Androgen Receptor Variants Confer Castration
Androgen Receptor Variants Confer Castration
Androgen Receptor Variants Confer Castration
Androgen receptor (AR) inhibition by androgen deprivation (AR-V) preferentially bound the SLC7A11 enhancer and upregu-
and/or antiandrogen administration is the mainstay therapy for lated SLC7A11 expression, thereby conferring resistance to ferrop-
advanced prostate cancer. However, most prostate cancers ulti- tosis induced by ENZ treatment. However, this effect was abolished
mately become resistant to these therapies, indicating the impor- following downregulation of AR-Vs using the dual CBP/p300 and | 3192
Androgen Receptor Variants Inhibit Ferroptosis
Figure 1.
AR antagonists promote ferroptosis in prostate cancer cells. A–I, LNCaP and C4–2 cells treated with vehicle (mock) or ENZ, vehicle (mock) or ARV110, or transfected
with nonspecific shRNA (shNS) or AR-specific shRNAs (shAR#1 and #2). At 48 hours after treatment, cells were subjected to measurement of lipid peroxidation by
C11-BODIPY staining and flow cytometry (A–C), and measurement of intracellular levels of GSH (D–F) and LDH (G–I). Experiments were repeated three times
independently and similar results were obtained. J–L, Cell viability in LNCaP and C4–2 cells cultured in regular or cystine-low (2 mmol/L) medium in the presence or
absence of Ferr-1 and treated with vehicle or ENZ (J), ARV110 (K), or infected with lentivirus expressing nonspecific shRNA (shNS) or AR-specific shRNAs (L) for
72 hours.
3194 Cancer Res; 83(19) October 1, 2023
Sun et al.
Androgen Receptor Variants Inhibit Ferroptosis
conferring antiandrogen resistance (21, 24, 25). Previous studies de-identified from patient information. All participants provided
have shown that androgen deprivation or treatment of antiandro- written informed consent. This study was conducted in accordance
gen such as enzalutamide (ENZ) induces AR-V expression in with the guidelines and tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki.
prostate cancer cells in vitro and in vivo (22, 24).
In this study, we identified the SLC7A11 gene as a bona fide Transfection and stable cell-line generation
transactivation target of AR in prostate cancer cells. Inhibition of Lipofectamine 2000 transfection reagent (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
the AR by ENZ impaired GSH production and sensitized prostate was used to transfect prostate cancer cells with siRNAs. Lentivirus
cancer cells to ferroptosis by repressing SLC7A11 expression. transduction system was utilized to generate stable cell lines with
However, sustained expression of AR-Vs in ENZ-treated cells specific gene knockdown. PEI was used to transfect shRNA plasmids
drove SLC7A11 expression and thereby promoted castration- together with lentivirus package plasmids (PSPAX2 and PMD2.G)
resistance due to ferroptosis inhibition. Cotreatment of CBP/ into HEK293T cells. Forty-eight hours after transfection, supernatant
p300 and BET dual inhibitor NEO2734 inhibited AR-V expression containing viruses was collected, filtered, and utilized to infect indi-
and overcame resistance to ferroptosis and ENZ in prostate cancer cated cells. Polybrene (8 mg/mL) was added to the viral supernatant to
cells. increase the infection efficiency. Forty-eight hours after infection,
culture medium was replaced with fresh medium, and puromycin
(1 mg/mL) was administrated for cell selection. Sequence information
Materials and Methods of siRNAs and shRNAs is provided in Supplementary Table S1.
Figure 2.
Genome-wide analyses link AR to metabolism-related biological processes. A, Heatmap showing expression of genes downregulated (left) and upregulated (right)
by DHT treatment relative to mock in LNCaP cells cultured in medium containing charcoal-stripped serum (CSS). B, GO enrichment analysis of the 415 upregulated
genes [log2 (fold change) > 1] using the tools from the GSEA website ( Top 10 annotation clusters
are shown according to their enrichment scores [log10 (P value)]. C, Diagram showing the role of SLC7A11 in the context of ferroptosis regulation. D, UCSC Genome
Browser screenshot of RNA-seq data showing SLC7A11 expression levels in LNCaP (GSM2432771 vs. GSM2432769) and C4–2 cells (GSM2432783 vs. GSM2432781)
cultured in CSS medium and treated with or without DHT (10 nmol/L) for 24 hours. E and F, qRT-PCR (E) and Western blot (F) analysis of SLC7A11 expression in LNCaP
and C4–2 cells treated as in D. G–I, UCSC screenshot of RNA-seq data (G) showing SLC7A11 expression levels in LNCaP cells (GSM6132392 vs. GSM6132398) treated
with or without ENZ (10 mmol/L) for 72 hours and qRT-PCR (H) and WB (I) analysis of SLC7A11 expression in LNCaP and C4–2 cells with the same treatments as in G.
J and K, Western blot (J) and qRT-PCR (K) analysis of SLC7A11 protein (J) and mRNA expression (K) in LNCaP and C4–2 cells infected with lentivirus expressing
nonspecific shRNA (shNS) or AR-specific shRNAs for 72 hours. L and M, qRT-PCR (L) and Western blot (M) analysis of LuCaP35 xenograft tumors from male mice
(n ¼ 5 mice/group) treated with sham castration or castration for 1 week. N, The dot plots showing the comparison of expression levels of AR (left) and SLC7A11 (right)
between primary tissues and corresponding metastatic prostate cancer patient samples (GSE32269). O, The scatter plots showing the positive correlation between
AR and SLC7A11 mRNA expression in GSE32269 dataset. P and Q, Representative images (P) and quantitative data (Q) for SLC7A11 protein IHC staining in a group of
primary tissues (n ¼ 20) and metastatic CRPC samples (n ¼ 20).
micrometer-thick sections were cut from the samples and mounted osmium acid for 2 hours. Cell sections were dehydrated in ethanol and
onto slides. Antigen retrieval and immuno-staining were performed as embedded in acetone. The sections (50–60 nm) were stained with 3%
described previously (29). IHC staining was scored based on the “most uranium acetate and lead citrate. TEM images were captured using the
common” criteria. Staining score ¼ staining intensity staining transmission electron microscope (JEM-1011).
positivity. Staining intensity was graded into four categories: 0, 1, 2,
and 3. Specifically, 0 ¼ no staining, 1 ¼ weak staining (staining obvious Quantitative reverse transcription and PCR
only at 400), 2 ¼ medium staining (staining obvious at 100 but not Total RNA was extracted from cells using TRIzol reagent (Ambion)
40), and 3 ¼ strong staining (staining obvious at 40). For staining and reversely transcribed into cDNA using the GoScript Kit (Pro-
positivity, 0 ¼ no positive cells, 1 ¼ 10% or less of positive cells, 2 ¼ mega). The SYBR Green Mix (Bio-Rad) and CFX96 Real-Time System
11% to 50% positive cells, 3 ¼ 51% to 70% positive cells, 4 ¼ 71% or (Bio-Rad) were utilized to conduct the real-time PCR according to
more positive cells. manufacturer’s instruction. Expression of ACTB housekeeping gene
was used as an internal control, and data were present as mean SD.
Biochemical experiments Sequence information for primers used for qRT-PCR is provided in
To assess intracellular GSH concentration, GSH assay (Cayman Supplementary Table S3.
Chemical) was performed according to manufacturer’s specifications.
In brief, cell lysate supernatant from indicated treatments were reacted Quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation PCR
with monochlorobimane to generate a highly fluorescent product that Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments were per-
Figure 3.
AR promotes SLC7A11 expression at transcriptional level. A, Meta-analysis of ChIP data of transcription factors that potentially bind to the SLC7A11 gene locus using
the online-based platform Cistrome software ( B and C, UCSC screenshot of AR ChIP-Seq showing AR occupancy at the SLC7A11 loci in
LNCaP and C4–2 cells cultured in CSS medium and treated with or without DHT (B), and qChIP-PCR analysis of AR binding at the SLC7A11 promoter and enhancer
regions in LNCaP and C4–2 (C) cells with the same treatment as in B. D and E, AR ChIP-Seq occupancy profiles at the SLC7A11 loci in C4–2 cells treated with or without
ENZ (D). qChIP-PCR confirming AR binding at the SLC7A11 promoter and enhancer region was abolished in C4–2 cells (E) with the same treatment as in D.
Bioinformatic analysis a 96-well plate with a density of 1,500 cells per well. At the indicated
The raw reads of RNA-seq were aligned to the human genome time points, 10 mL CellTiter 96R Aqueous One Solution reagent
reference (hg19) using STAR 2.7.10. The in RSeQC was (Promega) was added to cells. After incubating at 37 C incubator for
used to transform the bam files to wiggle format, which was transferred 2 hours, cell growth was measured in a microplate reader with
to bigwig format to be visualized in the UCSC Genome Browser. absorbance at 490 nm.
and C4–2 in six-well plates, and cultured under normal growth (1 mm3) and injected subcutaneously into 6-week-old male mice.
conditions for 10 to 14 days. Colonies were washed three times in After xenografts reached a size of 200 mm3, animals were randomly
PBS, and fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 0.5 hours. The colonies divided into two groups. One group was treated with sham castration
were further stained by 0.5% crystal violet for 1 hour and washed with and the other group was castrated surgically. After 1 week, tumors were
water twice to remove the crystal violet. The number of colonies in each harvested and proceeded for Western blot and qRT-PCR.
well was counted using an inverted microscope.
Statistical analysis
Generation of xenografts and PDX tumors and drug treatment All data are presented as the mean SE from three or more
The animal studies were approved by the Institutional Animal Care independent experiments. Differences between two groups were ana-
and Use Committee at the Mayo Clinic. C4–2 xenograft experiments lyzed using unpaired Student t test. Survival curves were obtained
were performed as described previously (26). Briefly, C4–2 cells using the Kaplan–Meier method, and the log-rank test was used to test
(3 106) were mixed with Matrigel [in 50 mL of 1 PBS plus 50 mL the difference in survival curves. P values <0.05 were considered
of Matrigel (BD Biosciences)] and injected subcutaneously into statistically significant.
the right flank of 6-week-old male mice. After xenografts reached a
size of 200 mm3, animals were randomly divided into two groups for Data availability
treatment with vehicle or ENZ (10 mg/kg daily). 22Rv1 cells (3 106) The next-generation sequencing data from The Cancer Genome
were mixed with Matrigel [in 50 mL of 1 PBS plus 50 mL of Matrigel Atlas (TCGA), Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C), and Neuroendocrine
Figure 5.
SLC7A11 attenuates ferroptosis induced by AR antagonist. A–C, C4–2 cells infected with lentivirus expressing the indicated shRNAs and/or expression vectors and
cultured in regular or cystine-low medium (2 mmol/L) for 48 hours and subjected to MTS assays (A), measurement of intracellular GSH levels (B), and detection of lipid
peroxidation by flow cytometry after C11-BODIPY staining (C). Three biological replicates were analyzed. D, C4–2 cells treated as indicated were subjected to
transmission electron microscopy. White arrows, mitochondria with obvious cristae. Red arrows, shrunken mitochondria. Scale bars, left, 2 mm; right, 500 nm.
Experiment was repeated three times independently with similar results. E and F, Representative images (E) and quantitative data (F) for IHC staining of 4HNE in
C4–2 xenograft tumors in mice treated with or without ENZ for 20 days.
Figure 6.
AR-Vs promote SLC7A11 expression and suppress ferroptosis. A, UCSC screenshot of ChIP-seq data of AR and H3K4me1 showing AR occupancy and the level of
H3K4me1 at the SLC7A11 gene locus in 22Rv1 cells in which endogenous AR-FL and AR-Vs were specifically knocked down individually. B, qChIP-PCR confirming the
binding of AR-FL and AR-Vs at the SLC7A11 promoter and enhancer regions in 22Rv1 cells. C and D, 22Rv1 cells transfected with nonspecific siRNA (siNS), siRNA
specific for AR-FL (siAR-FL), and siRNAs specific for AR-Vs (siAR-Vs, including siAR-V1, V3, V4, and V7) and cultured in CSS medium were subjected to Western blot
(C) and qRT-PCR (D) analysis. ERK2 was used as a loading control. E and F, 22Rv1 cells transfected with indicated siRNAs and cultured in regular or cystine-low CSS
medium in the presence or absence of Ferr-1 were subjected to MTS (E) and FACS analysis (F) after cells were stained with propidium iodide (PI).
3200 Cancer Res; 83(19) October 1, 2023
Sun et al.
Androgen Receptor Variants Inhibit Ferroptosis
analysis of RNA-seq data suggests that SLC7A11, a known ferroptosis scription factors, including those highly relevant in prostate cancer
inhibitory gene (Fig. 2C), is a putative androgen-upregulated gene such as AR, p300, FOXA1, and FOXA2, revealed that AR was one of
(Fig. 2A and D). Androgen regulation of SLC7A11 mRNA expression the top 20 transcription factors with a strong potential to transactivate
was further validated by qRT-PCR and Western blot analysis in both expression of the SLC7A11 gene (Fig. 3A), suggesting that upon
LNCaP and C4–2 cell lines (Fig. 2E and F). In contrast, RNA-seq activation AR might regulate SLC7A11 expression by directly binding
analysis showed that SLC7A11 mRNA expression was downregulated to this gene locus. In support of this notion, analysis of the AR ChIP-
by ENZ treatment in LNCaP (Fig. 2G), and this result was further seq data we generated previously (38) revealed that DHT treatment
confirmed by qRT-PCR and Western blot analysis in LNCaP and C4–2 markedly increased AR occupancy at promoter (P) and non-promoter
cell lines (Fig. 2H and I). Furthermore, we found that knockdown of [e.g., putative enhancer (E)] regions of SLC7A11 locus in both LNCaP
AR by two independent shRNAs also decreased SLC7A11 expression at and C4–2 cell lines (Fig. 3B). Androgen-induced AR binding in these
both protein and mRNA levels in LNCaP and C4–2 cells (Fig. 2J genomic regions was further confirmed by qChIP-PCR in these two
and K). Although DHT or ENZ treatment had no obvious effect on cell lines (Fig. 3C). In contrast, ENZ treatment abolished AR occu-
mRNA expression of GPX4, another key regulator of ferroptosis pancy at the SLC7A11 gene locus (Fig. 3D and E). These data indicate
(Supplementary Fig. S2A–S2C), DHT increased and ENZ decreased that AR promotes SLC7A11 expression through occupancy at different
GPX4 expression at the protein level (Supplementary Fig. S2D and regions in this gene locus and AR binding can be abrogated by
S2E). These findings are consistent with a previous report that cystine inhibition of the androgen/AR axis.
uptake caused by upregulation of SLC7A11 only increases GPX4
Figure 7.
Dual inhibitor NEO2734 cotreatment overcomes AR-V-mediated resistance to ferroptosis and ENZ in prostate cancer. A–C, 22Rv1 cells treated with vehicle or
different doses of NEO2734 for 24 hours were subjected to WB (A) and qRT-PCR analysis of AR-FL and AR-V7 (B), and SLC7A11 mRNA expression (C). D, 22Rv1 cells
treated with vehicle or different doses of NEO2734 for 36 hours were subjected to the detection of lipid peroxidation by flow cytometry after C11-BODIPY staining.
E–G, 22Rv1 cells were treated as indicated and subjected to WB analysis at 48 hours posttreatment (E), colony formation assay after 12 days of treatment followed by
colony photographing (F) and quantification (G). H–J, 22Rv1 cells infected with lentivirus expressing empty vector or HA-SLC7A11 and stable cells were subjected to
WB analysis (H) and treated with vehicle or ENZ plus NEO2734 followed by colony formation assay for 12 days. Colonies were photographed (I) and quantified (J) at
the end of treatment. K–M, Mice with 22Rv1 xenograft tumors were treated with the indicated drugs and tumor volumes were measured at the indicated
time points (K) and tumors were photographed (L) and weighted (M) at the end of drug treatment (day 21). Data shown as mean SD (n ¼ 6 replicates/group).
N–P, Representative images (N) and quantitative data for IHC staining of 4HNE (O) and SLC7A11 (P) proteins in 22Rv1 xenograft tumors.
Figure 8.
Hypothetical working model. AR-FL transactivates
SLC7A11 gene transcription by directly occupying at the
promoter and enhancer regions of SLC7A11 gene. Anti-
androgen treatment suppresses SLC7A11 expression and
induces ferroptosis in prostate cancer cells by inhibiting
AR-FL-mediated transactivation of SLC7A11 expression
(left). In contrast, AR-Vs preferentially bind to the
SLC7A11 gene enhancer and upregulate SLC7A11 expres-
sion, thereby conferring resistance to ferroptosis induced
by ENZ treatment (right). However, the effect of AR-Vs
can be abolished by CBP/p300 and BET dual inhibitor
treatment-mediated inhibition of AR-V expression.
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