Identification Information
Name: Mr. S. K
Age: 9 Years
Gender: Male
No. of siblings: Nill
Marital Status: Single
Children: Nill
Occupation: Student (3rd Grade)
Father Occupation Private Job (Auto shop)
Mother Occupation Housewife
Religion Islam
Birth Order First
Earning Members in Family One
Socioeconomic Status Middle Class
Family System Nuclear
Residency Bostan Valley, Rawalpindi
Father alive/Dead Alive
Mother alive/dead Alive
Head of Family Father
Presenting Problems
S.K. 9-year-old boy was seen in this Neuropsychiatric clinic clinic (Centre of Profound
Education, Gulraiz Rwp) for assessment. He was accompanied by his parents who provided
They reported concerns about physical disability and delayed milestones.
Reason for Referral
Parents were concerned about physical disability and delayed milestones.
Psychological/Psychiatric History:
i. Personal: Nill
ii. Medical history:
a. Personal: Nothing experienced. No history of medication, allergies, infections,
surgeries, and accidents was found. He is toilet trained but needs assistance.
b. Family: Parents are cousins. Some complications at the neonatal stage (delayed
crying) along with delay in a few milestones. Apart from that there is no
disability or mental illness found in siblings and family.
iii. Personal history: Nill
iv. Lifetime history of stressful events (if applicable): Nill
Behavioral Observations
He was a well-groomed lovely boy with a welcoming attitude toward others and very
active in activities. He was well aware of his surroundings which reflected his short-term and
long-term memory. His speech was normal while interacting with other people. All of his
cognitions were intact with little aggression in his mood.
Psychological Evaluation
The projective analysis on human figure drawing (HFD) and (HTP) indicates the
client’s poor inner control, guilt feelings and lack of interpersonal relationships. The drawing
indicates aggressive tendencies, inferiority feelings, rigidity, and sexual conflicts.
In bender visual gestalt test client scores depict that..............
The Childhood Autism Spectrum Test was administered to assess the symptom of autism
spectrum disorder; client scores indicated in the 15-31 range indicate possible autism spectrum
disorder or related social communication difficulties.
Tentative Diagnosis
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC)