1. Nurse Dagul is assessing a client with drooping of A. Aspirin to a client experiencing an acute
their left eyelid. He documents this finding as myocardial infarction
A. mydriasis. B. Lisinopril to a client with essential hypertension
B. ptosis. C. Risperidone to a client with schizophrenia
C. presbyopia. D. Levodopa-carbidopa to a client with Parkinson’s
D. hyphema. disease
2. He is now caring for a client following a stroke. The 9. The occupational health nurse is conducting an in-
client can understand instructions but is unable to service on reducing back injuries. Which of the
express himself verbally. He anticipates that this following statements, if made by a participant, would
stroke has impacted which lobe of the client's brain? indicate a correct understanding of the conference?
A. Frontal lobe A. "I should keep my legs straight while lifting."
B. Parietal lobe B. "Heavy objects should be held away from my body."
C. Temporal lobe C. "I shouldn't twist while lifting an object."
D. Occipital lobe D. "I should keep a narrow base of support."
3. He then receives a client with myocardial infarction 10. The nurse is assessing a patient with syndrome of
(MI), who is receiving tissue plasminogen activator inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Which
(tPA), he should plan to prioritize which of the of the following laboratory tests require careful
following? monitoring?
A. Observe for neurological changes A. Potassium
B. Monitor for any signs of renal failure B. Sodium
C. Observe for signs of bleeding C. Glucose
D. Check the client’s food diary D. Magnesium
4. Dags is now planning to perform a dressing change 11. John is caring for a client with heart failure. Which
for a client with a stage three pressure injury. He medication should he clarify with the doctor?
should initially perform which action? A. lisinopril
A. Gather all the necessary equipment B. Prednisone
B. Use non-sterile gloves to remove the old dressing C. Hydralazine
C. Documenting the characteristics of the wound D. carvedilol
D. Administer prescribed oral pain medication
12. John is providing asthma education to a teen that
5. He cares for assigned clients. He has just been diagnosed with asthma. Which of the
should initially follow-up on the client who: following statements by the client would indicate a
A. has chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain and is need for further teaching? Select all that apply.
crying. A. “When I am having an asthma attack, I should call
B. is being treated for pneumonia and reports a 911 first.”
persistent cough with thick, yellow mucus. B. “When I am having an asthma attack, my airway is
C. had a colostomy placed three hours ago and has an constricting, and it can become dangerous.”
edematous stoma with scant bloody drainage. C. “I should try to identify what causes me to have an
D. is being treated for diabetes insipidus, and the asthma attack and avoid those activities.”
family member reports the client has developed D. “I’ve really been wanting to get a dog and my
confusion. asthma will not stop me.”
E. "I should inhale quickly when using my albuterol
6. Nurse Sarah is assessing a client receiving inhaler."
peritoneal dialysis. Which laboratory result should F. "I will take theophylline prior to exercising."
immediately be reported to the doctor?
A. WBC 19,000 mm3 13. John is teaching a client with hypercalcemia
B. Hemoglobin 9 g/dL appropriate dietary measures. Which food selections
C. Calcium 8.6 mg/dL by the client would require follow-up by him? Select
D. Serum pH 7.33 all that apply.
A. Broccoli
7. Nurse Sarah is assessing a client with systemic B. 2% milk
lupus erythematosus (SLE). Which laboratory data is C. whole wheat pasta
essential for her to monitor to determine if the client D. Bananas
is experiencing a complication? E. seafood
A. urine analysis
B. hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) 14. John plans to care for a client experiencing a
C. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar state (HHS). He should
D. ammonia anticipate which prescriptions from the doctor?
A. 0.9% saline infusion
8. She has received the following prescriptions for B. Glargine insulin
newly admitted clients. Which prescription should C. Sodium polystyrene
she administer first? D. Sodium bicarbonate
15. John is teaching a client who has hypertension 22. Yulo is teaching a client about newly prescribed
about the newly prescribed medication, furosemide. tamsulosin. Which of the following statements should
Which of the following should he include in the the nurse include?
teaching? A. “This medication may turn your urine
A. Limit intake of bananas, cantaloupe, and potatoes. reddish/orange.”
B. Avoid taking the medication with grapefruit juice. B. “You will urinate more often with this medication.”
C. Take this medication in the early part of the day. C. “Change positions slowly while you take this
D. A nagging cough can occur as a side effect of the medication.”
medication. D. “Avoid calcium-containing foods while on this
16. Carlos cares for assigned clients. Which of the
following clients should he identify is at the highest 23. Yulo is teaching a client about newly prescribed
risk for falling? tamsulosin. Which of the following statements should
A. 88-year-old admitted with a chest tube secondary he include?
to pneumothorax and has a history of dementia A. “This medication may turn your urine
B. 44-year-old admitted with heart failure, has a reddish/orange.”
peripheral IV, and receiving IV furosemide B. “You will urinate more often with this medication.”
C. 33-year-old admitted with cholecystitis, has a C. “Change positions slowly while you take this
peripheral IV, and is receiving IV hydromorphone medication.”
D. 28-year-old admitted with bacteremia is receiving D. “Avoid calcium-containing foods while on this
intravenous fluids via central line and is diaphoretic medication.”
17. Carlos is preparing a staff in-service regarding 24. Yulo is caring for a client in labor who is positive
sensorineural hearing loss. It would be appropriate for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). He
for him to identify which factors cause this type of should obtain a prescription for which medication?
hearing loss? Select all that apply. A. valacyclovir
A. Presbycusis B. zidovudine
B. Ototoxic substance C. amphotericin b
C. Foreign body D. metronidazole
D. Exposure to loud noise
E. Edema 25. Angelika, the nurse manager, has received a
complaint from a client's family member. She should
18. Carlos is preparing to insert an indwelling urinary take which initial action?
catheter. Which action may be delegated to the A. Tell the night charge nurse to ensure the night shift
nursing aide? nurse performs the assigned duties appropriately
A. Set up the sterile field B. Speak with the night shift nurse regarding the
B. Palpate the bladder for distention complaint and discuss the care provided
C. Explain the procedure to the client C. Assess the complaint and clarify the details with the
D. Place the urinary catheter kit at the bedside family member and client
D. Take note of the complaint and place it in the
19. The unit charge nurse, Carlos, knows which of the applicable employee's file
following are internal disasters? Select all that
apply. 26. Angelika is positioning a client following a liver
A. A loss of electrical power to the facility biopsy. Which position is best suited for this client?
B. The sudden cessation of internal communication A. On the left side with a pillow under the ribs.
C. toxic chemical spill in the lobby of the facility B. Supine with a pillow under the client's knees.
D. A serious life-threatening medication error C. Face down with a pillow under the hips.
E. Train crash in neighboring town D. On the right side with a pillow under the biopsy
20. Which is an intrinsic risk factor that increases the
risk of patients developing pressure ulcers? 27. Nurse Angelika is conducting a teaching session
A. Shearing with the parents of a child newly diagnosed with
B. Friction asthma. The priority topic for her to cover is:
C. Impaired tissue perfusion A. how to use a peak flow meter.
D. Pressure B. signs and symptoms of an asthma attack.
C. the need to stay current with immunizations.
21. Yulo is caring for a client with suspected retinal D. community resources available for asthma
detachment. Which of the following manifestations management.
would not be consistent with a diagnosis of retinal
detachment? 28. Which of the following statements should she use
A. Seeing “floaters” in the field of vision to best describe a very low-calorie diet?
B. A sense of having a curtain drawn over the eyes A. “This is a long-term treatment measure that assists
C. Flashes of light obese people who can’t lose weight.”
D. Intense pain in the affected eye B. “A very low-calorie diet contains very little
C. “This diet can be used only when there is close 35. Chloe, RN, is caring for a patient who is receiving
medical supervision.” enteral feedings. What is the most effective method
D. “This diet consists of solid food that is pureed to to verify initial tube placement is correct?
facilitate digestion and absorption.” A. Obtain chest and abdominal x-rays.
B. Aspirate the contents to assess pH range.
29. Angelika is now caring for a child with nocturnal C. Mark tubing at the exit site and record the length of
enuresis that was not responsive to non- tubing that protrudes.
pharmacological modifications. She anticipates the D. Insert 20-30 mL of air into the tube while
doctor to provide which medication? auscultating the epigastrium.
A. urecholine
B. desmopressin 36. Hidilyn is observing a student nurse feed a client
C. Prazosin requiring aspiration precautions. She should
D. finasteride intervene if the student:
A. asks the client to remain sitting upright for at least
30. Angelika is caring for a client at risk of developing 30 to 60 minutes after a meal.
tumor lysis syndrome (TLS). Which of the following B. reminds the client to tilt their head backward when
prescriptions would prevent TLS? eating and drinking.
A. Intravenous (IV) hydration C. avoids mixing foods of different textures in the
B. Broad-spectrum antibiotics same mouthful.
C. High dose corticosteroids D. places salt and pepper on the client's food at their
D. Histamine-2 receptor antagonists request.
31. Nurse Chloe cares for assigned clients. She should 37. Hidilyn is caring for a client who is of the Islamic
immediately follow-up on the client who: faith, who has expired. She should take which
A. is being treated for pneumonia and develops appropriate action?
restlessness. A. Prepare the client for cremation
B. is receiving intravenous fluids for influenza and B. Position the client facing Mecca
dehydration and reports a headache. C. Keep the client's eyelids open
C. has a chest drainage system in place for a D. Keep the client uncovered
hemothorax and tidaling is present in the water seal
chamber. 38. Nurse Hidilyn is caring for a client who is
D. is being treated for pleurisy and is experiencing postoperative and at risk for venous
inspiratory chest pressure. thromboembolism (VTE). Which of the following
medications would prevent this complication?
32. Chloe educates a family with a child with A. Enoxaparin
phenylketonuria (PKU). It would be appropriate for B. Verapamil
her to recommend that the child avoid which C. Tranexamic acid
foods? Select all that apply. D. Aspirin
A. pork tenderloin
B. grapefruit slices 39. Hidilyn is caring for a client who is recovering
C. cheese omelets from carotid endarterectomy. Which assessment
D. steamed carrots would she recognize as a sign that the client
E. ice cream experienced hypoglossal nerve injury?
A. Tongue deviation
33. Chloe in the mental health unit is preparing to B. Inspiratory stridor
establish a new group therapy session. Which client C. Tracheal deviation
would be most appropriate for group therapy? A D. Severe headache
A. in the acute phase of schizophrenia. 40. The RN cares for a client who sustained a stroke
B. with bipolar I disorder experiencing a mixed impacting the occipital lobe. Which of the following
episode of depression and mania. assessment findings would support this diagnosis?
C. with post-traumatic stress disorder having A. homonymous hemianopia
difficulty sleeping because of night terrors. B. impaired proprioception
D. experiencing delirium tremens associated with C. expressive aphasia
alcohol withdrawal. D. impulsivity
34. Chloe has provided discharge instructions to a 41. Obiena is educating a client newly diagnosed with
client who was prescribed niacin. Which of the hypertension about sodium and its role in blood
following statements, if made by the client, would pressure. Which of the following statements about
indicate effective teaching? sodium are true? Select all that apply.
A. "This medication may increase my blood pressure." A. Sodium cannot be completely eliminated from the
B. "I may experience flushing while taking this diet.
medication." B. There is no sodium in fresh fruits and vegetables.
C. "This medication may raise my total cholesterol." C. Canned vegetables should be avoided.
D. "I may feel fatigued and tired after taking this D. The body needs some sodium as it plays an
medication." important role in water balance.
E. Reduce daily sodium intake to 2,000 mg B. instructs the client to apply earplugs before the
42. Obiena is caring for a client who is 75 years old C. moves the nitroglycerin patch from the torso to the
with coronary artery disease and chronic obstructive back.
pulmonary disease (COPD). Based on the client's age D. tells the client that they will not have any exposure
and medical problems, which immunization should he to radiation.
recommend for this client?
A. hepatitis A vaccine 48. Simone is performing a physical assessment on an
B. hepatitis b vaccine adult client. She should assess for tactile fremitus by:
C. pneumococcal vaccine A. placing the thumbs on the client's spine at the level
D. live attenuated influenza vaccine of the ninth ribs.
B. asking the client to breathe slowly and deeply
43. He is discharging a client following knee through an open mouth while auscultating lung
arthroplasty. Which of the following information sounds.
should the nurse include in discharge teaching? C. asking the client to say “ninety-nine” while
A. “After this procedure, you will use a wheelchair to palpating the intercoastal spaces beginning at the
get around.” lung apex.
B. “You will need to resume your prescribed D. tapping the chest over the distal interphalangeal
anticoagulants.” joint with the middle finger of the opposite hand.
C. “Placing a pillow under your knee will help with the
pain.” 49. Simone prepares a client for a positron emission
D. “You may ice the site for one hour at a time.” tomography (PET) scan. Which laboratory data is
necessary to obtain before this test?
44. RN Obiena is caring for a client immediately A. Urine specific gravity
following scleral buckling surgery for a retinal B. Liver function tests
detachment of the right eye. Which of the following C. Blood glucose
actions would be appropriate for him to take? Select D. Creatinine kinase
all that apply.
A. place the client in a prone position. 50. She is evaluating a patient’s response to
B. approach the client from the left side. peripheral pain. Which technique should she use to
C. instruct the client to perform deep breathing and perform this evaluation?
coughing exercises. A. Pressure on the patient’s mid-back
D. instruct client to avoid bending down. B. Sternal rub
E. orientate the client to the environment. C. Squeezing the sternocleidomastoid muscle
F. obtain a prescription for a stool softener. D. Pressing on the patient’s nail bed
45. Obiena inserts an indwelling urinary catheter for a 51. Nurse Elle is administering IV magnesium to a
female patient prior to surgery. Which of the client with a magnesium level of 1.5 mEq/L. You
following would require immediate intervention by check on them halfway through the infusion, and they
him? report that their face feels flushed. What is
A. The patient states she feels the need to urinate. your priority nursing intervention?
B. Patient reports a pinching sensation as the catheter A. Slow down the infusion rate.
is advanced. B. Notify the primary healthcare provider (PHCP).
C. The student nurse notes resistance when inflating C. Reassess the client when the infusion finishes.
the balloon. D. Stop the infusion.
D. The student separates the labia majora and labia
minora with non-dominant hand. 52. Elle supervises a nursing student administering a
purified protein derivative (PPD) skin test. Which
46. When performing a transcultural assessment, the action by the student requires follow-up by Elle?
nurse must: A. Inserts the needle, bevel up at a 15-degree angle
A. Determine which questions to ask the client based B. Instructs the client that the test will be read in 48-
on the potential health effects of culture-based 72 hours
practices. C. Selects a site 3 to 4 finger widths below the
B. Wait until the nurse-patient relationship is antecubital space
established before asking questions. D. Administers the test using a 20-gauge needle, 2
C. Ask all questions for completeness of the inches long
D. Include all questions as part of an admitting 53. Elle cares for a client who sustained full-thickness
assessment. thermal burns to 30% of their total body surface area
(TBSA). Which of the following initial laboratory
47. Nurse Simone supervises a student nurse values would be expected?
preparing a client for a magnetic resonance imaging A. Potassium 5.6 mEq/L
(MRI) test. Which of the following actions by the B. Hematocrit 30%
student nurse would require follow-up by her? The C. BUN 14 mg/dL
student: D. Glucose 89 mg/dL
A. asks the client if they have claustrophobia.
54. She has attended a staff education program about action by the new graduate requires follow-up? The
incident reporting. It will indicate effective new graduate:
understanding if she states that the primary purpose A. positions the child side-lying prone position with
of incident reporting is to: the hips elevated.
A. implement corrective measures needed to prevent B. obtains a rectal temperature.
recurrence. C. auscultates bowel sounds in all four abdominal
B. collect data about errors and compare it to quadrants.
different time periods. D. secures the indwelling urinary catheter bag to the
C. communicate the error(s) to other departments frame of the bed.
within the facility.
D. notify the individual involved of the deviation from 61. Nurse Vivian is caring for a client who is receiving
the standard of care. prescribed metoclopramide for gastroparesis. Which
of the following findings require immediate
55. RN Elle is planning to care for a client with a notification to the doctor?
newly diagnosed fractured pelvis. Which action A. Muscle rigidity of the neck
would lessen the risk of fat embolism syndrome B. Hyperactive bowel sounds
(FES)? C. Frequent diarrhea
A. Request a prescription for enoxaparin. D. Abdominal distention
B. Alternate with the application of ice and heat.
C. Educate the client on pelvic immobilization. 62. Vivian is teaching a group of clients about varicose
D. Encourage passive range of motion of the lower veins and home care management. Which of the
legs. following should Vivian include in the teaching
56. It will indicate effective understanding if the nurse A. When you are sitting, keep your legs lower than
classifies which immunization as live-attenuated? your heart
A. pneumococcal B. Wear compression stockings during the day
B. diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) C. Participate in activities that have you stand for long
C. varicella periods
D. hepatitis B D. Take a low-dose aspirin to prevent the
development of new varicose veins
57. A client is scheduled to undergo a computed
tomography scan with iodine-based contrast dye. 63. Vivian is assessing a client with Paget’s disease.
Which of the following medications may cause Which of the following would be an expected finding?
interaction and should be withheld for 24 hours A. Bone deformities
before the procedure? B. Berry aneurysm
A. Labetolol C. Heberden’s nodes
B. Metformin D. Janeway lesions
C. Levodopa
D. Ondansetron 64. She is caring for a client who is admitted to the
emergency department with suspected
58. Emmett, RN, is caring for a client newly admitted rhabdomyolysis. Which of the following interventions
to the mental health unit with bulimia nervosa. Which would she anticipate implementing initially for this
client statement requires immediate follow-up? client?
A. “These sores in my mouth hurt." A. Administering intravenous fluids
B. “When can I weigh myself?” B. Placing the client on a low-potassium diet
C. “I hate my life and wish it was over.” C. Administering corticosteroids
D. “I feel really dizzy right now.” D. Initiating prophylactic antibiotic therapy
59. RN Emmett is caring for a client who has been 65. Vivian is teaching a client with Parkinson's
taken to the emergency department after a severe car disease about dietary considerations. She
accident. They require immediate life-saving surgery; understands that this client is at highest risk for:
however, they are unconscious and unable to consent A. constipation and drooling.
to the operation. Which of the following is the best B. drooling and a loss of appetite.
course of action? C. loose stools and choking.
A. Ask a friend who was with the client to sign the D. dysphagia and aspiration.
consent form.
B. Attempt calling a family member to obtain consent. 66. Student nurse Warner is preparing a client for a
C. Call the on-staff nursing supervisor and request a bronchoscopy procedure. Which pre-
court order for the surgery. procedure intervention should he prioritize to
D. Immediately transport the client to the operating ensure the client's safety?
department without obtaining consent. A. Administering benzodiazepines and opioids for
60. Emmett supervises a new graduate caring for a B. Ensuring the client has been nothing by mouth
child immediately following surgery to correct an (NPO) for 4-8 hours before the procedure.
imperforate anus (anorectal malformation). Which C. Monitoring for bleeding and infection following the
D. Verifying that the bronchoscope is properly A. hemophilia reporting knee and ankle stiffness with
sterilized before use. dizziness.
B. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
67. Warner teaches a group of students about reporting a productive cough.
phenytoin. Which of the following statements would C. chronic pericarditis reporting intermittent chest
indicate understanding? pain during inspiration.
A. "Phenytoin is a selective serotonin reuptake D. pain over the cheek radiating to the teeth,
inhibitor (SSRI) commonly used for epilepsy." tenderness to percussion over the sinuses.
B. "The therapeutic range of phenytoin is 10-20
mcg/mL, and levels above this range can lead to 73. Warner is reviewing septic shock with a group of
toxicity." nursing students. It would be correct if the student
C. "Phenytoin is contraindicated in clients with identifies which causes increased lactate production?
Parkinson's disease due to potential exacerbation of A. Decreased anaerobic glycolysis
symptoms." B. Elevated serum bicarbonate levels
D. "Phenytoin is primarily metabolized by the liver C. Improved tissue oxygenation
and has no significant drug interactions." D. Inadequate tissue perfusion
68. The ABCDEs of melanoma identification include 74. Warner is caring for a client with Raynaud’s
which of the following? Select all that apply. disease who has just been prescribed ephedrine.
A. Asymmetry: one half does not match the other half What is Warner’s most appropriate action?
B. Birthmark: cafe au lait spot that does not fade A. Provide dietary instructions to the client.
C. Color: pigmentation is not uniform B. Question and discuss the prescription with the
D. Diameter: greater than 6 mm physician.
E. Evolving: any change in size, shape, color, elevation, C. Instruct the client regarding adverse effects.
or any new symptom such as bleeding, itching, or D. Administer the medication initially to the client.
85. Due to a recent flood, the only staff that were able
3 – magnesium oxide 250 mg PO daily for chronic
to make it to work were two nursing assistants and
one licensed practical nurse with the nurse manager.
Knowing the different nursing delivery systems,
4 – glargine insulin 15 unites SubQ daily for diabetes which system should the nurse manager implement
mellitus to care for the 20 clients admitted in their ward?
A. Client one A. Primary nursing
B. Client two B. Team nursing
C. Client three C. Functional nursing
D. Client four D. Case management
79. Windham cares for the following assigned clients. 86. RN Cruella is caring for a client with
She should initially follow-up with the client who: hyperkalemia. Which of the following treatments
A. is repeatedly washing their hands. would she recognize as appropriate options for
B. B. talking over others during group therapy. treating this electrolyte imbalance? Select all that
C. C. yelling and shouting at others. apply.
D. D. is voluntarily admitted and requesting discharge. A. Spironolactone
B. Sodium polystyrene
80. Intravenous therapies often consist of electrolyte C. Regular insulin
replacement therapies. Select the electrolyte that is D. Hemodialysis
accurately paired with one of its functions. E. Magnesium sulfate
A. Sodium: The control and management of
circulating blood volume. 87. Cruella is preparing to administer furosemide
B. Bicarbonate: The regulation of extracellular fluid. intravenously to a client. Prior to administering this
C. Chloride: The regulation of plasma protein. medication, she should perform which action?
D. Calcium: The metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, A. Obtain the client's weight
and proteins. B. Administering furosemide intravenously rapidly to
ensure a quick onset of action
81. Instructor Callahan cares for a client who has C. Verifying the client's blood pressure after
influenza. Which of the following prescriptions may administering the medication
be prescribed by the doctor? D. Assessing the client's serum electrolytes
A. Valacyclovir
B. Oseltamivir 88. Nurse Cruella is caring for a client with a hiatal
C. Azithromycin hernia who is being discharged today. Cruella talks to
D. Omeprazole them regarding methods to manage symptoms and
promote overall well-being associated with their
82. Callahan is caring for a client with Buerger's condition. Which of the following statements from the
disease. He plans on suggesting that the client receive client indicate that teaching is successful?
a referral for: A. “I need to wear loose-fitting clothes.”
A. occupational therapy. B. “After a meal, I must lie down to avoid dumping
B. speech therapy. syndrome.”
C. smoking cessation. C. “I need to eat three large meals a day.”
D. group psychotherapy. D. “I can go to my favorite Indian restaurant anytime
83. Callahan assembles a team of nurses to care for a of the week.”
client in cardiac arrest. He is assigning various roles 89. While scheduling a client for thoracentesis,
to each nurse and is demonstrating which Cruella understands which of the following is the
management style? most preferred position for the procedure?
A. Authoritative A. Sitting up, leaning over a bedside table, and feet
B. Situational supported on the ground or stool.
C. Democratic B. The head of the bed flat with the patient lying on
D. Laissez-faire the unaffected side.
84. He supervises a student nurse assisting a client C. Prone position with both arms extended above the
with a left-sided weakness in performing activities of head.
daily living. Which action by the student nurse D. The head of the bed elevated 45 degrees, and the
requires him to intervene? The student nurse: patient lying on the affected side.
90. Cruella has attended a staff education program B. Reduce total fat and calorie intake for the client
about disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). C. Provide additional high protein and calorie shakes
Which of the following clients is at risk for DIC? D. Increase the intake of green leafy vegetables
Which of the following clients is at risk for DIC? A
client: 97. Nurse Artie is teaching a health promotion class
A. with iron deficiency anemia receiving parenteral to a group of community members on preventing
iron sucrose infusion. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Nurse
B. being treated for gram-negative sepsis with Artie should emphasize that a significant risk factor
intravenous antibiotics. for COPD is:
C. with atrial fibrillation receiving prescribed A. environmental pollution.
rivaroxaban to reduce their risk for stroke. B. endobronchial infections.
D. taking a daily aspirin to reduce their risk for acute C. cigarette smoking.
coronary syndrome. D. reactive airway disease.
91. Baroness is explaining the different aspects of 98. Nurse Artie has attended a staff education
ostomy care to a client with a newly created program about sources of negligent lawsuits. It would
ileostomy. Which statement from the client indicates indicate effective understanding if Nurse Artie
an understanding of the Baroness’ teaching? identified which of the following is a source of a
A. “I need to cut the pouch to fit the stoma, allowing negligent lawsuit?
one-sixteenth of an inch of room around it.” A. The nurse documents care under another nurse's
B. “I must avoid eating spinach, parsley, and yogurt.” username and password
C. “I need to drink at least 800 mL of water daily.” B. The nurse takes pictures of a client's medical
D. “I can eat a large meal during dinner.” record and distributes them online
C. The nurse does not notify the physician of a client's
92. Baroness is caring for a client who is admitted to critical laboratory result
the hospital with suspected osteomyelitis. Which of D. The nurse treats their spouse in the acute care
the following laboratory tests should she anticipate facility with prescribed medications
being ordered to aid in the diagnosis and monitoring
of this condition? 99. Religious and cultural rituals/practices often
A. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) surround death. Which of the following populations
B. Serum potassium levels prefer cremations rather than burying the remains of
C. Serum creatinine levels the deceased person?
D. Prothrombin time (PT) A. Hindus
B. Islam
93. Nurse Baroness is caring for a client with chronic C. Mormons
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with a D. Eastern orthodox
chronically increased red blood cell count (RBC).
Baroness understands that this finding is likely from: 100. Artie has recently finished education about
A. Increased carbon dioxide levels vascular perfusion. He knows which of the following
B. Low blood oxygen levels clients is at greatest risk for experiencing impaired
C. Insensible water loss vascular perfusion?
D. Decreased fluid intake A. A 76-year-old female client with a history of alcohol
94. Baroness is caring for a client on bed rest B. A 76-year-old female client with a history of radon
following a spinal injury should prioritize which gas exposure.
position to prevent foot drop? C. A 64-year-old male client with a history of cigarette
A. Supination smoking.
B. Dorsiflexion D. A 64-year-old male client with hypotension.
C. Hyperextension
D. Abduction