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Database Management System

Introduction And Application Of DBMS, File
Processing System And Its Limitations
Computer Science & Engineering
Nilesh Khodifad (Assistant Prof. PIET-CSE)
•Types of Database Users
•Role of DBA
•DBMS Architecture
•Data Independence
Types of Database Users
● A Database User is defined as a person who interacts with
data daily, updating, reading, and modifying the given data.

● Database users can access and retrieve data from the

database through the Database Management System
(DBMS) applications and interfaces.

Database users are categorized based on their interaction

with the database.
Types of Database Users
1. Database Administrator (DBA)
2. Naive / Parametric End Users
3. A System Analyst
4. Database Designers
5. Application Programmers
6. Casual Users / Temporary Users
7. Specialized users
Types of Database Users
1. Database Administrator (DBA)
A Database Administrator (DBA) is a person/team who defines
the schema and also controls the 3 levels of the database.
DBA is responsible for problems such as security breaches
and poor system response time.
Role and responsibility of DBA:
● DBA also monitors the recovery and backup and provides technical support.
● The DBA has a DBA account in the DBMS which is called a system or superuser
● DBA repairs damage caused due to hardware and/or software failures.
● DBA is the one having privileges to perform DCL (Data Control Language)
operations such as GRANT and REVOKE, to allow/restrict a particular user from
Types of Database Users
🞂 Naive / Parametric End Users
⮩ Unsophisticated users who have zero knowledge of database
⮩ End user interacts to database via sophisticated software or tools
⮩ e.g. Clerk in bank
🞂 A System Analyst
⮩ Who are familiar with the database.
⮩ They can develop their own database applications according to
their requirement.
⮩ They don’t write the program code but they interact the database
by writing SQL queries directly through the query processor.
Types of Database Users
🞂 Database Designers
⮩ users who design the structure of database which includes tables,
indexes, views.
⮩ Can controls what data must be stored and how the data items to
be related.
🞂 Application Programmers
⮩ Programmers who write software using tools such as Java,
.Net, PHP etc…
⮩ e.g. Software developers
Types of Database Users
🞂 Casual Users / Temporary Users
⮩ Interact with database system without using an application
⮩ Use query tools like SQL
⮩ e.g. Analyst
🞂 Specialized Users (DBA)
⮩ User write specialized database applications program
⮩ Use administration tools
⮩ e.g. Database Administrator
Role of DBA
(Database Administrator)
Role of DBA
🞂 Schema Definition
⮩ DBA defines the logical schema of the database.
🞂 Storage Structure and Access Method Definition
⮩ DBA decides how the data is to be represented in the database & how to
access it.
🞂 Defining Security and Integrity Constraints
⮩ DBA decides on various security and integrity constraints.
🞂 Granting of Authorization for Data Access
⮩ DBA determines which user needs access to which part of the database.
🞂 Liaison with Users
⮩ DBA provide necessary data to the user.
🞂 Assisting Application Programmer
⮩ DBA provides assistance to application programmers to
develop application programs.
Role of DBA
🞂 Monitoring Performance
⮩ DBA ensures that better performance is maintained by making
a change in the physical or logical schema if required.
🞂 Backup and Recovery
⮩ DBA backing up the database on some storage devices such as
DVD, CD or magnetic tape or remote servers and recover the
system in case of failures, such as flood or virus attack from
this backup.
Database System Architecture
Application Interprets DD
Naive Sophisticated Database statements in
user programmer user administrator
etches data from a set of tabl
uses write uses uses
disk storage to containing
memory for being Applicatio Applicatio
Query Administratio metadata
used n n
tool n tool
interfaces program

Compiler DML DDL

and linker queries interpreter Deals with
Application execution of
Manages program DML compiler DDL and DML
Query Query
ation of space object code and organizer statements
disk storage processor
Buffer File Authorization Transactio atomicity and
manager manager and integrity n manager controls
manager concurrency
Checks the Provid
To provide faster authority of users betwe
access to data items Indices to access data and data
integrity ap
Data Statistical constraints
To store user data data progra
To store metadata
Process of transforming requests and
results between the three levels is
called mapping.

Ability to modify a schema definition in

one level without affecting a schema
definition in the next higher level.
Types of Data Independence
🞂 Physical Data Independence

⮩ Physical Data Independence is the ability to modify the

physical schema without requiring any change in logical
(conceptual) schema and application programs.
⮩ Modifications at the internal levels are occasionally necessary
to improve performance.
⮩ Possible modifications at internal levels are changes in file
structures, compression techniques, hashing algorithms,
storage devices, etc.
⮩ Physical data independence occurs at the logical interface
Physical Data Independence
Types of Data Independence
🞂 Logical Data Independence

⮩ Logical data independence is the ability to modify the

conceptual schema without requiring any change in
application programs.
⮩ Modification at the logical levels is necessary whenever the
logical structure of the database is changed.
⮩ Application programs are heavily dependent on logical
structures of the data they access. So any change in logical
structure also requires programs to change.
⮩ Logical data independence occurs at the user interface
Physical Data Independence
1. List and explain the advantages of DBMS over file based system. OR Explain
disadvantages of files based system.
2. Draw and explain 3 level architecture of DBMS.
3. List and explain different categories/types of database users.
4. List and explain different tasks/roles/functions/duties of DBA (Database
5. Explain DBMS architecture with block diagram. OR Explain Database System
architecture with block diagram.
Thank You!!!

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