Model Question Paper BA 2 Credits K4

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Semester End Examination October – 2023

Programme Name: BA
Programme Code: UG01.01
Course Name: (Psychology) Course Code:
Duration: 1 Hr. Max Marks: 25
i) Attempt all questions.
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
iii) K1, K2, K3, K4 indicate Knowledge Level as per Bloom’s taxonomy.
iv) CO indicates Course Outcomes.

1 State whether True or False. (Any Five) 05 CO1
a K1
b K1
c K1
d K1
e K1
f K1
g K1
2 Explain any Two of the following terms. 05 CO2
a K2
b K2
c K2
d K2
3 Answer any Two of the following questions. 10 CO3
a K3
b K3
c K3
4 Answer any One of the following questions. 05 CO4
a K4
b K4


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