1 Digital Enviornment Theory
1 Digital Enviornment Theory
1 Digital Enviornment Theory
540 mio TL
%48: Search
%45: Display Engine %6: Mobile
ad Marketing
Source: rd.org.tr
Increasing digital media expenditures…
Marketing Communications in Digital
• Digital Advertising
– Display ads (banner, pageskin, e-commerce)
– Pre-roll
– Rich media
– Video
– Adwords
– Retargeting ads
– E-direct ads
– Advergame
• Mobile Marketing
• Social Media Marketing
– Social media ads
– Social media accounts
– Blogs
– Viral
Examples of Digital Advertising
• Display Ads (Banner): Image-based advertisements that
often appear in the side, top, and bottom sections of
websites. They can range widely in terms of size, design,
and function
Examples of Digital Advertising
• Display ads (Pageskin)
Examples of Digital Advertising
• Display ads (E-commerce banner)
Examples of Digital Advertising
• Pre-roll video: Short promotional videos before you could watch a video
on YouTube or another video sharing website. Users are forced to sit
through at least five to 10 seconds of advertising before they see their
desired video.
Examples of Digital Advertising
Rich media banner: Dynamic ad which has
audio/video in it.
• http://demo.mediamind.com/Creative_zone/
Examples of Digital Advertising
• Video ads
Examples of Digital Advertising
Examples of Digital Advertising
Examples of Digital Advertising
• Retargeting Ads: When a user visits a website, a cookie is attached
to the visitor, taking note of what pages and products the user visits
while browsing the site. Once the user leaves the advertiser’s site
and begins journeying to other websites, targetting ads can be made to
appear in certain ad spaces, displaying ads that specifically call out what
the user was looking at on the advertiser’s site earlier.
E-direct Ads: Google’s online email service are contextual ads that are generated by
an automated process that scans a user’s emails to discover interests and topics that
are relevant to the user.
Examples of Digital Advertising
• Advergame
Examples of Digital Advertising
• Mobile ads
Social Media Marketing
Examples of Social Media Marketing
• Facebook Ads
Examples of Social Media Marketing
• Facebook Ads
Sponsored Stories show a user’s Facebook exchange ads take into account a
interaction with an advertisers page or user’s web surfing history data, letting an
product to the user’s friends and larger advertiser show an ad for a product a user was
network. Sponsored Stories are also one looking at earlier on the advertiser’s website
form of Facebook ads that can appear in a
user’s newsfeed.
Examples of Social Media Marketing
• Facebook account
Examples of Social Media Marketing
• Twitter Ads: #Hashtag, promoted tweets, promoted accounts, promoted
Examples of Social Media Marketing
• Twitter account
Examples of Social Media Marketing
Blogger endorsement
More on various formats in digital
marketing communications…
• https://www.udemy.com/blog/advertising-
• http://www.wordstream.com/online-
ads#YouTube Ads