Python Mastery
Python Mastery
Python Mastery
teaching plan that emphasizes active learning, problem-solving, and practical applications.
This comprehensive plan spans 16 weeks, incrementally building your knowledge and
integrating hands-on projects.
Goal: Familiarize yourself with Python syntax and the development environment.
1. Install Python: Set up Python and a code editor (e.g., PyCharm, VS Code, or Jupyter
2. Basic structure of a Python program:
o Running Python scripts, comments, and print statements.
3. Data types and variables:
o int, float, str, list, tuple, dict, and set.
Practice: Write several Python scripts that utilize print statements to display various
outputs and explore different data types.
Practice: Write a program to find the factorial of a number using both iterative and
recursive methods.
Practice: Write a program that takes user input to populate a dictionary and perform
various operations like adding, updating, and deleting entries.
Practice: Create a simple class representing a Book with attributes (title, author, year)
and methods (display information).
Week 6: Inheritance
Practice: Implement a class hierarchy for Animal, Dog, and Cat, demonstrating
inheritance and method overriding.
Practice: Create an abstract class Shape with subclasses Circle and Square that
implement a method to calculate area.
Practice: Write a program that handles user input errors gracefully using exception
Practice: Create a program that reads a file, processes the contents, and writes the
results to a new file.
Practice: Write a module that contains utility functions and create a program that
utilizes those functions.
Practice: Build a simple web application that takes user input and displays a
customized response.
Stage 4: Expert-Level Projects and Problem Solving (Weeks 13-16)
Final Task: Develop a comprehensive Python application that integrates all learned
concepts, focusing on efficient design, error handling, and user interaction.
By following this structured teaching plan, you will develop a strong foundation in Python
programming, improve your coding skills, and advance toward becoming an expert in the