Introduction To DBMS Final

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Database is a collection of data. It contains

information about one particular enterprise. Some
examples of enterprises and their databases are:
Bank – which stores customers data
Hospital – which stores patient data
University – which stores student data

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Database Management System
DBMS (Data Base Management System) is a collection
of programs or it is a software that enables the users
to create and maintain a database. Also, DBMS
allows the users to insert, update and retrieve the data
from the database.
Some examples of DBMS are:
• MS-Access
• D-base
• FoxPro
• Oracle etc.
Er. Dalwinder Singh
Applications of DBMS
Some of the applications areas of DBMS are listed
• Banking
• Airlines
• Universities
• Credit and transaction
• Tele-communication
• Sales
• Manufacturing etc.
Er. Dalwinder Singh
Disadvantages of File System

• Data Redundancy and Inconsistency

• Difficulty in Accessing Data
• Data Isolation
• Difficulty in Enforcing Integrity Constraints
• Atomicity Problem
• Security Problems
• Difficulty in Concurrency Control
Er. Dalwinder Singh
Advantages of DBMS
• Controlling Redundancy
• Restricting Unauthorized Access
• Centralized Control
• Backup and Recovery
• Enforcing Integrity Constraints
• Providing Multiple User Interface
• Shared Data
• Representing Complex Relationships among
Er. Dalwinder Singh
Disadvantages of DBMS
Some of the disadvantages of DBMS are as
• Numbers of problems are associating with
centralized data.
• Cost of hardware and software.
• Complexity of backup and recovery

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Three-Level Architecture of DBMS
External/User Level
User View 1 User View 2 User View 3 ... User View n

External-to-Conceptual mapping

Conceptual Schema Conceptual Level

Conceptual-to-Internal mapping

Internal Internal/Physical
Schema Level


Er. Dalwinder Singh

Instance and Schema
• The collection of the information stored in the database at a
particular moment of time is called an instance of the database.
• The overall design of the database is called as database
Consider the following C program statements:
int a, b, c; // variable declaration
c = 5; // assigning 5 to variable c
A database schema corresponds to the variable declaration in any
programming language (i.e, int a, b, c). The value of the
variables in a program at a given moment corresponds to an
instance of database schema (i.e., c = 5).

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Database Languages

• Date definition language (DDL)

• Data manipulation language (DML)
• Data control language (DCL)

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Data Definition Language

• DDL includes the commands that are used to

create, alter and drop the structure of the

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Data Manipulation Language

• Data manipulation language includes the

– To retrieve the information from database.
– To insert new information into the database.
– To delete information from the database.
– To modify the information stored in the database.

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Data Control Language

• DCL includes the statements which control

access to data and database.

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Structure of DBMS

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Naïve Application programmers Sophisticated users Database
users Administrators

Application Application Programs Query Administrator Tools

Interface Tools

Compiler and Linker DML

DDL Interpreter

Application program
object code
DML Compiler and

Query Evaluation Engine

Query Processor

Buffer Manager File Authorization and Integrity Transaction Manager

Manager Manager

Storage Manager

Indices Dictionary



Er. Dalwinder Singh

Storage Manager (Structure Conti.)
The storage manager is responsible for storing, retrieving and
updating the data in the database. The storage manager
includes four components and they are explained as follows:
• Authorization and integrity manager: It tests for the
satisfaction of integrity constraints and also checks the
authority of the users to access data.
• Transaction manager: It ensures that the database remains in
a consistent state despite of the system failures.
• File manager: It manages the allocation of space on disk
storage and the data structures used to represent the
information stored on disk.
• Buffer manager: It is responsible for fetching data from disk
storage into main memory and deciding what data to cache in
main memory.

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Storage Manager (Structure
The storage manager implements several data
structures. These data structures are:
• Data files: It stores the database.
• Data dictionary: It stores metadata (data
about data) about the structure of the
• Indices: It provides the fast access to data
items that hold particular values.
Er. Dalwinder Singh
Query Processor (Structure
Query processor is responsible for the execution of the
query. The components of query processor are:

• DDL Interpreter: It interprets the DDL statements

and records them in a set of tables containing
metadata or data dictionary.
• DML Compiler: It converts DML statements (in a
query language) into an evaluation plan consisting of
low-level instructions that the query evaluation
engine understands.
• Query Evaluation Engine: It executes low-level
instructions generated by DML compiler.
Er. Dalwinder Singh
Data Independence
It is defined as the capability to change the schema at one level of
the database system without having to change the schema at
next higher level. The types of data independence are:
• Physical data independence: It is the capability to change the
internal schema without having to change the conceptual
schema. Change to the internal schema is needed because
some physical files have to be reorganized.
• Logical data independence: It is the capability to change the
conceptual schema without having to change the external
schema. The conceptual schema is changed to expand the
database or to reduce the database.

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Users of DBMS

• Database Administrator (DBA)

• Database Designer
• End Users
• System Analyst and Application Programmer

Er. Dalwinder Singh

DBA (Users Conti.)

• Centralized control of the database is exerted

by the DBA. In any organization in which
many persons use the same resources, there is
the need for chief administrator to oversee and
manage those resources. DBA is a person or
group of persons who manage these resources.
The DBA is responsible for authorizing the
access to the database.
Er. Dalwinder Singh
Role of DBA (Users Conti.)
• Schema definition: DBA creates the original database schema
by writing a set of definitions that is translated by the DDL
complier to a set of tables that is stored permanently in the
data dictionary.
• Storage structure and access method definition: DBA
creates the appropriate storage structure and access methods
by writing a set of definitions which is translated by the data
storage and DDL compiler.
• Schema and physical organization modification: It is also
the responsibility of the DBA to modify the schema and
physical organization of database by writing a set of
definitions that are used either by DDL compiler or data
storage and DDL compiler which generates the modifications
to the database.

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Role of DBA (Users Conti.)
• Granting authorization for data access: DBMS allows the
multiple users to share the data. Not all the users are allowed
to access all the data because some data is confidential. So, it
is the responsibility of DBA to grant authorization to different
users to access the data. A user can access a part of database if
and only if, he is granted authority by the DBA. The
authorization information is kept in a special system structure.
• Integrity constraint specification: Data values stored in the
database must satisfy certain constraints. Such constraints
must be specified explicitly by the DBA. The integrity
constraints are kept in special system structure.

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Database Designer (Users
• Database designers are responsible for
identifying the data to be stored in the database
and for choosing the appropriate structure to
represent and store that data. The database
designers communicate with all the database
users in order to understand their requirements
and to come up with a design that meets these
requirements. In many cases, the designers are
on the staff of DBA.
Er. Dalwinder Singh
End Users (Users Conti.)
End users are the people whose job requires access to database
for querying, updating and generating reports. The types of
end users are:
• Casual end users: These are the users who occasionally
access the database but, may need different information each
time. They use a query language to specify their requests.
• Naive or parametric end users: Their main job function
revolves around constantly querying and updating the database
using standard types of queries and updates called as canned
transactions that have been carefully programmed and tested.
For example, bank-teller and reservation clerks for airlines,
hotels and railways are naïve users.
Er. Dalwinder Singh
End Users (Users Conti.)
• Sophisticated end users: These include
Engineers, Scientists and Analysts who use
database to implement their application to
meet their complex requirements.
• Stand-alone users: These users maintain
personal database by using ready-made

Er. Dalwinder Singh

System analyst and application
programmers (Users Conti.)
• System analysts determine the requirements of
end users, especially naive users and develop
specifications for canned transactions that
meet these requirements.
• Application programmers implement these
specifications as programs and they test,
debug, document and maintain these canned
Er. Dalwinder Singh
Storage Manager is also called as Database Manager.
Followings are the responsibilities of the storage manager:

• Interaction with the file manager: Actual data is stored in

the file system. The database manager is responsible for actual
storing, retrieving and updating the data in the database.

• Integrity constraints enforcement: Consistency constraints

are specified by DBA. But, the responsibility of database
manager is to enforce, implement or check those constraints.

Er. Dalwinder Singh

• Security enforcement: It is the responsibility
of the database manager to enforce the security
• Backup and recovery: It is responsibility of
database manager to detect system failures and
restore the database to a consistent state.
• Concurrency control: Interaction among the
concurrent users is controlled by database
Er. Dalwinder Singh


On the Basis of On the Basis of

Number of Site Location

Single-User Multi-User

Centralized Parallel Distributed Client-Server


Er. Dalwinder Singh

On The Basis of Number of
Users (Types Conti.)

• Single-user DBMS: In the single-user DBMS,

database resides on one computer and it is only
accessed by one user at a time.
• Multi-user DBMS: In multi-user system, the
multiple users access the data from one central
storage area so that the database remains in the
integrated form. A database is integrated when
the same information is not stored in two
Er. Dalwinder Singh
On The Basis of Site Location
(Types Conti.)

• Centralized System
• Parallel System
• Distributed System
• Client-Server System

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Centralized System (Types

• In centralized systems, the database resides on

some single central location. A number of
processors can access this central database.
These processors are connected to the central
database via some computer network.

• Example: Railway Reservation System

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Centralized System (Types


Central Site4


Er. Dalwinder Singh

Parallel System (Types Conti.)
Parallel systems improve the processing and I/O speed
by using multiple CPU’s and disks in parallel. In a
parallel system, many operations are executed
simultaneously. There are two main measures of
performance of the database system:
• Throughput: It is the number of tasks that can be
completed in a given time interval.
• Response time: It is the amount of time the system
takes to complete a single task from the time it is
submitted to the system.
Er. Dalwinder Singh
Types of Parallel System (Types

• Shared memory
• Shared disk
• Shared nothing

Er. Dalwinder Singh

• Shared memory: In this model, all the processors
share a common memory. The communication
between the components is through interconnection
• Shared disk: In this model, all the processors share
a common disk. Shared disk models are sometimes
called as clusters.
• Shared nothing: In this model, processors share
neither a common memory nor a common disk.

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Memory Memory Memory
Disk1 Disk2 Disk3


Interconnection Network Interconnection Network

Memory Disk1 Disk2 Disk3


Memory Memory

Disk1 Disk2

Interconnection Network



Er. Dalwinder Singh

Distributed System (Types
• In distributed database management system,
the database is split into a number of
fragments. Each fragment is stored on one or
more computers. These computers are
connected by a communication network.
• Example: Banking system

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Distributed System (Types

Site A Site C

Site B

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Client-Server System (Types
• Client-server system has two main
components namely client and server. A client
is a computer which requests for the service
from the server. A server is a computer which
provides the service to the client. All data
resides at the server site.

Er. Dalwinder Singh

Client-Server System (Types

Client-1 Client-2 Client-3 ... Client-n


Er. Dalwinder Singh

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