Flemons Zucchini Mush
Flemons Zucchini Mush
Flemons Zucchini Mush
Although the questionnaires indicate that the majority of participants
felt the seminar was a worthwhile experience, it is difficult to assess its
impact on the participants and their involvement in their programmes.
However, both the student participants and the planners seem to believe
that participation in the seminar added to the members' personal and
professional development, as well as increasing their involvement in the
counselling programme and the university community. The students
have undertaken to operate their own groups without departmental
supervision and after the madatory group experience has ended. This
would seem to strengthen the positive appraisal of the sessions, thereby
supporting the continuation of the "non-seminar" for future students.
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be directed to: David de Rosenroll,
Psychological Foundations in Education, Faculty of Education, University of Victoria,
Victoria, B.C. V8W 2Y2.
"Why is he so abusive?"
"He has low self-esteem."
"Why is she so confident?"
"She has high self-esteem."
Indeed, Arnold Lazarus nas coined the acronym "BASIC I.D." to reflect his particular way
of slicing a person into oits.
164 Douglas Flemons
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Correspondence and requests for reprints should be directed to: Douglas Flemons, 22IO-B
35th Street, Lubbock, Texas, U.S.A. 79412