White Paper - La Nina - 1
White Paper - La Nina - 1
White Paper - La Nina - 1
What is La Niña? La Niña is the cold phase of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Its opposite phase is El Niño. La Niña
is defined by cooler than average sea surface temperatures in the central-eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean and related
atmospheric changes. Key characteristics
of La Niña, shown in Figure 1, include: Figure 1 Time series of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation based on the
Oceanic Niño Index
• Events occur irregularly, but typically
happen 2-4 times per decade.
• Events vary in strength and typically
reach their peak intensity late in the
calendar year.
• Many events last more than one
Why is La Niña Important?
La Niña triggers changes in global Source: NOAA
atmospheric and oceanic circulation.
These changes are responsible for anomalous precipitation patterns that can last from months to multiple seasons in FEWS
NET regions (Figure 2). While precipitation outcomes differ from one La Niña to the next, consistent patterns across past
events provide a baseline for prediction. Agroclimatic assumptions used in FEWS NET scenario development are based on
La Niña historical impacts, observed and predicted strength and duration, and other regional factors.
Regional Precipitation La Niña is related to increases in the likelihood of above- and below-average precipitation over
many regions of the globe (Figure 2). These changes in precipitation likelihoods occur during certain times of the year. Over
sub-Saharan Africa, primary rainfall seasons with wet conditions are in the central and eastern Sahel (June-September) and
in Southern Africa (October-May). Dry conditions are most likely over the Greater Horn of Africa during the September-
December and March-May rainy seasons. Over Central Asia, dry conditions are most likely during the winter and spring
precipitation seasons. In northern Central America and the Caribbean the likelihood of wet conditions increases during July-
Methods Wet and dry conditions
Figure 2 Timing of wet and dry conditions related to La Niña
are based on observed precipitation
during 21 La Niña events since
1950. Consistent with seasonal
forecasts, wet and dry correspond to
a statistically significant increase in
the frequency of precipitation in the
upper and lower thirds of historical
values, respectively. Statistical
significance at the 95% level is based
on the resampling of precipitation
during neutral El Niño-Southern
Oscillation conditions.
• Andrew Hoell [email protected]
• Laura Harrison [email protected]
Please Cite As: Famine Early Warning Systems Network, 2020: La Niña www.fews.net
and Precipitation, Agroclimatology Fact Sheet Series, Vol. 2, pp. 1. Twitter: @FEWSNET