Haldor Topsoe Ammonia Part2
Haldor Topsoe Ammonia Part2
Haldor Topsoe Ammonia Part2
ammonia process
Topsøe continuously develops and optimises equipment, Our ammonia process
catalysts and processes for ammonia production, ensuring our Topsøe’s low-energy ammonia process scheme is optimised for
clients state-of-the-art operations. the actual project conditions by selection of process features
and by adjusting the process parameters. Topsøe’s ammonia
Our specialised equipment plant designs are characterised by the extensive integration
Topsøe’s research programme has made many improvements between process sections and the steam and power system.
in the process technology and development of specialised
equipment for critical processing steps. Such equipment A new Topsøe ammonia plant will typically consist of the
includes: following main process steps: