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3HAC051193 - RobotWare Add-Ins

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Application manual

RobotWare Add-Ins
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Checked in 2016-09-08
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Application manual
RobotWare Add-Ins
RobotWare 6.04

Document ID: 3HAC051193-001

Revision: C

© Copyright 2015-2016 ABB. All rights reserved.

The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not
be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors
that may appear in this manual.
Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be
construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by ABB for losses, damages to
persons or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like.
In no event shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from
use of this manual and products described herein.
This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without ABB's
written permission.
Additional copies of this manual may be obtained from ABB.
The original language for this publication is English. Any other languages that are
supplied have been translated from English.

© Copyright 2015-2016 ABB. All rights reserved.

Robotics Products
Se-721 68 Västerås
Table of contents

Table of contents
Overview of this manual ................................................................................................................... 7
Product documentation, IRC5 .......................................................................................................... 9
Safety ................................................................................................................................................ 11

1 Introduction 13
1.1 About RobotWare Add-Ins .................................................................................. 13
1.2 The CIRCLEMOVE example ................................................................................ 15

2 RobotWare Add-In functionality 17

2.1 Required files and file structure ........................................................................... 17
2.2 version.xml ...................................................................................................... 19
2.3 install.cmd ....................................................................................................... 21
2.3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 21
2.3.2 Commands ............................................................................................ 22
2.3.3 Examples of install.cmd files ..................................................................... 30
2.4 RAPID code ..................................................................................................... 31
2.5 Event log messages .......................................................................................... 33
2.5.1 About event log messages ........................................................................ 33
2.5.2 Event log texts ........................................................................................ 34
2.5.3 Event log titles ........................................................................................ 36
2.5.4 Validating event log .xml files .................................................................... 37
2.6 System parameters ........................................................................................... 38
2.6.1 About cfg files ........................................................................................ 38
2.6.2 Topic Controller ...................................................................................... 41
2.6.3 Topic I/O System ..................................................................................... 44
2.6.4 Topic Man-machine Communication ........................................................... 45
2.6.5 Example cfg files ..................................................................................... 55
2.7 Using data from files .......................................................................................... 57
2.7.1 Using text strings from a file ...................................................................... 57
2.7.2 Including language files ............................................................................ 58
2.8 Hide RAPID content ........................................................................................... 59
2.9 Optional settings for RAPID arguments (RAPID meta data) ....................................... 61
2.9.1 Hide arguments in programs ..................................................................... 62
2.9.2 Hide optional argument when changing selected instruction ............................ 64
2.9.3 Argument filter ........................................................................................ 66
2.9.4 Argument value range .............................................................................. 68
2.10 FlexPendant applications .................................................................................... 69

3 RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool 71

3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 71
3.1.1 About RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool ..................................................... 71
3.1.2 Options ................................................................................................. 73
3.1.3 Files ..................................................................................................... 75
3.1.4 Signing with digital certificates ................................................................... 76
3.2 The user interface ............................................................................................. 80
3.2.1 The main window .................................................................................... 80
3.2.2 The product manifest view ........................................................................ 81
3.2.3 The files and folders view ......................................................................... 86
3.2.4 The signing certificate view ....................................................................... 87
3.3 Creating a new Add-In ........................................................................................ 88
3.3.1 Recommended working procedure ............................................................. 88
3.4 Converting an Additional option to an Add-In .......................................................... 89
3.4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 89
3.4.2 Recommended working procedure ............................................................. 90

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Table of contents

4 License Generator 91
4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 91
4.2 The user interface ............................................................................................. 92
4.2.1 The Preferences window .......................................................................... 92
4.2.2 The main window .................................................................................... 93
4.3 Creating the License .......................................................................................... 94

Index 95

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Overview of this manual

Overview of this manual

About this manual
This manual contains instructions for how to create your own Add-In to use with
ABB’s robot systems.

With the help of this manual, you can package functionality into an Add-In and
create a license that allows access to the Add-In.

Who should read this manual?

This manual is intended for:
• line builders that want to implement the same program solution on many
• ABB’s partners, selling the robot systems with their own functionality added
• ABB companies selling robot systems

The reader should...
• be experienced in working with ABB robots
• be experienced RAPID programmer
• be familiar with system parameters


Reference Document ID
Technical reference manual - System parameters 3HAC050948-001
Operating manual - RobotStudio 3HAC032104-001


Revision Description
- Released with RobotWare 6.00.01
First release.
A Released with RobotWare 6.02
• Added section about I/O signals, see Topic I/O System on page 44.
• Updated the path to the utility folders throughout the manual, for example
see Template files on page 33.
• Added section Hide RAPID content on page 59.
• Added section Optional settings for RAPID arguments (RAPID meta
data) on page 61 and updated section register on page 27.
• Updated the section RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool on page 71.
• Minor corrections.

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Overview of this manual

Revision Description
B Released with RobotWare 6.03
• Added the tag VersionName to the version.xml file, see version.xml on
page 19.
• Updated the section register on page 27.
• Added sections Argument filter on page 66 and Argument value range
on page 68.
• Updated the section Product details tab on page 81.
• Minor corrections.
C Released with RobotWare 6.04
• Added commands for deleting items in the FlexPendant programming
window picklist, see install.cmd on page 21.
• Added command direxist, see Commands on page 22.
• Minor corrections.

8 Application manual - RobotWare Add-Ins

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Product documentation, IRC5

Product documentation, IRC5

Categories for user documentation from ABB Robotics
The user documentation from ABB Robotics is divided into a number of categories.
This listing is based on the type of information in the documents, regardless of
whether the products are standard or optional.
All documents listed can be ordered from ABB on a DVD. The documents listed
are valid for IRC5 robot systems.

Product manuals
Manipulators, controllers, DressPack/SpotPack, and most other hardware is
delivered with a Product manual that generally contains:
• Safety information.
• Installation and commissioning (descriptions of mechanical installation or
electrical connections).
• Maintenance (descriptions of all required preventive maintenance procedures
including intervals and expected life time of parts).
• Repair (descriptions of all recommended repair procedures including spare
• Calibration.
• Decommissioning.
• Reference information (safety standards, unit conversions, screw joints, lists
of tools).
• Spare parts list with exploded views (or references to separate spare parts
• Circuit diagrams (or references to circuit diagrams).

Technical reference manuals

The technical reference manuals describe reference information for robotics
• Technical reference manual - Lubrication in gearboxes: Description of types
and volumes of lubrication for the manipulator gearboxes.
• Technical reference manual - RAPID overview: An overview of the RAPID
programming language.
• Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types:
Description and syntax for all RAPID instructions, functions, and data types.
• Technical reference manual - RAPID kernel: A formal description of the
RAPID programming language.
• Technical reference manual - System parameters: Description of system
parameters and configuration workflows.

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Product documentation, IRC5

Application manuals
Specific applications (for example software or hardware options) are described in
Application manuals. An application manual can describe one or several
An application manual generally contains information about:
• The purpose of the application (what it does and when it is useful).
• What is included (for example cables, I/O boards, RAPID instructions, system
parameters, DVD with PC software).
• How to install included or required hardware.
• How to use the application.
• Examples of how to use the application.

Operating manuals
The operating manuals describe hands-on handling of the products. The manuals
are aimed at those having first-hand operational contact with the product, that is
production cell operators, programmers, and trouble shooters.
The group of manuals includes (among others):
• Operating manual - Emergency safety information
• Operating manual - General safety information
• Operating manual - Getting started, IRC5 and RobotStudio
• Operating manual - IRC5 Integrator's guide
• Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant
• Operating manual - RobotStudio
• Operating manual - Trouble shooting IRC5

10 Application manual - RobotWare Add-Ins

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Safety of personnel
A robot is heavy and extremely powerful regardless of its speed. A pause or long
stop in movement can be followed by a fast hazardous movement. Even if a pattern
of movement is predicted, a change in operation can be triggered by an external
signal resulting in an unexpected movement.
Therefore, it is important that all safety regulations are followed when entering
safeguarded space.

Safety regulations
Before beginning work with the robot, make sure you are familiar with the safety
regulations described in the manual Operating manual - General safety information.

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1 Introduction
1.1 About RobotWare Add-Ins

1 Introduction
1.1 About RobotWare Add-Ins

What is an Add-In
In RobotWare 6 the concept of additional options has been replaced with RobotWare
Add-Ins. If you were familiar with the additional option concept, you will see that
from a structural point of view, additional options and Add-Ins are handled the
same way on the robot controller. What is new is that the packaging has been
changed to simplify installation with Installation Manager. For more information
about the packaging tool and process, see RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool on
page 71.

Using Add-Ins
Add-Ins allow to create installable supplemental software packages that extend
the capabilities offered by RobotWare, making ABB's robot controllers even smarter
and even more user-friendly. Creating RobotWare Add-Ins is also the recommended
way for 3rd party developers to add new features into RobotWare.
An Add-In can include a number of RAPID modules, system modules, or program
modules which hold the basic code for the Add-In. The Add-In also includes some
files for loading and configuration at start up. The Add-In may also include .xml
files with event log messages in different languages.
An Add-In can also consist of more advanced coding, such as C# code, for
FlexPendant applications. This manual will cover the first case, with coding done
in RAPID only. For more advanced coding, use RobotStudio SDK applications.

Unlicensed, open, Add-Ins

What you need from ABB to package your own open Add-In is:
• RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool

Licensed Add-Ins
What you need from ABB to package your own licensed Add-In is:
• RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool
• a licence certificate for the RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool for your Add-In
To license the Add-In, you will also need:
• License Generator
• a publisher certificate.
• a licensing certificate for the License Generator
For more information, see Digital signing on page 76.

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1 Introduction
1.1 About RobotWare Add-Ins

Basic approach
These are the major steps for creating an Add-In. More detailed descriptions are
given later in this manual.
1 Create the RAPID code for the Add-In, see RAPID code on page 31.
2 Create the event message files, see Event log messages on page 33.
3 Create configuration files for system parameters, see System parameters
on page 38.
4 Create the file version.xml, see version.xml on page 19.
5 Create the file install.cmd, see install.cmd on page 21.
6 Create and package the RobotWare Add-In, see RobotWare Add-In Packaging
tool on page 71.
7 For licensed Add-Ins:
Create a licence file, see License Generator on page 91.
8 Use the Installation Manager in RobotStudio to create a system that uses
the Add-In.
For more information, see Operating manual - RobotStudio.

Selections within Add-Ins

An Add-In can contain selections (that is, optional functionality selectable at
installation). For more information see getkey on page 24 and Feature Data on
page 83.

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1 Introduction
1.2 The CIRCLEMOVE example

1.2 The CIRCLEMOVE example

Throughout this manual, an example Add-In is used to illustrate how to implement
an Add-In. This Add-In is called CIRCLEMOVE.
Some parts of this manual have detailed reference information for commands and
syntax used in the Add-In files. Looking at the examples can be a way of solving
your problem without having to read all the reference information.

The Add-In CIRCLEMOVE contains an instruction called MoveCircle that will
move the robot in a complete circle. This instruction is added to a pick list on the
FlexPendant and behaves just like one of the original instructions.
Error messages are stored in .xml files (in this example only in English), and are
used in the RAPID code.

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2 RobotWare Add-In functionality
2.1 Required files and file structure

2 RobotWare Add-In functionality

2.1 Required files and file structure

Add-In files
An Add-In consists of a number of files that you need to create in order to make
your own Add-In.
File type Description
version.xml Name, version number and description of the Add-In, see version.xml
on page 19.
install.cmd Installation script. Specifies for example which .cfg files to load, see in-
stall.cmd on page 21.
.cfg One or several .cfg files with the configuration of system parameters. If
the Add-In includes RAPID, one of the .cfg files should specify which
RAPID module (.sys file) to load, see System parameters on page 38.
.sys or .mod The RAPID source code, see RAPID code on page 31.

Event log message files

If the Add-In contains customized event log messages, two XML files for each
language are required. These are placed in a specific folder for each language:
• <Add-In folder>\language\<language code>\<Add-In name>_elogtext.xml
• <Add-In folder>\language\<language code>\<Add-In name>_elogtitles.xml
The language codes consist of two letters, for example en, de, or fr, and are defined
by the standard ISO 639, see Event log messages on page 33.

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2 RobotWare Add-In functionality
2.1 Required files and file structure

File structure
This picture displays the layout the of an Add-In, required by the robot controller,
before it has been packaged with the RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool.
The tps folder is used for FlexPendant applications, see FlexPendant applications
on page 69.

<option name>





<. . .>.sys
<. . .>.mod



Note that mmc.cfg, sys.cfg, and the folder language (and everything in that folder)
are optional. How to set up the language folders and their content is described
in Including language files on page 58.

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2 RobotWare Add-In functionality
2.2 version.xml

2.2 version.xml

A RobotWare 6 Add-In contains a version.xml file that holds the name, version,
and description of the Add-In. This is the same as for a RobotWare 5 additional
When converting a RobotWare 5 additional option to a RobotWare 6 Add-In, the
information in the version.xml file is read by the RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool.


In RobotWare 6, the role of the version.xml file has been largely replaced by the
product manifest file. However some client applications may still require the file
to be present and the RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool will therefore
automatically create a version.xml file based on the product manifest information.

XML description
The file version.xml is using the following tags:
Tag Description
Major Major version number. This number is changed every time a new
Add-In version with major changes is released.
Integer between 0 and 65535.
Minor Minor version number. This number is changed every time a new
Add-In version with minor changes is released.
Integer between 0 and 65535.
Revision Revision number. This number is changed every time a revision of
the Add-In is released.
Integer between 0 and 65535.
Build Build number. To be used internally during developing and testing
of the Add-In.
Integer between 0 and 65535.
VersionName The complete product version as displayed to the end user.
This may include additional identifiers such as "Beta" or "Release
Title The name of the Add-In.
Description A description of what the Add-In is used for.
Max 255 characters.
Date The release date for this version of the Add-In.
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Type Always set to AdditionalOption.

Example file

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2 RobotWare Add-In functionality
2.2 version.xml

<VersionName>1.01.01 Beta 2</VersionName>

<Description>CIRCLEMOVE Add-In (gives access to the instruction

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2 RobotWare Add-In functionality
2.3.1 Introduction

2.3 install.cmd

2.3.1 Introduction

The install.cmd file is an installation script that for example define which
configuration files and event log messages files to load. One of the configuration
files (sys.cfg) defines which RAPID program files (.sys) to load.

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2 RobotWare Add-In functionality
2.3.2 Commands

2.3.2 Commands

This section describes the syntax of the commands that can be used in the
installation script install.cmd.
The script install.cmd is executed when using the restart mode Reset system to
automatically install a number of different files, like configuration files or text files.
The install.cmd file can contain conditions so that certain actions only are executed
if certain conditions are true.

The command $ defines the name of a string variable.
setstr -strvar $LANG -value "en"
Predefined strings:
String Predefined value
$BOOTPATH The folder where install.cmd is executed. For example:
/hd0a/<system name>/PRODUCTS/<Add-In folder>
$HOME /hd0a/<system name>/HOME
$SYSPAR /hd0a/<system name>/SYSPAR
$RWTEMP /hd0a/temp

Comment, if # followed by a space.
Label, if no space between # and text.
# A comment

Does one of the following:·
• Load configuration resource files into the configuration database
• Erase unprotected instances of the specified configuration domain
Parameter Description Default
filename The cfg file name, including file path.
domain The topic of the cfg file. Allowed values are:
• SIO - Communication
• SYS - Controller
• EIO - I/O
• MMC - Man-machine communication
• MOC - Motion
erase Erase unprotected instances of the specified configuration FALSE

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2 RobotWare Add-In functionality
2.3.2 Commands

Parameter Description Default

load The types and instances specified in the cfg file will be added TRUE
to the cfg database.
If an instance with the same name already exists, an error will
be generated and the cfg file will not be loaded. To overwrite
the existing instances, use option -replace.
internal Load an internal configuration file. FALSE
All instances loaded with this option will be write-protected.
Once they have been loaded, they cannot be overwritten.
replace Replace all existing instances with the same name as those in FALSE
the loaded cfg file.

config -filename $BOOTPATH/eio.cfg -domain EIO -load
config -filename $BOOTPATH/sys.cfg -domain SYS -internal
config -filename $BOOTPATH/eiopw.cfg -domain EIO -replace
config -filename $BOOTPATH/awNoSimPrompt.cfg -domain SYS -replace
config -erase -domain MOC

Copy a file.
Parameter Description Default
from The file to be copied, including the file path.
to The new file name, including the file path.

copy -from $BOOTPATH/instopt.cmd -to $RWTEMP/instopt.cmd

Delay the running of the command script.
Parameter Description Default
time Number of milliseconds to delay. 100

delay -time 1000

Delete a file.
Parameter Description Default
name Name of file to delete, including file path.

delete -path $RWTEMP/opt_l0.cmd

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2 RobotWare Add-In functionality
2.3.2 Commands

If a directory exists, go to a label.
Parameter Description Default
path The complete path to the folder.
label The label to go to if the folder exists.

direxist -path $TEMP/MyFolder -label CLEANUP_0

Echo (print) a message to the VxWorks console output during the system start.
Parameter Description Default
text The text to show on the FlexPendant.

echo -text "Installing configuration files"

If a file exists, go to a label.
Parameter Description Default
path File name, including the file path.
label The label to go to if the file exists.

fileexist -path $RWTEMP/opt_l0.cmd -label CLEANUP_0

Find and replace occurrences of a string in a file. Only the first occurrence of the
string in each line of the text is replaced.
Parameter Description Default
path File to search, including the file path.
find String to find.
replace String to replace with.

find_replace -path $HOME/myfile.txt -find "ABC" -replace "CBA"

A number of selections can be made by user at the time of system creation. These
selections are stored by the system as a number of keys. The values stored in
these keys can be read at the system startup time by using getkey command.

Parameter Description Default

id Name of the key whose value is to be retrieved.
strvar Name of the variable where the result (the key value) is stored.
errlabel Label to go to if an error occurs.

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2 RobotWare Add-In functionality
2.3.2 Commands

getkey -id "LangSelect" -strvar $ANSWER -errlabel ENGLISH

Go to a label.
The label to go to can either be specified directly, using the parameter label, or via
a string containing the label name, using the parameter strvar.

Parameter Description Default

strvar A string containing the label name to go to.
label Label to go to

goto -strvar $ANSWER
goto -label END_LABEL

If a string variable is equal to a string value, go to the specified label. If not equal,
the next statement is executed.
If the string variable is undefined, the command returns an error code.
Parameter Description Default
strvar String variable to be compared with a string value.
value String value to compare the string variable with.
label Label to go to if the comparison is true.

ifstr -strvar $ANSWER -value "IRT5454_2B" -label APP2

If the script containing this command is run on the virtual controller, go to the
specified label.
Parameter Description Default
label Label to go to if the script is run on a virtual controller.

ifvc -label NO_START_DELAY

Include the script of another command file. Executes all commands in the script
and then return to the current script.
Parameter Description Default
path The file name of the included script, including the file path.

include -path $BOOTPATH/instdrv.cmd

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2 RobotWare Add-In functionality
2.3.2 Commands

Make a directory.
Parameter Description Default
path Directory name, including the path.

mkdir -path $RWTEMP/newdir

Set the default behavior of the script motor in case a script command fails and
returns an error status code.
It is always the most recent onerror command that sets the current default
behavior. The onerror semantics of included scripts does not affect the onerror
semantics of any script that includes it.
Parameter Description Default
action Defines if an error should result in: go to label, continue execu- continue
tion, stop execution, system failure or return from included
script to the including script
Defines what behavior an error should result in. The allowed
values are:
• goto - Go to a label
• continue - Ignore errors and continue execution
• stop - Stop execution of startup task using assert()
• sysfail - Call SYS_FAIL()
• return - If used by a script included by another script,
execution returns to the calling script. The included
script returns an error code that needs to be handled by
the including script.
label The label to go to if action is goto.

onerror -action goto -label MY_LABEL1
onerror -action continue
onerror -action stop
onerror -action sysfail
onerror -action return

Prints a text to the VXWorks console.
Parameter Description Default
text The text to show on the console.

print -text "Copying files to $BOOTPATH"

Deletes a picklist in the FlexPendant programming window.
Parameter Description Default
palette The name of the picklist to be deleted.

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2 RobotWare Add-In functionality
2.3.2 Commands

rapid_delete_palette -palette "M.C 3"
rapid_delete_palette -palette "Settings"

Deletes a RAPID instruction in a picklist in the FlexPendant programming window.
Parameter Description Default
palette The name of the picklist.
instruction The name of the RAPID instruction to be deleted.

rapid_delete_palette_instruction -palette "Common" -instruction
rapid_delete_palette_instruction -palette "Common" -instruction
rapid_delete_palette_instruction -palette "Common" -instruction
rapid_delete_palette_instruction -palette "M.C 1" -instruction

Registers additional information from an xml to controller registers, depending on
the type parameter. The supported types are:
• Error messages (elogmes) – register the xml-file to the elogtext_registry.xml
file. Once registered, these messages can be used by the RAPID program.
• Error message titles (elogtitle) – register the xml-file to the
elogtext_registry.xml file.
• Options (option) - Registers the option in the option_registry.xml file. This
will enable automatic loading of FlexPendant applications from the tps folder
for the Add-In.
• RAPID meta data (rapid_metadata) – Registers additional RAPID argument
settings to the rapid_meta_data_registry.xml.
Parameter Description Applies to
type Defines which type (for example elogmes, elogtitle, option, or
rapid_metadata) that is being registered.
domain_no Error messages are stored in different domains. Which domain elogmes,
to register in is defined by domain_no. elogtitle
For Add-Ins, domain_no should always be 9.
min The first message number in the file being registered. elogmes,
max The last message number in the file being registered. elogmes,
prepath The path to the language directory. elogmes,
elogtitle, rap-

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2.3.2 Commands

Parameter Description Applies to

postpath The rest of the path, after the language directory, including the elogmes,
character \ (backslash) and the file name. elogtitle, rap-
extopt A flag indicating that the Add-In is an external Add-In. option
description The name of the Add-In. option
path The path to the Add-In. option

# Register event log message for Add-In
register -type elogmes -domain_no 11 -min 5001 -max 5001 -prepath
$BOOTPATH/language/-postpath /CircleMove_elogtext.xml

# Register path for Add-In

register -type option -description MyAddIn -path $BOOTPATH

# Register path for RAPID meta data

register -type rapid_metadata -prepath $HOME/ -postpath

Define an environment variable and set its value.
An environment variable can be used in the RAPID code or in cfg files. If you define
the path to your Add-In folder as an environment variable, this variable can be
used in your programs instead of hard coding the path.
Parameter Description Default
name The environment variable to be assigned a new value.
value The string to assign to the environment variable.

setenv -name CIRCLEMOVE -value $BOOTPATH

System environment variables

The following environment variables are set up by the system and cannot be
Environment variable Value
HOME /hd0a/<system name>/HOME
SYSPAR /hd0a/<system name>/SYSPAR
TEMP /hd0a/temp
SYSTEM /hd0a/<system name>
RELEASE /hd0a/<system name>/Products/ROBOTWARE_6.XX.XXXX

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2.3.2 Commands

Define a string variable and set its value. The string can only be used in the
installation script.
Parameter Description Default
strvar The string variable to be assigned a new string.
value The string to assign to the string variable.

setstr -strvar $LANG -value "en"
setstr -strvar $CFGPATH -value $SYSPAR

This command loads a text description file into a text resource of a package. It
accomplishes the same thing as the RAPID instruction TextTabInstall, but can
also specify different texts for different languages.
For more information, read about user message functionality in Application
manual - Controller software IRC5.
Parameter Description Default
filename Name of the description file, including the file path.
package Package for building the text resource. "en"

text -filename $BOOTPATH/language/en/text_file.xml -package "en"

Read the system clock and print number of seconds and milliseconds to the
standard output.
No parameters.

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2.3.3 Examples of install.cmd files

2.3.3 Examples of install.cmd files

Example for CIRCLEMOVE

# Install.cmd script for Add-In CIRCLEMOVE
echo -text "Installing CIRCLEMOVE Add-In"
# Load configuration files
config -filename $BOOTPATH/CircleMove_sys.cfg -domain SYS -internal
config -filename $BOOTPATH/CircleMove_mmc.cfg -domain MMC
# Define environment variable
setenv -name CIRCLEMOVE -value $BOOTPATH
# Register elog messages
register -type elogmes -domain_no 11 -min 5001 -max 5001 -prepath
$BOOTPATH/language/ -postpath /CircleMove_elogtext.xml
register -type elogtitle -prepath $BOOTPATH/language/ -postpath

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2.4 RAPID code

2.4 RAPID code

The RAPID code, implementing the functionality of your Add-In, is written in a
system module (.sys) file (preferably <Add-In name>.sys).


By setting the argument NOSTEPIN on the module, stepwise execution of the

RAPID program will not step into the module. This makes a routine written in the
module behave like an instruction delivered from ABB.

RAPID code example

This is an example of how to create your own move instruction and how to use
your own error messages. An instruction, MoveCircle, is created that moves the
robot TCP in a circle around a robtarget, with the radius given as argument. If
MoveCircle is called with a too small radius, a message defined in an .xml file is
written to the event log, see Event log texts on page 34.

VAR errnum ERR_CIRCLE:= -1;

VAR num errorid := 5001;

PROC MoveCircle(
robtarget pCenter,
num Radius,
speeddata Speed,
zonedata Zone,
PERS tooldata Tool
\PERS wobjdata WObj)

VAR robtarget p1;

VAR robtarget p2;
VAR robtarget p3;
VAR robtarget p4;

IF Radius < 2 THEN
ErrRaise "ERR_CIRCLE", errorid, ERRSTR_TASK, "Radius",
NumToStr(Radius,2), "2", ERRSTR_CONTEXT;


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2.4 RAPID code


MoveL p1,Speed,Zone,Tool\WObj?WObj;
MoveC p2,p3,Speed,z10,Tool\WObj?WObj;
MoveC p4,p1,Speed,Zone,Tool\WObj?WObj;

MoveL p1,Speed,Zone,Tool\WObj?WObj;

TPWrite "The radius is too small";


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2.5.1 About event log messages

2.5 Event log messages

2.5.1 About event log messages

It is possible to create your own event log messages. The text of the message is
placed in one .xml file for each language. You can then use the RAPID instructions
ErrRaise and ErrLog to raise an error using this message. Language independent
strings can be used as arguments to ErrRaise and ErrLog, and be included in
the message.

Two .xml files

Your event log messages are added to the system via two .xml files. One .xml file
contains all the information about the messages. The other one contains only their
message number and title, but is currently required for technical reasons.
These files can be given any name, as long as the installation script install.cmd
points out the correct file names. In order to know what the files are for, it is
recommended to use the following names:
• <Add-In name>_elogtext.xml
• <Add-In name>_elogtitles.xml

Template files
Template files for the two required .xml files are included in the RobotWare
• template_elogtext.xml
• template_elogtitles.xml
The template files are located in the following directory in the RobotWare
installation: ...\RobotPackages\RobotWare_RPK_<version>\utility\Template\Elog.


Navigate to the RobotWare installation folder from the RobotStudio Add-Ins tab,
by right-clicking on the installed RobotWare version in the Add-Ins browser and
selecting Open Package Folder.

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2.5.2 Event log texts

2.5.2 Event log texts

All event log messages you want to add to the system must be written in the
following .xml file:
• <Add-In name>_elogtext.xml
The messages must have unique numbers, within its domain, which are used to
reference the message text from the RAPID code.

Explanation of the .xml file

This is a list of the XML tags and arguments that you need to define. All other tags
and arguments should always look like in the example below. The complete syntax
is also shown in the example below.
XML tag or Description
domainNo Event log messages are divided into different domains. Domain number 8 is
called User events and is reserved for non-ABB messages. For Add-Ins, al-
ways use domain 8 to avoid conflict with messages defined by ABB.
lang Language code for the text in the messages. The same two-letter code as
the name of the folder where the message .xml files are placed. This code
is defined by the standard ISO 639.
min The first message number in this file.
max The last message number in this file.
Message Create one instance of Message for each error message.
number A unique number, between 1 and 9999, identifying the error message.
Make sure that the systems using this Add-In will not have other Add-Ins
using the same message numbers.
eDefine A unique name for the message. Keep it short and descriptive.
Title The message title that will be shown in the event log.
Description The text describing the error, shown in the event log.
arg A string used as argument in the ErrRaise or ErrLog instruction will be
inserted in the message.
format The format of the argument sting from ErrRaise or ErrLog. For example
%.40s means that the string cannot be longer than 40 characters.
ordinal Determines which string argument from ErrRaise or ErrLog that should
be used in this arg tag. For example 1 means that the first string argument
is used.

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2.5.2 Event log texts

Example of the .xml file

This .xml file <Add-In name>_elogtext.xml contains the text for an error message
that will look similar to this:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!--The text description file for Elog Messages -->
<Domain elogDomain="PROC" domainNo="11" lang="en"
elogTextVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:abb-robotics-elog-text"
min="5001" max="5001">
<Message number="5001" eDefine="ERR_ARG_TO_SMALL">
<Title>Too small value on argument</Title>
Task: <arg format="%s" ordinal="1" /><p />
The argument <arg format="%s" ordinal="2" /> was set to <arg
format="%s" ordinal="3" /> but the minimum allowed value
<arg format="%s" ordinal="4" />. <p />
Context: <arg format="%s" ordinal="5" />
<p />

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2.5.3 Event log titles

2.5.3 Event log titles

For the internal handling of event log messages, the following .xml file listing the
message numbers and their titles is necessary:
• <Add-In name>_elogtitles.xml

Explanation of the .xml file

This is a list of the .xml tags and arguments that you need to define. For the
complete syntax, see the example below.
XML tag or Description
Title Create one instance of Title for each event log message.
The text in the Title tag has to be the same as in the event log text .xml
number The same event log message number as in the event log text .xml file.

Example of the .xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Title domain="11" number="5001">Too small value on argument</Title>

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2.5.4 Validating event log .xml files

2.5.4 Validating event log .xml files

Validation checks that the event log .xml file is correctly formatted, using the
corresponding XML schema file, elogtext.xsd.
• The schema file (elogtext.xsd) and the file template_elogtest.xml are available
in the RobotWare installation, see Template files on page 33.
• The command line tool XMLFileValidator can be downloaded from the Robot-
Studio Online Community, where it is included in the Tools and Utilities
To run the validation, start the tool and use your search paths using the principle
xmlfilevalidator elogtext.xsd my_elogtext.xml
The result of the validation is displayed in the console. Detailed error information
including row- and column references, is displayed for any found formatting errors.

The XMLFileValidator is provided as-is.
Microsoft .NET framework version 2.0 or later is required.

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2.6.1 About cfg files

2.6 System parameters

2.6.1 About cfg files

The cfg files are used to define instances of system parameter types in a specific
domain. The specified instances are then created by loading the cfg file. Only one
domain can be specified per cfg file.
The file shall be formatted according to the rules in the following sections.

Domain specifier
A cfg file must start with a name of a domain where the specified instances will be
The row must contain the following information, where <version> and <revision>
are optional:
<domain name>:CFG_1.0:<version>:<revision>::


EIO:CFG_1.0:: Domain EIO without version number

EIO:CFG_1.0:5:0:: Domain EIO with version number 5.0
EIO:CFG_1.0:6:0:: Domain EIO with version number 6.0

A comment row starts with '#'.

Type specifiers
The domain specifier is followed by one or more parameter type specifiers and
their instances.
• A type specifier should always be preceded by a row containing a single
character '#'. (Not mandatory)
• A type specifier consists of a parameter type name directly followed by a ':'.
• There should be an empty row between the type name and the first instance.
(Not mandatory)
• There should be no more rows after the last instance row in a cfg file. (Not
• Add a description of all attributes in a type directly after the type specifier.
This is helpful for the user to understand the type. (Not mandatory)
See cfg file examples later in this section.

Instances and attributes

The type specifier is followed by zero or more instances. Each instance contains
one or several attributes defining its properties. Attributes can be mandatory or

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2.6.1 About cfg files

Mandatory attributes must be specified explicitly in the cfg file otherwise an error
will be generated when loading the file. Optional attributes that are not specified
in the cfg file will be set to the default value for this attribute at loading. If the value
of the optional attribute is specified, then the specified value will be used.
Each instance shall start with the Name attribute (if the instance has a name). Each
attribute shall start with '-' (dash) followed by the attribute name, a blank space
and value. Blank spaces are not allowed in the value except for string values with
quotation marks.
-name MoveCircle -param_nr 6
Quotation marks can be used for string values. Note, all characters (including
spaces) inside the quotation marks will be treated as one single string.
-name "M.C 1" -type "MMC_MC1"

Single or multiple rows

All attributes and their values in an instance can be put in a single row or in multiple
rows. Comments or empty rows are not allowed in an instance. Several attributes
per row are allowed.
For instances with multiple rows, each row in an instance shall end with '\'
(backslash), except for the last row. The name and the value of an attribute cannot
be separated by '\', that is, they must be on the same row.
For example, the following is not valid:
-name \
"M.C 1"

If an attribute is of an array type, then the attribute value may consist of several
comma separated values. Blank spaces and the multiple row separator '\' cannot
be used inside the array.
-name MoveCircle -default_struct 1,1,1,1,1,0

Attribute of type Boolean

If the attribute is of type Boolean, giving only the attribute name in the cfg file will
set the value to true.

Example of cfg file


-Name "COM1" -Connector "COM1"

-Name "LAN1" -Connector "LAN"

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2.6.1 About cfg files

# -Name Name of transmissions protocol (MAN)
# -Type Name of transmissions protocol type (MAN)
# -PhyChannel Name of the physical channel (MAN)
# -HostName Name of host (OPT)
# -RemoteAdress Remote address (OPT)
# -Gateway Default gateway (OPT)
# -SubnetMask SubNetmask (OPT)

-Name "TCPIP1" -Type "TCP/IP" -PhyChannel "LAN1"

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2.6.2 Topic Controller

2.6.2 Topic Controller

About the topic Controller

This section describes system parameters that must be defined in the topic
Controller (that is, in the configuration file sys.cfg).
The configuration of which program modules to load is made in the topic Controller.
All files containing the RAPID code for the Add-In must be defined here.
For more information about the types and parameters of the Controller topic, see
Technical reference manual - System parameters.

Automatic loading of modules (CAB_TASK_MODULES)

The type CAB_TASK_MODULES is used to define modules to be loaded when the
controller is started.
For more information, see Technical reference manual - System parameters.
Parameter Description
File The name of the file including the path on the controller.
An environment variable can preferably be used. That is, <environ-
ment variable>:/<file name>. See setenv on page 28.
Task Name of a task, if it should only be loaded to one specific task.
Shared Defines if the contents of a module should be reachable from all
All Tasks tasks.
All Motion Tasks Defines if the module should be loaded into all tasks.
Defines if the module should be loaded into all motion tasks.
(These parameters are mutually exclusive.)
Install A module can be loaded or installed.
A loaded module will behave like a module manually loaded from
the teach pendant.
An installed module will behave like a built in module. By default the
attributes NOVIEW and NOSTEPIN are set, even if not stated in the
module declaration. Thus it will not be visible from the FlexPendant
and can only be removed by using the restart mode Reset system.
It will not be possible to step into a routine in such a module with
It is recommended that all application modules are installed as built
in modules, since then they will be handled as part of the controller
and quite separated from the user´s modules.
Hidden RAPID routines and data in this module are hidden from the user.

-File "CIRCLEMOVE:/CircleMove.sys" -Install -AllTask

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2.6.2 Topic Controller


When loading modules automatically, a correct file path must be used.

Since the name of the directory for the Add-In can be changed, the files are often
copied to the HOME directory so the file path is unmistakable for "automatic
loading of modules".
This can be a problem when doing backup between releases.
Since all files in the HOME directory are saved to the backup, new files copied
from the Add-In directory will be overwritten by the old files in the backup.
Instead of copying the files to the HOME directory, the files can remain in the
Add-In directory and therefor avoid copying the files from the HOME directory
to the backup.
To access the files in the Add-In directory an environment variable must be used,
therefore use setenv on page 28.

Modules included in a backup

Two things affects what to include when creating a backup:
1 From where the module is loaded.
2 How the configuration file is loaded.

Modules not included in the backup

A module will not be included in the backup:
• if the module is loaded from $RELEASE. For example:
-File "RELEASE:/options/xxx.mod" -Task "T_ROB1"
• if the module is loaded from any user defined environment variable, using
setenv on page 28.
A module will not be included in the backup and no configuration entries will be
listed in the sys.cfg (BACKUP/SYSPAR/SYS.CFG):
• if the module is loaded from $RELEASE, or any user defined environment
variable, and the loaded configuration file is set to -internal. For example:
config -filename $RELEASE/options/xxx.cfg -domain SYS

Modules included in the backup

A module will be included in the backup:
• if the module is loaded, installed, or shared from elsewhere without
$RELEASE or any user defined environment variable
A module will be included in the backup but no configuration entries will be listed
in the sys.cfg (BACKUP/SYSPAR/SYS.CFG):
• if the module is loaded from elsewhere except $RELEASE or any user defined
environment variable, and the loaded configuration file is set to -internal.
Only loaded modules will be included in the backup, no installed or shared.

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2.6.2 Topic Controller

Exclude files and directories at backup

By default all files and directories in the HOME directory are included in the backup.
It is possible to exclude HOME directory files and directories from the backup. It
is also possible to include files or directories to the backup that are not located in
the HOME directory.
The text must be edited directly in the SYS.CFG file for type BACKUP_RESTORE.
Parameter Description
ExcludeFileFromHomeAtBackup This file in the HOME directory shall not be included
in the backup.
ExcludeDirFromHomeAtBackup This directory in the HOME directory shall not be in-
cluded in the backup.
IncludeFileAtBackup This file is not located in the HOME directory, but shall
be included in the BACKINFO directory in the backup.
IncludeDirAtBackup This directory is not located in the HOME directory,
but shall be included in the BACKINFO directory in
the backup.

-ExcludeDirFromHomeAtBackup "SecretDirectory"
-IncludeFileAtBackup "SYSTEM:/ImportantFile.xml"

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2.6.3 Topic I/O System

2.6.3 Topic I/O System

About the topic I/O System

This section describes system parameters that are defined in the topic I/O System
(that is, in the configuration file eio.cfg).
For more information about the types and parameters of the I/O System topic, see
Technical reference manual - System parameters.

Hiding I/O signals to the user

Add-Ins can use virtual signals for internal communication, for instance to
communicate between RAPID tasks. It is possible to hide such signals from
browsing by setting the Access property, for each signal, to internal.
It is possible to modify a hidden signal from RAPID, if the name of the signal is
known and if the category of the signal is set to RAPID.

-Name "DOAccessInternal" -SignalType "DO" -Access "internal"
-Name "DOAccessInternalRAPID" -SignalType "DO" -Access "internal"
-Category "rapid"

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2.6.4 Topic Man-machine Communication

2.6.4 Topic Man-machine Communication

About the topic Man-machine Communication

This section describes some of the types and system parameters in the topic
Man-machine communication (that is, the configuration file mmc.cfg). It is used to
define how a self-developed instruction should be presented on the FlexPendant,
for example which menu to select it from (pick lists) and which argument values
should be used as default (RAPID rules).
A short example is given for each type, and an example of an entire cfg file is
shown after the type descriptions.

Pick list titles (MMC_PALETTE_HEAD)

It is possible to add custom pick lists alongside with the predefined pick lists that
are included by default. The title for each custom pick list is defined in the
Parameter Description
name The title of the custom pick list.
type The type that contains the instruction names of the pick list¨

-name "M.C 1" -type "MMC_MC1"
-name "SpotWelding" -type "MMC_SPOTWELD"

Custom pick lists (MMC_MC1, MMC_MC2, MMC_MC3, etc.)

For each custom pick list there shall be an alias type definition to configure which
instructions will be present in the pick list.
Parameter Description
name The name of the instruction.


• The pick list types contains more parameters and more functionality. For
more information about these, see section Most Common Instruction Types
in Technical reference manual - System parameters.
• Note the use of the equal sign to define the alias type, where the type name
defined in MMC_PALETTE_HEAD is defined as an alias of the base type

-name MoveCircle
-name "SpotL"
-name "SpotJ"

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2.6.4 Topic Man-machine Communication

Default arguments (MMC_REAL_ROUTINE)

MMC_REAL_ROUTINE is used to define which arguments should have proposed
values, that is, a default value when the instruction is added on the FlexPendant.
Parameter Description
name The instruction name.
default_struct Defines which arguments should have proposed values.
• 0: No proposed value
• 1: A proposed value. If alternative arguments, 1 indicates that the
first alternative argument should be used with a proposed value.
• 2: Only for alternative arguments. The second alternative argument
should be used with a proposed value.
• 3: Only for alternative arguments. The third alternative argument
should be used with a proposed value.
• 4: Only for alternative arguments. The fourth alternative argument
should be used with a proposed value.
hidden Defines if the instruction should be hidden when showing RAPID routines.
If hidden is set, the instruction will not be shown when choosing an in-
stance for ProcCall or Move PP to Routine.
For changes of the hidden parameter to take effect, the controller must
be restarted by using the restart mode Reset RAPID or Reset system.
A restart is not enough.


It is not necessary to specify default_struct if there should only be proposed

values for required arguments.

The instruction TriggInt is defined with the following arguments:
TriggInt TriggData Distance [\Start] | [\Time] Interrupt

Argument Argument number Argument alternative

TriggData 1 0
Distance 2 0
Start 3 1
Time 3 2
Interrupt 4 0

Note that Start and Time are alternative arguments and therefor have the same
argument number.
The following alternatives are examples of how to configure an instance of the type
Proposed values for TriggData, Distance, and Interrupt (the same result as
if default_struct is not defined):
-name TriggInt -default_struct 1,1,0,1
Proposed values for TriggData, Distance, Start, and Interrupt:
-name TriggInt -default_struct 1,1,1,1

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2.6.4 Topic Man-machine Communication

Proposed values for TriggData, Distance, Time, and Interrupt:

-name TriggInt -default_struct 1,1,2,1


The proposed value of an instruction argument can be the same as (or in sequence
with) the same argument for a previous instruction. For example, if a work object
has been used in the previous move instruction, the same work object is proposed
when a new move instruction is added.
If the reusing of argument values is not desired for some arguments, those
arguments are specified in the type MMC_INST_NOT_REUSING_PREV_OPT_ARG.
Even if default_struct in the type MMC_REAL_ROUTINE is set to 0, an argument
used in the previous instruction will be used in the next instruction. To avoid this,
these arguments must also be specified in
Parameter Description
param_nr Specifies the argument numbers that should not reuse values from pre-
vious instruction calls.

The instruction MoveL is defined with the following arguments:
MoveL [\Conc] ToPoint [\ID] Speed [\V] | [\T] Zone [\Z] [\Inpos]
Tool [\WObj] [\Corr] [\TLoad]
As the arguments Conc, V, T, Z, and Inpos should not be reused, the instance of
MMC_INST_NOT_REUSING_PREV_OPT_ARG would look like this:
-name MoveL -param_nr 1,5,7,8
Note that both V and T have argument number 5, as they are alternative arguments.

Argument Name Rules (MMC_REAL_PARAM)

The type MMC_REAL_PARAM is used to specify how to generate the proposed
identifier for instruction arguments.
Even arguments that have default_struct in MMC_REAL_ROUTINE set to 0 and
are defined in param_nr in MMC_INST_NOT_REUSING_PREV_OPT_ARG may
need to be defined in MMC_REAL_PARAM. No argument proposal will be used
when the instruction is chosen from a pick list, but if the argument is actively
selected it will use the identifier specified in MMC_REAL_PARAM.
Parameter Description
name The instruction argument, defined as <instruction name>_<argu-
ment name> (for example MoveL_Tool).
It is also possible to define a common argument name (com-
mon_<argument name>) to be used in the type

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Parameter Description
name_rule Specifies how the argument proposal should be generated. The
following rules can be used:
• NONE - Unexpanded placeholder. No proposal is gener-
• CUR - The parameter method is used to define the argu-
ment proposal. For example used when the tool argument
should use the current tool.
• DEF - The argument proposal should be a default value
defined by the parameter def_name.
• SEQ - The argument proposal is based on the previous
instruction with a similar argument. Based on the identifier
used in the previous instruction, an increment of the index
is used to create a new identifier. For example, if the rob-
target of the previous move instruction is p10, the next
move instruction will propose p20 (unless p20 is already
used, then p30, p40, ... will be tried until an identifier is
found that is not already used). If no similar argument is
found, looking 100 instructions back, a data value is used
instead of an identifier.
• LAST - The argument proposal gets its value from the
previous instruction with a similar argument. If no similar
argument is found, looking 100 instructions back, a default
value specified by def_name is used.
• VAL - No argument identifier is used. A literal value is used
method Method to be called if name_rule is CUR or SEQ. Supported
methods are:
• hirule_robtarget - robtarget symbol name increment value
• hirule_jointtarget - jointtarget symbol name increment
• hirule_tooldata - current tooldata
• hirule_wobjdata - current wobjdata
• hirule_tloaddata - current tload
def_name Default name needed if name_rule is LAST or DEF.

This example shows how some arguments for the MoveL instruction are configured.
It also defines the common arguments common_point, common_speed, and
common_zone, that are used in the type MMC_COMMON_PARAM.

Argument Argument proposal

V If V is actively selected it should:
1 use the value from the last instruction using V
2 use the default value 1000
ID No identifier should be proposed for ID. A numeric value is pro-
posed instead. The proposed numeric value is defined in
T If T is actively selected it should use the default value 5.
Z If Z is actively selected it should:
1 use the value from the last instruction using Z
2 use the default value 50
Tool The proposal for Tool should be defined by the method

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Argument Argument proposal

WObj The proposal for WObj should be defined by the method
TLoad The proposal for TLoad should be defined by the method
common_point The proposal for common_point should:
1 be a sequential increase from the last robtarget
2 be defined by the method hirule_robtarget
common_speed The proposal for Tool should:
1 use the value from the last instruction using speeddata
2 use the default value 1000
common_zone The proposal for common_zone should:
1 use the value from the last instruction using zonedata
2 use the default value z50

-name MoveL_V -name_rule LAST -def_name 1000
-name MoveL_ID -name_rule VAL
-name MoveL_T -name_rule DEF -def_name 5
-name MoveL_Z -name_rule LAST -def_name 50
-name MoveL_Tool -name_rule CUR -method hirule_tooldata
-name MoveL_WObj -name_rule CUR -method hirule_wobjdata
-name MoveL_TLoad -name_rule CUR -method hirule_tloaddata

-name common_point -name_rule SEQ -method hirule_robtarget

-name common_speed -name_rule LAST -def_name v1000
-name common_zone -name_rule LAST -def_name z50

Argument Identifier Rules (MMC_COMMON_PARAM)

With the type MMC_COMMON_PARAM, a common argument (defined in
MMC_REAL_PARAM) is used to define an argument proposal.
For example, a common argument defining proposals for all ToPoint arguments
can be defined in MMC_REAL_PARAM. In MMC_COMMON_PARAM, the ToPoint
argument for all move instructions can use that common argument.
Parameter Description
name The instruction argument, defined as <instruction name>_<ar-
gument name> (for example MoveL_Tool).
common_space_name Name of the common argument defined in

In this example the argument proposals for the MoveL arguments ToPoint, Speed,
and Zone are defined by common_point, common_speed, and common_zone.
-name MoveL_ToPoint -common_space_name common_point
-name MoveL_Speed -common_space_name common_speed
-name MoveL_Zone -common_space_name common_zone

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Data Value Rules (MMC_REAL_DATATYPE)

The type MMC_REAL_DATATYPE is used to specify how to generate the proposed
value for a datatype.
When an instruction is added, the proposed argument identifiers are defined in
MMC_REAL_PARAM, while the values of those arguments are defined in
Parameter Description
name Name of the datatype.
def_name Default base identifier for the data (for example tool). The identifier for
the data is created from the def_name and an index. If nothing else is
defined, the index starts at 1 and the increment for each data is 1 (for
example the first tooldata is called tool1, the second is called tool2 and
so on).
value_rule Specifies how the value of the new data should be generated:
• NONE - No initialize value for non-value data type.
• CUR - The parameter method is used to define the data value. For
example used when a robtarget is given the value of the current
robot TCP.
• DEF - The data value should be a default value defined by the
parameter use_value.
• SEQ - The data value is based on the previous data of the same
data type. The previous value is increased with a value defined
by use_value. If no data is found, when looking up to 100 state-
ments back, a zero value is used.
method Method to be called if value_rule is CUR. Supported methods are:
• hirule_robtarget - current robot TCP robtarget value
• hirule_jointtarget - current robot TCP jointtarget value
• hirule_tooldata - current tooldata value
• hirule_wobjdata - current wobjdata value
• hirule_tloaddata - current tload value
use_value Default value if value_rule is DEF or SEQ. Also used as increment value
if value_rule is SEQ.
object_type Data object type (i.e. CONST, VAR, PERS or TASK PERS).
validate_hook Method to be called when validating data. Supported methods are:
• hirule_validate_tooldata
• hirule_validate_wobjdata
• hirule_validate_robtarget
• hirule_validate_orient
• hirule_validate_pose
• hirule_validate_progdisp
• hirule_validate_loaddata

This example defines the proposed values for the datatypes identno and

Data type Proposed data value

identno If no identno exists, the value is 10. Otherwise the value from the last
identno is increased with 10.

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Data type Proposed data value

robtarget The new robtarget gets the value of the current robot TCP.
A validation is used so that the value of a robtarget cannot be changed
to an incorrect format.

-name identno -def_name id -value_rule SEQ -use_value 10 \
-object_type CONST
-name robtarget -def_name p -value_rule CUR \
-method hirule_robtarget -object_type CONST\
-validate_hook hirule_validate_robtarget

Highlight argument (MMC_SELECT_PARAM)

When an instruction is added, one of the arguments can be automatically selected
for further definitions. This is defined in the type MMC_SELECT_PARAM. For
example, when adding a MoveC instruction, the CirPoint is set to the current TCP
value and the ToPoint is selected for the required modify position.

Parameter Description
param_nr Parameter number for the argument to be selected.

The instruction MoveC is defined with the following arguments:
MoveC [\Conc] CirPoint ToPoint [\ID] Speed [\V] | [\T] Zone [\Z]
[\Inpos] Tool [\WObj] [\Corr] [\TLoad]
Since a modify position of ToPoint is required after the instruction is added, the
argument ToPoint is selected:
-name MoveC -param_nr 3

Work objects (MMC_INSTR_WITH_WOBJ)

MMC_INSTR_WITH_WOBJ is used when adding instructions from the FlexPendant,
for which no default arguments are specified in MMC_REAL_PARAM.
It checks if the instruction has a \WObj optional argument, and what position the
optional argument has in the instruction. If the active work object on the FlexPendant
differs from the default work object, wobj0, then the optional argument \WObj in
the instruction is added and set to the active work object.
Parameter Description
name Name of the instruction.
param_nr Argument number for the \WObj optional argument.

-name MoveL -param_nr 10

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MMC_INSTR_WITH_TLOAD is used when adding instructions from the FlexPendant,
for which no default arguments are specified in MMC_REAL_PARAM.
It checks if the instruction has a \TLoad optional argument, and what position the
optional argument has in the instruction. If the active payload on the FlexPendant
differs from the default payload, load0, then the optional argument \TLoad in the
instruction is added and set to the active payload.
Parameter Description
name Name of the instruction.
param_nr Argument number for the \TLoad optional argument.

-name MoveL -param_nr 12

Circular points (MMC_INSTR_WITH_CIR_POINT)

MMC_INSTR_WITH_CIR_POINT is used for instructions with circular points,
After a position is modified, the controller tries to update the planned path to use
the new position. This functionality needs to know if a target is a circular point.
Parameter Description
name Name of the instruction.
param_nr Argument number for the circular point, CirPoint.

-name MoveC -param_nr 2

Arguments not available for modify position (MMC_NO_MODPOS)

MMC_NO_MODPOS defines instruction arguments that should not be modified
with modify position, even though they are of datatype robtarget or jointtarget.

Parameter Description
name The instruction argument, defined as <instruction name>_<argument
name> (for example MoveL_Tool).

The instruction MToolTCPCalib is defined with the following arguments:
MToolTCPCalib Pos1 Pos2 Pos3 Pos 4 Tool MaxErr MeanErr
Pos1, Pos2, Pos3, Pos4 are of type jointtarget but should not be available for
modify position:
-name MToolTCPCalib_Pos1
-name MToolTCPCalib_Pos2
-name MToolTCPCalib_Pos3
-name MToolTCPCalib_Pos4

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Targets not available for modify position when additional axes offset is active
MMC_NO_DATA_MODPOS_IF_ACT_EOFFS defines data types, targets, that should
not be modified with modify position by url (e.g. from Program Data view on the
FlexPendant) if an additional axes offset is active.
Parameter Description
name The name of the data type.

-name jointtarget

Optional argument for considering additional axes offset (MMC_USE_ACT_EOFFS_IN_MODPOS)

MMC_USE_ACT_EOFFS_IN_MODPOS is used to define instructions with optional
arguments, that controls if an active additional axes offset shall be considered or
not, when calculating the current position.
Parameter Description
name The name of the instruction.
param_nr Identifies the optional argument.
use_if_present Defines if the offset shall be considered if the argument is present
(1) or when it is not present (0).

-name MoveAbsJ -param_nr 4 -use_if_present 0

Between points (MMC_NO_PC_MOVEMENT)

For instructions with between point, such as MoveC, the program pointer should
not continue to the next instruction after modify position of the between point. The
type MMC_NO_PC_MOVEMENT is used to define the between points for which a
modify position will not move the program pointer to the next instruction.
Parameter Description
name The instruction argument, defined as <instruction name>_<argument
name> (for example MoveC_CirPoint).

-name movec_cirpoint

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Without between point (MMC_NO_PC_MOVEMENT_CLEAR_PATH)

For instructions without between point, such as SpotL, the program pointer should
not continue to the next instruction and a clear path is performed after modify
position. The type MMC_NO_PC_MOVEMENT_CLEAR_PATH is used default in
Spot systems to avoid disturbing event log messages and regain dialogs after
modifying position.
Parameter Description
name The instruction argument, defined as <instruction name>_<argument

-name SpotL_ToPoint
-name SpotJ_ToPoint
-name SpotML_ToPoint
-name SpotMJ_ToPoint

Service routines (MMC_SERV_ROUT_STRUCT)

MMC_SERV_ROUT_STRUCT is used to specify instructions that should be defined
as service routines.
Parameter Description
name Instruction name.

In this example the instruction LoadIdentify is defined as a service routine:
-name LoadIdentify

Change of motion mode (MMC_CHANGE_MOTION_MODE)

For some move instructions it is possible to change motion mode (for example
from MoveL and MoveJ). Which instructions allow change of mode and what
instruction it is changed to is defined in MMC_CHANGE_MOTION_MODE.
Parameter Description
name Name of the existing instruction.
shift_name Name of the instruction it should be changed to.
shift_mode Motion mode of instruction after changing motion mode.
param_restr Defines an argument number. If this argument is set, change of
motion is not allowed.

This example specifies that the instruction MoveL can be changed into a MoveJ
instruction. If the argument Corr is set this change of motion mode cannot be
-name MoveL -shift_name MoveJ -shift_mode Joint -param_restr 11
-name MoveJ -shift_name MoveL -shift_mode Linear

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2.6.5 Example cfg files

2.6.5 Example cfg files

This section contains cfg example files for the Add-In CIRCLEMOVE and the
instruction MoveCircle.

This example uses the environment variable CIRCLEMOVE that is defined in
install.cmd, see Examples of install.cmd files on page 30.
# Installation of RAPID routines for Add-In CircleMove
# $Revision: 1.7 $


-File "CIRCLEMOVE:/CircleMove.sys" -Install -AllTask

The instruction MoveCircle is defined with the following arguments:
MoveCircle pCenter Radius Speed Zone Tool [\WObj]
To define how MoveCircle should behave on the FlexPendant, the following
configuration is placed in a file called CircleMove_mmc.cfg, which is added to the
CircleMove Add-In.
# $Revision: 1.7 $


-name MoveCircle


-name MoveCircle -default_struct 1,1,1,1,1,0 -hidden


-name MoveCircle_pCenter -name_rule SEQ -method hirule_robtarget

-name MoveCircle_Radius -name_rule LAST def_name 10
-name MoveCircle_Speed -name_rule LAST -def_name v1000
-name MoveCircle_Zone -name_rule LAST -def_name z50
-name MoveCircle_Tool -name_rule CUR -method hirule_tooldata
-name MoveCircle_WObj -name_rule CUR -method hirule_wobjdata

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2.6.5 Example cfg files


-name MoveCircle -param_nr 6

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2.7.1 Using text strings from a file

2.7 Using data from files

2.7.1 Using text strings from a file

Using text files

It is possible to use text strings from a text table file. This is useful, for example,
when a message to the user should be displayed in different languages.
How to use text table files is described in section Advanced RAPID in Application
manual - Controller software IRC5.

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2.7.2 Including language files

2.7.2 Including language files

Localized files can be installed by moving their installation to a separate install.cmd
file and including the file instlang.cmd from the system folder in your main
installation script.
include -path "$RELEASE/system/instlang.cmd"
For this mechanism to work, the Add-In should contain a subfolder called language,
this folder should contain the separate install.cmd file used to install the localized
files. The localized files themselves should be placed in language specific
subfolders of the language folder. The subfolders should be named with the 2 letter
language code, for example en, de, fr etc. See illustration in section Required files
and file structure on page 17.
The file instlang.cmd will call the file install.cmd in the language folder once for
every installed language on the robot controller with the variable $LANG set to the
corresponding language code. After this process has completed the $LANG variable
will always be reset to en.

Example of how to install a localized file.
fileexist -path $BOOTPATH/language/$LANG/CircleMoveAddIn_text.xml
goto -label END
text -filename $BOOTPATH/language/$LANG/CircleMoveAddIn_text.xml
-package $LANG

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2.8 Hide RAPID content

2.8 Hide RAPID content

It is possible to hide the implementation of RAPID code on the FlexPendant.
Developers of Add-Ins often exposes a public interface to their functionality that
other RAPID programmers and end users can access. In order to not confuse the
end user with implementation details they should not need to know anything about,
it is possible to hide parts of the implementation.
This section describes the two proposed ways, best practice, of hiding the code.

Split the code into two modules

One way of hiding the code is to split the code into two modules. The first module
contains the implementation that shall be hidden, and the second module contains
the public interface which is visible. The interface module contents will be visible
but the code can be encrypted.
For more information, see Automatic loading of modules (CAB_TASK_MODULES)
on page 41.

-File "CIRCLEMOVE:/CircleMoveImpl.sys" -Hidden -AllTask
-File "CIRCLEMOVE:/CircleMove.sys" -AllTask
CircleMove.sys - Interface
PROC MoveCircle(
robtarget pCenter,
num Radius,
speeddata Speed,
zonedata Zone,
PERS tooldata Tool
\PERS wobjdata WObj)

MoveCirecleImpl pCenter, Radius, Speed, Zone, Tool \WObj?WObj;


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2.8 Hide RAPID content

CircleMoveImpl.sys - Implementation
VAR errnum ERR_CIRCLE:= -1;
VAR num errorid := 5001;
PROC MoveCircleImpl(
robtarget pCenter,
num Radius,
speeddata Speed,
zonedata Zone,
PERS tooldata Tool
\PERS wobjdata WObj)


Use hidden modules and the picklist

Another method is to place all code in a hidden module and use the pick list to call
the procedures.
For more information, see Custom pick lists (MMC_MC1, MMC_MC2, MMC_MC3,
etc.) on page 45.

-File "CIRCLEMOVE:/CircleMove.sys" -Hidden -AllTask
-name "MoveCircle"
-name "Move Circle Palette" -type "MMC_CIRCLEMOVE_PALETTE"

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2.9 Optional settings for RAPID arguments (RAPID meta data)

2.9 Optional settings for RAPID arguments (RAPID meta data)

It is possible to specify certain optional settings for arguments in RAPID instructions.
For instance it is possible to define if certain arguments shall be hidden when
viewing the RAPID program on the FlexPendant.
The optional settings are specified in an .xml file.

XML format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Instruction name="Instr1">
<Argument name="Arg1" show="true" showeditor="false" />


Use the template file named rapid_edit_rules.xml located in the following directory
in the RobotWare installation:
...\RobotPackages\RobotWare_RPK_<version>\utility\Template\RAPID Optional
Navigate to the RobotWare installation folder from the RobotStudio Add-Ins tab,
by right-clicking on the installed RobotWare version in the Add-Ins browser and
selecting Open Package Folder.

Name and location of the .xml file

The .xml file shall be registered using the setup script (see register on page 27) or
should be named rapid_edit_rules.xml and installed in the $(HOME) directory of
the controller.

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2.9.1 Hide arguments in programs

2.9.1 Hide arguments in programs

It is possible to hide any of the arguments listed when displaying a programmed
RAPID instruction in the Program Editor and the Production Window on the
Which arguments to be shown in program windows is specified in the .xml file
using the showeditor attribute. The default value is that arguments shall be

XML format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Instruction name="Instr1">
<Argument name="Arg1" showeditor="true" />
<Argument name="Arg2" showeditor="false" />

This is an example of an .xml file specifying which optional arguments to show for
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Instruction name="MoveJ">
<Argument name="Conc" showeditor="true" />
<Argument name="ID" showeditor="true" />
<Argument name="V" showeditor="true" />
<Argument name="T" showeditor="false" />
<Argument name="Z" showeditor="false" />
<Argument name="Inpos" showeditor="false" />
<Argument name="WObj" showeditor="true" />
<Argument name="TLoad" showeditor="false" />

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2.9.1 Hide arguments in programs

The result will be that only the arguments Conc, ID, V and WObj will be shown in
the program windows on the FlexPendant for the instruction MoveJ.


Hiding an argument has priority over other functions such as selection of

argument when adding an instruction, see Highlight argument
(MMC_SELECT_PARAM) on page 51, or additional optional argument in pick
lists, see Pick list titles (MMC_PALETTE_HEAD) on page 45. For the latter case
the argument will be added, but it will not be shown.

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2.9.2 Hide optional argument when changing selected instruction

2.9.2 Hide optional argument when changing selected instruction

It is possible to hide any of the optional arguments listed when a RAPID instruction
is changed from the FlexPendant.
Which optional arguments to be shown on the FlexPendant is specified in the .xml
file using the show-attribute. The default value is that arguments shall be shown.

XML format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Instruction name="Instr1">
<Argument name="Arg1" show="true" />
<Argument name="Arg2" show="false" />

This is an example of an .xml file specifying which optional arguments to show for
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Instruction name="MoveJ">
<Argument name="Conc" show="true" />
<Argument name="ID" show="true" />
<Argument name="V" show="true" />
<Argument name="T" show="false" />
<Argument name="Z" show="false" />
<Argument name="Inpos" show="false" />
<Argument name="WObj" show="true" />
The result will be that only the optional arguments Conc, ID, V, and WObj will be
shown when changing the instruction on the FlexPendant for the instruction MoveJ.


show showeditor Comment

<not defined> <not defined> Default, same as True, True
True True Shown everywhere in FP
True False Hidden in Program Editor and Production Window

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2.9.2 Hide optional argument when changing selected instruction

show showeditor Comment

False True Hidden in Argument Window, but shown in Program
Editor and Production Window.
Users will not be able to program arguments having
this combination, thus it is unlikely that users will be
exposed to this combination. Which means that in
practice this is more like False/False.
False False Totally hidden, cannot be edited by Program Editor

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2.9.3 Argument filter

2.9.3 Argument filter

It is possible to filter the data that is shown as arguments listed on the FlexPendant
and in RobotStudio.
The filter for a specific parameter is specified in the .xml file using the
filter-attribute. The default value is that no filter is used.

XML format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Instruction name="Instr1">
<Argument name="Arg1" filter="PLC_do_.*" />
In the example above only data with a name starting with "PLC_do_" will be matched
and shown for the parameter "Arg1" in the instruction "Instr1".

Regular expressions
The regular expressions are a powerful mechanism when it comes to matching a
multitude of names with a single expression.
In a regular expression all alphanumeric characters match, for example the
expression "abc" will match the sequence "abc". Regular expressions are case
sensitive. Most other characters also match, but a small set is known as the
meta-characters. These are:
Expression Meaning
^ Marks the beginning of the name being matched. Default.
$ Marks the end of the name being matched. Default.
. Any single character.
[s] Any character in the non-empty set s, where s is a sequence of
characters. Ranges may be specified as c-c.
[^s] Any character not in the set s.
r* Zero or more occurrences of the regular expression r.
r+ One or more occurrences of the regular expression r.
r? Zero or one occurrence of the regular expression r.
(r) The regular expression r. Used to separate a regular expression
from another.
r | r' The regular expression r or r'.

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2.9.3 Argument filter

Some examples:
• The expression "MoveL" (or "^MoveL$") would match the name "MoveL",
and nothing else.
• The expression "Move.*" would match "MoveL", "MoveC", "MoveCDO" etc.
• The expression ".*Move.*" would match the names "MyMove", "MoveL",
"MoveC" , "MoveCDO" etc.
• The expressions "", ".*", or "^.*$", i.e. an empty string, matches anything.

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2.9.4 Argument value range

2.9.4 Argument value range

It is possible to define minimum and maximum allowed value when specifying a
numerical value for an argument. The value will be validated by the FlexPendant
and RobotStudio when entering such a value.
The minimum and maximum allowed values for a specific parameter is specified
in the .xml file using the minvalue and maxvalue attributes. The default value is
that no minimum and maximum values are used.

XML format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Instruction name="Instr1">
<Argument name="Arg1" minvalue="1" maxvalue="16" />
In the example above only values between 1 and 16 will be allowed when entering
a numerical value for the parameter "Arg1" in the instruction "Instr1".


The check for valid numerical value will only be performed when entering a
numerical value as argument. No validation will be performed if for instance a
variable is used as argument.

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2 RobotWare Add-In functionality
2.10 FlexPendant applications

2.10 FlexPendant applications

Customized FlexPendant applications can be included in the RobotWare Add-In,
simply by adding the compiled application assemblies and other resources to the
file structure. No additional configuration is needed.
For the application to be loaded properly the Add-In must also register itself using
the register -type option command in the install.cmd file, see register on
page 27.


This section only describes the deployment of FlexPendant applications. For

information on creating FlexPendant applications, see the corresponding manual
for the software used to create the FlexPendant application.

File structure
When adding a FlexPendant application to the Add-In, the application assemblies
(.dll) and other resources (.jpg, .gif, .bmp) need to be placed in the tps folder in the
Add-In file structure, see File structure on page 18.

Localized FlexPendant application

If the FlexPendant application is localized, i.e. has support for multiple languages,
the language specific resources should be placed in tps folders under each
language code folder.
For example, english resource files should be placed in the folder \<option

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3 RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool
3.1.1 About RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool

3 RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool

3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 About RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool

RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool is a PC tool that will help you to pack your Add-In
as a package that can be deployed to the robot controller using the Installation
Manager. The output of the RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool is a product manifest
file and a robot package file.
The tool will help you to:
• Re-package RobotWare 5 additional options into RobotWare 6 Add-Ins.
• Package new RobotWare 6 Add-Ins.
• Define how the end-user will see the product in the Installation Manager.
• Define rules for how options can be selected in the Installation Manager and
what other products are required for the Add-In to work.
The RobotWare Add-In and the RobotWare Add-In license can then be used together
with RobotWare to create a system using the Installation Manager in RobotStudio.
For more information about the Installation Manager, see Operating
manual - RobotStudio.


See also the tutorials on using the RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool available
at ABB Download Center.

Open and licensed Add-Ins

There are two major types of Add-Ins that can be created with the RobotWare
Add-In Packaging tool, open Add-Ins and licensed Add-Ins.
For open Add-Ins, the product manifest and the robot package file created will
contain everything required for the user to install the product unsigned.
For licensed Add-Ins, there is also a signing step involved in the packaging of the
Add-Ins, that will later allow you to generate licenses for the Add-Ins. The licensed
Add-Ins will require the user to add a license file in the Installation Manager to be
able to install the Add-In.

Installation procedure
Before installing the software make sure that the certificates are available, for more
information see Digital signing on page 76.

1 Install the RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool.

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3.1.1 About RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool

2 Install the certificate for the RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool. Use the password
provided by ABB.
(A certificate is only needed when packaging licensed Add-Ins.)
3 Install your own publisher certificate.
(A certificate is only needed when packaging licensed Add-Ins.)
4 Start the RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool.

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3.1.2 Options

3.1.2 Options

Option identity
The option identity is what uniquely identifies an option in a product.
The option identity namespace must start with the product identity and also have
it's own unique part. If the Add-In has many options, the option identity part may
be built up of several parts, to group options logically.
For example: open.yourcompany.yourproduct.youroption
When you decide what scheme to use for the option identity names, keep in mind
that these option identity names are the identifiers that will be used in settings files
and license files (for licensed Add-Ins). If option identifiers are changed between
two releases of an Add-In, compatibility with old settings files and license files will
be broken.

System options and robot options

In RobotWare 5, all options and additional options were system options. To be
able to have one configuration of equipment for one robot and another configuration
of equipment for another robot in a MultiMove system, it was necessary to make
special arrangements in the relkey.opt file.
In RobotWare 6 there is support for both system options and robot options. Typically
an option is classified as a robot option if its primary use is within the task of a
robot. For example, equipment that a robot is dressed with is an example of a robot
option. Or something that is connected to, or set up for, a specific robot in a
MultiMove system. A system option is global to the system, for example languages.

A dependency specified for an option in an Add-In could be either of type AND
dependency, or of type OR dependency. This will define the dependency rule
between the options selected.
For example, dependencies like the following can be defined: Source option A is
dependent on both option B and C. Source option D is dependent on either A, B,
or C.

AND dependency
If an option does not work unless all of its dependent options are also being
installed, all these options are mandatory and should go into the AND dependency
813-1 Optical Tracking
<AND dependent on>
624-1 Continuous Application Platform
628-1 Sensor Interface

OR dependency
If an option does not work unless one of its dependent options are also being
installed, all these options should go into the OR dependency list. In this case the
option will work if either of the options in the list are also selected for installation.

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3 RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool
3.1.2 Options

For example. PROFIenergy requires that either PROFINET Controller/Device or

PROFINET Device is selected for installation:
963-1 PROFIenergy
<OR dependent on>
888-2 PROFINET Controller/Device
888-3 PROFINET Device

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3.1.3 Files

3.1.3 Files

The product manifest file

The product manifest file (.rmf) is a container of the metadata for the Add-In product.
It contains all product and option details.
Product details:
• Product name, product id, product version, version name, company name,
company url, copyright, and description.
• Any product dependencies to other products, such as RobotWare or Add-Ins
that the product may have.
Option details:
• Descriptions of all the options that are included in the Add-In, such as option
names, option id's, option type (system or robot) and licensing restrictions,
• How the option structure should be displayed to the user in the Installation
• Any dependencies to other options that the options in the Add-In may have.
• Any conflicts to other options that the options in the Add-In may have.
The purpose of the product manifest is to define how the end-user will see the
product in the Installation Manager. It will display the options in a structure to the
user and define the rules for how options can be selected and what other products
are required for the Add-In to work.

The robot package file

The robot package file (.rpk) is an archive file that contains the actual contents of
the Add-In, in a compressed form.
The folders and files of the Add-In containing installation and application logics in
.cmd, .cfg, and .sys files.
This package will be transferred to the controller during installation and will be
unpacked on the controller where the .cmd files of the Add-In will be executed to
install the Add-In on the controller.

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3.1.4 Signing with digital certificates

3.1.4 Signing with digital certificates

Digital signing
RobotWare 6 uses signing with digital certificates to ensure the integrity of published
products. When creating a RobotWare Add-In that contains licensed options a
digital signature is mandatory.
To digitally sign a RobotWare Add-In two different types of certificates are required,
a publisher certificate and a licensing certificate.
The publisher certificate signature has 2 main purposes:
• Identify the publisher of the Add-In to the end user.
• Ensure the integrity of the published software. For example, any modifications
to the signed product manifest file will make the signature invalid and cause
the robot controller to refuse to install the Add-In.
The publisher certificate is also commonly known as a code-signing certificate.
The Add-In packaging tool will accept any x509 v3 certificate issued for this purpose.
ABB does not issue publisher certificates, it is the responsibility of the Add-In
developer to obtain a suitable certificate for example by purchasing it from a trusted
certificate authority vendor or create their own self-signed certificate.
The licensing certificate is issued by ABB. This certificate is tied to the product id
you specify and grants you as the publisher the right to issue licenses for your
Add-In. In addition to being used to sign your product the licensing certificate is
also used by the License Generator when creating license files for your RobotWare

In addition to the signing certificates the RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool also
allows you to specify a timestamping server. Timestamping is the process of
applying a timestamp from a trusted source to your digital signature. This ensures
that the signature will still remain valid even if the signing certificate expires or is
revoked at a later date.
For example, without a timestamp the act of revoking a publisher or licensing
certificate would invalidate all products ever signed with these certificates whereas
with a timestamp products signed up to the revocation date will still remain valid.
Although not required it’s considered best practice and recommended to apply a
timestamp when signing your product.
The RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool supports timestamping services that follows
Microsoft’s Authenticode® standard. If you have purchased a publisher certificate
from a certificate authority they should be able to recommend a suitable
timestamping service.
As an alternative Symantec® operates a public timestamping service at the URL
http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll. (Note that it is not possible to
browse to this URL.)

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3 RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool
3.1.4 Signing with digital certificates

Installation of digital certificates

All digital certificates (with the exception of self-signed certificates) are signed by
an issuer certificate. The issuer certificate in turn can have its own issuer, and so
on, until a self-signed root certificate is reached, this forms a so called certificate
For example the certificate chain for an ABB issued licensing certificate looks like
ABB RobotWare Licensing Root
ABB RobotWare Licensing Issuing CA
Licensing for <your product>
The add-in packaging tool requires that all issuer certificates must be installed in
the Windows certificate store to be able to use the end user certificate for signing.
In the example above the ABB RobotWare Licensing Root and ABB RobotWare
Licensing Issuing CA certificates must be installed in order to be able to use the
Licensing for <your product> certificate.
In the case of publisher certificates, if you have purchased a certificate from a 3rd
party vendor the necessary certificate chain is usually already preinstalled in
Windows and no further installation is necessary.
In the case of licensing certificates the complete certificate chain is included in the
.pfx file delivered from ABB and the simplest way to install the issuer certificates
is therefore to install the .pfx file. This will also install the end user certificate which
can be uninstalled afterwards if desired.
To install the certificates locate the .pfx file in Windows Explorer, right click on the
file and select the Install PFX option, this will open up the Certificate Import Wizard.

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3.1.4 Signing with digital certificates

Proceed through the wizard (you will need the pfx password provided by ABB)
until prompted to choose a certificate store:


By default the wizard will try to determine the appropriate store based on the type
of certificate. This would cause parts of the certificate chain to be installed as a
trusted root certificate which is not recommended in the case of licensing certificates
for security reasons. Instead it’s recommended to change the default option and
place all the certificates in the personal store. This will not affect the signing
operations but will prevent the certificates from being trusted for operations for
which they are not intended.

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3.1.4 Signing with digital certificates

Viewing the installed certificates

It is possible to view and manipulate the contents of the Windows certificate store
through the certmgr snap-in to the Microsoft Management Console. To launch the
snap-in, execute the file cermgr.msc in the Windows system folder, usually


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3 RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool
3.2.1 The main window

3.2 The user interface

3.2.1 The main window

Overview of the main window

The main window is displayed when selecting New or Open from the File menu.
The main window has three main views, Product Manifest, Files and Folders, and
Signing Certificate.
When all information about the Add-In has been entered, the Add-In is built by
selecting Build Project from the Build menu.


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3.2.2 The product manifest view

3.2.2 The product manifest view

The product manifest view is used to fill all product related information that goes
into the product manifest file, for example product name, company name, revision,
etc. The product manifest view is also used to structure the Add-In, and to set any
dependencies or conflicts with other Add-Ins or RobotWare versions.

Product details tab

The following information is to be defined in the Product details tab.

Product details

Field name Description

Product Name The name of the product.
Product Id The internal identifier of the product.
The product id is what uniquely identifies the product.
For licensed products the Product Id must start with one of the
namespace strings defined by the licensing certificate. For more
information, see Digital signing on page 76.
For unlicensed products the Product Id must start with the string
open, for example:
Product Version The product version field is used to uniquely identify a specific build
of the product. This information is used by the Installation Manager
and other tools to determine the relation between different releases
of a product, i.e. older, equal, or newer.
The format of the product version can have maximum four fields:
<major version>.<minor version>.<build version>.<revision>
Version Name The version name field represents the product version as displayed
to the end user. It differs from the Product Version field in that it's
intended for display purposes only and is not restricted to a specific
format. It can for example contain identifiers such as "Beta" or
"Release Candidate" in addition to the version.
As a comparison RobotWare 6.02.01 has a Product Version of
"6.02.1029.01" and a Version Name of "".


Add-Ins built with version 1.3 or older of the RobotWare Add-In

Packaging tool are displayed in the Installation Manager as a com-
bination of the Product Name and Product Version fields.
From version 1.4 the Version Name is used instead of Product
Version and it's therefore important that this field contains relevant

Company Name The name of your company.

Free text, for information only.
Company Url The website of your company.
Free text, for information only.
Copyright Copyright information.
Free text, for information only.

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3.2.2 The product manifest view

Field name Description

Description Short product description.
Free text, for information only.

Product dependencies
The product dependencies settings are used to setup dependencies to other
Add-Ins and RobotWare versions.
Click Import to add a dependent software. The following fields will be filled
Field name Description
Identity The internal identifier of the product.
Name The name of the product.
Platform The installation target platform, for instance robot controller and/or
virtual controller.
Publisher The company name of the Add-In publisher.
MinVersion The minimum product version.
MaxVersion The maximum product version (optional).
Type Product type. Always set to Add-In.

Options tab
The Options tab helps the user to create options and to specify their details.

Validate the option

Before leaving the Options view it is necessary to validate the options by clicking
the Validate button.
The following validation is performed:
• The option identity must always begin with product identity text as prefix.

Options and Option details

Field name Description

Display Name The name of the option as displayed to the end user in the Installa-
tion Manager in RobotStudio.
Identity The internal identifier of the option.
The option id is what uniquely identifies an option in a product. The
identifier must begin with the the internal identifier of the product.
For example: open.yourcompany.yourproduct.youroption
For more information, see Options on page 73.
Type The type of option.
• System - Options that are global for the system.
• Robot - Options that can be set per robot in the system, for
example when using MultiMove where different robots may
have different equipment.

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3 RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool
3.2.2 The product manifest view

Field name Description

Attributes Option attributes.
(checkboxes) • Required license - The option requires a license.
• Is internal - The option is not shown in the Installation Man-
ager GUI.
• Is default selected - The option is selected by default in the
Installation Manager in RobotStudio.
• Is locked - The option cannot be deselected in Installation
Manager in RobotStudio.


For licensed products at least one option should have the Requires
license check box selected.

Min Instances Minimum number of robots in the system that can have the option.
(radio button) For options of type Robot only.
Max Instances Maximum number of robots in the system that can have the option,
(radio button) for example when using several robots in a MultiMove system.
For options of type Robot only.

Feature Data
For each option it is possible to define key values that can be retrieved from your
install.cmd file during product installation. For more information see, getkey on
page 24.

Field name Description

Id Id of the key value.
Key Key value.

Feature Data in MultiMove systems

By default all robots in a MultiMove system will get the same option settings. When
it is desired to have different settings for the different robots it is necessary to
provide more details to the robot options in the Feature Data settings.
Select a robot option in the option view, in the Feature Data section, add
{{instance}} to the Id or Key data of those robot options you would like to work
per robot in a MultiMove system, for example ROBOT{{instance}}COLOR.


During installation, the Installation Manager will resolve {{instance}} to 1, 2, 3,

or 4, depending on which robot this setting was meant for. This will allow to check
in the install.cmd files, for example in the following way:
getkey -id "ROBOT1COLOR" -var 10 -strvar $ANSWER -errlabel ERROR
goto -strvar $ANSWER

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3.2.2 The product manifest view

config ...

Categories tab
The Categories tab is used to group and structure the options according to how
the Add-In should be displayed in the Installation Manager.
It is not allowed to mix system options and robot options within the same category.
When there are both system options and robot options in the Add-In, they must
be put into separate categories.
Categories tab Installation Manager



The following validation is performed:

• Only the same option type can be grouped together in a category. I.e. an
option of the type System cannot be in the same category as an option of
type Robot.

Dependency tab
The Dependency tab is used to configure dependencies between options. A
dependency specified for an option in an Add-In could be either of type AND
dependency, or of type OR dependency.
For more information, see Dependencies on page 73.


Is not supported to combine AND dependencies with OR dependencies in the

same group.
1 Select the source option. The source option is the option that should have
a dependency to one or several other options.
2 In the list view select the options that the source option is dependent upon.

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3.2.2 The product manifest view

Add the dependencies for the option to either the AND dependency options
list or to the OR dependency options list.


If you added a product dependency in the Product details tab, the options
of that product will also be listed as options that the source option can
depend upon.

3 Click Add Group to define the dependency.

4 When the dependency has been defined it is listed in the dependency group
list. Use the Edit Group and Remove Group buttons to edit or remove a
dependency rule for an option dependency group.

Conflict tab
The Conflict tab is used to configure conflicts between options. This enables that
conflicting options cannot be selected at the same time in the Installation Manager.
Add the conflicting options one by one and group them by clicking Add Group.
Create a conflict group for each set of conflicting options.


Sometimes, options specified in an OR dependency list are also in conflict with

each other. In that case they should also be added both to the OR dependency
list and to a conflict group.

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3.2.3 The files and folders view

3.2.3 The files and folders view

Files and folders

The Files and Folders tab is used to create the robot package file.
Check that all files and folders to be transferred to the controller during installation
are in place. Files and folders can be added and removed using the user interface.
The name of the installation folder is a combination of the Product Name and the
Product Version, that was filled into the Product Details tab.

Files and folders for converted Add-Ins

After converting an additional option to an Add-In, the Syskey directory can be
removed from the Files and Folders view, since it will no longer be used in the
RobotWare 6 installation. It was required for the import of the additional option,
since it enables the RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool to auto generate the option
details, but now the folder can be removed.
The relkey.txt file can also be removed, since it is not used anymore.

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3.2.4 The signing certificate view

3.2.4 The signing certificate view

Signing Certificate
The Signing Certificate tab is used to add the publisher and licensing certificates.
This information is mandatory for licensed options and is used during signing of
the manifest and robot package files. For more information, see Digital signing on
page 76.

Field name Description

Select from file Choose Select from file to provide your certificates as .pfx files
Certificates from Choose Select from Windows certificate store if your certificates
Windows certificate are installed on your PC.
(radio button)
Publisher Certificate The publisher certificate or certificate file to use for digital signing.
Publisher Certificate The password for your publisher certificate when specified as a .pfx
Password file.
Licensing Certificate The licensing certificate or certificate file for your product as provided
by ABB.
Licensing Certificate The password for your licensing certificate when specified as a .pfx
Password file.
Timestamp Server URL to a timestamp server.
For more information, see Timestamping on page 76.

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3 RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool
3.3.1 Recommended working procedure

3.3 Creating a new Add-In

3.3.1 Recommended working procedure

Basic steps
Use this procedure to create and package the Add-In.
Action See
1 Create a new empty project by clicking New
and then Project from the File menu.
Select Project from an existing folder hier-
archy, then the tool will try to generate default
data for the Add-In.
2 Enter all information about the Add-In in the The product manifest view on page 81
tabs of the product manifest view.
3 Add all files and folders. The files and folders view on page 86
4 For licensed options, add the publisher and The signing certificate view on page 87
licensing certificates.
5 Build the Add-In by selecting Build Project
from the Build menu.
6 Generate a license using the License Generat- License Generator on page 91
7 Verify the Add-In by building a system using Operating manual - RobotStudio
the Installation Manager in RobotStudio.

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3 RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool
3.4.1 Introduction

3.4 Converting an Additional option to an Add-In

3.4.1 Introduction

This section describes how to package an existing RobotWare 5 additional option
as a RobotWare 6 Add-In.
The RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool will add information from the imported
additional option as a template Add-In. It is necessary to go through all the option
details one by one to verify that the content is correct.

• The RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool does not perform any migration of
the additional option to RobotWare 6, it is only a packaging tool. It is
mandatory to first migrate the additional option to RobotWare 6, using the
migration tool in RobotStudio.
• If the additional option has encrypted relkey.opt and .dat files, the files needs
to be decrypted. The RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool will not be able to
process any encrypted files.

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3.4.2 Recommended working procedure

3.4.2 Recommended working procedure

Basic procedure
Use this procedure to convert an Additional option to an Add-In.
Action See
1 Convert the project by clicking Project from
an existing folder hierarchy from the File
2 Verify and correct all information about the The product manifest view on page 81
Add-In in the tabs of the product manifest
3 Verify that all files and folders are present. The files and folders view on page 86
4 For licensed options, add the publisher and The signing certificate view on page 87
licensing certificates.
5 Build the Add-In by selecting Build Project
from the Build menu.
6 Generate a license using the License Generat- License Generator on page 91
7 Verify the Add-In by building a system using Operating manual - RobotStudio
the Installation Manager in RobotStudio.

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4 License Generator
4.1 Introduction

4 License Generator
4.1 Introduction

The License Generator generates license files for RobotWare Add-Ins.

Installation procedure

1 Install the License Generator.
2 Install the certificate for the License Generator. Use the password provided by ABB.
3 Start the License Generator.

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4 License Generator
4.2.1 The Preferences window

4.2 The user interface

4.2.1 The Preferences window

Before running the License Generator it is necessary to setup the preferences in
the Preferences window.
Field name Description
Product Location The location of the product manifest files (*.rmf).
Default License Location The default location where the created licence files (*.rlf) should
be saved.
Authorization File The authorization file, license file, (*.rlf) for the License Gener-
ator provided by ABB.
Signing Certificate Install/use the certificate provided by ABB, same certificate as
(radio button) for the RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool.
• From Certificate Store - Select Certificates from store
if the certificates are already installed.
• From File - Select Certificates from file (*.pfx) to install
the certificates.
Certificate Password Use the certificate password provided by ABB.
Timestamp Server URL to a timestamp server.
For more information, see Timestamping on page 76.

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© Copyright 2015-2016 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 License Generator
4.2.2 The main window

4.2.2 The main window

Overview of the main window

The main window is used to add all options that are to be included in the license
file. When all options are added, the license file is built by clicking Generate


Field name Description

Select Product Select a product manifest to create a license for.
License Select a license to import, to copy the content of that license.
Serial Number The serial number of the IRC5 controller.
Expand/collapse button. Expand/collapse the options in the selected tab.
Clear All Selections Clear all selected options
Auto resolve dependen- Automatically select dependant options.
cies (checkbox)
Generate License Generate the license file.


Double-click an option in the Preview Summary window to locate and highlight

the option in the tree-view.


Use the search function to search for option names instead of browsing through
the tree-view

Application manual - RobotWare Add-Ins 93

3HAC051193-001 Revision: C
© Copyright 2015-2016 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 License Generator
4.3 Creating the License

4.3 Creating the License

Creating a new license

Before creating a license it is necessary to setup the preferences in the Preferences
window, see The Preferences window on page 92.
Use this procedure to create a new license.
1 Select a product manifest to create the license for in the Select Product field.
2 Type in the serial number of the controller.
3 Select all options in the tree-view.
4 Generate the license file by clicking the Generate License button.
5 Verify the license by building a system using the Installation Manager in RobotStudio.

Import and modify a license

Before creating a license it is necessary to setup the preferences in the Preferences
window, see The Preferences window on page 92.
Use this procedure to import and modify a license.
1 Select the product manifest you want to create the license for in the Select Product
2 Select the license to import in the Order/License field.
Click Open to import the license.
3 Type in the serial number of the controller.
4 (Optional)
Add or remove options in the tree-view.
5 Generate the license file by clicking the Generate License button.
6 Verify the license by building a system using the Installation Manager.

Viewing a licence file

It is possible to view a license file. The content of the license file is displayed in
the Licence view window.
Use this procedure to view a license.
1 Click View on the main menu.
2 Browse to the folder where the license is located.
3 Select the license file and click Open.
4 The content of the license file is displayed.

94 Application manual - RobotWare Add-Ins

3HAC051193-001 Revision: C
© Copyright 2015-2016 ABB. All rights reserved.

Index M
mkdir, 26
mmc.cfg, 45
$, 22
module, 31
#, 22
MoveCircle, 31
config, 22 O
copy, 23 onerror, 26
default argument values, 45 pick list, 45
delay, 23 print, 26
delete, 23
direxist, 24 R
rapid_delete_palette, 26
E rapid_delete_palette_instruction, 27
echo, 24 RAPID code, 31
eio.cfg, 44 RAPID rules, 45
event log messages, 33 register, 27
event log texts, 34
event log titles, 36 S
example, 15, 19 safety, 11
selections, 14
F setenv, 28
fileexist, 24 setstr, 29
file structure, 17 sys.cfg, 41
find_replace, 24 system module, 31
getkey, 24 template files, 33
goto, 25 text, 29
text table files, 57
I timestamp, 29
ifstr, 25
ifvc, 25 V
include, 25 validating .xml, 37
install.cmd, 22, 30 version.xml, 19
load modules, 41 xml
validating, 37

Application manual - RobotWare Add-Ins 95

3HAC051193-001 Revision: C
© Copyright 2015-2016 ABB. All rights reserved.
Contact us

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Discrete Automation and Motion
S-721 68 VÄSTERÅS, Sweden
Telephone +46 (0) 21 344 400

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Discrete Automation and Motion
Nordlysvegen 7, N-4340 BRYNE, Norway
Box 265, N-4349 BRYNE, Norway
Telephone: +47 51489000

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No. 4528 Kangxin Highway
PuDong District
SHANGHAI 201319, China
Telephone: +86 21 6105 6666


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