Science Investigatory Project

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Topic: Making Soap Out of Guava

Waynehart Galicia Watan

Submit to:
Ma’am Eva Nadal
Chapter I
Guava may have been domesticated in Peru several thousand years ago; Peruvian
archaeological sites have revealed guava seeds found stored with beans, corn, squash, and other
cultivated plants. Guava fruit is still enjoyed as a sweet treat by indigenous peoples throughout the
rainforest, and the leaves and bark of the guava tree have a long history of medicinal uses that are
still employed today.

The Tikuna Indians decoct the leaves or bark of guava as a cure for diarrhea. In fact, an infusion
or decoction made from the leaves and/or bark has been used by many tribes for diarrhea and
dysentery throughout the Amazon, and Indians also employ it for sore throats, vomiting, stomach
upsets, for vertigo, and to regulate menstrual periods. Tender leaves are chewed for bleeding gums
and bad breath, and it is said to prevent hangovers (if chewed before drinking). Indians throughout
the Amazon gargle a leaf decoction for mouth sores, bleeding gums, or use it as a douche for vaginal
discharge and to tighten and tone vaginal walls after childbirth. A decoction of the bark and/or leaves
or a flower infusion is used topically for wounds, ulcers and skin sores. Flowers are also mashed and
applied to painful eye conditions such as sun strain, conjunctivitis or eye injuries.

Centuries ago, European adventurers, traders, and missionaries in the Amazon Basin took the
much enjoyed and tasty fruits to Africa, Asia, India, and the Pacific tropical regions, so that it is now
cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world. Commercially the fruit is consumed fresh or
used in the making of jams, jellies, paste or hardened jam, and juice. Guava leaves are in the Dutch
Pharmacopoeia for the treatment of diarrhea, and the leaves are still used for diarrhea in Latin
America, Central and West Africa, and Southeast Asia. In Peruvian herbal medicine systems today
the plant is employed for diarrhea, gastroenteritis, intestinal worms, gastric disorders, vomiting,
coughs, vaginal discharges, menstrual pain and hemorrhages, and edema. In Brazil guava is
considered an astringent drying agent and diuretic and is used for the same conditions as in Peru. A
decoction is also recommended as a gargle for sore throats, laryngitis and swelling of the mouth, and
used externally for skin ulcers, and vaginal irritation and discharges.

Chapter II
A. Background of the Study
Psidium Guajava Linn: commonly known as Guava or Bayabas in Filipino terms. It is widely
grown in the Philippines. It is a flowering plant, growing 33 feet tall. Guava is ideal for
flavoured drinks, sauces, deserts, salads, pies, cakes, puddings, jellies, and chutneys and the
fruit may even be dehydrated and powdered to flavour ice cream. Guavas are rich in dietary
fiber, vitamins A and C, folic acid, and the dietary minerals, potassium, copper
and manganese. Having a generally broad, low-calorie profile of essential nutrients, a single
common guava fruit contains about four times the amount of vitamin C as an orange. Guavas
both carotenoids and polyphenols like gallocatechin, guaijaverin, leucocyanidin and amritoside
–the major classes of antioxidant pigments – giving them relatively high
potential antioxidant value among plant foods. Guava leaves are used in folk medicine as a
remedy for diarrhea and, as well as the bark, for their supposed antimicrobial properties and as
an astringent. Guava leaves or bark are used in traditional treatments
against diabetes. In Trinidad, a tea made from young leaves is used for diarrhea, dysentery and
fever. ( It is in this light that the researchers would like
to explore other possibilities of using guava as soap.

B. Statement of the Study

This investigation aims to explore the possibility of creating an effective remedy for acne.

C. Hypothesis of the Study

The investigators hypothesize that the extract of the leaves of the plant will effectively relieve
muscle pains.

D. Objectives of the Study

This investigation aims to:

1. Create and test a proposed remedy to muscle pains

E. Significance of the Study

This investigation finds an alternative and inexpensive way of relieving/easing muscle fatigue.
This is a great help for those people who don’t have enough money to buy commercial pain

F. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This investigatory project only uses the stem of the plant. Only the stem extract will be used for
experimenting. It is limited only to using simple techniques and crude materials used at home;
thus, its shelf-life is limited to two weeks to one month only as these materials could not be
sterilized completely. Discovering and identifying the compounds present in Oregano is not also
included in this study.

G. Definition of Terms
 Astringent- antiseptic properties
 Decoction- infusion of fresh leaves used for wound cleaning and skin to prevent infection and
to facilitate healing. Good for skin disorders.
 Volatile- a substance that changes into a vapor at a relatively low temperature.
 Eugenol- oily liquid from doves. (C10H12O2)
 Cloves- aromatic spice from the dried flower bud of a tropical tree.
 Tannin- a brownish or yellowish substance found in plants and used in astringents.
 Saponins- soap from plants; any group of chemical substances extracted from plants that
form a soapy lather mixed with water and are used to make soap and detergent.
 Amydalin- resin used in paints and adhesives.
 Resin- yellow or brown color and organic substance from plants.
 Malic Acid- acid from fruit; a colorless crystalline solid found in fruits such as apples.
 Aldehydes- organic compound; a highly reactive organic compound produced by the
oxidation of an alcohol and having a CHO group especially the acetaldehyde.
 Ash- the powdery substance that is left when something has been burnt.

Chapter III
Review of Related Literature

Guava fruit today is considered minor in terms of commercial world trade but is widely
grown in the tropics, enriching the diet of hundreds of millions of people in the tropics of the
world. Guava has spread widely throughout the tropics because it thrives in a variety of soils,
propagates easily, and bears fruit relatively quickly.

Guavas not only help improve the texture of the skin, they also help prevent a number of
skin problems like acne, boils, and pimples. Guavas are rich in astringents that help in tightening
both the muscles and skin in the facial region. Astringent is a chemical compound that tends to
shrink or constrict body tissues, usually locally after topical medicinal application. They even
help tighten and tone loose skin. Being a rich source of vitamins and minerals, guavas contain
powerful detoxifiers and antioxidants that help guard against acne, wrinkles, boils, and others.

Vitamin C is essential for healing of wounds such as acne scars and pimples, the National
Institutes of Health says. Consume enough of the vitamin daily, because your body doesn't
manufacture or store it. Vitamin A is another essential antioxidant that can help heal acne and
pimples, says the National Institutes of Health. Guava consists of these vitamins and suitable for
acne remedy.

In our present generation, guava is very common and easy to find. We don`t need to buy
expensive supplements and medicine in order for us to avoid acne. We can simply use guava
extract as remedy to acne.

Chapter IV
The following were used in this project
1. Platform beam balance
2. beaker
3. molder
4. NaOH ( Sodium Hydroxide) (60g) (150 ml) solution
5. 800g of guava leaves
6. oil
7. water
8. stirring rod
9. cloth
10. pot


Prepare the things needed for the said experiment. Prepare first the stove to be used then
boil the guava leaves in a pan. After boiling, separate the guava leaves from the extract.
Then, place the extract in a clean container. Prepare the Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH).
Powder the Sodium Hydroxide for faster results. After powdering, boil a little amount of
water in a container. After it boils, mix the NaOH with the hot water. Put three spoonful of
guava leaf extract. Pour a spoonful lavender scent. Then, stir the mixture. (Note: make sure
that the mixture is viscous). Lastly, wait for 24 hours then see the results.

- Do not inhale the fumes ( cover your nose)
- Do not touch directly the NaOH
- Do not surprise in tremendous heat produce.


Three human subjects were used for the entire study. The 1st and 2nd test subjects were
given the Experimental Guava Leaf Extract Soap, while the last subject was given the
Commercially-Sold Beauty Bars. The 3rd Subject will be the control test, while the first two
will be the experimental tests. The test subjects applied the experimental and commercial
bars to their faces where acne was seen. They will use the beauty bars twice a day for
three days. The test subjects recorded what they felt/observes after they applied the beauty

Chapter V
Results and Discussions

When the Guava Leaf Extract Soap was applied on the 1st subject, she felt that it soothes the
skin. She felt that it was some kind of burning feeling at first but it felt better the more she used it. She
also saw significant effect on her acne, particularly blackheads, as they disappeared on her nose.
The 2nd subject also experienced the same effects of the experimental soap. On the other hand, the
3rd subject which was the control used the commercially-sold beauty bar. She, as expected, felt and
observed the positive effect of the beauty bar.

Degree of Effectivity of the Soap:

Day 1st Subject (Experimental ) 2nd Subject (Experimental) 3rd Subject (Control)

No Effect Slight Effect Significant Effect

Speed of Effectivity:

Day 1st Subject (Experimental ) 2nd Subject (Experimental) 3rd Subject (Control)


1 – Slow 2 – Moderate 3 – Immediate

Chapter VI
Conclusion and Recommendations

Nowadays people are focusing in herbal plants especially those who are common in the environment.
One of the example is the guava plant (Psidium guajava Linn). Based on research this plant is good
for healing and treating wounds and other skin infections. So in our research we want to make a
bathing soap out of it, cause we know that it is effective. People, researchers, scientists were
focusing to medicinal plants.

Chapter VII






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