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3 authors:
Nivedita Ghayal
Abasaheb Garware College
All content following this page was uploaded by Gharpure Pallavi on 01 July 2024.
Chemical profiling and assessment of egg hatchability with different solvent extracts of selected
invasive weeds
Gharpure Pallavi1*, Bansod Vaishali1, Ghayal Nivedita2
Department of Zoology, Environmental Science Research Centre, B G College, New Sangvi, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Department of Botany, MES Abasaheb Garware College, Pune, Maharashtra, India
A revolutionary change is utmost important to overcome the problems created due to overuse of chemical pesticides. Phyto-
pesticides will be economically available at an affordable price, environmentally safe and reduce the cost of synthetic
chemicals. Plant families such as Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Meliaceae, Rutaceae and Solanaceae are widely known to possess
various types of larvicidal, adulticidal, repellent, oviposition deterrent and ovicidal/egg hatchability activities against different
species of mosquitoes studied till today. Weeds are nowadays preferable plants for research because of their easy availability
and undesirability. Botanical pesticides can be in the form of essential oils, plant extracts or secondary metabolites like
alkaloids, polyphenols, steroids, terpenes or fatty acids. Alkaloids along with tannins, steroids, glycosides, triterpenoids and
saponins present in plants possess insecticidal properties. β-sitosterol in plants, animals, microbes are well known to possess
insecticidal/ toxic larvicidal property. These compounds also possess adulticide, repellent and oviposition-deterrent property.
Studies conducted have revealed that these compounds affect the autonomous nervous system, constrict the blood vessels at
very low concentrations and are reported to be toxic to larvae of Aedes aegypti, Culex and Anopheles mosquito species.
Ovicidal effects of phytochemicals have not been studied to greater extent hence undertaken for study. The present
investigations were carried out to assess the ovicidal/ egg hatchability efficiency of three weeds Euphorbia heterophylla L
(Euphorbiaceae), Cosmos sulphureus Cav (Asteraceae) and Alternanthera tenella Colla (Amaranthaceae) against Aedes
aegypti L (Diptera: Culicidae). In present study petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanolic extracts of all 3
weeds exhibited variable ovicidal effects. Zero hatchability was observed at 1000 ppm with ethyl acetate extracts of Cosmos
and Euphorbia. Chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts of Alternanthera showed similar results at 1000 ppm concentration
whereas petroleum ether extracts showed significant results at lower concentration (400 ppm).
Keywords: Alternanthera tenella, biochemical analytical tests, cosmos sulphureus, euphorbia heterophylla, GC-MS analysis,
FTIR spectroscopy, total egg hatchability
International Journal of Entomology Research www.entomologyjournals.com
possess many medicinal properties like ant-oxidant, anti- Materials and Methods
inflammatory, anti-malarial (Rodrigues et al., 2014; 1. Identification and Authentication of plant sample
Rathinam et al., 2017) [29, 28]. A. tenella aqueous extracts Alternanthera tenella Colla (Auth no: 19-167) was
were evaluated for allelopathic effects on germination of identified and authenticated from Department of Botany,
agricultural crops by several researchers (Dhole et al., 2011; Agharkar Research Institute, Pune. It was collected at its
Gharpure et al., 2023a; Gharpure et al., 2023 b) [4, 8, 9]. vegetative and reproductive stages from Paud- Pirangut
Previous studies have revealed the presence of biologically area, Tal: Mulshi (18o 30’42.30” N, 73o 40’49.28” E). Plant
important compounds as gallic acid, flavonoids fractions samples were collected during the month of Aug-Sept.
such as formononetin, myricetin, quercetin, kaemferol, Cosmos sulphureus (Auth no: Bot/ BGC-05/AUTH/2021-
acacetin, vitexin, 8-C- [ α-L rhamnopyranosyl-(1-2)- β-D- 22) has also invaded the area of about 30 kms from
glucopyranoside-], 2”-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-vitexin from Bhugaon upto Mulshi covering the whole area along road
ethanolic extracts of A. tenella (Salvador et al., 2006; sides, along with Alternanthera tenella (syn A. ficoidea)
Ramani and Poonguzhali, 2015) [30, 27]. which is another dominant species occupying the fallow
Cosmos sulphureus Cav an ornamental native from Mexico lands of rice crop. C. sulphureus was collected post-
now widely distributed in Central and South America up to monsoon at its flowering stage in the month of Oct-Nov
northern Argentina, Carribbean islands, Thailand with from Dehu Road (18⁰ 67’4.024” N, 73⁰ 76’3.434” E)
vernacular name as Mirasol -Amarillo in Mexico. C. cantonment area.
sulphureus is used as a traditional medicine against Euphorbia heterophylla L. (Auth no: 23-48) was collected
Plasmodium vivax, a malarial parasite. It is a potential from Dive Ghat area (18° 29' 47.292"N, 73° 56' 36.564" E).
herbicide due to presence of sesquiterpene from leaves and Anthropogenic activities like road side constructions, wild
it also possesses larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti fires, wastelands, puddles due to accumulation of rain water
larvae (Bansod et al., 2024) [2]. in monsoon and bright sunlight are the most suitable factors
Euphorbia heterophylla L (syn E. geniculata Ort) with for gregarious growth of these weeds. A. tenella (composite)
vernacular name as Dudhani in Maharashtra state has been whole plant and leaves of C. sulphureus and E. heterophylla
originated from South America and now present in all were pulverised and stored in airtight containers at room
tropical regions with worldwide distributions in Fiji, temperature till further use.
Philippines, Indonesia, California, Africa and Thailand. It
was first reported in Poona, India in 1948. It is used in 2. Solvent Extraction method
ethno-medicines as anti-malarial and as insecticide. Accurately weighed (1kg) dried powder of each weed was
Aedes aegypti L. (Dipteria: Culicidae) is mainly originated soaked in 2.5 liters of organic solvents in sequential order
from Ethiopian regions of Africa and is now widely with increasing polarity (Pet ether ˃ chloroform ˃ ethyl
distributed in tropical and sub-tropical country like India. It acetate ˃ methanol) (AR) for 72 hours at room temperature.
is a fresh water breeding mosquito which mainly breeds by Bio-guided cold percolation method was used for extraction
onset of monsoon at fresh water puddles, ponds, lakes and to obtain solvent extracts. The solutions were filtered
proliferates rapidly under given favorable conditions. It is a through muslin cloth and original stock solutions were
tropical temperature tolerant species ranging from 14℃- subjected to Rotary evaporator for complete evaporation of
30℃with low temperature as the major limiting factor. solvents. Thick sticky greenish extracts were obtained from
Aedes aegypti is well known for vector borne diseases such each solvent and stored at 4℃ till further analyses.
as Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika virus that affect human
health. The mosquito species has been selected for study as 3. Ovicidal Bioassays
it can be easily colonized in laboratory as it is a fresh water Ovicidal bioassays were conducted as per Govindarajan et
breeding mosquito, less susceptible to insecticides, robust al., (2011) [13]. Egg rafts were procured from insectary Ross
than other mosquito species as Culex and Anopheles Life sciences, Bhosari, Pune. Dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO)
(Raveen et al., 2017). Refer fig 1. was added to 1mg extract and a homogeneous solution was
prepared in aqueous medium. 25 eggs were exposed to
concentrations 100-1000 ppm for 48 and 72 hours. Total
number of hatched eggs were observed under stereo-
microscope after 48 hours (Fig 2). Experiment was arranged
in triplicates along with control and treated control and
mean of cumulative 6 data sets were calculated.
International Journal of Entomology Research www.entomologyjournals.com
International Journal of Entomology Research www.entomologyjournals.com
GC-MS analyses of methanolic leaf extract of C. sulphureus 2-hydroxy-1-hydroxy methyl ethyl ester, hexadecenoic acid
in our present study revealed the presence of 5 major hydroxyl-1-(hydroxy methyl) ethyl ester or Glycerol 1-
compounds as γ-sitosterol, stigmasterol, Octadecanoic acid palmiate as presented in Table 3.
1 19.384 3.23 gamma-sitosterol C29H50O Phytosterol
(Kumari, 2023)
19.385 β-sitosterol C29H50O Phytosterol insecticidal
2 3.23
(Rahuman et al.,
3 18.827 2.71 Stigmasterol C29H48O Phytosterol
(Soodabeh et al.,
Octadecanoic acid 2-
Toxic (Kumari,
4 13.840 14.21 hydroxy-1-hydroxy C21H42O4 Stearic acid
methyl ethyl ester
Hexadecanoic acid,
Toxic, nematicide,
insecticide, anti-
5 11.888 12.12 (hydroxy methyl) C19H38O4 Monoacylglycerols
ethyl ester or
(Kumari, 2023)
Glycerol 1-palmiate
GC-MS of Euphorbia heterophylla revealed 13 major ester, Hexadecenoic acid 2-hydroxy 1-(hydroxymethyl)
compounds as Lup-20 (29)-en-3-ol, acetate 3(beta), lupeol, ethyl-ester which are summarised in table 4. Amongst these
Lup-20(29)-en-3-ol, acetate 3(beta), 24- Norusa 3,12-diene, hexadecenoic acid, octadecanoic acid and β- sitosterol are
24- Norusa 3,12-diene, gamma-sitosterol. 1-Pentacosanol, known to possess toxicity and pesticidal property (Dr
Tetracosane, Cholesta-4-6-dien-3-ol (3, beta), Heptacosanal, Duke’s phytochemical database, 2016).
1-Pentacosanol, Octadecanoic acid 2,3-dihydroxyl propyl
International Journal of Entomology Research www.entomologyjournals.com
Anti-diabetic (Kumari,
6 19.391 10.51 gamma-sitosterol C29H50O Phytosterol
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