Voice Coil Motors
Voice Coil Motors
Voice Coil Motors
FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Voice coils are widely used loud speakers. When excited by an
electrical current of a specified waveform, the voice coil carrying the
48531 Electromechanical Systems
current will move (vibrate) and produce a sound by the specified
waveform since the force
Voice Coil Motors F = Bli
is proportional to the current.
Topics to cover: This idea can be extended to direct
1. Introduction 2. Magnetic Circuits drive linear actuators for applications
Voice Coil
that require positioning over a small B
3. EMF in Voice Coil 4. Force and Torque range from microns to inchs, such as Iron Core
5. Mathematical Model 6. Performance beam steering mirrors, pilot valve B
control, and hard disk drives.
Introduction Introduction
- Voice Coil Velocimeter - Voice Coil Velocimeter
Introduction Introduction
- Hard Disk Drive (Cont.) - Hard Disk Drive (Cont.)
Introduction Introduction
- Hard Disk Drive (Cont.) - Hard Disk Drive (Cont.)
Read/write head
of a small size
hrad disk
B Iron Iron
B B Moving
Moving Coil
Iron Iron
Moving Coil The emf in the voice coil can be calculated by the Faraday’s law e =
Moving Coil dt
Iron where λ = λ1 + λm , λ1 = L1i , and λm are the flux linkages of the voice
coil due to the current in the coil and the permanent magnet. Therefore,
B B B B d i d λm
Iron Iron e = L1 + Note that L1 is independent of coil position.
dt dt
Cross sections of rotary voice coil motors used in hard disk drives
EMF in Voice Coil Force and Torque
- Arc Type Rotary Voice Coil Motor - Arc Type Rotary Voice Coil Motor
If the coil has N1 turns, the self inductance is The total force acting on the coil can be calculated by
i independent of the coil position and can be F = 2 Bg N1l1i = K f i
determined as N 12
L1 = Assume the distance between the coil center and the shaft is R. The
R core
torque produced by the coil is then
where Rcore is the reluctance of the core.
l1 The induced emf in the coil due T = FR = 2 Bg N1l1 Ri
lm d to the permanent magnets can be
B Note that the force can also be calculated by
calculated as
dλ ∂W f ' 1 2 dL1 1 2 dLm dL
Iron em = m = 2 B g N 1l1v = K g v F= = i + Im + iI m 1m
dt ∂x 2 dx 2 dx dx
B B where v = dx/dt is the speed and Since dL1/dx = 0 and dLm/dx = 0, we have the above results.
Bg the flux density in air gap.
Performance Performce
- With Current Source Supply (Cont.) - With Voltage Source Supply
The following waveforms illustrate the response of an arc type With an ideal voltage source power supply, the response of an arc
voice coil motor under a square wave current source excitation. type voice coil motor can be obtained by solving the state equations
of the system. When the mechanical load is accounted for, the state
i equations must be solved numerically. If no mechanical load is
0 t assumed, however, analytical solution can be obtained.
F The governing equations of the system in this case are :
F = Kfi
0 t di
= −
i and
= v
v dt L1 L1 L1 dt m
∫ F dt K g = 2 B g N 1l1
v =
m 0
0 t where K f = 2 B g N 1l1 and
x x and the assumed initial conditions are
∫ vdt
x = i ( 0 ) = 0 , v ( 0 ) = 0 , and x ( 0 ) = 0
0 t
0 tm
Performance Performance
- With Voltage Source Supply (Cont.) - With Voltage Source Supply (Cont.)
The analytical solution of the motor under a square wave voltage source
excitation is: It is important to note that i ≠
(e s t − e s t ) v = K f ∫ tia dt and x = vdt ∫
E t
For 0 ≤ t < ta , ia = 0 and v < 0 at t = tm . The coil
L1 (s1 − s2 )
1 2
Performance Performance
- With Voltage Source Supply (Cont.) - Improving Voice Coil Motor Performence by Shorted-Turn
In practice, a voltage profile In a voice coil motor, the accelerating force on the moving coil is
based on the voltage controlled directly proportional to the current in the coil. Therefore, the faster the
phase plane trajectory is used. current rises, the faster the coil would respond. For a hard disk drive,
the access time would be shorter. One way to accomplish this is to
place a copper tube (shorted turn) concentric to the moving coil.
g R L1≈ 0
B i
x i
Copper Tube
V em