Group 1 Nouns Reporting

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Republic of the Philippines

Benguet State University

College of Teacher Education
Department of Elementary Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

Learning Competencies for Content Words:

ACOSTA, Kristine
AGADAN, Felimon
ALIPIO, Cherryl Ann
AMYAO, Jovylyn
Section A

ALITAN, Merlita
ANDAWEY, Kristine Joy
Section B

AB-ABUEN, Maria Alexandra

ACOSTA, Jeyzell
ANDRES, Liezel Mae
ANIBAN, Jovelyn
Section C

Esper Feliciano
Course Facilitator



- a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things (common noun), or to
name a particular one of these (proper noun). (Oxford Languages)
- a word that refers to a thing (book), a person (Noah Webster), an animal (cat), a place (Omaha), a quality
(softness), an idea (justice), or an action (yodeling). (Merriam-Webster)
Type of Nouns


- refers to a person, place, or thing but is not the name of a particular person, place, or thing.
Examples are animals, sunlight, and happiness. (Merriam-Webster)
- are more general. A common noun refers to a class of person, place, thing, or concept, but not to someone or
something specific. (Scribbr)
Ms. Garcia is an excellent teacher.
I just finished reading a great book.


- the name of a particular person, place, or thing; it usually begins with a capital letter.
Examples are Abraham Lincoln, Argentina, and World War I are all proper nouns. (Merriam-Webster)
- are the names of specific people, places, things, or concepts. They are always capitalized to distinguish them
from common nouns. (Scribbr)
John is coming to the party.
I dream of visiting Paris one day.


- a noun that can be used after a or an or after a number (or another word that means "more than one").
- refer to things that can be counted. They can be preceded by an indefinite article or a number, and they can be
pluralized. Most nouns are countable (e.g., “fact(s)” or “misnomer(s) “. (Scribbr)
The school has over 500 pupils.
I have three cats.


- refers to something that cannot be counted. Mass nouns are normally not used after the words a oran or after a
number. They have only one form and are used with singular verb forms, as in "Portuguese is one of the
languages they speak," and "The information was unclear." (Merriam Webster)
- refer to things that can’t be counted. They should never be preceded by an indefinite article or a number, and
they cannot be pluralized (e.g., “information” or “advice “). (Scribbr)

- Their love for each other is strong.
There is too much sugar in this recipe.


- is a noun that names a group of people or things. Examples are flock, squad, company, team, herd, public, and
class, as well as the names of companies, teams, etc. (Merriam Webster)
- A collective noun can also be a proper noun—for example, the name of a specific company or band. (Scribbr)
The audience clap their hands while the host anounces the winner.
The class of Mr. Ben are noisy.
Other types of nouns
- Possessive nouns-are nouns that show ownership or possession of something. They are used to indicate that a
particular person, place, thing, or idea possesses or owns another. Possessive nouns are typically formed by
adding an apostrophe and an "s" ('s) to the end of the noun, or just an apostrophe (') after plural nouns ending
in "s."
Example: Be careful not to step on the cat’s tail while walking around the house.
- Gerunds-A gerund noun, often simply referred to as a gerund, is a specific type of noun formed from a verb
by adding the suffix "-ing" to the base form of the verb. Gerunds are used to represent actions, activities, or
processes as nouns within sentences.
Example: Swimming is my favorite summer activity.
- Attributive nouns-nouns that are used like adjectives, to modify another noun.
Example: Mother used the kitchen knife in slicing the meat.
- Appositive nouns-a noun that comes after another noun to provide additional information about it.
Example: The capital of France, Paris is known for its romantic atmosphere.
- Generic nouns-a noun that is used to refer to a whole class of things (or people, places, etc.). They can be
plural or singular, and they may appear with a definite article, an indefinite article, or no article.
Example: The animal kingdom includes mammals, reptiles, and birds.

Learning Competency Questions Answers
EN2G-If-g-2.1 Recognize What is meant by “know”? To recognize the nature of
names people, objects, things What are the steps to - Identify the information you need.
and places (e.g., names of “know”? - Understand the context of the information you need.
animals, fruits, objects in - From the information gathered ask questions about
songs, stories, poems, nursery it.
rhymes, pictures, realia and What are ICT-based Instructional materials that help teachers to create an
other ICT based materials) materials? interactive classroom setting through the use of
Unpacked as: Know the What should the pupils Names of people, objects, things, and places
names of people, objects, “know”?
things, and places found on What does “Know the names the pupils should be able to perceive directly what are
ICT-based materials. of people, objects, things, the names of people, objects, things, and places in the
and places found on ICT- texts they encounter
based materials.” mean?
What can the pupils do if The pupils will be able to gain knowledge about what
they are able to “Know the nouns are
names of people, objects,
things and places found on
ICT based materials”?
What are some examples that Recognizing nouns in a variety of oral and written
show the application of theme-based activities
learning competency?
EN2G-Ih-2.4 Recognize What is meant by “know”? to recognize the nature of
nouns in simple sentences What are the steps to - Identify the information you need.
EN2G-Ii-9.2 Recognize the “know”? - Understand the context of the information
use of a/an + noun you need.
- From the information gathered research
Unpacked as: Know the questions about it.
nouns in simple sentences What is a simple sentence? a sentence consisting of one clause, with a single
together with the use of a/an + subject and predicate
noun rule. What is a/an + noun rule? a grammar rule wherein the noun is used with the
articles “a” or “an”
article “a + (first letter CONSONANT noun)”
article “an +(first letter VOWEL noun)”
What should the pupils nouns in simple sentences using the a/an + noun rule
What does “Know the nouns the pupils should be able to perceive directly the
in simple sentences together nouns with the correct use of the a/an + noun rule
with the use of a/an + noun found in simple sentences
rule.” mean?
What can the pupils do if the pupils will be able to provide examples of naming
they are able to “Know the words for nouns properly
nouns in simple sentences
together with the use of a/an
+ noun rule.”?
What are some examples that recognizing nouns in simple sentences together with
show the application of the the use of a/an + noun rule in a variety of oral and
learning competency? written theme-based activities
EN2GIIId-f-2 Give naming What is meant by “supply”? The act or process of filling in wanted or needed
words for persons, places, information
things What are the steps to - Identify the information you need.
“supply”? - Understand the context of the information
Unpacked as: Supply the you need.
naming words for persons, - From that information think carefully and sort
places, and things. out the important details.
What are naming words? Specific names that are used when we are referring to
persons, places, and/or things

What should the pupils Naming words for persons, places, things
What does “Supply the The pupils should be able to provide the names of
naming words for persons, persons, places, things
places, things.”mean?
What can the pupils do if The pupils will be able to make a simple sentence that
they are able to “Supply the uses nouns properly
naming words for persons,
places, things.”?
What are some examples that Shows proficiency in giving naming words in
show the application of the different theme-based activities
learning competency?
EN2GIIId-2.4 Use common What is meant by “make use To lay out and construct
nouns in simple sentences of”?
What are the steps to “make - Identify the information you need.
Unpacked as: Make use of use of”? - Understand the context of the information
common nouns in simple you need.
sentences. - From that information make an application of
the data gathered.
What is a common noun? Refers to a person, place, or thing but is not the name
of a particular person, place, or thing
What is a simple sentence? A sentence consisting of one clause, with a single
subject and predicate
What can the pupils do if The pupils will be able to make a complete thought in
they are able to “Make use of communicating their wants or needs
common nouns in simple
What are some examples that Shows proficiency in using common nouns to
show the application of the construct grammatically correct simple sentences in
learning competency? different theme-based activities
EN2GIIIf-9.2 Use the use of What is meant by “make use - To layout and construct
a/an + noun of”?
What are the steps to “make - Identify the information you need.
Unpacked as: Make use of use of”? - Understand the context of the information
utilizing the a/an + noun rule. you need.
- From that information make an application of
the data gathered.
What is a/an + noun rule? A grammar rule wherein the noun is used with the
articles “a” or “an”
Article “a + (first letter CONSONANT noun)”
Article “an +(first letter VOWEL noun)”
What does “utilizing” mean Practical and effective use of a/an + noun rule
in the learning competency?
What can the pupils do if The pupils will be able to make a complete thought in
they are able to “Make use of communicating their wants or needs with the correct
the a/an + noun rule”? use of grammar
What are some examples that Shows proficiency in using the a/an + noun rule to
show the application of the construct grammatically correct sentences in different
learning competency? theme-based activities
EN3G-Ie-2.4 Use nouns (e.g. What is meant by construct? To build something or put together different parts to
people, animals, places, things form something whole.
events) in simple sentences What are the steps to a. Think a topic/subject.
construct? b. The basic parts must include the subject, verb
Unpacked as: Construct a phrase, and object.
simple sentence that uses c. Be aware of the rules in writing sentences.
nouns. What are nouns? A noun is a word used to identify something, such as
a person, place, thing, or idea.
What should be constructed? Sentences that use appropriate nouns.

What does use mean? Use means the action of using something or the state
of being used for a purpose.
What does a simple sentence A sentence consisting of only one clause, with a
mean? single subject and predicate.

What does “construct a Writing a complete sentence with appropriate use of

simple sentence that shows nouns.
appropriate use of nouns”?
What can pupils do if they The pupils are able to determine how words function
are able to construct in a sentence and are able to construct a correct
sentences that show sentence.
appropriate use of nouns?
What are some examples that The pupils are to form a complete sentence.
show the application of the The pupils are able to identify sentences with the use
learning competency? of nouns and identify their parts.
The pupils are able to construct sentences using nouns
to describe instances in their lives.
EN3G-If-2.2 Use common What is meant by utilize? Utilize means practical or profitable use
and proper nouns
What are the steps to utilize? a. Know what to utilize.
Unpacked as: Utilize b. Know where to utilize.
common and proper nouns in a c. Know why to utilize
What does utilize mean in To make practical and effective use of common and
the learning competency? proper nouns.
What is common and proper A common noun is a noun that describes a type of a
nouns? person, or thing or names a concept. Common nouns
are not capitalized unless it appears at the start of a
Proper nouns refer to specific, named things. Proper
nouns are always capitalized.
What should be utilized? Common and proper nouns.
What does a sentence mean? Sentence is an act of a word that is complete in itself.
What does utilize common Composing a sentence with the use of common and
and proper nouns in a proper nouns in a practical and effective way.
What pupils can do if they Pupils are able to construct a sentence with common
are able to utilize common and proper nouns and are able to apply them in real-
and proper nouns in a life situations.
What are some examples that Pupils are to form a complete sentence using common
show the application of the and proper nouns.
learning competency? They are able to use common and proper nouns in
describing things.
They are able to observe and make use of common
and proper nouns inside and outside of the classroom
in making a sentence.
EN2G-Ig-h-2 .3 Use plural What does form mean? Form means bringing together parts or combining to
form of regular nouns by create something, and conceive an idea or plan in
adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g. dog,- mind.
dogs, wish-wishes) What are the steps to form? a. Pick a topic/subject.
b. Be mindful of the subject’s form.
Unpacked as: Form a c. Observe rules in grammar in your
sentence that showsthe plural sentence before, during, and after.
form of regular nouns by What is “the plural form of The word plural is defined as ‘relating to or
adding /s/ or /es/. regular nouns by adding /s/ constituting a class of grammatical forms usually
or /es/”? used to denote more than one or in some languages
more than two’ and ‘relating to, consisting of, or
containing more than one or more than one kind or
class’. There are rules observed in pluralizing regular

Recognize nouns marked with plural form –s.

As was mentioned earlier, we add the plural suffix –

s to most words:

cat → cats
bear → bears
zebra → zebras

However, after sounds s, z, sh, ch, and j, we add the

plural suffix –es:

class → classes
sash → sashes
fox → foxes

Some words that end in z also double their

ending consonant, like quizzes.
What should be formed? Sentences with proper plural form or regular nouns by
adding /s/ or /es/.
What does “show” mean in It means to present the proper use of plural form or
the learning competency? regular nouns by adding /s/ or /es/.
What does “sentence” mean? A sentence is an act of a word that is complete in
What does form a sentence It means that put together the words to form a
that shows the plural form of meaning that demonstrates the pluralization of regular
regular nouns by adding /s/ nouns.
or /es/?
What can pupils do if they Pupils are able to construct a complete sentence that
are able to form a sentence shows the pluralization of nouns.
that applies the plural form
of regular nouns by adding
/s/ or /es/?
What are some examples that The pupils are able to form a complete sentence using
show the application of the plural forms of regular nouns.
learning competency? The pupils are able to pluralize regular nouns and
make simple sentences.
The pupils are able to describe things using the plural
form of regular nouns.
EN3G-Ii-j-2.4 Use plural form What does construct mean? To build something or put together different parts to
of frequently occurring make something whole.
irregular nouns (e.g. clidren,
feet, teeth)
What are the steps to a. Think about a topic/subject.
construct? b. The basic parts must include which is the
Unpacked as: Construct a
subject, verb phrase, and object.
sentence that exhibits the
c. Be aware of the rules in constructing
plural form of frequently
occurring irregular nouns.
What is the plural form of Irregular plural nouns either change their endings
frequently occurring irregular (such as party to parties) or stay the same as their
nouns? singular forms (such as moose to moose). It may
seem like they’re just breaking grammar rules, but
really, irregular plural nouns are just following
different spelling rules.
What should be constructed? Sentences that exhibit the plural form of frequently
occurring irregular nouns.
What does exhibit mean? Exhibit means to show appropriate use of the plural
form of frequently occurring irregular nouns.
What does sentence mean? Sentence is an act of word that is complete in itself.
What does construct a Form a sentence that shows the appropriate use of a
sentence that exhibits the plural form of frequently occurring irregular nouns.
plural form of frequently
occurring irregular nouns?
What can pupils do if they The pupils are to construct a complete sentence that
are able to construct shows the appropriate use of irregular nouns.
sentences that exhibit the
plural form of frequently
occurring irregular nouns?
What are some examples that The pupils are able to recognize sentences in
shows the application of the accordance with irregular nouns.
learning competency? The pupils are able to describe things.
EN4G-Ia-b2.3 Use the plural What does apply mean? To put use, especially for some practical purpose
form of regular nouns What are the steps to apply? a. Pick a topic/subject.
b. Be mindful of the subject’s form.
Unpacked as: Applying the c. Observe rules in grammar in your sentence before,
plural form of regular nouns in during, and after.
a sentence. What is meant by plural form The word plural is defined as ‘relating to or
of regular nouns? constituting a class of grammatical forms usually
used to denote more than one or in some languages
more than two’ and ‘relating to, consisting of, or
containing more than one or more than one kind or
class’, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary.
So, a noun that consists or relates to more than one
person, place or thing can be defined as a plural noun.
A. Adding -s
For most regular English nouns, you simply add the
letter -s to the noun.
B. Adding -ves: nouns ending with -f or -fe
For some nouns ending with -f or -fe, instead of
adding -s after the noun, you change the F to V and
then add -es
C. Nouns that end with -s, -x, -z, -sh or -ch
When the noun ends with the letters -s, -x, -z, -sh or -
ch, simply add -es after the noun
What should be applied? Plural forms of regular nouns.
What does “applying” mean It means to make use of the appropriate plural form of
in the learning competency? regular nouns.
What does sentence mean? Sentence is an act of word that is complete in itself.
What does “applying the To form a sentence that demonstrates the proper
plural form of regular nouns plural form of regular nouns in a sentence.
in a sentence?
What can pupils do if they The pupils are able to pluralized regular nouns and
are able to form a sentence able to construct a complete sentence.
that applies plural form of
regular nouns?
What are some examples that The pupils are able to form a complete sentence using
shows the application of the plural forms of regular nouns.
learning sentences? The pupils are able to pluralized regular nouns and
make a simple sentence.
The pupils are able to describe things using the plural
form of regular nouns.
EN4G-Ib-2.4 Use plural form What is meant by “utilize"? Utilize means to make practical and effective use of
of irregular Nouns something.
What are the steps to 1. Identify what is supposed to be utilized
Unpacked as: Utilize the "utilize"? 2. Know where to utilize
plural form of irregular nouns 3. Use that "something" according to its function unto
in a sentence. where it is supposed to be used.
What should be utilized? Plural form of irregular nouns
What is meant by “plural Form of a noun to show there is more
form”? than one person, place by adding 's','es'

What are the examples of Cat- cats house- houses

plural forms?
What does irregular mean? A noun that becomes plural.
What does “utilize the plural Make a sentence that involves the use of plural forms
form of irregular nouns in a of irregular nouns.
sentence mean”?
What can the pupils do if Pupils are able to construct sentences with plural
they are able to utilize the forms of irregular nouns and are able to apply them in
plural form of irregular real-life situations.
nouns in a sentence?

What are the examples that 1. The pupils are able to construct sentences using the
show the application of the plural forms of irregular nouns.
learning competency? 2. The pupils are able to manage and apply proper use
of the plural form of
Irregular nouns in their real-life situations.
EN4G-lb-33 Use clear and What is meant by To form (a sentence) according to grammatical rules.
coherent sentences employing “construct"?
appropriate grammatical What are the steps to 1. Think about a topic/subject you are about to write.
structures: kinds of nouns - "construct"? 2. Be mindful of the target of the subject.
mass nouns and count nouns. 3. Be aware of the rules in writing
Unpacked as: Construct What are mass nouns and The mass nouns are nouns that denote homogeneous
sentences that show the count nouns? substances.
appropriate mass nouns and The count nouns are nouns that can be modified by a
count nouns. quantity and that occur in both singular and plural
What are the examples of Examples of mass nouns are food, furniture, air,
mass nouns and count nouns? blood, grass, etc.
Examples of count nouns are pens, coins, chairs,
tables, books, cups, etc.
What should be constructed? Sentences that show the appropriate use of mass
nouns and count nouns.
What does the sentence Composed of words that complete themselves.
What does "construct To write sentences observing the proper and
sentences that show appropriate use of mass nouns and count nouns.
appropriate mass nouns and
count nouns" mean?
What can pupils do if they Pupils are able to manage constructing sentences with
are able to construct mass nouns and count nouns.
sentences that show
appropriate mass nouns and
count nouns?
What are some examples that 1. The pupils are able to construct sentences with
show the application of the mass nouns and count nouns.
learning competency? 2. The pupils are able to recognize and identify count
nouns or mass nouns in a sentence.
3. The pupils are able to use mass nouns and count
nouns in describing their real-life situations.
EN4H-le-34 Use clear and What is meant by “create"? To make something new or invent something
coherent sentences employing
appropriate grammatical What are the steps to 1. Identify the subject you are about to write.
structures ( quantifiers of mass “create"? 2. Define or recognize the subject(
nouns) quantifiers of mass nouns)
3. Be mindful of the rules in grammar before, during,
Unpacked as: Create and after creating sentences.
sentences that show the
What is meant by quantifiers Quantifiers are premodifiers that indicate how much
application of quantifiers of
of mass nouns? or how many something is.
mass nouns.

What should be created? A sentence that shows the proper use of quantifiers of
mass nouns on it.
What does “show” in the It's to show the appropriate and proper use of
learning competency mean? quantifiers of mass nouns.

What are sentences? A set of words that completes itself.

What does "create sentences Write sentences observing the appropriate and proper
that show the quantifiers of use of quantifiers of mass nouns.
mass nouns” mean?
What can pupils do if they Pupils are able to apply and create sentences with the
are able to create sentences proper and appropriate use of mass nouns.
that show the appropriate use
of quantifiers of mass nouns?
What are some examples that 1. Pupils are able to create and use sentences that are
show the application of the connected to the topics.
learning competency? 2. The pupils are able to recognize sentences that
contain quantifiers of mass nouns.
3. The pupils are able to follow the rules in creating
sentences with quantifiers of mass nouns.
EN4G-lf-35 Compose clear What does create mean? To make something new
and coherent sentences using What are the steps to create? 1. Understand the meaning of create.
appropriate grammatical 2. Know what to create.
structures: kinds of nouns 3. Observe rules in grammar before, during, and after
(possessive nouns) creating.
What is meant by a It is a noun that shows ownership usually identified
Unpacked as: Create possessive noun? by “'s”. An example is “Jerry's car” which indicates
sentences that fit the use of the that the car was owned by Jerry.
possessive nouns
What should be created? Sentence that shows the appropriate use of possessive
nouns in the sentence.

What is the sentence? A set of words that completes itself.

What does" create sentences To write sentences observing the appropriate and
that fit the use of the proper use of possessive nouns.
possessive noun" mean?
What can pupils do if they The pupils are able to create complete sentences of
are able to create sentences possessive nouns and apply them in real-life
that show the appropriate use situations.
of possessive nouns in the
What are some examples that 1. The pupils are able to Recognize the possessive
show the application of the nouns in a sentence.
learning competency? 2. The pupils are able to create sentences with the
proper use of possessive nouns.
3. The pupils are able to use sentences with the use of
possessive nouns to describe instances in their life.
EN4G-lg-36 Identify and use What is meant by To notice the difference between people or things.
concrete nouns and abstract "distinguish"?
What are the steps to 1. Recognize the differences of the two things or
Unpacked as: Distinguish "distinguish"? people.
concrete nouns and abstract 2. Understand the use and application of the two.
nouns and their uses.
What does "distinguish" To recognize the difference between abstract nouns
mean in the learning and concrete nouns.
What is abstract nouns? An abstract noun is a noun that denotes ideas, quality,
or state rather than a concrete objective. Examples are
love, fear, anger, joy, excitement, etc.
What is concrete nouns? Concrete noun refers to physical things, persons, or
places. Examples are pencils, Patricia, dogs, etc.

What should be Concrete nouns and abstract nouns are based on their
distinguished? uses.
What does "distinguish To differentiate concrete nouns and abstract nouns
concrete nouns and abstract based on their uses and applications.
nouns and their uses" mean?
What can pupils do if they The pupils are able to differentiate whether the words
are able to distinguish are concrete nouns or abstract nouns.
concrete nouns and abstract
nouns and their uses?

What are some example that 1. The pupils are able to explain something by using
shows the application of the concrete or abstract nouns that help them to describe.
learning competency? 2. The pupils are able to identify the abstract nouns
and concrete nouns that are used in a poem.
EN4G-Ih-3.9 Use collective What is meant by ‘utilize’? Utilize means to make practical and effective use of
nouns something.

Unpacked as: Utilize

What are the steps to i. Identify what is supposed to be utilized
collective nouns in a sentence
‘utilize’? ii. Know where to utilize it
iii. Use that ‘something’ according to its function
onto where it’s supposed to be used
What does ‘utilize’ mean in To make practical and effective use of collective
the learning competency? nouns in a sentence
What are collective nouns? It's a noun that names a group of people or things.

What should be utilized? Collective nouns

What are sentences? A set of words that is complete in itself

What does “Utilize collective Make use of collective nouns in a practical and
nouns in a sentence” mean? effective way in composing a sentence

What can pupils do if they Pupils are able to construct sentences with collective
are able to utilize collective nouns and are able to apply them in real-life
nouns in a sentence? situations.
What are some examples that The pupils are able to construct sentences using
show the application of the collective nouns.
learning competency? The pupils are able to recognize collective nouns
inside the classroom and outside the classroom
The pupils are able to use collective nouns in
describing things in their life
EN5G-IIc-2.2.2 EN5G-IIc- What is meant by Form (a sentence) according to grammatical rules.
3.9 ‘construct’?
Compose clear and coherent What are the steps to i. Pick a topic/subject you are to write about
sentences using appropriate ‘construct’? ii. Be mindful of the subject (irregular nouns) verb
grammatical structures: - agreement
irregular nouns and verb iii. Observe rules in grammar in your sentence before,
agreement during, and after writing

Unpacked as: Construct What are irregular nouns and Many English nouns are irregular in nature. This
sentences that exhibit verb agreement? means they don’t form their plural by the usual
appropriate irregular nouns addition of an s–ending. Therefore, when an irregular
and verb agreement noun is the subject of a present tense verb, the
decision to implement an s–ending verb is not always
an easy one. A verb must always agree with its
subject in number. A singular subject requires a
singular verb; a plural subject requires a plural verb.
This rule still applies to irregular nouns, only the
individuals must be mindful of the singular and plural
forms of the irregular nouns.
What should be constructed? Sentences that exhibit appropriate use of irregular
nouns and verb agreement
What does ‘exhibit’ in the It’s to show the appropriate and proper use of
learning competency mean? irregular nouns and verb agreement in a sentence
What are sentences? A set of words that is complete in itself
What does “Construct Write a sentence observing the appropriate and proper
sentences that exhibit use of irregular nouns and verb agreement
appropriate irregular nouns
and verb agreement” mean?
What can pupils do if they Pupils are able to construct sentences with irregular
are able to construct nouns and verb agreement and are able to apply them
sentences that exhibit in real-life situations.
appropriate irregular nouns
and verb agreement?
What are some examples that The pupils are able to construct sentences in
show the application of the accordance with irregular nouns and verb agreement.
learning competency? The pupils are able to recognize sentences with
irregular nouns and verb agreement and identify its
The pupils are able to use sentences with irregular
nouns and verb agreement in describing instances in
their life
EN5G-IId-2.2.6 EN5G-IId- What is meant by Form (a sentence) according to grammatical rules.
3.9 ‘construct’?
Compose clear and coherent What are the steps to i. Pick a topic/subject you are to write about
sentences using appropriate ‘construct’? ii. Be mindful of the subject (collective nouns) verb
grammatical structures: - agreement
collective nouns and verb iii. Observe rules in grammar in your sentence before,
agreement during, and after writing
What are collective nouns A plural collective noun takes a plural verb: Families
Unpacked as: Construct and verb agreement? enjoy this restaurant.
sentences that exhibit A singular collective noun usually takes a singular
appropriate collective nouns verb: Our family enjoys this restaurant.
and verb agreement But there are some cases where a singular collective
noun actually expresses a plural idea and needs a
plural verb. There are guidelines that will help you
decide whether a singular collective noun takes a
singular or plural verb. When all the members of a
collective noun are performing an action as a unit
(and that’s usually the case), use a singular verb.
When the members of a collective noun are
performing an action as individuals, use a plural verb.
In this case, all or some members of the group are
doing something independently of the other members;
the group is not acting together as a unit. In many
cases, it may sound more natural to make the subject
plural in form by adding a word like “members”.
What should be constructed? Sentences that exhibit appropriate use of collective
nouns and verb agreement
What does ‘exhibit’ in the It’s to show the appropriate and proper use of
learning competency mean? collective nouns and verb agreement in a sentence

What are sentences? A set of words that is complete in itself

What does “Construct Write a sentence observing the appropriate and proper
sentences that exhibit use of collective nouns and verb agreement
appropriate collective nouns
and verb agreement” mean?
What can pupils do if they Pupils are able to construct sentences with the proper
are able to construct and appropriate use of collective nouns and verb
sentences that exhibit agreement and are able to apply them in real-life
appropriate collective nouns situations
and verb agreement?
What are some examples that The pupils are able to construct sentences by
show the application of the observing the proper use of collective nouns and verb
learning competency? agreement.
The pupils are able to recognize sentences with
collective nouns and verb agreement and identify
their parts
The pupils are able to use sentences with collective
nouns and verb agreement in describing instances in
their life
EN6G-Ia-2.3.1 Compose clear What is meant by ‘form’? Bring together parts or combine to create
and coherent sentences using (something); conceive (an idea or plan) in one's mind
appropriate grammatical
structures:-Pluralization of What are the steps to ‘form’? i. Pick a topic/subject you are to write about
regular nouns ii. Be mindful of the subject’s form (regular nouns)
iii. Observe rules in grammar in your sentence before,
Unpacked as: Form sentences during, and after writing
that show proper pluralization What is the pluralization of Plural form refers to (of a word or form) denoting
of regular nouns regular nouns? more than one, or (in languages with dual numbers)
more than two. Regular nouns are nouns that become
plural if an -s is added to them. To make a regular
noun plural, you add –s or –es to the end, depending
on the word’s ending. There are 11 rules to be
observed when pluralizing regular nouns.
What should be formed? Sentences with proper use of pluralization of regular
What does ‘show’ mean in It means to present the proper use of pluralization of
the learning competency regular nouns in a sentence
What are sentences? A set of words that is complete in itself
What does “Form sentences Put together sentences that demonstrate the proper
that show proper pluralization of regular nouns
pluralization of regular
nouns” mean?
What can pupils do if they Pupils are able to construct sentences with the proper
are able to form sentences pluralization of regular nouns and are able to apply
that show proper them in real-life situations
pluralization of regular
What are some examples that The pupils are able to construct sentences using
show the application of the proper plural forms of regular nouns.
learning competency? The pupils are able to recognize plural forms of
regular nouns inside the classroom and outside the
The pupils are able to use pluralized regular nouns in
describing things in their life
EN6G-Ib-2.3.2 Compose clear What is meant by ‘form’? Bring together parts or combine to create
and coherent sentences using (something); conceive (an idea or plan) in one's mind
appropriate grammatical What are the steps to ‘form’? i. Pick a topic/subject you are to write about
structures: -Pluralization of ii. Be mindful of the subject’s form (regular nouns)
irregular nouns iii. Observe rules in grammar in your sentence before,
during, and after writing
Unpacked as: Form sentences What is the pluralization of Irregular nouns are nouns that do not follow a
that show proper pluralization irregular nouns? standard pattern of pluralization that regular nouns
of irregular nouns follow. It’s best to memorize these or look up the
proper pluralization in the dictionary.
What should be formed? Sentences with proper pluralization of irregular nouns

What does ‘show’ mean in It means to present the proper use of pluralization of
the learning competency? irregular nouns in a sentence
What are sentences? A set of words that is complete in itself
What does “Form sentences Put together sentences that demonstrate the proper
that show proper pluralization of irregular nouns
pluralization of irregular
nouns” mean?
What can pupils do if they Pupils are able to construct sentences with the proper
are able to form sentences pluralization of irregular nouns and are able to apply
that show proper them in real-life situations
pluralization of regular
What are some examples that The pupils are able to construct sentences using
show the application of the proper plural forms of irregular nouns.
learning competency? The pupils are able to recognize plural forms of
irregular nouns inside the classroom and outside the
The pupils are able to use pluralized irregular nouns
in describing things in their life


This part clarifies the importance of acquiring the skills intended to be developed by the learning competency.
The following questions can be used to indicate content for this part.
1. Why is recognizing nouns, learning the function of nouns, pluralization of nouns, and noun and verb agreement
important to be acquired by elementary school pupils? What contributions do recognizing nouns, function of
nouns, pluralization of nouns, and noun and verb agreement bring to the language development of the pupils?

Recognizing nouns, pluralizing nouns, functions of nouns, and nouns and verb agreement is essential to
be acquired by elementary students because this can help them to improve their grammar, and structure of
sentences, and they can communicate effectivelywith the people around them.

2. What abilities will the pupils be able to manifest when they have acquired theskills taught in recognizing nouns,
functions of nouns, pluralization of nouns, and noun and verb agreement?

The abilities that the pupils will be able to manifest include being knowledgeable about nouns. Also, they
must know how to construct grammatically correct sentences, as they will understand how nouns function within
a sentence and how they should agree with verbs. Furthermore, they must enhance their overall language
proficiency, as these skills are fundamental to understanding and producing written and spoken language.
According to the result, the students will demonstrate better sentence construction, increased vocabulary,
and improved communication abilities compared to their peers who did not receive such instruction. Their
language acquisition process was accelerated. They were able to express themselves more fluently and accurately
in English. Moreover, this improved reading comprehension, as they were able to identify and comprehend noun
phrases and their functions within a text. Produced more coherent and grammatically correct texts, as they were
able to apply their knowledge of nouns and their functions effectively.

3. What difficulties will the learners likely encounter as they try to learn to recognize nouns, function of nouns,
pluralization of nouns, and noun and verb agreement?

The difficulties the learners will likely encounter as they try to learn these learning competencies can be
the changing of singular form to make plural form, confusing spelling, and the use of words.
According to the study that the researchers conducted, the challenges that the learners may encounter
would be learners can find grammatical patterns difficult, especially in speaking. Also, they encounter difficulties
in recognizing the functions of words due to their limited vocabulary and lack of exposure to different sentence
structures. Additionally, they can encounter problems in the correct use of syntactic plural, gender pronoun, and
the particular case of the constant polarity tags, and collective nouns.

4. What factors may coincidentally interplay with the learners’ acquisition of thelearning competency skills in
recognizing nouns, function of nouns, pluralization of nouns, and noun and verb agreementwhich will have an
impact on their performance?

Based on the findings, it can be concluded that students have more tendency to make errors in the general
rule of subject-verb agreement. This may be because they try to avoid using the sub-rule of subject-verb
agreement. This is proven since the majority of the errors made are under the general rule of subject-verb
agreement. Another factor that causes them to make errors in the subject-verb agreement is because of the L1
interference (inter-language errors) where these students notice that in their L1, there is no rule that says that a
singular subject requires a single form of verb. Besides, faulty generalization or over-generalization also involves
where a deviant structure has been constructed by these students based on their experience of other structures in
the target language. It can also be concluded that interference from the native language is a source of difficulty in
second language learning.

5. What support systems or services can parents and teachers do to be able tosupport the learners’ acquisition of the
following learning competencies namely recognition of nouns, function of nouns, pluralization of nouns, and
noun and verb agreement?

The support systems or services parents and teachers can acquire to be able tosupport the learner’s acquisition of
the following competencies, namely recognition of nouns, the function of nouns, pluralization of nouns, and noun
and verb agreement must emphasize listening comprehension by using read-aloud and music. Use visuals and
have students point to pictures or act out vocabulary. Speak slowly and use shorter words, but use correct English
phrasing. Model “survival” language by saying and showing the meaning. Also, the parents should ask their
children to tell them about what they learned each day and keep in regular contact with a teacher or staff member
about their child’s progress.


A. Suggestion of the Experts
A culmination of 5 research.
1. Direct Instruction, Elaboration Strategy, and Learning with Robots

Direct Instruction Elaboration Strategy Learning with Robots

-highly teacher-directed -understanding and -help teachers to free up
-usually deductive remembering new time on simple, repetitive
knowledge by creating tasks, and provide
Possible methods links between new and scaffolding to learners.
existing knowledge
Structured Overview Compare & Contrast
Lecture Demonstrations
Drill & Practice Didactic Questions
Explicit Teaching Guided & Shared - reading,
listening, viewing, thinking

Deductive Teaching – The teacher presents a generality Guided Comprehension Model – An instruction process
or rule with the expectation that students will apply it based on explaining, demonstrating, guiding,
to specific scenarios. practicing, and reflecting that can scaffold
Didactic Teaching – The teacher transmits content to Elaborative Interrogation – asking of “why”
students with the expectation that they will simply
learn it.
Direct Approach – teaching thinking skills in which the Summarization – students identify what is important
skill is presented and then examples of its use are and how different ideas connect to one another

2. Indirect Instruction, Motivational and Emotional Strategy, and Organizational Strategy

Indirect Instruction Motivational and Emotional Organizational
Strategy Strategy
-inquiry, induction, problem-solving, decision- -activating orientation to a target - organizing new
making, and discovery -Intrinsic motivation is especially knowledge by
-student-centered interesting, exciting, or making connections
-Role of the teacher; lecturer/director → facilitator, challenging for learners and between the
supporter, resource person shows positive aspects of different knowledge
experience (cf. Rheinberg 2000, elements (cf.
This strategy is most appropriate when: 60).. The goal is to create a Friedrich &Mandl
positive experience during 2006, 4).
thinking outcomes are The focus is personalized learning and to increase the
desired; understanding and long- learners’ personal significance of
term retention of concepts learning objectives (cf.
or generalizations; Schiefele&Streblow 2006, 239).
attitudes, values, or ego involvement and -Extrinsic motivation has an
interpersonal outcomes intrinsic motivation are instrumental function as they are
are desired; desirable;
used to reach positive
the process is as decisions need to be made
consequences, for instance, praise
important as the or problems need to be
product; solved; of the parents or good grades (cf.
Students need to The focus is personalized Rheinberg 2000, 60). The goal is
investigate or discover understanding and long- to promote active participation
something in order to term retention of concepts and applications close to everyday
benefit from later or generalizations; life, a clearly structured learning
instruction; content as well as social support
There is more than one Life-long learning by setting appropriate tasks (cf.
appropriate answer; capability is desired. Schiefele&Streblow 2006, 240).

Possible Methods:

Problem-Solving Writing to Inform

Case Studies Concept Formation
Reading for Meaning Concept Mapping
Inquiry Concept Attainment
Reflective Discussion Cloze Procedure

Discovery Teaching – provides students with an Tiered Instruction – creating the best lesson possible on
environment that encourages them to find general a topic and then extrapolating from the base lesson to
patterns for themselves. It is also called inductive make it more challenging for students who are ready
teaching. for advanced work and less challenging for students
who are not ready for the requirements of the base
Non-directive Teaching – uses facilitated teaching and Intentional Teaching – An educator is focused on
focuses on helping students set personal goals. creating a plan to instruct students with a specific
learning goal or developmental outcome in mind.
Readiness Training – Instruction that equips students Keyword mnemonic and Use of imagery for text
with foundational skills and background knowledge to learning – Visualizing in the “mind’s eye”. Students
prepare them for subsequent formal teaching. make mental imagery while taking in information
Reciprocal Teaching – teaching students to summarize Activity-based Approach – makes teachable moments
portions of text, predict potential questions, and clarify out of naturally occurring, everyday activities.
the complex text.

3. Interactive Instruction, Cooperation Strategy, and Teachback

Interactive Instruction, Cooperation Strategy Teachbacknnnh

-Discussion and sharing among participants -Students support each - means for two or more
-"react to the ideas, experience, insights, and other in working to reach people to demonstrate that
knowledge of the teacher or of peer learners and to a common result they are progressing
generate alternative ways of thinking and feeling" toward a shared
Seaman and Fellenz (1989) (p. 119). understanding of a
complex topic
Possible Methods:

Debates Panels
Role Playing Jigsaw
Peer Partner Learning Structured Controversy
Laboratory Groups Problem-Solving
Think, Pair, Share Tutorial Groups
Discussion Interviewing
Brainstorming Conferencing
Cooperative Learning

Practice Testing – the practical recall of target information

4. Experiential Learning, Place-based learning, Learning with Drones, and Citizen Inquiry

Experiential Learning Place-based Learning with Citizen Inquiry

learning Drones
-inductive, learner-centered, and activity -derives learning -being used to -describes ways
oriented opportunities from support fieldwork that members of the
local community by enhancing public can learn by
Experiential learning occurs when learners: settings, which help students' capability initiating or joining
students connect to explore outdoor shared inquiry-led
participate in an draw useful insights abstract concepts physical scientific
activity; from such analysis; from the classroom environments. investigations.
critically look back And put learnings to and textbooks with
on the activity to work in new practical challenges
clarify learnings and situations. (Pfeiffer & encountered in their
feelings Jones, 1979)
own localities.
Experiential learning can be viewed as a
cycle consisting of five phases, all of which
are necessary:
 experiencing (an activity occurs);
 inferring or generalizing (principles are
 sharing or publishing (reactions and
observations are shared);
 applying (plans are made to use
[earnings in new situations).
 analyzing or processing (patterns and
dynamics are determined);

Possible Methods:

Field Trips Focused Imaging

Narratives Field
Conducting Experiments Role-playing
Simulations Synectics
Games Model Building
Storytelling Surveys

Discovery Teaching – provides students with an Distributed practice – to-be-learned material is often
environment that encourages them to find general encountered on more than one occasion
patterns for themselves. It is also called inductive – particular schedule of the learning episodes
Non-directive Teaching – uses facilitated teaching and Interleaved practice – students alternate their practice
focuses on helping students set personal goals. of different kinds of items or problems

5. Independent Study, Revision strategy, Control strategy, and Formative Analytics

Independent Study Revision strategy Control strategy Formative Analytics

- Instructional methods that -Students revise a small -Effective learning needs -supporting the learner to
are purposefully provided to amount of information strategies controlling reflect on what is
foster the development of from the subject matter one’s own learning and learned, what can be
individual student initiative, to anchor it in the long‐ thinking improved, which goals
self-reliance, and self- term memory with a - These strategies are can be achieved, and
improvement. single impulse. called metacognitive how to move forward”
- Independent study by strategies as they operate (Sharples et al., 2016,
students under the guidance above and perform the p.32).
or supervision of a classroom function of regulating
teacher. one’s own information
processing (cf. Mandl
Possible Methods: 2006, 5).
-help to check the
Learning Correspondence learning progress
Contracts Lessons
Computer Learning
Assisted Activity
Instruction Packages
Journals Homework
Learning Research
Logs Projects
Reports Essays
Assigned Learning
Questions Centers

Self-explanation – students explain some aspect of their process during learning

Recognizing Nouns: Indirect Instruction,Motivational and Function of Nouns: Direct Instruction, Elaboration
Emotional Strategy, Organizational Strategy, Experiential Strategy,Indirect Instruction, Interactive Discussion
Learning, and Place-based learning
EN4G-Id-33 Use clear and coherent sentences employing
EN2G-If-g-2.1 Recognize names people, objects, things appropriate grammatical structures: Kinds of Nouns –
and places (e.g., names of animals, fruits, and objects in Mass Nouns and Count Nouns &EN4G-Ie-34 Use clear
songs, stories, poems, nursery rhymes, pictures, realia and and coherent sentences employing appropriate
other ICT based materials) grammatical structures (quantifiers of mass nouns)

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
Look at the pictures *A chart is posted on the board
School Box and 10-word metacards are to be
Pencil Books placed inside the chart
Teacher Church Mass Noun Count Noun
Park Father
What can you see on the School, Box, Pencil, Read the words on the board Rice, water,
board? Books, Teacher, Church, houses, grass, dog,
Park, Father pens, rat, eraser,
What do they think those School, the Park, and air, blood
things are called? church are names for a Can you count rice? How about No.
place; Pencils, boxes, and dogs? Yes
books are names for From what we have just talked
objects; Teacher and about, we cannot count rice,
Father are names for which makes it a mass noun. Mass
people. nouns are nouns that you can’t
Everyone has a name, you count. These kinds of nouns don’t
students have a name. We have plural forms, therefore, we
can see it everywhere, will use singular verbs when
inside and outside of our constructing a sentence.
classroom. We call those For example: The rice is cooking
names “nouns” Meanwhile, we can count dogs,
which makes it a count noun.
EN2G-Ih-2.4 Recognize nouns in simple sentences Count nouns are nouns that you
EN2G-Ii-9.2 Recognize the use of a/an + noun can count. This means that when a
&EN2GIIIf-9.2 Use the use of a/an + noun count noun is singular, we will
use a singular verb along with it,
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson and if it is plural, then we’ll use a
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity plural verb to go with it.
Look at the picture For example: The dog is barking
The dogs are barking”
Based on our short discussion,
sort the words into the chart
Mass Noun Count Noun
Water, grass, air, blood Houses, pens, rat, eraser
a little/little/very little *
a bit (of)
a great deal of.
a large amount of.
a large quantity of.
The newly posted chart is a list of There’s too much
commonly used quantifiers for water/blood.
What can you see in the We can see the children mass nouns. Use these quantifiers I can’t get enough
picture? are playing in the park. on the given mass nouns in a air
I want you to tell me more I saw an airplane in the sentence That’s a large
about what you can see in picture. amount of grass.
the picture by completing I saw a donkey in the Etc.
this sentence: I saw picture. Most quantifiers are followed by a
______in the picture. I saw a girl in the picture. noun, in this case, a mass noun.
I saw an apple in the It’s used to indicate or express the
picture. quantity or amount of an object.
I saw a flower in the The examples are the sentences
picture you’ve mentioned
What do you notice before All the words/nouns have
the words/nouns that you a/an before them EN4G-If-35 Compose clear and coherent sentences using
can see in the picture? appropriate grammatical structures: Kinds of Nouns
How about the first letter The words starting with (Possessive Nouns)
of the nouns after those the letters d,g,f have “a”
words (a/an)? before them, and the C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
words starting with the Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
letter a have “an” before Given is the rules of
them Possessive Nouns
Are the letters “d,g,f” The letters “d,g,f” are Type of noun Rules Examples
consonants or vowels? consonants Singular noun, or Add ’s cat’s, people’s
How about the letter “a”? The letter “a” is a vowel plural noun that does
not end in “s”
When a noun starts with a
Plural noun ending in Add ’ dogs’, politics’
consonant letter, we use “s,” or singular noun
“a” before it. If it starts that looks like a plural
with a vowel, we use “an”. noun
Let’s read more examples Singular name ending Add either ’s James’s or
so we will not forget what in “s” or ’ James’
we just learned Help me construct a
I ate a cake last Monday. sentence by telling me
My favorite fruit is an orange. what rule to apply in the
I love to play in a dollhouse with my friends. following context.
My mom brought me an umbrella this morning Volunteers must write the
sentence on the board:
EN2GIIId-f-2 Give naming words for persons, places,
things What should I say if this
ball belongs to the boys? That is the boys’ ball
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity How about if this ball
Read the story belongs to the dogs in the
The girls went to the mall with their mother. First, they park? That is the dogs’ in the
stopped and looked at the hamsters, puppies, kittens, park’s ball
mice, and birds. Next, they wanted to check out the What if this ball belongs
store with toys. They looked at the dolls, jacks, and to Princess?
jump ropes. While they were walking around, they saw That is Princess’ ball.
their teacher, their neighbor, and the librarian at the
mall. EN4G-Ig-36 Identify and use concrete nouns and abstract
The girls left and went home. They were exhausted and nouns
hungry. When they arrived home, their first stop was
the kitchen. They grabbed a snack and ate in their C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
bedroom. After resting for a while, the girls decided to Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
play outside. A table is posted on the board
List all the naming words Girls, mall, mother, alongside 6 words on metacards
that you saw in the story hamsters, puppies, kittens, Concrete Abstract
like places, people, or mice, birds, store, toys,
animals dolls, jacks, jump ropes, Can you touch a rock? How about Yes
teacher, neighbor, life? No
librarian, home, kitchen, The main concept and difference
snack, and bedroom between concrete and abstract
Next, let's sort them into nouns is whether we could
categories according to physically touch them or not. If we
persons, place, things can touch it, like the rock, then it is
Person Places Animals Things a concrete noun. If we can’t touch
Girls, Mall, Hamsters, Toys, it, like life, then it is an abstract
mother, store, puppies, dolls, noun
teacher, home, kittens, jacks,
neighbor, kitchen, mice, birds jump EN4G-Ih-3.9 Use collective noun
librarian bedroom ropes,
snack C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
How about the first letter The words starting with Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
of the nouns after those the letters d,g,f have “a” A guide on when to use
words (a/an)? before them, and the collective nouns will be
words starting with the posted on the board.
letter a have “an” before Singular Plural
them When all the members of a When the members of a
Are the letters “d,g,f” The letters “d,g,f” are collective noun are collective noun are
consonants or vowels? consonants performing an action as a performing an action as
unit (and that’s usually the individuals, use a plural
How about the letter “a”? The letter “a” is a vowel
case), use a singular verb. verb. In this case, all or
When a noun starts with a Ex: The chamber orchestra some members of the group
consonant letter, we use often plays at the Art are doing something
“a” before it. If it starts Centre independently of the other
with a vowel, we use “an”. members; the group is not
Let’s read more examples acting together as a unit.
so we will not forget what Ex: The orchestra are
we just learned tuning their instruments.
Compose a sentence based
Function of Nouns: Interactive Instruction, Cooperation on the two images
Strategy, and Teachback

EN2GIIId-2.4 Use common nouns in simple sentences

B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
Look at the picture

The choir is singing

The choir are singing and
playing instruments

Pluralization of Nouns: Indirect Instruction, Experiential

Learning, and Place-based learning
What is the name of this Church EN4G-Ia-b2.3 Use the plural form of regular nouns
noun? Is it a place, person, Place &EN4G-Ib-2.4 Use plural form of irregular nouns
or thing?
When do you go to I go to church every A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
church? Sunday Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
What did you do when We formed a sentence Students, search the Blackboard, chalk,
you said that you go to classroom for regular teacher, chair, table
church every Sunday? nouns and recite them as a
Are the nouns you Yes ma’am
mentioned regular nouns?
Tell me the rule for Add –s or –es at the end of
pluralizing regular nouns. the noun.
What is the plural form of Blackboards, chalks,
blackboard, chalk, teacher, teachers, chairs, tables
chair, and table then?
Pick one of those words There are chairs inside the
and use it in a sentence. classroom.
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Read the short story
The children are waiting patiently for the ice cream
truck. How long shall they wait? It was already time for
lunch when the ice cream truck came. One kid smiled
showing all their teeth. At the end of the day, everyone
had their ice cream. Even all the men and women of the
What are the irregular Children, teeth, men,
plural nouns used in the women
What kind of verbs are Plural verbs
used alongside the
pluralized form of the
given irregular nouns?
What does that imply? We use plural verbs along
with plural irregular nouns
in constructing a sentence
Function of Nouns:Direct Instruction, Elaboration Noun and Verb agreement: Interactive Instruction,
Strategy, Indirect Instruction, Motivational and Emotional Direct Instruction, and Indirect Instruction
Strategy, and Organizational Strategy
EN5G-IIc-3.9 Compose clear and coherent sentences
EN3G-Ie-2.4 Use nouns (e.g. people, animals, places, using appropriate grammatical structures: -irregular nouns
things events) in simple sentences &EN3G-If-2.2 Use and verb agreement
common and proper nouns
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
B. Reviewing Previous Lesson Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity List down 5 irregular
These are nouns. Read Flower, cat, church, nouns in your notebook
them for me, please. pencil, eraser Irregular nouns could be
As a class, use these The flower is pretty singular and plural. That’s
nouns in a sentence The cat is small why, the rule that if the
The church is big noun is singular, we use a
My pencil is new singular verb, and if the
My eraser is pink noun is plural, we use a
We always see nouns plural verb, applies when
everywhere and it’s we write a sentence using
always present whenever irregular nouns.
we speak. So we must Based on what’s said, two The child is crying
learn how to use them volunteers from the class The children are crying.
properly. shall write a sentence on
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson the board. The first
From the nouns we Common Noun volunteer will write a
mentioned earlier, where sentence using the
do you think they belong singular form of the word
on this table? I will be giving, and the
second volunteer will
Proper Common write a sentence using the
Noun Noun plural form of the word I
gave the first volunteer.
Why do you think so? Because they do not have
names Child – Children
What do you think would Sunflower, Amy, St. Make use of the rule
be their equivalent in the Therese Church, Mongol, discussed earlier and use
Proper noun? Faber the irregular nouns you’ve
How can we use the The sunflower is pretty listed in your notebook
proper nouns in a sentence Amy the cat is small earlier in a sentence.
then? St, Therese Church is big
The Mongol pencil is new EN5G-IId-3.9 Compose clear and coherent sentences
That Faber eraser is pink using appropriate grammatical structures: - collective
nouns and verb agreement
Pluralization of Nouns: Elaborative Interrogation, Indirect
Instruction C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
EN2G-Ig-h-2 .3 Use plural form of regular nouns by Every noun has a singular
adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes) &EN3G- and plural form. We use a
Ii-j-2.4 Use plural from of frequently occurring irregular singular verb when the
nouns (e.g., children, feet, teeth) collective noun is acting
as one. We use a plural
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson verb when each individual
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity in the collective noun is
Look at the two pictures performing an action
presented individually.
From what you’ve learned When all the members of
in the 4th Grade, when do a collective noun are
we use a singular verb performing an action as a
with a collective noun in a unit
How about a collective When the members of a
noun with a plural verb? collective noun are
performing an action as
How many dogs can you One
see in the first picture? Two
How about the second Show your understanding The class is singing
picture? by using these two together.
collective nouns The class are doing
What should we add at the We add –s ma’am
appropriately with their different activities.
end of the word “dog” so
right verb agreement. The pair are singing and
that we will know there
Students are to recite their dancing.
are two of them?
answers. The pair is performing on
Use the plural form of dog The dogs are happy
in a sentence
Class, pair, herd, team The herd are running and
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
tumbling across the field.
Read the words in the The herd is eating.
chart aloud The team are celebrating
A B C and lamenting over their
Deer-deer Foot-feet Louise-lice win.
Sheep-sheep Goose-geese Mouse-mice The team is playing hard
Salmon-Salmon Tooth-teeth Ox-oxen on the game.
What did you observe in The spelling of the words Constructing sentences is
columns B and C? changed all about context. We must
Which side among the The right side make use of context
pair is the plural form in The left side whenever we write our
columns B and C? How sentences.
about the singular side?
What did you observe in The spelling did not
column A? change
Use one plural form then The mice are eating.
its singular of an irregular The mouse is eating
noun from any of the
columns in a sentence.
What did we do? Use the plural form of
irregular nouns in a
Pluralization of Nouns: Direct Instruction, Elaboration
Strategy, Indirect Instruction, Motivational and Emotional
Strategy, and Organizational Strategy

EN6G-Ia2.3.1 Compose clear and coherent sentences

using appropriate grammatical structures: -Pluralization of
regular nouns &EN6G-Ib2.3.2 Compose clear and
coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures: -Pluralization of irregular nouns

A. Reviewing Previous Lesson

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
Read the chart posted on
the board
Rules Example
To make regular nouns plural, add –s cat – cats
to the end.
If a singular noun ends in –y and the city - cities
letter before the –y is a consonant,
change the ending to –ies
If the singular noun ends in –y and the ray – rays
letter before the –y is a vowel, add an
If the singular noun ends in –o, potato – potatoes
usually add –es photo – photos
There are some exceptions:
If the singular noun ends in –us, cactus - cacti
frequently used is –i
If the singular noun ends in –is, the analysis -
plural ending is –es analyses
If the singular noun ends in –on, the criterion -
plural ending is usually –a criteria
Some nouns don’t change at all when sheep – sheep
they’re pluralized
How do we pluralize By adding –s at the end.
“hamster”? Use the plural The hamsters are running
form of “hamster” in a around the park
How do we pluralize By changing the ending to
“lady”? Use the plural –ies.
form of the word “lady” in The ladies are shopping at
a sentence. the mall
The rules are very
important when
pluralizing regular nouns.
Always keep it in mind
when constructing your
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
Bring out your Children, men, women,
dictionaries and recite the mice, teeth
plural forms of the
following words:

child, man, woman,

mouse, tooth
What did you notice when The words changed/The
reading the plural form of spelling of the words
the words I’ve given? changed
That’s right. The
pluralization of irregular
nouns has no specific
rules. So it’s best to either
memorize the plural form
of irregular nouns or
always have a dictionary
with you

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