Power Bi Manual
Power Bi Manual
Power Bi Manual
Warehouse 101
Version: 1.0
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 2
What is a data warehouse? ........................................................................................... 2
The Power BI interface ...................................................................................................... 2
Logging In ........................................................................................................................ 2
Power BI Homepage....................................................................................................... 4
Apps.................................................................................................................................. 6
Opening a Report ............................................................................................................... 9
Working with Filters ......................................................................................................... 11
Export to Excel .................................................................................................................. 19
Creating Personal Bookmarks ........................................................................................ 23
Resetting a Report............................................................................................................ 24
Working with Reports ...................................................................................................... 24
Appendix: Migrating Private Queries from DecisionCast to Power BI ...................... 32
Preparing for Migration ............................................................................................... 32
Post Migration User Actions ....................................................................................... 33
Appendix: Download/Upload/Edit Public Reports ....................................................... 39
Download a PBIX Report File ....................................................................................... 39
Upload a PBIX Report File ............................................................................................ 41
Editing Reports .............................................................................................................. 42
Removing, Adding, Moving Fields ............................................................................... 44
Saving Changes to the Report ..................................................................................... 49
What is a data warehouse?
A data warehouse is a comprehensive data management system designed to
enable you to quickly review information and to effectively use it to support sound
business decisions. It is a vast storage and information-processing site that
gathers, sorts, and stores existing data.
A data warehouse copies data extracted from existing production systems and
cannot be updated by users running reports. Authorized users can access this
data without worrying about slowing down the day-to-day operations of the
production database.
At CMU, the front end user interface for the financial data warehouse is Microsoft
Power BI.
Note: Due to Microsoft being able to update and change the Power BI interface, the
images in this guide might be different than your current view.
● The next step is to use the Duo multi-factor authentication with your
Andrew ID and password.
● The system will ask if you want to stay signed in. This will allow you to
quickly login the next time you access Power BI.
Power BI Homepage
Once you log in to the Power BI interface, you will be taken to the home
● On the home page there are many different features such as:
o Recommended apps and reports
o List of recent and favorite content
● On the left side is the navigation pane. Home is selected by default, but you
can click on other areas to navigate to them as needed.
● Some common areas and features that you will likely use that are explored
in more detail throughout this training are Apps, Workspaces, My
workspaces, Filters, and Bookmarks.
o Apps – The web interface that allows consumption of reports in a
clean, organized, and user-friendly manner.
o Workspaces – Containers or folders are used to encapsulate
dashboards, datasets, reports, etc. in an organized manner and are
meant for data distribution and collaboration. Therefore, the ones
created for the Financial Data Warehouse (FDW) are meant to be
“Public” workspaces/folders.
o My workspace – A default personal workspace or folder that holds
various data-related elements that are only viewable to the individual
▪ Users can create their own additional “private” workspaces and
have the ability to share them with other users if they choose to.
o Filters – An automatic tool that provides parameters to filter datasets
based on certain selection or logic per field.
o Bookmarks – A saving point in a report, based on filters and
configurations changed without changing the structural foundation of
the report.
The FINDW Training App has been built for training purposes only, using a data set
limited to the Architecture organization, and will not be visible when you are
logged in to the production version of Power BI.
In the Power BI production instance, you will use the ‘Financial Data Warehouse’
app and will have access to the same data that you have access to in the Oracle
Financials systems.
● Under Apps, you will see a collection of the different Apps that are available
to you. To start, click on the FINDW Training app name and that will bring up
the app screen.
● Within the app, on the left-hand side are different domains, or areas, which
are listed alphabetically.
● Clicking on any of the domain names will bring up a list of available reports
for that particular domain.
● At the bottom of the App page is the Back button. This will take you back a
step from where you are.
Exercise #1 (Instructor Guided)
Your supervisor has asked you to compile detail information for domestic
travel expenses for your organization (210100) incurred during the first
quarter of fiscal year 2014 (FY14) in order to do some analyses.
To accomplish this, we will run the GL Transaction Detail (Macro) report using
the following filters/values:
Opening a Report
● In the General Ledger domain, you can see the GL Transaction Detail
(Macro) report.
● Click the report link and it will open in a separate tab at the top of your
● You can open multiple reports and they will all be in separate tabs on your
● The report will load, and in the upper left corner will be a spinning series of
dots. When you see that spinning series of dots that means your report is
Before we start working on the data, there are some noteworthy areas to mention.
At the top of each report are several buttons and menus such as File, Export, Get
Insights, and others that are hidden under a three dot ellipsis button.
● On the right side are some additional buttons that are just icons (instead of
an icon with a name), such as a Reset button, Bookmarks, Refresh, and
Favorite. Hovering the cursor over these icons will show the name.
● On the left side, the navigation pane is still open. You could go to other
areas such as your list of Apps or the Home page again.
Working with Filters
On the right side is the Filters pane in which you can collapse or expand the
● When the Filters pane is expanded, if there are no filters displayed, you can
click anywhere in the data. The filters should appear on the right hand side.
● To start filtering for the data in the exercise, please focus on the
Architecture organization, whose organization number is 210100. In the
Filters pane, find the Organization Number filter.
● Click the down arrow to open up the filter for that item.
● There are two types of filtering: Basic filtering and Advanced filtering. Basic
filtering allows you to check the boxes to select the items that you would
like to see in your filter. Advanced filtering allows you to use filter criteria to
make your selection.
● Using Basic filtering, scroll through the list to see the different Organization
Numbers available to select.
● Scroll down and find Organization Number 210100, it has 510 associated
● Check the box of 210100 and that will filter the data.
Note: Unlike DecisionCast, every time a filter is changed, the data in the report is run
and changed. There is no run button to run all of the filters. Each filter is run when it is
selected or applied.
● Next, set the Object Code Numbers filter.
o For the Object Code Numbers, a specific number range that relates to
travel expenses is needed.
o If you are not familiar with Object Code Number groupings, they are
available for reference in the Chart of Accounts – Object Code [xlsx]
spreadsheet on the Business Applications Development and Support
Reference Materials page.
o In the Chart of Accounts – Object Code [xlsx] spreadsheet, the “Travel
and Other Personnel Related Costs” category begins with parent
object code B8510. All of the object codes under that parent value,
which includes the travel related object codes, begin with “85”.
● Expand the Object Code Number filter and switch to Advanced filtering
instead of waiting for the basic filtering checkboxes to load.
● In the Advanced filtering there are different criteria options for filters. Since
all of the numbers for travel expenses start with 85, select the “starts with”
parameter and type 85 in the field below.
● When using Advanced filtering, it doesn't automatically apply the filter when
the values are typed in.
o To start the filter click “Apply filter” at the bottom of the Advanced
filtering window.
● The report will run to show all the Object Code Numbers that start with 85.
● As you review the data, what do you notice about the object codes in the
85000 – 85999 range?
o Some object codes are domestic travel, some are foreign travel and
some are not travel at all.
● The report needs to be refined further to show only Object Codes related to
domestic travel.
o Expand the Object Code Name filter by using the Advanced filtering
to ensure everything with the word domestic is included.
● Use the “contains” filter parameter and enter “Domestic*”. Note: Use an
asterisk symbol (*) either before or after the word if you are not sure if you are
using the proper case.
● This will mean all results will contain the word Domestic anywhere in the
Object Code name, not just the names starting with domestic.
● The last items that need to be set are the Periods. The list of filters is in
alphabetical order. If you can't find the filter that you need, you can use the
search at the top of the Filters pane.
● Type out the word Period, and it will just show the Period Name and Period
Number filters. You do not need to click a button or press enter to start the
search, it will happen automatically.
● Currently there is a filter for the Period Name of Apr12-12. You can tell this
because the filter is gray. To clear a filter, click the eraser button on each of
the filters that are not needed.
● Using the Basic filtering method with the Period Name will be cumbersome
because Power BI puts the check box list in alphabetical order, rather than
fiscal year order.
● To find the periods of July, August and September of 2013, which is the first
quarter of fiscal year 2014 (FY14), one would have to scroll through this list
to find each period.
● Advanced filtering could be used to filter for the items, but it is cumbersome
to filter for more than two items.
● There is a more efficient way to filter for the first quarter of FY14, which is to
use the Period Number filter instead of the Period Names.
The Period Numbers are numbers that are associated with each of the Period
Names. To find the Period Numbers for July, August and September of 2013 use
the “GL Period Number and Name” document found on the Reference Materials
page at https://www.cmu.edu/finance/systems/documentation/files/dw-period-
● For the fiscal year of 13-14, July, August, and September are the period
numbers 198, 199, and 200.
● Click the dropdown to open the Period Number filter and change the Filter
type to the Advanced filtering.
● Change the first parameter to “is greater than or equal to.” Type 198 on the
next line, which will filter for items where the value is greater than or equal
to 198.
● Leave the radio button on the “And” option, which will make the results be
inclusive of both the first and second filter parameter.
● For the second parameter, select “is less than or equal to” and type in 200
on the next line.
● To see the full list of filters again, click the “X” on the filter search bar.
The periods are now correct for the report. However, the results might not display
in chronological order because the report is sorting the data by a different
● To put the Period Numbers in numerical order, click the header name at the
top of the field.
o Clicking the header name of a field will sort them in ascending or
descending order.
o Click the header once for ascending , and click it a second
time for descending.
o The arrow under the field name will tell you if the column is being
● This will put the Period Numbers in numerical order and in turn the Period
Names will be in chronological order.
● Now that we have the proper filters for this report, you can explore the
o The total row is always visible and does not need to be selected to be
Export to Excel
One might want to export the results for this report to Excel for further analysis or
to share with a colleague. It is recommended to avoid using the Export button that
is located in the upper left side as the options under that button will not provide a
usable Excel spreadsheet.
● Click on the three dot ellipsis button in the upper right-hand corner of the
report, and there will be a button in the menu that says “Export data.”
o Click Export data, and it will open up a window to export the report with
the current layout.
● Click the Export button.
o A message in the upper right says that you can still browse reports
and dashboards while exporting the spreadsheet.
o The message will change to let you know the data was successfully
● To see a list of applied filters for this data, go to the bottom of the report.
● At the bottom is a single line of text that shows what filters are being
o Double click the first cell of the filter line to make the filters easier to
Exercise #2 (Participants complete on their own)
When your results are finalized, look at the Grand Total at the bottom of
the Functional Net Activity field.
Creating Personal Bookmarks
If you would like to save your results but you do not need to create an Excel
report, Power BI has an option called Bookmarks. This will allow you to save
personal views of the data in the report.
● Click the Bookmarks button and a drop down menu will appear. Select the
“Add a personal bookmark” option.
● Click the Save button. This will let you save what is called a personal
o A check box will allow the saved personal bookmark to be the default
view of the report when it is opened.
● Any time the report is opened the saved Personal bookmarks can be
selected by clicking the Bookmarks button.
Resetting a Report
● The content can be reset to the original state the report is in by using the
Reset button. This is found next to the Bookmarks button to the left.
● Click Reset and that will bring the data back to what the report looked like
when it was first opened and saved from the creator of the report.
● Select the FDW Training app tab at the top of the browser.
● Click the Accounts Payable button on the left to see the reports for the
Accounts Payable domain.
● From the report list, select AP Invoice Detail report link. That will open the
report in a new tab in your browser.
The data in the AP Invoice Detail Report is different from the GL Transactions
Detail Report, but a similar setup. Understanding the data that is used is
When running reports in the data warehouse, the AP Invoice Detail report is not
restricted to only supplier invoices. Invoices in this report also include expense
reports that start with ER and purchasing card PRC transactions. If the Invoice
Number/Type is an Expense Report, the vendor name is the employee that is
being reimbursed. For procurement card purchases, the vendor name is the
In the next scenario, your boss wants to get detailed information on all invoices
that have been processed for December of 2009 for the organization, 210100.
● If there are no filters showing, click anywhere in the data and the filters
should appear in the Filters pane on the right.
● Use Advanced filtering to show items where the value is 210100 and then
click Apply filter.
● Next, scroll to the very top of the filter list for the Accounting Date filter.
● There is already a date range applied because the filter is gray, click the
eraser button to clear the filter.
The difference between this date filter versus the period filters in the General
Ledger report is these are physical dates and not a Period Name. Power BI
understands that these are dates, so it gives filters with date selectors.
● Type in 12/1/2009, or use the date selector.
In the results, there are two types in the column AP Invoice Type, which are
Standard and Expense Report:
● Standard
o If the Invoice Number begins with “ER” and the Vendor Name is a
person’s name it means it is a paper expense report that was entered
by someone in Accounts Payable.
o If the Invoice Number does not begin with “ER” or “PRC” and has
actual Vendor Names (not employee names) it means it is a standard
supplier invoice.
● Expense Report – This Invoice Type includes expense reports (which have
invoice numbers that begin with “ER”) and purchasing card transactions
(which are the invoice numbers that begin with “PRC”) entered in Oracle.
o With an Invoice Number starting with ER, the Vendor Name is the
name of the employee being reimbursed.
o If the Invoice Number starts with PRC, the Vendor Name is the
cardholder's name.
Exercise #3 (Participants complete on their own)
Modify the AP Invoice Detail Report to narrow down the results to only
show expense reports (ER) (not PRC reports) for employee Alexis A McCune
in Organization (210100) for October 2011.
When results are finalized, create a personal bookmark for the report
Record the Grand Total for Func Curr Inv Line Amt
Exercise #4 (Optional Advanced Exercise)
Your supervisor has asked you to compile detail information for domestic
airfare for your organization (210100) and activity code (233) incurred
during the second quarter in FY12 to complete some analyses.
Which fields do you need to change, update or add a filter value too?
Entity Number 01
Flag = A
Appendix: Migrating Private Queries from DecisionCast to Power BI
This appendix describes the migration process of private queries, located under
each user’s Private folder, from DecisionCast to Power BI.
3. Place a copy of the identified Private queries (that are in use ONLY) in the
andrewID-Migrate folder.
6. The FDW project team will place your migrated reports in a “andrewID-
Migrated FDW” workspace that you can access from your list of available
workspaces in Power BI. You will be notified via your migration request
ticket when they are ready for your use.
Post Migration User Actions
Users should take the following actions as needed after DecisionCast private query
migration to Power BI.
1. Run the desired query/report that was migrated in both DecisionCast and
Power BI. Despite the best attempts to ensure that queries are migrated
without issue, there is the possibility that when the migrated query
runs in Power BI the following message will appear:
2. Clicking the ‘See details’ link will generate the following generic
Power BI does not provide the exact fields, columns, filter values that were
problematic in the migration process.
3. To resolve the error, the ‘Fix this’ button needs to be clicked until the error
message disappears from the screen. Power BI does not provide a message
when all of the issues have been resolved. Instead, the message will
disappear and the query will begin to run.
NOTE: The likely result of the fixes made by Power BI through this process is that
filters have been removed. Thus, step #5 below is especially important for queries
that had to be fixed through this process.
4. Compare the columns that appear between the two reports. Things to note:
a. Fields/data that are set to ‘Filter Only’ or ‘Not Shown’ in DecisionCast
queries will appear as fields/columns in the Power BI report results
due to the query migration.
i. Example from GL Transaction Detail queries:
5. Compare the filters that are set on the DecisionCast queries to the filter
values on the migrated Power BI report.
a. DecisionCast queries that have filters set for a range of values that
are migrated to Power BI may need to be updated if the ‘Between’
filter operator in DecisionCast was used. These filter operators are
not able to be migrated in all circumstances.
i. Example from GL Transaction Detail queries - Object Code
Number between 60000 and 99999:
6. Compare the results of the DecisionCast query against the Power BI report.
Depending on the data being retrieved in the query, there may be
discrepancies in the results - either in number of rows returned or data
a. If you find a discrepancy in the data between DecisionCast and Power
BI, the data should be validated against the corresponding
transactions/balances in Oracle Financials. There are known reasons
for discrepancies between Power BI and DecisionCast. Examples
i. User data access/security was manually managed in
DecisionCast whereas in Power BI this information is being
sourced directly from Oracle Financials. This information is
used to determine the data access privileges in Power BI, and
differences could exist between Power BI and DecisionCast
output due to this.
ii. A discrepancy may exist because records (ex. PO Lines) have
been deleted in Oracle Financials but not in DecisionCast.
Because the Power BI is being sourced from Oracle Financials,
these records will not appear in the Power BI output which will
cause a difference between the DecisionCast and Power BI
iii. A discrepancy may exist because of vendor name changes. The
vendor/employee name on a transaction that was extracted
into DecisionCast may be different today than it was at the
time of the original extraction. Power BI will display the
transactions associated with the updated vendor/employee
b. Due to Oracle upgrades, the processes and table structures changed
over the years and sub-ledger transactions (AR, AP, LD, etc.) were
grouped/summarized when posting to Oracle General Ledger. Power
BI data is sourcing directly from Oracle Financials, so these
summarizations will result in less transactional detail records but the
account strings and dollar amounts will remain accurate.
c. Depending on the query structure, Power BI may group records in a
different manner than DecisionCast while still providing the same
amounts. One example of this can be found in queries that provide
Grants Expenditure data.
i. To ensure that the natural grouping of Power BI does not
occur, the Source System ID needs to be added to the query as
a column.
ii. This column can be found in the GA Expenditures Detail table
found in the Data pane when in Edit Mode of Power BI.
7. Other miscellaneous notes:
a. Matrix style reports do not display well in Power BI. Matrix reports
can have both column groups and row groups. A regular table report
only has column groups. Scrolling to the right to see the columns of
data that exist is limited. One way to navigate around this is to resize
the columns of the report.
i. Example - Original output:
ii. Resize the columns to see more of the report on the screen by
hovering the mouse at the end of each column and then shrink
the column size:
Please refer any questions about the private query migration process to fdw-
[email protected].
Appendix: Download/Upload/Edit Public Reports
Download a PBIX Report File
1. In the Financial Data Warehouse App, click the Help button on the bottom
2. To download a PBIX file of a report from the Data Warehouse click the Click
Here button.
3. The FINDW PBIX Report Files Google Drive location will open.
4. Double click the domain name of the location the desired report is in. In this
example we will double click the General Ledger domain folder.
5. Find the report you want to download and hover your cursor over it or click
it to select that report.
6. To download the report, click the download button at the top or on the side
of the report.
7. Download the PBIX files you need and save them to your computer.
Upload a PBIX Report File
1. Click on the Workspaces icon on the navigation bar.
4. From the menu click browse to upload the saved PBIX file
5. Navigate to the location of the saved PBIX file(s) and select one file to
upload. Power BI will only allow one file to upload at a time.
6. Once the file has been uploaded you will have a new report in your my
Editing Reports
1. Find the report you want to use in the list of reports and click on the report
name to open it.
2. The report will run and open in a new tab in your browser.
3. To edit the report (e.g. add, remove, or re-order columns), click on the Edit
icon in the menu bar.
4. Click into the report area to display two new panes in addition to Filters:
Visualizations and Data.
a. The Filters pane will display the fields that are available for filtering.
b. The Visualizations pane will display the fields that are included in the
report output.
c. The Data pane displays all of the facts and measures that are
available to include in the report. A green checkmark on a fact or
measure table indicates that a field from that table is included on the
report or is being used as a filter value.
Removing, Adding, Moving Fields
1. To remove a field from a report:
a. In the Visualizations pane, find the field for deletion in the Columns,
Row, or Value section (these are dependent on the style of report)
and click the X on the field name to remove the field.
b. In this example, the Journal Source Description field is selected to add
to the report. The newly added field will, by default, be added as the
last field on the report.
c. The report refreshes with the new field added to the report and to
the list of filter values as well.
4. To move a field within the report:
a. In the Visualizations pane, fields can be moved around in a report by
dragging and dropping or by using the arrow on the field to expand
the field options menu.
b. With the menu expanded, the Move menu has options that can be
used to move the field.
c. The report refreshes with the field moved to the chosen location
within the report.
b. Rather than clicking in the checkbox next to the Batch Name field to
add it to the report, drag and drop the field to the Filters pane
wherever you want it to appear. Power BI will automatically refresh
the filter values associated with the field.
c. You can also click the three dot, More Options, button and select Add
to filters.
d. You can select to add the field to only this visuals filters, all report
visuals on the page, or all report visuals on every page.
a. If the field has been added only to be used as a Filter and is not in the
Visualization field list, use the x in the top right of the field to remove
the field from the Filters list.
b. All fields that are included in the report output (found in the
Visualization field list) must be removed from the report output
before they are able to be removed from the Filter list. By default, all
fields added to either the column, row, or values on the Visualization
pane are added to the Filter pane list. The field must first be
removed from the Visualization Pane because it is included in the
report output. Use the on the field name to remove the field from
the Visualization pane and then follow the steps above to remove the
2. To save the changes as another version/name of the report click the File
menu, then the Save As option.
a. Enter a name for the modified report. The report should be saved to
the My Workspace destination.