Haldor Topsoe Ammonia Part2

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The Topsøe

ammonia process
Topsøe continuously develops and optimises equipment, Our ammonia process
catalysts and processes for ammonia production, ensuring our Topsøe’s low-energy ammonia process scheme is optimised for
clients state-of-the-art operations. the actual project conditions by selection of process features
and by adjusting the process parameters. Topsøe’s ammonia
Our specialised equipment plant designs are characterised by the extensive integration
Topsøe’s research programme has made many improvements between process sections and the steam and power system.
in the process technology and development of specialised
equipment for critical processing steps. Such equipment A new Topsøe ammonia plant will typically consist of the
includes: following main process steps:

-- tubular reformers -- feed purification

-- secondary reformer burners -- steam reforming
-- Haldor Topsøe Exchange Reformer (HTER) -- CO conversion
-- waste heat boilers -- CO2 removal
-- ammonia converters -- methanation
-- ammonia synthesis
Our catalyst
Our catalysts and processes are developed in close
collaboration between research, engineering and production,
with a detailed R&D programme for the catalysts used in every
step of the ammonia process, from feed purification to ammonia

Figure 1: The ammonia proces

Feed purification Prereforming
In plants using the steam reforming process it is imperative to Prereforming is used for low-temperature steam reforming of
remove sulphur efficiently from the hydrocarbon feed in order to hydrocarbon feedstocks ranging from natural gas to heavy
prevent poisoning of the nickel-based reforming catalyst in the naphtha. The prereformer is located upstream the primary
primary reformer and other downstream catalysts. (tubular) reformer where it converts all higher hydrocarbons into
methane. The prereformer predigests the feed and ensures
Chlorine is also a poison for several catalysts, particularly easier and consistent feed for the primary reformer, resulting in
copper-containing catalysts such as the low temperature savings in the investment cost as the primary reformer can be
shift catalyst, and it can further cause corrosion in piping and designed for milder operating conditions.
equipment. Therefore it is essential to remove both sulphur and
chlorine present in the feedstock in the feed purification section. Furthermore, the prereformer catalyst will pick-up any traces
of sulphur and will consequently increase the lifetime of the
The feed purification section usually consists of units for downstream catalysts in the tubular reformer and the CO
hydrogenation, sulphur absorption and optionally chlorine conversion section.
absorption. All of these catalytic units are based on Topsøe’s
range of feed purification catalysts. Tubular reforming
Steam reforming is used in the production of synthesis gas
Steam reforming from feedstocks such as natural gas, refinery off-gases, LPG or
Steam reforming is a well established process for the naphtha. Topsøe’s fundamental knowledge of steam reforming
manufacture of hydrogen and synthesis gases. The feedstock reactions and the complex interaction between heat transfer
to steam reformers may be natural gas, refinery off-gases, LPG, and reaction kinetics has resulted in the development of superior
naphtha or any mixture of these feedstocks. steam reforming technologies and catalysts. Topsøe’s reforming
designs are based on the side-fired furnace concept, which
Topsøe’s steam reforming range ensures optimum use of high alloy tube materials. Accurate
Topsøe’s range of steam reforming processes includes several temperature control ensures long lifetime of the reformer tubes.
A range of catalysts designed for the reforming processes
-- prereforming provide optimal plant performance.
-- tubular reforming
-- heat exchange reforming Topsøe has licensed more than 250 side-fired reformers all over
-- secondary reforming the world.

Topsøe’s state of the art low-energy ammonia process will

always include a tubular reformer and an air-blown secondary
reformer. However, depending on the specific conditions such
as natural gas composition, plant capacity and requirements
to steam export, it may be beneficial to introduce prereforming
and/or heat exchange reforming as well.
Heat exchange reforming (HTER) Typically up to around 20% of the natural gas feed can in this
The HTER (Haldor Topsøe Exchange Reformer) is a relatively way by-pass the primary reformer.
new feature, initially developed for use in synthesis gas plants. In
ammonia plants this unit is operated in parallel with the primary The first reference for an HTER has been in successful operation
reformer. The advantage of the HTER is that it reduces the size in a synthesis gas producing plant in South Africa since 2003.
of the primary reformer and at the same time it reduces the HP The HTER concept is also widely used in the design of high
steam production. capacity hydrogen plants.

Therefore, the HTER is found to be particularly well suited in Secondary reforming

large capacity plants (especially stand-alone ammonia plants In ammonia plants the methane reforming reaction from the
not requiring a large steam export to a urea plant) as well as in primary reformer is continued in the secondary reformer. The
revamp scenarios where the reforming section is the bottleneck. addition of air in the secondary reformer provides oxygen for the
combustion of the leftover methane. Furthermore, the nitrogen
The principle of the HTER is that reaction heat is provided by for the ammonia is introduced to the process.
the exit gas from the secondary reformer, and thereby the waste
heat normally used for HP steam production can be used for
the reforming process down to typically 750–850°C, depending
upon actual requirements. Operating conditions in the HTER are
adjusted independently of the primary reformer in order to get
the optimum performance of the overall reforming unit.

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