Grammarland 1 (3rd Edition) New
Grammarland 1 (3rd Edition) New
Grammarland 1 (3rd Edition) New
Axtamov A.A.
w Aziz Akhtamov
KBK 81.2Ingl-2
A 90
Axtamov, A.
Grammarland (Grammarland zamini) [Matn]: o’quv
qo’llanma/A.Axtamov, - Toshkent: Muharrir nashriyoti, 2018. –
256 b.
ISBN 978-9943-5415-9-7
811.111’36 KBK
th - [s yoki z] ee - [i]
The (ze) Feet (fit)
This (zis) Meet (mit)
Teeth (tiz)
(braze) Thing
oo - [u]
Three (sri) Foot (fut)
Food (fud)
ph - [f] Tooth
Photo (foto)
(tuz) Lekin:
Physics (fiziks)
flood (flad)
Blood (blad)
al - [ol]
ck - [kk]
Tall (tol)
Lock (lokk)
Wall (vol)
Back (bekk)
All (ol)
C girl (geol)
c- dan keyin i,e,y kelsa, ‘s’ gift (gift)
o’qiladi: gigabyte (gigabait)
cinema (sinema)
cement (siment) so’z oxirida kelgan ‘-e’
cyborg (sayborg) o’qilmaydi.
Home (hom)
c- dan keyin boshqa Have (hev)
harflar kelsa, ‘k’ o’qiladi: Love (lav)
cat (ket) Lekin: quyidagi istisnolarni
cry (kray) eslab qoling:
bicycle (baysikl) He (hi)
She (shi)
The (ze)
Me (mi)
g- dan keyin i,e,y kelsa, ‘j’
Be (bi)
giraffe (jiraf)
general (jeneral) -tion/sion [shin]
gymnastics (jimnastiks) Profession
(profeshshin) Suggession
g- dan keyin boshqa harflar (sajjeshshin)
kelsa, ‘g’ deb o’qiladi: Action (ekshin)
google (gugl) Emotion (emoushin)
game (geym)
language (lenguej) -ture [che]
luggage (lagej) Picture (pikche)
Mixture (miksche)
lekin: quyidagi istisno
holatlarni eslab qoling: -sure [je/she]
give (giv) Pleasure (plije(r))
giggle (gigl) Measure (mije(r))
Pressure (preshshe(r))
Water – suv Advice – maslahat
Air – havo Weather – ob-havo
Sugar – shakar Jam – murabbo
Love – sevgi Money – pul
Knowledge – bilim News – yangilik
Football – futbol Traffic – qatnov
English – ingliz tili Luggage – yuk
Information – ma’lumot Friendship – do’stlik
Countable Nouns: Donalab sanash mumkin bo’lgan va donalab
sanashga ehtiyoj bo’lgan otlar sanaladigan otlar hisoblanadi.
A book – kitob a school -maktab
An apple – olma a teacher -o’qituvchi
A girl – qiz bola a chair -stul
A city – shaxar a friend -do’st
A foot – feet (oyoq)
A goose – geese (g’oz)
A tooth – teeth (tish)
A mouse – mice (sichqon)
An ox – oxen (buqa)
A child – children (bola)
A person – people (kishi, odam)
Sheep, fish, deer va fruit so’zlari odatda birlikda ham ko’plikda
ham bir xil ishlatiladi:
One sheep bitta qo’y
Two sheep ikkita qo’y
A lot of sheep ko’p qo’ylar
One fish bitta baliq
Two fish ikkita baliq
Many fish ko’p baliqlar
Juft holatda ishlatiladigan otlar ko’plikda keladi. Bu kabi
otlar one, two deb sanalmaydi. pair so’zi bilan sanalishi
Scissors (qaychi)
Trousers (shim)
Socks (paypoq)
Spectacles (ko’zoynak)
Gloves (qo’lqop)
Sunglasses (qora
ko’zoynak) Shoes (oyoq
Jeans (jinsi shim)
Scales (tarozi)
I bought a pair of trousers yesterday.
Men kecha shim sotib oldim.
I have three pairs of shoes.
Menda uch juft oyoq kiyim
Bunda ushbu buyumlarni birdan ortiqligi nazarda tutilsa pair so’zi
ko’plikda olinadi.
A pair of glasses – two pairs of glasses
Ba’zi fan nomlari va sport turlari nomlari shaklan ko’plik
bo’lsa ham ulardan keyin birlikdagi fe’l keladi:
Physics is my favourite
subject. Fizika mening sevimli
Athletics is getting popular in some countries.
Atletika ba’zi davlatlarda mashhur bo’lyapti.
Millat nomlari ko’plik qo’shimchasini olib ular oldidan the
aniq artikli kelsa, ular butun millatni ifodalab keladi:
The Uzbeks o’zbeklar
The Americans amerikaliklar
The Russians ruslar
Ulardan keyin ko’plikdagi fe’l ishlatiladi:
The Uzbeks are hardworking.
O’zbeklar mehnatkash.
The Americans like having parties.
Amerikaliklar ziyofatlar uyushtirishni yoqtirishadi.
(is, was va –s qo’shimchasi qo’shilgan fe’llar (works, likes, goes …)
birlik hisoblanadi)
Every american likes having parties.
Har bir amerikalik ziyofatlar uyushtirishni yoqtiradi.
Lekin –sh, -ch, ss, ese bilan tugagan millat nomlariga ko’plik
qo’shimchasi qo’shilmaydi:
The English inglizlar
The French fransuzlar
The Swiss shvedsariyaliklar
The Japanese yaponiyaliklar
Quyidagilarni eslab qoling:
A lump of sugar bir bo’lak oqqand
A bowl of rice bir kosa guruch
A piece of music bir musiqiy asar
A piece of advice biroz maslahat
A piece of cake bir bo’lak pirojniy
A can of oil bir konserva quti yog’
A drop of water bir tomchi suv
A bar of chocolate bir plitka shokolat
A glass of water bir stakan suv
A jar of jam bir bonka murabbo
A loaf of bread bitta non
A sheet of paper bir dona oq qog’oz
A stick of chalk bir dona bo’r
A bunch of flowers bir dasta gul
A tube of toothpaste bir dona tish pastasi
A flock of sheep bir poda qo’y
A flock of birds bir to’da qush
A crowd of people bir to’da odam (olomon)
A herd of cattle bir poda qoramol
A herd of goats bir poda echki
Eslatma! Miqdor bildiruvchi otlar ham sanaladigan ham
sanalmaydigan otlar bilan ishlatilaveradi. Agar sanalmaydigan
otlar miqdori ko’pligi nazarda tutilsa, faqat uning oldidagi miqdor
so’z ko’plikda keladi. Ammo sanaladigan otlarda miqdor so’z ham
sanaladigan otning o’zi ham ko’plikda keladi.
e.g A can of oil – two cans of oil (two cans of oils
EMAS) A bunch of flowers – two bunches of
The police so’zi doim ko’plikda
ishlatiladi: The police are here.
Politsiya shu yerda.
The police have already come.
Politsiya allaqachon keldi.
A policeman has already come.
Bir politsiyachi allaqachon
keldi. There is a police car in
the street.
Ko’chada bir politsiya mashinasi bor.
E’tibor bering:
‘s - is va has ning qisqartirilgan shakli bo’lib kelishi ham
mumkin. Bu holda adashmaslik uchun tarjimaga e’tibor berish
My friend’s a pupil = My friend is a pupil. (Do’stim
o’quvchi) My friend’s book (Do’stimning
My friend’s got a book = My friend has got a book. (Do’stimda kitob
Test 1
7. Where … my
A) is B) are
8. My … is long.
A) hair B) hairs
9. There … some sheep.
A) is B) are
10. There are 31 … in
A) day B) days
11. There are …
leaves in that tree.
A) many B) much
12. I have four …
A) photo B) photoes 10. Do you know the … this new
C) photos film?
13. She has many … A) heroes B) heros
A) babies B) babys C) baby C) heroies D) hero’s
14. We have two … at home.
A) shoes B) sheeps
C) geese
15. I eat … rice every day.
A) many B) some
16. There is … traffic in
the street.
A) many B) much C) teeth D) teethes
17. … is beautiful metal. 20. Last week I bought … of jam.
A) Wolves B) Teeth C) Gold A) a piece B) a lump
18. We have two … C) a drop D) a jar
A) child B) childs C)
19. Time … money
A) is B) are
20. I have some …
A) newses B) news
Test 3
Shaxs yoki buyumning rangini, ta’mini, belgi-xususiyatini, hajm-
o’lchovini bildirgan so’zlar sifat deyiladi.
Masalan: white, big, interesting, useful, long, clever, lazy
… Sifatlar ot oldida yoki alohida kelishi mumkin.
It is a beautiful flower. This flower is beautiful.
Bu chiroyli gul. Bu gul chiroyli.
She is a clever girl. This girl is clever.
U aqlli qiz. Bu qiz aqlli.
Otlarga o’xshab sifatlarda ko’plik shakli mavjud emas:
A different place – some different places (differents EMAS)
Sifatlarning 3 xil darajasi bor:
1. Oddiy daraja;
2. Qiyosiy daraja;
3. Orttirma daraja.
Sifatlarning orttirma darajasi biror otni boshqalari
ichidan ajratib ko’rsatishda ishlatiladi:
The + (S.Q.D.) …, the + (S.Q.D.) …
Qancha …, shuncha
… The more you have, the more you
Qancha ko’p narsaga ega bo’lsang, shuncha ko’p narsani xohlaysan.
The more you read, the cleverer you become.
Qancha ko’p o’qisang, shuncha aqlli bo’lasan.
So va Such
Bunday, shunday deb tarjima
qilinadi. So + sifat/ravish …(that)
Such + (artikl) + sifat + ot… (that)
You are so beautiful.
Sen juda chiroylisan.
You are such a beautiful
girl. Sen juda chiroyli
The book was so interesting that I couldn’t help buying
it. Kitob shunchalik qiziqarli ediku uni sotib olmasdan
turolmadim. It was such an interesting book that I
couldn’t help buying it.
Bu shunchalik qiziqarli kitob ediki, uni sotib olmasdan turolmadim.
Lekin many va much bilan such kelolmaydi. Shu sababli
so ni ishlatamiz:
I have so many friends in New York.
New Yorkda mening do’stlarim juda
They had so much time that they needn’t have to hurry.
Ularning shunchalik vaqti ko’p ediki shoshilishlariga hojat yo’q edi.
Enough va too
Enough yetarlicha deb tarjima qilinadi. Otlardan oldin
sifat va ravishlardan keyin keladi.
We have enough time.
Bizda yetarlicha vaqt
Our classroom isn’t wide enough for 60 children.
Bizning sinfxonamiz 60 ta o’quvchi uchun yetarlicha keng emas.
Too juda, o’ta, haddan ortiq deb tarjima qilinadi. Sifat
va ravishlardan oldin keladi.
The coffee is too hot. I can’t drink it now.
Kofe juda issiq. Men uni hozir
The weather is too cold. We can’t play
football. Havo juda sovuq. Biz futbol
Bulardan keyin uchun ma’nosida ot va olmoshlar oldidan
for fe’llar oldidan to ishlatiladi:
This book is too difficult for me to understand.
Bu kitob men tushunishim uchun juda qiyinlik qiladi (men uni
The weather is warm enough to go
swimming. Havo cho’milishga borish uchun
yetarlicha iliq.
Rather va quite
Elder va eldest
Elder va eldest oilada farzandlarning tug’ilish tartibini
ko’rsatish uchun ishlatiladi. ‘to’ng’ich’, ‘katta’ ma’nolarida
My elder brother has just got
married. Akam endigina uylandi.
His eldest daughter is a medical
student. Uning to’ng’ich qizi tibbiyot
Elder – katta;
Eldest –eng
He’s three years older than me. (elder than me
EMAS) U mendan 3 yosh kattaroq.
High va Tall
Tall – odatda biror narsaning odatdagidan balandroq ekanligini
ko’rsatish uchun ishlatiladi. Ko’p holatlarda buyi enidan uzunroq
bo’lgan narsalarga nisbatan ishlatiladi: tall people, tall trees,
tall buildings
Tall – quyidagilarga nisbatan ishlatiladi: people, trees, buildings,
ladders, animals
High – biror narsaning yerdan ancha balandda ekanligini ko’rsatish
uchun ishlatiladi. Ko’p holatlarda eni ancha keng bo’lgan, jonsiz
narsalarga nisbatan ishlatiladi: high mountains, high walls.
High – quyidagilarga ishlatiladi: fences, walls, mountains, hills,
ceilings, clouds
Steven is 1m 80cm tall.
The tree is about 20 m high.
How tall is Lionel Messi?
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the
world. The prison is surrounded by very high walls
and fences. Atlas Cedars are tall trees.
Lekin: The tree is about 30m high.
Small va Little
Small – hajmni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi. U big va large so’zlarining
antonimi hisoblanadi.
A small dog kichkina it
A small house kichik uy
A small car kichik mashina
A small country kichik davlat
A small town kichik shaxarcha
A small cola kichkina kola (kichik
butilkada) In a small quantity kam miqdorda
A small number kam
Ella is the smallest girl in her class.
Ella sinfidagi eng kichkina qiz. (hajmga
nisbatan) That jacket is too small for you.
Bu kurtka siz uchun juda kichkina.
I prefer living in a small town than a big city.
Men katta shaxarda yashagandan ko’ra kichik shaxarchani ma’qul
Little – odatda yoshni ifodalaydi. Bundan tashqari quyidagi
holatlarda ham ishlatiladi:
Mayda, ahamiyatsiz ma’nolarida:
Don’t care about little things – mayda narsalar haqida qayg’urmang.
Ravish bo’lib keladi:
Speak little, do much – kam gapir, ko’p
ishla. Little finger jimjiloq
The little hand of a clock soatning kichik
ko’rsatgichi Little brother uka
Little sister singil
Test 2
Test 3
Odatda ravishlarning orttirma darajasi oldida artikl
Chunki, ravishlar otlar bilan kelmaydi, artikl esa otning
ko’rsatgichi hisoblanadi.
I work most efficiently in the early
morning. Men ertalab barvaqt eng
samalari ishlayman. The truth hurts most.
Haqiqat eng ko’p ozor beradi.
Test 1
Adverbs Test
Test 4
Predmetning miqdorini yoki tartibini bildirgan so’zlar sonlar
deyiladi. Cardinal numerals (sanoq yoki dona sonlar):
One 1 Sixteen 16
Two 2 Seventeen 17
Three 3 Eighteen 18
Four 4 Nineteen 19
Five 5 Twenty 20
Six 6 Twenty-one 21
Seven 7 Twenty-two 22
Eight 8 …
Nine 9 Thirty 30
Ten 10 Forty 40
Eleven 11 Fifty 50
Twelve 12 Sixty 60
Thirteen 13 Seventy 70
Fourteen 14 Eighty 80
Fifteen 15 Ninety 90
10- tenth 10th
11- eleventh 11th
12- twelfth 12th
20th 30-thirtieth
100-hundredth 100th
Ot tartib sondan oldin kelganda tartib son sanoq songa
aylanadi va artikl tushib qoladi:
The first lesson - Lesson one
The second chapter - Chapter
two The third unit - Unit three
The fourth classroom - Classroom four
Yillar odatda ikkiga bo’lib o’qiladi:
800 (the year) eight hundred
1400 fourteen hundred
1501 fifteen oh one
1840 eighteen forty
1991 nineteen ninety-one
2000 two thousand
2005 twenty oh five/two thousand and five
2018 twenty eighteen/two thousand and
Quyidagilarni eslab qoling:
1/2 a half
1/3 a/one third
1/4 a/one quarter
1/5 a/one fifth
2/3 two thirds
3/5 three fifths
He is in his thirties.
U 30 yoshlarda (30,31,32,…39 yoshlar
orasida) When I was in my early twenties…
20-24 yoshlar atrofida
bo’lganimda… When I was in my
late twenties…
26-29 yoshlar atrofida
bo’lganimda… The music of the 90s.
To’qsoninchi yillar musiqasi (90,91,92,…99 yillar
musiqasi) In the early XX century.
20 asrning
boshlarida. In the
Chiziqcha bilan sifatlar yasalganda ko’plik qo’shimchasini
olmaydi. Artikl otga qarab qo’yiladi. Agar ot birlikdagi
sanaladigan ot bo’lsa ‘a/an’, ko’plikdagi yoki sanalmaydigan
ot bo’lsa artikl kelmaydi:
A three-room flat uch xonali
kvartira A ten-year-old boy o’n yasharli
bola A two-hour lesson ikki soatli dars
Three-room flats uch xonali
kvartiralar Ten-year-old boys o’n yasharli
bolalar Two-hour lessons ikki soatli darslar
a/an … and a half – bir yarim …
An hour and a half – bir yarim soat
A year and a half – bir yarim yil
Test 3
Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs and Numerals
Kishilik olmoshlari
2 xil bo’ladi:
Bosh kelishik va tushum kelishik shakllari.
Tushum kelishik shakli. To’ldiruvchi vazifasida keladi.
Odatda fe’llar va predloglardan keyin keladi:
Me meni
You sizni
Him uni
Her uni
It uni
Us bizni
You sizni
Them ularni
1. English is a world language. …….. (I, me) want to learn ………
(he, she, it)
2. Yulduz is my sister. …….. (He, She, It, Him, Her) is a wonderful
3. David lives in London. …….. (Him, Her, Me, I) don’t see.............(me,
him, her, it) very often.
4. Babies cry a lot but I love ………… (he, she, they, him, her, them)
5. Maria is a clever girl. ………………… (He, She, It, Him, Her)
enjoys reading books.
6. My father is a good person. I love …………… (her, him, it, he,
she) very much.
7. Istanbul is a beautiful city. I like …………….. (him, her, it, he, she)
8. I’m not angry with …………… (I, he, she, you, they)
9. Are ………………(he, she, it, they, him, her, it, them) your
friends? Do you like ………………. (he, she, it, they, him, her, it,
10. My phone number is 9337423883. Write ……….. (him,
her, it) down.
Ob-havoni ifodalashda
ishlatiladi: It’s raining.
Yomg’ir yog’yapti.
It’s cold in
Qishda havo sovuq
bo’ladi. It is a nice day
Bugun havo yaxshi.
My book is interesting.
Mening kitobim qiziqarli
Your car is old.
Sening mashinang eski.
Where is their house?
Ularning uyi qayerda?
Egalik olmoshi ot
shakli: Mine meniki Its uniki
Yours sizniki Ours bizniki
His uniki Yours sizniki
Hers uniki Theirs ularniki
O’zlik olmoshlari
Eslab qoling:
Help yourself to salad. Salatdan oling (yeng)!
Make yourself at home. O’zingizni uydagiday his eting.
Nuqtalar o’rniga qavs ichidagi olmoshlardan birini qo’yib to’ldiring.
1. I don’t need your help. I can do it ………. (me, my, mine, myself)
2. I live with ………. parents. (me, my, mine, myself)
3. We should respect ………. or no one else will respect........(us, our,
ours, ourselves)
4. Leave ………. alone! I want to be ………. (me, my, mine,
myself, by myself)
5. She enjoys staying at home on..............own. (her, hers, herself)
6. Yusuf bought this book for ………. so he doesn’t want to give
it to others. (him, his, himself)
7. She looked at ………. in the mirror. (her, hers, herself)
8. Our children walk to school by ………. (them, their,
theirs, themselves)
Ko’rsatish olmoshlari
I don’t like some of the songs by Sami Yusuf.
Men Sami Yusuf tomonidan aytilgan ba’zi qo’shiqlarni
yoqtirmayman. Some pupils don’t want to study.
Ba’zi o’quvchilar ilm olishni xohlashmaydi.
- sanaladigan va sanalmaydigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi;
- biroz, birorta; xohlagan deb tarjima qilinadi;
- asosan so’roq va inkor gaplarda va xohlagan deb tarjima
qilinganda darak gaplarda ishlatiladi.
- umumiy holatda of siz, xususiy holatda of bilan keladi.
There aren’t any mistakes in his
dictation. Uning diktantida hech qanday
xato yo’q.
Do you have any sugar?
Sizda biroz shakar bormi?
You can take any book in this library.
Bu kutubxonadan siz xohlagan kitobingizni olishingiz mumkin.
Have you read any of the books by Tohir Malik?
Tohir Malik tomonidan yozilgan birorta kitobni o’qiganmisiz?
- sanaladigan va sanalmaydigan otlar o’rnida ishlatiladi;
- umuman yo’q, bitta ham yo’q deb tarjima qilinadi;
- None dan keyin to’g’ridan to’g’ri ot kelmaydi. Otlarga of
orqali bog’lanadi.
- How much money do you
have? Senda qancha pul bor?
- None.
Hech qancha.
- sanaladigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi;
- ko’p deb tarjima qilinadi;
- umumiy holatda of siz, xususiy holatda of bilan keladi.
- darak gaplarda ham ishlatish mumkin lekin asosan so’roq va
inkor gaplarda ishlatiladi. Darak gaplarda many o’rnida odatda a
lot of ishlatiladi.
I don’t have many friends.
Mening do’stlarim ko’p emas.
I haven’t read many of these books
Men bu kitoblarning ko’pini
o’qimaganman. I have a lot of friends.
Mening do’stlarim ko’p.
- sanaladigan va sanalmaydigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi;
- hamma, barcha, hammasi, barchasi, hamma narsa deb
tarjima qilinadi;
- umumiy holatda of siz, xususiy holatda esa of bilan ham of siz
ham kela oladi.
- All hamma narsa ma’nosida birlik, hamma kishi ma’nosida
ko’plik hisoblanadi.
- yagona narsa degan ma’noda ham kela oladi.
- ikki kish yoki narsaga nisbatan ishlatiladi;
- ikkalasi (ham) deb tarjima qilinadi;
- umumiy holatda of siz, xususiy holatda of bilan ham of siz
ham keladi.
Both my parents are teachers.
Otam ham onam ham
o’qituvchi. Both of you will be
Ikkalangiz ham
jazolanasiz. I know both
your sisters.
Men ikkala singlingizni ham taniyman.
- ikki kishi yoki narsaga nisbatan ishlatiladi;
- ikkitadan bittasi deb tarjima qilinadi (ba’zan har ikkalasi ham
deb ham tarjima qilinadi);
- umumiy holatda of siz, xususiy holatda of bilan keladi;
- either dan keyin birlikdagi ot birlikdagi fe’l keladi, either of
dan keyin ko’plikdagi ot birlikdagi fe’l keladi.
I don’t like either of the books.
Menga ikkala kitob ham
Either of them is from London but I’m not sure who it is.
Ulardan biri Londonlik lekin u qaysiligini aniq
bilmayman. "Would you like the metal or plastic one?"
"Either will do."
Metalligi kerakmi yoki
plastikligi? Har ikkalasi ham
Either … or … yoki … yoki…
He is either French or
English. U yoki Fransuz yoki
- ikki kishi yoki narsaga nisbatan ishlatiladi.
- ikkalasi ham emas deb tarjima qilinadi.
- neither dan keyin birlikdagi ot keladi.
- neither of dan keyin ko’plikdagi ot birlikdagi fe’l keladi.
- Do you like Korean films or Turkish?
- Neither. I prefer American.
Koreys filmlarini yoqtirasizmi yoki Turklarnikinimi?
Ikkalasini ham emas. Amerika filmlarini ma’qul ko’raman.
Neither of my friends has come to the party.
Do’stlarimdan hech biri ziyofatga kelmadi.
Neither book is mine.
Kitoblardan hech biri meniki emas.
Sanaladigan birlikdagi otni qayta ishlatmaslik uchun uning
o’rnida one ishlatilishi mumkin.
There are three cars here. Which one do you
like? Bu yerda uchta mashina bor. Qaysi biri
sizga yoqdi? This one bunisi
That one unisi
These ones bulari
The blue one ko’ki
The one in the middle
- har, har biri deb tarjima qilinadi;
- sanaladigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi;
- otsiz ham kela oladi;
- birlikdagi otlar bilan ishlatiladi;
- xususiy holatlarda va kam miqdorlar bilan ishlatiladi;
- of bilan kela oladi;
- gap oxirida ham kela oladi va har birida deb tarjima qilinadi.
I phoned you four times. Each time the line was engaged.
Sizga to’rt marta qo’ng’iroq qildim. Har safar tarmoq band
edi. He wrote three books and I have read each of them.
U uchta kitob yozgan va men ularning har birini o’qiganman.
There are five millionaires in our town and they have 5 billion
dollars each.
Shaxarchamizda 5 ta millioner bor va ularning har birida 5 milliard pul
- har, har bir, har qanday deb tarjima qilinadi;
- sanaladigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi;
- otsiz kelolmaydi;
- birlikdagi otlar bilan ishlatiladi;
- umumiy holatdarda ishlatiladi (xususiy holatlarda ko’p
miqdorlar bilan ishlatiladi);
- of bilan kelmaydi;
Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you.
Har kecha tushimda seni ko’raman, seni his
etaman. We have every reason to be happy.
Biz baxtli bo’lish uchun har qanday sababga
egamiz. I heard every word you said.
Men siz aytgan har bir so’zni eshitdim.
- boshqa deb tarjima qilinadi;
- umumiy holatda ishlatiladi;
- odatda ko’plikdagi otlar bilan keladi;
- otlashganda –s oladi.
I don’t care what other people think about me.
Boshqa odamlar men haqimda nima deb o’ylashini menga farqi
yo’q. I don’t care what others think about me.
Boshqalar men haqimda nima deb o’ylashini menga farqi yo’q.
Uzbekistan is very different from other countries.
O’zbekiston boshqa davlatlardan juda farq qiladi.
The other
- boshqa(si), qolgan(i) deb tarjima qilinadi;
- xususiy holatda ishlatiladi;
- otlashganda –s oladi;
- birlikdagi ot bilan ham kop’likdagi ot bilan ham kela oladi.
- birlikdagi ot bilan kelganda (ikkitadan) ikkinchisi,
(uchtadan) uchinchisi … deb tarjima qilinadi.
- the other day – bir necha kun oldin ma’nosida ishlatiladi.
Only a few of the pupils in the class are ready for the lesson but
the other pupils are not.
Darsga faqatgina bir nechta o’quvchigina tayyor, lekin qolgan
o’quvchilar tayyor emas.
Only a few of the pupils in the class are ready for the lesson but
the others are not.
Darsga faqatgina bir nechta o’quvchigina tayyor, lekin qolganlar tayyor
I have two friends. One of them is a doctor and the other is a
teacher. Ikkita do’stim bor. Ulardan biri shiforkor, ikkinchisi esa
- boshqa bir, yana deb tarjima qiliandi;
- another oldidan ko’rsatgich kelmaydi;
- another dan keyin odatda sanaladigan birlikdagi otlar keladi;
- miqdor va o’lchovni ifodalaydigan so’zlar ko’plikda ham
kelishi mumkin. Bunda yana deb tarjima qilinadi.
Would you like another cup of tea?
Yana bir chashka choy xohlaysizmi?
Come another day. Today I’m very
Boshqa biror kun keling. Bugun men juda
bandman. We need another three days to
complete this work. Bu ishni yakunlash uchun
bizga yana uch kun kerak.
- Otlar oldidan kelib ko’pchilik deb tarjima qilinadi;
- Sanaladigan va sanalmaydigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi;
- Most dan keyin artikl ishlatilmaydi;
- Umumiy holatda of siz, xususiy holatda esa of bilan keladi.
Bunda of dan keyin artikl keladi;
- Sifatlar oldidan kelganda eng deb tarjima qilinadi.
Most people don’t know why they live.
Ko’pchilik odamlar nima uchun yashashlarini
bilishmaydi. I know most of the people in my town.
Men shaxrimdagi odamlarning ko’pchiligini taniyman.
This is the most interesting book I’ve ever read.
Bu men o’qigan eng qiziqarli kitob.
What do you do?
Kasbingiz nima?
What is your father?
Otangizning kasbi nima?
What is it?
Bu nima?
What colour do you like?
Sizga qanday rang yoqadi?
What kind of books do you like reading?
Qanday kitoblarni o’qishni yoqtirasiz?
- qaysi deb tarjima qilinadi;
- odatda xususiy holatlarda ishlatiladi;
- odatda hayvonlar va jonsiz narsalarga nisbatan ishlatiladi;
- odamlar bilan ishlatilganda shaxs otlari bilan keladi.
- otga bog’lana oladi.
Which subject do you like best, English or History?
Qaysi fanni ko’proq yoqtirasiz, Ingliz tilinimi yoki
There are two apples on the table. Which one do you
want? Stol ustida ikkita olma bor. Qaysi birini xohlaysiz?
Which actor is more popular, Leonardo DiCaprio or Tom
Cruz? Qaysi aktyor taniqliroq, Leonardo Dikapriomi yoki Tom
- kim (ba’zan kimni) deb tarjima qilinadi;
- odamlar uchun ishlatiladi;
- odatda birlikdagi fe’l bilan keladi;
- otga bog’lanolmaydi.
- Qanday deb tarjima
- fe’l bilan ham, sifat va ravishlar bilan ham ishlatiladi.
- how many nechta, how much qancha, how long qancha vaqt,
how far qanchalik uzoq, how fast qanchalik tez kabi iboralarda
How are you?
How fast can you run?
Qanchalik tez yugura olasiz?
How many books do you
have? Sizda nechta kitob
Nisbiy olmoshlar
So’roq olmoshlar nisbiy olmoshlar vazifasida ham keladi.
Nisbiy olmoshlar asosan murakkab gaplar tuzishda
ishlatiladi. Masalan:
This is a car. I bought it yesterday.
Bu mashina. Men uni kecha sotib oldim.
This is the car which I bought
yesterday. Bu men kecha sotib olgan
Birinchi gapdagi it o’rnida which nisbiy olmoshi qo’llanilgan.
Nisbiy olmoshlar odatda o’zidan oldin kelgan biror otni izohlab
keladi va o’sha otga qarab nisbiy olmosh ishlatiladi.
Nima, narsa ma’nolarida what ishlatiladi. Boshqa nisbiy
olmoshlar kabi o’zidan oldin kelgan biror so’zni
Test 2
1. Behzod is … friend. … 11. Where have you found
knows maths very well. this pen? This is …
A) my/Him B) me/She A) me B) my C) I D) mine
C) mine/He D) my/He 12. There is a police officer.
2. Malika and I are very tired. We can ask … the way to the
... are going to bed. airport.
A) We B) Us A) him B) his
C) Ourselves D) You C) himself D) he
3. I bought this computer 13. - I have news for you.
last week but now … isn’t - What is … about?
working A) it B) they C) them D) its
A) they B) he C) it D) I
4. Horses are strong animals. 14. I want to talk to your
… drink a lot of water. parents and tell … about
A) He B) She C) It D) They your grades.
5. Children, you must do A) it B) them C) him D) they
your homework …. 15. Are you hungry? I can
A) you B) your make some sandwiches for …
C yourself D) yourselves now.
A) you B) me C) them D) we
6. … mobile phone is old.
… needs charging very 16. I don’t want to be late.
often. Can you lend … your car,
A) My/It B) Me/It
A) me B) my
C) Mine/its D) Myself/they
C) mine D) myself
7. I bought this book for … 17. We’re going to a café. Do
A) me B) my you want to come with…?
C) mine D) myself A) them B) us
8. You must read this book. C) ourselves D) we
… is very important. 18. My aunt lives in
A) I B) He C) They D) It Washington. I miss … a
9. Do you know … name? lot.
A) hers B) his A) he B) she C) him D) her
C) mine D) yours 19. – Do you know Muhammad?
10. My little sister loves dolls - Sorry, I don’t know …
so I gave … a beautiful doll on A) he B) his C) himself D) him
… birthday. 20. Amina is in … room. …
A) him/his B) she/her is studying.
C) her/her D) hers/him A) his/She B) hers/Her
C) she’s/He D) her/She
Test 3
Test 4
1. He likes to think of … as 11. Frank, is this car …?
a good person.
A) your B) yourself
A) himself B) herself
C) yourselves D) yours
C) he D) his
12. The children like
2. Are you going to the decorating the New Year tree
cinema by …? …
A) your B) yourself A) themselves B) them
C) we D) you C) they D) theirs
3. - Ooo, no! I can’t imagine 13. Hi, Peter! Please, come
… doing this.
and make … at home.
A) me B) myself A) yourself B) yours
C) I D) mine
C) you D) your
4. The animals can defend 14. Don’t help …, Dad! We
can paint the wall …
A) me B) myself A) us/ourselves B) we/us
C) themselves D) themself C) our/ours D) ourselves/us
5. We helped … to some 15. … company sells cars.
chicken at the party. A) His B) Hers C) Its D) Mine
A) ourselves B) us 16. … husband works in
C) our D) ourself New Jersey.
6. My old neighbour A) His B) Hers C) Her D) She
always talks to … 17. Can you give me your
A) myself B) themselves pen? I’ve forgotten … at
C) itself D) himself home.
7. Ali cut … with the knife A) mine B) me
while he was cutting onions. C) myself D) my
A) myself B) herself 18. Here is a letter from
C) ourselves D) himself … friend, Zarina!
8. John and Gary, if you A) mine B) us
want more juice, help …. C) ours D) your
A) yours B) you 19. Can you open … eyes
C) yourself D) yourselves under water?
9. I wrote this story … A) my B) your
A) myself B) on myself C) yours D) mine
C) mine D) by my own 20. He has left … children
10. Kate is a baby, she is at home.
too small to eat … A) himself B) him
A) her B) hers C) hers D) his
C) she D) by herself
Test 5
All pronouns
Test 7
1. Is … your copybook? 11. He hasn’t got …
A) These B) Those friends because he is so
C) This D) They rude.
2. The dog and the cat A) much B) many
are having … milk. C) a lot D) some
A) their B) its 12. … of my parents came to
C) it D) theirs the parents’ meeting
3. – How much water are yesterday.
there in the jug? A) None B) Neither
-… C) Some D) All
A) Nothing B) Not 13. I haven’t met … of
C) No D) None these guests before.
4. I’ve a cousin … likes riding A) much B) no
a bicycle. … name is C) every D) most
Dilshoda. 14. The weather was awful …
A) whom/My B) which/Their we were on holiday.
C) who/Her D) that/His A) that B) which
C) where D) when
5. You should do … best to 15. I’m a newcomer at this
learn English. school so I’ve got only …
A) you B) your friends here.
C) yours D) yourself A) a little B) little
6. I’m working with … father C) few D) a few
in the garden now. 16. These skirts are too
A) me B) my expensive. Let’s buy
C) myself D) mine some cheap…
7. - … does your close friend A) others B) another
do? C) one D) ones
- He’s an English tutor. 17. They had ten dollars …
A) Who B) Where A) every B) each
C) What D) Which C) either D) none
8. I’ll never forget the days 18. … Kamol nor Behzod is
… I spent in Morocco. here now.
A) when B) where A) Either B) Both
C) which D) who C) None D) Neither
9. … are they going? 19. I really enjoy the sea
- They’re going to “Best Way”. … waves are always
A) Why B) Where rough.
C) When D) What A) whose B) where
10. -… is in your bag? C) when D) which
-Some books and my laptop. 20. Some people like apples,
A) Where B) Which … like pears.
C) How big D) What A) others B) other
C) the others D) the other
Test 8
Test 9
Asosiy qoidasi:
Tinglovchiga noaniq bo’lgan, birlikdagi, sanaladigan
turdosh otlar oldida noaniq artikl ishlatiladi:
I have a book.
Menda kitob bor. (shunchaki bir
kitob) There is a tree in front of my
Uyim oldida daraxt bor. (shunchaki bir daraxt)
Yesterday I saw a boy who was wearing a black
Suhbatdoshga noma’lum bo’lgan ot ikkinchi marta kelganda
aniq artikl oladi.
I have a computer, but the computer is very old.
Menda kompyuter bor lekin o’sha kompyuter juda
eski. There was a house in the forest. The house was
locked. O’rmonda bir uy bor edi. O’sha uy qulf edi.
I have a computer. It is a good computer.
Menda kompyuter bor. U yaxshi
There was a house in the forest. It was an old house.
O’rmonda bir uy bor edi. U eski uy edi.
Buyerda ot sifatlovchi aniqlovchi bilan kelganligi uchun
noaniq artikl oladi.
Dunyoda tanho narsalar nomi oldidan:
The Earth yer The sky osmon
The Sun quyosh The world dunyo
The Moon oy The universe olam
Vaziyatdan aniq bo’lgan otlar
oldidan: The teacher is coming.
O’qituvchi kelyapti.
The president of Uzbekistan is a very sincere person.
O’zbekiston prezidenti juda samimiy inson.
Close the window, please!
Derazani yoping, iltimos!
Quyidagilarni ham eslab qoling:
Go to the Go to the post Go to the toilet
doctor Go to office Go to the Go to the
the bank Go to theatre Go to the kitchen
the airport cinema Go to the bedroom
Familiyalar ko’plikda kelib ular oldidan aniq artikl
kelganda butun oilani ifodalaydi:
The Browns Braunlar
The Smiths Smitlar
Sifatlar otlashganda ular oldidan aniq artikl
keladi: The poor kambag’allar
The rich boylar
The old qariyalar
The young yoshlar
Sifatning orttirma darajasi
oldidan: The biggest eng
The best eng yaxshi
The most interesting eng qiziqarli
Tartib sonlar oldidan:
The first birinchi
The second ikkinchi
The third uchinchi
Pul birliklari oldidan:
The dollar dollar
The euro evro
The soum so’m
Ba’zi davlat tashkilotlari nomi
bilan: The Police politsiya
The Army armiya
The Fire Brigade o’t o’chirish xizmati
Daryolar, dengizlar, okeanlar, tog’ tizmalari, orol
guruhlari, o’rmonlar va cho’l nomlari oldidan aniq artikl
The Nile The The Bahamas
The Volga Pacific The Sahara
The Black Sea The Alps The Black
The Baltic Sea The Forest The New
The Atlantic Rocky Forest
Ocean Mountain
The British
Aniq artikl bilan keladigan iboralar:
At the beginning boshida
At the end oxirida
Be on the safe side xavfsizlikda bo’lmoq
By the way aytgancha
Go to the theatre (cinema) teatrga (kinoga)
bormoq In the afternoon peshindan keyin
In the country shaxar tashqarisida
In the evening kech paytida
In the middle o’rtasida
In the morning tongda
In the past o’tmishda
On the radio radioda
On the right (left) o’ng (chap) da
On the whole butunlay
On TV (television) televizorda
Pass the time vaqtni o’tkazmoq
Play the piano (the violin) pianina (skripka)
chalmoq Run the risk tavakkal qilmoq
Tell the time vaqtni aytmoq
Tell the truth rostini aytmoq
The day after tomorrow ertadan keyingi kun
The day before yesterday kechadan oldingi
kun The following quyidagi
The last oxirgi
The only yagona
The other day bir necha kun oldin
The rest qolganlari
The same bir xil
The very ayni (o’sha)
What is the time? soat necha bo’ldi?
What’s the matter? Nima bo’ldi?
Artiklsiz kelish hollari
Asosiy qoidasi:
1) Sanalmaydigan otlar umumiy holatda artiklsiz
keladi: Knowledge is power
Bilim kuchdir.
Water is necessary for
life. Suv hayot uchun
2) Ko’plikdagi otlar umumiy holatda artiklsiz
keladi: Children like playing.
Bolalar o’ynashni yaxshi ko’rishadi.
Books are our best friends.
Kitoblar eng yaxshi do’stlarimizdir.
South Africa Trinity College Westminister Abbey
London London aiport Edinburgh Castle
University Kennedy Bucingham Palace
Cambridge airport Tower Bridge
University Victoria
Alohida tog’, cho’qqi, orol, ko’l nomlari oldidan artikl
Everest Montblanc Lake Ohio
Kalimanjar Madagasc Lake
o Elbrus ar Loch Superior
Ness Lake Ontario
Ko’cha nomlari artiklsiz ishlatiladi:
Oxford Wall Six Avenue
Street Main Street
Street Broadway
Park, Zoopark nomlari artiklsiz ishlatiladi:
Hyde Park Central Park London Zoo
Maydon va Sirk nomlari artiklsiz ishlatiladi:
Trafalgar Picadilly Independence
Square Russel Circus Red Square
Square Square
Aeroport va temir yo’l stansiyalari nomlari oldidan
artikl ishlatilmaydi:
London Victoria Station
Ovqat paytlarini ifodalovchi otlar oldidan odatda
artikl ishlatilmaydi:
Breakfas Dinne Tea
t Lunch r
Lekin sifatlar bilan kelsa noaniq artikl oladi:
A good breakfast A big supper
Orqasidan sanoq son kelgan otlar oldidan artikl
ishlatilmaydi: Unit One birinchi bo’lim
Lesson Four to’rtinchi dars
Page 25 yigirma beshinchi bet
School, college, university, hospital, prison, church so’zlari
foydalanuvchi nuqtai-nazaridan gapirilganda artiklsiz
My son is a schoolboy. He goes to school.
Mening o’g’lim maktab o’quvchisi. U maktab
boradi. I’m a teacher. I work at a school.
Men o’qituvchiman. Men maktabda
ishlayman. He is in prison for robbing the
U bankni o’margani uchun qamoqda.
She went the prison to see his
U qamoqxonaga turmush o’rtog’ini ko’rishga bordi.
TV so’zi buyumni ifodalasa aniq artikl bilan
ishlatiladi. Switch the TV off! Televizorni o’chir!
( narsa-buyum)
I watch TV. Men televizor tomosha qilaman.
Bitta ot oldidan bitta ko’rsatgich keladi. Shu sababli my,
your, his, her, its, our, their, no, some, any, much, many,
a lot of, most, this, that, these, those va ‘s (ning)
kabilardan keyin artikl ishlatilmaydi:
This is my first school.
Bu mening birinchi
maktabim. Is she your best
U sening eng yaxshi o’qituvchingmi?
Artiklsiz keluvchi iboralar:
Ask permission ruxsat so’ramoq
At/for/after/before breakfast nonushta paytida/ga/dan
keyin/oldin At/for/after/before dinner tushlik paytida/ga/ dan
keyin/oldin At/for/after/before lunch tushlik paytida/ga/ dan
keyin/oldin At/for/after/before supper kechki ovqatda/ga/ dan
keyin/oldin At first sight bir ko’rishda
At first avval, boshida
At home uyda
At night tunda
At present hozirgi paytda
At sunrise quyosh chiqishida
At sunset quyosh botishida
At war urushda
At work ishda
Be in debt qarzdor bo’lmoq
By chance/mistake tasodifan
By day kunduz payti
By mistake adashib
By sea (land, air) dengiz (quruqliq, havo) orqali
By train (air, boat, bus) poezd(samolyot,qayiq,avtobus) orqali
By the sea dengiz yonida
By the bus (train, avtobus (poyezd, mashina…)
Come from work ishdan qaytmoq
Day by day kundan kunga
For ages uzoq vaqtdan beri
From time to time vaqti vaqti bilan
From day to day kundan kunga
Go home uyga bormoq
Go to bed uyquga ketmoq
Go to work ishga bormoq
Go shopping xarid qilishga bormoq
Half past (seven) (yetti) yarim (soatni aytishda)
In front of oldida
Out of doors tashqarida
Test 1
Test 2
Test 4
A) a B) the C) – D) an
Test 7
A) a B) the C) – D) an
15. Yesterday Dad came home at 8 o’clock. We had … dinner
and then watched … TV. We went to … bed at 11 p.m.
16. Would you like … cold water?
17. I can’t find … letter which I received this morning.
18. By … way, have you heard anything from Tim lately?
19. My friend is going to open … new hospital … next month.
20. … interesting book is better than … boring man?
Test 8
A) a B) the C) – D) an
Be – Active Voiceda fe’l ishtirok etmagan gaplarda
Simple zamonlarning yordamchi fe’li hisoblanadi.
Passive Voiceda barcha zamonlar yasalishida ishtirok
etadi. I am a teacher.
Men o’qituvchiman. (bu gapda fe’l ishtirok
etmagan). It was made in China.
Bu Xitoyda ishlab chiqarilgan. (Passive Voice)
Be – Hozirgi zamonda uch xil shaklga ega:
Birinchi shaxs birlikda (I) am ga, barcha ko’pliklarda are ga va
barcha birliklarda is ga aylanadi:
I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are
Ingliz tilida You doim ko’plik
hisoblanadi: You are my student.
Sen mening talabamsan.
I am = I’m
You are =
You’re We are
= We’re He is
= He’s She is
= She’s
It is = It’s
Is not = isn’t
Are not =
Am not esa o’zaro qisqarmaydi.
Asosiy fe’l ham yordamchi fe’l ham bo’lib kelishi mumkin.
Asosiy fe’l bo’lib kelganda qilmoq, bajarmoq deb tarjima
qilinadi, lekin yordamchi fe’l bo’lib kelganda lug’aviy ma’no
Active Voiceda Present Simple zamonda so’roq va inkor
gaplarda, tasdiq so’roq gaplarda (tag questions) va qisqa javoblarda
(short answers) yordamchi fe’l vazifasida keladi:
Do you like reading books?
Kitob o’qishni
yoqtirasizmi? I don’t like
stupid people.
Men axmoq odamlarni
yoqtirmayman. You want to be a
student, don’t you?
Siz talaba bo’lishni xohlaysiz, shunday emasmi?
- Do you understand me? - Yes, I do.
- Meni tushundingizmi? - Ha.
Asosiy fe’l bo’lib ham yordamchi fe’l bo’lib ham ishlatiladi.
Asosiy fe’l bo’lib kelganda ega bo’lmoq, bor bo’lmoq deb
tarjima qilinadi. Yordamchi fe’l bo’lib kelganda lug’aviy ma’no
anglatmaydi. Asosan perfect zamonlar yasashda ishtirok
I have done my homework.
Men uyga vazifamni qilib bo’ldim.
Have you seen my book?
Mening kitobimni ko’rdingmi?
Shall va Will
Future zamonlarni yasashda ishlatiladi. Lug’aviy ma’no
anglatmaydi. I va We bilan shall (shall bo’lmaganda will ham
ishlatiladi) Boshqalari bilan will ishlatiladi.
I promise I shall help you.
Va’da beraman senga yordam
beraman. I think he will not come.
Menimcha u kelmaydi.
I shall = I’ll
He will = He’ll
We shall =
We’ll You will
= You’ll Will
not = won’t
Modal verbs
Modal fe’llar
So’zlovchining ish-harakatga bo’lgan munosabatini
ko’rsatuvchi so’zlar modal fe’llar deyiladi.
Modal fe’llardan keyin faqat fe’lning asosiy shakli (V0)
keladi. Can do (to do, doing, does, did, done EMAS)
May come ( to come, coming, comes, came
EMAS) Must work (to work, working, works,
worked EMAS)
Bitta gapda ikkita modal fe’l ketma-ket kela
olmaydi. Ikkinchisining o’rniga uning ekvivalenti
We may have to go to the meeting tomorrow. (may must
EMAS) Biz ertaga yig’ilishga borishimizga to’g’ri kelishi
Modal fe’llar so’roq va inkor shakllarni yasashda yordamchi
fe’l olmaydi. Inkor shaklda o’ziga not qo’shiladi, so’roqda
egadan oldinga chiqadi.
I can not speak French.
Men fransuz tilida gapira olmayman.
May I ask a question?
Savol so’rasam maylimi?
O’tgan zamonda qobiliyat va imkoniyatni
ifodalaydi. I could run very fast when I was young.
Yoshligimda juda tez yugura olardim.
She could dance very well a few years ago.
U bir necha yil ilgari juda yaxshi raqsga tusha olardi.
Hozirgi va kelasi zamonda ijozat va ruxsatni ifodalab,
mumkin deb tarjima qilinadi (rasmiy).
May I come in?
Kirsam maylimi?
You may take any book you want.
Siz xohlagan kitobni olishingiz mumkin.
Hozirgi va kelasi zamonda majburiyat va zaruriyatni
ifodalab keladi.
You must drive on the right in our country.
Bizning davlatimizda mashinani o’ng tomondan haydashing
kerak. I must go home now. It’s too late.
Men uyga ketishim kerak. Juda kech bo’ldi.
Bu ma’noda inkor shakli mustn’t bo’lib ta’qiqni
ifodalaydi. You mustn’t smoke here.
Bu yerda chekmasliging kerak.
Zarurat yo’qligini ifodalaganda inkor shakli needn’t, don’t need
to yoki don’t have to.
You needn’t go to school on Sundays.
Yakshanba kunlari maktabga borishingiz
shartmas. I don’t have to get up early at the
Hafta oxirlarida barvaqt turishim shart emas.
Have to
Bu fe’l must ning ekvivalenti hisoblanib, odatda tashqi
majburiyatni ifodalaydi va to’g’ri keladi, kerak deb tarjima
qilinadi. You have to come to the lesson on time.
Siz darsga vaqtida kelishingizga to’g’ri keladi.
If you don’t do your homework in time, I’ll have to punish you.
Agar uyga vazifangni vaqtida bajarmasan, seni jazolashimga
to’g’ri keladi.
Inkor shakli don’t have to – shart emas deb tarjima qilinadi.
Zarurat yo’qligini ifodalaydi. (ta’qiqni emas).
You don’t have to wear a tie in our office.
Bizning offisda galstuk taqishingiz shartmas.
Bu fe’l asosiy fe’l hisoblanadi va har qanday asosiy fe’l kabi
shaxs son va zamon shakli mavjud, otlar bilan kela oladi va
fe’llarga to orqali bog’lanadi:
You need to eat something.
Sen biror narsa yeyishing
kerak. She needs some money.
Unga biroz pul kerak.
Do we need to go
U yerga borishimiz kerakmi?
They don’t need to work.
Ular ishlashlari shart emas.
Needn’t esa modal fe’l
hisoblanadi. You needn’t eat
Sen biror narsa yeyishing shart emas.
She needn’t have any money.
Unda pul bo’lishi shart emas.
Don’t have to = don’t need to = needn’t
Should va ought to
Hozirgi va kelasi zamonda axloqiy burch va umumiy
maslahatni ifodalaydi.
You should respect your parents.
Ota-onangizni hurmat qilishingiz kerak.
You shouldn’t stare at people.
Odamlarga tikilib qaramasligingiz kerak.
I think … /Do you think … /I don’t think …
Kabi iboralardan keyin odatda should
ishlatiladi. I think you should help your friend.
Menimcha siz do’stingizga yordam berishingiz kerak.
Inkor shakllari shouldn’t va ought not
to. You ought not to eat so much food.
Sen bunchalik ko’p ovqat yemasliging kerak.
So’roq gaplarda odatda should
ishlatiladi. Should I read this book?
Men bu kitobni o’qishim kerakmi?
Juda rasmiy holatlarda ought to ham ishlatilishi mumkin.
Unda ought egadan oldinga chiqib to esa egadan keyin
Ought we to be more worried about the
environment? Biz ko’proq atrof muhit haqida
xavotirlanishimiz kerakmi?
Test 1
Test 2
A) could B) might
C) have to D) had to
Test 4
1. … I have an orange A) needn’t to B) might
juice, please? C) couldn’t D) can’t
A) Could B) Need 12. The girl … take care of
C) Might D) Must her younger sisters and
2. - Must I do this exercise brothers, because her
too? parents are
- No, you … . It isn’t work any more.
A) mustn’t B) can’t
C) don’t have to D) may not
3. I looked through this book
for about 2 hours, but … find
anything interesting.
A) may not B) had to
C) can’t D) wasn’t able to
4. Anvar … have gone far
yet. I saw him a minute ago.
A) needn’t B) won’t
C) can’t D) shouldn’t
5. A: … I phone you
tonight? B: Yes, you …
A) Could/can’t
B) Should/needn’t
C) May/may
D) Must/might
6. There are so many clouds
in the sky. I think it … rain
A) must B) has to
C) can’t D) ought to
7. My granny … see very
well when she was young.
A) may B) will C) can D)
8. Guests of the hotel … warn
the clerk in advance when
they leave. It’s a rule.
A) must B) need C) can D)
9. It is not a rush hour. Trams
… be overcrowded.
A) can B) needn’t
C) must D) can’t
10. You … do this work
yourself, if you try.
A) must B) had to
C) can D) need
11. I am very tired. I …
seriously ill.
A) has to B) shouldn’t
C) could D) need
13. If you want to improve
your English, you … work
very hard.
A) are able to B) must
C) can D) might
14. – He lives near his work.
- He is lucky, he … go to
the office by crowded
A) doesn’t have to B) can’t
C) mustn’t D) shouldn’t
15. I … translate this
text yesterday. … you
help me to translate it
A) may not/May
B) can’t/Must
C) couldn’t/Can
D) needn’t/Could
16. I … write a letter to
Ann. I haven’t written her
for ages.
A) should B) may
C) can D) could
17. Last year I … skate well,
but after some practice I …
A) mustn’t/can B) must/needn’t
C) couldn’t/can D) may/should
18. Karim … leave for
school so early. It’s only
seven o’clock.
A) needn’t B) shouldn’t to
C) don’t have to D) ought to
19. Mother, look! I … skate
A) must B) ought to
C) can D) could
20. Nodira has failed her
exam. She … be happy.
A) can’t B) should
C) must D) needn’t
Test 5
Present Simple
Oddiy hozirgi zamon
Darak: Ega + V1
Inkor: Ega + do/does + not +
V0 So’roq: Do/Does + Ega + V0
I go men boraman.
You go sen borasan.
We go biz boramiz.
They go Ular borishadi.
He goes U boradi.
She goes U boradi.
It goes U boradi.
Doimiy va takrorlanib turuvchi ish-harakatlar va
holatlarni ifodalaydi.
Books are our best friends.
Kitoblar eng yaqin do’stimizdir.
The Sun rises in the east.
Quyosh sharqdan chiqadi.
I get up at 5.00 o’clock in the
morning. Men ertalab 5.00 da
We pray 5 times a day.
Biz kuniga 5 marta ibodat qilamiz.
Test 1
1. I … in Bukhara. 6. My working day … at
A) live B) lives seven o’clock.
C) living D) to live A) begin B) begins
2. My sister … to school. C) does begin D) do begin
A) go B) goes 7. My father and I … home
C) going D) to go at eight o’clock.
3. … you … ice-cream? A) leave B) leaves
A) -/like B) Do/like C) does leave D) to live
C) Does/like D) Do/likes 8. My sister … up at
4. … this your watch? eight o’clock.
A) Is B) Does C) Do D) A) get B) does get
Are C) gets D) getting
5. They … nice people. 9. After breakfast she …
to school.
A) are B) is C) do D) does
A) goes B) does C) go D) do C) do/play D) is/play
10. She … French well. 16. My friends from Switzerland
A) speaks B) speak … four languages.
C) does speak D) talk A) speak B) speaks
11. I … my sister to school C) do speak D) does speak
every day. 17. Tom … football on Saturday.
A) takes B) take A) plays B) play
C) taking D) does take C) playing D) to play
12. They usually … to the 18. My father … on Sunday.
river for a swim. A) don’t works
A) to go B) goes
B) don’t work
C) go D) does go
C) doesn’t work
13. … he … in the centre
of Chicago?
D) work
A) -/works B) does/works 19. … he … his mother
every day?
C) does/work D) do/work
A) does/helps B) do/helps
14. They … … many books.
C) does/help D) do/help
A) don’t read
20. Who … your favourite
B) don’t reads opera singer?
C) doesn’t read A) do B) does
D) doesn’t reads C) is D) are
15. … you … volleyball well?
A) do/plays B) does/play
Test 2
1. She … dinner every C) is/study D) -/study
Monday. 7. They … good dancers
A) cooks B) cook but they … to discos
C) is cook D) does cook very often.
2. The baby always … A) is/doesn’t go
after dinner. B) are/don’t go
A) sleeps B) sleep C) is/don’t go
C) does sleep D) sleeping
D) are/doesn’t go
3. My grandmother … 8. The children … in the
on pension. yard every day.
A) are B) does A) plays B) play
C) is D) do C) is play D) are play
4. When … you usually … 9. … your father … in
home from school? this factory?
A) does/come B) do/come A) is/work B) does/works
C) does/comes D) is/come C) does/work D) do/work
5. Where … your cousin …?
A) does/work B) does/works 10. I … what to give my
C) do/works D) do/work brother for his birthday.
6. … your sister … at college? A) doesn’t know B) don’t know
A) do/study B) does/study C) isn’t know D) knows
11. We all … the sea. C) does take D) do take
A) likes B) like 21. Barbara’s boss … she
C) does like D) do like is always late for work.
12. I … to see my father. A) see B) does see
A) wants B) doesn’t want C) sees D) is see
C) want D) wanting 22. … you … me now?
13. He … in a position to A) does/hear B) is/hear
lend her money. C) do/hear D) do/hears
A) feel B) feels 23. What language …
C) doesn’t feels they usually …?
D) don’t feel A) are/speak B) is/speak
14. I … in myself. C) does/speak D) do/speak
A) believes B) believe 24. How often … she
C) doesn’t believe … medicine?
D) is believe A) does/takes B) does/take
15. He … walking but he C) do/take D) is/take
… jogging. 25. What … they …
A) dislikes/like for breakfast?
B) dislike/like A) does/eat B) do/eats
C) do/eat D) are/eat
C) dislikes/likes
26. He … tea every morning.
D) likes /dislike
A) drink B) doesn’t drink
16. In the evening I often …
C) don’t drink D) isn’t drink
to see my friends.
A) goes B) does 27. I … in the daytime.
A) don’t sleep B) doesn’t sleep
C) go D) do
C) not to sleep D) not sleeping
17. On Sunday we sometimes
… to the cinema. 28. They … at the lesson.
A) is go B) go A) doesn’t eat B) don’t eats
C) goes D) are go C) don’t eat D) not to eat
18. It … six o’clock in 29. … you … the guitar
the evening. very well?
A) start B) starts A) do/play B) does/play
C) does start D) is start C) do/plays D) is/play
19. I … a letter to her very 30. I … it is very easy test
often. for you.
A) writes B) write A) think B) thinks
C) writing D) to write C) am think D) do think
20. It usually … me an hour
to do my written exercises.
A) takes B) take
Present Continuous
Davomli hozirgi
Darak: Ega + am/is/are + Ving
Inkor: Ega + am/is/are + not +
Ving So’roq: Am/Is/Are + Ega +
I am writing a book.
Men kitob yozyapman.
Are you listening to
me? Meni
My washing machine isn’t working at the
moment. Kir yuvish mashinam ayni paytda
Ayni paytda bajarilayotgan yoki davom etayotgan
ish- harakatlarni ifodalaydi.
We are learning English now.
Biz hozir ingliz tilini o’rganyapmiz.
Look! It is raining outside.
Qarang! Tashqarida yomg’ir yog’yapti.
The Sun is shining brightly in the sky.
Osmonda quyosh yorqin
Most people in the world are trying to be rich.
Dunyodagi ko’pchilik odamlar boy bo’lishga harakat qilishyapti.
Be going to
Istak va rejani ifodalab keladi. Odatda go va come fe’llari
We are going to have a party next week.
Keyingi hafta biz ziyofat
uyushtirmoqchiman. Where are you going
to study?
Qayerda o’qimoqchisan?
Test 1
1. Timothy … his dog now. 10. They … a big dinner
A) feed B) feeding together now.
C) is feed D) is feeding A) have B) are having
2. Mr. Jones … his yard. C) is having D) having
A) clean B) is cleaning 11. Look! The boys … in
C) is clean D) cleaning the garden.
3. Nancy … her kitchen. A) are playing B) play
A) is painting B) paint C) playing D) is playing
C) is paint D) painting 12. I … my homework at
4. Our neighbor … their car the moment.
at the moment. A) doing B) is doing
A) washing B) is wash C) am do D) am doing
C) is washing D) wash 13. John and his friends …
5. I … my hair now. to the library now.
A) wash B) is washing A) go B) going
C) washing D) am washing C) are going D) is going
6. Who … your sink now? 14. Look! Ann … at her desk.
A) is fixing B) fixing A) sit B) sitting
C) fix D) is fix C) is sitting D) is sit
7. What … she … now? 15. A young man … and …
at the window.
A) are/doing B) -/is doing
A) sitting/smoking
C) -/do D) is/doing
B) sit/smoke
8. The children … their
teeth now. C) is sitting/smoking
A) brush B) is brushing D) is sit/smoke
C) is brush D) are brushing 16. The old man … about
9. What … he … at the the room now.
moment? A) walk B) walking
A) is/doing B) -/is doing C) is walking D) is walk
C) are/doing D) -/do
17. The dog … on the floor 19. What language … you
right now. … now?
A) lie B) lying A) -/studying
C) is lying D) is lie B) are/studying
18. … you … a break at C) is/studying D) -/study
the moment?
20. Who … on the sofa?
A) Have/- B) -/have
A) is lie B) lying
C) Are/having D) Is/having
C) is lying D) lie
Test 2
1. What … they … about
11. She … the violin now.
right now?
A) play B) playing
A) are/talking B) -/talk
C) is playing D) is play
C) -/talking D) is/talking
12. He … now.
2. … it still …?
A) is sleeping B) is sleep
A) Is/rain B) Is/raining
C) sleeping D) sleep
C) -/rain D) -/raining
13. We … tea now.
3. Look! Nazokat …
A) drinking B) are drinking
A) dance B) dancing
C) is drink B) is drinking
C) is dancing D) is dance
14. We … TV now.
4. John … computer games
at the moment. A) aren’t watching
A) play B) is playing B) not watching
C) are playing D) playing C) not watch
5. My friend … a book now. D) isn’t watching
A) reading B) is reading 15. My mother … now.
C) are reading D) is read A) aren’t working
6. She … tired now. B) not working
A) feel B) is feeling C) isn’t working
C) are feeling D) feeling D) not work
7. We … a private lesson 16. He … at the moment.
in computer science at A) isn’t working
the moment. B) aren’t working
A) have B) are having C) not work
C) is having D) having D) not working
8. I … my sister to school 17. Your sister … to you now.
A) not listen
A) am taking B) take B) not listening
C) taking D) is take
C) isn’t listening
9. He … his father now.
D) aren’t listening
A) help B) is helping
18. What … your brother
C) helping D) is help
… now?
10. At the moment they … to A) -/drink B) -/drinking
the river for a swim. C) is/drinking
A) is going B) go D) are/drinking
C) going D) are going
19. … everybody … a good A) isn’t starting B) not start
time now? C) not starting
A) -/ having B) are/ having
D) aren’t starting
C) / haves D) is/ having.
26. The days are … colder
20. … she …medicine now? and colder.
A) is/ taking B) - / takes A) become B) becoming
C) -/took D)was/ taking C) becomes D) being becoming
21. … you … TV now? 27. You can switch off the
A) -/watching B) -/watch radio. I …
C) Are/watching A) not listen
D) Is/watch B) not listening
22. Listen! Somebody … C) isn’t listening
A) sing B) singing D) am not listening
C) is singing D) is sing 28. Why … you … at me
23. My friends … to our party. like this? What has
A) isn’t coming B) not come happened?
D) not coming A) are/look B) -/looking
D) aren’t coming C) -/look D) are/looking
24. … your brother … English 29. It … late. I must go home.
at the moment? A) get B) getting
A) Are/learning B) -/learn C) is get D) is getting
C) -/learning D) Is/learning 30. I … to sleep, good night!
25. My car … now. Help A) go B) am go
me, please. C) going D) am going
Present Simple
Present Perfect
Tugallangan hozirgi
Darak: Ega + have/has + V3
Inkor: Ega + have/has + not
+ V3 So’roq: Have/Has + Ega
I have done my homework.
Men uyga vazifamni bajarib bo’ldim.
They have not come yet.
Ular hali kelishmadi.
Has she ever been to Bukhara?
U biror marta Buxoroda bo’lganmi?
Hozirgina tugagan ish-harakat va holatlarni
ifodalaydi. I have just seen her in the street.
Men uni hozirgina ko’chada ko’rdim.
Oh! I’ve cut my finger.
Oh! Barmog’imni kesib oldim.
Natijasi ko’z oldimizda bo’lgan va o’tgan zamon
signallarisiz kelgan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi.
I have bought a new book.
Men yangi kitob sotib
Look! My hair is clean. I have washed
it. Qara! Sochim toza. Men uni yuvdim.
The walls are white now. I have painted
them. Devorlar endi oq. Men ularni
Biror ish-harakat yoki holatning hozirgacha sodir bo’lgan
yoki bo’lmaganini, necha marotaba sodir bo’lganini,
qancha ish bajarilganini ifodalaydi.
Have you ever seen a shark?
Sen biror marta akulani ko’rganmisan?
My teacher has read this book twice.
O’qituvchim bu kitobni ikki marta o’qigan.
I have read ten books this year.
Men bu yil 10 ta kitob o’qidim.
Ko’pincha quyidagi payt ravishlari bilan keladi:
Already allaqachon
Ever biror marta
Yet hali, hali ham
Just hozirgina
Recently yaqinda
Lately yaqinda
So far hozirgacha
Since -dan beri
For -dan beri
Quyidagi payt ravishlariga e’tibor bering. Tarkibida last
so’zi ishtirok etgani sababli Past Simple ning payt
ravishlari bilan adashtirmaslik kerak.
In the last three months so’nggi uch oyda
For the last five years so’nggi besh yildan beri
For va since
Since va for – dan beri deb tarjima qilinadi ammo ikkalasining
ishlatilish o’rni turlicha.
Since biror bir ish-harakatning boshlanish davrini
bildiradi, lekin ish-harakat qancha davom etganini
I’ve been in the USA since July.
Men iyuldan beri Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlaridaman.
Ann has lived in Moscow since she got married.
Anna turmushga chiqganidan beri Moskvada yashaydi.
For esa ish-harakatning qancha muddat davom etganini
ifodalashda ishlatiladi. Bunda ish-harakatning boshlanish sanasi
yoki davri ahamiyatga ega emas.Muhimi uni qancha davom
I’ve known this woman for three
months. Men bu ayolni uch oydan beri
taniyman. He has been ill for a long
U uzoq vaqtdan beri kasal.
For Since
a long time Octobe
four r
months two Friday
weeks an 22April
hour 2014
five years 8 p.m
ten New
minutes Year I
ages got up
Test 1
Test 2 B) hasn’t comed
10. She … tennis for C) haven’t come
many years. D) haven’t comed
A) hasn’t played 19. I … this book several times.
B) hasn’t play
C) haven’t play
D) haven’ t played
11. They … just … three
A) has/run B) has/runned
C) have/run
D) have/runned
12. I … Australia before.
A) haven’t visited
B) hasn’t visited
C) not have visited
D) haven’t visit
13. The McMillans … a
lot of food for the
party. It looks
A) have prepared
B) has prepared
C) have prepare
D) has prepare
14. The Police … two
men for the robbery
and it’s time to
question them.
A) has arrested
B) have arrested
C) has arrest D) have arrest
15. … you … this man
A) Have/seen B) Has/seen
C) Has/see B) Have/see
16. He … since two o’clock.
A) has been B) have been
C) has be D) have be
17. We have already
… ten bottles into
the fridge.
A) drink B) drank
C) drunk D) drinking
18. Tom … to the party yet.
A) hasn’t come
A) have read B) has read B) hasn’t found
C) have reading C) haven’t find
D) have readed D) hasn’t find
20. It … never … like that. 26. Oh, I’ve … myself!
A) has/snowed A) hurt B) hurted
B) has/snow C) have/snow C) hurting D) hurtted
D) have/snowed 27. Have you … your lunch yet?
21. Which book … you …? A) eat B) ate
A) have/choose C) eaten D) eating
B) has/choose 28. Oh sorry, I’ve … your dress.
C) have/choosed A) cut B) cutted
D) have/chosen C) cutting D) cuted
22. … Julia already … 29. I’m tired. I… up
the room? 48 questions.
A) Has/leave B) Have/leave A) have make B) has make
C) Has/leaved D) Has/left C) have made
23. I … you four times. D) have maked
A) have ringed B) has rang 30. I … never … that
C) have rung D) has rung teachers may give so many
24. … you already … my homework. It’s not fair.
name? A) have/thought
A) Have/forgotten B) has/thought
B) Have/forgot C) haven’t /think
C) Have/forget D) has/think
D) Has/forgot
25. We … the book so far.
A) haven’t found
Test 1
1. She … here for five years. A) have been learning
A) has working B) have been learn
B) has been work C) have learning
C) been working D) been learning
D) has been working 7. I … so I'm really hot.
2. I … all day. A) been cooking
A) have been studying B) have been cooking
B) have studying C) have been cook
C) have been study D) have cooking
D) been studying 8. She … to the cinema
3. You … a lot recently. every weekend for years.
A) have eating A) has been go
B) have been eating B) has going
C) have been eat C) has been going
D) been eating D) been going
4. We … in London for 9. It … the pavement is wet.
six months. . A) has been rain
A) have living B) has raining
B) been living C) been raining
C) have been living D) has been raining
D) have been live 10. You … for twelve hours.
5. He … football, so he's A) have been sleeping
B) have sleeping
A) has playing
C) have been sleep
B) has been playing
D) been sleeping
C) has been play
11. I … since you came today.
D) been playing
6. They … English for two years. A) aren’t been working
B) haven’t working B) hasn’t been snowing
C) haven’t been work C) haven’t been snowing
D) haven’ t been working D) hasn’t snowing
12. You … well recently. . 17. He … football for five years.
A) haven’t eating A) hasn’t been playing
B) haven’t been eating B) haven’t been playing
C) not been eating C) hasn’t playing
D) haven’t been eat D) haven’t been played
13. We … enough for now. 18. We … enough water -
A) haven’t exercising that's why we feel tired.
B) not been exercising A) haven’t drinking
C) haven’t been exercising B) haven’t been drink
D) haven’t been exercise C) haven’t drink
14. She … since Monday. D) haven’t been drinking
A) hasn’t been studying 19. I … for two days.
B) not been studying A) haven’t been sleeping
C) hasn’t studying B) haven’t sleep
D) hasn’t been study C) haven’t sleeping
15. They … here for very D) haven’t been sleep
long. . 20. They … TV much recently.
A) hasn’t been living A) hasn’t been watching
B) haven’t living B) haven’t been watch
C) hasn’t living C) hasn’t watching
D) haven’t been living D) haven’t been watching
16. It … since last year.
A) haven’t snowing
Test 2
A) has been playing
1. He … in this company B) has playing
since 1985. C) have been playing
A) has been working D) have playing
B) has working 5. How long … you … English?
C) have been working A) have/been learn
D) has been work B) has/been learning
2. I … for you since two C) have/been learning
o'clock. D) have/learning
A) have waiting 6. We … for the motorway
B) have been waiting for more than an hour.
C) have been wait A) have been looking
D) has been waiting B) have looking
3. Mary … in Germany C) has been looking
since 1992. D) has looking
A) have been living 7. I … without electricity for
B) have living two weeks.
C) has been living A) have living
D) has living B) have been live
4. - Why is he so tired? 123
- He … tennis for five hours.
C) has living C) Have you been sleeping
D) have been living D) You have been sleeping
8. The film … for ten minutes
yet, but there's a commercial
break already.
A) hasn’t been running
B) hasn’t running
C) hasn’t been run
D) haven’t been running
9. How long … in the garden?
A) she has been working
B) she has working
C) has she been working
D) has she working
10. She … in the garden for
more than an hour.
A) hasn’t been working
B) hasn’t working
C) hasn’t been work
D) not been working
11. We … for a long time.
A) have been walking
B) has been walking
C) have walking
D) has walking
12. My brother … television all
day and my mother is not
A) has been watching
B) have been watching
C) has watching
D) have watching
13. We … for the past 6
hours and we are all very
A) have been studying
B) has studying
C) has been studying
D) have studying
14. I … this book for very long.
A) haven't been reading
B) haven’t reading
C) hasn't been reading
D) hasn’t reading
15. … all afternoon?
A) Has you been sleeping
B) You has been sleeping
16. The tap … for a week. over the last few months.
I need to replace the A) haven’t been getting
washer. B) hasn’t getting
A) have been leaking C) haven’t getting
B) have leaking D) hasn’t been getting
C) has been leaking
D) has leaking
17. My mother … hard
all day and she is quite
A) have been working
B) have working
C) has been working
D) has working
18. For the past three years,
… in a small apartment.
A) have been living
B) have been live
C) has been living
D) has been live
19. I … for long. Really!
A) hasn't been crying
B) haven't been crying
C) hasn’t crying
D) haven’t crying
20. You phone has been
busy for the past hour. … to
A) Has you been talking
B) Have you been talking
C) You has been talking
D) You have been talking
21. The university …
students here for over
twenty years to do work
A) has been sending
B) has sending
C) has been send
D) been sending
22. I … to do that for ten
A) have dreaming
B) have been dreaming
C) has dreaming
D) has been dreaming
23. You … good results
24. They … all week. They're C) have been work
on strike D) been working
A) hasn’t been working 28. He … here since 2001.
B) haven’t been working A) have been working
C) hasn’t working B) have working
D) haven’ t working C) have working
25. He … to me for weeks.
D) has been working
A) hasn’t talking 29. She … to her regularly
B) haven’ t been talking for a couple of years.
C) hasn’t been talking A) has writing
D) haven’t talking B) has been write
26. We … hard on it for ages. C) has wrote
A) haven’t working D) has been writing
B) am not been working 30. He … me all week for
C) not have been working an answer.
D) haven’t been working A) has phone
27. I … at other options B) have phoning
recently. C) has been phoning
A) have been looking D) has phoning
B) have looking
Test 3
A) for B) since
1. Tom has been in Tashkent 11. My uncle has had his
… 3 weeks. own business … 2015.
2. I’ve been working as a 12. I’ve been working on
lawyer this project … last spring.
… a long time. 13. The baby has been crying
3. We have been married … … midnight.
a year. 14. We haven’t had a break
4. Ann has lived here … … 12 hours.
her wedding. 15. Diseases have
5. I’ve not seen you … been increasing …
last month. centuries.
6. The soup has been boiling 16. I’ve been looking for this
… an hour. melody … I heard it for the
7. They haven’t been on first time.
holiday 17. He has been talking to
… ages. his friend … the last 2
8. The shop has been hours.
opened .. morning. 18. She hasn’t come out …
9. My granny has been 9 o’clock.
telling the same stories … 5 19. I’ve been waiting … May.
years. 20. My kitten has been missing
10. He has been studying … last night.
chemistry … he was in 7th
Present Perfect Continuous & Present Perfect
1. We … my parents since C) has never been winning
last month.
10. We … in this café before.
A) haven’t seen
A) haven’t been eating
B) haven’t been seeing
B) haven’t eaten
C) hasn’t seen
C) hasn’t eaten
2. My friends and I … since
2 o’clock.
11. I don’t want to go out.
The cold wind … since
A) have sunbathed
B) have been sunbathing A) have been blowing
C) has been sunbathing B) has blown
3. Sally … news since she C) has been blowing
left university.
12. It’s the first time Martin
A) have reported
… ill.
B) has been reporting A) has been falling
C) has reported B) has fallen
4. Jane is abroad. She … C) have fallen
three countries.
13. How long … this research?
A) has already been visiting
A) have you been making
B) have already visited
B) has you been making
C) has already visited
C) have you made
5. … dancing lessons?
14. … many people to
A) Has you ever taken
our wedding ceremony?
B) Have you ever taken A) Has you invited
C) Has you ever been taking B) Have you been inviting
6. I … money for ages C) Have you invited
because I’m going to buy a
new flat next year.
15. Cathy … since 2 o’clock.
She is exhausted.
A) has been saving
A) have been driving
B) have been saving
B) has driven
C) have saved
C) has been driving
7. My uncle is a doctor. He
16. Bob … his new pencil case.
… lots of vital operations.
A) has made A) have already lost
B) has been making B) has already lost
C) have made C) has already been losing
8. Jack is cold. He … for 17. We … to such a big
too long. park before.
A) has been swimming A) have never been
B) have been swimming B) has never been
C) has swum C) haven’t never been
9. Den … championships 18. My eyes are tired. I …
before. since afternoon.
A) has never won A) has been reading
B) hasn’t never won B) have been reading
C) have read
19. He … in London for A) have been B) has been
two weeks now. C) has being
A) has been staying 23. I … to go scuba diving.
B) have been staying A) have always wanted
C) has stayed B) have always been wanting
20. We … the rent yet. C) has always wanted
A) hasn’t paid 24. Where have you been? Mom
B) haven’t been paying … for you all day.
C) haven’t paid A) has looked
21. … books for a long B) have been looking
time? C) has been looking
A) Has you been writing 25. … the latest news?
B) Have you been writing A) Have you been hearing
C) Have you written B) Have you heard
22. Marta … in the C) Has you heard
shopping centre for 2
Past Simple
Oddiy o’tgan zamon
Darak: Ega + V2
Inkor: Ega + did not +
V0 So’roq: Did + Ega +
Biror ish-harakat yoki holatning o’tgan zamonda sodir
bo’lganligi haqida shunchaki xabar beradi.
I left school in 2001.
Men maktabni 2001 yil tugatganman.
They bought their first car six years
Ular birinchi mashinalarini olti yil oldin sotib olishgandi.
O’tgan zamonda ketma-ket bajarilgan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi.
Yesterday I went shopping, bought some food and gave it to the
poor. Kecha bozor bordim, biroz oziq-ovqat sotib oldim va uni
kambag’allarga berdim.
He saw me in the street, greeted friendly and invited me to his
party. U meni ko’chada ko’rdi, do’stona salomlashdi va meni
ziyofatiga taklif etdi.
Used to
O’tgan zamonda odatlanilgan ish-harakatlar yoki mavjud
holatlar lekin hozirgi zamonda bajarilmasligini yoki mavjud emasligini
ifodalashda ishlatiladi.
I used to sing a song when I was young.
Yoshligimda qo’shiq kuylardim (hozir esa
aytmayman). He used to be my friend.
U mening do’stim edi.
There used to be a cinema near my house
Uyim yaqinida kinoteatr bor edi (hozir esa
Used to Would
Harakat va holatni ifodalaydi Harakatni
Aniq vaqt oralig’i ko’rsatilishi Aniq vaqt oralig’i ko’rsatilishi
shart emas kerak.
Kundalik hayotda ko’proq Biroz rasmiy va used to ga
ishlatiladi qaranda kamroq ishlatiladi
Test 1
1. What … your neighbours C) washed/look
… yesterday?
D) washed/looked
A) did/do B) did/did
12. The children … their teeth,
C) did/- D) -/did
… a little and went to bed.
2. Mr Smith … his car A) brush/yawned
yesterday morning. B) brushed/yawned
A) fix B) fixes C) brushed/yawn
C) fixed D) was fix D) were brush/yawn
3. His wife … her lovely 13. Their mother … her clothes.
flowers. A) change B) changes
A) water B) watered C) was change D) changed
C) was water 14. Her husband … a
D) did watered cigarette and talked to his
4. Their children … the yard. wife.
A) cleaned B) cleans A) smoked B) was smoke
C) clean D) did cleaned C) smokes D) smoke
5. In the evening their boys … 15. The bus … at 9
to loud music. o’clock yesterday.
A) listened B) was listen A) arrived B) was arrive
C) listen D) listens C) arrives D) arrive
6. Their little girl … a little. 16. They … their friends
A) cry B) was cry two days ago.
C) cryed D) cried A) visits B) visit
7. Her brother … at her. C) was visit D) visited
A) shout B) was shout 17. They … a lot last week.
C) shouts D) shouted A) danced B) dance
8. Mrs Smith … in the C) dances D) were dance
kitchen last night. 18. Mr and Mrs Smith …
A) work B) works very well last night.
C) was work D) worked A) rest B) rests
9. She … a delicious apple C) were rest D) rested
pie. 19. … Mr Smith … his
A) bake B) bakes car yesterday morning?
C) was bake D) baked A) Was/fix B) Did/fixed
10. She … a nice C) Did/fix D) -/fixed
dinner yesterday. 20. Who … the
A) cooks B) cooked windows yesterday?
C) was cook D) cook A) did break B) did broke
11. She … the dishes and C) broke D) breaked
… very tired.
A) wash/looked
B) washes/look
Test 2
1. Where … they … last 11. One of her brothers … a
night? tour of Europe last summer.
A) did/be B) did/were A) mad B) makes
C) were/be D) were/- C) maked D) made
2. Last Monday we … 12. I … to bed at ten
five lessons. o’clock yesterday.
A) had B) haved A) goed B) was go
C) has D) were have
3. She … English two years C) want D) went
ago. 13. Tom … to talk to you
A) study B) studied last week.
C) studyed D) was study A) want B) wanted
4. My brother … C) was want D) wented
coffee yesterday. 14. When did you … here?
A) not drink A) come B) came
B) not drinked C) comes D) coming
C) didn’tdrinked 15. We didn’t … to school
D) didn’t drink with you.
5. I … to them yesterday. A) go B) went
A) talked not C) goed D) goes
B) not talked 16. … you watch the film
C) didn’t talked last night?
D) didn’t talk A) Was B) Were
C) Do D) Did
6. I … hungry last night.
17. My father … a new
A) didn’t B) not
TV yesterday.
C) was not D) were not
A) bring B) brought
7. Yesterday I … breakfast.
C) bringed D) was bring
A) didn’t eat B) didn’t ate 18. When … she … yesterday?
C) not ate D) not eated
A) did/leave B) did/left
8. I … lunch a few minutes
C) -/left D) was/leave
19. I … a book three weeks ago.
A) have B) haved
A) buy B) did buyed
C) was have D) had
C) buyed D) bought
9. What time … your
lessons over on Monday? 20. Yesterday my father
… a newspaper.
A) is B) was
A) readed B) was read
C) were D) did
C) read D) reads
10. Who … you … up an
hour ago?
A) did/ring B) did/rang
C) did/ringed D) were/ring
Test 3
1. … you interested in B) not sleeped
English when you were
C) didn’t sleeped
D) didn’t sleep
A) Did B) Was
C) Are D) Were 12. My father …
moustache when he was
2. What mark … she … in
her exam last week?
A) not had B) didn’t haved
A) -/got B) did/got
C) not haved D) didn’t have
C) does/get D) did/get
13. I … him three years ago.
3. … you ready for the
exam yesterday? A) meat B) meet
A) Were B) Was C) meeted D) met
C) Did D) Are 14. Our football team …
many games last year.
4. What … yesterday
morning? A) not win B) not won
C) didn’t win D) didn’t won
A) happen B) did happened
C) was happen D) happened 15. He … to the south a
week ago.
5. It … fair of you to give us
A) want B) went
so much homework.
C) goed D) was go
A) not was B) was not
C) did not D) were not 16. I … it before.
6. I … a hard time to make A) didn’t know
these tests. B) not knew
A) has B) haved C) not knowed
C) was have D) had D) didn’t knew
7. … your teacher … you such 17. A very interesting match
a hard task when you studied … place last Sunday.
at University? A) taked B) was take
A) Did/give B) Did/gave C) did taked D) took
C) Was/give D) Were/gave 18. We … anything yesterday.
8. It … hard to live without A) didn’t bought
electricity and gas some
years ago.
B) didn’t buy
A) did B) was C) not bought
C) were D) did be D) not bringed
9. People … kinder to each 19. … you … your cousin to
other many centuries ago. stay with us last week?
A) did B) was A) Did/invite
C) were D) did be B) Do/invite
10. I … that it was a good C) Was/invite
thing to be a student last D) Were/invite
year. 20. I … him a letter three
A) thinked B) thought days ago.
C) was think D) did thinked A) send B) sended
11. I … last night because of my C) was send D) sent
A) not sleept
Past Simple & Present
Perfect Test 1
O’tgan zamonning ma’lum bir paytida biror ish-harakatning
bajarilayotgan bo’lganini ifodalaydi.
When I saw him on Monday, he was going to work.
Dushanba kuni uni ko’rganimda, u ishga ketayotgan
edi. At 9.00 a.m. yesterday she was sitting at the
Kecha soat ertalabgi 9.00 da u darsda o’tirgan edi.
Test 1
Test 2
1. We … to her, when A) was sitting
the teacher ... the
B) were sitting
A) not listening/explaining C) was sit D) sitting
B) weren’t 5. I … at midnight yesterday.
listening/was A) wasn’t sleeping
explaining B) weren’t sleeping
C) weren’t listen/was
D) weren’t listen/was A) washing B) was washing
explaining C) were washing D) was wash
2. … she … when you 4. He … at the table the whole
came home? evening.
A) Was/sleeping
B) -/sleeping
C) Were/sleeping
D) Was/sleep
3. She … her clothes when I
saw her.
C) not sleeping
D) wasn’t sleep
6. When we … TV, Tom came.
A) was watching
B) were watching
C) watching D) were watch
7. Our teacher … on the
blackboard when I
entered the classroom.
A) was writing B) writing
C) was write D) were writing
8. When we … to the
cinema, we met our
A) going B) were going C) were playing D) was play
C) was going D) were go 19. When Nick … about in
9. When I saw my friends, they the stadium, he fell.
… football. A) was running
A) was playing B) were running
B) playing C) were play C) running D) was run
D) were playing 20. The girl … dinner when
10. When father came, Pete … the lights went out.
A) were sleeping A) was cooking
B) sleeping C) was sleep B) cooking
D) was sleeping C) were cooking
11. When I got up, my parents D) was cook
… tea. 21. When I … in the garden, I
A) drinking B) were drink hurt myself.
C) were drinking A) working B) was work
D) was drinking C) was working
12. When I opened the door, D) were working
the cat … on the table. 22. When the woman
A) were sitting B) sitting entered the room, the
C) was sitting D) was sit children … the goldfish.
13. When I … to school, I saw A) feeding B) was feeding
Tom. C) were feeding D) was feed
A) going B) was going 23. When it started raining, we
C) were going D) was go … in the river.
14. When mother came A) swimming
home, the children … on the B) was swimming
carpet. C) were swim
A) was playing
D) were swimming
B) were playing
24. Yesterday at one o’clock I
C) playing D) was play … lunch at the canteen.
15. When Tom … the street, A) was having
he fell. B) were having
A) was crossing B) crossing
C) having D) was have
C) were cross D) was cross
25. When he came in, I …
16. When I … the floor, I found my exercises.
my old toy.
A) was doing B) doing
A) washing B) was wash
C) were doing D) was do
C) were washing
26. What … you … at
D) was washing eight o’clock yesterday?
17. When granny … a book, A) was/doing B) -/doing
she fell asleep. C) were/do D) were/doing
A) was reading B) were read 27. At this time yesterday I
C) were reading D) reading … home.
18. When I … in the yard, I A) was going B) going
suddenly saw my old C) were go D) was go
A) playing B) was playing
28. He … on the sofa when C) walking D) were walking
I came in. 30. She … out of the
A) were sitting B) was sit window when I saw her.
C) was sitting D) sitting A) looking B) was looking
29. I … along the street with C) were looking D) was look
my friend when a tram
A) was walking B) was walk
Past Perfect
O’tgan tugallangan
Darak: Ega + had V3
Inkor: Ega + had not
V3 So’roq: Had + Ega
O’tgan zamonda bir ish-harakatning boshqasidan oldin
bajarib bo’linganini ifodalaydi.
When I came home, they had already left.
Men uyga kelganimda ular allaqachon ketib bo’lishgan edi.
Yesterday she said that she had watched this film before.
Kecha u menga bu filmni ilgari ko’rganini aytdi.
Test 1
1. I … my work by ten C) had finished
o’clock yesterday.
D) have finished
A) had done B) had do
11. The child ... asleep
C) had did D) done
before the parents came
2. We … already … our exam home.
at 5 o’clock last week. A) had falled B) had felt
A) had/finish C) had fell D) had fallen
B) had/finished 12. They ... before they
C) have/finish bought this house.
D) had/finishing A) married
3. I ... breakfast before I went B) have married
to school. C) had married
A) had B) had had D) had marry
C) had have D) have had
13. Jill was afraid she ...her
4. He went to meet his key at home, but she found it
friends after he ... his in her handbag.
A) forgot
A) did B) done
B) had forgot
C) had done D) had do
C) had forget
5. By 8 o’clock the rain ... .
D) had forgotten
A) stopped
14. Dad wasn’t at home when
B) had stopped
I came back. He ...out twenty
C) had stop minutes before.
D) have stopped A) went B) gone
6. Alice was late because she C) had gone D) had went
... the bus. 15. I wasn’t hungry because
A) had missed B) missed I... breakfast.
C) have missed D) had miss A) had just had
7. She went to the post- B) had just have
office after she ... the C) had just
D) have just had
A) had write B) wrote
C) written D) had written
16. Peter saw an urgent
message on his table.
8. He ... at the factory before Somebody
he entered the college. … it the day before.
A) had worked B) had work
A) had left B) had leave
C) worked D) have worked C) left D) have left
9. He got a bad mark for his B) finished
test because he ... a lot of
mistakes in it.
A) has made B) had make
C) made D) had made
10. I went to bed after
I ... reading the book.
A) had finish
17. I apologized that I ...her
the day before.
A) not phoned
B) hadn’t phone
C) hadn’t phoned
D) haven’t phoned
18. He told me that
he ...there before.
A) came B) had come
C) had came D) come 20. We spent the night in Klin,
19. I knew him at once though a town we … often … of but
I never
...him many years before. …
A) had met B) had meet A) had/heard/seen
C) met D) have met B) had/hear/seen
C) had/heard/see
D) had/heard/saw
Test 2
1. They couldn’t believe A) haven’t been
he ...his job in the bank. B) hadn’t been
A) gave up C) hadn’t was
B) had give up D) not had was
C) had gave up 8. When she went out to
D) had given up play, she … her homework.
2. Mr. Jackson said that A) had already done
he ... everything for lunch. B) had already did
A) had already bought C) had already do
B) had already buy D) already done
C) had already buyed 9. My brother ate all of the
D) already bought cake that our mum …
3. Alice asked her brother A) made B) had made
where he meet his friends. C) had make D) have make
A) had arrange 10. The doctor took off the
B) had arranged plaster that he … six
C) have arranged weeks before.
D) had arranging A) put on B) had put on
4. We had no car at that C) had putted on
time because we … our old D) had putting on
one. 11. The waiter brought a
A) sold B) had sell drink that I … .
C) had selling D) had sold A) hadn’t ordered
5. They ...painting the ceiling B) hadn’t order
by two o’clock. C) hadn’t ordering
A) finished D) not ordered
B) had finish 12. I could not remember
C) have finished the poem we … the week
D) had finished before.
6. The storm destroyed A) learned
the sandcastle that we B) had learned
…. C) had learn
A) had build D) had learning
B) had building 13. The children collected
C) have built the chestnuts that … from
D) had built the tree.
7. He … to Cape Town 141 A) had falled B) had fell
before 1997. C) had felt D) had fallen
14. … Angie before he went B) had beginning
to see her in London? C) had begin
A) Had he phone
D) had begun
B) Had he phoned
23. I … the book before I
C) He had phone saw the play.
D) He had phoned A) had read B) had reading
15. She … a horse before C) had readed D) read
that day. 24. They … here before
A) hadn’t ride they moved to another
B) hadn’t ridden place.
C) not ridden A) had live B) lived
D) hadn’t rode C) had living D) had lived
16. The rain … before I went 25. We … а game of
for a walk. tennis before we went to
A) had stopped B) had stop my place
C) had stopping D) stopped A) have played
17. I … my homework before B) had play
my mother returned home. C) had played
A) have done B) had do D) had playing
C) had doing D) had done 26. After he … school, he
18. We … in the street before went to a camp.
we went to the park. A) have finished
A) had meet B) had finished
B) had met C) had finish
C) have meet D) had finishing
D) had meeting 27. As soon as she … her
19. They … their things friend, she went to meet her.
before they started. A) had phone
A) packed B) had phoning
B) had pack C) have phone
C) had packing D) had phoned
D) had packed 28. I read the book after I …
20. I … dinner before I the film.
switched on the TV set. A) seen B) had see
A) had had B) have had C) had saw D) had seen
C) had D) had have 29. I had … my room before
21. Before he returned home I invited my friends home.
the guests … A) clean B) cleans
A) left B) have left C) cleaned D) cleaning
C) had leave D) had left 30. He entered the
22. Before we came to university after he …
the cinema the film … school.
A) had began A) had finished B) had finish
C) had finishing D) have finish
Past Perfect Continuous
O’tgan tugallangan davomli
Darak: Ega + had been Ving
Inkor: Ega + had not been
Ving So’roq: Had + Ega +
O’tgan zamonning ma’lum bir paytigacha biror ish-
harakatning qancha davom etganini ifodalaydi.
He had been smoking for 25 years when he gave it
up. U chekishni tashlaganida 25 yildan beri
I had been learning English for two years when we met
first. Biz ilk bor uchrashganimizda men ingliz tilini ikki
yildan beri o’rganayotgandim.
Test 1
1. The football team ... on a 3. The students ... good
small pitch for a month;
work, but, after the midterm
however, they moved to the
exam, they seemed to lose
Olympic Stadium last week
interest in their studies.
and they are playing much
A) had doing
A) has been training B) has been doing
B) had been training C) had been doing
C) had been trained D) had been done
D) had been train 4. We ... for a year when we
ran out of money and had to
2. It ... continuously for two return home.
weeks, but it finally cleared
A) has been traveling
up yesterday.
A) had been raining B) had been traveled
B) had raining C) had traveling
C) has been raining D) had been traveling
D) had been rained
5. My sister ... about studying B) had been taught
in Canada, but she got C) has been teaching
married and had to stay in the
A) had been thinking
B) had been thought
C) had thinking
D) has been thinking
6. I ... to enter UBC for two
years. I was finally accepted
last year.
A) has been trying
B) had been try
C) had been trying
D) had been tried
7. I ... to call you last week. I
became very busy suddenly
last week and I forgot to call
you. I'm sorry.
A) had been planning
B) had been planned
C) has been planning
D) had planning
8. If you ... trouble with
your math class last
semester, you should have
asked for help. Now, it's too
A) had been had
B) had been having
C) had been have
D) has been having
9. When the financial crisis hit,
my father ... at IBM for 10
years. Unfortunately, he had to
leave the company and start all
A) has been working
B) had working
C) had been worked
D) had been working
10. My professor ... that
class with a lot of
enthusiasm; however, after
his illness, he seemed to
lose a lot of energy.
A) had been teaching
D) had been teach C) had been driving
11. We … for 12 hours
when he woke us up.
A) had been sleeping
B) had sleeping
C) had been sleep
D) been sleeping
12. They … at the station
for 90 minutes when the
train finally arrived.
A) had waiting
B) been waiting
C) had been wait
D) had been waiting
13. We … for her ring for
two hours and then we
found it in the bathroom.
A) had been look
B) had looking
C) been looking
D) had been looking
14. I … for a long time,
when it suddenly began to
A) hadn’t been walking
B) hadn’t walking
C) hadn’t been walk
D) not been walking
15. How long … English
before she went to
A) she had been learning
B) had she learning
C) she had learning
D) had she been learning
16. Frank Sinatra caught
the flu because he … in the
rain too long.
A) had been singing
B) had singing
C) had been sing
D) been singing
17. He … less than an
hour when he ran out of
A) had been drive
B) had driving
D) been driving B) not been working
18. They were very tired in C) hadn’t been work
the evening because they … D) hadn’t been working
on the farm all day.
20. They … all day so their
A) had helping
legs were sore in the evening.
B) been helping A) were been cycling
C) had been help B) had been cycling
D) had been helping C) had cycling
19. I … all day; so I wasn't D) had been cycled
tired and went to the disco at
A) hadn’t working
Test 2
6. We … unsuccessfully for
1. They … for over an two days, but my brother
hour before Tony arrived.
finally caught a large
A) had been talking salmon.
B) had talking A) had been fish
C) had been talk B) had fishing
D) been talking C) had been fishing
2. She … at that company D) were been fishing
for three years when it went 7. She … new clothes all
out of business.
week; however, no one
A) had working noticed. She was very sad.
B) was been working A) was been wearing
C) had been work B) had been wearing
D) had been working C) had wearing
3. How long … to get on D) had been wear
the bus? 8. We were unable to finish
A) you had been waiting our project even though we
B) had you been waiting … hard for three days.
C) you had waiting A) had been working
D) had you waiting B) had working
4. Mike wanted to sit down C) were been working
because he … all day at D) had been work
work. 9. My brother and I … for
A) had been standing weeks before my mother
B) had standing finally sat us down and talked
C) had been stand to us about the problem.
D) was been standing
5. James … at the university A) had been fight
for more than a year before he B) were been fighting
left for Asia. C) had fighting
A) was been teaching D) had been fighting
B) had been teaching 10. The coffee shop in front
C) had teaching of the university … to
D) had been teach compete
with a big chain coffee shop huge novel for more than a
for a year before it failed. month.
A) was been struggling
B) had struggling
C) had been struggling
D) had been struggle
11. I … English for long before
I realized that I needed more
speaking practice.
A) hadn’t been studying
B) hadn’t studying
C) wasn’t been studying
D) hadn’t been study
12. … for long before your
friend finally showed up?
A) You had been waiting
B) You had waiting
C) Had you waiting
D) Had you been waiting
13. China … to win the bid
for the Olympics for a long
time. They finally succeeded
in 2008.
A) had been hope
B) had hoping
C) was been hoping
D) had been hoping
14. … you for long before
you answered the phone?
A) Had your parents been
B) Your parents had calling
C) Had your parents calling
D) Your parents had
been calling
15. I finally passed my
driving test last week. I …
the test regularly for 6
years. Perhaps I'm not really
a good driver.
A) had been taking
B) had taking
C) was been taking
D) had been take
16. Our literature class
finally finished War and
Peace yesterday. We … that
A) were been reading for 12 years before she
B) had been reading moved to England.
C) had reading A) was been learning
D) had been read
17. My sister … her
boyfriend for 5 years
before he finally asked
her to marry him.
A) had been dating
B) had dating
C) was been dating
D) had been date
18. Camilla … difficulty
completing her Ph.D. until
last year. She met a
professor who inspired her
to work harder.
A) had been have
B) was been having
C) had been having
D) had having
19. I … at the math
problem for hours last
night when the solution
finally appeared as though
by magic.
A) was been staring
B) had staring
C) had been stare
D) had been staring
20. Mr. Brown … on the
English Resource Center for
months before he was
finally happy with his
A) had been working
B) had working
C) was been working
D) had been work
21. Laura needed a
break because she …
all morning.
A) had studying
B) had been studying
C) was been studying
D) had been study
22. Lorraine … English
B) had learning 27. The musician … in this
C) had been learning town for ten years when he
D) had been learn became director of the opera
23. I did not go out last house.
night because I … all day. A) had been live
A) had been work B) had living
B) had working C) was been living
C) was been working D) had been living
D) had been working 28. We … out with each
24. Olga felt fit for the other for two years before I
marathon because she … a lot. met his family.
A) had been training A) had been going
B) had training B) were been going
C) was been training C) had going
D) had been train D) had been go
25. When I went to see Ms 29. The passengers … for four
Winter, her secretary told me hours before the ground staff
that she … on the phone for could finally give them
two hours. information on the delay of
A) had speaking their flight.
B) was been speaking A) had waiting
C) had been speak B) had been wait
D) had been speaking C) were been waiting
26. You got sick because you D) had been waiting
… the whole time. 30. I … in the wrong
A) had eating direction for an hour before I
B) had been eat noticed my mistake.
C) were been eating A) had been driving
D) had been eating B) had driving
C) had been drive
D) was been drive
Future Simple
Oddiy kelasi zamon
Darak: Ega + shall/will V0
Inkor: Ega + shall/will + not +
V0 So’roq: Shall/Will + Ega +
Kelasi zamonda rejalashtirilmagan, zudlik bilan qabul
qilingan qarorlarni ifodalaydi. Bularga quyidagilar kiradi:
Will you go to the cinema with me?
Men bilan kinoga borasizmi?
Will you help me, please?
Menga yordam berasizmi, iltimos?
Rozi bo’lish:
Yes, I will go with
you. Ha, siz bilan
boraman. Rad etish:
No, I will not go.
Va’da berish:
I will never be late again!
Men boshqa hech qachon
kechikmayman! Umid qilish:
I hope you will be a good man in the future.
Umid qilamanki siz kelajakda yaxshi inson bo’lasiz.
Taxmin qilish:
I think he will come soon.
Menimcha u tez orada keladi.
I will show you what is what!
Senga hali ko’rsatib qo’yaman!
Garov o’ynash:
I bet she won’t come.
Garov o’ynayman u kelmaydi.
Future Continuous
Davomli kelasi zamon
Darak: Ega + shall/will be Ving
Inkor: Ega + shall/will + not be
Ving So’roq: Shall/Will + Ega +
Kelasi zamonning ma’lum bir paytida davom etayotgan
ish- harakatni ifodalaydi.
You will be sitting in the university auditoriums this time next
year. Siz keyingi yil shu paytda universitet auditoriyalarida o’tirgan
bo’lasiz. I’ll be working at 8.30 a.m. tomorrow.
Men erta ertalab 8.30 da ishlayotgan bo’laman.
Test 1
1. He … at six o’clock 4. In the future, we …
tomorrow. around using jet-packs.
A) will be worked A) shall be flown
B) will be working B) are shall flying
C) shall be to work C) shall be flying
D) shall working D) shall to fly
2. I … when you come. 5. At 10 o’clock tomorrow he … .
A) shall sleeping A) will be working
B) shall be sleeping B) shall working
C) shall to sleep C) will be worked
D) will be slept D) will worked
3. This time next week, I … 6. At 8.15 tomorrow
my biology exam. morning Bob … the
A) shall be taking newspaper.
B) am shall taking A) will reading
C) will be took B) will be reading
D) shall to take C) will to read
D) will readed
7. … you … your bicycle 14. He … for you at 7 in
this evening? the evening next Sunday.
A) will/be using A) shall be wait
B) shall/be used B) will be waiting
C) will/used C) will to be waiting
D) will/using D) will waiting
8. I … probably … on a 15. At this same time
beautiful beach this time tomorrow, I … in class.
tomorrow. A) shall to be sit
A) shall/be lying B) shall sit
B) shall/be lie C) shall sitting
C) shall/to be lie D) shall be sitting
D) shall/lying 16. I … probably … to
9. … you … your Moscow at this time next
typewriter tomorrow year.
evening? A) will /be to go
A) will/be using B) shall /be going
B) shall/be to use C) shall /going
C) will/be used D) shall /to go
D) will/to be used 17. I … this music at this
10. They … dinner at this time tomorrow.
time tomorrow. A) shall listening
A) will be had B) shall listened
B) will be has C) shall be listening
C) will be having D) listening
D) will having 18. I … an English exercise
11. I … if you come too at this time tomorrow.
late tomorrow. A) writing
A) shall be slept B) will to write
B) shall be sleeping C) will been write
C) shall to be sleep D) will be writing
D) shall sleeping 19. My brother … at 5
12. They … their English o’clock next week.
exam at this time tomorrow. A) will sleeping
A) will be took B) will slept
B) will be taking C) will be slept
C) will taken D) will be sleeping
D) will to be take 20. I … my homework from 5
13. What … you … at till 7 tomorrow.
6 tomorrow? A) shall be doing
A) will/be doing B) will be done
B) shall/be do C) will did
C) will/be done D) will doing
D) will/to do
Test 2
1. What … you … in the C) will be watched
morning tomorrow?
D) will to watch
A) will/to do
9. She … a letter to her
B) will/be doing friend at 2 o’clock next
C) will/doing Sunday.
D) -/will be doing A) won’t to be write
2. He … the piano at 7 B) will to write
o’clock on Sunday. C) won’t writing
A) won’t to play D) will be writing
B) won’t played 10. I … the dishes form six
C) will be played till seven tomorrow.
D) won’t be playing A) will be washed
3. At this time next week B) shall washing
we … at the lecture. C) shall be washing
A) will listened D) shall to wash
B) shall to be listen 11. When I come home
C) listening tomorrow, my family …
D) shall be listening supper.
4. Mother … tea at eleven A) shall be done
o’clock tomorrow. B) will be did
A) will to drink C) will doing
B) will be drank D) will be doing
C) will be drinking 12. When we meet our
D) will drinking grandmother next week, she
… TV.
A) shall watching
5. … you … a banana at this theatre.
time tomorrow? A) will be watching
A) shall/eating B) will watching
B) will/eating
C) will/be eating
D) will/to eat
6. He … computer games at
five o’clock next year.
A) won’t be to play
B) shan’t playing
C) won’t played
D) won’t be playing
7. At eight o’clock tomorrow
I … to the course.
A) shall be went
B) shall be going
C) shall going
D) will to go
8. At this time tomorrow he
… a play by Chekhov a the
B) will be watched
C) will be watching
D) won’t to watch
13. When mother come
home in the evening, the
children … .
A) won’t be sleeping
B) shan’t be slept
C) won’t to be sleep
D) won’t sleeping
14. When I get up
tomorrow morning, my
parents … tea.
A) will to drink
B) will drinking
C) will be drunk
D) will be drinking
15. I hope when I meet him
next year, he … at
A) will studying
B) will be studying
C) will be studied
D) will to be study
16. I … my teeth at 8 o’clock C) shall be listened
in the morning tomorrow. D) shall to listen
A) will cleaning 24. We … probably … at this
B) shall be cleaning time next summer.
C) shall be cleaned A) shall/swimming
D) shall to be clean B) shall/be swum
17. What … you … at 9 C) shall/be swimming
o’clock tomorrow? D) shall/to swim
A) will/be done
25. Tomorrow at 2 o’clock I
B) will/be doing … lunch at the canteen.
C) shal/be to do A) shall be had
D) will/doing B) shall be has
18. He … football at 3 C) shall be having
o’clock next Sunday. D) shall having
A) won’t be played 26. We … to an
B) will to be play interesting lecture when
C) won’t be playing you come.
D) won’t playing A) shall be listening
19. When I come class, they B) shall listened
… about me. C) shall to listen
A) will be talked D) shall listening
B) will to be talk 27. When I enter the
C) will talking classroom, the teacher … .
D) will be talking A) will to write
20. I … at the bank when B) shall be writing
you meet me next year. C) will writing
A) shall be working D) will be writing
B) shall be worked 28. At 9 o’clock tomorrow I
C) shall working … korean film.
D) shall to work A) will to watch
21. I … lecture at this B) shall be watching
time tomorrow. C) shall watched
A) shall be listened D) shall watching
B) shall be listening 29. When children enter
C) shall listening the classroom, I … the
D) shall listened teacher’s questions.
22. He … about girls when I A) shall be answering
meet him tomorrow. B) shall answering
A) will to talk C) shall be answered
B) will be talked D) shall to answer
C) will be talking 30. I … probably … the test
D) will talking at this time tomorrow.
23. I … this music at this A) will/be do
time tomorrow. B) will/doing
A) shall be to listen C) will/to doing
B) shall be listening D) will/be doing
Future Perfect
Tugallangan kelasi zamon
Darak: Ega + shall/will have V3
Inkor: Ega + shall/will not
have V3 So’roq: Shall/Will +
Test 1
1. I … my work by 5 5. She … her exams by then,
o’clock tomorrow. so we can go out for dinner.
A) shall finish A) will finished
B) shall be finishing B) will have finished
C) shall be finish C) shall finish
D) shall have finished D) will have finish
2. I … by six tomorrow 6. You … the book before
morning. the next class.
A) will leave A) will have read
B) will have leave B) will be read
C) shall be leave C) will reading
D) will have left D) will have readed
3. … you … the report by 7. She … work by seven.
the deadline? A) won’t be finished
A) Will/have finished B) won’t have finish
B) Shall/finished C) won’t have finishing
C) Will/have finish D) won’t have finished
D) Shall/be finish 8. When … you … the work?
4. When … we … everything? A) will/completing
A) will/finished B) will/have completed
B) shall/have finish C) will/have complete
C) shall/have finished D) will/be complete
D) will/be finish
9. They … by dinner time.
A) will arrived A) Shall/have arrived
B) will have arrive B) Shall/have arrive
C) will have arriving C) Shall/have arriving
D) will have arrived D) Shall/arrived
10. We … in London for 16. How long … you … your
three years next week. boyfriend when you get
A) will being married?
B) will have being A) will/knowing
C) will been B) will/have known
D) will have been C) will/have know
11. … she … home by D) will/have knew
lunch time? 17. He … the project by July.
A) Will/getting A) won’t have completed
B) will /have got B) won’t completing
C) will/have get C) won’t have competing
D) will/be get D) won’t have complete
12. … you … everything 18. I … the essay by
by seven? the weekend.
A) Will/doing A) won’t finishing
B) Will/have do B) won’t have finished
C) Will/have done C) won’t have finishing
D) Will/have doing D) won’t have finish
13. We … before we come, 19. … you … the cleaning
so we'll be hungry. by six?
A) won’t eating A) Will/have finished
B) won’t have ate B) Will/have finish
C) won’t have eat C) Will/have finishing
D) won’t have eaten D) Will/finished
14. … he … his exams when 20. How long … you … in
we go on holiday? this company when you
A) Will/be finish retire?
B) Will/have finished A) will/been
C) Will/have finish B) will/have be
D) Will/have finishing C) will/have been
15. … we … by the time it D) will/have being
gets dark?
1. They … by six.
A) won’t have gone Test 2
B) won’t have go A) will have gone
C) won’t have going B) will have go
D) won’t going C) will going
2. I … to the store by the D) will have going
time you return. 3. She … the movie before
you bring the DVD.
157 A) will seeing
B) will have see 11. The children … me their
C) will have seeing new bikes by the time you
D) will have seen arrive.
4. They … the new restaurant A) will have show
by next week. B) will have showed
A) will have try C) will have showing
B) will trying D) will showing
C) will have trying 12. By 9 o'clock, we …
D) will have tried our homework.
5. Thomas … the CD player A) shall finishing
by the time the party starts. B) shall have finished
A) will bringing C) shall have finish
B) will have brought D) shall have finishing
C) will have brining 13. They … the classroom by
D) will have brining the end of the hour.
6. Frida … dinner by 9:30 pm. A) will leaving
A) won’t have eaten B) will have leave
B) won’t have eat C) will have left
C) won’t have eating D) will have leaving
D) won’t eaten 14. We … home by next week.
7. She … the discussion by A) will have go
next Monday. B) will have gone
A) will have finished C) will have going
B) will have finishing D) will going
C) will have finish 15. She … from the excursion
D) will finished by 6 o'clock.
8. They … the essay A) will have returned
by tomorrow. B) will have returing
A) won’t have type C) will have return
B) won’t have typing D) will returned
C) won’t have typed 16. … he … the new house
D) won’t typing by October?
9. Jane … her homework A) Will/bought
by Friday. B) Will/have bought
A) will have doing C) Will/has bought
B) will have did D) Will/have buying
C) will have do 17. The sun … by 4 o'clock.
D) will have done A) won’t rised
10. Anna … dinner by the B) won’t have risen
time you get home. C) won’t have rising
A) will have made D) won’t have rose
B) will have maked 18. … you … the shopping by
C) will have make 3 o'clock?
D) will have making A) Will/doing
B) Will/have done
C) Will/have doing
D) Will/have do 25. The train … by the time
19. I … a Londoner for five and the couple get to the station.
a half years by next A) will have left
September. B) will have leave
A) will have been C) will leaving
B) will have be D) will have leaving
C) will being 26. I … dinner by then.
D) will have being A) will cooked
20. By Tuesday Jill … B) will have cooked
these novels by O’Henry.
C) will have cooking
A) will have finished
D) will have cook
B) will have finish
27. Fernando … his operation
C) will have finishing
by August and should be
D) will finishing much fitter.
21. Next year is Fred and A) will had had
Kate’s 10th wedding B) will have have
anniversary. They
C) will have having
… happily married for ten
years. D) will have had
A) will being 28. Johnny … this
document by 7pm o’clock this
B) will have been
C) will have being
A) will have traslated
D) will have be
B) will have translate
22. Molly thinks the film …
C) will translated
by the time she gets to
Fred’s. D) will have translating
A) will have start 29. Helen … this awesome
doll by her daughter’s
B) will have starting
C) will starting
A) will have made
D) will have started
B) will have make
23. They … the plans by then.
C) will had made
A) will have finish
D) will have making
B) will have finishing
30. Steven … his lesson
C) will have finished by tomorrow.
D) will finished A) won’t have learned
24. Before his holiday Tom … B) won’t had learned
all his money. C) won’t have learning
A) will have spend
D) won’t have learn
B) will have spent
C) will have spending
D) will have spended
Future Perfect Continuous
Kelasi tugallangan davomli
Darak: Ega + shall/will have been Ving
Inkor: Ega + shall/will not have been
Ving So’roq: Shall/Will + Ega + have
Kelasi zamonning ma’lum bir paytigacha biror ish-
harakatning qanchadan beri davom etayotgan bo’lishini
I’ll have been learning English for 20 years in September
2020. 2020 yil Sentabrda men ingliz tilini 20 yildan beri
o’rganayotgan bo’laman.
Test 1
1. By midnight, you … for C) shall been working
4 hours.
D) will have been working
A) will have been dancing
6. In 2020, they … here for
B) will have dancing
4 years.
C) will been dancing A) will have live
D) will be dancing B) will been living
2. By dinner, she … the C) will have been living
whole afternoon.
D) shall have working
A) will be cooking
7. Before December, Barbara
B) will have cooking
… for a year.
C) will have been cooking A) will have been teaching
D) will been cooking B) shall have teaching
3. He … there for 10 years C) will have been teach
by 2015.
D) will been teaching
A) will been working
8. By this time tomorrow, I
B) will have been working
… this exercise for a long
C) will have working time.
D) will has been working A) shall have been doing
4. By next year, I … English B) shall have doing
for 7 years. C) will have doing
A) will have been studying D) will been doing
B) shall have studying 9. Jessica … them for
C) will been studying 12 months.
D) shall has been studied A) will have helping
B) shall have been helping
5. By next week, we … for over B) will have been work
a month.
A) shall have working
C) will have have help
D) will have been helping
10. Bob and Sarah …
for 2 hours at 8
A) will have cook 16. You … for 2 hours when
B) will have been cooking I arrive.
C) will have cooking A) will have waiting
D) will been cooking B) will have wait
11. Tomorrow at 9 o'clock I C) will have been waiting
… for 10 hours. D) will been waiting
A) will have sleeping 17. Janet … for 5 years
B) shall have sleep when she gets her degree.
C) will have been sleep A) will have studying
D) shall have been sleeping B) will have been studying
12. On Thursday, I … the C) will have been study
car for a whole month! D) will been studying
A) will have fix 18. We … for an hour when
B) will been fixing I leave.
C) shall have fixing A) shall have been talking
D) shall have been fixing B) shall been talking
13. In 10 minutes, James … C) will have talking
for 2 hours. D) will have been talk
A) will have been wait 19. They … for 6 hours
B) will been waiting when they get there.
C) shall have been waiting A) will have been drive
D) will have been waiting B) will have been driving
14. They … for a whole day. C) will have driving
A) will have standing D) will been driving
B) will have been stading 20. Sam will be tired when
C) will have been stand he returns because he … for
D) will been standing over 2 hours.
15. By this time next week, A) will have jogging
we B) will have been jogging
… a rest for a month. C) shall been jogging
A) will have have D) will have been jog
B) will have been have
C) will have been having
D) will been having Test 2
A) will have been shopping
1. My cooking will be much B) will have shopping
better when I return C) will been shopping
because I 3. We … the entire morning,
… for a whole month. so we will want to rest.
A) will have practise A) will have exercising
B) will been practising B) will been exercising
C) will have been practising C) will have been exercise
D) will have practising D) will have been exercising
2. They will have all the 4. Monica … the whole
things they need because weekend so she will pass the
they … for the whole test.
afternoon. 161
A) will have shop
A) will have been preparing D) will have been work
B) will have preparing 12. By the end of this month we
C) will have been prepare … together for six years.
D) will been preparing A) will have living
5. They … for 1.5 hours B) will been living
when the sun will set. C) will have been living
A) will been swimming D) will have live
B) will have been swimming 13. By the end of the term she
C) will have swimming … for nine years.
D) will have swim A) will have study
6. You … television for 6 B) will have studying
hours when I come back. C) will been studying
A) will have been watching
D) will have been studying
B) will been watching
14. By midnight we … this
C) will have watch computer game for 48
D) will have watching hours.
7. By the time you return, it A) will have been playing
… for 5 hours. B) will have playing
A) will have rain C) will been playing
B) will have been raining D) will have play
C) will have raining 15. She … on the phone for
D) will been raining the last couple of hours.
8. She … the car for a week A) will have talking
by the time she bring it B) will have been talking
C) will been talking
A) will have using
D) will have talk
B) will been using
16. They … for me all night long.
C) shall have using
A) will been looking
D) will have been using
B) will have look
9. I … here for 15 years
C) will have been looking
next month.
A) will have working D) will have looking
B) will have work 17. He … soccer all day long.
C) shall been working A) will been playing
D) shall have been working B) will have play
10. We … for 16 hours when C) will have playing
we arrive. D) will have been playing
A) shall have been flying 18. You … TV all the time.
B) shall have flying A) will have been watching
C) will have been fly B) will have watch
D) will been flying C) will have watching
11. By the end of the week I D) will been watching
… here for four months. 19. He … all morning when
A) will have work I come home.
B) will have been working A) won’t been sleeping
C) will been woking B) won’t have been sleeping
C) won’t have sleeping
D) won’t have sleep C) will have cook
20. … they … for 2 hours D) will been cooking
when we arrive? 26. Sam … with us for five
A) Will/been waiting years by 2020
B) Will/have wait A) will have been living
C) Will/have been waiting B) will have living
D) Will/have waiting C) will been living
21. Mr. Anderson … our D) will have live
course for a year by 2006. 27. Neo … our class for
A) will have been attending two years by 2021.
B) will have attending A) will have been attending
C) will have attend B) will been attending
D) will been attending C) will have attending
22. I … the piano for two D) will have attend
years by 2007. 28. My brother … for
A) will have been practising three hours by noon.
B) will have practising A) will have been sleeping
C) will been practising B) will have sleeping
D) will have practise C) will have sleep
23. How long … you … D) will been sleeping
English by 2010? 29. Jack … TV for five hours
A) will/have been learning by the time my father comes.
B) will/have learning A) will have been watching
C) will/have learn B) will been watching
D) will/been learning C) will have watching
24. How long … you … in D) will have watch
this city by 2020? 30. … you … on this project
A) will/have been living for three months when we
B) will/been living visit you?
C) will/have living A) Will/have been working
D) will/have live B) Will/have working
25. My friends … for an hour C) Will/have work
by the time we arrive. D) Will/been working
A) will have been cooking
B) will have cooking
Mixed tenses 1
Mixed tenses 2
1. It … when I suddenly … B) aren’t/don’t study
down into the lake. C) wasn’t/studied
A) was raining/falled D) don’t be/aren’t studying
B) rained/feel 5. Don’t trouble me! I …
C) will rain/fall an essay.
D) was raining/fell A) write B) wrote
2. Look! Someone … us! C) was writing
A) watches B) watched D) am writing
C) was watching 6. It is autumn. The days
D) is watching … colder day by day.
3. – When … they … to our A) get B) got
country? C) were getting
- I think yesterday at seven. D) are getting
A) did/come B) are/coming 7. Our schools … at 8:30 and
C) will/come … at 6:00.
D) were/coming A) is opening/closing
4. You … a student unless B) opened/closed
you C) will open/close
… hard. D) open/close
A) won’t be/study 165
8. Susan … home and … I sometimes ... my lessons.
her brother on the sofa.
A) was coming/saw
B) will come/see
C) is coming/sees
D) came/saw
9. I hope you … the
correct answer to each
A) find B) found
C) was finding D) will find
10. I … really … travelling.
A) -/enjoy B) will/enjoy
C) -/enjoys D) am/enjoy
11. I … TV, don’t trouble me.
A) am watching B) watch
C) was watching
D) watches
12. I usually stay at the Hilton
Hotel but today I ... at the
A) stayed B) stay
C) has stayed D) am staying
13. Look! It …
A) snows B) is snowing
C) snowed D) will snow
14. The swimming bath …
at 9:00 every day.
A) will open B) is opening
C) opened D) opens
15. Tomorrow the plan
to London ... at 7.00
A) is flying B) will fly
C) will have flown D) flies
16. I don’t think people ...
paper books in the future.
A) are using B) uses
C) use D) will use
17. Tom usually wakes up
early. Yesterday morning he
… at 7:30.
A) was waking up
B) woke up
C) wakes up
D) waked up
18. When I was at school
A) miss B) missed 28. I’m not a liar. I … never …
C) was missing
D) have missed
19. Ann’s hair was dirty.
Now it is clean. She … it.
A) washed
B) washes
C) has washed
D) is washing
20. – Don’t forget to phone
- I … already … him.
A) -/phoned
B) am/phoning
C) will/phone
D) have/phoned
21. … you … out last night?
A) Did/go B) Do/do
C) Did/went D) Have/gone
22. What …you usually
… on Sundays.
A) are/doing B) will/do
C) were/doing D) do/do
23. I think I … to Tashkent
next week.
A) am going B) shall go
C) went D) go
24. Who … the window?
A) did break
B) was breaking
C) broke D) does break
25. I’m going to London
tomorrow. Who … with
A) goes B) will go
C) is going D) does go
26. Some days ago I …
him in the park. He …
on the bench.
A) was seeing/sat
B) saw/was sitting
C) saw/sat
D) was seeing/was sitting
27. What book … you …
these days?
A) do/read B) did/read
C) will/read D) are/reading
A) -/lie B) shall/lie C) is D) is being
C) did/lie D) -/lied 30. I promise I … a good pupil!
29. Tomorrow … A) was B) shall be
Wednesday. C) am being D) have been
A) will be B) was
Mixed tenses 3
1. - Hello! Where are you C) are studying
- Nowhere in particular. I …
… a walk.
A) am/taking
B) have/taken
C) did/take D) was/taking
2. Our students … all kinds of
exercises and now they …
sure that they know this rule
A) do/are B) did/have been
C) have done/are
D) had done/were
3. The scientists … hundreds
of kilometres, but they … still
far from their destination.
A) walked/are
B) walk/were
C) have walked/are
D) walked/had been
4. … you … to Great
Britain next year?
A) Do/go B) Are/going
C) Shall/go D) Have/gone
5. Yesterday Nick said that he
… so much during his summer
A) read B) had read
C) was reading D) has read
6. At the age of twenty my
… work and study.
A) combine
B) was combining
C) combined
D) had combined
7. A great number of students
… in the reading room when I
entered it last night. 167
A) had studied B) studied
D) were studying
8. They … for 11 years in
April next year.
A) will marry
B) will be married
C) will have been married
D) will have been marrying
9. Mike’s friends could
hardly recognize him as
he … greatly after his
expedition to the
A) had changed
B) was changing
C) has changed D) changed
10. When I … the hall, the
students … to a very
informative lecture on
history of the English
A) had entered/listened
B) entered/were listening
C) was entering/listened
D) enter/are listening
11. I don’t think she …
ever … such a book.
A) has/read B) did/read
C) is/reading
D) was/reading
12. - What … you … for today?
- I’m sorry, I haven’t done
A) have/done B) did/do
C) are/doing D) will/do
13. November has come.
It … winter next month.
A) will be B) is
C) was B) has been
14. I … to the hotel only
late at night as I … my way
in the fog.
A) returned/had lost
B) returned/lost C) has broken
C) had returned/lost D) will break
D) had returned/was losing 23. Let’s go for a walk. The rain
15. I’m afraid when I … … and the sun is shining.
home, they … already … A) stopped B) was stopping
A) get/will/leave C) has stopped
B) got/have/left D) will be stopping
C) will get/will/leave 24. If you … me, I … this
D) get/will/have left work better.
16. Look! Jane … across A) help/will do
the lake. B) helped/did
A) swims B) have swum C) will help/do
C) is swimming D) swam
D) will help/will do
17. Nick … his homework 25. As soon as you … your
by seven o’clock tomorrow.
friend, tell him that I … to
A) do B) is going see him.
C) will do D) will have done A) see/want
18. - … you … your B) will see/want
laptop tomorrow?
C) see/will want
- No, you can take it.
D) will see/will want
A) Do/use B) Shall/use
C) will/be using 26. I … apples before.
A) didn’t like
D) will/have used
B) am not liking
19. Don’t go to Nick’s place
now, he …. C) hasn’t liked
A) works B) has worked D) don’t like
C) will work D) is working 27. He … home by six
20. Yesterday the children … o’clock yesterday.
all their homework before A) came B) was coming
mother C) had come D) has come
… home. 28. This little boy … never …
A) did/came a crocodile.
B) had done/came A) did/see B) had/seen
C) did/had come C) -/saw D) has/seen
D) was doing/had come 29. He … the results before we
21. What … he … when … you
… him yesterday? A) knew/met
A) was/doing/-/saw B) had known/met
B) had/done/was/seeing C) knew/had met
C) did/do/did/see D) knows/will meet
D) was/doing/did/see 30. … he … the latest news?
22. When the ship was A) Did/hear B) Has/heard
crossing the ocean, a great C) Does/hear
storm … out. D) Is/hearing
A) broke B) had broken
Mixed tenses 4
1. We … by taxi, bus, plane and C) has written
train – all in the last twenty-four D) has been writing
hours! 10. I … to get in touch with
A) travelled B) travel Jenny all morning but I
C) have travelled can’t find her anywhere.
D) had travelled A) am trying B) tried
2. I’m out of breath because I C) was trying
… to get here in time. D) have been trying
A) am running B) ran 11. I … never … such nonsense!
C) have run A) -/hear B) -/heard
D) have been running C) have/been hearing
3. Hey! … you … me? D) have/heard
A) do/hear B) did/hear 12. Tom will ring you as soon
C) are/hearing D) -/hear as he ….
4. … you … lunch at A) will arrive B) is arriving
the moment? C) arrives D) have arrived
A) Are/having B) Did/have 13. They … by the time
C) Have/- D) Do/have we arrived.
5. You … always … up A) ate B) had eaten
with excuses for not C) have eaten D) were eating
having done your 14. Before I moved to Paris, I
homework. It’s so … in Lyon.
annoying! A) were living B) lived
A) are/coming B) -/come C) have lived D) had lived
C) -/came D) had/come 15. They … for you to decide.
6. Carlo … never … A) are waiting B) waited
Chinese food before.
C) are wait D) had waited
A) has/eaten B) -/eats
16. Rice … often … at weddings.
C) is/eating D) will/eat
A) -/throw B) -/threw
7. Sandy … his sister since
she C) is/thrown
… to university. D) has/thrown
A) didn’t see/has gone 17. How long … you … for
the Maths test?
B) hasn’t seen/went
A) do/study B) did/study
C) doesn’t see/went
C) will/be studying
D) haven’t been seeing/goes
D) have/been studying
8. They … on holiday to Spain
and won’t be back until the 18. I saw a terrible
end of the month. accident while I … on the
A) went B) shall go
A) was walked
C) have gone D) go
9. Poor Tracy! She … that B) was walking
essay for hours now and she C) walked
still hasn’t finished! D) have been walking
A) is writing 19. In the future, people …
B) will have written more modern houses and
flying cars.
A) are having A) had watched B) watched
B) will have had C) were watching
C) will have D) had been watching
D) is going to have 26. ... you … Frank in Toronto?
20. In the past, people … to A) Did /meet B) Have /met
the beach more often. C) Were/meeting
A) used to go D) Had/met
B) were used to go 27. He had a break after he
C) had gone ... for two hours.
D) used to going A) was walking
21. Mary … a lot lately. B) had been walking
A) has worked B) is working C) has walked D) walks
C) will work D) worked 28. I … her for a long time.
22. These days, people … to A) know B) have known
stay at home watching TV.
C) have been knowing
A) will prefer B) preferred
D) knew
C) prefer D) is preferring
29. I ... in York for a week
23. Tom … dinner when
in 1998.
you arrived.
A) worked
A) has cooked
B) had been working
B) was cooking
C) have worked
C) is cooking D) will cook
D) were working
24. Twenty years ago, people
… more than now. 30. - I ... you in your office
with a girl!
A) read B) had read
- Really? We ...
C) used to read
A) saw / 've just talked
D) were used to read
B) 've seen / just talked
25. Yesterday I … a terrific
C) saw / were just talking
talk show from 11:00 pm to
12:00 am. D) was seeing/just talk
Passive Voice
Majhul nisbat
Be + V3 shakl zamon va shaxs-sonda moslashishi orqali yasaladi.
Present Simple
Ega + am/is/are V3
Past Simple
Ega + was/were V3
Present Continuous
Ega + am/is/are being V3
Past Continuous
Ega + was/were being V3
Present Perfect
Ega + have/has been V3
Past Perfect
Ega + had been V3
Future Simple
Ega + shall/will be V3
Future Perfect
Ega + shall/will have been V3
Test 1
1. The building … by him. D) have been examined
A) has destroyed 7. I can’t walk well. My leg
B) was destroyed … just …
C) destroyed A) has/broken
D) is destroying B) is/being broken
2. Tomorrow they will meet C) was/being broken
you. Don’t worry you … D) has/been broken
A) are meeting 8. The test … at the moment.
B) will have been met A) is being typed
C) will be met B) is typing
D) have met C) has been typing
3. All of the money … to me. D) was typed
A) was given B) are given 9. If you say “NO”, my heart …
C) gives D) gave
A) break
4. The rule … already … to
B) is breaking
me by our teacher
A) was/explaining C) will be broken
B) has/explained D) have been broken
C) will have/explained 10. Two soldiers … at the war.
D) has/been explained A) were wounded
5. The letter … when we B) had wounded
came yesterday. C) was being wounded
A) was writing D) have been wounded
B) had been writing 11. Your cat … yesterday.
C) wrote A) lost
D) was being written B) was losing
6. You … tomorrow by C) has been lost
two professors. D) was lost
A) will examine 12. All the money … from
B) are examining this bank yesterday.
C) will be examined A) steals B) stolen
C) was stolen D) had stolen
13. His shirt … during the B) have been introduced
fight. C) introduced
A) was torn B) torn D) was introduced
C) will tear 18. She is ill. She … in hospital.
D) were being torn A) is being treated
14. This rule can … easily. B) is treating
A) learn B) to learn C) has been treating
C) be learnt D) has learn
D) was treated
15. English … in
19. The Present Simple tense
many countries.
… to talk about actions in
A) spoken B) spoke general.
C) was speaking A) were used
D) is spoken B) has been using
16. The new computer system C) is using
… next month.
D) is used
A) is being installed
20. You … if you get 20
B) is installing correct answers in this test.
C) had been installed A) award
D) was installed B) will award
17. Yesterday at the party I C) are awarding
… with Mr. Brown.
D) will be awarded
A) am being introduced
Test 2
1. The poem was so A) will be invented
beautiful that it … by
B) was invented
A) has learnt B) was learnt C) is being invented
C) is learning D) had learnt D) has been invented
2. Your shoes … 6. He can’t do his homework
tomorrow. himself, so it must … by
another man.
A) was being repaired
A) be done B) will be done
B) will repair
C) be doing D) do
C) shall be repair
7. I think your examination
D) will be repaired … by 5:00 o’clock tomorrow.
3. Look! The window … . A) will be finished
A) is broke B) will have been finished
B) has been broken C) has been finished
C) has broken
D) was being broken
4. The book you lost … for at D) is being finished
the moment. 8. Yesterday at this time the
A) is looking film which you like … by a lot
B) have been looked of people.
C) will be looked A) was being watched
D) is being looked B) had been watched
5. The radio … by Papov C) was watched
many years ago. D) was watching
9. An interesting information 15. The invitations …
about the USA … in this to everyone you said.
book. A) have been sent
A) is found B) were sent
B) have been found C) are sent D) is being sent
C) is finding D) finds 16. The letter … just ….
10. The letter … already …. A) were/ sent
You may take it.
B) has/ been sent
A) is/ written
C) have/ been sent
B) have/ been written
D) are/ sent
C) was/ written
17. When … this book … to
D) has/ been written
the library?
11. The letter … by 8:00 A) is / returning
o’clock tomorrow.
B) will / return
A) is written B) will write
C) has/ returned
C) will have been written
D) will/ be returned
D) has been written
18. Look! The windows … .
12. When I came home,
the sweets … already…. A) is cleaning
A) was/ eaten B) has been cleaned
B) has/ been eaten C) has cleaned
C) had/ been eaten D) are being cleaned
D) is eaten 19. This house … last year.
13. Whom … these letters … A) is built
by? B) was building
A) was / written C) has been built
B) is / written D) was built
C) were/ written 20. Her dress …and ….
D) has/ written A) washed/ironed
14. All the questions must …. B) were washed/ ironed
A) answer B) answered C) was washed/ironed
C) be answer D) was washing/ironing
D) be answered
Indirect Speech
O’zlashtirma gap
He told me: “Don’t make a noise!”
“Shovqin qilma!”- dedi u menga.
He told me not to make a noise.
U menga shovqin qilmasligimni aytdi.
Iltimosni ifodalovchi so’roq gaplar ham ko’pincha buyruq
gaplar kabi o’zlashtirma gapla aylantiriladi.
She asked me: “Can you help me, please?”
“Menga yordam bera olasanmi, iltimos?”- so’radi u mendan.
She asked me to help her.
U mendan yordam berishimni so’radi.
Say va tell fe’llarini o’zlashtirma gaplarda farqlash uchun tell
jo’nalish kelishigidagi to’ldiruvchisiz kelmasligini va o’sha
to’ldiruvchiga to siz bog’lanishini bilish kerak.
They tell me their names.
They tell me that they are tired.
They say their names to me.
They say that they are tired.
Agar bosh gapdagi fe’l Past zamonlarining birortasida bo’lsa,
o’zlashtirma gapga aylantirishda zamonlar qo’yidagicha
Ko’chirma gap O’zlashtirma gap
Present Simple Past Simple
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Past Simple Past Perfect
Future Simple Future Simple in the Past
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Future Continuous Future Continous in the past
Future Perfect Future Perfect in the past
Future Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous in the
Past Perfect va Past Perfect Continuous zamonlari o’zgarmay
Olmosh va ravishlarning o’zgarishi:
Ko’chirma gap O’zlashtirma gap
This That
These Those
Now Then
Today That day
Tomorrow The next day
The day after tomorrow Two days later
Yesterday The day before
The day before yesterday Two days before
Ago Before
Next year The next year
Here There
Test 1
1 Mary says, "I have enjoyed C) when he had graduated from
the film." the University..
Mary says ... . D) he graduated from the
A) I have enjoyed the film University.
B) she has enjoyed the film 6. My mother told me ... .
C) she had enjoyed the film
D) I had enjoyed the film
2. Jane said, "I shall help
you." Jane said ... .
A) she helped us
B) she will help him
C) she helps us
D) she would help us
3. The man said:" I
have brought all my
things ". The man
said ... .
A) I have brought all his
B) that he had brought all
his things.
C) he has brought all his
D) they have brought all
his things.
4. The teacher said: "
Students, don't miss the
lessons ".
The teacher told the students
A) not to miss the lessons.
B) didn't miss the lessons.
C) don't miss the lessons.
D) doesn't miss the lessons.
5. The secretary said to the
visitor: " When did you
graduate from the
The secretary asked the
... .
A) when he graduates from
the University.
B) when did he graduate
from the University.
A) did not go there.
B) that I can go there.
C) not to go there.
D) not going there.
7. Mother told me "Don't
stay out long''.
Mother told me ... .
A) did not stay out long
B) not to stay out long
C) stay out long
D) I shouldn't stay out long
8. He has just said, "I
want to speak to you".
He has just said ... .
A) he wants to speak to me
B) he wanted to speak to me
C) I want to speak to her
D) he had wanted to
speak to me
9. He said to me: "I'll
come as soon as I can".
He told me that ... .
A) he came as soon as he
would be able
B) he would come as soon
as I could
C) he comes as soon as he
D) he would come as soon
as he could
10. "When will you be
there, Tom?" asked
Dan asked Tom ... .
A) when you will be there
B) when he will be there
C) when he would be there
D) when you would be there
11. Jane asked Bob: "What
did you buy yesterday?"
Jane asked Bob what ... .
A) he would buy the next day
B) he bought yesterday
C) he had bought the day
D) he has just bought
12. Bill: "Have you seen D) where he was buying
any interesting comedy that book.
lately, Nancy?" 17. Mother: "We are going
Bill asked Nancy ... . to have supper".
A) if he will see an Mother says ... .
interesting film A) they are going to have supper
B) if he saw an B) they were going to
interesting comedy have supper
C) that they would have supper
C) what comedy Nancy
D) they won't have supper
saw lately
D) if she had seen any 18. Tom: "Don't forget to
bring my book, Ann".
interesting comedy
Tom asked Ann: ... .
13. He asked me if I ... a taxi A) that she didn't forget to
the day before. bring his book
A) took B) had taken B) that she doesn't bring
C) was taking D) has taken his book
C) not to forget to bring his book
14. "Do you go in for
sports?", he asked. D) not to forget to bring
He asked me... . her book
A) he went in for sports. 19. Ann: "Is your sister good
at English?"
B) if I went in for sports.
Ann asked me ... .
C) if I'll go in for sports.
A) that my sister is good
D) I should go in for sports. at English
15. Jack said: "I was at B) if my sister was good
home yesterday." at English
Jack said ... . C) whether my sister is good
A) he was at home. at English
B) he was at home the D) my sister was good at English
day before yesterday. 20. The teacher promised ...
C) he will be at home. A) that we can learn
D) he had been at home the three English songs.
day before. B) if we learn three
16. John asked: " Nick, English songs.
where did you buy this C) we would learn three
book?" English songs.
John asked Nick ... . D) whether we would learn
A) where bought that book. three English songs.
B) where he had bought
that book.
C) where he bought that book.
Test 2
Tasdiq so’roq gaplar va qisqa
Tag questions biror gapni tasdiqlash uchun unga savol
berishda ishlatiladi: Tasdiq so’roq gaplarning ikki xil turi mavjud:
1) monologue;
2) dialogue
Monologue turida so’zlovchi o’zining gapini tasdiqlash uchun
o’zi savol beradi. Tag question asosiy fe’lning yordamchi fe’li yoki
modal fe’l yordamida yasaladi.
Bunda gapning asosiy qismi bo’lishli bo’lsa, tag question qismi
bo’lishsiz bo’ladi.
You are a pupil, aren’t you? (+,
-) Sen o’quvchisan, shunday
She can speak English, can’t she? (+, -)
U ingliz tilida gapira oladi, shunday emasmi?
Agar asosiy qismi bo’lishsiz bo’lsa, tag question qismi
bo’lishli bo’ladi.
You aren’t a pupil, are you? (-,
+) Sen o’quvchi emassan, shundaymi?
They can’t speak Turkish, can they? (-, +)
Ular turk tilida gapira olishmaydi,
Lekin buyruq gaplarda bu qoidaga amal qilinmaydi.
Don’t tell him my number, will you?
Unga mening raqamimni aytma,
xopmi? Come to the lesson on time,
will you? Darsga vaqtida kel, xopmi?
Let’s bilan boshlangan gaplarning tag question qismi doim shall we?
Let’s go home, shall we?
Keling uyga ketamiz, xopmi?
Dialogue turida ham asosiy gap qaysi zamonda turgan bo’lsa
o’sha zamonning yordamchi fe’li yoki modal fe’l yordamida savol
beriladi. Bunda asosiy gapning kesimi bo’lishli shaklda bo’lsa tag
question ham bo’lishli, bo’lishsiz shaklda bo’lsa bo’lishsiz shaklda
- I have bought a new car. (+)
- Have you? What make is it?
(+) Yangi mashina sotib oldim.
Shunaqami? Rusumi qanaqa?
- The washing machine isn’t working. (-)
- Isn’t it? (-)
Kir yuvish mashinasi ishlamayapti.
Shunaqami? (ishlamayaptimi?)
Short answers
Qisqa javoblar ham yordamchi fe’llar va modal fe’llar
yordamida yasaladi.
Bo’lishli gaplarda
So + yordamchi yoki modal fe’l + Ega,
Yoki gap oxirida too ham so’zi yordamida
yasaladi. I have got a book.
Menda kitob bor.
So have I. / I have got a book too
Menda ham.
Og’zakida: me too.
Bo’lishsiz gaplarda
Neither/Nor + yordamchi yoki modal fe’l +
Yoki gap oxirida either ham so’zi yordamida
yasaladi. I haven’t got a book.
Menda kitob yo’q.
Neither have I / Nor have I/ I haven’t either
Menda ham. (inkor)
Can you speak English?
Ingliz tilida gapira olasizmi?
Yes, I can/ No, I can’t
Ha, gapira olaman/ Yo’q, gapira olmayman.
Tag questions
1. It’s a lovely film, …? C) do you D) do we
A) is it B) isn’t it 6. Be on time,…?
C) does it C) doesn’t it A) be not you B) will you
2. I don’t have to work C) are you D) aren’t you
on Sunday, …? 7. They never want it,…?
A) do I B) have I A) don’t they B) do they
C) don’t I D) haven’t I C) doesn’t he D) does he
3. I’m a popular guide, 8. Everyone wants to be happy,
…? …?
A) isn’t it B) am I A) don’t they B) do they
C) aren’t I D) is it
4. There are no seats to sit, C) doesn’t he D) does he
…? 9. Let’s go home, …?
A) isn’t it B) is it A) shall we B) don’t you
C) aren’t there D) are there C) do you D) won’t you
5. Don’t make any noise,…?
A) will you B) don’t you
10. Your relatives visit you A) aren’t they B) aren’t we
every summer, …? C) don’t they D) do we
A) are they B) aren’t they 16. Let’s speak only English, …?
C) do they D) don’t they
A) won’t we B) shall we
11. You should cut on C) do we D) don’t we
17. He worked all day yesterday,
A) should you B) shouldn’t
A) did he B) didn’t he
C) doesn’t he D) does he
C) will you D) don’t you
18. We’ve been waiting for a
12. We’ll be ready in two days,
bus since 2,…?
A) aren’t we B) hasn’t it
A) shan’t we B) don’t we
C) haven’t we D) didn’t we
C) aren’t we D) will we
19. We have to go now, …?
13. You can swim in
the river,…?
A) haven’t we B) don’t we
C) have we D) do we
A) can’t you B) will you
C) don’t you D) won’t you 20. This accident made him sad,
14. Nodir is on duty today, …?
A) wasn’t it B) wasn’t he
A) isn’t it B) is he
C) aren’t he D) isn’t he C) didn’t it D) does he
15. Tom, Alice and I are
good friends,…?
Tag questions
1. - I don’t want you to come 5. - This man never tells a lie.
-…? But my father wants.
A) Don’t you B) Do you
C) Do I D) Doesn’t he
2. - I’m working at the
- …? I think you are free.
A) Are you B) Aren’t you
C) Am I not D) Are I
3. - Mark has been ill for
four days.
- …? We must go to see him.
A) Isn’t he B) Is he
C) Hasn’t he D) Has he
4. - Michelle can swim for a
long distance.
- …?
-Yes. She is a good swimmer.
A) Is she B) Isn’t he
C) Can she D) Can’t he
-….? So I may trust him.
A) Doesn’t he B) Does he
C) will he D) Is it
6. - You have to wear a
school uniform.
- …? I don’t think so.
A) Haven’t I B) Do I
C) Have I D) Did I
7. - Max didn’t invite his
friends to the party.
-…? He is so mean.
A) Did he B) Is he
C) Isn’t he D) Didn’t
he 8.- My mum has a
strong headache.
- …? She must have a cup
of herbal tea.
A) Has she B) Does she
C) doesn’t she D) Hasn’t she
9. - It rained all day
yesterday in Tashkent.
-… ? The same here. - …? I think it’s five, because
A) Is it B) Did it I’m a literature man.
C) Has it D) Isn’t it A) Do they B) Are they
10. – There are only five pupils C) Does it D) Is it
in the lesson. 16. - Maria speaks four
- …? I see them six. foreign languages.
A) Are they B) Aren’t they - … ? I look with envy at her.
C) Aren’t there D) Are there A) Is she B) Did she
11. You should behave C) Does she D) Doesn’t she
well while you are in the 17. - Temur will leave for
job interview. India in two weeks.
-…? -…? Really?
A) Do I B) Ought to I A) Won’t he B) Does he
C) Should I D) Don’t I C) Is he D) Will he
12. - Tom’s dog runs fast. 18.- My close friend moved to
- …? I would have one. Canada last year.
A) Doesn’t it B) Is it -…? Do you talk to him on
C) Isn’t it D) Does it the phone very often?
13. A group of students A) Does he B) Did she
are waiting for the dean. C) Did he D) Does she
-…? What do they want to ask 19. - I was born in Bukhara.
for? - …? I think you are from Navoi.
A) Are they B) Is it C) Do A) Was you B) Did you
they C) Were you D) Are you
D) Does it 20. - They are chatting
14. – A Subway is a kind of on telegram.
public transport. -…? I think they are discussing
- …? important questions.
A) Is it B) Isn’t it C) Are they A) Do they B) Have they
D) Do they C) Are they D) Aren’t they
15.- Two times two is four.
Short answers.
Test 1
1. We want to learn English. C) Neither can I D) I can either
A) So do we B) Neither do we 7. I don’t go to the theatre
C) So we do D) we want either very often.
2. I’ve seen your photographs. A) So do I B) Neither don’t I
A) Nor did I B) I did either C) So I do D) I don’t go either
C) So has Ann D) So did I 8. I didn’t listen to the
3. I haven’t got much time. latest news.
A) I don’t either B) So have I A) Nor I did B) Neither did I
C) Nor have I D) Neither I have C) I didn’t too D) So I do
4. I’ve never been to New York. 9. Sue has brought
new furniture from
A) Neither have I B) Nor do I
C) So has my mother
A) So has Jill B) So did Jill
D) So my mother has C) Jill did either D) Jill did too
5. They were not informed 10. I went to school yesterday.
about the accident.
A) So has my friend
A) Neither were their parents
B) My friend has either
B) Neither wasn’t I
C) So did I
C) I was either
D) Neither did I
D) So were we
11. I don’t like dancing.
6. I can’t play badminton.
A) Neither does my sister
A) So can’t I B) Nor I can’t
B) So does she
C) She does either C) I can drive too D) So I can
D) She doesn’t too 17. You shouldn’t cry while
12. You had better go to you are out.
sleep. A) Nor do they
A) Nor I had B) Neither they should
B) Neither had I C) Nor did they
C) So had you D) They shouldn’t cry either
D) So did you 18. Salt is not expensive.
13. I was late for breakfast. A) So is sugar B) Sugar is too
A) I was either B) I was late C) sugar too D) Neither is sugar
too 19. I usually have lunch
C) So I was D) So did I at home.
14. I never eat fish. A) So do I B) So have I
A) Neither does my son C) I have either D) I have too
B) So does he 20. We’re planning to meet
C) He doesn’t too after lessons.
D) Nor doesn’t he A) So we are B) We are too
15. I would like a cup of C) We do too D) So do we
A) So I would B) So do I
C) So would I D) I do too
16. I can drive a car. Test 2
A) I can either B) I do too C) So would I
D) Neither would I
6. Europe isn’t a country.
1. He has got big blue eyes. A) So is Asia
A) So has his daughter B) Neither is America
B) Neither have I
C) So I have
D) Neither I do
2. I won’t go to school us.
tomorrow. A) I would either
A) Neither won’t I B) I didn’t either
B) So will I
C) I won’t go neither
D) Neither will Mark
3. Winter is a lovely season.
A) So is Spring
B) Autumn is either
C) Too is Spring
D) So Summer is
4. My name’s Victor.
A) My brother’s either
B) So is my dad’s
C) So mine is
D) So does mine
5. I wouldn’t like him to join
C) So does Asia
D) America is either
7. The capital of Spain
isn’t Rome.
A) Neither is Paris
B) Neither does Delhi
C) Neither isn’t Madrid
D) So isn’t London
8. We had dinner at an
Italian restaurant last
A) Neither did we
B) So did we
C) So do we
D) We did either
9. I’m going to be a lawyer.
A) So am I B) Nor am I
C) Neither am I D) So I am
10. I like horror films and …
A) So does my brother B) So I A) So can I B) So I can
do C) Neither can I
C) Nor I don’t D) I do too
D) I can’t neither
11. I have nothing to give
16. I live a long way from
you and …
my work plce.
A) so have you
A) So does Nelli
B) you don’t have either
B) Nelli is too
C) neither you haven’t
C) Nelli lives too
D) you haven’t too
D) Nelli is either
12. We’ve been married
17. I didn’t pay attention
since 2010.
to Alan’s words.
A) So we have
A) So did I B) I did either
B) Nor we have C) I did too D) Neither did I
C) So did we 18. Summer is warm, isn’t it?
D) So have we A) Yes, it is B) No, it’s not
13. I have a bath every day. C) Yes, it’s not D) No, It is
A) So I have B) Nor have I 19. The capital of
C) So does Helen D) Neither Uzbekistan isn’t Tashkent,
do I is it?
14. The beginning of the A) Yes, it is B) No, it is
film wasn’t very good. C) Yes, it’s not D) No, it’s not
A) So was the end 20. I’m sure I’ll solve all
B) The end was either the tests without any
C) So is the end difficulty.
D) Neither was the end A) So am I B) So I will
15. I can hardly hear you. C) Neither I will D) I’ll do either
Shart gaplar
First Conditional
Second Conditional
Test 1
11. "Do you think he
will send you a card?"
"If he ... on holiday, he will."
A) go B) went
C) will go D) goes
12. Don't blame me. I ... him
only if he hadn't been driving
so fast.
A) will have followed
B) had followed
C) would have been able C) will pay D) paid
to follow 17. If I had known that you were
D) follow in hospital, I ... visited you.
13. Even if I ... the money, I A) would have B) will
wouldn't have given him C) had D) have
any. 18. He ... his exams if
A) have B) had had he'd learnt more.
C) would have D) have had A) wouldn't fail
14. We would have gone alone B) wouldn't have failed
if we ... the way.
C) hadn't failed
A) will know B) would know
D) didn’t fail
C) knew D) had known
19. He wouldn't have
15. If you do this again, I ...
started talking if you ...
report it, I'm afraid.
A) must B) will have to
A) wouldn't ask B) hadn't asked
C) should D) would
C) didn't ask D) don’t asked
16. The country would be
20. I ... if he hadn’t asked me.
more successful if it ... more
attention to education than A) don’t go B) won’t go
art and sport. C) wouldn't have gone
A) pays B) would pay D) didn’t go
Test 2
Gerund va Infinitive
Quyidagi holatlarda ishlatiladi:
1) harakat nomi vazifasida (ma’lum fe’llardan keyin yoki odatda
gap boshida):
Most children enjoy playing games.
Ko’pchilik bolalar o’yin uynashdan zavqlanishadi.
Learning English is very important nowadays.
Ingliz tilini o’rganish hozirgi kunda juda muhim.
It’s very important to learn English nowadays.
Ingliz tilini o’rganish hozirgi kunda juda
2) ish-harakatning qay tarzda bajarilganligini ko’rsatib,
ravishdosh vazifasida:
He told me that story crying.
U menga hikoyani yig’lab aytib berdi.
He usually watches movies eating
popcorn. U odatda bodroq yeb kino
tomosha qiladi.
3) sifatdosh vazifasida:
The man sitting over there is my uncle.
Ana u yerda o’tirgan odam mening
amakim. Barking dogs seldom bite.
Akkildoq (akkillaydigan) itlar kamdan-kam tishlaydi.
4) predloglardan keyin:
He left the room without saying a
word. U biror so’z demay xonadan chiqib
ketdi. I’m interested in teaching
Men ingliz tili o’rgatishga qiziqaman.
Want xohlamoq Would love xohamoq
Wish Would prefer ma’qul
xohlamoq Would like
Need dan keyin aniq nisbatda to, majhul nisbat ma’nosida -ing
I need to repair my car.
Men mashinamni tuzatishim
kerak. My car needs repairing
Mashinam ta’mirga muhtoj.
See, hear, watch, notice, feel fe’llaridan keyin to siz infinitive ham
gerund ham kela oladi. Farq uncha katta emas.
I saw him dance/dancing yesterday.
Kecha men uni raqsga tushganini/tushayotganini ko’rdim.
Quyidagi fe’llar ham gerund ham infinitive bilan kela oladi lekin
ma’no o’zgaradi: try, stop, forget, remember
Test 2
Test 4
Test 5
Try, stop, remember, forget
At – da
Vaqt ma’nosida soatni aytishda
ishlatiladi: At 5.30 5.30 da
At 7 o’clock Soat 7 da
O’rin-joy ma’nosida mavhum joylarni yoki bir
nuqtani ifodalashda ishlatiladi:
At the party Ziyofatda
At the station Bekatda
At football match Futbol o’yinida
At the traffic lights Svetaforda
At the top of the mountain Tog’ning
tepasida At the top of the page Betning
In - da/ichida
Vaqt ma’nosida oy nomlari, yillar, asrlar va boshqa
vaqt oraliqlarini ifodalashda ishlatiladi:
In April Aprelda
In 2002 2002-yilda
In five minutes besh minutda
In a week bir haftada
In two years ikki yilda
In the 21st century 21-asrda
On – da/ustida
Vaqt ma’nosida odatda bir kunni o’z ichiga olgan so’zlar
bilan ishlatiladi:
On the 1st of September Birinchi
sentabrda On Monday Dushanba kuni
On my birthday tug’ilgan kunimda
On Christmas Day Kristmas bayrami kunida
On Monday morning Dushanba kuni ertada
On holiday ta’tilda
On the Wedding Day to’y kunida
On February 3 3-fevralda
Till, Until -gacha
Vaqt ma’nosida keladi. Vaqtni ifodalovchi so’zlar oldidan
ham, gaplar oldidan ham kela oladi.
We lived in Canada from 1977 until
1985. I’ll be away until Monday.
Dushanbagacha ta’tilda bo’laman.
Wait here until I come.
Men kelguncha shu yerda kut.
Above tepasida
There’s a mirror above the sink.
Rakavina tepasida oyna bor.
She’s rented a room above a shop.
U do’kon tepasidan xona ijaraga oldi.
Her name comes above mine on the
Uning ismi ro’yxatda menikidan tepada keladi.
Across orqali, kesib
She walked across the road.
U yo’lni kesib o’tdi.
They’re building a new bridge across the
river. Ular daryo ustidan yangi ko’prik
When I reached the river, I simply swam across.
Daryoga yetganimda, shunchaki suzib o’tdim.
Against qarshi
They sold the house though it was against their wishes.
Bu ularning xohishlariga qarshi bo’lishiga qaramasdan ular uyni
Though most people voted against him, he became the president.
Ko’pchilik qarshi ovoz berganiga qarasdan, u president bo’ldi.
Behind orqasida
The police officer was hidden behind a tree.
Politsiya ofitseri daraxt ortida yashiringan
edi. I hung my coat behind the door.
Men paltomni eshik orqasiga osdim.
Below pastida
From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like
insects. Osmono’par binoning tepasidan pastimizdagi mashinalar
hasharotlardek ko’rinay edi.
The author’s name was printed below the
title. Muallifning nomi sarlavha pastida
yozilgan edi.
Beside yonida
Come and sit here beside me.
Kel va mening oldimga o’tir.
Our school was built right beside a river.
Maktabimiz daryoning yonginasida qurilgan edi.
Down pastga
Is the lift going down?
Lift pastga ketyaptimi?
Don’t look down! You’ll get dizzy.
Pastga qarama! Boshing aylanadi.
For uchun
There’s a letter for you.
Siz uchun xat bor.
I’d better buy something for the new baby.
Men yaxshisi yangi chaqaloq uchun biror nima sotib olay.
From -dan
The wind is coming from the north.
Shamol shimoldan kelyapti.
He took a handkerchief from his
pocket. U cho’ntagidan
dastro’molchani oldi.
Into (ichi)ga
Let’s go into the garden.
Keling boqqa kiramiz.
The door opened and a nurse came into the room.
Eshik ochildi va hamshira xonaga kirdi.
Next to yonida
Who works in the office next to yours?
Sening offising yonidagi offisda kim
ishlaydi? He is standing next to me.
U mening yonimda turibdi.
Of ning
The colour of her hair is
brown. Uning sochining
rangi jigar.
What’s the name of that
plant? U o’simlikning nomi
Past yonidan
She walked right past me without noticing
me. U yonginamdan meni sezmay o’tib ketdi.
Three boys went past us on mountain bikes.
Uchta bola tog’ mototsikllarida yonimizdan o’tib ketishdi.
Up tepaga
Put those books up on the top shelf.
U kitoblarni tokchaning tepasiga qo’y.
We looked up in the sky to see the
Biz yulduzlarni ko’rish uchun osmonga qaradik.
Without –siz
You look nice without make-up
Siz pardozsiz chiroyli ko’rinasiz.
This is without a doubt the best Chinese food I’ve ever
had. Bu shubhasiz men yegan eng yaxshi Xitoy taomi.
Be crowded with (odamlar) bilan to’la
Be envious of -ga havasi kelmoq
Be excellent at -dan juda yaxshi (bilish)
Be excited about smth -dan zavqlangan
Be different from -dan farqli
Be disappointed with -dan hafsalasi pir
bo’lmoq Be fond of -ni yaxshi ko’rmoq
Be frightened of -dan qo’rmoq
Be full of bilan to’la
Be hopeless at -dan no’noq (-da qobiliyatsiz)
bo’lmoq Be impressed with/by -dan tasirlanmoq
Be independent of -dan ozod bo’moq
Be indifferent to -ga befarq bo’moq
Be responsible for -ga javobgar bo’lmoq
Be satisfied with -dan mamnun
Be scared of -dan qo’rmoq
Be shocked at/by -dan juda hayron
Be short of kam bo’lmoq
Be surprised at/by -dan hayron
Be suspicious of -dan shubhalangan
Be terrified of -dan qo’rmoq
Be tired of -dan charchagan
Be tolerant of -ga sabrli
Be interested in -ga qiziqmoq
Be jealous of -ni qizg’anmoq, rashk qilmoq
Be keen on -ga ishqiboz bo’lmoq
Be typical of -ga xos
Be upset about smth -dan xafa
Be worried about smth -dan xavotirda
Be nervous about smth -dan asabiylashmoq/hayajonda
bo’moq Be pleased with -dan mamnun bo’lmoq
Be proud of -dan faxrlanmoq
Be furious with somebody for doing smth -dan … uchun jahli
chiqmoq Be nice/kind/good/generous/polite/cruel … to smb
Tom is kind to me. Tom menga
mehribon It is nice/kind/good/generous/polite/silly
… of smb It’s kind of you to help me.
Menga yordam berishingiz siz tomoningizdan juda mehribonlik
bo’ldi. Care about haqida qayg’urmoq
Care for -ga g’amxo’rlik qilmoq/ni yoqtirmoq
Carry on davom etmoq
Climb over … dan oshib o’tmoq (devor)
Collide with bilan to’qnashmoq
Complain of (kasallik) dan shikoyat
qilmoq Complain to smb about smth -ga … dan shikoyat
Concentrate on -ga diqqatini qaratmoq
Congratulate on bilan tabriklamoq
Consist of -dan iborat bo’lmoq
Contact with bilan bog’lanish,
aloqa Crash/drive/bump/run into -ga urilmoq
Cross out o’chirmoq (xatoni ustidan chizib)
Damage to -ga zarar
Decrease in -da tushish
Depend on -ga bog’liq bo’lmoq
Depend/dependent on -ga bog’liq bo’lmoq
Describe to -ga tasvirlab
Die of -dan o’lmoq
Divide/cut/split into -ga bo’linmoq
Do smth about smth buyicha nimadir
qilmoq Dream about -ni tush ko’rmoq
Dream of -ni tasavvur qilmoq
Explain to -ga tushuntirmoq
Fall down/over/off -dan yiqilmoq
Fall in -da tushish
Fall out to’kilmoq (barg, soch)
Familiar to -ga tanish
Famous for -(s)i bilan mashhur
Feel sorry for smb -ga achinmoq
Fill in (a form) (formani) to’ldirmoq
Fill with bilan to’ldirmoq
For the time being ayni paytda
Forgive for uchun kechirmoq
Get in/out minmoq/tushmoq (yengil mashina, taksi)
Get on/off minmoq/tushmoq (avtobus, poyez, samalyot,
…) Get up uyqudan turmoq
Give up biror ish qilishni to’xtatib qo’ymoq
Glance at -ga nazar tashlamoq
Go away ketmoq
Go/come back qaytmoq
Go/walk in ichkariga kirmoq
Go/walk/drive on borishda/yurishda/ haydashda davom
etmoq Grow up o’smoq, katta bolmoq
Happen to bilan sodir bo’lmoq
Happy about smth -dan xursand
Hear about haqida eshitmoq (yangilik)
Hear from -dan biror xabar eshitmoq
Hear of haqida eshitmoq (tanimoq)
Hold on kutmoq
Hurry up shoshilmoq
Increase in -da ko’tarilish
Insist on -da turib olmoq
Invite/invitation to -ga taklif qilmoq/taklifnoma
Knock down qulatmoq
Knock out hushsiz qilmoq
Knock over turtib yiqitmoq, ag’darmoq
Laugh/smile at -ga kulmoq/tabassum qilmoq
Leave (a place) -dan ketmoq; -ni tark etmoq
Leave for (a place) -ga ketmoq
Lie down cho’zilib yotmoq
Listen to ni tinglamoq
Live on hisobiga yashamoq
Look after -ga qarab turmoq, g’amxo’rlik qilmoq
Look at -ga qaramoq
Look for -ni izlamoq
Look round o’girilib qaramoq; atrofga qaramoq
Look through ko’z yugurtirib chiqmoq
Look up izlamoq (lug’atdan so’z…)
Look/watch out ehtiyot bo’lmoq
Marry somebody bilan turmush qurmoq
On business ish buyicha
On foot piyoda
Pay smb for -ga … uchun to’lamoq
(pay smth) pulini to’lamoq
Phone smb -ga qo’ng’iroq qilmoq
Pick up termoq, yerdan olmoq
Prefer … to … -ni … dan afzal ko’rmoq
Protect from/against -dan himoya qilmoq
Provide/supply with bilan ta’minlamoq
Put in qo’ymoq, joylashtirmoq
Put on kiymoq
Put on weight semirmoq
Put out o’chirmoq (olov, sigaret)
Regard as deb hisoblamoq
Rely on -ga ishonmoq
Remind about (biror ish qilishni) eslatmoq
Remind of (o’tmishdagi narsani) eslatmoq
Ring up qo’ng’iroq qilmoq
Run away qochmoq
Run over turtib yubormoq (mashinada)
Run/drive off qochib/haydab ketmoq
Search for -ni izlamoq
Shoot/fire (a gun) at -ni otmoq
Shout at/to -ga baqirmoq (salbiy/ijobiy)
Show round atrofni ko’rsatmoq
Similar to -ga o’xshash
Slow down sekinlamoq
Speak down past gapirmoq
Speak up baland gapirmoq
Specialize in -ga ixtisoslashmoq
Spend on -ga sarflamoq
Stare at -ga tikilmoq
Succeed in -da muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq
Suffer from -dan azoblanmoq
Suspect of -da gumon qilmoq
Switch off (=turn off) o’chirmoq
Switch on (=turn on) yoqmoq
Take care of -ga g’amxo’rlik qilmoq
Take off yechmoq; yerdan ko’tarilmoq
Talk/speak to (smb) bilan gaplashmoq
Thank smb for smth -ga … uchun rahmat
aytmoq Think about/of haqida o’ylamoq
Think of eslamoq; tasavvur qilmoq
Throw at/to -ga otmoq (salbiy/ijobiy)
Throw away tashlab yubormoq
Translate from…into… -dan … ga tarjima
qilmoq Try on kiyib ko’rmoq
Turn down ovozini pasaytirmoq
Turn off o’chirmoq
Turn on yoqmoq
Turn over boshqa sahifani ochmoq
Turn round o’girilib qaramoq
Turn up ovozini baland qilmoq
Wait for -ni kutmoq
Wake up uyg’onmoq
Warn of/about haqida ogohlantirmoq
Wash up idishlarni yuvmoq
Write (a letter) to -ga (xat) yozmoq
Agarda to’ldiruvchi ot bo’lsa u fe’l va predloglar o’rtasida
ham predlogdan keyin ham kela oladi:
Put on your coat Paltongni kiy.
Put your coat on Paltongni kiy.
Agar to’ldiruvchi olmosh bo’lsa, u faqat fe’l va predlog o’rtasida
keladi: Put it on. Uni kiy. (put on it EMAS)
A) on B) in C) at 1
11. There is a piano …
1. You’ll find the answer the middle of the room.
… page 120. 12. My room is … the
2. We live … a farm near first floor.
our village. 13. He was born … April 22.
14. There are a lot of stars …
3. There’s a spider … the wall. the sky.
4. When he came we 15. We should visit
were sitting … the table. our relatives … Eid
5. I met her … the party. Al-Fitr.
6. What can you see … 16. The rule is … the top
the picture? of the page.
7. The government want to 17. I wake up early …
ban smoking … public the morning.
places. 18. I’ll be … holiday
8. My mother always next week.
keeps her documents … 19. Sometimes I dream
the safe. of living … an island.
9. We live … the second floor. 20. I fell asleep … the end
10. They danced a lot … of the lesson.
the party.
Test 2
Test 3
Predlogli iboralar
Test 1
1. The police asked her A) for B) in C) with D) at
the reason … her visit. 8. … my humble opinion,
A) from B) to C) for D) in he’s making a big mistake.
2. I sent her an invitation … A) On B) At C) With D) In
my birthday party. 9. People are often suspicious
A) to B) from C) at D) in … strangers.
3. Solar energy offers a low- A) of B) in C) for D) from
cost solution … out fuel 10. Sara has been married
problems. … Tom for 8 years.
A) in B) of C) to D) with A) with B) to C) in D) –
4. There is a close relationship 11. I feel sorry … the people
… poverty and crime. who don’t have a dream.
A) with B) in C) for D) A) to B) with C) for D) –
between 12. The farmer was held
5. He’s been … the telephone responsible … the damage
for the past two hours. done by his animals.
A) in B) on C) at D) to A) for B) in C) at D) with
6. The building was still … 13. Their situation is
fire three hours later. very similar … ours.
A) on B) in C) at D) with A) to B) in C) with D) for
7. Why do we fall in love …
one person rather than
14. Are you fond … children? A) of B) for C) from D) at
A) in B) with C) for D) of 18. Your future depends …
15. I was short … breath how well you do in these
after climbing the stairs to exams.
her flat. A) in B) of C) for D) on
A) in B) of C) for D) with 19. Who will take care …
16. Stop talking and the children?
concentrate A) in B) of C) with D) on
… your study. 20. The car belongs …
A) at B) on C) for D) with the woman next door.
17. Breakfast consisted … A) for B) at C) on D) to
dry bread and a cup of tea.
Test 2
1. This is the best thing 11. You shouldn’t blame all
that’s ever happened … me.
your problems … others.
A) to B) in C) at D) of A) for B) in C) on D) of
2. The police would like to 12. I congratulate you …
your recent promotion.
… anyone who witnessed the
A) on B) with C) for D) of
13. I’m going to leave …
A) about B) of C) from D) –
Tashkent … business. I’ll
3. - The author’s name come back in a week.
was James Bomford.
A) for/in B) -/for C) for/on
- Who is he? I’ve never heard
D) -/to
… him.
A) about B) of C) from D) – 14. The archers drew back
their arrows and aimed … the
4. The other kids laughed …
his haircut.
A) on B) at C) in D) for
A) at B) in C) on D) of
15. I have always regarded you
5. Sometimes you just have
… my friend.
to rely … your own
knowledge. A) as B) at C) on D) for
A) in B) for C) with D) on 16. How much did you spend …
6. They have to live … a A) in B) for C) from D) of
pension of $350 a month.
A) on B) in C) for D) at
7. Donna shouted … the
men furiously.
A) to B) at C) on D) with
8. Sometimes I can’t think
… some of my pupils’
A) about B) of C) with D) at
9. She suffered … depression
for most of her adult life.
A) from B) with C) of D) at
10. Never dare to accuse me
… lying.
him for his birthday?
A) for B) in C) at D) on
17. Gary threw a bit of
meat … the dog to quiet it.
A) at B) with C) to D) into
18. I never get letters.
Nobody writes a letter …
A) at B) with C) to D) –
19. The wall wasn’t high,
so we climbed …
A) through B) across C) along
D) over
20. Do you like girls …
long hair?
A) at B) through C) by D) with
Test 3
1. Mothers usually worry 11. The train was late but
… their children. nobody knew the reason …
A) with B) of C) about D) for delay.
2. There is a very bad A) of B) to C) in D) for
connection … two 12. Nobody knows what
countries. the cause … the explosion
A) among B) between was.
C) with D) by A) of B) in C) with D) about
3. There is a great demand 13. Did you get an invitation
… food in African … the party?
countries. A) on B) at C) in D) to
A) for B) in C) with D) at 14. Do you have a good
4. There has never been a relationship … your
decrease … the price of parents?
meat. A) between B) with
A) on B) at C) to D) in C) in D) at
5. My attitude … smoking 15. I was delighted …
isn’t good. the present you gave
A) in B) to C) for D) with me.
6. Are you satisfied … A) with B) for C) in D) on
your results? 16. I don’t enjoy my job
A) with B) in C) of D) on any more. I’m fed … it.
7. That was my answer … A) on at B) at up
her question. C) with at D) up with
A) to B) on C) in D) – 17. I’m sorry … shouting at
8. They couldn’t find you yesterday.
the solution … the A) about B) at C) with D) for
problem. 18. Everybody was surprised
A) at B) in C) with D) to … the news.
9. The accident was my fault, A) at B) about C) with D) in
so I had to pay for the damage 19. It’s stupid to get angry
… the other car. … things that don’t matter.
A) for B) in C) to D) at A) with B) about C) at D) for
10. Last year was a bad year 20. I’m impressed …
for the company. There was a her English. It’s very
big fall … sales. good.
A) at B) in C) on D) with A) by B) in C) about D) on
an American.
1. Are you afraid … dogs?
A) from B) at C) by D) of
2. I’m not very good …
repairing things.
A) in B) at C) on D) of
3. Linda is married …
Test 4
A) with B) at C) to D) –
4. I’m a bit short …
money. Can you tell me
A) of B) in C) for D) at
5. Your writing is
similar … mine.
A) to B) with C) at D) of
6. Who was responsible … A) in B) at C) to D) with
all that noise last night? 14. Can I speak … Jane, please?
A) in B) to C) at D) for
A) to B) at C) with D) over
7. Are you interested … art?
15. Did you phone …
A) at B) of C) with D) in your father yesterday?
8. Did you know he A) to B) at D) for D) –
was married? 16. He asked … me … money.
No, I wasn’t aware … that.
A) from/to B) for/from
A) on B) of C) for D) at
C) -/- D) -/for
9. The city centre was
17. He apologized … me.
… tourists.
A) in B) at C) with D) to
A) of B) in C) with D) over 18. She got very angry
and started shouting …
10. I’m sure you are capable me.
… passing the examination.
A) at B) to C) with D) on
A) for B) in C) of D) at
19. Why are you always
11. The Italian city of Florence so jealous … other
is famous … its art treasures. people?
A) for B) of C) at D) in A) at B) with C) of D) for
12. Why are you staring … 20. He didn’t trust me. He
me? was suspicious … my
A) to B) with C) at D) in intentions.
13. Don’t point that knife … A) of B) in C) for D) at
me. It’s dangerous.
Test 5
1. Have a nice holiday. A) about B) at C) for D) of
Take care … yourself!
8. We complained … the
A) for B) after C) of D) at
manager of the restaurant …
2. I think this job would suit the food.
you. Why don’t you apply … A) from/to B) about/from
C) to/about D) of/to
A) for B) to C) at D) on
9. I’m glad you reminded me
3. Don’t wait … me. I’ll join … the meeting. I had
you later. completely forgotten it.
A) to B) for C) at D) – A) about B) at C) on D) to
4. You can borrow this book 10. Sue accused me …
if you promise to look … it. being selfish.
A) with B) on C) up D) after A) of B) for C) about D) on
5. I dreamt … you last 11. Three students were
night when I was asleep. suspected … cheating in
A) over B) up C) at D) about the examination.
6. – Who is Tom Madely?
- I’ve no idea. I’ve never heard A) about B) for C) of D) at
… him. 12. His parents don’t approve
A) from B) to C) at D) of … what he does, but they
7. I’ve searched … my keys but can’t stop him.
I still can’t find them. A) for B) on C) about D) of
13. – What did he die …? A) for B) on C) at D) from
- A heart attack. 18. – What time will you arrive?
A) for B) to C) at D) of - I don’t know. It depends … the
14. We had an enormous traffic.
meal. It consists … seven A) on B) for C) about D) at
courses. 19. The number of people
A) on B) in C) of D) at suffering … heart disease
15. I’ll never forgive them has increased.
… what they did. A) against B) on C) at D) from
A) for B) of C) on D) at 20. I congratulated her …
16. When I realized I was her success in the exam.
wrong, I apologized … my A) with B) of C) on D) for
A) for B) of C) at D) to
17. Everybody blamed
the accident … me.
Gaplarni va gap bo’laklarini bir-biri bilan bog’lash
uchun ishlatiladigan so’zlar bog’lovchilar deyiladi.
1) kabi, -day (gap bilan keladi)
You should do exactly as I showed you yesterday.
Xuddi kecha ko’rsatganimdek bajarishingiz kerak.
2) bo’lib, sifatida (so’z bilan
keladi) She works as a doctor.
U shifokor bo’lib ishlaydi.
3) sababli = because (gap bilan keladi)
As it was getting late, I decided to stop at a hotel.
Kech bo’layotganligi sababli, men mehmonxonada to’xtashga qaror
4) paytida, mobaynida = while (gap bilan keladi)
As I was going to school, I met her.
Maktabga ketayotganimda, uni
uchratdim. Lekin: I went there once as
a child.
Men u yerga bolaligimda bir marta borganman.
As ... as – kabi, day (taqqoslash uchun ishlatiladi. So’z bilan ham gap
bilan ham kela oladi)
She’ll soon be as tall as her
mother. U tez orada onasi kabi
uzun bo’ladi. I can’t run as fast as
Men sizday tez yugura olmayman.
It’s not as good as it used to
Bu avvalgiday yaxshi emas.
Before -dan oldin; ilgari (so’z ham gap ham kela oladi)
We must finish this work before they come.
Biz bu ishni ular kelishdan oldin tugatishimiz
kerak. You must do your homework before the
Uyga vazifangizni darsdan oldin tugatishingiz
kerak. I have never read such an interesting
book before.
Men olding bunday qiziqarli kitobni o’qimagan edim.
Unless agar … masa (gap bilan keladi. Unless dan keyin inkor so’zlar
We’ll go for a walk unless it rains. (= if it doesn’t
rain) Agar yomg’ir yog’masa, biz piyoda sayrga
Unless you get good education, you can’t be an educated
person. Agar yaxshi ta’lim olmasangiz, tarbiyali inson
So that/in order that uchun, maqsadida (gap bilan keladi)
I want to go to “Best Way” tutoring centre so that I can learn
English. Men ingliz tilini o’rganish uchun “Best Way” repetitorlik
markaziga boryapman.
I’ve made some sandwiches so that we can have a snack on the
way. Men yo’lda tamaddi qilib olishimiz uchun bir nechta
sandvich tayyorladim.
In order to uchun, maqsadida (fe’l bilan keladi)
I want to go to “Best Way” tutoring centre in order to learn
English. I’ve mad some sandwiches in order to have a snack
on the way.
Till / Until – gacha (so’z bilan ham gap bilan ham kela
oladi) I’ll be back until it gets dark.
Qorong’u tushguncha qaytaman.
Be at home until your mother comes from work!
Oying ishdan qaytguncha uyda bo’l!
I’ll be back till Monday.
Dushanbagacha qaytaman.
Test 1
1. I’m wearing my warm C) Either/and D) So/and
clothes 9. He wanted to earn much
… it gets cold. more money, … he started
A) so B) till his own business.
C) unless D) in case A) if B) unless
2. … cold weather, we C) so D) but
couldn’t have a party 10. … you advertise
outdoors. your product, you can’t
A) Despite B) In spite of sell it.
C) Because D) Because of A) In case B) Because
3. She left her schoolbag at C) Despite D) Unless
home, … she couldn’t take 11. … we looked everywhere,
any notes during the lesson. we couldn’t find the key.
A) so B) because A) However B) Till
C) in case D) but C) In case D) Although
4. Tom locked the door inside, 12. He doesn’t like … chocolate
… he wanted to have some … ice-cream.
relax. A) both/or B) neither/or
A) so B) that’s why C) neither/nor D) either/or
C) because D) or 13. … you want to be a
5. … headache and tour guide, you have to
blocked nose, she didn’t get a certificate.
miss any lessons. A) Unless B) If
A) Although B) Though C) although D) Because of
C) In spite of D) However 14. Jane is rich … he never
6. The dentist thinks that feels happy.
infection goes away … A) in spite of B) but
medicine. C) in case D) that’s why
A) unless B) till 15. You can study hard, ….
C) because of D) because you will fail your examination.
7. … you hurry, you’ll be late A) or B) unless
for school. C) because of D) and
A) If B) In case 16. I can’t speak English very
C) Despite D) Unless well … I’ve been learning it
8. … Martin …. his dad for a long time.
wanted to come.
A) Neither/nor B) Both/or
A) in spite of B) although 19. … the strong wind,
C) in case D) because most trees fell down.
17. I must be at home … A) Despite B) Owing to
my father comes. C) However D) That’s why
A) before B) or 20. I was late for the meeting.
C) but D) although …, I was allowed to enter the
18. I’m baking a cake… a meeting hall.
friend of mine comes to see A) In spite of B) So
me. C) However D)
A) because of B) if Or Test 2
C) in case D) unless 9. A lot of problems are
… boredom.
A) in case B) due to
1. My granny can’t see well, D) despite of D) because
… she wears glasses. 10. Is your sister older
A) that’s why B) but … younger than you?
C) although D) however A) or B) and C) but D) nor
2. I’m sorry, … I can’t stay any 11. You’d better take keys …
longer. I’m out when you come.
A) because of B) unless A) unless B) in case
C) but D) in case C) or D) that’s why
3. Can’t you wait … we 12. We stopped … bought
get home. some food.
A) unless B) until A) but B) so C) and D) because
C) and D) or 13. … his age, he still can
4. … the sun was shining play football.
it wasn’t very warm. A) Though B) In spite of
A) Although B) While C) However D) Because
C) In case D) Because 14. He can’t read … write.
5. I had no choice … to A) or B) but C) so D) nor
accept his invitation.
15. They went swimming …
A) but B) so C) if D) and
bad weather.
6. Shut the window,… it’ll A) in spite of B) because of
get too cold in here.
C) in case D) till
A) however B) in case
C) while D) otherwise
16. There are people
without homes, jobs …
7. … everyone played well, family.
we still lost the game.
A) or B) but C) so D) unless
A) Despite B) In spite of
17. Tomorrow is his exam …
C) However D) Although
he is studying very hard.
8. If you enter university,
A) but B) because C) so D) or
your parents and your
teachers will be very happy 18. You must do your homework
… you. … you will be deleted from the
A) that’s why B) however group.
C) though D) because of
A) however B) because of 20. My father gives me some
C) despite D) otherwise pocket money every morning
19. We will play … I get hungry at school.
football tomorrow … it A) although B) till C) in case
rains. D) so
A) unless B) in spite of
C) that’s why D) because of
Test 3
A) While B) After
C) Despite D) Although A) In case of B) If
20. You can use office C) Although D) Because
… fire.
Test 4
1. … you want to learn
C) in spite of D) if
English, you should go to
“Best Way” centre. 11. He didn’t have enough
A) Although B) But money … he couldn’t buy a
new car.
C) If D) Because of
A) because B) so
2. I said that I believed her … I
C) but D) though
knew that she was lying to
me. 12. Our house is cheap …
A) though B) because theirs is expensive.
C) despite D) so A) despite B) so
3. They knocked down all the C) because D) while
houses … they built a car 13. Don’t come to the course
park. … you want to study.
A) and B) in case of A) unless B) but
C) or D) despite C) because D) in spite of
4. Are there four … five 14. Give him some money …
people living in that house? he wants to buy something.
A) and B) but A) despite B) because of
C) or D) despite C) but D) in case
5. My shoes look great … 15. You have to wear a tie …
they are not very
A) and B) but C) or D) sleep.
despite A) After B) In case of
6. You can drink chocolate
milk … hot in the winter or
cold in the summer.
A) either B) neither
C) both D) none
7. … Lisa nor Helena had
been to Italy before.
A) either B) neither
C) both D) none
8. … you and I know what
really happened.
A) Either B) Neither
C) Both D) None
9. … my alarm didn’t go off,
I was late for work.
A) Because B) Despite
C) Unless D) Both
10. … we had talked on 233
the phone, I went to
you can’t enter the building.
A) otherwise B) however
C) unless D) in case
16. I don’t think I’ll need any
money but I’ll bring some
just …
A) in case B) although
C) because D) while
17. This is one possible
solution to the problem. …,
there are others.
A) But B) Although
C) However D) Unless
18. The concert has
been cancelled … lack
of interest.
A) that’s why B) but
C) owing to D) however
19. … his injury,
Ricardo will play in
Saturdays’ match.
A) So B) That’s why
C) But D) In spite of
20. She walked home by A) despite B) or
herself, C) although D) otherwise
… she knew that it was
Test 5
1. … I make a decision, I A) Although B) So
think carefully about it. C) Despite D) Because
A) Before B) After 12. He decided to go, … I
C) Unless D) In case of begged him not to.
2. … anyone calls, tell them A) because B) in spite of
I’m not at home. C) otherwise D) although
A) If B) In case 13. We can’t go to Julia’s party
C) Unless D) Although
… we don’t have time.
3. I like city life … there is it wasn’t very warm.
much noise in most cities.
A) so B) in case C) if D)
4. Don’t miss any lessons,
… you’ll fail the exams.
A) because of B) otherwise
C) that’s why D) however
5. Go … get me a pen please.
A) but B) and C) if D) after
6. It’s not necessary to enter
university … it’s very
important to study.
A) despite B) in case of
B) but D) otherwise
7. It can be black, white ….
A) or B) but C) nor D) so
8. He walked slowly …
his injured leg.
A) in spit B) that’s why
C) because of D) in case
9. … I’m mistaken, she
was back at work
A) If B) Unless
C) In case D) Although
10. … you regulary practise
English, you’ll learn it in a
short time.
A) Although B) In case
C) Unless D) If
11. … the sun was shining
A) in case B) otherwise
C) because D) due to
14. … the rain, I took
my umbrella.
A) In case B) Because of
C) Despite of D) In spite
15. The lessons were cancelled
… the quarantine.
A) or B) owing to
C) but D) because
16. They work … the night
and sleep by day.
A) during B) while
C) despite of D) after
17. He came home early …
see the children before
they went to bed.
A) in order to B) so that
C) and D) because
18. She’ll soon be as tall …
her mother.
A) or B) as
C) so C) nor
19. … it was getting
late, I decided to go
A) So B) Because
C) Despite D) As
20. Everyone is here …
Anna. Where is she?
A) but B) despite
C) because D) or
Takrorlash uchun testlar
Test 1
1. I have many … 14. Tom is my friend. … is
A) book B) pen very clever.
C) water D) sheep A) She B) He C) It D) We
2. There are … on the table. 15. Is this car …?
A) a pencil B) news A) you B) your
C) two books D) a pupils C) yours D) yourself
3. My aunt has two … 16. This is my … house.
A) baby B) babys A) a B) the C) an D) –
C) baby’s D) babies 17. This is … school. …
4. My house is … than yours. school is very big.
A) big B) bigger A) a/A B) the/The
C) biggest D) the biggest C) -/A D) a/The
5. This is a … flower. 18. You are very … kind.
A) beautiful B) more beautiful A) a B) an C) the D) –
C) the more beautiful 19. I … this book yesterday.
D) the most beautiful A) buy B) am buying
6. This is … course in our C) buyed D) bought
city. 20. … you come to the
A) good B) better party tomorrow?
C) the better D) the best A) Will B) Did C) Have D) Are
7. I know English very … 21. We … already … this film.
A) good B) well A) have/watched B) do/watch
C) better D) best C) is/watching D) did/watched
8. I study at … form of 22. John knows English. He
the school. … speak English very well.
A) nine B) nineth A) can B) might
C) ninth D) nineths C) could D) ought
9. This is ... 23. … I come in, please?
A) first room B) one room A) May B) Must
C) room one D) room first C) Need D) Might
10. 1/3 - … 24. We are friends, …?
A) one and three B) one three A) do we B) don’t we
C) one third D) one thirds C) are we D) aren’t we
11. 105 - … 25. If you … English, you …
A) a hundred and five to London.
B) hundred and five A) learn/will go B) will learn/go
C) thousand and five C) will learn/will go
D) one hundred and fifty D) learns/go
12. She has … friends. 26. He said: “I am
A) much B) one ready”. He said that …
C) a little D) many A) I am ready B) I was ready
13. Do you have … books? C) he is ready D) he was ready
A) some B) any C) much D)
a 235
27. I want … English. A) because B) so
A) learn B) to learn C) but D) or
C) learning D) to learning 30. This book … by me.
28. I’m angry … you. A) write B) writes
A) from B) on C) at D) with C) is writing D) was written
29. I was ill … I couldn’t go
to school.
Test 2
1. He … always … on time. A) sleeps B) will sleep
A) have/come B) -/came C) was sleeping D) has slept
C) is/coming D) comes 11. I … him since my childhood.
2. If it … raining, I’ll get back A) am knowing B) know
to the house. C) have been knowing D)
A) start B) started have known
C) will start D) starts 12. After you have done your
3. I don’t know … he’ll come. work, we … discuss the
A) when B) what matter.
C) who D) which A) can B) need
4. – What … you …? C) could D) has to
- I’m a doctor. 13. Though I was tired, I …
A) are/dong B) have/done to finish my work.
C) do/do D) did/do A) could B) must C) was able
5. … are you thinking about? D) might
A) Where B) What 14. I … the book by Sunday.
C) Why D) How A) read B) had read
C) was reading D) have read
6. Do you homework before … 15. When I saw her I
to bed. remembered that I … her
A) go B) to go before.
C) going D) went A) saw B) had seen
7. He said: “I’ll help C) was seeing D) have seen
you”. He said … 16. We have to go now, …?
A) he’ll helm me A) don’t we B) do we
B) he would help me C) have we D) haven’t we
C) I will help you 17. We have watched this film,
D) I would help you …?
8. I … short stories when I was a A) don’t we B) do we
schoolboy. C) have we D) haven’t we
A) was writing B) used to 18. We have never watched
write this film, …?
C) had written D) have written A) don’t we B) do we
9. David and his brother … C) have we D) haven’t we
for dinner tonight. 19. We never watch this film,
A) are coming B) has come …?
C) came D) comes A) don’t we B) do we
10. When I entered her C) have we D) haven’t we
room, she …
20. - I will watch this A) lately B) more lately
film tomorrow. C) the later D) late
- …?
31. Let me try … you.
A) will you B) won’t you Who knows maybe I can.
C) will I D) won’t I A) help B) to help
21. - They want to learn C) helping D) to helping
32. We used to work …
- …?
A) a lot of B) many C) a few
A) don’t they B) do they
D) a lot
C) don’t you D) do you
33. The weather is …
22. I’ll wait for you … I die.
than yesterday.
A) by B) until
A) warm B) warmer
C) since D) after
C) warmest D) the warmest
23. We’ll have to wait … two
34. … you drink, … you’ll sweat.
months for the exam to
begin. A) The more/the more
A) other B) another B) More/more
C) the other D) others C) The most/the most
24. We sometimes think that D) Many/Much
life is better in … counties. 35. It seems … to learn a
A) other B) another new language.
C) the other D) others A) hardly B) easy
25. An old woman had two C) badly D) quickly
geese. One of them was 36. It sounds … to me.
white while … was blue. A) good B) well
A) other B) another C) nicely D) badly
C) the other D) others 37. The work … by a group
26. You can’t look … the of people.
words you don’t know from A) is doing B) did
your dictionary during the C) have done D) was done
state exams. 38. The climate is believed …
A) in B) after C) at D) up at the moment.
27. Some of you are looking A) changing B) be changing
… to summer holidays. C) to be changing
A) up B) after D) is changing
C) at D) forward 39. The USSR was attacked
28. I’m very glad because … June 22nd, 1941.
my father finally gave …
A) in B) on C) at D) to
A) up B) after 40. … film we watched …
last week was … boring.
C) at D) forward
A) The/the/a B) A/-/the
29. He left … the city he
was born and didn’t came C) The/-/- D) A/the/-
A) to B) in C) on D) –
30. The teacher won’t let you
in if you come …
Test 3
1. I have two … 14. She speaks English very …
A) sugar B) book A) well B) good C) slow D) bad
C) news D) apples 15. I was born in 1980.
2. There … money in the A) ninety eighty
B) nineteen eighty
A) are many B) are some
C) ninety eighteen
C) is much D) is many
D) nineteen eighteen
3. There are three … on
the table. 16. There are … pupils in
A) knife B) knifes our school.
C) knives D) knivs A) hundreds B) hundreds of
C) a hundreds D) a hundreds of
4. Some people have 32 …
17. 3/7 - …
A) tooth B) teeth
C) toothes D) teeths A) three sevenths
5. I bought … jeans B) three sevens
yesterday. C) three seventh
A) a B) two D) third and seven
C) a pair D) a pair of 18. My room is very small but I
6. I gave him a … of bread.
A) loaf B) bowl C) lump D) 13. Can you speak … please?
bar A) slow B) quiet
7. Have you seen the … book? C) fastly D) slowly
A) teacher B) teachers
C) teacher’s D) teachers’s
8. Today it’s … than
A) warm B) warmer
C) more warmer D) the
9. This is … building in
the world.
A) tall B) taller
C) tallest D) the tallest
10. Your car is not as …
as mine.
A) clean B) cleaner
C) more clean D) the cleanest
11. … it is, … I want to go to
the sea.
A) The warmer/the more
B) Warmer/more
C) Warmest/most
D) The warmest/most
12. Your dress is … beautiful!
A) so B) such
C) so a D) such a
like …
A) him B) it C) them D) you
19. … a lot of trees in
our school-garden.
A) It is B) This is
C) There is D) There are
20. Do you like … school?
A) you B) yours
C) your D) yourself
21. I don’t have … friends.
A) some B) much C) no D)
22. This is the book …
you didn’t like.
A) which B) what
C) who D) whom
23. This is … apple.
A) a B) an C) the D) –
24. Today the weather is …
very cold.
A) a B) an C) the D) –
25. Yesterday we saw …
house where you live.
A) a B) an C) the D) –
26. … world is … very big.
A) The/- B) A/-
C) A/a D) The/the
27. I wake up early in C) do you D) don’t you
… morning. 36. I want to learn English.
A) a B) an C) the D) – A) So do I B) So am I
28. I don’t know English so I … C) Neither do I D) Neither am I
speak it. 37. If you … to learn English, I
A) can’t B) mustn’t … you.
C) couldn’t D) needn’t
A) wanted/will teach
29. You … come to the lesson
B) want/would teach you
on time.
C) will want/teach
A) must B) might
C) ought D) should to D) want/will teach
38. We enjoy … books.
30. We usually … in
the evening. A) read B) to read
A) run B) runs C) are running C) reading D) to reading
D) ran 39. She wants … a student.
31. She … to the lesson A) being B) to be
last Monday. C) be D) to being
A) doesn’t come B) didn’t come 40. I met him … the party.
C) hasn’t come D) won’t come A) in B) on C) at D) of
32. They … on the bench at 41. I like working … the garden.
the moment. A) in B) at C) on D) to
A) sit B) has sat 42. Don’t be angry … me.
C) was sitting D) are sitting A) at B) with C) from D) of
33. We … already … our work. 43. The sun was shining …
A) -/do B) have/done the weather was very cold.
C) will/do D) is/doing A) so B) because
34. He asked me: “Are C) but D) that’s why
you tired?” 44. Adam knows three
He asked me … languages … he is very
A) were you tired B) If was I young.
tired A) although B) despite
C) I am tired D) if I was tired C) so D) because
35. This test is very easy, …? 45. … be late for the lessons!
A) is it B) isn’t it A) Not B) Don’t
C) To not D) Not to
Qo’shimcha ma’lumotlar
O’lchamlarni aytish
Olmoq, sotib olmoq, topmoq, olib kelmoq, bormoq, borib
yetmoq ma’nolarida ishlatilishi mumkin:
Where did you get it?
Buni qayerdan olding?
It is difficult to get a job in my town.
Mening shaxarchamda ish topish qiyin.
Did you get my letter?
Mening xatimni oldingmi?
Bormoq deb tarjima qilinadi. Odatda to predlogi bilan
keladi. I go to my English course three times a week.
Men ingliz tili kursimga haftada uch marta
boraman. We should go to the dentist every six
Biz har 6 oyda bir marta tish shifokoriga borishimiz kerak.
Go + ing
Go swimming suzishga bormoq
Go shopping xarid qilishga bormoq
Go fishing baliq tutishga bormoq
Make trouble tashvishlantirmoq
Do bilan keladigan iboralar:
Darak gaplar:
I (subject) watch (verb) TV (object).
Men ( ega) ko’raman (kesim) televizorni(to’ldiruvchi).
Ingliz tilida o’zbek tilidan farqli ravishda har doim gapda ega
va kesim yonma-yon kelishi shart. Ammo o’zbek tilida kesim gap
oxirida keladi va ega kelmasligi yo yashirinib kelishi mumkin.
I usually go to bed early.
Odatda barvaqt uxlayman.
They must go to school.
Maktabga borish kerak.
Ingliz tilida o’rin va payt hollari to’ldiruvchidan keyin keladi.
Biz har kuni do’stlarimizni uchratamiz.
We every day meet our friends emas!
We meet our friends every day.
Gapda o’rin va payt ravishlari yonma-yon kelganida birinchi
o’rin so’ng payt ravishi joylashadi. Chunki payt ravishi o’rin
ravishiga nisbatan mustaqilroq. O’rin ravishi esa gapdagi
kesimga tobe bo’ladi. I watch TV in my room (place) every night
We arrived at the airport (place) at 10 p.m
(time) I go to school (place) every day (time).
Every day I go to school desa ham bo’ladi.
Ammo, To school I go every day emas!
Usually, always, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never, also payt
ravishlari hamda both, all olmoshlari kesimdan oldin keladi:
I often talk to my relatives in Bukhara.
Men tez-tez Buxorodagi qarindoshlarim bilan
gaplashaman. We usually get up at 6:30 a.m.
Biz odatda 6.30 da turamiz.
They both love their mother.
Ularning ikkalasiyam onasini yaxshi ko’radi.
Ammo bu so’zlar yordamchi fe’llardan keyin keladi.
I am always at work on weekdays.
They are always late for school.
Ular darsga doim kech qolishadi.
We are all interested in politics.
Biz barchamiz siyosatga
qiziqamiz. I will never forget you.
Men sizni hech qachon unutmayman.
Perfect zamonlarida ishlatiladigan just, already, never, ever
ravishlari birinchi yordamchi fe’ldan keyin keladi:
I’ve just come from school.
Men maktabdan hozirgina keldim.
We’ve already known him.
Men uni allaqachon bilardim.
So’roq gaplarda so’z tartibi yuqoridagi mavzularda berib
o’tilgan bo’lib asosan yordamchi va modal fe’llarning egadan
oldinga chiqishi orqali yasaladi:
Do you often watch TV?
Siz tez-tez televizor tomosha qilasizmi?
Who can help me?
Kim menga yordam bera oladi?
Inkor gaplar yordamchi yoki modal fe’llarga not qo’shish
orqali yasaladi:
I don’t like football.
Men futbolni
yoqtirmayman. You can’t
understand me.
Sen meni tushuna olmaysan.
Noto’g’ri fe’llar
V0 V2 V3 Tarjimas
30. Find Found Found Topmoq
31. Fly Flew Flown Uchmoq
32. Forget Forgot Forgotten Unutmoq
33. Forgive Forgave Forgiven Kechirmoq
34. Freeze Froze Frozen Muzlamoq
35. Get Got Got/Gotten Olmoq
36. Give Gave Given Bermoq
37. Go Went Gone/Been Bormoq
38. Grow Grew Grown O’smoq
39. Hang Hung Hung Osilmoq, ilinmoq
40. Have Had Had Ega bo’lmoq
41. Hear Heard Heard Eshitmoq
42. Hide Hid Hidden Yashirinmoq
43. Hit Hit Hit urmoq
44. Hold Held Held Ushlamoq
45. Hurt Hurt Hurt Jarohatlamoq
46. Keep Kept Kept Saqlamoq
47. Know Knew Known Bilmoq
48. Lay Laid Laid Qo’ymoq, yoymoq
49. Learn Learnt Learnt O’rganmoq
50. Leave Left Left Tark etmoq, qoldirmoq
51. Lend Lent Lent Qarzga berib turmoq
52. Let Let Let Ruxsat bermoq
53. Lie Lay Lain Yotmoq, cho’zilmoq
54. Light Lit Lit Yoritmoq, yoqmoq
55. Lose Lost Lost Yo’qotmoq
56. Make Made Made Yasamoq, qilmoq
57. Mean Meant Meant Anglatmoq
58. Meet Met Met Uchrashmoq
59. Mistake Mistook Mistaken xato qilmoq
60. Pay Paid Paid To’lamoq
61. Put Put Put Qo’ymoq
62. Quit Quit Quit To’xtatmoq
63. Read(rid) Read (red) Read (red) O’qimoq
64. Ride Rode Ridden Minmoq
65. Ring Rang Rung Qo’ng’iroq qilmoq
66. Rise Rose Risen Ko’tarilmoq, ko’tarmoq
67. Run Ran Run Yugurmoq
68. Say Said Said Aytmoq
69. See Saw Seen Ko’rmoq
70. Sell Sold Sold Sotmoq
71. Send Sent Sent Yubormoq
72. Set Set Set O’rnatmoq
73. Sew Sewed Sewn tikmoq
74. Shake Shook Shaken Silkitmoq
75. Shave Shaved Shaven Soqol olmoq
76. Shine Shone Shone Charaqlamoq
77. Shoot Shot Shot Otmoq
78. Show Showed Shown Ko’rsatmoq
79. Shut Shut Shut Yopmoq
80. Sing Sang Sung Kuylamoq
81. Sink Sank Sunk Cho’kmoq
82. Sit Sat Sat O’tirmoq
83. Sleep Slept Slept Uxlamoq
84. Smell Smelt Smelt Hidlamoq, hid taratmoq
85. Speak Spoke Spoken Gapirmoq
86. Spell Spelt Spelt Talaffuz qilmoq
87. Spend Spent Spent O’tkazmoq, sarflamoq
88. Spill Spilt Spilt To’kilmoq
89. Spread Spread Spread yoyilmoq
90. Stand Stood Stood Turmoq
91. Steal Stole Stolen O’g’irlamoq
92. Swim Swam Swum Suzmoq
93. Take Took Taken Olmoq
94. Teach Taught Taught O’rganmoq
95. Tear Tore Torn Yirtmoq
96. Tell Told Told aytib bermoq
97. Think Thought Thought O’ylamoq
98. Throw Threw Thrown Uloqtirmoq
99. Understand Understood Understood Tushunmoq
100. Wake Woke Woken Uyg’onmoq
101. Wear Wore Worn Kiymoq
102. Weep Wept Wept Yig’lamoq
103. Win Won Won G’alaba qozonmoq
104. Write Wrote Written Yozmoq