MP Unit 1

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UNIT TEST I Date : 09.08 . 2011
Sub. Code : EE 0303 Max. Marks : 50
Sub. Name : Digital Signal Processing
Duration : 90 minutes
Year / SEM : II/ IV

Answer ALL Questions

PART A – (9 x 2 = 18 Marks)
1. Define Symmetric and asymmetric signal with examples
2. Define aliasing & how to prevent aliasing
3. Whether the system defined by the impulse response h(n) = 2n u(-n) + 2-n u(n) is
causal ? Justify your answer.
4. Compute the energy of the signal x(n) = (0.5)n u(n)
5. For the signal f (t) = 5 cos (5000πt) + sin2 (3000πt), determine the minimum
sampling rate for recovery without aliasing.
6. Draw the signal x(n) = u(n) – u(n-3)
7. Define Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval
8. Find the fourier transform of a sequence
X(n) = 1 for -2 ≤ n ≤ 2
9. Check whether the given system y(n) = x(-n+2) is linear

PART - B [16+16 = 32 Marks]

10. Determine whether the following system is linear,Time variant,Causal and

1. Y(n) = nx(n) (4)
2. Y(n) = x(n)x(n-1) (4)
3.y(n) = x(n) + 1/8 x(n-2) +1/3 x(n-2) (4)
4.y(n+2) = ax(n+1) +bx(n+3) (4)

11.Explain flat top sampling and the effects due to it with a neat diagram
12. Design a digital Butterworth filter satisfying the following constraints using
impulse Invariant transformation

0.89 ≤ │H (j Ω) │≤ 1.0, 0 ≤ ω ≤ 0.2π

│ H (j Ω) │ ≤ 0.18, 0.3π ≤ ω ≤ π

13. Design a digital Chebyshev filter satisfying the following constraints using Bilinear
0.8 ≤
│H(jΩ)│≤ 1.0 , 0 REG. NO
≤ ω ≤ 0.2π

│ H(jΩ)│ ≤ 0.2, 0.6 π ≤ ω ≤ π



UNIT TEST I Date : 09.08. 2011

Sub. Code : EE 0303 Max. Marks : 50
Sub. Name : Digital Signal Processing
Duration : 90 minutes
Year / SEM : II/ IV
Answer ALL Questions
PART A – (9 x 2 = 18 Marks)
1. What is the necessary and sufficient condition for BIBO stable
2. Define Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval
3. Define Aperture effect and how to overcome it
4. For the signal f (t) = cos2 (4000πt) + 2 sin (6000πt), determine the minimum
sampling rate for recovery without aliasing.
5. Draw the signal x(n) = u(n) – u(n-3)
6. Determine whether or not each of the following signals are periodic. If a signal is
Periodic specify its fundamental time period.
i. x(t) = 2 cos 3 πt
ii. x(t) = sin 15 πt + sin 20 πt
7. Write the difference between FIR and IIR filter
8. Write the expression for the order of Butterworth filter
9. Write the expression for location of poles of normalized Chebyshev filter.

PART - B [16+16 = 32 Marks]

10. (a) Find the convolution of the given two signals:x(n)=u(n)-u(n-5), ( 4)
h(n)=2[u(n)- u(n-3)]
(b) Compute the energy and power of the signal x(n) = 2-n u(n) ( 4)
n n
(c) Check whether the system defined by h (n) = [5 (1/2) + 4 (1/3) ] u(n) is
stable. ( 2)

(d) determine whether the system is static stable, causal, linear and time invariant
a. y(n) = x(-n+2) (6)
11.Explain natural sampling and the effect of aliasing with a neat diagram
12. Design a analog Chebyshev filter satisfying the following constraints
1/√2 ≤ │H(jΩ)│≤ 1.0 , 0 ≤ Ω ≤ 2

│ H(jΩ)│ ≤ 0.1, 4≤ Ω ≤ π
13. Design a analog Butterworth filter satisfying the following constraints
0.707 ≤ │H (j Ω) │≤ 1.0, 0 ≤ Ω ≤ π/2
│ H (j Ω) │ ≤ 0.2, 3π/4 ≤ Ω ≤ π



Sub. Code : EE 0303

Sub. Name : Digital Signal Processing

Answer ALL Questions

PART A – (9 x 2 = 18 Marks)

1.What is the necessary and sufficient condition for BIBO stable

Ans: Stability: A system is said to be stable if the input x(t) satisfies the condition
X(t) ≤ Mx ≤ ∞ and the output satisfies the condition y(t) ≤ My ≤ ∞ for all t.

2. Define Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval

Ans: Nyquist rate
2W Hz
Nyquist interval
1 / 2W sec
3. Define Aperture effect and how to overcome it
Ans: The high frequency roll off of H (f) acts like a LPF and attenuates upper portion of
message spectrum.These high frequencies of x (t) are affected
An equalizer is used during reconstruction to compensate this effect

4. For the signal f (t) = cos2 (4000πt) + 2 sin (6000πt), determine the minimum
sampling rate for recovery without aliasing.
Ans: f1 = 2000 Hz , f2 = 3000 Hz,W = 3000 Hz
Nyquist rate = 2W =6000Hz

4. Draw the signal x(n) = u(n) – u(n-3)

6. Determine whether or not each of the following signals are periodic. If a signal is
Periodic specify its fundamental time period.
i. x(t) = 2 cos 3 πt
ii. x(t) = sin 15 πt + sin 20 πt

Ans: i periodic (N = 2) ii Periodic (N =1)

7. Write the difference between FIR and IIR filter


Impulse response is Impulse Response is
finite infinite
They have perfect linear They do not have perfect
phase linear phase

Non recursive Recursive

Greater flexibility to Less flexibility
control the shape of
magnitude response

8. Write the expression for the order of Butterworth filter

Ans : The expression is N=log (_λ/€) /€) /log (1/k)

9. Write the expression for location of poles of normalized Chebyshev filter.

Ans : sK= acos¢k+jbsin¢k, where ¢k= π / 2+(2k-1)/2N) π

PART - B [16+16 = 32 Marks]

10. (a) Find the convolution of the given two signals:x(n)=u(n)-u(n-5), ( 4)

h(n)=2[u(n)- u(n-3)]
Ans : y (n) = { 2,4,6,6,6,4,2}
(b) Compute the energy and power of the signal x(n) = 2-n u(n) ( 4)
Ans : Energy = 4/3.Power = 0 =>Energy signal
(c) Check whether the system defined by h (n) = [5 (1/2)n + 4 (1/3)n ] u(n) is
stable. ( 2)
Ans : Stable (16)
(d) determine whether the system is static stable, causal, linear and time
a. y(n) = x(-n+2) (6)

Ans : Linear,Time variant,causal,stable

11.Explain natural sampling and the effect of aliasing with a neat diagram

Ans : natural Sampling definition (2)

Explanation (6)
Diagram (2)
Aliasing (4)
Diagram (2)

12. Design a digital Chebyshev filter satisfying the following constraints

1/√2 ≤ │H(jΩ)│≤ 1.0 , 0 ≤ Ω ≤ 2

│ H(jΩ)│ ≤ 0.1, 4≤ Ω ≤ π

Ans : € = 1,λ = 9.95 N = 3,μ = 2.414, a = 0.596, b = 2.087,Ф1 = 120, Ф2 = 180,

Ф3 = 240 (5)
S1 =-0.298+j1.807, S2 =-0.298-j1.807,S3 = -0.596, Num = 2
H(s) = 2/(s+0.596) (s2 + 0.596s+3.354) (5)
H (z) (6)

13. Design a digital Butterworth filter satisfying the following constraints

0.707 ≤ │H (j Ω) │≤ 1.0, 0 ≤ Ω ≤ π/2
│ H (j Ω) │ ≤ 0.2, 3π/4 ≤ Ω ≤ π

Ans : € = 1,λ = 4.898 N = 2,H (s) = 1 / s2 + √2s +1 (6)

Ωc = 2 rad /sec Ha (s) = 1 / s2 + 2.828 s +4 (5)
H (z) = 0.29 (1+z-1)2 / 1+0.1716 z-2 (5)


CYCLE TEST II Date : 05.04.2011

Sub. Code : EE 0204 Max. Marks : 50
Sub. Name : Control systems
Duration : 90 minutes
Year / SEM : II/ IV

PART A – (9 x 2 = 18 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions

1. Define ramp signal.

2. What is type number of a system? What is its significance?
3. Define damping ratio.
4. Define peak time.
5. What is steady state error?
6. Define settling time.
7. What are frequency domain specifications?
8. Define phase margin.
9. What is cut-off rate?

PART - B (16+16 = 32 Marks)

Answer Any two questions

10. Define and derive the expressions for rise time, peak time and peak overshoot.
11. The open loop transfer function of a servo system with unity feedback is
G(S)=10/S(0.1S1). Evaluate the static error constants of the system. Obtain the
steady state error of the system when subjected to an input given by the
polynomial r(t)=a0 + a1 t +a2 t2/ 2. (16)
12. Sketch the bode plot for the transfer function and determine the system gain K
for the gain cross over frequency to be 0.5 rad/sec.
G(S)=KS2 /(1+0.2S)
(1+0.02S) (16)



CYCLE TEST II Date : 05.04.2011

Sub. Code : EE 0204 Max. Marks : 50
Sub. Name : Control systems
Duration : 90 minutes
Year / SEM : II/ IV

PART A – (9 x 2 = 18 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
1. Define parabolic signal.
2. List the time domain specifications.
3. List the advantages of generalized error constants.
4. Define peak overshoot.
5. What is transient and steady state response?
6. What is the effect of PI controller on the system performance?
7. What is system response?
8. Define gain margin.
9. What are the advantages of frequency response analysis?

PART - B (16+16 = 32 Marks)

Answer Any two questions
10. (a)Draw and derive the response of over damped second order system for unit
step input. (8)
(b)Derive expressions and draw the response is first order system for unit step
input. (8)
11. The unity feedback system is characterized by an open loop transfer function
G(S) =K/S(S+10). Determine the gain K so that the system will have a damping
ratio of 0.5. for this value ok K determine settling time. Peak overshoot and
time to peak overshoot for a unit step input.(16)
12. Sketch the bode plot for the transfer function and determine the system gain K
for the gain cross over frequency to be 0.5 rad/sec.
G(S)=KS2/(1+0.2S)(1+0.02S) (16)

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