Tire Fiber Material For Maximizing Waste
Tire Fiber Material For Maximizing Waste
Tire Fiber Material For Maximizing Waste
Research Article
Cementitious Spray Dryer Ash-Tire Fiber Material for
Maximizing Waste Diversion
Charles E. Riley,1 Rebecca A. Atadero,2 John W. van de Lindt,3 and Paul R. Heyliger2
1 Department of Civil Engineering, Oregon Institute of Technology, 3201 Campus Drive, Klamath Falls, OR 97601, USA
2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Campus Delivery 1372, Fort Collins,
CO 80523-1372, USA
3 Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0205, USA
Copyright © 2011 Charles E. Riley et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Spray dryer absorber (SDA) material, also known as spray dryer ash, is a byproduct of coal combustion and flue gas scrubbing
processes that has self-cementing properties similar to those of class C fly ash. SDA material does not usually meet the existing stan-
dards for use as a pozzolan in Portland cement concrete due to its characteristically high sulfur content, and thus unlike fly ash, it is
rarely put to beneficial use. This paper presents the results of a study with the objective of developing beneficial uses for SDA mate-
rial in building materials when combined with tire fiber reinforcement originating from a recycling process. Specifically, spray dryer
ash was investigated for use as the primary or even the sole binding component in a mortar or concrete. This study differs from
previous research in that it focuses on very high contents of spray dryer ash (80 to 100 percent) in a hardened product. The over-
arching objective is to divert products that are normally sent to landfills and provide benefit to society in beneficial applications.
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Content C ASTM C618 limit for ASTM C 618 limit for class
Content A (%) Content B (%) (%) Class C fly ash (2005) F fly ash (2005)
Sum between 50 % and
Silicon dioxide, SiO2 39.76 29.84 Sum greater than 70 %
70 %
Aluminum oxide,
14.31 14.24
Al2 O3
Iron oxide, Fe2 O3 5.56 5.82
SiO2 + Al2 O3 + Fe2 O3 59.63 49.90 60.63
Calcium oxide, CaO 23.45 26.48
Sulfur trioxide, SO3 6.19 10.01 3.70 5% maximum 5% maximum
Magnesium oxide,
4.06 4.93
Sodium oxide, Na2 O 1.42 1.66
Titanium dioxide,
1.15 0.98
0.98 1.59
pentoxide, P2 O5
Barium oxide, BaO 0.61 0.68
Potassium oxide, K2 O 0.53 0.48
Strontium oxide, SrO 0.33 0.42
Manganese dioxide,
<0.01 0.02
Moisture 1.86 1.04 1.33 3% maximum 3% maximum
Loss on ignition 1.65 2.85 1.64 6% maximum 6% maximum
A: sampled 4/3/2007 and tested by SGS North America, Inc., Denver, Colo, USA.
B: sampled 7/26/2007 and tested by Wyoming Analytical Laboratories, Inc., Golden, Colo, USA.
C: reported in Little, 2008 [10].
materials to wallboard; however, most of the applications with this presently underutilized industrial byproduct. They
noted in this paper were found in Europe where the also indicate the value of further study of SDA material
composition of SDA is different from that produced at the US sources and long-term material performance.
electric power plants. In European processes, the fly ash and
spray dryer product are collected separately. The fact that US
sources combine the fly ash and spray dryer product means
2. Materials and Specimens
not only that the resulting material is more variable, but also Two different types of materials were studied. The first
that the beneficial properties of the fly ash can be exploited. was a material comprised solely of spray dryer ash and
The project described here seeks to leverage the self- water, with some specimens also including recycled polymer
cementing nature of this material to create a cementitious fibers from used automobile tires (described in more detail
product with as little Portland cement as possible. Thus, the below). Second, mortar specimens manufactured with spray
emphasis of this work is not on achieving the highest possible dryer ash, sand conforming to ASTM C33 [4], varied
strength, but in diverting as much waste material as possible amounts of Portland cement, and recycled polymer fibers
into a useful product that maintains adequate properties. In were considered.
the present study, applications with lower strength require- Table 1 shows details of the chemical composition of
ments (e.g., nonstructural components) are targeted with three samples of the SDA material produced by the Rawhide
the cemented SDA combined with fibers collected during power plant in Northern Colorado. The quantities in Table 1
the automobile tire recycling process as reinforcement. The indicate the level of variability present in SDA material from
results indicate that good compressive and tensile strength is just a single source, thus underscoring a need for site-specific
possible. While these results are for a specific SDA material study to ensure the quality control of SDA material as an
source, they suggest that useful materials may be produced input. Of particular note is the very high lime content (over
7074, 2011, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2011/354305, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Advances in Civil Engineering 3
20 percent CaO), which contributes to the self-cementing paste. Sets 1E through 1G included varying percentages of
capacity of the material. The SO3 content, which is typically the recycled polymer fibers, in order to investigate their effect
slightly in excess of the 5 percent limit for fly ash used in on the hydrated ash pastes.
concrete as specified by ASTM C618 [5], is also notable. This The mortar mixtures had a constant water/cementitious
excess sulfur has prevented the application of the material materials ratio of 0.40 but had varying amounts of Portland
in concrete to date, but because the amount of excess is still cement and recycled polymer fibers in an effort to improve
quite modest, the material merits individual study. on the properties observed in the spray dryer ash pastes.
The polymer fibers used in this study were obtained Two types of Portland cement were used. Type I/II was
from an automobile tire recycling facility and represented used because it is very commonly available. Type III cement
a combination of polymers commonly used as tire rein- was also used because in the case of fly ash, there is
forcement such as nylon, polyester, and aramid with lengths usually a reduced rate of strength gain when mixtures
randomly distributed between approximately 2 mm and including fly ash are compared to mixtures with just Portland
30 mm. The steel wires present in most automotive tires were cement, and it was anticipated that the same situation
removed magnetically at early stages of the recycling process. might occur with spray dryer ash. Research by Bilodeau and
The polymer fibers were interspersed with rubber particles Malhotra [6] indicated the high early strength properties
varying from fine dust to larger pieces less than 5 mm in of Type III cement would bring the strength versus time
dimension as well as raw chopped fibers that were still twisted characteristics of the hydrated ash (Class F fly ash in the case
together in cords. These recycled fibers were chosen for their of Bilodeau and Malhotra) closer to those of conventional
compatibility with the theme of waste diversion and sustain- concrete. This is important for construction scheduling for
able construction, which is a prime motivator for developing structural applications and shipping/trucking scheduling for
a cementitious material with industrial byproducts. Because nonstructural construction materials such as siding or roof
of variability in fiber size and constitution, all fiber fractions tiles.
are by weight, as without the density it was not possible to The compressive strengths of the mixtures in Table 2 were
determine a volume fraction. However, given the range of investigated using 5.08-cm cubes following the dimensions
specific gravities of the potential reinforcing fibers, a volume suggested in ASTM C109 [7]. Mortar testing also included
fraction very nearly equal to the weight fraction is reasonable. flexural specimens: beams with approximate dimensions
The mixture proportions of the specimens are shown in 5.08 cm by 5.08 cm by 20.3 cm tested according to ASTM C78
Table 2. Mixtures numbered 1 are spray dryer ash pastes, [8] with a 15.2-cm clear span.
while those numbered 2 are spray dryer ash-based mortars. For both pastes and mortars, the constituent materials
Sets 1A through 1D were composed solely of spray dryer ash were mixed approximately according to ASTM C 305 [9] to
and water and were intended to study the effect of water- ensure uniformity of the mixtures, which was particularly
to-ash ratio on the compressive strength of the hardened important for the paste mixtures with a low water/ash ratio.
7074, 2011, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2011/354305, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
4 Advances in Civil Engineering
Compressive strength (MPa)
Figure 1: Early compressive strength of hydrated spray dryer ash Figure 2: Early compressive strength of hydrated spray dryer ash
pastes. with fibers.
The sole deviation from ASTM C 305 was the mixing device. Table 3: Average 56-day compressive strength and modulus of
A mixing bit and hand drill were used in lieu of a planetary elasticity measured from cube specimens.
rotary mixer. Paste specimens were cured at approximately Average 56-day
80 percent humidity and between 26 and 32 degrees C (79– Average 56-day modulus
Set compressive strength
90 degrees F). This slightly elevated temperature was meant of elasticity (MPa)
to accelerate curing, as would be found at a manufacturing 1A 1.63 119.6
plant for a prefabricated building material. The mortar
1B 7.57 408.4
specimens were placed in a more traditional curing room
that maintained a relative humidity of approximately 90 1C 5.40 382.8
percent and a temperature of approximately 22 degrees C 1D 7.16 376.9
(72 degrees F). For both pastes and mortars, the specimens 1E 12.79 565.9
were placed in the curing environment directly after casting 1F 15.34 557.2
and were returned to the curing environment following 1G 9.28 395.5
removal of the molds after approximately one day. Paste tests
were conducted at seven-day intervals, with five cubes tested
from each mixture. For the mortars, three cubes were tested 1E, 1F, and 1G had increasing fiber fractions as shown in
at seven-day intervals up to 28 days, while three beams were Table 2. Based on the results shown in Figure 2, the fiber
tested at 14 and 28 days for each of the nine mixtures. reinforcement appears to be beneficial to the compressive
strength with an optimum fiber fraction around 1 percent.
3. Discussion Set 1E with 0.5 percent fibers (recall, by weight) shows a clear
increase in strength over Set 1D with no fibers. It appears
3.1. Hydrated Spray Dryer Ash Pastes. Recall that the objec- that the addition of more fibers (Set 1F with 1 percent and
tive of this study was to divert as much spray dryer ash Set 1G with 2 percent) has little impact on the strength,
as possible from landfilling. Thus, the first experiments or may even weaken the mixture slightly, perhaps due to
evaluated the potential of hydrated spray dryer ash alone greater difficulty in creating a uniform mix. The increase
in manufactured structural and nonstructural construction in strength may be attributed to the ability of the fibers
products. Early strength gain is an important item of to bridge cracks and act as reinforcement in a relatively
consideration for these materials because manufacturers of weak and brittle matrix material. The pictures shown in
commercial products require shipment as quickly as possible, Figure 3 are examples of the appearance of typical cubes with
often in as little as seven days. Figure 1 shows the results of 7, and without fibers after testing to failure. In general, cubes
14, and 56 day tests for Sets 1A through 1D. These sets were without fibers fractured into numerous pieces, while cubes
composed of spray dryer ash pastes with water/ash ratios with fibers showed cracking and deformation but maintained
ranging from 0.40 for Set 1A to 0.25 for Set 1D. Figure 1 their general shape even after the initial cracking and the
shows the average strength as well as the high and low values. associated significant reduction in capacity. The inclusion
Although the compressive strengths showed considerable of a small amount of fibers leads to a significant (20 to 70
variability, in general, there is an increase in compressive percent) increase in compressive strength, but this increase
strength that is inversely linear with water/ash ratio. appears to peak at fairly low fiber weight fractions.
Figure 2 shows the results for compressive strength for The ultimate compressive strength of hydrated spray
Sets 1D through 1G with high, low, and average strengths dryer ash will depend on the specific chemical composition
included. These sets all had a fixed water/ash ratio of 0.25 of the ash and the long-term curing conditions. However, it
and demonstrate the effect of inclusion of the polymer fibers is of interest to know approximate values for the compressive
derived from tire recycling. Set 1D had no fibers, while Sets strength for both neat and fiber-reinforced spray dryer ash.
7074, 2011, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2011/354305, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Advances in Civil Engineering 5
Table 4: Compressive strength for different types of cement, testing ages and percents of cement added (MPa).
Type III
Type I/II
(a) 5
0 5 10 15 20
Cement fraction (%)
Table 5: Modulus of elasticity for different types of cement, testing ages and percents of cement added (MPa).
40 35
Type I/II
35 30
Compressive strength (MPa)
15 15
10 10
0 5 10 15 20 0
Cement fraction (%) 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age at testing (days)
Figure 5: Comparison of compressive strength at 28 days for
mixtures with type I/II and type III cement. 0% fibers 1.5% fibers
1% fibers 2% fibers
Table 7: Modulus of rupture results for different types of cement, testing ages and percents of cement added (MPa).
at early ages, but by 28 days the stiffness of specimens with
fibers was less than that of the specimens without fibers.
Given the mechanics of failure of a brittle material 3 Type III
in compression (shear failure along 45-degree planes and 2
splitting along the axis of loading), the addition of rein-
forcing fibers to a stiff and brittle matrix may not have a 1
significant impact on compressive strength or stiffness. Thus, 0
the strengthening observed in the SDA paste specimens is 0 5 10 15 20
likely the result of the weaker and less stiff matrix being Cement fraction (%)
reinforced by fibers that are relatively stiffer and thus able
Figure 7: Comparison of MOR at 28 days for mixtures with type
to reinforce the matrix prior to cracking. Once the matrix
I/II and type III cement.
itself is stronger and stiffer, as is the case in the mortars
with added cement, fibers can have a detrimental effect (due
perhaps to a loss in workability) until cracking has occurred, 4.5
and the fibers deform sufficiently to carry significant loads.
These results are consistent with the highly variable results
for fiber-reinforced concrete reported by other authors and 3.5
summarized by Johnston [11]. Qualitatively, the mortar 3
of Portland cement and approximately 1 percent of fibers. who worked on this project including Jeff Eulberg, Stephanie
Both Type I/II and Type III cements were found to be Thomas, Balaji Mahalingam, Fredrick Busch, and Karthik
effective, with Type III cement increasing early strengths, Rechan.
while Type I/II cement produced higher later strengths. In
terms of aesthetics and workability, the addition of the References
cement also eliminated concerns about the chalky finish
associated with the SDA-only mixtures. The addition of [1] ACI Committee 232.2, Use of Fly Ash in Concrete, American
cement also improved the workability of the pure spray dryer Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich, USA, 2003.
ash mortar, as the spray dryer ash-only mixtures tended to be [2] EPRI, “A review of literature related to the use of spray dryer
sticky which made the finishing difficult. absorber material-production, characterization, utilization
applications, barriers, and recommendations,” TR1014915,
Electric Power Research Institute, September 2007.
4. Summary and Conclusions [3] ACAA, “Coal combustion product (CCP) production and use
survey,” American Coal Ash Association. Aurora, Colo, USA,
Two phases of testing were used to investigate the use of 2008, http://www.acaa-usa.org/.
spray dryer ash as a cementitious material for engineering [4] ASTM International, C33 Standard Specification for Concrete
use. Spray dryer ash alone mixed with water was found to Aggregates, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa,
be too weak in compression to offer benefits as a prac- USA, 2008.
tical engineering material even for moderately structural [5] ASTM International, C618 Standard Specification for Coal Fly
components such as roof tiles. The addition of recycled Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete,
polymer fibers increased the strength by a significant amount ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa, USA, 2005.
[6] A. Bilodeau and V. M. Malhotra, “High-volume fly ash system:
(10–50 percent), but the resulting strengths were still quite
concrete solution for sustainable development,” ACI Structural
low. Other properties, such as a chalky finish, also indicated Journal, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 41–48, 2000.
that spray dryer ash alone was not suitable as a matrix for [7] ASTM International, C109 Standard Test Method for Com-
most structural engineering applications. pressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars, ASTM Interna-
Improvements were found in the properties of sanded tional, West Conshohocken, Pa, USA, 2008.
mortars through the addition of small amounts of Portland [8] ASTM International, C78 Standard Test Method for Flex-
cement to the ash-tire fiber mixture. Compressive strengths ural Strength of Concrete, ASTM International, West Con-
at the low end of the range typically considered for con- shohocken, Pa, USA, 2008.
ventional concrete (27 MPa) were achieved with only 5% [9] ASTM International, C305 Standard Practice for Mechanical
Mixing of Hydraulic Cement Pastes and Mortars of Plastic
additions of Portland cement. Recycled polymer fibers were
Consistency, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa,
shown to benefit the compressive and flexural strengths at
USA, 2008.
additions of around 1 percent by weight, while greater fiber [10] J. Little, “Spray dryer ash finds a market,” Ash at Work, no. 1,
fractions had a limited or detrimental impact on strengths. pp. 10–11, 2008.
The fibers were very effective at preventing spalling and loss [11] C. D. Johnston, Fiber-Reinforced Cements and Concretes,
of material due to fracture and contributed to increased Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The
toughness and ductility. This attribute may be desirable for Netherlands, 2001.
certain applications.
This preliminary testing has been conducted on mortars,
and thus, testing of concretes with large aggregate is a
necessary next step. If structural applications are to be
pursued, these practical applications will also require testing
to ensure the durability of the product and its compatibility
with reinforcing bar from both a bonding and corrosion
perspective. The results of the study presented herein indicate
a high potential for useful application of this material
and provide justification for further studies focusing on
specific applications. Significant waste diversion through
beneficial use of spray dryer ash appears to be a viable
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Colorado Com-
mission on Higher Education (CCHE) for support of this
research through contract no. 07 GAA 00018. The spray dyer
ash and recycled tire fibers were provided for this research
by the Platte River Power Authority and Jai Tire, respectively.
The authors also acknowledge the assistance of the students