A Formal Letter y Andrea Velasco and Laura Mate

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1. What is a formal letter?

- We write formal letters (or emails) when we writing to

organizations or people we do not know (rather than to people
we know).
- The purpose of a formal letter can be to request information,
apply for a job or make a complaint.
- Formal letters normally follow a particular layout and contain
fixed expressions.

2. Structure
Begin with a suitable formal greeting.

paragraph Explain why you are writing.
*Use fixed formal expressions.

paragraph(s Give information and / or ask questions. Use a new
) paragraph for each new topic.
*Remember to use polite, formal language.

Finish your letter with a suitable closing expression.

3. Content
 Use the correct layout. Put your address at the top right of the
page, and write the date underneath the address. Under the
date, on the left of the page, put the address of the person you
are writing to.
 Explain why you are writing, and what you would like to happen

 Use formal language, and do not use colloquialisms or short

forms (I am not rather than I’m not).

 Use indirect question forms to make requests (Would it be

possible to…?).

 Remember to sign your full name below the letter, then print
your name neatly below.

4. Vocabulary and useful language

- Dear Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Dr + surname, (if you don’t know the
name of the person)
- Dear Sir, (If you do not know the name of the person, but it is a
- Dear Madam, (If you do not know the name of the person, but it
is a woman)
- Dear Sir or Madam, (if you don’t know the name of the person
you are writing to, or whether it is a man or a woman)

Explaining why you are writing (Starting a letter):

- I am writing because…
- I am writing in response to…
- I am writing in order to…
- I am writing to enquire about / apply for / complain about…

Starting other kinds of formal letters:

- I am writing / I would like to enquire about…
- I am writing / I would like to inform you that…

Sequencing ideas:
- Firstly,
- Secondly,
- Thirdly,
- Finally,
- Also,
- In addition,

Linkers of purpose:
- In order (not) to + infinitive
- In order that + clause
- To + infinitive
- So as (not) to + infinitive
- So that + clause

Making enquiries:
- I would be interested to know…
- I wonder if you could send me…
- Would it be possible to tell me more about…?
- Could you tell me when/if… will…?
- Could you let me know the cost of/how long/when…?

Making complaints:
- I would like to express my dissatisfaction about…
- It was clearly stated that… but…
- I was shocked / disappointed to find that…
- It caused me considerable inconvenience / embarrassment.
- I would like a full refund / a replacement / a formal apology

Other useful formal expressions:

- I would like to point out that…
- I would be grateful if you could…
- I saw your advertisement in the newspaper / on your website.
- I am afraid I…
- I have a few queries.
- I enclose some information / my CV.
- Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further

Closing the letter:

- I look forward to your response.
- I look forward to hearing from you (at your earliest
convenience / soon).
- Thank you for your help with this matter.

Saying goodbye:
- Yours sincerely, (If you know the name of the person you are
*If you start with Dear Mr / Mrs / Miss / Dr, finish with Yours
- Yours faithfully, (If you don’t know the name of the person you
are writing to)
*If you start with Dear Sir / Madam, finish with Yours faithfully.

Useful linkers:

Adding ideas Per afegir idees

Also També
And I
Apart from A part de
As well També
Besides A més de
Furthermore, Així mateix,
In addition, A més a més,
Moreover, No només això,
What’s more El que és més,
Expressing cause Per expressar la causa
As Ja que
As a result of Com a resultat de
Because Perquè
Because of A causa de
Due to De resultes de
Owing to Per culpa de
Since Com que
Expressing contrast Per expressar contrast
Although Encara que
But Però
Despite Malgrat
Despite the fact that Malgrat el fet que
Even though Encara que
However, Així i tot,
In spite of, Malgrat
In spite of the fact that Malgrat el fet que
Nevertheless, No obstant això,
Nonetheless, No obstant això
On the one hand, Per una banda,
On the other hand, Per l’altra banda,
Though Si bé
Whereas Mentre que
Yet Encara
Expressing purpose Per expressar intenció
In order to Per tal de
In order that Per tal que
So as to Per (a)
So that Perquè
To Per (a)
Expressing result Per expressar resultat
As a consequence, Com a conseqüència d’això,
As a result, Per tant,
Consequently, En conseqüència,
For this reason, Per aquest motiu,
For that reason, Per aquell motiu,
So De manera que,
Therefore Per tant,
This means that Això vol dir que
Making conditions Per formular condicions
As long as Sempre que
But only if Però només si
In case Per si
Providing that Tenint en compte que
Unless Si no és que
Sequencing Per seqüenciar
After Després (de, que)
Afterwards Després
At last Per fi
Before Abans (de, que)
Finally, Finalment,
Firstly, En primer lloc,
In the end, Per acabar,
Lastly, A l’últim,
Last of all, Per acabar,
Next, A continuació,
Secondly, En segon lloc,
Then, Aleshores,
Thirdly, En tercer lloc,
Summarizing Per resumir
All in all, En general,
In conclusion, En conclusió,
To conclude, Per concloure,
To sum up, Resumint,

Remember to check your punctuation as well as your grammar,
spelling and word order.
(Capital letters, commas, apostrophes, numbers)

Example of a PLAN:
Write a letter applying for a job:
 Start with Dear Mr / Mrs / Ms + surname or Dear Sir / Madam if
you don’t know the surname.
 Write four paragraphs:
1. Reasons for writing.
2. Information about experience, interests and qualifications.
3. Information about your character and personality.
4. Request for more information.
 Close the letter.
If you start with Dear Mr / Mrs / Ms, finish with Yours sincerely.
If you start with Dear Sir / Madam, finish with Yours faithfully.

Write a formal letter of a complaint about a product you have bought

or a service you have received:
- Paragraph 1: Opening paragraph
State what you are complaining about.
- Paragraph 2: Details
Give details about what happened.
- Paragraph 3: Further information
Give further details about your complaint.
- Paragraph 4: Closing
Explain what you would like to happen next. End your letter

Example of A FORMAL LETTER:16 Greenacre Street


Your address

The date 19 January 2013

Bournemouth The address of the

English person/organization you are writing
26 Linton Street to
Bournemouth BU34

Dear Sir or Madam Greeting

I am writing to enquire about the summer course which I saw

advertised on your website. [Say why you are writing] I

am extremely interested in this course, and I would be grateful if

you could send me more information. [Formal expression] In

addition [Sequence your ideas] I have a few specific queries.

Firstly, [sequence your ideas] I would like to know the dates

when the course would start and finish. [Making enquires]
Secondly, [sequence your ideas] I would like to know what kind of
alter school activities are available. Do students take part in sports
or cultural visits? Finally, [sequence your ideas] could you let me
know whether accommodation is provided with a local family?

I would like to thank you in advance for your help. I look forward to
hearing from you. [Making complaints]

Yours faithfully, saying goodbye


Adrián de Estrada Printed name

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