Psych Duty All Drug Study
Psych Duty All Drug Study
Psych Duty All Drug Study
Generic Name: PO (adults): Alters the effect Second-line Hypersensitivity: CNS: neuroleptic Assess mental status
Psychoses – of dopamine in treatment for hypersensitivity to malignant syndrome, (orientation, mood,
CHLORPROMAZIN 10-25mg 2-4 the CNS. Has schizophrenia and sulphites sedation, behavior) prior to and
E times daily; significant psychosis after (injectable) or extrapyramidal periodically during therapy
may increase anticholinergic / failure with benzyl alcohol reactions, tardive
Brand Name: every 3-4 days alpha-adrenergic atypical (sustained-release dyskinesia. Assess weight and BMI
LARGACTIL (usual dose is blocking antipsychotics. capsules); cross- initially and throughout
200 mg/day; activity. sensitivity with EENT: blurred therapy
Classification: up to 1 g’ Hyper excitable, other vision, dry eyes, lens
combative phenothiazines opacities. Assess fasting blood glucose
Therapeutic: behavior in may occur; angle- and cholesterol levels
antiemetics, children. closure glaucoma; CV: hypotension, initially and periodically
antipsychotics bone marrow tachycardia throughout therapy. Refer as
Nausea and depression; severe appropriate for nutritional /
Pharmacologic: vomiting. liver/cardiovascular GI: constipation, dry weight and medical
phenothiazines Intractable disease; concurrent mouth, anorexia, management
hiccups. pimozide use. hepatitis, ileus,
PREGNANCY Preoperative priapism. Assess positive
CATEGORY: C sedation. Acute (hallucinations, delusions,
intermittent GU: urinary agitation) and negative
porphyria. retention. (social withdrawal)
symptoms of schizophrenia
photosensitivity, Monitor blood pressure
leukopenia (sitting, standing, lying),
pulse, and respiratory rate
METAB: prior to and frequently
hyperthermia during the period of dose
MISC: Allergic
reaction Observe patient carefully
when administering
medication to ensure
medication is actually taken
and not hoarded.
F and E:
paresthesia, tremor
GU: polyuria,
nephrogenic diabetes
insipidly, renal
DERM: acneform
eruption, follicuilitis,
alopecia, diminished
sensation, pruritus
F and E:
METAB: weight
MS: muscle
NEURO: tremors
Drug Name Dosage Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: (TEGRETOL-XR) Normally, To treat epilepsy History of bone CNS: Chills, Patients must take their
sodium moves marrow depression confusion, dizziness, meds exactly as prescribed.
CARBAMAZEPINE Adults and into a neuronal To relieve pain in drowsiness, fatigue, It is crucial to keep in mind
children aged 12 cell by passing trigeminal hypersensitivity to fever, headache, that anti-manic medications
Brand Name:
TEGRETOL, TERIL and over. through a gated neuralgia carbamazepine suicidal ideation, can cause dizziness and
sodium channel syncope, sleepiness. Furthermore,
Classification: Initial: 200 mg in the cell To treat acute tricyclic talkativeness, patients with low sodium
Therapeutic: b.i.d. Increased membrane. manic and mixed compounds, or unsteadiness, visual levels may be more
Analgesic, weekly by 200 mg Carbamazepine episodes in their components hallucinations susceptible to harm.
anticonvulsant daily, if needed. may prevent or bipolar disorder Patients should also be
halt seizures by MAO inhibitor CV: Arrhythmias, informed that they may
CATEGORY: C Maximum: closing or including AV block; gain weight. (NOTE: If
1,600 mg daily in blocking sodium nefazodone therapy edema; heart failure; you want short statement,
adults, 1,200 mg channels, as hypertension; you can use this, if not,
daily in children shown below, hypotension; follow the statements
aged 16 and over, thus preventing thromboembolism; below and delete this part
and 1,000 mg daily sodium from thrombophlebitis; instead )
in children ages 12 entering the cell. worsened coronary
to 16. Keeping sodium artery disease •Avoid using
out of the cell carbamazepine in patients
Children aged 6 to may slow nerve EENT: Blurred with a history of hepatic
12. impulse vision, porphyria because it may
Initial: 100 mg transmission, conjunctivitis, dry prompt an acute attack.
b.i.d. thus slowing the mouth, glossitis,
•WARNING: If patient has
rate at which nystagmus,
Asian ancestry, make sure
Increased weekly neurons fire. oculomotor
he has been evaluated for
by 100 mg daily, if disturbances,
the genetic allelic variant
needed. stomatitis, tinnitus,
HLA-B 1502 before
Maximum: 1,000 transient diplopia
starting carbamazepine
mg daily.
therapy. Patients positive
ENDO: Syndrome for HLA-B 1502 shouldn’t
ORAL of inappropriate take carbamazepine
SUSPENSION ADH secretion, because the risk of serious,
water intoxication sometimes fatal,
Adults and GI: Abdominal pain, dermatologic reactions is
children age 12 anorexia, ten times higher than in
and over. constipation, patients without this
diarrhea, dyspepsia, variant.
Initial: 100 mg elevated liver
q.i.d. Increased function test results, •Use carbamazepine
weekly by 200 mg hepatitis, nausea, cautiously in patients with
daily, if needed, pancreatitis, impaired hepatic function
given in divided vomiting because it’s mainly
Doses t.i.d or q.i.d. metabolized in the liver.
Maximum: 1,600 GU: Acute urine Monitor liver function
mg daily in adults, retention, tests, as directed.
1,200 mg daily in albuminuria, •Monitor patient closely for
children age 16 azotemia, adverse reactions because
and over, and glycosuria, many are serious.
1,000 mg daily in impotence, oliguria,
children ages 12 to renal failure, urinary •Periodically monitor
16. frequency blood carbamazepine level
to assess for therapeutic
Children ages 6 to HEME: Acute and toxic levels; a blood
12. Initial: 50 mg intermittent level of 6 to 12 mcg/ml is
q.i.d. porphyria, optimal for anticonvulsant
agranulocytosis, effects. WARNING
Increased weekly aplastic anemia, Monitor WBC and platelet
by 100 mg daily, if bone marrow counts monthly for first 2
needed, given in depression, months. Decreased counts
divided doses t.i.d eosinophilia, may indicate bone marrow
or q.i.d. leukocytosis, depression.
leukopenia, •Monitor patient closely for
Maximum: 1,000 pancytopenia, evidence of suicidal
mg daily. thrombocytopenia thinking or behavior,
especially when therapy
Children up to age MS: Arthralgia, leg starts or dosage changes.
6. Initial: 10 to 20 cramps, myalgia
mg/ kg/day in •Withdraw carbamazepine
divided doses q.i.d. RESP: Pulmonary gradually to minimize risk
Maximum: 35 hypersensitivity of seizures.
mg/kg daily (dyspnea, fever, PATIENT TEACHING
pneumonia, or
pneumonitis) •Tell patient to take
carbamazepine with food
SKIN: Aggravation (except the oral suspension
of disseminated form, which shouldn’t be
lupus erythematosus, taken with other liquid
alopecia, altered skin drugs or diluents).
•Warn patient about
possible dizziness, blurred
vision, and unsteadiness.
erythema nodosum, •Inform patient that coating
exfoliative of E.R. tablets isn’t
dermatitis, jaundice, absorbed and may appear
Lyell’s syndrome, in stool.
reactions, pruritic •Advise patient not to
and erythematous crush or chew E.R.
rash, purpura, capsules or tablets. If he
Stevens-Johnson can’t swallow capsules
syndrome, urticaria whole, have him open them
Other: Adenopathy, and sprinkle contents on
lymphadenopathy food.
The usual
dose for
migraine in:
adults – daily
doses vary
from a single
dose of 400mg
to 1,500mg
split into 2
Drug Name Dosage Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: PO (Adults and Stabilizes Adjunct treatment Hypersensitivity; CNS: ataxia, Assess patient for skin rash
children > 12 neuronal of partial seizures Lactation. dizziness, headache, frequently during therapy.
LAMOTRIGINE yr): patients membranes by in adults with behaviour changes, Discontinue lamotrigine as
taking inhibiting epilepsy. depression, first sign of rash; may be
Brand Name:
LAMICTAL carbamazepine, sodium transport drowsiness, life threatening. Stevens-
phenonarbital, insomnia, tremor Johnson syndrome or toxic
Classification: phenytoin, or epidermal necrolysis may
Therapeutic: primidone – EENT: blurred develop. Rash usually
anticonsulvants 50mg daily as vision, double occurs during the initila 2-
a single dose vision, rhinitis 8wks of therapy and is
for first 2 wk, more frequent in patients
then 50 mg GI: nausea, taking multiple
twic daily for vomiting antiepileptic agents,
next 2wk; then especially valproic acid,
increase by GU: vaginitis. and much more frequent in
100 mg/day on patients <16yr
a weekly basis DERM:
to maintenance photosensitivity, Monitor for
dose of 150- rash (higher hypersensitivity reations
250 mg twice incidence in (fever, lymphadenopathy
daily. children, patient with or without rash) if
taking VPA, high cause cannot be
initial doses, or rapid determined, discontinue
dose increases) lamotrigine immediately
GI: Constipation,
diarrhea, dry mouth,
salivation, nausea, Carefully monitor P. BP,
anorexia, vomiting, respiration during IV
difficulty in administration.
elevation in blood Change from IV therapy to
enzymes, hepatic oral therapy as soon as
impairment possible.