Lista 1 Spelling Bee
Lista 1 Spelling Bee
Lista 1 Spelling Bee
to persuade someone
l, to do something by I tried to lure the dog
lure lure l, ure present
ure offering something outside with a bone.
a person who
searches for valuable The prospector found
prospector pros/pec/tor noun
substances such as a gold nugget.
gold or oil
to make a hole The builder was
gouging goug/ing through something in gouging a hole
a rough way through the wall.
a fruit with a hard rind
We used the skin of
g,ou often used for
gourd gourd g,or,d noun a dried gourd to
r,d decoration or for
make a bowl.
making objects
present to give assistance or My teacher will
support sup/port
verb comfort support my learning.
I want to advance to
to move forward in a
advance ad/vance noun the next level of the
purposeful way
The toddler lost his
present an even distribution of
balance bal/ance balance as he was
verb weight
trying to walk.
The school sports
for a planned event to day was cancelled
cancelled can/celled past verb
not take place because of the
The school sports
for a planned event to day was canceled
canceled can/celed past verb
not take place because of the
There was a large
the process of
clearance clear/ance noun boot sale after the
removing things
house clearance.
an amount of money My parents made a
budget budg/et noun you have available to weekly budget for our
spend groceries.
edible sea creatures The mussels are
mussels mus/sels noun with two black shells edible and have
that close black shells.
I don't know whether
showing a choice
whether wheth/er conjunction to go to the party or
between alternatives
The pizza was cut
pieces piec/es noun a part of something into eight equal
a strong, regular and
The dancers all had
rhythm rhy/thm noun repeated movement
great rhythm.
or sound
Our efforts to
present to destroy or kill exterminate the
exterminate ex/ter/min/ate Latin
verb completely cockroaches have
The quarrelling
quarrelling quar/rel/ling arguing angrily students were sent to Latin
a chance that
There is a possibility
something may or
possibility pos/si/bil/i/ty noun that it will snow on
may not happen or
the weekend.
Computer failure
complete confusion
chaos cha/os noun caused chaos at the Greek
and disorder
a large group of
musicians who play
She played the violin
many different
orchestra or/ches/tra noun in the school Greek
instruments together
and are led by a
a group of people or He competed in the
category cat/e/go/ry noun things that are similar race in his age Latin and Greek
in some way category.
The waltz originated
originated o/rig/i/nat/ed past verb began to exist
in Vienna.
In class we have
the natural features of been studying the
geography ge/og/ra/phy noun Greek
an area geography of the
local area.
She received a
a clear bright blue
sapphire sap/phire noun sapphire ring on her Greek
sixteenth birthday.
in history a person of
The land was farmed
a low social class of
peasants peas/ants noun by peasants for Latin
farm workers and
hundreds of years.
owners of small farms
a device used to
Mum used a
measure temperature
thermometer ther/mo/me/ter noun thermometer to see if French
of a person's body or
I had a fever.
the air