Cos 1
Cos 1
Cos 1
By signing this release I understand this permission signifies that photographic or video recordings of me
may be electronically displayed and shared in various settings and forms.
There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these
materials may be distributed. Consent can be revoked at any time (notwithstanding the continued use of
previously released formats of my image, likeness and sound of my voice as recorded on audio or by video)
by contacting: [email protected]
[email protected]
This release applies to photographic, audio or video recordings collected as part of the sessions listed on
this document only. Any and all content derived from my image, likeness and sound of my voice as
recorded on audio or video tape may be used by Digital Skills Foundation and their partners in any
capacity as desired by the parties requesting permission as related to informational, educational, and
promotional purposes.
By signing this form I acknowledge that I have completely read and fully understand the above release
and agree to be bound thereby. I hereby release any and all claims against any person or organization
utilizing this material for informational, educational, and promotional purposes.
Full Name :
Email :
Signature : Date :
If the primary subject of this release is under the age of 18 , then the signature of that person's parent or
legal guardian is also required.
Full name :
Relationship to minor:
Signature : Date :
Once you have completed this form, please send the filled-in copy by email to DSF at:
[email protected]
Share Your Story!
1. Tell us your name and where you're currently studying.
2. What year are you in, and what's your major or favorite subject?
3. How did you first come across our digital literacy and 21st-century skills
4. Which of our courses have you taken, and when did you complete them?
5. Can you share a moment or project where the skills you learned from the
course were particularly helpful?
6. How do you think these courses will benefit you in your future studies or
career aspirations?
7. Why would you suggest other students your age take these courses?
8. In your opinion, how vital is digital literacy for our generation?
9. Just for fun: Share a recent tech or digital trend you've noticed among
your peers. Any new apps, platforms, or digital challenges you're into?
Record horizontally; make sure the camera is on a sturdy surface (not hand-held) and is
steady before starting to record. You can put the recording device on a table, a stand, a
shelf, etc.
Ensure that the microphone (if you use one) is at the top of your shirt collar to ensure
that people hear your voice. Make sure to speak slowly and enunciate each word.
Try and find a quiet environment in which to film. It would be a shame if people were
distracted by background noise or if they weren’t able to understand you because of it.
Don’t be afraid to do more than one take. The goal is to have a video that you are happy
with and that other will be able to follow smoothly. If this takes a few tries, that is
alright. It is better to take your time and have something of quality than to rush through
things and for your video to be unusable.
Make sure that you look at the camera lens when you’re speaking. I know that this can
feel strange, but it gives the effect of looking people in the eye for those who watch the
video. Eye contact is said to increase engagement and maintain interest.
Most importantly: Be yourself! The best videos are those in which the person of interest
seems relaxed and comfortable.
Your Life in Film
Some helpful tips
Avoid glare: If you are taking a picture outside; make sure the sun is in front of you
(if you film with the sun behind you then the glare and light may make it difficult
to see you or whomever or whatever you are trying to take a photo of).
Keep focused: In order for the poto to not be blurry, make sure that
the lens is properly focused on the subject of the photo.