Computer System MCQ
Computer System MCQ
Computer System MCQ
يعين اي برانمج موجود عندان ميكن تقس ية ايل 3اجزاء ويه input , processing , output
مثال :برانمج الاسامء املوجود يف موابيكل
انت بتدخل اول حرف من امس الشخص اليل بتدور عليه
تبدأ معلية املعاجلة (البحث يف الاسامء عن الاسامء اليت حتتوي عيل هذا احلرف)
ويظهر يف الهناية عيل الشاشة الاسامء اليت حتتوي عيل احلرف اليل دخلته
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يعين ال Inputهو ال dataاليل بندخلها
وال dataدي ممكن تكون
Numeric Data , Nonnumeric Data (text) , Images , Sound , Video
وال processingاليل بيمت عيل البياانت هو عن طريق معلية من العمليات االتية
Input, Output ,Store ,Retrieve ,Sort ,Search , Compute ,Update ,Select
وال Informationيه املعلومات اليل خرجت بعد معل معاجلة للبياانت
The result of processing data in all form in which it can accept data
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– Wireless devices connect through a transceiver or wireless networking technology (like
Input Devices
Used to input data into the computer
– Keyboards,
– Pointing devices : Mouse , Pen/stylus , Touch screen
– Scanners,
– Optical resolution: Quality of scanned images
Measured in number of dots per inch (dpi)
– Flatbed , Portable , 3D ,Integrated (ATMs, etc.)
– Barcode readers: Input devices that read barcodes
– Digital Cameras
Camera quality is measured in megapixels
– Microphones, joysticks, touch pads, touch screens, fingerprint readers, etc.
Output Devices
Present results to the user
– Monitors(Screens)
– والشاشات لها انواع زي
o Color vs. monochrome
o CRT vs. flat-panel displays
o Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) VS LED (Light emitting diode)
o Cathode ray tube monitors (CRTs) , Liquid crystal display (LCD)
– Printers
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o Color vs. black and white
o Personal vs. network printers
o Print resolution (measured in dpi)
o Print speed (measured in pages per minute (PPM))
o Laser Printers VS Ink-Jet Printers
– speakers, projectors, Plotters, etc.
Processing devices
– Perform calculations and control computer’s operation
– Central processing unit (CPU) and memory
Storage devices
– Used to store data on or access data from storage media
– Hard drives, CD/DVD discs and drives, USB flash drives, etc.
Communications devices
– Allow users to communicate with others and to electronically access
remote information
– Modems, network adapters, etc.
Consist of a storage device and a storage medium
– Device: DVD drive, flash memory card reader, etc.
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– Medium: DVD disc, flash memory card, etc.
Medium is inserted into device to be used
• Logical file representation: The user’s view of the way data is stored
• Physical file representation: The actual physical way the data is stored on
the storage media as viewed by the computer
– Storage technologies:
• Magnetic (conventional hard drives)
• Optical (optical discs)
• Electronics (flash memory media)
• File: Anything stored on a storage medium, such as a program,
document, digital image, or song
• Folder: named place on a storage medium into which files can be stored
1-Hard Disks (secondary storage)
• Magnetic hard drives:
– Use metal hard disks
– Read/write heads magnetize particles to represent the data’s 0s and 1s
– Hard disks are divided into Tracks, Sectors, Clusters ,Cylinders
3-Flash memory:
Type of nonvolatile memory that can be erased and reprogrammed
– Some flash memory chips are used by the computer
– Flash memory chips are also used in flash memory storage media
(sticks, cards, and drives)
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4-Random Access Memory (RAM):
• Computer’s main memory
• Stores essential parts of operating system, programs, and data the computer
is currently using
• Adequate RAM is needed to run programs
• Volatile memory: Contents of RAM is lost when the computer is shut off
• Capacity measured by KB, MB
• Each location in memory has an address
o Each location typically holds one byte
o Computer system sets up and maintains directory tables to
facilitate retrieval of the data
5-Read Only Memory (ROM)
- Non-volatile chips located on the motherboard into which data or
programs have been permanently stored
- Contains programs that permanently recorded at factory.
- Start up program that execute when a computer is turned on
- BIOS (Basic Input/Output system)
6-Cache Memory
processor والRAM ويه بني الprocessor موجودة بداخل الMemory يه عبارة عن
A high speed memory that is used as staging area for the processor.
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High-speed memory built into the CPU; used by the CPU
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Consists of a hundreds of millions of circuitry and components packaged
together (Transistors (Made of semi-conductor material))
Dual-core CPU: Contains the processing components (cores) of two
separate processors on a single CPU
Quad-core CPU: Contains 4 cores
Typically different CPUs for desktop computers, portable computers,
servers, mobile devices, consumer devices, etc.
Often made by Intel or AMD
Clock Speed measured by mega hertz (MHz) or giga hertz (GHz)
CPU consists of :
Control Unit
Uses Electrical Signals to direct the entire computer system to execute stored
Cache memory:
Special group of very fast memory chips located on or close to the CPU
– Level 1 is fastest, then Level 2, then Level 3
– More cache memory typically means faster processing
– Usually internal cache (built into the CPU)
– Often some cache dedicated to each core; may also have some
shared cache accessible by any core
High-speed memory built into the CPU; used by the CPU
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
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Perform Arithmetic & Logic operations
Floating Point Unit (FPU)
• Performs decimal arithmetic
Pre-fetch Unit
• Attempts to retrieve data and instructions before they are needed
for processing in order to avoid delays
Decode Unit
• Translates instructions from the Pre-fetch unit so they are
understood by the control unit, ALU, and FPU
Bus Interface Unit
• Allows the core to communicate with other CPU components
Machine cycle: The series of operations involved in the execution of a single
machine level instruction
– Fetch: The program instruction is fetched
– Decode: The instructions are decoded so the control unit, ALU, and
FPU (Floating-Point Unit )can understand them
– Execute: The instructions are carried out
– Store: The original data or the result from the ALU or FPU
execution is stored in the CPU’s registers
Processor speed is expressed in terms of MIPS (Hertz)
(MIPS : Millions of Instructions Per Second)
Word size: The amount of data that a CPU can manipulate at one time
– Typically 32 or 64 bits
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width and speed هلpass لكbus ب متيش يف اجلهاز يفdata الحظ ال
• Bus: An electronic path over which data can travel
• Bus width: The number of wires in the bus over which data can travel
• Bus width and speed determine the throughput (or bandwidth) of the
– The amount of data that can be transferred by the bus in a given
time period (bit per second (bps))
• Pipelining
• Allows multiple instructions to be processed at one time
• New instruction is started when the preceding instruction move to
the next stage of the pipelining
• Multiprocessing and Parallel Processing
• Use multiple processors to speed up processing
2. Software
Program: A set of instructions that tells a
computer exactly what to do
Software: A general term for programs
Types of Software
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Application Software , System Software
Application Software
يه عبارة عن برامج معينة معموةل لهدف معني
Word Processing (Microsoft Word - WordPerfect)
Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel - Lotus 123 - Quattro)
Database (Microsoft Access - Oracle - DB3+ )
Design (AutoCAD – 3D Studio)
Graphics & Presentation (Microsoft PowerPoint - Harvard - Visio)
Games and Entertainment
System Software
يه الربامج اليل من غريها اجلهاز ميش تغلش
املوجود يف اجلهازHardware يعين بتتحمك يف لك ال
وميكن تقس ميها ايلOperating Systems (زي نظم التشغيل
DOS زي الCommand Line Interface انظمة تشغيل تش تغل بكتابة الاوامر
زيGraphical User Interface ويهmenu والMouse او نظم تشغيل تس تخدم فهيا
)Windows, Linux ,Android , IOS , MAC-OS , Unix,
machine (و زي لغات الربجمة واملرتجامت اليل حتول الاكواد املكتوبة بلغات الربجمة ايل لغة الاةل
) JAVA, C,C++ ,C# , Python , Fortran ,Pascal ولغات الربجمة زيlanguage
Desk clean up , (و زايلربامج امللحقة مع نظم التشغيل لتحسني اداء الكومبيوتر زي
) Defragmentation, Virus Scanning , Firewalls
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3. Computer Classes
Six basic categories of computers:
Embedded computers
Mobile devices
Personal computers
Midrange servers
Mainframe computers
1- Embedded computers
Embedded into a product and designed to perform specific tasks or
functions for that product
Often embedded into:
Household appliances الاهجزة املزنلية, Thermostats, Sewing machines, Cars
2- Mobile device
A very small device with some type of built-in computing or Internet
capability Typically based on mobile phones that have small screens and
a. Smartphones
b. Handheld gaming devices
c. Portable digital media players
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5- Mainframe computers (Large , Very powerful ,Very expensive ,Multiple
users) used by large organizations such an hospitals, universities, large
businesses, banks, government offices
a. Located in climate-controlled data centers and connected to the rest
of the company computers via a network
b. Larger, more expensive, and more powerful than midrange servers
c. Usually operate 24 hours a day
d. Also called high-end servers or enterprise-class servers
6- Super computers (Fastest ,Very large ,Most powerful , Most expensive ,
Multiple users) Used for tasks such as Weather forecasting and weapons
Used for space exploration, missile guidance توجيه الصوارخي, satellites,
weather forecast, oil exploration, scientific research, complex Web
sites, decision support systems, 3D applications, etc.
4. User
The people who makes the system works and for whom the work is done.
end users & Professional وتتقسم ايل مجموعتني
• Computer users (end users)
– People who use a computer to obtain information
• Computer professionals include:
– Programmers
• Write programs computers use
– Systems analysts
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• Design computer systems
– Computer operations personnel
• Manage day-to-day computer operations
– Security specialists
• Secure computers and networks against hackers
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Number systems
SYSTEM القيم المتاحة لكل خانة من خانات الرقم base
1 Binary 0,1 2
2 Octal 0,1,…,7 8
3 Decimal 0,1,…,9 10
4 Hex-Decimal 0,1,…,9,A,B,C,D,E,F 16
A=10 , B=11 , … , F=15
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( 231 . 0625 )10=( 11100111.0001 )2 (=( 231 )10 347
اللي نقسم الرقم باقي اللي نقسم الرقم باقي
عليه القسمة عليه القسمة
2 231 1 8 231 7
2 115 1 8 28 4
2 57 1 8 3 3
2 28 0 0
2 14 0
2 7 1 (=( 231 )10 E7 )16
2 3 1
2 1 1
0 اللي نقسم الرقم باقي
وتحويل الجزء الكسري عليه القسمة
نضرب في 2وناخد الجزء اللي علي شمال العالمة العشرية ونكون بيه الجزء 16 231 7
الكسري من عند العالمة العشرية وانت رايح لليمين "وخلي بالك لما تضرب 16 14 14 E
كل مرة في 2تضرب الجزء اللي علي يمين العالمة العشرية" وتقف لما 0
توصل الي 0
.0625متحطش هنا حاجة في االول
0 .125
0 .250
0 .5
1 .0
( 1001101.1011 )2=( 77.6875 )10 (=( 152 )8 106 )10
digit 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 digit
5 2
اللي 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 2- 2-2 2-3 2-4 8 اللي هنضرب
8 1
هنضرب 1 فيه
فيه 64 8 1
64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 هنا نضرب كل رقم في اللي قصادة
1*64+5*8+2*1 = 106هنا نضرب كل رقم في اللي قصادة
= +1*0.125+1*0.0625 ( 1AF )16=( 431 )10
64+0+0+8+4+0+1+0.5+0+0.125+0.0625 = 77.6875 digit 1 A F
162 161 160اللي هنضرب
256 16 1
هنا نضرب كل رقم في اللي قصادة
= 1*256+A*16+F*1
1*256+10*16+15*1 = 431
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للتحويل من ال Binaryالي ال Octalوالعكس نعمل الجدول
من الثماني للثنائي كل خانه تفكها الي 3خانات
من الثنائي للثماني نبدأ نكزم من ناحية اليمين كل 3ارقام مع بعض ونحولهم الي رقم واحد وتزود اصفار
ناحية الشمال لو اخر مجموعه كانت اقل من 3ارقام
(=( 315 )8 011 001 101 )2 ( 10 110 101 011 )2=( 2653 )8
0 000
1 001
2 010
3 011
4 100
5 101
6 110
7 111
للتحويل من Binaryلل Hex-Decimalوالعكس نعمل الجدول
من للسادسي عشر الي الثنائي كل خانه تفكها الي 4خانات
من الثنائي لل سادسي عشر نبدأ نكزم من ناحية اليمين كل 4ارقام مع بعض ونحولهم الي رقم واحد
وتزود اصفار ناحية الشمال لو اخر مجموعه كانت اقل من 4ارقام
(=( A1D )16 1010 0001 1101 )2 ( 101 1010 1011 )2=( 5AB )16
0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001
A 1010
B 1011
C 1100
D 1101
E 1110
F 1111
للتحويل من ال Octalالي ال Hex-Decimal
هنا نحول octalالي ال decimalأو ال Binaryثم نحول الي ال hex-decimal
للتحويل من ال Hex-Decimalالي ال octal
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Octal ثم نحول الي الBinary أو الdecimal اليHex-Decimal هنا نحول
(-18)10 = ( )2
First take (18)2 = (10010)2
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Apply two’s complement
وفي النهاية.0 الي1 و نحول ال1 الي0 بعد كدة نحول. 8 االول هنوصل الرقم الي عدد خانات من مضاعفات ال
1 نضيف
11101101 Flip
1 Add 1
11101111 (-18)10
Text Representation
How to represent symbols on computer (a,b,…,z,A,B,…,Z,0,1,…9,….) as
Binary digit “Bit”
a. ASCII : American Standard Code for Information Interchange (take
7-bit to represent any symbol “possible binary codes = 27 different code”)
b. Extended-ASCII : ISO-8859 (take 8-bit to represent any symbol
“possible binary codes = 28 different code”)
c. UniCode : (take 32-bit to represent any symbol “possible binary codes
= 232 different ocde”)
Image Representation
Images are represented by a Matrix of pixels
i. Binary Image(Black White) : (Each pixel need 1 bit)
1. pixel value = 0 for black
2. pixel value = 1 for white
ii. Gray Scale Images: Each pixel Value [0,255] (Each pixel need 8 bits)
1. pixel value = 0 for black
2. pixel value = 255 for white
3. pixel value between them is Gray
iii. Colored Images: Each Pixel has 3 Values (Each pixel need 24 bits)
1. value for RED from 0 to 255
2. value for Green from 0 to 255
3. value for Blue from 0 to 255
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