Advanced Nonlinear TMG
Advanced Nonlinear TMG
Advanced Nonlinear TMG
Proprietary & Restricted Rights Notice 2009 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software and related documentation are proprietary to Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. NASTRAN is a registered trademark of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NX Nastran is an enhanced proprietary version developed and maintained by Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. MSC is a registered trademark of MSC.Software Corporation. MSC.Nastran and MSC.Patran are trademarks of MSC.Software Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. TAUCS Copyright and License TAUCS Version 2.0, November 29, 2001. Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 by Sivan Toledo, Tel-Aviv Univesity, [email protected]. All Rights Reserved. TAUCS License: Your use or distribution of TAUCS or any derivative code implies that you agree to this License. THIS MATERIAL IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. ANY USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program, provided that the Copyright, this License, and the Availability of the original version is retained on all copies. User documentation of any code that uses this code or any derivative code must cite the Copyright, this License, the Availability note, and "Used by permission." If this code or any derivative code is accessible from within MATLAB, then typing "help taucs" must cite the Copyright, and "type taucs" must also cite this License and the Availability note. Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted, provided the Copyright, this License, and the Availability note are retained, and a notice that the code was modified is included. This software is provided to you free of charge. Availability As of version 2.1, we distribute the code in 4 formats: zip and tarred-gzipped (tgz), with or without binaries for external libraries. The bundled external libraries should allow you to build the test programs on Linux, Windows, and MacOS X without installing additional software. We recommend that you download the full distributions, and then perhaps replace the bundled libraries by higher performance ones (e.g., with a BLAS library that is specifically optimized for your machine). If you want to conserve bandwidth and you want to install the required libraries yourself, download the lean distributions. The zip and tgz files are identical, except that on Linux, Unix, and MacOS, unpacking the tgz file ensures that the configure script is marked as executable (unpack with tar zxvpf), otherwise you will have to change its permissions manually.
Table of contents
Table of contents
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Objective of this manual.................................................................................. 1 1.2 Overview of Advanced Nonlinear Solution .................................................... 2 1.2.1 Choosing Between Solutions 601 and 701............................................... 4 1.2.2 Units ......................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Structure of Advanced Nonlinear Solution ..................................................... 7 1.3.1 Executive Control..................................................................................... 7 1.3.2 Case Control ............................................................................................. 8 1.3.3 Bulk Data................................................................................................ 10 1.3.4 Terminology used in Advanced Nonlinear Solution .............................. 12 2. Elements ............................................................................................................. 13 2.1 Rod elements ................................................................................................. 19 2.1.1 General considerations ........................................................................... 19 2.1.2 Material models and formulations.......................................................... 20 2.1.3 Numerical integration............................................................................. 20 2.1.4 Mass matrices ......................................................................................... 21 2.1.5 Heat transfer capabilities ........................................................................ 21 2.2 Beam elements .............................................................................................. 21 2.2.1 Elastic beam element.............................................................................. 24 2.2.2 Elasto-plastic beam element ................................................................... 25 2.2.3 Mass matrices ......................................................................................... 32 2.2.4 Heat transfer capabiities ......................................................................... 32 2.3 Shell elements................................................................................................ 32 2.3.1 Basic assumptions in element formulation............................................. 34 2.3.2 Material models and formulations.......................................................... 41 2.3.3 Shell nodal point degrees of freedom..................................................... 42 2.3.4 Composite shell elements (Solution 601 only)....................................... 48 2.3.5 Numerical integration............................................................................. 51 2.3.6 Mass matrices ......................................................................................... 52 2.3.7 Heat transfer capabilities ........................................................................ 53 2.3.8 Selection of elements for analysis of thin and thick shells..................... 55 2.4 Surface elements 2-D solids (Solution 601 only)....................................... 56 2.4.1 General considerations ........................................................................... 56 2.4.2 Material models and formulations.......................................................... 61 2.4.3 Numerical integration............................................................................. 62 2.4.4 Mass matrices ......................................................................................... 63 2.4.5 Heat transfer capabilities ........................................................................ 63
Table of contents
2.4.6 Recommendations on use of elements.................................................... 64 2.5 Solid elements 3-D ..................................................................................... 65 2.5.1 General considerations ........................................................................... 65 2.5.2 Material models and nonlinear formulations.......................................... 72 2.5.3 Numerical integration............................................................................. 73 2.5.4 Mass matrices ......................................................................................... 73 2.5.5 Heat transfer capabilities ........................................................................ 74 2.5.6 Recommendations on use of elements.................................................... 74 2.6 Scalar elements Springs, masses and dampers ........................................... 75 2.7 R-type elements............................................................................................. 77 2.7.1 Rigid elements........................................................................................ 78 2.7.2 RBE3 element......................................................................................... 82 2.8 Other element types....................................................................................... 83 2.8.1 Gap element............................................................................................ 83 2.8.2 Concentrated mass element .................................................................... 83 2.8.3 Bushing element ..................................................................................... 84 3. Material models and formulations................................................................... 86 3.1 Stress and strain measures ............................................................................. 88 3.1.1 Kinematic formulations .......................................................................... 88 3.1.2 Strain measures....................................................................................... 90 3.1.3 Stress measures....................................................................................... 91 3.1.4 Some theory on large strain plasticity .................................................... 92 3.1.5 Thermal Strains ...................................................................................... 97 3.2 Linear elastic material models....................................................................... 99 3.2.1 Elastic-isotropic material model........................................................... 101 3.2.2 Elastic-orthotropic material model ....................................................... 101 3.3 Nonlinear elastic material model................................................................. 104 3.3.1 Nonlinear elastic material for rod element ........................................... 108 3.4 Elasto-plastic material model ...................................................................... 110 3.5 Temperature-dependent elastic material models ......................................... 116 3.6 Thermal elasto-plastic and elastic-creep material models ........................... 117 3.6.1 Evaluation of thermal strains................................................................ 121 3.6.2 Evaluation of plastic strains ................................................................. 121 3.6.3 Evaluation of creep strains ................................................................... 123 3.6.4 Computational procedures.................................................................... 126 3.7 Hyperelastic material models ...................................................................... 128 3.7.1 Mooney-Rivlin material model ............................................................ 130 3.7.2 Ogden material model .......................................................................... 133 3.7.3 Arruda-Boyce material model .............................................................. 134 3.7.4 Hyperfoam material model................................................................... 136
Table of contents
3.7.5 Sussman-Bathe material model ............................................................ 138 3.7.6 Thermal strain effect ............................................................................ 146 3.8 Gasket material model (Solution 601 only)................................................. 148 3.9. Shape memory alloys .................................................................................. 151 3.10. Heat transfer materials.............................................................................. 160 3.10.1 Constant isotropic material properties................................................ 160 3.10.2 Constant orthotropic conductivity ...................................................... 160 3.10.3 Temperature dependent thermal properties ........................................ 161 4. Contact conditions........................................................................................... 162 4.1 Overview ..................................................................................................... 164 4.2 Contact algorithms for Solution 601 ........................................................... 171 4.2.1 Constraint-function method.................................................................. 172 4.2.2 Segment (Lagrange multiplier) method................................................ 174 4.2.3 Rigid target method .............................................................................. 174 4.2.4 Selection of contact algorithm.............................................................. 174 4.3 Contact algorithms for Solution 701 ............................................................ 175 4.3.1 Kinematic constraint method................................................................ 175 4.3.2 Penalty method ..................................................................................... 177 4.3.3 Rigid target method .............................................................................. 178 4.3.4 Selection of contact algorithm.............................................................. 178 4.4 Contact set properties .................................................................................. 178 4.5 Friction ........................................................................................................ 186 4.5.1 Basic friction model ............................................................................. 186 4.5.2 Pre-defined friction models (Solution 601 only).................................. 186 4.5.3 Frictional heat generation..................................................................... 188 4.6 Contact features........................................................................................... 189 4.6.1 Dynamic contact/impact....................................................................... 189 4.6.2 Contact detection.................................................................................. 190 4.6.3 Suppression of contact oscillations (Solution 601) .............................. 191 4.6.4 Restart with contact .............................................................................. 192 4.6.5 Contact damping................................................................................... 193 4.7 Modeling considerations ............................................................................. 194 4.7.1 Contactor and target selection .............................................................. 194 4.7.2 General modeling hints ........................................................................ 195 4.7.3 Modeling hints specific to Solution 601............................................... 199 4.7.4 Modeling hints specific to Solution 701............................................... 201 4.7.5 Convergence considerations (Solution 601 only) ................................ 202 4.7.6 Handling improperly supported bodies ................................................ 204 4.8 Rigid target contact algorithm..................................................................... 206 4.8.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 206
Table of contents
Basic concepts ...................................................................................... 208 Modeling considerations ...................................................................... 220 Rigid target contact reports for Solution 601 ....................................... 230 Rigid target contact report for Solution 701......................................... 232 Modeling hints and recommendations.................................................. 233 Conversion of models set up using the NXN4 rigid target algorithm .. 235
5. Loads, boundary conditions and constraint equations ................................ 238 5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 238 5.2 Concentrated loads ...................................................................................... 246 5.3 Pressure and distributed loading.................................................................. 247 5.4 Inertia loads centrifugal and mass proportional loading.......................... 251 5.5 Enforced motion .......................................................................................... 254 5.6 Applied temperatures .................................................................................. 255 5.7 Bolt preload ................................................................................................. 257 5.8 Constraint equations .................................................................................... 258 5.9 Mesh glueing ............................................................................................... 259 5.10 Convection boundary condition ................................................................ 263 5.11 Radiation boundary condition ................................................................... 264 5.12 Boundary heat flux load ............................................................................ 265 5.13 Internal heat generation ............................................................................. 266 6. Static and implicit dynamic analysis ............................................................. 267 6.1 Linear static analysis ................................................................................... 267 6.2 Nonlinear static analysis.............................................................................. 268 6.2.1 Solution of incremental nonlinear static equations .............................. 269 6.2.2 Line Search........................................................................................... 270 6.2.3 Low speed dynamics feature ................................................................ 271 6.2.4 Automatic-Time-Stepping (ATS) method............................................ 272 6.2.5 Total Load Application (TLA) method and Stabilized TLA (TLA-S) method ............................................................................................................ 274 6.2.6 Load-Displacement-Control (LDC) method ........................................ 276 6.2.7 Convergence criteria for equilibrium iterations ................................... 279 6.2.8 Selection of incremental solution method ............................................ 284 6.2.9 Example................................................................................................ 287 6.3 Linear dynamic analysis.............................................................................. 293 6.3.1 Mass matrix .......................................................................................... 296 6.3.2 Damping ............................................................................................... 296 6.4 Nonlinear dynamic analysis ........................................................................ 297 6.5 Solvers......................................................................................................... 299 6.5.1 Direct sparse solver .............................................................................. 300
Table of contents
6.5.2 Iterative multi-grid solver..................................................................... 301 6.5.3 3D-iterative solver................................................................................ 303 6.6 Tracking solution progress .......................................................................... 305 7. Explicit dynamic analysis ............................................................................... 306 7.1 Formulation ................................................................................................. 306 7.1.1 Mass matrix .......................................................................................... 308 7.1.2 Damping ............................................................................................... 308 7.2 Stability ....................................................................................................... 309 7.3 Time step management................................................................................ 313 7.4 Tracking solution progress ......................................................................... 314 8. Heat transfer analysis ..................................................................................... 315 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Formulation ................................................................................................. 315 Loads, boundary conditions, and initial conditions..................................... 317 Steady state analysis.................................................................................... 319 Transient analysis ........................................................................................ 320 Choice of time step and mesh size .............................................................. 321 Automatic time stepping method................................................................. 325
9. Coupled thermo-mechanical analysis ............................................................ 326 9.1 One-way coupling ....................................................................................... 327 9.2. Iterative coupling........................................................................................ 328 10. Additional capabilities .................................................................................. 331 10.1 Initial conditions........................................................................................ 331 10.1.1 Initial displacements and velocities.................................................... 331 10.1.2 Initial temperatures............................................................................. 331 10.2 Restart........................................................................................................ 331 10.3 Element birth and death feature................................................................. 333 10.4 Reactions calculation................................................................................. 339 10.5 Element death due to rupture..................................................................... 340 10.6 Stiffness stabilization (Solution 601 only) ................................................ 340 10.7 Bolt feature ................................................................................................ 342 10.8 Parallel processing..................................................................................... 345 10.9 Usage of memory and disk storage ........................................................... 345 Additional reading ................................................................................................. 346 Index ....................................................................................................................... 351
1. Introduction
1.1 Objective of this manual
This Theory and Modeling Guide serves two purposes:
To provide a concise summary of the theoretical basis of Advanced Nonlinear Solution as it applies to Solution 601 and Solution 701. This includes the finite element procedures used, the elements and the material models. The depth of coverage of these theoretical issues is such that the user can effectively use Solutions 601 and 701. A number of references are provided throughout the manual which give more details on the theory and procedure used in the program. These references should be consulted for further details. Much reference is made however to the book Finite Element Procedures (ref. KJB). ref. K.J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1996.
To provide guidelines for practical and efficient modeling using Advanced Nonlinear Solution. These modeling guidelines are based on the theoretical foundation mentioned above, and the capabilities and limitations of the different procedures, elements, material models and algorithms available in the program. NX Nastran commands and parameter settings needed to activate different analysis features are frequently mentioned.
It is assumed that the user is familiar with NX Nastran fundamentals pertaining to linear analysis. This includes general knowledge of the NX Nastran structure, commands, elements, materials, and loads. We intend to update this report as we continue our work on Advanced Nonlinear Solution. If you have any suggestions regarding the material discussed in this manual, we would be glad to hear from you.
Chapter 1: Introduction
focused on nonlinear problems. It is capable of treating geometric and material nonlinearities as well as nonlinearities resulting from contact conditions. State-of-the-art formulations and solution algorithms are used which have proven to be reliable and efficient.
Advanced Nonlinear Solution supports static and implicit dynamic nonlinear analysis via Solution 601, and explicit dynamic analysis via Solution 701. Solution 601 also supports heat transfer analysis and coupled structural heat transfer analysis. Advanced Nonlinear Solution supports many of the standard
Nastran commands and several commands specific to Advanced Nonlinear Solution that deal with nonlinear features such as contact. The NX Nastran Quick Reference Guide provides more details on the Nastran commands and entries that are supported in Advanced Nonlinear Solution.
Advanced Nonlinear Solution supports many of the commonly used features of linear Nastran analysis. This includes most of the elements, materials, boundary conditions, and loads. Some of these features are modified to be more suitable for nonlinear analysis, and many other new features are added that are needed for nonlinear analysis. The elements available in Advanced Nonlinear Solution can be broadly classified into rods, beams, 2-D solids, 3-D solids, shells, scalar elements and rigid elements. The formulations used for these elements have proven to be reliable and efficient in linear, large displacement, and large strain analyses. Chapter 2 provides more details on the elements. The material models available in Advanced Nonlinear Solution are elastic isotropic, elastic orthotropic, hyperelastic, plastic isotropic, gasket, and shape memory alloys. Thermal and creep effects can be added to some of these materials. Chapter 3 provides more details on these material models.
Advanced Nonlinear Solution has very powerful features for contact analysis. These include several contact algorithms and different contact types such as single-sided contact, double-sided contact, self-contact, and tied contact. Chapter 4 provides more details on contact. Loads, boundary conditions and constraints are addressed in Chapter 5. Time varying loads and boundary conditions are common to nonlinear analysis and their input in Advanced Nonlinear Solution is slightly different from other Nastran solutions, as discussed in Chapter 5. Solution 601 of Advanced Nonlinear Solution currently supports two nonlinear structural analysis types: static and implicit transient dynamic. Details on the formulations used are provided in Chapter 6. Other features of nonlinear analysis, such as time stepping, load displacement control (arc length method), line search, and available solvers are also discussed in Chapter 6. Solution 701 of Advanced Nonlinear Solution is dedicated to explicit transient dynamic analysis. Details on the formulations used are provided in Chapter 7. Other features of explicit analysis, such as stability and time step estimation are also discussed in Chapter 7. Solution 601 of Advanced Nonlinear Solution also supports two
heat transfer or coupled structural heat transfer analysis types. The first type 153 is for static structural with steady state heat transfer, or just steady state heat transfer. The second analysis type 159 is for cases when either the structural or heat transfer models are transient (dynamic). This type can also be used for just transient heat transfer analysis. Details of the heat transfer analysis are provided in Chapter 8, and details f the thermo-mechanical coupled (TMC) analysis are provided in Chapter 9.
Additional capabilities present in Advanced Nonlinear Solution such as restarts, stiffness stabilization, initial conditions, and parallel processing are discussed in Chapter 10. Most of the global settings controlling the structural solutions in
Chapter 1: Introduction
Advanced Nonlinear Solution are provided in the NXSTRAT bulk data entry. This includes parameters that control the solver selection, time integration values, convergence tolerances, contact settings, etc. An explanation of these parameters is found in the NX Nastran Quick Reference Guide.
Similarly, most of the global settings controlling the heat transfer or coupled solutions in Advanced Nonlinear Solution are provided in the TMCPARA bulk data entry.
The implicit method can use much larger time steps since it is unconditionally stable. However, it involves the assembly and solution of a system of equations, and it is iterative. Therefore, the computational time per load step is relatively high. The explicit method uses much smaller time steps since it is conditionally stable, meaning that the time step for the solution has to be less than a certain critical time step, which depends on the smallest element size and the material properties. However, it involves no matrix solution and is non-iterative. Therefore, the computational time per load step is relatively low. For both linear and nonlinear static problems, the implicit
unless mass-scaling is applied, or the loads are artificially applied over a shorter time frame. No such modifications are needed in the implicit method. Hence, the implicit method is the optimal choice.
For high-speed dynamic problems, the solution time is
comparable to the time required for the wave to propagate through the structure. This class of problems covers most wave propagation problems, explosives problems, and high-speed impact problems. For these problems, the number of steps required with the explicit method is not excessive. If the implicit method uses a similar time step it will be much slower and if it uses a much larger time step it will introduce other solution errors since it will not be capturing the pertinent features of the solution (but it will remain stable). Hence, the explicit method is the optimal choice.
A large number of dynamics problems cannot be fully classified
as either slow-speed or high-speed dynamic. This includes many crash problems, drop tests and metal forming problems. For these problems both solution methods are comparable. However, whenever possible (when the time step is relatively large and there are no convergence difficulties) we recommend the use of the implicit solution method.
Note that the explicit solution provided in Solution 701 does not use reduced integration with hour-glassing. This technique reduces the computational time per load step. However, it can have detrimental effect on the accuracy and reliability of the solution. Since the explicit time step size depends on the length of the smallest element, one excessively small element will reduce the stable time step for the whole model. Mass-scaling can be applied to these small elements to increase their stable time step. The implicit method is not sensitive to such small elements. Since the explicit time step size depends on the material properties, a nearly incompressible material will also significantly reduce the stable time step. The compressibility of the material can be increased in explicit analysis to achieve a more acceptable solution time. The implicit method is not as sensitive to highly incompressible materials (provided that a mixed formulation is used).
Chapter 1: Introduction
Higher order elements such as the 10-node tetrahederal, 20 and 27 node brick elements are only available in implicit analysis. They are not used in explicit analysis because no suitable mass-lumping technique is available for these elements. Model nonlinearity is another criterion influencing the choice between implicit and explicit solutions. As the level of nonlinearity increases, the implicit method requires more time steps, and each time step may require more iterations to converge. In some cases, no convergence is reached. The explicit method however, is less sensitive to the level of nonlinearity.
Note that when the implicit method fails it is usually due to nonconvergence within a time step, while when the explicit method fails it is usually due to a diverging solution.
The memory requirements is another factor. For the same mesh, the explicit method requires less memory since it does not store a stiffness matrix and does not require a solver. This can be significant for very large problems. Since Advanced Nonlinear Solution handles both Solution 601 and Solution 701 with very similar inputs, the user can in many cases restart from one analysis type to the other. This capability can be used, for example, to perform implicit springback analysis following an explicit metal forming simulation, or to perform an explicit analysis following the implicit application of a gravity load.
It can also be used to overcome certain convergence difficulties in implicit analyses. A restart from the last converged implicit solution to explicit can be performed, then, once that stage is passed, another restart from explicit to implicit can be performed to proceed with the rest of the solution. 1.2.2 Units In Advanced Nonlinear Solution, it is important to enter all physical quantities (lengths, forces, masses, times, etc.) using a consistent set of units. For example, when working with the SI system of units, enter lengths in meters, forces in Newtons, masses
in kg, times in seconds. When working with other systems of units, all mass and mass-related units must be consistent with the length, force and time units. For example, in the USCS system (USCS is an abbreviation for the U.S. Customary System), when the length unit is inches, the force unit is pound and the time unit is second, the mass unit is lb-sec2/in, not lb. Rotational degrees of freedom are always expressed in radians.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Nastran Statement (optional) File Management Statements (optional) Executive control Statements Case Control Statements Bulk Data Entries
The first two sections do not involve any special treatment in Advanced Nonlinear Solution. The remaining three sections involve some features specific to Advanced Nonlinear Solution, as described below. 1.3.1 Executive Control
Solution 601 is invoked by selecting solution sequence 601 in the SOL Executive Control Statement. This statement has the following form:
SOL 601,N where N determines the specific analysis type selected by Solution 601. Currently, static and direct time-integration implicit dynamic structural analyses are available as shown in Table 1.3-1. In addition, two analysis types ae available for thermal or coupled thermal-mechanical problems.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Solution 601 Analysis Type Static Transient dynamic Steady state thermal + static structural Transient thermal + dynamic structural1
N = 159 also allows either of the structure or the thermal parts to be static or steady state.
Solution 701 is invoked by selecting solution sequence 701 in the SOL Executive Control Statement. This statement has the following form: SOL 701
control the solution, commands that select the input loads, temperatures and boundary conditions, commands that select the output data and commands that select contact sets. Table 1.3-2 lists the supported Case Control Commands.
1.3: Structure of Solution 601 Case Control Command Solution control SUBCASE1 TSTEP2 ANALYSIS
Subcase delimiter Time step set selection Subcase analysis type solution
Loads and boundary conditions LOAD DLOAD SPC MPC TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE(LOAD) TEMPERATURE(INITIAL) IC BGSET BOLTLD Output related SET DISPLACEMENT VELOCITY ACCELERATION STRESS SPCFORCES GPFORCE GKRESULTS TITLE SHELLTHK THERMAL FLUX Contact related BCSET BCRESULTS Contact set selection Contact results output request Set definition Displacement output request Velocity output request Acceleration output request Element stress/strain output request Reaction force output request Nodal force output request Gasket results output request Output title Shell thickness output request Temperature output request Heat transfer output request
5 4
Static load set selection Dynamic load set selection Single-point constraint set selection Multipoint constraint set selection Temperature set selection Temperature load Initial temperature Transient initial condition set selection Glue contact set selection Bold preload set selection
Chapter 1: Introduction Case Control Command Element related EBDSET Element birth/death selection Description
Notes: 1. Only one subcase is allowed in structural analysis Advanced Nonlinear Solution (N = 106, 129). In coupled TMC analyses (N = 153, 159), two subcases are required, one for the structural and one for the thermal submodel. 2. TSTEP is used for all analysis types in Advanced Nonlinear Solution. In explicit analysis with automatic time stepping it is used for determining the frequency of output of results. 3. Supports ANALYSIS = STRUC and ANALYSIS = HEAT for SOL 601,153 and SOL 601,159. 4. DLOAD is used for time-varying loads for both static and transient dynamic analyses. 5. TEMPERATURE, TEMPERATURE(BOTH) and TEMPERATURE(MAT) are not allowed for Advanced Nonlinear Solution. Use TEMPERATURE(INIT) and TEMPERATURE(LOAD) instead. 1.3.3 Bulk Data
The Bulk Data section contains all the details of the model. Advanced Nonlinear Solution supports most of the commonly used Bulk Data entries. In many cases, restrictions are imposed on some of the parameters in a Bulk Data entry, and in some other cases, different interpretation is applied to some of the parameters to make them more suitable for nonlinear analysis. Several Bulk Data entries are also specific to Advanced Nonlinear Solution. Table 1.3-3 lists the supported Bulk Data entries.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Notes: 1. NXSTRAT is the main entry defining the solution settings for Advanced Nonlinear Solution. 2. Only a few PARAM variables are supported. Most are replaced by NXSTRAT variables. 3. TMCPARA is the main entry defining the solution settings for heat transfer and TMC models. 4. TSTEP is used for both static and dynamic analyses.
1.3.4 Terminology used in Advanced Nonlinear Solution The terminology used in Advanced Nonlinear Solution is for the most part the same as that used in other Nastran documents.
2. Elements
2. Elements
Advanced Nonlinear Solution supports most of the commonly used elements in linear Nastran analyses. Some of these elements are modified to be more suitable for nonlinear analysis. The Advanced Nonlinear Solution elements are generally classified as line, surface, solid, scalar, or rigid elements.
Line elements are divided into 2 main categories rod elements and beam elements. Rod elements only possess axial stiffness, while beam elements also possess bending, shear and torsional stiffness. Surface elements are also divided into 2 main categories 2D solids and shell elements. 3-D solid elements are the only solid elements in Advanced Nonlinear Solution. The scalar elements are spring, mass and damper elements.
! !
R-type elements impose constraints between nodes, such as rigid elements. Other element types available in Advanced Nonlinear Solution are the gap element, concentrated mass element, and the bushing element.
This chapter outlines the theory behind the different element classes, and also provides details on how to use the elements in modeling. This includes the materials that can be used with each element type, their applicability to large displacement and large strain problems, their numerical integration, etc. More detailed descriptions of element input and output are provided in several other manuals, including:
NX Nastran Reference Manual NX Nastran Quick Reference Guide NX Nastran DMAP Programmers Guide
Chapter 2: Elements
Table 2-1 below shows the different elements available in Advanced Nonlinear Solution, and how they can be obtained from Nastran element connectivity and property ID entries. Restrictions related to Solution 701 are noted.
Element Connectivity Entry Rod Elements CROD CONROD Beam Elements CBAR CBEAM Shell Elements3 CQUAD4 CQUAD8 CQUADR CTRIA3 CTRIA6 CTRIAR
Property ID Entry
4-node quadrilateral shell element 4-node to 8-node quadrilateral shell element 4-node quadrilateral shell element 3-node triangular shell element 3-node to 6-node triangular shell element 3-node triangular shell element
2. Elements
2D Solid Elements4 CQUAD PLPLANE 4-node to 9-node quadrilateral 2D plane strain element with hyperelastic material 4-node quadrilateral 2D plane strain element 4-node to 8-node 2D plane strain element 3-node triangular 2D plane strain element 3-node to 6-node triangular 2D plane strain element 4-node to 9-node quadrilateral 2D axisymmetric element with hyperelastic material 3-node to 6-node triangular 2D axisymmetric element with hyperelastic material 4-node quadrilateral 2D axisymmetric element 8-node quadrilateral 2D axisymmetric element 3-node triangular 2D axisymmetric element 6-node triangular 2D axisymmetric element
8-node to 20-node brick 3D solid element 6-node to 15-node wedge 3D solid element
Chapter 2: Elements
4-node to 10-node tetrahedral 3D solid element 5-node to 13-node pyramid 3D solid element
CDAMP1; CDAMP2 PDAMP; None CMASS1; CMASS2 R-Type Elements RBAR RBE2 RBE3 Other Elements CGAP CONM1, CONM2 CBUSH1D PGAP None PBUSH1D None None None PMASS; None
Table 2-1: Elements available in Advanced Nonlinear Solution Notes: 1. CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CTRIA3, and CTRIA6 with a PSHELL property ID are treated as either 2D plane strain elements or shell elements depending on the MID2 parameter. 2. Elements with a PCOMP property ID entry are treated as multi-layered shell elements. These elements are not supported in Solution 701. 3. Only 3-node and 4-node single layer shells are supported in Solution 701. 4. 2-D solid elements are not supported in Solution 701. 5. Only 4-node tetrahedral, 6-node wedge and 8-node brick 3-D solid elements are supported in Solution 701.
2. Elements
Table 2-2 lists the acceptable combination of elements and materials for Solution 601. Thermal effects in this table imply temperature dependent material properties. Thermal strains are usually accounted for in isothermal material models. Rod Elastic isotropic ...Thermal ...Creep Elastic orthotropic ...Thermal Plastic isotropic ...Thermal Hyperelastic Gasket Nonlinear elastic isotropic Shape memory alloy ! ! ! ! ! ! !1 ! !1 ! ! ! Beam ! Shell ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2D Solid ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 3D Solid ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Table 2-2: Element and material property combinations in Solution 601 Note: 1. No thermal strains in these plastic isotropic material models.
Chapter 2: Elements
Table 2-3 lists the acceptable combination of elements and materials for Solution 701. Thermal effects in this table imply temperature dependent material properties. Thermal strains are usually accounted for in isothermal material models. Note that interpolation of temperature dependent material properties is only performed at the start of the analysis in Solution 701.
Rod Elastic isotropic ...Thermal ...Creep Elastic orthotropic ...Thermal Plastic isotropic ...Thermal Hyperelastic Gasket Nonlinear elastic isotropic ! !1 ! ! !
Beam !
Shell ! !
2D Solid
3D Solid ! !
! ! !1 ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
Table 2-3: Element and material property combinations in Solution 701 Note: 1. No thermal strains in these plastic isotropic material models.
Note that the only force transmitted by the rod element is the longitudinal force as illustrated in Fig. 2.1-2. This force is constant throughout the element.
s P
area A
Chapter 2: Elements
strain or large displacement/small strain kinematics. In the small displacement case, the displacements and strains are assumed infinitesimally small. In the large displacement case, the displacements and rotations can be very large. In all cases, the cross-sectional area of the element is assumed to remain unchanged, and the strain is equal to the longitudinal displacement divided by the original length. All of the compatible material models listed in Table 2-2 can be used with both the small and large displacement formulations.
Thermal strains are not available in the isotropic plasticity material model for rod elements. They can be obtained by switching to a temperature dependent isotropic plasticity material model.
require only 1-point Gauss numerical integration for an exact evaluation of the stiffness matrix, because the force is constant in the element. However, 2-point integration may be appropriate when a temperature-dependent material is used because, due to a varying temperature, the material properties can vary along the length of an element.
to each node is M
fraction of the total element length associated with element node i (i.e., for the 2-node rod element, !1 = has no rotational mass.
The same lumped mass matrix is used for both Solution 601 and Solution 701.
The rod element supports 1-D heat conductivity, heat capacity and heat generation features in heat transfer and coupled TMC analyses. One temperature degree of freedom is present at each node.
! !
The heat capacity matrix can be calculated based on a lumped or consistent heat capacity assumption.
! In the lumped heat capacity assumption, each node gets a heat capacity of cAL/2. !
This element can also be used as a general thermal link element between any two points in space.
Chapter 2: Elements
using the PBEAM, PBEAML or PBCOMP entries. See Table 2-2 for a list of the material models that are compatible with the beam element.
The beam elements are 2-node Hermitian beams with a constant
cross-section and 6 degrees of freedom at each node as shown in Fig. 2.2-1. The r-direction in the local coordinate system is along the line connecting the nodes GA and GB. The s-direction is based on the v vector defined in the CBAR or CBEAM entry. The displacements modeled by the beam element are (see Fig. 2.2-2):
Cubic transverse displacements v and w (s- and t-direction displacements) Linear longitudinal displacements u (r-direction displacement) Linear torsional displacements r and warping displacements
v End B Plane 1 s (yelem)
r (xelem)
node GB
End A node GA
t (zelem)
_ qs _ v s r
_ u _ w
_ qr
l 2
l 1
_ qt
The following PBARL and PBEAML cross-sections are supported by Advanced Nonlinear Solution: ROD, TUBE, I, CHAN, T, BOX, BAR, H, T1, I1, CHAN1, CHAN2, and T2. Axial forces applied to the beam are assumed to be acting along the beams centroid and hence cause no bending. Also shear forces applied to the beam are assumed to be acting through the beams shear center and hence cause no twisting. In order to model the bending due to an off-centroidal axial force or a shear force applied away from the shear center, the resulting moments can be applied directly or the forces can be applied at an offset location using rigid elements. Stress and strain output is not supported in beam elements. Off-centered beam elements can be modeled using rigid
elements (see Fig. 2.2-3). The beam element formulation used depends on the selected material (see Table 2-2).
Two basic formulations exist in Advanced Nonlinear Solution, one for elastic materials and one for plastic materials. Elastic beam elements can be used to simulate bolts. See Section 8.6 for details.
Chapter 2: Elements
Beam elements
Beam element
Hollow square section
Rigid elements
Figure 2.2-3: Use of rigid elements for modeling off-centered beams 2.2.1 Elastic beam element
Elastic beam elements can be used with
!small !large
A TL (Total Lagrangian) formulation is used in the case of large displacements. The elastic beam element only supports the isotropic material model. The elements force vector and stiffness matrix (except in Solution 701) are evaluated in closed form for both small and large displacement formulations. The stiffness matrix used is discussed in detail in the following reference:
J.S. Przemieniecki, Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1968.
In the large displacement formulation, the displacements and rotations are taken into account through a co-rotational framework, in which the element rigid body motion (translations and rotations) is separated from the deformational part of the motion.
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
Note that the element stiffness matrix is defined by the following quantities: E = = L = I r , I s , It = Young's modulus Poisson's ratio length of the beam moments of inertia about the local principal axes r, s, and t A = cross-sectional area Assh , Atsh = effective shear areas in s and t directions
This stiffness matrix is transformed from the local degrees of freedom (in the r, s, t axes) to the global coordinate system and is then assembled into the stiffness matrix of the complete structure. In large displacement analysis, the large displacements and rotations are taken into account through a co-rotational framework, in which the element rigid body motion (translations and rotations) is separated from the deformational part of the motion. For more information, see the following reference: ref: B. Nour-Omid and C.C. Rankin, Finite rotation analysis and consistent linearization using projectors, Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng. (93) 353-384, 1991.
An updated Lagrangian formulation is used in the case of large displacements. Only isotropic bilinear plasticity is supported. Thermal strains are not admissible for the elasto-plastic beam.
Chapter 2: Elements
The nonlinear elasto-plastic beam element can only be employed for circular (ROD, TUBE) and rectangular (BAR) crosssections. The beam element matrices are formulated using the Hermitian
displacement functions, which give the displacement interpolation matrix summarized in Table 2.2-2.
r 1 L h ur h us = 0 hu t 0 61 0
s L
61 0
t L
0 r 1 t L r 1 s L
0 5 L
2 s
r L 0 0
s L
0 t L 0 r t L r s L
5 L
3 t 0
3 s
1 r 0
in which
1 r
(1 61 )t (1 61 ) s 0 ( r 7 L ) ( r 7 L ) 0
r r r r r r 1 = ; 2 = 1 4 + 3 ; 3 = 2 3 L L L L L L r r r r r 4 = 1 3 + 2 ; 5 = 2 + L L L L L r r r r r 6 = 3 2 ; 7 = 3 + 2 L L L L L
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
Note: displacements correspond to the forces/moments Si in Fig. 2.2-4 after condensation of the last two columns containing the shear effects in the sand t-directions.
Chapter 2: Elements
S11 S5 s S2 S1 S4 r
l l
S 10 S7 2 S9
t S3 S6
Neutral axis
S1 = r-direction force at node 1 (axial force, positive in compression) S2 = s-direction force at node 1 (shear force) S3 = t-direction force at node 1 (shear force) S4 = r-direction moment at node 1 (torsion) S5 = s-direction moment at node 1 (bending moment) S6 = t-direction moment at node 1 (bending moment) S7 = r-direction force at node 2 (axial force, positive in tension) S8 = s-direction force at node 2 (shear force) S9 = t-direction force at node 2 (shear force) S10 = r-direction moment at node 2 (torsion) S11 = s-direction moment at node 2 (bending moment) S12 = t-direction moment at node 2 (bending moment)
transformed from the local coordinate system used above to the displacement coordinate system.
Shear deformations can be included in beams by selecting a non-zero K1 or K2 in the PBAR or PBEAM entries. Constant shear distortions rs and rt along the length of the beam are assumed, as depicted in Fig. 2.2-5. In this case the displacement interpolation matrix of Table 2.2-2 is modified for the additional displacements corresponding to these shear deformations.
Figure 2.2-5: Assumptions of shear deformations through element thickness for nonlinear elasto-plastic beam element
The interpolation functions in Table 2.2-2 do not account for warping in torsional deformations. The circular section does not warp, but for the rectangular section the displacement function for longitudinal displacements is corrected for warping as described in the following reference:
K.J. Bathe and A. Chaudhary, "On the Displacement Formulation of Torsion of Shafts with Rectangular Cross-Sections", Int. Num. Meth. in Eng., Vol. 18, pp. 1565-1568, 1982.
large displacement formulation is given in detail in the following paper: ref. K.J. Bathe and S. Bolourchi, "Large Displacement Analysis of Three-Dimensional Beam Structures," Int. J. Num. Meth. in Eng., Vol. 14, pp. 961-986, 1979.
The derivations in the above reference demonstrated that the updated Lagrangian formulation is more effective than the total Lagrangian formulation, and hence the updated Lagrangian formulation is employed in Solution 601.
ref. KJB All element matrices in elasto-plastic analysis are calculated Section 6.6.3 using numerical integration. The integration orders are given in
Table 2.2-3. The locations of the integration points are given in Fig. 2.2-6.
Chapter 2: Elements
Integration Integration scheme order Newton-Cotes 5 Newton-Cotes Newton-Cotes Composite trapezoidal rule 7 3 7 8
r = -1
Rectangular section
Pipe section
Rectangular section s
a a
- the strain st is zero Hence, the elastic-plastic stress-strain matrix for the normal stress rr and the two shear stresses rs and rt is obtained using static condensation.
Chapter 2: Elements
M /2
where M is the total mass of the element. The rotational lumped mass for implicit analysis (Solution 601) is
2 M I M rr = rr , in which Irr = polar moment of inertia of the 3 2 A beam cross-section and A = beam cross-sectional area. This lumped
mass is applied to all rotational degrees of freedom. The rotational lumped mass for explicit analysis (Solution 701) is M rr = 3
M Im where Im is the maximum bending moment of 2 A inertia of the beam I m = max ( I ss , I tt ) . This lumped mass is
applied to all rotational degrees of freedom. Note that this scaling of rotational masses ensures that the rotational degrees of freedom do not affect the critical stable time step of the element. 2.2.4 Heat transfer capabiities
The beam element has the same heat transfer capabilities of the rod element. See Section 2.1.5 for details.
shell elements.
The extra middle node in the 9-node shell element is automatically added by the program when ELCV is set to 1 in the NXSTRAT entry. This extra node improves the performance of the shell element. The boundary conditions at the added node are predicted from the neighboring nodes.
Table 2.3-1: Correspondence between shell elements and NX element connectivity Notes: 1. Only for Solution 601 2. With ELCV = 1 in NXSTRAT entry
Incompatible modes (bubble functions) can be used with 4-node shell elements. Additional displacement degrees of freedom are introduced which are not associated with nodes; therefore the condition of displacement compatibility between adjacent elements is not satisfied in general. The addition of the incompatible modes (bubble functions) increases the flexibility of the element, especially in bending situations. For theoretical considerations, see
Chapter 2: Elements
reference KJB, Section 4.4.1. Note that these incompatible-mode elements are formulated to pass the patch test. Also note that element distortions deteriorate the element performance when incompatible modes are used. The incompatible modes feature can only be used with 4-node single layer shell elements. The feature is available in linear and nonlinear analysis, for all formulations except the ULJ formulation. Table 2.3-2 lists the features and capabilities available to the shell element types mentioned above. Shell element 3-node 4-node 6-node 8-node 9-node Large displacement/ small strain ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Large strain ULJ formulation ! ! ! Large strain ULH formulation ! ! ! Bubble functions Solution 701 ! ! !
Table 2.3-2: Features available to shell elements 2.3.1 Basic assumptions in element formulation
The basic equations used in the formulation of the shell elements in Advanced Nonlinear Solution are given in ref. KJB. These elements are based on the Mixed Interpolation of Tensorial Components (MITC). Tying points are used to interpolate the transverse shear strain and the membrane strains if necessary. These elements show excellent performance.
l l
l l
dimensional continuum with the following two assumptions: Assumption 1: Material particles that originally lie on a straight line "normal" to the midsurface of the structure remain on that straight line during deformation. Assumption 2: The stress in the direction normal to the midsurface of the structure is zero. For the Timoshenko beam theory, the structure is the beam, and for the Reissner/Mindlin plate theory, the structure is the plate under consideration. In shell analysis, these assumptions correspond to a very general shell theory. See the reference below for more details: ref. D. Chapelle and K.J. Bathe, The Finite Element Analysis of Shells Fundamentals, Springer, 2003.
Chapter 2: Elements
t G4 G8 G7 s
G3 G1 G6 r
G5 G2
Midsurface nodes
Figure 2.3-2: Some conventions for the shell element; local node numbering; local element coordinate system
In the calculations of the shell element matrices the following
geometric quantities are used: The coordinates of the node k that lies on the shell element midsurface at t xik , i = 1, 2,3 (see Fig. 2.3-2); (the left superscript denotes the configuration at time t)
! !
The director vectors t Vnk pointing in the direction "normal" to the shell midsurface The shell thickness, ak , at the nodal points measured in the
xi = hk t xik +
k =1
t q ak hk tVnik 2 k =1
(i = 1, 2,3)
components of the shell director vector t Vnk and hk (r , s ) are the 2-D interpolation functions given in ref. KJB.
At the element level the shell has 5 independent degrees of freedom per node: 3 displacements about the displacement coordinate system resulting from the displacement of the shell midsurface and 2 rotations resulting from the motion of the shell direction vector Vnk :
ui = hk t uik +
k =1
t q ak hk ( t Vnik 0 Vnik ) 2 k =1
The motion of the director vector at node k is described using 2 rotational degrees of freedom about V1k and V2k which are 2 axes perpendicular to the shell director Vnk as shown in Fig. 2.3-3.
V1k =
Y Vnk Y Vnk
V1k Z
V2k X
Vnk + Y
V1k Z
V2k X
Vnk Y
The two rotational degrees of freedom named k and k are about axes V1k and V2k respectively.
Chapter 2: Elements
l l l l
Figure 2.3-3: Shell degrees of freedom at node k When using the large displacement formulation, the definitions of V1k and V2k are only used at time = 0 (in the initial configuration) after which the vectors t Vnk and t V1k are updated using incremental rotations at the nodal points, and t V2k is calculated by the cross-product t V2k = t Vnk t V1k . Note that a shell node may however be assigned 3 rotational degrees of freedom. In this case, the elements two rotational degrees of freedom are transformed to the displacement coordinate system before assembly.
Assumption 1 on the kinematic behavior of the shell enters the
finite element solution in that the particles along the director vector t Vn (interpolated from the nodal point director vectors t Vnk ) remain on a straight line during deformation. Note that in the finite element solution, the vector t Vn is not necessarily exactly normal to the shell midsurface. Fig. 2.3-4(a) demonstrates this observation for a very simple case, considering the shell initial configuration. Furthermore, even if t Vn is originally normal to the shell midsurface, after deformations have taken place this vector will in general not be exactly perpendicular to the midsurface because of shear deformations (see Fig. 2.3-4(b)).
Assumption 2 on the stress state enters the finite element solution because the stress in the t-direction (i.e., in the direction of t Vn ) is imposed to be zero. This is achieved by using the stressstrain relationship in the r , s , t coordinate system, shown in Fig. 2.3-5, with the condition that the stress in the direction t is zero. The transverse shear deformations are assumed to be constant across the shell thickness. In large displacement analysis, the midsurface nodal point coordinates are updated by adding the translational displacements of the nodes, and the director vectors are updated using the rotations at the nodes by applying the large rotation update transformation described in p. 580 of ref. KJB (Exercise 6.56).
Chapter 2: Elements
( L1 L2L2 ) a +
0 k Vn
0 k+1 Vn
Initial configuration
Angle = 90
l l
Final configuration
Angle 90
b) Due to displacements and deformations (with shear)
Figure 2.3-4: Examples of director vectors not normal to the shell midsurface.
t t s s s
r r s= t r r= st st 2 tr 2 r
Figure 2.3-5: Definition of the local Cartesian system ( r, s , t ) at an integration point in the shell 2.3.2 Material models and formulations
See Table 2-2 for a list of the material models that are compatible with shell elements. The shell element can be used with
! ! !
small displacement/small strain kinematics, large displacement/small strain kinematics, or large displacement/large strain kinematics.
In the small displacement/small strain case, the displacements and rotations are assumed to be infinitesimally small. Using a linear material results in a linear element formulation, and using a nonlinear material results in a materially-nonlinear-only formulation. In the large displacement/small strain case, the displacements and rotations can be large, but the strains are assumed to be small. In this case, a TL formulation is used. The large displacement/large strain formulation for shells can be either a ULJ (updated Lagrangian Jaumann) formulation or a ULH
Chapter 2: Elements
formulation (updated Lagrangian Hencky) depending on the setting ULFORM parameter in the NXSTRAT entry. In the ULJ formulation, the total strains can be large, but the incremental strain for each time step should be small (< 1%). The ULH formulation requires more computations, however, it has no such restriction on the size of the incremental strains. Another significant difference is that incompatible modes cannot be used with the ULJ formulation. The large displacement/large strain kinematics can be only used with single layer shell elements with an isotropic plastic material. See Table 2.3-2 for a list of the supported shell elements. 2.3.3 Shell nodal point degrees of freedom
Shell nodes can have either 2 or 3 rotational degrees of freedom which results in nodes having either 5 or 6 degrees of freedom. The criterion for determining whether a shell node is assigned 5 or 6 degrees of freedom is as follows. 5 degrees of freedom are initially assigned to all shell midsurface nodes. The following cases change the node to 6 degrees of freedom:
! Geometry. Shell elements at that node intersecting at an angle greater than a specified tolerance (SDOFANG parameter in the NXSTRAT entry). ! Other elements. If the node also has other elements with rotational degrees of freedom, i.e., beam elements, rotational springs, rotational masses or rotational dampers. ! Rotational loads, constraints or boundary conditions. This includes the following cases:
- applied moment at the node - rotational fixed boundary condition at the node - rigid link connected to the node - constraint equation involving constrained rotations connected to the node
Shell nodes with 6 degrees of freedom may be a potential source for singularity. In this case, very weak springs are automatically
added to prevent the singularity. The cases in which this happens are discussed later in this section.
Enforced rotations can only be applied to 6 degree of freedom
4 5
Concentrated forces 9 FZ
Concentrated moments
Node 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Number of DOFs 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 5
Chapter 2: Elements
0 k Vn
element 1
0 k Vn
element 2
0 k Vn
element 1
element 2
Figure 2.3-7: 5 degree of freedom shell with unique vector at node k 5 degrees of freedom node: A node "k" that is assigned 5 degrees of freedom incorporates the following assumptions:
Only one director vector (denoted at time = 0 as
Vnk ) is
associated with the node. The program calculates the director vector by taking the average of all normal vectors (one normal vector is generated per shell element attached to node k) at the node. This is illustrated in Fig. 2.3-7. If two (or more) elements attached to the node have oppositely directed normals, the program reverses the oppositely directed normals, so that all normals attached to the node have (nearly) the same direction.
6 degrees of freedom node: A node "k" that is assigned 6 degrees of freedom incorporates the following assumptions:
The program generates as many normal vectors at node k as
there are shell elements attached to the node. Hence each individual shell element establishes at node k a vector normal to its midsurface. This is illustrated in Fig. 2.3-8. The components of the shell element matrices corresponding to the rotational degrees of freedom at this node are first formulated in the local midsurface system defined by the normal vector and then rotated to the displacement coordinate system.
director for element 1
k element 1
0 k Vn
element 1
element 2
0 k Vn
element 2
element 1
element 2
Figure 2.3-8: 6 degree of freedom shell with separate director vectors at node k (each vector is used as a director for the respective element).
The three rotational degrees of freedom at node k referred to the displacement coordinate system can be free or constrained.
Chapter 2: Elements
automatically by Advanced Nonlinear Solution and usually does not require user intervention. The stiffness of the spring is set to be a small fraction of the average rotational stiffnesses at the shell node. This fraction is can be changed via the DRILLKF parameter in NXSTRAT.
Not all the cases that lead to a shell node possessing 6 degrees of freedom (listed at the beginning of this section) may introduce a singularity at the node.
Geometry. No potential singularity exists in this case, since the shell is curved.
! Other elements. Beam-stiffened shells will have a singularity at the shell nodes only if the beam is perpendicular to a flat shell surface. Otherwise, a singularity can still exist in the model if the beam is not properly restrained (see Fig. 2.3-9 (a)). The same applies to rotational springs, masses and dampers. ! Rotational loads, constraints or boundary conditions. All the items listed earlier for this feature result in a potential singularity (see Fig. 2.3-9 (b)) except for the following cases:
- All rotational degrees of freedom at the node are fixed - The node is a dependent node of a rigid link - The node is a dependent node of a rotational constraint equation
z x
Reactions at fixities are zero.
requires some clarification. If a beam connects two shell structures as shown in Fig. 2.3-10, and it is perpendicular to both shells, then the beam is free to rotate about this perpendicular direction (the z-direction in this example). If the beam intersects the shells at an angle, this singularity is not present.
Chapter 2: Elements
Figure 2.3-11: Soft beam element takes applied moment 2.3.4 Composite shell elements (Solution 601 only)
Composite shell elements are generated when a PCOMP property ID references one of the following Nastran shell connectivity entries: CQUAD4, CTRIA3, CQUAD8, CTRIA6. The composite shell elements are kinematically formulated in the same way as the single layer shell elements, but
An arbitrary number of layers can be used to make up the total thickness of the shell, and each layer can be assigned a different thickness. Each layer can be assigned one of the different material models available. The element is nonlinear if any of the material models is nonlinear, or if the large displacement formulation is used. Large displacement/large strain kinematics are not supported for composite shell elements.
The conventions for defining the director vectors, the local axes V1 and V2, and the 5/6 degree of freedom selection are all the same as those for the single layer shell. In order to take into account the change of material properties from one layer to another, numerical integration of the mass and stiffness matrices is performed layer by layer using reduced natural coordinates through the thickness of the element (see Fig. 2.3-10 and 2.3-11). The relation between the element natural coordinate t and the reduced natural coordinate tn of layer n is:
t = 1 +
1 n i n n 2 ! ! (1 t ) a i=1
t = element natural coordinate through the thickness tn = layer n natural coordinate through the thickness !i = thickness of layer i a = total element thickness a and !i are functions of r and s.
Chapter 2: Elements
Y 5l X
s r
V3 n
3l V3 1 a3
V3 2 b3
En xx
n G xz
nn xy
Layer n Layer 1
mkn =
(2.3-4) with
the shell. For the 4-node shell element, 22 integration is used. For the 8-node element, 33 point integration is used. The 3-node triangular shell element uses 4-point Gauss integration in the inplane directions, and the 6-node triangular shell element uses 7point Gauss integration.
ref. KJB Section 6.8.4
Chapter 2: Elements
- For elastic materials, 2-point Gaussian integration is always used. - For elasto-plastic materials, 5-point Newton-Cotes integration is the default. Although using 5-point integration is computationally more expensive, it gives much more accurate results for elasto-plastic shells. - For composite shells with elasto-plastic materials, 3-point Newton-Cotes integration is the default. The order of through-thickness integration can be modified via the TINT parameter in the NXSTRAT entry. If TINT is specified, it will be applied to both single-layered and composite elasto-plastic shells.
The same integration order is used for both Solution 601 and 701.
midsurface nodes is M / n where M is the total element mass and n is the number of nodes. No special distributory concepts are employed to distinguish between corner and midside nodes, or to account for element distortion. The rotational lumped mass for implicit analysis (Solution 601) is M 1 2 ( t ) , where tav is the average shell thickness. The same n 12 av rotational mass matrix is assumed for 5- and 6-degree of freedom nodes, and is applied to all rotational degrees of freedom. The rotational lumped mass for explicit analysis (Solution 701) is M 1 2 ( t + A ) , where tav is the average shell thickness and A is n 12 av
52 Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
the cross-sectional area. The rotational masses are scaled up to ensures that the rotational degrees of freedom will not reduce the critical time step for shell elements. The same rotational mass matrix is assumed for 5- and 6-degree of freedom nodes and is applied to all rotational degrees of freedom. 2.3.7 Heat transfer capabilities
Heat transfer capabilities are available for all supported shell elements, including composite shells.
! The shell heat transfer capabilities are formulated by assuming that the temperature varies linearly through the shell thickness direction. Two degrees of freedom are therefore assigned at each shell node, one for the top shell surface and one for the bottom shell surface. !
The element matrices are integrated numerically by Gauss integration using the same integration order as the structural matrices. In the calculation of the top and bottom shell surfaces, the following geometric quantities are used < the coordinates of the nodes that lie on the shell element midsurface. < the director vectors Vn normal to the shell midsurface. < the shell thicknesses a at the nodal points measured in the direction of the vector Vnk (see Fig. 2.3-12)
Fig. 2.3-12 shows a 4-node thermal shell element with the shell midsurface nodes, the nodal director vectors and constructed top and bottom nodes. The director vectors are automatically calculated by the program, see Fig. Fig. 2.3-13.
Chapter 2: Elements
l l l
All normal / director vectors must point towards the same side of the shell element
Shell midsurface
l l l l
Vk n node k ak
l l
In the calculation of the shell element matrices, i.e., conductivity, heat capacity, and heat generation, the top and bottom shell surfaces are used instead of the midsurface. The shell heat capacity matrix can be calculated based on a lumped or a consistent formulation, similar to the mass matrix in structural analysis. The internal heat generation calculations are performed with a lumped formulation. Thermal loads and boundary conditions such as applied temperatures, heat flux, convection and radiation can all be applied to either the top or bottom shell surfaces.
Director vector is average of all midsurface normal vectors at the node Normal vector to midsurface
Node k
Element 1
l l l
l l l
Element 2
l l l
Vk n
Vk n
Element 1
l l
Element 2
Chapter 2: Elements
shearing strains, but the physical situation corresponds to zero (or very small) shearing strains, then the element becomes very stiff as its thickness over length ratio decreases. The MITC elements are implemented to overcome the locking problem. More details on the interpolations used for the transverse and membrane terms are provided in ref. KJB, pp. 403 406.
PSOLID or PLSOLID property ID entry that references the axisymmetric connectivity elements CQUADX4, CQUADX8, CTRAX3, or CTRAX6. This leads to an axisymmetric 2-D element which must be oriented in the X-Z plane. This is the preferred form for axisymmetric elements since elastic, plastic and hyperelastic materials can be used with these elements. Contact analysis can also be performed with these elements.
! ! PLPLANE property ID entry that references the shell connectivity entries CQUAD, CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CQUADX, CTRIA3, CTRIA6, and CTRIAX. This leads to a hyperelastic plane strain or axisymmetric 2-D element which must be oriented in the X-Y plane. ! PSHELL property ID entry with MID2 = -1 that also references the shell connectivity entries CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CTRIA3, and CTRIA6. This leads to a plane strain 2-D element which must be oriented in the X-Y plane. !
l l
l l
l l l
l l
l l l
number of nodes in the element and the element shape. Table 2.4-1 shows the correspondence between the different 2-D solid elements and the NX element connectivity entries.
y z x
l l
e zz = 0 g xz = 0 g yz = 0
y z x
b) Axisymmetric element
Chapter 2: Elements
3-node triangle 4-node quadrilateral 6-node triangle 7-node triangle 8-node quadrilateral 9-node quadrilateral
CTRIA33, CTRAX34 CTRIAX1 (with 3 input nodes) CQUAD43, CQUADX44 CQUAD2, CQUADX1 (with 4 input nodes) CTRIA63, CTRAX64 CTRIAX1 (with 6 input nodes) CTRIA63,5, CTRAX64,5 CTRIAX1,5 (with 6 input nodes) CQUAD83, CQUADX84 CQUAD2, CQUADX1 (with 8 input nodes) CQUAD83,5, CQUADX84,5 CQUAD2,5, CQUADX1,5 (with 8 input nodes) CQUAD2, CQUADX1 (with 9 input nodes)
Table 2.4-1: Correspondence between 2-D solid elements and NX element connectivity entries Notes: 1. Axisymmetric hyperelastic only 2. Plane strain hyperelastic only 3. Axisymmetric or plane strain hyperelastic 4. Axisymmetric with no restriction on material 5. With ELCV = 1 in NXSTRAT entry
Note that the extra middle node in the 7-node and 9-node 2-D elements is automatically added by the program when ELCV is set to 1 in the NXSTRAT entry. These extra nodes improve the performance of the 2-D elements as explained later in this section. The boundary conditions at the added node are predicted from the neighboring nodes. The axisymmetric element must lie in the +X half plane. 2-D solid elements can be combined with any other elements
The axisymmetric element provides for the stiffness of one radian of the structure. Hence, when this element is combined with
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
other elements, or when concentrated loads are defined, these must also refer to one radian, see ref. KJB, Examples 5.9 and 5.10, p. 356.
The plane strain element provides for the stiffness of a unit
x = hi xi ; y = hi yi
i =1 i =1
u = hi ui ; v = hi vi
i =1 i =1
where hi(r,s) (r,s) q xi, yi ui, vi = = = = = interpolation function corresponding to node i isoparametric coordinates number of element nodes nodal point coordinates nodal point displacements
Chapter 2: Elements
Y s
4l 8l 1l
3 6
5 l
materials. It can be activated for other materials, such as elastoplastic, creep, and elastic with high Poissons ratio, via the UPFORM flag in the NXSTRAT entry. The 4-node element (1 pressure degree of freedom) and 9-node element (3 pressure degrees of freedom) are recommended with the mixed formulation. ref. T. Sussman and K.J. Bathe, "A Finite Element Formulation for Nonlinear Incompressible Elastic and Inelastic Analysis," J. Computers and Structures, Vol. 26, No. 1/2, pp. 357-409, 1987.
2-D solid element 3-node triangle 4-node quadrilateral 6-node triangle 7-node triangle 8-node quadrilateral 9-node quadrilateral
the interpolation functions of the collapsed 8-node element. It then uses the same interpolation functions for each of the 3 corner nodes and for each of the midside nodes. The 3-node triangular element is obtained by collapsing one side of the 4-node element. This element exhibits the constant strain conditions (except that the hoop strain in axisymmetric analysis varies over the element).
Chapter 2: Elements
- small displacement/small strain kinematics, - large displacement/small strain kinematics, or - large displacement/large strain kinematics.
The small displacement/small strain and large displacement/small strain kinematics can be used with any of the compatible material models, except for the hyperelastic material. The use of a linear material with small displacement/small strain kinematics corresponds to a linear formulation, and the use of a nonlinear material with the small displacement/small strain kinematics corresponds to a materially-nonlinear-only formulation. The program uses the TL (total Lagrangian) formulation when the large displacement/small strain formulation is selected. The large displacement/large strain kinematics can be used with plastic materials including those with thermal and creep effects, as well as hyperelastic materials. A ULH (updated Lagrangian Hencky) formulation is used for all compatible material models except the hyperelastic material. For the hyperelastic material, the TL (total Lagrangian) formulation is used.
ref. KJB Sections 6.2 and 6.3.4 ref. KJB Section 6.8.1
The basic continuum mechanics formulations of 2-D solid elements are described in ref. KJB, pp. 497-537, and the finite element discretization is given in ref. KJB pp. 538-542, 549-555. Note that all these formulations can be mixed in the same finite element model. If the elements are initially compatible, then they will remain compatible throughout the analysis.
the calculation of element matrices. The 8-node and 9-node elements use 33 Gauss integration.
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
The 3-node, 6-node and 7-node triangular elements are spatially isotropic with respect to integration point locations and interpolation functions (see Section 5.3.2, ref. KJB). The 3-node element uses a single point integration in plane strain and 4-point Gauss integration in the axisymmetric case. The 6-node and 7node triangular elements use 7-point Gauss integration. Note that in geometrically nonlinear analysis, the spatial positions of the Gauss integration points change continuously as the element undergoes deformations, but throughout the response the same material particles are at the integration points.
33 Gauss integration for rectangular elements or 7-point Gauss integration for triangular elements.
The lumped mass matrix of an element is formed by dividing
the elements mass M equally among its n nodes. Hence, the mass assigned to each node is M / n . No special distributory concepts are employed to distinguish between corner and midside nodes, or to account for element distortion. 2.4.5 Heat transfer capabilities
Heat transfer capabilities are available for 2-D solid axisymmetric elements and plane stress elements. One temperature degree of freedom is present at each node.
! !
The axisymmetric elements must be defined using the CQUADXi or CTRAXi entries, and they cover one radian of the physical domain. The element matrices are integrated numerically by Gauss integration using the same integration order as the structural matrices. The planar 2-D heat transfer element assumes a unit thickness of
Chapter 2: Elements
the structure. The axisymmetric element always extends one radian in the circumferential direction.
The heat capacity matrix can be calculated based on a lumped or consistent heat capacity assumption.
The lumped heat capacity matrix of an element is formed by dividing the elements total heat capacity C equally among its n nodes. Hence, the mass assigned to each node is C / n . No special distributory concepts are employed to distinguish between corner and midside nodes, or to account for element distortion.
a) Rectangular elements s
b) Triangular elements
Chapter 2: Elements
The PSOLID property ID entry is used for all of the supported materials, except hyperelastic which uses PLSOLID. 3-D solid elements in Advanced Nonlinear Solution are
classified based on the number of nodes in the element, and the element shape.
Table 2.5-1 shows the correspondence between the different 3D solid elements and the NX element connectivity entries. Note that the elements are frequently referred to just by their number of nodes. Solution 701 only supports linear elements (4-node tetrahedron, 6-node wedge and 8-node brick elements). Advanced Nonlinear Solution supports incomplete quadratic 3D elements for tetrahedral and pyramid elements. Incomplete quadratic elements are not supported for brick and wedge elements. For example, a CHEXA entry can only have 8 nodes or 20 nodes. Anything in between is not supported. Also, a CTETRA can have any of its midsurface nodes removed.
l l l
l l
l l l
l l
l l
l l l
l l
l l
l l
l l
l l
l l l l l
l l
l l
l l
l l
l l
l l l l
l l l
l l
l l l
l l
l l l l
l l
l l
l l l
l l l
l l l l l l l l
l l l
l l l
Chapter 2: Elements
3-D solid element 4-node tetrahedron 10-node tetrahedron1 11-node tetrahedron 6-node wedge 15-node wedge 8-node brick 20-node brick1 27-node brick
1 1 1
21-node wedge1
14-node pyramid1
Table 2.5-1: Correspondence between 3-D solid elements and NX element connectivity entries Note: 1. Only for Solution 601
Note that the mid-volume and midsurface nodes in the 27-node, 21-node, 14-node and 11-node elements are automatically added by Advanced Nonlinear Solution when ELCV is set to 1 in the NXSTRAT entry. The boundary conditions at the added nodes are predicted from the neighboring nodes.
ref. KJB The elements used in Advanced Nonlinear Solution are Section 5.3 isoparametric displacement-based elements, and their formulation
The basic finite element assumptions for the coordinates are (see Fig. 2.5-2, for the brick element):
x = hi xi
i =1
y = hi yi
i =1
z = hi zi
i =1
u = hi ui
i =1
v = hi vi
i =1
w = hi wi
i =1
interpolation function corresponding to node i isoparametric coordinates number of element nodes nodal point coordinates nodal point displacements
15 l
l l
6 14 2
l l l
l 13
l l l
l l l l
z4 x4 y4 X
Figure 2.5-2: Conventions used for the nodal coordinates and displacements of the 3-D solid element
In addition to the displacement-based elements, special mixedinterpolated elements are also available, in which the displacements and pressure are interpolated separately. These elements are effective and should be preferred in the analysis of incompressible media and inelastic materials (specifically for materials in which
Chapter 2: Elements
Poisson's ratio is close to 0.5, for rubber-like materials and for elasto-plastic materials). Table 2.5-2 shows the number of pressure degrees of freedom for each 3-D element type. For more details on the mixed interpolation of pressure and displacement degrees of freedom for 3-D solids, see Section 4.4.3, p. 276, and Tables 4.6 and 4.7, pp. 292 - 295 in ref. KJB. 3-D solid element 4-node tetrahedron 10-node, 11-node tetrahedron 6-node wedge 15-node, 21-node wedge 8-node brick 20-node, 27-node brick 5-node pyramid 13-node, 14-node pyramid Number of pressure DOFs 4 1 4 1 4 1 1
Table 2.5-2: Mixed u/p formulations available for 3-D solid elements
The mixed formulation is the default setting for hyperelastic materials, and it can be activated for other materials, such as elastic-plastic, creep, and elastic with high Poissons ratio, via the UPFORM flag in the NXSTRAT entry. The use of the 8-node (one pressure DOF) or 27-node (4 pressure DOFs) element is recommended with the mixed formulation. Note that 4 pressure degrees of freedom are used for the 10-
node tetrahedron, the 15-node wedge and the 20-node brick element. Even though this setting does not satisfy the inf-sup test, the elements generally perform better than with a single pressure degree of freedom. Still, it is better to add the midside nodes if possible. This is done by setting ELCV = 1 in the NXSTRAT entry.
In addition to the displacement-based and mixed-interpolated elements, Advanced Nonlinear Solution also includes the possibility of including incompatible modes (bubble functions) in the formulation of the 6-node wedge and the 8-node brick element. Within this element, additional displacement degrees of freedom are introduced. These additional displacement degrees of freedom are not associated with nodes; therefore the condition of displacement compatibility between adjacent elements is not satisfied in general. The addition of the incompatible modes (bubble functions) increases the flexibility of the element, especially in bending situations. For theoretical considerations, see reference KJB, Section 4.4.1. Note that these incompatible-mode elements are formulated to pass the patch test. Also note that element distortions deteriorate the element performance when incompatible modes are used. Table 2.5-3 shows which elements support incompatible modes (bubble functions). The incompatible modes feature is only available for the 6- node wedge and the 8-node brick elements. In particular, it is not available for the 4-node tetrahedral element.
3-D solid element 4-node tetrahedron 10-node, 11-node tetrahedron 6-node wedge 15-node, 21-node wedge 8-node brick 20-node, 27-node brick 5-node pyramid 13-node, 14-node pyramid
Table 2.5-3: Incompatible modes (bubble functions) available for 3-D solid elements
The incompatible modes feature cannot be used in conjunction with the mixed-interpolation formulation.
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
Chapter 2: Elements
The interpolation functions used for 3-D solid elements for q 20 are shown in Fig. 5.5, ref. KJB, p. 345. The 10-node tetrahedron (see Fig. 2.5-1(c)) is obtained by
collapsing nodes and sides of rectangular elements. Spatially isotropic 10-node and 11-node tetrahedra are used in Solution 601. The 4-node tetrahedron (see Fig. 2.5-1(c)) is obtained by collapsing nodes and sides of the 8-node rectangular element. This element exhibits constant strain conditions. 2.5.2 Material models and nonlinear formulations
See Table 2-2 for a list of the material models that are compatible with 3-D solid elements. Advanced Nonlinear Solution automatically uses the mixed
interpolation formulation for hyperelastic materials. The mixed formulation is also recommended for elastic-plastic materials and elastic materials with a Poisson ratio close to 0.5. It can be activated by setting UPFORM = 1 in the NXSTRAT entry.
The 3-D elements can be used with
- small displacement/small strain kinematics, - large displacement/small strain kinematics, or - large displacement/large strain kinematics.
The small displacement/small strain and large displacement/small strain kinematics can be used with any of the compatible material models, except for the hyperelastic material. The use of a linear material with small displacement/small strain kinematics corresponds to a linear formulation, and the use of a nonlinear material with the small displacement/small strain kinematics corresponds to a materially-nonlinear-only formulation. The program uses the TL (total Lagrangian) formulation when large displacement/small strain kinematics is selected.
The large displacement/large strain kinematics can be used with plastic materials including thermal and creep effects, as well as hyperelastic materials. A ULH (updated Lagrangian Hencky) formulation is used for all compatible material models except the hyperelastic material. For the hyperelastic material models, a TL (total Lagrangian) formulation is used.
ref. KJB Sections 6.2 and 6.3.5 ref. KJB Section 6.8.1
The basic continuum mechanics formulations are described in ref. KJB, pp. 497-568. The finite element discretization is summarized in Table 6.6, p. 555, ref. KJB. Note that all these formulations can be used in the same finite element model. If the elements are initially compatible, they will remain compatible throughout the analysis.
The 8-node brick element uses 222 Gauss integration for the
calculation of element matrices. The 20-node and 27-node elements use 333 Gauss integration.
Tetrahedral elements are spatially isotropic with respect to
integration point locations and interpolation functions. For the 4node tetrahedral element, 1-point Gauss integration is used. For the 10-node tetrahedral element, 17-point Gauss integration is used, and 17-point Gauss integration is also used for the 11-node tetrahedral element.
Note that in geometrically nonlinear analysis, the spatial positions of the Gauss integration points change continuously as the element undergoes deformations, but throughout the response the same material particles are at the integration points. The same integration order is used for both Solution 601 and 701.
Chapter 2: Elements
Heat transfer capabilities are available for all 3-D solid elements. One temperature degree of freedom is present at each node.
! !
The element matrices are integrated numerically by Gauss integration using the same integration order as the structural matrices. The heat capacity matrix can be calculated based on a lumped or consistent heat capacity assumption.
The lumped heat capacity matrix of an element is formed by dividing the elements total heat capacity C equally among each of its n nodal points. Hence the mass assigned to each node is C / n . No special distributory concepts are employed to distinguish between corner and midside nodes, or to account for element distortion.
The 27-node element is the most accurate among all available elements. However, the use of this element can be costly. The 20-node element is usually the most effective, especially if the element is rectangular (undistorted). However, it is not recommended to use the 20-node element in contact analysis because, in this case, the corresponding segment tractions will be inaccurate.
2 degrees of freedom together or just a single degree of freedom to the ground. There are three forms of scalar elements: springs, masses, and dampers.
! Spring elements are defined using the CELAS1 and CELAS2 element connectivity entries. ! Mass elements are defined using the CMASS1 and CMASS2 element connectivity entries. !
Chapter 2: Elements
Single translational DOF mass Single rotational DOF mass
Mass M = [m]
(b) mass element . u
Damping C = [c]
k K = -k
k U1 a) spring element c -c -c 1 c U1 b) damper element
m/2 0 m/2
C =
2 U2
Mlumped = 0
m U1 U2
c) mass element
Chapter 2: Elements
elements. They can be modeled as perfectly rigid elements using constraint equations or as flexible (but stiff) elements. The EQRBAR or EQRBE2 parameters in the NXSTRAT entry determine how the Rigid elements are treated.
Solution 701 does not support the flexible option. The RBAR entry generates a single Rigid element between 2
The RBE2 entry generates multiple Rigid elements. They connect
internally represented either as standard multipoint constraints, or as rigid links (see Section 5.8 for enforcement of constraint equations). Multipoint constraints have constant constraint coefficients and therefore do not give accurate results in large displacements (unless the 2 nodes are coincident or the constraints do not involve rotational degrees of freedom). Rigid links also create multipoint constraints but with variable coefficients that are updated based on the deformation of the structure. This is illustrated in Fig. 2.7-1. Therefore, whenever possible, largedisplacement rigid links are used.
Rigid elements that are internally represented as multipoint
constraints are affected by the general constraint setting (GENMPC parameter in NXSTRAT). If constraints are set to general constraints (GENMPC=1), the constraint is enforced using Lagrange Multipliers. Rigid elements represented by rigid links (which have variable constraint coefficients) are not influenced by the general constraint flag. They are always enforced using the default master-slave constraint approach.
l l l l l
l l l l l
l l
l l l
l l l
Figure 2.7-1: Difference between small displacement MPC and large displacement rigid links
If the flexible option is selected for Rigid elements, Solution 601 internally generates beam or spring elements depending on the Rigid element parameters and the distance between the nodes (RBLCRIT parameter in NXSTRAT), or a spring element translation can be always requested (in the EQRBAR parameter in NXSTRAT). The stiffness of the internal springs and the Youngs modulus
and cross-sectional area of the internal beams can be automatically determined by Solution 601 or set by the user (see SPRINGK, BEAME and BEAMA parameters in NXSTRAT entry).
The rigid option results in more accurate enforcement of the
constraint. However, the compliance introduced in the model when using the flexible option can lead to easier convergence in nonlinear problems.
The flexible option results in none of the degrees of freedom becoming dependent. This allows multiple constraints to be defined at a node, and it is sometimes beneficial for contact.
Chapter 2: Elements
general constraint) or rigid link cannot be used in another constraint or rigid link as an independent degree of freedom. Hence, chaining of constraints is not allowed. Chaining of rigid links is enabled by internally replacing the dependent node of each rigid link by the first node in the chain (to avoid the restriction mentioned above). Classification of Rigid elements
The internal representation of an RBAR rigid element depends on the options present in CNA, CNB, CMA and CMB, as shown in Fig. 2.7-2.
RBAR settings. Each class gets a different internal representation. Checking for each class is done in sequence starting wtih Class 1. Class 1: All 6 degrees of freedom of one point are dependent on those of the other point. In other words, CNA = 123456, CNB = 0, CMA = 0, CMB = 123456 or CNA = 0, CNB = 123456, CMA = 123456, CMB = 0 Class 2: One point has all the dependent degrees of freedom (but not all 6 of them), and all those that are not dependent (missing terms in CMA or CMB) involve degrees of freedom that do not exist at the slave node. For example,
80 Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
CNA = 123456, CNB = 0, CMA = 0, CMB = 123 where node B is attached only to 3D solid elements (so degrees of freedom 456 do not exist). Another example, CNA = 0, CNB = 123456, CMA = 12, CMB = 0 where node A is attached only to 2D solid elements (so degrees of freedom 3456 do not exist) Note that this only applies to non-existent degrees of freedom (not fixed ones). If an excluded DOF is fixed then the rigid element does not belong to this Class. Class 3: One point has all the dependent degrees of freedom (but not all 6 of them). In other words, CNA = 123456, CNB = 0, CMA = 0, CMB = Q Or CNA = 0, CNB = 123456, CMA = Q, CMB = 0 where Q is any combination of the 6 DOFs except 0 and 123456 (0 is not allowed, and 123456 belongs to Class 1). Note that if the degrees of freedom not included in Q are all nonexistent at the node, then the rigid element belongs to Class 2. Class 4: All 6 degrees of freedom active but not all dependent degrees of freedom belong to 1 point. For example, CNA 123 12346 CNB 456 5 CMA 0 5 CMB 0 12346
Class 5: Not all the 6 degrees of freedom are active in the constraint and rigid element fails criteria for Classes 2 and 3. For example,
Chapter 2: Elements
CNA 123
CNB 456
Note that there are some other valid settings for RBAR that are not supported in Advanced Nonlinear Solution.
The internal representation of Rigid elements for each class is
described in Table 2.7-1. Lcrit is defined by RBLCRIT on NXSTRAT. Rigid option Flexible option L < Lcrit L > Lcrit L < Lcrit L > Lcrit MPC Rigid link1 Springs Beam1 1 MPC Rigid link Springs Beam1 MPC Special rigid link1 Springs Springs MPC MPC Springs Beam1 MPC MPC Springs Springs 1 This constraint is accurate in large displacement analysis
RBE2 is interpolated in the same manner as RBAR except that
it produces multiple Rigid elements. These elements can only belong to Class 1 or 3, and their internal representation is dictated by the EQRBE2 parameter in NXSTRAT.
Note that only Class 1 represents an ideal Rigid element that
element has a stiffness of KA (should be stiff), and when it is open the stiffness is KB (should be soft).
t s GA
KA - K B
Chapter 2: Elements
M 11 0 0 M= 0 0 0
0 M 22 0 0 0 0
0 0 M 33 0 0 0
0 0 0 M 44 0 0
0 0 0 0 M 55 0
0 0 0 0 0 M 66
M 0 0 M= 0 0 0
2.8.3 Bushing element
0 M 0 0 0 0
0 0 M 0 0 0
0 0 0 I11 0 0
0 0 0 0 I 22 0
0 0 0 0 0 I 33
The one-dimensional bushing element CBUSH1D is used in Advanced Nonlinear Solution to provide an axial stiffness and damping between two nodes as shown in Fig. 2.8-2. The stiffness and damping act along the axis of the element, which is the line connecting its two nodes. In large displacement analysis the element axis is updated with deformation. A fixed element axis can be specified via the CID parameter in the CBUSH1D entry.
The element can have a constant or a nonlinear stiffness defined via a lookup table.
Material Entries MATT4, MAT4 MATT5, MAT5 MATT8, MAT8 MATT9, MAT9 MATS1, MAT1
Advanced Nonlinear Solution material Temperature dependent isotropic heat transfer Temperature dependent orthotropic heat transfer Thermal elastic orthotropic (surface elements) Thermal elastic orthotropic (solid elements) Elastic isotropic nonlinear Elasto-plastic Thermal elasto-plastic Thermal elasto-plastic Elastic-creep Thermal elastic-creep
! ! ! ! ! !
Notes: 1. With TYPE=NELAST in MATS1 2. With TYPE=PLASTIC in MATS1 3. With TYPE=PLASTIC and TID pointing to a TABLEST entry in MATS1 4. Cannot be used with beam element 5. Temperature interpolation at the start of the analysis only in Solution 701 6. Only Mooney-Rivlin, Ogden and Sussman-Bathe hyperelastic materials are available in Solution 701
employed in each material model: this is necessary in the preparation of the input data and the interpretation of the analysis results.
This section summarizes the stress and strain measures in
Advanced Nonlinear Solution and how they are used with the different element types and nonlinear features. More details on stress/strain measures are provided in ref. KJB, Section 6.2.
Note that Table 2-2 listed the acceptable combinations of elements and material properties for Solution 601.
3.1.1 Kinematic formulations Small displacement/small strain kinematics Input of material parameters: All elements and material models use the engineering stress-engineering strain relationship. Output: All elements and material models output Cauchy stresses and engineering strains.
Using a linear material model with small displacement/small strain kinematics results in a linear finite element formulation. Using a nonlinear material model with small displacement/small strain kinematics results in a materially-nonlinear only (MNO) formulation.
Large displacement/small strain kinematics Input of material parameters: Cauchy (true) stresses and logarithmic (true) strains should be less than 2%. Output: The output depends on the element type. Note that as long as the strains are small, Green-Lagrange strains are practically the same as engineering strains in the element coordinate system.
Similarly, Second Piola-Kirchhoff stresses are practically the same as Cauchy stresses in the element coordinate system. (1) 2-D, 3-D solid elements: all supported material models output Cauchy stresses and Green-Lagrange strains. (2) Shell elements: all supported material models output Second Piola-Kirchhoff stresses and Green-Lagrange strains. (3) Rods: all supported material models output Cauchy stresses and engineering strains in the element coordinate system. Large displacement/large strain kinematics This kind of formulation can only be used with 2-D and 3-D solid elements and with shell elements. For 2-D and 3-D solid elements (1) The updated Lagrangian Hencky formulation is used with elastic-plastic materials (including thermal and creep effects). In this case, Input of material parameters: Cauchy (true) stresses and logarithmic (true) strains. Output: Cauchy stresses and logarithmic strains in the element coordinate system. ref. A.L. Eterovic and K.J. Bathe, "A Hyperelastic-Based Large Strain Elasto-Plastic Constitutive Formulation with Combined Isotropic-Kinematic Hardening Using the Logarithmic Stress and Strain Measures", Int. J. Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 30, pp. 10991114, 1990.
(2) For hyperelastic materials a total Lagrangian formulation is used. In this case, Input of material parameters: Hyperelastic material constants.
Output: Cauchy stresses and Green-Lagrange strains in the element coordinate system. ref. T. Sussman and K.J. Bathe, "A Finite Element Formulation for Nonlinear Incompressible Elastic and Inelastic Analysis," J. Computers and Structures, Vol. 26, 1987.
For shell elements Two formulations are available for large displacement/large strain shell elements. The updated Lagrangian Jaumann (ULJ) formulation and the updated Lagrangian Hencky (ULH) formulation. For more details on how these formulations apply to shell elements, see Section 2.3. Input of material parameters: Cauchy (true) stresses and logarithmic (true) strains. When the ULJ formulation is used: Output: Cauchy stresses and logarithmic strains. When the ULH formulation is used: Output: Kirchhoff stresses and left Hencky strains (practically equivalent to Cauchy stresses and logarithmic strains). 3.1.2 Strain measures The strain measures used in Advanced Nonlinear Solution are illustrated here in the simplified case of a rod under uniaxial tension (see Fig. 3.1-1). Engineering strain:
e0 =
! !0 !0
Green-Lagrange strain:
1 !2 !2 0 2 2 !0
! e = ln !0 ! !0
! d! = !0 !
Note that for the small strains assumption to be valid, the strains should be less than about 2%.
ref. KJB Sec. 6.2.2
Green-Lagrange strains are used in the large displacement/small strain formulations. This is because this strain measure is invariant with respect to rigid-body rotations. Therefore, for small strains, Green-Lagrange strains and the rotated engineering strains are equivalent.
A0 = initial cross-sectional area S = final cross-sectional F = applied force = 0 +D
3.1.3 Stress measures The stress measures used in Advanced Nonlinear Solution include
engineering stresses, Second Piola-Kirchhoff stresses, Kirchhoff stresses, and Cauchy stresses (see ref. KJB). These stress measures are illustrated here in the simplified case of a rod under uniaxial tension (see Fig. 3.1-1) Engineering stress:
F A0
F A0 = A A F!0 !0 = ! A0 ! F! ! = A0 ! 0 ! 0
Cauchy stress:
Kirchhoff stress:
J =
Cauchy stresses are also called true stresses in the literature. For the case in which the material is incompressible,
can be used to compute the Cauchy stress and the !0 Kirchhoff stress from the engineering stress.
When the strains are small, the Second Piola-Kirchhoff stresses
= J =
are nearly equal to the Cauchy stresses from which the rigid body rotations of the material have been removed.
When the volume change of the material is small, the Kirchhoff stresses are nearly equal to the Cauchy stresses. Since Kirchhoff stresses are input/output only for large strain analysis with materials that are nearly incompressible, practically speaking, the differences between Kirchhoff and Cauchy stresses are negligible.
analysis using the ULH (updated Lagrangian Hencky) formulation. For further information, see ref KJB, Section 6.6.4 and also the following references: ref. F. J. Montns and K.J. Bathe, "Computational issues in large strain elasto-plasticity: an algorithm for mixed hardening and plastic spin", Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 2005; 63;159-196. ref. M. Koji and K.J. Bathe, Inelastic Analysis of Solids and Structures, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
The following measures can be used to determine the state of a solid or a structure undergoing large displacements and large strains: stretches, logarithmic strains, Green-Lagrange strains. Let X be the total deformation gradient tensor at time t with respect to an initial configuration taken at time 0 (see ref. KJB, p.503). The left superscripts and subscripts are removed for better readability. This total deformation gradient tensor X can be decomposed into a material rigid-body rotation R and a symmetric positive-definite right stretch tensor U (polar decomposition):
The right stretch tensor U can be represented in its principal directions by a diagonal tensor , such that
U = R L RT L
where R L is a rotation tensor with respect to the fixed global axes (see Fig. 3.1-2). Note that the rotation R L does not correspond to a material rigidbody rotation, but to a rotation of the coordinate system: U and are two representations of the same deformed state, respectively in the basic coordinate system and in the U principal directions coordinate system.
The right Hencky strain tensor (computed in the right basis) is given by
E R = ln U = R L ln R T L
The superscript R symbolizes the right basis.
The total deformation gradient tensor X can also be
decomposed into a material rigid-body rotation R and a symmetric positive-definite (left) stretch tensor V (polar decomposition):
The left stretch tensor V can be represented in its principal directions by the diagonal tensor , such that
V = R E RT E
where R E is a rotation tensor with respect to the fixed global axes and is given by
given by
E L = ln V = R E ln R T E
The superscript L symbolizes the left basis.
Comparison of left and right Hencky strain tensors: The principal values of the left and right Hencky strain tensors are identical, and equal to the logarithms of the principal stretches. Hence both of these strain tensors can be considered to be logarithmic strain tensors. However, the principal directions of the left and right Hencky strain tensors are different. The principal directions of the right Hencky strain tensor do not contain the rigid body rotations of the material, but the principal directions of the left Hencky strain tensor contain the rigid body rotations of the material.
Therefore, for a material undergoing rigid body rotations, the principal directions of the right Hencky strain tensor do not rotate, however the principal directions of the left Hencky strain tensor rotate with the material. Hence, the left Hencky strain tensor is preferred for output and visualization of the strain state.
(t) (0)
(0) Initial configuration at time 0 Configuration at time t not including rigid body rotation (t) Configuration at time t Directions of maximum/minimum total stretches and strains R
Material rigid-body rotation between time 0 and time t
R L Directions of initial configuration fibers with maximum/minimum total stretches and strains
Figure 3.1-2: Directions of maximum/minimum total stretches and strains Inelastic deformations In inelastic analysis, the following multiplicative decomposition of the total deformation gradient into an elastic deformation gradient X E and an inelastic deformation gradient X P is assumed:
To understand Eq. (3.1-8), consider a small region of material under a given stress state with deformation gradient X . If this region of material is separated from the rest of the model and subjected to the same stress state, the deformation gradient is still X . Now if the stress state is removed, (3.1-8) implies that the deformation gradient of the unloaded material is X P . The stresses are due entirely to the strains associated with the elastic deformation gradient X E It can be shown (see Montns and Bathe), that (3.1-8) is equivalent to the additive decomposition of the displacements into elastic displacements and plastic displacements. For the materials considered here, det X P = 1 . Polar decomposition of elastic deformation gradient: The elastic deformation gradient can be decomposed into an elastic rotation tensor R E and elastic right and left stretch tensors U E , V E :
XE = R E UE = V E R E
Elastic Hencky strain tensors: The elastic Hencky strain tensors in the right and left bases are given by
E ER = ln U E , E EL = ln V E
Stress-strain relationships: The stresses are computed from the elastic Hencky strain tensors using the usual stress-strain law of isotropic elasticity. However, the stress measures used depend upon the strain measures used. When the right Hencky strain measure is used, the stress measure used is the rotated Kirchhoff stress
= ( R E ) J R E
and when the left Hencky strain measure is used, the stress measure is the (unrotated) Kirchhoff stress J . J = det X is the volume change of the material, and, using det X P = 1 , J = det X E .
With theses choices of stress and strain measures, the stresses and strains are work-conjugate. The choice of right Hencky strain and rotated Kirchhoff stresses gives the same numerical results as the choice of left Hencky strain and (unrotated) Kirchhoff stresses). 3.1.5 Thermal Strains
Calculation of thermal strains is needed for temperature-
dependent material models (thermo-elastic isotropic, thermo-elastic orthotropic, thermo-plastic), as well as temperature-invariant material models with non-zero thermal expansion coefficients.
The current temperature
calculation of thermal strains. The current temperature field is set via the TEMPERATURE(LOAD) case control entry, while the initial temperature is set via the TEMPERATURE(INITIAL) case control entry. See Section 5.6 for more details.
The temperature at an integration point is evaluated based on the nodal temperatures and the element shape functions, and then used to calculate the thermal strains. For isotropic temperature independent materials, the following expression is used for thermal expansion.
t TH ij
= ( t 0 ) ij
i j ).
If the thermal expansion is temperature dependent and isotropic,
= t ( t 0 ) ij
1 ( t )( t REF ) ( 0 )( 0 REF ) 0 )
(3.1-14) and REF is the reference temperature at which the thermal strain in the material is zero.
For temperature independent orthotropic materials Eq. (3.1-12) is replaced by a thermal expansion coefficient vector,
t TH ij
= i ( t 0 ) ij
For temperature dependent orthotopic materials Eq. (3.1-13) and Eq. (3.1-14) are modified for each direction similar to Eq. (3.1-15). Equations (3.1-13) and (3.1-14) are derived as follows: Suppose that, from experimental data, the dependence of the length of a bar as a function of temperature is obtained, as shown in Fig. 3.1-3.
Length, L
Secant to curve
qREF q Temperature, q
Figure 3.1-3: Length of bar vs. temperature The thermal strain with respect to the reference length may be calculated as
TH =
Then we define the mean coefficient of thermal expansion for a given temperature as follows:
TH ( ) ( ) = REF
With this definition, the secant slope in Fig. 3.1-3 is LREF ( ) . Now, in Solution 601, we assume that the thermal strains are initially zero. To do this, we subtract the thermal strain corresponding to 0 to obtain
TH = ( t )( t REF ) ( 0 )( 0 REF )
which leads to Equations (3.1-13) and (3.1-14). Notice that if the mean coefficient of thermal expansion is constant, REF no longer enters into the definition of t and the equations reduce to Eq. 3.1-12. In general, when the mean coefficient of thermal expansion is not constant, REF must be chosen based on knowledge of the experiment used to determine ( ) since the same material curve, different choices of REF yield different values of ( ) .
Elastic-isotropic: isotropic linear elastic non-thermal dependent material model obtained with MAT1 Elastic-orthotropic: orthotropic linear elastic non-thermal dependent material model obtained with MAT2 and MAT8 for surface elements and MAT9 for 3-D solid elements
These models can be employed using small
displacement/small strain or large displacement/small strain kinematics. The strains are always assumed to be small.
Thermal strains are supported for elastic isotropic materials, and they are not supported for elastic-orthotropic materials. Thermal strains for orthotropic materials can be obtained by using a temperature-dependent elastic orthotropic material model (see Section 3.5). When the elastic-isotropic and elastic-orthotropic materials are used with the small displacement formulation, the formulation is linear. If the material models are employed in a large displacement analysis, the total or the updated Lagrangian formulation is automatically selected by the program depending on which formulation is numerically more effective. 2-D, 3-D solid elements and shell elements use a total Lagrangian (TL) formulation, while rods and beams use an updated Lagrangian (UL) formulation. In the small displacement formulation, the stress-strain relationship is
t 0
= C t0e
stress-strain relationship is
t 0
S = C t0
= C tt *
= C ( t0 e t0 eTH )
where t0 eTH are the thermal strains. A similar t0 TH and t0 *TH term is added for the TL and UL formulations, respectively. The calculation of thermal strain is detailed in Section 3.1.5.
The same matrix C is employed in all of these formulations. As
long as the strains remain small, the difference in the responses is negligible.
However, if the strains are large, the difference in the response predictions is very significant (see ref. KJB, pp 589-590). If the strains are large, it is recommended that these linear elastic material models not be used.
The thermal expansion coefficient is also used if thermal strains are present.
The thermal expansion coefficient is also used if thermal strains are present.
In addition, to ensure that the material constants result in a positive definite constitutive matrix, the following inequalities must hold:
E < i E j
2 , i , j = a , b, c Ea 2 E 2 E bc b ca c 0.5 Eb Ec Ea
2 ab bc ca < 0.5 1 ab
ab bc ac
3-D solid elements: The orthotropic 3-D material is defined using the MAT9 command with the following assumptions:
0 0 0 G44
0 0 0 0 G55
Shell elements: The orthotropic shell material is preferably defined using the MAT8 entry, which leads to the following inverse stressstrain relationship defined in the shell material coordinate system (1,2,3):
e11 1/ E1 e / E 22 12 1 12 = 0 13 0 23 0
12 / E1 1/ E2 0 0 0
0 0 1/ G12 0 0
0 0 0 1/ G1z 0
0 11 0 22 0 12 0 13 1/ G2 z 23
The MAT2 entry can also be used to define a shell material with only in-plane orthotropy:
11 G11 G 22 12 12 = 0 13 0 23 0
G12 G22 0 0 0
0 0 G33 0 0
0 0 0 G33 0
2-D axisymmetric solid elements: The orthotropic 2-D material is defined using the MAT3 command. This leads to the following stress-strain relationship defined in the (x,,z) plane:
ex 1 Ex e x = Ex xz ez Ex zx 0
x E 1 E
zx Ez z Ez
z E 0
1 Ez 0
x 0 0 0 z 1 Gzx zx
from both tension and compression parts of the material stressstrain curve.
( ) of Fig. 3.3-1, the effective stress and strain ( and ) must be calculated based on the 2-D or 3-D total stress and strain tensors ( and ). The von-Mises stress is used as the effective stress, while the effective strain is based on
In order to use the unaxial stress-stain data
d =
which equates the deformation work per unit volume in unaxial loading to the multi-dimensional state. This results in a unique equation for as a function of , and the stress-strain state that depends on the element type.
The effective strain,
, is defined by
1 1 E0 2 = T C0 2 2
where E0 is Youngs modulus which is determined by the most stiff region of the input stress-strain curve, C0 is the elastic stressstrain matrix obtained using E0 and . ( E0 cancels out from both
sides of Eq. (3.3-2)) Differentiating Eq. (3.3-2) with respect to the total strain, we have
d =
1 T C 0 d E0
Substituting Eq. (3.3-3) into Eq. (3.3-1), the stresses can be expressed in terms of total strains, i.e.,
C0 E0
e E0
u (i ) , E0 , , update
t +t
(i ) ,
(i )
t +t
Step 1. Calculate the new total strain state displacements t +t u ( i ) Step 2. Calculate the elastic trial stress,
t +t
(i ) based on
e = C0 t +t
Step 3. Compute the magnitude of the effective strain, . Step 4. Calculate the ratio
r =C
1e t +t
where C is a constant that biases the general stress state towards the pure tension or compression curves and is internally set to 3/2, I1e is the first elastic stress invariant, and t +t e is the effective elastic stress which is calculated as follows,
t +t
e = E0 t +t
Restrict r to be between -1 and 1. Step 5. Calculate the effective stress in tension t and in compression c , based on the user-supplied stress-strain curve and , as follows:
t +t
t =t +t (t +t )
c = t +t (t +t )
1 + r t +t 1 r t +t t + c 2 2
t +t
t +t
t +t
Step 8. Evaluate the tangential stress-strain matrix. Symmetrize it if necessary. 3.3.1 Nonlinear elastic material for rod element
For the rod element, the stress-strain relationship is defined as a
s6 s5 s4 e2 e3
l l
s3 e4 s2 s1
Figure 3.3-2: Nonlinear elastic material for rod elements Note that the stress is uniquely defined as a function of the strain only; hence for a specific strain te, reached in loading or
Point 1
Point 2
n Gap D
Stress D _ L Strain
Elasto-plastic materials are defined using the MATS1 material entry with TYPE = PLASTIC. This section describes the following material model:
The von Mises yield condition (see p. 597, ref. KJB) An associated flow rule using the von Mises yield function
An isotropic or kinematic, or mixed hardening Bilinear or multilinear stress-strain curves (based on H and TID fields in MATS1)
Figs. 3.4-1 to 3.4-3 summarize some important features of these material models.
These models can be used with the rod, 2-D solid, 3-D solid,
3 2
s2 s1
3 2
s1 s2
Elastic region
When used with small displacement/small strain kinematics, a materially-nonlinear-only formulation is employed. When used with the displacement/small strain kinematics, either a TL or a UL formulation is employed. When used with large displacement/large strain kinematics, a ULH formulation (solid elements) or a ULJ formulation (shell element) is employed. Large displacement/large strain kinematics can only be used with the 2-D solid, 3-D solid and shell elements (only single layer shell elements).
For multilinear plasticity in rod elements, up to 7 stress-strain points on the stress-strain curve can be entered. For other elements, there is no restriction on the number of stress-strain points in the stress-strain curve. 2-D plane strain or 3-D solid elements that reference these
material models should preferably employ the mixed displacementpressure (u/p) element formulation. This is done by setting UPFORM = 1 in the NXSTRAT command.
0s y
0s y
2 0sy Strain
ts y
ts y
2 0s y Strain
ts y
fy =
1 t t ( s s ) 1 t y2 = 0 2 3
stress at time t. In the von Mises model with kinematic hardening, the following yield surface equation is used:
fy =
1 t ( s t ) ( t s t ) 1 0 y2 = 0 2 3
where t is the shift of the center of the yield surface (back stress
2 tensor) and 0 y is the virgin, or initial, yield stress.
In the von Mises model with mixed hardening, the following yield surface equation is used:
fy =
1 t ( s t ) ( t s t ) 1 t y2 = 0 2 3
y = 0 y + ME p e p
d = C p (1 M ) de p Cp is Pragers hardening parameter, related to the plastic modulus Ep and M is the factor used in general mixed hardening
(0 < M < 1) which is currently restricted to 0.5.
Mixed hardening is only available for bilinear plasticity. The formulation for the von Mises model with mixed hardening is given in the following reference: ref K.J. Bathe and F.J. Montns, On Modeling Mixed Hardening in Computational Plasticity, Computers and Structures, Vol. 82, No. 6, pp. 535539, 2004.
The yield stress is a function of the effective plastic strain, which defines the hardening of the material. The effective plastic strain is defined as
e =
2 p de de p 3
in which de p is the tensor of differential plastic strain increments. In finite element analysis, we approximate t e as the sum of all of the plastic strain increments up to the current solution time:
t P
e =
e p
where e =
increments in a solution step. Because of the summation over the solution steps, we refer to the calculated value of t e as the accumulated effective plastic strain.
If a thermal load is applied to the structure, the thermal strains
are taken into account but the material characteristics are considered to be temperature independent.
The material behaviour beyond the last point of the stress-strain curve in multilinear plasticity can be considered ruptured, or the curve can be extended indefinitely with the slope of its final segment. This depends on a global setting of the XTCURVE parameter in NXSTRAT with indefinite extension as the default.
Modeling of rupture: Rupture conditions can also be modeledfor the multilinear stress-strain curve. The rupture plastic strain corresponds to the effective plastic strain at the last point input for the stress-strain curve. No rupture strain exists for the bilinear case. When rupture is reached at a given element integration point, the corresponding element is removed from the model (see Section 8.4).
are discussed in this section. The thermal isotropic material is obtained with the MAT1 and MATT1 material entries, and the thermal orthotropic material is obtained for surface elements with the MAT2 and MATT2 material entries, or MAT8 and MATT8 material entries, and for axisymmetric 2-D elements with MAT3 and MATT3 material entries, and for solid elements with the MAT9 and MATT9 material entries. These commands allow the different elastic material constants to vary with temperature. Thermal strains are taken into account in these materials.
The thermal isotropic model is available for the rod, 2-D solid, 3-D solid and shell elements. The thermal orthotropic model is also available for the 2-D
and large displacement/small strain kinematics. The strains are always assumed to be small. When used with small displacement/small strain kinematics, a materially-nonlinear-only formulation is employed. When used with large displacement/small strain kinematics, either the TL or UL formulation is employed. 2-D, 3-D solids and shells use the TL formulations, and rods use a UL formulation.
In the data input for the analysis, the nodal point temperatures must be defined for all time steps. See Section 5.6. For these models, the elastic moduli, the shear moduli, the Poisson's ratios and the coefficients of thermal expansion defined in Section 3.2 are input as piecewise linear functions of the temperature, as illustrated in Fig. 3.5-1. Linear interpolation is used to calculate the material properties between input points.
l l
l l l l l l
q4 q3 Temperature
q4 q3 Temperature
l l l
q4 q3 Temperature
elastic-creep materials, since a unified general solution can be applied to these material types. The computational procedure is based on the effective stress function algorithm, detailed in Section 3.6.4.
ref. KJB Section 6.6.3
E where t ij is the stress tensor at time t and t Cijrs is the elasticity E tensor at the temperature corresponding to time t. The tensor t Cijrs
can be expressed in terms of Young's modulus tE and Poisson's ratio tv both of which may be temperature-dependent.
Note that the thermal, plastic and creep parts of these material models are optional. If, however, the omitted strain components result in one of the material models detailed in one of the previous sections, then the program will select that material model. The formulations provided in this section are very general, and can describe any material combining elastic, plastic, thermal and creep strains. However, currently only three material combinations are introduced in this section, These are:
elastic-creep Elastic isotropic material with creep, obtained with CREEP and MAT1 entries, and thermal elastic-creep Temperature dependent elastic isotropic material with creep, obtained with CREEP, MAT1 and MATTC entries, and thermal elasto-plastic Temperature dependent elastic-plastic isotropic material,
obtained with MATS1, MATT1 and MAT1 entries, or only MATS1, MAT1 with TID in MATS1 pointing to a TABLEST entry.
These material models can be used with the rod, 2-D solid, 3-D solid, and shell elements. These models can be used with small displacement/small
strain, large displacement/small strain and large displacement/ large strain kinematics. When used with small displacement/small strain kinematics, a materially-nonlinear-only formulation is employed. When used with large displacement/small strain kinematics, either a TL or a UL formulation is employed (TL for 2-D and 3-D solids and shells, and UL for rods). When used with large displacement/large strain kinematics, the ULH (updated Lagrangian Hencky) formulation is employed. This is only supported for 2-D solid and 3-D solid elements.
2-D or 3-D solid elements that reference these material models should preferably employ the mixed u/p element formulation. This is done by setting UPFORM =1 in the NXSTRAT entry. Note that the constitutive relations for the thermal, plastic and
creep strains are independent of each other; hence the only interaction between the strains comes from the fact that all strains affect the stresses according to Eq. 3.6-1. Fig. 3.6-1 summarizes the constitutive description for a one-dimensional stress situation and a bilinear stress-strain curve. Since there is no direct coupling in the evaluation of the different strain components, we can discuss the calculation of each strain component independently.
When rupture is reached at a given element integration point, the corresponding element is removed from the model (see Section 8.4).
M.D. Snyder and K.J. Bathe, "A Solution Procedure for Thermo-Elastic-Plastic and Creep Problems," J. Nuclear Eng. and Design, Vol. 64, pp. 49-80, 1981.
M. Koji and K.J. Bathe, "The Effective-Stress-Function Algorithm for Thermo-Elasto-Plasticity and Creep," Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 1509-1532, 1987.
Area A
l l
Temperature tq
ts ts (t q) yv tE(tq) tE t T( q)
(time independent)
(time independent)
(b) Strains considered in the model
fy =
1t t 1t 2 s s yv 2 3
fy =
1 t ( s t ) ( t s t ) 1 t y2v 2 3
stress corresponding to temperature and t is the shift of the stress tensor due to kinematic hardening.
Stress 2 3 4
1 e i+1
2 e1 ei i 4
e4 i
2 e i+1
3 e i+1
e4 i+1
Plastic strain
P2 e i+1
P3 e i+1
b) Yield curves
plastic multiplier (positive scalar) which can be determined from the yield condition tfy = 0. In the case of kinematic hardening, we express the change of the yield surface position in the form
P d ij = t Cdeij
where tC is the modulus as defined for temperature-independent plasticity but using now of course temperature-dependent moduli.
Care should be exercised in the use of this model in kinematic hardening conditions. Namely, nonphysical effects can result when the variation in ET as a function of temperature is large. Hence, it is recommended to use this model only when the variation in ET as a function of temperature is small.
first called the Power creep law is obtained by setting TYPE = 300 in the CREEP material entry. The second creep law called the Exponential creep law is obtained by setting TYPE = 222 in the CREEP material entry. The Power creep law is currently supported for the elastic-creep and thermal elastic-creep material models. The Exponential creep law is currently supported only for the elasticcreep material model.
The effective creep strain is calculated as follows:
e C = a t b t d
in which is the effective stress, t is the time, and a, b, d are material constants from the CREEP material entry. These three constants can be set to be temperature dependent via the MATTC entry.
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide 123
e C = F( ) 1 e
R ( ) t
) + G( ) t
F( ) = a eb ; R( ) = c ( t ) ; G( ) = e e f
t t
( )
in which a through f are material constants from the CREEP material entry.
The creep strains are evaluated using the strain hardening procedure for load and temperature variations, and the O.R.N.L. rules for cyclic loading conditions.
C.E. Pugh, J.M. Corum, K.C. Liu and W.L. Greenstreet, "Currently Recommended Constitutive Equations for Inelastic Design of FFTF Components," Report No. TM3602, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 1972.
where the creep multiplier t varies with stresses and creep strains, t and the sij are the deviatoric stresses (see Section 3.6.2 and ref. KJB, p. 607). The procedure used to evaluate the incremental creep strains is summarized in the following:
C Given the total creep strains t eij and the deviatoric stresses sij
3 2 t = t sij t sij 2
2) Calculate the pseudo-effective creep strain
2 2 orig orig e = ( t eijC eij )( t eijC eij ) 3 C 1
e C = Fc ( t , t , t
4) Solve for the pseudo-time t . 5) Calculate the effective creep strain rate from the generalized uniaxial creep law
t e C Fc t t = ( , , t t t
6) Calculate t
te C 3 t t = 2 t
and the increment
t e C = t t t sij
Steps 1) through 4) correspond to a strain hardening procedure.
The stresses and strains at the integration points are evaluated using the effective-stress-function algorithm.
M. Koji and K.J. Bathe, "The Effective-Stress-Function Algorithm for Thermo-Elasto-Plasticity and Creep," Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 1509-1532, 1987.
Briefly, the procedure used consists of the following calculations. The general constitutive equation
t +t
(i ) = t +t C E ( t +t e(i ) t +t e P (i ) t +t eC (i ) t +t eTH )
is solved separately for the mean stress and for the deviatoric stresses. In this equation the index (i) denotes the iteration counter in the iteration for nodal point equilibrium. For easier writing this index will be dropped in the discussion to follow. The mean stress is calculated as
t +t
m =
t +t
1 2
t +t
t +t
em t +t eTH )
The deviatoric stresses t +t s depend on the inelastic strains and they can be expressed as
t +t
t +t
1 t +t e (1 ) t t s (3.6-3) aE + t +
E t , s = deviatoric stress at the start of the 1+
t +t t +t
t +t
aE =
time step and is the integration parameter used for stress evaluation ( 0 < 1) The creep and plastic multipliers and
t +t
e =
t +t
e t e P t eC
is known since the deviatoric strains t +t e , plastic strains t e P and creep strains t eC are known from the current displacements and the stress/strain state at the start of the current time step. The following scalar function f (3.6-3)
t +t
f ( t +t ) = a 2 t +t 2 + b c 2 2 d 2 = 0
The zero of Eq. (3.6-4) provides the solution for the effective stress t +t , where
a = t +t aE + t + b = 3 (1 )t t +t eij t sij c = (1 ) t t
d2 =
3 t +t eij 2
t +t
with summation on the indices i, j. Once the solution for has been determined from Eq. (3.6-4), simultaneously with the scalars and from the creep and plasticity conditions, the deviatoric stress t +t s is calculated from Eq. (3.6-3), and the plastic and creep strains at the end of the time step are obtained as
t +t P t +t C
e = t e P + t +t s e = t eC + (1 ) t s +
t +t
s t
The above equations correspond to isotropic hardening conditions and a general 3-D analysis. The solution details for
kinematic hardening conditions and for special problems (for the plane stress, shell, isoparametric beam elements) are given in the above cited references, and also in the following reference: ref. M. Koji and K.J. Bathe, "Thermo-Elastic-Plastic and Creep Analysis of Shell Structures", Computers & Structures, Vol. 26, No 1/2, pp. 135-143, 1987.
Lagrangian (TL) formulation is employed. The same formulation is used if a large displacement/small strain kinematics is selected.
Thermal strains can be included via a constant thermal
expansion coefficient. Section 3.7.5 shows how they are computed for hyperelastic materials.
In Solution 701 only the Mooney-Rivlin and Ogden material models can be used, and only for 3-D solid elements. The isotropic hyperelastic effects are mathematically described by specifying the dependence of the strain energy density (per unit original volume) W on the Green-Lagrange strain tensor ij . We now give a brief summary of the quantities and concepts used. For more information, refer to ref KJB, section 6.6.2. Here and below, we omit the usual left superscripts and subscripts for ease of writing. Unless otherwise stated, all quantities are evaluated at time t and referred to reference time 0 .
Cij ,
given by
Cij = 2 ij + ij
where ij is the Kronecker delta; the principal invariants of the Cauchy-Green deformation tensor,
I1 = Ckk ,
I2 =
1 2 ( I1 Cij Cij ) , 2
I 3 = det C
I1 = I1 I 3 3 , I 2 = I 2 I 3 3 , J = I 3 2 ,
the stretches i where the i s are the square roots of the principal stretches of the Cauchy-Green deformation tensor; and the reduced stretches:
i = i ( 12 3 )
Note that
1 3
J = 12 3
is the volume ratio (ratio of the deformed volume to the undeformed volume).
The strain energy density
W is written in terms of the invariants or stretches. In many cases, the strain energy density is conveniently written as the sum of the deviatoric strain energy density WD and the volumetric strain energy density WV .
W depends
on the Green-Lagrange strain tensor (through the invariants or stretches), the 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor is evaluated using
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide 129
1 W W + Sij = 2 ij ji
and the incremental material tensor is evaluated using
(3.7-1) where Cij are material constants , and I1 and I 2 are the first and second strain invariants at time t, referring to the original configuration (see ref. KJB, Section 6.6.2 for the definitions of the strain invariants). Note that constants Aij used in the MATHP material entry are identical to Cij constants used in MATHE and in the equation above.
ref. KJB Section 6.6.2
incompressible material ( I 3 = 1) . It is modified to account for material compressibility by: 1) substituting for the invariants I1 , I 2 the reduced invariants
I1 , I 2 ,
2) removing the condition I 3 = 1 , and
130 Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
1 2 WV = ( J 1) 2
where is the bulk modulus given by K in the MATHE material entry (or two times D1 in the MATHP material entry). This expression for the volumetric strain energy density yields the following relationship between the pressure and the volume ratio:
p = ( J 1)
This results in the following strain energy density:
Note that the bulk modulus can be set very large so that the material is almost incompressible. The mixed displacement-pressure (u/p) element formulation is always used for hyperelastic materials to avoid volumetric locking.
The material stress-strain descriptions are obtained by
differentiation of t0W to obtain stresses due to the element displacements and then taking into account the effect of the separately interpolated pressure. ref. T. Sussman and K.J. Bathe, "A Finite Element Formulation for Nonlinear Incompressible Elastic and Inelastic Analysis," J. Computers and Structures, Vol. 26, No. 1/2, pp. 357-409, 1987.
Selection of material constants: The Mooney-Rivlin material description used here has 9 Cij constants and the bulk modulus . Strictly speaking, this material law is termed a higher-order or
generalized Mooney-Rivlin material law. Choosing only C10 0 yields the neo-Hookean material law, and choosing only C10 0, C01 0 yields the standard two-term Mooney-Rivlin material law. The small strain shear modulus and small strain Youngs modulus can be written in terms of these constants as (assuming =)
(3.7-5) (3.7-6)
The bulk modulus is used to model the compressibility of the material. As a rule of thumb, the material will behave in an almost incompressible manner if the bulk to shear modulus ratio is greater than about 2000. This rule of thumb can be used to estimate the bulk modulus in the absence of experimental data. However, lower values of the bulk modulus can be used to model compressible materials. Solution 601 assumes a default for the bulk modulus based on small strain near-incompressibility, i.e.,
E with = 0.499 3 (1 2 )
where E is the small strain Young's modulus or, in terms of the small strain shear modulus G,
2G (1 + ) = 500G 3 (1 2 )
for = 0.499
Solution 701 assumes the same bulk modulus based on small strain near-incompressibility. However, this can significantly reduce the stable time step. In such cases, is better to use one that results in =0.49.
When automatic time step calculation is used for a MooneyRivlin material in Solution 701, the critical time step is governed by the dilatational wave speed. This is most frequently an acceptable assumption since the material is almost incompressible. As the material deforms, the bulk to shear modulus ratio may
change, because the instantaneous shear modulus is dependent on the amount of deformation. A value of the bulk modulus that corresponds to near incompressibility for small strains may not be large enough to correspond to near incompressibility for large strains. 3.7.2 Ogden material model
The Ogden material model is obtained by setting Model=Ogden in the MATHE material entry. It is based on the following expression:
9 WD = n 1 n + 2 n + 3 n 3 n =1 n
incompressible material
t 0 3
material compressibility by: 1) substituting for the stretches 1 , 2 , 3 the reduced stretches
1 , 2 , 3 ,
2) removing the condition 12 3 = 1 , and 3) adding the volumetric strain energy density
1 1 2 2 WV = ( 12 3 1) = ( J 1) 2 2
where is the bulk modulus. The relationship between the pressure and the volumetric ratio is the same as for the MooneyRivlin material description.
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide 133
The u/p formulation is always used for the Ogden material model. For comments about the u/p formulation, see the corresponding comments in the Mooney-Rivlin material description. Selection of material constants: The Ogden material description used here has 19 constants: n , n , n = 1,...,9 and the bulk modulus. Choosing only n , n 0, n = 1, 2,3 the standard threeterm Ogden material description is recovered. The small strain shear modulus and small strain Youngs modulus can be written as (assuming = )
1 9 n n 2 n =1 3 9 n n 2 n =1
WD = N KT [
where NKT is a material constant and N is a material parameter representing the number of statistical links of the material chain.
The Arruda-Boyce material model is described in the following reference:
E. M. Arruda and M. C. Boyce, A three-dimensional constitutive model for the large stretch behavior of rubber elastic materials, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Vol,. 41 (2), pp 389-412 (1993).
incompressible material ( I 3 = 1) . It is modified to account for material compressibility by: 1) substituting for the strain invariant I1 the reduced strain invariants I1 , 2) removing the condition I 3 = 1 , and 3) adding the volumetric energy term
WV =
2 ( J 1)
ln J
where is the small-strain bulk modulus. The relationship between the pressure and the volume ratio is
1 J 2 J
The u/p formulation is always used for the Arruda-Boyce material model. For comments about the u/p formulation, see the corresponding comments in the Mooney-Rivlin material description. When the u/p formulation is used, there should be at least one solution unknown. This is because the constraint equation used in the u/p formulation is nonlinear in the unknown pressures. Therefore equilibrium iterations are required for convergence, even when all of the displacements in the model are prescribed. 3.7.4 Hyperfoam material model
The Hyperfoam material model is obtained by setting Model=Foam in the MATHE material entry. It is based on the following expression:
W =
n n =1 n
n 1 n n J n n 1 1 + 2 + 3 3 + n
in which there are the material constants n , n , n , n = 1,..., N . The maximum value of N is 9.
A material model similar to the hyper-foam material model is described in the following reference:
B. Storkers, On material representation and constitutive branching in finite compressible elasticity, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Vol,. 34(2), pp 125-145 (1986).
WD =
n 1 + 2 + 3 3 J 3 / 3 n =1 n
n n n n
WV =
n 3 ( J 3 n =1 n
1 +
n n 3
Notice that W = WD + WV . This decomposition of the strain energy density has the advantage that the stresses obtained from the deviatoric and volumetric parts separately are zero when there are no deformations:
D Sij
ij = 0
WD 1 W = D+ = 0, 2 ij ji ij =0 1 W W = V + V =0 2 ij ji ij =0
V Sij
ij = 0
Notice that WD contains the volumetric part of the motion through the term 3 J 3 n . Therefore WD is not entirely deviatoric.
The material is not assumed to be totally incompressible.
Because both WD and WV contain the volumetric part of the motion, the mixed u/p formulation cannot be used with the hyperfoam material. A displacement-based formulation is used. Selection of material constants: The hyper-foam material description used here has 27 constants: n , n , n , n = 1,...,9 . The small strain shear modulus and small strain bulk modulus can be written as
G= n =1
1 9 n n 2 n =1 1
= n + n n 3
These moduli must be greater than zero, hence we note that n should be greater than 1/3. When all of the n are equal to each other = , then the Poissons ratio is related to using
1 2
The hyper-foam material model is generally used for highly compressible elastomers. If the ratio of the bulk modulus to shear modulus is high (greater than about 10), the material is almost incompressible and we recommend that one of the other hyperelastic materials be used.
where w(e) is a function of the principal logarithmic strain (Hencky strain) and e1, e2, and e3 are the principal logarithmic strains.
The primary goal of the model is to fit given uniaxial tension/compression data very well. This goal is accomplished by using a spline to fit the derivative of w(e), as described in detail below.
Of course, when uniaxial tension/compression data is known, a curve fitting approach can, in theory, be used to determine the constants for the other hyperelastic models, e.g. the Ogden material model. But this curve fitting in practice does not provide good fits to the data under many circumstances.
This strain energy density expression assumes a totally incompressible material (I3 = 1) and is modified as explained below
T. Sussman and K.J. Bathe, A model of incompressible isotropic hyperelastic material behavior using spline interpolations of tension-compression test data, Commun. Numer. Meth. Engng, Vol. 25, Issue 1, pp. 5363, January 2009.
The following gives a quick summary of the Sussman-Bathe model. In this summary, we assume that the material is totally incompressible. Differences due to slight compressibility are small.
i =
WD + p = w(ei ) + p ei
e2 = e3 = 1 e so 2
= w(e) w( 1 e) 2
(3.7-10) can be inverted to obtain
w(e) =
k =0
1 k 4
e + 1 ( 1 ) e 2 4
) (
Original Deformed L2 L3
A1 = L2 L3 = 0 A1
L1 L1
e = e1 = ln
L1 L1
1 e2 = e3 = - e1 2
t2 = t3 = 0
t1 =
F1 A1
Figure 3.7-1: Uniaxial tension/compression test 3) The asymptotic conditions for w are w(e) as e ; w(e) as e . These asymptotic conditions correspond to the asymptotic conditions of infinite stresses for infinite strains. 4) For a stable material, it is necessary (but not sufficient) that w(e) > 0 for all e. Not all materials for which (e) > 0 have w(e) > 0 . For example, the material with
(e) = ET e, e > 0
= EC e, e < 0
where ET and EC are constants greater than zero, has w(e) > 0 only if
1 2
ET < EC < 2 ET
5) Given only simple tension data for (e) , there are multiple w(e) that exactly correspond to (e) , for positive e only. Two such w(e) are
8) The Ogden material model can be considered a special case of (3.7-8), since the Ogden material model can be written in terms of w(e) :
w(e) = n ( exp( n e) 1)
Spline representation of w(e) : In the Sussman-Bathe model, we choose w(e) to fit given uniaxial tension/compression data very well, as follows. The uniaxial tension-compression data is in the form of userspecified data points ( ei , i ) . From these data points, we build a non-uniform cubic spline representation of the uniaxial
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide 141
tension/compression stress-strain data = (e) , as shown in Figure 3.7-2. For the non-uniform cubic spline representation of ( e) , 1) A spline segment is placed between two successive user-input data points. The user-input data points need not be equally spaced. 2) The range of the cubic spline is between the first and last userinput data points. 3) Outside the range of the cubic spline, the slope of (e) is greater than zero. This ensures that the asymptotic conditions of () = , () = are met.
t(e) Segment of cubic spline Slope > 0
Slope > 0
Figure 3.7-2: Uniaxial tension/compression stress-strain spline Using the non-uniform cubic spline representation of (e) and (3.7-11), we build a uniform cubic spline for w(e) as shown in Figure 3.7-3. For the uniform cubic spline representation of w(e) . 1) The same number of spline segments is used in tension and in compression. 2) The range of the cubic spline is the same in tension and in compression. This range includes the range of the user-input data points.
142 Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
3) Outside the range of the cubic spline, the slope of w(e) is greater than zero, whenever possible.
w e) ( Segment of cubic spline Slope > 0
emin,w emax,w e
Slope > 0
Figure 3.7-3: wt(e) spline In order to measure the accuracy of the spline representation of w(e) , we define the relative interpolation error
r = max
in which (e) is the stress evaluated from the spline representation " of w(e) (using 3.7-10), and (e) is the stress evaluated from the spline representation of (e) . The number of spline segments is automatically chosen to make the interpolation error r smaller than a user-specified value. Typically only a few spline segments need be used for w(e) in order to reduce the interpolation error to a value smaller than experimental error. Each cubic spline segment in w(e) can be written
w(e) = Ai +1 z + Bi +1 z 3 + Ai (1 z ) + Bi (1 z )3
for the segment ei e ei +1 where z = (e ei ) /(ei +1 ei ) . With this definition, w(e) can be written
z2 z4 (1 z ) 2 (1 z ) 4 w(e) = Ci + (ei +1 ei ) Ai +1 + Bi +1 + Ai + Bi 2 4 2 4
(3.7-16) The program determines the constants Ai, Bi, Ci from uniaxial stress-strain data, as described above. The constants Ai, Bi, Ci are listed in the output file when the model definition is listed. Plane stress analysis: The material is assumed to be totally incompressible. Therefore WV is zero and W = WD. A displacement-based finite element formulation is used, exactly as for the Mooney-Rivlin material model described above. Plane strain, axisymmetric and 3-D analysis: The material is modeled as compressible (that is, the bulk modulus is not infinite), but you can set the bulk modulus high so that the material is almost incompressible. Equation (3.7-8) is modified by 1) substituting the deviatoric principal strains for the corresponding principal strains, 2) removing the condition e1 + e2 + e3 = 0, and 3) adding the volumetric strain energy density
WV = ( J 3 ln J 3 ( J 3 1) )
where is the bulk modulus. The relationship between the pressure and the volume ratio is
p = ln J 3 = ( e1 + e2 + e3 )
which is a generalization of the small-strain pressure-strain
relationship. Either the u/p formulation (default) or the displacement-based formulation can be used. For comments about the u/p formulation, see the corresponding comments in the Mooney-Rivlin material description. Data input considerations: 1) Data input is in the form of a set of stress-strain data points, with positive stresses/strains corresponding to uniaxial tension and negative stresses/strains corresponding to uniaxial compression. Compression and tension data are entered together in the same data set. 2) The data set should contain both tension and compression data (compression data is possibly converted from equibiaxial tension data, see below). If the data set contains only tension data, the program will assume that the true stress / true strain curve in compression is a straight line, which is most likely not a good assumption. 3) The stresses and strains in the set of stress-strain data points can be either a) True stresses and logarithmic strains b) Engineering stresses and engineering strains c) Engineering stresses and stretches In the latter cases, the program internally converts the stresses and strains to true stresses and logarithmic strains. 4) Data points from equibiaxial tension experiments can be converted into equivalent uniaxial compression data. The conversion formulas are:
eu = 2eb , u = b2 , 0 eu = (1 + 0 eb ) 1
u = b , 0 u = 0 b b3
where eu is the is the equivalent uniaxial logarithmic strain (< 0), eb is the equibiaxial logarithmic strain (> 0), u is the equivalent
uniaxial stretch, b is the equibiaxial stretch, 0 eu is the equivalent uniaxial engineering strain, 0 eb is the equibiaxial engineering strain, u is the equivalent uniaxial true (Cauchy) stress, b is the equibiaxial true (Cauchy) stress, 0 u is the equivalent uniaxial engineering stress, 0 b is the equibiaxial engineering stress. All of these conversion formulas assume that the material is incompressible. 5) The Sussman-Bathe model fits the data so closely that roughness and waviness in the data causes roughness and waviness in the w(e) splines. The program does not smooth the data in order to eliminate roughness and waviness. If the original data set contains roughness and waviness that should not be present in the analysis, the data set should be smoothed before entering the data into the program. 6) If the data set corresponds to a stable material, then the Sussman-Bathe model is stable, otherwise the Sussman-Bathe model may not be stable. 7) The strain range of the data set should contain the range of strains anticipated during the analysis. 8) Do not confuse uniaxial compression with hydrostatic compression. These two test cases are very different. 3.7.6 Thermal strain effect
When the material is temperature-dependent, you can include a coefficient of thermal expansion. The coefficient of thermal expansion is constant. The thermal strain is calculated as
th = ( 0 )
where 0 is the initial temperature, and it is assumed to be isotropic. This is similar to the formula as is used for the other thermo-elastic materials, see Section 3.1.5 assuming a constant thermal expansion coefficient.
X is assumed to be decomposed into a thermal deformation gradient Xth and a mechanical deformation gradient X m , using
X = X m Xth
The thermal deformation gradient is
Xth = (1 + eth )I
therefore the mechanical deformation gradient is
X m = (1 + eth ) 1 X
the mechanical Cauchy-Green deformation tensor is
Cm = (1 + eth ) 2 C
and the mechanical Green-Lagrange strain tensor is
m = (1 + eth ) 2
1 (1 (1 + eth )2 ) I 2
For small thermal strains, the last equation reduces to m eth I , so that the strains are nearly the sum of the mechanical and thermal strains, as in small strain analysis. However, we do not assume that the thermal strains are small.
The strain energy densities are computed using the mechanical
deformations. This is done by computing all invariants and stretches using the mechanical deformations, e.g. the mechanical Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. The 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stresses are obtained by differentiating the strain energy density with respect to the total strains. Since the strain energy density is a function of the mechanical strains, we obtain
With this definition, the 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stresses are conjugate to the Green-Lagrange strains.
in the direction of the gasket thickness, exceeds the initial yield stress of the gasket. The sealing effect is maintained as long as the compressive stress does not drop beyond a specified threshold value. The gasket ruptures if the compressive stress exceeds the gaskets ultimate stress. Unlike rupture, if a gasket leaks it still maintains its load-deflection characteristics.
The gasket model can be used with 3-D solid elements. It can also be used with small displacement/small strain, large displacement/small strain kinematics. The gasket behaves as a nonlinear elasto-plastic material when
compressed in the thickness or gasket direction. Its loaddeformation characteristics are typically represented by pressureclosure curves. Tensile stiffness can be assumed to be constant or zero. The closure strain is always measured as the change in gasket thickness divided by the original gasket thickness. The gaskets uni-directional plasticity model speeds up computations, and allows more flexibility in defining the shape of the loading and unloading curves.
The closure strain is always defined as the change in gasket thickness divided by the original gasket thickness. It is positive in compression. The gasket pressure has units of stress, and it is also positive in compression. Fig. 3.8-2 shows a typical pressure-closure relationship. It consists of a main loading curve consisting of any number of elastic segments and any number of plastic loading segments. Loading/unloading curves can be provided for different points on the loading curve. However, it is not necessary to define a loading/unloading curve for each point on the main loading curve.
Loading curve
Gasket pressure
Rupture point
Leakage pressure
Closure strain
The gasket pressure is less than the leakage pressure. The gasket pressure is higher than the leakage pressure but has not yet caused plasticity. There has been plastic gasket deformation and the current pressure is above the gasket leakage pressure. After plastic deformation, the gasket pressure has dropped below gasket leakage pressure.
Crushed: Gasket closure strain has exceeded the rupture value. Modeling issues
The gasket must be modeled as a single layer of 3-D elements. Only linear elements are possible (6-node wedge and 8-node brick elements).
Since the gasket has different properties in different directions, it is an orthotropic material. The material X-axis must be set to the gasket normal direction. Solution 601 attempts to automatically define the gaskets material axes if they are not explicitly defined by the user. The top and bottom surfaces of a gasket can be separate from those of the mating surfaces. In this case, they should be connected via contact. The gasket can also share a common surface with the intended mating surface. In this case, contact is not needed, however, the gasket cannot separate from its target. A gasket surface can also be attached to its mating surface via tied contact, mesh glueing, constraint conditions, or rigid links. The number of points in all loading/unloading curves must be
identical for efficiency. Also the last point in each loading/unloading curve must be one of the input point on the main loading curve.
The leakage pressure is automatically set to 1% of the initial
yield pressure. The input: In addition to the pressure-closure relationships the following transverse material properties are needed for the gasket: transverse shear modulus, tensile Youngs modulus. The following in-plane material properties are also required: Youngs modulus, Poissons ratio, thermal expansion coefficient and density. Output variables: The following gaskets output variables are available: Gasket pressure, Gasket closure strain, Gasket yield stress, Gasket plastic closure strain, Gasket status.
Note that all these output variables are scalar quantities.
The SMA material model can be used with 2-D solid, 3-D solid and shell elements. It is also available only for implicit analysis (Solution 601).
Shape memory alloy materials can undergo solid-to-solid phase transformations induced by stress or temperature. The high temperature phase is called austenite (A) with a bodycentered cubic structure and the low-temperature phase is called martensite (M) with a monoclinic crystal structure in several variants. Fig.3.9-1 shows a schematic SMA stress-temperature diagram. The martensite phase in two generalized variants and the austenite phase are shown, as well as stress- and temperature-dependent transformation conditions. The martensite phase is favored at low temperatures or high stresses. Upon heating from low temperature the material begins transforming from martensite to austenite at temperature As. The transformation is 100% complete at temperature Af. If the material is then cooled again, the austenite starts transforming back to martensite at temperature Ms. This transformation 100% complete at temperature Mf. These four temperatures are also stress dependent with high stresses favoring the martensite phase. This stress dependence is assumed linear with slope CM and CA for the martensite and austenite temperatures, respectively. A typical variation of volume fraction of martensite in the SMA material with temperature is shown in Fig. 3.9-2.
Detwinned martensite
Temperature, T
The superelastic effect is evident when the material is deformed at temperature T>Af and is displayed in Fig.3.93(a). The stress cycle application induces transformations from AM and then from MA to exhibit the hysteresis loop. The shape memory effect is evident when the material is deformed at temperature T<As and is displayed in Fig.3.9-3(b). A residual transformation strain remains after unloading; however heating the material to temperature above Af leads to thermally induced MA transformation and the recovery of transformation strain.
Ms Mss
Afs Temperature, T
T < As
Figure 3.9-3: Schematic of stress-strain curves for shape-memory alloys (a) superelasticity, and (b) shape memory effect
Both shape memory effects due to transformation from martensite to austenite and due to re-orientation of the martensite are captured by modeling the twinned and detwinned martensites as different phases. The SMA material model is based on the following
= e + t +
= s + t ; + = 1 t = tmax s
= ((1 ) E A + EM )( t max s )
t s A tmax
= twinned martensite volume fraction = detwinned martensite volume fraction = austenite volume fraction = maximum recoverable residual strain; a material property usually obtained from a simple tension test when the material is fully detwinned martensite (s = 1)
t nij =
3 sij 2
3 ij n = 2 t
t t ij
t =
sij =
E ( )
t +t
( ( )
t +t
t ij ij )
t +t t ij = t +t ij t ij
Four phase transformation conditions, Starting condition for the martensitic transformation
f M S = 3 J 2 CM ( M S )
f M f = 3 J 2 CM ( M f )
f AS = 3 J 2 C A ( AS )
f Af = 3 J 2 C A ( A f )
The phase transformation rate using linear kinetic rule (Auricchio and E. Sacco, 1999),
R ff
3 2
f f
J2 t J2
t +t
f =
t +t
c( t +t t )
f f = f A f , c = C A and R =
Evolution of single-variant detwinned martensite: Martensite re-orientation is based on the following condition
f R = 3 J 2 CR R
# # s =
Martensite to austenite transformation leads to proportional transformation of the twinned and detwinned phases:
# s = # t =
s # t #
Computational steps for the stress-integration of the SMA model are as follows (Kojic and Bathe, 2005): 1. Calculate the trial deviatoric stresses, assuming no additional phase transformation or re-orientation,
t +t TR ij
E ( t ) t +t ( ij ) 1 + ( t )
t +t
sij =
The martensite reorientation calculation step is optional; it is activated when R > 0 is input.
g ( ) =
R 3 t +t ff 2
t +t
J 2 ( ) t J 2
t +t
c( t +t t ) = 0 (3.9-2)
t +t
sij =
R = 1 , f f = f M f and c = CM
5. In case of martensite to austenite transformation, solve the governing equation (3.9-2) with
R = , f f = f Af and c = CA
6. Update history-dependent variables for this time step/iteration step. 7. Calculate the consistent tangent constitutive matrix. ref. ref. M. Kojic and K.J. Bathe, Inelastic Analysis of Solids and Structures, Springer, 2005 F. Auricchio and E. Sacco, A Temperature-Dependent Beam for Shape-Memory Alloys: Constitutive Modelling, Finite-Element Implementation and Numerical Simulation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 174, pp. 171-190 (1999)
The convection heat transfer coefficient and heat generation capacity are input via the MAT4/MAT5 entries. However, in this manual they are considered as loads and boundary conditions and are therefore addressed in Chapter 5. . 3.10.1 Constant isotropic material properties
! ! This material model is obtained with a MAT4 material entry. The thermal conductivity and heat capacity are independent of temperature and time and do not exhibit any directional dependence due to the material.
This material model is obtained with a MAT5 material entry. The thermal conductivity is orthotropic, that is, the model exhibits
a directional dependency. Three constants k1 , k2 , k3 give the thermal conductivity along material axes (1,2,3), respectively.
Both the constant isotropic and the constant orthotropic material models can be made temperature dependent by adding MATT4 or MATT5 material entries. Both thermal conductivity and heat capacity can be made temperature dependent. In this case they are defined using piecewise linear input curves.
4. Contact conditions
Contact conditions can be specified in Advanced Nonlinear Solution to model contact involving 3-D solid elements, shell elements, 2-D axisymmetric solid elements, and rigid surfaces. Very general contact conditions are assumed:
! !
Friction can be modeled according to various friction laws (only standard Coulomb friction for Solution 701). Both sticking and sliding can be modeled. Repeated contact and separation between multiple bodies is permitted in any sequence. Self-contact and double-sided contact are permitted. Tied contact can be modeled (Solution 601 only). A small displacement contact feature is available.
! !
! ! !
Some of the contact algorithms used in Advanced Nonlinear Solution are described in the following references:
ref. KJB Section 6.7
Bathe, K.J. and Chaudhary, A., "A Solution Method for Planar and Axisymmetric Contact Problems," Int. J. Num. Meth. in Eng., Vol. 21, pp. 65-88, 1985. Eterovic, A. and Bathe, K.J., "On the Treatment of Inequality Constraints Arising From Contact Conditions in Finite Element Analysis," J. Computers & Structures, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 203-209, July 1991. Pantuso, D., Bathe, K.J. and Bouzinov, P.A."A Finite Element Procedure for the Analysis of Thermomechanical Solids in Contact," J. Computers & Structures, Vol. 75, No. 6, pp. 551-573, May 2000.
4. Contact conditions
Contact in Advanced Nonlinear Solution is modeled using contact sets or groups. Each contact set is composed of one or more contact regions or surfaces. Contact pairs are then defined between contact surfaces. Contact segments are the building blocks for contact surfaces. Table 4-1 lists the case control commands related to contact, Table 4-2 lists the bulk data commands related to contact surface definition, and Table 4-3 lists the bulk data commands related to contact set definition.
Description Selects which contact set to use Selects which contact results to output
Table 4-1: Advanced Nonlinear Solution Case Control commands related to contact Contact Surface Command BSURFS BSURF BCPROP BLSEG BCRPARA Description Define contact surface on solid elements (by element and nodes) Define contact surface on shell elements (by element number) Define contact surface on shell elements (by property ID) Define contact surface on 2-D axisymmetric solid elements (by node numbers) Set parameters for contact surface
Table 4-2: Advanced Nonlinear Solution commands related to contact surface definition Contact Set Command BCTSET BCTADD Description Define contact sets Define union of contact sets
BCTPARA Set parameters for contact sets Table 4-3: Advanced Nonlinear Solution commands related to contact set definition
Most of the features and tolerances needed for contact sets are provided in the BCTPARA entry. An explanation of this entry is provided in the NX Nastran Quick Reference Guide. Some contact settings however apply to all contact sets (such as contact convergence tolerances, suppression of contact oscillations). These settings are provided in the NXSTRAT entry.
4.1 Overview
A 3-D contact surface is made up of contact segments (faces) either on solid elements, shell elements, or attached to rigid nodes. A 2-D contact surface is made up of a sequence of line segments (in the X-Z plane). It should be defined on areas that are initially in contact or that are anticipated to come into contact during the solution. See Fig. 4.1-1 for an illustration.
3-D contact surface pair
Contactor surface (surface of cylinder) Body 1 Target surface (top surface of body 2)
Body 2
4.1: Overview
pair surface A can be the contactor and surface B the target, and in another contact pair surface B is the contactor and surface A is the target. A non-zero contact surface compliance should always be used with symmetric contact pairs.
Within a contact pair, the nodes of the contactor surface are prevented from penetrating the segments of the target surface, and not vice versa. In Solution 601 at least one of the two contact surfaces in a
contact pair must not be rigid. If one surface is rigid, this surface should, in most cases, be the target surface.
In Solution 701 both contactor and target surfaces can be rigid if the penalty algorithm is used. Otherwise, the same restriction mentioned above for Solution 601 applies. Rigid surfaces have no underlying elements and therefore no flexibility apart from rigid body motions. All their nodal degrees of freedom must be either fixed, have enforced displacement, or be rigidly linked to a master node which is defined on the BCRPARA entry. Fig. 4.1-2 shows the effect of contactor and target selection on the different contact configurations.
No penetration
No penetration
Contactor surface
Target surface
Self-contact is when a contact surface is expected to come into contact with itself during the solution. Two types of contact surface representation are supported in
Advanced Nonlinear Simulation, an old and a new contact surface representation (set via the CSTYPE parameter in the NXSTRAT entry). The new contact surface representation is the default. The main differences between the two representations are: - In the new representation, contact is based on the actual faces of the contact segments which results in more accurate contact constraints. Quadratic contact segments in the new contact surface representation are not split up into multiple linear segments. - The new representation uses a more accurate contact traction calculation algorithm. - The new representation generates more accurate contact constraints for 3-D contact segments resulting from 10, 11 node tet elements and 20, 21 node brick elements. These elements generate zero (10, 11 node tets) or negative (20, 21 node bricks) contact forces at their corner nodes when subjected to a uniform contact pressure. - Tractions are reported as nodal quantities in the new surface representation. The new contact surfaces cannot be used with the following features: - Segment method algorithm - Rigid target algorithms - Double-sided contact
It is acceptable for the nodes on the contactor and target surfaces to be coincident (have identical coordinates). In this case, it is important to ensure that the two surfaces do not share the same nodes. For single-sided contact, which is defined using NSIDE=1
4.1: Overview
parameter on the BCTPARA card (see Fig. 4.1-3), one side of the contact surface is assumed to be internal and the other side to be external. Any contactor node within the internal side of a target surface is assumed to be penetrating and will be moved back to the surface. This single-sided option is ideal for contact surfaces on the faces of solid elements since in that case it is clear that one side is internal to the solid while the other is external. In this case, the external side can usually be predicted from the geometry. This option is also useful for shells when it is known that contact will definitely occur from one direction. In this case, however, the program cannot intuitively predict the internal side of the contact surface.
Internal side (no contactor nodes allowed) Target surface External side
parameter on the BCTPARA card (see Fig. 4.1-4), there are no internal or external sides. The contactor surface nodes in this case are prevented from crossing from one side of the target contact surface to the other during solution. This option is more common for shell-based contact surfaces. If a contactor node is one side of the target surface at time t, it will remain on the same side at time t
Target surface
Contactor surface
Target surface
4.1: Overview
Tied contact is not "real" contact because there can be tension between tied contact surfaces. Also no sliding can occur between tied contact surfaces. The tied contact option can be used to connect two incompatible meshes. However, the mesh glueing feature described in Section 5.9 produces more accurate results. If the contact surfaces initially overlap, they are not pushed back to eliminate the overlap. Similarly, if there is an initial gap it is not eliminated. The tied contact constraint equations are computed based on the initial nodal positions only. The constraints generated in tied contact are not updated during the analysis. Hence, they may be less accurate if the bodies experience large rotations.
If the small displacement contact feature is used (CTDISP
parameter in the NXSTRAT entry or DISP entry in the BCTPARA entry), the contact constraints are generated once in the beginning of the analysis and are kept constant, as shown in Fig. 4.1-6. A target location is identified for each contactor node if possible, and its gap and normal direction are determined. The local coordinates of the target point and the normal direction are then kept constant for the remainder of the analysis. This is in contrast to the standard large displacement contact, where the contact constraints are updated every iteration, and the contactor nodes can undergo any amount of sliding. This feature is useful when there is very little relative deformation around the contact region. For such problems, it is much more computationally efficient to perform only one detailed contact search at the beginning of the analysis, rather than repeating the search every iteration. Also, in some cases, convergence can also be slow or unachievable with the general algorithm, for example as nodes oscillate between one target segment and another equally valid neighboring target segment.
x* 1 x1 x1 x* 1
Control command. The user can request output of nodal contact forces and/or nodal contact tractions. Tractions are only generated on contactor surfaces.
ref. KJB Section 6.7.2
g 0; 0; g = 0
where g is a gap, and is the normal contact force. Different algorithms may vary in the way they impose this condition.
4.1: Overview
and while
the incremental sliding displacement by the time increment. Hence, time is not a dummy variable in static frictional contact problems.
When (Coulomb) friction is used, the friction coefficient can be constant or calculated from one of several predefined friction laws. The possible states of the contactor nodes and/or segments are
No contact: the gap between the contactor node and target segment is open. Sliding: the gap between the contactor node and the target segment is closed; a compression force is acting onto the contactor node and the node kinematically slides along the target segments (either due to frictionless contact to a frictional restrictive force less than the limit Coulomb force. Sticking: as long as the tangential force on the contactor node that initiates sliding is less than the frictional capacity (equal to the normal force times the Coulomb friction coefficient), the contactor node sticks to the target segment.
Each contact set must belong to one of these three contact algorithms. However, different contact sets can use different algorithms. All 3 contact algorithms can be used with or without friction.
g + g w ( g, ) = + N 2 2
where N is a small user-defined parameter. The function is shown in Fig. 4.2-1. It involves no inequalities, and is smooth and differentiable. The parameter N is set via the EPSN variable in the BCTPARA entry. The default value of 1.0x10-12 is suitable for most applications and should rarely be modified.
results in a smooth transition from stick to slip and vice versa, and it also results in a differentiable friction law that is less likely to cause convergence difficulties. Two friction regularization algorithms are available in Advanced Nonlinear Solution. The newer default algorithm involves a more accurate linearization of the frictional constraints and, in general, converges much faster than its predecessor. The older friction algorithm can still be accessed via the FRICALG parameter in the NXSTRAT entry. # The frictional constraint function takes the form: v ( u , ) = 0 . In the old friction algorithm, the v function is defined implicitly via
+ v arctan
uv # =0 T
Here T is a small parameter (EPST parameter in BCTPARA entry) which provides some elastic slip to the Coulomb friction law as shown in Fig. 4.2-2. Guidelines for selecting T are provided in section 4.7.3.
_ 1 2 _ p x eT
-2 -1
1 2
10 u _
. eT
Figure 4.2-2: Frictional contact constraint function for old friction algorithm A multilinear frictional constraint function is used in the new friction algorithm as shown in Fig. 4.2-3.
1 _ eT
-10 -2 -1 1 2 10 u _
. eT
Figure 4.2-3: Frictional contact constraint function for new friction algorithm 4.2.2 Segment (Lagrange multiplier) method
In this method (selected using TYPE=1 on BCTPARA card), Lagrange multipliers are used to enforce the contact conditions of Eq. (4.1-1). The kinematic conditions are enforced at the contactor nodes, and the frictional conditions are enforced over the contact segments. This method involves distinct sticking and sliding states. It also
calculates this state for each contactor node based on the contact forces on the target segment. This method should not be used with a force or energy/force convergence criterion. 4.2.3 Rigid target method
This is a simplified contact algorithm (selected using TYPE=2 on BCTPARA card). The algorithm is fully described in Section 4.8.
For friction contact dominated contact problems, the performance of the constraint function and segment methods are comparable. The default is still the constraint function method. Note that the target surface can be rigid in all three contact algorithms. The presence of a rigid target does not mean that the rigid target algorithm should be used.
t 2
is calculated. This is the force required to remove the penetration at the contactor node. However, not all the penetration will be removed by moving the contactor. The target will get some motion depending on its mass relative to the contactor and how many N contactor nodes are touching it. So, the FC force above is projected to the target segment nodes:
N FTN = N i FC i
where Ni is the shape function relating the contactor displacement to that of each target node. Similarly, the mass of the contactor node is projected to the target in the same way:
M Ti = N i M C
and this mass is added to that of the target node itself. Then the acceleration of the target node is determined as
N aT ( M T + M Ti ) = FTN i
This correction is then used to update the target displacements. The contactor acceleration is
N N N a C = a C * aT N i
vT t
where vT is the tangential sliding velocity. However, this force cannot exceed the limit force based on the normal force and the coefficient of friction
T N T FC = min ( FC , FC * )
The rest of the procedure is very similar to the case of normal contact. The form of the equations is different if there is damping, and is also different if the previous and current time steps are not the same.
A modification is also required for rigid targets, which are common in contact. The form of the equations in this case depends on whether the rigid target has natural or essential boundary conditions.
F = A P = A N ( K N N + K D#N )
is applied to the contactor node, where KN is the normal stiffness, # KD is a normal rate stiffness, N is the penetration, N is the penetration rate, N is the normal vector pointing towards the contactor, A is the contact area and P is the normal contact traction. An opposing force is distributed to the target nodes.
Similarly, in the presence of friction, the relative sliding velocity between the two bodies is penalized as follows:
F = A KT vT
where vT is the tangential sliding velocity.
The normal and tangential penalty stiffnesses KN and KT can be
selected by the user, or determined automatically by the program based on the following BCTPARA parameters: XKN, XKNCRIT, XKT, XKTCRIT. The penalty rate stiffness KD can be explicitly selected by the user, or determined by the program as a ratio of critical damping for the contact node (using the XDAMP and XNDAMP parameters).
chosen based on the masses of the contactor nodes and the time step. They are selected such that they have a minimal effect on the existing time step. Note that unduly small penalty stiffnesses will lead to excessive penetrations, and while unduly large penalty stiffnesses will lead to excessive oscillations or unstable time integration. 4.3.3 Rigid target method
This algorithm is similar to the rigid target method used in
Solution 601. It is selected using XTYPE=3 on the BCTPARA card. The algorithm is fully described in Section 4.8. 4.3.4 Selection of contact algorithm
The kinematic constraint method is the default in Solution 701. The penalty method is the simplest and fastest of the explicit contact algorithms. It can also handle rigid contactor and target surfaces. It also allow a contactor node to be in contact with multiple targets simultaneously. The main disadvantage of the penalty method is that contact conditions are not exactly satisfied and it usually shows oscillations in contact forces. These oscillations can usually be removed by using penalty damping. It is also sensitive to the choice of the penalty stiffness. If that stiffness is too large it leads to instability and oscillations, and if it is too small it leads to excessive penetrations. The default penalty stiffness selected by Solution 701 is, in most cases, a suitable compromise.
Contact surface offsets Penetration of a contact surface occurs when the plane or line defined by the contact segment nodes is penetrated. However, an offset distance can be specified which causes the actual contact surface to be offset from the plane defined by the contact surface nodes. In the case of double-sided contact, the offset creates two separate surfaces above and below the reference surface. Note that if the contact surface is on a shell then half the shell thickness can automatically be used as the offset. Fig. 4.4-1 shows the possibilities for single and double-sided contact. Note that the offset distance should be small compared to the contact surface length. Offsets for a whole contact set are specified via the OFFSET parameter in the BCTPARA entry, while offsets for a specific contact surface are set via the OFFSET parameter in the BCRPARA entry. If one of the contact surfaces has a defined offset, it will overwrite the contact set offset.
t (b) Offset
Offset t
Figure 4.4-1: Contact surface offsets for: (a) single-sided contact (using NSIDE=1, OFFSET=t on BCTPARA card), and (b) double-sided contact (using NSIDE=2, OFFSET=t on BCTPARA card)
Continuous normals (Solution 601 only)
The normal direction to a contact segment will in general not be continuous between segments as illustrated in Fig. 4.4-2. This
sometimes causes convergence difficulties due to the non-unique normals at nodes and segment edges. The continuous normals feature first calculates nodal normals as averages of all the normals from the attached segments, and then interpolates these nodal normals across the segment. This leads to a uniformly varying normal direction. The SEGNORM parameter in the BCTPARA card determines the setting for continuous normals. The default SEGNORM=1 results in continuous normals(Fig. 4.4-2(b)), while SEGNORM=-1 results in discontinuous segment-based normals (Fig. 4.4-2(a)). In modeling target surfaces with sharp corners, either use discontinuous normal vectors, or use small segments near the corners, in order that the normal vectors for segments near the corners be computed correctly. See Section 4.7.2 for modeling tips related to this feature. Continuous normals give poor results with explicit time integration. Therefore, they are blocked from Solution 701.
Nodal normals
(a) Discontinuous normals (b) Continuous normals
By default, the contact region extends for an infinite distance below the contact surface (for single-sided contact). However, a contact surface depth can be defined (by setting PDEPTH=t in the BCTPARA card), below which the contact surface is no longer active. The default PDEPTH=0.0 results in an infinite contact depth extension. Fig. 4.4-3 shows some of the possibilities.
Contact surface is used in self-contact. A G F Continuum created by segment A-B Nodes F and G have penetrated segment A-B. a) Target depth option not used b) Target depth option used B C D E F E A t Target depth G D B C
The treatment of initial penetrations in Solution 601 is governed by the INIPENE parameter in the BCTPARA entry. By default, if there is initial overlap (penetration) between a contact node and a target segment in the first solution step, the program attempts to eliminate the overlap. Advanced Nonlinear Solution can eliminate the overlap at the first step or over a user-specified time using the TZPENE parameter in BCTPARA. This feature is useful if the initial penetrations are too large to be eliminated in a single step. The program can also calculate initial penetrations at the start of solution and ignore them in future steps. In this case the program does not detect penetration for a contactor node if the amount of penetration is less than or equal to the recorded amount. Fig. 4.4-4 shows some of the possibilities. See Section 4.7.2 for modeling tips related to this feature. Initial penetrations can also be set to gap override (see below).
Eliminate penetration
Overlap distance
element mesh are sometimes inaccurate for such problems (unless matching meshes are used). In some problems, such as that shown in the figure, a constant geometry based overlap should be applied to all nodes, which corresponds to a gap override value of . Note that mesh refinement and quadratic elements reduce the error in the measured overlaps but frequently a very high mesh density would have to be used if gap override is not used. Note also that the error in mesh based gaps and penetrations for curved surfaces can be more significant when low precision numbers are used for the node coordinates (such as when short input file format is used). Gap override is also useful for such cases.
Two rings with a geometric overlap d (shrink fit)
Target surface
Corner contactor node may slip outside target due to numerical round-off
The constraint function in the presence of a compliance factor is modified as shown in Fig. 4.4-7.
1 eP
The consistent contact stiffness feature is set via the parameter CSTIFF on the BCTPARA card. Changes in the direction of the contact normal provide an additional contribution to the stiffness matrix that is proportional to the value of the contact force and the change in the normal direction. Therefore, higher convergence rates (closer to quadratic) can sometimes be obtained by selecting the consistent contact stiffness option which accounts for these additional stiffness contributions. This results, however, in an increase in the size of the stiffness matrix which is detrimental for large problems. This option is more beneficial when discontinuous contact normals are selected.
Contact birth/death The contact birth feature activates a contact set at a specific time, while the contact death feature disables a contact set at a specific time. They are set via the TBIRTH and TDEATH parameters on the BCTPARA card. A 0.0 birth time means that the contact set starts active at the beginning of the analysis, and a death time less than or equal to the birth time means that the contact set does not die. Friction delay (Solution 601 only) When the friction delay feature is activated (FRICDLY parameter in the BCTPARA entry), frictional conditions are applied to a contactor node one time step after contact is established. This feature can be useful in many problems, since it delays the nonlinearity associated with friction until contact is established. Note that the relative sliding velocity cannot be uniquely determined when a node was not in contact at time t, and is in contact at time t+t. That velocity depends on the exact time at which contact started, which is somewhere between times t and t+t (see Fig. 4.4-8). Delaying friction is equivalent to assuming that contact was established close to time t+t, and hence the sliding velocity is zero and so is the frictional force.
t x1
FN . t+ x1 Dt non-unique R
4.5 Friction
Advanced Nonlinear Solution has a general Coulomb type friction model, where the coefficient of friction can be a constant or calculated based on several pre-defined friction laws. Solution 701 however, only supports standard Coulomb friction. 4.5.1 Basic friction model By default, a constant coefficient friction is used. It is specified for each contact pair via the BCTSET entry. The Rigid Target algorithm can only use a constant Coulomb friction coefficient. Solution 701 also can only use a constant Coulomb friction coefficient. 4.5.2 Pre-defined friction models (Solution 601 only) One of the following predefined friction laws can be used instead of constant Coulomb friction. The friction law and its input parameters are set via the BCTPARA entry. The following variables are used in the friction laws: the magnitude of the relative # sliding velocity u , the contact traction Tn , the consistent contact
4.5: Friction
force Fn , the current nodal coordinates x, the direction of sliding v, and the time t. The setting for the FRICMOD parameter required for each friction law is given in parentheses. The A1 through A5 constants used in the predefined friction laws are set up via FPARA1 through FPARA5 parameters in BCTPARA.
Constant coefficient of friction (FRICMOD = 1)
= A1
Different static and dynamic friction coefficients
A1 A2
# if u A3 # if u > A3
# u # A1 + ( A3 A1 ) if u < A2 A2 = # A3 if u > A2
Anisotropic friction model (FRICMOD = 6)
2 2 2 ( A1 v (1) ) + ( A2 v (2) ) + ( A3 v (3) ) = A4
# if u > A5 # if u A5
where v(1), v(2) and v(3) are the x, y and z components of the sliding direction.
Friction coefficient varying with consistent contact force (FRICMOD = 7)
= A1 + A2 Fn , 0 1
Time varying friction model (FRICMOD = 8)
t A1 + ( A3 A1 ) if t < A2 A2 = A3 if t > A2
Coordinate-dependent friction model (FRICMOD = 9)
in 2D , 0 A2 in 3D
1 exp( A2Tn ) Tn A1
1 exp( A2 Fn ) Fn A1
= A2 + ( A2 A1 ) exp( A3Tn )
Friction model 2b (FRICMOD = 13)
= A2 + ( A2 A1 ) exp( A3 Fn )
4.5.3 Frictional heat generation The heat generation resulting from frictional contact can be accounted for in a coupled TMC analysis. The user selects the fractions of the generated heat going into the contactor and target surfaces via the TMCFC and TMCFT parameters in the BCTPARA entry. If these two fractions do not add up to 1.0 the remaining portion is assumed to be lost.
(trapezoidal rule see Section 6.3) results in an accurate solution of rigid body impact problems, and frequently has a positive effect on reducing numerical oscillations in flexible body contact. This feature can be activated by setting IMPACT = 2 in the NXSTRAT entry, or by changing ALPHA to 0.5 also in the NXSTRAT entry.
Adding compliance to the contact surface can also significantly
reduce the numerical oscillations that result from dynamic time integration. This is done by setting a non-zero CFACTOR1 in the BCTPARA entry. In this case, the compliance factor must be selected based on Eq. (4.4-1) such that the contact pressures do not cause excessive penetration. Allowing penetration of the order of 1% of the element size usually eliminates numerical oscillations.
Only the post-impact correction option requires additional memory and computations.
The post-impact correction feature should not be used together with any of the other two oscillation suppression features. If post-impact correction is activated, all target nodes, except those with all degrees of freedom fixed or enforced displacements, must have a positive non-zero mass. The contactor nodes can have zero mass.
For Solution 701 Oscillations in velocities and accelerations can sometimes be present in explicit dynamic contact analysis especially for high speed impact problems. These oscillations are more common with the penalty contact algorithm. In that case, they can be reduced by - reducing the normal penalty stiffness, - adding penalty contact damping. See Section 4.3.2 for details on the explicit penalty contact algorithm. In addition, other sources of damping such as Rayleigh damping can reduce contact oscillations by damping the high frequency modes that generate them.
Oscillations in results can also occur when using the kinematic constraint algorithm. These oscillations can be due to a mismatch in the masses of the two contacting surfaces. See section 4.7.3 for more details.
possible target surfaces where node k can come into contact. For each of these target surfaces: - Find the closest target node n to node k. - Find all the target segments attached to node n. - Determine if node k is in contact with any of these segments. - If node k is in contact, update the information.
For double-sided contact, the contact search algorithm uses time tracking and checks whether the contactor node penetrated a target segment between times t and t + t. Note that the contactor and target bodies must lie on opposite sides of the interface (see Fig. 4.6-1). Thus for admissible conditions of contact the dot product of the normals to the contactor surface and the target surface must be a negative number.
Figure 4.6-1: Admissible conditions of contact (dot product of normals to contactor surface and target surface is a negative number)
If this oscillation suppression feature is used, it is recommended
that NSUPP be set greater or equal to 5 and at least 5 less than the maximum number of iterations.
Note that there is memory overhead associated with this feature,
where an integer array of size NSUPP is defined for all contactor nodes. 4.6.4 Restart with contact
Changes in contact parameters are allowed between restarts, with some exceptions. Some restrictions exist, such as no restart from friction to frictionless and vice versa. The contact algorithm itself for a certain contact group can also change in a restart. For this purpose, the contact algorithms can be divided into two groups. The first group includes the constraint function (implicit), Lagrange multiplier segment (implicit),
kinematic constraint (explicit), and penalty (explicit). Restarts are possible between different algorithms in this group. The second group includes the implicit and explicit Rigid Target algorithms. Restarts are possible between these algorithms. However, restarts are not allowed between the two groups. 4.6.5 Contact damping
The contact damping feature allows the user to add normal and
tangential grounded viscous dampers to all contactor and target nodes in the model. The damping is activated via the CTDAMP parameter in NXSTRAT, and the normal and tangential damping coefficients are CTDAMPN and CTDAMPT. Using the same value for both normal and tangential direction results in isotropic viscous damping. The damping force on each node is
# # FDamp = CN u N + CT uT
This damping can be useful in static problems for stabilizing the model especially when there are insufficient boundary conditions to remove rigid body modes. It can also be useful in dynamic analysis to dampen out high frequency numerical oscillations. The damping can be set to act only at the initial time step, or to be constant throughout the analysis. Using the initial damping option, the damping will be active at the beginning of the first time step, and will be reduced gradually (between iterations) until it fully dies out by the end of the first time step. Thus the final solution at the first time step will be free of any damping. Note that if contact is not established and nothing else stabilizes the model, the program will not converge and will give an appropriate warning message. Constant damping remains active throughout the analysis. In
this case, the program outputs the sum of all damping forces in the output file, and the user must check that these forces are significantly smaller than the sum of the reaction forces (also written to the output file).
See Section 4.7.6 for modeling hints on using contact damping to handle improperly supported structures and how to choose the damping constants.
preferably be the target, unless one of the two conditions above also exist.
Body 1 (contactor)
Contactor surface
Target surface
Figure 4.7-2: Target selection for surfaces of different sizes 4.7.2 General modeling hints
Advanced Nonlinear Solution automatically defines the direction of the contact surfaces on the faces of solid elements using the BSURFS entry. For target contact surfaces defined on shells (using the BSURF or BCPROP entries) the user has to ensure that the correct direction is defined using the BCRPARA entry.
In some cases, even though the contact surface is on the faces of 3D solid elements, it is more convenient to define the surface using shell elements. In this case, fictitious shell elements should be defined and referenced in the BSURF or BCPROP entries, and TYPE should be set to COATING in BCRPARA. The program will automatically transfer the contact surface to the underlying solid elements and delete the fictitious shell elements. Rigid target surfaces can be modeled using nodes with no degrees of freedom or nodes with enforced displacements for all active degrees of freedom. As a result, a fine discretization of a complex rigid surface geometry is possible with only a small increase in the solution cost. The commands for 3-D contact surface definition all require the contact surface nodes to be connected with 3-D solid or shell elements. Therefore, to model a rigid target, dummy shell elements should be used to define the surface. These shell elements are removed from the model if they are found to be attached to a rigid contact surface. A contact surface is deemed rigid if:
! it is the target of a contact pair in a contact set using the rigid target algorithm, or !
BCRPARA command can also be used to define a master node that will control the motion of the rigid surface. Internally, rigid links are created between the master node and all the nodes on the rigid target.
In general it is recommended that the lengths of segments on the
contactor and target surfaces be approximately equal. This is particularly important if multiple contact surface pairs are considered in the analysis or if the contact surface geometries are complex.
If required, a contactor surface can be modeled as almost rigid by choosing a reasonably high Young's modulus for the finite elements modeling the contactor surface. However, the stiffness of
the surface elements should not be excessively high and make the model ill-conditioned.
If the degrees of freedom of a node on a contactor surface are used in constraint equations or attached to a rigid element (see Section 5.7), the contactor node degrees of freedom should preferably be independent. If a contactor node has all of its translational degrees of freedom
contact surface in a contact group, otherwise the contactor node may be over-constrained.
For problems in which the contactor and target surfaces are initially relatively close to each other and no significant sliding between these surfaces is expected throughout the analysis, the small displacement contact feature may be used. The analysis will be faster in this case, since the relatively time consuming contact search is only performed once, and convergence difficulties associated with a contactor node oscillating between one target to another are eliminated. It is the users responsibility however, to make sure that the problem is suitable for small displacement contact. The friction delay feature can sometimes lead to better convergence since friction will only act once a converged contact solution is established. This feature is also very useful for many problems involving initial penetrations. In this case, the first time step during which these initial penetrations are removed will be frictionless.
Restarting from frictionless contact to contact with friction and vice versa is not possible. However, it can be done if the frictionless analysis is replaced by a frictional analysis with a very small friction coefficient. Ignoring initial penetrations is a useful option when these penetrations are just a product of the finite element discretization, meaning that they do not exist in the physical model. Fig. 4.7-3 illustrates one such case involving contact between concentric cylinders. In this situation, if initial penetrations are eliminated, the contact algorithm will try to push the penetrating contactor nodes to the target surface segments in the first step, creating initial prestressing. These initial penetrations and any prestressing that they might cause are unrealistic. Ignoring them is useful in this case. Note however, that if either cylinder is significantly rotated the initial penetrations calculated at each contactor node (in the initial configuration) will no longer be valid. In this case, the best alternative would be to use a much finer mesh.
Outer cylinder
Inner cylinder Contactor surface, marked with Target surface, marked with
Overlap to ignore
Figure 4.7-3: Analysis of contact between concentric cylinders, initial penetration is ignored
When higher order elements are used in contact, specifically the 10-node tetrahedral and the 20-node brick elements, tensile consistent nodal contact forces can develop even when the underlying contact tractions are compressive. The program can accept such tensile forces as if they are compressive. This is done via the TNSLCF flag in NXSTRAT. Accepting these tensile forces gives more uniform results for problems involving the above mentioned elements. However, it may slow down or even prevent convergence in other problems. It is off by default.
If rigid elements are connected to contact surface nodes, the flexible option can be used. In this case, the rigid element does not create any dependent degrees of freedom. This feature is activated via the EQRBAR and EQRBE2 flags in the NXSTRAT entry. If a contact surface with corners or edges is modeled with continuous contact normals, the normal vectors may be inaccurate as shown in Fig. 4.7-4(a). In this case, switch to discontinuous normals, use different contact surfaces for each smooth part (Fig. 4.7-4(b)) or use a fine mesh close to the corners or edges (Fig. 4.7-4(c)).
Contact surface 1
Contact surface 2
Figure 4.7-4: Defining contact surfaces (with continuous normal vectors) in the presence of corners
The inaccuracy in this case results from the way the contact is enforced. The kinematic constraint method first predicts displacements without contact then applies a contact correction. The contact conditions are satisfied more accurately when the penetrations in the predicted configuration are small which is usually the case due to the small time step size of explicit analysis. However, some cases such as that mentioned above lead to large projected penetrations which results in incorrect contact conditions and tensile contact forces.
Large mismatches between the masses of contacting surfaces can also lead to problems when using the penalty method. In this case, the normal penalty stiffness required to avoid instability (without reducing the time step) can be unduly small leading to excessive penetrations. The best solution in such cases is to minimize the mismatch by increasing the mass of the rigid surface, or increase the penalty stiffness by setting it manually or by reducing the time step.
Original configuration
Correct solution
Tensile forces
Final configuration
Figure 4.7-5: Performance of kinematic contact algorithm when contact surfaces have a large mass mismatch. 4.7.5 Convergence considerations (Solution 601 only)
When Solution 601 fails to converge during the incremental
analysis, the intermediate printout given by Solution 601 in the output listing can provide some useful information (see Fig. 4.7-6).
Three non-contact related norms are given: first, the energy convergence criterion, the displacement and rotation convergence criterion (boxes b and c), and the force and moment convergence criterion (boxes d and e). Each box has 3 lines of output with the top one giving the norm of the quantity, the second one giving the equation number corresponding to the maximum value, and the third line giving the maximum value. See Chapter 6 for definitions and more details on these norms. Box f of Fig. 4.7-6 shows the contact related norms. Parameter CFORCE indicates the norm of the change in the contact forces (between two iterations), and parameter CFNORM gives the norm of the contact force vector.
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
box b
ITE= 0 1.14E+00 1.41E+02 36-Z -1.00E+02 2.56E+01 121-Z -9.85E+00 2.51E+01 117-Z -9.66E+00 4.46E+02 64-Z 3.21E+02
box c
9.99E-17 35-X 4.71E-17 1.92E-04 31-X -1.06E-04 1.88E-04 31-X -1.04E-04 8.18E-04 34-X 5.15E-04
box d
5.35E-02 31-Z -5.68E-03 1.56E-02 64-Z 5.07E-03 1.80E-02 64-Z 4.97E-03 1.04E-03 120-Z -1.33E-04
box e
5.12E-02 31-X -3.30E-02 2.45E-01 34-X 1.26E-01 1.77E-01 32-X -9.02E-02 1.17E-02 33-X -7.92E-03
box f
1.27E-15 ... 0.00E+00 ... 2.65E+03 ... 1.27E-15 ... 1.95E+03 ... 5.08E+01 ... 1.95E+03 ... 2.00E+03 ...
1 -1.29E-03
1.41E+01 0.00E+00 1.27E-05 9.99E-17 0.00E+00 -1.00E+02 4.71E-17 -5.68E-03 2.56E+00 1.92E-04 2.51E+00 1.88E-04 4.46E+01 8.18E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.65E+05
Figure 4.7-6: Solution 601 Output listing of convergence criteria during equilibrium iterations
When the maximum number of iterations is reached without convergence, and all norms are decreasing, the maximum number of iterations should be increased. When the norms are rapidly changing before convergence fails, it is commonly caused by applying the load too quickly or using a large time step. When CFNORM is stable but CFORCE changes rapidly during equilibrium iterations, the contact can be oscillating between 2 or more close solutions. In this case, try to change the time stepping, or turn on the suppression of contact oscillations feature. When CFNORM varies rapidly, usually the other three norms also vary. The segment contact algorithm should not be used with force or energy/force convergence criteria.
4.7.6 Handling improperly supported bodies Many static problems depend on contact to provide the boundary conditions necessary for a stable problem (one in which there are no rigid body modes). Some examples are shown in Fig. 4.7-7.
Contact pair 1
Applied load
Blankholder pressure
Contact pair 2
Contact pair 3
Fixed die
Figure 4.7-7. Examples of improperly supported bodies In such cases, the stiffness matrix is singular if the contact constraints are inactive. Even if the constraints are active the stiffness matrix is still not positive definite. The problem is more serious if natural boundary conditions are applied (forces, moments, or pressure). Weak springs can be added by the user to make the model stable. However, the selection of appropriate locations and stiffnesses for such springs may not be feasible.
Some models may be better suited for a dynamic or the low-speed dynamics feature. However, in many cases, this too is not a feasible option. Therefore, several other modeling techniques are available in Solution 601 to handle such problems. These are stiffness stabilization, contact damping and limiting incremental displacements. These techniques can be used separately or combined in the same model. Stiffness stabilization (see Section 8.5 for details). This feature provides a stabilizing effect by scaling all diagonal stiffness terms without affecting the right-hand-side load vector. The outcome of each iteration will be affected, but the final converged solution will not be (within the bounds of the convergence tolerances). Since the stabilization constant in nondimensional, it should always be a small number. Typical values are between 10-12 and 10-9. Contact damping (see Section 4.6.5 for details). Contact damping adds grounded viscous dampers to all contactor and target nodes. Setting the damping to be only at the initial time step is sufficient for some problems such as those in Fig. 4.7-7. When the first time step converges contact must be established and damping will have been removed. This way, the converged solution will be free of any contact damping. Other problems however, require the damping to be constantly present. In this case, the program outputs the damping forces at every time step. These forces should be compared with the reactions in order to ensure that damping is not excessive. The damping constants have units of force per unit velocity. Hence, their proper value is problem dependent. If initial contact damping is used to stabilize a problem involving two contact bodies at least one of which is unsupported, and with a gap between them, then a good estimate of the damping constants CN and CT is one in which the gap is nearly closed in the first iteration. Starting with the dynamic equations of motion (see, Equation 6.31) and canceling out the inertial term (static analysis), and the stiffness term (since one or both bodies are initially unsupported), we obtain
# C U=R
where C is the total damping matrix, which in this case is diagonal, and R is the applied load vector. We can assume the normal and tangential damping constants to be equal, the total damping contribution to be the damping constant times the number of contact nodes on the unsupported contact surface N (the top circular body in the example in Fig. 4.7-7), and the velocity to be approximately equal to the minimum initial gap between the two bodies, g, divided by the time step size t. This leads to the following value of the damping constants
CN = CT =
R t Ng
where R is the sum of the applied loads at the first time step. Note that this is only an estimate, but is frequently an acceptable one. Limiting maximum incremental displacement (see Section 6.2.1 for details). Limiting the maximum incremental displacement per iteration is useful when a load is applied to a body that is not initially in contact. The model at that stage is unstable and even when stiffness stabilization or viscous damping is used, the initial displacement can be excessive leading the program away from the converged solution, and thus making the return to the proper solution difficult. Setting the limiting displacement to about the element length size in this case would scale down the potentially huge displacement in the first iteration so that the results remain close to the converged solution. Note that this feature does not stabilize the stiffness matrix, so in many cases it may be necessary to use it together with stiffness stabilization or viscous contact damping or both.
Prescribed punch displacement Blank holder force Punch Blank holder Blank Die
a) Physical problem
Figure 4.8-1: Sample metal forming analysis using the rigid target contact algorithm
A target surface can either be stationary, can translate as a rigid body or can rotate as a rigid body. Contact can be frictionless or can include Coulomb friction. The rigid target contact algorithm is completely revised in Advanced Nonlinear Solution of NX 5. However the rigid target contact algorithm in Advanced Nonlinear Solution of NX 4 is retained in Advanced Nonlinear Solution for backwards compatibility. The revised rigid target contact algorithm of NX 5 is the default. Throughout this section, the rigid target contact algorithm in Advanced Nonlinear Solution of NX 4 is referred to as the NX4 rigid target contact algorithm. This section does not describe the NX4 rigid target contact algorithm; for information on the NX4 rigid target contact algorithm, see the NX Nastran 4 Advanced Nonlinear Theory and Modeling Guide. Models that were set up using the NX4 rigid target contact algorithm may need to be revised when using the current rigid target contact algorithm, see the conversion hints in Section 4.8.6. We suggest that new models not be set up using the NX4 rigid target contact algorithm. It is also possible to solve many problems involving rigid targets using the constraint function and segment contact algorithms described earlier in this chapter. However, the rigid target contact algorithm described here is frequently more effective, because the rigid target contact algorithm uses the assumption of rigid targets to simplify the contact searching. 4.8.2 Basic concepts Contactor surfaces Similar to the other contact algorithms in Advanced Nonlinear Solution, the contact surfaces are organized into contact sets. Each contact surface consists of 3- or 4-node contact segments. A contact pair consists of a contactor surface and a target surface. In
the rigid target algorithm, it is allowed for a contactor surface to be in contact with more than one target surface simultaneously. Contactor surface: The contactor surface definition includes the possibility of offsets. When there are no offsets specified, the contactor surface is described entirely by the contactor nodes. (Fig. 4.8-2(a)).
Contact segment 1 Contact segment 2
Segment normals a) Contactor segments without offsets. Segment normals are not used.
Upper surface Radius of sphere = contactor offset
Lower surface b) Contactor segments with spherical offsets. Contactor normals are not used.
Figure 4.8-2 Contactor segments When there are offsets specified, the offsets can either be described using spheres centered around the contactor nodes (Fig. 4.8-2(b), or using the contactor normals (Fig. 4.8-2(c)). In either case, the offset magnitude is either constant or taken from the current thickness of attached shell elements, as described below.
Offset vector
Contactor node normal Lower contactor point Contactor node normal = average of all segment normals Offset vector = contactor node normal offset magnitude c) Contactor segments with offsets, normals used to describe offsets.
Figure 4.8-2 Contactor segments (continued) When the offsets are described using the contactor normals, offset vectors are constructed using the averaged contactor normals and the offset magnitude. The upper and lower contactor points are constructed from the contactor nodes and the offset vectors. When the target surface is concave, it is possible for the contact situation to be similar to the one shown in Fig. 4.8-3. In this case, when the offsets are described using spheres, the center contactor node cannot be in contact with both target segments at once, hence the center contactor node will oscillate between them. The center contactor node cannot be in contact with target edge 1 since edge 1 is farther away than either of the target segments. Equilibrium iterations in static and implicit dynamic analysis will not converge, because of the oscillation. However contact is correctly modeled when the offsets are described using normals, because the center contactor node can be in contact with target edge 1.
Contactor and target surfaces viewed from the side for ease of visualization. This contactor node cannot be in contact In contact with target segment 2 with both target segments at the same time. In contact with target segment 1 Spherical offset
Contactor surface
Targ e t seg men t1
gm et se Targ ent 2
Normals offset
Targ e
t seg
Target edge 1
g et se Targ
Figure 4.8-3 Concave target surface, contactor surface with offsets (continued) Target surfaces Each target surface is either stationary, or can rigidly move (translate, rotate or a combination of translations and rotations). Determination of contact between contactor and target No contactor offsets: It is allowed for a contactor node to be in contact with a target segment, target edge or target node. The program searches for the target segment, edge or node for which the absolute value of the distance d between the contactor node and the target segment, edge or node is minimized, where the distance is measured in the direction opposite to the target normal (Fig. 4.84). A positive distance corresponds to a geometric gap; a negative distance corresponds to geometric overlap.
Contactor node d Target segment Closest point on target segment n Target segment normal
Contactor node d
Figure 4.8-4 Interaction between contactor node and target surface Notice that, for interaction between a contactor node and target
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide 213
edge, or between a contactor node and target node, the normal direction is taken from the line segment connecting the contactor node and the target, as shown in Fig. 4.8-4. Fig 4.8-5 shows two target segments with a common target edge. The shaded volumes indicate which of the target entities any contactor node is closest to. Notice that the shaded volume in which the contactor node is closest to the target edge depends upon the angles between the target segments attached to the edge.
Contactor node in this shaded volume is closest to segment 1. Contactor node in this shaded volume is closest to edge 1.
Figure 4.8-5 Interaction of contactor node with target segment and edges Once the target segment, edge or node is determined, then the contact gap is computed using
where GAPBIAS can be chosen to, for example, not model contact
even if there is geometric overlap. (The default for GAPBIAS is 0.) If the corresponding gap is negative, and less than DEPTH, then contact occurs, in other words DEPTH g 0 is the contact condition. DEPTH can be chosen to limit the depth of the target surface, exactly as in the other contact algorithms. Contactor offsets described using spheres: In this case, the distance d is determined exactly as if there are no offsets. Then the contact gap is computed using
where OFFSET is the offset magnitude. The process is illustrated for interaction between a contactor node and target segment, assuming that GAPBIAS = 0 (Fig. 4.8-6). The same idea is used for interaction between a contactor node and target edge or node.
Contactor node OFFSET
Figure 4.8-6 Interaction between contactor node and target segment, spherical offsets Contactor offsets described using normals: In this case, contact is detected using the upper and lower contactor points instead of the contactor nodes. Oscillation checking: The search for the nearest target segment, edge or node is performed every equilibrium iteration in Solution 601. During the equilibrium iterations, it is possible for the
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide 215
contactor node to move in such a way as to be alternately in contact with two neighboring segments. This is especially true if the target surface is concave. When the contactor node oscillates between two neighboring segments, the solution cannot converge unless oscillation checking is turned on. When oscillation checking is turned on, then, when oscillation is detected between two neighboring segments, the contactor node is placed into contact with the shared target edge. In many cases, this procedure allows the iterations to converge, if in fact the contactor node should have been in contact with the shared target edge. Oscillation checking only forces the contact between the contactor node and shared target edge for the current equilibrium iteration. For the successive equilibrium iterations, the contactor node is always in contact with the nearest target segment, edge or node. So oscillation checking cannot force contact to the wrong target segment, edge or node in a converged solution. Contact normal force: The normal force corresponding to contact is computed as Fn = kn g where the normal force acts in the direction opposite to the target normal direction (Fig. 4.8-7). k n is the contact normal stiffness, entered as a parameter (see Section 4.8.3 for hints about choosing k n ). k n can be considered to be a penalty parameter.
Slope -kn Fn
Figure 4.8-7 Normal contact force vs. gap Tensile contact: During equilibrium iterations in Solution 601, a node can temporarily be in tensile contact. The basic ideas for
216 Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
tensile contact are illustrated in Figures 4.8-8 to 4.8-10. Fig. 4.8-8 shows the iteration history when tensile contact is not used. For iteration ite-2, the contactor node and target segment overlap. Hence contact is assumed between the contactor node and target segment. For iteration ite-1, because of the relative motion of the contactor node and target segment, the contactor node and target segment do not overlap. For this iteration, no contact is assumed between the contactor node and target segment. For iteration ite, there is a large overlap because the contactor spring unloads, since there are no forces acting on the contactor spring, and the target does not provide any stiffness to the contactor node. This large overlap causes large contact forces, which can cause trouble in convergence in the successive iterations.
Spring is compressed Contactor node Spring is uncompressed
Target segment a) Iteration ite-2, contact force Fite-2 is compressive b) Iteration ite-1, no contact force c) Iteration ite, contact force Fite is large and compressive
Figure 4.8-8 Iterations when tensile contact is not used Fig. 4.8-9 shows the iteration history when tensile contact is used. Now, in iteration ite-1, tensile contact is assumed between the contactor node and target segment. In tensile contact; the target surface still provides stiffness to the contactor node. Hence the overlap in iteration ite is small.
Contactor node
Target segment a) Iteration ite-2, contact force Fite-2 is compressive b) Iteration ite-1, contact force Fite-1 is tensile c) Iteration ite, contact force Fite is compressive
Figure 4.8-9 Iterations when tensile contact is used Fig.4.8-10 shows the iteration history when tensile contact is used, and the gap is large. In iteration ite-1, tensile contact is assumed, and in iteration ite, no contact is assumed.
Contactor node
Target segment
Figure 4.8-10 Iterations when tensile contact is used, converged solution not in contact It is seen that tensile contact speeds up the convergence when the converged solution is in contact, and slows down the convergence when the converged solution is not in contact. It is not permitted for a solution in which tensile contact is present to converge, unless the tensile forces are all less than the value of a user-input parameter (see Section 4.8.3). Hence the tensile contact feature does not affect the converged solution. Frictional contact The friction force is calculated using the relative sliding velocity
# # # # # u f = ( u c ut ) ( ( u c ut ) n ) n # # where u c is the velocity of the contactor node, u t is the velocity of the target and n is the target normal.
In static analysis, the contactor and target velocities are calculated using the nodal incremental displacements divided by the time step. In dynamic analysis, the contactor and target velocities are taken from the nodal velocities. The friction force magnitude is computed using
Ff =
# uf # u f min
# # Fn , u f < u f min
# # = F , u f u f min
where Fn is the normal contact force and is the Coulomb
# opposite to u f .
Ff mFn Sliding
. -uf
. uf
. u
-mFn Sticking
Algorithm used: The current rigid target contact algorithm is selected by default. To select the NX4 rigid target contact algorithm, set RTALG=1 on the NXSTRAT card. Modeling of target surfaces: If the target surface translates or rotates, all of the nodes on the target surface must be connected to a master node, either using constraint equations or using rigid links. For example, in Fig. 4.8-12, all of the nodes on the lower target surface are connected to a master node using rigid links.
Fixed target surface Fixed nodes
Rigid links
Figure 4.8-12 Modeling of fixed and moving target surfaces It is not allowed for the nodes on a target surface to have independent degrees of freedom. All degrees of freedom for the nodes on a target surface must be fixed or constrained.
Modeling of contactor surfaces: The amount and description of offset is determined by the BCTPARA parameters OFFTYPE, OFFSET and OFFDET. If OFFTYPE=0, there is no offset. If OFFTYPE=1, a constant offset of value OFFSET is used. If OFFTYPE=2, an offset equal to half of the current shell element thickness is used. When there is an offset, then BCTPARA parameter OFFDET determines the description of the offset. If OFFDET=0, then Advanced Nonlinear Solution determines the offset description (either spheres or normals, see Section The criterion used by Advanced Nonlinear Solution is that an offset description of spheres is used for each target surface that is convex or flat, and an offset description of normals is used for each target surface that is concave. If OFFDET=1, then the offset description is spheres, and if OFFDET=2, then the offset description is normals. When normals are used for the offset description, small steps should be used in Solution 601. This is because the offset vectors are assumed to remain constant during the equilibrium iterations. In particular, at convergence, the offset vectors corresponding to the previous converged solution are used. Determination of contact, modeling issues: Contact is affected by variables GAPBIAS and DEPTH, as described in Section GAPBIAS is set using BCTPARA parameter GAPBIAS (default =0) and DEPTH is set using BCTPARA parameter PDEPTH (default=0). It is possible for the closest target segment, edge or node to not be the expected one. An example is shown in Fig. 4.8-13. In this example, the rim of the wheel is modeled with target segments. Because the distance between a contactor node and a target segment is measured in the direction of the target segment normal, a contactor node interacts with the lower target surface, and the contact algorithm detects a large overlap between this contactor node and the lower target surface.
Upper target
Upper target
Figure 4.8-13 Modeling of a wheel Another example is shown in Fig. 4.8-14. In Fig. 4.8-14(a), there is a gap between the contactor node and the closest target segment, as expected. In Fig. 4.8-14(b), the punch has moved upward relative to the contactor node. Now there is a large overlap between the contactor node and the closest target segment. This segment is the only segment with a normal that points in the direction of the contactor node. In both Fig. 4.8-13 and Fig. 4.8-14, the large overlap is unintended. In Solution 601, the equilibrium iterations would most likely not converge. In Solution 701, the large forces between contactor and target would overdistort the elements attached to the contactor node.
One way to avoid the large overlaps is to use the DEPTH feature so that contact is not detected between the contactor node and the incorrect target segment. Another way to avoid this issue is to create additional target segments as shown. Then the contactor node is closest to one of the additional target segments. Choice of k n : k n is set using BCTPARA parameter NCMOD. The default value of the normal contact stiffness k n is 1E11. However,
kn can be chosen for optimal convergence. Note that: increasing kn causes the maximum overlap between the contactor and the
target to become smaller. Also, increasing k n can lead to convergence difficulties. We recommend that you use the smallest value of k n such that the maximum overlap is still acceptably small. For example, if the target surface is curved, there will be a geometric error associated with using a coarse contractor surface (Fig. 4.8-15). There is no advantage if the maximum overlap is less than the geometric error. So, if the mesh is coarse, a large maximum overlap can be used.
Target surface
Closest point on target surface that interacts with contactor node DEPTH c) DEPTH feature used, contactor node is not in contact with target
Figure 4.8-14 Modeling of a punch Another consideration for the choice of k n is the following. Because the rigid target algorithm is node-based, and because the contact stiffness is the same for each node in contact, the stresses computed in higher-order elements on the contactor surface will be inaccurate, if k n is too small. For example, in a problem involving pressing an element onto a contact surface, k n should be greater
EA where E is the Youngs modulus, A is the contact nL area, L is the element thickness (in the contact direction) and n is
than 100 the number of nodes on the contact area. The basic concept is illustrated in Fig. 4.8-16.
Geometric error
Youngs modulus E
Contact area A
Contact forces acting on contactor nodes are all nearly equal a) Soft target surface, kn small, element stresses are inaccurate
Contact forces acting on contactor nodes are nearly equal to consistent forces corresponding to pressure load b) Hard target surface, kn large, element stresses are accurate
Figure 4.8-16 Higher-order elements and rigid target contact This issue also arises when lower-order elements are used, but when lower-order elements are used, the variation in the consistent nodal point forces is much less, so k n can be smaller for the same accuracy in the element stresses.
Time step for Solution 701: For Solution 701, the time step should be smaller than
t = 2
m kn
This formula is derived from the following considerations. Consider a single contactor node with mass m and no additional stiffness or damping, with a velocity normal to the target. If this node just touches the target at time t t , and penetrates the target at time t , the node should remain in contact at time t + t . The choice of t in the above equation satisfies this condition. Clearly, decreasing k n will increase the time step t . A node that is out of contact at time t t , in contact at time t and out of contact at time t + t is said to have had a contact reversal (Fig. 4.8-17).
. t+Dtu Contactor node at t+Dt . t-Dtu Contactor node at t-Dt
Contactor node at t
Figure 4.8-17 Contact reversal due to too large time step in Solution 701 Time step selection in frictional contact: The time step size will affect the frictional velocities and hence the results. This is because, in static analysis, the nodal velocities used in the friction calculations are calculated as the incremental displacements divided by the time step.
In those parts of the analysis in which friction is important, a realistic time step should be used. In those steps of the analysis in which friction is not important, a large time step can be used, which causes the velocities to be small. For example, in metal forming analysis, a large time step size can be used when establishing the blank holder force, and during springback calculations.
# We recommend that you choose u f min either from experimental # data, or use the largest value of u f min acceptable in your
application. Time step for Solution 701 for frictional contact: For Solution 701, the time step should be smaller than
t =
# 2mu f min
to prevent reverse sliding. This formula is derived from the finite difference equation corresponding to explicit time integration, when applied to a single contactor node with mass m and no additional stiffness or damping, sticking to the target, but with a nonzero sticking velocity. If t is larger than the value in the above equation, the velocity will increase, and eventually the node will slide. The sliding will then tend to reverse, that is, for a given time step, the sliding direction will be opposite to the sliding direction in the previous step (Fig. 4.8-18).
Contactor node . t at tu f
. t+Dtu
Figure 4.8-18 Reverse sliding due to too large time step in Solution 701 Note that when the time step is greater than t = solution is still stable. Automatic time step selection in Solution 701: When using the automatic time step selection options in Solution 701, the time step returned from the rigid target contact algorithm is
# 2mu f min
, the
t = min
mi kn
where the minimum is taken over all contactor nodes. Notice that friction is not considered in the automatic time step selection; this is because the model remains stable even if the time step is larger than the friction time step discussed above. Birth/death: Rigid target contact surfaces can have a birth and death time, similar to other contact surfaces. The birth and death times are set by BCTPARA parameters TBIRTH and TDEATH (default =0.0, corresponding to no birth and death). Other user-input parameters: BCTPARA TFORCE The maximum tensile force for a node in tensile contact for which convergence is allowed (default value 0.001). All nodes in tensile contact must have a tensile force less than this value for the solution to converge. Tensile contact is not used in Solution 701.
BCTPARA OCHECK If OCHECK = 0, then oscillation checking (described in Section is turned off. If OCHECK = ITE>0, then oscillation checking is activated after equilibrium iteration ITE. The default is 5. Oscillation checking is not used in Solution 701. 4.8.4 Rigid target contact reports for Solution 601 The following messages are output at the end of each converged solution. Maximum overlap at convergence: Meaning: self-explanatory Recommend: If the maximum overlap is too large, increase k n ; if the maximum overlap is too small, decrease k n . Maximum tensile contact gap during iterations for nodes in contact at convergence: Meaning: A node that is in contact at the start of the time step may temporarily move out of contact during the iterations, then go back into contact before convergence. This report item reports the maximum contact gap of all such nodes. When the tensile contact gap is large, then convergence may be difficult. Recommend: Either reduce the time step or decrease k n to reduce the tensile contact gap. Maximum friction velocity at convergence: Meaning: For nodes in frictional contact, this is the maximum friction velocity of a node (either sticking or sliding).
# Recommend: If the maximum velocity is less than u f min , and # the corresponding node should be sliding, decrease u f min .
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
Number of nodes in contact, number of nodes in sticking contact, number of nodes in sliding contact: Meaning: Self-explanatory. Each node is counted once for each target surface that the node is in contact with. So a node that is in contact with two target surfaces simultaneously is counted twice. Change of contact status during iterations: Meaning The number of nodes that switch contact status (not in contact to in contact, or vice versa), is reported. If there are many nodes that switch contact status, this may cause convergence difficulties. Recommend: Either reduce the time step or decrease k n In contact at convergence, in tensile contact during iterations. Meaning: The number of nodes which were in tensile contact during the iterations (meaning that the nodes were almost out of contact) and in contact in the converged solution. When there are many such nodes then convergence may be difficult. Recommend Either reduce the time step or decrease k n to reduce the likelihood that nodes go into tensile contact. Change in frictional contact status during iterations: Meaning: The number of nodes that change frictional contact status (from sticking to sliding or vice versa) is reported. Recommend: If there are many nodes that switch frictional # contact status, reduce the time step or increase u f min . The following messages are output at the end of each solution that did not converge. Maximum change of contact force at end of iterations:
Meaning: The contactor node for which the contact force had the largest change is output. Recommend: Examine the model near that contactor node for hints about why the solution did not converge. Change of contact status at end of iterations: Meaning: The number of nodes that are changing contact status at the end of the iterations. Recommend: Reduce the time step or decrease k n . Sliding reversal at end of iterations: Meaning: The number of nodes that are undergoing sliding reversals at the end of the iterations.
report: Meaning: See the corresponding message in Section 4.8.4. Recommend: See the corresponding recommendations in Section 4.8.4. Maximum friction velocity since solution start, maximum friction velocity since last report: Meaning: See the corresponding message in Section 4.8.4. Recommend: See the corresponding recommendations in Section 4.8.4. Contact reversals since solution start, since last report: Meaning: This is a count of the total number of contact reversals. Also the number of contact reversals for the node with the most contact reversals is given, along with the mass of the node. Recommend: To reduce the number of contact reversals, either reduce the time step or decrease k n Sliding reversals since solution start, since last report: Meaning: This is a count of the total number of sliding reversals. Also the number of sliding reversals for the node with the most sliding reversals is given, along with the mass of the node. Recommend: To reduce the number of sliding reversals, either # reduce the time step or increase u f min . 4.8.6 Modeling hints and recommendations
For a time step in which contact is established over a large area, many equilibrium iterations may be required in Solution 601. This is because the solution cannot converge until the nodes in and out
of contact are determined, and it may take many equilibrium iterations to determine which nodes are in and out of contact. An example is shown in Fig. 4.8-19. The ATS cutback method will not be effective for this time step. Rather, you should set the maximum number of iterations very large, so that the program can find the converged solution.
Prescribed displacement
Target surface 1
Contactor surfaces
Target surface 1
Possible contact in this area, many equilibrium iterations may be required to accurately determine contact here.
Figure 4.8-19 Establishment of contact over a large area during a solution step
When forming a part that is relatively thin, setting the PLASALG flag of the NXSTRAT card to 2 can allow the use of larger time steps. The contact search algorithm may take a relatively long time for
the first iteration of the first time step. Similarly, the contact search algorithm may take a relatively long time for the first iteration of
234 Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
kn constant, the
overlap and contact force will decrease at each contactor node. Hence k n may need to be adjusted as the mesh is refined. In general, as the mesh is refined, k n can be decreased in order to keep the overlap reasonable.
Convergence in Solution 601 may become difficult when
contactor nodes that were not in contact with the target suddenly interact with the target. An example is illustrated in Fig. 4.8-20. Eventually the contactor nodes on the right will come into contact with the target, and convergence may be difficult. Alternate ways to model this situation are shown in Fig. 4.8-20.
Contactor node in contact Drawing direction Contactor node not in contact
a) Poor modeling
b) Good modeling
c) Good modeling
Figure 4.8-20 Contactor nodes suddenly coming into contact 4.8.7 Conversion of models set up using the NXN4 rigid target algorithm The following hints may be useful when running models that were set up using the NXN4 rigid target algorithm:
The results from the NXN4 and current rigid target contact algorithms will usually be quite different:
a) In Solution 601, the NXN4 rigid target algorithm only determines the state of contact at iteration 0; the current rigid target algorithm determines the state of contact at every iteration. b) The NXN4 rigid target algorithm only allows contact between a contactor node and one target surface; the current rigid target algorithm allows contact between a contactor node and more than one target surface. c) In Solution 601, the NXN4 rigid target algorithm can force ATS cutbacks when it detects tensile forces, the current rigid target algorithm does not force ATS cutbacks. d) In Solution 701, the basic formulation used by the V83 rigid target algorithm is quite different than the basic formulation used by the current rigid target algorithm.
In general, in Solution 601, the current rigid target algorithm
requires more iterations than the NXN4 rigid target algorithm to establish contact. This is because, in the NXN4 rigid target algorithm, the state of contact is only determined in iteration 0.
Once contact is established, the current rigid target algorithm
can be used with much larger time steps than the NXN4 rigid target algorithm. The excessive penetration issues of the NXN4 rigid target algorithm do not exist in the current rigid target algorithm.
In the NXN4 rigid target algorithm, the ATS method is automatically turned on in Solution 601. However, in the current rigid target algorithm, the ATS method is not automatically turned on. You may want to explicitly turn on the ATS method. In Solution 701, the NXN4 rigid target algorithm does not affect the critical time step. But the current rigid target algorithm can affect the critical time step. In the NXN4 rigid target algorithm, the amount of friction was
based on the incremental displacements. In the current rigid target algorithm, the amount of friction is based on the velocity (incremental displacements divided by time step). So in frictional analysis, the time step size will affect the results in the current rigid target algorithm.
Comments Select load set (time varying) Select load set (non-time varying) Set single-point constraint set (including enforced displacement) Select multipoint constraint set Select initial conditions set (displacements and velocities) Select initial and applied thermal load sets Select bolt preload set
varying loads in both static and dynamic analysis. Similarly, the selected LOAD set can be used for defining constant loads in both static and dynamic analyses.
Table 5-2 lists the load, boundary condition, and initial condition Bulk Data entries supported in Advanced Nonlinear Solution.
5.1: Introduction
Comments Concentrated force on nodes Concentrated moment on nodes Fixed or enforced degrees of freedom on nodes Enforced displacement on nodes Uniform pressure on shell element or 3-D solid face Distributed load on beam element Concentrated force on beam nodes Uniform pressure on shell element Pressure or distributed load on shell or 3-D solid face Variable pressure on axisymmetric 2-D solid element Applied temperature on nodes Applied default temperature Mass proportional inertial load Centrifugal load Define multipoint constraints Initial displacement and velocity on nodes Preload force on bolts Applied temperature on nodes in heat transfer analysis Uniform heat flux on boundary element Variable hear flux on boundary element Uniform volumetric heat addition
Table 5-2: Bulk data entries for defining loads, boundary conditions and constraints Notes: 1. SPC can also enforce displacement. 2. If enforced displacements are always 0.0 they become a boundary condition. 3. Initial conditions are discussed in Section 8.1. 4. Can also be used to fix or enforce temperature in a heat transfer analysis.
Table 5-3 lists the Bulk Data entries used for combining applied loads and/or enforced displacements in Advanced Nonlinear Solution.
Comments Defines a linear combination of constant loads Defines a linear combination of time varying loads (by combining different TLOAD1 entries) Defines time varying loads and enforced motion Defines the time functions used by the loads
Table 5-3: Bulk data entries for applying loads and enforced displacements
The LOAD entry is used for combining loads that are constant
throughout the analysis while DLOAD is used for combining time-varying loads. The DLOAD entry references a load defined
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
5.1: Introduction
through a TLOAD1 entry. The TLOAD1 entry references the type of load (applied load or enforced displacement), as well as the table entry (TABLED1 or TABLED2) defining the time variation of the load.
Both LOAD and DLOAD can be used in static and dynamic analyses in Advanced Nonlinear Solution. A time function is defined as a series of points
which t is time and f i ( t ) is the value of time function i at that time. Between two successive times, the program uses linear interpolation to determine the value of the time function.
( t , f ( t ) ) in
Advanced Nonlinear Solution does not support subcases. If subcases are only used to change the applied load in a static analysis, then they can be equivalently defined in Advanced Nonlinear Solution as time-varying loads in a single case. A typical time-varying load such as the enforced displacement
shown below (on the y direction of node 100) will be applied as follows:
Time functions: f(t) 4 3 2 1 t 2 -1 -2 Resulting load values for tR = 10f(t): Time 0.0 tR 20 1.0 30 2.0 40 3.0 40 4.0 40 5.0 0 6.0 -10 7.0 -20 8.0 0 4 6 8 10
DLOAD, 1, 1.0, 10.0, 5 TLOAD1, 5, 3,, DISP, 7 SPCD, 3, 100, 2, 1.0 TABLED2, 7, 0.0, ,0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 5.0, 0.0, ,7.0, -2.0, 8.0, 0.0, ENDT TSTEP, 1, 8, 1.0, 4 Note that the TSTEP entry is used for both linear and nonlinear analyses. In this case, 8 steps of size 1.0 are selected with output every 4 steps. Note that in Solution 701 with automatic time step selection, the above input will not result in 8 steps. Instead, the critical time step for the model will be used and output of results will be done as soon as the solution time exceeds 4.0 and 8.0. See Section 8.1 for details.
The LOAD case control command can point to a LOAD entry or to individual loads, and similarly the DLOAD case control command can point to a DLOAD entry or directly to a TLOAD1 entry. The initial and applied temperature load sets must be
242 Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
5.1: Introduction
selected by the TEMPERATURE case control command if needed. The active initial conditions must be selected by the IC case control command.
Boundary conditions can be grouped into two classes: essential
and natural boundary conditions (see ref. KJB, Section 3.3.2). Essential boundary conditions can be enforced displacements or rotations. Natural boundary conditions include all applied forces and moments.
Displacement boundary conditions include fixed nodal degrees of freedom, enforced displacements and constraint equations. Force and moment boundary conditions include numerous types of applied loading available in Advanced Nonlinear Solution. All displacement and force boundary conditions are referred to the displacement coordinate system at the node at which they act. The externally applied load vector used in the governing equilibrium equations is established using contributions from the various applied loads. For concentrated loads, the contributions of these nodal loads are directly assembled into the externally applied load vector. For pressure loading, distributed loading, centrifugal loading and mass proportional loading, Advanced Nonlinear Solution first calculates the corresponding consistent nodal load vectors (consistent in the sense that the principle of virtual work is used) and then assembles these load vectors into the externally applied load vector. The evaluations of the consistent nodal load vectors for the various types of loading are described in the following sections. Temperatures in Advanced Nonlinear Solution are used in
with a time function which defines the time variation of the load throughout the solution period (see example in Fig. 5.1-1).
In a static analysis in which time-dependent effects (such as creep or friction) are not included in the material models, time is a "dummy" variable which is used, via the associated time function of each applied load, to define the load intensity at a step. Thus, the time step increment directly establishes the load increments. So, in the example shown in Fig. 5.1-1, the same solution is obtained regardless of the size of the time step increment. In a dynamic analysis or if time-dependent effects are included in the material models in a static analysis, time is used in a similar way to define the load intensity of an applied load at a step. However, in these cases, time is a "real" variable because the time step increment is employed in the actual integration of the equations of motion in a dynamic analysis, and in the integration of the element stresses in a creep analysis. Hence, in these cases the choice of the time step increment is no longer arbitrary.
2 steps
1 2 Run 1: Dt = 1.0
2 4 Run 2: Dt = 2.0
Note: identical results are obtained in Run 1 and Run 2 for a linear static analysis.
5.1: Introduction
of Solution 601 (arc length method, see Section 6.2.3). In this case, the applied loads are not associated with any time function and the time variation of the loads cannot be specified by the user. The contributions from all the loads are assembled into a constant load vector denoted as the reference load vector. During the response calculation, this reference load vector is scaled proportionally using a load multiplier (in general different from one step to the next) that is automatically computed by the program.
The activation of the various applied loads can be delayed using
the X1 field in the TABLED2 entry. The arrival/delay time option does not apply, however, to centrifugal and mass-proportional loading, see Section 5.4. The specification of a nonzero arrival time corresponds to a shifting of the associated time function forward in time. If the time function is used by a force boundary condition, this corresponds to using a time function multiplier of zero for all times t smaller than the arrival time; see illustrations given in Fig. 5.1-2. However, if the time function corresponds to a enforced displacement/rotation the associated degrees of freedom are assumed to be free prior to the arrival time (not having a zero prescribed value).
Time functions: Input time function f(t) Time function shifted by arrival time
4 3 2 1
-1 -2 -3
Arrival time
specified nodes using the FORCE, FORCE1, or FORCE2 entries. Concentrated moments are also applied to specific nodes using the MOMENT, MOMENT1, or MOMENT2 entries. Concentrated forces on beam nodes can also be applied using the PLOAD1 entry.
The direction in which a concentrated load acts depends on the displacement coordinate system assigned to the node. Note that concentrated moments applied to shell nodes convert the shell nodes automatically to 6 degree of freedom nodes. This is done since the local V1 and V2 directions at shell nodes are unknown to the user, and hence cannot be used in defining moments. When the FORCE1 or MOMENT1 entries are used in a large
displacement analysis, they can be follower loads, meaning that the direction of the applied force or moment can be updated during the simulation based on the current coordinates of the G1 and G2 nodes. This however is only possible if either G1 or G2 is set to be the node of load application.
The direction of a follower load can be controlled using RBAR or RBE2 rigid elements (see Section 5.7). An example is given in Fig. 5.2-1.
Rigid element
Figure 5.2-1: Example of the use of a rigid element to establish the follower load direction
PLOAD or PLOAD4 entries, and to shell 3-node and 4-node elements only (CTRIA3 and CQUAD4) using the PLOAD2 entry.
Pressure loads can be applied to axisymmetric 2-D solid elements using the PLOADX1 entry. Pressure loads can be applied to the faces of 3-D elements
l l l
c) Beam element
d) Shell element
case, the calculations of the consistent load vectors are based on the latest geometry and configuration of the loading surface.
In Solution 601, deformation dependent loading should only be used in a large displacement analysis. Equilibrium iterations (see Chapter 6) should in general be performed if deformation dependent loading is present. The loading direction for distributed loads can be along the basic coordinate system or the element coordinate system. Loads along element coordinate systems can be deformation dependent in large displacement analysis. For pressure loading on 2-D and 3-D solid elements, the consistent load vector consists of nodal forces acting on the translational degrees of freedom only. The calculation of this load vector is given in ref. KJB, Section 4.2.1. The same effect occurs in shells since the nodal translations and rotations are interpolated independently. The distributed loading on a beam element results in equivalent concentrated forces and moments acting at the beam nodes as shown in Fig. 5.3-2. The calculation of these consistent forces and moments also follows the equations in ref. KJB Section 4.2.1.
(a) Beam distributed loading
F1 =
L (7q 1 + 3q 2) 20
F2 =
L (7q 2 + 3q 1) 20
M1 = L2 (3q + 2q ) 1 2 60 M2 = L2 (3q 2 + 2q 1) 60
A Bending moment
l l
l l
Bending moment
Figure 5.3-3: Beam element bending moments when subjected to distributed loading
mass setting for the whole model. Note that the computational effort involved in the evaluation of a lumped mass matrix is, in general, much less than the effort for a consistent mass matrix.
Centrifugal and mass proportional loading can both be present
in a static or dynamic analysis. In a dynamic analysis, the type of mass matrix employed in the load calculation and in the dynamic response calculation are the same.
When elements die (due to rupture), their contribution to the
load vector is removed. Hence, the consistent load vector consists (at all times) only of the contributions from the elements currently alive.
Centrifugal and mass proportional loading cannot be applied
with a delay/arrival time. The time function has to be shifted manually to create this effect.
Centrifugal or mass proportional forces at fixed nodes are taken into account in the calculation of reaction forces.
Centrifugal loading
The consistent load vector for centrifugal loading is computed using the mass matrix of the entire finite element system, the radial distance from the axis of rotation, and the specified angular velocity (see Fig. 5.4-1), as follows:
R = t M t ( t t r ) FC f ( t )
where t = ( OMEGA ) n is the angular velocity vector, t r is the radial vector from the axis of rotation to the node, OMEGA is the applied angular velocity in radians/second, FC is a scaling factor from the load application commands, f(t) is the time function and n is the unit vector parallel to the axis of rotation.
Figure 5.4-1: Convention used for centrifugal loading Note that the units of the OMEGA used here are different from the rotation factor in the RFORCE entry. Note that the time function associated with the centrifugal loading directly determines the time variation of the centrifugal forces and not the angular velocity. The magnitude of the effective angular velocity at time t is OMEGA FC f ( t ) .
When centrifugal loading is used in nonlinear analysis in Solution 601, additional nonlinear terms are added to the stiffness matrix and the load vector. The complete expression of the load vector R, including all nonlinear effects is (dropping the scaling factors)
t +t
R (i ) = t +t M ( 0r + t +t U ( i 1) + U ( i ) )
( (
where 0r is the vector of initial nodal distances to the rotation axis and is the rotation vector. From the expression (5.4-2), it can be seen that an additional nonlinear contribution K NL1 to the stiffness matrix is present, which is given by
t +t
K (NL1 ) U (i ) = t +t M ( U (i ) )
i 1
) R (NL = t +t M ( t +t U (i 1) )
Nonlinear centrifugal loading can be used in static analysis and dynamic analysis. The correction to the stiffness matrix and the correction to the loading are made when a deformation dependent loading is requested (LOADOPT parameter in the NXSTRAT entry).
Mass-proportional loading
The consistent load vector for mass proportional loading in direction i is computed using the mass matrix of the entire finite element system and the specified accelerations (only in the translational degrees of freedom), as follows:
R i = t M di t ai
where d i is a direction vector with "1" in the portions of the translational degrees of freedom acting into the direction i and "0" in the other portions, and ai is the acceleration magnitude in the direction i. Note that the consistent load vector includes nodal point forces applied to all nodes of the finite element model.
Mass proportional loading is commonly used to model gravity
loading and uniform ground acceleration. For gravity loading, t ai is the acceleration vector due to gravity.
Enforced velocities and accelerations are not supported. Nodal point translations and rotations can be enforced. The degree of freedom is in the direction of the displacement coordinate system assigned to the node. A nodal point can be "fixed" by prescribing a zero displacement component for all degrees of freedom at this node. This is, however, different from imposing a permanent single-point constraint on the GRID entry because the enforced degrees of freedom are retained in the system matrices (i.e., equation numbers are assigned) whereas the degrees of freedom at which permanent GRID constraints are imposed are deleted from the system matrices. Note that enforced displacements are not recommended on
this case, the displacements are free before the arrival time. Once the arrival time is reached, the displacements are set to their enforced values. However, the enforced value can be interpreted as an absolute or total displacement or as a relative displacement based on the configuration at the arrival time. This is controlled by the DISPOPT flag in the NXSTRAT entry.
A new enforced displacement can also be applied in a restart
run. In this case as well, the displacement can be a total value or relative to the configuration at the start time of the restart analysis.
values applied with TEMP override the default TEMPD value. This is applicable to structural analysis, and to initial conditions for a heat transfer analysis.
The TEMPERATURE case control command selects the initial
Linear elements: q q1
q0 l
El. 1
El. 2
El. 3
El. 4
El. 5
El. 6
Quadratic elements:
q q1 q<q 0
l l l l l l
q0 l
El. 1
El. 2
El. 3
multipoint constraints. The single-point constraints are defined using the SPC, SPC1, SPCADD entries. Permanent single-point constraints can also be defined using the GRID entry. This case, however, totally removes the associated degree of freedom from the solution.
Multipoint constraints are defined directly using the MPC and MPCADD entries. They can also be defined through R-type elements (see Section 2.7).
R u
j j
first degree of freedom in each constraint (u1) to be a dependent degree of freedom. The second approach (called general constraints approach) is to add a Lagrange Multiplier to enforce each constraint, and hence keep all constraint degrees of freedom independent. This is done by setting parameter GENMPC=1 in NXSTRAT, and it applies to all constraint equations.
Note that in the first approach, each constraint reduces the
number of independent equations by one, while in the second approach, each constraint adds one extra degree of freedom (the Lagrange Multiplier). Hence, the first approach should be used whenever possible. In some cases, however, one cannot easily express a constraint in a way such that dependent degrees of freedom are not constrained to other dependent degrees of freedom.
General constraints (GENMPC=1 in NXSTRAT) cannot be used in explicit analysis (Solution 701). Multipoint constraints are only approximately satisfied in an
explicit analysis (Solution 701), since imposing the constraint exactly requires a non-diagonal mass matrix.
For R-type elements in large deformation the multipoint constraint can have variable coefficients that are updated based on the deformation of the structure. Constraints can be applied to static and dynamic analyses. It is important to note that adding constraint equations to the finite element model results in adding external forces (and possibly moments) at the degrees of freedom specified by the constraint equations. These forces are included in the reaction calculations. Note that enforced displacements detailed in Section 5.5 are internally enforced using single-point constraints. For an R-type element to produce multipoint constraints with changing coefficients that capture large deformations, the constraints must be between only 2 nodes. In addition, one of the nodes should possess all the independent degrees of freedom and the other node should only possess dependent degrees of freedom. These large displacement multipoint constraints are internally called rigid links. Mesh glueing (Section 5.9) internally creates general constraint equations that are enforced using Lagrange Multipliers. All independent degrees of freedom associated with the glued mesh remain independent.
(u1 u 2 )d = 0
where u1 is the displacement of the first glued surface, u2 is the displacement of the second surface and is the Lagrange Multiplier field imposing the constraint. One of the glued surfaces is designated as the master and the other as the slave. The Lagrange Multiplier field involves nodal degrees of freedom at the nodes of the slave surface, and the integration is also performed over the slave surface. Hence Eq. (5.9-1) becomes
S (u M u S )d S = 0
displacements uM and uS are generally interpolated over different domains. This integration is automatically performed by Advanced Nonlinear Solution.
Mesh glueing is not available in explicit analysis. Glueing is superior to tied contact and should be used in its place whenever applicable. Only 3-D solid elements can be used glueing. The glued
element faces can be triangles or quads, and they can have linear or quadratic displacement interpolation. Shell elements are not supported.
If one glue surface is smaller than the other, as shown in Fig. 5.9-2(a), the smaller surface should preferably be the slave. However, the glueing will also work if the smaller surface is the master. The two glued surfaces can also be partially overlapping as shown in Fig. 5.9-2(b).
q S = h ( e S )
where h is the convection coefficient, e is the external ambient temperature, and S is the unknown body surface temperature.
! Convection boundary conditions are applied using surface elements generated using the CHBDYE or CHBDYG entities which point to a CONV entry. This entry provides some of the necessary inputs and in points to a PCONV entry providing more input. The heat convection coefficient h is provided in the material definition entries. !
The following types of convection boundary conditions are available: Line convection boundary conditions, used in conjunction with 2-D planar elements, and 2-D axisymmetric elements. Surface convection boundary conditions, used in conjunction with 3-D solid or shell elements.
! The convection coefficient h can be either temperaturedependent (through a MATT4 or MATT5 entry), or timedependent. This is achieved via the Control Node setting in the CONV entry. It cannot, however, be both temperature and time dependent. !
The ambient temperature e is obtained from node using parameter TA1 in the CONV entry. The temperature at node TA1 must be prescribed, and can be time-varying. The heat flux, q , is converted to nodal heat fluxes by consistent integration over the convection boundary. See ref. KJB, Section 7.2.3 for details. In this integration, the temperatures are
interpolated from their nodal values, and if the heat transfer coefficient, h, is temperature dependent, it is calculated for each integration point based on its interpolated temperatures.
q S = f e r4 ( S )
where is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, f is a view factor or shape factor, e is the material emissivity, r is the temperature of the radiative source (or sink) and S is the unknown body surface temperature. Both temperatures are in the absolute scale. Note that in the above equation the abosptivity is assumed to be equal to the emissivity.
Radiation boundary conditions are applied using surface elements generated using the CHBYDE or CHBYDG entries which point to a RADBC entry. This entry provides some of the necessary inputs and in turn points to a RADM or RADMT entry providing the rest of the inputs.
The Stefan-Boltzmann constant () and the absolute temperature offset are set in the PARAM entry (SIGMA and TABS parameters). Note that although is a constant it must be input in the proper units.
! !
The following types of radiation boundary conditions are available: Line radiation boundary conditions, used in conjunction with 2D planar elements, and 2-D axisymmetric elements. Surface radiation boundary conditions, used in conjunction with 3-D solid or shell elements.
The radiative source/sink temperature r is specified in the NODAMB parameter in the RADBC entry. The temperature at this node NODAMB must be prescribed, and can be time-varying.
! ! The view or shape factor f is input via the FAMB parameter in the RADBC entry. ! Default values of some radiation settings are defined using the BDYOR entry. !
The heat flux, q , is converted to nodal heat fluxes by consistent integration over the radiation boundary. See ref. KJB, Section 7.2.3 for details. In this integration, the temperatures are interpolated from their nodal values, and if the emissivity, e, is temperature dependent, it is calculated for each integration point based on its interpolated temperatures.
= qS
where q S is the surface heat flux input to the body across some part S2 of the body surface, k n is the body thermal conductivity in direction n, the outward normal to the surface, and is the temperature.
Boundary heat flux loads are applied either directly to the nodes defining a face of an element using the QHBDY entry, or by pointing to existing surface elements (CHBDYi type) using the QBDY1 or QBDY2 entries.
The heat flux, q , is converted to nodal heat fluxes by consistent integration over the boundary. See ref. KJB, Section 7.2.3 for details. Note that any boundary of the domain which does not have either the heat flux or temperature specified will be assumed by virtue of the formulation to have
qS = 0
i.e., this part of the boundary is insulated, allowing no heat transfer across it.
This form of thermal loading results from the generation of heat within the domain, which is introduced into the governing equation B system by the term q of equation (8.1-1). Internal heat generation is applied via the QVOL entry which provides a load multiplier to the heat generation parameter HGEN set in the MAT4 or MATT4 entries.
A negative heat generation term q indicates a loss of heat within the body.
! !
The heat generation term can be temperature-dependent by making the HGEN parameter temperature dependent using the MATT4 entry. The heat flux generated per unit volume, q , is converted to nodal heat fluxes by consistent integration over the element volume. See ref. KJB, Section 7.2.3 for details.
In linear analysis using Solution 601, the finite element system equilibrium equations to be solved are
KU = R
A direct sparse solver or an iterative multi-grid solver can be
positive definite. This requirement can be summarized as follows: The Rayleigh quotient
() =
Hence, the finite element system must be properly supported, so that the system cannot undergo any rigid body displacements or rotations. It also follows that no part of the total finite element system must represent a mechanism, see ref. KJB, Fig. 8.7, p. 704, for such a case. Nodal point degrees of freedom for which there is no stiffness must be restrained. A degree of freedom does not carry any stiffness if all of the elements connected to the nodal point do not carry stiffness into that degree of freedom. In this case the degree of freedom must be restrained using boundary conditions. Note that nodal degrees of freedom which are not connected to any elements and are not used as dependent nodes in constraint equations are automatically deleted by the program. More details on the solvers available in Solution 601 are provided in Section 6.5.
R t +t F = 0
R is the vector of externally applied nodal loads at time where t+t (load) step t+t, and F is the force vector equivalent (in the virtual work sense) to the element stresses at time t+t.
The nonlinearity may come from the material properties, the kinematic assumptions, deformation dependent loading, the presence of contact, or the element birth/death feature. The solution to the static equilibrium equations can be obtained
Load-displacement-control (LDC) method (arc length method) These methods are described in detail in the following sections and also in Sections 6.1 and 8.4 of ref. KJB.
The same equation solvers are used for both linear and nonlinear analysis. However, the automatic time stepping algorithms do not require the stiffness matrix to be positive definite, thus allowing for the solution of bifurcation problems. The stiffness stabilization feature can be used to treat some
nonlinear static problems involving a non-positive definite stiffness matrix. See Section 8.5 for details. 6.2.1 Solution of incremental nonlinear static equations Full Newton iterations: In the full Newton iteration method, the following algorithms are employed:
K (i 1) U ( i ) = t +t R t +t F (i 1)
t +t
(6.2-1a) (6.2-1b)
U ( i ) = t +t U (i 1) + U ( i )
K (i 1) U ( i ) = t +t R t +t F (i 1) U ( i ) = t +t U (i 1) + (i ) U (i )
(6.2-1c) (6.2-1d)
t +t
where t +t K ( i 1) is the tangent stiffness matrix based on the solution calculated at the end of iteration (i - 1) at time t+t. t+t R is the externally applied load vector at time t + t; t+tF(i1) is the consistent nodal force vector corresponding to the element
stresses due to the displacement vector t U ; U is the (i) incremental displacement vector in iteration (i) and is an acceleration factor obtained from line search. Note that, since the full Newton iteration method is employed, a new stiffness matrix is always formed at the beginning of each new load step and in each iteration.
An upper bound for the incremental displacements in U can be set by the user (via the MAXDISP parameter in the NXSTRAT entry). If the largest increment displacement component exceeds the limiting value, the whole incremental displacement vector is scaled down to satisfy the upper bound. This feature is useful for problems where one or more iterations can produce unrealistically large incremental displacements. This may happen, for example, if a load is applied to contacting bodies before contact is properly established, or in the first unloading steps after a material has undergone plastic deformation.
6.2.2 Line Search The line search feature is activated by setting LSEARCH=1 in NXSTRAT. In this case, the incremental displacements obtained from the solver are modified as follows
t +t
U ( i ) = t +t U (i 1) + (i ) U (i )
where is a scaling factor obtained from a line search in the direction U(i) in order to reduce out-of-balance residuals, according to the following criterion
U (i ) t +t R t +t F (i ) STOL ( i )T t +t t +t ( i 1) U R F
where STOL is a user-input line search convergence tolerance (in t+t (i) F is calculated using the total displacement NXSTRAT), and t+t (i) vector U . The magnitude of is also governed by the following bounds
where LSUPPER and LSLOWER are user-input parameters in NXSTRAT. The incremental displacements are not modified (i.e., = 1) if no suitable line search parameter satisfying Equations (6.2-2) and (6.2-3) is found within a reasonable number of line search iterations, or if the unbalanced energy falls below a certain userspecified energy threshold ENLSTH.
Line search is off by default. It is useful for problems involving plasticity, as well as large displacement problems involving beams and shells. It is also helpful in many contact problems. In the case of contact problems, it is sometimes better to set LSUPPER to 1.0 so that the line search only scales down displacements. The effect of line search is more prominent when the current displacements are far from the converged solution. This usually happens in the first few iterations of a time step, or when a major change occurs in the model, due for example, to contact initiation/separation, or the onset of plasticity. Note that line search increases the computational time for each iteration. Most of the extra time goes towards the evaluation of t+t (i) F in Equation (6.2-2). However, for the types of problems mentioned above the reduction in the number of iterations and the ability to use bigger time steps leads to an overall reduction in solution time.
## # M t +t U ( i ) + C t +t U (i ) + t +t K (i 1) U (i ) = t +t R t +t F (i 1) (6.2.4)
where M is the mass matrix and is a mass scaling factor that can vary from 0.0 to 1.0 (default 1.0), to partially account for the dynamic inertia effect . The C matrix is evaluated using
where is a user-specified parameter (default 10-4), and K is the (initial) total stiffness matrix (corresponding to zero initial displacements). For more details on this dynamics equation refer to Section 6.4.
When low speed dynamics is used with ATS, the time step size will influence the results. It is recommended that the time step size be at least 105 . Or, it is recommended that the loads be held constant for a period of time of at least 104 so that the dynamic effects die out. Note that mass effects may not be needed in the low speed
dynamic analysis. In this case, set the parameter in Eq. (6.2-4) to zero, or, alternatively, set the material densities to zero. That way, only structural damping effects will be present in the otherwise static analysis. 6.2.4 Automatic-Time-Stepping (ATS) method
The automatic-time-stepping (ATS) method controls the time step size in order to obtain a converged solution. If there in no convergence with the user-specified time step, the program automatically subdivides the time step until it reaches convergence. In some cases, the time step size may be increased to accelerate the solution. Parameter ATSDFAC in the NXSTRAT entry sets the division factor that Solution 601 uses to subdivide the time step when there is no convergence. Successive subdivisions can be performed, if necessary, provided that the time step size is not smaller than a minimum value. This minimum value is set as the original step size divided by a scaling factor provided by the user (ATSSUBD in
Note that the loads at any intermediate time instant created by the ATS method are recalculated based on the current value of the time functions. The solution output is only furnished at the user-specified times, except when the solution is abandoned due to too many time step subdivisions without convergence. In this case, the solution output is also given for the last converged time instant. There are three options for controlling the time step size once convergence is reached after ATS subdivisions. You can select any of these options, or request that Solution 601 does the selection (ATSNEXT in NXSTRAT).
1. Use the time increment that gave convergence In this case, the program continues the analysis using the last converged time step. Once the end of the user-specified time step is reached, the program may increase the time step based on the iteration history. This option is the default in analyses without contact. 2. Return to original time step size In this case, the program continues the analysis using the original user-provided time increment. At the next time step, the step size may be increased if the iteration history shows that such an increase in useful. The increased time step size cannot be larger than a user-specified value (determined from ATSMXDT in NXSTRAT). Due to this increase the analysis may be completed in fewer time steps than requested. This option is the default when contact is present. 3. Proceed through user-defined time points In this case, the program sets the time step size such that the final time is that initially provided by the user. Hence, the analysis always proceeds through all user-specified time steps.
Following is an example to illustrate the basic options of ATS subdivisions. Assume we are in load step 15 of a particular problem with initial time t = 15.0 and a time step of 1.0. The solution does
not converge and the time step is set to 0.5 (assuming a time step division factor of 2.0). If that too does not converge, the time step is set to 0.25. If that converges, the results are not yet saved. Another sub-step is performed for load step 15. The size of this step depends on which of the three options above is selected:
! In option 1, the next sub-step will use a time step size of 0.25. Two other sub-steps will be performed within load step 15 both of size 0.25 (assuming they all converge). ! In option 2, the next sub-step will use a time step size of 1.0. If this converges load step 16 starts with t = 16.25. ! In option 3, the sub-step will use a time step size of 0.75. If this converges load step 16 starts with t = 16.0.
Note that while options 1 and 2 may result in outputted solution times that are different from those initially specified by the user, there are certain time values that are not skipped. These are the time values at the end of time step blocks. In this case, the time step size is reduced such that the solution time at the end of the block is satisfied. The program determines these time step blocks based on the time step pattern input by the user. The final solution time is always assumed to be an end of a time step block. Option 2 is useful for contact because of the highly nonlinear response (sudden changes in stiffness) that occurs when a nodes comes into contact, or is released from contact, or even moves from one contact segment to another. A small step size may sometimes be needed only in the vicinity of this contact incident. Once contact is established/released the problem is less nonlinear and the original time step size can be used.
6.2.5 Total Load Application (TLA) method and Stabilized TLA (TLA-S) method
The Total Load Application method is useful for nonlinear
static analysis problems where all applied loads do not require the user to explicitly specify the time step sequence. In this case, the user applies the full load value and Solution 601 automatically
applies the load through a ramp time function, and increases or reduces the time step size depending on how well the solution converges. This method cannot be used in dynamic analysis. The TLA method automatically activates the following features that are suitable for this type of uniform loading static problems: - The first time step has a size of 1/50 of the total time. - Maximum number of equilibrium iterations is 30. - Line search is used. - Limiting incremental displacements per iteration is set to 5% of the largest model dimension. - The maximum number of time step subdivisions is set to 64. - The time step cannot be increased more than 16 times its initial size. Most of the TLA settings listed above can be modified by the user (via the TLA* parameters in the NXSTRAT command).
The Stabilized TLA method (TLA-S) is identical to the regular TLA method with the addition of various stabilizing features to create a more stable system and aid convergence. The sources of stabilization are low speed dynamics which adds inertia and stiffness proportional damping (see Section 6.2.3), contact damping (see Section 4.6.5), and stiffness stabilization (see Section 8.5). Indicators are provided in the output file after each converged solution to show if the forces due to the various stabilization effects are excessive. The TLA-S method can serve several purposes. If the stabilization indicators are all within reasonable bounds, typically less than 1% of the internal force indicator, then the TLA-S solution may be reasonably accurate. However, even when the indicators are large, the TLA-S method provides a useful approximate solution that can frequently be used to detect modeling errors such as incorrect contact definition, applied load, or boundary conditions. The following features cannot be used with the TLA and TLA-S methods: - All materials with creep effects
are described in ref. KJB Section 8.4.3 and the following reference: ref. Bathe, K.J. and Dvorkin, E.N., "On the Automatic Solution of Nonlinear Finite Element Equations," J. Computers and Structures, Vol. 17, No. 5-6, pp. 871879, 1983.
The LDC method is activated via the AUTO flag in the NXSTRAT entry. An enforced displacement on a user-specified degree of freedom is used to evaluate the initial load vector, and analysis continues until a specified displacement is reached at a certain node, or a critical point on the equilibrium path is reached. The LDC method may also be used as a restart analysis following a static or dynamic analysis. Variants of the LDC method are commonly referred to as arc-length methods. The equations employed in the equilibrium iterations are
t +t
K (i 1) U (i ) = ( t +t ( i 1) + ( i ) ) R t +t F (i 1)
t +t
U (i ) = t +t U (i 1) + U (i ) f ( (i ) , U (i ) ) = 0
K ( i 1) = tangent stiffness matrix at time t+t, end of iteration (i-1) R = constant reference load vector t +t ( i 1) = load scaling factor (used on R) at the end of iteration (i-1) at time t+t (i ) = increment in the load scaling factor in iteration
The quantities t +t F ( i 1) and U ( i ) are as defined for Eq. (6.2-1). Note that in Eq. (6.2-5), the equation f = 0 is used to constrain the length of the load step. The constant spherical arc length constraint method is usually used and the constant increment of external work method is used if the arc length method has difficulties to converge. The reference load vector R is evaluated from all the mechanical loads.
To start the LDC method, the load multiplier for the first step
calculated using a user-specified enforced displacement (LDCDISP) acting on a given degree of freedom (LDCDOF) on a specific node (LDCGRID). All parameters are in the NXSTRAT entry. The direction of the displacement is given by its sign. As shown in Fig. 6.2-1, the input for the initial enforced displacement (in particular whether it is positive or negative) is critical in establishing successive equilibrium positions using the LDC method. As an example, two entirely different solution paths will be obtained for the same model shown in Fig. 6.2-1 if initial displacements of different signs are enforced for the first solution step.
After the first step, the program automatically traces the
nonlinear response by scaling the external load vector R proportionally, subject to the constraint of Eq. (6.2-5), so that at t (i) any discrete time t in iteration (i), the external load vector is R. t The scaling of the reference load vector using is analogous to the scaling of the applied loads R using a user predefined time
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide 277
function when the LDC method is not used (see Chapter 5). In the case of the LDC method, the scaling function is determined internally by the program instead of being user-specified.
Reference load = R, actual load at time t = tlR Enforced displacement for first step = 0D, displacement at time t = tD
a) Model considered
specified positive
specified negative
b) Equilibrium paths
Figure 6.2-1: Example of the dependence of solution path on the displacement enforced in the first step for the LDC method
The converged displacement must satisfy the following relation:
U 2 100
where U = t +t U t U is the incremental displacement vector for the current step, is a displacement convergence input factor (LDCIMAX parameter in NXSTRAT), and t U is the displacement vector obtained in the first step. If the above
inequality is not satisfied, an internal restart of the iteration for the current step is performed by the program.
The LDC solution terminates normally when any one of the
! A critical point on the equilibrium path has been passed and solution termination has been requested. ! !
The maximum number of arc length subdivisions (LDCSUBD in NXSTRAT) has been attempted using different strategies but each time the solution has failed to converge within the number of allowed iterations.
energy only, energy and force/moment, energy and translation/rotation, force/moment only, and translation/rotation only.
If contact is defined in an analysis, the contact force convergence criterion is always used in addition to the above criteria (see Chapter 4). The values of all convergence norms, whether used or not, are
provided in the .f06 file. For more details on the .f06 output format see Section 6.2.9. LDC method not used
If the LDC method is not used, the convergence in equilibrium iterations is reached when the following inequalities are satisfied:
U (i ) t +t R t +t F (i 1) ETOL t +t t (1)T U R F
where ETOL is a user-specified energy convergence tolerance. Force and moment convergence criteria For the translational degrees of freedom:
t +t
R t +t F (i 1)
R t +t F (i 1)
where RTOL is a user-specified force convergence tolerance, RNORM and RMNORM are user-specified reference force and moment norms. If left undefined the program automatically determines RNORM and RMNORM during execution. Translation/rotation convergence criteria For the translational degrees of freedom:
U (i )
U (i )
where DTOL is a user-specified force convergence tolerance, DNORM and DMNORM are user-specified reference displacement and rotation norms. If left undefined the program automatically determines DNORM and DMNORM during execution. Note that in each of these convergence criteria the residual norm is measured against a user-specified maximum residual value; for example, the force criterion could be interpreted as (norm of out-of-balance loads) RTOL RNORM where RTOL RNORM is equal to the user-specified maximum allowed out-of-balance load. Note also that these convergence criteria are used in each subdivision of time or load step when the ATS method of automatic step incrementation is used.
If contact is present in the analysis the following additional criterion is always used in measuring convergence
( max R ci 1) R (ci 2) , (i ) (i 1) ( max R ci 2) , RCONSM 2
( i 1) , (i ) is the Lagrange multiplier vector at the end of iteration ( i ) , RCONSM is a reference contact force level used to prevent
force convergence tolerance. Non-convergence: Convergence might not occur when the maximum number of iterations is reached or when the solution is diverging.
If the specified convergence criteria are not satisfied within the
allowed number of iterations, but the solution is not diverging, the following can be attempted:
Check the model according to the guidelines in Section 6.2.8. Use a smaller time step. Increase the number of allowable iterations. Change the ATS parameters.
! ! !
! Change convergence tolerances. In most cases, looser tolerances help. However, in some problems, tighter tolerances help by not allowing approximate solutions that could potentially prevent convergence in future time steps. ! Change line search. Some problems, such as those involving plasticity, perform better with line search. ! Change contact settings. The optimal contact settings and features depend on the model. See Chapter 4 for more details.
Divergence of solution terminates the iteration process before the maximum number of iterations is reached. It is sometimes detected when the energy convergence ratio in Eq. (6.2-6) becomes unacceptably large, or when the excessive displacements lead to distorted elements and negative Jacobians. In this case, the following can be attempted:
(i 1) R t +t F ( i 1)
(i 1) R t +t F ( i 1)
where RTOL is a user-specified force convergence tolerance, RNORM and RMNORM are user-specified reference force and moment norms. If left undefined the program automatically determines RNORM and RMNORM during execution. The translation/rotation convergence criteria, and the contact convergence criterion, are the same as when the LDC method is not used, see above. Non-convergence: If convergence has not been reached from an
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide 283
established equilibrium configuration after the maximum restart attempts, the program saves the required restart information and program execution is terminated. The solution can be continued by performing a restart run. Note that in this case the LDC method must be used in the restart run. A different value for the initial displacement can be enforced at a different nodal point in the first step of the restart run. The enforced initial displacement then corresponds to a displacement increment from the last converged equilibrium position, that is, at the time of solution start for the restart analysis. 6.2.8 Selection of incremental solution method
This section gives recommendations on which incremental solution method to use for a given analysis. Every nonlinear analysis should be preceded by a linear analysis, if only to check that the model has been set up correctly. The linear analysis results will highlight many important factors such as the proper application of boundary conditions, deletion of all degrees of freedom without stiffness, the quality of the finite element mesh, etc. If the use of a sufficient number of load steps and equilibrium iterations with tight convergence tolerances at each load step is considered to yield an accurate solution of the model, then the basic aim is to obtain a response prediction close to this accurate one at as small a solution cost as possible. It is helpful to know if the model softens or hardens under increasing load. Structures can soften due to the spread of plasticity, and they can soften or harden due to geometric nonlinear effects. Contact usually leads to hardening. Fig. 6.2-2 shows some examples. Displacement controlled loading generally converges faster than force controlled loading. For example, in the model shown in Fig. 6.2-2(b), applying an increasing tip displacement to the beam will converge faster than an applied load P, and both will follow the same load displacement curve. For the model in Fig. 6.2-2(c) force control would fail past the local maximum on the load-
displacement curve. Displacement controlled loading (apply an increasing ) would work in this case. Note that this case is also suitable for the LDC method.
When the ATS method is used, together with a reasonable time
step size, the ATS method will result in almost the same "iteration path" as when not using the method. Namely, no step subdividing will be performed if convergence is always directly reached at the user-specified load levels. Hence, in general, it is most convenient to use a reasonable number of load steps together with the ATS method.
If the problem involves localized buckling, or sudden changes due to contact, or other discontinuities, consider using the low speed dynamic feature. Make sure that the selected structural damping is not excessive. The LDC method is useful if collapse of the structure occurs during the (static) solution. It can also capture the post-collapse response. Note, however, that the solution at a specific load or displacement level cannot be obtained using the LDC method because the load increments are automatically calculated by the program. Note that usually it is quite adequate to employ the energy convergence tolerance only. The need to use one of the other convergence criteria arises when the energy convergence is not tight (small) enough. In addition, there exist special loading conditions under which the denominator of the inequality (6.2-6) in Section 6.2.7 becomes small and hence the inequality is difficult to satisfy.
(c) Softening/stiffening problem. Large displacement analysis of a thin arch
6.2.9 Example
COMPARE WITH COMPARE WITH ETOL RTOL DTOL RCTOL 1.00E-06 1.00E-02 (NOT USED) 1.00E-03 2.32E+06 740-Z -2.32E+06 1.96E+04 239-X 4.14E+03 5.89E+03 740-Z -1.35E+03 1.00E+03 39-Z -2.80E+02 1.77E+01 39-Z -5.76E+00 1.51E-01 79-Z 5.41E-02 5.22E-03 119-Z 2.05E-03 9.02E-06 119-Y -4.21E-06 1.53E-04 119-Y 7.55E-05 1.14E-08 159-Z 3.59E-09 4.84E-10 159-Z -1.80E-10 1.35E-02 239-Y -5.12E-03 3.47E-07 159-Z -1.16E-07 1.71E-04 119-Y -5.42E-05 6.76E-06 119-Y 2.76E-06 2.62E-07 119-Y -1.30E-07 5.20E-01 479-Y 1.72E-01 2.45E-05 39-X 3.53E-06 7.30E-03 79-Y -1.86E-03 4.46E+02 4.61E+03 3.12E+01 4.58E+03 1.99E-01 4.58E+03 2.64E-02 4.58E+03 4.45E+00 199-Y -1.16E+00 1.29E-04 42-X -1.67E-05 5.98E-02 279-Y -1.95E-02 4.54E+02 5.01E+03 9.93E+00 39-Y -2.37E+00 6.16E-04 239-X 1.52E-04 2.03E-01 279-Y 6.71E-02 4.74E+03 5.26E+03 1.77E-03 3.27E-03 319-Y -6.22E-04 4.79E-03 159-Z -1.14E-03 7.45E-01 239-Y 1.64E-01 4.74E+03 4.11E+03 1.00E+00 2.32E+05 3.27E-04 1.96E+03 9.93E-01 5.89E+02 4.45E-01 1.91E-06 1.00E+02 5.20E-02 1.11E-09 1.77E+00 1.35E-03 3.85E-13 1.51E-02 1.53E-05 8.35E-16 5.22E-04 9.02E-07 6.92E-02 8.63E-01 8.90E-03 2.35E-01 1.86E-03 6.92E-02 3.53E-04 8.45E-03 5.01E-06 1.98E-04 1.65E-07 7.83E-06 6.99E-09 3.03E-07 1.15E+00
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =
Figure 6.2-3: (continued) This section presents a worked example that illustrates the nonlinear iteration and convergence concepts previously discussed. Figure 6.2-3 shows the iteration history for a load step. The standard Newton method with line searches is used with the energy and force convergence criterion (ETOL=110-6, RTOL=0.01, RNORM=10.0, RMNORM =10.0). For contact RCTOL=110-3 and the reference contact force RCONSM=0.01. For line search STOL=0.01. Row ITE=0: This row shows the result of the initial iteration called iteration 0. For this iteration, the program performs the following steps: Compute Compute
t +t t +t
U (0) = t U .
F (0) and
t +t
K (0) using
t +t
U (0) .
Compute the out-of-balance force vector t +t R t +t F (0) . Only considering translational degrees of freedom, the norm of the out-of-balance force vector is t +t R t +t F (0) = 2.32106 and
the largest magnitude in the out-of-balance force vector is -2.32106 at the Z translational degree of freedom of node 740. Only considering rotational degrees of freedom, the norm of the out-of-balance force vector is t +t R t +t F (0) = 3.2710-3
and the largest magnitude in the out-of-balance force vector is -6.2210-4 at the Y rotational degree of freedom of node 319. Compute U (0) using t +t K (0) U (0) =t +t R t +t F (0) . Only considering translational degrees of freedom, the norm of the
= 4.7910-3 and
the largest magnitude in the incremental displacement vector is 1.1410-3 at the Z displacement of node 159. Only considering rotational degrees of freedom, the norm of the incremental displacement vector is U (0) = 7.4510-1 and
the largest magnitude in the incremental displacement vector is 1.6410-1 at the Y rotation of node 239. Computes the out-of-balance energy
U (0)
t +t
R t +t F (0) ) = 2.24103.
Compute the norm of the change in contact forces CFORCE=4.74103, and the norm of the contact forces CFNORM=4.11103. Compute the energy convergence criterion
R t +t F (0)
t +t
RNORM R t +t F (0)
Note that the displacement and rotation norms are also substituted into the displacement convergence criterion, which results in
U (0)
= 6.9210-2 and
= 8.6310-1.
Since DNORM and DMNORM are not provided by the user, they are automatically estimated by the program. The above displacement convergence values however are not used in determining convergence. Row ITE=1: This row shows the results of the first equilibrium iteration. In this iteration, the program performs the following steps: Compute
t +t
U (1) =
t +t
U (0) t +t R t +t F (1) . This ratio turns out to search ratio (0)T t +t t +t (0) U R F
be greater than STOL=0.01, so line search is performed for 3 steps and ends up with a line search energy ratio of 5.9510-8 which is less than STOL, corresponding to (1) = 0.999 . Compute Compute
t +t
U (1) =
t +t
t +t
F (1) using
t +t
K (1) .
Note that the stiffness matrix is updated since the standard Newton method is used. Compute the out-of-balance force vector t +t R t +t F (1) . Only considering translational degrees of freedom, the norm of the out-of-balance force vector is t +t R t +t F (1) = 1.96104
4.14103 at node 239 (X translation). Only considering rotational degrees of freedom, the norm of the out of balance force vector is t +t R t +t F (1) = 9.93100 and the largest
magnitude in the out-of-balance force vector is 2.37100 at node 39 (Y rotation). Compute U (1) using t +t K (1) U (1) =t +t R t +t F (1) . Only considering translational degrees of freedom, the norm of the incremental displacement vector is U (1) = 6.1610-4 and
the largest magnitude in the incremental displacement vector is 1.5210-4 at node 239 (X translation). Only considering rotational degrees of freedom, the norm of the incremental displacement vector is U (1) = 2.0310-1 and the largest
magnitude in the incremental displacement vector is 6.7110-2 at node 279 (Y rotation). Compute CFORCE=4.7410 3 and CFNORM=5.2610 3. Compute the out-of-balance energy
U (1)
t +t
R t +t F (1) ) = 3.95100.
R t +t F (1)
ETOL, the force convergence criterion is greater than RTOL, the moment convergence criterion is greater than RTOL, and the contact convergence criterion is greater than RCTOL. Therefore, convergence is not satisfied. The displacement convergence criterion is also evaluated for informational purposes. Row ITE=2: This row shows the results from the second equilibrium iteration. This row is interpreted exactly as is row ITE=1. The line search factor in this case is 4.8410-1 obtained in 5 line search iterations. Again, none of the convergence criteria is satisfied. However, they are all getting smaller. Row ITE=3: This row shows the results from the third equilibrium iteration. This row is interpreted exactly as is row ITE=2. Again, none of the convergence criteria is satisfied. Row ITE=4: This row shows the results from the fourth equilibrium iteration. In this case, the previous increment of displacement from the solver U (3) satisfies the line search energy tolerance STOL so no line search is performed.
t +t
At the end of the that equilibrium iteration, the energy convergence criterion is
Row ITE=5: The row shows the results for the fifth equilibrium iteration. Contact convergence criterion is now also satisfied leaving only force convergence unsatisfied. The solution continues. Row ITE=6: The row shows the results from the sixth equilibrium iteration. In this case, all convergence criteria are satisfied and convergence is reached.
M = C = K = t t +t R, R = t F =
t t
## ## U, t +t U =
constant mass matrix constant damping matrix constant stiffness matrix external load vector applied at time t, t+t nodal point force vector equivalent to the element stresses at time t vectors of nodal point accelerations at time t, t+t
U, t +t U = vectors of nodal point displacements at time t, t+t t # t +t # U, U = vectors of nodal point velocities at time t, t+t
U = vector of nodal point displacement increments from time t to time t+t, i.e., U = t+tU - tU.
## # M t +t U + C t +t U + K t +t U = t +t R
The procedures used in the time integration of the governing equations for dynamic analysis are summarized in ref. KJB, Chapter 9.
The time integration of the governing equations can use the Newmark method or the Bathe composite time integration method. The Newmark method is explained in ref. KJB., Section 9.2.4, and the Bathe composite method is explained in the following paper.
K.J. Bathe, Conserving Energy and Momentum in Nonlinear Dynamics: A Simple Implicit Time Integration Scheme J. Computers and Structures, Vol. 85, Issue 7-8, pp. 437-445. (2007)
In the Bathe composite method, the time increment t is divided into two, the displacements, velocities, and accelerations are solved for at a time t + t, where (0,1) using the standard Newmark method. The parameter is always set to 2 2 0.5858 to keep the same effective stiffness matrix in the two substeps and to avoid recalculating that matrix and refactorization. In the second substep a 3-point Euler backward method is used to solve for the displacements, velocities and accelerations at time t + t using the results at time t and t + t . The following assumptions are used in the Newmark method:
t +t
# # ## U = t U + (1 ) t U +
t +t
## U t
## U t 2
t +t
1 ## # U = t U + t U t + t U + 2
t +t
where and are the Newmark time integration parameters. This transforms Eq. (6.3-1) to
K t +t U = t +t R
K = K + a0 M + a1C
# ## # ## R =t +t R + M ( a0 t U + a2 t U + a3 t U ) + C ( a1 t U + a4 t U + a5 t U )
(6.3-6) and where a0, a1, ... , a5 are integration constants for the Newmark method (see Ref. KJB, Section 9.2.4). A similar procedure can be followed for the Bathe composite time integration scheme.
ref. KJB Sections 9.2.4 and 9.4.4
acceleration method of Newmark) obtained by using = 0.5, = 0.25 is recommended for linear dynamic analysis (when the Newmark method is used).
The trapezoidal rule has the following characteristics:
! It is an implicit integration method, meaning that equilibrium of the system is considered at time t+t to obtain the solution at time t+t.
It is unconditionally stable. Hence, the time step size t is selected based on accuracy considerations only, see ref. KJB, Section 9.4.4.
Whether the mass and damping matrices are diagonal or banded (lumped or consistent discretization), the solution always requires that a coefficient matrix be assembled and factorized.
M ( i ) = ( i ) H ( i )T H ( i ) dV
where ( i ) is the density, and H ( i ) is the displacement interpolation matrix specific to the element type.
The construction of the lumped mass matrix depends on the
type of element used. Each of the elements in Chapter 2 detail how its lumped mass matrix is calculated. For elements with translational degrees of freedom only, the total mass of the element is divided equally among its nodes. 6.3.2 Damping
ref. KJB Section 9.3.3
Damping can be added directly to the model through Rayleigh damping. Additional indirect damping results from the selected time integration parameters, plasticity and friction. If Rayleigh damping is specified, the contributions of the
C Rayleigh = M + K
where M is the total system mass matrix which can be lumped or consistent, and K is the total system stiffness matrix.
See Ref. KJB, Section 9.3.3, for information about selecting the
Rayleigh damping constants , . In the modal basis, the damping ratio can be written as
i =
i + 2i 2
where i is the damping ratio for mode i . It is clear that tends to damp lower modes and tends to damp higher modes. If is not used, then a value of =
motions with periods smaller than Tp . Hence motions with periods smaller than Tp can be suppressed by choosing =
. This may
be of interest when using damping to suppress numerical oscillations. The above comments apply only when the stiffness matrix does not change significantly during the analysis, however.
Nonlinear dynamic analysis in Solution 601 is performed by direct implicit integration using the Newmark method or the Bathe composite time integration method, similar to linear dynamic analysis.
The use of Rayleigh damping
) is the same as
described in Section 6.3.2. In this case, the total mass matrix and the initial total stiffness matrix are used to evaluate the Rayleigh damping matrix.
only once in Solution 601, before the step-by-step solution of the equilibrium equations.
The governing equations at time
t + t are
## # M t +t U (i ) + C t +t U (i ) + t +t K U ( i ) = t +t R t +t F (i 1) ## # where t +t U ( i ) , t +t U ( i ) , t +t U ( i 1) + U ( i ) are the approximations to the accelerations, velocities, and displacements obtained in iteration (i) respectively. t+t (i-1) F is equivalent to the The vector of nodal point forces element stresses in the configuration corresponding to the t+t (i-1) U . displacements
The trapezoidal rule obtained by using = 0.5 and = 0.25 is
recommended if the Newmark method is used. Note that for contact/impact problems, it is sometimes better to set = 0.5 as explained in Section 4.6.1.
The dynamic equilibrium equations are solved using the same iterative procedures used in static analysis, including the ATS method and line search, see Sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 for more details. However, the LDC method cannot be used in dynamics. The energy and force/moment convergence criteria used in nonlinear dynamic analysis are:
Force and moment convergence criteria For the translational degrees of freedom:
t +t
## # R M t +t U (i 1) C t +t U ( i 1) t +t F (i 1)
For the rotational degrees of freedom:
## # R M t +t U (i 1) C t +t U ( i 1) t +t F (i 1)
Translation/rotation convergence criteria For the translational degrees of freedom:
U (i )
U (i )
where DTOL, DNORM and DMNORM are user-specified tolerances. The meaning of the different tolerances is as stated in Section 6.2.4 for nonlinear static analysis.
The same contact convergence criteria, guidelines for dealing with lack of convergence, and modeling tips explained in Sections 6.2.4 and 6.2.5 are applicable to nonlinear dynamic analysis. In dynamic analysis the solution is more sensitive to the time step size. Using a large step leads to inaccurate time integration regardless of the tightness of the convergence tolerances.
6.5 Solvers
Three solvers are available in Solution 601. These are the direct sparse solver, the iterative multi-grid solver and the 3D-iterative solver. Details on parallel processing can be found in Section 8.6. The spare solver is the only choice for heat transfer analysis.
zero or negative diagonal element) is encountered during solution, the program may stop or continue, according to the following rules:
! If a diagonal element is exactly equal to 0.0, Solution 601 stops unless
- The equation number corresponding to the zero diagonal element is only attached to inactive elements (elements that are dead due to rupture or the element death feature). - The user requested that Solution 601 continue execution using the NPOSIT flag in the NXSTRAT entry.
6.5: Solvers
not equal to zero, or the value of a diagonal element is negative, Solution 601 stops unless one of the following options is used: - Automatic load-displacement (LDC) - Automatic time-stepping (ATS) - Contact analysis - The user requested that Solution 601 continue execution using the NPOSIT flag in the NXSTRAT entry.
When Solution 601 stops, it prints informational messages for the zero or negative diagonal elements.
element is smaller than 10-12, it assigns a very large number to the diagonal element, effectively attaching a very stiff spring to that degree of freedom.
Note that the stiffness matrix can be non-positive definite due to a modeling error, for example if the model is not sufficiently restrained in static analysis. In this case the results obtained can be misleading.
The conditioning sensitivity of the multi-grid solver makes it more suited for bulky 3-D solid models compared to thin structural models where the membrane stiffness is much higher than the bending stiffness. It also makes it more efficient in dynamic analysis (compared to static), because of the stabilizing effect of the mass matrix (inertia effect) on the coefficient matrix. Note that the multi-grid solver cannot recognize that the stiffness matrix is singular. For such problems, the solver will iterate without converging. The multi-grid solver is sometimes also less efficient for problems with
- displacement coordinate systems that vary significantly along the model - a large number of rigid elements or constraint equations - a large number of rod or beam elements - some contact problems. In such cases, the 3D-iterative solver might be used, see Section 6.5.3.
The main practical differences between the use of the direct solver and the multi-grid solver are as follows:
! The direct solver executes a predetermined number of operations after which the solution is obtained. It is less sensitive to the conditioning of the coefficient matrix. ! The multi-grid solver performs a predetermined number of operations per iteration, but the number of iterations is not known beforehand. The number of iterations depends on the condition number of the coefficient matrix. The higher the condition number, the more iterations are needed. The number of iterations required varies from a few hundred to a few thousand.
6.5: Solvers
Regarding the convergence of the multi-grid method, assume that the system of equations to be solved is Ax = b , D is the diagonal vector of A , N is the dimension of x, x ( k ) is the approximate solution at solver iteration k, and the residual vector is r ( k ) = b Ax ( k ) . We can define:
RDA( k ) = r ( k ) D
RDB ( k ) = x ( k ) x ( k 1) , RDC ( k ) = x ( k ) , RDR = min ( RDA( k ) / RDA(1) , RDB ( k ) / RDB (1) ) , and RDX = RDB ( k ) / RDC ( k ) .
The multi-grid method converges when one of the following criteria is reached:
max x ( k ) x ( k 1) EPSII * 0.1
where EPSIA, EPSIB, and EPSII are convergence tolerances set via the NXSTRAT entry. The defaults are EPSIA=10-6, EPSIB=10-4, EPSII=10-8. However, for nonlinear analysis with equilibrium iterations, looser tolerances can be used. 6.5.3 3D-iterative solver
The 3D-iterative solver has been developed to efficiently solve
large models containing mainly higher order 3-D solid elements (e.g., 10-node CTETRA, 20-node CHEXA, etc.).
The 3D-iterative solver is invoked if SOLVER=2 in the NXSTRAT entry.
In addition to the higher order 3-D solid elements, the models can contain other elements available in the program (e.g., shells, rods, beams, rebars, etc.), including contact conditions. The 3D-iterative solver is effective in linear or nonlinear static analysis and in nonlinear dynamic analysis. The 3D-iterative solver, like all iterative solvers, performs a
approximate solution at inner-iteration i and r i (= b Ax i ) be its corresponding residual. The convergence in the iterative solver is said obtained if any one of the following criteria is satisfied
b 0 or
Equation residual:
r i 0 or
x i x i1 0
i<3 i3 i <3 i 3
Solution residual:
Solution norm:
x = 1 1 xi n
In the above, 0 1016 , the equation scale rscale = b , and the variable scale
304 Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
6.5: Solvers
{ {
execution via the runtime option file tmpadvnlin.rto. The NXSTRAT parameters that can be modified are MAXITE, DTOL, ETOL, RCTOL, RTOL, STOL, RCONSM, RNORM, RMNORM, DNORM, and DMNORM. Only one parameter can be specified in each line of the .rto file.
7.1 Formulation
The central difference method (CDM) is used for time integration in explicit analysis (see ref. KJB, Section 9.2.1). In this case, it is assumed that
1 ## U = 2 ( t t U 2 t U + t +t U ) t
1 # U= ( t t U + t +t U ) 2t
## # M tU + C tU = tR tF
## # Substituting the relations for t U and t U in Eq. (7.1-1) and (7.1-2), respectively, into Eq. (7.1-3), we obtain
1 t +t 2 1 t t 1 1 C U = tR tF + 2 M tU 2 M + C U 2 M+ t 2t 2t t t
7.1: Formulation
t +t
The central difference method has the following characteristics: ! It is an explicit integration method, meaning that equilibrium of the finite element system is considered at time t to obtain the solution at time t+t.
When the mass and damping matrices are diagonal, no coefficient matrix needs to be factorized, see ref. KJB, p. 772. The use of the central difference method is only effective when this condition is satisfied. Therefore, only lumped mass can be used in Solution 701. Also damping can only be massproportional. No degree of freedom should have zero mass. This will lead to a singularity in the calculation of displacements according to Eq. 7.1-4, and will also result in a zero stable time step. The central difference method is conditionally stable. The time step size t is governed by the following criterion
t tCR =
where tCR is the critical time step size, and TNmin is the smallest period in the finite element mesh.
The central difference method is most effective when low-order
elements are employed. Hence quadratic 3-D solid and shell elements are not allowed.
The time step in Solution 701 can be specified by the user, or calculated automatically (via the XSTEP parameter in NXSTRAT). When the user specifies the time, Solution 701 does not perform any stability checking. It is the users responsibility, in this case, to ensure that an appropriate stable time step is used. When automatic time step calculation is selected, the TSTEP entry is only used to determine the number of nominal time steps and the frequency of output of results. The stable time step is used
instead of the value in TSTEP (unless the value in TSTEP is smaller). For example, if the following TSTEP entry is used TSTEP, 1, 12, 1.0, 4 there will be 12 nominal steps each of size 1.0. If the stable time step is smaller than 1.0 it will be used instead and results will be saved as soon as the solution time exceeds 4.0, 8.0 and exactly at 12.0 since it is the last step of the analysis. 7.1.1 Mass matrix
The construction of the lumped mass matrix depends on the type of element used. Details are provided in the appropriate section in Chapter 2.
For elements with translational degrees of freedom only, the total mass of the element is divided equally among its nodes. For elements with rotational masses (beam and shell elements), the lumping procedure is element dependent. Note that the lumping of rotational degrees of freedom is slightly different in implicit and explicit analysis. The rotational masses in explicit analysis are sometimes scaled up so that they do not affect the elements critical time step. 7.1.2 Damping
Damping can be added directly to the model through Rayleigh damping. Additional indirect damping results from plasticity, friction and rate dependent penalty contact. Only mass-proportional Rayleigh damping is available in explicit analysis. Hence, the damping matrix C in Eq. 7.1-3 is set to:
C Rayleigh = M
where M is the total lumped mass matrix.
308 Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
7.1: Formulation
See Ref. KJB, Section 9.3.3, for information about selecting the Rayleigh damping constant .
7.2 Stability
ref. KJB Section 9.4.2
The stable time step for a single degree of freedom with central difference time integration is
tCR =
t tCR =
TN min
N max
E max
where N max is the highest natural frequency of the system, which is bound by the highest natural frequency of all individual elements in a model Emax (see Ref. KJB, Example 9.13, p. 815).
When automatic time step is selected, the time step size is
t = K t E min = K
E max
where K is a factor (set via the XDTFAC parameter in NXSTRAT) that scales the time step.
For most element types the critical time step can be expressed in
t E =
L c
where the definition of the length L and the wave speed c depend on the element and material type. For all elastic-plastic materials
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
the elastic wave is used. This condition is used in Solution 701 instead of actually evaluating the natural frequency in Eq. (7.2-1).
Note that the critical time step calculated for all elements is only an estimate . For some elements and material combinations it is exact, and for others it is slightly conservative. However, it may not be small enough for excessively distorted elements (3-D solid and shells), and it will therefore need scaling using K factor in Eq (7.2-1). The time step also changes with deformation, due to the change
in the geometry of the elements and the change in the wave speed through the element (resulting from a change in the material properties). Rod elements The critical time step for a 2-node rod element is
t E =
L c
where L is the length of the element, and c is the wave speed through the element
Beam elements The critical time step for the (Hermitian) beam element is
t E =
L 12 I / 1+ 2 c AL
where L is the length of the element, A is the element area, I is largest moment of area, and c is the wave speed through the element
7.2: Stability
t E =
L c
where L is a characteristic length of the element based on its area and the length of its sides, and c is the planar wave speed through the shell, which for linear isotropic elastic materials is
E (1 2 )
The critical time step estimated here is only approximate, and may be too large for excessively distorted shell elements. 3-D solid elements The critical time step for the 3-D solid elements is
t E =
L c
where L is a characteristic length of the element, based on its volume and the area of its sides, and c is the wave speed through the element. For linear isotropic elastic materials c is given as
E (1 ) (1 + )(1 2 )
The critical time step estimated here is only approximate, and may be too large for excessively distorted 3-D solid elements. Spring elements The critical time step for a spring element is
t E =
M 1M 2 K (M1 + M 2 )
where M1 and M2 are the masses of the two spring nodes and K is its stiffness. Massless springs are not taken into account in the calculation of the stable time step. R-type elements These elements are perfectly rigid and therefore do not affect the stability of explicit analysis. Gap and Bushing elements These elements use the same criterion as spring element.
simulation time. Since this time step is determined based on the highest eigenvalue of the smallest element, a single small or excessively distorted element could considerably increase the solution time, even if this element is not relevant to the full model. Note that the element having the smallest critical time step size is always provided in the output file.
Ideally, all elements should have similar critical time steps. If the material properties are uniform throughout the model this means that elements should approximately have the same lengths (see Eq. 7.2-2). The evaluation of the critical time step for each element takes
some computational time. Therefore, it does not need to be performed at every time step. The parameter XDTCAL in NXSTRAT determines how frequently the critical time step is reevaluated.
The time step size for explicit analysis can be unduly small for a realistic solution time. Three features are provided to deal with this problem. A global mass scaling variable can be applied to all elements in the model (the XMSCALE parameter in NXSTRAT). This scale factor is applied to the densities of all elements, except scalar elements where it is applied directly to their mass. Mass scaling could also be applied to elements whose automatically calculated initial time step is below a certain value (XDTMIN1 parameter in NXSTRAT). A mass scale factor is then applied to these elements to make their time steps reach XDTMIN1. The mass scaling ratio is then held constant for the duration of the analysis. Elements with automatically calculated time step smaller than a specified value (XDTMIN2 parameter in NXSTRAT) can be
completely removed from the model. This parameter is useful for extremely small or distorted elements that do not affect the rest of the model.
The three parameters explained above (XMSCALE, XDTMIN1
and XDTMIN2) should all be used with great care to ensure that the accuracy of the analysis is not significantly compromised.
For heat transfer in a body, we assume that the material of the body obeys Fourier's law of heat conduction, i.e.,
q = k
q = heat flux (heat flow conducted per unit area) = temperature k = thermal conductivity (material property)
The law states that the heat flux is proportional to the temperature gradient, the constant of proportionality being the thermal conductivity, k, of the material. The minus sign indicates the physical fact that a positive heat flux along direction >x= is given by a drop in temperature in that direction / x < 0 . Consider a three-dimensional solid body as shown in Fig. 8.1-1. In the principal axis directions x, y, and z we have
qx = k x
; q y = k y ; qz = k z x y z
where qx , q y , qz and k x , k y , k z are the heat fluxes and conductivities in the principal axis directions. Equilibrium of heat flow in the interior of the body thus gives
B kx + ky + kz = q x x y y z z
where q B is the rate of heat generated per unit volume.
At the boundaries of the body one of the following conditions must be satisfied: (8.1-2) S = e
= qS
where e is the external surface temperature (on surface S1), kn is the body thermal conductivity in the direction n of the outward normal to the surface, and q S is the heat flow input to the body across surface S2. This quantity may be constant or a function of temperature as in the case of convection and radiation boundary conditions.
The governing principle of virtual temperatures corresponding to the above equation can be found in Section 7.2.1 of ref. KJB. The incremental form of the equations is provided in Section 7.2.2, and the discretized finite element equations are provided in Section 7.2.3. Note that any region of the boundary where no boundary conditions or loads are explicitly applied is assumed, by virtue of the formulation, to have
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide
qS = 0
This implies that the boundary is insulated, allowing no heat transfer across it.
Note that a time-dependent temperature distribution has not been considered in the above equations i.e., steady-state conditions have been assumed. For transient problems the heat stored within the material is given by
# qC = c
where c is the material specific heat capacity and is the density. q C can be interpreted as forming part of the heat generation term
q B , i.e.,
# " q B = q B c " where q B does not include any heat capacity effect.
Note that all terms involving stored heat always involve the product c . Hence, it is an acceptable modeling technique to set to 1.0 and c to the heat capacity per unit volume (instead of the specific heat).
In heat transfer analysis loads and boundary conditions can be specified. More details on these loads and boundary conditions are provided in Chapter 5. In all cases, the heat flux or heat generated are converted to nodal heat fluxes by consistent integration of the finite element load vector over the domain of the load application. See ref. KJB Section 7.2.3 for details.
Temperature conditions: The temperature is prescribed on the boundary denoted by S1 in equation (8.1-2). Heat flow conditions: The heat flow input is prescribed on the boundary denoted by S2 in equation (8.1-3). Convection boundary conditions: The heat flow input is specified on the boundary denoted by S2 in (8.1-3) according to the following convection condition
q S = h ( e S )
with h being the convection coefficient (possibly temperature dependent), e the ambient (external) temperature, and S the body surface temperature. Radiation boundary conditions: The heat flow input is specified on the boundary denoted by S2 in (8.1-3) according to the following radiation condition
q S = f e r4 ( S )
where is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, f is a view factor or shape factor, e is the material emissivity, r is the temperature of the radiative source (or sink) and S is the unknown body surface temperature. Both temperatures are in the absolute scale. Note that in the above equation the abosptivity is assumed to be equal to the emissivity. Internal heat generation: Internal heat is generated inside the body. This is introduced as the q B term in equation (8.1-1). Initial conditions: For a transient analysis the temperature distribution at the start of the analysis must be specified.
K = Q
where K is the effective conductance matrix with contributions from thermal conduction, boundary convection and radiation. Q is the nodal heat flow vector with contributions from all thermal load sources such as convection, radiation, boundary heat flux and internal heat generation.
In nonlinear thermal analysis, the finite element system of equations to be solved at iteration i of time step t + t is
t +t i i 1 K ( ) ( ) = t +t
Q t +t Q(I
i 1)
( ) =
t +t
i 1)
+ ( )
( ) = t +t (
i 1)
+ ( ) ( )
i i
where a line search scaling factor is obtained from a line search in the direction of in order to reduce out-of-balance residuals according to the following criterion
i i ( ) t +t Q t +t Q(I ) TOL ( i )T t +t t +t ( i 1) Q Q I T
(i )
where TOL is a hard-coded tolerance equal to 5 x 10-3, and the magnitude of is bounded as follows
In linear transient thermal analysis, the finite element system of equations to be solved is
# C + K = Q
where the C heat capacity matrix is an addition term compared to the steady state analysis.
! The heat matrix can be calculated as lumped or consistent (set via the HEATCAP flag in the TMCPARA entry). ! In nonlinear transient thermal analysis, the finite element system of equations to be solved is
t +t
i 1)
i i 1 #i i 1 ( ) + t +t K ( ) ( ) = t +t Q t +t Q(I )
! Both standard or modified Newton methods can be used, and line search can also be used, as explained in the previous section. ! The time integration of the governing equations can be performed using one of three available time integration schemes: the Euler backward method, the trapezoidal rule, or the Bathe composite time integration method. All three methods are implicit. Explicit analysis is not supported for heat transfer problems.
The choice of times tep size t is important; if t is too large then the equilibrium iteration process may not converge for nonlinear problems. For transient problems, the accuracy will also be sacrificed with an excessively large time step. On the other hand, too small a time step may result in extra effort unnecessarily being made to reach a given accuracy. Therefore it is useful to provide some guidelines as to the choice of time step size t. We would like to use as large a time step as the accuracy/stability/convergence conditions allow. Thus the guidelines are phrased as upper limits on the time step size t, i.e.
t tmax
! Consider the governing differential equation for constant thermal conductivity and heat capacity in one dimension (extrapolation to higher dimension is possible)
2 =k 2 t x
qw L k
t t =
x L
where 0 is the initial temperature, a characteristic time, L a characteristic length, and qw a characteristic heat flux input. This yields the equation
a 2 = 2 2 t L x
where a =
characteristic time to be
F0 =
at L2
This number gives the ratio of the rate of heat transferred by conduction to the rate of heat stored in the medium. To obtain a time step value, a related parameter is introduced
F0 =
a ( t )
( x )
where x is a measure of the element size. Thus, given an element size x and a value of F0 , a time step size can be determined. The recommended value of F0 given below comes from stability and accuracy considerations. However, since all available time integration schemes are implicit, accuracy becomes the primary consideration.
F0 1
or equivalently
( x ) t
gives reasonably accurate solutions (again, overall solution accuracy depends on the "mesh size" x). The minimum value of
( x )
"element size" x is taken, for low or high-order elements, as the minimum distance between any two adjacent corner nodes of the element.
To provide guidelines for the choice of element size x, we consider the case of a semi-infinite solid initially at a uniform temperature, whose surface is subjected to heating (or cooling) by applying a constant temperature or constant heat-flux boundary condition. We define a "penetration depth", , which represents the
distance into the solid at which 99.9% of the temperature change has occurred at a time t. For the above posed problem, which has an analytical solution, we have
= 4 at
where a is the thermal diffusivity. Thus the penetration zone of the domain must have a sufficient number of elements to model the spatial temperature variation, but beyond that zone larger elements can be used without loss of accuracy. Since the penetration zone increases with time, we define a time tmin which is the minimum >time of interest= of the problem. tmin may be the first time at which the temperature distribution over the domain is required, or the minimum time at which discrete temperature measurements are required. Given this time tmin we divide the penetration zone into a number of elements, e.g., for a one-dimensional model, such that
4 atmin N
Usually N = 10 gives an effective resolution of the penetration zone for a variety of boundary conditions and time integration schemes i.e.,
2 atmin 5
Note that for a given (large) tmin, the element size upper bound may be greater than the physical dimensions of the problem. In this case it is obvious that the element size must be significantly reduced.
Although consideration was given to one-dimensional problems only, the generalization of x to two- and three-dimensional problems has been shown to be valid. Hence the above element size can also be used for two- and three-dimensional problems.
! !
governed by the structural model. The same will frequently also apply to the time step size (for iterative TMC coupling).
The second is iterative coupling which is a two-way coupling where both the thermal and structural solutions are interdependent.
! ! TMC coupling can involve any combination of static or implicit dynamic structural analysis, and steady state or transient heat transfer analysis. This feature is useful due to the potential for different physical time scales between the structural and heat transfer models. The settings needed for each combination are listed below (TRANOPT parameter is in TMCPARA entry).
when the stresses should be zero). These errors vanish as finer finite element idealizations are employed. Fig. 9.a summarizes the results of a simple analysis that illustrates these concepts.
q = 20
q = 100
Two linear elements One thermal element model Two thermal element model
sxx 0
sxx 0
l l
Figure 9.a: Simple problem to schematically demonstrate solution inaccuracies that can arise due to discretizations used in heat flow and stress analyses
In iterative coupling, the thermal solution can affect the structural solution and the structural solution can affect the thermal solution.
! The coupling from structural to thermal models includes the following effects:
< Internal heat generation due to plastic deformations of the material < Heat transfer between contacting bodies < Surface heat generation due to friction on the contact surfaces.
! At the beginning of each time step, the structural model is solved for the displacements using the current temperatures. Then the heat transfer model is solved for the temperatures using the current displacements. This cycle constitutes one TMC equilibrium iteration. TMC convergence is then assessed, and if it is not reached, then the structural and heat transfer models are solved again using the new current displacements and new current temperatures. This process is repeated until TMC convergence is reached. Note that within each TMC equilibrium iteration, the heat transfer and structural models each have their own internal iteration procedure and convergence criteria. ! In strongly coupled problems, a temperature relaxation factor can be used to help reach convergence. This is set via the
TRELAX parameter in the TMCPARA entry and defaults to 1.0, which corresponds to no relaxation. The temperatures used in the structural analysis in the case of temperature relaxation at a TMC iteration k are based on the temperatures in the last heat transfer TMC iteration k-1 as well as the prior heat transfer TMC iteration k-2.
(k ) (k (k structure = (1 ) heat 2) + heat1)
Internal heat generation due to plastic deformations of the material: The internal heat generated due to plastic deformations in a unit volume QM is computed as
QM = : D p
where is the Cauchy stress tensor and D p is the plastic velocity strain tensor. The overbar denotes Acorresponding to the intermediate configuration@. is a parameter, 0 1 , to account for the fraction of plastic work that gets converted to internal heat. It is set via the HGENPL parameter in the TMCPARA entry. This feature is only available for 2-D solid, 3-D solid and shell elements. Heat transfer between contacting bodies: Contact heat transfer is governed by an equation similar to that used for convection boundary conditions: the heat transfer between contacting bodies I and J is
qcIJ = h ( J I )
where h is the contact heat transfer coefficient (set via the TMCHHAT parameter in the BCTPARA entry) and I and J are the surface temperatures of the contacting bodies. In the limit as h approaches infinity, the temperatures of the contacting bodies become equal to each other. With h large, equation (9.2) can be considered a penalty method approximation to the equation I =J .
Surface heat generation due to frictional contact: Frictional contact heat generation per unit time at the contactor node G is computed as IJ # qG = U (9.3)
# where is the frictional contact force and U is the magnitude of the relative velocity of the contacting bodies at the point of contact. IJ The amount of heat going to the contactor body is f c qG and
IJ the amount of heat going to the target body is f t qG , where f c and
0 f c 1,
0 f t 1,
0 f c + ft 1
The whole contactor body heat is applied to the contactor node. The target body heat is distributed among the target segment nodes. The parameters h , f c , f t can be specified for the whole contact group, or for each contact pair.
10.2 Restart
Restart is a useful feature in Advanced Nonlinear Solution. It can be used when the user wishes to continue an analysis beyond its previous end point, or change the analysis type, loads or boundary conditions or tolerances. A restart analysis is set via the MODEX flag in the NXSTRAT entry. All relevant solution data needed for a restart run are saved in a file in case they are needed in a restart analysis. The frequency of data writing to a restart file is set via the IRINT flag in the NXSTRAT entry.
Advanced Nonlinear Solution Theory and Modeling Guide 331
Note that multiple restart data can be appended to the restart file. This enables the restart analysis to be based on a solution step different from the last converged solution. Saving multiple time step solutions to a restart file can be expensive, however, as it leads to a large restart file size. If no restart time is provided in the second model (achieved by setting the restart from 0.0), the program uses the data for the latest restart time on the .res file. Note that once the second analysis starts, it will overwrite the .res file with new data. Therefore, if the user wishes to redo the second run, then the .res file must be copied again from the first model. This does not apply to when restart data is appended to the .res file. The geometry, and most element data cannot be changed in a restart analysis. However, the following changes are allowed: ! Type of analysis can change. Static to dynamic and dynamic to static restarts are allowed.
Solution type can be changed. Solution 601 (static or dynamic) to Solution 701 restarts are allowed and vice-versa. Some restrictions are imposed however when changing solution type: Features not available in either solution type cannot be used. Incompatible modes cannot be used.
! Solution control variables can change. The flags, constants and tolerances for the iteration method, convergence, time integrations, automatic time stepping and load-displacementcontrol can be changed. ! Externally applied loads and enforced displacements can be modified. ! The material constants can be changed. However, note that in a restart run the same material model (with the same number of stress-strain points and the same number of temperature points, if applicable) must be used for each element as in the
10.2: Restart
preceding run.
! ! !
Boundary conditions can be changed. Constraint equations and rigid elements can be changed.
Contact settings can be changed. This includes most contact set, contact pair and contact surface parameters. See section 4.6.4 for restrictions.
When restarting from static to dynamic analysis (both implicit and explicit dynamics), the initial velocities and accelerations are assumed to be zero. However, if an initial velocity is prescribed in the restart run, it will be used instead. When restarting from one dynamic analysis to another, initial velocities and accelerations are transferred from the first to the second run.
the total system of finite elements at the time of birth and all times thereafter.
If the element death option is used, the element is taken out of the total system of finite elements at times larger than the time of death. If both element birth and death options are used, the element is added to the total system of finite elements at the time of birth and remains active until the time of death. The time of death must be greater than the time of birth. The element is taken out of the total system of finite elements at all times larger than the time of death.
Once an element is born, the element mass matrix, stiffness matrix and force vector are added to the mass matrix, stiffness matrix and force vector of the total element assemblage (until the death time, if any). Similarly, once an element dies, the element mass matrix, stiffness matrix and force vector are removed from the total assembled mass matrix, stiffness matrix and force vectors for all solution times larger that the time of death of the element. Note that an element is born stress free. Hence, even if the
nodal points to which the new element is connected have already displaced at the time of birth, these displacements do not cause any stresses in the element, and the stress-free configuration is defined to occur at the nearest solution time less than or equal to the birth time.
Column to be replaced
Ground level
Tunnel to be excavated
l l l l l l l l l l l l l
Figure 10.3-1: Analyses that require the element birth and death options
When the element birth/death option is used, the tangent
stiffness matrix may at some solution times contain zero rows and corresponding columns. The equation solver disregards any zero diagonal element in the tangent stiffness matrix if no elements are attached to the associated degrees of freedom.
Advanced Nonlinear Solution enables the user to set an element death decay time parameter (DTDELAY in NXSTRAT) which causes the gradual reduction of the element stiffness matrix to zero
over a finite time rather than instantly. The reduction starts at the death time and progresses linearly with time until the decay time has passed. The element therefore totally vanishes at a time equal to the sum of the death time and the death decay time. This option is useful for mitigating the discontinuity that the structure may experience due to the death of some of its elements.
The element birth/death option applies to any mass effect i.e., gravity loading, centrifugal loading and inertia forces. The mass matrix, therefore, does not remain constant throughout the solution. The time at which an element becomes active or inactive is specified by the parameters TBIRTH and TDEATH respectively (in the EBDSET entry). If an element is required to be born at time tb, i.e., the
configuration of the element at time tb corresponds to the stressfree configuration, you should input TBIRTH = tb + where
t = and t is the time step between time tb and the next 1000
t and 1000 t is the time step between the previous solution time and time td .
time td, you should input TDEATH = td - , where =
Birth option active: Fig. 10.3-2(a) shows the activity of an element for which the birth option is active. Note that if TBIRTH is input for the range shown (where TBIRTH > tb and TBIRTH is tb + t), then the stress-free configuration of the element is at time tb, and the element is first active at time tb + t. Note that the stress in the element is based on the displacements measured from the configuration at time tb, irrespective of the input value of TBIRTH, provided that TBIRTH is input in the range shown in Fig. 8.3-2(a). See also the example given below.
Death option active: Fig. 10.3-2(b) shows the activity of an element for which the death option is active. Note that if TDEATH is input for the range shown (where TDEATH td - t and TDEATH < td), then the element is first inactive at time td.
TBIRTH in this range causes the element to be included in the stiffness matrix and the force vector at time t+Dt
t+Dt First solution time for which the element is active (a) Birth option active
TDEATH in this range causes the element to be not included in the stiffness matrix and the force vector at time t
Time t First solution time for which the element is inactive (b) Death option active
Figure 10.3-2: Use of element birth and death option Birth then death option active: This is a direct combination of the birth and death options. Initially some elements in an element group are inactive. At a particular solution time determined by the time of birth TBIRTH, the elements become active and remain so until a subsequent solution time determined by the time of death TDEATH, where TDEATH > TBIRTH. Example of the element birth option: Consider the materially linear truss element model shown in Fig. 10.3-3(a) in which the time of birth for element 2 is slightly larger than t. At time t, the t t length L corresponding to the load F is determined as shown in t Fig. 10.3-3(b). Note that L corresponds to the length at which element 2 is stress-free.
u(t) F(t)
Element 1
K1=AE/ 0L F1int=K1(tL-0L)
Figure 10.3-3: Example on the use of the element birth option At the time of birth, element 2 with length L is added to the system which was already in equilibrium, see Fig. 8.3-3(c). Note that the internal force in element 2 is exactly zero after its addition to the system. At time t + t, element 2 is now active. The force in element 2 is determined based on its deformation with respect to the stressfree state, see Fig. 8.3-3(d). Hence, the total increment in displacement from time t to time t + t determines the force in the truss. Identically, the same solution would be obtained using any value for TBIRTH which satisfies the relation TBIRTH > t and TBIRTH t + t.
Element 2
Element 2
K2=AE/ tL Fint=K2(t+DtL-tL) 2
Element 1
matrix take into account the mass coupling to the deleted degrees of freedom. The reactions exactly equilibrate the applied forces in all cases.
diagonal stiffness terms (except those belonging to contact equations). At the same time, the right-hand-side load vector is not modified. The diagonal stiffness terms are modified as follows
K ii = (1 + STAB ) K ii
where STAB is the stabilization factor set via the MSFAC parameter in the NXSTRAT entry. The default stabilization factor selected by Solution 601 is suitable for most stabilization problems.
Two different stablization settings are available. It can be always turned on (MSTAB=1), or it can be set to automatic (MSTAB=2) where stabilization is activated if needed. This is deterermined based on the ratio of the factorized maximum and minimum diagonals. When it is active, stabilization is applied to all degrees of freedom. The automatic stabilization setting is only available for the sparse and 3D-iterative solvers. Since the internal force vector is not affected by this
stabilization, the exact solution is the same as without stabilization. However, the iteration history, or the displacements at each iteration can be affected. A large stabilization factor will result in a slow convergence or no convergence, while a very small stabilization factor will not remove the singularities in the system.
Insufficiently supported static problems can alternatively be treated by adding weak springs at various locations in the model. Stiffness stabilization is generally more beneficial for the following reasons:
! Determining the number, location and stiffness of the springs requires a lot of user intervention. ! !
The stiffness of the spring has to be entered as an absolute value while the stiffness stabilization factor is normalized with respect to the stiffness matrix.
! The springs generate an internal force, which affects the exact solution while the stiffness stabilization does not.
Note that even if no supports are present in the model, the stiffness matrix will be positive definite once the stabilization factor is applied. Stiffness stabilization can only be used for nonlinear analyses.
DL 1
Bolt direction N
bolts can vary depending on the loads applied to the rest of the model.
Both small and large displacement formulations can be used for the bolts beam elements. Any cross-section available for the beam element can be used, but only the isotropic elastic material model can be used. In the bolt force calculations we iterate as follows:
K (i 1) U ( i ) = R (Ii 1) 0 F ( i 1)
U (i ) = 0 U (i 1) + U (i )
where R (Ii1) is the consistent nodal point force corresponding to the forces in the bolt elements.
The bolt force convergence is checked for every bolt element m:
Rm R0 m R0 m
where R 0 is the user-input bolt force for element m, R m is the m current force in bolt element m, and TOLL is an internal tight bolt tolerance.
( i 1)T
( i 1) dV
Different modeling techniques with varying complexity can be used to model a bolt. Three such techniques are shown in Fig. 10.7-2, in increasing level of complexity. In the third technique, solid elements are used throughout the bolt except at one section where a layer of solid elements is removed and replaced by the beam bolt element. This technique can accurately capture model contact interactions and also bolt rupture since any material model can be applied to the solid elements section of the bolt.
One or more bolt elements No contact needed (a) Bolt modeled with bolt element only Solid elements
One or more bolt elements Contact at top and bottom (b) Bolt element used only for bolt shank
Bolt element
Contact all around if needed (c) Bolt element only used for cutout section of bolt shank Figure 10.7-2. Different bolt modeling techniques
If the ATS method is used, it is also applied to the bolt loading procedure. For the TLA and TLA-S automatic time step options, the bolt loading procedure can only be applied at the beginning of the analysis or at restart. The same holds for the LDC method. Bolt loading can be used with heat flow analysis, for both oneway and fully coupled TMC analysis.
Depending on the size of the problem and the available memory, there are 2 internal in-core/out-of-core settings determined by the program. These 2 memory settings are:
The stiffness (and mass) matrices and the element information are all stored in-core. (IOPTIM=3)
! ! The stiffness (and mass) matrices are stored in-core, while the element information is kept out-of-core. (IOPTIM=2)
The memory setting detemined by the program is reported in the .f06 file as the IOPTIM storage flag. The sparse solver and the 3D-iterative solver may both be set to in-core or out-of-core. When using the iterative multi-grid solver (Section 6.5.2), the solution is always performed in-core. The out-of-core solution procedure would take an unreasonably long time in most cases.
Solution 701 Solution 701 can only run in-core. Enough memory must be provided.
Additional reading
Additional reading
This section lists some additional readings (publications since 1993) related to Solution 601. References on the analysis of fluid flows and fluid-structure interactions are not given. Books K.J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall, 1996 D. Chapelle and K.J. Bathe, The Finite Element Analysis of Shells Fundamentals, Springer, 2003 Papers N.S. Lee and K.J. Bathe, Effects of Element Distortions on the Performance of Isoparametric Elements, Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 36, 3553-3576, 1993.
M.L. Bucalem and K.J. Bathe, Higher-Order MITC General Shell Elements, Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 36, 37293754, 1993.
K.J. Bathe, J. Walczak and H. Zhang, Some Recent Advances for Practical Finite Element Analysis, J. Computers & Structures, 47, No. 4/5, 511-521, 1993.
D. Chapelle and K.J. Bathe, The Inf-Sup Test, J. Computers & Structures, 47, No. 4/5, 537-545, 1993.
K. Kato, N.S. Lee and K.J. Bathe, Adaptive Finite Element Analysis of Large Strain Elastic Response, J. Computers & Structures, 47, No. 4/5, 829-855, 1993.
K.J. Bathe, Remarks on the Development of Finite Element Methods and Software, Int. J. of Computer Applications in Technology, 7, Nos. 3-6, 101-107, 1994.
Additional reading
N.S. Lee and K.J. Bathe, Error Indicators and Adaptive Remeshing in Large Deformation Finite Element Analysis, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 16, 99-139, 1994.
P. Gaudenzi and K.J. Bathe, An Iterative Finite Element Procedure for the Analysis of Piezoelectric Continua, J. of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 6, No. 2, 266-273, 1995.
G. Gabriel and K.J. Bathe, Some Computational Issues in Large Strain Elasto-Plastic Analysis, Computers & Structures, 56, No. 2/3, pp. 249-267, 1995.
D. Pantuso and K.J. Bathe, A Four-Node Quadrilateral MixedInterpolated Element for Solids and Fluids, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 5, No. 8, 1113-1128, 1995.
K.J. Bathe, Simulation of Structural and Fluid Flow Response in Engineering Practice, Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, 1, 47-77, 1996.
M.L. Bucalem and K.J. Bathe, Finite Element Analysis of Shell Structures, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 4, 3-61, 1997.
A. Iosilevich, K.J. Bathe and F. Brezzi, On Evaluating the Inf-Sup Condition for Plate Bending Elements, Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 40, 3639-3663, 1997.
K.J. Bathe, O. Guillermin, J. Walczak, and H. Chen, Advances in Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Automobiles, Computers & Structures, 64, no., 5/6, 881-891, 1997.
K.J. Bathe and P. Bouzinov, On the Constraint Function Method for Contact Problems, Computers & Structures, 64, no. 5/6, 1069-1085, 1997.
D. Pantuso and K.J. Bathe, On the Stability of Mixed Finite Elements in Large Strain Analysis of Incompressible Solids, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 28, 83-104, 1997.
Additional reading
D. Pantuso and K.J. Bathe, Finite Element Analysis of ThermoElasto-Plastic Solids in Contact, Proceedings, Fifth International Conference on Computational Plasticity, Barcelona, Spain, March 1997. K.J. Bathe, On Reliability in Finite Element Analysis: Choosing the Mathematical Model, Finite Element Discretization and Time Integration, Proceedings, Seventh Structural Engineering Arab Conference, Kuwait City, Kuwait, November 1997. D. Chapelle and K.J. Bathe, Fundamental Considerations for the Finite Element Analysis of Shell Structures, Computers & Structures, 66, no. 1, 19-36, 1998.
K.J. Bathe, J. Walczak, O. Guillermin, P.A. Bouzinov and H. Chen, Advances in Crush Analysis, Computers & Structures, 72, 31-47, 1999.
K.J. Bathe, S. Rugonyi and S. De, On the Current State of Finite Element Methods Solids and Structures with Full Coupling to Fluid Flows, Proceedings of Plenary Lectures of the Fourth International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JM Ball and JCR Hunt, eds), Oxford University Press, 2000. K.J. Bathe, A. Iosilevich and D. Chapelle, An Evaluation of the MITC Shell Elements, Computers & Structures, 75, 1-30, 2000.
K.J. Bathe, A. Iosilevich and D. Chapelle, An Inf-Sup Test for Shell Finite Elements, Computers & Structures, 75, 439-456, 2000.
D. Chapelle and K.J. Bathe, The Mathematical Shell Model Underlying General Shell Elements, Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 48, 289-313, 2000.
D. Pantuso, K.J. Bathe and P.A. Bouzinov, A Finite Element Procedure for the Analysis of Thermo-Mechanical Solids in Contact, Computers & Structures, 75, 551-573, 2000.
Additional reading
W. Bao, X. Wang, and K.J. Bathe, On the Inf-Sup Condition of Mixed Finite Element Formulations for Acoustic Fluids, Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences, 11, no. 5, 883-901, 2001.
K.J. Bathe, The Inf-Sup Condition and its Evaluation for Mixed Finite Element Methods, Computers & Structures, 79, 243-252, 971, 2001.
N. El-Abbasi and K.J. Bathe, Stability and Patch Test Performance of Contact Discretizations and a New Solution Algorithm , Computers & Structures, 79, 1473-1486, 2001.
J.-F. Hiller and K.J. Bathe, Higher-Order-Accuracy Points in Isoparametric Finite Element Analysis and Application to Error Assessment, Computers & Structures, 79, 1275-1285, 2001.
X. Wang, K.J. Bathe and J. Walczak, A Stress Integration Algorithm for J3-dependent Elasto-Plasticity Models, in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier Science, 2001. M. Kawka and K.J. Bathe, Implicit Integration for the Solution of Metal Forming Processes, in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier Science, 2001. D. Chapelle and K.J. Bathe, Optimal Consistency Errors for General Shell Elements, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t.332, Serie I, 771776, 2001. K.J. Bathe and F. Brezzi, Stability of Finite Element Mixed Interpolations for Contact Problems, Proceedings della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, s. 9, 12, 159-166, 2001.
P. S. Lee and K.J. Bathe, On the Asymptotic Behavior of Shell Structures and the Evaluation in Finite Element Solutions, Computers & Structures, 80, 235-255, 2002.
Additional reading
K.J. Bathe, J.F. Hiller and H. Zhang, On the Finite Element Analysis of Shells and their Full Interaction with Navier-Stokes Fluid Flows (B.H.V. Topping, ed.), Computational Structures Technology, 2002. K.J. Bathe, D. Chapelle and P.S. Lee, A Shell Problem HighlySensitive to Thickness Changes, Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 57, 1039-1052, 2003.
J.F. Hiller and K.J. Bathe, Measuring Convergence of Mixed Finite Element Discretizations: An Application to Shell Structures, Computers & Structures, 81, 639-654, 2003.
K.J. Bathe, P.S. Lee and J.F. Hiller, Towards Improving the MITC9 Shell Element, Computers & Structures, 81, 477-489, 2003.
F.J. Montns and K.J. Bathe, On the Stress Integration in Large Strain Elasto-Plasticity, in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier Science, 2003. K.J. Bathe and F.J. Montns, On Modeling Mixed Hardening in Computational Plasticity, Computers & Structures, 82, 535-539, 2004.
D. Chapelle, A. Ferent and K.J. Bathe, 3D-Shell Elements and Their Underlying Mathematical Model, Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences, 14, 105-142, 2004.
P.S. Lee and K.J. Bathe, Development of MITC Isotropic Triangular Shell Finite Elements, Computers & Structures, 82, 945-962, 2004.
N. El-abbasi, J.W. Hong and K.J. Bathe, The Reliable Solution of Contact Problems in Engineering Design, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 1, 3-16, 2004.
low speed dynamics, 271 2 2-D conduction elements numerical integration, 63 2-D solid elements, 13, 56 formulations, 61 mass matrices, 63 material models, 61 numerical integration, 62 plane strain, 56 recommendations for use, 64 nd 2 Piola-Kirchhoff stresses, 92
B Beam elements, 22 cross-sections for, 26 elastic, 24 elasto-plastic, 25 mass matrices, 32 numerical integration, 29 off-centered, 23 shear deformations, 28 warping effects, 29 Bernoulli-Euler beam theory, 23 Bolt feature, 342 Bolt preloads, 257 Boundary conditions convection, 263, 318 displacement, 243 essential, 243 force, 243 heat flows, 318 heat flux load, 265 moment, 243 natural, 243 radiation, 264, 318 temperatures, 318 Bubble functions, 71 C Cauchy stresses, 88, 92 Centrifugal loads, 251, 252 Composite shell elements, 48 Composite time integration, 294 Concentrated loads, 246 Concentrated mass element, 83 Consistent contact surface stiffness, 185 Constraint equations, 258 Constraint-function method, 172, 175
3 3-D conduction elements numerical integration, 74 3-D solid elements, 13, 65 formulation, 72 mass matrices, 73 material models, 72 numerical integration, 73 recommendations for use, 75 3D-iterative solver, 303 5 5 degrees of freedom node, 44 6 6 degrees of freedom node, 45 A Accumulated effective plastic strain, 115 Applied temperatures, 255 Arc length method, 276, 277, 285 Arruda-Boyce material model, 134 ATS method, 272, 285
Contact algorithm, 174, 178 Contact birth/death, 185 Contact compliance, 189 Contact damping, 193, 205 Contact detection, 190 Contact features, 189 Contact oscillations, suppressing, 191 Contact pairs, 164 Contact set properties, 178 Contact surface compliance, 184 Contact surface depth, 180 Contact surface offsets, 179 Contact surfaces, 162, 164 constraint-function method, 172, 175 convergence, 202 initial penetration, 181 rigid target method, 174, 206 segment method, 174 Contact surfaces extension, 183, 262 Convection boundary condition, 263 Convergence criteria, 279 contact, 281 energy, 280, 283, 285, 298 force and moment, 280, 283, 298 translation and rotation, 280, 285, 299 Coupled thermo-mechanical analysis, 326 Creep laws, 123 exponential, 124 power, 123 Creep strains O.R.N.L. rules for cyclic loading conditions, 124 strain hardening, 124 D Damper elements, 13, 76 Deformation gradient tensor elastic, 95
inelastic, 95 total, 93 Deformation-dependent distributed loads, 248 Deformation-dependent pressure loads, 248 Director vectors, 36 Displacement-based finite elements, 59, 68 Distributed loads beam, 249 deformation dependent, 248 Dynamic analysis, 293, 297 E Effective plastic strain, 114 Elastic-creep material models, 117 Elastic-isotropic material model, 99, 101 Elastic-orthotropic material model, 99, 101 3-D solid elements, 102, 103 Elasto-plastic material model, 110 Element birth/death, 268, 333 Element death due to rupture, 340 Element locking, 55 Elements 2-D solid, 13, 56 3-D solid, 13, 65 beam, 13 concentrated mass, 83 dampers, 13, 76 gap, 83, 84 general, 75 line, 13, 19 masses, 13, 76 other, 83 rigid, 78 rod, 13 R-type, 13, 77 scalar, 13, 76
shell, 13, 32 solid, 13, 65 springs, 13, 76 surface, 13, 56 Enforced displacements, 254, 255 Enforced motion, 254 Engineering strains, 88, 90 Engineering stresses, 88, 92 Equilibrium iterations full Newton method, 269 Explicit dynamic analysis, 306 Exponential creep law, 124 F Five degrees of freedom node, 44 Formulations for 2-D solid elements, 61 3-D solid elements, 72 rod elements, 20 shell elements, 41 Fourier number, 322 Fourier's law, 315 Friction basic models, 186 pre-defined models, 186 Friction delay, 185 Full Newton iterations, 269 line searches, 269 G Gap element, 83, 84 Gap override, 182 Gasket material model, 148 General elements, 75 Green-Lagrange strains, 89, 90 H Heat flux boundary load, 265 Hermitian beam elements, 22 Hyperelastic material models, 128
Hyper-foam material model 3-D analysis, 137 axisymmetric analysis, 137 plane strain analysis, 137 selection of material constants, 137 I Implicit time integration, 293 trapezoidal rule, 295, 298 Improperly supported bodies, 204 Incompatible modes finite elements, 71 Inelastic deformations, 95 Inertia loads, 251 Initial conditions, 318, 331 Internal heat generation, 266 Isotropic hardening, 111 Iterative multi-grid solver, 301 Iterative thermo-mechanical coupling heat transfer between contacting bodies, 329 internal heat generation, 329 surface heat generation due to frictional contact, 330 K Kinematic hardening, 111 Kirchhoff stresses, 92 L Large displacement formulation, 20, 25, 41, 99, 116 Large displacement/large strain formulation, 24, 62, 72, 89, 112, 128 Large displacement/small strain formulation, 24, 62, 72, 88, 112, 119 LDC method, 276, 285 Limiting maximum incremental
displacement, 206 Line elements, 13, 19 Line search, 269, 270 Linear dynamic analysis, 293 Linear formulation, 41, 62, 72, 100 Linear static analysis, 267, 310, 311 Loading centrifugal, 251, 252 concentrated, 246 inertia, 251 mass-proportional, 251, 254 Logarithmic strains, 91 Low speed dynamics, 271 M Mass elements, 13, 76 Mass matrices for 2-D elements, 63 shell elements, 52 Mass matrix, 296, 308 Mass scaling, 313 Mass-proportional loads, 251, 254 Material models, 86 Arruda-Boyce, 134 elastic-creep, 117 elastic-isotropic, 99, 101 elastic-orthotropic, 99, 101 elasto-plastic, 110 gasket, 148 hyperelastic, 128 Mooney-Rivlin, 130 nonlinear elastic, 104, 108, 109 orthotropic conductivity, 160 plastic-bilinear, 110 plastic-multilinear, 110 Shape Memory Alloy, 151, 152 SMA, 151, 152 Sussman-Bathe, 138 temperature-dependent elastic, 116 thermal elasto-plastic, 117 thermal isotropic, 116
thermal orthotropic, 116 thermal strain effect, 146 Material models for 2-D solid elements, 61 3-D solid elements, 72 rod elements, 20, 61 shell elements, 41 Materially-nonlinear-only formulation, 41, 62, 72, 112, 116, 119 Matrices for 3-D solid elements, 73 beam elements, 32 Memory allocation, 300 in-core solution, 345, 346 out-of-core solution, 345, 346 Mesh glueing, 259 MITC, 34 Mixed Interpolation of Tensorial Components, 34 Mixed-interpolated finite elements, 60, 69 Mixed-interpolation formulation, 112, 131 Modeling of gaps, 109 Mooney-Rivlin material model, 130 selection of material constants, 131 Multilayer shell elements, 48 N Nominal strains, 91 Nonconvergence, 282, 283 Nonlinear dynamic analysis, 297 Nonlinear elastic material model, 104, 108, 109 Nonlinear static analysis, 268 selection of incremental solution method, 284 Non-positive definite stiffness matrix, 300 Numerical integration for
2-D solid elements, 62 3-D solid elements, 73 beam elements, 29 rod elements, 20 O O.R.N.L. rules for cyclic loading conditions, 124 Ogden material model selection of material constants, 134 Orthotropic conductivity material model, 160 P Parallel processing, 345 rigid target contact algorithm, 345 Penetration depth, 323 Plastic strains, 121 Plastic-bilinear material model, 110 Plastic-multilinear material model, 110 Positive definite stiffness matrix, 267 Post-collapse response, 276 Power creep law, 123 Pre-defined friction models, 186 Pressure loads deformation-dependent, 248 R Radiation boundary condition, 264 Rayleigh damping, 296, 297, 308 Reactions, 339 Recommendations for use of shell elements, 55 Restart, 331 Restart with contact, 192 Rigid elements, 78 Rigid target, 345 Rigid target contact algorithm, 206 Rigid target method, 174, 206
Rod elements, 19 formulations, 20 material models, 20, 61 numerical integration, 20 Rotation tensor, 93, 94 R-type elements, 13, 77 Rupture conditions, 115 S Scalar elements, 13, 76 Second Piola-Kirchhoff stresses, 92 Segment method, 174 Shape Memory Alloy, 151 Shell elements, 13, 32 4-node, 55 basic assumptions in, 34 composite, 48 director vectors, 36 formulations, 41 locking, 55 mass matrices, 52 material models, 41 MITC, 55 multilayer, 48 nodal point degrees of freedom, 42 recommendations for use, 55 shear deformations, 39 thick, 55 thin, 55 Six degrees of freedom node, 45 SMA material model, 151 Small displacement contact feature, 162, 169 Small displacement formulation, 20, 25, 100, 116 Small displacement/small strain formulation, 24, 41, 62, 72, 88, 112, 119 Solid elements, 13, 65 Solvers, 299, 305, 314 3D-iterative solver, 303
iterative multi-grid solver, 301 sparse solver, 300 Sparse solver, 300 in-core, 300 memory allocation, 300 out-of-core, 300 Specific heat matrix, 321 Spring elements, 13, 76 Stabilized TLA method, 275 Static analysis, 267, 310, 311 Steady state analysis, 319 Stiffness stabilization, 205, 269, 340 Strain hardening, 124 Strain measures, 90 engineering strains, 88, 90 Green-Lagrange strains, 90 logarithmic strains, 91 stretches, 91 Stress measures, 91 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress, 92 Cauchy stress, 92 Cauchy stresses, 88, 92 engineering stress, 92 engineering stresses, 88, 92 Kirchhoff stress, 92 Second Piola-Kirchhoff stresses, 92 Stretch tensor right, 93 Stretches, 89, 91 Structural vibration, 295 Superelastic effect, 151 Suppressing contact oscillations, 191 Surface elements, 13, 56 Sussman-Bathe material model, 138
T Temperature-dependent elastic material models, 116 Thermal elasto-plastic material models, 117 Thermal isotropic material model, 116 Thermal orthotropic material model, 116 Thermal strains, 97, 121 Tied contact, 168 Time functions, 241, 243 Time step management, 313 TL formulation, 62, 72, 100, 112, 116, 119, 128 TLA method, 275 TLA-S method, 275 Total Load Application method, 274 Transient analysis, 320 choice of mesh size, 321 choice of time step size, 321 Trapezoidal rule, 295, 298 True strains, 91 U UL formulation, 100, 112, 116, 119 ULH formulation, 73, 112, 119 ULJ formulation, 112 V von Mises yield condition, 31