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2.1.1 Overtime
Lisa can get a Maximum of 10 hours per week which may be increased to a maximum of 15
hours a week by a collective agreement. She can work overtime only by agreement, her
overtime has to be paid one-and-a-half times her normal pay or have time-off and an agreement
to work overtime may not be for more than a total of 12 hours.
Lisa may get 6 weeks paid leave every 3 year cycled worked. If absence from work for 2 or
more consecutive days or more than 2 occasion in an 8 week period, employer may request a
medical certificate. The certificate may be issued by a medical doctor or a person who is
registered with a professional council. A leave cycle is calculated as number of days an
employee would normally work during a 6 week cycle. If Lisa works five days a week, she would
work 30 days in 6 weeks, which would entitle her to 30 days sick leave in three years.
Lisa must be given an allowance or a reduction in hours of work, and be provided with transport
between the employee's place of residence and the workplace. Night work is work that is
performed after 18h00 and before 6h00 the next day.
Lisa is entitled to four consecutive months' maternity leave, which may commence at any time
from four weeks before the expected date of birth, or on a date that a medical practitioner or
midwife certifies that it is necessary either for the Lisa's health or her unborn child. Lisa may not
work for six weeks after the birth of her child. If she miscarries in the third trimester of her
pregnancy or has a still born child, she is entitled to six weeks' leave after the miscarriage or still
birth she must notify the employer in writing of the dates of the leave she intends to take.This is
unpaid leave. BCEA sets the minimum but the parties can agree to more favorable terms, e.g.
paid maternity leave. If she is not paid she may claim UIF.
Unfair conduct by the employer relating to the promotion, demotion, probation or the
training of an employee or relating to the provision of benefits to an employee.
In this case it was unfair to demotion on Matshepo. Demotion can occur where an employee is
transferred to a lower level, receives less remuneration, loses benefits or experiences a loss in
Question 04
Unfair discrimination.