, the procedure and associated safety precautions listed
in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) or CCOM must be followed. A check
that the Residual Pressure Warning System (RPWS) does not flash (fig.3) confirms
that there is no residual air pressure in the cabin to avoid potential injuries or falls
due to an unexpected violent opening of the passenger door. Refer to the Article
“Residual Cabin Pressure” from the issue #3 of the Safety first magazine.

Example of a RPWS on an A350 cabin door

 eneral recommendations

When approaching an open door whilst on board the aircraft, flight crew, cabin crew
and ground personnel should confirm the presence and correct positioning of an
aerobridge, stairs or access platform. If none are present, either close the door, if it
is not necessary for the door to remain open or install the safety strap and monitor
the open door until the stairs, access platform or gateway are put in place.

 hen removing aerobridge or stairs

Inform anyone on the aircraft when ground personnel remove the aerobridge, stairs
or access platform from the aircraft’s passenger door to ensure they are aware
to not use that door to exit the aircraft. Then ensure the door is secured by either
closing it, or installing a safety barrier prior to removing the stairs.

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Working at height represents a common working situation for the maintenance

staff with the risk of fall from the aircraft structure if the proper precautions are
not followed. Falls can be from the aircraft’s external structure (wings, horizontal
stabilizer) or with the aircraft’s internal structure including the non-pressurized
section of the aft fuselage, landing gear bays, and the avionics bay. Several safety
devices are available on Airbus aircraft and the AMM provides specific instructions
and procedures that must be followed to prevent falls from height.

“NO STEP” Areas

On Airbus aircraft, visible markings identify “NO STEP” areas. These are visible
on the aircraft’s external structure on the wings (fig.4), and horizontal stabilizers.
“NO STEP” zones are also marked on areas inside the aircraft where there are
fuselage compartment access doors. Stepping on these areas is prohibited due
to risks of falling and causing injury or damaging critical areas. A description
of the “NO STEP” areas for each airbus aircraft can be found in the AMM.

Description of the “NO STEP” areas – extract
from the A330 AMM




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Preventing Falls from Height

Safety Harness
As per AMM procedures, safety harness shall be used by maintenance personnel
when working from height. The safety harness is composed of the harness itself
and of a safety rope that has to be attached to suitable attachment point. Safety
Harness’ condition is inspected regularly. A validity date is displayed on each
harness. If the validity date is exceeded, the harness is considered unserviceable
and must not be used.

List of attachment points

Several attachment points are available on the aircraft structure. They are listed
in the AMM and are identifiable by a placard (fig.5).

Description of an attachement point – extract
of the A380 AMM

Use of wingrip system

When working on the wings, the AMM recommends the use of wingrip, which
is a system used to attach the safety rope and harness with single or multiple
moveable vacuum pads (fig.6). Installing and using a wingrip system must be
done by specifically trained personnel. The associated procedure and safety
recommendations are provided in the AMM.
Use of a wingrip system on an A320 wing.
Photos courtesy of Latchways

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Following a reported injury to a released and this access door

mechanics performing maintenance opened causing the person to fall
tasks in the fuselage area aft of the from the height of the tail cone to
rear pressure bulkhead of an A380 on the ground level.
the ground, Airbus responded with
a mitigation to install an additional The Airbus modification adds two
safety device in the sizeable tail cone safety nets for this area, which prevents
area of this aircraft (fig.7). access from one compartment to the
other, together with warning labels
The person who was injured initially around the cut-outs of frame 108 and
used the access door 311AB located larger warning placards on the insides
forward of frame 108 and then of the access doors. A monitored
proceeded to climb through a cut- retrofit campaign is on-going to
out in the frame 108 to access to the modify the in-service A380 fleet and
rear part of the tail cone area. The these features are now included on all
access door 313AB should normally delivered A380 aircraft.
be used to access this area. Access
door 313AB is also designed as a When accessing any compartment of
blow-out panel by releasing its the aircraft to perform maintenance or
spring-loaded latch and opening ground servicing tasks, it is important
if there is excessive air pressure to follow the instructions of the
differential pushing on the inside Aircraft’s Maintenance Manual (AMM)
surface of the door in flight. When and to only gain access to specific
the person inadvertently stepped compartments in the fuselage
on the inside surface of the access using the appropriate access door (fig.7)
door 313AB, its spring loaded latch designated by the AMM procedure. A380 Safety Improvement

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Preventing Falls from Height


Local safety policies apply in addition to safety devices provided by Airbus described
in this article with their associated procedures and recommendations. Each airline,
maintenance and repair organisation, airport or country defines its own safety policy
in terms of prevention of injuries caused by falls from height. These policies will
account for local conditions, regulations and constraints in addition to following all
of the, warnings, cautions or recommendations provided in the relevant manuals
and as described by this article.

CONTRIBUTORS: Falls from height prevention is a matter for all actors involved in the daily
Andreas BEHRMANN aircraft operations. Flight crew, cabin crew, ground personnel are all
Customer Support - affected and must follow the local safety policy in addition to using the
Head of Cabin and Cargo correct equipment and following procedures provided in the Airbus
Systems manuals to ensure that, when an aircraft is parked on the ground, nobody
Uwe EGGERLING is falling from height.
Senior Director Safety
Engineering and Maintenance
Jean-Paul VIEU
Flight Operation Engineer -
Cabin Standards
With thanks to
from the Health & Safety
at Airbus.

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Safety first
The Airbus magazine contributing to the enhancement
Safety first,#24 August, 2017. Safety fi rst of the safety of aircraft operations by increasing knowledge
is published by Airbus S.A.S. - 1, rond point
Maurice Bellonte - 31707 Blagnac Cedex/France.
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Publisher and Editor: Yannick Malinge,
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20171210. Reference: X00D16031905 Issue 24.
Photos by Airbus, Lindner Fotografi e, S. Ramadier,
H. Goussé, P. Masclet, F. Lancelot, A, Doumenjou,
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J. V. Reymondon, A. Tchaikovsky, C. Sadonnet, It is a source of specialist safety information for the use
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