Srs-Place Value Finding Game
Srs-Place Value Finding Game
Srs-Place Value Finding Game
Level 2: This level is used to get the child to identify the units,
tens and hundreds
Reward Points and this is Level 1 has no reward point. For level 2 there are
shown at the top 10 points for each attempt. And there can be three
such attempts. For level 3 there is 10 points for
each correct pick and 10 points are awarded at 4
consecutive correct answers, when the door
Child ID Retrived from child record String
from server
Rewards won for each level L2, L3 (including re-try and 3
tries in level 1 and )
Required for
Data Capture Points Definition
On click on New Game Button, New New game starts or game starts from
game level 1 starts, On click on Resume where left last time if resume button is
button the Game resumes from where selected. Home button works as
the game was left the last time. Home mentioned in the Scene/flow. On new
button takes to home page, where all game child can skip the presentation level
buttons mentioned above are shown, by clicking on Skip level.
and in case of new game, presentation
level can be skipped by clicking on the
skip button.
Now on the classboard, create outline Instruct child to drag the two unit cube
of two unit on left side below the filled from right side to left side on the two
unit cube and show two unit cube on outline. As child drags it show left side two
the right side of the board. outline filled.
Repeast step 8 for all 9 units. Finally Repeast step 8 for all 9 units
fade out units after last iteration.
Repeat step 7 and 8 for tens and Repeat step 7 and 8 for tens and hundreds.
hundreds. And due step 9 for each of And due step 9 for each of them as done
them as done for unit cube. for unit cube.
Now show flat, rod and cube at H T U Show flat, rod and cube at hundred, tens
place respectively, and read out flat is and unit place value positions.
hundred place value, rod is tens place
value and cube is unit place value. Two
flat means hundred place value is 2,
two rod means tens place value is 2
and three cudes means, units place
value is 3.
Level 2
Button details
Note Reset button will be shown on each page level 2 and level 3. This will start new game. However, in future this will be paid
subscription. Back button will not show on level 2 and level3. However, if in future friendly game option is allowed for le
can login. The APP pages will be responsive however, and good for all screens. Return to Game and Home button can be provi
game button will be provided at all levels as well as resume button. The session id will remain active for the time app is active
10 minutes, the app will logout automatically and session will end as well as mobile and devices will get locked for securty pur
button can be provided for ending the game at any instance of time if child wants. But the game will count against subscriptio
Score Card
The Final level 2 score becomes Current Level 3 score as the level 2 is cleared for that Game ID. If child fails to clear level 2 tha
final score for the child for that game ID. The child can play many games and each game details will be stored in database und
session values for various variables mentioned in the data capture page, On session end the database is updated accordingly.
utton details
vel 3. This will start new game. However, in future this will be paid app and the child will play number of new games based on his/her
level3. However, if in future friendly game option is allowed for learning then back button can be provided. On one mobile only one child
ood for all screens. Return to Game and Home button can be provided to switch betweem home page and current game level. Pause
button. The session id will remain active for the time app is active on phone or any device. However, if the phone is left idle for more than
ll end as well as mobile and devices will get locked for securty purposes. Replay button can be provided for learning purposes. And end
of time if child wants. But the game will count against subscription in future.
Score Card
level 2 is cleared for that Game ID. If child fails to clear level 2 that current level 2 score becomes final level 2 score which becomes the
many games and each game details will be stored in database under it’s game id. Session ID is just for login management and holding the
apture page, On session end the database is updated accordingly.
Place value storing for checking correctness of the child pick and hint button
ent values and if it matches picked value that level test is cleared followed by next level test. And on click on hint button app shows some
Level 3
Final level 3 Score
Current level 3 Score
Three digit number
current unit place value
current tens place value
Current hundreds place
value picked unit place value
picked tens place
value picked hundreds
place value
Scene/Flow Details
Child is shown facing a They are shown three digit number and they have to pick all
dark cave/tunnel. The place value for each number correctly and drag them to the bag
door is closed. To open they have. On wrong pick, they are not able to, and have to try
the door it is required again. They get three attempts, but they have to give four correct
give correct answer four answers in a row to clear the levels. And on failing three times in
times in a row. Progress a row in any attempt, will end the game 10 points is rewarded for
bar for level 3 is shown each correct three digit number prediction, and 10 points at the
in top right corner as end of 4 consecutive correct answers as the door opens.
well as score card is
shown besides it.
Button details
Note Reset button will be shown on each page level 2 and level 3. This will start new game. However, in future this will be paid
of new games based on his/her subscription. Back button will not show on level 2 and level3. However, if in future friend
learning then back button can be provided. On one mobile only one child can login. The APP pages will be responsive however
Game and Home button can be provided to switch betweem home page and current game level. Pause game button will be pr
button. The session id will remain active for the time app is active on phone or any device. However, if the phone is left idle fo
logout automatically and session will end as well as mobile and devices will get locked for securty purposes. Replay button can
And end button can be provided for ending the game at any instance of time if child wants. But the game will count against su
Score Card
The Final level 2 score becomes Current Level 3 score. And as th level 3 is cleared, that becomes final Game score of the child
many games and each game details will be stored in database under it’s game id. Session ID is just for login management and
variables mentioned in the data capture page, On session end the database is updated accordingly..
new game. However, in future this will be paid app and the child will play number
level 2 and level3. However, if in future friendly game option is allowed for
in. The APP pages will be responsive however, and good for all screens. Return to
rent game level. Pause game button will be provided at all levels as well as resume
ny device. However, if the phone is left idle for more than 10 minutes, the app will
ocked for securty purposes. Replay button can be provided for learning purposes.
hild wants. But the game will count against subscription in future.
Score Card
d, that becomes final Game score of the child for that Game ID. The child can play
. Session ID is just for login management and holding the session values for various
dated accordingly..