TIPCE-2022 Fullpaper 5857
TIPCE-2022 Fullpaper 5857
TIPCE-2022 Fullpaper 5857
1 Introduction
Conventional Design
Non-linear Cross-anisotropy
IRC 37:2018 & IITPave
ABAQUS Modeling
Compute Strain
Compute Strain
Predict Performance
Predict Performance
Compare performance
A finite element-based software ABAQUS® was used for modeling of the pavement
section. ABAQUS® model was prepared for the two different cases. In the first case,
the model was prepared for the simple isotropy case. In that case, the whole granular
layer shows the isotropic behavior. The critical strain values obtained from the analysis
of this model were used in the calibration of the new design parameters for the next
pavement model that considered the anisotropy in the granular layers. In the second
case, the pavement model is prepared for a new calibrated design parameter that shows
the anisotropic behavior of the granular layer. For that purpose, the whole granular layer
is divided into the numbers of layers of equal thickness. At first, the pavement section
was designed with the help of IRC 37:2018 [25] and critical strains were obtained. The
input parameters used in the design are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Critical Strain Values Obtained from IITPAVE and ABAQUS
ABAQUS Model: Sectional Area: (3000 x 3000) mm 2 IITPave
Modulus Poisson Vertical Tensile
CBR MSA Layer ness
(MPa) ratio Strain Strain
Binder 3000 0.35 150
3.51x10 1.88x10
8% 30 Granular 199 0.35 410 -04 -04
Soil 67 0.35 -
ABAQUS Model: Sectional Area: (3000 x 3000) mm 2 ABAQUS
Binder 3000 0.35 150
1.94x10 9.12x10
8% 30 Granular 199 0.35 410 -04 -05
Soil 67 0.35 -
Fig.2. Finite Element Modeling of pavement: (a) model element, and (b) deformed
model characteristics
To improve the accuracy of the model, a strain calibration was conducted with re-
spected to the strains obtained from elastic layer analysis. With this, ABAQUS® model
was made possible to capture only the impact of non-linearity and cross-anisotropy
since all other design parameters of models remained same. Considering the calibrated
design parameters, a 3D pavement model was prepared in the ABAQUS®. In this
model, the thickness of the granular layer was divided into the number of layers of
equal thickness in vertical direction as shown in Figure 3 (a). Similar to the previous
model, standard wheel load was applied in the model and critical strains were deter-
mined as shown in Figure 3 (b).
Fig.3. Finite Element Modeling accounting for non-linearity: (a) model elements in
which granular materials were divided, and (b) deformed model characteristics
Next, a pavement section was modeled with the help of the ABAQUS®. In the pro-
cess, a simple model of two-layered pavement sections was created and standard wheel
load was applied on the model to simulate the critical strains of pavement. Here, critical
strains refer to tensile strain at the bottom of asphalt layer and compressive strain at the
top of subgrade layer. Then, to improve the accuracy of the ABAQUS model, it was
calibrated based on the critical strains obtained from IITPAVE software.
The calibrated ABAQUS® pavement model was used to simulate non-linear elastic be-
havior. It is important to note that modulus of materials for non-homogeneity does not
consider a single value of modulus and thereby necessitating different variations in
moduli across the vertical direction. Even though no defined variation may be observed
for granular material, modulus was varied in defined format to illustrate the magnitude
of change and its associated impact on pavement performance. These variations were
carefully selected in order to capture gradual and non-consistent change in the proper-
ties of granular materials.
The resilient modulus of the granular sub-base layer was increased from 100 MPa at
the top and 200 MPa at the bottom in different variations. Since a modulus value of 200
MPa was selected for layered-elastic theory for granular layer (Table 1), similar mag-
nitude of modulus was considered here to make it comparable. With these initial and
final limits, the modulus was varied in four variations, namely: (i) linear variation (Fig-
ure 4(a)), (ii) quadratic variation (Figure 4(b)), (iii) exponential variation (Figure 4(c)),
and (iv) Logarithmic variation (Figure 4(d)).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig.4. Variation in Modulus: (a) Linear, (b) Quadratic, (c) Exponential, and
(d) Logarithmic
Four separate models were prepared for each variation and critical strains were cal-
culated. Next, these critical strains obtained from each model were used to predict the
rutting and fatigue life as per IRC 37:2018 [25] design equation with 90% reliability. It
is important to recall that the dimensions and thicknesses of all these models were kept
same as summarized in Table 1. Critical strains obtained from all four variations and
associated rutting and fatigue lives are summarized in Table 2.
When the model findings are compared, deviation in performance and strain can be
quantified. The strain values summarized in Table 2 can be benchmarked with the strain
obtained from layered-elastic analysis. Furthermore, the rutting and fatigue perfor-
mance can be compared with 30 MSA design traffic since the pavement section was
idealized for 30 MSA design traffic. The major findings can be summarized as follows:
• Linear Variation: tensile strain for linear variation was more than the design
critical tensile strain. And vertical compressive strain was less than the design
critical vertical strain. The corresponding traffic level in MSA was more than
the design traffic (30 MSA). Thus, for the linear variation, the strength of the
granular materials was underestimated.
• Quadratic Variation: Strains for quadratic variation was found higher than
the design critical strain. In addition, the estimated rutting and fatigue life were
found to be lesser than 30 MSA. Hence, for the quadratic variation, the
strength of the granular materials was overestimated.
• Exponential Variation: Strains for exponential variation were more than the
design critical strain and the corresponding traffic level in MSA was more than
the design traffic. Thus, for the quadratic variation, the strength of the granular
materials was underestimated.
• Logarithmic: Strains for logarithmic variation were more than the design
critical strain and the corresponding traffic level in MSA was more than the
design traffic. Hence, for the quadratic variation, the strength of the granular
materials was underestimated.
As observed, nonlinearity in the granular layer had a significant effect on the rutting
and fatigue performance of flexible pavement. Comparison of the estimated traffic level
with the design traffic level showed the overestimation or underestimation of the
strength of the granular materials when anisotropy was considered. Expect the linear
variation in modulus, all other variations produced lower design traffic which was an
indication of overestimation of material properties. In practice, though the variation in
granular materials does not follow any particular pattern, the findings showed that any
variation in modulus other than linear distribution potentially reduce the performance
of pavement. This may lead to a serious concern since any variation of modulus actually
triggers the pavement to fail in prematurely. This is especially true when stress-depend-
ent non-linearity is exemplified by granular materials.
5 Research Significance
A significant contribution of this study was to analyze the effect of anisotropic behavior
of granular material in the design of flexible pavement. Different types of nonlinear
variation in resilient modulus at various depths of the granular layer was analyzed in
this study. This study was the first of its kind since it considered the anisotropic behav-
ior in the granular layer and its effect on the design traffic level. It is noteworthy that
the findings of the study set a strong platform towards advancing the state-of-the-art
and knowledge pertaining to the impact of non-linear behavior of materials on its pave-
ment performance.
• Anisotropic behavior of granular materials: Anisotropic properties are con-
sidered instead of isotopic granular materials properties using finite element
modeling. The model was calibrated, and then used in tandem with the lay-
ered-elastic theory to capture the anisotropic behavior of granular materials.
The methodology was simple but powerful enough to differentiate the changes
in material properties in terms of strains and performance.
• Non-linearity in the granular layer: The granular layer was divided into dif-
ferent layers of equal thickness. Resilient modulus values are increased from
bottom to top with different types of nonlinear variation. For each variation,
the strains at critical locations were simulated with the help of ABAQUS®
model, and then used to calculate the design traffic based on IRC 37:2018 [25].
• Estimation of traffic level: For each nonlinear variation, separate design traffic
was found and that traffic level was compared with the design traffic obtained
from layered-elastic theory. After comparisons, an overestimation of material
properties was observed if granular material does not remain isotropic. When
the variation in modulus was linear, the analysis of layer-elastic theory still
remains valid in terms of the performance. However, non-linear variation
caused an overestimation of material properties which can eventually lead to
premature failure of pavement.
6 Conclusions
The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of anisotropic behavior of the
granular material and quantify the effect on overall design of flexible pavements. An
idealized pavement section was used for understanding the impact of anisotropy
through finite element modeling. Pavement section designed with layered-elastic the-
ory was compared with the pavement section of anisotropic behavior. Based on the
strains, the performance of pavement was estimated using mechanistic empirical de-
It was observed that any variation in modulus, expect linear increment overestimate
the material properties. If such overestimation is considered in pavement design, it may
potentially lead to premature failure of pavement. Certainly, this finding was extracted
based on the assumption that the performance equation of design guidelines remains
valid for the strain derived from anisotropic material properties. Even though the as-
sumption of performance prediction does not provide accurate measure of anisotropic
behavior of materials, it broadly addressed the impact of anisotropic materials proper-
ties. A similar methodology with finite element modeling can be implemented in con-
junction with the various other performance prediction models. More sophisticated ma-
terials properties can be used in future to account for stress-dependent non-linear prop-
erties of granular materials using advanced finite element modeling.